
Published on Jun 27, 1995



Message-ID: 192339Z27061995@anon.penet.fi Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.stories Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: an151170@anon.penet.fi Lines: 209

o o Oh Wise Master, I wonder who rules Alt.Sex.Stories ? o Why that is easy, young Grasshopper. It is... o o ... M e r c u r y ... o o For listen to the Wind. Does it not whisper in your ear, o "Mercury rulez A.S.S.!" And listen to the babbling brook. o Does it not babble, "Mercury has the biggest dick of all!" o You see, Grasshopper. All of Nature is in harmony with o Mercury, for he is one with the Universe! o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o from 'The Second Book' 1249-1256 (Trans. Peter Bing and Rip Cohen) o o Boy, you're like a horse. Just now sated with seed, o you've come back to my stable, o yearning for a good rider, fine meadow, o an icy spring, shady groves. o o The man who doesn't love boys and single-foot horses o and dogs, his heart will never know pleasure. o o Happy the man who's got boys for loving and single-foot horses, o hunting dogs and friends in foreign lands. o o o -- Theognis o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o Notes : o o 1. I did not write this story and do not know who did. o 2. If you're a biW/A m/f 18-24 looking for friends, write. o


As I think back on what happened, it dawns on me that Jason was always only the "suckee," never the "sucker" -- not that it mattered a great deal, because hehad one of the most beautiful think pricks I've ever had the pleasure to have between my lips. At the time we were all eighteen or nineteen, and whenever Jason, his brother, Rob, and myself got together, either Rob or I ended up sucking on Jason's cock. Robe would suck my cock and I'd suck his, but Jason only seemed to enjoy getting his big prick sucked by us.

One Saturday Jason suggested we all go to the lake and camp out overnight. It sure sounded like a great idea. We quickly gathered our things together anf headed for an isolated spot where we often went skinny-dipping. We set up our camp, erecting a small tent in case the weather got cool later. I built a stone fireplace and set about building a nice fire for cooking some hot dogs on sticks. We also enjoyed a couple of beers and potato chips along with them. While we were eating, I noticed Jason kept looking around, as if he were expecting someone to show p.

I guess I should have been a little quicker, because all of a sudden five of Jason's friends showed up: Tony, a big Italian boy; John from the swim team; Rich, the football player; Andrew, the school wrestling champ; and Washington, the black center from the basketball team. I soon reaized that Jason had probably told them about how I sucked his cock for him. No one said anything right away, but they all kept staring at me with silly grins on their faces as they rubbed their crotches.

Jason suggested we all go for a swim. Since none of us had our bathing suits, it was to be bareassed naked. I watched them all getting undressed and found myself staring at their groins as they pulled off their clothes. Every one of the guys was sporting a semi-hard-on. We all dived into the cool water of the lake and were splashing and hoursing around in the water. I oved watchig all those naked young men as their cocks and balls bounced around.

I saw Jason heading for the bushes, announcing that he had to take a piss. I followed him, and together we started pissing into a bush. "Listen, Jason, did you tell those guys I like to suck cock?" I asked.

"I think I may have mentioned it, but I didn't think they'd show up here."

"Did you also tell them your brother, Rob, was a cocksucker too?"

"No, they only think you like to suck cock, I feel a little bad about this, but do you really mind very much?"

"No, I think I'm going to get more than enough cock this weekend to keep me very happy," I said.

When we walked back toward the clearing, I noticed that the guys had spread blankets around the fireplace and were lyiing naked around the fire. I got a good chance to see exactly how every one of the guys looked. Rob, like Jason, was light-skinned and had curly blond hair. Tony had a dark olive complexion with black curly hair; his body as also covered with black hair, and his cock and balls hung down from a thick dark pubic bush.

John was a tall Swedish boy with straight blond hair; his body was practically hairless, with blond tufts only around his cock ad under his arms. He ahd a slim, trim swimmer's body, with strong leggs and arms as well as a big chest, and a long, straight uncut cock. Rich was the football team's tackle and had a large, firm body with massive muscles on his arms amd legs, but he had a thin waist. His brown hair never seemed to be combed. He had a thick, stubby cock and two large balls.

Andrew, the wrestler, had muscles everywhere. He was the school champ and had easily pinned every opponent. Surprisingly, ANdrew had a long, thin cock with a bright, cherry-red crown. Washington, the black boy, was very tall, at least six-four, and had a slim, lean body. He also had the longest prick I'd ever seen before -- soft, it hung down about ten inches! I couldn't wait to see that ebony prick at full mast, hard and erect.

As we were lying around the fire, the conversation soon turned to sex. It was strange -- all the guys started bragging about their sexual conquests, which I thought were mostly in their imaginations and not in reality. All the talk about sex and girls, however, soon started to have an obvious effect on all the guys. I could see their cocks slowly starting to get harder, longer and thicker. Robe was really getting aroused and excited as he listened to their stories, and Jason started openly jerking himself off, getting his cock hard and erect. Pre-cum was oozing out of Jason's piss-slit, making his prick shine in the light of the fire.

I knew I would soon be sucking all their cocks, but I didn't know how to get things started without actually coming right out and saying I wanted to do it. Just then I had an idea. I suggested they all fet in a big circle, and I'd blindfold myself and see if I could identify each of them just by touching them below the waist.

They all got into a circle withtheir feet toward the center of the circle. I could hear them laughing and moving around, changing places. I started out by touching their feet and ankles, but was unable to really identify anyone yet. On one guy, I started touching a little higher, and felt a pait of long, slim legs. I went from one to the other, touching them on the legs, thighs and calves.

When I got to the one I thought was Rob, I started feeling up the inside of his thighs, and my hand touched his soft, velvety balls. I found his hard prick and held it in mu fist, feeling it throb. I immediately knew I had Rob's cock in my hand. I made believe, however, that I didn't know who it was, and went on to the next boody. I could feel smooth skin and a long, slim prick, and pre-cum was oozing down the shaft. It was extremely difficult holding myself back from taking this cock in m mouth. Then I went to the next boy and found a small, thick, steeel-hard cock.

I went from one cock to the other, and when I finally got around the entire circle, I announced that I thought I ken who each one belonged to. I told them that if I was wrong about any one cock, I would do anything that person wanted me to do. Little did they knwo I was going to purposely make a mistake. I correctly identified Rob, Jason, Washington, John and Tony, but purposely made the mistake of reversing the identifications of Rich and Andrew.

They all alughed over my mistake, and the others were giving the two of them all kinds of ideas. Rich said that he had thought it over and that I would have to jerk him off in front of the other guys. I made a feeble attempt to protest, but finally agreed.

Rich sat down, and leaned back, and spread his legs. I took hold of his hard prick and started slowly jerking him off. his cock was throbbing like crazy, and it wasn't very long before he started thrusting and moaning that he was going to cum. He shot a big load of cum as I continued to stroke his prick. Everyone was joking and laughing about what had just happened.

Then Andrew stood up and sid that I would have to do something tat I would never want to do. But, he reminded me, a deal was a deal, and I had to do anything he wished. I was hoping he meant that I would have to give him a blowjob. I could see all the guys waiting to hear what Andy was going to ask. Then Andy announced, "I want him to suck my prick." Again I protested, but eventually agreed to put it in my mouth.

Andy stood in front of me, and I knelt down and took hold of his hard manmeat. I opened my mouth and palced my lips around the cockhead, then Andrew grabbed my head and thrust his cock into my mouth, driving it back into my throat. I though I would gag and choke, but managed to swallow it. My tongue was massaging his thinck shaft as he pumped in and out of my mouth and throat. Suddenly, Andy's cock swelled larger and throbbed harder and he shot load after load of hot cum down my throat. I managed to get my lips around the head and swallow every drop of juice gushing from his prick.

As soon as Andy had pulled his cock out of my mouth, it was immediately replaced by Tony's thick piece of Italian sausage. He only took about two or three pumps before his cock erupted and filled my mouth with his cum. John's cock replaced Tony's and soon he too, unloaded in my mouth. Next was Jason and while I was sucking on his cock I looked up to see he sucking on Rob's hot throbbing cock. This turned me on more then ever seeing Jason suck a cock for the first time. After Jason unloaded a huge load of cum in my mouth his cock was replaced by Rob's who also dumped a large load of cum.

The last of the group was Washington. He had a massively thick black prick that was already dripping pre-cum fom th crown. My lips encircled his monster and he slowly thrust in and out of my mouth until he, too, shot off. As soon as Washington pulled his cock out of my mouth, I layed down, swung my legs over my head and jacked off my own cock until my cum shot down into my hungy mouth.

Before we settled down for the might, I must have sucked each of them at least three or four times, all the while Jason was trying to keep up with me. Then the next morning was a repeat of the night before, with me getting to suck off all the guys again.

Afterward, they all promissed to keep my secret if I wuld service them whenever they needed to get their cocks sucked. I gladly agreed, and looked forward to having their juicy cocks in my mouth time and time again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To find out more about the anon service, send mail to help@anon.penet.fi. If you reply to this message, your message WILL be automatically anonymized and you are allocated an anon id. Read the help file to prevent this. Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to admin@anon.penet.fi.

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