Janets Coming out "TG" Fiction

By K Roraus

Published on Jul 10, 2007



It all started innocently enough. I was surfing the web looking for decent Transgendered shopping sites when I came across an ad that caught my eye.

"Feel like a complete woman inside and out".

My curiousity being piqued I decided to click on the link. I landed on a site called Body by Katherine that offered the standard fare of CD prosthetics and was about to leave the site when I scrolled over a hidden button and the pop up read "enter if you dare". Being a reformed Warez hacker I recognized the portal for what it was and clicked on it.

Imagine my suprise when I read the following ad.

"Ever thought about what it would be like to take a man like a GG?" "Ever wondered what it was really like to have your own set of "real" DD's?" "Well, wonder no more because you have found what EVERY CD seeks, the ability to appear genetically female inside and out".

Now, I have been around the internet for over a decade and can sniff out the bullshit from the roses and something about this ad smelled genuine so I clicked the product page and almost fell off my chair in amazement at the before and after pics of their clients.

For each client there were three pics, a before..a during..and an after. The first showing them as their genetic male self, the second showing them donning the prosthetics and the third showed their nude form after donning the products appearing 100% female.

Upon perusing the products a little closer I found the small print "Caution: May lead to fully female sensations" Hell, isn't that what we all seek?

Digging into my wallet I found my Platinum Mastercard and was determined to spend the limit on it if the product really worked as it was advertised. Besides, there is always an implied 30 day money back guarantee if not fully satisfied.

After filling in the CC info I noticed an area that asks for your "perfect measurements" so, on a whim I type in 40D-32-36 and don't give it anymore thought and click send.

Approximately 3 days later FedEx knocked on my door with a Legal by Letter box in plain brown wrap. Trying not to appear too anxious I sign the form w/a shaking hand and hurry off to the bedroom to unwrap my new presents.

Inside the box wrapped in delicate pink tissue paper is a set of D Latex falsies and a Latex vagina gaffe along with a black lace 40D demi cup bra and matching thong panties and a "care and feeding"(ie.instruction) manual.

Not wanting to waste too much time I skim through the manual for the basics.

It reads: "To get the full effect from this product, first attach the self adhering Latex breasts to a shaven chest and put on the lovely black bra". "Next attach the vagina gaffe and cover that w/the matching black lace thong." "You will feel a sensation of the items molding to your skin, don't be alarmed as this is normal." "After 10 mins you will be able to remove the lingerie and have the total outward and inward appearance of a genetic female and be able to enjoy all the sensations of such."

"CAUTION: These effects will last for 8 consecutive hours so do not don the garments unless you have 8 hrs to be female. Enjoy!!!! "

"Katherine :-)"

Being as how the girlfriend was out of town(she accepts that I am a TG) for the weekend I decided without further ado to give it a go. I mean I did just shell out over a grand on my platinum card that would take me 6 months to pay off for the "realism" of being a girl.

Following the instructions carefully I shaved my chest and decided it was better to be safe than sorry and shaved my genitals too. After a quick rubdown with some moisterizing lotion I gently put the falsies against my chest and felt them "suction" into place. "Wow" I thought, "these have some real weight to them". Being a T-girl for many years it took me all of 10 seconds to fasten the hooks on my new lovely demi bra. Once completed I stepped into the gaffe and inserted my penis into the tube provided for it and slowly drew the thong up my freshly shaven legs adoring the feel of the lace as it slid over my smooth legs.

Setting my digital timer to 10 mins I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes and tried to imagine what would happen. Boy was I in for a shock!! As I lay down I could feel the falsies appear to be growing into my chest and my penis felt like it had shriveled up and inverted itself.

Reaching down between my legs I felt for my "jewels" as mom used to call them and found they had been replaced by my "mons". I almost cried at the sensations I was feeling. Sliding the thin strap of material aside I explored my nether region and found that I had what appeared to be a fully functional vagina complete with a "very" sensitive clit.

Running my hands back up my "slim" (SLIM? WTF) waist and over the cups of my bra I feel my quarter sized nipples stand at attention. Running to grab my cloth tape measure (boy, feel those bounce) I come to find out that I am now a perfect 40D-32-36 (my dream measurements).

Upon reading the instruction manual a little deeper I come to find out it not only feminizes those portions covered by the garments but also gives the rest of the body an overall feminization to complete the look. As a result my arms are more feminine, my voice is three octaves higher and god damn, check out my ass and legs now.

Wanting to get the most out of what I was experiencing, I quickly went to our "toy" drawer and found my adjustable nipple clamps and attached them to my new breasts and almost fell over from the weakness it caused in my legs. Reaching back down between my legs I find that the crotch of my new thong panties has become damp so I pull them off and stick my freshly painted nail inside my new vagina and find that I am as wet as a virgin on her first make out session.

Reaching back into the "toy" drawer I find my 8" Pink Jelly vibrator and decide it is now or never to find out how it really feels to be penetrated as a "woman". As I slowly rub it up and down against my outer labia I can feel myself starting to self lubricate and I slide it in ever so slowly. "OMG" I think to myself as I finally slide all 8" in. "No wonder women moan and groan when getting penetrated". As I slowly turn on the vibe I can feel my thighs start to tremble and my toes start to curl as I am hit by my very first female orgasm that almost makes me pass out.

Not wanting the sensations to stop I turn the vibe on full power and DO pass out. When I come to there is a puddle on our new satin sheets and the smell of my female musk permeates the room. "Gonna have to wash the sheets before the gf gets home" I think to myself or she will think I have been cheating on her...hehehe.

Putting the toys away I find myself getting dressed in the only appropriately fitting clothes I can find for this body, an old sweatsuit I had from my younger days. "Hmmm, I am definitely gonna have to shopping". The main problem arose when I realized all my credit cards have my "male" name on them. Fortunately I have my ex's old wedding band and slip that on my finger and hope that if any of the sales ladies mention the CC I can claim it is my hubby's and I am spending his money.

Heading to the mall I decide to hit all the shops I couldn't buy in in my "normal" self mode (ie. Victoria's Secret, Torrid, Fredricks). 3 hrs later and another grand lighter I find myself heading back to the car with 10 bags of goodies and fortunately there is a young man willing to help a nice lady out to "her" car with them.

After loading up the trunk I slip him 5 bucks and a smile and thank him for his service. He replies "If I can be of service again, don't hesitate to call" and slips me his number. "Holy crap" I think, this 20yr old blonde adonis just hit on me". "Wonder if he realizes I am old enough to be both is "Mother" and Father..hehehe.

Hurrying home I have to do like any woman would and play dress up with my new outfits and make sure I have a clean 1gig memory card on my camera and a full supply of batteries as I am going to be taking a lot of pics to commemorate this occasion.

First comes the basics, bras and matching panties(a girls gotta have matching lingerie). There is a cute yellow satin bra w/matching G-string, a Racy black and red lace set, a silk Hot pink set and a few "everyday wear" cotton sets.

Next comes the mini skirts and tank tops I bought at Torrids along w/fishnet stockings and CFM heels. I also bought some skirt suits and business type attire for when I am feeling "matronly"(like that's gonna happen..lol).

Finally I bring out the bags I have been waiting all day to try on, the "naughty" wear. Laying the items out on the bed I first try on my white wedding set which includes the garter belt, thigh highs and corset complete w/the veil. After a few pics it is time to try on my "Catwoman" suit complete w/mask and damn if I don't look finer than Halle Berry did in it. Last but definitely not least comes the ultimate "Domme" outfit. Black thigh high stilleto boots, black fishnet stockings, a black leather studded corset and matching G-string panty. After another round of photos I put all my new belongings away and settle into a comfy cotton nighty and curl up with a glass of wine and a "chick flick"(hmm, chick flick??).

Awakening the next morning I find myself back to my normal male self curled up with a pillow wearing the new cotton nighty. Wondering if it was all a dream I quickly search my closet and find all the new outfits I bought yesterday. Reaching into the pocket of the sweatsuit I wore yesterday I find the slip of paper with my "Blonde Adonis'" phone number. It reads "If you need any other type of "help", call me...Brad." With a sly smile on my face I decide "what the hell". Slipping into the shower I decide to freshen up and get ready for another day as my new female self. "Crap, I haven't even thought up a good name for myself yet" I sit there thinking as I finger the paper with Brad's number on it.

Being a fan of the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" I think to myself "what the hell, I will be the Janet to his Brad". Drying off from the shower I reach into the back of my lingerie drawer and draw out my new "breasts and vagina" along w/the matching lingerie and get ready to start my transformation from "Jayce" to "Janet".

Setting the timer for 10 mins again I settle my new breasts against my chest and slip into the gaffe and slowly draw the lingerie up my body. This time I am going to watch the transformation in my full length mirror. Gritting my teeth against the shock I know is about to hit my system, I stand in front of the mirror and for the next 10 mins watch as a 275lb man metamorphs into a 135lb svelte woman.

Having set up my video camera prior to donning my "apparel" the camera captures the whole experience as my breasts swell to fill out the cups of my bra and my penis goes from being an outward bulge to a smooth crotch. Upon closer scrutiny I can see what appears to be a wave of energy move from the panties down my legs as they are becoming more slender and feminine. The same wave radiates upwards compressing my rib cage and giving me the "hourglass" shape I asked for. Trying not to blink I watch a similar wave radiate up from the bra slenderizing my shoulders and feminizing my facial features into a softer, more female appearance. At the end of the 10 mins I try out my "new" voice and find it is the same timbre as yesterday and decide it is now or never if I am going to call Brad.

Ring,Ring Ring,Ring "Hello" he says. Feeling like a school girl with her first crush I catch my breath and try to steady my voice. "Hi, it's Janet, we met at the mall yesterday and you helped me with my packages". "Oh, the foxy blonde, I remember you..what can I do for you?" he replies. "Well, I am all alone today as my significant other is out of town and I am bored as shit and looking for something to do" I tell him. "How about we meet for coffee and see what we can get ourselves into" he suggests. Agreeing to meet him for lunch at Starbucks at noon I realize I have two hours to kill so I find my digital camera and take some "Nudie" pics to commemorate my new body in case after the gf comes home I don't get another chance to don my "special" apparel.

After about an hour of screwing around with my camera I realize I had better get ready for my lunch date so I hurry into the closet and have to make one of the hardest decisions of my new female persona. Do I go "Schoolmarm" or "Slut"? Being as how it is lunch at Starbucks I decide to wear one of my new "Matronly(never thought I would have an occasion to wear) outfits consisting of a charcoal pinstriped blazer and skirt with a black lacy cami underneath. For a touch of wickedness I put on a pair of black lacy crotchless panties and matching black garter belt with fishnet thigh highs. Sliding into my 3" stilleto heels I realize I have about 45 mins to get my face done up and get to Starbucks. Using a cross between "daytime" makeup and a touch of "nighttime" makeup techniques I realize I look like a horny businesswoman(just the look I was shooting for).

Slipping the bare essentials(lipstick, compact, blush, brush and cash) into my clutch purse I slip into my convertible and drop the top. Wrapping a scarf around my freshly coiffed hairdo I head to my lunch date with Brad. Arriving fashionably late(5 mins) I park and see Brad standing outside the restaurant in a pair of tan slacks and a matching button down shirt that does nothing to hide his bulging muscles. Thinking wicked thoughts I slide my finger up my inner thigh and find that I am moist at the thought of him. Sliding out of the car I feel the breeze as it passes up my legs and across my vagina sending a shiver down my back.

Crossing the parking lot Brad notices me approaching and a slight smile passes across his lips. "Sorry I am late cutie" I say to which he replies "for you I would wait hours". "Oh really? but we just met yesterday" I reply. "It seems like I have known you for years" he says to me. Linking my arm in his I motion towards the door. "Shall we then?" I ask. "But of course" he replies. After being shown to a table Brad gallantly pulls my chair back for me. Smoothing my skirt down I take the proffered seat and let him slide me to the table. "What a gentleman" I think.

All during the course of lunch we make small talk about ourselves(of course I have to make it up as we go)such as our likes, dislikes, favorite colors, etc. As the afternoon wears on the talk starts taking on sexual innuendos to which I politely blush. "I am sorry, did I offend you?" he asks. "No dear, but I am a happily attached woman" I reply. Thinking he has just struck out with me Brad turns the talk back to mundane things and I realize it is now been two hours that we have been talking and I feel a strange deep connection with this man young enough to be my son. Excusing my self to the restroom I enter a stall and sit down to pee(what a feeling).

As thoughts race through my mind I can't help wondering what the hell is happening to me. I am madly and passionately in love with my girlfriend but this young man is really making my juices flow.

Returning to the table I note the time and tell Brad how much I have enjoyed his company but I have a few errands to run. He replies "I have immensely enjoyed our date and have never met a woman like you(ain't that the truth)". He then asks if I have any plans for dinner to which I reply "not at the moment". He asks if he can take me to dinner "say around 7?". "Ok" I reply. "Is there a dress code where we are going?" I ask. "Just look sexy" he replies. Handing him a slip of paper with my address on it I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug. Prolonging the hug for a few seconds I feel his hand slide down the small of my back and lightly cup my ass. Feeling my legs get weak I quickly break the hug before I do anything I might regret and say "see you at 7" and hurry off to my car.

Returning home I quickly strip off my conservative outfit down to my naughties and reach for my adjustable nipple clamps and 8" jelly vibe and flop onto the bed. Running my hands down my slim belly my manicured fingernail finds my wet pussy and pulling the lips aside I lightly run the nail over my engorged clit and feel delicious shivers overtake my body. Letting the first orgasm wash over me I reach for the clamps and put them on light tension and attach them to my already hard nipples. Feeling the next wave washing over me I turn on my vibe to a low buzz and slowly insert it as far as it will go inside my already soaking pussy. As my breath quickens and my pulse rate soars I slowly tighten the clamps to maximum tension and turn the vibe to full speed and let out a high pitched scream as I come to full orgasm and pass out for what feels like hours but in reality is only 5 mins.

After regaining consciousness, I decide to draw a bubble bath and light a few candles in the bathroom. Turning on some light Jazz I lay down in the garden tub for a leisurely soak. An hour later the alarm goes off waking me from my soak I slowly draw myself out of the tub and give myself a thorough cleaning both inside and out(just in case I feel wicked). wrapping a stiff terry cloth towel around myself I feel my nipples harden and have to focus all my attention not to play with myself again. Realizing I still have three hrs until our dinner date I head off to the nail salon to get a manicure and pedicure. Emerging from the nail salon I head to the Beauty salon for a completely new look. After about an hour in the chair I am handed a mirror and gasp in shock as my new look is revealed. Staring back at me in the mirror is a blonde bombshell with shoulder length feathered hair, delicately shaped eyebrows and the sluttiest makeup job I have ever seen on a woman. Hurrying home I take my time picking out just the right outfit for my first dinner date as a woman.

Looking and feeling wicked I reach into my closet and pull out my "domme" outfit and a matching black leather mini skirt. Pulling the G-string up my smooth legs and settling it comfortably into the crack of my ass, I gently draw up the fishnet stockings and attach them to a black leather garter belt. Slipping my black leather studded corset around my torso I lean forward and slip my breasts into the cups and do up the front buckles. Taking a very deep breath and letting it out all at once I reach back and draw the rear laces as tight as they will go giving me that perfect hourglass figure I have always dreamed of. Taking a few minutes to let my body get used to the tightness I realize I still have 45 mins till Brad is due to arrive. Looking in my jewelry box I come up with a diamond studded choker and matching teardrop earrings as well as a 3 strand diamond tennis bracelet. "That ought to turn a few heads" I think to myself. Realizing my time is running out I slip the leather mini on and slip into my thigh high boots slowly drawing the zipper up till they are nice and snug. With 15 mins to spare I grab my matching leather bolero jacket(in case it(Brad) is cold) and head to the livingroom for a glass of wine to calm my nerves before my White Knight arrives to take me to dinner.

Finishing my second glass of wine I hear the doorbell ring. Looking at the clock on the wall I see it is 7pm. "Score one for promptness" I think to myself. Sashaying to the door hearing my heels clicking on the tile floor I slowly undo the deadbolt shivering in anticipation of seeing Brad again. Slowly pulling the door open I find Brad standing on my doorstep in a pair of pleated blue pinstriped slacks with a matching blazer covering a silk open collared sky blue shirt. He is holding a dozen roses and doesn't seem to notice the outfit I am wearing until I ask "So, sexy enough for you?". Seeing the reaction in the front of his pants is all the answer I need. As he tries to stammer out an answer I gently push his jaw back into place and invite him in for a few minutes before we are off on our date. "Is this too racy for where we are going" I ask. "If so, I can change back into the outfit I wore earlier". With a deep breath he replies "I am going to be the luckiest man wherever we go tonight because every head will turn and they will all know you are with me". "Whatever you do, don't change" he says. Having loosened up a bit from the wine I give him a flirtatious giggle and say "I am yours for the night stud". Grabbing my clutch purse I offer him my arm and he escorts me out to a waiting black stretch limo (what the hell does this guy do that he can afford a limo?). As the chauffeur opens the door for us I offer him a slight smile and thank him. Smoothing my skirt down I gently slide in and move over to allow Brad in. Being ever the gentleman Brad gets in and sits across from me(all the better to try and get a glimpse up my skirt no doubt..hehehe). As the limo slips into the night I express my delight at riding in a limo for the first time in my life and ask him "so, what does a young man like you do for a living that you can afford a limo?" To which he replies "I inherited some money and made a lot of wise investments in my short life". Not wanting to be nosey I let it slide and enjoy the ride. After about a 30 min. ride we arrive at a private airstrip where there is a helicopter waiting. "Will the wonders of this night ever cease?" I think to myself. As the limo comes to a stop the chauffeur opens the rear doors and Brad grabs my hand and with a laugh says "Don't be afraid, let's go". Little does he know I am not afraid but exhilarated.

Climbing aboard I settle into the seat and reach for the seatbelt. After snapping it into place Brad reaches across "accidently" brushing against my right breast and ensures it is snug. As the copter lifts off the helipad I get butterflies in the pit of my stomach and feel suddenly light headed. Linking my arm in Brads I lay my head against his shoulder and look out the window at the nighttime skyline and whisper in Brad's ear "It's breathtaking". "Yes you are" he replies. With a warm fuzzy feeling taking over my body I relax and marvel at the skyline as our journey heads to the next level.

Settling down gently on the roof of the tallest building in town Brad rushes under the rotors and opens my door beckoning me to follow him to the waiting open rooftop door. As we decend one flight of stairs I can hear the gentle babble of voices coming from the restaurant. Stepping through the door held open for us by the Maitre D' the room falls into a sudden hush as all eyes (male and female both) turn towards my date and I entering. Trying to control a fierce blush, I stroll arm and arm to our waiting table with my dashing date. Leaning over I feel Brad's breath on my neck as he whispers "see, told you they would all be looking". As dinner progresses we make idle small talk, learning more about each other than we did this afternoon. I find out my stallion is not quite as young as I expected him. He is 35 but looks like he is 20. After a little verbal wrangling he tells me that his parents died at a young age leaving him with a decent sized inheritance and a very wise investment counselor who helped him invest in the internet when it was in its infancy. "So, you are another Bill Gates eh?" I chuckle. "Well, not quite that rich" He replies. Not quite as ugly either I think to myself. "So, do you just own the websites or do you run them as well?" I inquire. Brad proceeds to tell me he owns most of them but runs one very special one personally. No matter how hard I try he won't tell me which one for some strange reason(wonder what he is hiding?).

After a three course dinner(thank goodness I wore a corset..hehehe) and a bottle of what I come to find out is a $600 bottle of wine(yikes!) we are off to the ballroom. After letting dinner settle for about a half hour it is time to boogie. As we step out on the dancefloor the band switches to a slow ballad and Brad takes my hand and leads me out to the floor where he proceeds to envelop me in his strong arms. Wrapping my arms around his neck and folding my body into his we start swaying to the music. As the music progresses I feel his hand leave the small of my back and slowly cup my supple ass. Leaning in to whisper in his ear I slowly breathe "Don't move that hand mister, I like it there". He replies "What about your girlfriend?". Thinking it is the least I can do to repay him for such a wonderful evening I take his other hand and place it on my other ass cheek and whisper in his ear "She's not here is she?". Feeling the wine coursing through my veins and Brads manhood rising I slowly grind my pelvis against his and hear him take a sharp intake of breath. Taking my hands in his he looks me in the eye and says "let's get out of here and head someplace private".

Rushing back upstairs to the waiting helicopter we situate ourselves and lift off into the nighttime sky. Thinking we are heading back to the airport I relax and close my eyes. After what seems a longer return flight than the inbound one I open my eyes and realize we are over water with no land in sight. Starting to get a bit worried I ask Brad "Where are we?". He says, "Thought you might like to see where I live but if not we can turn around". "So long as I am home by 6am so I don't turn into an ugly pumpkin we are fine" I tell him. Looking down out the window I can see the phosphorescence coming off the waves as we skim along them. Seeing a glow in the distance, Brad points to it and says "Home sweet home". Home my ass, that's an island I am thinking. "You mean to tell me you live on an island all by yourself?" Chuckling a bit Brad says "No, not all by myself, I have a full staff to attend to my needs and plenty of guest quarters". As the chopper slowly ascends to prepare for landing I catch my first glimpse of what has to be at least a 50,000 sq ft. mansion. As the chopper flits to the ground Brad tells the pilot "Thanks Chuck, get some rest but stay on standby for the evening". "Very good sir" Chuck replies.

Taking my elbow Brad leads me through the front doors and through the grand marble foyer into the spacious livingroom. Hearing my heels click across the floor I think to myself "I could get used to living in a place like this". Settling myself down into a buttersoft leather couch and demurely crossing my legs Brad offers me a drink. "Do you have sambucca?" I ask. "But of course" he replies. After one or two shots of Sambucca I am feeling relaxed and mention that my feet are starting to hurt a bit. "Why don't you take your boots off and get comfy" Brad suggests. "Why don't you come over here and take them off me" I reply with a giggle. Kneeling in front of me, Brad gently takes my right ankle and very slowly unzips the boot carressing my thigh and inner calf as he slowly draws the boot off. Leaning my head back against the soft couch I let out a slow "purrrr". Taking my left ankle Brad slowly repeats the process eliciting a low moan from the back of my throat. With unimagined gentleness, Brad slowly massages both of my feet until I am purring like a kitten who is having their ears scratched. "Like that?" he asks. "What woman doesn't like their feet rubbed by a sexy man?" I reply. Thinking he has just been given a green light Brad slowly starts to work his way up my inner thigh. Startled out my slight tipsyness I gently take his hand and place it on the couch next to me. "Before this gets too far out of hand there are a few things you should know Brad". "Although I am very sexually attracted to you at this moment I am involved with a wonderful woman whom I love very much and wouldn't want ANYTHING to spoil that including a night of wanton lust". "Second of all, I am not all I appear to be". Hearing my statements Brad sits back and contemplates the situation.

Gathering up his courage Brad says "there are a few things about me you should know as well". "Seems we both have a few secrets we have been keeping". "You go first" he says. Taking a deep breath I try and figure out how to tell him I am not Janet but in fact am Jayce. Gathering up my courage I tell Brad, "First of all my name isn't really Janet". "I know" he replies. "And second of all...WHAT? How do you know?" "I know lots of things about you that you aren't aware of Jayce" he tells me. Holy shit, he just called me by my male name. How could he possibly know? Feeling like I am about to pass out I slowly lower my head till I regain my composure. Seeing that I am at a loss for words, Brad begins to tell me the true story behind his life..

Brad starts by saying "Like you I am not all I appear to be". "My true given name is Maria" Funny, that's my gf's name as well...hmmmm. "Growing up I always felt different from the other girls, I liked playing with Hot Wheels and GI Joe's and not Barbies". "Being from a VERY well to do family and thinking I was too tomboy for my own good my mother sent me to a European finishing school for young ladies thinking that would straighten me out". "Couldn't bring shame on the family name and all". "In fact it did quite the opposite and strengthened my love of the female form and my need to be with women". "I was thrown out in my second year after getting caught with the headmistresses daughter in my bed with her legs thrown over her head and my strap on situated deep inside her sopping pussy". "You see, I have always felt masculine". Slowly picking my jaw off the floor I politely nod my head and encourage Brad(oops, Maria) to continue with his(her) story. "As I grew older I realized the stigma associated with being lesbian so I did my best to hide those tendencies and acted on them very rarely". "Shortly after my parents death, I realized just how well off we really were when the will was read and I was told that my family estate was worth an estimated 1 Billion dollars". "Seems my family got in on the ground floor of the internet as well as some very lucrative business ventures including Diamonds, Oil and Steel".

"They also realized there is a lot of money to be made catering to the "Alternative Lifestyles" and might as well look into it if they couldn't break their "daughter" of her lifestyle". Wondering where this is leading I sit back as the butterflies are jumping in my stomach and my heart is beating a mile a minute. "Seems mom had a relative in the "old country" who was into "Magic" and she asked her if there was some kind of spell that could be attached to an article of clothing that would allow the wearer to transform to fit the clothing. "OMG, the "website" you personally manage wouldn't happen to be Body by Katherine would it?" "Guilty as charged" he replies. Shaking my head side to side in denial the room slowly goes black as I pass out.

As I slowly come to, I see Brad(hell, do I call "him" Brad or Maria?) kneeling down and fanning my face. "Are you ok" he asks. "Yes this whole thing has just been one hell of a shock to the system is all" I reply. Taking stock of what he has told me so far I ask very quietly "your given last name wouldn't happen to be Singoretti would it?". "Yes my love, I am the same "Maria" you have been dating for the last year". "After studying your internet habits and knowing you are TG, I decided to take a small retreat and see what kind of "trouble" I could lead you into". "When I saw your credit card number and our address pop up in our shipping computer I conveniently arranged to be "out of town" so you could try out your new found femininity". "Knowing your idea of the ideal man I set myself up with some of my own products in an effort to see how faithful you could be as a female". "My running into you at the mall yesterday was no accident, I planned it to see how you would handle it and I must say you handled yourself brilliantly".

"So, where do we go from here?" I ask in a small, timid voice. With a glimmer in his/her eye Brad proceeds to explain that not only did his relative put a spell on the clothes that made the wearer the complete opposite gender but it also allowed them to retain that given gender if they have unprotected sex but have the ability to revert to their given gender should they have protected sex and neither of their fluids mingle. Still feeling a bit tipsy and with a Cheshire cat grin I whisper into Brad's ear, "Got any condoms?" Placing his arm beneath my knees and throwing my arm over his shoulder, Brad gently lifts me into his strong arms and carries me up the grand staircase to the master suite. Nudging the door open with his foot I catch my breath as I catch sight of what has to be a 3000 sq ft room containing Calif King sized canopied bed done up in pink satin sheets and matching comforter. Setting me gently on the bed Brad says "There are two master baths, one for you and one for me, yours is through the door on the left." Entering "MY" master bath I am flabbergasted by the lengths that my love has gone through in creating his castle. I notice the gold bathroom fixtures, the heated marble floor, and the jetted bathtub big enough to hold an orgy in. Pulling open the linen closet door I find one of the sexiest Schoolgirl outfits I have ever come across complete with a white satin crop top that ties in the center, a plaid short skirt that barely covers the curve of my ass, a pair of matching suspenders, a white satin thong panty, a pair of saddle shoes and the cutest pair of white lace trimmed anklet socks I have ever seen. Attached to the interior of the door is a note which reads: "My dearest Jayce(Janet)I have left this outfit in the linen closet in the hopes that one day I would be able to help you live out your fantasy of being the innocent little schoolgirl and tonight is that night so take your time and come to me when you are ready." Signed "The Headmaster".

Noticing candles placed around the tub I pull out a matchbook I grabbed at our dinner as a momento of my first night out as a "female" and proceed to light them and draw a hot bubble bath. Stripping off my "bad girl" outfit I gently slide into the warm bath and feel the built up tension from Brad's admissions slip away from my body leaving me in a peaceful state of bliss knowing that I no longer have to hide who I am. After soaking for 30 mins and ensuring I am clean inside and out I step out of the tub and grab what has to be the fluffiest, softest towel I have ever handled and wrap it around my naked body. Feeling my nipples start to harden it takes all my will to not reach between my legs and start playing with myself. Opening the medicine cabinet I find a full make up kit in my favorite colors as well as a bottle of "Imperial Majesty" perfume. "Holy Crap, that stuff costs $215,000 per bottle". Taking my time, I make up my face in the most innocent schoolgirl appearance and slowly get dressed and spritz some perfume on my wrists, behind my knees and between my breasts.

Blowing out the candles I open the door into the bedroom to find Brad standing in the center of the room dressed in an immaculate 3 pc blue pinstriped suit tapping a yardstick against his palm. "Well young lady, it seems you have misbehaved and were sent here to me for your punishment". "Yes sir" I answer meekly. "Just what were you doing that caused you to be sent here?" he asks. "Well sir" I answer, "I was daydreaming about kissing a boy and doodling on my notebook instead of listening to the teacher" "Well miss, come here and prepare to take your punishment" Brad instructs. "Yes sir" I timidly reply. Pointing to a leather wingback chair, Brad instructs me to put my hands on the arms of the chair and to put my head down on the cushion. Once in position, I wait with trepidation for my punishment to commence. Feeling the HeadMaster lift my short skirt I feel a light breeze carress my ass. "Whoosh, Crack!" The first swat stings like a bitch. "Whoosh, Crack!" The second swat causes me to cry out in pain. "Whoosh, Crack!" The third swat brings me to tears as I beg the HeadMaster to stop.

"Please sir, I promise to be a good girl, just please stop". Brad says "Stand and face me young lady". Doing as I am commanded, I stand and face him with my hands placed behind my back and wait for his next command. "Do you wish to redeem yourself young lady?" he ask. "Yes sir, most definitely" I reply. "Kneel in front of me and look at the floor" he commands. Doing as he says I quickly fall to my knees and keep my eyes on the ground as I hear the sound of Brad's zipper being lowered. "Look up little girl" Brad commands. Raising my eyes I see Brad standing there with the most gorgeous penis I have ever seen staring me right in the eye. "You know what that is?" he asks. "Yes sir" I reply. "You know what to do with it?" he asks me. "No sir, I have only seen pictures of a penis" "Then I shall instruct you in the fine art of pleasuring a man".

"Start by forming your lips into the letter "O" and gently take the head of my penis between your luscious lips." "Slowly let it slide down your throat and relax so you don't gag". "Gently apply suction and let your tongue slide along the underside of my penis". Following his instructions to a "T" I hear my lover let out a low groan. "That's it young lady, you are doing just fine" Brad says. Thinking back on all the porn I watched as "Jayce" and knowing what I liked about a blowjob, I gently rake my nails along his sensitive balls and stick my tongue in the slit in his penis. "Are you sure you have never done this young lady?" he asks. Looking up into his eyes with the most innocent expression I can muster I grab the base of his penis letting it pop out of my mouth and mumble, "No Headmaster, I am a good girl and have never even touched a mans penis let alone sucked on one." Putting it back in my mouth I let it slide all the way down my throat remembering to relax so I don't gag and proceed to increase the speed of my strokes. Hearing Brad's breathing increasing and feeling his balls start to tense up I know he is only seconds away from spilling his seed in my mouth. Varying the speed of my strokes I hear Brad mumble "I am about to cum." The first blast takes my by surprise and I almost gag then I relax and feel his semen shooting into my mouth and gently sliding down my throat. As his sperm keeps coming I can't handle it all and some slips out of my mouth onto my satin top. Cleaning up the last drops of my lovers seed he looks down and sees some on my top. "You had better get that in the wash before it stains young lady" he instructs me. "But sir, I have nothing to wear otherwise." I whimper. Reaching for the yardstick he asks, "Do I need to use this again?". Lowering my eyes to the floor I reply "No Sir" and undo the knot holding the top closed and slowly slide it off my shoulders. Feeling the chill in the air my nipples become rock hard instantly. Seeing my hard nipples perched atop my luscious breasts Brad says "Before this night is out young lady, I will make you a woman."

To be continued......

Please send your thoughts and ideas on this story to ladykay1969@hotmail and we'll see how it progresses from here.

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