Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Aug 17, 2000


Warning: Okay, this is the obligatory part for me to say that if you aren't 18 (or 21 in some places) GO AWAY!!! I accept no responsibility at all should your mother walk in on you choking the chicken to this, this all you not me. So if you are under the ages I said before or are offended by M/M concepts (why are you on this site if you are?) then please leave.

This story in no way represents any of the true sexuality of any celebrity mentioned, or at least, to the best of my knowledge. Now what else, oh yeah the butt kissing when saying read the folllowing really cool stories which I'm not going to do... not in this chapter anyways.

Also, all songs featured in this story belong to respective artists. Any poetry included without acknowledging another author is mine ... you touch you die.

And before you criticise my spelling and writing, I am Australian so any slips I don't mean, I try to write to the American spelling and terms but at times it will be hard, sorry.

Okay, you want to ask me questions or just write to me -- here is the address to write to: heartmindsoul@eudoramail.com now one last thing

To my man... I LOVE YOU!!!!! Now I will start don't worry, unless of course you want me to talk more next time, in which case let me know and I will. And JC, if you don't like the way I portray you in this, just drop me a line and we can discuss it.

JC Dreams - Part 2 by Sun Child

As Tony's eyes drifted open he looked over at JC's angelic face as he slept.

'Man, how did I get so lucky?' Tony asked himself. Then it hit him that he had not known JC for more than a night. 'That can't be good for me. I am sleeping in his bed the night we met.' Tony shrugged the thoughts away, not wanting to think about what they could mean at that point in time and gently reached out with his hand to stroke JC's cheek lightly. JC stirred lightly in his sleep. Tony leant over and kissed him lightly. JC dreamily opened his eyes.

"Mmm. I think I like that way of waking up. Can I get another one?" He grinned his famous million dollar smile and Tony happily leant in and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"Only on the cheek?" Groused JC playfully.

"Well, it would have been on the lips but morning breath and you ain't no pretty sight. Or at least scent."

"So you mean it smells like you do normally." Threw back JC.

"I don't smell." Tony defended in mock hurt. He got out of bed and wandered out of the room, his whole demeanour saying he had been hurt. JC sprang out of bed after him, frightened that he really had hurt him.

"Tone, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry." Then he walked out the bed room door and saw Tony just about falling over laughing.

"You bastard! Now you're gonna get it." JC said in mock anger.

"Oh yes please ... whip me, beat me, make me cheap!" laughed Tony. JC just shook his head and leaned forwards and grabbed Tony around the waist and pulled him close.

"I can if you really want me to." Whispered JC as he nibbled lightly on Tony's ear. Tony felt JC's hand slip down towards his groin area and took a step back.

"Joshua Scott, you know how I feel about that." Tony told him quietly but forcefully.

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything, honest." JC looked at Tony, his eyes showing an earnest apology.

"I know ya didn't. I just thought that I would remind you though." Tony looked JC back in the eyes, watching the liquid blue dance infront of him. Closing his eyes, Tony leant in for the kiss he knew was coming. Gently, his lips met JC's in a soft union that Tony felt himself melting into. Tony felt JC's tongue pressing at his lips as the kissed. Showing defeat Tony opened his mouth and let the tongue invade and explore exotic tastes that none other than Tony could ever show JC. The brief touch of lips turned into a sensual eternity for both men. Tony felt himself melting into the kiss, his knees weakening. JC felt Tony's legs giving way and let Tony slip into the strong embrace that was encircling him. JC picked up Tony as though he were a small child and carried him back to the bed room.

Tony lay on the bed looking up at JC.

"For a slight person, you are bloody strong." Commented Tony.

"Yeah well, I have to do it for all the screaming darlings out there who want to get in bed with *Nsync and marry me, I have to keep my body nothing short of perfect. It's bloody horrible if you ask me." JC replied.

"Well, I have to stay in shape too. The only difference is I don't have people wanting to marry me. My students wouldn't even look at me in that way, thank heavens." JC nodded.

"Some people have all the luck. What would ..." JC was about to say more when the phone beside the bed rang. Groaning, JC leant over and picked it up, displeasure at being interupted showing clearly on his face. "Hold that thought." Grumbled JC to Tony.

"Hello? ... Oh hey Curly ... not much, I'm just sitting at home with a friend ... the mall? Man, don't you do anything else other than shop? ... okay hold on I'll ask." JC covered the mouth piece with his hand.

"Justin wants to know if we would like to go to the mall with him. You up to it?"

"I might be if I get another kiss and stop by my place so I can shower before we go." Tony bargined.

"Cool, I think we can do that." JC smiled, removing his hand from the mouth piece.

"You there Curly? ... yeah we'll come ... okay, about an hour or so ... no it's cool, we'll pick you up ... okay see you then ... okay bye." JC hung up the phone.

"So what were you going to ask me before?" asked Tony.

"I had been going to ask what you wanted to do today but I think that was just sorted out wasn't it." JC grinned. "I'm sorry, I was going to make a day of just me and you." Tony waved his hand dismissing it.

"JC, it will be me and you with an extra person." Tony said giving JC a hug.

"Yeah, I guess your right, but I won't be able to show you affection while we are out and about." Grumbled JC again, again displeasure dancing over his handsome features. Tony was quiet for a moment.

"Are you out to the rest of the guys?" JC looked away from Tony.

"Would you believe me if I said no? There have been so many times I have just about told them but something always holds me back." JC shrugged.

"Would that have anything to do with the fact that you've never had the right guy to come out to them about?" asked Tony teasingly.

"Actually that is exactly why I haven't. That and I don't know how well they would take it. Lance is so religious and I doubt he would approve and Justin, well he's my best friend and he would be hurt that I've never told him. I don't know about the other two. I know that Joey has a few gay friends so I doubt he would care and Chris ... well I have no idea at all." JC looked so innocent and vunerable that Tony couldn't resist not reaching up and gently stroking his face.

"Well, why don't we wait and see how this goes for a while and then consider telling them ... together." Tony suggested. JC looked at Tony and smiled, partly a sad smile, partly a hopeful smile.

"You mean it?"

"Of course I mean it, I wouldn't have said it otherwise." Tony told JC holding him gently.

"How do you think they would take it?" asked JC.

"I don't know and I won't pretend I do, but, if they are the true friends you say they are, they will understand. Does anyone at all know besides me?" asked Tony.

"Britney does and that's it. I know she is closer to Justin than me, but she kinda found out by accident. I was in a gay chat room one day and she came to visit and caught me." JC told Tony shyly. Tony laughed.

"Hey, it happens to the best of us, don't worry." JC smiled and leant down and gently placed his lips against Tony's. Tony returned the kiss and started to nibble on the lip in front of him. JC pulled away and looked at Tony.

"Well, now you've had your kiss, it's time to go and get you changed so we can meet Justin." Tony groaned.

"I was enjoying that."

"Yeah well, do the words stiff shit mean anything to you?" Tony poked his tongue out at JC and climbed up off the bed. JC looked at Tony.

"And here I was, about to give you another kiss." Tony looked at JC and shrugged.

"Was it not just you who said stiff shit?" Tony giggled and bolted out the bed room door. JC grinned and followed him out.

As the two walked down to the car, Tony took JC's hand and held it tight. JC looked over at him in slight surprise, then turned back and gave the hand in his a gently squeeze.

"So, can I drive again?" asked Tony innocently.

"Hmmmmm ... what can you do to persuade me." Tony spun around and pulled JC into a passionate kiss.

"I can do that." JC looked thoughtful.

"Yup, that persuaded me." Both laughing, Tony climbed in behind the wheel, reversed the car out and sped off towards his home.

As they came up the elevator to Tony's appartment, JC leaned over to kiss Tony lightly on his lips but Tony stepped back. Confused JC, looked at Tony.

"Hey what's up? Did I move too fast or something?" Tony shook his head and then nodded upwards.

"They have a security camera in the ceiling. You really want people to see JC Chasez from Nsync kissing another guy in a lift?"

"Good point, so I guess I have to wait until I get to your place now don't I." JC said with a hint of disappointment. Tony just nodded and laughed.

Once they reached Tony's appartment, it was obvious to any passerby of how eager JC was to get inside. Once inside and JC had closed the door Tony spun around and kissed JC hard on the lips. JC, after getting over the surprise, returned the kiss and soon both were lying on Tony's couch in a mad moment of infuriating passion. JC's hands began to creep down towards the area where Tony had declared forbidden the previous night. Tony batted away the hand.

"Josh, I told you last night, none of that. We still need to learn who the other is. Yeah I know bits and pieces about you, but I don't know you." JC nodded.

"Okay, I guess I'll live." Smiling Tony leant up and quickly kissed JC again.

"I'm sure you will, but for a while, your sex life will have to be taken into your own hands." With that lingering comment, Tony hastened out of the room.

As Tony entered his bedroom he noticed that there was a banging sound at the window. Looking behind the curtain, he saw Butterscotch sitting there looking at him.

"I'm sorry kitty, I totally forgot about you." Tony admitted as he let the cat in. "If you can wait for a while longer, I'll get you something to eat." Tony walked over to his wardrobe and looked at his clothes. Inwardly he growned. 'Man, I should pay more attention to my selection of clothing.' Reaching in he found his black pants and after searching around in his shirts, selected his grey ribbed v-neck shirt. Together they would show off his body well. Tony then made his way to the bathroom where he turned on the hot water. As he was taking off his shirt and discarding it to the floor, he heard JC yell out in surprise or pain, Tony wasn't real sure.

--- Evil is evil does ... and at the moment, my evil is making you wait. Let me know how you think this is going. Sorry it took so long, I have had college assignments that I've had to contend with... that and parents who are homophobic. Anyways, the next part should be up soon so keep it cool and email me to let me know what you think. SC

Next: Chapter 3

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