Jamie at Thirteen

By moc.liamg@8991nnimlj

Published on Oct 29, 2018


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Chapter 11. Double your pleasure. Double your fun.

The next morning the three teens were up before dawn. They skinny dipped in the lake, bathing each other. Two would wash the other and play with them until they had a soapy orgasm. It was pure teen bliss. Finger's soaped everywhere and everything, cleaning every pleasurable spot they knew, and even finding new ones. They doubted that any of them had ever been so clean.

Brandi and Eric had showered together, enjoying a morning round of oral sex while in there. When they were done, they made everyone breakfast. Eric would drop Jamie off at the family resort on his way to work so he could mow the lawn. Kelly and Chill would stay at Eric's while Brandi went to work at the park.

Jamie had hoped to come back out after his own work was complete. However, things didn't quite work out that way.

Jamie mowed the lawn at the resort. For part of it, he could use a riding mower, which he really liked. But for other area's not big enough, he had to use a push mower. Jamie didn't enjoy that part of it so much, but he did like the fact that he could get a tan while doing so. He was a sweet kid, but he did have enough teen vanity to enjoy that.

There were always a variety of guests at the small resort. Families for the most part. Jamie made the habit of chatting up all that he could. This summer, he had found his confidence growing. He had always been outgoing in a slightly awkward way...kid of a functional extrovert. Now, thanks to Eric and his other recent experiences, Jamie found it even easier to meet people and even kind of read their minds a little.

Today while mowing, Jamie saw a family moving gear into one of the suites. It was an older couple with a boy around Jamie's age. The couple were excited, but the boy looked a little lost. Jamie made up his mind to talk with them later if he could.

Around lunch time, Jamie took a break and went out to a dock to sit and eat. As he sat, he watched the boats on the lake. Many of them were pulling skiers on the water. He wished that he was out there doing that instead. After a bit, he realized that the boy he saw earlier was slowly wandering onto the dock. He made it to the end before he even noticed Jamie, who was sitting quietly.

"Oh, sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to disturb you."

"No worries," said Jamie with a smile. "My name's Jamie. I gotta extra coke here if you want it." Jamie handed it up to him. The boy took it and sat down next to Jamie. "My name's Jack," he said as he stuck out his hand.

"I saw you moving in," said Jamie. "Yeah, I figured that you were the guy mowing the lawn," said Jack. "Your legs are covered."

Jamie laughed. His lower body was covered in grass clippings and dirt. "I smell like it, too," he said as his raised his arm and sniffed his pit and laughed. This in turn made Jack laugh. Jamie figured that he now had a new friend.

Jack had an odd story to tell. His family was originally from this area a few towns over. His parents had gone through a rather nasty divorce. When it was over, he had moved to Colorado with his father. His twin sister had moved to Duluth with his mother. They hadn't seen each other in over 4 years. Now, his grand parents had worked out a reunion of sorts. His twin sister would be driving down with his mother to stay at the resort for the week.

Jack said that he felt really awkward and strange about the whole thing. They were twins, but hadn't spoken since they were ten. It felt like he was going to be meeting a complete stranger. "She'll like you, dude," said Jamie. "I think you're likable."

Jack smiled at that.

Jamie explained that there was a ton of stuff to do in this area. So it would be easy to adjust to becoming brother and sister again. There were places to bike and hike. Obviously, they could swim, boat, fish, etc. Jack informed Jamie that he wasn't a very good swimmer. Not a lot of lakes in Colorado like there are in Minnesota.

Jamie informed Jake that he was pretty much born in the water, so he could help him out. If he wanted to, Jamie could show Jack around some of the lakes on his jet ski. Jack's eyes went up at that. That sounded pretty cool.

They agreed to meet up again after Jamie was done with work. Originally, Jamie had hoped to go back to Eric's for another round with the girls. But he felt that Jack could use a friend at the moment. Jamie talked to his parents about everything. They were more than happy to have their son pal around with a guest his age. They felt it made for great customer service, and simply he right thing to do.

Later that day, Jamie went to the suite where Jack's grand parents were staying. The grands were all in favor of it, too. Jack's mom and sister wouldn't be out for two more days. Having Jamie as a friend for Jack would keep him from moping around.

Jack and Jamie headed for the docks and a jet ski. "You gotta wear a life vest when we go," Jamie said. "You should really wear some sun block, too."

Jack was strawberry blonde, with very fair skin. He said that he could get tan, it just took forever. Jamie got a can of spray which he used on Jack's back. Jack hosed his front down pretty thoroughly. "Now you smell like banana boat," Jamie joked.

Jack was a year older than Jamie, but about an inch shorter. He was pretty ripped for a kid his age. Broad shoulders and strong legs. His biceps even had veins popping from them. Jamie asked if he was a gymnast. Jack informed him that he had been wrestling since he was 10. He also lifted a lot of weights. It kept his mind on something positive, and kept him out of trouble. It was how he helped to heal after the divorce.

Jack's eyebrows were even strawberry blonde, and they accentuated his blue eyes. Jamie thought he was really, really handsome. He figured that his sister must be very pretty, too. Jamie noticed that Jack's armpit hair was also blonde with some ginger in it. It made him wonder what color the carpet must be.

Jamie had Jack on the back of the jet ski. Both young teens rode the water for an hour. Jamie showed Jack his favorite bays and places to fish. He told Jack that most of the lakes were connected with channels. He could go to his families' cabin from here. Jack wanted to see it, but Jamie said they didn't have time. "Tomorrow," he promised.

When the day was over, the boys shook hands good bye. Jack was really excited to see Jamie's cabin. Jamie went back to his house with his parents and talked the situation over with them. "Why don't you two stay at the cabin until his mother and sister arrive," offered Jamie's mother. "Thanks, Mommy! That'd be neat. I think he'd like that."

That settled that.

The next morning, Jamie met Jack at the resort. Jamie said that they could play at the water park until Jamie's dad could drive them to the cabin. So Jack borrowed a bike and they peddled over to see Eric.

Jamie introduced Jack to Eric, then Jack went off to change. Jamie and Eric spoke for a bit. "Dude, Brandi will wear you out," said Eric. "I'm glad my family will be out for the weekend. I need time to recover. My dick's actually sore!" Jamie giggled. "How many that night?" he asked. Eric held up 4 fingers.

Jamie and Jack played in the park for a couple of hours. When it was time, they went back to the lockers and changed. A public place can be an awkward spot to get naked. Jamie changed quickly. He didn't want any questions about his shaved boy area. He did notice, though, that Jack's pubes were, in fact, the same color as his hair. Jamie thought that was way cool, but put it out of his head since he didn't want a stiffy.

They were dropped off at the cabin around 11. Jamie showed Jack around, and then it was back to the water. This time, they had no problem changing in front of each other. "Whoa," said Jack, when he saw Jamie's bald groin. "Whoa, yourself," responded Jamie as he saw Jack's blonde patch. "Looks so cool," they said in unison, then laughed.

They splashed around in the lake for an hour or so. Jamie noticed that Jack's fair skin seemed to be getting nailed by the sun despite the sun block. "When we're done, you gotta get some aloe vera on," warned Jamie.

When they were finished, the boys hung their suits up on the line. Wearing only towels, they went back to the cabin. Jamie got the cooling aloe goop for Jack. "You can put it on me, please" said Jack. So Jamie squirted stuff on his hands and proceeded to smear it onto Jack's.

The thing is, no matter where you've stored any type of cream like that, it still seems to feel like ice when it first gets put on. "I-yee!" Jack squealed as Jamie first put a large globe of goop on his back. "Come on, tough guy," Jamie snorted. They both laughed and Jamie continued. First he worked in on to Jack's back, then his face, and finally his chest.

"Dude, you are so ripped," said Jamie as he smeared Jack's muscled pecs. Jack flexed his chest, making his pecs bounce. Jamie giggle and poked at them with his fingers. "You have better abs than I do, though," said Jack as he reached down and tickled Jamie. Jamie giggled and squirmed. Then he tackled Jack on to the couch, tickling him back. They goofed around for a bit, then stopped to catch their breath.

Jack offered to return the favor for Jamie. Jamie didn't really need it, but who doesn't like a back rub? Jack knelt, and kind of sat on Jamie's bubble butt, working the goop onto him. It felt nice, and even though the whole thing was pretty innocent, Jamie still began to feel aroused. "Ah Jeeze!" He thought to himself. "Why does this happen to me all the time?" Try as he might, Jamie could not keep his erection down. He was just glad that he had a towel under him to catch the mess. He felt embarrassed.

Jack's hands felt really good on Jamie. He took his time, kneading Jamie's young skin. "I wish I could get as dark as you," he said as he kept moving his hands lower on Jamie's body. Eventually, Jack knelt over Jamie's legs and started grinding this knuckles into Jamie's boy butt like one of those acupressure massages.

Jack pulled the towel down a bit, revealing Jamie's tan line across his upper butt. "See, that just looks so cool. I wish I could do that," said Jack.

"You have tan lines," said Jamie. "I saw them. They look nice." "But not like you," Jack protested.

"Roll over," said Jack. "I wanna see your tummy lines."

"I...I can't just yet," stammered Jamie.

"Why not?" puzzled Jack.

"I, I...just can't yet."

Then it dawned on Jack. "Did I do too good of a job with the massage?" he asked.


"It's okay. I have the same problem."

Jamie turned his head a bit, then he rotated his whole body. Jack's penis was erect and almost poking through where the towel was tied. Snickering, both boys reached to each other and removed their towels. Jamie's tool was stiff, and the curve allowed for pre cum to puddle by his belly button rather quickly.

Jack's boy cock wasn't as long as Jamie's, but it had a lovely thickness to it. The helmet was thick, pink and full. His blonde crotch hair really hypnotized Jamie. "What should we do?" asked Jamie.

"I'll make you bust, if you'll do the same for me," replied Jack.

Jamie smiled in agreement. So Jack let Jamie's legs straddle his as he began to stroke Jamie's shaft. "Why does it feel so amazing when someone else plays with it?" Jamie asked. Jack smiled back.

Jack jacked Jamie for about 5 minutes as Jamie cooed and purred. "Hey Jamie?" asked Jack. "Can I try something? If you don't like it, I'll stop. I'm just kinda curious and wanna know what it's like."

"What's that?" asked Jamie.

With that, Jack repositioned himself and lay down into Jamie's crotch. He began to kiss and lick Jamie's hairless groin. He told Jamie that his smooth boy area looked cool, almost like a babies'. Eventually, he took Jamie's teen cock into his mouth and began to suck him. Jamie began to moan loudly at that. His eye's rolled back in his head. "Ooooooooooh, yeaaaaaaaaaah," he purred.

Jack began to really go to town. He had never sucked a boy before, so it took a little getting used to. But he was enjoying himself. He made slurping noises as he consumed the young teen cock in his mouth. He could feel that Jamie was getting close.

"Be careful," warned Jamie. "I have pretty big loads." With that, Jamie lay back and bucked as he felt his orgasm approach. `Ooooooooooo," he moaned as his eruption spewed into Jack's mouth.

Jack took the first blast, but then pulled off. He let the spunk fly onto Jamie. When Jamie was done, he went back onto the cock for a while as Jamie panted and gasped. Then he began to lick Jamie clean. "Feed me," Jamie moaned.

So Jack licked a long strand onto his mouth and tongue. He brought the gift up to Jamie who received it in his willing mouth. They kissed that way for a bit, their hands and arms intertwining. Little by little, Jamie moved Jack on to his back, then he began to kiss him from his neck to his crotch.

Jamie savored the taste and smell of Jack's crotch and blonde nest. Finally, he took Jack's 14 year old boy cock in his mouth and began to dive. Jamie had confidence and experience now. He serviced Jack to the best of his ability. Jack's body convulsed in ecstasy as he experienced his first blow job. He had no idea why, but he liked it even more that he was getting one from another boy.

Jamie took his time pleasuring Jack. He worked the head with his tongue and pumped the shaft. He also kissed around the inner thighs and balls. From time to time, he would work the taint a bit. This sent spasms of pleasure through Jack.

"Getting close, dude," gasped Jack. This made Jamie suck furiously on Jack's boyhood. He could sense the moment. Jack moaned out, "Haaaaaaaaaaa," and let loose into Jamie's mouth. Jamie swallowed every sweet drop of Jack's juice. It was wonderful.

Jamie sucked on Jack for a little longer, making Jack's body writhe. He pulled off his cock with a pop and snuggled up to Jack. Jack wrapped the boy in his strong arms and pulled Jamie in for a long, warm kiss.

They kissed for a minute or so and then parted slightly, smiling at each other. Jamie placed his right hand across Jack and massaged his left pec and nipple. Jack giggled a little.

"That was your first time?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah. Thank you. It was awesome. I've never felt anything like that before."

"There's more we can do than just that," Jamie winked.

Jack grinned, "I guess that wasn't your first time, huh? I hope I did a decent job on you."

"Jack, you did great! You can do that anytime you want."

They both pulled in for another long kiss.

"So you've done stuff with other boys?"

Jamie nodded his head. "Yeah, there is a boy I play with. We've been learning about sex with each other. It's really awesome. I lost my virginity to him."

"Really? Did it hurt?"

Jamie explained the joy of anal sex to Jack. He told him that if you knew what you were doing it didn't hurt. He told Jack that he would normally cum without having to use his hands much at all on his dick. The whole thing was pretty awesome, and it felt amazing when another boy's dick hit the g-spot.

Jack's eyes were huge as Jamie schooled him. Jamie ran his hand across Jack's abs as he spoke. Then he tickled Jack's pubes and they both realized that they were hard as rocks again...even though, as usual, Jamie's never really went soft in the first place.

The boys giggled at each other. Jamie moved Jack to the edge of the couch, and put a pillow under his head, and another under his upper butt. "I'm gonna try some stuff on you, okay? It might seem a lil' weird at first, but just go with it. It's gonna feel super amazing, but surprising at the same time. If you want me to stop, just say so, K?" Jack nodded.

Jamie moved down to Jack's groin. He began to suck on Jack's 14 year old cock again. He loved how it felt and tasted in his mouth. But then he spread jack's thighs apart and began to kiss inside them. Jack began to moan softly. He grabbed the back of his knees and opened himself even more to Jamie.

Jamie began by eating at Jack's taint. He lovingly kissed and slurped at it. This caused electricity to shoot through Jack's body. "Hoooooooooooo," he moaned loudly. "Feels so cool!" Jamie enjoyed giving the boy that sensation. So he moved to Jack's pink rosebud.

Jamie had seen the hole of three boys now. They all had the same basic looks, yet each had uniqueness. Jake's was dark brown, where as Jack's was bright pink. Jamie spread the hole a bit and inserted his tongue. "OH MY GAWD!!! Jack hollard as his body tensed in shock.

"Do you want me to stop?" asked Jamie. "NO!" jack replied. "I thought I was cuming when you did that. Please, keep going!"

With enthusiasm on both their parts, Jamie dove back into Jack's boy hole. He spread the sphincter open and got at least an inch of his tongue in. As Jamie tongue fucked the boy, his hand massaged the taint. Jack was moaning in joy, relishing these new sensations. Then Jamie began to use a finger.

He soaked his index finger and slowly began to move into Jack. "Keep your muscles relaxed down there, dude. I'm going to find a magic spot inside you. You'll know it when..."

"Haaaaaaaaaa!" exhaled Jack as a large stream of boy butter shot from his cock. It splashed onto his face and oozed onto his his tummy and groin. "Guess I found the spot," Jamie giggled.

Jamie moved a second finger in and twirled the ring. He massaged the prostate in Jack, as the 14 year old squirmed in joy on the couch. "Let me know if you want something other than fingers in there," said Jamie as he began to clean Jack's groin of his sperm.

At that thought, Jack spread his muscled thighs inviting Jamie in fully. Jamie pulled out of Jack and said he was going to get some lube. He found some skin cream in his parent's room, and came back with it while smearing his boy cock liberally.

"This is gonna feel so good," said Jamie.

Jack continued to spread his thighs apart for Jamie. He looked so beautiful like that, a young teen so eager to be seeded by another boy. His joyful smile and blue eyes shone bright. "I can't believe this is happening," he cooed.

Jamie put some of the cream on Jack's hole, and moved his cock in. He pushed in slowly, letting Jack's ring get used to the feel. Jack grimaced a little, but received Jamie's gift of his erect boy meat.

It took a bit, but then, slowly, Jamie was all the way in. He moved his face to Jack's and the boys kissed. There was still some of Jack's young gravy on Jamie's face. Jack licked it off and fed it to Jamie. When two teen boys french kiss, it's a very beautiful thing.

It wasn't long after that before Jamie began to take Jack's virginity in earnest. He began to pump slow, but then built up a faster pace. "Your dick feels so warm," said Jack between moans. "So does your hole," replied Jamie panting.

Jack's legs had been wrapped around Jamie's waste while he was fucked, but Jamie moved them back, and spread him wide, placing his own hands on the end of the couch to steady himself. He began to drill Jack faster and faster.

"Oh, ugn...ah. FUCK! Jamie, this feels...ugn, uh...amazing," grunted Jack. "I had...oh, ah no idea...ugn, it was...ah, so good."

"Mmmmmmmm, your hole feels so tight and warm," squealed Jamie.

The two boys were at it for ten minutes. Jamie would thrust his boy cock deep into Jack. Jack would rise up and take the young cock, loving the feeling of being fucked by his young friend. Jack's prostate was being thoroughly massaged now, and it wouldn't be long.

Both boys could feel the release coming. Jamie looked at the beautiful face of his new friend. Jack's eyes were open, but the blue had rolled back into his head. His fair skin was red with sweat. His eyebrows glistened.

"Mmmmmm, fuck me Jamie!" Jack called. Then Jamie felt his hole tighten. Jack exploded again. It was like watching seltzer water spray from a bottle. A beautiful blast of boy juice exploded on both of them.

This sent Jamie over the edge. His teen tool sent 5 hard spurts into Jack's formerly virgin ass. "Oh, ok, oh, oh, oh" he moaned as he came in his friend. It felt so good, so wonderful. He continued to fuck for a bit even after he came. Slowly his pace subsided, he released Jack's legs and cuddled into him with his cock still deep inside.

The two said nothing for a few minutes. They simply kissed softly and smiled, enjoying the afterglow. Finally, Jack spoke. "Jamie, it feels so good having you inside me. That was amazing! Can we do it again?"

Jamie, still inside Jack...and still mostly erect, propped himself up on Jack's chest. He grinned, "How about you do me now? Just do what I taught you."

With that, Jack's cock grew firm again. Jamie could feel it grow against his tummy. That was the great thing about being so young. Boys could get boners in a split second. Jamie knew it could be a curse, too. But at the moment it was exactly what he wanted.

Jamie pulled out of Jack with a pop. "Ooo!" said Jack at the now empty sensation on his teen ring. Jamie moved to the other side of the couch and got on all fours. Jack moved in behind him and put his face into Jamie's butt. He began to lick at Jamie's hole. Jamie gasped and smiled.

"Am I doing it right?" Jack asked. "Oh yeah," Jamie moaned.

Jack worked Jamie's hole for a few minutes, then he got his index finger wet and entered the boy. He tried to remember where his own g-spot was. He searched in the same area. "Hooooo!" squealed Jamie. "That's it," he called.

Jack continued to finger fuck Jamie for a few more minutes. Then he withdrew and lubed his dick. He never thought he would be losing his virginity today, and certainly not to another boy, but thought he was crazy to turn it down. He lined his swollen, pink helmet up with Jamie and entered him.

Jamie's willing hole offered no resistance. Jamie wanted his friend in him so badly that he purred like a kitten as he felt the 14 year old cock slide inside. Soon, Jack was hard at work. He thrust his young teen meat into Jamie with vigor. As his tempo increased, Jamie's ass made those clapping sounds at get the Top so excited.

Jamie was grunting and moaning in pleasure as his friend fucked him. He felt Jack reach around and play with his balls. Jack's young cock felt so good inside his hole. "Oooooh, Jacky," he grunted. "You fuck so good. Gawd, I love the feel of your cock!" And he meant it.

That spurred Jack to fuck harder and faster. He could feel Jamie's jizz seeping from his own hole and spilling down his legs. That turned him on even more. He even smacked and spanked Jamie's bubble butt as he fucked. Jamie squealed with pleasure.

When it was time, Jack felt Jamie's ring clamp down hard on his boy hood. "Ahhhhhhhhh," Jamie yelled as he came. Five more ropes of thick, white sperm shot from his tool onto the couch. This caused Jack explode into Jamie with a shout of joy.

As he came, Jack pulled tight into Jamie's back. They both fell to the side, connected by cock. They lay there panting and sweating. They needed to rest for a bit. Jamie turned to face Jack, pulling his deflating penis out as he did. They moved in close for a hug.

Jamie began to put his thumb in his mouth. Jack pulled the hand away and to his own mouth. He put Jamie's index and middle finger in his mouth and began to suck. Then he took his own index and middle, and put it in Jamie's mouth. They both drifted off to sleep.

The boys slept for 30 minutes. When they awoke, they both felt a little sheepish knowing what had happened, and happened so quickly. "We should swim and wash up a bit," offered Jamie. So the boys went back to the lake. They washed themselves and then sat on the dock.

"You don't regret what we did, do you?" asked Jamie.

"No, it's just...it's just...I don't know," stammered Jack.

"It's alright. It's normal I think. I felt funny after my first time, too."

"I've done hand jobs with other boys at sleep overs. Stuff like that," said Jack. "Never done nothing like this, though."

"If it makes you feel better, you were really good," offered Jamie.


"Totally! I wouldn't have known that was your first time."

Jack leaned over and hugged Jamie. After that they stayed close. They had their arms around each other's wastes.

Jamie explained that he was coming to terms with being bisexual, and not just bi-curious. He knew that he liked boys and girls pretty much equally. Long term, he wanted to fall in love and didn't care what gender. In the mean time, he figured that he should explore and enjoy any various sexual opportunities that came his way. He said these experiences would make him a better boy friend and lover, ultimately. Plus, it was just so much fun, duh.

"I think I've always thought other boys could be cute, but I'm not sure if I could fall in love with one," said Jack. "But I sure like fooling around with them. I guess I must just be bi-curious. This sex stuff, specially the butt sex, is cool. You're so much fun, Jamie."

They talked longer on the dock, getting more and more comfortable with each other. Soon, their hug was closer. Hands were held, legs began to intertwine. Both boys could see that their young cocks were ready for more fun. They teased and squeezed each other's packages.

"Come on, Jamie," Jack said as he stood and pulled his friend up to him. "Let's go into your bedroom."

The rest of the afternoon and evening was spent pleasuring each other. Oral and anal was explored with zeal. Different positions were tried and perfected. Youthful enthusiasm gives way to all manner of openness and experimentation. By the next morning, Jack would be a sexpert. They ended up making each other cum 4 more times.

The next morning, Eric picked the boys up and drove them into town on his way to work. Jamie flashed him 7 fingers. Eric smiled and tussled Jamie's hair. Jack scrunched his nose in confusion.

Jamie and Jack had breakfast with the grandparents. Jack's twin sister would be here before the hour. Jack was really nervous, Jamie could sense it. "Don't worry, dude. She's gonna love you."

Soon the time had come. Jack's mother pulled her car into a parking spot and got out. From the passenger side a girl exited. Her name was Jace. (Pronounced "Jase.") She was every bit the twin that Jamie thought she would be. Fair skin, long light reddish blonde hair...redder than Jack's, with beautiful blue eyes. She was gorgeous!

She wore shorts and flip flops, with a tank top and sports bra. Her breasts were firm and well developed for a 14 year old. Her skin was tanner than Jack's, probably the result of growing up in lake country.

Jace and Jack eyed each other for a bit. Then they slowly moved to each other. Then a prolonged hug with tears. Jamie even cried at the sight.

And with that, I'll just skip forward. Admit it, you're not all that interested in the sentimental stuff. You want to get to the action.

Long story short, the three teens ended up back at Jamie's cabin. They could stay over night. All the adults thought, "What's the worst that could happen? They're all good kids"

The three played in the water. Jack had borrowed a speedo from Jamie. It complimented his muscular form. Jace was in a blue, two piece bikini. The two boys wrestled and play fought in the water, trying to impress the girl. The girl thought that Jamie was as cute as could be. She thought his bubble butt was amazing, and she didn't mind the large bulge in the front either.

When she looked at her brother, she had odd feelings. He was her brother, but they didn't really know each other. It was like making friends with someone who looked just like you, but was a stranger. She thought his young, muscle body was hot...and felt guilty about that.

After a while, Jace moved into the lawn. She lay down on a towel on her stomach and untied her bikini top. The boys joined her a bit later. "Jack, gotta get sun screen on your back or your gonna fry," said Jamie. So Jack let him put some goop on him. Seeing Jamie rub her brother's back, even in an innocent way, was a little bit of a turn on for Jace.

"Put some on me, too," said Jace. So Jamie squirted some on his hand and smeared it on her topless back. "I'm out. I gotta get more," he said.

When Jamie went into the cabin to get more goop, Jack took his place. He knelt over his sister and began to rub the goop in gently. It felt strange to touch his sister, but her beautiful, soft skin felt good to the touch and he got sensations in his groin. Jace felt her own sensations in her young body.

As his hands gently worked her upper back, Jack moved his fingers down to her sides by her breasts. With out a word, Jace raised herself slightly, allowing Jack to move his hands down to the sides of her boobs. She tingled at the sensation of his hands brushing against her 14 year old breasts.

Soon Jack had brought his hands under her. He cupped her breasts in his hands, and felt the perky nipples harden. "Mmmmmmm," Jace moaned. This encouraged Jack to massage them even more.

"Is this okay with you?" asked Jack.

"It is if it's okay with you," she replied. "It feels nice."

Jack could feel that his own cock was now tenting against his speedo. It's pressed slightly into the backside of Jace. She smiled at that, and raised her front a little more so that Jack could have more access. Jack relished the feel of the soft, plump flesh and hard nips on his fingers. He had never felt boobs before. It was like a fleshy, warm water balloons. He found that it caused his teen tool to become as stiff as a tree branch.

Jamie had come back out of the cabin. At first he wasn't sure he was seeing what he was seeing. His new friend was feeling out his twin sister. Jamie didn't know what to think or do, but his teen cock certainly did.

Jamie walked over and said, "If you need more goop, I have it." Jack looked back at him blushing, with a guilty expression. Jace simply rolled onto her back, exposing her 14yr old tits to both boys. "Why don't you help put some on me, Jamie?" Then she reached up and kissed her brother.

Jamie knelt down on the blanket on the other side of Jace, who had pulled her brother's face into hers. Jack propped his body up with his left arm, and with his right hand he continued to massage her right tit. "What would you like me to do?" Jamie asked. Jack pulled away from his sister and smiled at Jamie.

Jace's body was very, very nice. Her skin had a warm glow to it. Her young tits were full for her age, and the whiteness of the untanned area were bright with quarter sized, bright pink, perky nipples that stood at attention. To Jamie, those nipples were begging to be suckled.

"Jack is taking care of my right side," said Jace. "Why don't you take care of my left." With that, Jamie got some goop on his fingers and began to massage that side of the girl. He began with the nipple, but continued southward slowly, savoring the feel of this young beautiful girl. Then Jace reached up and kissed Jamie.

Jack thought it was so hot watching his sister and new friend do this. He began to move southward, too. The boys took turns kissing Jace. When one was on her lips, the other boy was on her neck and ears, and eventually her fully hardened nipples. Jace was cooing in pleasure.

Before either boy reached their hands to Jace's mound, she pulled her face away from them. "You guys have kissed me a lot," she said. "Ever thought trying it with each other?" Jack and Jamie smiled knowingly at each other. Then they leaned in and french kissed, putting on a little show for the girl. Jace felt herself get incredibly wet at that. "Mmmm, that is HOT!" she exclaimed.

As they kissed, Jamie and Jack's hands moved onto Jace's young mound. They felt the heat coming off of her 14 year old snatch. They massaged her from the outside of the bikini. It wasn't long before Jamie lifted it so that Jack could moved his hand in to feel the bush and wet slit.

"Ohhhhhhh, no boy's ever touched me there," purred Jace. "Do you want me to stop?" asked Jack. "No, no, please don't," she replied. "I want both of you to touch me."

Jamie had experience with girls now. He also knew that even Jack's fingers were virgins. He helped his friend by guiding his fingers into his twin. He had Jack push his index and forefinger gently into her slit, while his thumb pushed gently above the mound, circling it in a massage.

"Your sister has a flesh button just in there...it's the clit." said Jamie. "You find it and massage it, she's gonna cum so hard. Find it, bro. I know you can. I did with another girl. Make your twin feel so good!"
"I want to," said Jack. "After 4 years, I want her to be sooooo happy.

"You will, SHE will" said Jamie

Jack moved his fingers into his sister. He explored. It was warm, wet and wiling. Jace twitched with the touch of he brother.

Jace squeaked at the new sensation, then let out a giggle. Jack smiled at her and the encouragement. He leaned in and kissed her as his hand continued to stimulate. Jamie thought it was so beautiful. Then he asked Jace if he could kiss her down there.

Jace moaned and nodded. So Jamie moved his body and face into Jace's warm groin. He gently pulled her bottom off and revealed the fair skin of her girl place to the light. Her reddish blonde pubes were moist now. Jamie began to kiss her inner thigh. Then he slowly pulled Jack's fingers out and licked them clean. He replaced Jack's fingers with his own mouth and tongue. Jace's body bucked at Jamie's tongues first swirl.

"Can I do that, too? sis," Jack asked. "I was hoping you would," she replied. This would be Jace's first time being orally stimulated by a boy. The thought that it would be two very cute boys was even better.

"I've never done this before," Jack warned. "I can teach you," Jamie said as he kissed Jack's cheek. Soon both boy's faces were in the girl's crotch. They kissed and licked and explored every inch of her. Jace moaned and sighed in delight. The tongues of the boys diving deep inside her mound was incredible.

Jamie and Jack began to eat at the girl with more and more enthusiasm. This was Jack's very first time, but he learned quickly. He joyfully sucked on his sister's clit. Eventually, Jamie pulled back and simply watched Jack at work. He thought it was so cool to have been a teacher to a boy a little older than himself. Now this boy was also pleasing a another virgin.

Jamie moved up to lie beside Jace, who's body was caught up in the ecstasy of the moment. He suckled at her tit again, and Jace reached down and squeezed Jamie's cock through his swim suit. Pre-cum oozed from the suit onto her hand.

Jamie could sense that she was close. He wasn't sure if Jack knew, so he instructed him in what to do. "Jack, Jace is going to cum soon. When you feel her juice begin to flow, just pull your face back a little and enjoy what happens." This caused Jack to slurp harder on his sister.

Then it happened. Jace's thighs had been flapping slightly. Suddenly, they closed tight on her brother's head. Her hips raised off the ground a bit and so did her head. "Ah, ah...AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she cried out. Jack felt wetness flow, and he struggled to pull away. Then a large, long squirt as from a drinking fountain spewed from his sister's slit and soaked his face. He opened his mouth and drank from it.

Jace writhed and bucked as her orgasm washed over her. She squealed with joy. Jack's face was covered with her girl juice, and he dove back into her, causing her to moan even more. "You need to give her a little break, buddy," said Jamie.

"No he doesn't," huffed Jace. "Mmm, huh...get back in there. You too, Jamie!"

Jamie laughed at that. But he watched the pleasure that was washing over the girl, and the zeal of her brother as his face fucked away on her sopping mound. "Dude, give me a little room," he said to Jack.

Jack moved off his sister's muff and let Jamie eat her. He watched as Jamie fucked her with his tongue and lips. He could hear both his sister's squealing moans and Jamie's "Mmmmm" sounds as the boy lapped away. He reached out a hand and pushed Jamie deep into her, while he stroked his blonde hair. Then Jack moved up and sucked on his sister's tit.

When Jace came, it was another water fountain. Her legs flapped again, and then griped Jamie. Jamie tried to pull back but couldn't. "Ooo, ooo, ooo...Haaaaaaaa!" squealed Jace. Jamie's face was soaked with girl juice.

As it began to subside, Jace let go of Jamie and rolled to her side. She put both hands between her legs and held herself and she shivered and huffed in the afterglow. Her body still had electrical tingles washing over her. Jack moved in behind her and hugged her close. He gently kissed the back of her neck.

Jamie looked on and smiled as the siblings caressed. It was so beautiful to see this brother and sister united in such intimacy. He moved up and hugged them both.

"Oh my gawd," Jace softly moaned. "You guys made me cum three times." "Happy to do it," grinned Jamie. "That was my first time," said Jack. "I'm glad it was with you."

The three lay there for a few minutes, relishing what had occurred between them. Both boys had raging erections. Jace could feel Jamie's cock on her leg, while her brother's was pressed firmly against her butt cheeks.

"What about you guys," Jace finally said. "I can feel how wet your dicks are." Then she reached and gave each boy's penis a firm squeeze. The three giggled. "I've never made a boy cum before. Will you let me?"

"Of course," said Jamie. "But we should move into the cabin. Probably not a good idea to stay out here too long."

Jamie took the brother and sister by the hands. He pulled them to their feet and led them to his bedroom. They were silent as they walked, but smiling the entire time. Before they entered the cabin, all three hung their suits on the clothes line. Naked they entered.

When the three kids went to Jamie's bedroom, they paused and gently kissed each other for a bit. "I want to take a good look at both of you," said Jace. As the boys stood with their arms around each other's wastes, she got down on her knees. She gently grasped the boys teen cocks and stroked them.

Jace had never seen a erect penis in real life before. They were fascinating, similarities and differences. Jamie's cock was big for his age, she thought. It had a beautiful curve to it, with a sleek, large head that glistened as pre cum seeped from it. Jamie's golden body was so pretty, with young muscles. She loved the feel of his shaved area, so smooth and soft.

But she also liked the pink, fair skin of her brother's body. His blonde bush tinted with some red was soft. His teen cock was shorter than Jamie's by and inch, but it was quite thick and firm, with a large, fat pink helmet that also glistened with wetness.

"I want to suck you guys, but I've never done this before," said Jace. "I can teach you," said Jamie. "You should suck Jack first, cause he's your brother." The girl was curious about Jamie's knowledge level. How did he know how to blow a boy? She knew that now was not the time to ask. She was too anxious to watch and learn.

So they had Jack lay down on the bed. Jace and Jamie took up position on his crotch. Jamie showed Jace how to slowly swallow the 14 yer old cock into her mouth. They would alternate on his tool. While one blew the boy, the other would kiss around his groin and tickle his teen balls.

It only took Jace a few minutes before she was vigorously blowing her twin brother. This new sensation of having warm flesh in her mouth was stimulating. The cock tasted a lot like her brother's lips, but was firm. She enjoyed the mild taste of his ooze, and she worked the head with her tongue.

Jack was panting and grabbing at the bed sheets. Jamie had serviced his teen tool expertly, but his sister's enthusiasm could not be denied. He loved it that his hot twin sister was now hungrily sucking his boyhood.

Jamie moved up and caressed Jack's chest. Then the two boys began to make out. Jack put his arm around Jamie and pulled him in. With the other hand he caressed his sister's honey hair. "G, g, g...ugn, I getting close, Jace."

"Do you want to watch him cum, or eat it all?" asked Jamie of Jace.

This just caused Jace to slurp more furiously on her brother. "Mmmm, ah....HOOOO!" Jack called out. He exploded into his sister's mouth. Warm teen boy juice filled her lips and throat. Jace swallowed every drop, savoring the sperm her brother had produced. When she was done, she pulled her mouth off with a pop.

Jamie reached down and tugged at the still erect penis, playing with the head. Jack squirmed and writhed. "Ahhh, so sensitive," he moaned. "That was so hot," said Jamie. "Your turn now, Jamie," said Jace as she grinned.

"Don't swallow his load," said Jack. "You gotta see how much cum he shoots. It's HUGE, babe!" Jamie grinned at that.

Jamie rolled over onto his back. He spread his legs wide to allow both siblings access to his rod. His dick was already thoroughly wet from his seepings. The twins hungrily fed on him. "This is the coolest thing EVER," thought Jamie. Having a boy and a girl pleasure him at the same time was beautiful. Every kid growing up should have situations like this. It was pure bliss.

Jack now had some experience pleasing a boy in this manner. So he knew to play with Jamie's balls, taint and hole a bit. He let his sister do most of the work on the head and shaft. He was pleased to see how much she was enjoying sucking Jamie.

They all knew when Jamie was closing in. He was huffing, puffing and grunting heavily now. The twins both licked and stroked on his throbbing 13 year old cock. It was like watching a shark feeding frenzy.

"Oh golly, here I go!" Jamie grunted. Jack held his friend's cock stiff and still. Then Jamie moaned out loudly, "Mmmmmmm...Ahhhhhhh!" Sure enough, 5 spurts of teen boy rope flew into the air. The first one flew so hard that it hit the wall behind Jamie's head, with the rest of it splashing on his face. The next four ropes of cum landed on Jamie's chest, as the boy heaved in spasms.

Jack took his hand off of Jamie's twitching tool. He lapped up the spunk that had oozed onto his hand, savoring the flavor of his young friend's sperm. He moved up to Jamie and kissed and licked his face clean. In the mean time, Jace dove back on to Jamie and sucked out every drop. Jamie bucked at the post orgasm sensitive sensation he felt.

Eventually the twins snuggled into Jamie, letting the spunk on his chest and abs coat them, too. The three held each other, touching and massaging young flesh. "Thanks, guys," said Jace. "This is the coolest thing I've ever done. You were right, Jack, Jamie really cums a lot."

"I'm really happy that you guys have each other now, and can do this," said Jamie. "I'm glad you both let me play with you."

"Ah, Jamie," replied Jack. "Your so fucking awesome. If it weren't for you, I doubt this would have happened at all."

Jace sat up a bit and asked, "So I take it that you two have messed around with each other before?"

Jamie and Jack then shared the story of how they met, and what they had done out here only a day ago. Jace was fascinated by the idea of two boys messing around and having sex...especially anal. She thought something like that would hurt. The boys explained that it was actually amazing.

The fact of the matter is that the average guy loves to watch some girl on girl action. But the reverse is true for girls. Girls find it hot to watch cute guys having fun with each other. At the end of the day, bisexual guys make better lovers. (In my biased opinion & experience.) They're more adventurous, ands not afraid to try new things and get a little wild. Most girls love that.

Jack went on to explain that while he was no longer a virgin when it came to boys, he was still a virgin with girls. Jace blushed and informed the boys that until this day, she had never even kissed a boy. She also said that she would be willing to try stuff with girls now that she saw how much the boys enjoyed sex with each other.

Then a thought popped into Jace's head, "Why don't we both lose our virginity today? When is the next chance I'm going to have two hot, naked boys in bed with me? I'm willing if you guys are."

Jack worried that it might hurt the first time, and he didn't like that idea. Jace informed the boys that her hymen had been broken a few years back while riding horses, so it shouldn't be a problem. She also told them that at home she would sometimes sneak one of her mother's little vibrators into her room from time to time. If she could masturbate with those, she thought she could take the real thing.

Jamie informed them that he had condoms.

It was decided that since this was their first time, Jack should fuck his sister first. Jamie helped him put a condom on, and they were ready to begin. The twin's hearts were pounding with anticipation. Even Jamie was excited. He had never been with a girl virgin before.

Jace lay on the bed and opened her legs to her brother. Jack moved into her and positioned himself. Jamie took his thick 14 year old cock and guided him into his sister. Jack slowly inserted himself, fascinated by the sensation of his sister's wet mound receiving him. The twins softly sighed in unison.

Jack began slowly at first, gently moving his boyhood in and out of his sister. Then he lay his face into her's and they kissed. Jamie watched as Jace wrapped her leg's around Jack's waste and pulled him deeper into her.

The twins began to hump quicker. Their panting noises grew a bit louder. Jamie reached out and gave Jack's ass a gentle slap. Jack giggled at that, and continued to drive his tool into his twin. But then he slowed down and stopped. "Jamie?" he asked. "Yeah?" "Jamie, will you fuck me while I'm doing this?" he asked.

"Seriously?" replied both Jamie and Jace.

"Yeah. When's the next time I'll get a chance like this?"

Jack could feel Jace get even wetter when he asked Jamie to service his hole. He felt her muscles down there suddenly grip his pole tighter. She thought the idea of her brother being boned while he was inside her was hot. "Do it, Jamie," Jace said. "This will be so fucking hot!"

Jamie moved in and spread Jack's thighs apart. He moved his face in-between Jack's butt cheeks and began to rim the 14 year old. Jace could feel her brother's cock twinge and buck in her when Jamie stimulated his ring. Jack didn't move at first. He would wait to start fucking again until Jamie was inside him.

Jamie worked the hole with his tongue for a few minutes, then he lubed up his young, firm cock. He gently slid it into Jack, his boy hole offering no resistance. "Ohhhhhhhh," purred Jack. "That feels amazing."

Soon, the three teens were all at it. For Jack, it was an incredible sensation to have both his front and backside serviced like this. His cock dove into his sisters warm slit, while his ass took Jamie deep. All three kids moaned and grunted in pleasure.

The kids picked up the pace, fucking hard now. Jace was squirming and squealing as her twin brother fucked her muff hard. His warm, hard cock felt so good in her hole. Her body was awash in electrical pleasure. She felt her orgasm fast approaching. "Oh gawd, fuck me, Jacky!"

Jack had lost himself in this moment. He was blind in lust. He couldn't see or hear anything. All he could do was feel the sensation of his body fucking and being fucked. His sensations were blinding him to all else. Loud grunts of "Mmm, Mmm!" were all he could exhale.

Jamie was also moving like a jackhammer on Jack's boy hole. He was essentially spread eagle over Jack's waist. His boy cock raged in his friend's teen ring, diving as deep as he could.

Then it was time. Jace came with a mighty shout. "Ooooooo...WAAAAH!" she screamed as her head rolled back. Her twat bit down on Jack's teen cock, causing Jack to explode. This in turn caused his boy ring to clamp on Jamie, who in turn came deep inside Jack.

The three kids froze in ecstatic pleasure for about 30 seconds, not moving at all. Then they all tumbled apart on the bed, breathing heavily as sweat poured over them. No one spoke for a few minutes. They all lay there in a daze, still feeling the joy of this teen passion washing over them.

Finally, Jamie said he was going to the toilet to pee and clean his dick off. Jack said he would join him and clean his hole a bit. They did exactly that. When they returned they found Jace sitting cross legged against the wall, smiling at the two young studs. The boys joined her, and they began to speak.

"Jamie," asked Jace. "What were you doing to Jack's butt before you fucked him?"

"It's called a rim job," he said. Then he explained the technique of getting a boy ready to be penetrated, how to relax the hole and stimulate him. Jack told her about the magic button that boys have inside them. Jace's eyes were huge with wonder.

"Can I try that," she asked. "Sure," said Jamie. "Jack can teach you. He learned super fast." Jack smiled at Jamie for the compliment.

Jamie lay down on the bed and spread his boy butt apart by grabbing the backs of his knees. Jack took Jace and positioned both of them to explore Jamie's boy hole. Jace was fascinated by the rosebud.

Jack showed her how to tease and pleasure the taint, then how to tongue fuck. Both twins eagerly played with the hole, diving tongues in deep. Jamie squirmed and giggled. Eventually, Jack taught Jace how to insert fingers and find the prostate. Jace loved the ability to have that kind of control over Jamie's body. He would tense in ecstasy as she massaged him there.

Jamie's cock was rock hard again. He needed another release. "Jace," he asked, "Can I fuck you now?"

"Only if you guys work my butt the way I'm working yours right now," she smirked. "Seriously?" the boys said in unison.

Jace pulled out of Jamie and lay down beside him. She grabbed the back of her knees and opened herself to the boys. Jamie and Jack repositioned themselves, and dove down onto the girl. Ass play on a girl is not the same as it is with boys, but there is still plenty of pleasure to be found. Jace thoroughly enjoyed the stimulation the boys were giving her.

Jace giggled with pleasure as the boys serviced her second pussy. The boys were having fun, too. They laughed and jostled each other, each trying to be king of the hole. "I want to be fucked, now," Jace eventually squealed. "I want it from both of you, at the same time."

It was agreed that Jamie would lay down, while Jace road his cock like a cowgirl. This would allow her brother to anally drive her with his teen meat. Jamie put on a condom, and Jace climbed on. Jamie could feel that she was tighter than the other girls. It felt wonderful.

Then Jack lubed his cock and push it into his sister. Her girl ring was incredibly tight, still. So he was gentle and took his time. Jace grunted as her brother was inserted. It hurt just slightly, but she was determined. It took a bit, but Jack was eventually in all the way.

It was Jace that ran the show this time. Her body rocked and bucked on the teen cocks of both boys. Jamie's pretty body looked so nice as she rode him, his large 13 year old cock filling her cunt with joy. Her brother's own thick tool in her second pussy was giving her new sensations that she was learning to relish.

The kids were at it for almost 20 minutes. Jace found that she could achieve multiple orgasms being serviced in this way. She came four times before the boys did. Her mound was a torrent of girl juice, soaking Jamie and the sheets.

When it was their time, Jack came first. He grunted out a loud, "Fuuuuuuuuuuck," and exploded his load into his sister. Jace could feel his seed empty into her. Her girl ring felt warm and wet.

Then it was Jamie. He pulled out of Jace quickly, with a pop. Then he rose to his feet in front of the twins. He yanked the condom off just in time to release his boy juice onto the faces of the siblings. He soaked their faces and hair. The twins, still connected by cock in ass, giggled and held their mouths open.

After that, Jamie's legs buckled and he collapsed in a heap on the bed. Jace pulled off her brother's dick and snuggled in next to Jamie. Jack slowly got up to go wash his dick off. When he returned, he snuggled in behind his sister, who had inserted a tit into Jamie's mouth. Jamie suckled at it while he slept. All three had a blissful night's sleep.

The next morning, the kids were up early. It was before the sunrise, so they could safely skinny dip without any potential neighbors seeing them. They bathed each other thoroughly, cleaning private areas and massaging flesh. They shared a threesome against the dock. Jamie fucked Jace's second pussy, while Jack fucked his.

After their orgasm, the three went back inside and snuggled in Jamie's bed, holding each other. They wondered if they would ever see each other again. They all hoped they would, but who knew the future?

It was mid morning before Jamie's parents picked the three kids up. They had managed one more round before they had to leave. Jace lay in the lap of one boy while the other boy worked her eager snatch with his teen cock. They took their time, savoring the sex while it lasted. Jace was able to achieve multiple orgasms again.

They teared up a bit when they had to leave. They had all achieved such intimate bliss with each other. It was sad that it was over.

The twins were at the resort for one more day. They weren't able to be alone again except for the morning before they left. The twin's mother and grandparents said they had to go into town to take care of some business, and would be back at 1.

Needless to say, the three kids took full advantage of the time. They fucked and sucked non-stop for 3 hours. Hands, mouths, tongues exploring holes, vagina and cock on the floor like only horny young teen animals could. They showered together when it was all over.

By the time the adults got back, the kids were clean and shiny. Then the announcement was made. Jack would not be going back to Colorado. His father had relented. He would be staying with his mother and Jace in Duluth. The twins were ecstatic. Jamie was pleased, too.

"This means you can come back and visit!" he said.

It was agreed by the adults. The twins could come back in mid-July to stay at Jamie's cabin for a week. The kids were over joyed. As the adults went about their business, the three kids talked and planned. Jamie was so happy that Jack and Jace had each other now. Their relationship was a special bond that most people would never know or understand, but Jamie thought it was beautiful.

"Jamie," said Jace. "Thank you sooooo much for everything. I didn't know I could be this happy. If it weren't for you, I don't think any of this would have happened."

Jamie began to tear up a little. He reached over and hugged Jace. "Beautiful girl," he said. "You are so awesome and cool. You deserve to be happy like this. You too, Jack," he said as he reached over and squeezed Jack's hand. The three children hugged, cried and giggled. None of them could wait for a reunion.

It would happen sooner than they thought...

Next: Chapter 12

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