Jasmine and Julie

By Artemis O'keefe

Published on Nov 19, 2013


Author's Note

This story contains depictions of sex between F/F and F/f, and most of the sex involves BDSM, especially as the story progresses.

For those of you who replied and provided feedback on Part 1 of this story, I thank you. This is not all of Part 2 and does not contain the major scenes I have pictured for this part of the story, however life, family, work, and already the holidays have managed to eat of far more of my time than is at all reasonable. I'm still working and I hope to get more of the story done with every passing day, but I felt that it was past time to at least post something for those of you who have been so eagerly waiting.

This part picks up the morning after where Part 1 left off. There isn't a great deal of sex in this part of the story, and the big scenes between Julie and Jasmine and Jasmine and Laura will not show up until Part 2b, but I still hope you enjoy the story.

Any feedback or ideas are always appreciated at artemisokeefe@gmail.com. I hope you enjoy.

P.S. If you are reading this are even consider posting this on another site without my permission DON'T DO IT!

Jasmine and Julie Part 2a

By Artemis

Jasmine woke up the next morning to the sound of her phone ringing. She briefly spent a moment blindly flailing around as she tried to figure out where not only it was, but where she was as well. The night's events came rushing back to her as she picked up the phone off Laura's nightstand and felt the woman shifting sleepily next to her.

"Hi, Mom," Jasmine said through a yawn as she answered the phone. "I'm at Laura's." She stretched feeling the slight residual ache of really good sex tightening her muscles, and smiled as she remembered just how intense the night before had been. "We were talking. When the fourth bottle of wine was opened, I realized it probably wouldn't be a great idea to drive home, and it was too late to call." Laura began to stir next to her and she turned her head to see the smiling face of the other woman peeking up at her almost fully hidden beneath the sheets.

"Oh, that's bullshit, Mom!" Jasmine felt Laura shift again and watched as her head slipped under the blankets entirely and she felt the other woman's mouth began kissing along the curve of her breast. "I wasn't going to call at 1 AM to tell you I wasn't coming home. I don't live there anymore and I don't have a curfew. You were not up waiting for me to call. If you had been, you would have just called." She felt Laura's tongue flick over her nipple as a hand slid down her smooth stomach and down to her slit, and she found herself biting her lip as she tried to keep from moaning into the phone.

"No, Mom. If I had been in an accident, I'm sure the police would have dug my phone out of the wreckage and called you." The mouth closed over her nipple and teeth played lightly over it as the hand teased her clit gently. Jasmine felt herself squirming at the touch. "Yes, I'm being sarcastic." Laura's touch was masterful, driving Jasmine to distraction as she tried to keep from gasping while she continued the call, trying to figure out a way to cut the call as short as possible.

"Mother, you had at most two minutes of panic when you realized I wasn't there and then called me. You have not been up for hours worrying about me and pacing the house wondering if I was dead in the morgue." The mouth began to kiss across her chest as the fingers at her clit traced down her slit and slid inside her newly excited sex until the heel of the hand pressed against her clit and the fingers curled inside her. Jasmine's eyes screwed shut as she controlled her desire to let out a long guttural moan.

"Mom, I just got up. I don't know when I'll be home, but I will get there when I can. I plan on leaving for home around noon. I have some shopping to do on this side of the mountains and I don't want to get back too late." She could feel the hot press of Laura's breasts against her side as Laura's mouth licked and sucked at her other nipple, and the fingers began to slowly cycle in and out of her wet hole. It was getting hard not to moan and her mother was continuing to talk.

"Mom, I've got to go." The mouth bit down on her aroused nipple and Jasmine looked down to see at pair of sparkling mischievous eyes staring back up at her. "What do you think I need to do? I drank two bottles of wine last night and I just woke up!" Crap now that she thought about it, she did need to pee.

"No, don't wait breakfast on me. I'll either grab breakfast with Laura, or grab something on the way back." The fingers were picking up speed as the heel ground into her clit. "Yes, I will be back in time to say goodbye to Cally and the girls. They weren't planning on leaving until this afternoon. I've got to go now, Mom." The last words were almost a growl.

"Yes, I love you too. Good bye, Mom," Jasmine finished hastily before punching the button to end the call and letting out a barely contained moan of ecstatic pleasure a breath later, as Laura's mouth sucked in as much of her breast as she could as her tongue still played over the engorged nipple.

"God, Laura! That feels so fucking good!" she moaned as her hands ran through Laura's short hair pulling the mouth harder down on to her breast.

Laura slid a third finger in to join the first two as she skillfully pumped the fingers in and out of her friend's sex while she continued to grind the heel of her palm against Jasmine's clit driving her closer to the edge. Her body screamed with aches and bruises from the night before, but her desire to thank her friend for the intense session drove her through the aches to give Jasmine at least one "good morning" orgasm.

She could feel Jasmine's body beginning to tense beneath her as it neared orgasm, and Jasmine's hands had slipped from her hair to slide down over her shoulders and back sending tingling points of pleasure through her skin. She kissed her way back to the first breast she had teased, beginning to circle it in quick, hot kisses as she stopped the pumping of her fingers leaving them buried in her friend curling again and again over the soft spongy spot just at the end of her reach, grinding down with her palm even harder.

Jasmine's breathing was little more than panting. She closed her eyes lost in the pleasure she felt surging through her body, arching her back and curling her toes, as shockwaves of bliss spread through her body hitting her skin and ricocheting back inside her where they collided with other waves in mini explosions of pleasure. She moaned again as her body began to fill with that tingle of momentary satisfaction as she felt the fingers slide from inside her as she felt the mouth kissing its way up her chest and over her neck to find hers.

She kissed Laura with a lust-filled abandon, pressing her tongue into the other woman's mouth, letting it tease and play with the silky muscle that had so recently been teasing and playing over her body. Jasmine let her hands roam Laura's body with a feather touch sensing just from the kiss and the touch of their bodies. Every time her hands brushed over an especially sore spot, she wondered what Laura looked like now that the night before had had a chance to fully imprint itself on her skin.

The kiss continued with the passionate press of lips and tangle of tongues. Jasmine's hands continued their gentle exploration. She wanted to consume this woman. She'd had a brief taste of her the night before, but that had been more to tease Laura rather than please her. Jasmine wanted take in her friend's very essence as she brought her to orgasm with her tongue.

Laura might have been in shape and working as a fitness trainer, but Jasmine was still stronger and lacked the full body ache from the night before that made every movement and touch an exercise in painful remembrance. Jasmine used it to her advantage as she maneuvered her friend breaking their kiss. She seemed to all at once pull Laura on top of her, slide down the bed, spin her friend around and over until her friend's legs were wrapped around her head the red abused sex she had tormented so much the night before was inches from her hungry mouth.

Jasmine found herself taken aback for a moment as she took in the reds, blacks and blues that covered almost all the flesh she could see. Even Laura's lips looked swollen and red with abuse and her mind swam as she wondered how the woman could even move much less find any arousal this morning. She leaned forward just as she felt Laura's tongue and mouth began to kiss at her own sex setting out to ease at least some of the ache and pain she had caused and thank the Laura for the amazing evening.

She started with light gentle kisses, working her way up the innermost portion of Laura's thighs, carefully brushing her lips against the nastiest looking splotches of bruising she had worked so exactingly to cause the night before. Her mouth slowly licked, kissed, and brushed its way closer to the red swollen lips that it ached to tease with a butterfly soft caress. Jasmine leaned forward letting just the barest touch of her pouted lips brush against the ones before her, blowing gently to make Laura's whole body shiver against her own.

Jasmine could feel Laura's mouth hot against her sex, but closed herself off to as much of the sensations as possible, only feeling the occasional electric shiver as she focused instead on bringing her friend to orgasm. She sucked gently on the lips pulling them into her mouth and tasting the hint of sex on them from the night before as her friend's new arousal filled her nostrils like perfume.

Laura's tongue teasing her from clit to asshole sent shivers through her body, as she continued to block out as much of it as she could, as her tongue finally parted the lips before it and ran over the small, sensitive clit it had sought out. Jasmine smiled as Laura moaned. Her tongue more licked and teased more pulling more moans from her friend. As her tongue continued it playful teasing of Laura's clit, Jasmine let her arms gently wrap around Laura's legs, fingertips raising goose bumps as they trailed over smooth skin and the still prominent welts from the cane. The fingertips navigated the tender curves of her ass and traced down to the heated sex they sought out.

Two fingers glided into Laura's wet hole just as Jasmine sucked the clit fully into her mouth, sliding her teeth over its sides and her tongue teasing over its tip causing her to moan and her strong, wet sex to try to pull the fingers in deeper. Jasmine knew she had all of Laura's attention as she felt the mouth pull away from her sex. She continued her slow seductive torment of her friend's sex. Remembering the feeling of Laura's fingers in her, she sought out the same spot with her probing fingers as her tongue flicked and trailed over the captured clit.

Laura moaned long and deep as both the mouth and fingers working on her body found the spots they were looking for. Her body ached from every touch and movement, even the moans sent lances of aching pain through her, but Jasmine was being as tender as possible and the tease of tongue and finger had her nearing orgasm. For a moment, she wasn't sure if she was allowed to cum, Jasmine hadn't given her permission. But the Jasmine that had dominated her as a Mistress last night wasn't the same one that she shared a bed with this morning. The gentle waves of pleasure began to roll over her body like warm ocean water lapping at her at the beach's edge, each wave hitting a little higher and touching just a bit more of her slowly swallowing her up.

Laura could feel the fingertips of Jasmine's free hand tracing over her in a combination of shivering pleasure and pinpricks of pain as they touched her aching and bruised body. The warm waves continued to lap higher and higher against her body forcing Laura moaned again lost in the moment.

When the orgasm over took her, Laura seemed to leave her body floating on waves of pleasure that didn't so much crash down upon her, but sweep her away in a warm embrace that turned her muscles to jelly and left her limp and gasping as the wave eventually carried her back to her body and returning her back before receding away.

The aches were still there as she came back to her senses, but as Laura felt them returning, they felt muffled and padded and Jasmine's sex still lay open and inviting before her. She could still feel Jasmine probing and kissing her, but she could also tell Jasmine was doing so with a little less intensity letting her know that it was her turn to be the bringer of pleasure.

Laura felt herself slightly limited as she once again took Jasmine's clit between her lips and flicked it with her tongue. Her arms were propping her up and she couldn't easily move them to slide under Jasmine's rock-hard thighs. Any shifting of her weight off her arms would press her bruised body harder against Jasmine's, which would bring the stinging ache of her sore body quickly back to the surface. She bathed Jasmine's clit with her tongue like a mother cat would her kitten letting her feel the shivers running through the body beneath her.

She could feel Jasmine trying to arch her body up to meet the laps of her tongue and Laura begin to change the speed and length of each lick to throw off Jasmine's anticipation. Her tongue trailed from the clit down the slit, and just as she finished her long, slow lick, her chin rubbed over Jasmine's clit pulling a heated moan from beneath her. Laura repeated the long slow lick again, letting her chin grind over the sensitized clit for a long, teasing moment before reversing the lick and bringing her tongue back over the sensitive point. She could feel Jasmine's hot gasps on her sex as the fingernails trailing over her flesh pressed down with more force than intended as her friend was so close to cumming again.

Jasmine's eyes rolled and her head lolled back as Laura played her body like a masterful musician. Touches went from feather light to exquisitely intense and back again, as she was played like a scale. Her breath was coming in heaving pants as her eyes closed lost in a spray of white-hot fireworks that rained down on her as she exploded in pleasure. She writhed under the weight of Laura's body and the tease of her tongue as the sparks of passion played over her body for a long delightful moment.

Jasmine eased back into the comfort of the bed and lay there in limp pleasure as she felt the weight of Laura's body slide over her and off the bed to pad towards the bathroom, reminding Jasmine of the pressing needs of her own body. She savored the moment and the memories of the night before as she lay sprawled on the bed still overwhelmed at all that had happened. It had been an amazing evening, but she wasn't sure where that put things now. Nagging doubts of a dozen different kinds begin to fill her and left her with more to consider than she'd had before. Hopefully, she would be able to think through some of it on the long drive home, but, as it seemed like all that happened as of late, more thinking led to more questions.

As she heard the toilet flushing, Jasmine popped off the bed and hurried down the hall barely glancing at her friend in her rush to ease her bladder. She wanted a good look in the daylight to see exactly what she had done last night, but that could wait and the only impression she got in her brief glimpse was Laura looked more burned than tanned.

The cool morning chill of the morning caught Jasmine's attention for the first time as she stepped out of the bathroom relieved and a little refreshed and made her way down the hall. Winter was setting in, and mornings were starting to get crisp. She knew they would be even worse back at home and she made a mental note to have Harrison come by and make sure the house was properly winterized. The thought was pushed aside as she entered the bedroom and saw Laura lying on the bed.

Jasmine wasn't sure if she should be impressed or horrified at the display in front of her. Laura was lying on her back and almost every inch of flesh from breasts to knees was covered in red with liberal splotches of irregular discolored bruises. The bikini area and inner thighs she had taken careful care of with the hairbrush were closer to bruised with the occasional splotches of red. She wondered how her friend was moving and she saw the bottle of painkillers on the nightstand next to a glass of water. "Oh my god! I did all that?" Jasmine said sounding slightly horrified with herself.

Laura gave her a wicked smile, "Oh yeah. You want to see the back as well?" Jasmine just nodded in shock in much at the sight at her friend's almost cavalier nature about it. Laura turned over and Jasmine gasped again. Most of Laura's back was red, but Jasmine hadn't concentrated as heavily on it not wanting to do any major harm, but her ass and the backs of her thighs were almost one long series of bruises with the welts of the cane standing out with a viciousness all of their own.

"Oh, Laura, I'm so sorry. I meant to go hard, but not that hard. Are you going to be all right?" Jasmine felt her voice on the end of panic.

Laura got up slowly from the bed and walked slowly over to her friend and gave her a light hug. "Jazz, I'm fine. A little rougher than I expected, and can take on a regular basis. I mean, I'll be feeling this for more than a couple of days, and some of these bruises will linger around for a week or so, but I'll be fine and I've taken worse in the past."

Jasmine relaxed a little at the words, but still felt herself a little uncertain by it all. "You're not lying to me, are you?"

"Jazz, why would I lie? I knew what I was getting into last night, better than you did, and I never told you to stop. How many opportunities did you give me to call things off or back up? Did I ever take it?"

"No, but by the end, it was hard to tell how much you were even focused on the moment."

"I was focused enough to know I wasn't at my limits. Close, but not at them. I can't play like this often, but it isn't like I've done any play recently and I don't have anything planned in the near future either. Who would have thought being a manager at a gym would make it so hard to find someone to date." Laura held her friend at arm's length and looked her in the eye with a cool firmness. "Jazz, I'm fine. I'm sore. I ache. I desperately need a shower to ease a little more of the ache this morning and I'll be popping Advil all day to keep things down, but I'll be fine. Didn't I show you just how fine and appreciative I was this morning?"

Jasmine felt herself blush slightly and relax at the morning's memories and the assuredness of Laura's tone. Laura had never stopped her the night before to slow down, much less stop, and the other woman had a level of experience she couldn't come close to matching. Plus, she was moving like she was sore, not injured, so, Jasmine would take her word for it. She had a thousand other questions she wanted to ask and it would be hard to do if she was worried she couldn't trust her friend. She nodded and looked at her friend from head to toe. "Okay. You're right. Sorry I'm still a little new to this, and I don't think it is usual for someone to go quite so whole hog their first time." She blushed again and looked Laura up and down again. "Can I take a few pictures to remember it by?"

Laura laughed. "No most people don't go quite so heavy on their first time. But most people aren't usually playing with someone with years of experience and a very high pleasure/pain level either. Of course you can take some pics. If you want, you can use my camera instead of the cruddy little one on your phone, and I'll email them to you later, along with some other pics of past play sessions as well."

"Really?" Jasmine squeaked, embarrassed that she sounded like an overly excited schoolgirl at the thought.

Laura walked over to her closet and got out a higher end camera, which she handed to Jasmine after quickly adjusting the settings. "Here you go. Don't fuck with the settings and the pics should turn out perfectly." Jasmine nodded as she picked up the camera and aimed it at her friend, capturing a shot of her smiling face and bruised breasts.

Laura spent the next five minutes posing in various positions to show off the bruises as best as possible as Jasmine clicked away with the camera and a few with her cell phone. She remembered taking a couple of photos the night before, but looking at the photos of the after effects of the spanking helped bring the intensity of the evening into focus in a way that a photo of the moment just couldn't.

Jasmine sat the camera down after a last close up of the bruising over Laura's bikini area and let out a satisfied sigh. "Thank you. Those photos are quite nice souvenirs. Now why don't you go shower, and I'll make breakfast."

Laura got up from the bed with a stretch and smiled. "Normally, I would argue with you and tell you to go shower first while I made breakfast, but after you ruined my favorite bra and panty set, the least you owe me is breakfast." She gave Jasmine a light peck on the cheek as she passed and made her way to what would be a very HOT and painful shower.

Jasmine grabbed what looked like a long nightshirt off the top of Laura's hamper and slipped it on and made her way to the kitchen and found the makings for breakfast and quickly prepared food for the pair of them. Omelets filled with ham, cheese and tomato were complimented with cottage cheese, fresh fruit, orange juice, and toast. She was just finishing up the second omelet as Laura emerged from the bathroom in a puff of steam and made her way down to the breakfast bar that separated the kitchen from the rest of the apartment, still completely naked.

Jasmine heard the slight hiss of pain her friend let out as Laura gingerly sat down on the stool and accepted her plate of food as she took the seat next to her. There was part of her that was a bit worried still that she had pushed it too far. There was part of her worried that she'd lost control of herself and wouldn't have been able to stop even if Laura had asked her to, but she didn't truly feel like she had, and she'd tried to give Laura every chance to back off if she'd wanted to.

"So, what's on your mind?" Laura asked between bites of omelet.

"I'm still trying to take it all in, I guess," Jasmine replied between bites of her own. "Part of me is still wondering if I pushed you too far or pushed myself too far."

"Don't." Laura said interrupting her. "You didn't. You didn't even come close to pushing your own restraint. I was aware enough to keep track of those things and I know what to look for in a Domme that's losing control. And I've told you I knew what I was doing."

"Okay," Jasmine said trying not to sound uncertain. "What about us? Are we building a relationship here? Is this the start of something bigger?"

Laura took a couple bites of her food as she thought the question over. "Do you want a relationship with me?"

Jasmine blushed and looked at her food. "Not really. We live a bit far apart to try it, and while it has been good to catch up with you, and last night was fun, I'm just not getting that spark of a relationship forming."

"Then why did you ask?"

"I'm not exactly used to casual sex. Diana was the first time I've ever slept with someone I hadn't been dating for months first. Now, an hour after finding out you're a lesbian as well, I have you bound and I'm tormenting you. It is, to say the least, way out of my comfort zone."

"I bound myself and then had to beg you to use me. Hell, Jasmine, the only way you were getting out the apartment last night without me having gotten into your pants, is if you had left the moment you came out and saw me handcuffed."

Jasmine gave out a little nervous laugh. She wasn't used to feeling uncomfortable as she asked questions, and it was a strange feeling. Laura might have been a submissive, but she was clearly in control of the situation at the moment. "Okay, so you might be a bit more comfortable with casual sex than I am. It has just never been part of my mindset."

"Why is that, Jazz? I mean a few of us speculated on your Ms. Prim-and-Proper slash Miss. Horny-as-Hell double nature back in high school and we could never figure it out. I mean you'd start dating a guy and you went around the bases like you were swimming in molasses, but once you reached home you'd be going at it like a sea otter."

"Sea otter? Not rabbit?"

"Sea otters are crazy fucks. Male sea otters will fuck any and everything they can get their paws on. You think your average teenage guy has a high sex drive, male sea otters put them to shame. They'll fuck something to death, then keep fucking it."

"I so did not need that mental image."

"You're a teacher, you should encourage learning new things," Laura said with a wicked smile.

"Back to your point please," Jasmine said trying to shake the image of raping, necrophilliac sea otters from her memory.

"How come you never did the sleep around party girl thing? How did you manage to control your sex drive when you were early in a relationship?"

Jasmine thought about the question for a moment as she ate her breakfast. "That isn't exactly an easy question to answer. There isn't just one factor to it. It helped my mom bought me my first vibrator when I was fifteen. That really helped being able to just take care of things myself."

"Your mom got you a vibe when you were fifteen," Laura said in slight disbelief. "Your mom really was the cool mom."

"When I was thirteen, she gave me the sex talk. Not the 'Your body is a wondrous thing and it's going through changes' bullshit, we had that when I was ten. The one at thirteen was the 'You're likely to start having sex sooner than later, most likely sooner, and this is what you need to know to not be stupid when you do' talk," Jasmine began as she tried to figure out how to explain things. "She put it all out there and in WAY more detail than I needed. She told me to never be with a guy who wasn't willing to satisfy me if I was willing to satisfy him. She told me that I needed to be comfortable with my sexuality and to never be ashamed of something if I enjoyed doing it. And she talked about reputation, and dealing with the consequences of how other people might treat me, and what they might say if they knew what I had done."

"She had that talk with you at thirteen?"

"Oh that wasn't even the half of it. Apparently, my mom got around a bit in her teen years." Jasmine shook her head trying to shake lose the memories that had resurfaced as her mom had shared her experiences and consequences. "What I took from the conversation though, was that most guys won't put the energy into satisfying someone they aren't involved with, guys are going to talk and tell everyone everything you've done with them, and guys will stick their dicks in anything that will let them. Kind of like sea otters that way, I guess. Well that isn't everything I took from it, but for the purpose of this conversation it sums it up.

"When I had my sexual awakening and realized how much pleasure I could bring my own body, I found I liked letting the orgasms build on each other. Usually, if I only had time to bring myself off, I spent the next few hours feeling twitchy and out of sorts. I also saw how guys talked about girls that were quick to let themselves get felt up or go down on a guy. And I saw how other girls, and okay, myself on occasion, treated those same girls. Remember Jana Lewiston?"

"Oh yeah. Popsicle!" Laura blurted out.

"That's exactly what I mean. She's a little stupid and ends up playing a game of truth or dare with some guys and her friend Abby. During the course of the game she's dared to shove a Popsicle up her twat. For whatever reason, and probably because they pressured her into doing it, she does it. You're outnumbered five to one, you don't have a lot of choice. So she does it and everyone swears none of them will tell."

"And two days later EVERYONE is calling her Popsicle," Laura continued. "Then she gets a reputation for being perceived as being easy, and while she's suddenly very popular with the boys, we being the bitches we were, froze her out like a Popsicle. I get your point. Fuck, I think I called her Popsicle in her senior yearbook."

Jasmine nodded, "Exactly. She never lived down the reputation of doing one stupid thing in front of a group of supposed friends who promised they wouldn't tell and couldn't keep their mouths' closed an hour. Thank God we didn't have camera phones back then, or that would have been sent around before her pants were back on. Back to my story though. I knew I had a high sex drive. I know from listening to girls talk and from what my mom said that guys aren't exactly great at making sure the girl they are with enjoys the moment as much as him. I didn't even realize how far ahead of the curve I was when it came to multiple orgasms and willingness to masturbate to get them. I just figured most girls got what they could from a guy and then went home and finished themselves off. When my mom asked what I wanted for my fifteenth birthday, I told her I wanted a vibrator. By that point, I was tired of wearing out my wrist every night."

"And she got you one?" Laura asked more than a little slightly amazed.

"She got me three. She barely even blinked when I asked. Of course I was smart enough not to ask around my dad and she didn't exactly have me unwrap them at the dining room table with the rest of my gifts."

"And I had to ask my college cousin to go buy me my first vibe when I was seventeen. She charged me double what it cost in the store on top of that. Meanwhile, your mom gives you an assortment for your quincea?era," Laura grumbled.

"High quality ones too. As disturbing as it is, my mom knows her sex toys," Jasmine responded before continuing her story. "Back to the point, I'm starting to date more by this point, but not really letting guys get more than the occasional over the shirt grope. As they start asking for more, I start asking what they are going to do for me first. If a guy gives me a blank stare like he doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about, or acts like chivalry means the woman goes first not cums first, then I tell him no and stop seeing him. I'm not going to end up like Jana."

"Now, I was willing to go down on a guy. I hadn't done it, but I was curious as hell about it. I was horny all the time and was getting fed up with just getting clumsily groped, but I wasn't going to do it just to satisfy my curiosity about that if my curiosity about having a guy go down on me wasn't satisfied first. This developed into more of a plan of action when it came to dating guys and deciding if they were worth having sex with, which despite everything I've said I wanted to have. There were days when I was so horny in high school, I just wanted to grab some guy walking down the hall, pull him into the equipment room in the gym and find out just what the big deal was about. But that's the way a girl gets a nickname like Popsicle, so I restrained myself. Before I slept with a guy, I had to know he was going to be willing to please me. I had to know he was going to be able to please me more than once in an evening. Most importantly, I had to know he wasn't going to telling everyone five minutes later. This all took time and meant while I was dying to get around the bases, as you put it, it was better to take the long view. And when in doubt, I had my vibes at home."

"You are you to the core, Jazz. Organized and completely planned out even when it comes to sex," Laura said shaking her head and smiling at her friend's obsessive thought process on sleeping with a guy. "Okay, that explains high school, but what about college? Everyone fucks around in college. It's expected in college that at some point you wake up in the bed of some stranger, and wonder who they are and where your bra is."

"To me, it was just a bigger campus, but same rules. Not to mention the fact that who knows what some college boy has picked up at the local Clappa Gonea Syphs sorority house. There were still girls who were put down spreading their legs for any guy who walked by, and most of the time, they were being put down by other girls who would spread for any guy who walked by and were pissed the last guy who had walked by had passed them and chosen the other girl. I had enough problems with those bitches getting pissed at me as is just because their conquest of the week kept looking in my direction."

"So basically, it was less of a hassle to vet the possible candidates for mad sea otter like fucking than to just go out and cast your line into the water and see what you caught."

"Precisely. Take my time, make sure I've found a good guy, and then use him in any and every way we can come up with. Have you ever had sex in a tree? Not a treehouse, actually balanced in the branches of a tree and going at it so hard the whole tree is shaking? Now that was fun."

"Someday I would like to see the full list of places you've had sex, but I'm too afraid of just how jealous and inadequate I would feel in comparison," Laura said as she pondered how hard it would be to have sex perched in a tree. "So you're an adult now, you know what you're looking for in sex and know how to get it, what is the problem with a little casual sex if it satisfies those requirements?"

Jasmine thought about the question for a moment. "Well to start with, I'm no longer looking for guys. I'm not exactly living in an area that is friendly to homosexuals."

"Oh come on how unfriendly can it be?"

"Ever heard of Sarah Ellington?"

Laura let out a hissed breath. "Ouch, that was your school?"

Jasmine nodded. "'Not exactly friendly' is a nice way of putting it. Say I do find a woman in the area, say we do hook up. Say she's interested in being my slave for the evening. Say all that happens and a parent finds out I went home with a woman and complains to the principal and school board. My position at school will become very difficult. They wouldn't be able to fire me, but they would do all they could to freeze me out of things and pressure me out of the job."

"Okay, what if you were attracted to guys? What would be the problem with casual sex then?"

"Same kind of problem in some ways. Small town and if I go trolling the bars for hook-ups, it wouldn't take long before everyone knew. Being thought of having loose morals makes it that much harder to maintain classroom discipline. Just looking for something casual means an hour drive to the nearest city big enough where I might find someone. Then it's a game of Russian Roulette as to whether it would be someone worth it. Plus, it isn't exactly easy to change fifteen years of thinking," Jasmine explained.

"Diana and you were, I guess the best way to put it, experiments. Am I really attracted to women and could I actually sleep with one, or is it just a mental block caused by a long dormant sex drive? Can I really act on my dominate desires, or is it all just something in my head? Obviously I can see myself doing both again now, but that part of me that has always sought out relationships wants to seek out a relationship to do it in. I look at you and I think, 'Laura isn't what I'm looking for right now in a relationship', but another part of my mind is also thinking, 'I wonder if she'll want to hook up again if I come back over this way for Christmas?'" Jasmine let out breath as she tried to figure out how to get her thoughts in order.

Laura looked at her friend and read the confusion and frustration on Jasmine's face. "I don't think we'd work in a relationship either. The long distance thing is difficult at the best of times, and while we're good friends, it takes more than that to start a relationship. That said, if you were in town at Christmas or another time, and neither of us was in a serious relationship, I could see the possibility of playing again." She finished and tried to strike a sexy pose on the stool and ended up wincing as her body reminded her of all the aches. "Maybe not quite as hard, but we could play again."

"It's a date," Jasmine said dryly. "Now, if it were just so easy closer to home."

"You can't tell me there isn't someone back where you live that you don't think there's a possibility with. There has to be someone you've looked at and felt a possible connection with."

"Ye-. Well may-. NO!" Jasmine said as she tried to get her thoughts under control as the image of Julie naked and decorated with clothespins came to mind.

"No? Really? You sound so sure of that," Laura said sarcastically.

"It's complicated and wouldn't work," Jasmine said trying to found firm and ending.

"Is she in a relationship?"

"No," Jasmine said softly.

"Is she straight?"

"No," she replied again as she tried to figure out an excuse beyond it being one of her students.

"Are you attracted to her?"

"Yes. I think."

"Do you think she has compatible sexual interests?"

"I'm pretty sure."

"Has she expressed any interest in you in the past?" Laura pried.

"Yes, but?" Jasmine did not have a good way to end that sentence. For a moment she thought about telling the truth.

"I'm not seeing a good 'but' here, Jazz. If it is really that hard to find someone where you are like you say, then why are you passing up on someone who sounds like they meet your criteria?" Laura pressed as Jasmine sat quietly in her chair. She really didn't have a good way to answer the question. Telling the truth didn't seem like a good choice. Laura could flip out and call the police if she told her the truth, or even worse she could tell her that she didn't see a problem with it.

"I just really don't think it would work," she said as firmly as she could manage.

Laura leaned in and looked into Jasmine's eyes. She stared so hard Jasmine could feel herself starting to squirm as Laura seemed to be reading her soul. "No, you're more afraid that it will work," she said leaning back. "I'm not sure why, maybe it is because you lost the last person you cared about, but you're afraid of what will happen if it does work out."

Jasmine shifted uncomfortably as the truth of the words hit her. This couldn't work with Julie. Too many things were stacked against them, and the longer it did last, the worse the consequences when it ended. Yet despite all that, she found herself still wanting the young girl. "It can't work out," Jasmine stated flatly looking away from her friend.

Laura took Jasmine's hand in hers and let her fingers caress gently up and down her arm. "Jazz, I don't know why you're fighting against something you want so hard, but you've got to figure that out for yourself. Figure out what your objections are, and why you still want to ignore them. If your reasons are good enough, then just go for it. Passion rarely makes sense, but it makes for one hell of a ride." She leaned forward and gave Jasmine a light kiss on the cheek. "It isn't like you to be indecisive or timid, so knock it off. It isn't a good look on a Domme."

Jasmine gave her friend a blushing half smile as she pulled her hand free. "You're right it isn't like me. I've been avoiding the situation and I need to get over it and make up my mind. I've never been indecisive or meek in the past, and I'm not going to start now," she finished firmly and decisively, sitting up a little straighter.

Laura let out a light happy laugh, "There's the Jasmine that I know. The one who doused Thad's letterman jacket in lighter fluid and tossed it in the bonfire when she caught him fucking Darla at the lake party."

"I actually meant to throw it at him, but it caught too fast and I had no choice but to toss it in the fire," Jasmine admitted slightly embarrassed. "You're also forgetting I slashed his tires, so he had a bit of difficulty getting home that night too. Why he thought he would get away with cheating on me, especially with that prudish bitch, is beyond me."

"Personally, I'm just amazed you didn't just spray the lighter fluid straight on him to begin with," Laura said with another laugh. "With that said though, Jazz, I know you want to get on the road and headed home before it gets much later. Why don't you grab a shower, and I'll take care of the dishes."

Jasmine got up and stretched, "You're right, I need a shower and to get going. Thanks for everything. I'm glad our paths crossed again." She leaned over and gave Laura a big hug squeezing the woman in her arms.

"Me too, Jazz," Laura said wincing at the hug as it reminded her body where all the aching spots were. "Just remember, Jazz, you can't always play so rough with your toys."

Jasmine laughed, ending the hug and made her way to the shower.

Two hours later, Jasmine found herself on the freeway making her way home. Laura had been right that she needed to quit being so indecisive when it came to Julie. She had gotten the girl's hopes up and then ignored her, too cowardly to just end things like she should have. The problem was that she'd never been sure if she'd have brought it up, that she would have been able to say no. She still wanted the girl, and she couldn't put her finger on exactly why. And was it just Julie she wanted, or was she going to find herself lusting after any teenage girl that showed an interest in her.

That last part is what really worried her. If it was just something special about Julie, then what and was it worth pursuing. If it was any attractive young woman, then the answer was clear and she needed to end it, and maybe find a different profession.

The drive gave her time to think, and come to a conclusion. If by the time she got home, she hadn't convinced herself it was worth pursuing, then she knew it wasn't and she had to tell Julie on Monday. On the other hand, if by the time she got home she decided it was worth the risk, then she had plans to make.

Jasmine let her mind run back over the girls she had taught in the past as she tried to pick out a few that represented types she could see herself possibly attracted to and wanting to dominate. She would happily bound and gag Sharice in her second period class, but that wasn't sexual, it was just to shut the girl up and keep her from texting on her cellphone. They weren't even through the first semester yet and she'd already confiscated the phone five times, and it was easy to tell when she was on it, because it was the only time she stopped talking to whoever was around her. Jasmine couldn't understand why her mom kept coming by the school to pick up the phone for the little brat either.

She had no interest in Sharice beyond that though, and she moved on to various students she had in past years. This year had started out roughly, and she hadn't bonded as closely with her classes as she had in the past. That was starting to change now that she was back out of her shell, but she didn't know these kids as well as she knew many of her classes in the past.

After thinking about it for thirty minutes, Jasmine came up with a list of four names. It was a list of four girls that were all different from each other, but unique in their own ways and stood out in her memory. Jenny Morgan, Tina Botts, Vanessa Sanchez, and Stephanie Landow were the final four. They were all different in attitude as well as looks, and Jasmine had a connection to all of them outside of the classroom. She disregarded anything she knew, or thought she knew about their sexual preferences and asked herself, if the girl had come up to her when she had been her student, or even now for that matter, and there had been no William in the picture, would she have even thought about pursuing a relationship with her. For the sake of the mental exercise, she made them all very submissive and sexually adventurous in the bedroom. Basically, she was cutting out Julie and putting a different girl into the slot.

She started with Jenny Morgan. She had Jenny in her class her first year as a teacher and again in her third year. Jenny had been 5'4" when she'd had her as a freshman and 5'9" two years later as a junior. Her long light brown hair had been down to her waist that she wore in single braid. She'd had a few extra pounds as a freshman, but by her junior year the extra pounds had spread out on her growing frame and she had developed some very nice curves. She had a nice smile and fast eyes that intensely tracked whatever had her interest. She'd been on the track team and after she'd hit her growth spurt, she'd gone from competing in the sprints to the hurdles and long jump. Jasmine had written a college letter of recommendation for her and Jasmine believed she was now at one of the smaller private colleges in the state.

Jasmine had been an assistant track coach her first two years at the school, until gracefully stepping aside when a new teacher started at the school who had actual track experience, and Jasmine had gotten the chance to know Jenny as more than just a student in her class. Jenny was a nice girl, but when Jasmine thought to herself as to whether she would have acted on any indications from the girl that she was interested, the answer was clearly and quickly no.

It wasn't that Jenny was a bad person, it was more that she was? flat was the only way Jasmine could think to put it. Jenny had very little interest in the world outside of her own little world. Jasmine would never call her shallow. She wasn't self-absorbed, cruel, or malicious; she just didn't even seem to notice how big the world was. She was born a small town girl and when she finished with college, she'd come back to the same small town and be content with that being her world. Content isn't even the right word. She'd come back oblivious that she could have had anything else.

Jasmine would admit she had found a certain contentedness in the town, but she still dreamed of bigger things, traveled, and knew the world extended farther than the town limits. Being with someone who looked at the events in the Middle East as if they were on a different planet, Hell, who looked on events that happened across the nation as utterly disconnected to her life, would drive Jasmine mad within a week. Jenny was perfectly nice, but she definitely wasn't Jasmine's type.

Tina Botts had been the classic All-American girl. Five ten with shoulder-length golden blonde hair and a body that had all the right curves in all the right places. She always seemed to be wearing a big smile showing her gleaming white teeth and moved with an assured bounce in her step. Jasmine had had the girl two years before as a junior. She had been in student body government every year probably since Kindergarten, and Jasmine believed she was currently a freshman at some semi-prestigious college in California. Beyond holidays, Jasmine doubted that Tina would ever return to the small town and she was out to conquer the world.

Jasmine had gotten to know Tina a little out of class when she'd served on the school dance committee for a couple of years, and they'd talked at the various planning meetings and while setting up for dances. At first impression, Tina was one of the nicest and sweetest girls you would ever meet. The problem was that first impression wasn't exactly true, as Jasmine had heard her talking when she thought only her elite cadre of friends was around. Tina could be unkind and rude. Well okay, if Jasmine were to be totally honest, Tina was a cold-hearted, two-faced bitch, who would sell her soul to the devil, her mother to a whorehouse, and her younger brother to organ harvesters if she thought it would get her ahead? and she wouldn't get caught.

It had taken Jasmine awhile to realize this about the girl, but even before she'd overheard one particularly nasty exchange between Tina and one of her friends, Jasmine had begun to be wary of the girl. It had been the way that Tina had occasionally turned her head and whispered a comment to a friend to which they both laughed at an odd moment and there had been a cool glint in Tina's eye. Jasmine couldn't see her being with someone she distrusted. She definitely couldn't see herself being with someone she knew would cross her if it was to her advantage.

Then there was Vanessa Sanchez. The girl exuded sexuality with every breath and every move. She only stood about 5' 7", but she always wore heels which gave her another couple of inches. Her flawless caramel skin, lustrous wavy black hair that went past her shoulders, and smoldering brown eyes gave her an exotic look in the white bred town. She had curves that would have Playboy pounding on her door, and her every move seemed to be an expression of vitality and self-control. You always saw the comical scene where guys watching a woman passing them and being so caught up in the moment that they didn't know what they were doing and run into a door. Jasmine had actually seen that happen more than once when Vanessa had walked down the hall.

Vanessa had been Jasmine's student her freshman year, and even at fourteen she had had that look about her that left the boys in class speechless when she talked. She was also an actress and starred in nearly every school play from her sophomore year on. Her stage presence was even more amazing than her every day presence. When she was on stage, every eye was on her and pulled into the moment. She'd even starred in a few local commercials, before she had graduated and last Jasmine had heard was she had gone off to an acting school in hopes of launching a career in Hollywood. Jasmine had yet to see her on TV, but even in the last year, she wasn't a huge watcher of network television.

Jasmine knew the answer to a relationship with Vanessa though. It was another definite no. Okay there was a part of her that would love to see Vanessa naked now that she'd graduated. Vanessa wasn't hot, she was gorgeous! Sadly Vanessa was also dumb as a stump. Jasmine had gotten to know Vanessa out of the classroom when she had been helping the drama teacher modernize Macbeth. Vanessa had been cast as Lady Macbeth and couldn't remember her lines to save her life. In the past Vanessa had gotten by memorizing what lines she absolutely had to, and the rest of her lines, were often carefully hidden around stage. The budget had been tight that year and the settings had been minimal with very few places to hide lines, and Jasmine had found herself doing all she could to help the girl memorize the lines.

Vanessa had been extremely grateful and sweet about the help and given it everything she could to get the lines memorized, and even after all of that, they'd had to change things a little at the last minute so that the full length of the 'Out, out damned spot' speech was some place she could read it. Vanessa had limped through school getting mostly C's with the occasional D or B, and Jasmine was sure more than one male teacher had given her grade a boost because of her looks. Jasmine was also fairly certain that the only reason none of the male teachers tried to do anything with her is because the girl had no filter and couldn't keep a secret. Nice, sweet and beautiful were all things that Jasmine liked. But Jasmine couldn't be with someone who wasn't at least moderately smart, and she never would have risked being with someone who was likely to accidentally mention what was going on in the middle of class one day or to her parents over dinner.

Finally there was Stephanie Landow. Stephanie had been a mousy girl, with frizzy brown hair, hazel-grey eyes, a slight, boyish build and dressed in what she probably thought was gypsy-hippie chic. Stephanie had been one of her juniors three years ago and like Julie, she had always been one of the quiet students trying not to draw attention to themselves. Jasmine had gotten to know Stephanie when the girl had asked if she would help her with a novel she was writing. Jasmine had agreed to read through what the girl had given her and do some editing and offer her advice. The girl had been good. The story she was telling had been well put together and the characters had had depths that many professional writers lacked.

Jasmine had edited the story and offered advice as to where she should take the story from there. Jasmine had always been better at term papers than fictional writing, but editing was editing and she knew how to advise the girl to avoid tropes and clich?s in her writing. Every Friday for the rest of the year, Stephanie had brought in the pages she'd written that week, and Jasmine would read through them and edit them, and they had talked a little as Jasmine read and edited and Stephanie pretended to work on her homework.

And that was the exact problem with Stephanie. She was smart, but flighty. Her mind drifted from thought to thought like a butterfly and only stayed somewhere as long as she found it interesting. Jasmine knew she'd done all the class reading, and did a massive amount of reading outside of class, but she rarely turned in assignments and never bothered to do book reports on her outside reading. Her grades had been all over the place, and Jasmine knew she had to take summer school between her junior and senior years to pass a class she had failed. She had passed Jasmine's class, but barely. Well she sort of passed. Okay Jasmine admitted she had shifted the girl's grade up a few points to pass her. It was what Jasmine referred to as an 'I know you know' pass. Jasmine knew Stephanie had done the reading and knew what was going on in the story, and knew the vocabulary because it would pop up in her own writing, but the learning had never been demonstrated in the classroom. The proof of knowledge had been enough for Jasmine to pass her, but it wasn't enough for Jasmine to consider a relationship with the girl. Jasmine didn't mind someone who was a bit of a free spirit, but Stephanie was lost on the breeze and lacked the self-control or desire to be anything else. She wasn't sure what the girl was doing now as she had graduated the year before when Jasmine had been her most lost, but she thought she remembered Stephanie had moved to the big city and was trying to get into writing. She made a note to try and find out. Stephanie hadn't had her novel finished by the end of the school year, and never come back to her with anything else. At the very least she suddenly found herself very curious again what had happened with that story.

The elimination process had taken Jasmine though the big city and she had just started to pass through the more affluent suburbs before the mountains took over. She barely remembered to get off the freeway for the shopping lot that she'd been planning on. It was going to be an early, and more than slightly expensive Christmas present for herself, but Jasmine had decided to get a hot tub, possibly one with an endless lap pool built in, for the backyard, and her usual careful research told her which brands to look at and where to buy.

Jasmine used her time in the store to go back over her choices and thoughts. Had she been lying to herself about any of the girls? Were there any girls she had left off the list that might have been worth considering? She didn't think so. Yes, she was curious as to how Vanessa might look naked, and she made another mental note to do a search for that when she got home, after all, didn't failed actresses often end up on the pages of girly magazines, but no other former students came to mind as she troubled through the problem. That just left the question as to why Julie.

The stop took longer and cost more than she had imagined it would, but Jasmine walked out of the store ninety minutes later with an appointment the next week for someone to come out and consult about delivery and installation. Jasmine had even called Harrison to make sure he could be on hand for that in case she was going to need him to do any renovations or electrical work in advance. She was already anticipating the first soak in the tub with the jets turned on high and how nice it would be to swim endlessly in the warm water and the cold winter air blew all around her and snow covered the ground.

Shopping done, Jasmine turned her car towards home and her mind towards Julie. Before she could do anything with the girl, she had to answer the questions as to why her and was it worth the risks. Jasmine knew that some girl she knew no further than as a student and how they did in class would never be someone she would show a spark of interest in. She liked her students, but that's exactly what they were. Julie had become something more when she'd become Jasmine's TA and they talked everyday about whatever was going on in the world. Jasmine was even willing to admit that it had been that daily casual conversation that had finally cracked her shell and gave her enough of a nudge to get back in contact with Stacey. Sure trying to avoid the notebook had been the final push, but remembering it was possible to have a conversation with someone that didn't circle back to her dead husband had been even more important.

Julie was cute and had a certain athletic leanness to her body that Jasmine liked. Yes, she could use a bit more muscle definition, but she was still young and work and determination would help her with that. She wasn't stupid either. She wasn't an honor student, but she was bright, hard-working, and realized the world was bigger than just the small town she lived in. She had goals in her life, but wasn't locked into her plans and was ready to see where life might take her. She wasn't mean, but she didn't try to be friends with everyone either. If someone wasn't her friend, they weren't her friend and that was it; they never became a target for scorn or torment. Knowing what she knew about the girl, Jasmine could see the sensuality in her, as her big eyes craved approval, dominance, and the desire to please. All the other girls Jasmine considered beat Julie in one way or another, prettier, smarter, sexier, or athletic. All of the other girls had big flaws as well. They were the same kinds of flaws that had kept her from dating guys in high school or college, and they were the same kinds of flaws that had led her to break up with guys as well.

Jasmine tried to take age out of the equation. Say she had met Julie through one of the various BDSM and fetish social media or dating sites on the internet, what would she do? This aged Julie a few years and made her legal. Jasmine wouldn't have approached her, she knew that. She would have set her search range down as she looked on the sites to someone probably between the ages of 24 and 32ish, so Julie would have had to find her on the site and message her.

In her message Julie would explain she was new to the scene but had a long time curiosity in BDSM, but had not had the ability to experiment much until now. She had a decent pain tolerance, liked the idea of some humiliation play, considered herself very submissive and was open to all kinds of experimenting. Part of the reason she replied to Jasmine's profile, is that she saw Jasmine too was new to the scene and just coming out of the closet, she lived reasonably close by, and this could be an opportunity for them to get to know the scene and experiment together. She points out she is a little below the age Jasmine is looking for, but she had to reply because she felt there were too many other connections for something like age to be an absolute factor. There'd been a link back to Julie's profile as well where Jasmine would find an assortment of pics of the things Julie had put herself through as she learned, a story or two, and a decently written profile that would give Jasmine a better idea of if she was worth replying to with any interest.

After looking through all of that, Jasmine knew what she would do next if it had been a guy and she was looking to get back into the dating pool and the thought hurt her. She would compare the guy to William. She wouldn't expect him to measure up perfectly, but she would at least like to think that any other man she dated would have many of the same qualities that he had that made her fall so madly and deeply in love with him to begin with. She was going to have to do the same thing to Julie if she wanted a real answer.

Jasmine really, really, really didn't want to have to compare the two. It was still too hard to think of William at times, and comparing him to a replacement was difficult. Jasmine didn't even bother to think what Will would think of Julie. His moral compass was probably stronger than hers seemed to be and she knew he would have dismissed things long before they went anywhere. He was probably a little disappointed in her for not doing the same, wherever he was now, but it was where he wasn't that was the determining factor. And that wasn't was in the car with her driving home.

"Okay," Jasmine said to herself. "Let's compare the two. See if Julie can measure up well enough to make it worth it."

She started with looks. It was the least important category in the long run, but the hardest to compare between the two. Will had a certain computer geek chic about his look. Short hair, wire frame glasses, short sleeve dress shirts usually in red, blues, and greens, a thin frame that he put just even exercise into to keep fit and give him enough muscle definition to keep from looking frail. A nice slightly lopsided smile and kind eyes that had a glint of mischievousness to them made him perpetually look like he'd just finished playing some minor prank on someone.

Julie with her short red hair, spray of freckles on her pale skin, short athletic body was in many ways a complete opposite. She couldn't compare the apple and oranges of bodies, so Jazz focused on Julie's face. A sweet, shy smile and hazel, almost green eyes always seemed to give her a look of sweet innocence and the desire to please. Looking at William, put a person at ease and then made them check to make sure their shoelaces hadn't been tied together. Looking at Julie made you think of an angel with a free pass to sin for the weekend. There was no comparison and no winner good or bad.

William was smart as a whip when it came to computers and mathematics. He'd gone to college on a full academic scholarship and had been recruited right out of college for one of the top companies in his field. In his first year of work as Jasmine finished up her degree, he'd made more than she'd made in her first three years of teaching combined. Then, he'd quit that job at a drop of a hat to follow her out to a teaching job on the backend of nowhere. He knew what was going on in the world and could hold a reasonable conversation on most topics, but if it fell out of his areas of computers, videos games, movies, or basketball, he was willing to admit it wasn't hard for him to get out of his depth.

Jasmine had enjoyed her conversations with Julie as they worked through sixth period, but as bright as Julie was, her knowledge base was incomplete. Unlike most sixteen year olds though, she knew she didn't know everything and let her interests and knowledge roam and grow. Julie admitted that her world had become a little self-centric as she found herself more isolated from her friends, and with that had come an obsession with furthering her exploration of BDSM, more than expanding her knowledge down new routes as well. But Jasmine had been there too, and she could see what Julie needed was a push into the greater world to explore more and she would be off.

It again seemed like an unfair comparison between the two. There were parts of William that would always seem to be a teenaged boy obsessed with video games and the latest gadgets and where was part of Julie that already seemed like a grown woman ready to explore the world before her.

William made friends easily. He had a charm about him that if he had been a conman he could have had widows handing over their pensions, pastors handing over their daughters, and car dealers handing him over the keys to a new Mercedes with nothing but a promise and a smile. Everyone seemed to know him and at the same time, he seemed to know everyone. Two weeks into her first year teaching and Will's first year at the district's head of IT, she was still trying to get to know staff and remember what department everyone was in. Meanwhile, teachers she barely recognized would come up and say hi to her, and ask how Will was doing and tell her how he'd done a great job on fixing that glitch with their computer, or smart board, or projector, or whatever else that hadn't been working right. She'd gone to the grocery store one night and the cashier had recognized her as Will's wife and how he'd help reboot the system and getting it running smoother when he'd been in a couple days before and the thunderstorm had hit and knocked out the power for a couple of minutes.

Jasmine had grown up and been popular all through school. Even college she'd had lots of friends and a big circle of acquaintances, but William had been something different. He wasn't Mr. Popular, or the center or attention, or anything like that, but at the same time, everyone seemed to know him and there wasn't a party he wouldn't have been welcome at or at the very least couldn't have talked his way into.

Julie was like that in a way. Because she was worried about someone finding out she was a lesbian and socially exiling her, she had pulled back from many of her friends, but that wasn't her personality. Everyone had always seemed to like Julie. She could put her in any group of students in class to work on a project and everyone knew she would do her share and wouldn't cause problems. She was always eager to please and people would always give her the benefit of the doubt if anything ever went wrong around her.

If she was away from the small town and in a city where she could feel more comfortable being out and being herself, Julie would likely come back out of her shell and be that person on comfortable fitting in with most every social circle.

Sexually William and Jasmine had clicked. They had explored, experimented, talked and done everything the two of them could think to try together. The sex could be a quickie in some place just out of view to the public, or an afternoon of foreplay and fucking that left them both exhausted and sated. She had never wanted when it came to sex with William, and as far as she knew, he had never been left wanting either.

Julie was a new world of possibilities when it came to sex. Matching Jasmine's, but in an entirely different direction. Just thinking of the possibilities of what she could do with Julie had her mind spiraling off in a thousand different directions. If they hadn't been in a small town and if Julie hadn't been underage, they would have spiraled in a thousand different others as well. Her biggest issue with Julie was often trying to figure out what she could do without bringing undo suspicion or problems on the girl and herself.

Julie didn't exactly measure up to William, but that's because it wasn't a fair comparison. That said though, if Julie had contacted her through a BDSM site, Jasmine would have found herself replying, curious to see where it could go. She couldn't deny her attraction to Julie, and maybe Laura was right that she needed to see where this went. And the more she thought about it, the more she knew she'd regret not doing it more than she would giving it a shot. At least until she found herself getting arrested and thrown in prison.

Jasmine let out a sigh as she made up her mind. It was still stupid. It was still dangerous, but she couldn't resist what Julie was or what she was offering. Now it was time to figure out what she was going to do with the girl. She was just turning into town, and instead of making her way home, she headed to the school, hoping Karla was still there.

The school parking lot was empty as Jasmine navigated her way around to the gym where she saw an older Jeep Cherokee parked near the gym doors. She smiled before parking next to the car and grabbing her gym bag out of the back of the car. The back door to the gym was unlocked and Jasmine hurried in out of the rain that had started to fall earlier that evening and made her way down a dark hall to a lit office near the end of the hall.

Jasmine rapped on the door frame as she entered from the hall and a lean athletic woman in her mid-thirties looked up from the TV where she was watching game footage of a girls' basketball game. Karla Yeats was one of the school's female gym teachers and the head coach of girls' track, basketball and soccer. She was maybe 5'8" with a wide frame of solid muscle. Her skin had a perpetual tanned look to it, which made her short cropped blonde hair look even lighter. "You spend way too much time in here considering it's a holiday weekend," Jasmine commented stepping into the office and leaning against a filing cabinet.

Karla stopped the recording of the game and stretched out in her seat as she turned to look at Jasmine. "I've got three seniors on this year's team. We haven't made the playoffs since they've been here and I'd like to see them make it for once. We've got a good team this year, and if we can catch just a few breaks, we can make it."

"What you need is a point guard who can put up a three pointer now and then. What you need is a point guard who can at least threaten from deep. You need Rebekah to go in for rebounds and fight for them instead of getting pushed around. You need a team that has better endurance so they're not throwing up rocks for the last five minutes of the game costing you close games. And you need a sixth man who can come off the bench and make a difference in the game. Beth needs to average more than 4.3 points a game for the amount of playing time you give her. You up for some one-on-one?"

Karla got up and stretched easing the stiff muscles from having spent far too long sitting in the seat pouring over footage of other teams. "What I need is a JV coach who knows enough to help build the basic skills the girls need. Yeah, I could use a little exercise. I'll get the balls while you get changed." Jasmine nodded and made her way to the locker room while Karla picked up a large key ring and made her way down to the equipment room.

Jasmine quickly changed into her gym clothes and joined the other woman on the basketball court where she was already taking warm up shots from a rack of balls. A ball bounced off the rim and angled towards her as she approached and she grabbed the ball off the bounce, shooting and swishing the shot. Jasmine grabbed a second ball off the rack, stepped back to the three point line and swished another shot with a smile.

"You just get back into town?" Karla asked as she made another shot of her own.

"Yeah. I didn't feel like hitting the gym and I knew you'd be here and would probably need a break. Seriously, you spend too much time watching footage." Another shot and another swish.

"The whole family is in town this year. I've got one of my brothers and his wife and their three kids at my house, along with my uncle while the rest are over at my parents. Being at home is crazy. Watching footage was my excuse to escape the noise." Her shot rolled around the rim, teetered for a second and fell in.

"The whole clan is in town? No wonder you're in hiding." The ball bounced off the backboard and whispered through the net.

"Even my grandparents. Though they're staying at the hotel, so they get peace and quiet." Her shot just bounced out.

"Good for them. So what are the odds, Olivia will finally give up the JV soccer position next year, so I can have it." Jasmine said with a blunt change of topic as she hit another three-pointer.

Karla laughed as she stepped back for a three of her own, "Well she could drop dead of a heart attack between now and then, but there's no chance she'll just hand it over." The shot bounced off the front of the rim and flew off.

"That's such bullshit. I gave up my spot with the track team when an actual track coach came to the school, she could have the same decency and give up her position for someone who actually knows how the modern game is played." The shot had a little too much heat on it, and bounced off the back of the rim.

"Life isn't fair. You can have the JV basketball job. Georgia would hand it over to you before the next game if you asked. Hell, if you want it, I'll give you the varsity job for next season." Her shot rattle around and bounced out.

"I hate basketball," Jasmine said as she swished another three pointer.

"Oh yes, I forget. Miss. Five-star recruit, Miss. Second-team All-American, Miss. Holder of multiple state records, hates basketball. You were offered scholarships from nearly every major college in the nation, and you turned it down to kick a ball around and now you're too good to coach JV ball," she said icily as her shot bounced hard off the backboard.

"Gee, I could have stayed at my parents and heard nearly that exact same speech from my dad. You would think ten years later, it would be a moot point. I was tired of basketball. I never liked it as much as I had liked soccer and no one should coach a sport they don't love. Yeah, I could take over the JV squad for you, and I could turn it around so that you would have better skilled and conditioned players to work with, but I'd spend the entire winter pissed off and counting the days until it was over. And you know exactly what I'm talking about, or you would hand me the varsity girls' soccer team for next year." Jasmine picked up the last ball off the rack and made another swish and the two women, now at least a little warmed up, gathered up the loose balls and prepared to play for real.

When it boiled down to it, Jasmine could have easily beat Karla in a game of one-on-one. She had a better long shot than the shorter woman, had a higher jump, and four inches of height. She could have easily hit ten straight jumpers and had the game over in a matter of minutes. Karla had her beat on the close game though and used her muscly frame to drive to the net with a brutal viciousness. She had an uncanny sense of when Jasmine was shifting her feet and would drive knocking the taller woman on her ass for an easy lay-up. They set a rule that neither could make two straight baskets from either inside or outside. Meaning that Jasmine had to try to drive through the brick wall Karla became when she planted her feet to get to the basket, and Karla had to try to take a shot over someone who could swat away just about any jump shot she could take. That plus Karla's constant practice with the varsity squad, made the contest something closer to equal.

There was very little trash talking between the two as Jasmine took the ball out and started to work towards the basket. Both considered trash talking juvenile and a waste of thought better saved for the game. Jasmine tried a head fake before spinning the other direction and an easy lay-up, but Karla hadn't bit and stripped the ball from Jasmine, dribbled twice, turned, jumped and spun putting up a long jumper that rang off the backboard and swished through the net. The game was on.

The pair battled back and forth for the next twenty minutes and the score stayed close. Shots were made, blocked, bounced off the rim, ricocheted off the backboard, and bodies grunted, sweated, were knocked around, and knocked to the ground.

"Tell me," Jasmine began as she tried to find a way to drive into the basket. It was game point and she wanted to win. "What are Julie Gardner's odds of making the varsity soccer team next year?" She drove for the basket, but her shot was rushed and bounced off the outside of the rim.

"Julie?" Karla said as she caught the rebound and cleared the ball back to the top of the key. "You saw enough of the games this season, and you know what I'm losing. You tell me what I'm going to need for next year." She circled around to the baseboard and tried to pull Jasmine out from where she was guarding the lane to the basket.

"A striker, a defender, and a solid mid-fielder." Jasmine caught Karla thinking and rushed in stealing the ball and moving back to the key.

"Exactly. I'm losing five girls, but I've already got a solid goalie from the JV squad and Kate should have been on varsity this year, but I had too many good mid-fielders to bring her up." She kept close to Jasmine not giving the taller woman room to work. "So which of those positions could Julie possibly fill?"

"She lacks the bulk for defense. You like a girl who can put someone in their place back there. She doesn't have the killer attitude you are looking for either." Jasmine rolled to her left, pivoted back to her right and slid around Karla, but the other woman pivoted just as fast and backtracked in front of the basket and Jasmine ran straight into a wall as she was about to shoot.

"So where do I put her?" Karla said as she gathered up the loose ball.

"You need her as a striker," Jasmine said moving back to cover the other woman. "She's too small to be able to move up and down the full field quickly, but you put her on offense she's working half the field and is small enough to get around and behind people without notice." She blocked a badly timed jump-shot by the other woman and ran down to mid-court to recover the ball.

"So what does she need to be a varsity quality striker?" Karla asked after cursing her bad shooting choice under her breath.

"Speed and endurance," Jasmine said as she tried to find a way past the imposing woman. "She's got decent speed, but she needs the quick sprint speed to get behind the defense when the ball comes her way to strike. She also needs to be build up her endurance so she can be out there for a full game, not just a half before she starts to fade." She tried to drive again, but the ball was almost magically whisked from her fingers and she had to turn to cover the woman before she made another quick drive to the basket for the win.

"Very good. Now why are you asking?" Karla stood at the top of the key dribbling the ball slowly hunched over as she tried to figure out her shot.

"She's my TA. We were talking about it last week and she said she was hoping to make the jump. I told her if I got the chance I would ask you what she needed to do." Jasmine felt like a coiled spring as she waited for the woman to make her move. She knew Karla was tiring and if she could get the ball back and make a quick drive she could win.

"Oh," Karla said and she moved closer to Jasmine turning her back to her and trying to force the taller woman back. "I always got the feeling she never really had the drive to play soccer at the varsity level. "My guess was that the only reason she said it was to please you. She has a crush on you, you know."

Jasmine froze at the words and her heart stopped for a moment before pounding against her chest like a jackhammer and she felt herself begin to panic. How could Karla know? How much did she know? How badly was she screwed? Karla sensed the moment the other woman frozen up and spun driving around her for an easy lay-up and the win.

"She doesn't have a crush on me," Jasmine objected trying to keep her voice level and casual, not even realizing for a moment she had just lost. "What are you talking about?"

Karla laughed as she walked back over to her friend and patted her on her shoulder. "That was too easy. I can't believe you froze up like that."

Jasmine let herself relax a little, had Karla said it just to mess with her head? "What do you mean she has a crush on me?"

"The woman who has been crushed on at one time or another by probably nearly every boy in her classes, is thrown off by one girl having a crush on her. Jazz, I never figured you to be that easily thrown."

"I'm just trying to figure out what I'm missing that makes you think she's got a crush on me. I can always tell when one of the guys has that crush look in his eyes, but Julie doesn't have it. She's my TA and the only one in the classroom. I think I would notice," Jasmine said trying to get herself and the conversation back under control.

"I don't mean she has a crush on you like she wants to get under your skirt," Jasmine felt her heart slow considerably and the tension disappear from her shoulders. "It's a girl crush. You know how some of the guys get when they find one of the guy teachers they really connect with and like. They are about half a step away from acting like little puppy dogs and hanging on every word the guy speaks like its gospel. They admire the guy so they want to be like him. Start dressing differently and talking differently to emulate the teacher."

"You mean like half the guys after they've taken Mr. Davidson's AP US History class? Yeah, they're funny as hell to watch. You're saying that's how Julie sees me?" Her heart had slowed to normal, what Karla was saying was pretty common as students found new role models in their teachers.

"Exactly. You're her role model. You played varsity soccer, so now she's determined to make varsity soccer. You know she tried out for the softball team last year? She'd never played before outside of gym class, but she tried out for the team. According to Coach Vicks, she failed horribly, but she tried out. Oh, if you want a team, I'm sure Coach V would gladly hand over the JV softball squad to you."

Jasmine shrugged. "Maybe. Coach V is probably a better coach than I am when it comes to softball. Softball was just something to keep me active between basketball and summer soccer leagues. Only reason I did it over track is because I could cleat girls sliding into base, and occasionally, I got the opportunity to bean one when she tried to take home."

"You're a thug, Jazz. What are you going to tell Julie?"

Jasmine thought for a moment about all the things she was going to tell Julie, but then had to figure out an answer that was appropriate for the moment. "I'm going to tell her the truth. Her odds of making the varsity team are slim, but if she wants to do it, I'll help her develop an exercise plan and diet that will get her there."

"Jazz, she's going to have to beat out Trixie Perkins for the spot. Trixie has got five inches on her and already has the endurance. She's not going to make up the inches, and while she's got a slight edge in sprint speed, she's a little better at passing accurately, and maybe has a slight edge is natural skill it isn't enough, especially if she doesn't get her endurance way up. For her to make it, you're going to have to give her a work out plan that will drive her in to the ground."

Jasmine nodded and the two started making their way back to the end of the gym. "Karla, all I have to do is tell her the truth and give her the work out. Then, if what you say about her little crush is true, all I have to do is tell her I know she can do it and that I look forward to see her starting next year," Jasmine explained in a cool voice.

"That's just evil, Jazz," Karla laughed. "It will probably work, but it's evil."

Jasmine nodded. "That it is, but she asked. I'm need to get home. I need some rest and I have lessons to get ready for next week. You should probably head home too. Spend the rest of your evening with your family before they disperse again for the year. You never know when they won't be there." She had meant the last bit to come out light, but it turned sad as she spoke the words and William filled her memory.

"You're right. I'll head home and worry about the next game again on Monday. We should win it anyways, they're at the bottom of the conference."

Jasmine nodded politely and made her way back to the locker room and her clothes. The thoughts about William had hit her hard and unexpectedly and she was ready to lie down and get some rest. The next day, she would prep for the school week and plan out just what she had in mind for Julie.

Jasmine woke up Monday morning after a restless night's sleep. She had spent the day before preparing, planning, and primping for what she was going to do. Her heart beat faster as she realized she was getting closer and closer to the point of no return. She stretched and then let her arms trail down her body running gently over her skin. The night had been full of erotic dreams and her body was tense with unreleased desires. Her nipples were hard and ached for stimulation and Jasmine let her fingers flick over them before trailing down over her stomach to her crotch. She parted her legs as her hands reached her slit and she shuddered with pleasure as her fingers flicked over her clit. Jasmine moaned as she imagined Julie kneeling between her legs, her small tongue flicking eagerly over her clit bringing her to orgasm after orgasm.

The tension inside her body grew, as she began to penetrate her wet hole with the fingers from her other hand, and she bit her lip as her inner fire flared higher. She drew out the stimulation for another long moment before balling her hands and pulling them from her crotch. She wanted to be aroused and on edge for the afternoon, but she couldn't afford to be too closer to the edge all day with a class of students.

Jasmine took her time getting ready that morning, putting on a touch more make-up than normal, taking time to put a wave in her long hair, and carefully choosing her clothes for the day. She started with a sheer set of deep purple satin panties and a matching bra. The bra always gave her breasts that extra bit of lift that made them look larger than they already were. Her dark blue shirt dress went on over the lingerie and the hem swished gently over her thighs. Her breasts strained against the dress, but with the dress fully buttoned not a hint of cleavage showed.

She rarely wore heels to school, but the shoes that matched the dress were two inch pumps that made her calves look even more defined than normal and would clack authoritatively with every step she took around the classroom. The black leather belt was last as she cinched it around her waist giving her athletic body a clearer figure, and there was always a possibility it might come in useful that afternoon.

She looked at herself in the mirror and it wasn't the teacher she normally saw staring back at her, it was the sex goddess. There were other teachers at the school who could have worn the same outfit and looked like it was any other day, Jasmine just wasn't one of those teachers. She'd have the eyes of every male student glued on her all day. Too bad for them, it was one particular female student that the show was aimed at.

Jasmine amazed herself at how well she was able to mentally compartmentalize at times. From the moment school started, to halfway through fifth period, her mind was locked completely in teacher mode. She'd noticed the attention of the male students as she lectured and asked questions. She noticed how more than usual students seemed lost in thought as she asked them questions and had to repeat herself, but it was like a background noise. This was why she usually dressed as to not accentuate her body, but it was nice to know she could still drive people to distraction if she wanted.

Fifth period seemed to pass slowly though and the minutes dragged on. Her stomach was turning to butterflies and as the students took turns reading through the current novel, she found herself growing distracted and forgetting to make comments and ask questions where she needed to. Five minutes before the end of class, she had them packing up and putting away their things, which she normally never did. She wanted them out the door the moment the bell rang and she hoped none of them decided to drag their heels getting out the door.

Mercifully the bell rang after an agonizingly long five minutes and Jasmine looked up from her desk where she'd been pretending to read a paper and watched at the kids rushed from the classroom. In less than a minute, the room was empty and Jasmine felt her stomach flip. She'd come to the point of no return and it was time to make a decision.

One button, then a second and third were undone and her breasts were pushed up between the spreading sides of the dress showing an indecent amount of cleavage for a school environment. She leaned forward in her chair and slid her hands under the hem of the dress and slid the panties off and over her thighs and claves. Jasmine could feel how wet they were as she balled them up and shoved them into her purse and tried to compose herself.

Jasmine senses seemed extra sharp as her heart pounded and she nearly jumped at the creaks of the ramp leading to the door filled the quiet room. Jasmine opened Pandora on her computer and Natalie Merchant began to play just as she heard Julie's usual soft knock on the door asking to be let in.

With one final deep breath, Jasmine got to her feet and strode confidently across the classroom. She kept her face cool and calm and quickly peeked out the blinds to make sure it was just Julie outside the door. The door opened revealing Julie dressed in a green Celtic knot T-shirt and a brown pleated skirt that ended just above her knees. Her hair had hit the stage where it was no longer short, but wasn't long enough to do much with, especially as its natural curl begun once again to take over.

"Sorry about the wait there," Jasmine said as Julie slipped into the classroom and Jasmine pulled the door shut behind her making very certain it was fully closed and wouldn't open without a key, "I was finishing reading something and it took me a moment to get over here. I hope you had a good break," Jasmine tried to keep her voice light and friendly not revealing what she was planning.

"It's okay, Mrs. LeBlanc. It's not like it was raining out there," Julie said as she put her stuff down in her usual spot and pulled out her math book. "It was fun. We went over to the big city to my grandparents. With Black Friday, my mom had to be closer to more of the stores. We had barely finished Thanksgiving dinner and she was out the door to start making her rounds of the stores to make sure prep was going properly. My dad was in town as well, which was nice. He was supposed to be here all week, but some reporter for US News wanted him as his photographer for a story over in Syria. He flew out last night and my brother dropped me off on his way back to college."

"I bet this is a crazy time of year for your mother. I bet she hardly slept this weekend. It's too bad about your dad though. I bet it would have been nice to have him in town for a few days," Jasmine said brightly, actually extremely relieved to know he wouldn't be in town this week.

Julie shrugged. "I've gotten used to being on my own. Plus, since he wasn't expecting this job, he says we'll go somewhere over Christmas Break. I'm voting for Disneyland. Though, I doubt my mom will be able to make that trip. Post-Christmas is nearly as nuts as the build-up to it. She's planning a vacation towards the end of January and spending a couple of weeks relaxing at home. How was your Thanksgiving, Mrs. LeBlanc?"

"Oh it was nice. I went to my parents and saw my sister and her family. It was hard without William, but I managed. I ran into one of my old friends from high school and we caught up and visited. Would you like to see some pictures I took on the trip?" Jasmine asked casually as her stomach twisted and heart fluttered.

"Sure," Julie said as she got up from her seat and walked over to Jasmine's desk.

Jasmine could feel Julie standing just inches to her side as she pulled her cell phone out of her desk and she opened the album with the photos she'd taken with her phone at Laura's. She heard Julie gasp and go very still as the first photo of the bound and naked Laura came up on the screen. She slowly flipped through the photos and savored the unintelligible gasps the girl let out at each photo. "You can imagine how surprised I was to find out not only that she was a lesbian, but extremely submissive," she begun in a low whisper. "You can guess how much more I was surprised when she offered submit to me for the evening." Jasmine let her hand rest against the back of the girl's thigh just under the hem of her skirt.

"I- I can imagine," Julie said with a dry swallow, her eyes glued on the final picture of Laura posing to best show off her bruises.

"Are you wearing panties slut?" Jasmine asked as her hand moved a little higher under the skirt?

"No, Mistress," Julie gasped as her legs spread instinctively wider, "I packed a pair for gym, like always, but as usual I removed them afterwards.

"Show me."

Julie didn't hesitate as her hands moved behind her back and undid the button and zipper of the skirt, letting it fall. The fabric briefly hung on Jasmine's hand before she pulled it away and let it fall to the ground giving Jasmine a perfect view of the girl's pale, smooth ass. Jasmine let her hand glide the rest of the way up the pale white thigh and over the curves of her ass and Julie shivered with pleasure. She dragged her nails gently down the white curves and Julie shivered again as a choked moan seemed to stick in her throat.

"Have you cum, slut?" Jasmine let her fingernails trace over the inner thighs of the girl's spread legs, stopping just short of her pussy. Jasmine could tell the girl was wet and part of her was dying to taste the slut then and there.

"No, Mistress," Julie said in a voice barely louder than a whisper. "It has been difficult. I still play with myself every day, but I can barely do it for more than a few minutes before I have to stop."

"And how often a day do you do it?" Jasmine let her fingers reach the girl's slit and slip through it. Her finger lightly brushed over her slut's clit and she felt the girl shiver hard.

"Usually, I do it three to four times a day. When I get up in the morning, when I get home from school, usually after dinner as I'm watching TV or on the computer, and then before bed. I couldn't quite as much over the last weekend due to not having much private space, but I still managed in the morning and night," her voice was growing strained and unsteady and Jasmine could see in the reflection of the monitor, that her eyes were clenched shut.

Jasmine let her fingernails gently run over the fullness of the slave's mound adding just enough pressure to make it more a scratch than a caress. "You will not cum now, slut, either. I have not given you permission to do so."

"Mistress, your touch feels so good and I've dreamt about this for so long, I don't know how much longer I can control myself. Please, may I cum, Mistress," Julie's voice was strained and caught in her throat with almost every word, as she dug her nails harder into her hands to control herself.

Jasmine pulled her hand away from her slave's wet slit and brought her hand back up in a stinging slap on sensitive skin pulling a yelp from Julie's throat. "Listen here, cunt," Jasmine began in a harsh whisper. "If you remember I gave your dirty, slutty self permission to cum after you had completed your assignment for me. You're the one who set yourself the assignment to not cum again until I allowed it." She gave the slave's clit a hard pinch that made her gasp and Jasmine was almost sure was going to push her over the edge. "If you can't keep the assignments you set yourself, then how can I expect you to be a good enough slave to obey any assignment I give you? If you want to be my slave, you little cunt, you'll control yourself. Otherwise, put on your skirt, find a bathroom stall and take care of yourself!" Jasmine couldn't believe how harsh and vicious she sounded as she snapped at the girl, but she could see the words had excited the slut even more as her heart sped up in her throat and her pussy seemed to get even wetter just as she gave the clit another pinch.

"Yes, Mistress," the girl said through sobs, her hands no longer in balls instead her hands were clawed and driving into the front of her thighs as she fought for control. Jasmine was impressed, and very, very wet.

Jasmine pulled her hand away and saw the glistening wetness coating her fingers. She slowly licked them clean and savored the sweet taste of the young slave. "I'm glad you understand the situation, slut," Jasmine said as she licked her last fingertip clean. "Now, there is one last test you must pass to prove you are worthy to be my slave. If you do not pass this test, it is clear you do not have the skills I require in a slave and you'll have to find someone else to be your Mistress."

"Anything, Mistress!" the girl gasped. "I'll do anything you want, Mistress!"

"The important thing to know about your Mistress, slut, is that I am multi-orgasmic. I'm never satisfied with just one orgasm, and very rarely satisfied with just two or three," Jasmine moved her hands to inch her skirt up her thighs as she pulled back slightly from her desk. "If that little slut tongue of yours can bring me off twice before the end of class, then I'll know you have what it takes to be a worthy slave for me. If you can't, then you'll just have to find some other cunt to practice on until you're ready to please a real woman." By the time she was done talking, she'd hiked the dress up around her waist leaving herself naked and exposed. Not that the girl had noticed yet, her eyes were still screwed shut as she tried to control her body's desires.

"Yes, Mistress. I understand, Mistress," the girl said nodding her head emphatically.

"Then what are you waiting for? I shouldn't have to wait for you, and I would have thought that you wouldn't want to wait even a second before taking the opportunity to service someone you call your Mistress," Jasmine's voice remained steady and she fought to keep her body from shaking in excitement. Watching the girl react to her words and actions was more exciting than she could have imagined.

The girl dropped to her knees without another word and crawled under the desk and between her Mistress' legs. She had dreamed of this moment for over a year, and she couldn't believe she was finally getting a chance to lick and suck and worship at her Mistress' body. Her stomach was a writhing mass of nerves as she wondered if she could truly complete the assignment she had been given. If she was unable to, she had no doubt that she would be sent away unsatisfied and having done nothing but prove she wasn't ready to serve a goddess like the one that sat waiting before her.

She leaned forward taking in the beautiful picture of her Mistress' sex on display before her. The lips were wet, glistening and spread open clearly putting her Mistress' clit and opening on display for her. She inhaled deeply smelling the sex, perfume, and body wash of her Mistress and the heady bouquet made her head swim as she lean forward to take her first, long-desired taste of another woman's sex.

She started with long slow licks of her tongue, like she had seen so often in the videos she had watched online, and let the flat of her tongue trace all the way from her Mistress' opening and over her clit, before going back down over it in another slow lick. She wanted to savor the moment. She wanted to spend the rest of the day between those thighs happily licking and sucking away, but she knew she was short on time and after another series of long licks, she leaned forward even more and sucked the clit into her mouth and let her tongue lick and flick all over it. She could feel her Mistress thrusting her hips towards her mouth and she hoped she was pleasing her. She had watched so many videos trying to figure out the best way to please a Mistress when she got the chance, and she just hoped she was giving her Mistress the pleasure she deserved.

Jasmine moaned as the small hot mouth attached to her clit and the tongue swirled over her sensitive bud and her hips jerked, pushing her crotch into the hungry mouth before her. It was clear, the girl lacked the experience that Laura had, but the mouth was eager and the tongue was quick, and aroused as Jasmine already was, she could feel her first orgasm already beginning to build. Normally, she would have held back and let the orgasm build to something stronger and more intense, but she didn't want her new slave to fail in her first task. She reached up with her hands, and flicked her nipples through her dress increasing her stimulation and arousal, as she let her mind drift and imagine all the things she could do with the compliant, beautiful slave between her legs.

Another long lick over her captured clit was enough to push Jasmine over the edge and her body shook and stiffened and a small, but amazing orgasm sent electricity shooting through her nervous system. The room smelled heavily of her sex and she prayed that this wouldn't be the day where someone came to ask a question or see how her weekend had gone.

Jasmine came down off the crest of her orgasm as she felt the small tongue leave her clit and trail down her slit, penetrating into her open hole. She could just feel the tongue as it caressed the inner walls of her sex, and whether intentional or accidentally, the bridge of her slave's nose ran over her clit with each probe of the tongue driving her wild.

She felt her slave's hand slowly beginning to caress its way up her thigh and Jasmine knew what her slave was planning on doing. She pulled a hand away from one of her breasts and slapped the girl on the head, "No hands, slut! I don't want your grubby little fingers inside me until you've proven yourself with your mouth!" The hand slid back down her calf and the tongue pulled from her sex for another long lick.

The girl rested on her hands and knees blissfully between her Mistress' legs as her tongue worked feverishly over the prize before her. She had already brought her Mistress to orgasm once and she hoped she was close to pleasing her again as she wondered desperately how much time was left before the bell rang. She pulled her tongue from where she'd been driving it into her Mistress and let her tongue lick up and down her Mistress again. She let her tongue go lower this time, remembering her Mistress making her play with her own asshole and hoping it was something her goddess would like her to do. She was so close to cumming herself from sheer exhilaration, and her body ached with the effort to stay in control.

She felt her Mistress react as her tongue teased over her asshole for the second time and she knew she had done something that had given her Mistress pleasure. She let her tongue play over the puckered hole for longer the second time and felt Her Mistress jerk before her. She let her tongue trail back up the full length of the slit and over the clit bringing another moan like the chorus of angels to her ears. She sucked the clit into her mouth again and let her tongue play over its tip with quick fluid licks.

As her tongue passed one final time over her Mistress' clit, and at that moment she truly did become her Mistress, she felt the woman tense around her as she moaned again and her Mistress' body shook and shivered with pleasure. She felt a swelling pride filling her inside as she took a brief moment of pride in having completed the assignment she was given, and knew that when she stepped out from under the desk, she was an owned slave.

Jasmine savored the moment for a minute longer as the second orgasm sent the last lingering jolts of pleasure shooting through her limbs before pulling back from the desk and letting her slave out. There was only ten minutes left before the end of school and they both needed to get cleaned up and she needed to give Julie her instructions for the future.

With a gentle push, she rolled back from the desk finally pulling her sex away from the eager and pleasing tongue. "Get up, slave. I have instructions to give you, and we don't have much time before you need to head home."

Julie quickly scrambled out from under the desk and popped to her feet as she put her hands to her sides and spread her legs wide. Jasmine felt her self-control completely disappear and her arms wrapped around the girl's waist sitting her down on the edge of the desk. She didn't know when she might get another chance to taste the girl before her, and she wasn't going to miss the opportunity, even if it was only a little taste. She leaned forward and savored the view before her eyes. The small patch of deep red hair above the just parted pink lips of her slave's pussy was like a beckoning fire, and Jasmine leaned forward extending her tongue and letting it flick over the tip of her the small just visible clit. Her slave let out a violent moan and her hands slammed onto the desktop and grasped the edge with a wild strength.

Jasmine let her tongue reach all the way down to the end of the delicious slit, before beginning to drag it up fully through it. The slut was so wet and so excited and Jasmine savored the taste of the young girl on her tongue as her tongue slowly trailed up and over the clit again.

The slut moaned as she tried to control herself. Weeks of denial and a year of dreams were fighting to get out of her body. Her nails drove into the wood of the desk beneath her and her entire body strained to keep in control as the tongue simulated her so perfectly. It was too much to resist for much longer and she knew she needed to say something or she would fail her Mistress in that moment. "Please, Mistress, I beg you to let me cum! Please! If you do that again I won't be able to control myself. I'm so close. Please let me cum from the touch of your tongue, Mistress!" The words were gasped and strained sobs as she felt the cool breath of her Mistress caressing her wet and excited sex.

Jasmine pulled back quickly and sat up straight. There was part of her that would have loved to continue and to feel the girl come to her long desired orgasm on her tongue, but the day was nearly over and she doubted the girl would have been quiet. "You are right, slut. I shouldn't torment you so, but you do have such a delicious body, that I couldn't resist a little taste of my new slave before I let her go for the day. Get down and bring me your panties," Jasmine said as she ran through the instructions she had to give the girl.

The slave jumped off the desk and ran to her bag opening up the middle pocket and pulling out a pair of pink cotton panties before returning to Jasmine. Jasmine took the offered panties and felt the damp spot in their crotch, and wondered how the girl managed to go about all the time without panties if an hour of gym made her that wet. Jasmine took the panties and pressed them against her pussy, letting the cotton fabric collect her own scent and taste as well. "Do you really want to make the varsity soccer team, or have you just said it because you think I want to hear it?"

"I like soccer, Mistress. I've been playing since I was young and always enjoyed it. I'll admit that I've pushed myself harder and tried harder, because of my attraction to you, but I want to make the varsity team mainly for me," the slave answered honestly.

"Good, then we shall make getting the skills, strength and endurance you will need for that part of your training. I will come up with a workout schedule and diet that will help you make your goal. I can tell you this though, no matter what you think, no matter what you imagine, this part of your training will be harder on you than any other part of your training, and you will be punished if you slack off or don't make your goals. Remember, slut, this is a goal you've set for yourself, not one I've set for you. If you can't make your goals, then I can't believe you'll try for any I set you."

The girl nodded, "Yes, Mistress. I understand, and I will stick to any training schedule you set me."

"Do you remember the email account you set up?"

"Yes, Mistress. I've checked it every day hoping there would be a message from you on there."

"Good. At 4:30 tonight, you will leave your house to ride your bike to the library and read the message I will have left for you by then. It includes other instructions you will need to follow I don't have time for now. You will dress for a jog when you go to the library, and from the library you will ride to the jogging path through the woods."

"But, Mistress, I can check the email from my phone, and the library is a mile and a half in the opposite direction from my house to the jogging path."

Jasmine brought her hand down in a hard sharp smack on the girl's mons making her jump and yip. "Do not interrupt me, slut! I'm well aware of where you live and where the library and jogging path are. You are doing this for exercise. You are doing this to build those leg muscles of yours, and you are doing this so that by next season you'll be able to play a full soccer game without being exhausted by the start of the second half," her voice was firm and cool, and she took a breath before continuing in a more instructive voice. "At 5:30 you will be at the jogging path and you will go north on it. You will start at exactly 5:30 and you will take the five mile loop. It will be getting dark by then, so make sure you've packed a head lamp to light your way. Also I want you to have at least a dozen clothespins and something small to spank with on you. Do you understand so far, cunt?"

"Yes, Mistress, and I'm sorry I interrupted and questioned you, it will not happen again."

"You won't wear a bra and before you get started on your jog, you'll attach one of the clothespins to each nipple. I'm going to hand you back these panties in just a moment and you will put them on and wear them for the rest of the afternoon. About a half mile before you reach the starting point of your jog, you'll see a red ribbon in a bush next to a small path through the woods. You will follow the path to a small stream and next to that stream will be a large flat rock. You will strip naked and lie on the rock facing the river. Your panties will go in your mouth like a gag. If you are there before 6:15, you will give yourself ten smacks with the paddle on your cunt. If you are late, then you will give yourself an extra smack for each five seconds you're late."

Jasmine was talking fast to try and finish the instructions before the bell rang and Julie needed to leave to catch her bus. Even as she had the thought of how close she was to time running out, she handed the girl a wet wipe from her desk so the girl could clean up a little in the time remaining. "Only at that point, may you begin to play with yourself. If you are there before time, you will be allowed to bring yourself off twice; if not, only once. If you made your time, then you may remove the clothespins from your nipples, get dressed, finished your jog and go home. If you didn't make your time, then you will add a clothespin to your lips for every thirty seconds you are late, then pull on your jogging sweats and continue on your way. Either way, the panties will stay like a gag in your mouth until you get home."

Jasmine handed the panties back to her slave and pulled out the memory card from her desk by its edges and set it down on the desk. "Get dressed and take this card with you. The instructions on the email will tell you what else you need to do. For the time being, the only way we will communicate will be through the email account. It will never be mentioned in the classroom again, unless I start the conversation specifically by calling you cunt first. No matter what else I say, you will not mention anything we have done in the classroom. You will not hint at it. It does not matter if I hint at it or say something out right. It does not matter if I jack up my skirt in front of you and start playing with myself, you will not bring up anything we have done in the classroom. You will act like I am as ignorant of your sexual life as everyone else. This is not a test you want to fail, because there will be no second chance given. If I have requested photos, you will put the memory card on my desk when you come into the room, quietly and without saying anything, and if there is another card there waiting you will take that in its place. I know this will only work through the end of the semester, but I hope to have a better plan by then."

Jasmine looked the girl up and down as she finished getting dressed to make sure nothing looked suspicious about the girl's appearance and handed her a breath mint. She looked a little flushed, her smile was a bit brighter than normal, and there was a glint in the girl's eyes, but Jasmine didn't notice anything that would have people suspicious of what had transpired.

"I understand, Mistress. I will follow your instructions precisely. I will do everything in my power to reach your expectations as well, Mistress. Thank you so much for taking me as your slave," Julie said as she finished getting ready to leave class and watched as her Mistress, did up the buttons on her dress and slid on her panties. Her Mistress was a truly beautiful woman, and she felt amazingly lucky to have been chosen by her. And the way the woman could talk to her, with such a firm assuredness and call her those deliciously dirty things, made her want to melt. "You look extremely gorgeous today, Mistress. I'm sorry I didn't notice earlier."

"Thank you, slut." Jasmine said as she finished getting herself back together and the bell rang. "Remember your instructions." She smiled as she watched the girl's hips swing as she hurried from the classroom. She was looking forward to a chance to really push the girl to her limits and use her body, but she didn't know when that chance would come. It wasn't likely to happen before the end of the semester, as any marks she left might be noticed while she was in gym class, but that didn't mean there weren't other things that could be done until then.

Jasmine busied herself as she cleaned up the classroom and gave a liberal spraying of the air freshener. It was going to be difficult having Julie alone in the classroom everyday and not being tempted to use the girl in some way, but she was smarter than that, and if she couldn't resist that urge, then she had no right trying to pursue the relationship anyways. She took a look in the mirror she had inside the cabinet door to make sure she didn't look too disheveled herself and went back to her desk. She needed to stop by the library that afternoon before 4:30, but it would be a quick stop, and she'd slacked off a little over break in preparing her lessons for the next week.

It was almost impossible to focus on the dullness of lesson planning and Jasmine gave up after an hour and made her way to the library. The afternoon was quickly cooling, and a few clouds were beginning to move in overhead as she pulled into the library parking lot. The weather prediction had said that the rain wouldn't start until after 8 that evening, but she had a feeling the storm was going to move in earlier, which could make things interesting for her dear slave that evening.

She grabbed her special laptop and a couple of books she needed to return and made her way into the warm inviting library. She loved libraries, and had spent more than her share of time in this one. She'd often found that when she needed to get work done, and working at home was proving too difficult because she didn't want to work and the distractions of home were right there, the library was the perfect place to for a retreat. A quiet workroom that would have struck a monk as being austere gave the mind little to focus on but what she needed to get accomplished.

The books were discarded in the slot for returns, and Jasmine made a quick stop by the holds section to pick up a book she'd been waiting on before making her way to one of the workrooms. The laptop quickly booted up and Jasmine opened up a Word document and her Mozilla. She'd taken the time before to write the email, but had waited before posting it in case she had a sudden rash of common sense, or for whatever reason Julie had decided against things. Gmail came up and Jasmine typed in slavejulie4u and dirtyslut16 into their boxes opening the account. She started a new message putting "Congratulations" into the subject line and then opened the waiting Word file, and quickly read through it one last time.

Congratulations, my dear slave on passing all of your tests and proving yourself worthy of being my slave. I cannot tell you how pleased I am that you want to be my slave and I look forward into pushing you and using you in so many, many different ways. I know for the time being, it will be difficult for us to have much direct contact, but that doesn't mean you are not my slave and your body doesn't belong to me. You will do as you are instructed and you will always do all that you can to make sure you fulfill those instructions. I will enjoy pushing you to your limits and then past them, and only regret what cannot be done at this time.

When you are alone, you should always think of yourself as my slave. As my slave, you should be naked, and unless doing a task which requires you to stand, you should be on your hands and knees. When you eat, you should do so from bowls on the floor. And when you sleep, you should do so on a blanket and pillow on the floor. When you are not alone, I expect you to express better sense than to do these things and possibly putting yourself in a position where you might have to answer questions you cannot answer.

When you get home tonight, slave, you will make me three videos. The first of the videos will be of you eating your dinner from your bowls. I want to know what my little slut looks like down on her hands and knees on the kitchen floor eating from her bowls and lapping up her milk like a kitten. The second video will be a striptease. I have seen you naked, and I've seen pictures as you've disrobed, but now I want to see you do your best to seduce me as you undress and expose your body to me. If you do well, you will be rewarded. If you don't, then you'll be punished and have to do it again and again until you get it right. The third video will be a video of you playing with yourself. You will play with yourself to orgasm and you will choose to do it in a place that you've never done it in your house before. I know you are uncomfortable with ass play, slut, and we are going to start fixing that now. When you are making the video of you playing with your cunt, you will find a large sharpie to shove into your asshole. You will put it in at the start of the video and will not touch yourself otherwise until it is in. You may use lube, but you will start getting your ass ready for my use. I promise you, slave, the same night I take your virgin cunt for the first time, I will take your asshole as well, and the strap-on I will use is not small. This is your chance to prepare yourself for what is to come.

To help you with that preparation, you will spend at least an hour a day with the sharpie in your ass until not only are you comfortable with it, but desire something in your asshole. You will not just lie on your bed with the sharpie in place either. You will put it in and then go about whatever you need to do. The image of you crawling about doing your chores or homework as your ass is violated, is quite delightful.

In the future you will do self-bondage videos for me. I suggest you look into making sure you have proper supplies on hand and have studied the necessary techniques, so when you are asked, you will not disappoint me. I know you have used zip-ties in the past, but they are tacky, and leave marks. This might be acceptable to begin with, but I will expect more in the future.

Remember, slave, your body belongs to me. You will keep it in shape and do all you can to make sure that it is a body that I would be proud to be seen owning. I have no complaints about your dress, or beauty at this time, and I hope you never give me reason to. You will always do your best to look your best, and act your best. Whether the world knows it or not, you belong to me and your appearance and attitude reflect upon me. Do not do anything that puts you, and be extension me, in a bad light. It is also though me that all pleasure and pain comes. If I order you to punish yourself, you will do so as firmly as you can. If I don't order you to pleasure yourself, you won't. Your cunt, your ass, your tits and the rest of your body belong to me, and if you think you can give yourself pleasure without me finding out, you're wrong and will be punished. If you break my rules, you will be punished. If you break them too often, you will find yourself without a Mistress.

Your mind is as important as your body. I expect you to keep your grades high and a grade point average below 3.5 will get you punished. You will not watch TV, get on your computer and look at porn, or write in your notebooks until your homework is not only completed, but you are as sure as you can that your answers are correct and your work is complete. You will watch the news daily, and you will read it online as well. I expect my slave to be educated and well-informed about the world around her.

I know you are being asked to do a great deal, but I would not push you to do such things if I did not think you could accomplish them. Planning is important, and the activities you are expected to do will help you develop those skills as well. If you find it difficult to fit all the things you need to do into your day, I'm sure there are people around you that can help you better define a study and workout schedule. You are too capable to let your tasks and obligations overwhelm you. I have faith in your abilities and you will be rewarded for achieving the goals that have been set for you.

There is much more I want to say to you, but much of it can wait, as you have already been given a great deal to take in and adjust your life to fit. I wish to remind you, that you are not my play partner. It is not that you are not all that a Mistress could ask for in a slave, but as our relationship lacks certain things, I will find them elsewhere. This will also give me opportunities to experiment with new ideas and things before trying them with you. If you have a problem with this, then please let me know. I expect you to be open and honest with me, so we can best avoid problems. Conversely, if you find someone you have an interest in outside of me, I expect to be informed of it. I will not keep you from an opportunity, but I need to know so I can plan your assignments carefully. If I ever cross a line that you find yourself unable to cross, or I give you an assignment that hits a limit you didn't know you had, or something internally or externally keeps you from completing an assignment, you will let me know as soon as possible and explain what happened. You will not be punished for things that were beyond your control or your limits, but may be punished for not informing me or lying to me.

You have your lists of tasks for this evening, and it is time for you to get started on those tasks. I expect great things from you, slave, do not fail me and I will reward you with delightful pleasures and exquisite aches.


Your Mistress

Jasmine finished reading over the letter and cut and pasted it into the email before saving the draft and logging out. She closed down the laptop and made her way for the exit stopping only long enough to check out her book.

She got home ten minutes later and quickly changed into her jogging clothes. It was getting late in the season, and most but the most ardent joggers had stopped using or were about to stop using the trail for the winter. Another week or two at most and it would be snowy and icy and all but the truly dedicated would have abandoned the path for treadmills at the gym or the track at the high school. Once the snow hit, even Jasmine moved her jogging elsewhere. The last thing she needed was to slip on ice somewhere on the path and break or sprain something. It was getting cold and dark, but that wouldn't stop her and Jasmine stretched before making her way out her backyard and over the path through the woods.

Under the trees, it was dark enough that Jasmine needed the headlamp she had put on and the beam of blue-white light guided her path through the woods. She checked to make sure the path to the rock was clear and even before she began her jog, she attached a ribbon to the bush next to the path. It was as much for her benefit as for Julie's. More than once when she'd gone jogging the dying light, she'd missed the small trail and had to double back to find it. She pushed herself at a fast pace as she made the jog. With no one to stay next to, Jasmine felt free to push herself down the path. It felt glorious to run and the crisp cold air burned her lungs as she kept her breathing steady putting one foot in front of another at a ground eating pace. For the most part she was in better shape than she had been in college, but she had lost a step in her speed. Keeping up the kind of speed and sprinting ability she had had then, was more difficult than keeping up muscle tone. She rarely regretted the slight loss of speed, but it was a little disappointing to know that even if she pushed herself as hard as she could, she would likely never get the same five mile run time she could have just out of college.

Jasmine approached the end of her run, and for a brief moment considered going for another lap of the three mile course to see if she could do it, but she had too much to prepare for and it was going to be difficult enough as it got darker, and the rain continued to threaten an early start.

She made her way back along the trail and into her backyard and took a moment to envision the hot tub that would be there in a few days. Harrison would be over when the person came for the consult on installation, and she knew he would need to do both electrical and carpentry work to adapt the deck, which he would take full payment for if she had to give the check directly to Sharon.

The house felt almost too warm as she entered from the cooling night, and she stripped off her sweatshirt before she acclimated to it in the warm house. She had dug out the video camera the night before and charged the battery. It was a few years old, which was amazing considering William's compulsion to replace his gadgets the second something better came along, but they had never used it much, so replacing it had never been a priority. Most importantly it was water resistant and had was able to film at night with better quality than most cameras. Jasmine had tried it out the night before to see how clean of video it could get in near dark and was quite impressed. She had her place picked out just on the far side of the stream in the woods, which would give her a perfect view of Julie, but keep Julie from seeing her.

Jasmine could feel her excitement grow as she imagined the girl on the rock naked lewdly putting her body on display. She was full of nervous energy and time to kill before she needed to start setting up. Food preparation gave her a distraction and Jasmine set about preparing something to eat when she got back from her quest back into the woods.

Chicken cordon bleu was one of her favorites and she pounded out the chicken as she determinedly put her focus anywhere but on the clock. She managed to get the chicken stuffed, breaded and into the pan with the vegetables before looking at the clock more than a little relieved to see that it was nearly time to make her way back into the woods. With the oven set to start and stop when she wanted it to, she cleaned up her mess and got her things together.

Jasmine picked up the ben-wa balls in her hands and smiled as she pulled off her jogging pants and panties. She had thought about tossing them in before her jog, but she'd decided to wait and save her stimulation for when Julie had hers. Next, she slid on a butterfly vibrator fit between her lips and pressed perfect against her clit. Her clothes went back on and the remote for the vibrator clipped to her waistband, before gathering up the recording supplies and her headlamp and making her way once again out her back door.

The woods were extremely dark as she made her way down the path, and if she hadn't have planned where to set up the day before in the light, she would have never have found the mark for the tripod. It took a few quick adjustments of height, but in the end Jasmine had a perfect view of where Julie would be laying down.

She picked her way back to the path and to the rock before climbing on top of it and reaching for one of the low hanging branches of the pine trees that pressed in on the small clearing. The remote microphone was directional, and Jasmine hoped the branch was positioned well enough to catch the girl's every moan as she pleasured herself below. The tree was the closest she could get it without it being obvious and hopefully was close enough to keep wind and background noise to a minimum. William would have known how to edit those things out, but she wasn't sure, so she had to hope for the best.

With a check of her watch Jasmine grabbed the camera and jogged down the path stopping just short of where it opened up into the parking lot and clicked off her headlamp. She turned the camera on and flipped it over to night-vision and watched as it lit up with a green and white glow. Five minutes later Jasmine watched Julie pull into the empty parking lot on her bicycle and lock it up to the bike rack. Her headlamp was already on her head and Jasmine imagined she'd needed the light to help keep her safe as she rode down the dark streets.

Jasmine hit the record button as the girl climbed off her bike and made her way to the path. The clock on the camera read 5:28 and Jasmine watched as Julie tentatively looked around the empty park area before pulling her backpack off and digging into one of the side pockets. Jasmine zoomed the camera in as much as she could and she watched on the green screen as Julie pulled up her top and attached a clothespin to each of her nipples. She could just hear the hissed intake of breath as the second clothespin was secured into place and the shirt was carefully lowered down and the backpack was slipped back on. Jasmine was glad to see Julie had been smart in how she'd dressed for the jog in warm jogging pants and a sweatshirt and she wondered exactly what all the girl had in the backpack that looked too full to just be holding the other things Jasmine had told her to bring.

The clock on the camera switched to 5:30 and Jasmine heard a distant beeping from Julie's direction. The girl looked down at her watched, pushed a button and began her jog up the trail. Jasmine shuddered in delicious anticipation and clicked the stop button on the camera. She considered for a moment jogging after the girl to make sure nothing happened to her. She could take the shorter three mile route to get in front of her, but that would make getting back to hide in time difficult and she didn't want to give Julie any clue if she was being watched or if this was all being done in trust.

Jasmine compromised with herself and took off in a slow jog down the path following Julie. The longer loop started only about a half mile down the path, and Jasmine did want to make certain her slave wasn't cutting any corners. She watched the path through the green glow of the camera's display screen and kept her ears open for the sound of jogging feet in front of her. She was nearly to the branch in the path when she heard the sound of jogging feet in front of her and slowed down to a quick and quiet walk.

Julie was maybe a hundred yards in front of her and Jasmine could just see the bobbing of her headlamp through the trees as the path curved. Jasmine slowed her pace more and made her way to the curve of the path as it went into a small decline before splitting in two directions. She would be able to watch Julie's light from there and see which way it went. The light went to the left when it hit the fork and Jasmine smiled proudly. She looked at her watch and noted Julie would have to pick up her pace if she was going to make it in the set time. Jasmine sorely doubted that Julie would make it. She'd lacked the endurance to stay steadily on the field for more than a half and the jog was going push her harder than she was pushed on the soccer field. She was on pace for a nine minute mile, but Jasmine figured she should have been pushing for a seven or eight minute mile this early in the jog to make up for slow down later. She shrugged, no matter what happened, she would get quite the show. Jasmine turned and started jogging back towards her hide and smiled. She turned on the butterfly and shivered as the first delicious buzz went through her body, and smiled.

It was just after 6:20 and Jasmine was getting impatient and a little worried. She had expected Julie to take a minute or two extra to finish the job, but not more than that. At five minutes, after the expected time, Julie was either going considerably slower than she should have been, or she was hurt. She would give the girl another five minutes before going to explore. The light buzz of the butterfly had her on the edge of pleasure and every time she shifted her body, she felt the balls inside of her shift deliciously. She was not going to be happy if she had to delay her orgasm to take care of an injured girl.

The light from a headlamp broke into the clearing a minute later followed by the noise of someone carefully picking their way down the path and a moment later Julie broke into the clearing, heaving heavily and weak on her legs. Jasmine hit record on the camera just as the girl, hit a button on her watch stopping her time.

Julie let the backpack slip from her shoulders as she leaned against the rock gasping for breath. She knew she should have been able to make the jog quicker, but she'd waited too long at the library before leaving and the rushed sprint on her bike to get to the park on time had left her a bit more winded and tired than she had expected. She'd also forgotten her water bottle and she'd started to cramp some as she'd entered the last mile or so of the jog. It wasn't an excuse though and she knew her Mistress wouldn't have listened to it had she even tried.

She wondered exactly where her Mistress was anyways. She hadn't seen or heard her anywhere along the path, and she had expected to see her once she had arrived at the clearing. She was alone though, and she wondered if maybe her Mistress had left since she had been so late. Instructions were instructions though, and she was going to follow them as best and as she could.

The night was cold as she began to strip off her clothes and the first drop of rain landed on her chest just as she exposed it. She took off her shoes and socks next followed by her pants. Her nipples ached as she bent over and she knew the aches were only going to get worse before she left the clearing. She had no idea how she was going to ride her bike home, but she would have to find a way.

She reached into her backpack and pulled out a blanket spreading it over the rock. It hadn't been part of her instructions, but she hoped her Mistress wouldn't mind and it would keep her from getting cold any faster than she already was. Her clothes went into her bag, and she zipped it up before slowly pulling her panties down her legs.

The crotch was soaking wet. Between the jog and her arousal she knew the taste would be strong and she folded them up making sure the wet interior of the crotch was facing down before opening her mouth and shoving them in, the crotch pressing against her tongue. She savored her own strong flavor in her mouth and hoped her Mistress was somewhere out there watching as she climbed onto the rock grasping the hairbrush in one hand. Eighty-eight swats. That's what she needed to give her cunt before she could even begin to play with it. She had never given herself that many in an afternoon, and she knew she was going to be aching before it was over. She also knew that if she didn't give them hard enough, she was going to be in trouble she was being watched. There would also be problems if she lost count and went under and over. The rain was starting to fall and more rain drops were pelting her skin as she laid back and spread her legs lewdly. Delaying would only make it worse and Julie brought back the brush for the first swat.

The first slap of plastic on skin rang out into the empty night air and Jasmine smiled as she heard the muffled moan. She'd plugged her ear buds into the camera to hear the sound clearer and she could hear her slave's gasp through the gag clearly over the microphone. The second strike followed quickly as well as a second groan and Jasmine turned up the speed on the butterfly as she felt that low turning inside of arousal. She wondered how Julie would manage the huge number of spanks she had earned for being late and knew that the girl would be aching the next day. She couldn't wait to see the videos the girl made her that night when she would get to see results in clear crisp color and up close.

The spanking went on for over ten minutes and by the end Julie seemed reduced to little more than sobs through her gag, It was taking all she could to keep count of the strikes and she had to fight her body to keep her legs open and to bring down the brush as firmly as her Mistress would. Yet through it all, she still felt that fire burning inside her. It was humiliating, cold, and painful to be lying on that rock exposed to the night, and she knew any or all of that should probably turn her off. It probably should have had her angry and upset before tearing the clothespins off her numbed nipples getting dressed and going home, but instead it only had her more excited. Her clit ached so badly it was going to hurt to touch for days to come, but it wasn't going to take much touching for her to explode in pleasure in that dark isolated clearing.

She steeled herself for the last swat with the hairbrush and switched arms for the final strike. Her right arm had started to grow heavy and unable to hit as hard as she had earlier, and she knew she should definitely make the last swat count. She brought the brush down with all the force she could manage and the swat landed perfectly on her already abused and surely bruised pussy, and she screamed into her gag as tears ran down her face and rain pelted at her body. Now it was time for her reward.

Jasmine came in a shuddering orgasm as she bit heavily down on her lip trying to be quiet as the final swat landed on her slave's abused cunt. The girl had been unforgiving with each of her swats and Jasmine had marveled at the girl's control to keep her legs spread through the entire thing. The tears on her face had been clear and Jasmine had zoomed in on those for a few of the spanks in the middle to capture the beauty of the tortured girl's face. She'd had the butterfly buzzing on high for the second half of the spanking as she'd felt her own orgasm growing keeping herself just on edge as she'd watched the spectacle in front of her, and the final swat had been enough to push her over the edge on waves of pleasure of her own. She couldn't wait to get back to the house and watch the show again on the TV as she pounded one of her large vibrators in and out of her pussy. The show wasn't over though, and Jasmine watched as the brush was put to the side and the girl let her hands run over her rain spattered body.

It took her several minutes to get her body back under control as the throbbing pain spread through her body. She had never hurt quite so much, and at the same time she'd never been as horny. Her body ached and was cold, but she started slowly as she let her fingers trace over her body and the touch of her fingers was a wondrous caresses on her numbing skin. She flicked at the clothespins on her nipples sending sharp jolts of pain through her, but they helped distract her from the ache in her crotch which she needed to wait to ease a little before she could think about touching it.

She dragged the moment out as long as she could, touching and teasing the rest of her body, her fingers trailing over her stomach, sides, and inner thighs as her crotch numbed enough she could touch it. The first flick of her fingers over the bruised skin, was a screaming combination of pleasure and pain, and each touch brought the harsh combination that made her both shiver and ache. Each touch though, turned more and more towards pleasure and Julie could feel her orgasm getting ready to explode from her body.

She held it off as long as she could. It was the first time she'd cum in weeks and she'd pushed her body to the edge so often in that time, it was almost reflex to hold back and deny herself. It was show time though, and she wanted to give her hopefully watching Mistress a show.

One moment, she was on the edge, and the next she was crashing over. Julie screamed into her gag in a long wailing moan as her body exploded in waves of pleasure. She felt like she'd been hit by a Taser as her body shook and spasmmed uncontrollably. She felt her eyes roll back in her head as her body bucked and shook on the rock and untold repressed orgasms all clawed their way out at once. She wasn't sure if she squirted or pissed herself as her body flailed and the screams and moans filled the clearing even through her gag. Her vision was an explosion of white hot lights and colors and she was sure the rain hitting her body had to be steaming away, she felt so hot. The moment went on and on as the pleasure rocketed through her continuing to burst inside her like a nova.

Julie enjoyed a long moment of post-orgasmic floating as sensation slowly returned to her body. The trembling of orgasm had begun to turn into trembling from cold and her body ached from it, the jogging, and the spanking. She had more to do though, and slowly she began to move her heavy limbs to complete her task for her Mistress. Her legs felt like rubber as she slid off the rock to her feet and for a brief moment she felt like she was about to fall on her ass before regaining her balance and moving to her bag. She whimpered at the pile of waiting clothespins in the bags middle pocket and couldn't imagine trying to walk, much less ride her bike home with them attached to her lips. She had let down her Mistress though and been slow on her jog, and needed to be punished, so, she pulled out the first clothespin and attached it to her abused lip with a squeal of agony.

Jasmine watched quietly from the woods as she bit her lip trying to keep quiet. She had orgasmed herself when her slave had exploded in the massive orgasm and for a moment she'd been worried that the girl had hurt herself with all her flailing and then not moving for nearly five minutes after her orgasm finally subsided. She'd been ready to move out and help the girl, when she came out of her trance and began to move again. Now, the slave was beginning to attach the clothespins to her lips and her whimpers were being nicely picked up by the microphone. She'd thought about zooming in for a close in view as the clamps were attached, but the view of the slave's face was even more priceless and Jasmine couldn't resist capturing the pained, tortured look that crossed her slave's face.

She wondered if Julie had brought enough clothespins, but one after another she pulled them out of the bag and attached them to her already abused and swollen lips without fail. She zoomed in at one point as the slave leaned down to get another one and counted twelve on her lips to that point and they were covered completely on both sides. Jasmine held her breath, as she wondered if the slave would actually attach the final one to her clit. She kept the camera zoomed in as the slave's trembling hands moved closer to the already full lips. The camera showed as one hand carefully spread the already covered lips exposing the swollen clit. There was only a small last moment of hesitation before the clip was closed over the swollen nub, which was quickly followed by a piercing muffled wail. Jasmine, nearly came at the sound of the high muffled note as she zoomed out the screen and watched as the girl struggled to keep her feet, one arm firmly planted against the rock for balance.

Once again, she found herself tempted to go to the girl and help, wondering if maybe she'd pushed her past her limits, but the girl regained a little of her composure after another moment and began to dig in her bag for her clothes. The sweatshirt went on first covering the still clamped nipples and Jasmine wondered how badly they were going to ache when they were finally removed and wished she'd told her slave to make a video of the removal process. The pants went on next and she watched at the girl very carefully pulled up the loose fitting pants wearing them just a tiny bit low on her hips to give her a little extra crotch space.

The girl's every movement was slow, careful, and precise and Jasmine stood mesmerized as she carefully moved to get her shoes and socks on and refolded the blanket to go in the bag. Jasmine could see the girl was shivering and hoped she had the sense to take a shower and warm up first thing after getting home and removing the clamps. She couldn't wait to get in and warm up with a hot cup of cocoa and watch the video again as she used a large vibrator to bring herself off at least a couple more times.

As the girl left the clearing, Jasmine stopped the camera's recording and released the camera from its tripod. On silent feet she followed after the girl a few minutes later, once again using the green screen of the camera to light her way. She wanted to make sure the girl got home safely and be there just in case something unpredictable happened.

Jasmine stayed just far enough back that she wouldn't be easily scene if Julie decided to turn her head. They moved at the pace of a slow walk and as she reached the edge of the woods the ringed the park where the path started, Jasmine watched as Julie made her way to her bike and unlocked it. She watched as the girl squatted down carefully next to the front tire of the bike and did something, but Jasmine couldn't quite tell what, before standing up again carefully and began walking the bike home.

It took her a moment to realize that the girl had let air out of her front tire making it appear flat. If someone did stop and ask why she was walking the bike, she would have a built in excuse, it might not explain why she had panties in her mouth, but Jasmine guessed the girl had figured out something for that as well. She also wondered why the girl had been riding what was clearly a boy's bike that was too big for her. She let the girl get a larger lead, before stepping out of the woods and following at a discrete distance. It was only a half mile to the girl's house, but Jasmine was going to make sure it was a safe half mile.

The walk was painfully slow, and Jasmine found herself very exposed as she tried to keep a casual distance behind the girl without looking like it to anyone watching out their windows or diving past. She kept the girl just barely in her sight as she walked with her own headlamp off the and the camera closed, and prayed the street would stay quiet for a few minutes longer until the girl reached her goal.

Jasmine stayed hidden around a corner as the girl walked the last block home and watched anxiously as the now distant figure opened a gate into the backyard and rolled her bike in. She stood watching for a couple of minutes longer, until she saw lights flicker on inside the house and let out a breath she'd been holding. Her slave had made it home safe and without incident. It was time she did the same and she turned back towards the park and began a slow steady jog in the light drizzle of rain.

Next: Chapter 3

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