Jedi Encounters

By Mike Wolf

Published on Aug 28, 2004


Jedi Encounters: The Force Divided.

Part: Five. By Mike Wolf

Required note: This story contains graphic written descriptions of sex involving mainly lesbian relations but may contain other heterosexual or other wise later on. If you are under eighteen or this kind of story is illegal for you to read then please don't read it. The author holds no responsibility if you choose to read on and get in trouble for it.

Legal Note: All characters belonging to Lucas Arts, George Lucas, or any of the other star wars affiliates are owned by them and are used without permission in this story. If this is a problem then let me know and I will not use them again. This story also makes or gives no assumptions about these characters orientations and in no way relates to the actors that portrayed the characters in the movies, games, etc.

Story Note: This is a fairly long story involving the characters of the Star Wars universe, I plan on releasing it in parts and would very much like feedback rather it be criticism or helpful hints or what ever. I will respond to all emails granted I have the time and they are well written, what I mean by that is I don't want, "This sucks or you blow big wookie chunks." as an email. The story itself is based on a group of characters I made up and revolves around there struggle with the dark side. This is not meant to be something you can get your quick fix off of, but if that's what you're looking for then by all means read on. For everyone else I hope it provides both mental stimulation as well as the other kind, thank you for reading.

Chapter Eleven: Resurrection.

After several minutes Lena raised her head again with a look of pure determination in her eyes, "Mother do you regret the evil you have done?" Lena finally asked surprising everyone with her sudden change in topic.

"Yes of course I do Lena, it eats at me like a plague."

Lena then looked directly at her mother's spirit, "Do you still care for Luna your Luna that is?"

Taristra looked her daughter in the eyes, "Yes more then anything except for you, why are you asking me these things?"

Lena's face turned grave but she did not answer her question, instead she posed another one.

"Have you forsaken the dark side completely, mother?"

Taristra now looked quite confused well at least as confused as a transparent spirit could, "Yes I suppose I have, other wise I would not be here. Why do you ask these questions of me Lena? You have to know the answers already."

Lena still didn't answer she just stood and then held out her hand with her palm towards Taristra.

Luke and Jenny looked at her curiously trying to figure out what she was doing, Taristra seemed to be just as puzzled. Then Lena's eyes began to glow with an ere white light and then an aura of light erupted around her body. Finally a beam of pure light shot from her palm blinding Luke and Jenny, as there eyes cleared they looked at Lena and Taristra in horror as it appeared Lena was torturing her mothers spirit.

Taristra was now standing writhing in what appeared to be a lot of pain but she was not screaming.

"What the hell are you doing?" Luke yelled at Lena who took no notice of him, instead she just remained fixated on apparently torturing her mother.

Luke stood and turned to Lena, he wasn't sure what she was up to but he knew he should stop her. So Luke raised his hand to push her back into her seat but nothing happened, the force it seemed had failed him completely. Then he felt something, the force had not failed him it was simply being channeled through Lena completely. No force power remained around them it was all being drawn through Lena.

Then Jenny screamed, "Master look!"

Luke turned and to his utter shock he saw that Taristra's spirit was changing colors, she was turning from a transparent blue to her original colors. Then he almost fell over as she began to solidify, her body slowly seemed to appear in front of him. Then the light emitting from Lena's hand flashed and engulfed the room blinding them once more.

Luke heard something hit the deck but he still could not see, he rubbed at his eyes trying to clear them. Then somebody gasped like they had just come up from under water, and then many deep breaths seemed to follow the gasp. Finally the spots faded from Luke's eyes and he looked around and did not see Taristra anymore. Then another gasp drew his eyes down and he saw her kneeling on the floor with her head bent over and her hands on the deck.

He could not believe what he saw, Taristra was now apparently as solid as he was and completely naked to boot. Lena then walked over and calmly lifted her mother up off the deck as both Luke and Jenny stared on flabbergasted.

"You have been reborn mother." Lena said as she sat her mother into the jump seat her chest still heaving as she breathed again for the first time in many years. Her long black hair was covering her sweat-covered face as her head fell into her hands.

Luke was standing but just barely, 'How was this possible?' He asked himself as he watched Lena turn back around and walk back to her chair. She did not sit however instead she turned around to face an empty spot between Taristra and himself.

Lena then exclaimed, "Spirit of Enchantay Luna come to us!"

Luke now couldn't believe his ears or his eyes, "You can't call force spirits to you they come when they want." Luke said to Lena but she either did not hear him or she was ignoring him.

Suddenly Enchantay Luna appeared right in front of Luke and he staggered back into his chair and sat as the glowing blue spirit looked around.

"Angelina is that you?" Enchantay asked as her eyes fixed on Lena. She had apparently missed the naked woman sitting in the jump seat with her head in her hands.

"Yes I am Angelina, Taristra's daughter and you are Enchantay Luna, the mother of the Luna I am privileged to call my lover." Lena stated calmly.

"Angelina so you found my daughter it gives me great relief to know you two are together as your mother and I should have been. But why did you summon me? It pains me to see you, it's not that you are displeasing to look at it's just that you remind me so much of Taristra." Enchantay asked as tears filled her transparent eyes.

"Tell me Enchantay if you could return to the living would you remain at Taristra's side for the rest of your days?" Lena asked the older version of her Luna.

"Why do you torture me Angelina with painful questions, of course I would remain at her side." Luna cried.

"Then so it shall be." Lena proclaimed as she raised her hand again.

Luke covered his eyes this time he wasn't going to be blinded again, even though he had his eyes shut and his hand over them he still saw the flash of light through his eyelids as Lena started again, then he heard Mara come rushing in.

"What in the world is happing..." Her words trailed off as she stared at the spirit of Luna floating now several inches off the deck engulfed in the white light erupting from Lena's hand.

"Cover your eyes Mara, quickly!" Luke exclaimed to his wife with his eyes still tightly closed.

Mara looked at him then seeing Jenny doing the same she decided that the strange request should be obeyed. She covered her eyes just in time as the room was engulfed yet again in a flash of brilliant white light. Luke opened his eyes just in time to catch Enchantay as she glided back to the deck and slumped over onto him.

Like Taristra she gasped for air like she had been drowning, her naked body heaving as she tried to gain her breath. Mara tentatively opened her eyes to see Luke now standing and holding what appeared to be a naked Luna.

"Luke what the hell is happening in here? First I feel a tremendous draw in the force coming from inside this ship then when I come in to investigate I see Lena shooting Luna with a strange light and now your holding her and she's naked!" Mara asked angrily, but before Luke could respond Luna walked up behind Mara.

"What's all the yelling for?" Luna asked groggily scaring Mara who turned around and seeing Luna she screamed.

"Wait if you're here then who is Luke holding, is it your sister?" Mara finally calmed down enough to ask.

Luna's eyes shot open and she pushed Mara to the side as she rushed in to see what was going on.

Solara Luna looked at the girl Luke was holding, "No this isn't Solonie she doesn't look a thing like her. This lady is about my age and looks well frankly just like me, to be honest. Where did you find her, was she one of the slaves?"

Then someone grabbed Luna from behind scarring her half to death, she turned to see a very sweaty and naked Lena staring at her.

"Lena where are your clothes and what's happening?" Luna asked.

"I'm over here Luna." Lena replied, causing Luna to turn and then scream as she saw Lena sitting in her pilot's chair fully clothed and seemingly exhausted.

"Please everyone just stop screaming and tell me what the hell is going on?" Taristra asked as she pushed Luna over to Lena then took hold of her Luna who Luke handed over to her.

Mara however screamed again, "That voice, it can't be. Your dead I felt you die, how can this be?"

Lena stood then taking hold of her Luna she sat her in the pilots chair and then addressed Taristra and Luna's mother.

"Taristra, Enchantay you have been given a second chance at life. The force felt that you were taken from this plane before your time and it has allowed me to bring you back. I must warn you Taristra that you must remain a Jedi of the light for if you stray back and let the dark side consume you again you will die. Not at a Jedi's hands but just die and if that happens you will no longer exist in this plane or any other. I say this because it was the light side that gave you flesh again and it will not tolerate you going back to the dark. Do you understand mother?"

Taristra looked from Enchantay to Lena then at herself, "Yes I ... guess I do but how is this possible? I died I can remember it, in fact I can remember everything again."

Lena smiled letting the graveness fall from her face, "The force spoke to me mother, it told me that it was time for you to return, that you and Enchantay had been taken before your time. Then the force gave me the power to bring you back, which I did and as a gift to you and Enchantay I returned you to your younger bodies. Physically you are at your primes probably around twenty-five to twenty six. Now there is another warning I must give both of you, you are not to directly interfere in this war I am having with my sister. From this point on you will remain on this ship or the Light Saber until such time as we have defeated her, I would send you away but I fear she has already sensed your returns and would kill you in the hopes it might turn me. On this and the other points you must promise me for if you don't I can not guarantee you will remain living."

Taristra looked at her daughter the very mirror image of herself, "I promise and as soon as she is able to Enchantay will promise as well."

"I... I promise." Enchantay croaked.

"Good for your lives hang on a very fine thread, your Jedi powers will return in a day or so and you will again be as powerful as you once were. But I will make this suggestion to you, when this is over find a quiet spot to live out the rest of your days. Never be apart again or take the chance of being separated, let Luna and I handle the dark side for it is our duty now. Just go and relax enjoying each others company for the rest of your lives." Lena proclaimed.

Taristra nodded, "If Enchantay will take me back I will be sure to heed your advice my daughter."

"Without question my love." Enchantay replied as new and very real tears began to fill her eyes.

"Then we shall move back to Yavin four but we will not stay at the academy, we will build us a home away from it where we can spend our lives in peace." Taristra said as she held Enchantay close to her.

"That is for the best, now that said I believe Master Skywalker has a gift for you two." Lena said to the old master that was still slightly stunned.

Luke looked at her questioningly then he realized what she meant, "Here these are yours, I found them on the Light Saber after well your deaths. I uhh replaced the red crystals in your sabers with your original green ones, Taristra. I was going to give them to Lena and Luna when the time was right but now they of course belong to you."

Luke said as he pulled three sabers from inside his robes and handed them to Taristra and Enchantay. They weakly accepted the blades and lacking any belt or other clothes to clip them to they just held them. Then Enchantay pulled away from Taristra and turned to Lena, she pulled her tight against her naked body and kissed her deeply. The kiss was not a motherly one but one of passion and desire, and then she pulled back and released Lena.

"Thank you Angelina I can't express how wonderful it is to be back and with Taristra and my daughter." Enchantay exclaimed as Taristra turned and held her from behind.

Luna was still sitting in the pilot's chair stunned senseless then Lena stepped to the side to let Enchantay see her daughter.

"My daughter Solara how I missed you." She cried as Lena pulled Luna to her feet.

"Mother I can't believe your..." Luna stuttered.

"Nether can I, but I'm so glad I am. I have longed to hold my daughter again for ages." Enchantay cried as she reached out and hugged her daughter.

Lena smiled at Enchantay as she held her daughter that looked just like her then Taristra hugged her daughter following Enchantay's example.

"Well my daughter you have sure done more then anyone could ever have expected or hoped of you. I mean finding Luna and the Wolf Star, not to mention bringing us back to life, oh and you found your cousin Jenny."

Lena pushed her mother back, "What was that?"

Taristra looked at her curiously, "You mean you didn't know that Jenny was your cousin?"

Jenny and Lena looked at each other for a while then even Luna looked at Jenny and maybe for the first time saw some of the resemblance.

"Well no but now that you mention it I guess I can see it and feel it." Lena finally admitted.

Taristra nodded, "Well I'll explain, I'm sure you know my older sister, the aunt I left you with as an infant. Well I also have a younger sister."

Lena nodded vigorously. "Oh yes I can remember your older sister clearly, but she never really told me that I was related to her and not my uncle. I guessed though since it was my aunt that had the jet black hair like mine and my uncle used a different last name then mine."

"It does not surprise me that she never admitted that she was my sister, she was always the prude of the family. In fact everyone hated her because she would not accept what she was." Taristra explained.

"You mean a Jedi?" Luna asked.

"Yes and no I really mean, well the other thing that all Darkhammer women have in common."

Luna looked at her curiously then Lena mouthed 'Lesbian's' explaining what she meant.

"Oh I see but what about your other sister, she has a daughter obviously." Luna said as she pointed at Jenny.

"Well my younger sister accepted it but she wanted a child so after awhile she married an explorer and had Jenny but she still accepts it as far as I know. Ironic it is that she is my younger sister but now I'm physically around twenty years younger then her."

Jenny who had remained silent up until now asked, "Your last name is Darkhammer you never told me that."

Lena shrugged her shoulders, "You never asked."

Then Jenny turned a brilliant shade of red as she remembered that day in the shop with Lena. Suddenly she turned away and looked at the floor prompting Taristra to ask.

"What's wrong Jenny?"

Lena answered however, "Well that's ahh a long story mother, why don't we let Masters Jade and Skywalker go for now and then I'll fill you and Enchantay in on all that has happened lately. I have a couple other friends that would like to hear this as well. Besides we need to get you some clothes unless you want to remain naked?"

Lena prodded and then Taristra looked down at herself and shrugged her shoulders, "Never bothered me really but if were going to get dressed I think a shower is needed first."

"Sounds good, I have a bath tub in here as well, if you prefer that." Lena explained.

"A tub with real water?" Taristra asked excitedly.


"Maybe we better hear the story first then, because I think it will take Enchantay and I a long time to get all this sweat of us in an antiquated bath tub." Taristra replied coyly leaving little chance that Lena would miss her real meaning.

"Very well then, Masters why don't you go see how our preparations for the coming battle are going. Oh and find out where the Wookies are and make arrangements for us to take them to Kashyyyk in the next couple days. They told me they could help us if we took them home." Lena ordered trying to get rid of Luke and Mara.

"Very well Master Lena we will do as you ask, and then I think I need a rest. A lot of strange things have happened today and frankly it has worn me out." Luke replied as he turned then left dragging Mara in his wake.

After getting rid of the two Masters, Lena freed herself from the tangle of bodies in the cockpit and scouted the route to the bedroom before going back and dragging everyone along. Lena then opened the door to the bedroom and peered inside and found that thankfully both Cynthia and Luaxanna were sleeping under the covers. Lena led the small group inside the bedroom and closed the door behind them then locked it. Taristra was the first to notice the two sleeping in the bed,

"Hmm you sure have a lot of pretty women on this ship. Lets see a human and a Trivexian what a combination." Taristra whispered to Lena.

"Well uh that's a long story as well and part of the other story really." Lena stuttered, as all her secrets were being exposed to her mother.

"Lena?" Cynthia woke suddenly and asked groggily.

"Yes I'm here Cynthia." Lena said as she watched Cynthia swing her legs over the bed and stand up, she was of course very naked. Then she turned and noticed the throng of people standing around.

"Now this is strange, my optic err my eyes must be deceiving me because I see two Lena's and two Luna's one pair clothed as I remember and one pair naked. Could someone explain this to me?"

Taristra suddenly walked up to her and reached out and held her hand then she seemed to smell the air around Cynthia. "A droid covered in human skin, more over a droid covered in my daughter's skin." Taristra proclaimed surprising everyone. "How did you know and what do you mean your daughters skin, Lena gave me this wonderful gift and you can't possibly be her mother. I'm sure we worked out her mother was dead, and you are no older then her." Cynthia asked as she jerked her hand back.

"Don't be angry ahh Cynthia I was just making an observation. I knew because you slipped when you almost said optic receptors and secondly when I felt your strange force presence, it reminded me of Lena. Then I felt your skin and smelt the all too familiar sent of my daughter all about you. Knowing how Trivexian's need near constant sex I worked out everything fairly quickly. Oh and I am her mother and yes I was dead up until around ten minutes ago but I believe that if you sit down Lena is going to give us quite a long story that will explain everything." Cynthia staggered back and sat more from shock then obeying Taristra's suggestion.

Then Luaxanna woke and before she began asking questions Lena stopped her and got everyone to sit down and then began telling the story, beginning with the day she met Luna for the first time in the shop on Coruscant. Lena only highlighted the good points up until she reached the last few days then she went into a very detailed account. Everyone sat listening intently as she told the story.

"Oh my so you and Jenny..." Taristra interrupted as Lena got to the incident in the store.

"Yes we did I'm afraid." Lena said with an extremely red face, Jenny was just as red faced as well.

"Oh well it really doesn't matter anyway, please continue." Taristra finally said and although it took a second Lena began again.

"What I don't get Lena is why was Vokath, my sister's father still alive. I remember you telling me he was killed by your sister." Luna asked when Lena got to the part about killing him.

"My sister must have manipulated mine and Master Skywalker's visions in order to hide him from us." Lena commented.

"That is not surprising, she probably did it to try and turn you Lena. She would know that Vokath would be no match for you so she figured you would kill him and maybe the shock of it would turn you." Taristra explained.

"Yes I thought that as well, but when it failed she set off that bomb hopping it would kill Luna or I or both." Lena surmised.

"Bomb!" Taristra exclaimed.

"Yes I thought you knew that?" Lena asked.

"No I was not watching closely after you killed Vokath, I figured it was over." Taristra explained, and then Lena finished the story ending with her resurrecting Taristra and Enchantay.

"So you held the building together with the force that is really amazing." Enchantay commented.

"Well I have to admit I was doing it all to save Luna." Lena said as she bent down and blushed while she looked at the deck.

"That's as good a reason as any other." Taristra said as she pulled Enchantay closer to her.

Suddenly Luaxanna spoke up, "Alright so you have a sister who's evil and somehow you managed to resurrect your parents although they are much younger then they were when they died. What I don't understand is how you became a Jedi master overnight?"

Everyone looked at Luaxanna and then at Lena and then they all began nodding their agreement.

"Well to tell you the truth I just don't know how I managed it, it just comes to me out of nowhere I can't explain it."

Taristra then shrugged her shoulders, "Well that's about how it was with your sister, although she still took years to perfect her technique."

"Really Master Taristra you would be able to figure it out if you thought a little longer on it." Star spoke up.

"Really Star I doubt I could but since you seem to have the answer why don't you enlighten us." Taristra scolded her vocal doppelganger.

"Well I figure the force is divided into the light and dark halves, which have been at war with each other for eons." Star began.

"Yes we know that already, the followers of the dark side actually use to be part of the Jedi order at one time then they split off bla bla bla... But how does this have anything to do with Lena." Taristra replied exasperatedly.

"Really Master Taristra if you would just let me finish then I'll explain." Star protested.

"Alright go ahead Star, I'm sorry." Taristra apologized half-heartedly.

"Well anyway, over the eons there have been many great masters both light and dark and the war has raged on and on. Then according to the prophecies Master Skywalker's father was to bring a balance to the force, I believe that in order to do this he was born a force child with both dark and light powers. But due to the corrupting influence of the dark emperor he was turned and instead of bringing a balance and newfound peace he became the executioner of the Jedi. So I believe now that what ever creatures or powers that create the force have decided that there can never be a balance and peace between light and dark so they have instead each created a champion and who ever should win will eventually end up controlling this galaxy." Star explained.

"Alright that sounds plausible but how does that answer our question about how Lena acquired her abilities so quickly." Taristra asked.

"Well my theory on that is simpler, I believe that to create a champion they brought together many of the greatest Jedi's spirits and joined them to create Lena and her sister. So therefore she at one time knew the skills so all she needed was a push in the right direction to remember them." Star added.

"A very good explanation Star but how do you explain Luna?" Enchantay asked.

"She is my balancer, for I was created from both light and dark warriors since in order to reach your greatest potential you need to know the dark side and use its power to a limited extent. But they knew that there was a chance I would fall like Master Skywalker's father did so they created a purely light Jedi for me to love and to keep me on the path of light." Lena explained.

"So what Star said was true then?" Taristra asked.

"I can't say for sure mother but it feels right, although I would say I'm not exactly the reincarnation of all the great Jedi put together but rather I have a piece of each of there spirits. They each contributed there best powers and abilities in order to make a single Jedi who is vastly more powerful then any before."

"But the dark side would not be denied either so they brought their warriors together to create your sister." Taristra added.

"Exactly but for her there is no balancer, no one to keep her in control, no one to limit her evil so it goes unchecked." Lena replied.

"Well Master I can attest to the fact that she is evil pure and simple, you have no idea what it was like having her inside me." Star threw in.

"I can imagine Star and I am so sorry she stole you I really wanted Lena to have you when I died." Taristra said.

"I tried to get to Lena, Master Taristra, R6 and I really did try to get rid of her but she was just too powerful." Star apologized.

"I know Star, I was there with you allot of the time even though you could not see me. By the way where is that little tin can anyway?" Taristra asked as she looked around.

"R6 overloaded when you two came back to life right in front of him, I believe you would say he fainted. Don't worry though he'll be back up and running in a couple hours." Star explained with a little chuckle.

Then Taristra stood and took hold of Enchantay, "Well I believe that's our cue to go in and have that long bath I mentioned before, all this talk about destiny and people being resurrected is giving me a headache."

But Luna stood up and stopped her, "One question before you two disappear, please."

"Go ahead Luna." Enchantay replied as they turned back around.

"What's it like you know being dead?" Luna asked hesitantly and both Taristra and Enchantay looked at each other then shrugged their shoulders.

"Hard to explain really, I can remember the times I was watching over you two very clearly. But other then that it was just warm and comforting with out much conscious thought." Taristra explained then looked at Enchantay.

"I did not look down on anyone since I did not want to be reminded of my life and what I had lost so all I really knew was feeling warm and comforted. Well until someone sucked me back to consciousness however." Enchantay joked.

"Would you rather I not have?" Lena asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't even think that Lena I'm forever indebted to you for bringing me back, if you weren't meant for my daughter I would snap you up along with Taristra." Enchantay said as she pulled Taristra so close the taller woman coughed.

"I know and your welcome, now why don't you take your bath then I think you can convince Cynthia and Luaxanna to move over so you can share the bed. As for Luna and I, I think were going to go to her quarters and take a long rest since I'm quite exhausted." Lena suggested.

"Fine with us." Luaxanna replied.

"And us, but what about Jenny?" Taristra asked and Jenny went red again.

"Well she can have one of the quarters on the light saber or she can sleep with us there's plenty of room in our bed." Luna suggested.

"I don't know if that would be appropriate now that I know I'm related to Lena." Jenny said with a bright red race.

"Well I didn't mean that we would go there especially since I'm going to drop dead from exhaustion any minute now." Luna added sarcastically.

"If you want to Jenny you can come over here and we'll all snuggle up together, Luaxanna and I like company." Cynthia offered and Jenny's face went three shades redder.

"Well it's settled then, see you all tomorrow!" Taristra exclaimed as she yanked Enchantay into the bathroom and closed the door so fast they hardly saw her move.

A few minutes passed then water began running and a whole lot of excited giggling began.

"Will there be enough room in the bed for all of us?" Jenny asked almost so quietly that it was nearly impossible to hear over the giggling and splashing coming from the bathroom.

"Sure Jenny we'll just squeeze together." Luaxanna replied as she pulled herself up to Cynthia's back.

"You can face me and lay on the left edge of the bed, that way Taristra and Enchantay will be separated some." Cynthia explained.

"Alright thank you." Jenny said with a face that matched her hair color, and then she slowly approached the bed where they were laying.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Cynthia asked as she pointed to Jenny's clothes, and with that Jenny nearly fainted.

"Well that's our cue to leave as well, see you tomorrow. By the way Luaxanna I would like yours and Cynthia's help battling my sister, we need all the help we can get." Lena asked.

"You have it and as soon as the swans up and running again she can help as well." Luaxanna said enthusiastically.

"Thank you and I believe if you look in my cargo hold you'll find some parts that might help in fixing the swan and even upgrading her. You already have my old hyperdrive, which I think added some speed to the swan and there are the old turrets that Star had replaced earlier, which you are more then welcome to. Just ask Star which components will fit into the Swan alright?" Lena added.

"Thank you Lena." Luaxanna replied before Lena colleted Luna and left.

Cynthia was already busy stripping Jenny, somehow though when they laid down she managed to get sandwiched in the middle between Luaxanna and Cynthia. Jenny really didn't mind though since she got to rest her head against Luaxanna's fabulous mounds and Cynthia had her breasts pressed into her back. Although they really didn't go at it until morning Jenny was rewarded during the night with some absent minded fingering and fondling on both Luaxanna's and Cynthia's parts.

Lena and Luna drug themselves back to Luna's quarters and after quickly stripping they promptly fell onto the repulsor bed and went right to sleep.

Chapter Twelve: New fleet.

As Luna's eyes finally cleared and the haze of sleep lifted from them she began to search around for Lena who was not in bed anymore. Then she almost thought she was dreaming as she spotted the still naked Lena floating above the deck with her legs crossed and her arms folded in her lap. She however was not on the repulsor bed so she had to be using the force to hold herself up.

"Lena, are you alright?" Luna asked and Lena slowly opened her eyes then dropped her feet down to the floor and smiled.

"I'm fine I was just meditating, how about yourself you were asleep for a whole day?"

Luna's eyes shot the rest of the way open, "A whole day you have to be kidding."

"No, it's around 0800 now and we went to sleep late in the afternoon the day before yesterday." Lena explained as she walked over and turned the bed off for Luna.

"You let me sleep that long?"

"Well I only woke up about four hours ago, I then decided to meditate on the situation and thankfully I think I have found out some useful information." Lena explained.

"What did you find out?" Luna asked as she walked over and held Lena.

"Well I discovered where my sister is hiding her fleet, it was difficult to see but I finally broke through her defenses." Lena replied as she held Luna.

"Well that's good." Luna said as she laid her head on Lena's chest.

They remained that way for several minutes until Lena felt doubt slipping into Luna's mind and so she asked, "What's wrong Luna, is something bothering you?"

Luna looked into Lena's eyes, "I guess I'm just worried that something has changed, when I first met you I wasn't even attracted to girls. Then suddenly you kissed me and everything changed then we were ripped apart and I missed you so even though I didn't really know you. Then I found you and it was like the first time all over again, then Luaxanna was captured and we had to save her and now you're this great Jedi that is supposed to save the galaxy. But what does all this mean for us?" Luna asked as a few tears fell.

"Nothing at all, no matter what happens the only reason I exist is for you Luna and I would do anything for you. If I had to choose between saving the galaxy and your love then the galaxy would just have to do its best without me." Lena said as she wiped away Luna's tears.

"I love you Lena." Luna said as she buried her face in Lena's chest.

"I love you too Luna, more then you may ever know." Lena said as she held Luna tight against her body.

"What did you mean by that?" Luna asked finally.

"Nothing really, it's just that without you I would not want to know what I would have become. I venture to say that without you I would be eviler then my sister and all the old Sith lords combined." Lena replied with half a smile.

"I don't believe that, you are kind and caring and you could never be evil." Luna insisted.

"Only because of you and my love for you, sure my uncle and aunt took some of the edge off my temper but it was you and only you that pulled me completely to the light. But all that doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is that I love you and were here right now holding each other and very much in love."

"I just hope that our love is not separated like our parents were." Luna said gravely.

"It wont be I have foreseen other things and from what I saw we have many long years together, Eons in fact." Lena said as she rubbed Luna's back.

"Eons?" Luna asked surprised.

"Yes I believe that our job as the protectors of the light is going to be a very long one." Lena said with a smile.

"But how is that possible?"

"I do not know but I am going to love finding out." Lena said as she leaned down and kissed Luna.

"Mmm me too, now I think its shower time." Luna said as she pulled Lena towards the bathroom.

It was around noon before Lena and Luna had eaten and made there way onto the bridge of the light saber. When they got there, everyone was standing around the Captain and Master Skywalker.

"Admiral's its good to see that you're awake, although after I heard all that happened the other day I expected you would be asleep for a week." The Captain greeted them.

"Thank you Captain, it was a trying ordeal indeed. I see though that you have met everyone including mine and Luna's mothers." Lena replied.

"Yes indeed, it was a good thing Master Skywalker was here to explain who they were or I would have thought it was you and Admiral Luna. But what really was shocking was when he told me you brought them back from the dead, I had no idea that was even possible." The Captain commented with a few gurgles.

"Well it is not possible under most circumstances, but I believe now that they were allowed to come back more for Luna and I then anything. I can't explain why but I think they still have a part to play in this adventure somehow." Lena explained.

"Well I hope so, but we will follow your advice to the best of our abilities." Taristra promised.

"Good but on to other matters, what have you to report on our preparations?" Lena asked.

The Captain walked over to the central holo-projector and brought up a star chart, "Well we are in luck, Taristra managed to convince the Corellian ship yards to provide us with a fleet of ten ships and their crews. They are from there personnel fleet and I'm not sure how your mother managed to convince them to join us free of charge but I salute her for it." He said as he pointed out the small group of ship symbols near Corellia.

"I just reminded them of the few favors I did for them awhile back and after I told them it was for me and my daughter they were more then willing." Taristra explained.

"Good work mom, I knew you had a part to play in this albeit not directly." Lena praised her.

"A big part as these ten ships are the best of there fleet, highly retrofitted star destroyers they could match the light saber in firepower when put together." The Captain added.

"Very good now what else have you to tell me?" Lena asked.

"I was able to convince the Mon Calamarian government to supply us with fifteen ships and crews from there fleet, ten cruiser class ships and five frigates. They wish us luck and only asked that you return them home in as best shape as possible with minimal loss of life." He said as he added fifteen ship symbols around Mon Calamari.

"Please extend them my thanks and gratitude and my promise that I will do my best to ensure everyone returns home." Lena replied.

"I will admiral, now Master Skywalker has some news." The captain replied then motioned for Luke to come forward.

Luke stepped up and then pressed several buttons on the controls for the holo- projector, twelve ship symbols appeared around Coruscant and a few of the core worlds.

"I managed to convince the republic with the help of the captain and my sister to give us ten ships and crews ranging in size from star destroyers down to blockade runners. My sister and her husband will also bring her personal super star destroyer along with the Falcon, which is the same class of ship as the swan although a little more modified. Another friend of mine, Lando Calrisian has two more ships and crew he is willing to provide, as long as you will pay the damages on them. Finally although General Wedge Anteles does not have any ships besides his personal shuttle, he is going to join us and fly one of our fighters or any other ship you wish."

"That is excellent Master Skywalker, but what of the academy?" Lena asked.

"I'm glad you asked, I was able to contact Master Katarn who is going to meet up with us any time now. As for the academy they are going to send several Jedi to meet us at Kashyyyk, which is where we're heading right now." Luke replied.

"Very good this is just as I foresaw, but that only gives us forty ships total I would like fifty ships minimum." Lena replied.

"Well Master Katarn has his ship, it's small but a good match for a frigate." Luke added.

"The Swan will also be up and running by tomorrow and with all the old parts you gave me off your ship, she'll be more then a match for a frigate." Luaxanna exclaimed.

"The Jade saber is ready to fight." Mara added.

"Excellent and Luna and I will be in the Wolf Star so that gives us forty four, so we only need six more ships." Lena said excitedly.

"There happen to be six ships between the Mon Calamarian and Corellian ship yards which are for sale but they have no crews. The two yards will reduce the costs of the ships for you Lena but they have already loaned you all the ships and crews they can spare." The commander reported.

"What class are the ships?" Lena asked.

"One Star Destroyer, two frigates imperial design, three light cruisers, and a carrier." The commander reported.

"Alright make them an offer and then have them brought along with the fleets there providing." Lena ordered.

Lena then strode over to the controls for the holo-projector and entered in a set of coordinates.

"This is where my sister's fleet is, in the unexplored region of space off Endor. There is a very high concentration of dark force energy on one of the worlds there, she is using it to mask her fleet and prepare for the coming battle. I want our fleet to rendezvous at Kashyyyk, with the permission of our Wookie friends of course?" She looked to the elder standing among the shorter humans and he grunted his approval. "I should be able to use Kashyyyk's massive life energy to mask our fleet from her. There we will be able to figure out how best to man the ships that need crews, if the Chieftain offers us some warriors that will take care of some of the ships." Lena explained and then the elder made several grows.

"He will help I am sure of it."

"Thank you elder." Lena said then R6 spoke up.

"Master, Star wishes to speak with you about the other ships."

Lena then picked up her communicator, "Yes Star what is it?"

"Master I can remotely operate several ships as long as you will be flying me so that I can devote all my run time to it." Star replied.

"I will be flying but most of those ships won't be set up to run remotely." Lena replied back.

"We can fix that with the help of our engineers." The Captain offered.

"Alright then Star you will have your own small fleet to control if we can't find crews to man the ships." Lena replied.

"Great master I will begin writing sub routines to help me control them right away, Star out." She said as she closed the comm.

"I'll send the word out to the fleets to meet at Kashyyyk then." The commander added.

"Very good, thank you everyone." Lena said as they began dispersing.

Taristra, Enchantay, Jenny, Luaxanna, Cynthia, Luke, R6, and Luna all remained around Lena however.

"So what do we do while we are waiting?" Luna asked.

"Well Master Katarn and his student are going to arrive in about one minute, and then I don't know after that." Lena proclaimed.

"Admiral, Master Katarn has dropped out of hyperspace ahead of us. We're dropping out now to allow him to come aboard." The Captain reported.

"Thank you Captain." Lena said with a smile.

"You're spooky Master Lena I couldn't have predicted it that close." Luke said with a smile.

"Please Master just call me Lena and thank you."

"Alright but you have to call me Luke then." He said with a broad smile.

"It's a deal, now lets go down and great him and his student Jaden Kore." Lena said with an equally broad smile.

"Maybe I better start calling you Master again, especially if you knew her name already." Luke added as he motioned for Mara to join them again.

"I had a few visions last night and this morning." Lena admitted.

"Then was our little meeting even necessary?" Luke asked.

"You tell me Master, for if we did not have it then would my visions still come true?" Lena shot out with a rye smile.

"No they wouldn't come true because then they would just be dreams." He replied.

"Exactly!" Lena exclaimed as she led the large party off the bridge.

Taristra who was now wearing one of Lena's outfits stepped forward, "You two are confusing, you know Lena you are only twenty-one and you already sound like a stogy old Jedi Master." Taristra joked.

"I'm twenty-two mother, today's mine and Luna's birthday's." Lena said straight- faced and suddenly Taristra and Enchantay went bright red.

"You're joking!" Taristra exclaimed.

"Nope." Lena said as she walked to the elevator.

"You two were born on the same day?" Enchantay asked.

"Yes and even at the exact same time, I guess you two were apart at the time and didn't know." Lena said as she activated the elevator.

"No we didn't but how did you know?" Taristra asked.

"Stogy old Jedi trick." Lena said with a broad smile, and then she pulled Luna over and kissed her very deeply.

"By the way happy birthday my love." Lena said.

"A very happy birthday indeed, now its time for your present." Luna said with a smile then she leaned back in and kissed Lena.

Taristra made a few gagging noises and Enchantay slapped her in response.

"You know I remember something about splashing all night in a bathtub." Luaxanna commented and Taristra giggled.

"Yea but the door was shut." She joked.

"It may have been but you weren't exactly quiet." Luaxanna added and then the two mothers went ten shades redder.

"Well enough joking aside, the elevators here." Lena said as she pulled Luna in by the hand and then everyone followed.

"I am sorry I forgot Lena." Taristra apologized when they were all inside.

"Me too, I'm sorry Luna." Enchantay added.

"It's alright mother you were dead for quite awhile." Lena reassured her.

"Yea mom don't worry about it, I really didn't celebrate birthdays after I lost Lena that day in the shop." Luna replied.

"Well now we'll just have to make up for lost time then wont we?" Taristra exclaimed.

"Sure thing but lets wait to celebrate until after this is over alright?" Lena replied.

"Sounds good." Enchantay added.

"We'll have a grand party once this is over with, I'm sure of it." Luke said before stepping out of the now open elevator.

They were fairly quiet until they got to the door for the landing bay, "I see you all helped yourselves to my clothes."

Lena commented as they stood in the landing bay waiting for Master Katarn's ship to land. The two females from the swan and the two newly resurrected Jedi all blushed deeply.

"Our clothes were burnt up when those bastards set off the bomb inside the swan." Luaxanna apologized.

"We were dead remember, I don't know what happened to all our clothes." Taristra explained.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mind. It's just that I think Luaxanna will need to find some made for a taller person." Lena noted and of course everyone turned around and looked.

The tight black cotton top she was wearing ended at her navel and the matching black pants ended half way up her shins.

"They look fashionable, I didn't even know they weren't supposed to look like that." Mara commented.

"Well I um guess I'll just have to go shopping sometime." Luaxanna replied.

"Just don't go to that shop on Coruscant, it seems to bring bad luck." Jenny joked.

"Well I think it brings both bad and good luck." Lena said as she pulled Luna against her, then everyone had a good laugh before Kyle's ship landed behind them.

The Raven touched down next to the Jade Saber in the Landing bay, the small sleek ship didn't look all that big but she appeared to have quite a few armaments and shielding arrays. Her body resembled that of the Wolf Star although smaller and she had a smaller set of wings. Then the small boarding ramp dropped down and a pair of uniquely dressed Jedi emerged.

One of the Jedi was an older human male and the other was a Zabrak female, the human was wearing a tan set of pants, brown boots, and a cream shirt and the Zabrak was wearing a fairly revealing black and red leather corset type one piece top with knee high black leather boots. Kyle Katarn had a single light saber on his belt and Jaden Kore had duel light sabers.

The older bearded human male walked up to his old friend and mentor Master Skywalker, "Good to see you again Luke it's been a long time."

Luke reached out and shook his hand, "It certainly has old friend, and I see that the years have been as harsh on you as they have been on me."

"Hay now there's no need for insults so early, besides I see that we have many Jedi and other very attractive people here to great." Kyle said as he turned to the group.

"Yes indeed you do." Luke said with a raised eyebrow.

"Hello Master Katarn I'm Angelina Darkhammer, but you can call me Lena." Lena greeted the old master and shook his hand.

"Only if you call me Kyle, titles make my skin crawl." He replied with a smile.

"Alright Kyle." Lena said with a smile then turned to the other new arrival. "And you must be Master Kore." Lena added as she extended her hand to the attractive horned female.

"Jaden will do, it's good to meet you Lena or should I say Master Darkhammer." Jaden said with a devilish smile.

"Lena will do, and now for the rest of our party." Lena said as she took her turn introducing the two new comers to each of her friends and family, making sure to leave Taristra and Enchantay to last. "And finally we have... My mother Taristra and Luna's mother Enchantay." Lena said as she introduced the two standing behind everyone else.

"Yes of course, it's good to see you again Taristra and Enchantay. I'm afraid it's been even longer since I've seen you last." Kyle said smoothly without even a hint of surprise.

"It's good to see you again too Kyle." Taristra said as she extended her hand.

"I see you have been restored quite well, maybe I should get myself killed so I can come back young again." Kyle joked.

"I wouldn't suggest it, dieing is not that great to tell you the truth." Taristra joked back.

"Well maybe I'll hold off then, now Enchantay it hasn't been that long since I saw you last and certainly not that long since I saw your daughter." Kyle replied then turned to the blue girl hanging off Taristra's arm.

"It's good to see you again as well Kyle, but it seems like we only see each other under less then favorable circumstances." Enchantay replied.

"Seems that way doesn't it, well anyway it's good to see you both back among the living and on the correct path again." Kyle commented with a sidelong glance at Taristra.

"Yes indeed." Taristra said.

Then Kyle turned to Luke, "Well I think it's time to get down to business so to speak. So what's the plan, I got the basics from you in your message but I'd like to hear it all."

Luke turned to Lena, "Well then you should ask our mission leader, Lena."

Kyle turned to Lena without hesitation, "Alright Lena can you detail your plan to Jaden and I."

Lena nodded, "Sure can Kyle, first of all we are currently gathering our fleet at Kashyyyk. Which if everything is going as planed should consist of a total of fifty ships, six of which we need to either find crews for or modify for remote operation."

Kyle then interrupted, "The size of these ships?"

"Two super star destroyers, fourteen star destroyers, ten cruisers, thirteen frigates, two blockade runners, three light cruisers, a carrier, and the rest consist of the personal craft we have here on the light saber already and the Millennium Falcon which Han Solo is bringing." Lena detailed.

"Impressive, I have a hard time believing you managed to get that many large ships in such a short time but none the less please continue." Kyle commented.

"The Wookie's will most likely be providing us some warriors so that should take care of one of the crewless ships, but if we can not find crews for the rest then we will be modifying them so that my ships computer can remotely operate them." Lena added.

"I'm familiar with the capabilities of the Wolf Star, I'd hate to be up against that ship." Kyle commented.

"Indeed, now once we make the final preparations I plan on separating the fleet into two groups. The first group consisting of all of the republic vessels, led by Luke's sister in her super star destroyer will hyperspace to Endor, there they will wait for exactly five hours. By that time my sister will have had plenty of time to see them, at first she will begin to wonder if they are some kind of attack force, but during the five hours they will transmit several false communications about there plans to set up a permanent base on Endor. This will no doubt attract her attention and she will move to intercept this fleet in the hopes of incorporating it into her own."

Then Luke spoke up, "My sister is partly trained in the ways of the Jedi but your sister will no doubt be able to read her mind and true intentions if she tries."

Lena smiled from ear to ear, "I'm counting on that, you see not even I can read minds from a great distance so it won't be until she closes to within at least ten light years that she will be able to detect the deception. As soon as she does she will have to drop out of hyperspace in order to turn around and return to her hiding place in the unexplored part of space off Endor."

Kyle then smiled quite broadly, "Where we will be waiting for her when she returns, masked by the same energy she has used to mask her fleet from us."

"Exactly and after my sister turns around, Princess Lea will hyperspace out of Endor and come up behind her fleet as her fleet meets us head on and then she'll be surrounded." Lena said as she clinched her fist.

"A bold plan indeed but how can you be sure your sister will take the bate, she could just remain where she is and then we would be the ones surrounded?" Jaden pointed out.

"A valid point Jaden but I can assure you my sister will take the bate, because when the fleet first appears at Endor she will reach out to me and search my feelings. You see we share a strong enough bond that she will be able to sense my thoughts and I will be mad that the republic has denied our request for aid and instead has decided to set up a needless base on Endor. The last time she read my thoughts she got the impression I was not in full control of my abilities because I wasn't, but now I will easily be able to deceive her." Lena replied.

"Alright but if she reads Lea's mind she will know the full extent of the plan won't she?" Luke asked.

"She would but we're going to lie to your sister, she will believe she is supposed to attack my sister's fleet at Endor with the ships she has and then the rest of our fleet will hyperspace in to help her. I know your sister will be suspicious that we have so many ships yet we are only sending her fleet out at first. I am also counting on this as it will add my sisters desire to return to her base."

Luke nodded, "Alright but how do we get Lea to follow your sister if she doesn't know the truth?"

"That's were Jaden comes in, if she agrees with my plan I will train her to conceal her thoughts and presence from everyone including my sister. With this ability she will hide right on the bridge of Lea's ship and as soon as my sister turns around she will appear and inform Lea of the real plan. There is another way as well but it is riskier and a little more difficult so I do not want to rely on it unless I have to." Lena said then she looked to Jaden.

Everyone was then looking at the horned female with black hair but she seemed to be deep in thought.

Finally she spoke, "I might agree with the plan but I have doubts about your abilities Lena."

Kyle turned to Jaden and pursed his brows, "That was rather rude Jaden."

"It's all right Kyle, she has a valid point. 'I mean why should she trust someone who didn't even know about the Jedi until a few years ago and didn't even start her training until just the other day.'" Lena replied with a rye smile as she stared at Jaden and read her thoughts.

"All right so you can read minds well but what other skills do you have?" Jaden asked with a somewhat wicked smile.

"Well I would rather not have to show you but if that is what you need to see then I will." Lena replied back.

"Jaden you would be wise not to test her, I am confident in her abilities." Kyle tried to convince her.

"No you're not convinced completely Kyle even I can tell that." Luke pointed out.

"Maybe not but I'm not stupid enough to be embarrassed by challenging one so obviously more skilled then I." He replied back sternly.

"Yes but you will since I think we all need to have a good laugh before we get down to business." Luke jested.

"You know Jedi are not supposed to be resentful." Kyle said.

"I'm not I'm just a wily old codger who would like to see a couple brash younger Jedi get knocked down a couple pegs." Luke said with a large grin.

"Yea sure." Kyle said as he waved Luke off.

"Well I want to see it too, in fact I think that I will participate along with Enchantay. If my Lena can beat four Jedi Masters against one then there will be no doubt that she is the one to lead us into battle." Taristra said with a smile.

"That is not possible, not even the best Jedi can handle four masters." Jaden mocked.

"If I must prove myself then all the assembled Jedi except Luna will attack me at once. I only ask that Luna not participate because I could never attack her. But I must warn you that it won't be painless." Lena said with a straight face.

"Lena I don't think that is such a good idea, I mean I know you're good but seven against one is a little much." Luke said as some of the color drained from his face, partly because he had doubts but also because he realized Lena truly believed she could handle seven masters of the force.

"I can handle it, I have discovered a few things since we fought last master." Lena replied casually confirming what Luke had been thinking.

"I'm ready I haven't had a good workout in ages." Jaden said with a wicked smile.

"Fine but we will use shielding belts, I have enough in the Jade saber for all of us. These are more powerful then the ones we used before and will sustain three light saber hits in a row." Luke said as he left to get the belts.

Everyone except Jaden and Lena looked nervous, "If you can truly handle all of us then I will freely undertake your training." Jaden replied.

"Good but if you can't keep up to an extent then I might have to pick someone else." Lena said calmly noticing that Jaden winced. "Don't let my words anger you Jaden that is the path to the dark side." Lena prodded calmly.

"I'm not angry." She replied her expression making it clear that she was lying.

"You are and if you can't learn to control it then there will be no way I will be able to train you to hide from my sister." Lena said with a calmness that was infuriating, Jaden however remained quite fixated on Lena.

Luke finally returned with the belts, "Alright here they are, everyone take one and put it on." As he handed them out Luke couldn't help but notice that Jaden was simmering.

As he finished and everyone had put their belts on and activated them Lena spoke up again, "Alright you can all attack at once using any technique you like. Just be careful not to hit anyone else with your sabers."

Kyle then turned and narrowed his gaze at Lena, "Any technique?"

Lena turned to him and nodded, "I know you can control force lighting Kyle and I also know that it is a technique of the dark side but as you always say, 'The technique is not light or dark it is how the Jedi employs it that is light or dark.'"

Kyle smiled, "I have said something like that, however I doubt I'll try force lighting since I think I would only end up zapping myself."

"It is possible." Lena said with a smile.

"Alright enough talk let's do it!" Jaden said as she pulled out her twin sabers and activated them, they both shone bright blue.

Luaxanna, Cynthia, R6, and Luna stepped back, Jenny looked fairly nervous though.

"It's alright Jenny I will not hurt you." Lena reassured her.

"I'm ready!" She said with a lot of trepidation as she pulled out her duel bladed saber.

"Alright everyone go ahead." Lena said as her sabers came off her belt and activated in mid air before ending up in her hands.

Jaden was the first to charge and as she rushed at Lena at a speed only a master could Lena remained motionless. Then she drew back her dual sabers and swung but suddenly Lena was gone.

"Where did she go?" Jaden asked as she looked around the landing bay. Then everyone began laughing and Jaden looked quite angry.

"What?" She exclaimed then Kyle pointed above her head and Jaden looked up to find Lena balancing on the top of her head. "Why you!" She exclaimed as she swung her sabers up but they only caught air, as Lena was gone again.

"Come on I thought everyone was going to participate." Lena said as she reappeared behind Jaden.

"Is it really necessary?" Luke asked.

"Yes I would like to test my skills as well before I have to face my sister." Lena replied.

"Alright then everyone attack now." Luke said and the rest of them drew and activated their sabers then they charged one at a time beginning with Jaden.

This time Lena stood her ground and as Jaden came within striking distance Lena held out her hand and pushed her back so hard she flew into the air and did several back flips before landing on the Raven. Luke came next and Lena tried pushing him back as well but he was prepared and he pushed back causing a small sonic boom to emanate in the landing bay. He however had to push so hard he already felt spent, but he continued on and began swinging. Lena caught each swing easily and then Mara appeared and she to began swinging.

Lena kept up with them, catching each swing with ease. Then Kyle was on her and then Taristra and Enchantay, her speed just increased though and then she began kicking and Jedi began flying back. Jaden however had recovered and she came at Lena from above but Lena saw her and blew her back again then suddenly she froze in mid air and hung there like she had been frozen in carbonate.

Jenny now joined the fight but no sooner then she did was she frozen just like Jaden, stuck on the ground in mid swing.

"Have a nice trip mom." Lena said as she reached out and touched Taristra's chest with her left hand after tossing her saber up and using the force to direct its actions.

Suddenly a white light surrounded Taristra and then she was gone with a loud pop. Enchantay squealed with fear for Taristra.

"Don't worry, she is just on the bridge now." Lena explained.

Then everyone came at her again but in an instant Enchantay was frozen just like Jaden and Jenny leaving only Luke, Mara, and Kyle.

"I'll take those Jaden, since you don't need them." Lena said and as she did, Jaden's sabers pulled out of her hands and flew over to Lena.

Lena did not catch them however instead they floated in mid air behind her and attacked just like someone was wielding them. Suddenly Kyle jumped back and held out his hand and then Luke and Mara jumped to the side. Lighting streaked from Kyle's hand and sped across the bay right for Lena. Lena did not move but instead caught the lighting with one of her sabers. Then Luke and Mara appeared around her and they both held out there hands. There was a massive crack and then the bay was filled with streaking lighting. The lighting however just danced across Lena's body without really touching her. Then Lena's sabers switched off and clipped to her belt, then she held her hands in front of her and the lighting was drawn to them. Kyle was now using both hands, but Lena just kept drawing it into her hands. Then suddenly everyone emitting lighting leaned forward and acquired a fairly shocked look. They couldn't shut off the lighting it just kept coming out of there hands and suddenly with more then a little horror they realized it was forming a massive ball in Lena's hands. The huge glowing purple orb grew to around a meter in diameter then suddenly they were able to shut off the lighting, which they did.

"This ball is pure force energy, I could turn it into a massive bolt of lighting incinerating a single opponent or I could separate it attacking everyone. But instead I will do this." Lena said as she spread her arms out and the ball stretched and glowed then it flashed and engulfed her body. Luna screamed until she saw that Lena was still there, but now was surrounded by a glowing purple energy. "This shield will protect me from allot more then three light saber hits, it also has the advantage of causing lighting damage to anyone who attacks physically." Lena explained.

"Impressive but what if you do this." Kyle said as he picked up a large container with the force and threw it at Lena. She however held her hand out and the container stopped in mid air, then it swiveled around and returned to where it was before.

The three remaining Jedi stood stunned for a minute then they came at Lena but just as they did they heard a loud yell and a small explosion went off above there heads.

Suddenly Jaden was in front of Lena and had retrieved her sabers from the air and reignited them. She began swinging and attacking but her blows just bounced off Lena's new shield. Then the three others were on her as well and she lit her sabers and began blocking.

"Well I believe we have all learned enough for today." Lena said then she disappeared and suddenly Kyle's saber was gone and he found himself up against the far wall with a pile of containers surrounding him in a dome shape, which he could not budge with the force or by any other means. Then Luke found his saber gone and himself standing in front of his sister on her super star destroyer, which had just left Coruscant.

Finally Mara who couldn't see what had happened to her husband or Kyle found herself caught in some kind of force buddle which she could not break free off. Jaden was the only one left now and all she could do was look around for Lena. Then Lena appeared in front of her.

"I'm here Jaden." Lena said and Jaden jumped back in response.

Then Lena was gone but Jaden had a plan, she ran over and grabbed Luna!

"Ha I got Luna, now what would you do if I was your sister?" Luna struggled but Jaden had her tight.

Then Lena appeared right in front of Luna, "I would do this Jaden."

With that Lena held out her hand and Luna cringed thinking Lena was going to zap her but instead Lena turned her palm up and she felt Jaden release her and then she turned around and saw Jaden fall to the deck dropping her sabers then she clutched her chest and crotch.

"Ohh what are you doing to me?" Jaden said as she writhed on the deck.

"Don't you know?" Lena asked as she released her then dropped her right saber to within an inch of Jaden's neck.

Jaden was breathing heavy and looked very nervous, "It felt like you were pleasuring me sexually."

Lena smiled and shut off her saber, "I was, sorry but you left me little choice."

Lena then clipped her sabers to her belt and walked a little ways off before she disappeared.

A second later Lena reappeared with Luke next to her, then the containers that had pilled themselves around Kyle flew away from the wall and stacked themselves back in there proper places. Kyle was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, but once he was freed he meandered over to where Lena was.

"My wife?" Luke asked and Lena snapped her fingers and the force bubble popped and Mara stumbled and then walked over to them.

Then Taristra came running in through the doors to find the group reassembling.

"Now for Jenny and Enchantay." Lena said as she waved her hand and the two frozen women suddenly came back to life and stumbled for a second before they regained their composure.

Lastly Jaden climbed to her feet very shakily and then walked over to Lena and bowed, "I'm sorry I ever doubted you, you truly are a great Jedi Master."

"So are you only a very focused master could have broken free of my confinement field." Lena replied.

"But yet you did not try it on the other Masters." Jaden asked.

"Because it would not have worked, I won't lie to you Jaden." Lena said as Jaden rose.

"I see but yet you still confined them." Jaden remarked.

"Yes but only because they did not know the ways to free themselves or return to this spot. If they had known the techniques then I would have had to knock them out to stop them." Lena said calmly.

"Alright but about that last technique?" Jaden asked.

"Again I'm sorry but you did ask me what I would have done if it was my sister. That would have been my only recourse as she would have been able to counter anything else I tried." Lena explained.

"It's alright, it just caught me off guard is all." Jaden replied.

"That was the point." Lena said with a smile.

"Yes and it worked." Jaden smiled.

Then Luke held out his hand, "My saber Lena?"

Lena blushed for a second then she reached into her robes and pulled out his and Kyle's sabers and handed them over.

"You know my sister was really shocked when I appeared right in front of her, I think it's going to take allot of explaining to convince her I'm not a ghost or something as I disappeared a minute later." Luke said.

"Indeed, it might be that I planned that all along." Lena said with a broad grin.

"I can see how it would give your sister even more reason to turn around if she thought we had a way to warp to anyplace instantly." Luke replied.

"My thoughts exactly, but the truth of the matter is that it only works when you have someone with allot of light side energy to target the warp to." Lena explained.

"That would be why I appeared in front of the Captain and Luke appeared in front of his sister?" Taristra asked.


"But what if someone was standing near them, we wouldn't have merged with them would we?" Taristra asked.

"No, I can see where I warp you too. That is the reason I need someone strong with the light side of the force as the dark side masks my sight to an extent were it makes it too risky to warp. This is the technique and the reason I didn't want to use it, for telling your sister to meet us at my sister's base, as the energy around her base could disrupt the warp." Lena explained.

"Yes I see but how do you do it exactly?" Luke asked.

"Well it will take a long time to explain it so why don't we go somewhere comfortable and I will attempt to teach it to all of you." Lena offered.

"Well I think that's Cynthia and my cue to leave, it's that time of day." Luaxanna said to Lena.

"If you're tired feel free to use the bedroom in the Wolf Star." Lena shot back.

"We will thank you." Luaxanna replied as she grabbed Cynthia's hand and pulled her along.

"We can use one of the briefing rooms to train in." Luna offered.

"Great lead the way Luna." Lena said and with that they all departed the landing bay and headed up to the bridge section.

It took over two hours of instruction before even Luke was able to warp and then another hour before Kyle, Mara, and Taristra were able to manage it. But Lena and Luke were the only ones able to go just about anywhere they wanted, the rest were confined to the ship. The remaining Jedi admitted defeat and gave up, Lena then moved on to training Jaden how to conceal herself both visually and mentally from others.

The other Jedi listened and learned as well and of course Luke was the first one to manage it then Kyle and Mara, then Taristra and even Luna. Finally after two solid hours of instruction Jaden managed it and then after another hour Lena said she was good enough to fool everyone on Lea's ship and her sister but only at a distance.

"Well it's defiantly past dinner time, I think we should all move to the mess hall and get some grub." Kyle said as he got up from his seat at the conference table and stretched.

Everyone agreed but before they left Lena contacted Star and asked her if Cynthia and Luaxanna would like to join them, Star replied back that they would meet them down there. R6 however took his leave and said he was going back to the Wolf Star to recharge.

Chapter Thirteen: Birthday surprises.

Dinner was fairly fun with everyone there they all had a good time eating and conversing. Lena and Luna were the first to leave, as they were anxious to get back to their quarters to celebrate there birthdays. After they left Taristra and Luna set about talking with all their friends then they went and talked with the chef.

Lena and Luna made it to there quarters after what seemed like an excruciating amount of time and as soon as they got inside and the door closed, there clothes were off and they were on that wonderful grav bed. Lena was so anxious that they had barely begun kissing when Lena's power erupted and they both came hard.

A few minutes later Lena came to on top of Luna and realized her error and set about making amends.

"Luna wake up I want to do it right this time, I'm sorry I let my power get out of control." Lena said as she prodded Luna gently.

"Huh ... oh alright." Luna said groggily as she opened her eyes.

Lena then proclaimed, "Bed off!"

Luna looked at Lena questioningly as she drifted down and her back touched the base of the bed now covered by the blanket.

"What did you do that for?" Luna asked.

"You'll see, but for now just turn over." Lena said with a smile, Luna looked at her suspiciously for a minute then she did as Lena asked and turned over after Lena got off of her.

"Good now just rest your head on your arms and let me work you over." Lena said as she straddled Luna's hips.

Luna let out little moans of approval as Lena's firm butt cheeks rubbed against her own, and then she pulled her arms up under her head and turned her head to the side and closed her eyes.

First off all, Lena bent down and let her breasts drag along Luna's back then she lifted up slightly and took hold of Luna's shoulders with her hands and gently begun massaging them. She made slow circles with her fingers tracing along Luna's shoulder blades as she moved to her neck. Luna began purring and moaning softly as Lena worked her way along the back of her neck. Lena then slowly moved down Luna's spine caressing and massaging slowly and smoothly.

As she reached Luna's butt, Lena turned around and slowly worked her way up from Luna's feet to her butt yet again. Luna was so relaxed now that she was nearly asleep, she hardly felt Lena turn her over and begin working on her front.

Lena began anew as she stretched Luna's arms out and slowly caressed them. Lena laid gentle kisses on Luna's lips and body as she bent over to massage her arms and shoulders. Luna continued to moan and purr as Lena worked her magic and then as Lena began massaging and kissing Luna's breasts her moans turned ragged and drawn. Lena used both her lips and fingers to caress and massage her ever-hardening nipples.

Lena then regretfully left her breasts and slowly moved down her stomach. Luna was experiencing a mixture of bliss and pain as she so wanted Lena to move down and take her but she also wanted her to finish her wondrous massage.

As Lena reached the top of Luna's mons she turned around and began at her feet again then slowly worked her way north. Luna was so near sleep yet so awake she didn't know what to think as Lena's hands took away all her tension and added pure bliss. Luna's moans grew louder as Lena got to the top of her thighs as she anticipated what was to come.

Lena then turned around again and laid down on top of Luna before saying, "Bed on."

They floated up and Lena passionately kissed Luna's lips slipping her tongue inside Luna's mouth. Luna hardly had the presence to return the favors as she floated in between sleep and pleasure overload.

Lena kissed her way back down stopping at each nipple then moving down to her mons where she kissed and massaged slowly. Luna was in heaven as she moaned in tune with Lena's hands. Then without stopping her mons massaging Lena spread Luna's legs and floated down between them. Luna was so wet now she was dripping in anticipation, and then Lena pressed her lips to Luna's dripping passage and Luna let out a very pleasing and long moan as she bucked gently.

Lena continued to work her mons as she gently kissed and licked at Luna's labia, drinking in the sweat taste. Then as she slid her tongue inside, Luna nearly feinted. Lena slowly licked in and out of Luna's passage as she sucked out her sweat juices. Finally she slid her tongue out and up to Luna's engorged clit and begun circling it as she slid two fingers deep into Luna's passage and curled them up to touch exactly the right spot. Luna's eye's shot wide as Lena gently licked and fingered her then Lena released her power and it took Luna with a vengeance.

Luna curled up and shook as she pressed Lena farther into her, grabbing at her own breasts with her left hand as she was tortured by Lena's mental blocks holding her release. Then Lena let go and assaulted her to her full extent and Luna's body which had been so relaxed tensed up and convulsed as her mind clouded and she went ridged straight. Then in one long half moan half scream she exploded into what had to be the most intense orgasm she had ever felt. She would have had at least three more if she hadn't fell straight into unconsciousness after the first massive one.

Lena relished her lovers sweat nectar until she was satisfied that Luna was completely spent. Lena then crawled up and laid on her weightless lover as she kissed at her unresponsive lips.

"Darn I should have saved that one until some time when I wasn't so damn horny." Lena said as she realized Luna was dead to the world and would be like that for hours.

Then just as if on cue, the door chime rang. Lena knew immediately that it was Luna's and her mother, but she still donned a robe and covered Luna up before answering the door.

As she pressed the open button she was greeted with a very large cake that had twenty-two burning candles. Carrying the cake was of course Taristra and Enchantay and of course they both yelled, "Happy birthday!"

Lena looked at the cake with semi bleary eyes as she pushed the sleep and sex out of them to great their mothers.

"I distinctly remember asking everyone to wait until after we defeated my sister." Lena commented as she took the burning cake from them.

"We know but we couldn't wait." Taristra said as she and Enchantay followed the cake and Lena into the room.

Lena set the cake on the coffee table Luna had on one side of the room and then set down on the small couch in front of it. Taristra and Enchantay sat on either side of her then Enchantay asked.

"So where's Luna?"

Lena pointed over her shoulder at the bed at the back of the room. Enchantay looked back and saw her daughter floating in mid air with a blanket wrapped around her, she was now on her side curled up with her hands near her face.

"You must have really pleased her this time Lena, I can still feel pleasure radiating off her and she's sound asleep." Taristra commented as she looked at Luna too.

"I uh gave her a very long massage and well after that I used the full extent of my special power on her." Lena said as she eyed up the cake.

"So you can do that to?" Taristra asked.

"You mean pleasure someone with the force?" Lena asked and Taristra nodded. "Yea but I didn't know you could, or for that matter anyone else." Lena said.

"Well it's not something most people talk about, but in general all Darkhammer's can do it. Usually it present's itself when you make love to your one true love for the first time." Taristra explained.

"A woman of course?" Lena asked.

"Of course since all Darkhammer women are Lesbian's. By the way you better blow out those candles before the cake goes up in flames." Taristra joked and with that Lena laughed and then bent down and with one giant breath she blew all the candles out.

"Something's been puzzling me about that mother, if all Darkhammer women are lesbians then how did our family last this long and what of the Darkhammer men?" Lena asked.

"Well Lena there are no current Darkhammer men, the last one died over two thousand years ago. It was that very man and his wife that passed the Darkhammer curse as it's called, on to their two daughters. Ever since then the Darkhammer line has been strictly women who either use artificial means to reproduce or natural, but the natural ones are rare. Most of the artificial ways involve combining the DNA of the two lovers and then the Darkhammer carries the child. Our family name is always given to the children no matter what as it is a sign to any one who knows us truly that the girl is a lesbian. For example Jenny's father's last name is Fartender but her name is Jenny Darkhammer. Also you can tell a true and pureblooded Darkhammer which has no male genes by their pure black and very long hair. Let me go back a step though, the curse was the product of the fact that the man's wife was a, now wait for it because you'll never guess..." Taristra paused and made several animated gestures.

"As a Jedi, mother I don't need to guess, you're going to say. 'His wife was a Trivexian.' I think I could have guessed it though, since all the signs are there. We are taller then most women, we have long black hair, big breasts, and of course the incessant need for Lesbian sex." Lena said calmly.

"You're no fun you know." Taristra pouted.

"I would have thought our skin would have been darker, since Trivexian's are tan." Lena pondered.

"I think the first few Darkhammer's after the two daughters were, but then one of them must have taken a very pale lover." Taristra added.

Lena appreciated the history lesion as it explained some of the questions she had when she was growing up. Namely why she was always several inches taller then everyone else her age and why her hair always seemed to grow to the length it was now and stop. Even now she was six foot two and her hair went down to her butt even though she had it cut to shoulder length about six months ago. However, she had learned over the years to tie her hair back into a ponytail with several bands to keep it in control, which was the way she had it now.

"Well my daughter I have no real gifts I can give you for your birthday which saddens me greatly considering you have given Enchantay and I so much." Taristra said as she hung her head.

Lena pulled her mother to her, "You being here and alive is the only present I need, I am so ashamed of the feelings I held inside myself for all those years. I thought you hated me, that you didn't want me but now that I know the truth I have to make it up to you for all those bad feelings I had." Lena said as she fell on her mothers shoulder and began crying.

"Lena I knew you would hate me and to tell you the truth I wanted you to." Taristra said as she comforted her daughter who sat up to look into her eyes. "Yes I wanted you to hate me for I thought you would discover the truth about my fall to the dark side sooner then you did. If you hated me then you would hate what I became and maybe just maybe you would never fall yourself."

Lena reached up and held her mothers cheek, "That had to be hard on you."

"You have no idea, every moment after I gave you up I welcomed death. I wanted my evil life to end, I was without Enchantay and without you, there was nothing left for me to live for." Taristra cried as she held her daughter, it was then that the door chime rang. "Well it sounds like everyone else is here so you better wake Luna if you can and get her dressed while I stall them." Taristra said as she slowly got up and walked to the door.

Several hours later Luna and Lena had opened all the presents that there friends had brought them.

Luke and Mara managed to find them some exotic parts for the Wolf Star which Taristra giggled at as she realized they must have found her secret stashes of high performance parts she had stored aboard the Light Saber. Star even squealed excitedly after R6 relayed to her what they had got Lena.

Kyle and Jaden each produced bottles of a very expensive, very rare, and very illegal wine, which Lena smiled at as she discreetly slipped them behind her back. In the past she had her experiences with this very special wine and she was sure as heck going to save this wine for Luna and her to share alone.

"I see you know of that wine's unique effects." Kyle said with a broad grin.

"I have on occasion been subject to its powers." Lena said with an equally broad grin.

Cynthia and Luaxanna felt a little left out as they could only manage to find presents available in the ships stores as most of there stuff had been blown up but both Lena and Luna seemed to really love the clothes they got them.

After several more hours the cake was nearly gone along with the regular wine Luke and Mara had brought with them. It was at that time that Luke made a shocking revelation to the group.

"Cynthia I think it's time that you share with everyone your true nature, well at least those that don't already know." Luke said out of the blue and Cynthia gave the old master a very shocked looked before hanging her head.

"It's alright Cynthia they will understand." Luaxanna comforted her as she began to sob softly.

"What is it Cynthia?" Luna asked as she walked over and sat next to the cyborg girl.

Cynthia shook her head as she cried and then she pointed to Lena who nodded knowingly.

"Cynthia and I had a talk a while ago about her origins, you see I knew almost the moment I met her that she was not a pleasure droid, for they were a very low grade droid with little intelligence. I also knew that they required a central computer to run, much like battle droids. It was at that time that Cynthia confided in me that she was originally created to be an assassin/replicate, a one of a kind droid made to assassinate an official then take there place doing there masters bidding." Lena paused as everyone looked at the pale robot with long black hair.

"Who was your target?" Kyle asked.

"Princess Lea." Cynthia wept.

"You don't look a thing like her though?" Jaden pointed out.

Cynthia just shook her head again so Lena continued, "She had the ability to change her shape, facial features, and color. She once showed me and believe me she looked exactly like all the pictures I had seen of princess Lea. However now that her skin has been replaced I would guess that she no longer has that ability. That ability would probably be the main reason she could not come back online when we found her." Cynthia nodded confirming Lena's suspicions.

"So I take it you escaped your creators before they sent you out to complete your mission." Luna commented and Cynthia nodded.

"More like they were trying to figure out where their programming had failed as I refused to kill the princess and take her place. They were going to deactivate me and reprogram me when I escaped and eventually found Luaxanna who agreed to hide me." Cynthia said between her tears.

"So where did they go wrong and who were your creators?" Kyle asked now quite interested.

"They made me too human, in the process of trying to make me act exactly like a human they made the mistake of giving me free will and of course all human emotions including jealousy and more importantly, sympathy, and compassion. I just couldn't kill an innocent woman for a group whose only purpose was to destroy the galaxy." Cynthia wept.

"Your creators?" Kyle pushed.

"I'll answer that." Lena said as she slid forward. "It was my sister, she had her best scientists create Cynthia a few years ago in an attempt to take control of the senate."

"I'm so sorry I should have told you all sooner but I was so ashamed of what I was, I thought you would all hate me if you found out the truth." Cynthia balled before continuing. "Until Lena told me earlier today I had no idea it was her sister as I never met the person who commissioned me I had only ever seen the scientists and engineers."

"So where does this leave us?" Kyle asked.

"The same place as before but I have a feeling that we may encounter some more surprises along the way." Lena noted as she stood and began to pace.

"Such as?" Kyle said as he watched there leader pacing.

"I don't know, I can't see everything my sister has wrought but the few things I have seen are telling me that we must proceed carefully. You Kyle more than anyone else should know that there are many unique places in this galaxy where someone could harness the true power of the force either with an old temple or maybe the right piece of technology." Lena explained as she stopped pacing and looked at the old master.

"I am aware of such things I'm afraid, but from what I've heard your sister needs none of these things to make her powerful." Kyle said as he leaned back in his chair and rubbed his beard.

"She may or may not need these things but her army of Sith will certainly need something to make them more powerful if they are to face us." Luke replied gravely.

"Things just seem to get more and more complicated as we talk." Kyle said sarcastically.

"How many Sith are we talking about, I've faced more then my fair share but none had a Jedi such as your sister backing them? Also I thought that Kyle and I took care of the last few pockets of Sith?" Jaden asked as she failed at acting brave.

"The numbers are not known but what I do know is that they are a little known cult who have up until this point remained silent. Since they committed no crimes as of yet I had no reason to send anyone out to face them. As everyone knows the Sith used to coexist with the Jedi then a particular cult decided to change that and that is what set off all the proceeding dark wars. I had believed that this cult followed the old ways and only wished to practice the ways of the dark side but either Lena's sister or some other unknown force has brought them out of hiding." Luke explained.

"I believe that they approached my sister, I think they see her as the reincarnation of the greatest Sith lord of all time. Around about ten thousand years ago there was a Sith lord named Darth Gretcon, this was in a time where there were few Jedi and even fewer Sith. Darth Gretcon however was by far the most powerful Jedi of his time, not much is known about him except that he became so powerful that when a particular Jedi made him angry his rage erupted and consumed him. In the madness that followed he not only destroyed the Jedi but also himself and thousands of others when the planet they where on imploded from the shear amount of power he put out. The few followers of his cult that remained escaped to the planet my sister is orbiting now and formed the Sith cult we will now be facing." Lena explained as her face took on an ashen appearance.

"So is your sister really the reincarnation of this Sith lord?" Luaxanna asked.

"I do not know, he may be just a part of her as the greatest Jedi are a part of me or she may be the direct reincarnation of him I do not know, but what is certain is that she loathes me with all her heart and will stop at nothing to destroy me even if she too is destroyed in the process." Lena said as she hung her head and the rest of the color left her face, suddenly Luna rushed over and held onto Lena as she slumped over.

"It is time we took our leave, Lena has delved to deep into the force to explain these things to us and will need some time to recover." Luke said as he stood dragging his wife with him.

The others all looked at Lena with concern in there eyes as they stood as well.

"I'm sorry I wish I could see more but my sister is very powerful and her efforts to block my thoughts take a heavy toll on me, not to mention that I'm trying to make sure she doesn't discover that I am more powerful then the last time she probed my thoughts." Lena said, as she stood weakly.

"It's alright for I know that if it wasn't for you we would not stand a chance." Kyle said with a smile before turning quickly and departing.

The others lingered briefly then departed as well, leaving Lena and Luna alone once more. Luna held onto Lena for some time until the color finally returned to her face then Lena stood taking Luna with her.

"What ever happens over the coming weeks I always want you to remember one thing." Lena said out of the blue causing Luna to turn Lena around until she was looking right in her eyes.

"What?" Luna asked very concerned.

"That I love you more then anything else in this universe, no matter the cost I will always protect you above all else." Lena said as several tears fell.

"You saw something didn't you?" Luna asked as she stared into Lena's eyes, which seemed gray.

"I did but what I saw can not be change or helped right now so let us not discuss it. Now tell me do you understand what I said, I mean truly understand how far I will go to protect you?" Lena asked again.

"You would die for me." Luna said shakily.

"More than that, I would allow others to die if it was a choice between them and you. I would not even hesitate I would save you above all else." Lena said before she began crying heavily.

Luna tried to comfort her but she broke away and went over to the bed and jumped on it. Lena pulled the blanket up and balled it up and pressed it into her face trying to hide herself from the world. Luna didn't know what to say or do as she slowly walked over and joined Lena on the bed holding her as best as she could.

The pair remained like that until they fell asleep some time later, the rest of the night passed restlessly until Lena got up in the morning waking Luna. They showered together silently then joined the others for breakfast in the galley. The whole group seemed to sense the mood in the air, as they all remained silent for the most part.

Chapter Fourteen: Kashyyyk.

Sorry this took so long. I would still like feedback on this story especially if you have not already written me, to those that have been writing me, thank you and please continue.

Thank you, Mike Wolf

Next: Chapter 7

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