Jeremiah university

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Jul 15, 2022



Written by Eugene Marvin aka

NPHILLYDOGG _______________________

cash app me @ $nphillydogg for your support



Off Campus; Walking along the waterfront, checking out all the vendors selling everything from soaps and colognes to books, clothes, jewelry, food, household products, toiletries, and artwork...! friends; Kevin Smith, Tae Hyun Kye, Yonny Singleton, and Evan Williams were all enjoying themselves [after having such a mild winter] as they all hung together for the first time in what felt like AGES!

"So you got JUMPED by 2 guys at a gas station trying to `jack' your car...?" asked Tae [as he and Kevin walked ahead of their lovers]!

"Yeah..." lied Kevin [trying to save face]! "...they were like; Yo dude, nice convertible, give us the keys', and I was like; fuck that, they gonna have to pry them from my dead/cold hand!' Then one of them sucka-punched me while the other tried to snatch my keys at the pumps! Luckily security came out and they ran off like lil' bitches!"

"geez man..., you're brave to have confronted those guys like that..." said Tae [he and his family having had their own experiences being attacked back home in Philly], {see: `The Hood' chps-27 thru 31 for details}! "...people don't be playing now-a-days...! You're lucky they didn't shoot you!"

"Yeah..." said Kevin, covering up the truth [that he got the BLACK-EYE by attempting to convert a top], {JU3-25}!

Meanwhile, about a yard behind them...

"And then the neighbor turned around and CLOCKED Kevin dead in the eye..." related Evan to his best friend; Yonny [who couldn't help but snicker to himself]! "...then as Kevin was lying out COLD on the living room floor, Hill turned back to ME and resumed fucking me!"

"You didn't do OR say anything about him hitting Kevin...?!" questioned Yonny [surprised that Evan would continue fucking while his fuck-buddy/roommate lay unconscious on the floor]...!

"Hell no..." said Evan [having enjoyed the fucking]! "...honestly I don't need the scandal...!...not when we're so close to getting a Pro-Ball contract!"

"I know that's right!" agreed Yonny [looking at all the different items on display]! "If Kevin wants to be a trifling ass, let him do it on his own time! We've got bigger fish to fry down the pike!"

"How'r things with you and Tae..." asked Evan [as they walked slowly along the pier]! "...honestly!"

"We're good..." said Yonny [looking ahead to see his man walking with Kevin]! "...for the most part...!" he added on!

"Oh no..." responded Evan [not liking the tone]! "...what's wrong?"

"Nothing..." answered Yonny, "...really..." he tagged on [uncertain], "..its just..., with all this TALK about going to The Pros and not finishing school..., Tae's wondering where HE'S gonna fit in my life...? Its like he sees the writing on the wall that we're gonna break up when I move on...!"

"He's not WRONG, is he...?" asked Evan [having no intentions of seeing Kevin ever again]!

"Well, yeah..." countered Yonny! "...I don't want it to END because I'm in Pro-Ball..." said the boyfriend! "...he's more than welcomed to come WITH me wherever I go! My success doesn't have to mean we're DONE!"

"Did you tell him that...?" asked Evan [stopping to look at some awesome sunglasses]!

"I DID..." said Yonny, stopping with him [as their men continued on down the walkway]! "...but he says he doesn't want to be a `kept' man...!...that he's going to school for a degree and he doesn't want to waste it by living off of ME!"

"That's silly..." said Evan [trying on different pairs in a small handheld mirror]! "...of course he can live off of YOU...!'re gonna be making MORE money in a year than HE would see in 10 years!

"Did you tell him THAT...?"

"Of course now..." said Yonny! "...he's already feeling insecure..., I don't want to shove my possible salary in his face too!"

"Sounds like an EASY fix to me..." said Evan [passing the woman money for the glasses he selected]! "...all he has to DO is stay home and keep you happy...!...sounds like a win/win to me!"

And, ahead...

"If it were ME..." said Kevin [holding the same conversation with Tae as they walked ahead], "...I'd have no problem chillen poolside with servants waiting on me hand and foot, feeding me grapes n'shit...while Evan hit the road with his Pro-ballers to make us millions! I don't' see what the problem is!" he advised!

Tae cringed at the thought...!

"So if Evan offered to take you with him if he got picked, you'd drop everything and go...?...leave all your plans for the future behind...?" questioned Tae, curiously!

"In a-fucking-heartbeat, yeah!" answered Kevin!

"Dude..., you could always finish school wherever Yonny goes to play ball! You can still get your degree and open up a soup-can facility or a thrift-store for the homeless if that's what you're trying to do..." explained Kevin, enthusiastically! "...but I wouldn't hardly cut off all ties to the MONEY like that...! Hell, Yonny might be able to BUY you a homeless shelter if that's what you really want to do!"

"I don't' want to be dependent on Yonny's money..." said Tae, "...I want to be able to do my OWN investments without using HIM as a crutch! I want him to be my lover, not my BOSS!"

"See..." said Kevin, stopping in his tracks [facing Tae], putting his hand up as a stopper to make Tae stop as well! "...I have a problem fucking the boss!" he joked, before moving on!

"Hey..." said Evan [as he and Yonny finally caught up to their roommates/lovers]! "...what yall 2 talking about...?"

"How Kevin nearly got car-jacked and fought the guys off before security came and scared the thieves off...!" said Tae [not wanting to bring up the MONEY situation]! "He's LUCKY he only got a black-eye out of it!"

Evan and Yonny LOOKED at each other...trying not to laugh out loud in front of Kevin as he stood looking guilty [after telling Tae that lie]!

"Yeah, he's m HERO!" smiled Evan [all knowing the truth except Tae]!

"Hey, ain't we going to be LATE for the movie if we don't get going...?" said Kevin [changing the subject as a distraction]!

"Yeah, let's go!" said Evan, as the 4 friends [as they headed back to the parking lot]!



Besties and roommates; Jerome Taylor Jr., Todd Meriwether, Gilbert Hughes, and Shan Wilson were all riding in Junior's hoopty towards the Multiplex Theatre [which had been re-opened since the pandemic], passing Jerome's old apartment which he shared with his ex-bf (Hill)!

"Close your eyes while you drive..." suggested Todd, reaching for the wheel! "...we bout to pass your ex's place...!"

"Stop..." chuckled Junior [behind the wheel], "...I can HANDLE it, trust me!"

Todd sat back in the passenger's seat, as they drove by the cul-da-sac Junior used to live in [just a few days go]!

"You don't miss him?" asked Todd, curiously [knowing all the issues that had as a couple]!

"Not really..." lied Jerome, glancing back at Gil in the backseat [with Shan]! "...hanging with yall all again's got me as happy as I've ever been!"

"hm..." sounded Todd, "...friends are a poor substitute for SEX..." said the best-friend! "...and I KNOW you miss that!"

Junior's and Gil's eyes locked [in the rearview mirror]!

"You DO know Hill and I hadn't been fucking much in the past months because of his baby's momma..." reminded Junior [looking over at Todd]! "...that's ONE of the reasons why I thought something was going on between them...! Hill liked sex EVERYDAY, sometimes 2 or 3 times a day...! all of a sudden go from 100 to 10 or 20 was suspicious!"

"And WHAT reasons did he give for the lack of interests...?" asked Todd!

"Work, overtime, family drama..." recited Junior, "...but mostly it was because Dara would call about some tiny problem or baby issues that Hill NEEDED to address immediately..., and he'd drop everything, including me, and run to her aid!

"Whenever I'd confront him about it he'd argue that he's a DAD first and a boyfriend second..., making it seem like I was jealous of his kid! NOW I know better!"

"He's the worst!" said Todd [having never really liked Hill from the beginning]!

"He's a MAN!" stated Junior [indicating that they're all alike]!

"How LONG were yall together...?" asked Shan [from the back], curiously!

"Almost 3 years!" answered Junior [his eyes on the road]!

"OH!" responded Shan, surprised! "I KNOW you're gonna miss him!"

"Can we change the subject..." asked Junior [tired of talking about Hill]! "...please...?"

"Yeah..." agreed Gil, "...yall all excited to go to the movies after a whole year...?" he asked [switching gears]!

"Oh yeah..." smiled Junior [ready to get out]! "...but we'd all better still wear out MASKS just in case!"

"Oh, for sure!" agreed Todd [pulling his out of his pocket]!

"This is going to be FUN!" said Junior [happy to be out of captivity]!

"I miss pretzel bites!" said Shan, reminiscing!

"I miss cheesy nachos!" said Gil!

"Popcorn and a big soft drink for me!" said Todd!

"Gots to have my chocolate covered raisins!" said Junior, as they pulled into the Multiplex [searching for a parking spot]!

Hollywood had its movies on HOLD for the past year, due to theatre closing worldwide! But now that most of the bands had lifted and people's lives were beginning to return to normal...movies were coming back with a vengeance, with several highly anticipated movies all coming out of the gate at once! With Junior and his friends picking; Jason Wales action-hero role: `Ninja Zombies --The Movie' [adapted from the famed videogame series from a few short years ago]!

They parked their car in the far-end of the parking lot, then donned their masks as they made their way into the theatre, having pre-paid their seats to insure they sat where they wanted!

After waiting in line at the concessions stand [for their aforementioned items], they moved into the theatre where they took their seats in the back row, beside some other movie goers who had the same idea!

"uh, HEY..." said one of them, leaning forward [to catch Junior's attention]! "...wussup neighbor...!" said Evan Williams, recognizing Junior [from living next door]! "Haven't seen you in awhile!"

"Oh, wussup...?" said Junior [leaning forward to see Evan]! "uh, I moved...!" he added, without spilling all of his business in front of a bunch or strangers!

"Yall moved...?" asked Evan [surprised]!

"No...I moved..." explained Evan [secretly telling Evan that he and Hill were no longer together]! "...I'm living back at the dorms with my roommates!" he introduced [by showing them off]!

"Oh,!" said Evan [sitting back in his seat with his own friends]...!

"I hope it wasn't nothing Kevin and I did...?" he asked [leaning forward again]! "Kevin didn't mean anything when he tried to TOP Hill when he did!" he explained!

"huh...?" questioned Junior [having no idea what his neighbor was talking about]...?

Then he looked at Kevin and noticed his black-eye! "Yall saw Hill without me?" he asked [suspiciously], sensing something awry! Just then the lights dimmed down and the movie started playing, starting off with a few dozen ninja [in China] going through their training exercises when a meteorite came through and devastated the country [the entire screen going solid white]...!

Everyone was in awe as they waited to see what happened next...?...all except for Junior, who was wondering what Evan meant about Kevin trying to `top' Hill...?...and why Kevin was sitting there with a black-eye...?

"ur...excuse me..." whispered Junior [reaching over 2 complete strangers], (Tae & Yonny)! "...can I TALK to you for a minute in the lobby...?"

Everyone watched as Junior and Evan got up and headed down the steep stadium steps towards the lobby...!...wondering WHAT they were going to `talk' about...?

"Could you tell me what you meant in there about Kevin topping Hill...?" asked Junior [point-blank], as soon as they were out the door!

"Well...I'm not trying to say anything that may come between you two..." defended Evan [having already said too much]!

"We've already broken up..." admitted Junior, " anything you tell me couldn't possibly make anything he's already done to me any worse!"

"Well..." started Evan [considering what Junior said], "...Hill came by our place a couple of times since that first time we all did something on New Year's Eve..." he revealed! "...but the LAST time he came over Kevin tried to FUCK him because Hill didn't really protest when I ate his ass or when Kevin fingered him...!

"But when Kevin got in BEHIND him and tried to push his dick into his ass..., Hill FLIPPED and punched Kevin in the eye, knocking him out COLD! We really haven't seen him since!"

"So...he not only cheated on me with his baby's momma...!...he also cheated on me with the NEIGHBORS as well!" scoffed Junior [hands folding across his chest], feeling like an even BIGGER fool for not seeing it earlier!

"You okay, man...?" asked Evan, concerned [after all they DID fuck each other once], {JU3-13}!

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks!" said Junior, as Evan went back into the theatre to be with his friends while Junior stayed outside to collect himself [feeling angry & devastated all at once]!

"Jay..." called Gil [coming out a few minutes later to see what was wrong]! " alright, man?" he asked, touching his shoulder!

"Yeah..." responded Junior [unsure HOW he really felt]! "...I just found out from my neighbor that Hill cheated with him AND his roommate also...!" he explained!

"The guy you just talked to is gay...?" asked Gil [in disbelief]! "Do you KNOW who that is...?" he asked [sounding excited]! "That was Evan Williams! He and the other tall guy in there, -Yonny Singleton...!...both play for The Jeremiah Jaguars! They college elite! They about to be Pro-Ballers!

"You FUCKED with Evan Williams...??!"

"Yeah..." answered Junior [not as `fame-impressed' as Gil]! "...Hill CHEATED with him and his roommate...!

"I feel like SUCH a dummy for thinking we had something special...!"

"You were in LOVE, that's all!" reflected Gil [coming back down to earth], realizing the PAIN Junior was still in!

"Could you do me a favor...?" asked Junior [leaning his back to the hall wall]! "TWO favors in fact..." Gil nodded his head `yes'! "...could you GO with me to Hill's house to help me pick up the last of my stuff...?...and could you take me into the restroom right now and FUCK the shit out of me...?" he asked, hoping Gil could help him out!

"Of course..." answered Gil, " BOTH questions!"


In The Theatre...

Todd, Shan, and Gil watched as the `neighbor' (Evan) came back in and walked by them [sitting with his friends]! Gil waited to see where Junior was...?...then got up to check on him himself!

Todd and Shan continued to sit and watch the movie, getting engrossed into it [as Todd reached his hand down into Shan's open pants to toy with his man-pussy]! Shan tried to sit in the theatre as if nothing was happening! Todd sat with his head facing the movie screen, his hand discreetly in his roommate's pants, his fingers rubbing over Shan's male-clit before dipping into the opening, fingering him deeply! Shan could feel himself growing wet as Todd started to dart his fingers in & out, occasionally pulling them up to his mouth to lick clean before sending his hand back down to do it again!! Shan tried not to squirm from the erotic sensation, but couldn't help spreading his legs wider and slumping in his seat, letting the digits roam deeper!

After about 10mins of getting his fingers soaked, Todd leaned in and asked Shan if he wanted to go to the restroom and fuck...? Shan said `yes' as they got up and headed down the stadium steps towards the restroom!

"Where's Junior and Gil...?" asked Shan [not seeing them in the lobby]!

"Maybe they went outside...?" question/answered Todd [too excited to find out at the moment] as he lead Shan into the men's room [his hardon printing a noticeable tent in his crotch as he walked as fast as he could!

Once inside he made his way towards the last stall..., finding it already occupied as he took the stall next door [and waited for Shan]! Shan walked in and stopped at the sinks, pretending to wash his hands until the coast was clear! He made his way down to the last stall also, finding it LOCKED! He tried the next stall and it opened, revealing Todd sitting on the toilet with his pants about his ankles, slow-stroking his 8.5" hardon! Shan walked in and locked the door, careful not to say anything [as there was someone next door]! He fell quietly to his knees and started sucking Todd's dick [getting it wet for his cunt]!


Next Door: Junior and Gil did something similar..., both walking into the men's room and going into separate stalls to pee [until the coast was clear]! After a few minutes Gil poked his head out of his stall to find the aisle clear, then dashed into Junior's stall [the handicap stall] with him and locked the door!

Junior was standing by the sink with his back to the backwall, slow-stroking his dick [sensuously] when Gil walked straight up to him and planted a hot kiss directly on his lips, stuffing his tongue into his mouth while tilting his head to the side to drill his tasted in as deeply as he could [letting Junior suckle it]!

"ump...umph...ummf...!" moaned Junior [both kissing each other sloppily as they twisted and turned their heads in opposite direction]!

Junior reached down to feel Gil's hardon straining against his pants! He undid his fastens [while still kissing] and reached into his underwear to pull his dick out!

"I NEED you, Jay..." whispered Gil between kisses [their mouth melding together like ONE orifice]! "...I want to fuck you!"

Junior wasted no time preparing himself, breaking the kiss to spit into his own hand before stroking it over Gil's stiff-standing hardon...!...then spit into his hand again before reaching back behind himself to smear the saliva over his own anus! Then he turned his back to Gil [hugging the wall] and reached back behind himself to grasp Gil's dick and position it between his ass cheeks, aligning it to his hole before pushing back onto it!

"uhg!" grunted Junior, biting his bottom lip [to keep from groaning too loudly] as the dick slowly slid into him [breeching his hole to push inside! Gil reached up and put his hand over Junior's mouth, letting him moan [muffled] into his palm as he reached the ground floor, grinding his hips into Junior's ass!

Once he was firmly planted, did he remove his hand and grip Junior's hips before pulling backwards and thrusting forward [officially fucking the ass]! Junior clung to the wall [like Spiderman], his ass jetting back [for fucking] as Gil started thrusting in & out! "Damn!" moaned the verse/botm, feeling the dick starting to dig through him, widening his anus as it reached up into the curve of his colon, thrusting back & forth!


Todd sat on the toilet with his pants around his ankles as Shan sucked and bobbed his mouth on his dick, making it super-stiff and slick for fucking! With his pussy already wet [from the earlier fingering], he was able to sit on Todd's dick when Todd pulled him up off his knees and into position, straddling his legs!

Todd gripped his dick at the root and aimed it upright as he guided it into Shan's cunt-hole, making him slide down onto it as it buried deep within his center core!

"urrnnh...!" groaned Shan [accidentally], feeling the dick stretch him out inside!

"shhh...!" shushed Todd, pulled Shan in for a kiss [in an attempt to muffle his moans]!

The 2 kissed deeply as Todd pulled Shan down in his lap, making him grind his cunt against his pubes, making Shan's clitoris rub wildly against his pube hair [making it tingle]!

"ummphh...!" moaned Shan in Todd's mouth [having taken off his pants and underwear to ride his dick]!


Gil could have sworn he heard someone moan [erotically] nearby...?...but believed his mind was playing tricks on him since he and Junior were worried someone might FIND them fucking in the stall!

He held onto Junior's waist, pulling his ass back onto his dick everytime he rammed his hips forward, burying his prick in his friend's ass [fucking him as if he owned it]!

Junior did his best to keep from moaning and groaning too loudly, biting his lower lip as he succumb to Gil's dick, backing himself onto it as it started to really open him up!

Junior didn't think of Hill whenever Gil was inside him, his mind too distracted by the dick pummeling his innards, turning his guts to liquid! He felt hallowed out as the dick sped in & out [unstoppably], making him wonder IF Gil would stop if he asked...? He nearly put it to the test, but couldn't bring himself to end such a lovely fucking!

Gil stared down at his dick sliding through Junior's ass, his hands holding his roommate's trim waist as his dick sank through and emerged from the taut cheeks, the buttock wrapping strongly about his thrusting dick, his pelvic bone slamming into his ass like a paddle, punishing the buttock for giving it so much attention!

He pulled Junior's hips back further, giving him deeper access within to fuck him in! While Gil's dick-length was much the same as Hill's, Hill's girth was thicker, stretching his asshole more for a fuller fuck! But while Gil's dick wasn't quite as thick as Hill's, his fuck-style was just as magical, his hands just as fiery [as he reached under his shirt to feel his slim torso]! "You like that dick...?" whispered Gil, leaning in closely to Junior's back, kissing about his neck [waiting for a response]!

"yesss..." moaned Junior, tilting his head back against Gil's shoulder, letting him fuck straight up and through him]! "...don't stop...!...its so deep!"

"You LIKE that, right...?" asked Gil, loving the way the ass felt on his dick [sucking his shaft as he fucked]!

"I love it!" breathed Junior, reaching back [overhead] to rake his fingers over Gil's short-cut scalp [sensuously]! Gil threw his face into Junior's neck, suckling the skin as he continued humping against the rump, deep-dicking the hole with short strokes that never left the ass more than 3 inches backwards!

They fucked closely/deeply, with Junior being pressed against the wall [once again], the side of his face smashed against the tiles as Gil pressed his face in closely against his, kissing the side of his exposed face, getting closer to his lips until they were kissing sideways!

"umf...!!...urh...!!...umph...!!...umph...!!...umph...!!" panted Junior, as Gil's tongue reentered his mouth, kissing wetly as he breathed roughly, his ass taking the brunt of Gil's fuck!


Next door Todd and Shan could hear tiny grunts and groans coming from the stall beside them...realizing someone else in the theatre had the same idea as them!

Todd thought it was funny that they both were fucking and trying to keep quiet [while people ventured in and out using the facilities]! He had no idea WHO they were, but the idea of another gay couple fucking beside them had his dick on brick, as he held Shan's waist and helped him bounce up and down in his lap!

Shan also bit his own lip to keep from crying out joyously as he got fucked, becoming more and more used to a dick in his cunt, slamming his own abnormal orifice down onto Todd's manhood...!...holding onto his shoulders as he fucked himself [with Todd's hands gripping and groping his manly ass cheeks]!

Todd helped lift and lower Shan onto his dick, gradually picking up speed as his dick became harder, preparing to bust its load as Shan's warm/wet pussy sucked at his shaft [like a hungry mouth]!

"urrhg...!!...urrhg...!!...urhhg...!!" grunted Todd, thrusting up into Shan harder, driving his dick straight up the middle as Shan bucked and ground his hips against the dick, his body becoming more acute, as his vagina began to tighten and quiver as they fucked!


Gil pulled his tongue from the side of Junior's mouth and pulled back physically, latching back onto his hips as he held him in place and started fucking him harder, the sound of his pelvic bone slapping into Junior's buttock [like thunder]!

Junior found himself pushing his ass back [for a rougher fuck], tiny groans and grunts escaping his mouth everytime Gil rammed home [slapping bodies]!


Todd tightened his hands on Shan's waist as he began pounding him down onto his dick, thrusting up into him as best he could, before simply standing him up and bracing him back against the door [without once removing his dick]!

Shan felt himself being put into a different position as his back hit the door, his feet the floor, and his hips pulled forward as Todd started stabbing up into him harder!

"urhhg...!!...urhhg...!!...urhhg...!!...I'm gonna cum...!!" gasped Shan, his body growing rigid as his clitoris was stimulated, shooting tiny gobs of white creamy cum against Todd's pubic hair and thrusting dick, coating him in his essence as Todd rammed up into him and held himself inside...!

"urrrhhhhhhgg...!!!" grunted Todd, his stiff dick swelling sorely before spitting a healthy 6 or 7 spurts of cum directly into Shan's cunt!

They both collapsed into each other, Todd's dick still planted in Shan's snatch as it pulsed out the last of his load!


Gil was fucking Junior's ass hard, driving all nine inches of stiff prick straight up his ass with every stroke, the sounds of their bodies clashing echoing through the men's room!

Junior reached down and grabbed his 8" dick, stroking it to the equal intensity ramming through his ass! He could feel his body beginning to react, his asshole flexing while his dick throbbed and pulsed! He could feel himself building towards a powerful orgasm, as Gil's hands tightened on his hips!

"urrhhhg fuck...!....I'm gonna cum..." whispered Gil, only managing to get off 6 more strokes before succumbing to orgasm! "...urrhhhgg..." he grunted lowly [trying to keep his voice down], ramming into Junior just as the cum shot out of his body! "...URRRHHHHHHGG...!!!" he yelled louder, as his body seized upright!

Junior continued stroking himself faster, feeling the hot sear of cum shooting into his backside...!...his anus beginning to contract and spasm as his dick grew super-rigid before suddenly shooting his own load out against the restroom wall!

"urrhhg...!!...urrhhg...!!...urrhhg...!!...urrhhg...!!...urrhhg...!!" grunted Junior after each spurt [under his breath], feeling Gil holding himself inside as his dick began to soften and shrink!

Gil held Junior through his orgasm [Junior's body jerking to a close], then slowly withdrew his dick as he pulled away [cleaning his dick with paper-towels they grabbed on the way in] before tucking his meat away and fastening up! Junior did much of the same, also wiping his ass-crack with toilet-tissue before flushing and pulling his own pants up [covering his ass]!

Gil looked at his wristwatch!

"We missed like 30mins of the movie!" he stated, as he unlocked the door!

"Todd probably thinks we LEFT the theatre without him!" chuckled Junior as they exited the stall...!...running into Todd and Shan at the sinks!

They all stared at each other in shock...!...taking a moment to realize it was THEM in the next stall!

"ohmygod...that was YOU...?" asked Junior!

"That was yall...?!" asked Todd, looking back and forth between the two!

"How long've YALL been together, again...?"

"Just happened a couple of DAYS ago!" said Gil [not wanting Todd to think they were fucking all along]!

"You just MOVED IN a couple of days ago...!" said Todd [surmising they must have started fucking immediately]!

"And...?" asked Junior [like `so?']!

"Nothing..." backtracked Todd [realizing it sounded more judging than he intended]! "...I just thought yall weren't messing around anymore...!"

"Yeah, well...things change!" reasoned Junior, drying his hands before heading back to the theatre...!...all of them enjoying what was left of the movie...!

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Evan Williams returned to the theatre [after his `talk' with Junior, squeezing by his friends to take his seat between Yonny and Kevin! Subsequently Gil got up [a few moments later] to go check on Junior when he noticed he didn't return!

"What did he want to talk to you about...?" asked Kevin [somewhat concerned], after Evan sat down!

"Oh, he just wanted to know what I meant when I said that YOU tried to top Hill...! So I told him what happened!" explained Evan, briefly!

"hm..." thought Kevin! "...was he mad...?" he asked, curiously!

"He was mad that Hill `cheated' on him with US, yeah..." described Evan, "...but he seemed MORE pissed that he was also cheating on him with his baby's momma, whoever SHE is...?

"That's why he moved out!"

"So Hill's living there ALONE, now...?" inquired Kevin [already thinking of ways to get him back over to his crib]! "That just made my DICK hard!" he joked [seriously], grabbing a handful of his crotch!

Evan reached his hand over into Kevin's lap, feeling for his hard dick, rubbing the bulging length stiffening along his leg!

Everyone watched the movie as it unfolded, with Evan feeling up Kevin's hardon while Todd finger-fucked Shan's cunt! A few minutes later Todd and Shan got up and left also! The others thought they got up to check in on Junior also! Seeing a free moment, Kevin undid his pants and hoisted out his big 11.5" dick, letting it spring up out of his pants [like a jack-n-the-box]! Evan stroked it cautiously for a moment, looking around to make certain no one was paying them any mind before leaning over to suck it!

Yonny and Tae noticed what Evan and Kevin were doing..., as they too looked around to make sure no one was watching!

"They at it again...!" sighed Yonny, whispering how they can't take them nowhere!

Tae glanced over to see Evan leaning in over Kevin and bobbing his head in his lap!

"No one watching...!" whispered Tae [as everyone's head was facing forward]!

Yonny said nothing as he slumped in his seat and leaned against his bf's arm! Tae placed his hand in Yonny's, interlocking their fingers before leaning in to kiss [discreetly]! Not knowing when the others were going to come back...?...they only kissed for a good minute before getting back to the movie! 10minutes into the movie, the world's government put together a suicide-squad to go into China and eradicate all the ninja-zombies before they could infect the rest of the free world!

Curiously Yonny reached his hand into Tae's crotch and discovered he too had a hardon [after watching Evan blowing Kevin]! Yonny asked him if he wanted a blowjob also...?...but Tae downplayed it, knowing Yonny wasn't as free-spirited sexually as Evan was! Yonny sat up and started undoing Tae's pants, encouraging him to reach in and pull out his erection! Tae did as Yonny suggested, as Yonny wrapped his left hand around it and started jacking him off [too chicken shit to actually DO what Evan was doing]!

"Warn me when you're about to cum!" whispered Yonny, slumping back down in his seat, stroking Tae's dick faster and faster as the minutes ticked by!

Meanwhile Evan was sucking quietly on Kevin's dick, the light and dark contrast of the movie plunging them in darkness or in bright light as Evan deep-throated the dick while slurping about the solidly-hard shaft! Kevin merely closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the headrest of his seat, uncaring if they got caught or not, as HE wasn't the one sucking dick!

Kevin rested his left arm over Evan's back & shoulders [as he bobbed his head in his lap], eventually letting his hand roam down towards Evan's ass, squeezing and groping the bubbled buttock through his pants [wishing he could be inside it, rough-fucking him right there in front of everyone]! He squeezed his hand down into the seat of his pants and started toying with Evan's anus, pushing his dry digit into the moist hole and finger-banging him [much like Todd did Shan earlier]!

"I want some ass!" he whispered [loud enough for only Evan to hear]!

Evan pulled off the dick and looked around [to see if it were possible]...? With everyone in seats lower than them, he undid his pants and scooted up to push his pants and underwear below his ass cheeks...!...then sat side-saddle in his seat [facing Yonny], (away from Kevin), then spit into his hand to reached back and smear it over his asshole!

Yonny looked at Evan bewildered until he noticed Kevin getting into the same position behind his friend [lifting up the removable armrest between them]!

"You have NO shame!" whispered Yonny, causing Evan to grin broadly just as Kevin got behind him and aligned his dickhead against his hole before pushing straight in...!

"You only live ONCE!" said Evan, before grunting [lowly] as the dick penetrated his anus before sliding all the way up inside him!

"fuucckkk...!" groaned Kevin, as his dick buried deep, grinding his pelvic bone against his butt!

Once thoroughly buried, he began pulling back and thrusting forward, fucking his roommate's asshole right there in the midst of the mildly crowded movie theatre! He LOVED how daring Evan was, willing and able to DO questionable sex acts in public [to a degree]! It certainly kept their sex lives interesting [not BORING like Tae's and Yonny's]! They couldn't have been more opposites!

Yonny looked so horrified that Evan was letting Kevin fuck him right there in the STRAIGHT theatre...!...knowing if they got caught it could seriously damage their chances of getting into The Pro-League [no rookie hopeful needed a scandal to jumpstart his career]!

But Evan seemed unfazed, happily accepting Kevin's dick as he began thrusting behind him, fucking his ass and burying his big dick over and over again! It took awhile for Evan to notice that Yonny was discreetly stroking his bf's dick, keeping it interesting without going all the way or demeaning himself! Evan had to give it to him for even letting Tae whip it out in public, knowing Yonny's religious background with his mother [some of the kids in high-school used to call his mother `Piper Laurie' (the mother from the movie Carrie)]!

For the first 5mins Kevin leaned in the same position as Evan, humping into his ass deeply, feeling the asshole sucking his shaft as he fucked! Soon after he got up behind him, placing one knee onto the theatre floor while the other lay in the seat, allowing him to halfway straddle Evan's ass while digging in it deeper!

Kevin looked over and noticed Yonny stroking Tae [and smiled]! His eyes locked onto Tae's as he began fucking Evan harder! The movie got louder as the human assassins entered China's airport and started killing zombie immediately [with rapid gunfire]! Kevin used the scene to fuck Evan harder, banging his hips into his body and causing the seats to buckle! Tae's dick stiffened thicker in Yonny's stroking hand..., prompting him to give his lover warning!

"I'm about to cum..." whispered Tae [after watching Kevin fuck Evan], (secretly wondering what it might feel like to take his bestie's big dick)...? Yonny sat upright in his seat..., then leaned into Tae's lap and quickly took his 9.5" downward curved dick in his mouth [suckling the head], just before it burst in his mouth!

"...urhg...!...urrrrhhhhhhhhgg...!!" grunted Tae softly, shooting a healthy load into his basketball player bf's mouth! Yonny let the cum fill his mouth before swallowing, just as another burst of cum erupted, shooting in his throat! He milked the dick dry with his stroking hand and suckled the head until the feast stopped! Then he sat back up and slumped down in his seat, savoring the flavor of his lover on his licking lips!

Evan and Kevin saw the whole display, as Evan grabbed Yonny's hoodie and pulled on him in support! Yonny rolled his eyes [as Evan gave him a great-big smile], before his eyes bulged [slightly] when Kevin suddenly rammed his dick all the way up his ass and held it there!

"urrhh...!...urrhhg...!!...urrrrrhhhhhhhhhggg...!!!" grunted Kevin [also trying to keep his voice down], dumping another load into Evan's ass [after butt-fucking him before they left the apt. to pick up Yonny & Tae]! He bucked several times as he came, flooding his roommate's butt before slowly pulling his softening dick out [to retake his seat]!

"Fuck!" cursed Kevin [once seated], tucking his dick back in his pants...!

"What's wrong...?" asked Evan [also pulling up his pants [over his ass] before sitting upright in his own seat!

"Something STICKY was on the floor...!" said Kevin, realizing his knee was dirty!

"Probably more CUM..." joked Yonny [only half serious], "...we ARE in the last seats where people like to experiment!"

"That's why nut should be injected in a body cavity..." countered Kevin, "...or swallowed...! By-the-way..., congratulations on the latter!" he grinned, before getting back into the movie!

Yonny rolled his eyes [still possessing the taste of his lover's seed on his tastebuds]...!...even as Tae was tucking away his own softened dick! They were all surprised to see Junior and his friends returning [from wherever they went]...? They all retook their seats and watched the rest of the movie..., as if nothing happened!

Next: Chapter 164: Jeremiah University III 30

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