Jasons First Workout

By Coach Lucas Miles

Published on Jan 27, 2022


Jason's First Workout -- Chapter XXV -- The END

(This work is copyrighted by OlCoach44@gmail.com, January 24, 2022. All rights reserved. Copies or re-posting without express written permission of the author are explicitly forbidden and subject to US Copyright law. Printed by Nifty.org with permission of the author.

Dear Readers:

Thanks to all of you who continue to provide feedback and email me with suggestions/questions or thanks. If you like this story, check out my other two in the Nifty archives -- "Lil' Joe Comes Home" and "The Adam Chronicles". Though only a few chapters each, they are stories I started some years back.

IF you enjoy this story and the site, remember to give what you can back to Nifty so that we can all continue to get off here! http://donate.nifty.org/

Thanks to all of my long-time readers of this story. I hope these characters 1) helped you get off or 2) brought you some joy and hope in these times.

Thanks for reading!

All my Best, Coach Luke. Olcoach44@gmail.com

P.S. Thanks to Peter S for reviewing/editing these last two chapters. I couldn't have done it without him!

New chapters (5 and up) updated to present day: Luke age 57, Brock 49, Jason 34, Joe 40, Chase 29, Sam 27. The Hendricks clan: William (Will) SR, (64) wife Barb (63)- William Jr (37), Mary Francis (35), Thomas (Tommy) (32) and Kate (29).

June 2021 The Hospital

Dr. Barry Rosenstein stepped into the small, private waiting room just off the ER and took in the hunched frame of Luke Smyth. He'd just left the trauma room where the cardiologist on call had made the call with T.O.D. at 7:42 AM. The EMTs had never gotten a pulse and through 22 minutes of efforts, Brock had never been revived. The x-rays showed a 100 percent blockage of the left anterior descending (LAD) artery that led to the heart attack that ended his patient's life. Barry's medical school best friend of 25 years was gone.

He walked quietly over to the sobbing figure of Luke and placed a hand on the silver trauma blanket around his shoulders.

"Luke," Barry said softly. "Luke. Here, let's put these scrubs on you and try to clean you up."

Luke looked up at him vacantly, his face red from tears and the streaks of mud from his hands where he'd apparently wiped at them. Softly, Barry took the wipes from his bag and began to gently clean Luke's face and his hands. Luke did not protest and submitted weakly, like a child. Once he was clean, Barry had him stand and pull the scrub pants up over his thin running shorts, the only article of clothing on him other than his athletic shoes that he had worn in the ambulance. Barry was still astounded at the fitness of this man who was at least eight or nine years his senior. He slowly pulled the scrub top over Luke's head, slowly covering the hairy muscled shoulders, pecs, and torso of his former best friend's lover. Finally, he pulled the cotton blanket that he just retrieved from the warming oven and wrapped it around the older man's frame.

"Here, friend. This should warm you up now. You're in shock. Look at me, Luke. Can you hear me?"

"Y-yyes," Luke stammered hesitantly, more a croak than an answer.

"We need to talk about some things and I need to be sure you understand, okay?" Barry continued softly. He pulled the container of water from his bag of supplies and handed it to Luke. "Try and drink some of this." With shaking hands, Luke managed a long pull on the water bottle then handed it back to the doctor.

"Okay," Barry began. "Now, deep breaths. I'm just going to listen to your heart and breathing, okay?" Luke nodded. "Would you rather stretch out on one of these couches?" Barry pointed behind him. "I could fully cover you with the blanket?"

"No, thank you," Luke said, a bit more steadily now. "I.. I'm sorry Barry. I'm just," he searched for words. Barry continued to pat him easily and to speak softly.

"It's okay, Luke. You've had a severe emotional trauma. We're all very shaken up. None of us expected this," his voice began to break and he fought within himself to find composure. A good physician could not give himself over to emotion, even if the patient and his family were dear friends. He would have time later to grieve, privately. Right now, he had to provide stability and comfort to this new patient, and then to an entire ER staff that had been rocked by the loss of their colleague and friend.

"Luke," he began again. "I need you to look at me and understand what I'm going to tell you," Barry said softly. Luke looked up, levelly.

"It's okay, Barry. I know he's gone. They never got a pulse the entire time in the ambulance," Luke said, deeply.

"Luke, yes, Brock was not pronounced dead on arrival. I want you to know that Dr. Simmons, the attending cardiologist on duty and a team of residents including some of Brock's own trainees from pulmonology fought for him for another 22 minutes after he got here to try and revive him. They did all they could," Barry said. "But no. He never responded."

"He was dead when he hit the ground, Barry. He was like a puppet that had his string cut. He justÉdropped," Luke began before a choking sob wracked his body again. Barry sat down beside him and pulled him to him.

"I'm so sorry, Luke," Barry said again. "He wouldn't listen to me. When I saw him before last Christmas, I tried to schedule him for a stress test and to prescribe a round of statins. He refused. IÉI just should have pushed him more, but you know how stubborn he could be," the doctor said explaining.

"Wait...what?" Luke sat up. "You knew he was having heart problems?"

"No, I didn't know. I knew there was heart disease in his family. That SOB of a dad of his died of a massive heart attack at 49 while we were still in medical school. I knew that, but you know, doctors are the worst patients. I badgered him for three months about blood work. When I finally got his labs, his cholesterol was higher than the one from two years before but not on the dangerous side," the doctor suggested.

"Why didn't you tell me so I could talk some sense into him?" Luke said, piercing the doctor with his gaze.

"Luke, you're both my patients and he was my best-friend and colleague. You know I couldn't have gone behind his back and broken patient confidentiality. He would have been furious," Barry said.

"But he might still be alive," Luke grumbled, pulling away from the doctor's embrace.

"I'm sorry, Luke. Believe me. I should've fought him about the statins but he knew they most often caused E.D. and there was no way he was going to jeopardize your relationship. He said he'd correct his diet and get more exercise and rest, and I believed him," Barry said softly.

"I'm sorry, Barry. I know, this is not your fault. I'm justÉ" the man rubbed his eyes. "Statins? E.D.? I'm sorry I can't think straight right now. What?" Luke stumbled.

"Statins lower cholesterol and are a relatively safe, and effective drug. Unfortunately, erectile dysfunction is a common side effect. Your husband was worrying about not getting it up and refused to take the medication I suggested," Barry said, grimly.

"Oh my God!" Luke said, trying unsuccessfully not to laugh as a half-guffaw, half-sob emoted. "That is so fucking like him! Goddammit, Barry! I could justÉ" Luke began to sob again as the doctor held him close once more.

"I know, friend. He was larger than life. I can't believe this," he began. "Okay, the boys are on their way. I've told them there was an accident and Brock's condition is serious, but I didn't want them to drive knowing the worst," Barry said.

"Oh my God. Jason is going to be so upset," Luke said, "But they can't come. The baby?"

"Joe's grandmother was on the way so I expect them to be here within the hour. We'll have to tell them together, I'm afraid," Barry said.

"No, Barry. You've been a great friend, but I'll have to break this to Jay and Joe. He was my husband and their dad, but thank you," Luke said, softly.

"Luke," the doc began.

"Yes? Was there something else?" Luke asked.

"Luke," the doctor began again. "I need to prepare you for the staff as well. They are going to want to see you, to speak to you. They are all pretty upset."

"The staff? What are you talking about, Barry?" Luke said, confused.

"Luke. Your husband was a rock-star to this E.R. There's probably not a resident, attending, nurse, or orderly on this floor who did not know Dr. Brock Goodman, work with him, and of course, adore him. He was famous. The big-shot orthopedic surgeon who came out of retirement to re-certify pulmonology and work as an E.R. attending during this pandemic. That alone would've made him `somebody,' but the fact that he was so good, so caring, and so damn charming made him a legend. I've got 28-year-old, straight male residents out there who see death everyday crying on nurse's shoulders. This has hit them hard too," Barry concluded.

Luke shook his head slowly. "I had no idea. Most of the time I just resented this place. Resented his decision to come back, to be away from me, to risk his life with this fucking virus! And it ended up being a fucking heart-attack?" he shouted. "His heart was the biggest part about him, Barry! How? How?"

"I know, friend," Barry said softly. "I know. I've already personally thanked his trauma team. Under normal circumstances, he probably would have been DOA, but those doctors wouldn't give up on him. They are just so bereft. He was the best of us."

"I can't believe he's gone," Luke echoed again. "What the fuck will I say to them? And to the boys? What the fuck?"

"Just say, `thank you for everything you did for my husband. He loved working with each one of you and making a difference in the lives of your patients or some bullshit like that," Barry said, as finally, he too began to weep.

"Barry," Luke consoled him. "One of us needs to keep his shit together until my sons get here, and I'm not sure it's gonna be me."

"I'm sorry, Luke," Barry said, seeking some self-control. "That was totally unprofessional of me. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, Barry," Luke answered. "I know you loved him longer and as much as I did, didn't you?"

"Well, longer, yeah," Barry smiled up at him. "Can you just imagine him at 22 years old, Luke? Walking into a gross anatomy lab at 6'4" tall with blonde locks flowing and those broad shoulders. He was all south-Georgia farm boy rocking those scuffed roper boots and skin-tight Levi's. Then we learned that this stud was also the smartest one in our class! I swear to God, to a little pudgy science nerd like me he seemed like "Sex on a Stick!" How he even deemed to give me attention and let me be his lab partner, I'll never know."

"You were the best friend he ever had," Luke said, taking his hand. "I knew that from our second date. I think you helped him grow up and for sure, you helped him through that shit with his Dad and his coming out."

"It was a long time ago," Barry began, "but even though we grew apart at times and I met and fell in love with Andrew, I never forgot what Brock meant to me. Now or then. I'm so sorry, Luke."

"I know," Luke said, standing and pulling the doctor into another hug. "I'm so glad you were here for me, and I know he would have appreciated all you've done for me today. Now, let's go and get this the fuck over with before my sons get here. Can I just step out there?" Luke said, motioning out the one door toward the nurse's station.

"Yes," Barry said, stepping out of the way. "Just out here," and the two grieving friends walked out the door into the hallway.

Three days later

"It was a lovely service, Jason. Your eulogy was beautiful and I'm sure your dad appreciated it very much," Shirley Green told her grandson-in-law, giving him a side-armed hug.

"Thanks, Gran," Jason offered. "I'm just not sure all of this is what Dad would've wanted. A memorial service and then a reception here at the college?"

"Hush, now," she offered, still holding on to the man. "Don't you know that funerals are for the living -- those of us left behind. Your other father needed this closure. He needs the warmth and support of all of these people. And he's going to need you a lot more."

"You listen," Her partner, O"Della jumped in. "That man is putting on one brave face but it's held together by spit and duct tape. You and Joey are going to need to be there when that all crumbles."

"Yes, ma'am. I know," Jason said chastened and smiling as the sight of his huge, lumbering husband walked up, their two-year-old son asleep on his shoulder.

"Well, he lasted through the service anyway. That was something," Joe said, coming to stand next to his husband. "You mamas taking care of my boy here?"

Shirley Green reached for the limp body of her two-year-old great-grandson. "Here, Son. Give him to me. Dell and I are going to take him back to your Dad's house and put him down for a real nap. I think he's had enough for one day."

"You sure, Gran?" Joe countered, placing the boy into her arms. "He's heavy."

"Didn't I carry you until you were almost in First grade?" She challenged him. "This little thing still doesn't weigh nothin'. We're going to fatten him up soon, though. O'Della will help me. Jay has already put his car seat into my car."

Joe kissed her softly on her left cheek and then enveloped O'Della in a great hug. "Thank you, my girls. I don't know how we would have gotten through these past few days without you."

Jason was then kissing them both and his son softly on the cheek. "Thanks, Gran," He offered.

"I'm going to walk them to their car but I'll be right back, okay?" Joe said to his husband, watching the emotions wash over his already spent countenance.

"Yeah," Jason whispered. "Just don't be gone long."

Before he could turn, he felt, rather than heard, someone pull him into an embrace. "We are so sorry for your loss," Dr. Andrew Lee whispered into his ear. Then the second hug from his husband enveloped them into a three-way. Jason softly returned the embrace then stepped back, wiping his eyes.

"Thank you, Dr. Rosenstein, for everything you did for both of my dads. I'm not sure Luke would've gotten through this without you," he said to the older-looking and heavier of the two physicians. Barry just wiped his eyes and smiled.

"He was the best of us, son. I'm so sorry for your loss."

"We've already said our goodbyes to Luke, Jason, but we'll be on stand-by if you need anything. And as we discussed last week, I'm happy to continue to assist with anything that young Daniel needs," Dr. Lee added.

"It's Andrew, please. And I'm happy to assist in any way. For the boy, but also for your dad. He was a true friend to the both of us. Take care of your Dr. Smyth, son," the man said, patting his arm as they stepped out of the reception hall.

"Here Bro, I brought you a beer," Chase said as he walked up and handed Jason a cold Michelob Ultra wrapped in a cocktail napkin.

"Thanks, Bud. How'd you know?" Jason asked him.

"Well, Dad planned the open bar so there weren't that many real beer choices but at least I got this Sierra Nevada IPA. I know you boys have to watch your figure more than I do," he teased Jason.

"Stop with the straight-boy crap, you man-whore. You probably burn 1,000 calories every time you snow-board one run. But thanks for everything. I sure am glad you're here," Jason continued, taking a sip from his beer and wrapping an arm around his adopted little brother.

"I just can't believe he's gone," Chase whispered. "And Dad is just soÉ" he searched for a word. "Wrecked?"

"I don't know how he's going to get through it." Jason said.

"I'm sorry I have to fly out tomorrow afternoon, Bud. I feel like I'm leaving you and Joe holding the bag here," Chase said, sipping and holding his big brother tight to his side.

"It's okay, Stud. I know it's the height of the season for you. And Doc understands. Frankly, I think he just wishes we'd leave him the hell alone."

"No chance in hell of that!" Joe said, walking up behind them and grabbing Chase's beer and taking a long swig.

"Hey Dude, no fair. I thought you were `cutting' and drinking the low-fat shit so you wouldn't smother your tiny husband when you rutted like a wildebeest," Chase sneered, grabbing the bottle back.

"You know, Babe," Joe smiled, turning to his husband, "I really think your little brother has come over to the dark-side since his foray into hairy Italian man-sex! He's so enthralled by stories of our sex life." Joe reached over taking the smaller man into a head-lock, and rubbing one large paw across the carefully coiffed and pomaded blonde locks.

Chase swiped at his muscled arm. "Jesus, you Hulk! Let me go."

"Boys! Don't let your dad see you acting up like this at a wake!" Janie smiled as she walked up to her three brothers-in-law. Joe immediately let Chase go and adjusted his suit.

"Sorry," He mumbled, always somewhat chastened by the beautiful blonde-haired wife of his brother-in-law.

"You three! Honestly. Sam's gone to put Molly into the car and then we're heading back to the Air-BnB. We're pooped with that drive from Texas and Molly not sleeping much last night. We'll call or text after we all wake up from our naps and decide on the next steps, okay?" She reached out to pull Jason into an embrace. "You gonna be okay, Handsome?"

"Yeah, Sweetie. Go take care of my little brother. Is he okay?" Jason asked.

"Well, you know Sam. He's a lot like his dad. He'll soldier on, poker-faced, until it all finally bubbles up and explodes. But yeah, I think so. I'm just glad he and Brock finally had a chance to talk and clear the air when we were out here last summerÉ" Janie's voice faltered,and Chase reached around from behind her and pulled her into an embrace.

"How'd my little bro get so lucky to find you," He whispered. "You know you missed out on the more handsome one, don'tcha?" She smiled and swatted his face.

"Honestly, you boys. You are all still thirteen-year-olds." She looked at Joe. "Daniel is a sweetheart. Did your grandmothers take him home?"

"They did," Joe responded, sheepishly. "Back to Luke's. We'll wait out here with him until the last well-wisher has left and then we'll take him back. You guys go home and get some rest." He looked over her shoulder at Chase. "That means you too, Junior."

"Okay, Hulk, but who put you in charge? Is it just because you're almost as old as my dad?" Chase said over his shoulder, walking out with his arm around his sister-in-law.

"Thanks for staying," Jason said, embracing the large, blue-suited figure of his man. "And for putting up with my family. I don't know how Doc is doing this, but we better go back up there and stand with him. It looks like the crowds have finally had enough free food and drink and are starting to thin out."

"Your family? I'm happy to have them, Bud, you know that. Will really wanted to be here but I'm glad you talked them out of coming. That would have been too much for me," Joe said.

"But it was so sweet of your dad to offer," Jason said of Joe's biological dad whom he'd only recently gotten to know. "And besides, if he was here, you wouldn't have had time to flirt with those two former Atlanta Hawks' players."

"Oh stop," Joe smiled. "I was only being polite. And besides, it's not often I meet men who are even taller and fitter than I am. Pro-ballers! Brock had a wide-range of friends and acquaintances."

"Some of those young ER docs were pretty hot too," Jason teased him.

Joe frowned. "I'm sure they don't make scrubs to fit me, but I could get into role play if that's what you like?"

"Stop. I'm only teasing you," Jason said, pulling his hand toward him so they could walk back up and rejoin his father. "Besides, Dad, husband, and son-in-law are enough roles for you to manage for a while."

"Don't I know it," Joe smiled, following his handsome husband into the crowd of mourners.

Six Weeks Later

"Doc, wake up. Doc," Jason asked softly, shaking the body wrapped in the coverlet.

"Jesus, Jason! It's barely dawn. What the fuck?" Luke said sternly, rolling away from the man. Jason stood and opened the curtains, letting in the early morning light.

"I thought we could go for a run," Jason began, hesitantly. "It's been a while since you've worked out, and I figured you were missing your routine. And with all of the frozen casseroles, I need to get out and get some cardio."

"Don't let me stop you. But I just want to sleep," Luke groaned.

Jason frowned, and stepped forward. Should he go back to the bed, lean in? He and Joe were completely lost as to how to handle his adoptive father, the man who had been his rock ever since he was 22 years old. Now, adrift in grief and depression, Luke Smyth seemed only a shadow of the strong, fearless man he'd once been.

"Doc, I really think you should get out of this apartment. At least come back into the house and have breakfast with us. You've got to try and face the world. And come see your grandson," Jason said, strongly.

"Why?" Luke turned in the bed to face him. "Why? Because you're tired of hauling food up here that I didn't ask for and don't want? Tired of taking care of an old man? I didn't ask you to move into MY house. You just did. I didn't say I needed taking care of, but you did anyway!" Luke had not meant to shout, and for a brief second the look on his son's face broke his heart, but then he remembered it was already broken. And why. "Just go and leave me in peace to grieve. Alone."

"Dad, please." Jason swallowed a sob. "Doc. You wouldn't sleep in your room. You said you wanted to move into the garage apartment. All of this was your choice. But I need for you to do something. Please!"

"Just get out, Jason. I don't want us to fall out, but you boys have really got to learn to give me my space. Maybe it's time you moved back into the cabin until your house is complete." Luke said sternly.

"So that's it?" Jason said, grimly. "Just leave you here to wither in your own misery? And what about Daniel? I saw you smiling when I brought him up here yesterday. I know you're better with him here. And his playset is here. He loves this yard and the dogs! They are all here. There's so much more room. And it's only temporary until the house is finished. Doc, please?"

"Just leave me alone!" Luke yelled and chastised, Jason beat a hasty retreat down the stairs, across the landing and back into the kitchen.

"Well?" His husband asked as he walked into the kitchen, Jay burst into tears. Joe enveloped him into a burly embrace and stroked his head.

"He's not angry with you, you know? It's the world! And Brock. He can't blame everyone, but he can blame himself. And you. Because he knows you love him enough to take it," Joe whispered softly.

"I'm not sure I can take much more. I don't know who he is anymore," Jason cried into his shirt. "It's like I lost both of them at once." Joe held him tight and continued to rub his back. He placed soft kisses on the side of his neck.

"I left D in his bed with his animals while I came in here to get his breakfast started. Why don't you go cuddle with him until I call you? Then you can bring him back in and put him in his booster seat for breakfast. Go find our joy for a bit, okay?" Joe said, pulling away from him.

Jason wiped his face. "Our joy, huh? I guess you're right. He is that these days."

"I'm always right. And he'll pull us through. He's full of kisses this morning," Joe smiled and it was like a weight was lifted from Jason's shoulders.

"Okay," he said and turned and left the room.

Later that afternoon

The afternoon light filled the kitchen and Joe smiled as he watched his husband help their son navigate the miniature playset and slide in the large backyard of his father-in-law's suburban home. He sipped his herbal green tea and thought of how much he loved those two and how lucky he was to have them both in his life. Then with a resolute grimace, he put down his cup, walked out the back door and began to ascend the stairs to the external garage apartment. He'd been dreading this confrontation all day but he knew it was time. He'd allowed Jason to deal with the brunt of his adoptive father's anger, but he could no longer stay on the sidelines. He was a member of this family,too, and perhaps his perspective would allow Luke to find some way through his grief without tearing apart their relationships further. Something had to give.

He quietly knocked on the door at the top of the stairs and hearing no response, softly opened it. Luke was still in bed, shrouded in the coverings, curtains still pulled casting the entire apartment in shadow. Faintly, he could hear the laughter of his son, Daniel, floating up from the backyard and he smiled to himself. The Fates were sending him encouragement and love from the newest addition. Good.

He stepped to the bedside.

"Coach," he said softly. "Coach, it's Joe."

"Just go away, son. I don't want anything," Luke mumbled into the pillow. Joe shook his head and thought about next steps. Having no idea what he was doing, he reached down and pulled back the covers sharply, revealing the older man in just a t-shirt and his underwear. Then he reacted purely on instinct and crawled into the bed next to him and pulled his father-in-law into a tight embrace.

Luke seemed too shocked to move at first but Joe held him tightly, wrapping both arms around him and pulling him to his chest. He was always surprised at the taught muscularity of the older man and the strength that his body still held. It felt like holding a wiry, feral cat -- just waiting for the explosion of energy that it would use to free itself. He just hoped no scratches or blood resulted.

"I know what you're trying to do, son," a voice rasped softly, "but it won't work. I'm too broken."

Joe frowned, then responded. "We need you, Coach. My boys need you. Listen to them laughing down there on the slide. Jay is falling apart without you. He's hurting and he feels like he lost you and Brock with one fell stroke. And that sweet boy needs his Grandpa. He needs to learn all about this new family and new world from the one of us who has the most to give. And, I," Joe's voice faltered, "I need you too. Let us help. Let me help."

"I can't, Joey," Luke began. "I just don't see a way through thisÉ without him." The older man rolled over in his arms and briefly they were cheek to cheek before he leaned back to gaze into the strong, green eyes and bearded face of this kind man. He placed a hand on the ruddy cheek where one small tear had started and wiped it away with his thumb.

"I remember the one time I made you cry at practice. Do you remember your freshman year?"

"I was not very good, and I'm sure I did something stupid," Joe began, but Luke put both hands to his face.

"No, I was the stupid one. I was frustrated with so many things outside of team practice, but that day I just decided to go after you. And afterward, on the drive home that night, I wept in my truck because I thought I had broken one of the kindest kids I'd ever coached. And then the next day, you were right back there, on the court. A glutton for my punishment. Busting your ass for your team and for me. I'm so sorry I did that to you," Luke said softly.

"I don't think I truly remember that. Most of my memories of that time are what we talked about last year. I would fantasize about waking up and finding out you were my real dad and then I would go to practice and pretend you had to be harder on me, because, well, I was your favorite. As your secret love child, of course." Joe smiled and then heard something he thought he'd never hear again. A soft laugh from his father-in-law. So, he continued.

"Of course, the sexual fantasies probably didn't start until my sophomore yearÉ" And he pulled Luke to him tighter. The older man just put both hands on his chest.

"Stop, Boy! Don't be stupid," then Luke gave in and rested his head on the larger man's broad pecs. "You're such a good man. I'm so glad that Jason has you, but think about how you'd feel if you lost him. If something took him away tomorrow, before you'd ever considered that you'd have to live apart. How would you feel?"

"I'd feel broken. And empty," Joe began. "But I'd also have a son to raise. Daniel would have to be my priority no matter how lost and empty I felt."

"But you boys are grown and have each other. I'm justÉ" Luke trailed off, breathing softly into Joe's chest.

"Lost," Joe finished for him.


"Coach, you remember what I told you and Jay last year. About Mark. About loving someone so hard but not being able to save them. I lost a decade of my life or more to that grief. And I closed myself off to the world, and love. I know how hard this is, but you have to fight for yourself now. And for us," Joe said, stroking the older man's back.

"I don't know how," Luke whispered into his chest.

"One small step at a time," Joe said softly into his ear. "Let us love you and take care of you a bit. Get out of this bed. Come see Daniel."

Luke began to sob into his son-in-law's warm chest and Joe just held him and stroked him as his own tears fell. How could life be so fucking hard and cruel right when it was also being so wonderful? His heart ached for this man who meant so much to him. He wiped his own tears and then softly separated himself a bit, and wiped the tears from Luke's eyes. He gripped the gray-bearded jaw with one hand and then softly kissed him on the lips.

"I know there'll be more tears and days when we all just want to crawl back into this bed. But today, I want you to make a conscious choice. For Jason. And for Daniel and me. You're going to get up and try. Even if it's just a half hour. Can you do that? For us?" He searched the lined face he knew so well. "Please?"

"Yes," Luke said shakily. "I'll try."

Joe extricated himself gently for such a large man, then walked around the bed, reached down and helped Luke up.

"Come look at this," He commanded, walking Luke over to the window and opening the curtains that looked over the back expanse of lawn. Jason was running circles around the jungle gym, both dogs chasing him and barking while Daniel sat atop the small slide, cackling at the antics of his father, before hurling himself down the slick surface to the grass. Joe smiled and held his father-in-law to him.

"Pretty damned amazing, isn't it?" He asked the older man.

Luke smiled into the taller man's face. "Thanks, son," he said. And then looking behind him, "Now where did I throw those running shorts and my shoes?"


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