Jennys Story

By Jenny L

Published on Aug 8, 2004


Chapter 3 - Caught!

.and that's how it happened', she finished. My jaw must have been on the floor when she finished and, I have to admit, my cock was through the roof! I tried to recover a bit, Wow! Jeez, Lynne! That's some story! (boy was that an understatement!) How do you feel now?' I dunno? I guess kinda excited but apprehensive at the same time! It was incredible but I don't know where this will lead and I'm a bit scared, to tell you the truth! What if people find out and call me a dyke, or something?!' Don't worry, Lynne. I won't tell a soul, believe me'. Fuck! What if Andy finds out?!?', she gasped in near panic. I tried to console her, putting my arms around her, Look, I'm pretty sure Pam isn't going to say anything to him, right? You're certainly not going to tell him, so how's he going to find out? I've promised you that I won't tell anyone either. If you both like each other, then I guess there's nothing wrong with having had that bit of fun together. You're supposed to experiment with things when you're our age!'. Lynne was still very close to tears, I know! I know. Oh, God! What a mess, though. It was only recently I started thinking about what we had done. How wrong it was to fuck my brothers fianc‚e!'. I sat up right in front of her and held her face gently, Look, Lynne, it's not as if you forced her to do anything - if anything, you were seduced by an older woman. sounded like you both had some fun - it's nothing to be ashamed of.' I laughed a bit then and said, `Christ! Do you know what I would give to have her seduce me!! It's every guy's biggest fantasy!' I wasn't quite ready to tell her that I wished that Pam would dress me up in sexy lingerie and fuck me like a slut, too! But I did! I suppose it was because she had shared her story with me that got me thinking that if she could share her big secret with me, then I could tell her about mine.

Lynne - I want you to know how great I feel that we are good enough friends for you to unload that on me', I started, and...since this looks, like a night for admissions, I have one too! I guess I'm also telling you this to prove how good a friend I think you are - also, if I tell you this then you can be sure your secret is safe with me forever. Even if we fall out in the future, or something.' This brought her back from the brink of tears - hot gossip and secrets always focus a girls attention, I had noticed! She looked me square in the eyes, What is it? I bet it's not as bad as mine!', she half laughed. I looked back at her and said, I think it's up there, Lynne. Please promise me you won't tell a soul either. This is really important!' She was actually starting to look impatient, Ok. Ok! I promise! Now what is it?!' I took her hands in mine and started to tell her my secret. How I loved to dress up like a chick and become Jenny. How I had always done it - for as long as I could remember. I finished by telling her that it made me feel really sexy and that I might even be bisexual, like her! That I had fantasised about being fucked by a guy when I was dressed up. That I was even envious of her for having had a real bisexual encounter! Lynne did not say a word during my entire confession. I had kept a close eye on her face for signs of emotion throughout my story and was very glad not to have seen disgust or revulsion even briefly flicker across her face. Her eyes had widened a couple of times but she remained quite impassive the whole time. Well, there it is', I finished. I could not think of anything to say at that point and just looked into Lynne's eyes for her reaction. She looked at me with a strange look on her face that I could not fathom, Looks like Kay was right about you after all!', was what she said eventually. I looked at her like she had just told me she was from another planet, or something, Wh-what.What!! What do you mean?! What has Kay said?!'. I was in a bit of a panic myself now! How could Kay have known?? How could I go back to my house, knowing that she knew. Had she seen me? Fuckin Hell! What mistake had I made to get found out when I thought I had been so careful?

Ok, first of all, just relax! Your secret is more than safe with me', Lynne said. Actually, I don't find it disgusting or perverted or whatever else you might think', she continued, I find it quite sexy, really!'. But how does Kay know? How did she find out?', I begged. Alright, here remember the last time you and your mum were away at your aunts a couple of years ago? Well, I met Kay at the shops and we went back to your house for a coffee. I ended up staying for dinner and we shared a couple of bottles of wine and a joint or two. We hadn't chatted for ages, so there was tons to talk about. As it got late, we were a bit tipsy from the wine and smoke and we started nattering about just this, that and everything', she said. Well, we started talking about boys and such and she eventually asked me if I liked you'. My heart was pounding in my chest as I waited for her to reveal whether she fancied me or not. I told her that I thought you were really cute, as it happens...and I do!', she said as she looked right at me. Oh God, I thought, this is fuckin unbelievable! On the night we confess to each other that we're a pair of sexual deviants, I find out she fancies me!! Why did I have to go and tell her about my fetish!!?? I wish I hadn't told you mine now', I said, you must think I'm a right freak or something!' Instead of wording a reply, Lynne reached forward and took my face gently in her hands. Our eyes were locked as she leaned forward and kissed me on the lips for a long time. I don't think you're a freak. In fact, I think it makes you even more special to me', she said as we broke our kiss. `So how does Kay know?', I pressed.

Well, as we got more and more drunk, we started playing a sort of game of truths. I had told her that I liked you already, then she asked, totally out of the blue, if I had noticed anything funny about you'. I was feeling like the rug had been pulled out from under me, Kay must have been suspicious, or worse - observing me for some time to say something like that! Lynne said, I asked her what she meant by "funny" and she just kinda shrugged. I pressed her for more details and, I think, a combination of the wine and the thought that I wouldn't tell anyone because we are such good friends loosened her lips. She told me she thought you were wearing her clothes! I was a bit shocked at first, I have to say, but it didn't really change the way I felt about you. I asked her why she thought that! She said she had found her lingerie out of place in her drawers, clothes out of place in her closet. She said some of her clothes felt slightly wrong on her - like they had been stretched slightly in the wrong places or something. She also noticed a lot of her makeup missing. She said she knew your mum wouldn't be borrowing any of her stuff, so she figured it must have been you'. Lynne was a bit sheepish, since she and my big sis had been discussing me like this but went on, She said she didn't mind if it was you - she was pretty sure it was though - and thought it was something that you had to let run it's course before you grew out of it'. This was something of a relief - Kay hadn't actually seen me in her clothes. But how did she react. I mean, how did she feel about that? What does she think of me now!?', I asked. She was really quite calm about it. She never once called you a pervert or a queer or anything nasty like that. In fact, she actually said you would probably be very pretty...', she paused a little, ...are you?' I was floored by this - did she want to see me dressed up? I replied a bit hesitantly, Well, you know, if you're going to try something, you might as well go the whole hog'. I joked nervously then said, The first few times I tried makeup, I looked like shit! I'll never complain about my girlfriend taking ages to get ready to go out!' Lynne laughed too and said, Look, don't be worried about Kay. She has been around the block a few times, if you know what I mean? If she was going to bust you, she would have done it a long time ago!' Lynne seemed to have forgotten about her own dilema for the moment, So, are you, then? Pretty, I mean'. I guess so?', I replied, and in a moment of madness asked, Do you want to see?' Sure I would! That would be great!'. It was getting really late and we were both tired from the party and our long chat, Why don't I call you tomorrow?', Lynne asked. `Ok, sure. I'm kinda looking forward to it, to have this out in front of someone is quite a relief, Lynne. Thanks!' I went home after giving Lynne another long kiss and made my way to bed (in a black satin nightie of Kay's). I drifted off to sleep, both excited and worried about what tomorrow would bring. Would Lynne still feel the same way after the effects of the beer and weed had wore off? I hoped our last kiss had meant as much to her as it had to me!

I awoke the next morning (well, about 12.30, really) with a huge hard on poking up in the nightie. I was very tempted to relieve the need to cum but thought I better wait to see what the day brought - I was beginning to hope I would get lucky with Lynne. What a dream come true that would be! I went through my usual morning routine of having a coffee and a cigarette, again still wearing the nightie I had slept in. I loved just being able to walk around the house, free to wear whatever I wanted as I made my way to the kitchen. I could feel the silky fabric brushing against my legs and ass as I walked and this was doing nothing for getting rid of my hardon. I sat smoking at the breakfast bar, sipping my coffee, crossing my legs and sitting as femininely as I could thinking about last night and what Lynne would be like today. I was also thinking about how I would look Kay in the eye when she got home, knowing that she had at least suspected what I was up to all along! I resigned myself to the fact that I would just have to see what happened and deal with it from there. Christ! I hoped my mum didn't also know, or even suspect what I was doing! I finished my coffee and stubbed out my cigarette, then headed up to the bathroom for a long hot shower. The phone rang just as I was drying my hair. I picked up the receiver, my heart thumping, Hello?', I answered. Hi. It's me, Lynne. How are you?', yeah good. Good. How are you feeling today?' I'm great, too! Err...about last night...when you said...I you still want me to come over know...for you to show me your...or you could come over to mine if you want...', she floundered.

I...err...yeah! I would like that, Lynne. A lot. Erm, do you want to come over here?', I asked. Ok, I'll see you about 8 o'clock', she replied. And then, Oh! And please don't do anything, you know, until I get there. I want to watch', she said as she hung up. I hung up the phone in almost a state of shock! She did want to go through with this after all! I was so excited I was trembling all over, Jesus! This is going quite fast', I thought to myself. I looked at the clock - only 2PM. I had six hours to kill! I went downstairs again and made up some lunch to sit and watch TV for a while. I planned to start getting everything ready about 5 or 6 o'clock and I was already thinking about what I would wear, the kind of makeup I would go for, getting my whole body nice and smooth and everything else that might happen. I wondered if Lynne was thinking anything like what I was thinking or if she was getting anywhere near as turned on as I was. About 5 o'clock, I went up and ran a hot bath, with lots of scented oils and immersed myself for a good twenty minutes, before shaving everything as smooth as I could and trimming my little pubic triangle (don't want any loose tobacco hanging out the pouch!). I had a long hot shower after the bath and a good scrub to get my skin tingling and super-smooth. I stood at the bathroom mirror and inspected my face closely to make sure there was not the slightest trace of hair. I moisturised my whole body and face, then rubbed in a generous amount of baby oil. I love this as it gets my skin so smooth and silky all over. I let the baby oil soak in for a while as I dried my hair, then towelled off the excess. I went into my room and got a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to wear for now. I went through to Kay's room and made sure the things I wanted to wear were easily accessible, selected a few pairs of heels, put them at the front of the closet and got a couple of wigs from my mum's room (these were expensive ones she had bought a few years ago after getting her hair cut really short - and then hating it - and she refused to throw them out). I found the long black one I had worn the other night and a shoulder length, bobbed auburn one that I liked, too. I found a long straight blonde one that I thought would be cute and added it to the rest.

Just then, the doorbell rang. I looked at the clock - 7.45 - and ran down to answer it. I opened the door and Lynne was standing there dressed quite normally (well, normal for her anyway) and carrying a backpack. Hi, come in!', I said as I opened the door further to let her in. I led her through to the lounge and offered her a seat on the sofa. Want anything to drink? I got coke, or a beer if you like?', Thanks, a beer would be great', she said as she sat down. I returned with two beers and sat down next to her, handing her one. I think there was quite a bit of nervousness between the two of us - each a bit reluctant to make the first move. For me, I certainly wanted to go through with this but was unsure about how to get started. So, we just sat sipping our beers and skirting around the real issues with chit-chat for a while. Lynne was first to move, which made me feel better since I knew she wasn't doing this just for me, I see you've shaved your legs', she remarked. They look really smooth! How long did that take you?!'. I have. Thank you very much. Ages! In that order', I quipped back, trying to ease the tension. I'm being serious', she laughed as she punched my arm. Yeah, I know, Lynne. I'm sorry - it's just that I don't know how to take a compliment very well. Guys don't notice if their best friend dyes his hair purple but girls seem to notice the smallest details - not that shaving my body is a small thing, right enough, I suppose but you know what I mean'. Yeah! I know what you mean - guys are hopeless! Wait a miinute - did you say you had shaved your whole body??' I looked into her eyes and replied, Yeah - everything, well almost. Remember I said you have to go the whole hog? I guess I have to be able to look feminine to feel feminine, so having hair sticking out everywhere would be awful'. I can relate to that all right', Lynne replied. Let me see then', she said suddenly, I can see you've done your legs, arms and face. Let's see the rest!' I blushed a bit as she said this, so she leaned forward and kissed me reassuringly. Take your t-shirt off first', she whispered as we kissed, moving her hands to help with its removal. She grabbed the shoulders of my t-shirt and, with my help, pulled it over my head and threw it in a heap on the floor.

I was now sitting in just a pair of knee length shorts as Lynne stared at my body. I have to admit that I felt good about my body - I was really slim (almost too slim for a guy) but very toned and tanned. I had slight definition to my abs - not rippling - just nice and tight and my hipbones stuck out at the top of my long slim legs. My skin was quite shiny with the oil I had rubbed in earlier and so very smooth. Lynne reached out and touched me, just above my breast and started to caress my pecs and nipples. I broke out in goosebumps at her touch and she noticed the effect she was having on me, Oooh! You like that, huh?' She was so gentle, tracing her nails over my skin as I replied, Oooh man! Lynne that feels great!' She replied, Your skin is so silky! I mean really smooth, just like a girls! It feels great!' We started kissing again and our hands were all over each other - her's especially! She was tracing circles and patterns all over my upper body, making me shiver with delight. Let's. Get. Upstairs!', she panted between kisses. I needed no further encouragement and stood up from the sofa. Lynne stood up, too and retrieved her backpack, What's in there?', I asked. You'll see!', she replied with a wink. With that, we almost ran up to Kay's room and jumped on the bed to start making out again. It was all we could do to refrain from just getting naked and fucking each other. I've wanted to kiss you for such a long time, Lynne. I was afraid we might fall out or something if I made a move, that's why I never have'. Well, we won't so...', she left the sentence hanging as we held each other and lay back on the bed kissing and fondling. Soon, I had her top off to reveal a very lacy black bra that really gave her a fantastic cleavage and did not conceal anything beneath it. I told her I loved it as I ran my hands all over her breasts, feeling the warm, tight flesh under the lace. Why don't you try it on for me then?', Lynne asked looking me in the eye. Oh God! Yeah - that would be amazing Lynne!' She reached around her back to unclasp the bra, then had me sit up on the bed facing away from her. She put my arms through the straps and stretched it around my body to fasten at the back. It felt so wonderful for me to have Lynne do this and I was getting really horny! She turned me around to face her and appraise the bra on me. My pecs filled it out a bit but there was still a lot of loose material at the cups, don't worry about that', she said, I've got something that will do nicely but it will have to wait until later on'. It suddenly dawned on me that Lynne was sitting topless, with me (wearing her bra), on my sister's bed. I had never dreamed I would ever get to see Lynne naked but here it was - coming my way. This was the best day of my life! I reached out to gently caress Lynne's breasts - I tried my best to copy what she had done to me earlier, taking my time, not rushing anything and letting her bask in the sensuality of having her body lightly caressed.

Ok, we've come this far', Lynne said then, Let's see how pretty you really are!' She stepped out of her short skirt just then, just to show you I'm serious', she said. She was wearing the best little black thong I have ever seen, the legs high on her beautiful hipbones and the front plunging down into her crotch. It was very lacy - matching her bra - and exposed her ass cheeks, too! What a body Lynne has! I told her so and she replied with another long kiss as she undid the buttons of my shorts and slid them down my legs. I was wearing my boxers and she laughed,'Well! They sure don't go with the bra!! Take em off!' I slipped my fingers under the waistband and began lowering them. Lynne grabbed them suddenly and yanked them right down to my ankles. My hard cock sprang free and she looked at it with what I hoped was lust as it stood in front of her face. Lynne looked me up and down, taking in my totally smooth body,'You weren't kidding were you!?', she said delightedly, You've shaved off everything - Oh! Except for this little patch here, that's so cute!! But, Oh! Everything is so smooth, your legs, God! Your ass, everything! I think it looks great - even if you were just being a guy tonight, this would turn me on!' Then she stepped out of her panties, too and offered them to me, Here, you can try these as well!' I took the panties from her and stepped into them, sliding them up my legs and pulling them tight into my crotch and over my hips. Lynne remarked about my stiff cock, I guess we'll just have to leave that sticking up for now! It looks real sexy anyway! Ok sit down and we'll do your makeup next!'. Lynne dragged me over to Kay's vanity and sat me on the stool. My hair was quite long but not really cut for her to do anything with so she rummaged round in Kay's drawers until she found a hairnet, Just to keep that mop out of the way for now', she giggled. Cheeky bitch', I mock gasped back quite effeminately. Lynne looked at me kinda funnily for a moment before saying, You know, you have some very female mannerisms for a guy'. I told her it must be like acting, you know, really getting into a role. That to be, or accurately portray, somebody or something, you really have to become them inside and let them loose. I wanted to let her know that this was more than just dressing up and jerking off for me, that I liked the sensations and sexuality (I had experienced so far) of being female. I had seen the word `androgynous' before but never really knew what it meant - I guess this was me! Not female but certainly not fully male either.

I'm glad you can share all this with me', she said, I have always liked you and thought you were cute but I have never felt so close to someone before. I've often thought that some other guys have been cute but this so different. It would be like having a boyfriend and a girlfriend all rolled into one! It doesn't matter to me who you choose to be when we are together.' She looked at me closely - I was actually close to tears. I had never confessed this part of my life to anyone, and here Lynne was, knowing everything about me and confessing in return that she liked it. She went about applying my makeup - I won't bore you with the details but suffice to say she had learned a lot from Pam and had me looking really great. I had full glossy red lips and dark eyes with light bue shadow - very like the same look I had gone for myself but this was much better. I think we'll have you as a platinum blonde tonight, hmmm?', Lynne asked. With that, she found my mum's blonde wig, a long straight one, and sat it on my head before brushing it out. I looked up at the mirror when she was done and was speechless! I was sitting in black bra and panties with a beautifully made up face and long blonde hair. I looked a bit slutty, I suppose, but I felt and looked fantastic - more feminine than ever before! Wow! You look amazing, honey!', Lynne beamed at me as she gave me another long kiss, Hey! Watch my makeup, you'll make a mess!', I laughed. Your makeup's fine! Let's get you dressed!', she replied. I think you should put something on, too, Lynne', I remarked. She looked down at herself, realising that she was naked. This certainly wasn't a problem for me! Lynne has a beautiful body - I just thought it would look better wrapped in some sexy clothes! She threw one of Kay's satin gowns on and tied it at the waist, That'll do for now - until I'm finished with you!', she said.

She was looking through Kay's things for something for me to wear. Finally she selected a pair of nude glossy hold-up stockings and helped me roll them up my legs. The feeling of putting the stockings on my smooth legs and of her helping was incredible. I always felt really feminine and sexy when I put stockings on but with Lynne helping me and stroking my legs, I felt so much more - a kind of submission along with the other feelings. She was turning me on in a big way but my cock had softened from the sheer excitement of this situation. That's much better! Now you can tuck it into your panties so that it doesn't ruin the look!', Lynne giggled. Next, we went through to my mum's room, Show me the dress you like!', Lynne said. I picked the little black dress that I had worn only two nights ago. Lynne took it and gave it an appraising eye, Very nice! Let's get it on you', she said. I took the dress from her and stepped into it, pulling it tight into position and threading my arms through the thin straps. Lynne made a couple of adjustments here and there and finally the dress was on to her satisfaction. You look really cute...Jenny', she said, using my femme name for the first time. I think you'll need some killer heels to go with that outfit', she said as she looked through my mum's huge collection of shoes. She selected a dainty pair of sandals, black with very thin ankle and toe straps, and a 4" stiletto heel. She sat me on the bed and sat in front of me, taking each foot in turn and fitting the shoe. This was right up there with her putting the stockings on me for excitement value! Ok, let's see you in full! Get up and walk about for me, please!', she pleaded. I got up gracefully from the bed and smoothed my dress out before strutting sexily around the room - trying to emulate the walk I had observed in elegant, confident women, with a touch of sass for effect! Lynne just sat there watching me strut my stuff with her mouth open, This's certainly not the first time you've had heels on, is it?', she gaped. I love heels!', I replied, Ever since I can remember, I've loved them. They are so feminine - nothing male could wear shoes like these! I love them as much as lingerie!' You have such a great body, too, Jenny! Your legs look amazing in those heels, I know a lot of girls that would be very jealous of you!', she said then. I have just the thing to finish your look off completely...c'mon, let's get back to Kay's room!', she said as she stood and grabbed my hand. She opened her backpack and took out a small box. I got these when I was growing up - they should be just fine on you!', she said as she handed me the box to open. I removed the lid and looked inside - there were two breast forms, made of silicone, a perfect shape for a small frame like mine and almost the same colour as my skin. I took one out and held it, my breath coming fast, these things were amazing! It felt quite heavy and soft - very realistic. She had me take the dress off down to my waist and took the breast form from me. Next, she pulled my bra out and inserted the form in the cup and did the same with the other. I pulled the dress back up into postion and stood up. I instantly felt the weight of the breast forms in the bra and the shoulder straps digging in more than usual, a wonderful feeling!

I turned side-on to the big mirror in Kay's room and my hands went to my mouth as I gasped! I had the most beautiful figure - long slender legs perched on 5" heels, slim waist and now lovely full breasts poking out from under the dress, so that the nipples were just evident. With the tightness of the bra, I had a small but distinct cleavage! Lynne was also looking me up and down, her mouth open in disbelief, God, Jen! You really do make a gorgeous chick, you know! I mean it!' I turned to her, Thanks, Lynne! Thank you so much for everything!', I said as I hugged her close to me. She started kissing me as we hugged and I returned it in full. Soon she was caressing me all over, squeezing my breasts together and pinching my ass! I was trying to get her gown off at the same time but she resisted, eventually breaking our embrace to say she was going to go and get changed, too. I was to make myself comfortable in Kay's room until she was done. With that, she grabbed her backpack and headed off to the bathroom. I walked around Kay's room for a while, not fully able to take in what was happening tonight. I had a real glow about me and was trembling and shivering from excitement. I sat down at Kay's vanity again and tried to get hold of myself as I touched up my makeup. I was really looking forward to see what sexy gear Lynne had brought with her. I knew she would look fantastic in whatever she had on! I was also wondering how this would progress! Were we going to fuck each other tonight, etc, how would we feel after if we did, was this a one night event, never to be repeated, or was this the start of something amazing? I hoped that this would be the start and little did I know but this was just the tip of the iceberg!!

When the door opened and Lynne walked in, my jaw hit the floor and my eyes widened theatrically! She was wearing the tightest (and shortest) red mini-dress I had ever seen! It was like a second skin, it fitted her so perfectly. It finished just inches below her ass and clung to her beautiful body all the way up to her breasts, which were straining underneath. She was also wearing nude gloss stockings and black sandals - with a 5 or 6" heel!! Her hair was perfectly straight and so shiny! Her makeup was perfect for the look and I was almost jealous of her beauty! I could not see it - but I knew she would have really sexy lingerie on under her dress. She had started to have an effect on me already and I could feel my soft cock beginning to stir in it's silk and satin restraint. Lynne noticed me looking and probably acting a bit odd, Everything alright?', she asked anxiously. What?! Oh. Yes, sorry. I was just thinking how incredible this night has been.and worrying about what's going to happen'. I thought for a minute I had done, or wore, something wrong!'', she said, Oh! No! Not at all, Lynne! You have done more for me than I could ever have wished for and as for what you're wearing.! Jeez, Lynne you look fucking fantastic. I would never have believed that a girl like you could ever want anything to do with me! I feel so lucky! I want to be with you all the time!', I exclaimed as I walked over to her. We held each other very close for a long time before we started kissing again. Let's put on some music and dance for a while?', she suggested after a while. I released her and walked over to Kay's stereo, looking through her LP's and singles, Sorry about Kay's taste in music', I joked, What do you fancy? Duran Duran?' Lynne's nose wrinkled in distaste, Nah! How about this instead?', she said as she handed me a tape. I put it on and it was rock ballads! UurghH! Well, whatever! I thought.

I moved over to Lynne and we held each other as we danced to the tunes. I actually found myself quite liking the music after a while and let myself go, just enjoying it. Soon we were grinding our bodies together and gyrating our hips together. As I danced, I could feel the breasts swaying on my chest, their weight pulling deliciously on the bra. My mum's sexy dress was caressing my body (along with Lynne's hands) and my calves felt tight from standing in the heels. I marvelled at Lynne for being able to stand, never mind dance, in her huge heels! I could see her nipples hardening through her dress (it was that tight!) and knew she was getting turned on. As I was! As we held each other close and kissed, I could feel my cock growing in the panties to the point it was starting to get uncomfortable tucked away like that. Lynne's hands roaming over my body and up my legs did nothing to lessen the hardon that was rapidly developing. Her hand grasped my crotch and I knew she could feel the hardness. We kissed our way over to the bed and fell on top of it, hands desperately roaming all over each others bodies. Lynne was stroking my thighs, groping my crotch and squeezing my tits. She started making her way down my body, then she raised my dress up to my stomach and pulled my panties to one side. My cock was rock hard now as she took it in her hand - gently stroking it as she looked up at me, You like this, huh?', she winked. God, you look so hot, Jen! You look just like a girl, except for this!', she said as she grabbed harder on my raging cock, making me cry out, `and I know just what to do with this...'. Lynne slowly lowered her mouth down towards my cock, never taking her eyes off mine. When she got there, she opened her mouth as far as she could and took in as much of my cock as possible before closing her lips around my shaft. I had to lie back on the bed as she slowly sucked my cock out of her mouth and repeated the whole thing again. Sometimes, when she got to the head, she would suck hard on it making the precum leak out of my slit. Her lips were so soft and her mouth was so warm, this was the best blowjob I had ever had! She really knew what she was doing and, before long, was sucking my cock fast and hard while stroking the shaft with one hand and caressing round to my pantied ass with the other. I looked down once more, taking in the sight of my breasts, gorgeous lingerie and heels with Lynne's head bobbing slowly up and down.

I was so close to cumming, so I told her. She took my cock out of her mouth and said she couldn't have me cumming just yet, I would have to wait for a while! It was now my turn to return the oral favour. Lynne came up and kissed me hard and then pushed my head down towards her pussy. I pulled her dress up like she had done to me and slipped her panties down her legs. I stared up at her pussy and it was so perfect! It was tight, yet pouty and beautifully shaven (or waxed?) with just a cute little patch of hair. I teased her clit, kissing it softly and running my tongue around it in circles. I wanted to pleasure her in the same way another girl would - being very caring, gentle and with no rush to get to the fucking. I knew this would come later and I wanted to wait, to make it all the better for both of us. I softly licked the entire length of her pussy lips, again very gently, up and down before sliding my tongue into her hot, wet hole. I continued to lick her and suck her clit while playing gently with her ass - I figured it would feel as good for a chick as it did for me - slowly tracing a finger around her tight hole and gently probing every now and then. Mmmmm! That's so good. Mmmmm, stick your finger up my ass you nasty girl!', Lynne screamed. I used my finger to transfer some of the wetness from her pussy to her ass, rubbing it all around her little ring. When I thought it was lubed enough, I gently pushed my finger in as I continued to lick her. I felt her tight ass squeezing my finger and heard her moan as I pushed my middle finger right into her. I stuck my tongue as far into her pussy as it would go and started eating her as I slowly pushed another finger into her ass. I felt her twitch and her hips started bucking as her orgasm overtook her. I could feel her thighs tightening around my head and her ass spasming on my fingers as I licked deep into her pussy. She grabbed my head and screamed as another orgasm quickly ran through her body. Oh Fuck yes!! OH! Oh! I'm cumming!' I licked her gently until she was lying still on the bed and then sat up beside her. We held each other close and kissed for a long time again.

Lynne reached for me and started lifting my dress up over my head and I helped her remove it. I did the same for her - seeing her gorgeous black lacy bustier for the first time. I sat facing her with my legs stretched out in front of me as she pulled my lacy thong down my legs and off over my heels. We were both sitting on the bed, naked apart from our lingerie and heels. I loved the feel of my big tits in the bra I was wearing and squeezed them gently together as I looked at Lynne. My cock was growing hard again as she said, Mmmm, what great tits you have, Jen! And look how big your cock is getting again!' She leaned over to force me onto my back. I looked down at my tits and thought they were beautiful, especially as I could see my cock poking up between them. Lynne sat over me to straddle my stomach and leaned down to kiss me passionately. I could feel her pussy wet on my skin and my cock was straining to enter her. She moved her ass back and started stroking my cock with her pussy. She did this for only a minute or two but it seemed like an eternity as I longed to get inside her. Finally, she sat up and grabbed my cock, pointing it into her pussy as she lowered herself onto it. I felt the tight, warm wetness engulf my cock as she sank down, watching as it slowly disappeared inside her. She just sat for a minute when it was all in her, both of us relishing the feelings, then she started to slowly gyrate herself on my cock. She was grinding her pussy right into me, taking it as deep as she could. I was in some new heaven - the girl of my dreams sitting on top of me, fucking my brains out, while I was dressed like a sexy girl! She then began to slowly rise and fall on my cock and trace her fingernails up my stockings and over my stomach. I can't tell you how good that felt! Soon, we were in a rythym where I was lifting my ass off the bed to meet her on her way down and we were really banging hard. I could feel my balls almost squeezing into her, she was going so deep. I knew I would not last long at this pace, so I took control and rolled over with Lynne in my arms so that she was under me. She looked deep into my eyes as she lifted her legs up over my shoulders, C'mon! Fuck me hard, Jenny! Give me your big girl cock!' I positioned my hands on either side of her and sank down into her as she reached up to squeeze my tits. I slid my cock into her wet pussy and we both let out a moan when I felt my balls pressing tightly against her ass cheeks. I began to fuck her slowly, feeling my cock sliding almost completely out of her and plunging back in as far as I could push it. We fucked like that for a long time and I have no idea how I managed to stop myself from cumming. We fucked in the missionary position, then doggy style, then she was back on top - and I had my legs wrapped around her waist as we did a bit of role reversal! I adored the feeling of femininity and submission to her.

Eventually, she sat up on top of me, You wanna stick that in my ass?', she giggled as she grabbed my cock again! Really!! You want to do that!?', I gasped, I'd love to fuck you in the ass, Lynne. That would be so dirty!' She reached over the side of the bed to grab her backpack and took out some rubbers and lube. She expertly rolled a condom onto my raging hardon and handed me the bottle of lube. Next, she turned around to face away from me, her ass just in front of my face. I licked her ring again as I squeezed plenty of lube into my fingers. I slowly pushed a lubed finger all the way into her ass, making her moan out loudly. I squeezed out more lube onto my fingers and started pushing another in, working the lube around and into her tight ass. I thought I knew how Pam must have felt, lusting after this beautifully puckered hole, as I slowly fucked it with two fingers. I knew from experience with the dildo that tons of lube was needed to make this fun, rather than unpleasant, so I kept rubbing it up and into her ass. When I thought I had loosened her up enough, I pushed her ass down towards my waiting cock. She straddled me again and, looking over her shoulder at me, guided my cock into position. I felt her sink a little lower and the head of my cock pushed up and popped into her, making us both cry out. She sat there, perfectly still for a second or two, getting used to the size of my cock in her. I could feel her ring twitching around my cock and it was driving me wild. I wanted to shove it right into her but knew better, letting her take the lead and slowly push up and down in very small movements. As her ass relaxed, I could feel more of my cock entering her, I looked down and could see my cock sticking up and buried in her ass, God! So sexy! It felt so tight and warm wrapped around my big clitty. Lynne sat straight up and I felt more of me slide into that hot hole. She was grasping onto my thighs as she struggled to get my whole cock into her, moaning and gasping with lust! I started playing with my tits as she rode me deeper and deeper with each motion. She looked over her shoulder again and saw me doing this and it drove her wild. She grabbed my thighs tight as she lowered gerself fully onto my hard cock. I was buried in her. I could feel the juice dripping from her pussy onto my balls! Oh my God, Lynne! It's right in! My cock is right up your ass! Fuck! That is so hot!' I screamed as she started to lift herself off me again. Mmmm, Jenny! Your clit feels so good in my ass! I'm gonna fuck it til I cum! Don't you dare cum yet though, girl, I have a surprise for you!' With that, she started bouncing up and down on my cock, fingering her clit as she did so. Soon she was sliding up and down the whole length of my cock and I watched, almost hypnotised, as it disappeared into her asshole again and again! I was so close to cumming that the only thing preventing me doing so was the thought of what this `surprise' might be. Lynne was pounding herself onto my raging clitty, screaming that she was close to cumming. When she did cum, I felt her ass tighten around my clit as she bucked her hips wildly before sinking right down onto it. She sat almost motionless as she came, with my clit buried in her twitching ass, making little squealing moans as her orgasm washed through her.

I could not believe that I had just fucked Lynne, never mind fucked her in the ass, double never mind still not having cum myself yet! Lynne moved forward to help remove my still rock hard cock from her ass, Oh wow Jenny! That was such an amazing fuck! Oh! Don't ever change! You can be a girl with me all the time, if you like, but don't you dare ever think of losing that cock!'. Lynne got up and walked over to the other side of the room, where her back pack was now. I loved the way she walked - so sexy, strutting in those high heels. Time for your surprise now, girl!', she said as she removed something from her bag and walked back to the bed. She lay down beside me and whispered, Help me on with this and I'll help you feel more like a girl!'. I looked at what she had and saw that it was a strapon cock! Oh fucking hell! I thought, this really is the best night of my life! I helped Lynne get the harness into position and firmly secured. It was quite a big cock she now had, about 7" and pretty thick. She noticed my own clit getting even harder (if that was possible) at the sight of her. mmmmm, you're going to love this, Jen! I promise I won't hurt you', she said as she got me onto all fours in front of her. I felt her applying lube all over my ass and when she started pushing her finger in, I was in heaven. I started acting more femininely as I felt increasingly submissive, mmm that feels so good baby! Mmmm yeah! Fuck my cunny with your big cock!', I said as I looked back at Lynne. Ooh! That's so cute! Calling it your cunny!! I love it! Are you ready for this, honey?', she replied, looking me right in the eye. Oh yes Lynne! Please fuck me like a girl! Stuff my cunny full of your big cock!', I pleaded. She didn't reply, instead she pushed forward slightly until I could feel the head of her cock probing around my hole. I reached round and grabbed it to guide it into me, mmm yeah Jenny!! Put my cock in your cunny for me! Take it in your tight pussy!', Lynne purred. She pushed forward again as I guided her cock into my ass and I felt the head slip in quite easily. `oooh! You dirty little girl! That's not your first time is it, baby?' , Lynne cooed as she slid another inch or two into me. I was in a dream! This was so much better than fucking myself with a dildo. Well, it was essentially the same actually but the big difference was that I was not in control of the fucking! I was at the mercy of Lynne, who could fuck me hard or soft whenever she wanted. Again, the strong feeling of submission was really turning me on. She moved in and out so, so slowly, enabling me to get accustomed to the size. I was moaning, panting and gasping in ecstacy as she fucked me tenderly and telling me how sexy it was to see her cock going in and out of my cunny.

I was so unbelievably turned on as she stuffed the full length into me in one push! I felt so full! She had been so gentle, getting me slowly warmed up and more and more turned on then, POW! She rammed the last couple of inches right into me. I gasped out loudly and fell forward with my face on the pillow, Oh my God! Oh fuck yes! Yes! Oh that's so good! Oh Lynne! Your whole cock is in my cunny! That's so fuckin hot!'. Oh yeah Jenny! You want me to fuck you? You want me to make you cum now? Would you like that, baby? Is that what you'd like, hmmm?', Lynne teased. Oh yes Lynne! Please fuck my cunny and make me cum! I love your huge cock in my cunny!', I almost screamed back at her. Okay! Turn round onto your back - I want to kiss you while I fuck you', she panted. I got onto my back and she lay down on top of me, this has been such a great night, Jenny! I'm gonna make you cum so hard now!', she whispered. She grabbed a pillow and stuck it under me to lift my ass off the bed, then she positioned her cock just at the entrance of my cunny and started kissing me. I returned the kiss hotly and with real passion and lifted my legs and wrapped them around her slender waist. As we kissed, I felt the dildo sliding forward into me through nothing more than the natural movement of our bodies. She was not really pushing in and I was not rising up to meet her (yet!), however the dildo was just inside me and the feeling was so incredible as we kissed like our lives depended on it. Please fuck me now Lynne!', I begged. `mmmmm, are you sure you're ready for this Jen? I'm gonna fuck you pretty hard to get you off!', she replied with lust.

I couldn't imagine anything else in the universe that I wanted more at that moment, Yes! Fuck me, Lynne! Please fuck me! Fuck me now! Hard!', I gasped back at her. I wrapped my legs tightly around her body and pulled her in as she moved forward. The whole dildo slipped right into my ass until I could feel the rubber balls pressing tightly against my ass. Lynne wriggled it around inside me as we kissed before sliding it out entirely and plunging it back in again slowly. She gradually increased the speed of her strokes, with me moaning and panting with pleasure I could not have imagined possible and Lynne telling me what a great fuck I was and how she was going to fuck me every day from now on! How I was her girlfriend as well as her boyfriend. I could fuck her and she could fuck me. She was fucking me pretty hard now and I was making little squealy noises every time she thrust into me. Oooo! Ooooo! Aoooo! Oooow!'. Oh listen to those cute little moans! You sound just like a girl, Jenny! Mmm, God, that's so hot! Make those little girly noises for me while I fuck you!', Lynne purred as she fucked me harder and harder. Whenever we were not kissing, I was panting and moaning and gasping like a slut on heat, not even thinking about what I was doing - everything was happening naturally. Lynne lay forward so that our tummy's were together with my clit tightly sandwiched between us. She fucked me and slid up and down my body at the same time. My clit had leaked so much pre-cum that our bodies were slippery with it and the feelings that produced as she fucked me were unbelievable! I screamed that I was going to cum! Lynne sat up straight on her knees and rammed her cock hard into me again and again as she grabbed my clit and squeezed it. I was looking right at her and gasped that I was cumming! yeah! C'mon you little bitch! Cum for me now!!', Lynne snarled as she hammered my ass. This stern tone was more than I could take and my clit exploded in her hand. The first spurt flew straight up in an arc and came down on my face and neck. I could feel my ass gripping her cock tightly and then releasing it as I spasmed again and again in orgasm. As she lowered herself to kiss me, I was still cumming and shot some of it all over her breasts and bustier. Her cock was still inside me as we kissed deeply, with her licking my cum from my face and neck. I was panting between kisses because it felt like I was still cumming, although nothing was coming out of my clit by now, I still felt that tingling rush in my ass, stomach and legs. I knew my legs would have given in if I had tried to stand up just then, in fact, they were trembling just lying on the bed with Lynne inside me.

We just lay there. Lynne still had not taken the dildo out of me and it felt great just lying there with my lovers big cock up my ass as I basked in the warm afterglow of amazing sex. We started kissing, still not saying anything to each other - words were not needed - as we hugged close and kissed. Finally, I broke the kiss and looked up into her eyes, Bitch!?', I asked laughing. Lynne laughed too and told me that when Pam had got dirty with her, it had really got her off and thought the same would work with me. I pulled her close for a cuddle and told her it sure had! Okay, bitch! Lets get cleaned up and ready for bed!', Lynne giggled. We did just that and slept in Kay's bed for the night - the scene of our fantastic first fuck. We cuddled and kissed for ages as we lay there. Lynne...thanks', I said, I can't believe what just happened but it was the best time I have ever had. My best friend making me her girlfriend and all the was just fantastic!' Lynne reached into her bag and pulled out a joint, which we shared as we lay there. `thank you, too...Jenny! It was the best for me, too, really! I never thought I would get to fuck someone like you - a gorgeous chick with a great cock! For some reason, that's such a huge turn on for me and you were just perfect - so slim and feminine with your makeup...and clothes...big high heels...big clitty...and letting me fuck your tight cunny. Oh! It was so good!' I kissed her warmly in response then we finished the joint and fell asleep together.

In the next chapter (4), I have a long, unexpectedly hot talk with Kay and Lynne, Kay and I meet Pam for the first time, I renew my acquaintance with Andy when they move into Lynne's house and more fantasies come true! Please tell me if I'm too boring, too long-winded or whatever. Nice comments especially welcome at


Next: Chapter 4

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