Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Jun 3, 2001


Hey guys, I'm back with a new part of JC Dreams.

DISCLAIMER THINGY: If you are under aged, offended by m/m concepts, then I will now ask you to leave. I ain't gonna get busted if your mama walks in and catches you choking the chicken to this if ya know what I mean. I don't know or claim any personal knowledge of Nsync and their personal lives, I don't agree with the arguments as to their sexuality, please don't put them to me... this is purely a fan-fiction. Also all songs belong to respective artists. All ownership will be listed at the bottom of the story. Also, there is a new talent out there that goes by the name of Tony Lee Scott, and the Tony Scott mentioned in here is so totally not him. Tony is a figment of my imagination.

Author's Words: I want to thank all those who have written in and given me advice and so on. It's all greatly appreciated. In this chapter, this is a more graphic sex scene so you have been warned and you can't bitch at me. To all my regular readers, thanks, and to those who write to me reguarly (look below), you all have a special place in my heart. Squiges, Jordan, Carsten, Jill Gase, Serge and Matthew Prim... you all have a very special place in my heart. You are what makes me want to write with all your support. Thanks, from the bottom of my heart.

Author's Thanks: Thanks to all those who have written in to me and told me what they think. It is greatly appreciated. To our fav Nifty Archivist, thanks for your support with the postings and series that you have let me put on your web site. Thanks also to Casey who has given me support with the story from day one. Also, my fav guy, Alex, thanks for everything... you're cool man. Jordan, words can't express my gratitude for the friendship you have offered me. All the best in everything you do my friend. I know you will do well. You have so much wisdom beyond your age and the heart to go with it. You, my friend, are one in a million. Carsten... well what can I say that you don't know... you are a brilliant support to me and JC Dreams. You always seem to offer the right advise to me in what to do with the story. Your words have a touch to them that is very grounding while still being supportive. I think I'll stop now before I give you that big head ;o) Keep cool my friend. How was your head the next day anyways? Thanks to all the readers for just reading, even if you don't write. Cavell, words don't know the way to my mouth when wanting to say the things to you I feel. You are special, unique and of course, Precious. Best of luck to you Cav where ever your life does lead, where ever your journey ends.

Stories Recommended:

Jamie's Romance -- (boy bands) brilliant in every sense of the word. I wish to thank the author for his support in the writing of JC Dreams and the advice he has passed on to me. I only hope I can one day write to his standard.

Alpha Male -- (college) I am enjoying reading this story hugely. It puts forwards some different ideas on different topics. An interesting read at times to say the least.

Garden of Songs -- (boy bands) This is my fan-fic story on Savage Garden which I am writing along with JC Dreams and enjoying writing. I hope that you can enjoy reading it.

Yesterday's Child -- (high school) I'm working my ass off on this story, just like the other three... I hope you can all enjoy it.

Black the Promise - (boy bands) A new series that I have started... I am doin' my best to get the next part up I promise. I'm kinda just finding it hard to write and find inspiration in at the moment, but I am working on it... it's starting to grow on me. Note I say starting.

Thanks to all my readers for their support, I hope you can also support these other authors.

Feedback Details: ICQ# 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messanger is through: heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com E-mail feedback: heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com or heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com

Well, I've taken enough of your time; let's get on with the story. Keep safe and see ya at the end. SC.

This series, as always remains dedicated to Brendon Alexander James. 10-Jan-1980 to 20-August-2000. To his memory, we have a series born. Thank you for you love, Boo. I'll see you again one day. Eternal rest grant unto him Lord.

JC Dreams 23 by Sun Child

Several hours later, the group disbanded from Tony and JC's room. Justin and Wade left first and Lance looked at JC with arched eyebrows.

"What do you think that means?"

"Don't know Scoop. I don't know what half of Justin's actions mean anymore. To be honest, I've given up on trying figure out what he does anymore." The group looked at JC in surprise. Justin and JC had been the closest out of them all since the begining. Their days in MMC had made them close, then being in the band together had brought them closer still. On JC's comment, the remaining three excused themselves and walked out. JC looked at Tony.

"Why do I have the feeling that they are leaving because of what I just said?"

"Probably because they did. You and Justin and your friendship is what the others work off. If you two aren't friends, the others kinda loose their guidance. You two are what makes Nsync in sync."

"Without us it's Syn." Giggled JC. Tony groaned.

"That's not what I meant and you know it." Tony said rolling his eyes.

"Tony, you know my stance on Justin at the moment. He's broken into my heart. He's targeted what I hold dearest."

"Josh, I know what he's done. It's affected me too, I don't exactly know what to do about it all."

"I know Tone. I do miss Justin's company, but at the moment, all I can seem to do is get upset with him. I wish that I didn't but I do and I don't know what I can do about that." Tony nodded and enveloped JC in a warm hug which JC relaxed into. They sat there for a while, not talking, just holding each other. Eventually, exhaustion over took them and they climbed into bed, bodies close, JC's arm lying loosely over Tony as though protecting him from the dangers of the night.

The next morning, Tony was awoken by a soft knocking on the door. He glanced over at JC who was still out of it. He disentangled himself from JC and pulled on a pair of pants then opened the door. Justin was standing there.

"Tony. I need to speak to you." Justin said in a hushed voice.

"Okay, give me time to get fully dressed and we'll go out for breakfast." Justin nodded and Tony disappeared back into the room. Inside, Justin could hear Tony and JC speaking in hushed tones. Tony reappeared a short time later, hair done, shaved and dressed.

"Alright, let's go. We just have to be at rehearsals by ten. That's all the time Josh will be able to get us." Justin nodded and the two men walked down the hall.

Sitting down in a small coffee shop Tony looked at Justin, waiting for him to speak first. Justin looked out onto the street then to Tony and then back out to the street. Finally Tony's impatient streak took over.

"Alright Juz. I know something is bugging you, spill." Justin sighed.

"It's Wade, it's JC and it's you." Tony looked at Justin waiting for him to continue.

"Well, it's hard to talk about." Justin sighed again.

"Juz, you know what you say to me won't go any further. I don't repeat things like that. I know things from JC about this group that would make all your heads spin, but I'm not going to repeat them because I was told in confidence. The same deal goes with you and Lance and Chris and Joey." This seemed to relax Justin somewhat and he finally spoke.

"Well, I guess I should deal with the whole JC thing first. I can't talk to him anymore without him being upset or angry with me. I mean, I love him and want him to be my friend, he's my big brother, uncle, father and best friend all in one. I'm not dealing well without him as a friend. I can't concentrate, he's always there physically, but when it comes to emotionally with me, he's always on vacation. It's like lights on and no one's home. I just wish I could try one day to be his friend once more. I miss him more than life itself. I need his friendship." Justin admitted, his eyes becoming wet. Tony nodded, thinking how strangely similar the admission was to JC's.

"Then there's you. I mean, I look at you and I see this great friend and big brother and everything, kinda like JC is, but then, since this all blew up in my face, there's been a distance. Whether you realise it or not, we've grown apart and I don't want to lose you like I lost JC. I couldn't deal with losing two of my best friends. Like I know that if I need someone to talk to or emotional support or something, you'll always be there for me, but I have to ask now. You used to just know when I needed someone to talk to. You don't anymore. It's probably partly my fault we're like that, but I don't want us to be. I want us to be friends again. I don't want to lose you as well Tony."

"Juz, you aren't losing me. I didn't realise the gap had grown between us. I am truley sorry for it. You are a little brother to me. You are also one of the few people I am close to in this world. I will always be here for you when you need me. If I'm not in the same city, I'm just a phone call away and you know that. All you have to do is call me and I'll be there the next day if not sooner." Tony told Justin gently.

"Now the hardest part... Wade." Justin said quietly. Tony looked at Justin.

"Take your time and don't push yourself." Tony advised. Justin looked at Tony.

"We had sex last night." He blurted out. Tony was a little surprised, but in a way he was also expecting it.

"Did you use protection?"

"We didn't have any. He pulled out before he came though." Tony looked at Justin seriously.

"Finish your coffee."

"Are you mad?"

"Finish your coffee." Tony told him sternly and Justin nodded. He gulped it down and Tony threw the money down on the table while Justin applied his cap and sunglasses. Walking out onto the sidewalk, Tony hailed a cab and when they got one they both piled in the back seat.

"Sexual health clinic thanks." Tony instructed. The cab shot off and Justin looked at Tony.

"You are mad aren't you?"

"No, I'm more worried. I mean we barely know them and this has happened. I wish you had only come and asked me, I had some. Don't ever do this again. Not without thinking first and definatly not without protection." Tony told Justin quietly and seriously. Justin just nodded and looked out the window.

Shortly after ten, Justin and Tony arrived at rehearsals and walked onto stage where the group was practicing.


"Not until you are backstage and I have spoken to you. Justin you too." Tony demanded. Justin moved quickly, head down. Wade looked at Tony, eyes narrowed.

"Not on my rehearsal time. You can talk later." Tony glared at Wade.

"You still want a friend for your black eye? Get backstage now." He told Wade, his anger rising. Wade stood rooted to the spot.

"MOVE!" Yelled Tony. With that Wade made a hurried exit. Tony looked at the guys.

"Have a rest, this could take a while." With that he turned on heel and went after the other two.

When he got backstage, Wade was there waiting.

"What right do you have to demand that I am back here now." Tony clenched a fist and stepped towards Wade.

"The fact you fucked my little brother without protection." Wade shot a withering look at Justin.

"You told him? You little brown-noser. Share your sex life to get Tony's attention. Good fucking on you." He spat. Tony grabbed Wade by the shirt and slammed him against a wall.

"Don't you dare blame Justin for something that is just as much your fault. I don't know who started it all, but I do know that you are both at fault for not being careful. Justin's already been to the Sexual Health Clinic. As soon as this rehearsal is over, I suggest you get your ass down there as well. Also, for your information, he didn't do it to suck up, he did it because he was confused and scared."

"He did it so you would leave JC alone for a while. Without JC around, he has a better chance of getting you alone and sleeping with you." Tony felt his anger rise even more.

"After last night, I started to think you were human, I guess I was wrong. Everyone deserves a second chance and you just fucked it. Guess what I don't give third chances."

"Like that worries me. I don't care about you. Your boyfriend though, I can see why you like him. God he's a good fuck." That was too much for Tony who threw Wade as hard as he could.

JC, Lance, Joey and Chris were sitting down, talking on stage when they saw Wade sail through the air and land on the stage. They then saw Tony storm out after Wade. JC, Joey and Chris were straight onto their feet and Lance sat there stunned. Justin appeared a few seconds later, visibly shaken. JC saw the look in Tony's eyes and knew he was set to kill Wade.

"Joey, Chris, Lance, help me keep him away from Wade." With that the three sprang into action and dragged Tony back away from Wade. Eventually, Tony lost all his fight and let himself be taken away. Wade looked up at the retreating group and saw Justin standing there.

"Justin, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it... I was just..." Justin stopped him before he could finish.

"I know what you were and are. You were just scumb." With that, he kicked Wade in the stomach and went after his friends.

Walking into the dressing rooms, he found the group sitting with Tony who was there not talking, head in his hands breathing deeply. The other four all looked up as Justin walked in, all except Tony who didn't even move. Justin spoke quietly but clearly.

"I think you all need to leave. JC, you probably need to stay though." They all nodded and Joey, Chris and Lance all filed out of the room. JC looked at Justin, waiting for an explanation.

"Well, I think to start it off, we need to go back to last night after Wade and I left your room. We both went back to my room, and well. One thing led to another and I ended up sleeping with Wade." JC nodded taking it all in.

"Okay well... why's that a problem?"

"Well that brings us to why Tony and I were late this morning. I didn't use protection. Tony took me to sexual health for a blood test. When we got here, that's why Tony wanted to speak to both me and Wade. We got back here and Tony told him what he knew. He also told Wade to go and get tested. Wade then told Tony the only reason I went and saw him was because I saw it as a way to get to Tony to sleep with him. He then said you cheated on Tony with him. That's why Tony lost it and Wade kinda got the shit kicked out of him." Justin admitted and broke down into tears. He knelt down infront of JC and looked up at JC with a tear streaked face.

"I'm sorry Josh, I never meant to hurt you or Tony or anyone else." JC sat there, shocked that Justin had called him by his real name and at the apology.

"Stin, I don't know what to say. Apology isn't necessary, you know I would have forgiven you anyways, you're my little brother, almost my child. I'm not angry at all, I'm more worried about you." This only served to make Justin cry harder. He buried his face into JC's lap and cried. JC put his arm on Justin's back and rubbed it gently. JC then wrapped his other arm around Tony's shoulder and pulled him in closer. Tony turned and buried his face in JC's shoulder and let his own tears fall silently from his eyes. JC couldn't decide which was worth, the loud and constant sobs of Justin, or the silent, heartbroken tears of Tony. When all tears finally subsided JC patted the seat beside him and Justin slowly climbed up into seat and lay down with his head in JC's lap. JC gently stroked Justin's hair. Tony stayed where he was with his face next to JC's chest. The three men stayed there, all feeling the support from each other. JC kissed both Tony and Justin on the forehead to show that he cared.

"Justin, I know we have had problems, but I want to forget them. You are my best friend and my little brother, and yes, at times you are like my child. Nothing will ever change that. I love you, I wish I could turn back time and take back some of the things I've said and done but I can't. Just know that you and Tony are the two most important things in my world. Without you two, I'm nothing." Justin smiled and hugged JC.

"Thank you daddy." JC smiled.

"I remember when you used to call me that as an insult."

"So do I. I said it thinking I would hurt you. Looking back now, I was calling you what I wished you really were."

"Well Justin, it did hurt, because at stages I did wish I was your father. I wished I could guide you and help you all the time, not just while we were working."

"You did JC. More than you may ever realise. You were my parent for so long."

"Well if I was a parent, that would mean I still am."

"I guess."

"So does that make Tony a mother or father?" The three laughed and hugged each other.

"You're both my fathers." Justin said gently and sincerely.

"You're also both my best friends and big brothers." Tony looked at Justin and spoke gently.

"You are our child and best friend as well." Justin beamed with pride. JC stood up and looked at them.

"Well since our 'family' is all here together, I guess this is the time to say what I have to." With that he reached into his back pocket and pulled something out. He then knelt down infront of Tony.

"Tony Alexander Scott, would you marry me?" With that JC opened a small box with a plain silver band in it. Tony's breath was taken away. He looked JC dead in the eye.

"Joshua Scott Chasez, I would be delighted to be known as your husband." Tony leant down and kissed JC lightly on the lips. Justin sat there, delighted by what he had just witnessed and smiled at it all. A song suddenly came to mind and he started to sing.

What makes this world go round

Will the answer let them down

They are so sweet and young

And their life has just begun

What does their future hold

That's a story left unknown

Will they make it through the day

Let our love lead the way

Part of me laughs

part of me cries

Part of me wants to question why

Why is there joy

Why is there pain

Why is there sunshine and the rain

One day you're here

Next you are gone

No matter what we must go on

Just keep the faith and

Let love lead the way

Everything will work out fine

If you let love

Love lead the way

Sitting there all alone

In the window of the room

Watching the world go by

Brings tears to their eyes

All they see is hurt and pain

And they want to break the chain

They'll keep pressing every day

And they'll find her own sweet way

Part of me laughs

part of me cries

Part of me wants to question why

Why is there joy

Why is there pain

Why is there sunshine and the rain

One day you're here

Next you are gone

No matter what we must go on

Just keep the faith and

Let love lead the way

You can be all that

And they can be who you are

You've got to know for sure

That this ain't make believe

You may feel weak

But you are strong

Don't you give up

If you keep holding on

You'll never be wrong

Just close your eyes

Cos it lies deep in your heart

Part of me laughs

part of me cries

Part of me wants to question why

Why is there joy

Why is there pain

Why is there sunshine and the rain

One day you're here

Next you are gone

No matter what we must go on

Just keep the faith and

Let love lead the way

Part of me laughs

part of me cries

Part of me wants to question why

Why is there joy

Why is there pain

Why is there sunshine and the rain

One day you're here

Next you are gone

No matter what we must go on

Just keep the faith and

Let love lead the way

Everything will work out fine

If you let love

Love lead the way

Love lead the way

Love lead the way

Love lead the way

Tony and JC danced together, slowly and sensually for the duration of the song. When Justin's voice trailed, they continued to just hold each other and dance. They moved to their own music. The music that sang to them from their hearts. Justin smiled as he watched the two lovers. Two people in love dancing to no sound. The image wove a spell around him. Tony looked out to him.

"This our family celebration Juz. That includes you. Child, brother, nephew and friend." Justin smiled and stood up and joined them. JC and Tony welcomed him to the dance and to their family. Tony sang and JC joined him.

Part of me laughs

part of me cries

Part of me wants to question why

Why is there joy

Why is there pain

Why is there sunshine and the rain

One day you're here

Next you are gone

No matter what we must go on

Just keep the faith and

Let love lead the way

--- Soppy ending huh. Well it looks like JC and Justin have sorted out their differences. I'm sorry to the people who I gave a different outline of this chapter to. I was writing and changed my mind. Can I get some feedback this time? Please? I had 3 people comment to me on the last one.

-= heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com =- or -= heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com =- 1) Let Love Lead the Way - Spice Girls (slightly modified) Thanks for reading. Hugs kisses and cookies. SC.

Next: Chapter 25

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