Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Nov 19, 2000


Hey, after a long long delay, the newest part of JC Dreams is now here for you to read. Ain't ya lucky. I must admit, I haven't been writing because I am starting to tire of writing, I'm not enjoying it. Fear not though, I am starting to enjoy it again so my three series will continue on.

WARNING: if you are under the legal age please leave. If you are offended by m/m concepts (why are you on the site then?) please leave. I do not know Nsync or true sexuality of any members (I can dream though). Any songs or poems used within the story will be listed at the bottom of the story along with their respective authors. Please, if you want to use my material, just drop me a line and ask. I've already agreed to three people using my work.

Stories I recommend:

Garden of Songs - (boy bands) my story which is going to continue on. Savage Garden Story. It involves Daniel Jones and a long time friend of his.

Yesterday's Child - (high school) another of mine. Revolves around two senior students called Nick and Jesse.

Search and Rescue - (boy bands) a fantastic and beautiful story that leaves me either smiling or crying at the end of each chapter. It involves JC from Nsync.

Jamie's Romance - (boy bands) yet again, another Nsync story. It is brilliantly written and a fantastic read. It involves Justin from Nsync (duh) and a guy called Jamie (double duh). If you want a great read... this I recommend.

Reap the Whirlwind - (college) a spin-off of 'Bleeding Hearts' that canbe found in High school. It is well worth a look. I love it.

Also, a great thanks to those who have written in... Casey, I am eternally grateful for all the help you've offered. Drop me a line, I have a proposition for you.

Feedback can be sent to -= heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com =-

Well, I guess it's time to continue on with the story now huh... well, here we go.

JC Dreams 10 by Sun Child

Later that night after Justin had left Tony and JC sat on the couch watching MTV and were shocked when the Nsync tour was announced with Tony's name added as support. JC looked over and Tony and kissed him on the cheek. He then slid his hand in under Tony's jaw and pushed it up and shut his mouth. Next to them, Tony's phone rang, snapping Tony back into reality. Leaning over Tony picked it up.

"Hello?... Oh hi Lynn... Yeah I just saw it... Yeah sure... tomorrow? What time?... okay I'll be there... yep, see you then... okay bye." JC loked at Tony quizzically as he hung up.

"That was Lynn, they want me to do some more recording. I've got to lay down five songs tomorrow then select a single. I'm also trying to get permission to do a cover song."

"Really? Which one?" JC asked.

"When you hear it on the album you'll know it."

"Please." Begged JC.

"Alright, but only because it's you." Tony conceded. "Well, it's to be dedicated to you anyways. '(Everything I Do) I Do it For You' that's the song I'm trying to cover."

"Well, I'm sure you'll be able to and you'll do it beautifully." JC said supportively.

"I hope so. Are you able to come to the studio tomorrow and like help with recording or something. I would love to be able to put my boyfriends name in the credits." JC smiled.

"Nothing would make me happier. Now what was that surprise you were talking about earlier."

"Oh you just got it. The ad and helping me record." Grinned Tony. JC pouted.

"Not fair. False advertisment." Tony smiled and moved so he was sitting astride JC's lap and lifted his chin up and kissed him gently. JC kissed him back and let his hands wander up and down Tony's back. He then let his hands slip up under Tony's shirt slowly caressing Tony's bare skin. Tony then let his hands drift to the front of JC's shirt and started to undo the buttons. As he undid each button he took time to caress JC's skin as it became available. Soon, all the buttons were undone and Tony pushed it down off JC's shoulders. Letting him mouth part from JC's, he ran his mouth down over his neck and to his now bare shoulders. JC leant back and moaned softly. Tony lifted his lips and climbed off JC's lap and took him by the hand and pulled him up off the couch. Together, they both walked to the bedroom, closing the door after them.

The next morning Tony woke to the light dancing across the room and looked at the clock next to him.

'Fuck it's 9 o'clock. I gotta get to the studio.' He thought to himself and looked at JC next to him. Leaning over, he kissed JC lightly on the lips. As usual, JC's eyes flew open at the brief touch of Tony's lips. He looked at Tony and smiled, reaching out with his hand to stroke Tony's cheek gently then leant over and kissed him. Tony let himself surrender to the moment and then when it broke Tony smiled.

"We have to get up. It's 9 o'clock and I have to be at the studio in an hour." JC groaned.

"Trust the studio to kill a tender moment." Tony laughed and slid out of bed. "I'm going to have a shower..."

"Is that an invitation?" Asked JC.

"Is it being accepted?" Countered Tony. JC bounced out of bed and ran to the shower like a little boy who's been told he'll get candy if he behaves. Tony laughed and made his own way to the bathroom.

A while later they both emerged from the bathroom with huge grins on their faces and headed for the bedroom to get dressed. After they were dressed, Tony went out to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of OJ while JC grabbed some toast. Tony threw back the last of the OJ and headed for the lounge room to grab his song book and guitar. As he picked up hyis guiatr, he spied Butterscotch heading for the kitchen.

"Go in there and I will kick you up the ass cat." Tony called. Butterscotch looked over at Tony then headed into the kitchen as though he hadn't heard. Next thing Tony saw was the cat flying through the air out of the kitchen. Tony couldn't help but smile. JC was finally getting his own back.

"Okay Josh, you hurt the cat again and I will kick your ass as well." Tony called.

"Whatever." JC called back. Butterscotch picked himself up and headed back towards the kitchen without either JC or Tony noticing. Next thing that echoed throughout the flat was the sound of a dish breaking and JC yelling in pain. Tony rolled his eyes and walked carefully into the kitchen, rolled up magazine in hand. JC still hand his back to Tony with Butterscotch clinging on again to JC's back. As Tony walked up behind them he pulled back the magazine and aimed a blow at the cat, who, just before impact, lept away, leaving JC to cop a magazine full swing. JC spun around.

"What was that for?" He demanded.

"I was aiming for the cat. Honest." Tony stammered. His pain that he had hit JC was evident and written across his face. JC's face softened.

"Alright, just be careful in future okay." Tony smiled when he saw JC was no longer annoyed with him and leant in and kissed him.

"Okay, I will. Now come on."

"You haven't eaten anything."

"I had an OJ."


"Josh, hush and get your ass into gear, we gotta go." With that they flew out of the kitchen and JC grabbed his car keys while Tony grabbed his guitar and song book and other essential items.

While they were driving, Tony was quiet for a time and it unnerved JC.

"Tone... what's up baby?"

"I was just thinking about something." Tony admitted.

"What? Are you nervous about recording?" JC asked.

"No. Well kinda, but that's not what I was thinking about. I was actually wondering... well, I wanted to know if you would move into my flat?" Tony blurted out.

"Of course, as long as the cat stays away from me, I would love to. I basically live there now anyways." JC said. Tony smiled and then flicked on the radio and heard another announcement about the tour. Groaning, he flicked the radio off. Instead he flipped through the CD collection. Not finding anything he wanted to listen to, he decided to just sit there. JC looked over at him.

"Look in the CD holder and look for music 3. It's a vocal warm up. It'll help you get ready. It's what I use before I start recording." Tony pulled it out and slid it in. Music started to play that was upbeat. After a few bars, Tony recognised it.

"You like Madison Avenue?"

"I don't mind it... it's just a mixed CD of Australian artists. A few of them are showing up over here so why not?" JC reasoned. As the lyrics started Tony began to sing along with JC harmonizing.

Now when I was a little girl,

My mama say me down and told me all about the world

Now she, she to me true

She said one day you would probably break my heart in two

But now I, I beg to differ baby

I don't take it

The way you like to give it

Now look at you, on your knees

Sweet as sugar baby

Sayin' please ....

I said I'm look at you, well

Said I'm looking at you, aah hah

I said I'm looking at you, yeah

Now who the hell are you to treat me like that?

I don't care where you've been, what you've done or where you're at

Now who the hel are you, to act the way you do?

You won't be smiling

By the time I'm through with you

Now who the hell are you?

Well now, ain't no cheating, ain't no lying

Ain't no explaining

Justifying going on around here

Now stand up and be a man, if you want it

Come and get it, baby, catch me if you can

Come on and catch me if you can

Well you know that if you want it, come and get it

If you want it now ....

Now who the hell are you to treat me like that?

I don't care where you've been, what you've done or where you're at

Now who the hel are you, to act the way you do?

You won't be smiling

By the time I'm through with you

Now who the hell are you?

Now when I was a little girl,

My mama say me down and told me all about the world

Now she, she to me true

She said one day you would probably break my heart in two

But now I, I beg to differ baby

I don't take it

The way you like to give it

Now look at you, on your knees

Sweet as sugar baby

Sayin' please ....

I said I'm look at you, well

Said I'm look at you, aah hah

I said I'm looking at you, yeah

Now who the hell are you to treat me like that?

I don't care where you've been, what you've done or where you're at

Now who the hel are you, to act the way you do?

You won't be smiling

By the time I'm through with you

Now who the hell are you to treat me like that?

I don't care where you've been, what you've done or where you're at

Now who the hel are you, to act the way you do?

You won't be smiling

By the time I'm through with you

Now who the hell are you?

As the song finished. An uplifting if not in-your-face song. The next song started to play and JC skipped it. Tony looked over at him.

"Why did you do that?"

"Depressing ballad." Was all JC said and Tony nodded, not fully understanding but not wanting to argue.

Everybody needs a little loving

Everybody needs somebody thinking of them

Everybody needs a little respect

And whatever it takes ... I'm gonna get it

Everybody needs a hand to hold

Someone to cling to when the nights are getting cold

I'm no different, I am just the same, a player in the game

Absolutely everybody, everybody, everybody

Absolutely everybody in the whole wide world

Absolutely everybody, every boy and every girl

Absolutely everybody

Everybody needs a human touch

I can't live without it, it means too much to me

Everybody needs one true friend

Someone who'll be there 'til the very end

And absolutely everybody breathes

And absolutely everybody bleeds

We're no different, we're all the same, players in the game

Absolutely everybody, everybody, everybody

Absolutely everybody in the whole wide world

Absolutely everybody, every boy and every girl

Absolutely everybody

Every boy and girl, very woman and child

Every father and son, I said now everyone, yes now everyone

Everybody needs a human touch

Everybody, everybody needs love

I'm no different, I am just the same, a player in the game

Absolutely everybody, everybody, everybody

Absolutely everybody in the whole wide world

Absolutely everybody, every boy and every girl

Absolutely everybody

Tony looked at the case.

"Vanessa Amorosi huh. Sounded pretty good."

"She is, fantastic live. Terrific voice. She was on the opening and closing ceremonies of the olympics." Tony looked thoughtful then realised which one she was.

"You're right, I remember her now. She was beautiful as well." JC nodded.

"That's the one." JC indicated and pulled into the parking lot and looked at Tony.

"But not as beautiful as my boyfriend." With the JC kissed him quickly on the lips and climbed out of the car and headed into studio with Tony beside him.

Sitting down in the front office, they waited for Lynn and a few others to arrive. They arrived not long after Tony and JC. Tony breathed deep and looked at Lynn.

"Did I get permission for the song?"

"You did, but Bryan Adams has to appear on the track as well. That was the stipulation."

"Fine, I can live with that. He has a great voice."

"So do you." Threw in JC.

"Hey, don't think you're not getting to do vocals on here." Tony said looked him dead in the eyes. JC raised an eyebrow.

"I am? What does the company say about this?"

"It's already been approved, sorry JC." Lynn told him. "It's a surprise that Tony's cooked up for you. Well, let's get this started shall we." Tony and JC nodded and headed to the recording studio. Settling into the booth, Tony played the basic noted of most of his songs as requested. Then he put down his guitars to lay down the vocals. The first song was more upbeat than most.

Hey you, don't you know how you make me feel?

Don't you want to know if we could work?

We could have something here that is real

Do you think maybe we can sit and talk?

Don't you know you are beloved?

If you do know you are

Why are you cruel keeping your heart with-held

With you I would go so far

Wrap me up in your arms

Kiss me as I sleep there

Seduce me with your charms

Show me that you do care.

Don't you know you are beloved?

If you do know you are

Why are you cruel keeping your heart with-held

With you I would go so far

As we look into each other's eyes

I see your sould, I see you

It makes me realise

It's lust, not love, it's love untrue

You knew you were beloved

You didn't know who you are

Now I'm going to be cruel, keeping myself with-held

With me you could have gone so far.

The beat had been fast and energetic, compared to the majority of ballads that Tony was known for. Outside he was given the thumbs up. He reached for a glass of water and turned to the next song. Music started to stream through the headphones with a harsher more rock beat.

Every note that you wrote to me

I keep beside me for every time you go away

The notes show me your heart's key

Of which I read every day

Your kisses find a way to my heart

And how I feel about you is amazing

I can't stand to be apart

I need to be at your side, receiving your loving

There ain't no rose without a thorn

No wisdom without a few years

Not time away form you when I don't mourn

Any hurt makes sad tears

Your kisses find a way to my heart

And how I feel about you is amazing

I can't stand to be apart

I need to be at your side, receiving your loving

My feelings bittersweet

Better that you don't know them

Sweet as the salt at your feet

Oh God, please lift my feet and guide them

Your kisses find a way to my heart

And how I feel about you is amazing

I can't stand to be apart

I need to be at your side, receiving your loving

The music continued and slowly died away. Tony looked at the clock and was surprised to see three hours had already slipped by. He took off the headphones and walked out of the recording booth. JC met him at the door.

"That sounded great, you sound better every time I hear you. I never knew you had such a diverse range of songs."

"Well, I'm just full of surprises." JC leant in and kissed Tony exposing a part of his neck that had previously been hidden and Lynn caught sight of it.

"My JC, you must of big bitting bugs where you are." She couldn't resist the dig. JC's hand flew up to his neck then looked at Tony.

"You didn't did you?"

"I didn't mean to."

"Well, you just wait, I'll get my own back."

"Yeah well, why don't we go and get lunch?" Tony asked.

"Sounds good. Especially considering you didn't have breakfast."

"Oh shut up and give me the keys." JC looked at Tony in shock. Tony kissed him and slipped his hand into JC's pocket and pulled out the keys.

"Okay, come on let's book." Tony said as he broke the kiss. As they walked away Tony could hear Lynn and the others laughing at their antics.

JC and Tony found a small coffee shop within walking distance from the studio where they sat and ordered some food. They talked idly while waiting for their food. Suddenly they both her squeals from behind them. JC turned slightly and Tony glanced over JC's shoulder. There was a group of girls standing there looking at them. They both smiled and then went back ot the food infront of them. Looking up slightly Tony saw JC grimace and then realised why. The group of girls were heading over their way.

"Excuse me, you're JC from Nsync aren't you?" One of the girls asked JC. JC nodded slightly. The girls were so engrossed in JC they didn't even notice Tony until he spoke.

"Susan, Allison, Rosey and Danaea. Why would it be you are here and not at school?" Tony asked. The girls jumped.

"Mr Scott? You know JC? Ohmigod! Why didn't you tell us? This is so cool!" The girls bubbled.

"Yes I do know Josh, he's an old friend of mine whom I haven't seen for a while and we were catching up if you would please excuse us." He told the girls. Susan blushed slighlty.

"Sorry Mr Scott, we didn't realise. We're very sorry to both you and JC. We'll see you later Mr Scott. Goodbye JC, it was nice to meet you." JC nodded and the girls wandered off. JC smiled in amazement.

"As long as I live, I will never be able to bullshit as well as you do."

"But you do bullshit as well as me."

"Really? When?"

"When you get all the pre-pubescent girls to believe they have a chance with you." Smiled Tony.


"I know you are but hey, I love you anyways." Laughed Tony. JC stuck his tongue out at Tony and laughed along. As they were eating, Tony's cell phone started to ring.

"Hello?... Hi Lynn... now?... okay sure... yep be there soon." Tony said and hung up.

"Bryan's at the studio. Time to go and record the duet." Tony told JC and stood up. He took the bill and went up to the counter and paid for it then headed back to the table, collected JC and headed back to the studio.

Walking back into the studio they were met by two huge men, presumably body guards.

"Sorry gentlemen, you aren't going in there."

"Like hell I'm not. If it wasn't for me, Bryan Adams wouldn't even be in there so let me in."

"Not likely."

"Oh fuck off and get out of my way." Tony told them pushing towards the door. One of the body guards grabbed Tony by the arm and threw him back. JC looked at Tony then at the guy who had thrown him to the ground.

"I'd run if I were you." JC advised. "He's not the nicest guy when he's pissed off." The guy came up and raised a hand to JC.

"Touch him and eat through a straw for the rest of your life." Advised Tony. The guy turned and looked at Tony, and started to advance towards him. The guy got close enough and lunged for Tony. Tony grabbed his arm and flipped him over his back martial arts style.

"What is going on here?" Demanded a familiar voice.

"They don't think we're good enough to record with Bryan, Lynn."

"Well they better deal with it. Come on in boys." Lynn said leading JC and Tony inside. Once inside Tony flipped them an obscene gesture and went on towards the recording area. Walking in, they saw Bryan Adams sitting back doing not much. He stood as the walked into the room and shook their hands.

"Well, you must be the amazing Tony who I've heard so much about." Bryan guessed.

"That's right and you must be the Bryan who I've never heard of before." Joked Tony. Bryan smiled

"Well, if you can start giving me shit as soon as we've met, we'll be getting along fine." Tony smiled.

"I hear you had trouble with my security team." Bryan said.

"You're goons belong at a zoo." Tony grumbled.

"I know but they were out of real security teams at the shop when I went to get them." Bryan smiled. Tony laughed and motioned to the booth.

"Shall we record a demo and see how it goes."

"Okay, how do you want to do it?" asked Bryan.

"Well, how about we take a verse each and harmonize on the chorus. I'll take the first verse, you take second them we do the rest of the song together?" Suggested Tony.

"Okay, well, let's try it." Tony nodded and they both went into the recording booth. They slipped on the headphones and gave the thumbs up to Daniel (our regular recording guy for regular readers who can't remember) who started the music. Tony took a breath and started his own ad lib at the start.

Look into my eyes

You will see what you mean to me

Search your hear, search your soul

When you find me, then you'll search no more

Don't tell me it's not worth trying for

You can't tell me it's not worth dying for

You know it's true, everything I do, I do it for oyu

Look into my hear, you will find

There is nothing there to hide

Take me as I am, take my life

I would give it all, I would sacrifice

Don't tell me it's not worth fighting for

I can't help it, there's nothing I want more

You know it's true, everything I do, I do it or you

There's no love, like your love

And no other could give me more love

There's nowhere unless you're there

All the time, all the way

You can't tell me it's not worth trying for

I can't helo it there's nothing I want more

I would fight for you

Walk the wire for you yeah I'd die for you

You know it's true

Everything I do

I do it for you

Again as the song wound down Tony added his ad lib and Bryan copied adding harmony to the song. Outside the others were smiling and giving thumbs up. Together they walked out.

"You both did brilliantly. I'm going to play it now so you know what it sounded like to us." Daniel told them touching a button on his control panel. The two men stood back listening. The ballad played and sounded amazing. Bryan looked at Tony.

"You did a great job with my song. Better than Brandy did anyways, and I loved her version." Tony grinned.

"Thanks Bryan. I'm glad you like it." Daniel then decided to interrupt the moment.

"Well, do you want to stop gas bagging and go in and do the finished product?" Tony and Bryan laughed and went back into the booth and lay down the final vocals.

Coming out of the booth, both men looked to the others for conformation as to how they went. The smiles on the groups faces gave it away. Tony started to grin like a fool. Bryan then had to leave but not before congratulating Tony on his effort and wishing him the best of luck with his career. With that, Tony disappeared back into the recording booth a layed down the last of his tracks for the day. By the end of the day, they had about twenty tracks to select from. Sitting there well into the night, they tried to pick which song to release as a single. In the end, JC decided that 'Please Hold Me' would be a wise choice for the debut single. It displayed a power of his voice that few other could compare to. Sitting back smiling it suddenly dawned on Tony that he hadn't recorded his song with JC. Looking at Daniel.

"We've got one more song and it will be the first single to be lifted." With that Tony stood, grabbed JC's hand and walked into the recording studio. Tony opened the book and showed JC the song. JC raised an eyebrow after reading it.

"I sang it for you after we first got together." Tony admitted smiling. JC smiled and kissed him. They then settled to start recording, never breaking eye contact.

Feelings and emotions scare me

Is the way I feel right now

The way it is meant to be

If so, why am I scare to let it show

Wanting so bad to let it show

I don't know if my feelings are right

These emotions are all I know

They bring tears to my eyes, oh what a sight

My heart is full of things I can't describe

Things that they sing of in love songs

Like a medicine for love that the heart prescribes

But what about the heartache from the others songs

How am I mean to know how I feel

Things said that I truly regret

I put them in my mind under heavy seal

Hoping I will forget

I am scared that I may be in love

How am I meant to be, what do I say

What can I do when push comes to shove

When the sun lightens the new day

Why are my feelings scaring me so

For once I want to know what is in my heart

Am I in love or is it a shallow show

Doesn't it show as a hollow thing tearing me apart

As they broke eye contact they looked out at the others who all had tears in their eyes. The song had been a little sad, but still more upbeat then most. The took off the headsets and walked outside.

"Hey, I know we aren't the best but there's no reason to cry about it." Joked Tony. Lynn shook her head.

"It's not that Tony. You and JC did that so perfectly. You were singing to each other from the heart. It was an amazing piece to hear. I loved it." It was then time for the record company representative to step forward.

"How long until you can do the film clip?"

"Two days, I need to think up the concept first." Tony advised.

"Done. Two days, at the barn to go over rough working of the clip then the day after we shall tape. Be ready." TOny nodded.

"No problem... too easy." With that the suit left and Tony, JC and Lynn looked at each other.

"Would you like to join us for dinner Lynn?" Asked Tony. Lynn shook her head.

"No sorry, I can't. I have a pile of paper work now that you have your album recorded and film clip coming up."

"Sorry, I didn't know. If I had I wouldn't..."

"You dare say that you wouldn't have followed this career I will hit you." Lynn warned Tony.

"Okay, I won't then. I was going to say I wouldn't have asked." Shrugged Tony smiling. Lynn shook her head.

"Well, I'll be at the barn in two days to attend your meeting so I'll see you then. Make it 11 in the morning okay." With that Lynn waved and walked out of the room. Tony smiled and wrapped his arms around JC's waist and kissed him.

"I have an album and single on the way, a great cat, and a fantastic boyfriend. What did I do to get so lucky?" Asked Tony. JC smiled.

"You were you. That's why." Smiled JC who kissed Tony.

--- There we go, no cliffhangers. A lot of sap, but I hope you liked it. Sorry it took so long.

  1. Who the Hell Are You - Madison Avenue 2) Absolutely Everybody - Vanessa Amorosi 3) Beloved and With-held - Mine 4) Your Way To My Heart - Mine... dedicated to Brendon 5) (Everything I Do) I Do it For You - Bryan Adams 6) To Show I Care - Mine... dedication to Derwan has now been removed. I dedicate nothing but the past to him.

Feedback to -= heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com =- Keep safe, SC.

Next: Chapter 11

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