Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Aug 14, 2023


Hey guys, I'm back with a new part of JC Dreams.

DISCLAIMER THINGY: If you are under aged, offended by m/m concepts, then I will now ask you to leave. I ain't gonna get busted if your mama walks in and catches you choking the chicken to this if ya know what I mean. I don't know or claim any personal knowledge of Nsync and their personal lives, I don't agree with the arguments as to their sexuality, please don't put them to me... this is purely a fan-fiction. Also all songs belong to respective artists. All ownership will be listed at the bottom of the story. No goldfish were harmed in the making of this story!

Author's Words: Again... I return after a delay on my part... of which I offer my condolences. I am actually writing this while I am sitting in a hospital bed, I never thought that this could be so theraputic. Did I just spell that right? I am trying hard to figure out what will make this story sound good and I have all these suggestions from readers and I don't know what one to use... there are so many and I love all the ideas so I'm going to try and blend them all into one idea... this could end up being a long chapter!!! If your idea doesn't seem to appear in this chapter, it's not because I didn't love it, I just couldn't fit it in. Maybe in the next chapter or so. Also, please people, if I get one more email asking me is Tony is the artist Tony Lee Scott, I am going to scream... NO IT ISN'T!!! Sheesh, how many time do I have to tell you people LOL.

Author's Thanks: Thanks to all those who have written in to me and told me what they think. It is greatly appreciated. To the Nifty Archivist, thanks for your support with the postings and series that you have let me put on your web site. You, my friend, are a true legend! Thanks also to Casey who has given me support with the story from day one... are you ever gonna write to me again dude? Also, my fav guy, Tim, I don't know how to say thank you for some one who is so special and supportive to me. You seem to have it hard at times, believe me dude, it can get better. After all, you have me as a friend LOL.

Love ya man! Jordan, I don't know what to say to you. You have been a constant source of fun and friendship to me for ages now. You are special to my heart and your support is unreal! You have so much to offer the world, when I make it big, I'll say 'the little people' and mean you! KIDDING! You maybe short on height but HUGE on heart! Your wisdom is something more than anyone else I know your age poses. Carsten... your support, humour and advice are a great source of light in my life. As with all the others, you are in my heart and I have a lot of time for you. You are more special then you realise to both me and JC Dreams. You words touch me right on the heart. Love ya! Jillybeans, girl you rock!!! I love you so much, you have always been a friendly ear to me and I thank you so much for it. If I'm feeling down, I can rely on you to make me smile! God knows what I did to deserve your friendship, but I feel truly blessed for it... someone above must have been smiling my way when they first let me start talking to you! Love ya girl! Thanks to all the readers for just reading, even if you don't write.

Stories Recommended:

Jamie's Romance -- (boy bands) brilliant in every sense of the word. I wish to thank the author for his support in the writing of JC Dreams and the advice he has passed on to me. I only hope I can one day write to his standard.

Garden of Songs -- (boy bands) This is my fan-fic story on Savage Garden which I am writing along with JC Dreams and enjoying writing. I hope that you can enjoy reading it.

Yesterday's Child -- (high school) I'm working my ass off on this story, just like the other three... I hope you can all enjoy it.

Black the Promise - (boy bands) A new series that I have started... I am doin' my best to get the next part up I promise. I'm kinda just nding it hard to write and find inspiration in at the moment, but I am working on it... it's starting to grow on me. Note I say starting.

My New Life -- (boy bands) A total kick-ass story which involves Lance from Nsync and a non-celeb called Marc. It's superbly written and I love reading it... dude... MORE MORE MORE!

Brandis Redemption -- (celebrity) I love this story so much... it's just a shame it doesn't get updated more often hint hint hint

Search and Rescue -- (boy bands) The best JC series to hit Nifty! I am in awe of the writers style and honesty. I you feel like a truely gripping story, go check out this series... it is so excellent, and I could keep raving but I'm not going to... just do yourself a favour... read it!

Thanks to all my readers for their support, I hope you can also support these other authors.

Feedback Details: ICQ# 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messanger is through: heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com E-mail feedback: heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com or heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com

Well, I've taken enough of your time; let's get on with the story. Keep safe and see ya at the end. SC.

This series, as always remains dedicated to Brendon Alexander James. 10-Jan-1980 to 20-August-2000. To his memory, we have a series born. Thank you for your love Boo. I'll see you again one day. Eternal rest grant unto him Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him. Amen.

JC Dreams 28 by Sun Child

After a round of catching up on the part of Tony and Tyler, they joined Heather, Joey, Lance, Chris and Justin. When the pair walked in together, Heather jumped to her feet.

"TYLER! What are you doing? Trying to betray Mom and Dad? You know how they feel about it all."

"Heather settle down, you remember Natasha that I used to go out with?" Heather nodded and Tyler jerked a thumb in Tony's direction.

"This her uncle." Heather's mouth dropped open and Tony couldn't help but laugh at it. After a moment Heather picked her jaw up off the ground and looked at Tony.

"So Tash's uncle's a fag huh. Can't believe she admits to knowing you. Can't believe she hasn't changed her last name to hide all evidence she's even remotely related to you. I would." Heather said with her nose in the air.

"HEATHER! That was uncalled for." Tyler reprimanded.

"Was it? So you're just going to let your brother be subverted by some fag boy huh."

"Heather, I have known Tony long enough to know Josh hasn't been forced or subverted into anything. That isn't Tony and he would never put anyone in that position. That's not the type of person Tony is." The arguement raged and Tony slipped from the room quietly. He leant back against the wall and slide down to the floor. Justin appeared beside him a few moments later.

"Sorry you had to go through that." He said.

"Doesn't matter Juz. People will think what they want. Nothing I can do about that. The only point I'm annoyed over is the fact they brought Tash into all this."

"I agree that was low, but they weren't thinking, they were angry, more so at each other and the situation then at you."

"No that's Tyler that is angry at the situation, Heather is angry at me." Tony decided. Justin shrugged.

"Maybe so, but it's one of those things." Tony stood up.

"I'm going down to the bus to do a recording. I wrote a song earlier and I want to record it, send it the record company." Justin nodded as Tony stood up.

"Mind if I come listen?" Tony shook his head.

"Nah, go for it." With that the pair headed off down to the bus to record.

Climbing onto the bus, Tony went and let Butterscotch out of her holding pen and grabbed his guitar and went into the recording booth. He played a few notes on the keyboard then went to guitar. The two sounds together created a haunting sound. Justin went to hit the record button when he tapped on the window of the booth. Tony stopped and went over to the door and opened it.

"How about a duet between two best friends?" Justin asked. Tony thought for a moment then nodded,

"Get Lance and he can record it. While he gets down here you can practice." Justin pulled out his cell phone and called Lance who appeared ten minutes later. The three set themselves up and got ready to record. Justin played the keyboard while Tony played guitar. The sounds the pair created was amazing. Lance looked on while the two started to record.

I ride this train

In the wind-swept afternoon

And the sunlight warms the faces

Of the faithless who are waiting

I ride this train

But I need a conversation

Mozambique or was it Berolique

You pick the subject and I'll talk to you

People tell me that I feel too much

But I don't care, I don't care

People tell me that I need too much

But I don't care, no I don't care

I ride this train

In a dream like state of mind

Through a field of frozen memories

Imagination racing

I ride this train

But I need to make connections

No I wasn't staring, I was only trying

To get some substance

To get some meaning

People tell me that I feel too much

But I don't care, I don't care

People tell me that I need too much

But I don't care, no I don't care

People tell me that I feel too much

No I don't care, I just don't care anymore

As I ride this train

People tell me that I feel too much

But I don't care, I don't care

People tell me that I need too much

But I don't care, no I don't care

People tell me that I feel too much

No I don't care, I just don't care anymore

As I ride this train

As I ride this train

As I ride this train

Cause I ride this train

As I ride this train

As I ride this train

When the music stopped Tony nodded at Lance who stopped recording. Walking out of the booth Lance looked at them.

"So is that going on our album or yours Tony?"

"Mine, the company wants to repackage it for tour. I would rather just record some new songs and release a new album." Tony admitted. Lance shrugged

"Well do it. There's no set time you have to have in between albums. Most people take a year or two, but release it when you want to. I'd advise to wait until after tour has finished before going back to the studio."

"Couldn't I go back in now while Josh is recovering and record then release it after tour?" Asked Tony. Lance nodded.

"That could actually work. I mean we are in NYC, so why not. There are plenty of places to record here and some excellent producers." Lance agreed. Tony nodded.

"Well, let's go call my manager." Tony grinned at Justin.

Later at the hosptial, Tony walked up to go see JC with Justin by his side. He stopped a few doors down from JC's room. Justin looked at him.

"What's wrong Tone?"

"Go see if his parents are there. If they aren't come and get me." Justin sighed, saddness filling his eyes as he saw his friend kept from the one he loved. He walked into JC's room then leant back out and waved Tony down. Tony walked in the door and saw Tyler sitting by JC's bed.

"Hey Ty." Tony said as he walked in. Walking over to JC, he gently stroked JC's hair.

"Hey sweetie." Tony said softly to JC. JC looked at Tony and smiled.

"Hey yourself."

"Where are you parents?" Asked Tony. The question obviously upset JC who looked away out the window.

"On a plane back to Orlando." Tyler filled in. Tony looked up in surprise.

"They didn't stay?" JC shook his head.

"They, or rather Dad, told me to chose, you or them. I guess the choice is obvious." Tony shook his head.

"I'm sorry it came to the sweetie." JC just nodded. The doctor walked in a few moments later and declared the JC was right to leave.

A week and a half later, Tony was walking into a recording studio with his guitar in hand along with his song book. Justin walked in beside him. They spent all day slaving at the recording and calling people's record labels to get permission to sing with a few different voices. A week later, all the guests were lined up and Tony recorded his songs. Names were appearing that wanted to do numbers with him. Madonna, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Cher, Sheryl Crow, Alanis Morissette, Tom Jones, but the names that meant most to Tony on the album he had just recorded was Justin Timberlake and JC Chasez. MTV was going wild with the news about how Tony Scott has just recorded another album with every track having a guest artist appearing on it. There was not one track that Tony Scott sang solo on. Pre-orders were starting to pour in. Jive pushed Tony to let them release it before tour finished to which Tony held firm. It was to wait until the tour was over.

A month later, JC's cast came off and the tour recommenced. The crowd was huge, they wanted to be the first to see Nsync and Tony Scott back on tour. The vibe from the crowd was electric. From backstage, the guys could all feel it. Tony looked at JC.

"You ready for this babe?" He asked.

"As ready as I'm ever going to be." JC replied. Tony leant over and kissed JC on the lips then got ready to appear on stage. Bouncing out with the music, Tony belted out Dreams as hard as he could. He threw the words at the crowd who threw their excitement back. The bars finished and he called out to the crowd.

"GOOD EVENING NEW YORK! HOW ARE YOU?" The crowd cheered for him.

"Can't hear you!" The crowd roared at the chance to speak to Tony Scott.

"ARE WE READY TO PARTY?" The audience roared again. The band started playing softly as Tony got into position and then hit the music loud.

Turn out the lights, see what I'm seein'

This is the love I have not been feelin'

A chill in the bone as it begins to change

Don't talk to me cos things are not the same


You know I am I am

And I will be closer to you

Than you to anyone

You know I cannot see

The earth the sun

The damage we have done

Oooh - so tired of playin' in the water

Oooh - don't wanna be your saint, your matyr

So sorry baby it's my mistake

The years have blown away

Blown away

Hold down the dog I'm hereto raise this ceiling

This is the love I cannot believe in, yeah

A quater to four and it begins to tell

Don't talk to me cos nothing's gonna sell


You know I am I am

And I will be closer to you

Than you to anyone

You know I cannot see

The earth the sun

The damage we have done

Oooh - so tired of playin' in the water

Oooh - don't wanna be your saint, your matyr

So sorry baby it's my mistake

The years have blown away

Blown away

You know I am I am

And I will be closer to you

Than you to anyone

You know I cannot see

The earth the sun

The damage we have done

Oooh - so tired of playin' in the water

Oooh - don't wanna be your saint, your matyr

So sorry baby it's my mistake

The years have blown away

I'm so tird - so tired of playin' in the water

I can't be - don't wanna be your saint, your matyr

So sorry babe - so sorry baby it's my mistake

The years have blown away

So tired of playin' in the water

DOn't wanna be your saint, your matyr

So sorry babe - so sorry baby, it's my mistake

The years have blown away

Blown Away

Tony pumped his all into the song and was starting to breathe hard by the end of it. The song was complex and tiring. The guys burst onto stage from the sides kicking in with Pop which Tony joined them for.

Dirty pop

I'm sick and tired of hearin' all these people talk about

What's the deal with this pop life and when is it gonna fade out?

The things you've got to realize what we're doin is not a trend

We got the gift of melody, we're gonna bring it till the end

It doesn't matter

'Bout the car I drive, what I wear around my neck

All that matters

Is that you realize that it's just about respect

It doesn't matter

'Bout the clothes I wear and where I go and why

All that matter

Is that you get hype and we'll do it you everytime

Do you ever wonder why

This music gets you high

It takes you on a ride

You feel it when your

Body starts to rock

And baby you can't stop

And the music's all you got

This must be POP

Dity pop

Baby, baby you can't stop

I know you like this

Dirty pop

This must be...

Now why you want to try to classigy, the type of thing we do

'Cause we're just fine doin' what we like

Can we say the same for you?

I'm tired of fellin' all around me animosity

Just worry 'bout yours 'cuase I'm a get mine now people can't you see

It doesn't matter

'Bout the care I drive or the ice around my neck

All that matters

Is that you recognisze that it's just about respect

It doesn't matter

'Bout the clothes I wear and where I go and why

All that matters

Is that you get hype and we'll do it to you everytime

Do you ever wonder why

This music gets you high

It takes you on a ride

You feel it when your

Body starts to rock

And baby you can't stop

And the music's all you got

This must be POP

Oooooh, man I'm tired of singin'

At this point Tony broke out into a piece of rap

You wanna say all your own things

You wanna know all about who sings

Well we're right here for you

Just doin' well what we do

We start here performing for you

It's nothing new

You wanna dance, you wanna jive

Here's the music from us alive

Nothing new in what we do

We're here to perform for you

Do you ever wonder why

This music gets you high

It takes you on a ride

You feel it when your

Body starts to rock

And baby you can't stop

And the music's all you got

This must be POP

Tony then ran off stage with the crowd still screaming it's appreciation to them. They blasted through their songs until it was time for Tony to return.

Tony hit the crowd with his two duets with JC. He then launched into a few other songs. Nsync soon returned to the stage and started belting out their tunes again. Tony came back on stage after Nsync had done a few more songs.

"Now especially for you guys, I'd like to do a song for you from my new album called 'DueTwo' which will be out when the tour is over." With that the band started to play. Tony did his first part when Justin walked out singing his part of the song. Together they surprised the crowd with the song and what was behind it. The two voices lulled the roar of the crowd slightly. When the song finished, the crowd exploded, knowing that they just go a sneak peak at something no one else had seen. The group did their finale with 'Promise You' ending the night. All six performers stood on stage,

"THANK YOU NEW YORK!" Called out Lance who then ran off.

"GOOD NIGHT NYC!" Called Joey who exited.

"PEACE AND SWEET DREAMS!" Called Justin who bounced off after Joey.


"LATER ALL!" Yelled Tony as he headed off stage.

"GOOD NIGHT AND THANK YOU NEW YORK CITY!" Cried JC as he ran off after Tony.

In the dressing the room, the guys were bouncing at the show they had just done. It hadn't been as full on, but it had still been a success in their eyes. Justin and Tony hugged each other, it was the first time they had performed their song live and it went off perfectly. The guys were psyched and didn't calm until they got back to the hotel where Tony and JC headed straight to their room and closed the door.

--- Well for once there was no cliff hanger. I'm slipping. 1) I Don't Care - Savage Garden (I know I said Tony wrote it but he didn't) 2) Blown Away - Bachelor Girl 3) Pop - Nsync (with a little modification on my part) Well, how did this chapter go... can someone send some feedback? Thanks. ~hugs kisses and jellybeans~ Sun Child

Next: Chapter 31

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