Jesse and Nate

By Nate

Published on Mar 6, 2007


This story is a work of fiction. I do not claim to know Jesse McCartney (although I wish I did ;-D), nor do I know about his sexual preference (ditto). This story will contain some sexual content, and is about a relationship between two men. If this offends you, then I suggest you use that handy close button on your window. If it's illegal for you to be reading this, well then you shouldn't be here either, but you probably already knew that :-P.

And again, thanks to Kyle, Ty and Wes, for proofreading and critiquing the chapters!

Chapter 9:

About three weeks later I was sitting in a very boring psychology class. The material might have been interesting enough, but my teacher just had a way of making it flow like a tortoise on morphine, so I decided to reply to Jesse's text that he sent me right before class began, keeping my phone under my desk and out of sight. "I can't wait to gently slide my tongue along ur chest, hearing you moan loudly. I'll suck on ur nipples until they're diamond hard, and..."

"Thomas!" my professor called out.

`Shit,' was the first thing that came to my mind, but arranged my face to look as interested in the material as possible. "Yes, Professor?" I said innocently, trying to hide my cell phone better.

"I asked which sector of the brain is used for hearing? Would you care to answer?"

" lobe?"

"Are you asking me or telling me, Mr. Thomas?"

"Um, telling you. The temporal lobe."

"In that case, then you are correct," he replied, and faced the class in general. "So, if that's true, then..." and he continued droning on as usual.

Phew,' I thought, then continued writing to Jesse under my desk. We've been going back and forth like this ever since he left. It's just a way to keep some of the spark in our relationship, and it's also pretty entertaining to do, especially while in class. I waited a little while, then felt my phone vibrate. That was fast,' I thought, checking Jesse's reply.

"I run my hands thru ur hair, and gently force u down to my growing cock. I feel ur mouth envelope the head, and then work down to the base. We flip over, and I take ur cock into my mouth, as we start to suck each other in rhythm. We go faster and harder, and I moan loudly over your dick. I reach my arms around u and grip ur ass, and then force my fingers in your crack, gently rubbing your hole. I hear you moan, and then my fingers penetrate your ass, sending both of us over, and we shoot out both of our sweet loads into each other's mouths, both of us moaning in absolute pleasure."

Just then the teacher ended the class early, but after reading that I had a situation that made me unable to get up for a few minutes, and the fact that I was wearing semi-tight jeans didn't help matters. I had to pretend to look for some information in my textbook, fumble with and search through my bag, anything so that I could sit until the situation passed. "Anything the matter, Mr. Thomas?" my teacher asked, noticing I was still there.

"What? Oh, no, nothing, Professor. I was just...looking for something in my bag."

"Well then please look for it outside, if you will," he said in a slightly exasperated voice. "I have a meeting with some other professors in here in a few minutes."

"Okay, not a problem, Professor." Fortunately this guy's the cure-all when it comes to potentially embarrassing situations in the pants, so I was able to get right up, gather my things, and leave the room.

"Man, that was so hot," I wrote back to Jesse when I got out. "I couldnt even get up after class was over, haha! This is nothing compared to the real thing tho, I miss u so much! And no, not just for that ;-). Ima be home at around 7, so u can call me whenever ur done recording, assuming ur voice is up 2 it. <3 Nate"

Another minute went by and I got his reply. "Okay, awesome. I don't care how little I'll be able to talk, I'm calling, I just wanna hear ur sessy voice! Miss you more! <3 <3 <3 Jesse" I read it with a small sad smile, and then went to a student lounge that was nearby and got a cup of coffee. I saw my friend Dave, so I motioned him to take a seat at my table. "Hey, Nate, what's up?" he asked as he sat.

"Not too much, just same old work and studying. How about you?"

"Same pretty much, but guess what, man! Last week a girl in one of my classes asked me for some help with the material, and one thing led to another and we've dated a few times."

"That's pretty cool."

"Yeah, it's awesome. She's a great girl, and she's the first girl I've dated since that little hiatus of mine that we talked about. And it's definitely better than that website thing; it's just more exciting this way, and it's much less awkward."

"That's really great, Dave," I told him, genuinely happy for him.

"Yeah, and after doing that hiatus, it definitely feels more...I dunno, I guess special. I definitely gotta thank you, though, man. You definitely helped me out."

"Not a prob, what're friends for? But you know, I have to tell you I wasn't sure that you'd actually do the hiatus thing. I'm definitely proud of you for doing it though, I could tell that it really helped over the past couple of months. You've definitely grown."

He grinned sheepishly at me. "Thanks, man. But onto you. Who's the guy slash girl and what'd he slash she do to you to make you look so down for the past few weeks?" I haven't told a lot of people about our relationship, for understandable reasons.

I laughed. "Is it that obvious?"

"Yup, it's in your eyes. I dunno if anyone's told you this, but your eyes are very expressive." This is a little weird; Dave was never this...I guess you could call it perceptive of emotional things. `This'll have to take some getting used to,' I thought.

"Really? I gotta keep that in mind when I'm trying to pull off a lie," I joked.

"Yeah, whatever, now c'mon, tell me what's up."

"Oh, well, I've been dating a guy for a couple of months..."

"Really? How come I didn't know about this?"

"Uh, I dunno, I guess I've just been keeping it on the DL a bit for whatever reason."

"Ookay," he said, eyeing me suspiciously. "Is he abusive or anything? Is that what's gotten you so down? Cuz if he is, you gotta get out of it. And just point him out to me, cuz..."

"What?!?" I exclaimed, shocked. "No way! He's like the complete opposite."

"Okay, good. So what then?"

"Well, we've gotten pretty deep into the relationship, and then a few weeks ago his job made him go out to California for a few months."

"Oh, man, that really sucks, Nate. Long distance can be rough."

"Yeah, you're telling me."

"What's his name? And how old is he if he's already working?" he asked.

"His name's Jesse, and he's 19, but he was able to find a really good job during high school, so he kept that and isn't going to college right now."

"Really? That's pretty sweet. I wish that coulda happened to me, you know."

"Yeah, who wouldn't?"

"Well, you for one. I don't think they usually give doctor jobs out to high school grads."

"True...but if they did, I'd take it."

"Okay, I hear that. I wouldn't wanna use you as my doctor, being that you'd pretty much have no idea what you're doing, though."

"Hmm...true," I replied. "Let's hope I could still get the doctor salary without getting any patients."

"Yeah, somehow I doubt that."

"Well you never know. Maybe they'd hire me to be the new face of medicine for the 21st or something. I'm good looking enough," I said with a wink.

"I wouldn't know," he replied, looking away.

"Jeez, what's with you straight guys and thinking that if you admit a guy's good looking it'll somehow turn you gay? Girls can admit other girls are good looking, why can't you? Are you that insecure?"

"'s just that we have better things to think about, like the girl standing next to the guy." Yup, no matter what happens, some things about Dave will never change.

"Yeah, I guess you gotta point," I said with a chuckle.

"Okay, Nate, I gotta go get to class," Dave said, getting up. "This is the one that Julia's in."

"Julia? That's a nice name."

"Yeah, it goes well with the girl."

"Awww," I said with a grin.

"Eh, shut up," he said, but chuckled, pounded fists, and left, and I took out a book and started reading up.

After about an hour of reading I decided I had enough (how much can someone read about behavioral analysis in one sitting?), so I decided to go to the gym and take care of some errands I had to run, like getting groceries and dry cleaning and such. By the time I made it back to my apartment I was barely able to get the mail and hold it while fumbling with my keys and door handles. And then, as always happens when your arms are full of things, my cell started ringing just as I opened the door to my apartment.

I hurried to dump the groceries in the kitchen and the dry cleaning on the couch in the living room, praying that I could do it fast enough to get to my cell phone before it went to voicemail. Fortunately I did, and I was able to see the screen long enough to see that it was Jesse.

"Heyyy," I said.

"Hiya. How're you doing?" Ooo, just hearing his voice made my stomach flutter, even if it was a little hoarse. I went to put away the groceries and dry cleaning while talking to him.

"Pretty good, although a bit hassled. I was just getting through the door with a ton of stuff in my hands when you called, I barely got the phone in time."

"Well I'm glad you did, I know that we just spoke yesterday, but I missed your voice."

"I missed yours too, baby. You okay to talk, though? You sound like your voice is a bit tired."

"Yeah, it is," Jesse said. "But it's okay, I'm just gonna speak quietly and let you do most of the talking. All I want is to be able to hear you after all."

"Oh, so that's what it is. You don't care about my personality, you just like my voice," I said, smirking.

"Not true!" he exclaimed. "I like your looks and body too!"


"Awww, you know I'm just kidding."

"Yup, but it's still fun to make you feel bad, though."

"Thanks," he said sarcastically. "You really how to make a boy feel loved."

"Don't I," I replied, "don't I?"

"Mhm, you do, in ways you don't even know. Sooo, wutcha doing now?"

"Well, I just got finished hanging up my dry cleaning, and now I'm going through the mail."

"Ooo, now that sounds like fun. Anything interesting?"

"Hmm...let's see. Bill, bill, junk, volunteer thing, and...hey, what's this?" I asked with a puzzled look as I lifted up a padded envelope that seemed to have come from a travel agency in California.

"What's what?"

"Something I got from California," I replied, ripping open the seal and pulling out... "What?!? A business class ticket to LA for this weekend?!?"

"Gee, I wonder where that came from." I could practically hear his grin.

"Jesse! You didn't have to do that!"

"Well, I wanted to. After you told me that you have a five-day weekend this week, I called up my travel agent and booked you the ticket. It's no big thing."

"But...I was gonna buy one. I was actually just gonna do it after I got in tonight."

"Hey, you snooze you lose, man."

"Guess so. Man, Jesse, I don't know what to say. This's just...awesome! Thank you!"

"Your welcome, babe. Anything for you, Curls. So the flight's at 7:30 on Thursday night, so the car'll come get you at..."

"Car? What do you mean, car? I'll take a taxi."

"C'mon, Nate, just let me order a car for you. It's really no trouble, and it'll cost just about as much as a taxi, especially if you get into traffic or anything. At least this way you'll have some room to stretch out, privacy, and not to mention none of that New York taxi smell."

"Hmm...well, when you put it like that, I guess I can't really put up much of an argument."

"Nope, you can't, and the sooner you realize that the less energy you'll exert in trying to win against me. It just ain't gonna happen."

"Sure," I said with a chuckle, "if you say so."


"So anyyyways, how's the recording going?" I asked.

"It's going pretty well. It looks like this whole thing was actually a pretty good idea. I heard some of the recordings today, they're really awesome, and the rewrites are really good, actually. I even wrote a new song today," he said in a bit of a bashful voice.

"Really? That's really cool. Any chance I can hear it?"

"Umm...well, it'd be a cappella..."

"That's okay, your voice is more than enough."

"And...I dunno how good it is."

"C'mon, Jess, you know I don't care about any of that, I'm sure it'll be great. I just want to hear it, assuming you're willing to."

"Well...okay, then," he said, and then started cleared his throat and started singing softly.

"I know how it feels To wake up without him Lying here all alone Just thinking about him

"I can't believe His hold on me It's something indescribable I know he knows But won't you please

"If you see my boy Just tell him I miss his smile Tell him I'm counting the minutes Gonna see him in a little while I know when he Holds on to me He's the one thing that I could never live without Oh, oh, oh, oh And tell him I love him

"Oh yeah, just tell him I love him The way that he moves You know what it does to me And when I catch his eye I can hardly breathe

"Still can't believe His hold on me He's just so indescribable I know he knows But won't you please, please, yeah

"If you see my boy Just tell him I miss his smile Tell him I'm counting the minutes Gonna see him in a little while I know when he Holds on to me He's the one thing that I could never live without "Oh, oh, oh, oh And tell him I love him

"Every time that I'm around him I just go to pieces crashing tumbling to the ground I'm so glad I found him I know how it feels

"If you see my boy Just tell him I miss his smile Tell him I'm counting the minutes Gonna see him in a little while I know when he Holds on to me He's the one thing that I could never live without Oh, oh, oh, oh And tell him I love him

"Oh yeah, just tell him I love him"

I had tears in my eyes and didn't say anything for about half a minute. "Wow, Jesse, that was I don't know what to say...I'm just really very touched."

"Thanks," he said a little bashfully. "We did some preliminary recordings today, just to make sure we had it down. Of course, I had to change everything to feminine, but at least we both know what it's really supposed to be."

"Yeah, definitely." I paused for a few seconds. "Sorry, I'm still at a loss for words."

He chuckled. "It's okay, I'm just glad you know how I feel, and I know how you feel. "So anyyyyways, how'd your day go?"

"Pretty good, same old, you know? Classes, studying, working out, etc."

"That's good. Wait a sec, didn't you start volunteering in that new position at the hospital today?"

"Oh yeahhhh, I completely forgot about that. Man, I'm really getting old, my memory's starting to go."

"Yeah, definitely. You're just lucky you were able to get a young hottie like myself."

"Yeah, you got that right. If I was rich, and you weren't this amazing recording artist, I'd say you were just in it for the money, waiting for me to kick the bucket."

"Well, you are going into medicine, so you never know, that could be the reason. After all, we don't know how long this singing thing's gonna go for, I always gotta have a fallback plan."

" know, if I didn't know better, I might think to take you seriously."

"Well it's a good think I know you're joking, cuz otherwise I might just be insulted."

"And we wouldn't want that."

"Nope, not at all. Jeez, you know dude, we really get pulled into these joking conversations way too much. I almost forgot what we were talking about..."

"Now who's getting old and senile?" I cut in.

"Oh shut up. Now tell me how the new position is!"

"It's pretty good, a lot like the other one I'm doing. Well, obviously they'd be similar, since they're both surgical waiting rooms, but you know, it's answering the families' questions, answering telephones, bringing people into the recovery room. It's a bit more fun, though, because the supervisor is the one that got promoted from the other waiting room a few months ago, and I told you how much fun she is."

"Yup, definitely."

"And get this! She said that there's probably a new paid position opening up under her, like basically doing what she's doing during the evenings, and she said that she's recommending that I get it!"

"Nate! That's awesome!!!"

"Yeah, very much so! It'll be so much better than the job I have now. Working at the security desk at a school building is sooo boring."

"I hear that. And you already know how to do this thing cuz you've been volunteering long is it now?"

"It'll be two years in June."

"Wow, Nate, that's really awesome of you."

"Thanks. I just really enjoy it, you know?"

"Yup, and it's great that you do. But it's natural that you do, seeing as how caring a person you are, you know."

"Oh come on. You don't have to flatter me, you know, you already got me."

"Oh whatever, you know I'm not doing that, it's the truth and you know it."

"Well I don't know how truthful it is, you heard how I used to be with my brothers, right? But thanks all the same."

"Yeah, well, how you are with your siblings isn't necessarily a reflection on how you really are. I know from experience that they can try even the most patient person's endurance," he replied with a hoarse chuckle.

"Definitely. Okay, I could tell your voice is getting worse, so I think it's time to hang up the phones."

"Aw c'mon, Nate, it's fine."

"Nope, sorry, if you're not gonna think about your singing then someone's gotta."

"You're really too good to me for your own good, you know that? I was just about to ask you what you're wearing!

I sighed. "Great timing you got there," I said with a small chuckle. "How about this...we go online and `talk' some more there?"

"Hmm...not as good as hearing your sexy voice, but it'll have to do."

I signed on, and there he was, so we started to cyber a bit. He's definitely really good at it; I got hard after reading his first few messages, and started stroking a bit after that, and eventually we were both full on jacking. We would have used cams, but there're ways for feeds from those to be intercepted, and it definitely wouldn't have been good if there was a video of Jesse stroking out there. After we finished we chatted a bit more about general stuff, and then I signed off, finished up some work and went to sleep.

The next day I went to meet Kyle and Kirsten for breakfast. They got there before me, so I went up to their table and said excitedly "Guess what?" at the same time as Kyle.

"What?" we both said together again. "You first!" We both grinned.

"Oh enough," Kirsten said in an agitated voice. "Nate, you go first, then Kyle."

"What's got your panties in a bunch?" I asked.

"Well if you must know I haven't had a cup of coffee yet and it's also, um, that time of the month and it's pretty bad one this month!" she snapped.

", sorry, but yeah, didn't really need to know that. A simple `I'm just in a bad mood' woulda sufficed."

"Well I'm sorrrry if my period gets you a bit queasy. You are going into medicine, you know, you're gonna have to deal with things like this all the time."

"Well, yeah, I'm going into medicine, but it's not as if I'm not going into gynecology or something. Having to do that would get to be a bit nasty."

"What, are you starting to turn full on gay on us?" Kyle asked.

"You wish. But nah, but it's not as if it'd be only tight hot girls coming to see me. I'd also be dealing with old, ugly, fat women too."

"What, so you're saying that you're only going into medicine to deal with hot people? Unattractive people don't deserve medical attention?!?" Kirsten asked angrily.

"Okay, first of all, cool it. I'm not the reason for you getting all runny and crampy down there, so don't bite my head off. Secondly, you know that's not it, but I just don't want to deal with that down there. I'm just not interested in that type of medicine, and that's only one of the reasons."

"Okay, fine," she sighed. "Sorry. I think I need to get a cup of coffee before my head explodes."

"Definitely," Kyle said, signaling for the waitress. We ordered our breakfasts, making sure that Kirst got an extra large cup of coffee, and I told them about Jesse flying me out to LA

"That's so awesome!" Kirsten said. "And business class too? That's just amazing, Nate. You're one lucky bastard you know that?"

"Well, I don't think I'm a bastard," I said with a smirk, "At least that's what my parents tell me. But yup, lucky I definitely am. I really can't wait, it's gonna be awesome to see him after so long. Do you know that by the time we see each other he'd have been gone for the same amount of time that we were dating when we left?"

"Yeah," Kyle said, "it's pretty nuts. It's awesome that you're still strong, though."

"Yeah, it definitely really is," I replied. "So, anyway, Ky, what's your big news?"

"Welllll," he said with a huge grin, "Brian and I finally did it for the first time last night." Kirsten didn't have any reaction other than a small grin, since she probably already knew (they are roommates after all), but my mouth definitely dropped.

"Seriously?" I asked. "That's awesome. It's about time, you guys have waited long enough, that's for sure."

"Well yeah, but we wanted to take it slow. Besides, it's not as if you and Jesse have gone all the way yet."

"True, but he's an ass virgin, so that's why we've been taking it slow. You guys have just been doing it for the hell of it."

"Yeah, but we wanted to make sure that it's not all physical. We wanna know that there's actual emotion and stuff there too," he replied. "And besides, we've only been exclusive for, like, a month."

"Well...okay, when you put it that way, then I guess you got a good point. Although I of course totally think you shoulda banged him after the first date," I said sarcastically.

"Jeez, of course he has a good point," Kirsten said in a serious, angry voice. "Nate, I can't believe that you're being like this, I coulda sworn that you were deeper than that."

"And I coulda sworn that you knew me well enough to know when I'm joking."

She sighed. "Sorry, Nate. Like I said, this period thing is a bit harsher than usual this month. I just can't wait for it to be over."

"It's okay, Kirst. I that guess as a guy I'll never really know how that can really affect your personality."

"Yup, so don't get on me for being a little pissy."

"Okay, notta problem," I said, laughing. "So anywayyy, Kyle, how was it?"

"Ohhh, Nate, it was sooo good. Brian's got like THE hottest cock I've ever seen!" All I could do was laugh. "And I'm not even talking about the size, even though he's def well hung. It's just a hot cock...the shape, the head...everything. It's just hot."

"Well, that's cool," was all I could get out.

"And he also got me off without touching my dick at all. He was just that good."

"Very cool," I said. I glanced at Kirsten, who looked a bit uncomfortable. "Okay, Kirst doesn't look like she's enjoying this conversation so much, we'll talk more later, Ky."

"Yeah, talking about your sexual exploits like that goes a little far. But thank you," Kirsten told us, "it's about time you have some consideration for me."

"Yea yea," I said, rolling my eyes. We continued talking for a while and then went off to class.

I spent the next few days getting ready for my trip. I had to get a new swim suit, since Jesse said that we'd probably be hitting up the beach, and the one I had got a huge rip in it (long and embarrassing story), and a bunch of other summery clothes. Yeah, I was only going for five days, but I was hoping that it wouldn't be the only time that I went to visit Jesse in California. I was definitely excited about it, for obvious reasons, and even more so since this would be my first time going business class, which was pretty cool, although it made me feel like I had to dress up a bit better than I normally would. I got nice loose slippers to wear on the plane and made sure that I had nice clothes that were still comfortable.

Wednesday night couldn't come quickly enough; time seemed to have slowed down to a crawl, which usually happens when you're excited about something coming. Finally it arrived, and I went downstairs to wait for the car, which turned out to be a stretch limo. `Jeez, Jess, you really went all out on this, didn't you,' I thought. He doesn't even go around in stretches for himself, but of course for me he gets one with all the luxuries – TV, mini fridge complete with drinks and snacks, car phone, everything.

Of course there was traffic (gotta love New York!), but being able to stretch out and eat snacks in a limo definitely made it easier. When I finally got to the airport it felt like I was just there the night before and seeing Jesse off, but this time around was definitely a much happier occasion. I got my stuff checked in without having to wait on the huge line that was already there because of the special business class check-in desks and then went to hang out in the business class lounge. `Whoa, I could definitely get used to this,' I thought, looking around at the nice, comfortable chairs and fancy bar. I sat down, got a drink, and started reading a book until my flight was called.

When I got on the plane, the luxury just got better. The flight attendants were extremely courteous and hospitable, much more so than in economy class, and immediately brought out free drinks individually, not on carts, which also doesn't happen in economy. I spread out my feet, took out the personal TV, and for the first time ever, really enjoyed my flight, simply looking forward to seeing my man.

There's the chap! Hope you guys enjoyed it, and that everything's going well with all of you.

As always, your feedback is definitely appreciated, and I look forward to it, even when (or even especially) when it's from those who've already sent it in, so as always its at or JesseandNate on AIM. Thanks!

I also decided to make a MSN group for readers of the story. Right now it's a place to discuss the story, but it could be whatever you guys make it to be: a place to post and check out pictures of Jesse McCartney, meet new people, make friends, or discuss anything from movies to advice on coming out of the closet. Basically it's up to you guys. If you're interested, you could find it at Even if you're not interested in participating, I'd appreciate it if you'd join, since I'm curious to find out how many readers I have (plus, if you sign up, I'll be able to send a message to everyone when there's a new chapter posted). You'll need an MSN Passport to join, which is simple enough to sign up for. Let me know what you think of it, and any suggestions you have for improvement. Thanks!

And as always, thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 10

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