Jamie at Thirteen

By moc.liamg@8991nnimlj

Published on Nov 6, 2018


Same suggestion as last time, folks. Please support Nifty.

As you may have noticed, Jamie has assembled a mighty fun group of friends. All teens should be this lucky. And now get ready for another adventure...

  1. Jamie at 13. The Kids are Alright. Part 2

Kevin was awake before the sun was up. He had to pee. He disentangled himself from the pile of boy on the bed and padded naked to the toilet. Again, his morning wood was in full affect. He thought it was funny how it stuck out so, but bobbed up and down while he walked. He giggled as he took a leak. He was thankful that Jake hadn't been in there before him this time. But at the same time, he really wanted to see him again. That college boy was just so damn awesome!

Once he was done he gargled. Then he went back and retrieved his swim suit and headed to the dock to watch the sun come up. He sat by himself thinking. He would be 12 in just about 4 months. But he now had experiences than the average 11 year old never would. He was a kid, but not a kid anymore.

He knew that in the minds of many, what he had been through was wrong...or at least "Too Soon." But it didn't feel that way to him. He felt rather grown up in many ways. Exploring his sexuality, discovering the pleasure of that kind of play with other boys...he felt unique and rather proud of himself. He knew that he really couldn't share what he had done with anyone outside this circle, but he also liked that fact. He felt safe around these boys. Plus, lets be totally honest, all this sex just felt so awesome. What kid in his right mind was going to say "No" to this kind of fun? His boyhood tingled when he thought about that.

Jesse also awoke shortly after. She rotated in the bed and looked over at Jace. She smiled as she looked over her Junior High lover. Jace's soft, lightly tanned skin looked warm in the bed. Her strawberry blonde hair was a bit of a mess on the pillow and drooped over her face and shoulders.

Jesse got up and wandered to the toilet. She peed and then brushed her teeth. Then she looked over herself in the mirror. Her own hair was also a bit of a mess. The dark, semi-curly locks were long and disheveled. But she still looked cute as could be. "I AM pretty," she thought. "But I can't ever use that as a weapon." She decided that maybe she should go for a swim and get cleaned up a bit.

She retrieved her swim suit from the bedroom. As she was getting ready to leave, she noticed a small figure sitting out on the dock. She could see that it was Kevin in the pre-dawn glow. She grabbed a couple of Cokes and wandered out to him. He took one and they sat in silence for a few minutes. After a bit they spoke.

"So, did you have a nice night?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah. It was fun."

"Sounded like you guys were enjoying yourselves," she laughed.

Kevin giggled. "What about you?" he asked.

"I always enjoy spending time with Jace."

"We didn't hear a lot of noise from your room, though," Kevin questioned.

Jesse grinned. "Oh, we made noise. Just not as much as you crazy boys. I don't make a lot of loud noises when I make love. I tend to just breath heavy and gasp a lot," she giggled.

This made Kevin snort. He knew nothing about girl sex. He wanted to know, but his only luck so far was with other boys.

"So Kevin, are you gay or what?" Jesse asked.

"I don't even know what that means," he said. "I just hit puberty half a year ago. I get a boner when the wind blows on me." Then both of them laughed.

Kevin went on to say that he really liked Jamie, a lot. He had opened a whole new world to Kevin. He had a little crush on him, but knew they would just be friends with some very special benefits. He also thought that Jack was a hottie. He did mention that Jamie had older friends and relatives out here that were total studs. He figured that Jesse would like them, too, if she got the chance to meet them.

As they talked, they scootched closer until there legs were touching. They were relaxed and having fun just getting to know each other. Jesse looked over the boy. His complexion was almost has dark as her's. His brown hair was a mess, but his big gray eyes were animated when he spoke. It was like looking at a puppy that was very happy to see you. His body wasn't as developed as Jack or Jamie, but it was actually very nice. His lower half was particularly strong and sexy for a boy so young. He was really cute, she thought.

The breeze was blowing softly, but strong enough to feel it. It pushed Jesse's long hair around. Some of it blew onto Kevin. He took a hold of it and ran his fingers through it. He sniffed at it as he played. "It smells kinda like fish," he observed.

Jesse snickered at that. "You haven't had much experience with girls, have you?" she said. He shook his head, "Why?" Jesse giggled again.

"Let's swim," Jesse said as she put the bottle of soda on the dock. Then she lowered herself into the water and let herself float. Kevin joined her then and the two kids quietly paddled around. Eventually, they ended up waist deep in the water. Jesse took the bar of soap that someone had left on the dock and began to clean herself of the night before. Kevin asked if he could wash her long, dark hair.

He took a seat on the dock, while she moved her back to him. He took his time gently soaping her head and playing with her hair. He thought she was beautiful. For her part, Jesse enjoyed the attention of the boy. His innocence was so cute. It felt extremely relaxing, so she allowed him to clean her hair and massage her scalp for as long as he wanted.

When he was finished, Jesse asked if he wanted her to return the favor. Kevin giggled. So the two children sat down in foot high water. Kevin sat in Jesse's lap, and she began to soap the child up from behind. As the girl ran her fingers through his hair and over his back, Kevin felt tingling sensations all over his body. He purred like a kitten. His boyhood inflated to it's full mast.

Jesse was enjoying cleaning him. His skin was soft to the touch. She could tell that she had a certain power over this child. It felt nice, but she wasn't sure what to do with it.

"So, um, Kevin," she asked. "What kinds of stuff have you ever done with girls?"

"Nothing. I kissed one once."

"I've never kissed a boy before," she replied.

"Really?!?! But you're so pretty."

Jesse giggled at that and hugged Kevin. She leaned in and gave him a kiss on his soapy cheek. She could see him blush at that. She liked that even more. She reached around and tickled his stomach. Kevin giggled and squirmed. "Stop it," he laughed.

That made Jesse tickle him even more. Kevin laughed and pulled away. Jesse reached for him, but instead Kevin dove on her and tickled her back. Soon the children were rolling in the water in a tickle fight.

Eventually Jesse pinned little Kevin to the ground. She was one him, straddling his pre-teen body. Both were huffing and smiling. Her youthful breasts were dangling in her top, swaying slightly as she kept the boy pinned. Kevin had no objection to such a happy sight. Sitting essentially on his crotch, Jesse could feel that he was sporting a nice, full boner. Neither seemed embarrassed about it, but felt perfectly natural. It was just rather matter-of-fact that he should have one because she was stimulating him. Jesse then leaned forward and gave Kevin a peck on the lips. Then she pulled back quickly and they grinned at each other.

"Do that again, but slower," Kevin whispered. This time Jesse slowly lowered her face to his. Their lips met gently and lovingly. Jesse released Kevin's arms and he gently pulled her onto him. Both children felt a wash of pleasure through their bodies.

Jesse snuggled onto Kevin in the water. Her hair covered his head as their mouths moved across each other. Soon tongues were involved. A boy and a girl kissing the opposite sex for the very first time was thrilling.

Their bodies felt warm in the cool water. Jesse's young breasts squished onto Kevin. She could feel that his stiff penis was throbbing beneath her, pushing itself against bikini bottom. Feeling his boyhood press into her like that made her begin to become wet inside.

They stayed like this for a few minutes as the summer sun began to rise in the morning dawn. Eventually Jesse sat up. She stood and pulled Kevin to his feet. They kissed again. It was cute, because Jesse had to lean down a bit, being that Kevin was shorter. She took his hand and they left the lake.

On the far side of the cabin's land was a small gazebo set next to pines. The trees concealed the small glass enclosure from the neighboring cabins 50 yards away. Jesse took Kevin to it in silence. They entered and closed the door.

The two children embraced again. Arms around waists, they pulled each other close and kissed. This time the kissing was heavier, with more passion. The two could feel a burning developing inside. Jesse took her arms off of Kevin and undid her top. She let it fall to the floor.

Kevin was mesmerized by the sight of Jesse's naked boobs, the first real ones in his life. They were full and plump. The skin under the top was tan, but not as dark as the rest of her body that the sun had kissed. The nipples were darker than his own, and they were fully erect, standing at attention and looking to be played with. Jesse took his hands and placed they on her orbs. "Touch me," she said.

Kevin was feeling utopia as he explored the soft, young teen tits. He squeezed them gently and twirled the nipples. Jesse cooed softly in agreement. She reached her own hands up and began to explore Kevin's body. Being touched by a girl for the first time made Kevin weak in the knees.

Then Jesse moved her hand down to Kevin's young package. She gently squeezed his pre-teen erection through his swim suit. Kevin let out a soft "Ohhhh" at her touch. "Can I see it?" she asked. Kevin nodded.

Jesse got on her knees and slowly pulled his shorts down. Kevin stepped out of them and stood before her in all of his naked 11 year old glory. Jesse reached up and ran her fingers across his young six pack and V. Kevin shuddered in delight. His body was so smooth and soft, she thought.

"You have no hair," she said.

"Me and Jamie shave it off," he replied.

"Is his penis like yours?"

Kevin told her that Jamie said that his was bigger than Jamie's at his age. But for now, Jamie had the biggest dick of the three boys. His was long for a 13 year old. Jacks was shorter, but thicker that Jamie's. Jesse was fascinated by all of this. Boys must think about other boys dicks the way girls think about other girl's boob.

(Seriously, I don't give a crap how "Straight" you think you are. You know full well that every single guy checks out other guys in the showers...and so do YOU! It's that whole "Peacock & Plumage" thing that goes back a million years. We all want to see how we stack up to the competition. Plus, it is actually pretty interesting to see how much variety there can be in cock shapes & sizes.)

Kevin's penis pointed upwards a bit, angling straight and away from him. Jesse thought it looked really neat! She thought the foreskin was intriguing. She asked if she could touch it. Kevin wanted that, but warned that he came really easily. Jesse said that she did, too.

Jesse played with the foreskin, moving it up and back. She ran her thumb and finger over his swollen helmet. Kevin gasped. Then, with out really thinking about it, Jesse moved forwards and took Kevin's pre-teen tool in her mouth and swallowed.

Kevin gasped as she took him in. All 4 inches went easily into her willing mouth. It was thrilling. At the tender age of 11, the boy was getting his first blow job from a girl. Could a kid get much luckier? He moaned as the girl explored his member with her mouth and tongue. Her head began to move back and forth on him.

Jesse was awash in her own thrill. This was the first penis she had ever seen in real life. She considered herself fortunate to have this opportunity to enjoy a young, firm cock in a safe space like this. Now she was sucking on it, and she relished the feel and flavor. She also enjoyed the pleasure that she was giving the child.

She sucked on Kevin for a few minutes and then heard him squeak, "Ooh, ooh!" His body tensed, then she tasted a warm, buttery flavor on her tongue. She swirled it in her mouth before swallowing it. So that was what boy cum tasted like.

Kevin was a little dizzy. He moved back and sat down on the sofa structure that was in the gazebo. He wiped his face, shook his head and blinked a bit. "Wow," he panted. "Did I do okay?" Jesse asked while still kneeling. "I never done that before."

"That was soooooo cool," Kevin responded. "That was my first time, too."

"I thought you had done that with Jamie and Jack?" Jesse asked in confusion.

"Yeah. But you are the first girl to ever touch me. Thank you. Seriously, thank you. That was so sweet!" he beamed.

Jesse giggled. Then she stood. "Would you like to see what I look like naked?" she asked. Kevin nodded vigorously. Jesse slowly pulled her bikini bottom off and stood before Kevin. His big gray eyes got even bigger at the sight of the naked girl.

Jesse's figure was spectacular. Her lithe hips accentuated her naked pelvis. The tan lines drove Kevin into pre-teen lust. The dark hair over her girl area was a beautiful small forest. "Do you want to touch me down there?" she asked the boy. Kevin nodded vigorously again.

Jesse moved onto the sofa, pushing Kevin to one end. She lay back and opened her legs to invite the child in. Kevin moved to his knees and placed both hands onto her groin. He began to gently explore his friend.

She was so warm down there, Kevin thought as his fingers ran across her. He could feel her body react to his touch. She bucked a little as he stroked her dark forrest, and then moved to her moist slit. The girl took one hand and brought it to her opening. She took two of his fingers and guided him in. It was so wet and warm in there.

"There is a magic button in me," she told him. She guided his fingers to it and had him massage it. She gave a soft squeal when his fingers touched it. "Is that your prostate?" Kevin asked. Jesse giggled at that. "No, that's the clit, little boy."

"I'm not a little boy," Kevin frowned. Jesse could see that she hurt his feelings with that. She frowned at him, then smiled. The she reached and over and pulled him to her. She kissed him. "No, you're not a little boy," she said. "Not anymore, anyway. But we're still both kids."

Kevin smiled back and kissed her. Then he resumed exploring her girl place with his fingers. As he did, he explained to her about the magic place inside of guys, and how much he liked boys playing with it. They were both intrigued that every person had a place that could cause so much pleasure.

Jesse began to pant more as Kevin massaged her clit. They continued to kiss. After a bit, Jesse took Kevin's head and moved his face to her left breast. "Kiss me there," she pleaded. Kevin took the nipple in his mouth and began to suckle.

Kevin could feel Jesse's body tensing. Her moaning was soft, but became more intense. His boyhood had never softened, and was now leaking semen onto her thigh and the sofa. All of a sudden, he felt Jesse tighten on his fingers. "Ahhhh!" she quietly gasped. Then Kevin felt a great deal of liquid coat his hand.

He pulled his fingers out of her and sniffed the moisture. Then he put his fingers in his mouth and cleaned them. "Fishy," he thought. "Ooooooh, now I get it," he smiled. Jesse smiled back and pulled him back to her to kiss more.

After a bit, Kevin used the confidence that he had been building up. "Jesse, can I kiss you down there?" he asked. Jesse smiled and opened her legs to him again. Kevin smiled back and quietly moved down to her open pelvis. He began by kissing her inner thighs, then her forest. He used his fingers to open her special place to him. His mouth moved over it and he began to kiss into her.

Jesse let out another soft gasp as she felt Kevin's elementary school mouth move into her. His 11 year old tongue explored her in all it's innocence. He found her button and began to slurp on it. He wasn't as good as Jace, but he was extremely enthusiastic. He was making soft, happy noises as he did his best to please the girl.

Soon Jesse's body was softly rolling and bucking. Kevin was eating her well. He even licked at her rosebud. Feeling her second pussy stimulated like that was a thrill. She would definitely have to do that with Jace. Soon, she could feel her release approach. Kevin could sense it, too. He worked thoroughly on her mound. Then he felt her raise a bit. "Kevin!" she gasped. Liquid ushered forth, coating the 6th grader's mouth.

Kevin lapped at the fluid. Then he pulled away, leaned forward, and placed his jaw on her tummy. Jesse looked down the see a beautiful boy with a huge grin on his face. Jesse smiled back. "Wow," she whispered to him.

It was only about a minute before Jesse beckoned to him. "Come here, Tiger boy," she said. Kevin moved up her body, with his legs between her waist. Jesse partially wrapped her legs around him. The children embraced and passionately kissed each other.

It didn't take long for one thing to lead to another. The kids were rolling on the sofa in a mad embrace. Body parts were intertwined. It wasn't intentional, but wasn't spurned either. As they moved, Kevin's non-stop erection was bucking next to Jesse's virgin hole. As they moved, he semi-accidentally slipped in to her.

Jesse let out a gasp as he went in. There was a tiny bit of pain as something moved to the side in her. Kevin could feel it, too. He froze. "Do you want me to stop?" he asked. "No. Not at all. Just be gentle. We're both virgins."

Kevin began to hump gently at her. He knew how to fuck a boy now, and was getting better at it each time. But this was different. It still felt like a furnace inside, but was much wetter. He pumped into her for about another minute, when he felt his 11 year old balls tense up. "Mmmmah!" he grunted as he shot into her.

He froze in place for a few moments. "I felt you cum in me," Jesse panted. "It felt cool when you did. Can you keep going though?"

"Yeah. Just give me a moment."

It took about a minute, then Kevin was back at it. He thrust more vigorously now. His young body pumped into the girl with excitement. Jesse could feel another release coming over her shortly. Her legs wrapped tight around Kevin. His boy meat felt her pussy clamp down on his cock and they both came again at the same time.

"Don't pull out, Kevin," Jesse pleaded. "It feels really nice with you inside."

"Don't worry," said Kevin. "I told you that my boners never seem to want to go down."

They both laughed at that.

In less than a minute, the two were hard at it again. They rolled on the sofa, moving into all manner of position. Jesse ended up on top for a while, riding the 6th grader. Her 14 year old mound sucked the boy cock into her as deep as he could go. Kevin's big eyes were rolled to the back of his head. He was lost in a zen like state.

Kevin's mind was reeling. His whole body was pulsing in pleasure. He was only 11, barely 2 months out of 5th grade, with less than 2 months until his final year of Elementary school. Yet, his virginity was out the window, and his body & mind now knew the pleasures that many older teens were just learning. He was loving every sexual adventure he was experiencing. He knew the pleasure of boy on boy sex, boy with young man, and now boy with girl. He could barely believe his good fortune.

"Kevin," I'm getting close again," Jesse said. She reached and took his hands to her breasts. "Squeeze them," she begged. "When I tell you, pinch my nipples hard," she grunted.

Kevin thrust deep into his friend. Her wet mound felt so wonderful on his young meat. His penis was thrilled to be in this girl. "Ooooo, ooo," he heard Jesse moan. "Now Kevin!" Kevin pinched and pulled Jesse's brown nipples. He could feel Jesse's entire body shudder. Her head was tilted back with her dark hair flowing. Her mouth was open but silent.

Kevin felt her twat clamp down on him again. He felt more liquid. "Huuuuuuuuuuuu!" Jesse gasped...quite a bit louder this time. Then she simply froze and panted. "Are you okay?" Kevin whispered. Jesse looked down on him with dazed expression, panting.

"I'm at my point," she said. "I told you that I cum pretty easily. If we keep going, I'm going to have multiple orgasms. It just comes over me like a wave that wont quit."

"Do you want me to stop?" Kevin asked.

With that, Jesse rolled Kevin over and on top. She grabbed him extremely tight with both her arms and legs. "Tiger boy, fuck my brains out for as long as you can!" she virtually ordered in a demanding tone.

Kevin was scared and thrilled at the same time. But he went to work. He began to assault the girl's vagina as furiously as he could. Their bodies made loud slapping & smacking noises together as they fucked. It was heavy and sweaty. The two children grunted and squirmed in youthful, brazen, unashamed sex.

Jesse's ecstasy was fulfilled with a wave of orgasms as her 6th grade lover ground his crotch and slammed his 11 year old cock into her. Kevin felt an almost nonstop clamp on his boyhood. It was amazing! He didn't know why he hadn't cum again already, but he continued to fuck. He literally could not stop.

"Of my gawd, Kevin! Yes, yes, yes, yes. Fuck my pussy. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," Jesse gasped. "You feel so good in me, pretty boy. Fuck me with everything you have!" It was as if the girl was possessed.

"Ooooooooo fu-uh-uh-ck, your pussy feels so good," Kevin grunted loudly with gritted teeth.

Then, with one last mighty thrust, Kevin went as deep into Jesse as his boy meat could go. He felt his young cock emit a load much larger than any before. His entire body convulsed in a spasm. Jesse felt it, too. Her own wave washed over her as he clutched Kevin in tight, her nails digging into his smooth skin.

After that, the children lay frozen in their embrace for a bit. They were dizzy, and more than a bit confused. They panted and sweated, and then collapsed a bit. It dawned on them slowly what they had just been through. They were no longer virgins. They smiled at each other in silence.

Eventually they moved off each other and lay beside, arms & legs entwined. They began to drift off to sleep, exhausted from the sexual effort they had expended. Kevin moved down slightly, and took a nipple in his mouth. Jesse relished the feeling of being suckled as they fell asleep.

It was later in the morning, about an hour, when the other children woke up. Jace was first. She put on shorts only, enjoying the sensation of morning air on her bare breasts. She proceeded to clean up a bit in the bathroom. She found Jamie and Jack squirming outside the door when she was finished. "We really gotta pee!" they said.

She looked around the cabin and didn't see her girlfriend. She figured she must be outside in the lake, but she didn't find her there either. She began to walk around the grounds. She spotted the little gazebo nestled in the trees and decided to look there. What she found surprised her.

"Guys!" she said to the two boys who were now putting sweats on. "You gotta see this. It's so cute. But you gotta be quite, cause they're asleep." Jace grabbed her phone. She wanted to take a picture. The three kids headed over.

Jace opened the door quietly, and all three crept in silently. What they saw were two naked kids on the sofa in an embrace. Their wastes were barely covered by a small towel. They had their arms around each other, with Jesse holding Kevin to her bosom. Their bodies breathed in time with each other.

"Ahhhhh, neato-o," Jamie whispered. "That is so cute." Jack nodded and smiled, "Cute!" Jace opened her phone and took a couple of snaps of the young lovers. "Do you think they went all the way?" she asked in a soft voice.

Finally Jesse stirred. She rubbed her eyes and realized she was not alone. She saw her three friends grinning at her from ear to ear in anticipation. "I'm not a virgin anymore," she smiled. "Neither is he."

Kevin slowly came to life. He released the nipple from his mouth and licked his lips. Then he rolled his head and saw his friends. "Hi guys," he said in a groggy voice rather sheepishly. "Oh my gawd, Kevin," said Jack. "This is awesome!" Kevin blushed and beamed a huge grin.

Jesse and Kevin put their suits on again, and sat back down on the sofa. The other kids sat on the floor. There were so many questions to be asked. Jesse and Kevin told their story, how they felt awkward, yet enthusiastic. They explained how much fun it had been, and gave some details as the other kids asked. Jesse said it really didn't hurt.

Then the three kids realized that neither had used protection. They got scared. Jesse told them not to worry. She was on a form of the pill for reasons other than sex. Her doctors had prescribed it until her 18th birthday, due to severe migraines during her period. "So I don't have to worry about that. Just STDs, which I highly doubt any of you have."

Then it was the girl's turn to ask the boys about the night before. They laughed at Jack and Jamie, because they clearly had some blotches of dried cum in their hair. The boys giggled and tussled each other's hair.

The twins and Jamie agreed to shower in the cabin with each other. Then they would have breakfast and go skiing. Before they split, Jamie got in touch with his family and Eric. Kevin called his family to stay in touch with them, too. He told them that this was the best weekend of his life so far. His parents were happy to hear that.

It was agreed that they would boat to Eric's sometime after lunch. Andy, Aaron and Jake would be in town for most of the day catching a movie and what ever. They could get more condoms from Eric for their fun. Jamie also hoped to borrow some of Jake's toys.

After their time on the lake the kids sat around the lawn on towels. The day was hot, so Jamie brought popsicles out for everyone. As they ate them, Jack and Jamie goofed around by deep throating them. It hurt a bit from the cold, but everyone was laughing at the site. "Glad you're not so frozen," Jamie joked.

"You'd love it anyway," smirked Jack.

"Wonder what it would feel like in your butt?" Kevin asked. "I don't wanna know," said Jamie. "But hey, Kev, if you wanna try it, drop em' and bend over," he said as he giggled and waved the popsicle at the boy. Kevin scrunched his face and shook his head.

The girls decided to rub the icy treats across their nipples to make them hard. They giggled at the sensation. The fronts of their suits got wet and discolored as they did this, but the nipples did poke out straight and proud. Needless to say, the boys were entranced at the site.

"I'll clean you off if you need a hand," squeaked Kevin. The other boys nodded in agreement. it wasn't the least bit surprising that the boys were all now fully erect. There was no more formality or shyness among any of the kids. They felt free to just be themselves in all of their pubescent horniness.

At that, a bit of the popsicle that Jace had broke off. It landed in the cleavage of her top. They all laughed. "Ooooooo, so cold," she squealed. With his new found confidence, Kevin moved over to her. "I'll rescue you," he said boldly.

Kevin knelt down by Jace and put his mouth between her breasts. He removed the ice from her cleavage with his lips. Then he brought it up and deposited it with a kiss. He smiled at her. Jace smiled back and let the ice drop again, right into her cleavage. "Guess you better do that again," she grinned.

It was only a bit before she was happily laying back on her towel with Kevin over her. He was licking at the sweet stains on her bikini top and skin. Within moments he had them pulled off and was caressing her orbs with his mouth. Jace enjoyed the feel of his erection pressing into her tummy while this occurred.

Jack and Jamie were transfixed at the site. Their little friend, all of 11, was now an eager, confident lover boy. Jack thought it was hot to watch his sister with Jamie, but this was amazing, being that the boy was not even a teenager. He could see how much his sister was enjoying it, too.

Jesse was giggling. She new what ball of energy Kevin could be. But he had opened her to a new world, and she was curious. "Jack? Jamie?" she asked. "Can you guys help me out with something in your room?" With that, the three kids all got up and headed to Jamie's and closed the door.

It was a few minutes after that when both Kevin and Jace realized they were alone. They had been kissing and squeezing each other so madly that they hadn't realized the others had left. "Come on," she said to the boy. Into the other bedroom they went.

Jamie and Jack displayed their cocks for Jesse. She was fascinated by the differences. Both looked beautiful, so did their owners. Jesse could see Jace in her brother's body. Identical skin tones and color. His body was well muscled. His thick cock was a lot like Kevin's, only larger. His reddish blonde forest was a treat for her eyes.

She liked Jamie's lankier body, too. His deep tan and fair skinned bald boy area was a beautiful contrast. She loved the way his cock curved upwards like a fleshy banana. It looked very inviting. In fact, both young cocks looked hungry for attention. So with that, she moved to her knees, and relished giving turns sucking both boys as they stood there. The boys had their arms around each other, squeezing butt cheeks. All three giggled, laughed and enjoyed each other's company.

Finally, Jack made Jamie lay on the bed. He taught Jesse the finer points of giving a blow job. Jesse loved the site of one boy pleasing another in this way. "Watch out, though," Jack warned. "When he cums, it's a lot." Jesse was anxious to see that.

The boys 69ed for her. Jamie was below and demonstrated rimming for her. Jesse loved seeing that, and soon was taking care of Jack in this manner as Jamie resumed slurping his cock. When they were close, the boys announced their impending release. Jesse moved them apart and lay between them. The boys took opposite sides by her head. Jesse took them one at a time in her mouth. Jack came first, and blew his load in her lips. She sucked every drop from his 14 year old tool.

When it was Jamie's turn, his blasts of boy rope were a bit too much. Jesse ate as much as she could, but the rest spilled on her face, neck and hair. Jack moved over and kissed Jamie, then he went down to kiss Jesse and clean her with his tongue. All young teenagers should be this lucky.

When it was finished and they had rested a bit, Jesse insisted that they both fuck her. She didn't ask in a dirty way or demanding way. It was simply innocent and rather matter-of-fact. Jamie's cock had never actually softened, but Jack's immediately sprang to life again. They played "Paper, rock, scissors" to see who would go first. Jamie won.

Jack showed Jesse has to properly put a condom on a boy, even though they didn't need one. Then he helped guide Jamie in to her. Jamie went in gently. He could feel some pressure deep in her. Kevin, being smaller, had only done so much to her inside when she gave her virginity to him. Jesse felt a little pain and gasped, but received Jamie wantonly.

Jamie thrust slowly and gently into the girl, moving his body in time with her's. Jesse began to moan more and more. She was enjoying the 13 year olds large cock inside her. This was the second boy of the day to please her in this manner. Soon it would be a third.

"Mmmmm Jamie, your dick feels so nice inside me."

"You feel so good, too," he replied.

Jamie fucked a bit longer, then stopped. He looked at Jack who was stroking his cock in awe at his two friends. "Jack, would you please fuck me?" he asked. Jack didn't have to be asked twice. He lubed up and entered Jamie.

The three children were now hard at it. There bodies moved as one as they fucked. The boys were grunting and panting as they shoved their teen meat forward. Jamie's ass clapped as Jack sailed into him. Jesse's groin was also making spanking noises as Jamie drilled her.

For her part, Jesse was making a lot more noise, and much louder, than she normally did. "Oh, FUCK!" she would squeal. "Mmm, ahh! YES!"

As the sweat poured out of their bodies, the friends continued their assault. They could feel the orgasms quickly approaching. With all of his might, Jack did a power thrust into Jamie and cried out, "Guuuuh!" Jamie felt his insides coated with Jack's seed. Then he felt Jesse's cunt bite down on his tool. "FUUUUUUUUUCK!" she screamed loudly. Jamie fell forward onto her, filling his condom with his young teen sperm.

The three kids collapsed on the bed, panting and giggling. They heard clapping noises in the next room. They laughed.

It's only took a few minutes and they were back at it. This time it was Jack in the middle, with Jamie servicing his boy hole. Jesse was loving every minute. It was such a thrill to sample three different cocks, from three different ages in one day.

In the next room, Jace and Kevin were enjoying each others company. They began with oral intercourse. Jace had been on the bottom, so as to inhale Kevin. Kevin for his part, joyously munched on Jace's hole. He truly enjoyed oral sex with girls. His tongue danced happily inside Jace.

Normally, a girl, when serviced properly, could cum more often than a boy. Not so with Kevin. Both of them came three times in the ten minutes of oral stimulation.

Then it was time to fuck. Jace put a condom on Kevin and climbed into his lap. They faced each other as they fucked. Kevin could not go as deep as Jamie, nor could he stretch her like her brother could, but he had power. His energy level and stamina was amazing. This little kid was rapidly becoming a fuck machine.

They found that if Kevin took her from behind, doggy style, it worked the best for Jace's orgasms. Kevin fucked furiously at her. He had to change condoms 4 times in the 20 minutes that he fucked her. For her part, Jace came 3 more times.

When it was over, the two lovers napped. Kevin wrapped his young, 6th grade arms around her and held the soon to be Freshman in his arms. Jace pulled Kevin's thumb up to her mouth and sucked it.

After napping and getting cleaned up, the five children got into Jamie's boat. They headed to Eric's. They figured that with the older boys gone, they could enjoy a session there before they returned. Jamie said that they should all try stuff up in the boat house. They agreed.

Once there, the kids were soon up in the boat house with more condoms and lube. They were all naked and on the larger bed, rolling, fondling, kissing and groping. Having been taught about rimming, Jesse wanted to try anal. It ended up with her straddling Jack, whose cock was enjoying her tight pussy once more. Kevin would seed her second pussy while Jamie offered his cock to both Jack and Jesse. For her part, Jace just wanted to film it on her phone for a while.

The children were at it for a long time. The boys would change positions every so often. Jesse was well lubed in all three holes at this point, and her multiple orgasms were washing over her. Jace was getting off just, and even achieving orgasms, by simply being visually stimulated.

During a brief intermission, Jamie told her about the toys that Eric had. Jace needed to pee anyway, so she said she would find them down in Eric's room. So Jace left the kids and went in search.

What no one had realized during all of this was that Jake had returned. He had left Andy and Aaron in town, and driven back by himself. He had his ear buds in and wasn't really paying attention to anything when he walked in the cabin. He headed to Eric's room, stripped and decided to take a nap.

It was a few minutes after that that Jace left the bathroom and headed to Eric's. She opened the door and was stunned to see a completely naked guy sprawled on the bed in all his glory. She stared at him in disbelief. He looked to be an older High School boy. His arms and chest were massive, with veins on them. His skin was a dark caramel color, with his naked groin a lighter caramel. His eyes were closed and he was humming something.

Jace couldn't help but notice that the boy was playing with his penis a little bit. It was erect and and massive. It's thickness boggled Jace's mind, and she stared wide eyed as he brushed his fingers across the dark, swollen helmet. She was entranced by the site, and then realized what was happening. She let out a loud gasp.

Jake thought he heard something other than his music. He opened his eyes and saw a naked young girl standing next to him. He blinked at the site, not sure if it was real. Jake thought she looked a little familiar. He sat up, and pulled his ear buds out. He pulled covers over his groin. "Ummmmmm, um...soooooom who are you?"

Beat red, Jace covered herself with her hands. "Um I...um...Hi. I'm Jace," she said as he extended a hand. The handshake freed her boobs to flop open.

"So I'm not actually having a dream?" said Jake as he pulled a the covers further over his waist. He then tossed a tank top to the girl.

Jace put it on and sat on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed. Neither of them really knew what to do or say. They just sat there silently for a while.

"I'm gonna guess that you're a friend of Jamies'," Jake finally said with a giggle. Jace giggled back. "Yeah."

"Where's Jamie right now?"

"In the boathouse with our other friends."

"What's he doing up there with you guys?"

"Um, well...your prolly already know."

"Oh fuck," said Jake shaking his head.

"Yeah, pretty much that."

The kids in the boat house were hard at it. Jack had cum twice and needed a break. He noticed that his sister hadn't returned, and it had been at least 20 minutes. He decided to go down and find her. As he neared the door of the cabin, he heard a pounding noise on the inside, as if someone were beating on a wall rapidly. He opened the door and heard the loud grunts and squeals of his sister.

He walked into the main room buck naked, and couldn't believe his eyes. His sister was in the arms of an older boy. She had her feet over his shoulders, wrapped below the boy's neck. The guy was holding her up under here hips, and she griped her arms around his massive triceps. She was up against the wall next to a bedroom.

"Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck! Gawd, yes Jake! Fuck my pussy. Fuck me. FUCK!" Jace was screaming loudly as the boy drove his groin into her's. Jace's body was on the receiving end of vaginal pounding Jack had never before seen or imagined. This older boy was thrusting fast and hard like a jackhammer.

"Yer so fuckin' tight, Jace," the boy grunted. "It's feels like yer trying to bite my dick off! Mmm, yeah...AH! So tight! So fine!" Each time the boy slammed his dick into his sister, Jack could hear a "Whoop!" sound. The wall continued to bang.

"FUCK! That fat cock feels so fucking good. "Grrrrrrr...uh! I'm getting close. I'm gonna cum again!!!!"

Jack watched as the boy slammed even faster into Jace after that. He could see both their bodies glistening in sweat. Who ever this guy was, his body was shredded. His muscles flexed at every thrust. It looked like his sister was going to split open and have a heart attack after this.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! Gah, ah, ah, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Jace screamed loudly. Jack could actually hear her body cum as her juice flowed out of her. He figured they might hear Jace all the way to Wisconsin. The boy then pulled out of Jace and quickly lowered her to her knees. He pulled the condom off. Jace dove forward and inhaled the helmet of the boy. Jack could see even from this angle that he wasn't small.

The stranger took Jace's head and pulled her mouth deeper onto his tool. "Yeah...Mmmmmmm, oh, oh, oh....Ahhhhhhhhh!" he called out. He held Jace's face on his cock for about a minute. Then he slumped down in front of her on his back, panting and huffing.

Both of them tried to regain their composure as they gasped for air. With one hand, the stranger wiped his face and ran his fingers through his short, black hair. With the other, he gripped his balls. Jack could see that his thick cock was still throbbing. Jace was heaving and panting, seated on her knees. Her mouth and jaw dripped sperm. She was slowly licking her lips.

"Hey sis, you okay?" asked Jack in astonishment.

Jace stared up and at Jack. The guy on the floor slowly looked backwards and over at the sound he just heard. He grinned and waved.

Jace looked a little confused and embarrassed as she was still coming down from her orgasmic high. She blinked a bit, shook her head, then grinned. She wiped the rest of the seed from her face, waved, and said, "Hey Jacky, this is Jake."

Naked and spread eagle before his sister, the muscle stud waved back at Jack again. "Nice to meet you."

Jack looked over both of them, but more so at Jake. That guy had a big dick! It was still at half mast and looked thicker than he and Jamie combined. How had his sister managed to take that thing? Jack reached down and squeezed his own dick. It was rock hard.

It was maybe 30 minutes later when Eric pulled into the driveway. He had had plenty of fun the night before. The tourist girl he had banged had him up until 1 in the morning. He had some bite marks to prove it, too. (Of course, she also had a tell-tale sign in the form of a hickey. But her bikini bottom hide it well.) She and her friends had been at the water park again that day. She blushed and giggled with her friends when Eric had waved at them.

Eric saw that Jake was back, but he didn't see Andy's car. He figured that his brother and his boyfriend had worn Jake out, and now he was back trying to sleep it off. Eric opened the cabin door and went in.

The moment he opened the door, he heard the noises. They were coming from one of the bedrooms. Maybe Jake had come back here with Aaron or someone. He didn't know. He knew that Jake could be insatiable. Eric grinned.

Before investigating further, Eric decided to see if maybe his brother was here after all. He headed to the boathouse. It was quiet, but he sensed life. He padded up the steps and quietly opened the door. He could see a pile of naked bodies on the farthest bed. Eric saw Jamie, tangled with Kevin, a girl Eric recognized, and then some other girl. The four of them were in a hog pile, snoring away.

Eric grinned and shook his head. "That kid," he thought.

Back in the cabin, Eric walked in. He headed to his room. "Mmmmm, fuck yer tight!" he could hear Jake call. He could hear the sound of ass clapping as he neared his room. "Ga, ah, ah, ha!" called Jake's partner. It was a young male voice.

Eric looked in to see Jake over some kid. He recognized the boy as the twin brother of the twins staying with Jamie. Eric knew the kid was only 14. Jake was pounding away at his ass.

Jake had the boy on his back and shoulders. He held the soles of the kid's feet in his hands, and had pushed them back over the boy's head until they touched the pillow. Jake was ramming his ass hard with that thick cock of his. The boys was squealing and grunting with delight.

Jake's head was tilted back. His eyes were open, but rolled back in his head. The boy on the bottom was doing the same. "Fuck-my-ass, fuck-my-ass, fuck-my-ass!" the boy was calling out in time with Jake's thrusts. Eric knew that he had walked in on the approach of the money shot. It wasn't long before he saw a load of boy spunk fly from the kid.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!!!!" called he boy as he sprayed his own face. It was then that Jake pulled out of him. He jumped and straddled the youth's chest. He pulled his condom off and aimed at the boy's mouth. The kid opened wide and Jake stuffed it in. Jake grabbed the boy's head and shoved it deep onto his cock.

"Mmmmmmmmm-ahhhhhhhhhh," Jake moaned. Eric could see his body shudder as Jake exploded into the kid's throat. "Ohhhhhhhh," Jake moaned as he seeded the boy's mouth. "You suck as good as your sister," Jake proclaimed.

Eric's eyebrows went up at that. He shook his head and just watched. When Jake pulled his member out of the boy's face, let it dangle and simply knelt there panting, Eric said, "God dammit, Jake. Don't you ever stop?"

Jake recovered and looked over at his friend. He waved and grinned at Eric. "You know Jack, I think," he said. The boy on the bed waved at Eric while Jake's spent penis hung over him. The boy then squeezed Jake's helmet, searching for any last drop of sperm, and put his fingers in his mouth. "The kid was hungry. What can I say?" smirked Jake. The boy nodded, looking at Eric.

After a while, everyone reassembled in the cabin. Eric had the kids change the bedsheets in the boat house. Andy couldn't stand the smell of girl juice, and Eric didn't want him to come home to the odors on a young teen orgy in the room where he slept. He also warned everyone that they all had to be extremely careful. They needed to stay in touch with each other through texting at all times. If everyone knew where they all were at all times, and with who, they would stay safer.

After that, everyone swam in the lake once more. It was the easiest way to get clean. Soon, the children all smelled fresh and tidy. Eric mostly watched them play while sitting on the dock. He was concerned, yet impressed, that Jamie had managed to pull all of this off in only the 5 short weeks that he had begun to explore his sexuality.

He also saw how much affection Kevin and Jake had for each other. When the little guy first saw Jake after he came out of the boathouse, the kid had literally jumped onto Jake for a bear hug. Now Jake spent a good deal of time carrying him on his shoulders around the water.

Eric was also intrigued by the twins. He and Jamie had a semi-incestuous relationship going, but they were second cousins. An actual brother and sister, identical twins no less? That was interesting. It put dirty thoughts into his mind. Hmmm...

Andy and Aaron came back in the mid-evening. Now he could proudly introduce Aaron as his boyfriend to everyone. Jamie clapped when he did that. Then they had to discuss what was what for the night. The twins, Jesse and Kevin would be heading back tomorrow afternoon.

Eric was bold enough and invited the twins to stay with him if they were interested. The eyes of the brother and sister got big with that. They giggled and nodded their heads. Eric would drive them over to Jamie's in the morning.

Kevin wanted Jake to come back to Jamie's. Jake agreed to drive him over and provide "Adult Supervision" for the kids. Jamie and Jesse would drive the boat back. But they wanted Jake to bring a bunch of his toys along. It was agreed.

On the drive back, Jake and Kevin spoke. "I really like you, buddy," he told him, you know that, I hope. I'm not "In Love" with you, per say. But I do have feelings for you...even if they are illegal."

Kevin wasn't stupid. "I know. I love you, too, in a kinda way...mostly envy, I think. But I'm super, super dooper glad that you're my friend and we can do this stuff. I'd rather learn it from someone who knows what their doing, and I trust. Plus, yer just so fucking hot!"

Jake snorted. Kevin proceeded to tell him about losing the rest of his virginity to Jesse, and then having sex with the twins. Jake was really pleased for him. This kid was sure to go on to pleasure many other boys and girls. "Sheeee-it!" Jake thought. "6th grade and baby sitters, watch out."

In the mean time, Jamie and Jesse spoke as they boated back. Jamie was explaining the various toys that Jake had with him. He wasn't sure what Jake would be bringing over, but they would be fun.

Once the night came, the various partners were safely in their rooms with the doors closed. Aaron enjoyed Andy's 10 inch cock all night. The couple slept together, spooning, with Andy's long member safely tucked deep into Aaron.

Jamie and Jesse found various dildos and vibrators to play with. Both kids sat on a few on the bed, happily bouncing up and down on them, face to face. Jesse loved it when Jamie's tool would erupt with those big loads of his. Her face and tits would get soaked, and they would wipe it all over themselves.

Their final session of the night was an oral one. Both kids had vibrators in their asses. They 69nd each other while vigorously servicing their rings. They ended the night in each other's arms, vibrators softly rocking them to sleep. Jesse curled into Jamie's chest and suckled one of his nipples for the night.

Meanwhile, Eric enjoyed the company of the twins. The duo let him explore their young bodies. He took in the texture and feel of their skin and similar looks. It fascinated Eric that two kids could look so alike, yet have different body parts that were a compliment to each other. He had the brother and sister perform all sorts of pleasing activities on each other as foreplay for his eyes. Touching, kissing, feeling, licking, playful spanking, the children put on a very fun show for the college boy.

Then both kids serviced Eric's huge cock with their mouths. They bobbed up and down on his glistening helmet and shaft, teasing his balls and inner thighs. They were pleased at the massive loads of cum his 8 & 1/2 inch cock produced, and they fed on it hungrily. They told him that he was a lot like Jamie. Eric smiled at that.

Finally, Eric and Jack took turns working his sister's pussy from behind. The other boy would feed her his cock. They switched up ever few minutes. Finally, Eric fucked Jack in his 14 year old ass, while he pounded his sister. They repeated it again, with Jack and Eric trading places. The night ended with Eric on his back, with the children snuggled in his arms.

The final show of the evening was Jake and Kevin. Jake taught Kevin how to douche himself. Kevin enjoyed that sensation immensely and came while Jake cleaned him. Once back in the bed room, there was mutual rimming for a long, long time. Being so clean, they could really get their tongues deep into each other'a holes. Naturally, Kevin came again while this happened.

Jake put a cock ring around his thick cock and balls. He helped Kevin to strap on the ring & insert that Jamie had originally enjoyed so much. Kevin was surprised that Jake wasn't going to anally pleasure him himself, but was delighted to learn that it would be he who would service Jake that night.

Jake refused to allow Kevin a condom. He wanted as much of Kevin's seed in him as the child could produce. Kevin beamed at Jake. Jake lay on his back, spreading his caramel muscled thighs, and invited the 11 year old to enter his college ass.

Needless to say, Kevin neither stretched nor went deep into Jake. It wouldn't thrill his prostate as much as the other guys, but his ring would be massage well enough. Jake was simply happy to allow his little friend to enjoy himself and fuck to his heart's content.

Kevin didn't start slow. As soon as he was in Jake, he went at it with massive youthful enthusiasm. He pounded away at Jake as vigorously as he could. Jake was very impressed with Kevin's endurance and power. This kid was a drilling machine. He was fast & furious. Jake loved it! He also enjoyed the expression on Kevin's face. So much joy in the 6th grader's smile and giant pretty eyes.

Kevin ended up cuming in Jake 5 times that night. It wasn't heavy and thick, but Jake enjoyed the wet feeling inside. When it was Jake's turn, Kevin pulled out and hoovered Jake's thick tool into his mouth. He happily drank every ounce of college seed, savoring the tangy flavor.

When it was done, the lovers held each other. Kevin nestled into Jake's big arms and ran his hand over Jake's perfect abs. "Do you think we'll see each other after the summer is done?" he asked. "I don't honestly know," replied Jake. "It might be for the best if we didn't. But I'm sure as hell going to miss you." Kevin sighed.

The next morning came to soon. Eric took the twins to the shower to get cleaned up. He had the brother and sister stand and fuck each other. Eric took his time anally servicing both kids, alternating between them. When they had orgasmed, and his was close, he had them kneel and receive his gifts of college rope on their faces. The brother and sister giggled and laughed as they were coated with a heavy dose of college sperm.

Jesse and Jamie bathed in the lake. Jamie had Jesse lay on the shore, their bodies still in a few inches of water. He fucked her almost violently, twice in this manner. His cock was a lance, and he stabbed it into her, grunting savagely. Both their bodies kicked and bucked, splashing water into the air. Jamie got an extreme high feeling Jesse's orgasmic wave electrify her body. He could feel her fingers dig into his back.

He never pulled out of her. He just kept fucking away at the Latina's snatch after his first blast until he came in her once more. The children heaved and strained into each other while both made animal noises. It wasn't making love. It wasn't having sex. It was pure and true fucking, and they loved it.

For her part, Jesse was in utopia. She willingly took the 13 year old's angry cock as deep as he could thrust. She had her legs and arms wrapped tightly around the boy. Her nails dug into Jamie's back, and even his ass, as his tool rammed into her, leaving red marks. Her body was awash in multiple orgasms. When Jamie was through, he went down and ate at his cum that he had spurted deep in in her 14 year old sopping muff. He made her cum once more, and drank at the juice that spurted forth. Jesse finished this mess with Jamie standing against the dock. She deep throated him while tugging almost painfully on his balls, and savored one more gift of thick boy rope blasting into her mouth.

Kevin and Jake cleaned in the shower. Kevin had begged to be seeded. "I came in you so many times last night. I want you to cum in me, too, case I never get to see you again!" Jake obliged. He prepped Kevin well, then took him in his arms. Kevin's feet were at Jake's shoulders as he was held at his hips. Kevin squealed with joy as Jake's massively thick college cock entered his 6th grade hole once again.

Kevin was still tighter than anything Jake had ever had. But the child had learned how to control his muscles better. It felt wonderful to be in something so tight with out a condom. The sensation of young boy hole was heaven.

Jake pounded little Kevin into the wall of the shower, while both of them grunted and panted in joy. Kevin came three times. With the third he began to feel completely dizzy and almost passed out. He was screaming Jake's name, begging him never to stop. Jake exploded into the child with a force he never knew. Both boys crumpled to the floor of the shower, panting and holding each other in gentle ecstasy.

When it was all over, they left for the cafe.

Next: Chapter 17

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