Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Apr 17, 2001


Hey guys, I'm back with a new part of JC Dreams.


If you are under aged, offended by m/m concepts, then I will now ask you to leave. I ain't gonna get busted if your mama walks in and catches you choking the chicken to this if ya know what I mean. I don't know or claim any personal knowledge of Nsync and their personal lives, I don't agree with the arguments as to their sexuality, please don't put them to me... this is purely a fan-fiction. Also all songs belong to respective artists. All ownership will be listed at the bottom of the story. Also, there is a new talent out there that goes by the name of Tony Lee Scott, he's an Aussie (I think) and the Tony Scott mentioned in here is so totally not him. Tony is a figment of my imagination.

Author's Words:

I want to thank all those who have written in and given me advice and so on. It's all greatly appreciated. I wish to also note those who have complained about the sex scenes I have written. They aren't long or in-depth I know. Please remember that JC and Tony have only just started having sex and are taking their time with this. Please bear this in mind when you write in and bitch to me about it because I will tell you the exact same thing in the reply that I have just told you now.

Author's Thanks:

Thanks to all those who have written in to me and told me what they think. It is greatly appreciated. To our fav Nifty Archivist, thanks for your support with the postings and series that you have let me put on your web site. Thanks also to Casey who has given me support with the story from day one. Also, my fav guy, Alex, thanks for everything... you're cool man. Also, how could I forget me mate Casey. Thanks for your help and support throughout the entire series. You're a legend.

Stories Recommended:

Jamie's Romance -- (boy bands) brilliant in every sense of the word. I wish to thank the author for his support in the writing of JC Dreams and the advice he has passed on to me. I only hope I can one day write to his standard.

Alpha Male -- (college) I am enjoying reading this story hugely. It puts forwards some different ideas on different topics. An interesting read at times to say the least.

Garden of Songs -- (boy bands) This is my fan-fic story on Savage Garden which I am writing along with JC Dreams and enjoying writing. I hope that you can enjoy reading it.

Yesterday's Child -- (high school) I'm working my ass off on this story, just like the other three... I hope you can all enjoy it.

Black the Promise - (boy bands) A new series that I have started... I am doin' my best to get the next part up I promise. I'm kinda just finding it hard to write and find inspiration in at the moment, but I am working on it... it's starting to grow on me.

Starting Over - (boy bands) An incredible Justin story. I LOVE IT! More Jordan MORE!

Thanks to all my readers for their support, I hope you can also support these other authors.

Feedback Details: ICQ# 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messanger is through: heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com E-mail feedback: heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com or heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com

Well, I've taken enough of your time; let's get on with the story. Keep safe and see ya at the end. SC.

JC Dreams 20 by Sun Child

Tony stood there, stunned at the revelation. JC looked at him.

"You have no retort? No half funny comment to try and lighten the conversation?" He spat nastily. Tony looked up from to floor.

"That was harsh Josh. No I don't have anything to say. What can I say? He's my friend, he's a brother. Like you two are meant to be. You expect me to just turn away from him?"

"Yes that's exactly what I expect you to do. At least until this love or what he thinks is love goes away. Just stay away from him okay."

"Why don't you trust me?" Said Tony.

"Of course I trust you. It's Justin I don't trust." JC threw back.

"Some friendship you have if you don't even trust each other."

"Some friend that decides he loves your boyfriend."

"Oh grow up Josh. You know that you can't help emotions. You might want to feel happy, but instead you feel like shit. You might want to hate someone but all you can do is love them. You might want to love and be with, but all you can do is hate and avoid."

"May be for you, not for me." JC told Tony.

"Josh... I don't know what makes you so above everyone else but I wish you'd deal with it because I really don't like it."

"Well I guess there are a few things about me that you don't like then. There are things about you I don't like either."

"Fine, tell me them."

"Well, you are so god-damned perfect, you know how everyone feels and should be treated. No one has ever done it as rough as you, no one has ever had to go through what you have. Wake up, we all have. Not everyone has been beaten, not everyone has been cheated on, but for you, it's all happened... for you it's the worse thing in the world. Well sunshine, others have, some have had it worse." Fumed JC.

"Just like no one has ever been hurt hey JC. No one has ever been raped? No one has ever tried to help because if they try to help, my God, they could be trying to take advantage of you. Try and get to you while you're down."

"Just like every time we have a slight fight, you call me JC because you know it hurts."

"Just like you try to do your best to hurt me... good enough for you to hurt me, but never enough for me to hurt you? Since when have you been better than anything else?"

"I never said that."

"Some things you don't have to say." Tony told JC sharply.

"You refuse to talk."


"You let something annoy you and you run to your guitar and play it rather than talk things out."

"Mainly Josh, because it's you I'm worried or annoyed with and you don't want to listen." Tony emphasized the 'Josh' causing JC to flinch at the implied nasty. JC looked at Tony then turned and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Demanded Tony.

"For a walk."

"Don't you dare walk out that door. We haven't finished."

"We are, we'll talk when I get back."

"Walk out that door and I won't be here when you get back."

"Why you're going to run away? Things got hard for poor little Tony?"

"Just like you're doing now."

"I'll see you when I get back."

"I won't be here."


"Good bye then Josh. I'll see you again one day." With that JC walked out the door and closed it behind him. He then turned and walked down the hall.

Tony sat heavily on the bed and put his head in his hands and thought. Tony then rose to his feet and walked over to his bag and packed. Putting in everything that belonged to him. He then called the airport and booked his ticket home. When that was all done, he had two hours to wait. He sat down and picked up a piece of paper, pen and wrote.


It's passion that drives us. It drives us to do so many different things. It causes us to love and hate. It drives us to stand alone, it causes us to stand in a group. It causes us to stay and the forces us to leave. Without passion to drive us, we would truly be dead. Most likely like our love is at the moment. Maybe one day we can sort it out and at least be friends. I love, loved, care at the least for you. You'll stay in my heart. I can't take Butterscotch, take care of her, she'll be nice if you let her. I'll arrange for her to be transported home later. Don't call me. Take care, Tony.

With that he placed it on JC's pillow and gathered his bags and belongings. With that he opened the door and walked down the hall. He waited at the elevator then stepped in when the doors opened. He turned back to face the hall and as the doors slid shut he saw Justin open his door and start towards the elevator. Tony smiled sadly and waved as the doors slid shut behind him.

The plane trip home was long and not short of boring. Arriving at the airport he called a cab then went to his home. The cabbie had the radio playing.

"News just in, Tony Scott has left the Nsync tour due to differences with front man, JC Chasez. This could damage Tony's career? Or maybe Nsync's. Who knows? Only time will tell. Maybe it was just a difference of creative ideas as to the next song to be released by Mr Scott. Speaking of whom, his album is scheduled for a release in two weeks. Interesting stuff. Who knows what the next single will be ... maybe even the other duet with Mr Chasez? Rumor has it there are two duets on the album between Scott and Chasez. Who knows... all will be revealed. To commemorate this remarkable departure, here's 'To Show I Care' by Tony Scott." With that the bars of the song started to play. Tony looked out the window and ignored the song.

The cab pulled up and Tony climbed out, collected his bags and paid the cabbie. He then made the way up to his apartment and unlocked the door. Walking inside he saw messages blinking on the answering machine. There was no doubt in Tony's mind who they were from. He walked over and pressed play.

"Tony, this is Justin... call me."

"Tone, hey bud, don't know when you'll get this. We're all worried about you. Can you call one of us please. JC's a mess and Justin is just as bad. Call us please." Lance's voice came over the speaker.

"Tony, hi Hunny, this Sarah. What's wrong? Call me please. I'm worried about you."

"Tone, it's Caleb. Call me, everyone's worried about you." With that the answering machine whirred and clicked signaling that was all the messages. Tony was a little hurt, though not all together surprised there was no message from JC. Thinking ahead, Tony walked back to the front door and locked it then slid the chain into place. He then made his way down to bedroom. Walking in were things that reminded him of JC. The photos of them, the various things lying around. Feeling exhausted, Tony made his way through to the bedroom, now neither his nor JC's. It created an empty feeling and hurt greatly. Looking around the room, Tony's eyes rested on the few pieces of jewellery that JC had left behind. He also saw a photo, taken a few days before tour started. It showed him and JC sitting there, not doing much, just sitting and holding each other. They weren't saying anything special. Tony smiled sadly at the memory and put the picture face down. Undressing, he slowly crawled into bed and fell into a nice long, dreamless sleep.

Waking the next day, Tony looked at the clock beside his bed.

"Shit, it's nearly two in the afternoon." He swore out loud. Collecting some clothes, he headed for the shower. Emerging twenty minutes later he walked to the lounge. As he walked by the answering machine he saw it blinking with a message. Pressing play he listened. There was a few moments of quiet with what sounded like whimpering on the other end.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called. Bye." Came JC's voice, softly and sadly over the tape. With that JC hung up. Tony shook his head and erased the message. He then headed to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"Mystery meat grazing on the lettuce, unknown dairy product talking a walk through the vegetables. Okay, I'm going out for breakfast or lunch or whatever it is now." Tony thought out loud. With that, he collected his wallet and keys and headed to the door. Opening the door he almost tripped and fell. Looking down he saw a large array of flowers sitting there. Bending down he looked at the card.

Tony, I'm sorry. I don't know what else I can say. I miss you. We're all worried. Please call me or someone. Love J.

With that Tony stood up, flowers in hand and walked towards the elevator. As he walked by the trash chute, he pulled it open and dropped the flowers down. He then opened the elevator doors and stepped in. Turning around, he could have sworn he saw, no it couldn't be? Was it his imagination or was JC standing there looking at him. With that the doors slid shut. Not thinking, Tony hit the door open button and looked down the hall. The hall was empty. All the way down to the car, Tony could only think of one song and even then only two lines

My tea's gone cold and I'm wondering why

I got out of bed at all

The days and weeks went by while Tony tried to get some normallacy back into his life. Most nights, Caleb and Sarah would come to visit. One night, they were sitting talking and Tony made a sudden announcement.

"I'm moving." Caleb and Sarah both looked at him in surprise.

"And go where?" Asked Sarah.

"I don't know... away from here. Anywhere has to be better than this place. It holds too many memories." Tony said looking around the room. The three fell into silence and listened to MTV which was playing softly in the background.

"News just at hand, Nsync are rumoured to be cancelling their tour after the split from the tour by Tony Scott after creative differences between Scott and Nsync frontman JC Chasez. This has come from a source close to the band. Other rumours circulating are that the band is in fact splitting up. Nothing has been confirmed at this point and MTV is waiting for Nsync's representatives to make a comment. To commemorate this decision, we've got Tony Scott's 'To Show I Care' clip for you. More for you as it comes to hand." Tony sat there quietly fuming. He then stood up and walked over to the phone and turned it onto speaker phone and dialled a number.

"Hello?" Came a sleepy voice.

"Wake up and talk." Tony said sternly.

"Tony? What's wrong?"

"What's this bullshit about your tour being cancelled and why am I being blamed?" Tony demanded.

"This is the first I've heard of it."

"It's all over MTV Justin, I've just watched it."

"Tony, chill. It's rumours nothing more."

"Really? Rumours that could kill my career seeing as it's come from a source linked closely with the band." Tony stated icily.

"Well I've not heard anything about it." Justin said starting to get defensive.

"Where are you lot tomorrow night?"

"I don't know."

"Well find out." Suggested Tony sarcastically.

"Fine, just wait a sec..." Justin said. There was a pause then Justin spoke again.

"According to Lance, we're in Ottawa staying at the Sheraton."

"Fine, I'll meet you all there. Tell the others I'm on my way and if they know something, have it ready because heads are going to roll." Tony said.

"Whatever. Night Tony."

"Night Justin." Said Tony as he hung up. He looked up and saw Caleb and Sarah looking at him open mouthed. He picked up the phone and called the airline to make bookings. After finalising details he hung up and sat down.

"What the hell was that all about?" Demanded Caleb.

"That was me getting ready to sort this crap out." Retorted Tony.

"It was you abusing one of your best friends." Sarah snapped back. "Justin has been calling nightly to see how you are, whether or not you're fine. He's been trying to find out how you are so he can tell JC. JC hasn't been eatting or talking to anyone because he feels so bad over you. He's performance on stage is even starting to suffer. You just treated one of the few who still care like shit Tony. Wake up to yourself." Sarah scolded.

"I think you'd better leave." Said Tony quietly. Caleb stood up and walked to the door. Tony and Sarah stood together, eye contact not breaking. Sarah opened her mouth.

"Sarah, I love you, don't say it because I don't want to hear it." Tony told her. Sarah shook her head then slapped Tony's face hard.

"Somethings I don't need to say." She told him. Tony grabbed her arm and Caleb stepped forwards. Tony then crumpled to his knees and buried his face in her side and cried. He wept for pain and hurt from the rumours, he wept for the brokeness of his relationship with JC. He wept because he couldn't before, he wept because he needed to. Sarah stood there, hands on his shoulders, soothing him as a mother would a child. Caleb stood there in awe of the situation. He had never seen his friend as broken as he was now, weeping freely.

The tears gradually subsided and Tony looked up, his eyes bloodshot from the tears that had just been flowing. Sarah looked down and smiled softly then got down on her knees and looked him in the eyes.

"Tony, so many people love you, JC included. Justin's told us everything about his feelings and the arguement between you and JC. JC loves you Tony, and he's hurting, just like you and it's worse for him because the others are all blaming him for you leaving. They're not talking to him. They're standing by you. They all care about you Tony. You're not going to go through any of it alone. Not while you have friends like them. They love you so much. Now let's go and get you packed. When does your plane fly out?"

"One thirty tomorrow morning." Tony told her. Sarah checked her watch.

"We have four hours. Now let's go pack you." With that she gently took his hand and led him back to the bedroom where the continued to pack.

Midnight rocked around and the three were sitting in the lounge room when there was a knock at the door. All three looked at each other.

"Tony you expecting someone?" Asked Caleb. Tony shook his head then got up and went to check who was at the door. Opening it Tony was surprised to see Britney standing at the door. Britney strode in and looked at him.

"Hi, it's your friendly make-up lady here to get you on the plane to Ottawa and get you and JC back together. Arugements will be duely noted and then ignored, don't argue with me because I have a mean left hook." She told him, smiling the whole time. Tony looked over the tiny blonde and saw Caleb and Sarah looking on in surprise.

"Britney, meet Caleb and Sarah." He said. Britney turned still smiling.

"Hi." She said brightly. Sarah looked at her.

"You were smiling the entire time then weren't you." Britney nodded.


"I like you're style. Quaterize before lopping off the head. Nice tact." Britney smiled again.

"I always thought so." She said happily. Sarah smiled back and she grabbed Tony's bag while Caleb grabbed the two more with Tony grabbing two. Britney looked at the bags.

"Take it this ain't no overnight visit."

"I've been talking to Jive, I'm back on tour. The other's don't know so hush about it." He told her. She smiled and grabbed the guitar case.

"Well let's get you on that plane." With that the four of them walked out of the room and made their way to the elevator and piled up Caleb and Sarah's car.

The boarding call for Tony and Britney's plane came over and they rose to their feet and looked at Caleb and Sarah. Tony pulled them into a hug.

"Thanks for putting up with me and with how I've been an asshole these past few weeks."

"What are friends for?" Smiled Caleb. Caleb then kissed Tony on the forehead. Britney looked on in slight bemusement. Sarah leant in and kissed Tony softly.

"Call us if you need us. Don't bottle it up." She told him then kissed him again. She looked at Britney.

"Take care of him for us." Britney nodded.

"Will do." With that, Britney and Tony turned and walked through the gate. Tony turned and waved then kept walking.

Soon the aircraft was landing and both Tony and Britney climbed off the plane. As they walked into the airport they headed to the luggage pick up point when Tony heard a shriek.

"OHMIGOD! IT'S TONY SCOTT!" Screamed a female voice. Turning in disbelief he saw a girl, not much taller than Britney with blonde hair with red streaks through it. Britney turned as well and rolled her eyes.

"Real mature Chris." Tony looked at the girl and recognised who she was.

"So this is Ms Christina Aguilera huh." The girl smiled and nodded.

"The guys sent me here to meet you."



"Oh well, they really don't want me to get away do they. Well, here's our stuff so let's bounce." With that the three left.

Arriving at the hotel, Christina guided Tony up the rooms where the guys were staying and pointed out Lance's which is where the group was having a meeting. Tony looked at Christina.

"Which room is Josh's?" He asked. Christina pointed.

"Well that's my first port of call then. He won't be in there." With that he made his way down to the room and knocked. The door opened a little then it was opened all the way and Tony stepped inside.

As Tony closed the door he turned to face JC who was looking at him in disbelief. Tony walked up to him and wrapped his arms around JC in a tight hug.

"I've missed you Josh." He whispered. JC wrapped his arms around Tony.

"I've missed you to Tone." They stood there, both understanding what was going on in the others mind and both just wanting to be past it all.

"Promise me we'll talk it out in future Josh."

"Promise me you won't just run Tone." They looked at each other and gracefully kissed each other sealing the promise. Tony looked at JC.

"Come on, we have four others to contend with now." JC rolled his eyes.

"You go on. I think I'll just stay here."

"No way... you're all fighting over me, now there's an ego boost, and I'm going to stop it." With that he grabbed JC's hand and dragged him out the door.

As they stood outside Lance's door, Tony looked at JC once more.

"I love you Josh."

"I love you too Tony." With that, Tony opened the door and they walked into the room.

--- I wanted to be evil, but I couldn't. Oh well, you get that. 1) Thank You - Dido. Chill all and do the feedback thing. Thanks, SC.

Next: Chapter 22

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