Jayson and Stacey

By moc.loa@SMniBnosyaJ

Published on Jan 6, 2000


Just the usual stuff: This story contains homosexual sex acts. If this stuff bothers you why the hell did you click on this link anyway??? If you're underage or if reading this stuff is illegal where you live then move on. Sorry I didn't make the law. Peace and love to everyone. Write me at JaysonBinMS@aol.com and let me know what you think.

Oh well another long night almost over with. All hell broke loose at the local hangout once again. Here I am, 18 years old, 5'9", with my compact swimmer's build, dragging this drunk, well, passed out, football guy back to his dorm. I am way out of breath. It's either the alcohol I drank tonight or I need to double my time at the gym. Damn. And just my luck the parking lot is on the OTHER side of the dorm. Let's just say I'm not having a good night. I don't like to bitch and moan, but just to give you some idea of my night, I'll give you the short version. I caught my girlfriend, Shannon, in bed with Doug at Eric's party. I can't believe my girlfriend got with my best friend. Here I am another fucking statistic... ANYWAYS....

I take a deep breath, and as I always try to do, I considered our relationship from HER perspective. Let's see. Doug's awesome. He's the quarterback. He's got the car. He's damn sure got the body. He's got the brains. Did I mention he had the body? I guess Shannon got from Doug what I would never give her. SEX. I could never bring myself to do the deed with Shannon, or with any other woman for that matter. Sure I can get it up and all. But the thought of sex with a woman makes me queasy. Are you shocked?

OK back to the task at hand. Shannon's with Doug, I mean really WITH Doug, and I'm stuck with drunk passed out Stacey. Don't get me wrong. Stacey's got a buff body, too. He's the school's number one running back. He's also got a great personality once you get to know him. He's a little shy at times. He drinks a lot though. And he's a really messy drunk. It's kind of embarassing to go out with him sometimes. But when you're in a real PARTY mode and looking to get way smashed Stacey's the man.

I notice he starts to wake up a little bit just as we get to his door. How convenient. I guess I woke him up banging on the door trying to get his roommate Kevin to let us in.

"Would you quit that damn Jay you'll wake the whole damn dorm." He said holding his head.

"Well I'm trying to wake Kevin up from the dead so we can get YOU in this room."

"Kevin's gone home for the weekend I told ya stupid ass," he smiled.

"Damn Stacey give me the key ok," I pleaded.

"OK I got it here somewhere."

Next thing I know Stacey's trying to get his hands in his pockets to find the key. The only thing is he lets go of the wall and puts BOTH hands in his pockets at the same time. So since nothing is holding him up against the wall he smashed to the floor laughing. It would have really hurt if he wasn't so wasted.

"Damn man are you ok?"

OK, Stacey's still laughing so he's not unconscious or anything. Just drunk. Oh well, at this rate we will never get the key so I take a deep breath, pull Stacey's hands out of his pockets, and then cautiously stick my hands into his pants pockets to get his keys. I just about shit when I accidently brush my fingers against his manhood, and I can feel my face heat up with embarassment.

"Jay, I gotta go to the bathroom," Stacey moaned.

"OK, OK, can we just get this damn door open. One thing at a time Superman."

I dread what happens next, but being the good and caring friend that I am I haul Stacey's drunk, and heavy, ass all the way down the hall to the bathroom and stand him in front of a stall. Knowing he's going to fall and bust his ass again I point him in the right direction and hold him up. Boy if anyone else comes in this bathroom this will be the talk of the dorm.

"OK Stacey Just do it. I won't let you fall."

OK let's quickly jump out of my story for a minute and analyze my current situation. I'm holding this incredibly cute (getting cuter by the minute) buff football star who is one breadth away from passing out drunk and one second away from pulling his thing out in front of me. He's leaning on me for support, and it just so happens that his ass his firmly planted against my very excited and very noticeable erection. I'm using all my strength to keep him from falling while at the same time I'm using all my will power to look the other way while Stacey does his business. Somebody PLEASE tell me what the hell am I supposed to do?

It's been a couple of minutes, forever it seems, and Stacey is still fumbling with his button fly. Stupid man, you don't wear those damn things when you get plastered. They're too damn difficult to open in an emergency. Stacey mumbles something that sounds like a cross between defeat and pain and just looks at me. Without another thought I reach down and unbutton his fly. He quickly pulls his jeans and his boxers down as he immediately starts doing his thing. Damn he really really had to go. He did it so quick I didn't have time to think and next thing I know I'm staring at four inches of the cutest, most shriveled up penis I've ever seen. It's this perfect pale white color without a blemish or vein in sight. Perfectly cut. I'll have jerk off material for days. Poor Stacey I think. As he finishes he leans down and flushes thus giving me a view of his cute ass. OK now I understand. I'm being punished for something I did in a previous life.

Wait it gets better. As Stacey amuses himself watching the toilet flush, he heaves violently and next thing I know he's own his knees, with his boxers and pants still down, throwing up his breakfast, lunch, and dinner for like the past three days. Of course he misses his target a couple of times and drenches his face, hair, and shirt. I'm beginning to seriously doubt whether or not I want to be a doctor. Thankfully he gets control of the flow and it all misses me. I rub his back until he's finished. He's just hanging there with this miserable sorry ass look on his face. He's a mess. And it's at this moment that I realize I am falling in love. Wierd huh. Yep I need some therapy. I see lots of therapy in my future.

"Oh God, JAY I'm sorry man," he cries real tears.

"It's all good Stace. Come on man are you ok? You really outdid yourself this time."

"I'm a fucking mess. I need a shower. Oh GOD I can't even stand up by myself. "

"Here come on I'm here for ya you know that Stacey come on."

So I pull Stacey up and then I look in his eyes and see his embarassment as he realizes his boxers are by now at his ankles. I mumble something to make him feel a little better and quickly lean down and pull his boxers and jeans up as best I can while supporting his weight at the same time. I move him to the benches in front of the shower and he manages to lay down on one of the benches.

"Damn I'm such a loser JAY. I understand if you want to jet. I'll make it in the shower somehow."

"What and let you drown? Not my man Stacey. Not going to happen."

"Just so you know... I've never been this bad. Somebody gave me some little yellow pills and I took a bunch I think. Hell I don't know what I'm doing. I just need a shower and a bed. I'm disgusting!"

"Hey we all have bad days man... look, wait here I'll get some towels and we'll get you cleaned all up and put to bed 'kay? I'll be right back."

"Man you don't have to..."

"Stacey don't worry I'm your bud and no one finds out about any of this. It's stays with us okay? Promise."

So I run down down the hall and get towels, soap, shampoo, his robe, and I grab a Kevin's for me. As I walk back to the bathroom I am so thankful that no one is up now to witness all of this. It's Friday night and most everyone on this floor went away for the weekend as usual. And I feel really guilty because in a way I'm taking advantage of Stacey. I want to see him naked. I'm happy to help him in the shower. And he trusts me. I'm such the low life.

Anyways, I help Stacey undress and get him under the warm shower. The warm water combined with all the throwing up he did sober him up just enough to be slightly aware of what's going on. I think I catch him checking me out as I stand beside him naked helping him wash his hair. Hell, all guys check each other out though even if they won't admit it. I can't help but look at the beautiful packing swinging between his strong thighs. It's not shriveled up as much now. And mine is no where near shriveled. In fact I'm trying every trick in the book to keep my equipment under control. It has a mind of its own, but thankfully, I never got all the way hard in the shower. We finish in the shower, and Stacey looks his cute buff self again. He even walks almost by himself as we head back to his room and crash for the night. I fall into Kevin's bed. All this sexual tension plus the physical labor of dealing with a drunken football player has worn me out.

Damn, what a way to wake up! These are my first thoughts as I lean up in Kevin's bed to meet Stacey's sweet, powerful lips on mine. I can feel him trembling as he places his hands on my bare chest. He's admiring my kick ass swimmer's build. And soon enough he's admiring with his tongue as well as his hands.

"Thanks for helping me out Jayson, " he moaned in a sexy voice.

I can't speak as he jerks the covers away and stares at my throbbing erection. All seven inches of it with nowhere to hide. It's so hard it hurts. He climbs in bed with me as we continue kissing. This time I get more aggressive as take his hardness in my hand. It's about six inches now. Definately not shriveled up. Very warm and velvety to the touch. He moans as I move my hands up and down his shaft and over his hairless testicles. Then suddenly he takes my hands off of him. I am confused and disappointed.

"I'm supposed to be thanking YOU," he sighed.

Next thing I know my hard on is enveloped in this warm wet pleasure that I've never felt before. As I slowly drift back down to earth I feel his tongue up and down my shaft. Over and over, up and down, oh my god. I gasp as my head passes into his throat. I'm certainly NOT his first visitor. Instinctively I began pumping his mouth as he simply holds the base of my hardness in his firm grasp. I'm embarassed to admit I only lasted about four or five thrusts. He swallowed me as I felt something warm and thick hit my stomach. Then I realized that he came too...

JAAAAY!!!! OH SHIT! I sat up in bed out of breath as I became instantly aware of my surroundings. The next second I became aware of the sticky mess I made on my stomach. NO! I just had a damn wet dream in Kevin's bed with Stacey's passed out self in the other bed. My next thought was that I woke him up, but I quickly determined by the length and depth of his respiration that he was still asleep. I can not believe I just had a damn wet dream. I'm 18 years old. I haven't done that in what, 5-6 years?

Yep, there's more to the story....

Peace and love to everyone. Special thanks to NIFTY!

Next: Chapter 2

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