Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Apr 5, 2001


Greetings everyone,

Got some great comments about the last chapter. I guess you do like the happy chapters! LOL So as not to disappoint anyone... I give you another. Not much happening here but some good times that will hopefully set up the rest of the story.

As someone wrote me to ask, yes there'll be a definite end and it'll be coming eventually. Work on the Wade/Phil story is progressing, but still no idea when it will be ready.

Nominations have begun for the Nifty Boyband Story Awards. Go ahead and nominate all your favorite stories. And if you like this story then feel free to nominate me too! (I know shameless self promotion)

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Flying Without Wings - Chapter Eleven

The next week was spent enjoying the tropical surroundings. Justin had rented a jeep and they went up into the nearby National Park. They spent the day exploring the nature trails, grinning at the wildlife and gasping at the scenic waterfalls. The rest of the days they shopped, lay on the beach and took long walks along the shore.

At night they sampled the night life, went to one party they received an invitation for and attended a concert from a local rock band. Going out in public had been ridiculously easy and Justin was never recognized except at the party, that was why they had been invited.

Their sex life showed no signs of slowing. Pleasing each other seemed to be a top priority before even meals. Much to Justin's relief, Jamie had gotten over his short obsession and their lovemaking returned normal. At some point he'd talk to Jamie about it, he knew it meant something was going on in his head even if Jamie didn't realize it himself.

"So you alright with leaving on Friday and doing the volcano thing on Saturday?" Justin asked.

"Definitely, it sounds like fun," Jamie replied as he snuggled into Justin's side. "This has been the most incredible vacation, JuJu. We've done the beach thing but we also have gone out in public and done things together and that means alot to me."

Justin smiled down at the man in his arms. "It means alot to me too. We don't get to be normal all that often and when I can then I cherish it, even more so with you."

They started kissing but were interrupted by the ringing of Justin's cell phone. They both stared at it on the coffee table like it had grown legs.

"I hope everything's ok," Jamie said sadly. Justin had blocked everyone from calling his number except for his mother and she had agreed not to use it unless it was an emergency. Jamie's cell had been left blissfully off then entire vacation. Justin's phone ringing definitely meant important news.

Justin leaned over, grabbed the phone and pushed the on button. "Hi Mom."

"Hi, Lynn," Jamie called.

"She says hi back and sends her love," Justin smiled and kissed him on the nose. "What's up?"

He waited while he got the message from Lynn. "Ok, I'll call him right now. Bye, love you Mom. See you soon." He clicked off the phone and threw it back on the table and looked at Jamie with a tight expression.

"What's up?"

"She said that we have to call Lance ASAP. Something about the new video. It was supposed to be out already, I wonder what gives?"

"Guess we won't know until we talk to Lance. How's your grandfather."

"He's a little weak but fine. The doctors said he'd be a little disoriented for awhile but he should recover fully."

"That's good."

"Oh, and she said somebody from the studio has been trying to get in touch with you and left a couple of voice mails on your cell. Tony called her last night to see if she knew where you were."

"It seems vacation is over. You can just about guess what Lance wants."

Justin nodded sadly and pulled Jamie back into his arms. "Would you hold me for a minute?"

Jamie put a hand on the back of Justin's neck and pulled him down until he was laying on his chest. Justin shifted and got comfortable as Jamie hugged him with one arm and stroked his forehead with his other hand. "I would hold you forever if you wanted."

They sat this way for close to an hour, being close to each other and enjoying the ability to spend time together without feeling like they had to fill the comfortable silence. Jamie continued to stroke Justin's forehead and moved to his ears and finally ran his fingers through his hair. Justin sighed and played with the silky hairs on Jamie's stomach.

Eventually Justin sighed. "I guess I should call Lance." Without moving he reached over to his phone on the couch next to him and clipped it on and speed dialed Lance's number. Holding his phone so Jamie could hear Lance as well, he waited for Lance to answer.

"Hey Lance, I heard you wanted us to call. So what gives?"

"Hi yourself and say hi to Jamie."

"I'm listening, Lance. Hi!"

"I hate to have to tell you two this but Jive isn't happy with the video and want a reshoot."

"Oh man, I really like what we did," Justin groaned.

"They did too, but it didn't work in the final edit so they need to redo our parts."

"Ok, when?" Justin cringed knowing that the news would be rotten.

"We need you in Frisco tomorrow night. We shoot Thursday and Friday. I'm really sorry, guys."

"God damn it!" Justin swore. Jamie grabbed the phone away from him and moved it away.

"Hey Lance, it's me. I figured I'd let him get some steam out and save your ears."

Lance laughed into the phone. "Hey, I'm used to it. I'm sorry, Jamie, but my hands are tied. It's all the label, even Johnny wanted them to put it off."

"It'll be ok."

"No it won't," Justin said taking the phone back and putting it back between them. "Lance, we were going to see the volcanoes on Saturday. Can't it be rescheduled?"

"If I could manage it I would, but Joey heads to Toronto on Saturday morning to finish filming his movie and I have to be in Nashville on Monday and Tuesday. Jive didn't want to postpone it any longer."

"I guess there's nothing we can do about it," Justin said sadly.

Jamie rubbed his leg. "We'll see you tomorrow night Lance. Thanks for letting us know."

"Ok, tickets will be at Honolulu for your return trip and I've arranged your return flight to Oahu first thing in the morning."

"Ever the organized one, Scoop. We can always count on you," Justin said with a smile. "Love ya, buddy."

"Love you both too. See you soon. Over and out."

Justin looked at Jamie as he shut off his phone. "I guess we should get packed then, huh?"

"I can think of something else I'd rather be doing instead..."

The next morning, early, they were on a plane flying to Oahu to catch their flight back to the mainland. They were the only passengers on the small commuter with just one flight attendant sitting up near the back. Holding hands, Jamie would look at Justin every so often and smile at Justin's preoccupied frown.

"Hey, it's ok. It was a wonderful vacation and I loved every minute of it," he said as he squeezed Justin's hand. Leaning over he gave Justin a quick kiss on his cheek.

Justin smiled and turned to him. "It was a great vacation because we had it together. I just wish we could've had the extra days to do the stuff we planned."

"Well, it gives us a reason to come back then, doesn't it?" Jamie smiled.

Justin nodded with a big grin. "How do you do that?"


"Say something that turns my bad mood into a good one and makes everything look so good."

"It's easy with the right inspiration," Jamie said lightly kissing Justin's lips.

Justin kissed him back and moaned as their tongues touched. He pulled away with a sigh. "We should probably stop right there."

Jamie grinned at him and rested his head on Justin's shoulder. "Plus look at it this way, we get a whole free weekend in San Francisco."

They snuggled together and watched the puffy clouds outside their window. "Hey, did you ever listen to your messages?"

Jamie laughed. "I forgot all about them. What with packing and... um... other things last night it went right out of my head. I'll check them when we get to the airport."

They arrived at a more remote section of the airport for the small carriers and took the shuttle to the main terminal. Justin hid behind plants and columns while Jamie checked on their reservations. He got the tickets and motioned Justin to join him in the VIP/First Class lounge.

They weren't alone so they kept separate and found seats over in a corner. Jamie sat and pulled his phone from his backpack and switched it on.

"Geez, I have 9 messages," he laughed when he saw the display.

"That isn't bad considering you haven't checked in what... two weeks?"

"I guess," Jamie smiled. He pushed the buttons and listened to his messages. After a few minutes he switched off his phone with a smirk.

"What's up?" Justin asked.

"Well four of them are from Phil. First he wanted to tell me what he wanted for his birthday, then he wanted to remind me when his birthday was, then the last two were gushing about things that Wade either sent him or said to him on the phone."

Justin laughed out loud and quieted when some heads turned their way. "They are so cute together."

"They are. I got one from my Ma. She sends you her love and wanted to remind me that we need to make an appearance in Maine before the tour starts. We did promise we would."

"How about we head there after the weekend. We have most of next week free..."

"Sounds like a plan. Got one from Dan, just the usual weekly checking in thing. The last three were about whatever the studio wants to talk to me about. Tony left one looking for me and the other two were from the studio. The first saying they wanted me to call and arrange a meeting and another to let me know they knew I was on vacation and to call as soon as I could."

"You gonna call them?"

"I'll wait until tomorrow when you guys are shooting. It'll give me something to do while I'm sitting in your trailer waiting."

Justin nodded. "How about some food? I'm kinda hungry."

"Ok, I'll go get us something."

"You don't have to do that, I can go with you."

"Let's not press our luck, you'll be mobbed if we go near the food where all the kids are. Besides, I like doing things for you like this." Jamie made a kissy face to Justin discreetly and Justin kissed his forefinger and pointed it back to Jamie.

With a smile Jamie was out the door. `If only I could change my appearance,' Justin thought to himself. He thought further about how he would go about it. The dawning of an idea played across his face as a young girl of about 10 and her mother slowly approached him. Justin saw them and smiled.

"We hate to bother you, but my daughter insisted at least coming over to say hello," the woman said.

"No problem at all," Justin replied. He dug a CD and pen out of his backpack . "How about I autograph a CD for you?"

The young girl squealed in delight while closing the distance and hung on his shoulder. "I think you're the cutest one," the girl said. "My sister's wrong, JC isn't as nice as you."

Justin grinned at her. "What's your name sweetheart?"


"Well, Caroline, thank you for liking my group and I think we're all nice." He signed the CD as the girl giggled next to him.

She blushed when he handed the CD to her with a kiss on the cheek. Leaning closer, she whispered secretly to him. "I think your boyfriend is cute too."

Justin looked at her in surprise. "What do you mean?"

"It's ok, Justin," she whispered. "My older brother is gay and his boyfriend is so ugly. I knew you'd pick someone just as nice as you." With a smile she waved and let her mother lead her away.

Justin sat with an astonished expression on his face. Jamie found him that way a few minutes later and couldn't help laughing at his story. They looked for the girl but her flight had been called and she was gone.

Jamie sat in a chair outside the trailer reading. It was warm and he was enjoying the late afternoon sun as it set. Not long now and the guys would be done. He still had no clear idea what the studio wanted from him. Even Tony had no idea, only that they asked him to see if he could get in touch with Jamie. The studio was always hush hush about projects but this was being even more secretive than usual.

Joey came and sat down with him. "So, how's tricks?"

"Not bad. I don't know any more than when I started. I have a meeting at the studio in Orlando next Friday."

"No idea what they want you for?"

"They won't say. Must be high profile. So where is everyone else?"

"Chris is on the phone right over there," Joey pointed and Jamie saw him standing over by the rest of the crew. "The others will be along in a minute." Joey stood and went into the trailer.

Jamie continued to read his magazine and noticed Chris approaching with three guys he didn't recognize and assumed were part of the crew. Looking up briefly he greeted Chris and nodded at the others with a smile.

"Um, Jamie?" Chris asked. "I'd like to introduce you to three friends of mine: James, Scott and Randy."

Jamie looked up. "Nice to meet you guys." He stopped to look at them closely and blinked his eyes a couple of times. They looked vaguely familiar and three goofy smiles gave them away. "Oh my God!!"

Joey laughed from behind him as he took in Lance, JC and Justin. Lance had died his hair a deep brown, close to Joey's color, and had left out the styling gel so it hung naturally. JC's hair was now platinum blond and parted in the middle in the style Nick Carter favored. He had even dyed his eyebrows to match. Justin was the biggest change. His blond/brown curls were now a deep black. His hair must have had straightening gel in it as it was now only slightly wavy and parted on the side. His eyebrows had been dyed as well.

"So do you like our alter egos?" JC asked with a smile.

"You look so different. If I didn't know you so well, I'd have trouble figuring out it was you." Jamie looked closer and noticed their eye colors were different from contacts.

"That's what we were going for," Lance chuckled.

"It's gonna be hell to get out though," Jamie said circling around them.

"Nah, it'll wash out after a few shampoos," Lance said.

"Yours will," JC said. "Mine is a true dye job," he said to Jamie.

"So what brought this on."

"It was my idea," Justin said. "I came up with it the other day in Hawaii when we were at the airport. So tonight we go to one of the fanciest and most popular restaurants in San Francisco as a test. If we go unnoticed then we hit the Castro."

Jamie looked at them in awe and jumped into Justin's arms. A night in one of the gay Meccas of the United States was too good to be true. "Does that mean?"

Justin nodded. "Lot's of public displays of affection." Jamie kissed him

The disguises worked better than they could have hoped. Joey and Chris had to tag along to see how well. They put on their usual hats and sunglasses and sat at a table next to the two couples. Within minutes three teenage girls had cornered them asking for autographs and trying to find out where the other three members were.

"Hey, buddy. You have a pen I can borrow?" Joey tapped Justin on the shoulder making him turn around.

"Ya, sure." Justin patted his pockets and came up with a pen which he handed over. He looked over to the girls. "Hey, ladies," he purred putting on the charm.

"Um, hi." One of them said and turned to Chris and Joey again totally ignoring the other table.

"Well that hurt the old ego," Justin chuckled.

JC decided to push their luck a little and wandered over to a table filled with high school age boys and girls. Asking for directions, he made sure to make eye contact with a majority of them. He didn't disguise his voice and acted normally. After getting the information he needed he sat back down at their table.

"So?" Lance asked.

"Nothing. I think we're golden. Let's..." he was stopped by a tapping on his shoulder. He turned to see one of the boys smiling at him. He was good looking in the boy next door way and looked to be no more than 17.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I was at that table you were asking directions a minute ago... and.. um..."

"What can I do for you?" JC asked kindly.

"I was... um... wondering if you'd... ah... like to go out some time?" The kid blushed but held his ground.

JC's smile faltered for a second before he put it back. Jamie and Justin looked at each other, trying not to laugh out loud. Lance put his hand to his mouth and pretended to rub his lips. His eyes spoke volumes.

"Gee, um... what's your name?"


"Well, Eric, I'm flattered that you would ask me. I'm a little old for you, I think."

"I'm going to be 18 tomorrow, so it's not like I'm a kid," he said defiantly. Lance's eyebrows rose up in amusement. Joey and Chris at the next table were choking on their food listening.

"Well, happy birthday then," JC said with a broad smile. "But to be truthful, I'm here with my fiance." He grabbed Lance's hand and pulled it into his lap. "I'm sure you understand."

Eric smiled and nodded. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"It's ok, sweetie," Lance said bringing out the Mississippi in his accent. "He's so handsome I have to beat them off with sticks sometimes."

They all laughed and JC blushed. "Well, thanks anyways. It was nice meeting you."

"Same here," JC said. "You take care of yourself." The boy walked away slightly dejected.

"Well that cinches it," Jamie said.

Joey agreed with him without turning around. "If an 18 year old gay boy doesn't recognize any of you we're completely safe."

Everyone laughed and nodded. "Let's go then, I'm itching to dance with my sweet pea in public," Justin said standing.

"You guys be careful," Chris warned. "If anything happens call us and we'll come and get you."

"You bet, I'll keep an eye on them," Jamie said.

The four made their way out the door and into the night. Joey and Chris sat for awhile looking at each other.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Chris finally asked.

"Either the Castro will never be the same again or this was the stupidest thing to do ever?"

"Ya, and I can't decide which one."

The music was too loud and boomy, the room smoky and Jamie couldn't have been happier. They had wandered around the Castro for awhile enjoying being out in public and safe from mobs of fans. Both couples openly held hands and shared hugs and kisses when they felt like it. It took them awhile, at first, to break the ice, but when they noticed other couples doing it they felt freer.

Jamie moved to the beat of the song with Justin pressed close behind him. His hands were in the air and Justin's were on his stomach and chest. Leaning back, he wrapped his arms around Justin's neck as they moved together. The song ended and another took it's place.

Jamie leaned back again and yelled into Justin's ear. "I need to take a breather." Justin nodded and led him to a table near the bar. Lance and JC were somewhere but they had all decided to not try to stick together and just check in every so often.

Jamie leaned into Justin and kissed him firmly on the lips. Justin instinctively pulled away at first then relaxed and returned the show of affection.

"This is wonderful."

Justin nodded and put his lips back onto Jamie's and held his head gently in both hands. He pressed his tongue into Jamie's mouth and they sat and made out in front of a roomful of strangers.

Lance, standing at the bar, nudged JC. "Hey, -Scott-, look over there."

JC looked to see Jamie and Justin lost within themselves and smiled. "They have such great ideas." He grabbed Lance around the waist and pulled him toward him. Lance smiled, put his hands on JC's shoulders and surrendered as JC kissed Lance deeply. Everyone around them smiled, a few softly cheered them on.

"I'll be right back, I need to use the bathroom. You gonna be ok alone?"

"I'll be fine. I won't move from right here. You want another drink?" Jamie asked.

Justin nodded and gave him a concerned look.

"Just go. Can't have you peeing your pants. Just don't take too long."

"Ok." Justin gave him a swift kiss and disappeared into the crowd.

Jamie caught the attention of the waiter and was soon sitting with two rum and cokes. A tap on his shoulder broke him out of some deep, happy thoughts.

"Hi, excuse me, my name's Peter. What's yours?"

Jamie turned to see a cute guy about his age sitting next to him with his hand out. Jamie took it and shook. "I'm Jamie."

"Rockin' club, huh?" Jamie nodded politely. "So you come here often?

"First time here. I'm just visiting the city."

"Ah," Peter grinned.

"If you need a tour guide, I'd be happy to show you around." Peter's tone left no room to interpret exactly what he meant.

Panic started blossoming inside Jamie and he looked out over the dance floor to find Lance, JC or Justin but didn't see them. Get a hold of yourself,' he admonished himself. He's just being friendly and you should be flattered that he's trying to pick you up.' Jamie fought the internal battle and made a small victory.

"Actually, I'm here with my fiance, he's in the bathroom, but thanks for the offer." Jamie was proud at how even and controlled his voice was.

Peter smiled and shook Jamie's hand again. "Of course. Have a good time. Frisco is great!" He waved and moved on. Jamie let out the breath he was holding.

Justin sat down next to him a moment later. "Who was that?"


"You ok? You're a little flushed."

"I'm fine," he hesitated. "No, I'm fine." His smile infected Justin as well.

"Small steps, sweet pea," Justin said with a kiss on the cheek.

Once more they were out on the dance floor. The club had grown hot and clothes started disappearing in the crowd. Jamie's jersey was off and tucked into the waistband of his pants. Justin's shirt was unbuttoned showing off his chest and stomach.

Justin pulled Jamie to him with a hand on the small of his back as their hips moved together to the beat of the music. They communicated without words as they stared deeply into each other's eyes.

As the song wound down the DJ came on the speaker. "Hey there men, boys and everything in between." That brought a cackle to the small group of Drag Queens seated near the bar. "I thought I'd give you all a rest and go a little slower. I have a request from James and Scott they'd like to dedicate this to their friends Randy and sweet pea."

Jamie and Justin looked around quickly to see JC and Lance across the dance floor grinning at them as the slow song started. The dance floored cleared a little as couples drew close. Jamie laughed when he heard the opening strains. Justin cocked his head and drew his eyebrows together in a question.

"Our friends from Cincinnati," Jamie winked. Justin smiled and wrapped his arms around Jamie's back while Jamie held onto his shoulders. As the song continued Jamie sang along, his face pressed into Justin's neck.

"The loneliness of nights alone

The search for strength to carry on

My every hope had seemed to die

My eyes had no more tears to cry

Then like the sun shining up above

You surrounded me with your endless love

And all the things I couldn't see are now so clear to me

You are my everything

Nothing your love won't bring

My life is yours alone

The only love I've ever known

Your spirit pulls me through

When nothing else will do

Every night I pray

On bended knee

That you will always be

My everything"

Justin tipped Jamie's head up with one finger and kissed him sweetly on the lips then continued the song, taking his turn.

"Now all my hopes and all my dreams

Are suddenly reality

You've opened up my heart to feel

A kind of love that's truly real

A guiding light that'll never fade

There's not a thing in life that I would ever trade

For the love you give it won't let go

I hope you'll always know

You are my everything ..."

Tears came to Jamie's eyes and he pulled Justin's head down and kissed him. They shifted their hold on one another to pull each other closer. The rest of the song was lost as their lips and tongues communicated their love for each other.

Lance and JC watched from across the room.

"They were singing to each other weren't they?" JC asked.

Lance nodded, rubbing his temple against JC's. "They love each other so much it hurts to watch sometimes."

"James, I'm sorry that things haven't been the best between us lately."

"No, Josh. It's not all your fault. I've been too busy and share some of the blame."

JC smiled. "You have been busy but always make time for me. You have nothing to be sorry for."

Lance looked at JC with a worried look. "What is wrong, Josh? You can tell me. I'll never stop loving you." He gestured over to Jamie and Justin with his head. "We used to be like that."

JC sighed deeply and looked down. "I'm sorry," he mumbled.

Lance lifted his head with one finger under his chin. "I would like to be that way again."

JC groaned and kissed Lance forcefully, his fingers twirled into Lance's hair. The song continued working it's magic on everyone on the dance floor.

"You're the breath of life in me

The only one that sets me free

And you have made my soul complete

For all time... for all time

You are my everything

Nothing your love won't bring

My life is yours alone

The only love I've ever known

Your spirit pulls me through

When nothing else will do

Every night I pray

Down on bended knee

That you will always be

My everything

Oh my everything

My everything...."


Notes: My Everything: BBJ Achey - 2000 I love this track from Revelation. What a perfect love song.

There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Jim bangoremail1@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 52: Flying Without Wings 12

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