Jamie Goes Greek on Me

By Ben Highlander

Published on Jun 20, 2021


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Chapter 2 -- Two Virgins And A Couch

Our families often had lunch or a braai (BBQ) on a Sunday afternoon after church, because we knew each other really well, and could just be ourselves. The following Sunday was to be such an afternoon. Jamie wasn't going to be there due to the fact that he wanted to spend the afternoon with his girlfriend, Nadine. They had an on-again-off-again relationship for some time now and I knew that her commitment to him wasn't as deep as his to her. About halfway through the afternoon, Stephan got a call from Jamie, who was in tears. He wanted to be fetched, as Nadine had broken the relationship off again, this time due to the fact that she wanted to concentrate on her schoolwork.

"He wants to be fetched," he said to his wife, who was busy in the kitchen.

"I can't go," she said, nodding at the food she was preparing. He knew better than to leave me in charge of the braai, (bbq) since we understood that this was not one of my gifts after the numerous times I had all but ruined the meat.

"I'll fetch him," I volunteered, as I had only had the opportunity to have one glass of wine as yet, having arrived late myself due to an appointment with a client. I tried not to think of my motives. The excitement that nuzzled at my intestines was a dim discomfort in the psyche of an ever-straight man who liked to spend time with young people. The light buzz that claimed my body craved some distraction and I rationalized that the drive would do me good.

I was given the address and duly went off to fetch the distraught boy. My heart was in my mouth; especially after the fantasy I'd had while making love to my wife. I was deeply confused but jumped at the opportunity to be alone with Jamie. I rationalized to myself that I just wanted to "be there" for him in his time of need. On the one hand, it was true. I had an empathy with teenagers, particularly boys, and often felt their adolescent pain when things were tough.

When I got to the address Jamie was standing outside. He looked haggard. His dad had only ever dated his mom and they got married quite young. I suspected that Jamie was also a one-woman man and that he would feel this blow deeply. I got out of the car and went up to him. I took him in my arms and pulled his hunky frame close. He clung to me and sobbed his heart out. To my consternation, I started to chub up. The intimacy of holding this weeping boy was getting to me. We must have stood there for about a minute before he sighed deeply, and, without letting go of me, pulled back. Our lips were about an inch apart and he looked straight into my eyes. His own eyes were red and the tears clung to the long, thick eyelashes. His eyebrows were still basically bald so he looked a bit like a cyborg from a movie where they shave a man's head to replace his brain or something, but he looked beautiful to me. His vulnerability was deeply attractive to me.

"Thanks," he whispered. I could smell his breath. I could almost taste it. He had a milky odour, clean and innocent, and his "lucky lips" were parted a bit, just enough for me to feel the discomfort of desire to be close to the boy penetrate the haze of my heterosexual sensibility. We paused like that for a moment and he leaned forward then slightly sideways and kissed me on the cheek tenderly.

"You're a good friend, Uncle D." His friendship, instead of being a badge of honour, faded in the light of what my body had hoped for.

Nonetheless, the imprint of his lips on my face felt like a flaming brand. I was sure the spot would be forever marked, the outline of his beautiful lips indelible. Then he let me go and walked around to the passenger side and got in. He seemed to have recovered a bit. He seemed completely oblivious to the fact that my hand was accidentally rubbing against his muscled thigh as I changed gears.

We drove in silence for a while.

"Can we make a pit stop? I have to pee," he said. I pulled into the first filling station that came up. He opened the door and when he saw that I was going to wait for him he turned to me and said, "Can you come with me please? I'm scared I'm going to bawl again."

"Sure," I answered and got out, locked the car and followed him into the facilities. The place was empty. There were two urinals against the one wall. Jamie stood at the furthest one from the door and took his penis out. I decided to relieve myself as well, so I stood at the one next to him. As I was about to take my cock out, I heard a sniffle and Jamie was crying again. I reached over with my right arm and put my hand on his shoulder, fully aware of the awkwardness of the situation. To my consternation he turned to me and pulled me into him, so that his dick was hanging out between us.

"Jamie!" I protested, "maybe--" wanting him to at least tuck it away before he hugged me. But instead of pulling away he pressed himself into me and put his face into my neck. I was glad that I hadn't succeeded in taking my dick out yet, because I had an instant hard-on that was straining against my jeans. What kind of a perverted old man was I becoming, feeling like this when a young man was too distraught to notice his dick was wedged up against me while I hugged him as he cried?

But then he started to nuzzle my neck with his wet lips and face. I could feel his breath against my neck and I knew that I needed to put a stop to this. He obviously didn't know the effect he was having on me, I thought. But then I felt a suspicious movement against my groin where his young member was trapped. I felt the pressure of his muscular hips pressing forward against my groin area.

My hands slid down from his shoulders where I had been hugging him, pausing just above his buttocks. He reached around with his left arm and slid them slowly down until I was cupping his juicy ass. Then he leaned back slightly and looked me in the eye. We were so close we both had to squint. I felt his breath on my lips as he whispered into my mouth.

"I want you to make me feel better. I feel bad and I want to stop feeling bad. Make it go away," he whispered.

"What do you mean, Jamie?"

As if in answer he took my one hand that was holding his left buttock, and slid it in between us. He tilted his hips slightly backwards to make space and softly put my hand on his cock. I gently tried to pull away but he wouldn't let my hand go until I uncurled my fist and slowly encircled his prick with my fingers. All the while his deep brown eyes with the teary lashes looked deep into mine. It felt to me like I was being sucked into a whirlpool. His gaze was mesmerizing and intense. He leaned forward slightly and touched his lips to mine.

His semi-hard cock, which I had easily been able to encompass with my hand, swelled and he pushed upwards into my palm. I felt at once that my unanswered question about his circumcision was indeed being answered. The ease with which his thick young dick slid into my hand could only mean one thing: he was uncut.

"No Jamie, this is wrong!" I hissed, trying to step away from him. But he was very strong and held on.

"What if somebody comes in?" I tried again.

"Don't you like me?" he breathed into my mouth.

"Of course I like you Jamie but think about it, if we do this nothing will be the same ever again. I've never been with another guy before, let alone my best friend's boy. If we do this we can't take it back..."

"I've always wanted you uncle D. You made me think of things I never thought about other guys. When you held my hand at the game farm, all I wanted to do was push it down my pants. I thought what it would feel like to have your... you inside of me, from the back, you know? Holding you like this feels so right, so...good. It makes me feel so safe, so loved...Please uncle D!" he pleaded softly.

I felt my resolve weaken.

"We can't do it here Jamie. Somebody might come in and both of us will be ruined."

He leaned forward and put his lips to mine. Slowly he pushed his tongue forward until we locked lips and we could only breathe through our noses.

It was as if a dam burst in my chest. It seemed to be the same for him. The lava that had only peeked out between us when he had flirted with me in the past boiled over and we tried to eat each other's faces off. He started thrusting his teenage cock into my hand with force and I felt the wetness from his precum lubricate my fingers. He worked his hand in the top of my pants and pressed in between my underpants and my bare skin through my pubic hair until he felt my hard cock.

"Jamie! Let's not do this here. It's so dirty. I want to make love to you if I'm going to do this. Where can we go?"

"My friend Morty isn't home and he gave me his key to borrow his bike. We can go there."

"Then let's get out of here." I stood back from him and looked down on his uncircumcised penis for the first time. As we both looked down a belch of precum dribbled from the piss slit onto my hand. I pulled my hand away and a silvery trail clung to the tip and dangled like a loose tightrope between. I didn't know what to do with it, so I brought my hand to my mouth and slurped it up. Jamie put his head forward and guzzled the rest up and started kissing me again.

"Jamie let's not try our luck."

"I've still got to pee."

"Well, go ahead, I'll go to the car in the meantime."

"Don't you want to watch?" a considerably more cheerful Jamie giggled.

"Do you want me to?"

"We could watch each other."

We both stepped towards the urinals and I fished out my rigid cock, and he tried vainly to point his nail-hard dong at the porcelain. He giggled again.

"Wow, this is hard." We both snorted as we realized what he had said.

Just then we heard the door open so we both faced front and concentrated on forcing our streams out. The presence of the other guy in the room seemed to bring us to our senses and our cocks softened. I looked at Jamie pissing from the corner of my eye and it almost defeated the object of the exercise. His cock was still chubbed up and a decent size. It looked like an estimate (an uneducated guess from a man who had never estimated the size of another man's penis before) of seven and a half inches wasn't far out. When we had done we both innocently zipped up and turned to the basins to wash.

Then, giggling, we all but dashed for the car. Once in, Jamie put his hand on my thigh. He then slid it closer to the intersection between my crotch and the crease of my jeans and worked his little finger in there. I turned to him and looked him in the eye.

"Jamie, is this really the right thing to do? I'm married, and you have...had a girlfriend. You're so cut up about losing her. That means you love her. This is kinda...gay, isn't it?"

I saw him fight to control his emotions at the mention of Nadine. He looked down at his hand on my lap. For a moment I thought he was going to lose the battle with his emotions.

"Hey, uncle D, I'm part Greek. There's a long tradition amongst the Greeks that an older man would teach a younger man about masculinity by having sex with him. You'd be training me and teaching me about being a man. You'd be doing me a favour." I saw a glimmer of the Jamie that had flirted with me so often over the years. "It doesn't make us gay. It just makes us better men. We don't stop loving our girls or wives because of it. We still give them babies and love them and support them. It's just not the same thing, that's all..."

"It sounds like you've thought about it. Why is that?"

"Well, when I noticed that I had the hots for you I thought about whether I was gay or what, but I realized that I wasn't. I only had the hots for YOU. So I asked my dad about it."


"Don't panic, I didn't mention your name. And he explained to me about the Greeks. Kinda like a joke, but I listened and Googled it and saw that he was telling me the truth. I don't think he thought I was serious, though..."

"Jeez Jamie you'll give me a heart attack!" I started the car and pulled off.

"...So you have the hots for me? How long has that been?" I asked softly, putting my hand on his muscular thigh. I saw that he had a healthy bulge in his denim shorts.

"I remember sitting on your lap once when we were travelling to Lydenburg from the farm. I must have been about 10. I remember smelling you and feeling the warmth of your arm around me, and I felt your soft willie under my bum. It made me all tingly inside. Since then I have been watching you, and I liked everything about you. Even that you're so strict with us. But mostly that you always see when I'm sad and put your hand on my shoulder or something..."

"I have always liked you, Jamie. I was always puzzled by some of the things you said to me."

I casually looked at my watch.

"Shit! We'd better get home Jamie or they will wonder where we are!"

"Tell them I was very upset and that you took me out for a milkshake and a talk. I'm sure they won't mind."

Just then my phone rang. It was my wife.

"Hi, my darling, what's up? No, don't worry. Jamie is very upset. I'm taking him to have a milkshake and chat a bit. Carry on and eat without us. We may be a while," I said looking at Jamie who was listening with a broad smile on his beautiful mouth. "Ok, I love you too."

"See, now you've turned me into a Greek I've started lying to my wife."

"Well you might end up eating, I mean drinking a milkshake, after all, Uncle D," he said, looking knowingly down at the still-growing bump under my hand on his lap. "Then it won't be lying."

Soon we were at his friend's house. We pulled the car into the drive so that people wouldn't worry about the activity.

While we were unlocking the house and putting lights on I realized the absurdity of the situation. For a start, my wife and I had been married for 20 years. We had had two kids, my daughter of 18 who knew us as parents that had a stable, happy marriage, and my son who had died at the age of two when a piece of playground equipment had toppled over on him. As a family, we had been through tough times together. I had never ever considered doing even as much outside of my marriage, as Jamie and I had already indulged in. Now, within the space of an hour or less, I had already kissed and groped the 18-year old son of my best friend.

We walked into the lounge area. It was a very tidy, yet lived-in room. It didn't feel right for me to be using it for an adulterous quickie.

"Jamie, this doesn't feel right."

He turned to me from where he was hanging the keys next to the door.

"I know. While we were driving here I was thinking about it. If we did it then and there in the toilet we could have said we lost our minds and screwed around. But now we've had time to think about it it's just not so easy. Make no mistake I still want you to... do it to me." He smiled ruefully.

"Sit down, Jamie."

He obeyed and sat on the couch. I sat next to him and put my hand on his knee. He put his hand on mine. I looked at him and turned my hand upside down so we were holding hands. I brought his hand to my lips and kissed it.

"I love you, Jamie. You're like my own son. I shouldn't do anything to hurt you even if you want me to. Even if I want to."

He leaned into me and put his head on my shoulder. I leaned down and kissed the stubble on his scalp. He turned his face up and looked me in the eye.

"It's just so hard. I haven't even had sex with my girlfriend but I want you so badly. It wouldn't be just sex. It feels like it was meant to be."

He pulled my hand down and laid it on his crotch. His dick was rock hard and snaked down his thigh so I could see the outline clearly. It looked like he had a baton in his pocket. He rubbed the back of my hand down the length of it and it twitched visibly. A wet spot appeared halfway down his thigh where the impressive tube ended.

I pulled my hand away gently. I put my arm around his shoulder and pulled him down into my lap so his head rested on my swollen crotch. He looked up into my eyes. He gently ground the back of his stubbly head into my lap.

"See, my body wants it too, even my heart does, but it doesn't make it right. We spoke about the Greeks. I'm supposed to make a better man out of you, not ruin my own good marriage as a bad example of how to be a man!"

My hand was resting on his bulky pec and I could see that his nipples were responding to my touch. He took my left hand and slid it over until it was right over his right nipple. His dark lashes hooded his warm brown eyes and his gorgeous lips smiled slightly.

"So what are we going to do? Now that we've kissed and you've touched my cock, we can't pretend things are the same as they were...!"

"I know. And if we suddenly started spending time together it might look suspicious even if we're not doing anything wrong. And now that I know how you feel I don't know if I can stand not to see more of you!"

"Me too," he whispered and used his right arm to lever himself higher until his lips were inches from mine. It was as if an inevitable and undeniable force like gravity or magnetism was pulling us together. I put my right hand under his head, leaned forward and softly connected our lips together.

His mouth was so soft. I sucked gently on his lips. He just let me feast on his beauty. Then he slowly pushed his tongue out and met mine. This wasn't a kiss between a man and a boy. It felt like I was reconnecting with a part of myself that I had been missing all my life. Like a blind person that can suddenly see for the first time. Small whimpers escaped from him. Our eyes were open as we kissed and we looked into each other in wonder.

He pulled away just enough to be able to whisper, "Uncle D I've never felt like this before. I feel like I want to climb inside your skin. I feel like I want every part of you in me. Please make love to me, please!"

Tears were forming in his eyes again. I felt like my own emotions were beginning to get the better of me.

"Jamie we must stop.... I'm sorry but I can't! It's not that I don't want to because God knows I do, but we mustn't!"

I gently wriggled from under him and stood up. Like a caged animal I walked to the other side of the sofa on the far side of the room to put some distance as well as some furniture between us. He slid his legs off the sofa and sat forward with his head in his hands. I could see that his shoulders were shaking. For the second time that night his heart was broken and this time it was my fault.

"Jamie I'm so sorry. I was supposed to make you feel better and I've just made you feel worse!"

He looked up at me with tear-stained eyes.

"It's ok. At least I don't feel so bad about Nadine anymore... Just let me catch my breath and then we'd better go."

I knew better than to go up to him to try and console him again, but I felt heartless standing cowering behind a couch and letting him cry because of me.

"SHIT! Come here, my boy. Let me hold you!"

I walked around the couch and he stood up. The last meter or so we just flung ourselves at each other and ended up holding on for dear life. Now we were both in tears. He literally sobbed as I held him. My mind was in a blur. How can this be happening to me? A day ago, I had occasional uncomfortable feelings when I saw Jamie but didn't really give too much thought to it. Now it seemed everything that I had taken for granted was a lie and the only true thing here was my love for this boy. I was done overthinking this. I stepped away from him and gently took hold of the bottom of his T-shirt. He looked up at me as I started pulling it up. He lifted his arms above his head with a million questions in his eyes. I almost passed out when I saw his stomach. The soft trail of hair that sprinkled his chest between his perfect pecs, and downwards over his belly button, and then enticingly into his denim shorts, mesmerized me. I felt like a bug disappearing down the plughole in a bath. I was dying to follow those breadcrumbs home but I knew I wanted to enjoy his perfection thoroughly before I went there.

"Are you sure, Uncle D?" he asked as his head entered his shirt. When his chin started to emerge from the garment, my mouth was waiting. I scooped up his bottom lip in my mouth and as he opened his to say something else, I filled it with my tongue and lips. I pulled the T-shirt off completely and dropped it to the ground. Then I slowly sank downwards, gently nipping my way down his perfect neck.

"Your neck is like a stiff cock. Fuck boy, you are awesome. Awesome!" I kissed his Adam's apple and he swallowed, making it bob under my tongue. I moved back up and breathed into his ear as I stuck my tongue in there and bathed the perfect shell. After making out with his beautiful mouth some more, I continued my journey of discovery.

I inhaled the essence of Jamie when I passed his left armpit. His arms were still up and so I dove into the furry nest and sniffed deeply. Pure Jamie! I broad-tongued the surface of his pit and slurped all I could find. He smelled like the fresh young man he was. Just enough unadulterated Jamie to drive me mad with lust. I was discovering a lot about myself today. When I moved my face away his pit hair was wet and combed by my tongue.

Jamie groaned deeply.

"Oh, Uncle D, don't stop!"

I swopped sides. I was like a man possessed. Jamie put his other arm around my head and worked me deeper into his armpit. He licked the side of my face until he found my ear and then returned the favour. Snuffling, snorting sounds filled the air, as we literally got high on each other. Every pretence at restraint had long since flown out of the window.

I gently extricated myself from his one-armed embrace and shifted laterally to find a nipple. They were small and tight and hard as diamonds. I slobbered all over his right nipple and bit gently into it. He vibrated like a tuning fork and gasped. I suspected that as a young straight guy he had never considered his nipples as erogenous zones. For goodness' sakes, neither had I! While I worked his tit with my mouth and teeth, I clasped him to me and felt his muscular buns. I could feel them contract and release as he started to grind himself into me and although I was bent down to service his nipples he was more or less mashing our groins together, I decided that I could spare one hand from feeling his ass up, and started groping his package from outside his jean shorts.

"Inside, Uncle D," he groaned. I obliged by putting my hand into the waist of his shorts and inside the elastic of his designer Jockeys. The moist nest I found there distracted me from the oral ministrations to his upper torso, and in passing his innie belly button I decided that I would give that gem due attention at another time. When I got to face level with his groin I gave my full devotion to eating his cock through his pants.

"Uh-uh, Uncle D, don't get them wet."

I saw his point.

"Good thinking," I agreed and undid the top button and what turned out to be a whole row of buttons. His pubic hair peeked out of the top of his underpants. I figured I could get these a bit whet so I pulled his shorts down and started gnawing at his healthy package. I put my right arm through to the back between his legs, and cupped his balls in my hand and kneaded them gently. They were big and heavy with promise. While I continued to trace the shape of his rigid cock with my mouth, I applied pressure to the area between his cock and his asshole. He was going nuts.

"Uncle D, Oh Uncle D, please, please..." he moaned incoherently. In the frantic manipulations of his cock inside his Jocks, the tip popped out of the top and his juicy, gleaming cock-head was exposed. It glared at me angrily with its large eye as it wept a viscous dollop of precum. I wasn't going to let the delicious-looking silvery globule go to waste. I pulled his elastic a bit lower and licked his perineum, catching the whole tasty drop on my tongue. He shivered and moaned incoherently. With my prize now in full sight I went for broke and slurped the whole tumescent head into my mouth.

I had never had sex with a male before. I didn't really know what to do. I just went by instinct, so I pulled his underpants away from his right leg and felt for his asshole. It nestled in the midst of a furry bush of hair, moist and protected. For some reason, I wanted to feel what it felt like. When I touched the bud Jamie jerked as if an electric shock had gone through him and a muffled groan came from his lips. He gripped my hand and shoved it towards his hole. It was so moist with perspiration and anticipation that my thick finger found entry easily. He pushed back with his hips and impaled himself on my digit. My finger slid into his warm shaft with ease and I immediately felt a hard marble inside the chute. At the same time, he roared and shot stream after stream of hot jizz into my mouth.

I mentioned earlier that I didn't know what cum tasted like. Now was my chance to remedy that omission. Jamie shot gallons of his precious squirt down my throat and into my mouth and then over my face as my mouth slid off his cock in the frenzy of face-fucking and ass-impaling. He tasted awesome and I didn't want to waste a drop of my virile young lover's spunk. Between his legs I shoved my finger deeper yet, and found that only my hand and the rest of my fingers stopped me from entering even deeper. His anus clasped and unclasped as his orgasm caused him to contract around my finger.

I didn't have time to enjoy a break as Jamie pulled me up forcing me to abandon my newfound haven at his behind. As soon as he had me at face level he started licking the ejaculate off my face and repeatedly coming back to my mouth to share it with me.

"I want you to fuck me, Uncle D!"

He slid down my front and when he reached my pants he undid my zip. He didn't pause but pulled my pants and underpants down in one swoop. I stepped out of them and like a shot he was on my thick uncut dick and took it in his mouth. I had my hands on his head as he deep throated me. Either he was very talented, or he had done this before, I suspected the former. He got me very wet and then got up and bent down aver the couch arm. He parted his beautiful buns and showed me his promised land. I had never done this before, never even seen an asshole up close before, didn't even know people did it but I dove in and immediately started feast on his moist hole. Once again he smelled and tasted pure Jamie. If he could bottle it he could make a million as he had the sexiest pheromones in the world. He pushed back to get as much of my tongue into his back door. I then started massaging the winking, hungry hole with my thumb and watched the pink pucker respond to my rubbing. Then I shoved my thumb straight in. He arched his back and ground backwards forcing me deeper.

"Don't wait uncle D," he begged so I stood up and lined my fat cock up with his waiting hole. I spat on my dick and I pushed slowly but he shoved back and I was in! I was also in heaven. He was so tight and moist all at the same time.

"Wait Jamie I want to see your face," I said, pulling out and flipping him on his back on the couch.

"Lucky it's leather", I thought as I shoved my dick back into his hairy hole as he lifted his legs and put his calves on my shoulders. His face was a picture of bliss and surprise as I started to fill his chute in earnest.

"Don't go slow. I want you to fill me with your spunk!" he shouted.

I had to pause to lean forward and kiss him deeply.

"OK, my boy here it comes!"

His lean, zero fat abs contracted and his still dripping uncut cock bounced before me as I let my boy have it. The object of my desire's mouth mimed a silent "oh" as I shoved into his virgin hole. I gritted my teeth as I powered into my Greek rugby player, making him mine forever. He put his arms above his head and braced himself against the arm of the couch as I tried to force my cock right up him.

Rhythmically he groaned and moaned, in time to my shoves. He didn't close his eyes but locked eyes with me. We were connected, soul-to-soul, heart to heart, cock to butt, and time seemed to expand and contract. His mouth opened as if in a yawn and he looked shocked.

"I'm going to come again, Uncle D," he wailed. This time I could feel the contractions around a much more responsive digit. As his teen fuck-pole started to shoot gleaming spurts of boy-cum all the way up his abdomen and even as far as the arm of the sofa above his head, I felt my own orgasm surprise me. If I had deep fucked him before I was suddenly scared I might power right up and out of his mouth. As I finally closed my eyes and just focused on the extraordinary sensation of me emptying my balls into Jamie's rectum, Jamie shouted at the top of his voice, in time to my thrusts:

"I love you uncle D! I love you, I love you, I love you, and I love you!"

I opened my eyes and saw he was crying again, but this time with joy.

As our orgasms started to wane, I collapsed forward onto him, catching myself only in time to realize that while he was bare-chested, I would be covering my shirt in cum. So I propped my arms on either side of his head and gasped:

"I love you too Jamie. I always have. I just didn't realize that you were my soul mate before.

God, my boy. You are so beautiful and precious. You're my Greek boy. "

"What do we do now?" he asked.

"I don't know," I said. "We'll figure out the details later."

"No, I mean, what do we do now?" he looked down at his cum-covered chest, the squirt-anointed couch, and more than anything, at where my cock disappeared into his asshole.

"I really don't know, I've never done this before," I giggled.

"Neither have I, but I think this could be messy!" He snorted.

Moments later we were both weak with laughter. All the tension had left us. I looked into the beautiful brown eyes of my boy-lover, and adored every detail of him, right to the shaved eyebrows and the bald cock and the prison hairstyle.

"We'll figure something out. All that matters is that we have each other."

We would have to face the real world all too soon, I feared, but right now I wanted to make this moment last.

Next: Chapter 3

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