Jamies Romance

By Jim Higgins

Published on Oct 28, 2001


Greetings everyone,

As always, thanks to everyone who's written. I appreciate all your thoughts and suggestions. A special thanks to Sam for his help in being a sounding board for a part of this chapter. To all the other authors, a big hello!

I just checked the site and went to the voting area for the awards. (Yes you can vote now even thought it doesn't say so... so go vote for your favorites!) I can't believe that this story is up for 11 awards!!! 11... holy cow! For those of you who nominated me for Funniest Moment and Biggest Surprise.. could you mail me what you thought so I can see... the voting form doesn't supply those details. Thanks!

And thank you for the one nomination for Lance's Story (Most anticipated couple: Lance and JC) I appreciate that nomination just as much.

So here's the next chapter... the wedding looms closer. Who's having cold feet? How's the planning going? Will Carson ever get fired? (ok, wishful thinking there, but I'm sure they could find somebody better for his job... maybe Brian McFayden... he's definitely better looking ::smirk::)

As usual: This story is purely fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of 'N Sync or anyone associated with their organization. It is meant for those over the age of 18 only and those who wish to read stories with sexual content.

Dream A Little Dream Of Me

"Stars shining bright above you

Night breezes seem to whisper 'I love you'

Birds singing in the sycamore tree

Dream a little dream of me

Say 'Nightie night' and kiss me

Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me

While I'm alone and blue as can be

Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading but I linger on, dear

Still craving your kiss

I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear

Just saying this

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you

Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you

But in your dreams whatever they be

Dream a little dream of me"

-Gus Kahn/Wilbur Schwandt/Fabian Andree: 1931

"I'm glad you guys had the time to stop by."

"Aw, Johnny, we'd always make time for you," Justin said smiling.

"Keep trying to charm me, Timberlake. Some day you might be successful."

Jamie smiled at Johnny. "Is everything ok?"

Justin immediately picked up on Jamie's vibe. "What's up? I still have the time off for the honeymoon, right?" His tone took on an edge near the end of his question.

Johnny put out his hands and waved them. "Down boy. You still have the time. You don't have to be back in Orlando until Friday the 4th. That's almost two weeks."

Justin nodded with a relieved sigh. "Good."

"Care to fill everyone in on what you've got planned?"

Justin smiled. "Good try, but it's a surprise."

"Fine. Be that way!" Johnny said with a laugh. "Now, I need to talk to you about a few things. What do you want first the good or the bad?"

Justin tensed in his chair. "I knew it..." he began until Jamie put a hand on his forearm.

"Give us the bad first." Justin calmed at Jamie's touch but he was still fuming underneath.

"I hate to tell you this, but the record company wants all you boys out in LA next week to tape the Nickelodeon thing and redo some tracks." Johnny winced waiting for Justin's reaction. Jamie looked at Justin and bit his lip.

"No WAY!" Justin yelled. "We're going to Maine and finish the wedding planning."

"I'm sorry. My hands are tied. It was either that or they'd have you cut your honeymoon short by four days. I really tried, kiddo."

"God dammit!" Justin barked. "I can't let Jamie do it all by himself."

Jamie watched Justin carefully. He looked upset and close to tears. Jamie knew that their wedding was -very- important to Justin. "They don't need me, do they, Johnny?"

"You weren't mentioned at all, so you're free."

"Well, that settles it then. Justin, you go to LA and I'll head to Maine that way both things get done."

"No, no, no..." Justin said over and over.

Jamie grabbed his shaking head in one gentle hand. "You have a job to do and I want you to do it. I'll be fine. My family is there helping."

Justin sighed. "It's just not fair to you."

Jamie smiled. "We're getting married. It doesn't matter."

Justin nodded reluctantly and held Jamie's hand. "What's the good news?" he asked without breaking his gaze from Jamie's.

Johnny smiled and sighed with relief that a major fight had been averted. "Jamie, what are you doing this summer?"

Jamie looked over to Johnny and shrugged. "I thought I'd be playing groupie for a couple of months. Why?"

"Well, we're losing a band member or two and Kevin wants to move back to keyboards. We'd like you to be in the band permanently."

Jamie's jaw dropped open then a big grin broke out on his face. He glanced over to Justin to see the same reaction. "I... well, I'd be happy to accept."

"Good. There are a few stipulations, though."

"Stipulations?" Justin asked becoming suspicious.

"Yes. You'll get any time off you need because of school, of course, which shouldn't be a problem since we aren't planning on doing a Fall leg. You'll have to ride in one of the NSync busses. Saves space, you know. And you'll just have to rough it and share all hotel rooms with gruesome over there."

"Johnny, I could kiss you!" Jamie said happily.

"Hell, I -will- kiss him," Justin said. He jumped up and ran around the desk and planted one on Johnny's forehead.

"Does this make up for my bad news?"

Justin nodded happily. "Sure does. Guess I don't have to fire you now."

"Damn!" Johnny said with a broad smile.

"You're being real secretive about something."

Jamie looked up from his laptop and smiled at Lance sitting next to him then across the room to Justin. "What makes you say that?" he asked innocently as he shut it off and put it aside.

"You and Scoop have had your heads together the last few days about something," Justin accused.

"You afraid we're having an affair, not-so-Curly?" Lance and the guys used every opportunity to kid Justin on his decision to keep his head shaved.

"I can personally vouch for Lance's whereabouts every night this last week," JC laughed as he handed Lance a beer and sat next to him.

"Well?" Justin asked, raising one eyebrow at Jamie.

"You have your secrets and I have mine," Jamie answered simply.

Justin smiled. "Ok, I give up. Come 'ere."

Jamie smiled and went and sat in Justin's lap. Justin laced his arms around Jamie's waist and kissed his neck. "So what's the schedule?"

Lance smiled sadly at the couple. "We leave this Friday for LA. Saturday is the Nickelodeon awards, then we spend the week there taping some things and remixing some of the tracks. Then we all head to Maine on the red-eye, getting into Bangor at 8 in the morning the day before the wedding."

"Joey's gonna just love that!" JC laughed.

"Couldn't be helped," Lance chuckled.

"Who'll be with you?" Jamie asked.

Lance thought a second while checking his palm pilot. "The five of us, Steve, Dani and Britney. Chris' mom will be catching the connection in New York with Wade."

"Is everything all set with the planes for the rest of the weekend?" Justin asked.

Lance nodded. "We have a pair of private jets making two trips each on Saturday morning to get everybody there, direct from JFK to Bangor. Some people are renting their own which makes it easier on us. The jets will make a few trips Saturday night and again on Sunday depending on schedules."

Jamie nodded. "That was a great idea you had, Lance. Makes it easier for a large group of famous people to get into Bangor without much hassle."

Lance nodded. "I can't take the whole credit for that one. Mel came up with the basic idea."

"I'm telling you, Lance would never set up a schedule like that," Joey was saying to Chris as they came through the front door.

"Let's ask him. Scoop did you arrange it so that we're flying overnight to Maine next week?"

Lance shook his head. "Nope, I'd never do a thing like that."

"See?!" Joey said emphatically.

"But we -are- doing it, right?" Chris questioned, sure he knew the answer.

"Yup," Lance answered. Joey just looked at Lance shocked. "The label set it up, Joe. And if anything happens with Kelly they'll have one of the company jets ready to take you right to Orlando or wherever she happens to be at the time."

Joey smiled and nodded. "Well, at least we got that much."

Justin kissed Jamie again, letting his lips linger. "You are so nice and warm." He snuggled against Jamie's side.

"You are too. Did you turn the AC on full blast again?"

Justin giggled. "No." He pressed his face into Jamie's neck and shoulder, kissing and licking the sensitive skin. Jamie moaned in appreciation.

"What time's your flight?"

"It takes off at Noon."

Jamie sighed and rubbed his cheek against Justin's head but remained silent.

"Please don't be sad, sweet pea."

"I know we have to expect being apart sometimes. I'm just a wuss about these things."

Justin smiled and rubbed Jamie's cheek with his fingertips. "I'm the same way, honestly." He kissed Jamie again, a soft, lingering meeting of lips. "You know, there is one good thing about being away from each other."

"There is?" Jamie giggled.

"Yup," Justin laughed and kissed Jamie's chin. His expression got completely serious and his gaze never left Jamie's eyes. "When I see you, I fall in love all over again."

Jamie's eyes filled with tears and he forcefully kissed Justin. Justin moaned as Jamie's tongue took over his mouth. They didn't know how long they stayed that way until they were interrupted by the phone.

Justin answered it with a grunt. "This had better be good!"

"Nice to talk to you, too, Curly," Joey's happy voice answered.

"What is it, Joe?" Justin stifled a moan as Jamie licked around his ear.

"Just wanted you to know that we'll come and get you in exactly two hours."

"Ok, I'll be ready." Justin gasped loudly as Jamie reached down and grasped his rapidly growing penis.

"You have fun, buddy. Bye." Joey hung up with a snicker.

Justin dropped the phone and rolled on top of Jamie. With a smirk he bent down and started nibbling on Jamie's neck, making him squirm. When Jamie was panting and shivering Justin stopped.

"Last night wasn't enough?" he smiled innocently then continued nibbling on Jamie's neck.

"Can... never... get... enough..." Jamie panted.

"That's the right answer. DING DING!" Justin said with a laugh. "For that you get the grand prize." Before Jamie could even respond Justin had moved and taken his half erect member into his mouth. He sucked forcefully feeling Jamie harden.

"Oh, baby," Jamie groaned. He reached down and pulled on Justin's ankle, swinging them both into a sixty-nine. The taste of Justin's leaky member against his tongue made Jamie swoon.

They were unrushed and gentle, slowly giving each other pleasure. Their moaning increased in frequency and volume as their excitement grew.

"Justin..." Jamie panted while licking around Justin's head. "I'm close."

Justin groaned and sucked harder making Jamie cry out. In a lust filled haze, he swallowed Justin down deep into his throat. Justin squealed a little and thrust his hips gently back and forth.

Their two free hands met and their fingers interlocked forcefully as they started shooting. All they could hear were each other's moans as they swallowed repeatedly. They continued gently sucking as they both softened.

Taking deep breaths, Justin reversed position and pulled Jamie into his arms. "I love you so much."

Jamie purred into Justin's neck and stroked his shoulder. "I love you, too."

They lay together, quietly petting and kissing each other, enjoying being close.

After a few minutes Justin leaned up on one elbow. "Are you hungry?"

Jamie looked up at Justin and smiled. "Sorta."

"Let's take a shower and get something to eat."

"Just a few questions, Mr. Campbell."

"Certainly, your honor." Jamie sat uneasily in the tidy office facing the elderly judge. The only other people in the room were a court reporter and the lawyer that Johnny had assigned to help Jamie.

"Just for the record your current name is Jameson Jefferson Campbell and you'd like to change your last name to Campbell-Timberlake?"

"That's correct, sir."

"And what is the reason for your request?"

"I'm getting married next week and want to take my partner's last name as part of my own."

The judge nodded solemnly as he shuffled the papers and checked all the forms. "Let the record show that Mr. Campbell has filed all the required forms as required by New York State law. Son, you realize that this isn't something that should be taken lightly?"

"I do, your honor. It's very important to me to do this."

"It's highly unusual for the groom to change his name in this fashion, but not unheard of."

Jamie looked quickly to the lawyer with a question in his eyes. The lawyer soothed Jamie with a negating gesture advising him to let it pass. "No..." Jamie said faintly looking back at the judge.


"I'm sorry, sir. I just don't want there to be a misunderstanding. I'm not going to be a groom, really."

"But didn't you just say you were getting married?"

"I am, yes. I'm getting married to my -boyfriend-."

"Ah, I see. What they call a commitment ceremony?"

Jamie couldn't read what the man across the desk from him was thinking. He hoped that his thoughts on homosexuality wouldn't stop him from approving the petition. "Yes, sir."

The judge nodded again and put the papers back into a neat pile. Taking a pen he signed the top form. "Well, then there's nothing left for me to do..." Jamie's heart was in his throat. "... but to approve your petition. Take this folder to the clerk down the hall and she'll supply you with a copy of my order."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir!" Jamie said enthusiastically. Jamie stood as the judge did and shook his hand.

"Just one word of advice, my young friend, that 40 years of marriage taught me. Always listen to each other."

"Yes, thank you again, your honor." Jamie took the file and left the room.

"Very nice boy," the judge remarked to the clerk who was packing up her machine. "Reminds me of my grandson."

"Penny for your thoughts, or are they worth that much anymore?" Chris joked.

"They, my friend, are worth more than you can afford." Justin slapped Chris' leg playfully and moved to let him sit next to him on the bench seat.

"What's on your mind? Something bothering you?"

"What makes you think there's something bothering me?"

"Well, one you're sitting here all alone with a real blank look on your face. Two, your left leg is going a mile a minute." Chris pointed to Justin's leg jiggling up and down which Justin stopped immediately. "And three you're chewing the hell out of your thumbnail."

Justin sighed. "Ok, busted."

"What's up?" Chris tried again.

Justin exhaled loudly and turned to look at Chris. The intent expression almost had Chris backing up. Justin held his gaze for a long minute then looked down at his hands. "How do I know I'm doing the right thing?"

Chris smiled, glad that this was what was bothering the youngest NSyncer. "Do you remember when we first sat down and were deciding whether to sign our first contract or not?"

Justin nodded. "Ya, but what's that got to do..."

Chris held his hand out stopping him. "Let me finish and you'll see. Who was the one that was biting their thumbnail over it?"

"You. You were," Justin said with a smile. "You wanted to be sure it was what we all wanted and would be the right thing to do."


"And your point is?"

Chris sighed. "Youngsters!" he said shaking his head. "When we decided to dump Lou and fire Transcon, how did you feel?"

Justin shrugged. "Anxious... scared..." he trailed off. "We all felt that way."

"I think you see my point. No big decision is ever made without some of those feelings."

Justin smirked. "But aren't I supposed to be more sure about something like this. It's not like I haven't had time to think it over."

Chris put his arm around Justin's shoulder. "You aren't feeling anything different from anyone else that's ever gotten married."

Justin nodded. "Ya, I guess so. I just keep wondering if this is what we both want and if it's best for him and me."

"Ah, grasshopper, you have much to learn," Chris said. "Take my advice, it's the best thing for both of you. I feel it down deep, we all do." He paused and looked at Justin. "I know this is really your first real love. Is that bothering you?"

"No... yes... no..." Justin sighed. "Maybe."

Chris smiled. "Let me ask you this. Have you always done what in your heart you felt was right?"

"Always. From singing and any auditions, the Mouse Club and then your phone call."

"And it's always worked out for the best?"


"Do you remember when we were negotiating that contract with Lou and I was being a little hesitant about it all?" Justin nodded. "What did you tell me then?"

Justin thought back almost 6 years to the beginning of the group. "I don't really remember," he said slowly. "The only thing I do remember was how happy we were when we finally signed the agreement. I remember feeling happy and sad at the same time. Does that make sense?"

"Perfect sense. I remember it all like it was yesterday. I may be the oldest but I'm far from feeble minded." They both chuckled. "Just before we decided as a group to sign the contracts you came to me. You said and I quote: 'Chris, there are one or two things I still don't like about it but it's a foot in the door, a chance, maybe our big break. I feel like this is it, we can't pass this up. Whatever comes out of it we'll deal with when the time comes."

Justin smiled. "I remember now."

"You were so sure. Your heart told you it was right and you went for it head first and were the first to sign on the dotted line. Justin, you've been the heart of this group ever since." Justin looked to Chris a tear in his eye. "And your heart has never been wrong."

Justin smiled and leaned into Chris. "I love him so much."

"I know you do, kiddo, and he loves you just as much. Why, I'll never figure out."

"Hey!" Justin poked Chris in the side and laughed. He stared ahead for a minute then beamed. "I'm gonna be married in a few days!" He looked over at Chris who was smiling back.

"And how do you feel about that?"

"Scared but sooo happy."

"Sounds about right to me. Come on, let's get this thing done." Chris stood and Justin followed him into the control booth. Justin couldn't erase the smile from his face for the rest of the day.

"Ok, what else is there?" Pat asked.

Jamie looked up from the diagram he'd been working on for the past two hours. "I think this is it."

Pat looked over her son's shoulder at the seating assignments. "That looks great. You've mixed up the family tables with the celebrities so that they'll mingle more."

Jamie nodded. "Well that's done." He got up and went to one of the white boards placed around the dining room and crossed off 'reception seating plan.' The boards all held tasks that needed to be done, many of them crossed off. Jamie sat back down with a sigh and rubbed his eyes.

"You need to take a break," his mother advised.

"I'm fine," Jamie replied absently, going over his own list again. Pat slapped his hand away and he realized he was chewing on a nail.

"No, you're worn out. You've been working on this for the last three days from sunup to midnight." She paused and looked at her son closely. "Are you ok?"

Jamie smiled at his mother. "A little nervous, I guess."

"Not having any second thoughts?"

"No, none at all. I'm just... I don't know."

"Butterflies in your stomach, your hands shake sometimes, your throat gets dry for no reason?"

"Um... ya, how'd you know?"

"You're just nervous and anxious about Saturday, that's all."

"I guess I'm not the first or last to feel this way, huh?" His mother shook her head 'no' and ran her fingers through his hair. "Any advice on how to deal with it?"

"Maybe. Take some time off and get your mind off everything. Take your brother and get away this afternoon."

Jamie yawned widely.

"That's a direct order."

Jamie smiled. "Yes, mother," he said sarcastically. "I think I'll take a nap. First I want to check up on the contractor and then call Justin.

Phil burst into the room and ran up to one of the boards. He took the marker and crossed off three items. "There, all set!"

Pat looked at Jamie with raised eyebrows. "See? All under control. There's nothing here that you need to do until you pick them up at the airport tomorrow."

Jamie nodded. "Hey, Phil... how about we go for a ride in about an hour or so?"

"Sure, sounds fine!"

"This is John Norris, with MTV News. This is the lull before the Pop storm before the kick off of several major American tours. The TRL tour featuring Destiny's Child, Dream, Jessica Simpson and 3LW has finalized all their dates and will hit a town near you. The Backstreet Boys are taking a short break before they head out on the next leg of the Black and Blue tour while all eyes are on Madonna to see what will happen for her first tour in five years.

NSync has finalized all their dates, starting just a little later than originally planned on May 23rd. The tour, called the Pop Odyssey Tour, will feature old favorites and include new cuts from their yet to be released album, Celebrity. JC Chasez had this to say:"

'We wanted to do something for our die-hard

fans and we'll be previewing some cuts from

the new record during the tour. This will be

the first time anyone outside of the studio

will hear these tunes before Celebrity is


"Celebrity is due to be released on July 24th. In related news, NSync member Justin Timberlake will officially tie the knot this weekend. He and his partner, Jamie Campbell, will be joined in a private commitment ceremony in an undisclosed location. Justin has promised us a peak into the ceremony later next week. Back to you Carson."

"Thanks, John. Sounds like quite a party will be brewing there if I know those NSync guys."

"I'm sure it will be."

"Ok, now to our number five video today..."

"I miss you, you know that?"

Jamie yawned again. "I miss you, too."

"You sound tired."

"I've been real busy here getting ready."

"Anything I can do from here?"

"Well, just about everything's done. Flowers, church, caterer... you name it, I've talked to them."

"I wish I was there to help."

"I just wish you were here," Jamie sighed. "It's hard sleeping without you next to me."

"Tell me about it. I actually asked Joey to lay down beside me last night because I couldn't fall asleep. I haven't done that since we were in Europe ages ago."

"So how's the recording coming?"

"Just about done. Just another hour or so then we're free and it's up to the label to pick the twelve."

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow."

"Same here. I guess it will be a busy day, huh?

"Just last minute checking. Did you pick up the rings?"

"Have them in my hot little hands. They're beautiful, you'll be very pleased. The jeweler said he made them just a little larger than what they measured to be sure they fit for the ceremony. If they need to be adjusted then they'll do it for free right at either the Orlando or New York store."

"Great." Jamie yawned again.

"You should take a nap."

"That's the plan as soon as I finish talking to you, but I don't want to hang up."

"You in your room?"


"Go ahead and lay down and get comfortable." Jamie did as Justin asked. "Ok, close your eyes and relax."

Jamie let the stress of the last week wash from him as he let Justin's voice soothe him.

"I say I'll move the mountains

And I'll move the mountains

If he wants them out of the way

Crazy he calls me

Sure I'm crazy

Crazy in love I'd say."

Jamie sighed in appreciation, recognizing the song and loving the fact that Justin had learned it to sing to him. He snuggled into his pillow and held the phone tightly to his ear.

"I say I'll go through fire

And I'll go through fire

As he wants it, so it shall be

Crazy he calls me

Sure I'm crazy

Crazy in love, you see.

Like the wind that shakes the bough

He moves me with a smile

The difficult I'll do right now

The impossible will take a little while.

I say I'll care forever

And I mean forever

If I have to hold up the sky

Crazy he calls me

Sure I'm crazy

Crazy in love am I."

A gentle snore let Justin know that Jamie had fallen asleep. With a happy smile he hung up his phone and went back into the recording booth.

Jamie pulled Justin through the nearest door and he found himself in a large closet.

"What are we doing in here?"

"Getting some privacy," Jamie said urgently before pushing Justin up against the door. He kissed him forcefully, sucking his lower lip into his mouth. "You want to leave?" he asked with a smile.

Justin's breathing had deepened with the kiss and his mind was swirling with desire. "No way." He took Jamie's head in his hands and kissed him back. "God, I've missed this."

"Same here. I think it's some kind of conspiracy to not let us get a minute alone with each other."

"Speaking of that, where are we sleeping tonight?"

"At the camp, I think. My Mom's got all those details written down."

"Good." Justin bent forward and sucked on Jamie's lips, drawing Jamie's tongue out of his mouth. One hand remained in his hair while the other wound itself under Jamie's shirt and up on his back.

Jamie sighed as he melted against Justin. Any last minute doubts were wiped away with the warmth of Justin's embrace.

"Here they are," Phil announced as he flung open the door.

"Come on you two, it's lunch time," Chris chided. "Joey is hungry and you know how he gets if we don't feed him."

They heard a 'Hey!' from across the house.

"They're really gonna be pissed, you know?" Lance asked.

Phil nodded. "I know but tradition is tradition."

"There is nothing traditional about this wedding," Joey pointed out.

"Ok, let me put it this way. If I'm not getting any tonight then neither is Jamie." Phil stood firm with his arms crossed as Lance and Joey chuckled. Wade blushed from beside them.

They were looking at the couple snuggled up together on the couch, sleeping peacefully. Every so often one would shift a little and the other would move with him. They watched as Jamie stretched and wrapped an arm around Justin's waist, his cheek pressed against Justin's chest. Steve filmed it all from across the room.

"They both look so peaceful," JC commented, handing Lance a Coke.

"So what's this about tradition?" Chris asked, munching on some carrots.

"They have to sleep apart tonight. You know, being bad luck to see each other before the ceremony and all," Lance answered wistfully as he glanced at JC.

"I'm not telling them," Chris said backing away. "I may be the crazy one, but I'm not stupid."

Dan joined them and was scratching his chin. "Isn't that kinda mean? They haven't seen each other in a week."

"It will make the wedding night all that much more memorable," JC said suddenly, then blushed at what he was implying. They all chuckled.

"Who wants to wake them?" Lance asked. "It's time to get ready for the rehearsal."

Just then Lynn and Pat descended on the group. "What are you guys doing just standing around?" Lynn asked.

"It's time to get ready for the rehearsal, so scoot!" Pat added.

"I'll go wake the sleepy heads," Lynn offered.

"Dodged that bullet," Joey joked.

Jamie closed his eyes and sighed in relief as Justin gently kneaded his shoulders. "Now this is heaven."

Justin bent and kissed the side of his head and sat next to him at the table. Jamie looked around at the wedding party and their parents gathered around them. The day had been full and busy up to the rehearsal which went without a flaw.

Jamie caught everyone's attention. "I bet you're all wondering why we've asked you here this weekend," he joked. Everyone laughed and some crunched up napkins came his way.

"Jamie and I love you all and want to thank you for all your help this last week. Without you we both would've been basket cases." There was more laughter.

"To Justin and Jamie," Lance toasted. Everyone took up the toast and the servers brought out plate after plate of food. They had chosen to go out instead of having to cook for the dinner and the Campbell family's favorite Chinese restaurant was a good decision. They all ate their fill and drank until they were giggling in their chairs.

"Ok, let's get out of here, I'm exhausted," Jamie yawned.

"What? No bachelor party?" Dan asked.

"No!" Justin said emphatically with a large grin on his face.

"Why not?" Dan asked with a smirk.

"Because we don't trust these jokers," Jamie answered with another yawn. "What time is it anyway?"

Phil checked his watch. "Almost 11:00."

Everyone stood and started saying goodbye as they headed out to the parking lot. Pat took charge sending people on their separate ways.

"Ok, here's the sleeping arrangements for the wedding party. Dani, Britney, Kelly and the Fatones are at Aunt Tina's. Jamie you get your room, Wade you can have the guest room and Zack and Paul the den at the house. Justin, you, Steve and the guys are at the camp. Do you mind taking them, Dan?"

"No, Ma, not at all."

"Wait!" Jamie called, "I'm going to the camp too."

"No, you're not," Phil snickered.

Justin stood, his mouth open, looking from person to person. "I... I..." was all he said.

Pat looked at her son with bright eyes. "You did know it was unlucky to see each other after midnight until the ceremony, right?"

"But... but..." Jamie looked lost and like he wanted to cry.

"Let's all get back to the house so everyone can get their stuff," Dan said putting one arm around Jamie's shoulder. "Come on, little bro." He hooked his other arm around Justin's neck and pulled them both along.

"That's just so mean," Janine remarked as she got in the van with her parents, helping Kelly into the back.

"But it -is- tradition. Your mother and I had to do it," Joe Fatone said with a chuckle.

Justin held Jamie as they sat on the back porch steps, keeping him warm in the cool April night. Jamie was clutching Justin almost possessively.

"Let's run away," Jamie sighed. "Far away where nobody knows who we are."

Justin chuckled. "As tempting as that sounds, I think everyone would be really pissed at us."

Jamie nodded. "I guess you're right. Besides, where can we go that nobody would know you?"

"Oh, I can think of a few places." Justin pressed his face into Jamie's neck and gently kissed him. "Can I see it?"

"I'm not that kind of guy, Mr. Timberlake. We're not even married yet!" Jamie kidded.

Justin teasingly bit his earlobe. "You know what I mean."

Jamie pulled got his wallet from his pocket and pulled out his driver's license. Justin grinned when he saw Jamie's smile on the New York State ID. His grin got even wider when he saw the name: Jameson J. Campbell-Timberlake.

They sat and held each other for awhile longer. Eventually JC tapped Justin on the shoulder. "Time to head out, Justin. It's ten to midnight." Justin nodded in response and kissed Jamie's forehead.

"Jamie, got extra space in your room?" Lance asked.

Jamie smiled. "For you, sure."


Lance turned to JC and cupped his cheek. "Josh, I figured I'd stay with Jamie tonight. It's not fair that we get to stay together if none of the other unmarried couples do. Besides, I think it's my place since I'm standing with him tomorrow."

JC hugged Lance and kissed him deeply. "Another reason why I love you."

Justin grinned at Lance in gratitude then dragged Jamie to his feet. "Until tomorrow then." They came together and kissed in the moonlight.

"I'll be dreaming of you," Jamie answered.


There's the latest. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Notes: Dream A Little Dream - an old song that became a #1 hit of the

Mamas and the Papas in 1968. Crazy He Calls Me - Carl Sigman/Sidney Russell: 1949

(I've put it in the briefcase)

Jim bangoremail1@yahoo.com AIM: bangoremail http://briefcase.yahoo.com/bangoremail1

Next: Chapter 73: You Are Mine at Last

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