Jeff the Submissive Marathoner

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 2, 2021


When he was training and running almost every day, jeff would get up early, before work, in order to get a run in . Since his short runs were about 10 miles, and he'd go to 15 or 20, getting up early meant REALLY early. He ran at about an 8-9 minute mile, so workouts were not short. Being out of action hadn't killed the instinct to get up early, and he did. He stretched out his watch to look at the time: 5:45. It was unlikely that he would fall back asleep, so what should he do? Max had a big, strong arm over his middle, a leg thrown over his, and was, as jeff's mom would say "sawing wood. " jeff tried to think back on the day before, the night, and even sleeping with Max. It had been months since he had done a sleepover of any type, and much longer since he had enjoyed one. His butt was still sore from the fuck Max had thrown into him, but he smiled: he took it all. He could feel Max's cock caught between his body and Max's. It wasn't hard, but it wasn't soft either. He "checked in" with the rest of his body, too. His mouth was slightly sore from the way Max had kissed him, and thinking about that, jeff began to get semi-erect. Max had done a number on his chest, his neck, his ears. He'd have to check the mirror: did Max give him a scruff hickey? And if he did: would it go away by Monday.

Was Max going to send him home ? Did he want to go home? What about Sunday? He wasn't used to this, but Max's arm felt so, well, comforting. It was strong, and jeff was going nowhere, but he didn't feel crushed. He stirred a little, and he heard Max's snoring change.

"Hey. What are you doing up already kid?" "I'm sorry Sir. I didn't mean to wake you. I got so used to getting up early when I was running that, I really can't break the habit. " "No sleeping pills for you?" "No Sir. I try not to do that stuff." Max patted jeff's belly. "Good boy. Drink that diet coke but don't take drugs. We all got our contradictions, ha ha ha." "I know Sir. Asking for water in a bar, is just..." He could feel that Max was fully awake now. "Yeah, I could see that. Cute little bunny like you asking for water. Probably wind up with a glass of piss." "It happened once Sir. " "NO SHIT? You drink it?" "EWWWWW. No. " "GOOD. Water sports aren't in my repertoire. If you wanted that, I'd have to kick you out now. But mistreating bunnies... yeah, I'm down for that. You know what a bunny is jeffrey?" "Uh, just the animal Sir. You called me one, so..." "MMMM. You've got a lot to learn young man. If you're into bondage, the one who does the tying, is the Rigger. That's me. The one who gets tied up, is the rope bunny, or just the bunny. That's you." "I see Sir. Thank you." "Heh heh. Now that bunny ass of yours has me awake. You ever hear of something called a reverse lobster jeff?" "No Sir." "Well, maybe I invented it, I don't know. See, when you eat a lobster, the first thing you do... is put it on its back." His strong arm grabbed jeff and flipped him over, while kicking off the blankets. He had jeff pinned under him like he did the night before, only now, jeff was face up. "Then... what you do is crack the critter." He grabbed hold of jeff's ankles, and spread his legs wide. jeff found his cock getting harder, as Max looked down at him with a wicked grin. "Then, of course, you've got to get your face INTO the thing, where it's salty and juicy." jeff saw Max's head disappear between his legs. He felt a bit of beard, and then, the tongue pushing into him. "OOOOH. OOOOH GOD. OOOOOOOOH. " jeff was new to this. He had read about it, and he wondered how it would feel. Now he knew. It felt GOOD.

Max would stop every now and then to get a breath, but then, he went back, slurping up jeff's hole, pushing his cheeks apart and making the young man squirm and curse. "OH FUCK SIR. OH FUCK. STOP . NO, DON'T STOP. OOOOOH." Then Max looked at him. "Now, I call it the reverse lobster because when you eat a lobster, you pull the meat out of it. In a reverse lobster.... you put the meat IN." He laughed and aimed his cock at jeff's very wet ass. "NO SIR PLEASE I'M STILL SORE." Max stopped and looked at him. "YOU WANNA GO HOME RIGHT NOW BITCHBOI? YOU WANT MAX TO SEND YOU FUCKING PACKING? " jeff, frightened, stammered out. "No, no Sir." "THEN YOU STOP FUCKING COMPLAINING ABOUT BEING SORE CAUSE I DON'T CARE. MY COCK WANTS YOUR ASS AND I'M GETTING IT. " He pushed jeff's legs further apart. "Yes sir... I'm... I'm sorry to... OH FUCK..." The night before, Max had not been gentle, but he had been gradual in taking jeff. That wasn't the case this morning. All at once, his whole cock was in jeff's ass, and he seemed to be pushing harder. And deeper. "SHIT YES SIR. SHIT. OH GOD. IT DOESN'T HURT ANYMORE. FUCK ME. OH SHIT." "Heh heh. Little pig bunny likes that. How about THIS?" He pulled back and then RAMMED into jeff. "OH. OH GOD. OH SHIT. NO ONE'S EVER FUCKED ME LIKE THIS SIR." "And no one ever will. " Max began to pump, faster and faster. "Geez, you've got a great ass jeff. A FUCKING GREAT ASS. " jeff could hear squeaking, from the liquid from Max's saliva. He started to reach down for his cock, but then he remembered the night before, and he put his hands back up near his pillow, and Max smiled. "GOOD BOI. GOOD BITCHBOI. YOU MAY HAVE LEARNED SOMETHING LAST NIGHT. " He got quieter, grunting and moving faster and faster and then, an enormous yell came out of him, and jeff felt those jizz juices going into him. "Fuck. It feels like my nose is getting stuffed up by them" he thought. As Max finished, the soreness from the night before came back, but it was the kind of "good soreness" he felt after a workout - and this was SOME workout. Max looked at him. "I'd give you a morning kiss, jeff, but you know where my mouth has just been." "It's ok Sir. It's ok. I want it. I want you. I wanna taste.. mmmmmmph." His mouth was filled with Max's tongue, probing him the way his cock had probed his ass. Then he felt Max's hand on his cock. He was jerking him. OH FUCK. He figured out that Max was gonna keep frenching him until he came. On the one hand, he didn't want the frenching to end, but on the other... OH SHIT every nerve ending felt stimulated. He was so close. SO CLOSE and then. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPHGGGGGG" he screamed into Max's mouth, because the sound had nowhere to go. "How'd you like that boi?" "Sir, it was great. My orgasm. It was... it was... HUGE. " "Yeah, it was. FUCKING huge. When was the last time you came before this weekend? "About a week ago Sir." "Heh heh. Then you're already into cum control." "What's that Sir?" "You don't know what it is?" "No Sir." "You know what chastity is?" "Isn't that the name of Cher's daughter or son? " Max just started laughing. He was laughing so had, jeff was afraid he was gonna pass out. "Either you are a comedian, or the cutest bunny that has ever fucking existed. You sure you ain't blond?" jeff blushed. "I get asked that a lot Sir." "I bet you do. Now listen up. Maxi Max is not used to getting up this early, so I'm gonna go and try to get a little more sleep. So you get the shower first. I'll be up soon. You know how to use a coffee machine?" "No Sir. I don't..." Max rolled his eyes. "you don't drink coffee. " "No sir. Herb tea." Max buried his face in the pillow to laugh some more. "Ok, jeff. You go shower. After you get done I'll go in. I'll get coffee started. Lemme see if I have some herb tea in the house. I doubt it, but maybe. " jeff began to say something and Max cut him off. "NO. I do NOT have any diet coke, and NO, we can NOT go and get some." jeff felt Max looking at his ass as he went off to the bathroom. It was lush. "Use whatever you want, jeff. It's just stuff." "yes sir." jeff had actually brought a whole bunch of "product" with him, but his bag was in the living room, and he felt that Max was already having too much fun with him, so he used Max's stuff. All hypoallergenic, all scent free. The stuff was good. As he was in the shower, jeff was thinking "I could be his boi. He pushes my buttons. ALL of them. That sex was great. JUST FUCKING GREAT. But is he gonna send me home? He called me blond? He was laughing at me. I didn't measure up, I guess. Well.... it was a good one nighter." When he got out of the shower, he saw Max over in the kitchen, having coffee. "You want a little?" "No sir. But thank you." Max gave him a stern look. "GET THE FUCK OVER HERE AND HAVE SOME COFFEE." jeff gulped and came over. He remembered the beer from the night before. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH BITCH" Max poured a swig of coffee from his mouth into jeff's. jeff didn't like coffee, but this.. oh, it felt so good. Max smiled. "DAMN. You know, I just had this thought jeff. You wearing a heavy spiked collar, with a chain attached to it, and the chain attached to the wall. Big heavy metal handcuffs on your wrists, and a cage on your cock. FUCK. That's because you look like some Medieval angel." jeff looked puzzled. "You know what medieval is?" "I guess it's someone who's half bad and half good Sir. " "We'll talk. I'm gonna get cleaned up now. What do you usually take for breakfast?" "I'm always training Sir, so I start with a protein shake." As soon as he said it, he knew he shouldn't have. Max was smiling. "Well, DAMN. Semen is loaded with protein. Tomorrow then." jeff heard Max muttering 'medieval... half good and half bad," laughing, and shaking his head. But he said tomorrow.... jeff went and got his bag. He had some clothes in it for the weekend. he pulled on a tight t shirt that he had gotten from one of his first competitions. It was faded, and didn't quite cover his belly. Then he put on a pair of shorts, and his slip ons. He wasn't sure what he should do , waiting for Max, so he took a seat, and put his hands behind his back. When Max came out, he smiled.' "You're a fast learner when you wanna be. You find anything in the fridge you can eat besides a protein shake." "I didn't look Sir. You didn't give me permission. " "You've got permission. But first, you'll take off that shirt." "Ok Sir. You don't like it?" "I don't. How old did you say you were?" "28 Sir." "That's what I thought. 20 years too fuckin' old for belly shirts. Put on something that covers you, or go shirtless. Now go and see what you can find. " When he didn't have a protein shake, jeff usually grabbed something on the way into work, because he couldn't cook. He saw eggs, and he had eaten them raw before, but...." He felt Max's presence behind him. "Can't cook huh?" "No Sir." "Ok, " he tossed jeff an apron. "Put this on. You're gonna learn how to make oatmeal. It's not hard. It's probably better for you than the protein shake." jeff stood next to Max as he prepared the simple dish. He could do this! He knew he could, even if it was had to concentate. Max's body gave off heat anyway, and now, with the steam coming off of him from the shower, his scent was almost making jeff faint. "And there it is. Then you get whatever you want to add to it. Milk, butter, fruit, granola, there it is." "I could do this Sir." "Well then maybe tomorrow you will." "Tomorrow here, Sir." "Get your bowl. Let's go sit at the table. We'll talk about that. "

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx jeff was nervous when he went to the table. He waited until Max sat down and then he took the seat opposite him. "Nah, that's not gonna work, jeff. Get your ass over here. Next to me, so I can grab a thigh if I feel a protein need. HA HA HA HA HA." jeff smiled weakly, but he was kinda happy. Max wanted him sitting next to him. Max took a sip of coffee, and began speaking. "Ok, jeff, let me give you the skinny. You're fun. I had a blast with you last night. You surprised me. I didn't think I'd enjoy myself as much as I did. I hope you did too." "Thank you Sir. I'm glad. And I did." Max smiled. "Now, let's take this one step at a time. I didn't kidnap you, and the door isn't locked from the inside. You have your car, so you can leave anytime you want because, at least for now, I'm not throwing you out." jeff smiled. "I can stay Sir? The whole weekend?" "As long as you don't piss me off. You haven't yet, and that's hard . Speaking of hard..." He saw jeff blanch and he laughed. "DON'T WORRY KIDDO. You drained me pretty good." jeff ventured a bit of a joke. "you filled me up pretty good too, Sir." "DAMN RIGHT I DID. And if you stay, I'm gonna do it again. " He saw jeff smile. "NOW, WHATCHA JUST DID, IS WHY I'M KEEPIN YA AROUND. I told you: you're an honest man. Most bottoms, most subs, would've hid that smile as best they could. Either you don't know how to, or you don't want to, or you're comfortable enough with me to tell the truth, or some combo, but I like that " "Thank you S ir." So, ok. Lemme ask you up front. You wanna stay?" jeff smiled. "Yes sir. I do. Is it ok?" "It's ok for the weekend, and we'll take it from there." He paused. "Kiddo, I know what you're looking for. You're looking for a relationship. You want a Top, a Daddy, a DOM, all of the above. That's step by step with me. So this is how it works: if at the end of the weekend we haven't killed each other, we'll need to take a few days break. Think about our time. Then if we both still want to, you come over during the week: maybe Wednesday, maybe Thursday, who knows? And we take it like that for a while. If we STILL don't kill each other after six months, then you're gonna move your ass in here." He sat back. "And THAT's when I'll consider you my boi. I'll collar you, introduce you around as my boi, and we'll be a couple. But not before that. " He paused. "Now if that doesn't work for you, no problem. Lotsa Daddies out there, lotsa doms, and you'll find what you want, if this ain't it. "

"I want to ask you something Sir, if I can?" "Go ahead, jeff. Got to start asking questions at the start." "Well... do you think I'm too stupid to be your boi?" Max wanted to laugh, but he knew the question was sincere. "jeff, you're not stupid. You're just not well informed. Stupid can't be fixed. Uninformed can be. You gotta wanna, but it can be done. That's up to you." "Then you don't think I'm stupid?" "Nope." Max shook his head. "Never did. " "I thought when..." "The medieval thing? Yeah, that's pretty funny jeff. You ever seen movies with knights, and jousting and tournaments like that?" "yes sir." "THAT's medieval." "OH. " He smiled. "Now I understand, Sir." "I gotta say though, your interpretation was kinda neat, cause you are sort of like half angel half demon." "you think so Sir?' "Yup. jeff, a total angel doesn't push a DOM the way you did. And you got a look in your eyes that tells me, one day, in bed, you're gonna do something that surprises me, and I'm gonna like a lot." That was the first time jeff flashed a whole smile that weekend. "DAMN YOU GOT PERFECT FUCKING TEETH TOO." Another blush. "I spent a lot of money on them Sir. I wanted to be an actor." "Yeah, I believe that." Max reached out his hand, and squeezed jeff's knee. "Repeat this after me. I am NOT stupid. I am NOT stupid. I am NOT stupid." jeff did it. "GOOD. We're gonna do that a few times when you're here. And when we find the guy who told you that you were, well, you're gonna point him out and I'm gonna give him the need for your dentist." jeff looked up. "How did you know that it was a guy, Sir?" "It almost always is jeff. It almost always is." He paused. "You're gonna learn. I repeat myself a lot. Comes from teaching school kids. It's what I used to do. But now... Ok, if you're gonna stay, you're gonna have to start learning what my boi does." "Yes sir. What should I do?" "Well, Saturday is boot black day. That's polishing my shoes and boots. They're all on the floor of the closet. Bring them out . There's also a big old sheet in there. Get that too. All the supplies are on it. " "yes sir. thanks for the oatmeal, it was delicious." As jeff got up, he ran to Max and gave him a quick cheek kiss." He laughed as he ran to the bedroom. "Bet I'll pay for that later." "Damn right you will." jeff took very good care of his dress shoes so he knew about polishing. He laid out the sheet, and put the shoes on them . His supplies were right next to him and he was about to begin. "ONE SECOND. You're forgetting something." "I am Sir?" "YEAH. Polish comes off skin easier than it comes off clothes. Get naked. You always polish my shoes naked. " "YES SIR." jeff thought that was a great idea, and he got on his knees, on the floor, and got to work. "Gotta go take a look in the garage. I may have one of those chain things I mentioned. Lemme check . If not, we'll just use rope this afternoon. " jeff sucked in his breath. DAMN. It was gonna be the best weekend he had had in a long, LONG time.

Next: Chapter 3

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