Jaron and Lucas

By Tom Catt

Published on Jan 11, 2001


Disclaimer: If you are under age and easily offended turn back now. If you do not wish to read about male/male sex then turn back now. Practice safe sex please!

This is my first work please have pity on me. It might not be the best but it is a start, eh? I'm planning more stories with the same characters later so watch for them. Hope you enjoy this and tell me what you think. gavinmathews@hotmail.com

Jaron and Lucas

Part One

Lucas and I have been hanging out a lot lately. There is kind of a bond between the two of us. For starters, we're co-workers, which is where we met each other and we both like to have a good time. Now, I will cut to the chase.

I have never been one to be attracted to guys but Lucas is the one and only one that I have ever felt sexually aroused towards. He doesn't know this and I don't intend to make a move.

We always go to one or the other's apartments and watch movies, drink, talk about anything and everything, basically your average male stuff.

One night while we were at my apartment, watching a sitcom, everything changed.

It was after a considerably hard day at work and both of us were extremely tired. We both agreed that what we needed was a night of relaxation.

"Should we watch a movie, Jar?" Lucas asked me from his seat in the Lazy-boy.

I just nodded, laughing at some stupid joke on the telie then I looked at where Lucas was but he was up and in the other room.

"What do you want to watch, bro?"

"I don't care. 'Top Gun' maybe?" My eyes were latched onto the screen in front of me. It was 'Friends', one of my all-time favorite sitcoms.

Lucas came back in the room and this time I looked at my friend. We were both 25, young guys strapped to a boring job that would never amount to much. Basically we were in our prime and Lucas showed off his strapping youth well.

He had a shock of blond hair that was grown a little long so it sometimes rebelled and flopped over his bright green eyes. Those eyes were amazing, a twinkle in them at all times. Lucas had a smile to die for, it seemed to spread all throughout his body and then to the person at whom he is smiling at. His was a tan body and tonight he was wearing a white tank top tucked into his nice tan dress slacks that he wore to work. The lighting in my apartment gave him a golden look, defining the muscles in his arms and the darkening the wrinkles in his tank top, giving a hint of the muscle beneath.

"I picked out 'Armageddon' is that cool, Jar?"

I shook myself out of my own little world and just nodded. "Yeah that's a cool movie. Pop her in."

I dropped my gaze to his tight ass underneath those nice slacks that seem to conform to it as he put the movie in the VCR.

Once the movie was started, Lucas came and sat beside me on the couch. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye then tried to concentrate on the movie. His arm was propped against the back of the couch, his hand right behind my neck. For some reason the gesture seemed odd but I liked it. I could feel the warmth of his body.

"Jaron, you ever been laid?"

The question kind of put me off guard for it was out of the blue and I looked at him, confused.

I nodded in answer to his question and he smiled. I laughed and jabbed him in the ribs. He took the arm that was on the back of the couch and wrapped it around my neck into a headlock, rubbing his knuckles against my noggin. It didn't feel too great so I fought.

We were wrestling about for who knows how long. Just on the couch, laughing and hitting, basically horsing around.

Lucas was on top of me on the floor, I was pinned. I looked up at him, the laughter all stopped. I could see the seriousness in his eyes, it was penetrating and so sexy.

(Okay before I go on, I think I forgot to mention how I am in the looks department. It's not too bad. I have short brown hair and, my most endearing quality, my bright blue eyes. I have a dark complexion because my dad was Hawaiian. I am plenty muscular and smooth all over except in the Southern regions. This particular night I was wearing my button-up shirt, loosened to the fourth button, revealing a little bit of my muscular chest. It was not tucked in and I had traded my black slacks for loose fitting jeans. Okie dokie on with the story).

I could feel a stirring in my groin as I looked into Lucas' gaze. He licked his peach lips and closed his eyes, leaning forward. His lips touched mine, bashful at first then suddenly it came with full force.

It was wet and delicious, his tongue lashing out to touch my lips and part them with a desire so prominent that I couldn't help but be turned on.

Then it ended. Lucas pulled away and looked down at me, shocked and embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, dude. I don't know what came over me." He sat up and turned his back toward me, looking down.

I sat up and knelt behind him, putting my hand on his back. As much as the thought of being intimate with a man used to disgust me, with Lucas it seemed so much more different. It was exciting and, man, I wanted to fuck him so bad.

I ran my hand down his spine, slowly but surely, ending up at the tiny lip on the seat of his slacks. Sticking my pointy finger down there, I bravely wiggled it around and felt the tip of his ass crack.

Lucas turned around and looked at me and I took my hand away.

"Jaron..."he whispered. That was all it took. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me deeply, tongue and all.

I broke the kiss this time and I smiled sheepishly. "Let's go to my bedroom, Luc." He nodded and smiled his killer smile and we both stood up. Damn, I wanted to get inside those ass-fitting slacks.

I led him by the hand into my bedroom, leaving the movie playing. As soon as we reached the foot of the bed, we were kissing like animals. I remember licking his neck and earlobes.

We fell on my bed, Lucas on top of me. He ended the kissing session and stood up. I looked at him and smiled softly.

He deftly un-tucked his tank top and lifted it over his head. His godly body was there before me. Square pecs topped by little tan knobs for nipples, a straight line running through the muscle and down behind his slacks. He had the nicest 6 pack I have ever seen. I watched his fingers move to his belt and I licked my lips.

Lucas undid his belt and unzipped his pants, letting them fall to his ankles. Underneath he was wearing pure white boxer briefs. I could see the stiff package beneath just roaring to get out.

He tucked his thumbs under the elastic and pulled the barrier down. The manmeat sprung to attention. It was a glorious rod with a pink mushroom head at the tip, peering out from light blond pubes. Two juicy balls hung from below the magnificent meat. The thing had to be at least 7 inches!

So here we were. Two straight friends. One standing in front of the other buck naked and me watching like a hungry puppy.

"Now we'll take care of your clothes, Jaron," Lucas whispered hotly. I stood up and he unbuttoned the rest of my shirt. I pulled the tank top over my head, revealing my smooth tan muscled chest and washboard abs.

Lucas knelt down and looked up at me, giving me that warm smile as he unbuttoned my pants and pulled them over my bubble ass. I was wearing my briefs that night and my huge mushroom head was peering out from the top of it. Wordlessly, my friend pulled my underwear off and then looked up at me.

He put his lips on the mushroom head first then his tongue, working slowly so as not to scare me. I was anything but scared. I was so horny at this point. Before I knew it, Lucas had taken me all the way in, deepthroating my hot cock.

My knees buckled and I began to tremble from the pure ecstasy Lucas was giving me. He seemed to notice this and pushed me toward the bed without taking his lips off my dick. Now I was laying on the bed and his face was buried in between my legs.

He started face fucking my cock and I loved it so much that I groaned real loud. I gripped the white sheets real hard and bit my bottom lip. Just when I thought I was going to burst, Lucas took his mouth off my cock and licked the shaft all the way down to my balls, licking them.

All this time, his hands were lifting my ass cheeks, he was massaging them with his fingers. He made a trail from my ball sac and down to my pink asshole. He looked up at me and smiled again then began licking that hole, slobbering into it. With his hands he was spreading my cheeks wider and I spread my legs out so that he could tongue fuck my ass.

By now I was writhing in the sheets. My pulsing cock was enjoying the ass play in my puckered asshole.

Lucas sat up and crawled up so that we were eye to eye. He kissed me passionately and then made a trail all the way to my nipples, teasing and fondling. Then he kissed down my treasure trail and again deep throated my cock until finally I burst the white cream of my manhood into his waiting mouth.

We looked at each other for awhile then I took his cock in my mouth. For my first time, I thought I did pretty fucking well.

"Turn around, Jaron," Lucas whispered into my ear. I knew where he was getting at and got on my hands and knees. He lubed up my ass with lotion that was sitting on my dresser then put his 7 inches inside me. It was wonderful. It was pleasure and pain wrapped into one feeling.

This was one helluva night...We spent the rest of the night in the same bed. Basically we just slept side by side as if nothing had happened between us. Lucas did wake me up at around 2 and we played around then fell back asleep.

Now all I had to do was wait and see what morning would bring...

Next: Chapter 2

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