Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Jun 10, 2000


Greetings everyone,

Here's Chapter Six,

As always a big thanks to anyone who has emailed me about the story. You know who you are and I appreciate all your support.

I've had some questions about how real this story is. Well Jamie is based on me or is me however you want to look at it, but the story is fiction. I am a musician (woodwinds) and am a big fan of blues, swing and big band jazz. I do have friends named Zack and Audrey who play trumpet and tenor sax (Audrey's real good too). I have an ex-boyfriend named Rocky who, although he never raped me, he did slap me once just before I broke up with him. It took awhile to get over that. Most of the names I use are actual people in my life. Other than that it's all a dream world. one can only hope, right?

This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of `N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

***** Jamie's Romance - Chapter Six

Waiting on standby at the airport gave Justin a lot of time to sit and think. He tried to sort out all of his feelings. Just how much did he like Jamie and was he willing to wait for him was the biggest question that continually crossed his mind. He thought back to how he felt when he answered the phone at his hotel. Fear, relief, sadness and longing all played across his mind as he pushed the button.

==== "Jamie?" "No, Zack" "Zack, where's Jamie, is he ok?" "I don't know Justin. I can't find him and I'm worried. Did he call you?" "Ya, he left a message and I don't like what I heard. I'm catching a flight and will call you when I find out when I'm getting in." "Ok, let me know and I'll be there to meet you." "Ok, bye." ====

Finally there was room on one of the last flights out of New York. Justin took his seat and waited for take off. He called Zack to let him know when he was landing so he could get picked up. Justin thought for a minute more and called JC's number.

"Justin, what's happening?" JC answered with concern.

"I'm on the plane now and waiting on the runway. I'll call you when I know more."

"Ok, buddy, remember what we talked about."

"I will," Justin loudly sighed.

JC's heart broke with the sadness in Justin's voice. "Justin," JC conceded, "do what your heart tells you is right. You're a good man and your hearts in the right place, it won't lead you wrong. Just be careful."

Justin smiled a little basking in JC's compliment, "Thanks, JC. You always know what to say to make me feel better. Bye."

The plane started its takeoff and Justin relaxed in his seat. It didn't take long for him to drift into a light sleep.

JC put the phone on the table and sat back with a sigh. Rubbing his eyes he looked over to see Lance staring at him. "Do you think I said the wrong thing?" he asked gently.

Lance shook his head. "Not at all," he said still looking at JC.

"Ok, what then?"

"Oh, I'm just looking at one of the greatest men in the world and one I've come to love very much. Plus I'm wondering why he isn't over here on the couch with me," he said wistfully.

JC smiled and went to sit with Lance. Snuggling up to him he leaned in and softly kissed him. Lance put his hands on JC's shoulders kneading them gently. He sighed happily as they tasted each other's lips. When they finally broke the kiss Lance leaned back against the couch pulling JC on top of him. He reached up and pulled JC's head down to kiss him again. This time the passion was even more evident. Lance sucked JC's lower lip into his mouth and shyly explored it with his tongue. JC moaned loudly and started licking Lance's lips with his own tongue. The kiss grew more and more passionate each exploring the other, their tongues freely travelling back and forth between the two of them. They separated and looked at each other in surprise and love.

"I never thought it would be so wonderful," Lance panted.

JC was catching his breath as well. "I've kissed a few people but it's never felt like this before," he said beaming at Lance.

Tears started forming in Lance's eyes. "Please hold me and never let go."

"I have no problem with that," JC purred. He turned both of them so they were spooned together on the couch, Lance in his arms. "I love you James."

Lance was a little surprised at the use of his real first name. "And I love you too, Joshua," he replied pressing back against him. "That's the first time you've ever called me that. It makes me feel all warm inside."

"Just doing my job, babe." JC nuzzled Lance's neck and soon they drifted off to sleep both feeling safe and secure with each other.

Zack met Justin at his gate and they quickly rushed out of the airport. They rode in silence each in their own thoughts until Zack parked the car and turned off the engine.

Justin looked at Zack who looked back. "Ok, let's go," they said almost simultaneously. Together they entered the dorm.

Jamie woke with a cramp in his neck. He took off his headphones and stretched. With just the light of the computer monitor he stood and left the room. Leaving the door ajar he went into the bathroom across the hall.

Justin beat Zack to Jamie's door by a mere second. He saw it was open slightly and knocked/pushed open the door while calling Jamie's name. They stood in the darkened empty room slightly confused about what to do next.

"Well, he can't be far away," Justin said.

"I think I know why he didn't answer his phone," Zack said pointing to the headphones. "You wait here and I'll go talk to Mark." Justin nodded and looked around the room in the gloom and leaned against the closet door.

Jamie finished in the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. His black eye was only slightly bruised now, but his lip was still healing. Why?' he asked himself for the hundredth time. Am I such a bad person? What did I do that made him do that? I can't love anybody ever again.' He knew in his heart it wasn't true but his brain kept the thought and wouldn't let it go. His self worth was seriously scarred by what had been done to him. His thoughts swirled. There was another that he could love but his mind would never let it be. Jamie sighed, brushed his teeth and left the bathroom. He stopped at the water fountain, took a drink then went in his room.

Justin was deep in his own thoughts trying to sort his feelings. Fragments of conversations from the last two weeks came and went: What are your intentions, Justin?' Your heart's in the right place.' Maybe the best thing you can do is support him from a distance right now.' Justin, you're a sweet guy.' `It might be best for both of you to let him go.'

Justin was so tuned out that he didn't hear Jamie come in the room at first. Jamie didn't notice Justin by the closet and put his towel on the door rack. Justin snapped out of his thoughts, saw Jamie and smiled with relief. He took a step forward, put his hand on Jamie's shoulder and quietly said his name.

Jamie's reaction was instant and intense and took Justin completely by surprise. "NO!" Jamie screamed. "Leave me alone, please don't hurt me, go away!" he yelled. Jamie swung around hitting Justin in the shoulder and pushing him away. He fell to his knees and quickly crawled away from Justin to a corner of the room where he curled up in a ball. Through heaving sobs all Justin heard was, "No, please not again" over and over.

Justin took a step toward Jamie as Zack came back in the room.

"What the fuck!?" he yelled as he went over to Jamie. "What did you do to him?"

Justin was speechless. He just stood there shaking his head. Zack tried to get Jamie to get up on the bed but he wouldn't move. He kept crying and mumbling curled up in a fetal position. Zack sighed deeply and looked back up at Justin. He saw that the singer's eyes were watery with unshed tears. He looked very pale in the dim light. "Justin, please, I'm sorry. I need you, Jamie needs you right now. I'm sorry I yelled at you."

That brought Justin back around and he knelt to help Zack pull Jamie out from the corner and put him on the bed. "It's ok, Zack, I thought that I'd really hurt him or something. Is he gonna be alright?"

"Don't know. Looks like a delayed reaction, probably from the stress from the dance. The doctor said it could happen and he needed to take it easy."

They sat with Jamie for an hour or so and he wasn't getting any better. "I think we should get him to the hospital, Justin. I've seen something like this before, I think he's having a nervous breakdown. Some kid last year had one just before finals and it looked just like this."

"Ok, let's go." They gently lifted Jamie and carried him down to the car and headed for the hospital.

They had been sitting in the waiting room for what seemed like hours. Zack had fallen asleep, but Justin was too worried. He glanced at the clock on the wall and saw it was just past 3 am. He decided to pace, it helped him to think and not worry. He caught sight of a nurse on his fourth circuit of the room and asked her about Jamie.

"Well, he talked to the doctor briefly. He's been sedated for the night and should wake up in the morning. Then we'll know how he's doing. You can see him then."

"Thank you," Justin sighed. The nurse smiled, patted his arm and continued on her rounds.

Justin paced the early morning away. At 5 am he started to get hungry and decided to head to the cafeteria. On the way there he found a chapel and went in. Kneeling in a pew he started praying. He prayed for Jamie's health and quick recovery adding a little thought to his mom and finally himself. He bowed his head on his clasped hands and promptly fell asleep.

Something woke Zack up when he saw dawn creeping into the waiting room windows. Scratching his head he saw it was 6 am. He looked around for Justin and didn't find him right away. He went to the cafeteria and bought a coffee and drank it in silence. On his way back to the waiting room he noticed the chapel. He quietly went in and saw Justin sleeping on the back of the front pew.

Zack smiled to himself thinking of Justin falling asleep while praying. He sat in the back of the chapel, said a small prayer himself and started dozing.

They were both woken up by a ringing of Justin's cell phone. Justin moaned as he stretched his neck. He got his phone and answered it.

"Hey, Scoop. No, we're at the hospital." Justin held the phone away from his ear, wincing. "Hey, Lance, calm down. Hi, JC. Zack's in the waiting room." He paused. "The Chapel." Another pause. "Jamie had some sort of nervous breakdown." A longer pause. "We'll know when he wakes up."

Justin leaned back and sighed. Zack couldn't hear the other side of the conversation but he could tell Justin was getting a load of advice from JC. All Justin was saying was, yes, no, uh huh, ok. It sounded like a typical conversation between and son and his parents.

"Yes JC, I know, you've told me. I'll call you later, bye." Justin clipped the phone to his belt and stood. He saw Zack as he turned. "Oh, hey, I didn't know you were here."

"I came in and saw you were asleep. So I sat down and dozed off too." Zack said as he joined Justin.

Justin nodded. "Ok, let's go see Jamie."

"Wait, Justin." Zack grabbed his arm. "Do you like Jamie?"

Justin's eyes widened before looked down at his hands. "Ya, sure I think he's a great guy."

"No, you know what I mean. Do you -like- Jamie. Do you love him Justin?"


There's the latest. I know it came a little short... but I like where this ended. ::smiles cruelly::

If there's anything anyone would like to see or have an idea about anything please let me know.

Take care,

Jim bangoremail@aol.com

Next: Chapter 7

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