Jasper's Dilemma

By Super Size Me

Published on Jul 21, 2024



Jasper's Dilemma

Now Jasper had been living on the streets since he lost the family farm following his fathers death. It had only been he and his father since he was 14 and now at 19 he was wandering the streets of the city looking for handouts that were few and far between. He no longer looked like his former self. He had been proud of his body very well built But having missed much of his education due to helping on the farm Jasper wasn't qualified to do much of anything.

So as he passed by a bar with a Help Wanted sign he didn't give it a second thought as he went in. There he was presented with the darkest sight he had ever seen. There were nothing but big black men in all sorts of leather. He saw the Rainbow neon flag behind the bar and although he had never known truly what that men he had heard of the LGBT and had always been told that they were not to be around. And although you couldn't fully call him racist he was unfamiliar with black people since he had not met any. But his hunger took over and he went up to the big black man at the bar and asked about the job.

Luther gave a big deep baritone laugh and announced to the few patrons that "this white boy wants a job".

Jasper blushed and in a low meek tone responded with an almost inaudible "yes".

It doesn't pay much Luther said it's just a bar back. You will clean up things pick up the messes clean bathroom.

That's ok I'll do it. Jasper was a hard worker. The farm life showed that. But now standing there you couldn't really tell it as his lack of consistent nutrition showed the beginnings of a skeleton standing before Luther.

Luther was taken by the chutzpah of this boy coming into a black bar for a job. He handed Jasper a stack of papers and a pen and asked if he wanted a soda which jasper gladly accepted.

Jasper sat a table that had more light at it and started filling out the papers. After about 15 minutes he returned the papers to Luther and he and Luther sat and talked about it. Luther explained the pay to which Jasper readily agreed. They talked about his work on the farm and the death of his father. And then Luther came to the living conditions where Jasper said he had no housing.

That is a problem Luther said. I can't have you living on the streets. Tell you what I have a small room upstairs not much bigger than a janitor closet but I can get a small bed in there and you can wash up in the janitor closet.

Jasper was excited to get off the streets. His eyes widened almost tearing up. Sitting there in his typical overalls holes several places and a dirty white t-shirt he had found a home at least for awhile.

Well if you want to start now I will show you the room and have a bed for you by the end of the week.

Jasper finally found his voice and almost shouted YES.

Luther had the biggest toothiest grin on his face joyful by Jasper's enthusiasm.

The went up the stars and Luther showed him the room. It was so much smaller than his room he had at the farm. Smaller that his closet there but he was happy to have a place out of the weather. He put his pack on the floor in the corner and thanked Luther.

Now Luther said this is a black gay leather bar so you are going to see things you probably have never seen before and I need you to give them something to look at so first off I want you to lose the shirt. You will be shirtless. Now I do like the overalls but lets take the left strap down and let it hang exposing your chest. This will give you more of a chance to get attention and possibly tips although bar backs rarely get tips but you might get a pat on the butt or a touch of the chest. Are you still in for this.

Jasper was a bit taken aback by this but he once again found his meek voice and said yes. He looked at the room and the smile on Luther's face and decided he would do this.

Ok get washed up the janitor closet is right over there and come down in 10 minutes.

Luther left and Jasper got himself cleaned up and ready took a deep breath and down he came and as he went through the door he got a raucous round of hoots and hollers from the small crowd.

Jasper blushed a deep red and stood there stunned. Luther motioned him to come over to the bar and told Jasper he told the crowd that he hired the white boy and wanted them to welcome him properly. He gave Jasper a bar towel which Luther stuck in one of his back pockets giving him a chance to squeeze his ass. No go introduce yourself to the regulars. Get to know them because you will see them often.

The first few hello's went slow but the third table had three men there and when he went up to them a big arm wrapped around his waist baring any possible exit. Jasper could feel the muscular arm against the middle of his back and a tight hold on his right butt cheek so tight he thought maybe he would see a bruise when he looked. They talked for several minutes and one of the others told him to come over to him as the one that had a hold on him let go. As Jasper aproached the new man slipped his hand inside Jasper's overalls and down his back.

Hum boxers. Lose those next time we meet. I like a boy that goes commando. Understood?

Jasper nodded his head in agreement.

I asked you a question boy and I expect an answer.

Yes sir. Jasper responded.

Good Sir was the right answer. As he removed his hand he pulled so tight on the boxers that he tore them off of Jasper and held them in his hand in from of the others.

Jasper realized that he was going to be without underwear and possibly groped often here as he wandered the bar talking to each person. Cleaning as he went along. Returning to Luther getting new instructions on his job and pointing out things to pick up or clean. Jasper had never had an opportunity for any sexual activity having been at the farm all his life so he was still a virgin and not having been on the street long enough to have been propositioned there. He was getting all the attention he could handle and although he had always considered himself straight and still did the attention did please him.

As the day progressed and more men came in stunned by the shining white boy working there some would come up to him trying to intimidate him. And his submissive side would come out more and more in this venue. And they liked it. Some would ask Luther what was going on and they would get a good laugh out of the poor white boy working there.

Now Jasper wasn't a small person. He was 6'6" and now about 130 pounds having gone down from almost 250 of pure muscle boy.but he was now so down on his life that he was becoming the submissive to these big black men and that was what most of them that frequented this bar were looking for. Just not in a white package but how can you control those dominant tendencies. So Jasper learned his role quickly and he stayed in that role coming to the point where it was second nature, his natural way of being.

It wasn't more than a week when Luther came up to Jasper's room with a pair of scissors and an envelope. He demanded that Jasper remove his overalls and took the scissors to the legs making them look like Daisy Duke's almost so short that his dick and balls would fall out if they had been big enough. He had always been one of the smallest in school which was an embarrassment to him so that made it easier for him to justify staying home and working on the farm. But this was something different.

Why? Jasper asked.

I have had some guys want to see those white legs of yours and we are going to give them that. Now put them on.

Jasper did and got a twirl signal from Luther. As he did Luther stopped him mid turn and said that just isn't going to do. He grabbed the back pockets and ripped them open exposing Jasper's butt cheeks. Better. Now you can use the front pocket for your rag.

Jasper still had on his shoes and being high-top they went up his legs more than Luther wanted but having him go barefooted was dangerous with the possibility of broken glass. I'me going to have to do something about that. Luther said.

Jasper going into submissive mode bowed his head looking down and Luther's shoes and said yes. Turned and went down to start his day's work.

The looks he got stunned him and he was getting more attention now. This might have been unwanted before but Jasper became excited with this new attention.

He even wiggled his hips to get more attention and he got that attention.

Luther smiled at Jasper as he worked the room.

Now Jasper had a place to live Luther was feeding him, granted a lot of it wasn't the most healthy but bar food is better than nothing and that skeletal frame was looking less skeletal. Having had to scrounge for anything to eat for months this was a welcome addition.

At the end of the day and the bar was closed Jasper went up to his room and collapsed on the bed that Luther had promised. There he found the envelope and he opened it. In it was $12. Jasper looked at it quizzically. Is this tips for me he thought. But he was too tired and fell asleep. He would talk to Luther tomorrow.

As he woke and got dressed and ready he went down to the bar. There was Luther having arrived his normal prior to the bar opening getting everything ready. Jasper screwed up his courage to ask Luther about the envelope and Luther responded that that was his pay.

Jasper asked about it and Luther told him about the food and room and taxes that he took out of it and that was all that was left. Now Jasper's submissive training had not fully kicked in yet and he began to question it but Luther stopped him and told him that he could go back out on the streets and he could get himself a new bar back.

To which Jasper hung his head and began to do his work.

His next pay would be significantly less.

The next week Luther showed up with a bag and pulled out a pair of high heeled shoes that were sparkly and glittery and told Jasper to put them on. They raised the already tall Jasper another 6 inches so that he would be very well seen in the bar by all that came in. The patrons would easily be able to spot the white boy. Luther said he didn't want Jasper to be hard to find so got him the high heels. Jasper had never walked in something so high and it took him a whole shift before he got use to them. And then Luther took out a thick metal ring from the bag. He told Jasper to come over where he wrapped it around Jasper's neck and quickly locked it in place. This is a leather bar and you need to look the part.

Jasper realized that if he questioned anything he would be dumped out on the street with even less than he had when he came in. At least here he had a room and food and drink but little else. And his old belongings were quickly becoming fewer and fewer.

Jasper almost toppled several times that day but he was learning.

But it was also that day that Luther saw something he didn't like.

The next morning Luther was up in Jasper's room even before Jasper was awake yelling at him.

What did I do Jasper asked?

You know very well what you did. I saw Larry squeeze your balls and you pulled away. You think you have the right to deny any of my patrons anything they want?

I'm sorry it hurt.

Well this is going to hurt a lot more. Luther produced a metal thing and told Jasper to stand up. It was common for Jasper to now sleep in the nude so Luther didn't have to tell him to undress. He pulled out Jasper's cock and balls and and proceeded to en cage them in this metal thing.

There now your junk wont be on display for people to squeeze.

But it hurts. Now Jasper wasn't very big but this made his cock no more than a nub and his balls hung down ready for squeezing.

Now get dressed.

Jasper was quickly becoming what Luther had imagined when he first saw that white boy come through the door almost a year ago.

Although he was no longer that skeleton having had the bad bar diet and the lack of workouts showed on his body. He was beginning to get love handles which gave the patrons more to play with. And having not seen the light of day in a year, working all day inside, he was even whiter. His sun bleached hair darkened and having so little chest hair the little bit on his chest, the small treasure trail and the crotch hair was minuscule. But that was the next to go per Luther.

Luther demanded that Jasper shave his chest, underarms, torso and crotch leaving him the hair on his head at this point and the hair on his arms and legs at this point.

On the anniversary of Jasper's hiring Luther called him over to the bar motioning him to the back. He told Jasper to open the cabinet on the bottom and there was a cake that read happy anniversary. And before Jasper could rise Luther put his hand on Jasper's shoulder and told him to unzip his pants. He then told Jasper to pull out his cock.

Thank your better for the chance to work here. Luther demanded.

Jasper looked up at Luther and said thank you.

No boy thank your better Luther said shaking his cock in Jasper's face.

Jasper looked at Luther and then at the big black cock and then said to Luther's cock thank you.

Is that how you say thank you to your betters?

Jasper looked up at Luther and then back at the cock and then up at Luther again. You know how to properly thank your betters. You have been here long enough and it is about time you learned your place.

Jasper gave the tip of Luther's cock a kiss.

You can do better than that.

Jasper then spread his lips and took the head in his mouth.

That was all it took as Luther grabbed the back of Jasper's head and pulled him all the way down his 9 inch cock and held him there as Jasper choked. Eventually Luther pulled back to allow Jasper to get a breath and then plunged down again choking Jasper again. As this happened over and over Jasper was beginning to become more use to the assault and when Luther shot his load down Jasper's throat Luther said we have just added another duty to your employment. Now take your cake.

Jasper reached over and took it putting it on the bar.

Have some.

Jasper looked for some silverware but there was none to be had.

You don't have to be so formal take a handful and eat.

Jasper had learned not to question Luther and did as instructed. When he finished tat handful Luther said there is more there. It's all for you.

Jasper was congratulated on his anniversary by most of the regulars in a similar manor as Luther's congratulations. As he went from table to table he was ordered to kneel and take out their cocks and suck on it. The day and night went on and inside his belly swam many loads mixing with the cake. But Jasper became use to this and he knew the consequences of his refusal. Or rather feared the consequences because he didn't know what Luther would do if he did refuse.

Jasper thought of all the empty calories that were in the cake and thought about his already tight overalls. But he did as he was instructed and kept shoveling handful after handful in his mouth till there was no more. This sort of thing seemed to become more common. Luther providing ever increasing amounts of food that Jasper was expected to finish. And it showed. The straps on his overalls kept extending till they were at their maximum and finally his belly thick legs and man boobs could no longer be contained by his old overalls. And when they were about to burst Luther showed up with a new pair already prepared with the shortened legs and lack of back pocket almost looking like a thong on his back side. His ass could only be described as the patrons would often comment as "junk in the trunk."

It was on his birthday, January 12th, that Jasper got his christening. In the middle of the bar Jasper came down to a padded bench. He had seen this a few times but never in the middle of the bar.

Happy Birthday Luther said. Come over here Luther demanded. Kneel. Luther instructed and thank me properly. Jasper did as he was instructed and as he made use of Luther's cock he felt a strange feeling. The metal collar he had been wearing was suddenly off. Here is your birthday present, well the first of many. The collar had become tight on his double chins and thickening neck and he got a new bigger one. Now stand up. Luther put on some equally thick cuffs on him and locked them in place. And then for the first time ever Luther got on his knees and put some cuffs on Jasper's ankles locking them in place. Standing up he told Jasper to turn around and with a quick motioned cut the strip of fabric that ran between his ass cheeks.

Now lay down on the bench.

Jasper laid down on his back and Luther in a gruff voice said no on your belly.

Jasper rolled over and Luther linked Jasper's cuffs to bolts on the legs of the bench. For your birthday you get lube. Luther went behind Jasper and lubed up Jasper's ass and his cock and plunged in balls deep. A huge gasp rose from Jasper and Luther told one of the others to quiet the boy. And there was a cock down his throat quickly.

After what seemed like forever Jasper felt a wet feeling deep inside him.

That ass is finally big enough to be fuckable. Luther I knew from the first it would be. We just had to make some adjustments.

As the day went on Jasper took load after load both ends. Exhausting him by the close of the bar.

I know you haven't had anything to eat today so I ordered in. There on a table in the back was a full on buffet. Eat up ordered Luther. We don't ant that ass getting any smaller and those tit's are about ready for a bra.

Jasper knew he had no choice so he dug in to the food and he was only half way done when he couldn't take anymore.

That's ok it will be ready in the morning when you wake.

This was one of the few kindnesses Luther allowed Jasper. And finish it he did the next morning.

Luther provided large meals for Jasper expecting them to be finished. And the bar patrons began buying him drinks. They enjoyed the white boy getting drunk throughout the night. They were able to have more fun with him then.

On weekends Jasper was dressed up in a frilly mini skirt with no panties and a bra walking the floor in his sparkly high heels giving the patrons easy access to all of Jasper's expansive body. As his tit's developed he got a lot more groping of his boobs.

It turns out even gay black men enjoy a big man and when Jasper hit 500 he no longer fit in the room upstairs and it was difficult for him to get up and down the stairs. Luther took a storage room downstairs and converted it to an apartment of sorts. It had a queen sized bed, a shower in the corner with no curtain, anyone that came in while he was showering would have seen the show, and two large refrigerators that Luther kept filled.

Jasper was often ordered to go to his room followed by someone. Sometimes he knew the man and sometimes it was a complete stranger. He was ordered to do whatever the man wanted which sometimes it was just a blow job, sometimes a fucking. But this was where he learned to be fisted. The first time this happened Jasper thought he was going to be fucked and the man was just lubing up his ass but when the first few fingers went in he thought he was being stretched out for a big cock. But then another went in and another until the man had his whole hand in his ass. Now Jasper was use to big cocks and he no longer screamed or moaned from the invasion but this was something different and he knew not to complain but as the man worked his arm deeper and deeper he realized what was happening.

When he got done he pulled Jasper up and told him to get dressed and as he and the man came out to the bar he motioned to Luther that he had gone slightly past the elbow. And Luther smiled.

Enjoying yourself boy? Luther asked?

Jasper just looked down.

Come here boy let me see. Luther looked and yes there is a gaping hole where his ass should be. Well we just can't have that Luther said and produced the biggest butt plug Jasper had ever seen and a harness to hold it in. Luther swung him around and shoved it in deep not nearly as far as the mans arm went in leaving him still feeling empty.

Now boy this isn't going to be locked in place so the men can easily play with you but when not in play I don't want you leaking all over the bar so keep it in.

Jasper just nodded his head.

Jasper didn't know that Luther was pimping him out and earning quite the sum from Jasper's use. Not a penny did Jasper ever see. But then Jasper hadn't seen any pay since that first week. And they all loved the fat white boy. And the fat white boy found it impossible to think of anything other than life in this bar.

There was never a formal announcement but even Jasper knew that through the years he and Luther had become Master and Slave. And Jasper enjoyed it. The ever increasing collars, the bigger and bigger cuffs, and the one thing that was no longer needed was the chastity device once his cock was enveloped by his belly. Even if he could get hard, which he didn't, he was afraid Luther would castrate him if he did, the cage was no longer necessary.

Jasper craved the attention of Luther and the other black men but Luther viewed Jasper as property. Just as any other item in the bar. And that was all that he was.

Luther made sure that Jasper never got too big to be bed bound he wanted the white boy on display as slow as he was. Luther was even considering getting another bar back and was quite open to the possibility of another white boy.

Did you need a job?

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