Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Aug 14, 2023


Hey guys, I'm back with a new part of JC Dreams.

DISCLAIMER THINGY: If you are under aged, offended by m/m concepts, then I will now ask you to leave. I ain't gonna get busted if your mama walks in and catches you choking the chicken to this if ya know what I mean. I don't know or claim any personal knowledge of Nsync and their personal lives, I don't agree with the arguments as to their sexuality, please don't put them to me... this is purely a fan-fiction. Also all songs belong to respective artists. All ownership will be listed at the bottom of the story. No goldfish were harmed in the making of this story!

Author's Words: Again... I return after a delay on my part... of which I offer my condolences. I am actually writing this while I am sitting in a hospital bed, I never thought that this could be so theraputic. Did I just spell that right? I am trying hard to figure out what will make this story sound good and I have all these suggestions from readers and I don't know what one to use... there are so many and I love all the ideas so I'm going to try and blend them all into one idea... this could end up being a long chapter!!! If your idea doesn't seem to appear in this chapter, it's not because I didn't love it, I just couldn't fit it in. Maybe in the next chapter or so. Also, please people, if I get one more email asking me is Tony is the artist Tony Lee Scott, I am going to scream... NO IT ISN'T!!! Sheesh, how many time do I have to tell you people LOL.

Author's Thanks: Thanks to all those who have written in to me and told me what they think. It is greatly appreciated. To the Nifty Archivist, thanks for your support with the postings and series that you have let me put on your web site. You, my friend, are a true legend! Thanks also to Casey who has given me support with the story from day one... are you ever gonna write to me again dude? Also, my fav guy, Tim, I don't know how to say thank you for some one who is so special and supportive to me. You seem to have it hard at times, believe me dude, it can get better. After all, you have me as a friend LOL.

Love ya man! Jordan, I don't know what to say to you. You have been a constant source of fun and friendship to me for ages now. You are special to my heart and your support is unreal! You have so much to offer the world, when I make it big, I'll say 'the little people' and mean you! KIDDING! You maybe short on height but HUGE on heart! Your wisdom is something more than anyone else I know your age poses. Carsten... your support, humour and advice are a great source of light in my life. As with all the others, you are in my heart and I have a lot of time for you. You are more special then you realise to both me and JC Dreams. You words touch me right on the heart. Love ya! Jillybeans, girl you rock!!! I love you so much, you have always been a friendly ear to me and I thank you so much for it. If I'm feeling down, I can rely on you to make me smile! God knows what I did to deserve your friendship, but I feel truly blessed for it... someone above must have been smiling my way when they first let me start talking to you! Love ya girl! Shaz, you are my support and rock that I love and need. Jason, you are the light that makes my day bright and my smile shine, just at the sound of your voice. Alvin, you are a true friend and great company that I couldn't do without. Thanks to all the readers for just reading, even if you don't write.

Stories Recommended:

Jamie's Romance -- (boy bands) brilliant in every sense of the word. I wish to thank the author for his support in the writing of JC Dreams and the advice he has passed on to me. I only hope I can one day write to his standard.

Garden of Songs -- (boy bands) This is my fan-fic story on Savage Garden which I am writing along with JC Dreams and enjoying writing. I hope that you can enjoy reading it.

Yesterday's Child -- (high school) I'm working my ass off on this story, just like the other three... I hope you can all enjoy it.

Black the Promise - (boy bands) A new series that I have started... I am doin' my best to get the next part up I promise. I'm kinda just nding it hard to write and find inspiration in at the moment, but I am working on it... it's starting to grow on me. Note I say starting.

My New Life -- (boy bands) A total kick-ass story which involves Lance from Nsync and a non-celeb called Marc. It's superbly written and I love reading it... dude... MORE MORE MORE!

Brandis Redemption -- (celebrity) I love this story so much... it's just a shame it doesn't get updated more often hint hint hint

Search and Rescue -- (boy bands) The best JC series to hit Nifty! I am in awe of the writers style and honesty. I you feel like a truely gripping story, go check out this series... it is so excellent, and I could keep raving but I'm not going to... just do yourself a favour... read it!

Thanks to all my readers for their support, I hope you can also support these other authors.

Feedback Details: ICQ# 104300787 (Sun Child) MSN Messanger is through: heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com E-mail feedback: heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com or heartmindsoulau@hotmail.com

Well, I've taken enough of your time; let's get on with the story. Keep safe and see ya at the end. SC.

This series, as always remains dedicated to Brendon Alexander James. 10-Jan-1980 to 20-August-2000. To his memory, we have a series born. Thank you for your love Boo. I'll see you again one day. Eternal rest grant unto him Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him. Amen.

JC Dreams 29 by Sun Child

When Tony awoke the next day he looked at his lover lying there, bathed in a broken light that was filtering in through the windows. It cast different patterns over JC's face calling attention to his dark and handsome features. Tony smiled at how lucky he was. They had worked through so many problems and every day they conquered more challenges that seemed to beset them at different times. Looking at his life, Tony wondered what he had done to be so fortunate. Despite all the pain that had prevaded his life, there was a constant joy and that was knowing he had love. There are dead people everywhere, they are passed on the street, most of them with nine to five jobs. The monotony driving them on, pushing them to and from work every day.

This goes on until one day something inside snaps and they bring a shot gun to work. Tony felt special for his chance with love. Love to him defied all laws of logic, it was unique and special. It was more than marriage to him. Afterall, aren't most marriages of sexual deviancy and a sense of belonging and purpose in life. Quick sex in hotels and toilets holds little to the feeling of being in love and loving someone. Love is a grander much happier feeling that just existing in the monotony of marriage. All these thoughts tumbled through the sleep ridden mind of Tony as he lay there next to JC.

As Tony lay there watching JC, he stirred lightly in his sleep, almost as though feeling Tony's eyes upon him. Eventually he opened an eye and looked at Tony

"You've been awake too long babe." Tony arched an eyebrow at JC.

"What makes you say that my darling?" JC's hand snaked over to Tony's groin.

"No morinng hard-on to wake me with." JC grinned at Tony. Tony laughed then leant over to kiss JC.

"You, my dear Josh, have a one tracked mind."

"I know, but I have to make up for time. I didn't get any while I was in hospital and Justin always disturbed us before. So now we have a little bit of time for ourselves, let's just take it as a blessing and turn it into a child making experience." JC grinned.

"Josh, we can't have babies."

"I know, but God, we can have fun trying." Giggled JC. Tony sighed and shook his head then leant over to kiss his boyfriend gently. JC smiled and cuddled into his lover, his hands wandering.

An hour later, Tony walked out of the bathroom and saw JC lying on the bed looking used on the bed where he had left him. Leaning over Tony kissed JC on the lips. JC opened his eyes and looked at Tony.

"Hey sweetie."

"Shower's free babe." JC nodded and kissed Tony again. He then climbed to his feet and walked into the bathroom. Tony watched JC close the door then moved over to the phone. Picking up the receiver he dialled and waited a few moments.

"Hello... yes I'd like to make an appointment please."

The group met for lunch that day and discussed what was happening. Tony had an in-store appearance at two that afternoon and Nsync had a photo shoot at the same time. They all agreed to meet at five in Tony and JC's room. The group then split and headed in different directions. When Tony and JC arrived back in their room, Tony leant over and kissed JC.

"You better take the key sweetie. I don't know when I'll be back." Tony told JC.

"You'll be finished before we will won't you?" Asked JC.

"Probably, but I got some stuff of my own to do aftewards."

"What stuff Tone?" Asked JC.

"Nothing special, just some stuff." Tony told him, as though not paying attention.

"Then why can't you tell me?" Asked JC getting suspicious.

"Josh, it's nothing. It's just some stuff for me." Tony started to get defensive which JC heard and nodded.

"Alright, well have fun in whatever you do." JC finished and stood up heading towards the door.

"Josh..." Tony started.

"Don't worry about it Tony. Tell me when you are ready. I'll be waiting as always." JC told him off-handedly. With that he opened and closed the door. Tony sighed then collected his things and headed down to the car that was to take him out for the afternoon.

Tony sang into the mic as everyone looked on. The crowd he had attracted to the store was massive. Tony felt himself tire and settled down to a more relaxed song and sat down with his guitar. He sang softly into the mic and the audience melted to the song. Finishing his song, the audience seemed to swamp forward to get Tony to sign a CD that they had in their hand. Security stepped forwards and blocked them while Tony moved back to the signing table. As each person came through Tony smiled at them and spoke to the briefly. As one came through Tony didn't get a chance to look up.

"Hi, how are you?" Tony asked.

"Well thanks Tony." Came Steve's voice. Tony's head jerked up.

"Steve, what a pleasure. Glad to see you could make it." Tony finished signing the CD and handed it to Steve and motioned towards the exit.

"Thanks for buying the CD." Tony said coldly.

"I'll buy more than a CD Tony. I'll buy your soul. You can't get away from me you know. I will always be around." Steve smiled held up the CD and smiled then walked away. Tony shrugged and smiled at the next girl to come up to the desk. Very slyly as she was there she slipped her number across the table. Tony looked at it and smiled then slid it out of sight.

By the end of the signing Tony had said hello to countless people and had numerous phone numbers. Tony stood and waved at everyone and started to walk away under the guidance of the security team.

"TONY SCOTT IS A FAGGOT!" Was screamed from the crowd, causing Tony and security to turn. Looking out into the crowd, they tried to spot the person but no one seemed to be reacting or know where the voice came from. Again Tony smiled, waved and walked away. Climbing into the car, Steve's appearance and the comment from the crowd played on Tony's mind.

"Back to the hotel Tone?" Asked the driver.

"No, to this address please." Tony said, handing the driver a piece of paper. Sitting back, he watched the city whir past. An hour later, Tony was sitting in a waiting room when finally someone came out.

"Tony Scott please." Tony stood and moved towards the speaker.

A few hours later, he was heading back to the hotel. His thoughts clouded and his nerves shot. Walking in the door, he decided against going to his and JC's room and headed to the hotel bar instead. Three hours later, Justin walked in and found Tony staring into his drink. Justin sat down beside him.

"So what's wrong Tone? You didn't come to the meeting, you haven't called JC and you're down here drinking on your own. Want to explain?"

"Not really Juz. I've just got some stuff on my mind."

"Like what? Come on, we're best buds, you're meant to tell me." Justin giggled. Tony just shook his head.

"Some things I want to keep to myself for now. I'll tell you when I'm ready." Justin looked at Tony.

"So are you going to tell me any time soon?"

"I don't know Justin. Don't you understand that? I'm not sure of what I'm doing about it all. I've still got to logic it all out for me."

"Well if you want logic, you're not going to get it from drinking Tone."

"I am well aware of that. It's helps me to stop working it out." Tony informed him. Justin nodded, trying to understand but failed. Tony downed the rest of his drink and threw some cash down on the bar and tried to stand up and almost fell down again. Tony placed his hand on the bar to hold himself up. Justin looked at Tony and shook his head slipping his arm around Tony to suport him.

"Come on, let's get you back to your room."

"I don't wanna go back." Tony demanded.

"Well I ain't gonna have your ugly ass in my room." Justin told him. Tony just snorted. With that the pair moved out of the bar and back to the rooms.

Justin knocked on the door and a worried JC came to the door. When he saw Tony and Justin there he stepped back out of the way and they both staggered in and Justin let Tony drop to the bed.

"Found him in the bar. He's pretty well wrecked now." Justin told JC.

"Great, just what I need. A drunken Tony to contend with all night and we have to leave the hotel by six tomorrow morning. This is just great!" Sighed JC in frustration. Justin shrugged.

"I think there's something very wrong. Tony doesn't drink. We both know that. He's had ALOT to drink. Treat him careful JC." JC nodded and looked at Tony.

"This had better be good."

The next morning Tony was woken by JC gently shaking him. Opening his eyes, Tony instantly regretted the idea and closed them again. He felt JC put something over his eyes and opened them again. He was looking through sunglasses at a disppointed looking JC.

"Tony, time to get going." JC said gently. Tony nodded slightly and started to sit up.

"Can I have a glass of water and some asprin please?" JC nodded and went to the bathroom and returned with water and asprin in hand. Tony gratefully accepted them and downed it all in one gulp. JC sat down beside Tony.

"Tone, want to tell me what's wrong?"

"Not yet Josh. We've got a bus to catch and my head is pounding." Tony moaned. JC sighed and picked up some of the bags and put them outside the door. He then moved the others outside the door and came back in.

"Come on, let's get you down to the bus." JC advised. Tony stood and let himself be led by JC. As they were climbing on the bus Chris ran by screaming at the top of his voice causing Tony to cover his ears. Chris looked at Tony and grinned.

"Oops. No sympathy though, it's all self-inflicted." Tony just nodded and climbed on the bus and headed straight for the bunks. Lying down, he took his sunglasses and off and drifted off to sleep.

Out in the main area of the bus, Lance looked at JC.

"Any idea as to what's wrong with Tony?" He asked. JC just shook his head sadly.

"He won't talk to me about it. I think Justin tried and he didn't get anywhere either." JC informed him. Lance nodded and sat back quietly. The bus started to move away and the group sat there talking. Halfway through the day, Tony appeared for some water then went back to bed. About four in the afternoon, Tony came out and sat down on the couch opposite JC and put his head back.

"I am never drinking again." He moaned. JC didn't say anything, his hurt that Tony had not sat beside him was written all over his face.

"Tony, are you ever going to tell me what's wrong?"

"When I'm ready Josh."

"When will you be ready?" JC asked raising his voice.

"I don't know." Tony's volume raised to match JC's.

"Why not bite the bullet and just tell me?"

"Because I'm not ready Josh. I'm just not ready." Tony yelled.

"Tony, I have never asked anything of you like this before, but I am now.

I am asking you to be honest and tell me what the fuck is wrong?" JC yelled back. The other four members of Nsync appeared.

"I'm not telling Josh, you aren't ready to know what's wrong." Tony yelled back.

"How do you know? How do you know I'm not ready?" JC screamed in frustration.

"Because you aren't ready to know I might dying of cancer!"

--- Hmmm... it would appear I am feeling evil. Don't worry Tony has some life left in him. I ain't done with JC Dreams just yet. Please, don't hate me for what I've done. It's all part of the grand scheme of things. Feedback would still be appreciated though. -=hugs kisses and jellybeans =- SunChild

Next: Chapter 32

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