Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on May 3, 2001


Hey guys, I'm back with a new part of JC Dreams.

DISCLAIMER THINGY: If you are under aged, offended by m/m concepts, then I will now ask you to leave. I ain't gonna get busted if your mama walks in and catches you choking the chicken to this if ya know what I mean. I don't know or claim any personal knowledge of Nsync and their personal lives, I don't agree with the arguments as to their sexuality, please don't put them to me... this is purely a fan-fiction. Also all songs belong to respective artists. All ownership will be listed at the bottom of the story. Also, there is a new talent out there that goes by the name of Tony Lee Scott, I need to make it clear that the Tony Scott mentioned in here is so totally not him. Tony is a figment of my imagination.

Author's Words: I want to thank everyone who has written into me since the start of JC Dreams... Casey, Jordan and so many many others. I've written and posted 21 parts of JC Dreams now, a dream I never really believed would happen. It has been a slow process and the series has now been going for 10 months, a dream for any author and I want to thank everyone for their support... without you, the series would have folded a long time ago. I love you all and thanks.

Author's Thanks: Over the past 20 postings, many people have written to me and a few of my most noteable need to be mentioned for their continued support. Firstly and mostly, I have to thank our Nifty Archivist who has been amazing and supportive to me since the beginning. Next Casey, I love your writing and your support is incredible. Thank you with all my heart. Jordan, your writing skills exceed your age and your common sense and perspectives are amazing for your age. I hope that I can help you if you need it. Love ya man. Carsten, you words of encouragements and compliments have touched me. You have an amazing way with words. You have so much to offer... thanks. Alex, I know ya don't have much time at the moment, but hey, I keep writing... just like you asked. Good luck with your new man, I hope it works out for you. Jill Gase, thanks my dear for being able to talk to me on MSN, you are a truly wicked woman. Your pics are amazing and the work you did for JC Dreams with the cover art... fantastic. To Cavell, you are a major part in my life. I love you with all my heart, you are so much more than I have ever realised. To all the readers, thanks, even if you haven't written, thanks. SC.

"We are all loved beyond our ability to comprehend."

Stories Recommended:

Jamie's Romance -- (boy bands) brilliant in every sense of the word. I wish to thank the author for his support in the writing of JC Dreams and the advice he has passed on to me. I only hope I can one day write to his standard.

Alpha Male -- (college) I am enjoying reading this story hugely. It puts forwards some different ideas on different topics. An interesting read at times to say the least.

Garden of Songs -- (boy bands) This is my fan-fic story on Savage Garden which I am writing along with JC Dreams and enjoying writing. I hope that you can enjoy reading it.

Yesterday's Child -- (high school) I'm working my ass off on this story, just like the other three... I hope you can all enjoy it.

Black the Promise - (boy bands) A new series that I have started... I am doin' my best to get the next part up I promise. I'm kinda just finding it hard to write and find inspiration in at the moment, but I am working on it... it's starting to grow on me.

Starting Over - (boy bands) An incredible Justin story. I LOVE IT! More Jordan MORE!

Thanks to all my readers for their support, I hope you can also support these other authors.

Feedback Details: ICQ# 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messanger is through: heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com E-mail feedback: heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com or heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com

This series, as always remains dedicated to Brendon Alexander James. 10-Jan-1980 to 20-August-2001. To his memory, we have a series born. Thank you for you love, Boo. I'll see you again one day. Eternal rest grant unto him Lord.

JC Dreams 21 by Sun Child

As Tony and JC entered the room, Joey stood up, Lance's mouth fell open and Chris looked away, his eyes watering. Justin sat on the end of the bed, tears rolling down over his cheeks. No one moved from the moment. A sadness, hapiness surrounded the group. Justin made the first move when he stood and walked over to Tony.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly and hugged Tony. Justin buried his face in Tony's shoulder and started to cry. Tony put his arms around the young man and let him cry. JC didn't look happy but Joey went over to him and gently led him away from the pair. Justin spoke softly when the tears stopped falling.

"I'm sorry I screwed your relationship with JC. I never meant to hurt either of you."

"Justin, remember when you told me you had feelings for JC?" Justin reddened slightly.

"I take it that you do. I told you we can't control our emotions. We don't get a choice in who we love, we don't get a choice in who we hate, we are ruled by our emotions. If we weren't we wouldn't be human. People believe they are in control of everything including emotions. They aren't willing to admit that there may be something they can't control so they hide it. You seem to be able to realise that you can't control emotions so there is nothing to apologise for. All you need to realise is that I can't be with you because my heart is with Josh. I don't know any other way then to be with Josh. I'm sorry that it has all happened. I love you Juz, I really do, it's just not the same love. I look at you as I would a little brother. I look at you as my best friend." Tony told Justin softly. Justin nodded his head and hugged Tony again. When Justin let go he smiled at Tony.

"I guess you need to speak to the others as well." Tony smiled and nodded.

"You and Josh can't have me all to yourselves you know." Justin giggled slightly and walked with Tony into the room where the others were all waiting. Joey was standing near JC, his hand on JC's shoulder. Lance was sitting on the bed where Justin had been, his head in his hands. Chris was looking out the window. Christina and Britney were standing uncomfortably to the side, talking quietly. Joey took his hand from JC's shoulder and walked over to Tony and put his hand on Tony's shoulder.

"We all love you Tony." With that he pulled Tony into a bear hug. Chris soon joined the hug as did Lance. Tony smiled.

"Nice to know you all missed me." He grinned over the mass of shoulders. The other three just held him.

"Okay, lemme go, air becoming an issue." The other three let go and smiled sheepishly at him. Next thing he knew he had Britney hugging him. He smiled and gave her a hug.

"What was that for?" He asked her when she let go.

"Because I didn't want to miss the craze." She giggled. Tony nodded and looked at Christina.

"Thanks for your help with getting me here."

"No problem." She smiled back. Tony took both girls aside and pulled out his wallet and pulled out a fifty and gave it to them.

"Go and get food for you two. This could take a while." Britney shook her head.

"You needed help Tony, that's why we did it. You owe us nothing." Tony grabbed her hand and pushed the money into it.

"Don't argue Brit. Just accept what I am doing and go and have some fun. Have a feed, catch a movie. It's on me." Britney pouted.

"You shouldn't be paying." With that she stalked off. Christina looked at Tony then gave him a hug.

"JC is lucky to have you." She said quietly. With that she gracefully walked off after Britney. Tony walked back to the others and motioned for them to sit and took a seat beside JC.

"Okay, I was watching MTV last night. There are rumours about the tour being cancelled and the band splitting. What do any of you know?" He was greeted by four blank faces and JC looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"These rumours are meant to have come from a source close to the band. Do any of you know anything at all?" Again four blank faces with JC still looking close to tears. Tony looked at JC.

"Josh. What do you know?"

"I... I was talking to Bobby. I needed to speak to someone so I called her and told her what happened."


"James, that is enough." Lance looked at Tony and hushed, never having Tony call him by his real name. "Josh made a mistake which, no doubt, he regrets." JC nodded unhappily beside him. Lance shook his head in disgust.

"Fool." Was all he said and quieted. Tony stood up and looked at the group.

"You are not Nsync." He declared. The five looked at him.

"Yes we are, we're..." Chris choked out.

"No, you are not Nsync. You are all out of sync. Wake up the lot of you. I left and you all blamed Josh. Why not support him? He is one of your best friends and he loves you all yet you disregard him so easily. What is with you? Fatima has had this talk with you all as well. Don't any of you dare step away from the other. Josh could have come to you all I know, but he chose not to, you all are just as bad. You could have gone to him but you chose not to. That makes you all just as bad. Don't you think it's time to listen to each other again?" They all sat there, quiet and looking to the floor. There was a knock on the door.

"Luggage." Came a voice through the door. The others looked at each other.

"We have all our luggage." They all looked at Tony.

"Guess who's back on tour." He smiled at them. The five cheered and swallowed Tony in a group hug. The hug finally ended and they all let go. Tony looked at his watch.

"Alright, what time are rehearsals?"

"They were meant to be nine this morning until about four. Then we found out you were coming and they got cancelled." Lance informed Tony.

"Okay, well I need sleep time and you lot need talk time. I'll be in Josh's room if you need a referee." Tony informed them and snagged the key off JC. As he did he spoke softly so only JC could hear.

"We need to talk when you get back." JC nodded. Tony smiled to them all and walked out the door down to the room.

An hour or so later, Josh walked into the room and lay down next to Tony. He rested his head on Tony's shoulder and watched Tony's chest rise and fall in time with the steady breathing. Feeling the weight on his shoulder, Tony stirred in his sleep and slowly woke up. JC looked at him,

"Sorry for waking you." Tony shook his head.

"It's fine, yours is the face I don't mind being woken by. Had you been Justin or anyone else I would have thumped you."

"You mean that?"

"Yes Josh I do. Like I told Justin, even though he loves me, I can never be with him because my heart belongs to you. It was yours starting that first night. I only realised it when we got back to my place the next day just how much you meant to me. I didn't want to admit it to myself or you or anyone. I guess I was scared that it would chase you away. You would have thought I was just some fan trying to cash in onto your fame."

"Tony, the only reason I even stayed that first night is because I had a dream the night before. Remember the photo of us that's in the bedroom at home? It's just the two of us and we're just lying there. I dreamt of that moment. I knew what you looked like and I knew we were lovers, not just physically, but emotionally. Then I saw you sitting there with Caleb and Sarah and I knew who you were. The only thing I didn't know was your name. I already loved you before I knew you."

"I knew I loved you before I met you, I think I dreamed you into life, I knew I loved you before I met you, I have been waiting all my life." Sang Tony lightly. JC smiled then turned serious for a moment.

"You know, we don't even have our song yet."

"Our song?"

"You know, the special song that just says it for the couple."

"I know a song." Tony said.


"Get my guitar." He told JC who went and grabbed it for Tony. Tony found his cords and started to play.

I want to move in time with you

I want to breathe in ryhme with you

I want to feel the deepest kiss

And I want to know you feel like this

But this one time, one time

Let my body do what it feels

But this one time one time

Let this fantasy become real

Because I am not afraid to let you see

This side of me

I want to feel your hand in mine

I want to feel that rush my spine

I want to wear the scent of you

And do all the thing you want me to

But this one time, one time

Let my body do what it feels

But this one time one time

Let this fantasy become real

Because I am not afraid to let you see

This side of me

I feel the danger, it's seperation

I want to take up your invitation

Seperation it's all around me

I need this side of me

Side of me

This side of me

I want to move in time with you

I want to breathe in ryhme with you

I want to shed your clothes and sin

In the dark, I want to find that feeling gold again

But this one time, one time

Let my body do what it feels

But this one time one time

Let this fantasy become real

Because I am not afraid to let you see

This side of me

No I am not fraid to let you see

This side of me.

"You sang that the day we did the film clip didn't you. I like it, okay it's our song. Who actually wrote it?" JC asked as Tony put down the guitar and layed back on the bed.

"Savage Garden, it was off one of their singles I think." JC nodded and snuggled in against Tony's chest. Tony wrapped his arms around JC's shoulders and rested his head on top of JC's. They lay there for a quater of an hour, just holding each other, not moving from their moment of peace, reflecting on the tatters of their relationship which they seemed to be mending so many times. Feeling a moment come, JC turned his head and kiss Tony on the lips. No hard kiss, just a soft kiss to let Tony know how he felt. Tony closed his eyes and kissed JC back. He rubbed JC's back, massaging the soft skin that lay hidden beneath the shirt that covered his body. The moment was interuppted by a knock at the door. JC groaned into the kiss at the interupption and stood up and opened the door. Standing at the door was Justin. Tony got up off the bed and stood beside JC.

"Hey Juz, what's up?"

"Me and the guys were heading out and wanted to know if ya wanted to join?" Asked Justin.

"When?" Asked JC.

"About an hour." Justin told them. Tony looked at JC who nodded.

"Okay, we'll be there." JC said curtly. Justin nodded and winced.

"Okay, meet in the lobby." With that he walked down the hall. JC closed the door. Tony poked him in the side.

"Behave. He's still your friend. He loves you too Josh." Tony chided lightly.

"I'm sorry but I still can't help blame him for all of this."

"This is no way his fault Josh. This rests entirely upon us."

"I guess. Okay, I'll be nice, but it'll be hard."

"Just like any relationship or friendship. They all take work. You'll get there baby, I promise." He kissed JC lightly on the forehead then went and rumaged through his suitcase.

"Damn." He cursed.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't find my black button down and this is the suitcase I didn't unpack." JC blushed slightly then went to his suitcase and pulled out a shirt.

"This one?"

"Yeah... how did... actually I don't want to know."

"You left it behind and I needed something to keep you around." JC admitted. Tony smiled and grabbed his boxers and a pair of black pants then walked over and grabbed the shirt of JC and kissed him again.

"You're sweet. I love you Josh."

"I know I am and I love you too."

"Gawd, don't walk outside babe, the tickets will blow off." Smiled Tony as he headed for the bathroom.

He reappeared a short time later, dressed and ready. His hair was pulled up and in a crown of curls sitting on his head. He also had a silver sleeper in his ear and a charm around his neck.

"Someone looks delicious." Commented JC.

"Yeah well, taste later, get ready now." Tony smiled as JC collected his clothes and walked into the bathroom. Half an hour later, JC re-emerged dressed in silver pants and a tight red shirt that clung to his body. His hair was done in the same way but has small red and dark blue flecks in it.

"What's with the colour babe?"

"Hair mascara. If you hadn't curled yours, I would have done it to yours as well." Tony shrugged and kissed JC then looked at his watch.

"We've got to go." He told JC and with that they pulled on some shoes and walked out the door. They met the others down in the lobby and Justin looked away, avoiding Tony's eye contact. Tony felt hurt by the ignorance from his best friend and decided to talk to Justin at some point that evening.

The group divided into two and got different taxis to a resteraunt near the clubs. Tony, JC and Chris climbed into one taxi after Justin declared he needed to talk to Lance privately on the trip and they would get their own. Again, Tony felt hurt by Justin's actions, but consoled himself that it was because Justin needed to talk to Lance and Joey. When they all met at the resteraunt they walked inside and Tony made sure he sat next to Justin who politely excused himself to go to the bathroom. Tony slumped back in his chair and sighed quietly. JC looked at Tony.

"You okay?"

"Other than the fact my best friend is avoiding me? Fine."

"Do you want me to talk to him?"

"No it's fine, I'll do it later." JC nodded and patted Tony on the leg. They then all turned to their menus and ordered. JC ordered a pasta dish for Justin who was still to return. Tony's cell phone let off a shrill call. He sighed and pulled it out and looked at the ID.

"Yes Britney?"

"Are you with Justin? He won't answer his phone."

"He's gone to the toilet I think Brit."

"Alright then. Well can you let him know I want to speak to him."

"Okay, I'll talk to you later." Britney thanked him and hung up. Tony stood up.

"I'm going to check on Justin. I'll be back." With that he walked towards the toilets.

Walking inside he checked for Justin and didn't see him.

"Juz, you in here?" Hearing only silence he walked up the cubicles and pushed lightly on each one. The second door swung open and Tony show Justin sitting there on the toilet crying. Squatting down infront of Justin Tony lifted Justin's face.

"Juz, what's wrong?"

"JC hates me." He sobbed out. Tony stood and closed the door locking it.

"No he doesn't Juz. He's just really confused at the moment."

"He blames me for you two and your big fight."

"I know he did, but he knows it wasn't your fault. It's just easier for him to look at others rather than himself. He knows in his heart that it wasn't your fault, he loves you Justin." Justin just started to sob again. Tony pulled Justin to him and held him until the tears stopped. When the finally subsided Tony looked Justin in the eye.

"You need to talk to Josh."

"I don't want to."

"The longer you leave it, the harder it will be to salvage your friendship. You used to be best friends, now look at you... neither of you really speak. Just try speaking to him. It'll make it easier in the end for both of you." Tony told Justin.

"You think so?" Asked Justin, doubt lacing his voice.

"I know so." Smiled Tony who hugged Justin and kissed him on the forehead. Justin smiled up at Tony, his eyes red and swollen from crying.

"Now come on, let's go eat. Oh yeah, Britney's looking for you." Justin nodded and stood. Tony stood and turned and unlocked the door and walked off. Justin stayed until Tony let him know there was no one else in the toilets. With that Justin walked out and washed his face and dried his eyes. Tony put a hand on Justin's shoulder.

"You'll be fine." He told Justin gently and they walked out and headed back to the others. Sitting at the table JC looked at Tony.

"Everything okay?"

"Yup, it's all fine. He's going to talk to you later. Please be gentle, he's scared to death with doing it."

"Alright, I will." JC agreed with a slight nod of his head. Justin sat beside Tony quietly eating. Tony looked over in Justin's direction.

"He won't bite I promise." Tony told him lowering his voice. Justin simply nodded and went back to his food. Tony sighed quietly and went back to his food.

When the group had finished, Chris, Joey and Lance went on to the clubs while JC, Justin and Tony returned to the hotel. Justin was about to turn into his room when JC spoke.

"Stin, we need to talk." Justin turned and looked at JC, nervousness flickering across his face.

"Okay sure. You comin' Tony?"

"No, I'm going to sleep. I'll see you in the morning. If ya need me, ya know where I am." With that, Tony walked a little further down that hall and went into his and Josh's room, turning for a moment to see JC and Justin walk into Justin's room.

'Please God.' Prayed Tony. 'Let them be friends again.'

--- So how did it go? I still can't believe it... 21 chapters! 1) This Side of Me - Savage Garden So people, write to me and give me details, even if all ya wanna do is bleed your heart out, I'll listen. Heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com. Keep safe ya'll. Hugs kisses and Cookies, SC.

Next: Chapter 23

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