Jerrys College Days

By Bryan Johnson

Published on Jan 9, 2011


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Jerry's College Days, Part 1

I've written about Jerry quite a bit. If you're interested, look for Comics are Fun!' in the High School section and Running in the Rain' in Encounters. These stories continue Jerry's adventures in college.

Carl plays a very important part in Jerry's life, so if this seems to start out a little slow, it's necessary.

Part 1

College actually is kinda scary for most people, guys and girls alike. Moving to Brookfield in my sophomore year in high school had been hard, but it sure turned out all right. I had a lot of friends and more fuck buddies than I could handle and one special friend. I knew where I fit and who I could depend on. College? That was different. I would literally be a `stranger in a strange land'.

Warren wasn't any help. He was entering his senior year at OSU, but whenever I asked him things about college, he sorta backed off.

"Little Dude, you're you and I'm me. I don't want to try and tell you what you should or shouldn't do. You have to do this on your own. You can handle it. Trust me. I know you better than you know yourself. College will be great for you."

There wasn't anyone else to talk to, really. Warren was the only guy I knew who was in college. Except for him, I'd mostly played with guys in my grade level. The few upper classmen I'd had fun with were just that. Playmates. They weren't friends I could talk to them. My brother was a drop out who was rapidly becoming a stranger and my parents couldn't help. They were both farm folk. Mom dropped out her sophomore year in High School and my Dad never made it there. He left school to help on the farm after 6th grade.

So I was leaving for college with very little information on what I was getting into. More than that, I was going to Northwestern University! A Big Ten school with a really big reputation! Let's be honest. I was scared out of my mind and more excited than I can say!

Evanston (that's where Northwestern is) is only about a forty-five minute drive from Brookfield and I could have lived at home but I insisted I was going to live on campus. Seeing I'd gotten three different scholarships, and all my family would have to pay for was room and board, they couldn't complain too much. They'd promised to pay for the whole thing so I was saving them big bucks. Besides, Warren had encouraged me to get `...the whole college experience.' I trusted the little advice he was willing to give me. In fact, he drove me to orientation in August. We pulled up in front of the freshman dormitory that was going to be my home for the next year and he stopped his van.

"Ok, little Dude. I'll be back at 6:00."

"Aren't you going to stay with me, Warren?"

"You need to do this yourself, Jerry. You're a man now. You only have to be a kid when it's fun for you to be one. Now go. Just remember, everyone you meet is just as scared and excited as you are. No one is going to remember what anyone else does today. They'll only remember what they do. So have fun. We'll have dinner and talk on the way home." He ruffled my hair. "Now go kick ass!" I got out of the van and, rather forlornly, watched him drive away.

I checked in and got my room number from the harried guy behind the desk and he told me to head up and check out my room but be back in the lobby in half an hour for the assembly and a campus tour. My roommate was scheduled to be at orientation, so I would have a chance to meet him before classes started.

The room was really small. Two beds along opposite sides of the room, two built in closets with a small mirror and light. Beneath the mirrors was a small chest of drawers. The rest of the room was taken up by two small desks.

"Jesus," I thought. "I'm going to be living in a closet with a guy I've never met for the next year."

I'd never shared a room in my life! What about privacy? How could I jack off? Would he be an asshole? What would he do if he found out I was gay?"

Oh, yeah. I finally knew I was gay. The exploring' bit and the it's a phase' bit were long gone. I was gay and liked myself. A lot of the liking part was Warren's doing. He'd come out as gay in college and was happy being that way. How could I ever be unhappy being like Warren?

Sorry, I never really introduced myself. I been writing so much about my life lately, I forget maybe you haven't read it. My name's Jerry. I'm 5'8" tall, 140 muscular pounds of really good wrestler. I have dark red hair and green eyes, no (thank bog) freckles and pack 5 inches of soft, uncut dick that grows to 8 inches when it's happy. It gets happy a lot.

"Hey, Roomie! I'm Carl!"

This tall, thin drink of water walked in. He was maybe 6" tall; say 165 pounds, shaggy, dark blond hair wearing a white polo shirt and tan shorts. He had a big smile plastered on his face and this huge paw stuck out to shake my hand. I found myself smiling before I really thought about anything.

"I'm Jerry. Pleased to meet you, roommate!"

Behind him stood a plain looking couple of folks, probably in their forties. Well dressed, they looked a little nervous.

Carl spent the next twenty or so minutes convincing the `rents they should go do some sightseeing and come back to pick him up at 6:00. After they left, he sat down on one of the beds.

"How did you get rid of yours?" Carl asked.

"They didn't come. I got a friend to drop me off. I only live `bout an hour from here."

Turned out, Carl lived in Columbus, Ohio and the three of them had flown in. They were going to stay overnight and fly back in the morning. Next thing I knew, it was time to head for the assembly.

Things got really hectic the rest of the day. Assembly, lunch, campus tour, meeting with counselors. Carl and I stayed together pretty much all day. It just seemed natural. He was fun and easy going and had a wicked sense of humor. We spent most of the day laughing. At the end of the day, hanging with the group waiting to be picked up by friends or relatives after orientation was over Carl looked at me, serious like.

"You know, Jerry, we're part of the lucky group."

"What do you mean?"

"Think about the day. One big group was hanging out with their parents. Another group was going it alone, pretty much ignoring their classmates acting like they're the only ones here. Then there's the last ten per cent, the ones like us, sticking with their new roommates. They like each other. Like us. We just met, and I think we're friends already.

"You know, Carl, I think you're right. We are friends already!"

Just then, Warren pulled up.

"Gotta go, Roomie, that's my ride."

Carl stuck out that big paw of his, "See you in September, Roomie!"


On a Saturday, just over two weeks later, Warren and I were walking up the crowded stairs with boxes of my stuff to start my new life. It hadn't really been very hard to convince my parents to let Warren take me instead of them coming themselves. I had collected my room keys from the desk, but the door to my room was standing open, and Carl was sitting at one of the desks among a pile of boxes, looking at a map of the campus.

"Hey Roomie!" he shouted, "Glad to see you! I didn't want to settle in until you got here. Thought you might like one particular side and I don't care. Who's this?"

I introduced Warren, who got his hand grabbed by Carl's big paw and Carl joined us to unload my stuff from Warren's van. Carl was about four steps ahead of us and Warren leaned into my ear.

"Really big hands on that Dude. You know what they say about big hands."

"Shut the hell up, Warren!"

All too soon, all my boxes were unloaded and I was walking Warren back to his van. I was excited and scared and sad I wouldn't be seeing Warren for a couple of months and already missing all my friends and fuck buddies. To be honest, I was at the point of crying.

"I know how you feel, little Dude. I was there a few years ago when I left you for college. It'll be all right. Trust me. In a week or two you'll have new friends. You'll be into the fun of all this. And we'll be spending the holidays together like always."

He looked around; quickly to be sure we were alone and then wrapped me in his arms and kissed me. It didn't last long, but it felt really important.

"Now you have fun. Call me anytime you want. I'll be calling you to."

He climbed into the van and pulled out of the parking lot. Later? He told me he cried all the way home.

Okay, my eyes were leaking a little bit. I wiped them on my sleeve, took a deep breath and looked up at the dorm. Someone was looking out at the parking lot. He pulled back quickly. Fuck it. I wasn't the only guy here with moist eyes.

Chicago is really hot in the summer and it doesn't cool off much in the evening. The dorm air conditioning just kept the place tolerable. When I got up to the room, Carl was laying on his bed with his shirt off. He had a nice chest. Skinny, but nice and he had just a little dusting of hair over his thin Pecs and a light colored treasure trail leading into his b-ball shorts. No six pack, but he had a nice, flat tummy and muscular legs and, I noticed, big feet. My dick started to stir, just a bit.

"Hey Jerry, let's go get something to eat. I'm starved."

"Nah, I'm okay. You go."

"Sorry, Dude. I'm your main man now and your mine. You gotta keep me company. You're not hungry? Fine. Watch me eat."

Snagging a shirt from his drawer, he pushed me out of the room and halfway down the hall before I could make any objection. Next thing I knew, we were at the dining hall eating. Carl led the conversation mostly, but by the time we were working on desert, I was back to being social. He really was funny and outrageous. When I'm in my element, I'm confident, but I've never been `the life of the party' kinda guy. Carl was just that. Inside an hour he knew at least four guys in the dining hall and had planned for them to come to our room for pizza the next Friday.

Back at the dorm, it turned out Carl had another surprise for me. He pulled a cooler out from under his desk and opened it, pulling out a couple of beers.

"I thought we might need these. Don't know where we can score brew here yet. Evanston is dry, you know."

I'd gotten to like the taste of beer in the last couple of years, and I was more than happy to take one. Carl sat, cross legged on his bed and me on mine and we started talking across the room. Majors and schedules, High School and politics, religion and everything else two 19 year olds think are important. We were mostly through a six pack, when Carl asked me the important question.

"You smoke weed?"

Warren had introduced me to the fine art the year before.

"Yeah! You got some?

Next thing I knew, Carl was sitting cross legged on MY bed and we were passing the pipe between us, conversation continuing unabated. I was a long time later when we both realized everything had gotten real quiet in the dorm. It was about 3:00 in the morning.

"Dude," Carl spoke up "we gotta go to sleep." Standing, "Gotta piss then I'm gonna crash." He walked out of the room.

I got out my clothes for the next morning and set them out on my chair. My shoes went under my bed, socks and shirt into the hamper I'd put out. Pants got hung up and I stretched, trying to get the kinks from sitting pretty much still for over three hours. I put my book on my nightstand just as Carl walked back into the room. I started arranging my morning stuff in my morning kit, razor, shaving cream, soap and stuff on top of my bureau

He looked over at my side of the room. He toed off his shoes and stripped down his socks, doing free throws at his hamper. He made them. His pants slid off his hips and were thrown at the foot of his bed.

"You're neat."

He peeled his shirt off, giving me a nice chance to perv his chest and stomach while his head was covered.

"I'm not." His free thrown shirt missed. It lay there on the floor as he sat down on his bed.

I was about to scoot into bed wearing my boxer-briefs, when I heard Warren's voice in my head.

"You're a man now, little Dude. Men sleep raw."

I'd slept nude since that night, three years ago when Warren told me that. In spite of a couple of heated discussions with my parents, I slept nude. Was I going to change because my roommate MIGHT object? No way.

I slid my underwear off and walked to the hamper to dump them. Okay, now I wasn't struttin or anything, and it was only about three steps, but I was making a statement. I wasn't shy about my body and didn't intend to scamper around hiding it. I turned around and paused, looking at Carl. I saw him checking out the goods and, was that a smile?

Like I've said before, I like my dick. Even when it's soft, it looks good. Warren had helped me into my current confidence. He always talked about how cool my meat was. It hung about five inches soft, like I said, but you couldn't tell much about its shape except it was kinda thick. The secret doesn't show up until I get hard. Then it's truly unusual. If you don't know, I'll tell you more about it later. My foreskin's long and it covers the crown, just barely. Warren always says he can tell when I'm thinking about sex by how much the helmet shows.

"Good night, Carl." And I slipped under the sheet.

He stood up and skinned out of his boxers. He was hung real nice. Cut, with a big looking head, he draped down about six inches over heavy, low hanging nuts and the shaft was really thick. He was longer and thicker than me. Well, I thought, big hands, big feet... He tried his final layup of the night, which he missed. His dick flopped around as he jumped for the layup. It looked like the head was heavy. Once again ignoring the clothes on the floor, he stood there letting me see what he had.

"Thank god," he said. "I was afraid I'd have to spend a year hiding the fact I have a dick."

He climbed into his bed and got comfortable.

"Good night, Jerry."

Three beers and two shared bowls were putting me under fairly fast. Not as fast as Carl, though. His breathing settled and he was asleep in minutes. I listened to him for a minute or so. College was going to be fun, I thought as I drifted off.

I slept like the dead. When I woke up, I realized for the first time, our room faced east and the sun was pouring in, right onto my bed. I jumped up and pulled the curtains closed. It didn't help much, so I opened them and looked out over the parking lot. I glanced down and saw where Warren had parked the Van. Had that been Carl watching when Warren and I kissed yesterday? Nah. He would have said something.

I looked over at Carl, still sound asleep. I looked at his sleeping body. I loved perving a sleeping guy. Especially if he's nude. I'd done it to a lot of guys in high school, especially Warren. Doesn't matter if I can actually see anything or not. Just knowing the guy was bare in front of me. Carl's sheet was draped over some real serious looking morning wood. I smiled, and then realized I was standing there in the sunlight with an eight inch pipe stickin out of my crotch. I was boned for days.

I grabbed a pair of shorts and slid them on. Didn't do too much good. When I'm at the ready, the meat points up at about forty-five degrees and shorts don't press it to my stomach so the tent wasn't subtle. Hell, my dick wasn't subtle even when it's soft and I like it that way! But at least I was covered if Carl woke up!

I was so damn horny! Warren and I had screwed so much on Friday we were both walkin kinda funny Saturday morning when we got here. But that was yesterday. I needed to cum today. I needed to cum NOW! I grabbed my shaving kit, wrapped a towel around my waist and headed for the john. I could always wack it in a stall.

The john was large, the showers took up most of it and at 6:30 in the morning on a Sunday, it was mostly empty, just two or three guys. I walked into the stall next to the wall, closed and locked the door, pulled off the towel and stripped down my boxer briefs. I sat down, spread my legs and fluffed my pubes. Leaning back, I wrapped my hand around my pole and sighed. I could hear guys walking around on the other side of the door. It was a bit strange, but exciting at the same time.

If you're uncut you know you can jack off real quiet. You just grab the foreskin and slip it up and down over the head. The precum keeps everything nice and wet and slippery like and you can usually get off in a few minutes if you want with no one the wiser. Cut guys need to make more of a production of it.

Okay, all you uncut guys reading this, did you ever jack off in class? Show of hands! Oh, yeah, they're busy. Well, nod your heads then! LOL!

I slowly stroked the skin up and down over my crown. It felt so good. The sounds of the guys walking around only a few feet from me was kind of exciting. I heard the door of the stall next to me open and someone sit down. I decided to be a bit more quiet in my self-abuse. My mind drifted to what had happened Friday night at Warren's house. I rarely had to be quiet there.

Since that day last year when Warren's Dad had walked in on us, everything was out in the open in the Davidson house. Mr. Davidson walked in while I was in the middle of spewing a load of cum deep in his son's ass as he fountained cum so high it splattered my hair. I couldn't stop fucking my dick into Warren's ass, even as I saw his Dad standing there with a stunned look on his face. He stared at us for a long second.

"I'm sorry, Warren, I thought you were alone. I should have knocked," he walked out the door.

Warren was still on a cum high. I don't think he even realized what had just happened.

Turns out, everything was cool. Warren, his parents and I had a long chat later in the evening and I became their unofficial adopted son. They accepted our relationship and the fact that we had a very active sex life. In the last year, Warren's Dad had unintentionally walked in on us a couple of times and once, I think he watched us do it out by the pool. So things like what had happened last Friday weren't all that unusual.

Warren was giving me the first good-bye fuck of the evening. We were really both into it. Off in the distance, we heard the doorbell and the soft sounds of someone answering it. After a few minutes, we heard music coming down the hall. After a minute or so, the music got louder. I wasn't paying much attention to anything but Warren's meat deep in my butt. It's not easy to ignore seven thick inches pumping your butt. He's developed a fun thing with me. If I haven't cum in a while, he can bring me off by fucking me just the right way. He'd trap my hands over my head, stretching my chest out and giving me something to flex against. With my legs wrapped around his hips, he'd long dicks me for minutes at a time, then force his dick deep into me and rubs my taint with his short trimmed pubic hair. The slight scratching after some serious prostate massage from his dick drives me both crazy and to an enormous cum explosion.

In the middle of all this, there was a soft knock at the bedroom door. "Warren?" Mr. Davidson's voice was soft.

"Kinda busy now, Dad." Well, that's what Warren wanted to say. What came out was "Kinda uh, busy uh, now uh, Duh ad!"

Mr. Davidson laughed. "I can tell, but we've got company in the living room. You can only turn the music up so loud before you're being rude. Keep it down just a little okay?"

I was sitting on the throne, thinking of the mixture of embarrassment and excitement of Friday night knowing Warren's hot Dad was listening to us screw. My jack off session in the dorm bathroom stall accelerated. I spit on my hand and thought about the two or three other times Warren's Dad had seen us screwing. I was listening to my balls slap against my butt and the soft smack of my foreskin. I was moaning softly. It felt so good! Then I realized, not all of the soft moans were mine!

I stopped, but the soft moans and smacking sounds continued so a few seconds, and then stopped. This could be interesting. I started stroking again. I spit in my hand, a bit louder than absolutely necessary. I heard a soft sigh come from across the partition on my left and the rhythmic soft slapping started again.

"Feels real good," I said softly.

"Oh, yeah Dude, awesome!" floated softly across the partition.

I started getting close real fast listening to my unseen JO buddy. He started grunting softly, making little gasps.

"oh, uh, uh, uh. Oh fuuuck!"

That pushed me over the edge and I spurted across the stall, cum hitting the wall in front of me.

"Damn, that felt good," I whispered!

"Yeah!" came softly from across the partition.

Now came the interesting part. As I was wiping up my cum I was thinking, Which one of us was going to leave first? It depended on whether I wanted to control seeing who my JO buddy was. If I left first, and my friend didn't want me to see him, he could just stay and leave me to hang around until I had to leave. If I waited for him, I could be sitting on the throne for a long time. Oh, well, nothing ventured...

I stood up and opened the stall door, just as the stall door next to me opened. A well built Asian guy stepped out. He was about my height, but good bit thinner. He weighed maybe 120 pounds or so. Jet black hair and eyes, of course and a light brown complexion, his eyes had strong Asian folds. He didn't look like there was any Caucasian mixture in his background. His eyes met mine, and he smiled. They dropped down my body, stopping at all the usual places. We both had our towels wrapped around out waists and our shaving stuff in our hands. He glanced across at the four individual shower cubicles and two of them were empty. The gang showers were empty also, but they probably wouldn't stay that way long. My new friend nodded towards the shower cubicles and we walked over to them.

We stood there for a second, and then I pulled my towel off, hung it on the hook and stuck out my hand.

"I'm Jerry Johnson, I said with a broad smile on my face. "Room 414. Really pleased to meet you." His eyes took in my still mostly chubbed meat.

"Danny Shin.," he had a nice deep voice. "Room 412. Same here." He took off his towel and fluffed his junk.

He was uncut like me, about 5 inches in the half hard state, so I couldn't be sure what the final state was. He was uncut like me, thing was, he had long, straight, silky looking pubes. I'd never seen an Asian guy naked before. Damn he looked hot. I really wanted to feel what those pubes were like. My dick started to rise again, looking down, I saw his was coming up also. He looked down at my dick again.

"Looks like our friends here think we should get to know each other better," Danny said. He laughed. "But I don't think this is the place! Later, Dude." He stepped into the stall. "I gotta do some more work with this bad boy," he grabbed his now totally hard dick in his hand, "before I can leave!" He laughed again and pulled the curtain shut. Hmmm about seven inches. So Asian guys weren't necessarily hung small! Cool!

"Me to, Guy." I pulled the curtain and was jackin almost before it stopped moving. I was totally intent on getting off as fast as possible. In only a couple of minutes, and my second college cum blast was splattering the wall with my cream.

Danny's deep voice sounded outside the curtain. "Sounded like you had fun again, Dude. I'll come over tonight. Maybe we can grab a pizza." He was gone.

When I was soft enough to leave the shower, I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked over to an open sink and set my shaving gear out. Sunday was the day I usually shaved. I looked around. Some of the guys had their towels hung next to the sink and stood there naked, shaving, some had towels wrapped around their waists. I looked at a couple of the guys as I lathered up. Which group did I want to be part of? Shy or bold? I unhooked my towel and hung it next to the sink.

I had just finished and flung the towel over my shoulder and was headed for the door when Carl walked in, towel over his shoulder and more than just a little chubbed.

"Morning Dude."

"Morning Carl."

I opened the door to our room. Carl's bed was unmade. His Tee-shirt from last night wasn't on the floor anymore; it was balled up in the middle of his bed. I picked it up and unwrapped it. There was a really big wet spot in the middle. I smelled it and the sharp odor of fresh cum filled my nose. I balled the shirt up and threw it back on the center of the bed.

Yeah, Warren was right. I was gonna like college!

Next: Chapter 2

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