Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Jan 24, 2001


Well, it's time for another chapter of JC Dreams.

WARNING: You know the deal, too young or not wanting to know m/m things? Well go away. I don't know anything of Nsync's sexuality, I'm sorry (but hey we can dream) and I don't own any rights to any of their stuff. I do, though, own rights to my work which could possibly be at the bottom of the story, I also own rights to story.

Thanks to all those who replied to my plea about the story, I'm glad to know people are enjoying it. At the request of many, the series shall continue.

If you are lucky enough to catch me on line my ICQ# 104300787 and MSN messanger is heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com -- please don't send feedback to it though. I will check it of course, but not sending there is appreciated. Feedback to heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com feel free to add me to ICQ and so on.

Well, without delay, to keep you all happy. Here is

JC Dream 13 by Sun Child

As the doctor motioned for JC to follow, JC felt his legs jelly. Looking at the doctor JC asked quietly

"Is this good or bad news?" The doctor looked at JC.

"This isn't the place to discuss it Mr Chasez. JC took a deep breath and looked again at the doctor.

"Fine lead the way." The doctor smiled faintly and led JC through a door way then closed the door. Sitting down the doctor looked JC straight in the eye.

"Mr Chasez, I won't lie. Tony isn't doing well. He has taken nearly a full bottle of sleeping tablets and a touch of alcohol. A volatile mix at the best of times. At this stage, he should pull through, we've pumped his stomach to get most of it out. It's lucky you got to him when you did. You may have just given him a fighting chance." JC looked at his hands, not knowing which was to turn. The doctor looked kindly at him.

"It's hard to see a loved one in pai..." The doctor started when JC's eyes flicked up.

"Who said he was a loved one."

"Mr Chasez, it is obvious by your concern for him."

"Oh. I'm sorry doc, I didn't mean to bite your head off." JC apologised.

"That's okay. Like I said, it's hard to see a loved one in pain. It's also harder not to even see them which is why, I have arranged for you to be allowed into Tony's room. Should he awake though, don't do anything to distress him. Just call for a nurse." The doc told JC. JC's only response was to stand and look in the direction of Tony's room then head towards it, turning briefly to thank the doctor.

Walking into the hospital room, JC looked at Tony's prone body, lying there in the bed, feeling helpless to do anything to save his beloved. Watching Tony, just lying there, it sent shivers of pain throughout JC's body. The feeling rocked JC to his foundations, he had never believed he could love someone this much. Sitting beside Tony, JC took his hand and kissed it lightly, lovingly. Just watching, JC remembered a song that Tony had written and sung to him not long after they had started to go steady. JC cleared his throat a little.

You were and are my salvation

Through thick and thin I'll always know

You exist as my protection

You love will be an Angel where ever I may go

Through hate and affection

Through death and life

Your face is my heart's creation

An Angel to save me from the knife

Look in my eyes

Tell me these words are lies

It's truth that cannot be mistaken no matter who tries

They'll be the truth until the day my soul dies

Existence without you my Angel

It's what I don't want to imagine

I can't imagine it, it would be terrible

It would mean my destruction

One htousand angels aren't my salvation

They aren't there, they're reach can't extend that far

Angels aren't my protection

Angels aren't there for me - you, though, always are.

Breaking down into tears, JC felt the tears crawl down over his cheeks and collect on his chin before falling onto Tony's bare arm.

"Please don't leave me Tony, please don't leave me." JC whispered before placing his head on the bed and drifting into sleep.

Gentle sunlight fell through the window over the bed where Tony lay. Beside him lay his love, his soulmate, his true love. Heaven only knows why JC was there, but there he was. Tony turned his head, his neck sore and noticed JC's worried expression the creased his face, even in his sleep. Sitting a little, Tony leant down and kissed JC's forehead. As he moved, he felt a pull in his arm and looked at it. There was an IV drip feeding into his arm. Trying to remember what had happened it all rushed back to him in a flood. Justin, Steve, the pills, the alcohol. He looked again at JC, resting there realising that he must have been the one that had something to do with him being there, safely in the hospital. Again, leaning down, Tony kissed JC then leant back and softly stroked JC's hair until he again began to drift off to sleep once more.

JC felt Tony's hand softly caressing his hair, he wanted to jump up and hug and hold Tony tight but decided it ill advised. He felt Tony's touch become lighter and eventually stop. Looking up, he saw that Tony had again drifted off to sleep. Sitting up, he sat there and marvelled at Tony's beauty. JC then started to think again of the song he had sung last night. He had no idea what he would do, should he lose Tony. Leaning in again, he kissed Tony and sat back, watching.

Tony opened his eyes a while later, how long had passed was beyond Tony's grasp so he looked around. Seeing JC sitting there, Tony smiled. JC smiled back happily and leant in to talk.

"Hey Tony, how are you?"

"Not too bad Joshua ... you?"

"Worried to death about you."

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I'm just tired of it all, I let it get to me. I reached the breaking point and broke. I guess lucky you were there to apply the tape to fix it huh." Smiled Tony. Breathing deeply JC replied.

"Yeah, lucky for both of us. You remember that song 'Angels' you wrote and sang to me one night? Well, I was wondering, would you re-record it and release it as your first single? I want that to be our duet." Tony looked at JC and smiled.

"Of course, but the other duet is staying, I'm just going to be lucky and have two duets with JC Chasez on my album, along with him producing some of the tracks." Tony threw at him.

"Deal. Also, I know what the film clip can look like. Would you mind?" Tony shook his head.

"Josh babe, if you think you can... you go for it." JC smiled then leant in and kissed him.

Standing outside the room, Justin looked in. He saw the way Tony and JC looked at each other and longed for JC to look that way at him. Justin's mind then turned to his own boyfriend. It occured to him suddenly, that Steve was using him for fame and to get back at Tony. Looking back at Tony's and Steve's past it made perfect sense. It also dawned on him that there was someone who did love him and he had burnt badly. She needed him, she loved him, she had been hurt by him. Walking away from the room Justin pulled out his cell phone and dialled.

"Hey? Brit? Can we meet for coffee?"

Several days later, Tony was released from the hospital. Walking into their flat, JC and Tony were greeted by the guys, Lynn, Fatima and Britney. Sitting on the table was a small parcel that could only be one thing.

"Lynn is that what I think it is?" Lynn nodded and smiled. Grabbing it, Tony tore to covering off and sitting there, in all it's glory was Tony's album (minus cover of course). Walking over to the CD player, Tony put it on and pressed play. Guitar and piano filtered out. Tony looked at Lynn.

"Where did the piano come from? I didn't do it."

"You didn't think it would be just guitar did you? While you had your medical holiday, the guys at the studio added piano and various other instruments to it. A few moments later, Tony's voice drifted from the speakers.

Dare you to dream your dreams

Dream of what no one else knows

Dream of your delighted screams

Dream of what only you know

Don't be afraid to dream

Dreams are what keep us sane

It's like hopes and nightmares on the silver screen

It's what says you are the one who remains

Unleash your soul and dreams

Don't be afraid of what is inside

Only you can be brave to face what it means

Because only you know the tears you've cried.

Tony's eyes brimmed with tears. His dreams, the very dreams he just sang about was arising around him. He had never abandoned the dreams of his youth and now they flourished. They reached for him as he reached for them. Reaching around he held JC close and held on as the next song began.

An Angel sent to me

God's loving gift

A person who set my heart free

Then with the wings of love, my life they did lift

The wings and love broke

My life fell to the ground

Killed with one brutal stroke

Still my love makes a dying sound

Mever totally have I recovered from my fall

My heart still remembers

The way my Angel would call

Of how my body, the Angel became a member

Unable to ever again grasp my Angel

Fallen from above to now below

It's like heartbreak's Bremuda Triangle

My heart gives up on love, a time of the mellow

Melancholy starts to now set in

How can I break free

Feeling as though burdened with unmentionable sin

Please, Angel, just let my heart be.

JC held Tony close and whispered in his ear.

"I am one Angel, who isn't going to leave." Tony smiled.

"I know baby, I know."

Several hours later, the party broke up and everyone left, leaving Tony and JC to their own devices. Leaning in to JC, Tony whispered.

"I love you and I want you." JC looked at Tony, a little shocked by how forwards he was. Standing Tony, offered his hand to JC and led him down to the bedroom. Closing the door after them, Tony reached over and started to unbutton JC's shirt then pushed it off his shoulders exposing his white wifebeater. JC then lifted Tony's t-shirt up over his head and dropped it to the floor. Reaching for Tony's belt, JC leant in and kissed Tony gently. Soon all clothes piled on the floor, Tony and JC, lying on the bed. Tony gently kissed and sucked on JC's neck, well aware he would leave a mark, then travelled down over JC's body. As he reached JC's well defined chest, he gently began to suck on each nipple, bringing each to a hard bud. Gently, Tony's kisses moved down over JC's hardened stomach. Gently, Tony darted his tongue in and out of JC's navel. JC moaned lightly in pleasure as Tony's mouth worked it's talents over JC's body. As Tony's mouth reached JC's groin, JC pulled Tony's head away. Looking at him, Tony raised an eyebrow.

"I don't want you to do all the work." JC whispered to Tony gently. With that he rolled Tony onto his back and let his own mouth start to play over Tony's body. JC returned the favour of sucking on Tony's neck and marking him. JC's mouth then worked it's way down over Tony's body. JC's mouth sucked on Tony's chest and then travelled down again, playing lightly with the soft pelt of hair that led from the top of Tony's groin up to just below his navel. JC's mouth then hit it's destination only to have Tony pull JC off and up to his mouth. They lay there, kissing gently and Tony let his hand snake down and wrap around JC's hardened member. Gently rubbing and caressing JC's member ellicited a soft moan from JC which only encouraged Tony. Soon Tony found JC's hand moving towards his own groin. As JC's hand reached it's goal, Tony felt and electric shock coarse through his system. Together, the gently touched, stroked and caressed each other's members. Tony soon felt his orgasm building and just about ready to release. Tony whispered softly,

"Josh, I'm just about there." Next thing Tony knew, JC released his load over Tony's hand. Tony took it as a hint and let his own load blow. Both breathing heavily, relaxed, Tony and JC looked at each other and kissed.

"Clean up time?" Asked Tony.

"You bet. Race you to the shower." With that he bounded off to the bathroom leaving Tony smiling.

--- Well you all must have known Tony would survive. Then again, I can be cruel. Well now you've had your first taste of a 'JC Dreams' sex scene. Did it work or did it suck? NEEDING TO KNOW PEOPLE! Feedback to heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com Song: 1) Dreams - mine 2) Angel - mine Keep cool all and let me know what you though. Keep safe, SC.

Next: Chapter 15

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