Jeremiah university

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Feb 3, 2020



Written by:



PHILADELPHIA, PA / Late Late Saturday Evening...

21yr old Qwest Winfield (Q) dropped his 18yr old boyfriend (Derek Richards) and his friend (Evan Williams) off at Derek's parents' home in west philly! The mood between the lovers was a little tense, after Derek had discovered Q wasn't the total top he pretended to be at the start of their relationship!

The 2 friends got out of the car, as Q took off down the block, eager to put the night [and the gangbang], {last chp} behind him!

"What're you thinking...?" asked Evan, as the 2 watched Q's taillights disappear down the street and around the corner!

"I'm thinking my relationship might be OVER...!" confessed Derek [sadly], as the 2 started up the front steps to his house!

"Really...?" asked Evan [surprised]! "Over THAT...?" he reiterated!

"Q couldn't defend himself..." he reasoned [as Derek took out the keys to his house]! "...they TOOK him..." explained his friend, "...they practically RAPED him! It wasn't consensual!"

"Maybe not in the beginning..." said Derek [fitting the key into the door], "...but eventually it was...! The SAME thing happened to me, remember...? And LOOK at me now! I could tell by the look on his face that he liked it a lot MORE than he acted!"

"So...why not take that opportunity to demand your relationship be equal now...?...instead of dumping him all at once!" suggested Evan [as Derek twisted the doorknob to walk into the house]!

"I mean, if he liked it as much as you THINK he did...this could change the dynamic of your relationship! You can fuck each other!"

"I'm down for it..." said Derek [as Evan walked in behind him, closing and locking the door]! "...I'm just not sure that's what HE wants...!

"And now that I know he bottoms...I can't go back to him just topping me!"

"Yall definitely need to talk!" reasoned Evan [as they walked into a darkened house]!

"Your parents asleep already on a Saturday night...?" asked Evan, looking at the time [2am]!

"They're an old MARRIED couple..." reminded Derek, "...what else've they got to do...?" he joked! "Funny thing..., even though I'm 18 now and in college, I still feel FUNNY coming home late from a night out...! I still expect my parents to GROUND me or something!"

"Enjoy that feeling while you have it...!" advised Evan [having possibly lost BOTH of his parents]!

"I need to shower...!" said Derek soon after, feeling sticky all over from the sex!

"Me too!" agreed Evan!

"I'll go first!" said Derek, heading upstairs to strip naked!

Evan went into the kitchen, checking the fridge to see if there was anything to snack on before bed...?

Upstairs: 38yr old Michael Richards awakened when he heard noises downstairs! He reached over onto the nightstand beside the bed, then put on his glasses before looking at the digital clock nearby [2am]! `Those boys are getting beside themselves!' he thought to himself, wanting to confront them for staying out so long without calling...!...but knew they were growing boys [college men], and didn't want to risk finding them drunk or worse...!

He heard the shower turn on in the bathroom [next door to his room], and decided to investigate, getting out of the bed in his pajamas [while his wife continued to sleep straight through]!

Mike quietly came out of his room [gently closing the door behind him], (as to not wake up his wife), then slowly opened the bathroom door to see that it was his son (Derek) in the shower! He quietly re-closed the door and headed downstairs [to see where Evan was]...? He heard rattling in the kitchen, then saw a light as he rounded the bottom of the stairs...!

"Hey..." he called, as Evan was enjoying one of Mike's beers [guiltily]! "...are you okay...?" asked the concerned husband, as Evan was sitting at the kitchen table!

"uh, yes sir...!" answered Evan [thinking Mike would be MAD that he stole one of his beers]! "I was just...thirsty!"

"Help yourself..." said Mike, reaching into the fridge to grab a beer himself, joining Evan at the kitchen table! "...I'd rather you and Derek drink HERE than out in the street and drive!" he added [thinking of their safeties]!

"Did going out and being with FRIENDS help take your mind off things...?"

"Yeah..." smiled Evan [thinking of Flex and his roommate, and Cameron and his friends]! "...we had FUN!"

"I'm SURE I don't want to know the details!" joked Mike [turning his bottle up to his hairy face]!

Evan stared!

"I just wanted to THANK you for letting me stay here at your house again...!" said the college teenager, wholeheartedly! "I know it wasn't an easy decision for you..., after everything we've been through in the past...!" he added, as Mike looked at him questionably!

"Derek TOLD me to keep a safe distance between us...! He said you regretted everything that happened last summer! Said you wanted to put the past behind you! I understand, really!"

"Well..." said Mike, surprised by the turn of conversation! "...letting you stay here WAS an easy decision..." corrected Mike, "'re apart of this family now...! Nikki wouldn't have had it any other way!"

"And I LOVE her for it..." said Evan [staring Mike in the eye]! "...but I can't thank HER like I can thank you!" he added, causing Mike to squirm a little in his seat [as his dick started to awaken and stir under the table]...!

"A VERBAL thanks is enough!" said the older man [trying to hide his frustrations]!

Evan lowered his head [feeling dejected]...!

"I'm sorry..." he said softly [ashamed]! "...I didn't mean to say that...! I don't know what's WRONG with me!" he added, innocently!

"I understand, Evan..." assured Mike, sympathetically! "'ve spent much of your life showing your father affection through it's really the only way you know HOW to show gratitude to someone! I get it! But its not necessary here! Nikki and I love we love our own son, -unconditionally! You don't have to put out for me physically to show me how grateful you are!"

Evan's face twisted painfully as he tried to hold back the tears...!...but it was pointless, as the waterworks started rather he wanted them to or not! Mike got up from the table and walked over to put his arms [lovingly] around the boy [cradling his head against his stomach while Evan continued to sit]! Evan wrapped his arms about Mike's waist and sobbed against him like a baby, wishing they were REALLY family, not just in jest! It was then that Mike realized just HOW alone Evan really was...! In many ways he was still just a CHILD [despite his incredible talents on the basketball courts]...!...still that little boy who missed the benefit of having a nurturing mother nearby!

Mike blamed the father (Victor) for not giving Evan the growth he desperately needed...!...for keeping him sheltered in that house, a slave to him sexually! It was all Evan understood, it was his only way to show love! Mike feared Basketball might be the only thing that kept Evan grounded..., fearing what might happen one day if he ever lost his zest, OR the ability to play the game...?


Sunday Morning

Evan woke up the happiest he'd been in ages! Today was the day detective Eric Myers [an old friend] took him to the Round House to see his dad [the day before his trial]! Myers promised to get Evan in to see his father, telling him he was `payback' for keeping his mouth SHUT about what happened up at the Lake House {see: School Jock chps-34 thru 40}!

Evan took a fresh shower [despite taking one late last night], then came downstairs to a big breakfast prepared by the woman of the house: Niki Richards! It was nice seeing Evan in good spirits about his father, knowing in just 24hrs things could be looking drastically different!

The family was still eating when there was a knock at the door...!

"I'll get it!" said Derek, excusing himself from the kitchen table to answer the door!

"Hi Eric!" smiled Derek [having not seen the detective since THAT weekend]! He invited the black man in, then gave him a HUG on the unclosed porch [away from prying neighbors]!

"How have you been, Derek...?" asked Myers, giving the college boy a hug back!

"How's school...?"

"Don't ask!" sighed Derek, releasing the man as they went further into the house!

Myers walked into the kitchen and greeted everyone `hello', giving EYES to Michael Richards, as the 2 talked about seeing each other more often AFTER their Lake experience, but Mike chickened out!

"Thanks for taking Evan to see his father..." said Niki [after offering the detective something to eat]...! "...its ALL he's been talking about all weekend!"

"Its my pleasure...!" smiled Eric, knowing it might be the LAST time Evan got to see his day unsupervised!

"Are you READY, Evan...?" he asked, curiously!

"AM I...??" asked Evan, ready to JUMP out of his seat!

Soon the 2 men were on the road, heading into the downtown area [to police headquarters] for a prearranged meeting Myers set up with Evan's dad! The whole thing was possible because Victor was being officially transferred into `holding' at police headquarters from his cell at Piedmont Penitentiary at Valley Forge!

Myers knew he could pull strings at the headquarters to get Evan in to see his father..., strings he didn't have at the prison! Once Victor was convicted, Evan would be forced to see his dad in the visiting center like every other prisoner's family members!

"I just want to WARN you, Evan..." said Myers [as they took the expressway through town], "...your dad may not be as you remember him...!" he explained!

"What do you mean...?" asked Evan, confused!

"Prison...has a way of CHANGING people..." said the detective, keeping his eyes on the road ahead! " appearance AND personality! He may LOOK different, and he may even ACT different! But he IS still your dad, and he still loves you!"

"I know...!" responded Evan, having no idea WHY detective Myers was trying to scared him...? He'd been waiting to see his dad for MONTHS, hoping to spend some quality TIME with him alone before his trial, or rather lynching! Evan had a weird feeling his dad was going to be railroaded during the trial, seeing how prosecutors had NO other suspects in mind, painting his dad as an abusive tyrant who went MAD on night and killed his wife and deposed of her body!

Evan didn't believe his dad was guilty! He couldn't believe it! He LOVED his dad! His dad would never do anything to hurt or harm his family! He was a gentle giant! People were scared of him because he was a big black beast of a man, but deep down he had the heart of a teddy bear! Evan couldn't help but remember times when he cried himself to sleep missing his mother [as a child], and his dad would come into his room and cuddle him up in his arms and holding him until he fell back to sleep! How could a man THAT loving and caring just up and murder his own wife...?...the mother of his son!

"How's school...?" asked Myers, trying to make more pleasant conversation as he drove! "How are you fairing with your grades...? Are you making new friends...?"

"School's great! Grades good! Friends everywhere!" answered Evan [in short], staring out the window, not wanting to think of anything but his father!

Myers glanced over at him...!

"I'm not your enemy, Evan..." said the detective [having volunteered to unite Evan with his father]! "...I'm on YOUR side!"

"But not my dad's!" countered Evan, looking back at the officer!

"All during our time at The Lake you treated my dad like a criminal...!"

"He's the chief suspect in a murder investigation..." reminded Myers, "...I went out on a limb escorting him to that lake! I didn't have to do that either!"

"BUT you think he's guilty, don't you...?" asked Evan!

"What I think isn't important..." reasoned Myers, "...only what can be proved in court!"

"But my dad's supposed to be INNOCENT until proven guilty...not the other way around!" argued Evan! "The cops, the lawyers, the media...all have him GUILTY already, crucifying him in the news...!...calling for his incarceration...!...without any evidence whatsoever that he killed my mom!"

"If HE didn't, WHO did...?" asked Myers [knowing police couldn't unearth any other suspects, even her family thought Victor killed her]!

"That's the WHOLE lynching, isn't it...?" asked Evan. "Since yall can't find anybody else that might have wanted her dad becomes the automatic suspect! I mean, there's not even any evidence that she was killed in our house! She could have been murdered on the street, at someone else's house, on her way home from the supermarket..., meeting with a lover! Anything!

"But yall QUICK to blame my dad!"

"It's no secret that the judicial system is flawed..." explained Myers, "...but statically the husband is often the murderer in 90% of these kinds of cases! Particularly if there's any history of spousal abuse!"

"But there WAS no history of spousal abuse!" argued Evan!

"Not according to HER family...!" countered Myers!

"THEY never liked my dad from the beginning...!" dismissed Evan! "They've been blaming HIM for her disappearance from YEARS! They've always had a vendetta against him!"

"And WHY is that..." asked Myers! "...if not because he was abusive and controlling...?

"I understand that you LOVE you father, Evan...and that he's the only parent you have left..., but you need to go into this trial with open EYES! He might not be innocent!"

"And I'm sure the prosecutors and police will do everything in their power to make SURE he's not!" sighed Evan, turning his head from Myers, looking back out of the passenger's window!

Myers realized reasoning with Evan was pointless, the boy was too far gone when it came to his dad! They drove the rest of the way in silence. Myers used his ID to get into the employee parking lot...then escorted Evan into the headquarters and had him sit in an interrogation room and wait to see his father!

"You know the deal, Evan..." said Myers, having taken Evan to see his father before {S.Jock-16}! " won't have a lot of time, so make sure the time you spend together is worth it! Like I may be the last time you SEE your dad for awhile!"

"Like you said, Detective...I already KNOW the deal!" sighed Evan [blaming police (AND Myers) for his dad's legal troubles]...!

Myers said nothing in defense, knowing Evan needed to vilify someone [he certainly couldn't blame his dad]! Myers sat in the room with Evan [silently], waiting for Victor to be escorted to the room! Within minutes the door opened, and a uniformed officer [one Evan instantly recognized] walked his shackled father into the interrogation room and started locking him to a secured chair [so he couldn't escape]!


Evan could feel his heart LEAP into his throat when he saw his father being lead into the room in his signature ORANGE jumpsuit! Indeed [like Myers said] he looked different, slightly thinner, worried, and defeated! Evan felt tears swelling in his eyes when he barely recognized his big virile dad [who's JOB often kept him physically stocky]! But Evan didn't want his dad to see him upset, so he sucked it all inward and put on a brave front, smiling warmly as his father was strapped in!

The uniformed officer stood up [after securing the father] and stared longingly at Evan, recalling their LAST encounter together! He remembered catching the boy blowing his cuffed dad, then demanding the boy do the same for him OR he'd report what happened [which wouldn't look good for the older man]! Victor refused to `whore' his son out, willing to take the blame for the blowjob...!...but Evan overruled his dad, and blew the cop anyway, getting them a longer time together without interference {SJ-16}!

"Thanks, Manny..., I've got it from here!" said Myers, dismissing the officer!

Manny Michaels tore his eyes from Evan, then sucked his teeth at Myers before heading for the door! He wanted to tell the detective to `fuck off', then FUCK the boy right there in front of his shackled father...!...but he knew he couldn't, not if he wanted to keep his job [and stay out of jail himself]!

Myers waited for Manny to leave the room [closing the door behind him]...!

"I can only grant you two 30mins..." said Myers, "...40 if we're lucky!" he added!

"Make it count!" he advised before leaving the room!

"I miss you, DAD!" cried Evan, rushing over to his father and throwing his arms around his neck, burying the side of his face in his chest [breathing in his forgotten scent]!

"I love you! I love you SO MUCH! I think of you everyday! Every minute! I can't live without you!"

"I know, son..." said Victor [trying to hold back tears of his own]! "...I love you too!" he admitted, regretting that he couldn't put his shackled arms around his boy and hug him back! "I'm okay! Don't worry about me!" he assured [as Evan held him tighter]!

"'s college...? Are you kicking everyone's ass on the basketball court...?"

Evan pulled back, looking up into his dad's [usually stern] eyes...! "I'm not worried about SCHOOL right now dad...! I'm here for YOU!" said the boy! "WHAT is Augustine DOING to get you out of jail...?" he insisted on knowing!

"Listen up, boy..." said Victor [in his sternest voice], (sending old chills up Evan's spine)! "...I don't want YOU worrying about me and the trial! I'd left STRICT instructions for Augustine NOT to let you in that courtroom! I don't want you anywhere NEAR there when this trial starts! I want you to go BACK to school and finish up that scholarship you won! You deserve to make something of yourself, boy! You have a god-given talent! Use it! Make your dad PROUD!"

Evan burst into tears [kneeling in front of his dad]!

"I...I can't do it without you, dad...!" he cried [looking down at the floor]! "I NEED you with me! Beside me! Telling me what to do!"

"You already KNOW what to do..." argued Victor, " always have! You just need to believe in yourself and you can DO it!"

"I MISS YOU SO MUCH!" cried Evan, burying his face in his dad's lap [crying REAL tears]!

Victor HATED seeing his son cry...!...but he couldn't cradle him in his arms [like he used to when he was younger]...!

"Buck up, son..." advised Victor, " have to be your OWN man now...!" he declared!

"I'm not always gonna BE there to hold your hand...!...but I'll always BE there!"

Evan wiped his tears on the legs of his father's jumpsuit..., then started to swallow his face in his dad's lap [searching for the lump in his pants]!

"Evan..." called Victor, knowing what his boy was up to! But Evan continued to swallow around, feeling his dad's dick GROWING in his prison uniform! "...don't..." warned Victor, recalling how the guard used their LAST visiting encounter against them to fuck his son! Victor looked up at the door leading into the room, and SAW the officer standing there, watching! The GRIN on his sadistic face was sinister! Victor knew his son's virtue was in jeopardy!

Evan pulled his face out of his dad's lap and started to undo the zipper to his jumpsuit!

"EVAN! I told you NO!" yelled Victor, startling the boy! Evan paused [for only a second], then resumed undoing his zipper! "So you DEFYING me, now...? Is THAT what we do now...?" asked Victor [knowing there was literally NOTHING he could do to physically stop his son from getting what he wanted from him!

"Like detective Myers said, dad..., this might be the LAST time we get privacy to see each other...! I don't want to miss feeling you inside me one last time!"

Victor felt his dick THROB when he heard his son say that! ANY resistance he had [about fucking his son] went out the window, as Evan reached into his jumpsuit and pulled his massive 10" prick out into the open!

"That's YOUR dick, son..., DO to it whatever you want!" offered Victor, as Evan slowly stroked the massive organ in his hand...then licked his lips [wantonly] before bowing his head over his father's prick and painting the entire tool wet with his tongue!

"Ooooohhh..." moaned Victor, tilting his head back, loving the feel of his son's taster licking his prod! SO FAR Victor had been a model inmate at the prison, staying to himself and not mingling with many of the men in his cell block! He didn't want to make FRIENDS with anyone, and had a cell all to himself! He thought about his son constantly, recalling all the times they kissed and made love, sleeping in each other's arms! His son reminded him so much of his mother [Victor's late wife], as he often mistook the boy for his mom in the wee hours of the night [lying together]! Evan licked his way up and down the sides and underbelly of his dad's big prick [getting himself reacquainted]! He'd had MANY dicks since his father started fucking him (Derek, Yonny, detective Myers, Mike Richards, Officer Michaels, Cameron and his friends, Kevin, CJ, Mogul, Gee, Theo, Q)..., but NOBODY compared to his dad!

Victor opened his eyes and looked back down at his son, just as Evan licked his way back up towards the head...then oval his mouth over the crown and slowly descended down the big thick pole 3 quarters of the way before stopping! Victor watched as his son paused, then adjusted his head to align his throat, then proceeded to journey down further until his had his FACE buried in his father's pubes!

"Awwwww guddddd...!!" groaned Victor, throwing his head back in ecstasy as his dick was swallowed whole!

Evan LOVED hearing the sound of his dad's erotic moans [knowing he was pleasing him]! He held the dick in his throat for as long as possible [before choking], then slowly pulled back up the solid shaft to suckle sweetly about the bulbous head!

"Fuck haven't lost ANY of your talents, have you...?" asked Victor [knowing Evan was likely making some college boy(s) happy as hell]!

Evan didn't answer his father, not wanting him to know how many guys he's had since his arrest! He simply kept sucking, going back down on his dick, bobbing his head profusely, stretching his mouth and throat around the thick wood, hearing his dad moan more! "Oooooohhh...!" groaned Victor, loving the feel of his boy's windpipe wrapped around his schlong! Evan glanced up into his dad's face to find Victor staring back down at him! This only prompted Evan to suck harder, as he quickly plunged his face up and down his dad's muscle, taking it into his throat with more and more ease [as he got used to it]! He swallowed the prick again and again, smashing his face in his father's pubes before retreating back up the shaft towards the head!

Victor sat prisoner in his chair, unable to move, unable to touch his son in any way! As badly as he wanted to hug his boy, he couldn't! All he could do was sit there and let Evan do what he wanted, knowing the boy would do his best to get them both off [multiple times]! He watched as his son bounced his head in his lap, stretching his mouth [obscenely] around his thick prick, jacking it off with his oral cavity as his tongue slithered along the underbelly several dozen times until he felt it starting to thicken and throb in his sucking mouth...!

"Fuck! Oh fuck, son..." groaned Victor [deliriously], "'re gonna make me CUM, boy..." he warned, prompting Evan to suck faster, bobbing rapidly! Victor tossed his head back and sighed heavily! "...urrhhhhh..." he groaned as Evan wrapped his HAND around the thick dick and pumped the pole with his mouth!

"...ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGG...!!!" roared Victor aloud, as the cum suddenly shot out of his pulsing dick like a spitting geyser, flooding his son's throat with a spent load MONTH in the works!

"UMMFF...UMMFF...UMMFF...UMMPPHH...!!" groaned Evan, taking everything his father gave him, feeling the tremendous load gush through his milking esophagus and straight into his stomach like a tsunami!

Evan continued milking and draining his dad's pulsating dick until he had successfully swallowed every drop of his load! Evan then pulled off the still hard dick, and looked up into his dad's drained face and smiled [knowing he did well]!

"You're such a GOOD boy, son...!" whispered Victor hoarsely [as Evan kept stroking his dick]!

"We're not finished yet, dad!" informed the son, standing up to remove his clothes!

Victor tried to look back up at the door [to see if the officer was still looking]...?...but Evan was blocking his view! The teenager stripped completely naked, then spat into his hand to rub the slick saliva onto his own asshole [behind him]! Then he walked over and straddled his dad's legs and aimed his dad's thick [spit wet] prick up between his ass cheeks...!

"I love you, dad!" said Evan, just before touching the dickhead to his anus and pushing back ON it! "URRHHGG...!!" grunted the boy, feeling the bulbous head stretch and pry open his anal ring before slowly sinking into him!

Victor stifled a groan of his own, staring at his son's facial expression as he sat on his dick and settled his buttock in his lap!

"God...ohgod..." groaned Evan [deliriously], feeling the pain of penetration shoot through his rectum [as he ground his ass in his dad's lap]!

"You okay, son...?" asked Victor [as Evan's face (and closed eyes) looked distressed]!

Evan waited about 30secs before his body quickly adjusted to the pain! He slowly opened his eyes and smiled [lovingly] at his dad...!

"Nobody fills my ass like YOU do, pop...!" bragged Evan [making Victor beam]! "I love you!" he added, before lifting himself up off his dad's buried dick [pulling halfway off as if trying to escape it], then sat back down on it [fucking himself]! Evan held his hands on his dad's shoulders while he fucked himself [setting his own pace], rising and lowered himself up and down!

Victor really wanted to be able to TOUCH his boy, to feel his growing body [having seen him sprout up an inch or two], to grip his full buttock and massage it while they fucked! It was frustrating having to just SIT there while his son did all the work! He pulled at the restraints several times, but couldn't break free! Evan noticed the look of lust on his face, as they sat face to face [staring at each other]! Evan looked at his dad's thick full lips, and couldn't resist leaning in to kiss him directly!

"" moaned Victor, parting his lips to stuff his thick tongue into his boy's mouth! Evan suckled the oral muscles softly, twisting and turning his head [to and fro] to really drill it about in his mouth!

`ump...ump...ump...ump...' moaned Evan, riding and sucking simultaneously! He drilled himself at both ends, wanting to give his father something to remember him by! He tweaked Victor's nipples, causing the father to groan erotically as he started to thrust UP into his son's ass! There was SO MUCH he wanted to talk to his boy about [school, grades, sports, friendships, etc.], but he couldn't think of anything, as his main focus was on his dick [and how it felt sliding through his son's angel-like anus]! "I love you, Boy!" he whispered huskily [into Evan's mouth], rubbing his forehead against Evan's [while his boy fucked himself on his dick]! Evan could see his dad's arms straining to hold and hug him, as they remained locked to the chair [immobile]! Evan fucked himself harder, knowing if his dad could have his way he'd likely flip him down on his back and fuck the shit out of him! So Evan buried his face over his dad's shoulder [bear-hugging his torso tightly (chest to chest)] and started slamming his own ass down on his dad's stiff-standing missile harder and faster, pounding his own gut as his old man's thick dick!

"UHG! UHG! UHG! UHG! UHG!" grunted Evan [every time his ass slapped into his dad's lap]! Victor [feeling wild with lust] sucked his son's neck and stuck his thick tongue into his ear, trying to be affectionate!

"Fuck yourself on that dick, son..." he encouraged [prompting Evan to go harder]! " can take it! You were BUILT to take it!"

"Ohfuck, Dad...!" choked the boy, pulling back [putting distance between their chests] as he continued to ride and GROUND his ass on his dad's big dick!

Victor looked confused for a moment [staring into his son's glazed eyes], then noticed the look of euphoria wash over his face! Victor looked down in time to SEE Evan's dick suddenly erupt between them, spewing a geyser of hot cum up between them [drenching both of their chests and stomachs] as he ground himself home in dad's lap [his contracting anal muscles snapping strongly about the embedded prick], causing Victor to cum at that very moment inside him...!

"URRHHH...!! URRHHHHGG...!! URRHHHGGG...!!" grunted Evan!

"URRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGG...!!!" screamed Victor, losing a ton of heavy cream in his son's milking bowels...!...bucking wildly as the sperm shot out of his body in quick succession, flooding into his son's colon! "UHG! UHHGG...!" grunted Victor, feeling his son fucking his dick harder and harder!

"OHMYGOD!" gasped Evan, feeling his dad's dick jerking MADLY inside him, pumping a never ending stream of hot cum directly into him!

The 2 related men started kissing again, practically eating each other's face off as they slowly came down off of their climactic highs...! the sound of clapping behind them!

"Epic fuck scene!" smiled police officer: Manny Michaels, standing in the room behind them, having watched the entire scene play out!

Evan turned his head around from his seat [still sitting on his dad's dick], to see Manny standing there [a big long tent in his uniform slacks]! "You 2 KNOW the price of letting you fuck, right...?" added the officer [having blackmailed them before]!

"FUCK YOU!" yelled Victor, struggling to get out of his seat [wanting to knock the officer's block off]!

Manny seemed unfazed as he continued towards the couple! Evan started to climb off his dad's dick...!

"No, don't..." protested Manny, encouraging Evan to stay where he was...! "...don't move! Face your dad!"

Evan did as the officer said, sitting all the way back down on his dad's dick before turning back towards him as the 2 men looked curiously into each other's eyes...!

"What the fuck you want, motherfucker!" asked Victor, glancing over Evan's back, staring at the officer!

Manny's eyes were locked on Evan's ass and Victor's dick...!

"Beautiful butt..." he complimented, rubbing his hands over Evan's bare bottom [even feeling up Victor's hardon as he stayed stiff up his son's ass]...! "...I know a lot of people look down on incest...but I think its HOT...!...especially if the pussy really WANTS it!"

"You fuckin' freak! Keep yur hands OFF of my son!" warned Victor, intimidating [knowing there was very little he could do to stop anything from happening]...!

Manny ignored Victor, knowing he only had a small window of opportunity before detective Myers returned [throwing a wrench in his plans to fuck the son]! Manny was rubbing the dick bulge in his pants with one hand, while rubbing on Evan's ass with the other! He unzipped his uniform trousers and freed his 11" erection to stroke it [stiffly] in his hand! Then he pressed his free hand into Evan's back, pushing him even closer [chest to chest] with his dad...!

"Kiss your father, kid..." he suggested, as Evan leaned in to kiss his father's thick lips...! "...make it GOOD..." he added, " never if yall ever gonna SEE each other ever again!"

Taking the officer's words to heart, Evan leaned in his touched his lips to his dad's, then closed his eyes and twisted his head slightly to the left, drawing in his father's thick tongue, suckling it like a piece of sweet candy as Victor inevitably started to melt into the kiss himself!

While the 2 were distracted, Manny spit into his hand and massaged the slick saliva all over his dick head before presenting and pressing it up against Evan's anal entry, sliding the crown of hit prick against the under shaft of Victor's embedded prod!

"ummpph..." moaned Evan, realizing what the officer was planning when he felt the head of his dick pushing against his already stuffed anal ring! Manny gripped his dick harder [squeezing the shaft to harden the head more] and started to slowly but surely press into Evan's anal ring, gradually causing the ring to widen and stretch as his dickhead sought shelter inside!

"...UMMPPHH..." groaned Evan [into his dad's kissing mouth], feeling the head prying its way into him! "...UMMF...UMMMFF...MMMUUUHHHHGGGGG...!!!" he grunted as the head POPPED into his ring and started to DIG its way through him! Victor could feel Manny's dick squeezing [into the narrow space of his son's ass] alongside his, the 2 manly pricks sliding together [belly to belly] as Evan broke the kiss and rested against his dad's hairy chest, panting breathlessly over his right shoulder as the second dick slid in deeper until Manny was grinding his pubic bone into Evan's ass!

"OHHH YEAH...that feels fucking great!" groaned Manny, grinding into Evan from behind [his dick pulsating next to the dad's up in the son's anal sheath]!

`You twisted bastard..." cursed Victor, staring Manny in the eye [as they faced each other]! "...yur LUCKY I'm stuck to this chair...!"

"Had YOU not been so selfish as to kill your WIFE and make your SON your sex slave HE wouldn't be in this predicament right now...!" informed Manny [as the 2 dicks pulsed together as one in the son's ass]!

"Now...stop fucking up my fun and let me concentrate on blowing my load up this kid's ass before I drag you back down to your cell...!" he concluded, before pulling backwards with his hips [withdrawing several inches] and slamming back full length!

Evan was barely aware of what the 2 men were talking about round him...! His mind was focused [entirely] on the events happening in his manhole! It felt like someone had stuck a solid tube up his ass and inflated it! He could feel officer Manny pulling backwards and pushing in, while his dad's dick remained stationary [unmoving]! It was a weird experience, but not one he hadn't encountered before [albeit with smaller dicks], {School Jock chp-29}...!

"URRHHGG...URRHHGG...URRHHGG...URRHHGG..." grunted Evan [every time Manny thrust back into him, sending his long hard dick square up his ass with each stroke], hanging his head over his father's shoulder, their bare chest smashed together like sardines in a can!

"It's okay, can take it..." encouraged Victor, whispering into his son's ear while staring [angrily] at Manny! "...he won't last long in there...!...neither of us will..." he added, despite having cum twice already! "...yur butt is too talented for the average dick, this asshole will cum soon enough! Trust me!"

"...URRHHGG...yes daddy...URRHHGG..." grunted Evan, obediently!

Manny wasn't paying the father/son conversation much attention, as he stared down watching his long dick disappear up into the boy's cramped ass! He could feel the tightly stretch anal ring cutting across his sliding dick like a barrier! The sperm Victor shot inside was now acting as lubricant, coating both dicks while they fucked! Manny could feel his slick/slippery prick sliding smoothly against the dad's, the 2 underbellies rubbing against each other like firewood!

Manny couldn't help fucking faster, wanting to dump a heavy nut in the boy's ass, sending him home with something fond to remember him by!

Evan felt paralyzed leaning against his father [weakly], trapped between the 2 men, feeling severe pain shooting through his aching backside as the 2 dicks lay inside him while one thrust back and forth [fully] through his crowded ass! Manny gripped Evan's shoulders as he started to fuck harder, thrusting up into him, banging his balls against Victor's hairy sack every time he rammed forward, driving his crank deep!

"Yur doin' real good, son! You got this! Don't let him break you! You know you can candle it!" whispered Victor, kissing the side of his son's neck! He can't last too much longer! Yur pussy's gonna break him soon!"

"...URRHHGG...URRHHGG...ohfuck, daddy...URRHHGG..." groaned Evan, deliriously!

Manny Michaels fucked constantly, ramming his long hard shaft in and out of the stretched hole repeatedly, building up friction between the 2 dicks as the rubbed and rubbed as if about to burst into flame! Manny watched Victor whisper words of encouragement to his boy, prompting him to fuck Evan harder! Evan hugged his dad's bare torso [through his orange jumpsuit], hanging into him like a tree! Victor could do little more than whisper sweet words to his son, knowing his ass was in serious pain with 2 big adult dicks ramming his ass! As much as he wanted to wrap his big arms about him and hold him until his torture was over...all Victor could do was sit there motionless and try not to injure his son's innards anymore than necessary!

But Manny was in his prime, holding onto Evan's shoulders like a horse's reins, riding his ass and burying his dick again and again, building momentum towards a roaring orgasm as he bang his hips into him like a paddle! Victor fought against the awesome feel of another man's slick/slimy dick sliding against his own! The constant rubbing was erotic, the friction building against them as their balls started to tighten in their full sacks! Manny could tell the fucking was affecting Victor, and he desperately wanted to MAKE the father shoot another load into his son's ass, believing it only helped to make their situation all the more depraved! He hammered Evan as hard as he could, his long pipe poking deeper than his dad's! Manny could feel his dick starting to seize as it stiffened harder and started to throb [like a sore thumb]!

"Arrhhhh fuck..." he groaned in despair, not wanting to cum so soon! He power-fucked Evan for a solid minute, banging into the boy's bare backside so hard that the entire chair started to creak and crumble under the heavy pounding!

"...ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT...!!!" yelled Manny, ramming in one last time before his dick erupted in a series of wild jumps and jerks, each pulse sending a new streak of cum into Evan's hot innards!

Manny held his dick inside until his orgasm passed! He pulled out only after draining his snake, letting it fall [dead] from the slimy hole! Evan's ass felt practically empty after the removal of the second dick! His dad's dick was still inside him, but now felt less threatening as the anus now only had ONE dick to contend with! Evan pulled back off of his father's chest and sat upright in his lap, then started to RIDE his dad's erection as he lifted and lowered his ass up and down in the 10" wrist thick dick inside him!

Manny laughed to himself, watching the son fuck himself some more, realizing the boy had a bottomless pit for an ass! Manny toyed with the idea of fucking the boy privately, taking him home to fuck his own bed, showing the boy his DAD ain't the only mofo with a big dick!

Evan [completely forgetting about the officer] fucked himself on his dad's dick, holding onto Victor's shoulders as he bounced up and down on his prick [like a pogo-stick]!

"Yur ass's SO stretched it feels like pussy...!" stated Victor, feeling his boy's sperm slickened hold sliding up and down his thick shaft!

"Fuck me, dad...fuck me..., I want to FEEL you coming in me again!" begged Evan [driven mad with lust]!

"Keep bouncin' boy..., I'm about to FEED that pussy...!" inspired Victor, feeling the tension building in his balls!

Evan loved the deep stabbing in his gut, and couldn't resist fucking himself harder, slamming his ass down in his dad's lap!

"Fuck...ohfuck..." groaned Evan, feeling his own hard dick stiffened steeling against his dad's belly! Evan leaned back in his dad's lap and grabbed his own dick and started stroking himself...sending his own load into the air between them!

"...arrhhh...arrhhhhggg...ARRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGG...!!!" cried Evan, as the cum shot straight up between them! Evan tossed back his head as he cried out loud [losing his load]! Victor felt his son's man-cunt suddenly tighten and squeeze around him, before going into full spasm mode and locking up around Victor's deeply embedded dick!

"Urrhhh..." groaned Victor, feeling his balls contract before shooting straight up into his son's saturated entrails! "...URRHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGG...!!!" he yelled as he came, bucking up into his son's milking hole!

Manny smiled [after getting fully dressed] before returning to his post [outside the interrogation room door]! Evan ground his ass into his dad's lap, taking his whole load inside him before feeling the dick slowly melt...!

"I love you, dad!" said Evan, kissing his dad's thick lips [for the last time], just as detective Myers walked into the room...!

"Sorry guys...visiting time is over!" said the detective, as Evan broke apart from his dad, standing up to search for his clothes...!

Manny Michaels was summoned into the room to free Victor from the chair, keeping his hands and feet shackled as he escorted him back down to his holding cell! Evan gave his dad one LAST goodbye, hugging him strongly! Victor kissed his son's brow before being taken away!

"Don't let him come to my trial..." said Victor, before disappearing from sight! "...make sure he goes back to school! I don't want him here tomorrow!"

Evan couldn't help sobbing at the thought of never seeing his father again! Detective Myers walked behind him and placed his hand [supportively] on Evan's shoulder!

"Come on, son..., let me take you home!" he said, taking Evan back out to his car!


Evan sat silent through most of the ride home, reliving his time with his dad in his mind [wanting to store it into his memory]!

"Thanks for taking me to see my dad, again...!" he said to the detective [as they drove along the expressway]!

"It's the least I could do...!" said Myers, respectfully [after their time at The Lake]!

Evan looked at the detective's crotch...!

"If you pull over somewhere I could SHOW you how much I appreciate it!" stated the teenager!

Myers laughed to himself...!

"That's not necessary, Evan!' he said, keeping his eyes on the road!

"I know..." said Evan, reaching over into the detective's lap, groping him openly! "...but I want to! You've always been a good FRIEND to me and my dad!"

Myers squirmed, uncomfortably!

"Friendships don't require payments, Evan!" he informed, removing the teen's hand from his groin!

"You KNOW I like sex, right Eric...?" asked Evan. "You KNOW my dad fucked me in that interrogation room, right...? So did officer Michaels! One more doesn't matter to me! I want to do it!" he repeated, replacing his hand back in Myers's lap, feeling his raging hardon this time!

Myers knew well what Evan was up to in that room..., having watched the entire thing unfold while spying on him and his dad in the observation room next door! He couldn't believe it when he saw Evan take TWO dicks up his ass at once! Evan sensed no more fight in the detective as he roughly felt up his hardon through his pants! He noticed Myers taking an early exit off the freeway, and knew instantly that he was taking him someplace to be alone! Evan started to undo the detective's pants, pulling out his erection before slumping over in his seat to suck his 8.5" dick!

Myers did his best to act normal while getting his dick expertly sucked while driving a car through Sunday traffic! The windows of his police issued vehicle didn't have tented windows, so anyone able to look inside for longer than a few second could easily see him getting a blowjob by someone leaning over in their seat! Myers tried not to stop too long at the lights and stop signs, not wanting anyone to get a good look at him! He took back streets to cut through the park, searching for a secluded spot he knew no one would be at!

The fall temperature was getting chilly, so there weren't as many people in the parks! He drove the back roads and onto a dirt road leading deeper into the park brush! He put the car in `park', then leaned back in his seat to enjoy Evan's mouth work! Evan had been sucking his dick for about 10mins before they found a secluded spot! Myers adjusted his seat, reclining back so Evan could have full access to his hardon!

Evan never lifted his head to see where they were going! He kept his head down, bobbing on the detective's sausage, taking it into the back of his throat, massaging it with his neck muscles! He felt the detective's hand snaking down into the seat of his pants to feel his bare ass and leaky asshole! Indeed Myers slipped a finger in easily, sliding it back and forth to the swish of cum swimming around his buried digit!

"I want some ass, Evan!" said Myers, eager to know what a double-penetrated asshole felt like afterwards...?

Evan slowly pulled off of Myers's dick, then opened the passenger's side door to get out! Myers got out also, looking around [with his hardon exposed] to make sure no one was around in the area [shrouded by trees and overgrown vegetation]! Evan walked around towards the front of the car, then shoved his pants down off his ass and bent over the hood! Myers walked around behind him to stare at the teenager's sexy ass! Evan rested his chest against the car hood, then reached back behind himself and roughly pulled his own ass cheeks apart [in different directions]! Myers could see the cheeks part [like the Red Sea] to reveal the well-fucked anus hidden in-between! He walked up closer for a better look, then dropped to his knees behind Evan to wedge the ass open with his own hands, getting a really good look at it!

He fully expected the anus to look open [like a cunt]! He marveled that it still looked tight after having 2 big dicks in it at the same time! He leaned forward and hacked spit onto the hole [to lubricant it] before standing up behind him and stabbing his erection straight into his ass!

"UHH...!" groaned Evan, feeling the detective's dick suddenly breech his rectal ring and bury inside instantly!

Myers buried his dick with one stroke, then held onto Evan's waist as he ground his hips into his backside, churning his meat around in his rear! The hole definitely felt different! Not quite as tight, but snug and warm! He could feel Evan flexing his anal muscles, working them about the base of his buried dick [sucking him at the root]! He pulled backwards with his hips, withdrawing about 5 inches before shoving back in [feeling the warm wet liquid of 2 men's loads surrounding his wood]!

"Urrhh...your ass feel so good...!" moaned the detective, as he started to thrust back and forth [fucking that ass]!

Evan pushed his ass back to make a better target, allowing Myers to stab him deep and repeatedly, loving the feel of a hard dick sliding through his bowels! Nothing put him more at ease than a good fuck! He yearned for the feel of cum shooting inside him, leaving his asshole super-wet and slimy as he walked from class to class! His dad was his hero, the one who started him down this journey! But he also liked all the dick he got at the school also (Kevin, Yonny, CJ), and intended on getting even MORE when he returned!

"Fuck me, Eric!" moaned the teenager, surrendering himself as he bent over the hood of the car! The crisp cool air attacked at their exposed bodies, but neither man was feeling any measure of coldness while in the midst of fucking! In fact they were starting to heat up, with Myer's gripping Evan's waist tighter as he began to slam into his ass with harder rougher strokes!

Detective Myers hadn't fucked another guy since his time at The Lake during the summer, having gone overboard with lust that entire weekend! He couldn't believe he put his JOB in jeopardy fucking around with Victor Williams and his son! Things had definitely gone too far, with him hoping and praying that no one would feel guilty afterwards and report his behavior to the authorities...? He knew he would have a hell of a time explaining what happened and how he got caught up in it! Thankfully everyone was able to keep their mouths shut, securing his position with the department!

Eric watched his dick sliding in and out of his Evan's ass, and could resist the urge to fuck the boy's soft hole even harder! He knew he wouldn't be able to last much longer, having often masturbated to the thought of fucking another male's ass again! Evan could feel the detective fucking harder, and flexed his anal muscles more intently about his thrusting prick!

"Fuck're going to make me CUM if you keep that up...!" complained Myers, feeling the sphincter muscles manipulating him to an early orgasm!

Evan tightened his hole harder, choking Myers's dick as it continued to fuck through him! He could feel the officer's hips ramming into him nonstop, building towards a quick climax as Myers' breathing began to labor! Evan wrestled his own hardon from his pants and started stroking himself [feeling the need to cum himself]! He could feel the fuck pace increasing as Myers was now hammering him over the car hood! He stroked himself rapidly, catching up to Myers's pace just before spraying the grill and front bumper with his spurting load...!

"Urrhh...Urrhhh...URRHHHHGGGG...!!" grunted Evan, losing his load quickly as the sperm shot out of his dick in 4 streaming ropes!

Myers heard Evan's orgasm, then felt the super-grip of his anal muscles spasm around his dick!

"Urrhhhhhh..." groaned the detective, shoving in one last time before feeling his own orgasm hit! "...URRHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGG...!!!" he cried out as he came, bucking into the boy's backside as he planted his seed deep in his gut [along with the others]! Evan continued to milk the dick dry, drawing out all the cum in the detective's balls!

After Myers pulled out, Evan spun around and dropped to his knees to suck his dick clean, tasting their varied loads packed inside his bowels!

"Ooohh...that's enough...!" protested Myers, pulling back [his dick becoming too sensitive]! He tucked his softening meat back in his pants as Evan stood and pulled up his own pants!

Both males got back into the car as Myers continued on down the path, finding another exit which turned back onto a main street, leading them from the park!

If you liked this story, please write me at with your comments, questions, and suggestions.

This story was written by Eugene Marvin, Aka NPhillydogg! You can check out the rest of my work on Nifty by going to the Prolific Author's Section at the top of Nifty's home page and clicking on my name in the author's list.

You can also find faster updates of what I may be working on next by joining me on facebook under the name Eugene Marvin

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Next: Chapter 94: Jeremiah University II 31

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