
By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Mar 5, 2006


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Jessie By Chris

Jessie's first class at the university was biology, which happened to be one of her favorite subjects as it fit into her chosen major, nursing. She had wanted to be a nurse for as long as she could remember. Her favorite aunt was a nurse, Aunt Liz was also her only aunt, but that was just a technicality. She was still the one that she had always looked up to and the one that she could always talk to. She was also the one that she went to when she was confused about her sexuality, just after she had turned thirteen. All her friends had started to talk about boys but she had no interest in them. At first, she thought that she was a late developer but then something happened. She was with her best friend and the friend wanted to practice kissing and since there were no boys around, the friend suggested that they practice on each other. They did and when their lips touched, Jessie found that she was feeling things that she knew that she shouldn't. The kiss sent her for a loop and thus caused her to question why this had happened. After the friend had gone home, Jessie called her aunt and told her that she wanted and needed to talk to her. Since her aunt lived only a few blocks from her, she jumped on her bike and rushed over to her aunt's house. Once there, she hemmed and hawed about what had happened for a long time as she tried to find the words but she was unable to do so. Finally it hit her aunt just what she was trying to say.

"Are you trying to say that you are attracted to girls and not boys?" Her aunt asked.

"Yea, I think..." was Jessie's reply.

"Are you sure?"

"Well that is why I am here, with what happened with Mae. I am beginning to wonder. And I then I realized that I have always checked out the girls and not the boys as they walk by me. Does that mean that I am a lesbian?" Jessie asked her aunt.

"Maybe and probably, but you'll just have to wait and see."

"Are you mad at me, or disappointed in me?" Jessie said as she held her breath so afraid that her idol would be disappointed in her.

"No, never think such a thing, I will always love you, you know that." Her aunt said as she brought Jessie into her arms and Jessie let the tears flow. It was about this time that her mother walked into her aunt's house.

"What is going on here? Is something wrong with Jessie?" her mother asked as she came to Jessie's side.

"No, nothing is wrong." Jessie said as she jumped back from her aunt's arms and quickly tried to dry her tears.

"Then why are you crying, honey?" her mother asked.

Jessie looked at her aunt who nodded at her. "I was talking to Aunt Liz about something."

"About what, dear? Or would you rather keep it between you and your aunt?"

Jessie took in a deep breath and then after getting another nod from her aunt, she blurted, "I told her that I thought that I was a lesbian." Then Jessie looked at her mother waiting for the yelling to start.

"Oh, and what did she say?"

"That I may be."

"Well, if anyone should know, she would." Her mother said as she hugged her daughter.

"You're not mad or anything?"

"No dear, I love you and I will always love you. But it's a hard life, at least you have your aunt to get advice from. She can talk you through all the pitfalls that you will face." Her mother told her and Jessie held onto her mother afraid that if she let her go, her mother would suddenly change her mind, but then what her mother had said began to sink into her head.

"Are you telling me something here?" Jessie asked as she looked from her mother to her aunt and then back to her mother. She noticed that they both were waiting for the other to answer her question.

"Well?" Jessie asked, this time staring at her aunt.

"I was about your age when I figured out that I was a lesbian but I did not have anyone to talk to but my older sister. She wasn't very accepting of this news at first but she slowly came around and accepted my sexuality."

Her aunt said as she winked at her older sister, Jessie's mom.

"Why didn't you all tell me before now?" Jessie asked.

"Because there wasn't any reason to, and I knew that you looked up to your aunt and were so much like her. I asked her and she agreed to let you decide what you were, even if we both suspected that you were lesbian, long ago." Her mother said.

"How did you know, when I didn't?" Jessie asked.

"Well your Aunt Liz did before I did. She is the one that noticed how you checked out the other girls when you two were out. We both just thought that this was something that you had to discover for yourself."

"I see, but how did you keep it so secret for so long. Does anyone else know?" Jessie asked.

"I came out when I was in college, if that is what you are asking. I do have a girlfriend and you have met her here, you know Janie. She and I have been together for two years now. And your timing couldn't have been better as I have been trying to talk her into moving in and now she has one less excuse for refusing."

"I hate that you had to hide for me." Jessie said.

"Oh, we didn't, she wasn't ready to move in with me yet but that time is near. And if you had ever asked, I would have told you. But you never asked and out of respect to your mother, I did not offer to tell you. But I was about to tell you as I could tell that you were at a crossroads. You were going to figure it out on your own and if you will think about it, it didn't really surprise you that I was a lesbian."

"No, I guess it didn't" Jessie said as she hugged her aunt and then her mother.

Jessie was jolted from of her memories when she heard a voice come from the door of the classroom.

"Hi, my name is Judith, and I will be your instructor for this semester." A self assured young woman said as she came rushing into the classroom. She had fiery red hair and her breasts were somewhere between a C and D cup. She was tall and walked with a purpose.

"I have a master's in micro-biology and am currently working on my doctorates. If any of you were expecting someone with their doctorates then I am sorry to disappoint you. They teach the upper level classes and leave the intro classes to teaching assistances. But don't worry; I know what I am talking about. I expect your full attention while you are in this classroom. This isn't high school any more so I will take roll today and not again. If you want to attend this class that is fine and if you don't that is fine also, doesn't matter to me. But let me warn you that there will be questions on each test that isn't covered by the text book. Also, I will not tolerate interruptions during my class. If you have a question, then ask me but let me give you another warning, my word is law. And also, I will be teaching evolution and I will not mention Intelligent Design. If you want to learn about that then there are a number of religion courses that you can take." She told the class.

Jessie watched as a couple of students got up and leave and she noticed that Judith gave them a smile as they left. That made Jessie like Judith ever more than she already liked her. She was a person that knew what she was talking about and got right to the point.

Judith then called roll and got started teaching. She handed out a syllabus that had what they would be going over on each class and when the tests would be. No one left after getting this as they all now knew that it would be better to attend the class and not take a chance on missing something.

As the class went on, Jessie noticed that Judith seemed to direct her lecture directly at her. At first, Jessie didn't give it any mind but when it happened during the second and third class, Jessie had to acknowledge it. It made her feel good but also made her a little nervous. Judith was nice looking with her short brown hair and her long legs. She had to be over six feet tall as Jessie was five-ten. She was nice looking but not necessarily her type. But all the same, she wasn't that bad. During the third week of class Jessie finally decided to talk to her, so she stayed after class.

"Do you need something?" Judith asked as Jessie as she approached the desk.

"Ahh, no. I had just noticed that you have been looking at me during the class and I wondered why."

Judith gave out a little laugh before replying, "You get right to the point, don't you."

"Yea that is the way I am. So why are you looking at me so much during class."

"Well you are pretty but that is not why. Well maybe the first day it was but after that it was more that you impressed me by your questions and how you are doing in the class. You are very intelligent. What is your major anyway?"

"I am going to be a nurse." Jessie said proudly.

"You can do better than that."

"What are you saying, that a nurse is not a worthy career choice?" Jessie declared, as she started to get her book bag and storm out.

"No, that is not what I was saying but you are smart enough to be a doctor, not just a nurse." Judith said.

"I will let you know right now, lady. The health care system depends on good nurses. The doctor cannot cure anyone without us, patients cannot heal without us, and so people would die without us. Put that in your pipe and smoke it." Jessie said as she left Judith standing there. But what she didn't see was the way Judith was impressed with the way that she made her point.

Jessie was pissed the rest of the day and she even thought about reporting Judith to the department head but decided against that. She did decide to start finding out about Judith. She first started with the lesbian organization that was on campus. When Judith told her that she looked nice, pretty much confirmed to Jessie that Judith was a lesbian and when she started to ask around, she found that to be true. But then she met a girl that seemed to know Judith very well. She couldn't talk then but she did say that she would meet her that evening, if she wanted to talk further. Jessie said that she would be there.

That evening she met Barb, the girl that said that she knew Judith well. They exchanged pleasantries at first as they ordered a pizza and a pitcher of beer.

"So how do you know Judith?" Jessie asked her when the pizza arrived and the waiter left.

"Lets just say that she and I are a part of something so I have gotten to know her that way."

"And what is that "Something" that you both are apart of?"

"I will let her tell you if she so chooses, in the mean time, what do you want to know about her?"

"Okay, I'll let her tell me that then. What I want to know is what type of person she is. I mean, is she a good person."

"She is a very good person and can teach you a lot. I don't mean just in the classroom."

"Are you talking about the bedroom?" Jessie asked raising her eyebrows.

"Well, there too, but that wasn't what I was talking about. I was meaning more in life in general. She can be a good friend to you. Just give her a chance. Why do you want to know this stuff anyway?"

"She said something the other day after class that pissed me off and I wanted to report her to the department head but I decided to give her the benefit of doubt."

"Good, then talk to her more and see if maybe you were right not to report her."

"I didn't say I wasn't going to, just that I was giving her the benefit of the doubt at the moment."

"Fair enough, anyway talk to her again before making your final decision."

"I will."

They then went on to other subjects but it seemed that Barb was asking a lot of questions about her. Jessie answered them honestly but she also tried to find out more about Barb and her relationship to Judith but it seemed that she was giving more than what she was getting.

Jessie had to wait until the following Tuesday to talk to Judith and she was curious as to what she would say to her. She noticed that Judith paid more attention to her during the class and Jessie made sure that she had a couple of good questions for her. She wanted to push her a little during the class and she knew that Judith knew what she was doing to her. It was almost like they were playing a game that no one else in the class was aware was going on. Judith did end the class early and that was something that she never did.

"So I hear that you were asking about me." Judith said as she came over to Jessie's desk as she was as she was putting her laptop away.

"Yea, I was. Does that bother you?"

"No, I have asked about you too and I like what I hear. I also like the way you let me have it after my last class. That impressed me even more and has me thinking about something."

"The same something that Barb told me about? I assume that she told you what we talked about."

"The answer is yes to both of your questions."

"So when are you going to tell me all about this "something"?"

"When I think that you are ready. And if I think that you are the right person to be apart of what Barb and I are apart of."

"What is this some secret government organization?" Jessie asked.

"No, it's nothing like that. But it is something good. But we will talk about it as the year goes by. I want you to get to know me and I want to get to know you. But I'll tell you when the time is right. And one more thing, I am sorry about what I said about nursing, you were right and I was wrong. Will you accept my apology?"

"Sure, just don't put nursing down again. I won't give you a second chance." Jessie warned her.

"I consider myself forewarned." Judith said as she got up.

As the semester went on, Judith was true to her word. She talked to Jessie after every class and she also started to take her to dinner one night a week. Sometimes it was during the week and sometimes during the weekend. Judith never talked about what the "something" was but she did allude to it from time to time. But she kept her remarks to having to put your time in first before the benefits came to you. Jessie had to admit that she was intrigued by it all but was also hesitant because Judith refused to give her details. After Jessie came back from Christmas break, Judith called her up and they went to dinner. For the rest of the semester, Judith kept up with Jessie, always talking to her and finding more and more about her character. Jessie also did what she could to obtain what information that she could from Judith. She did feel an attraction to Judith but from what she could tell; Judith was only interested in talking. So Jessie found other girls to go out with but none that was long lasting. It was mostly to have a good time and if the feeling was mutual, then they would go to bed. But at the end of the semester things became a little clearer.

"Hello," Jessie answered the phone.

"Hey girl, this is Judith, what you doing?"

"Studying for my last final, and then packing up things for the summer."

"Well, that is what I want to talk to you about. I know that you are not staying over the summer but going home to look after your little sister while your parents are away. But I was wondering if you would like to stay over a couple of more days so that we can talk."

"We have talked all year and I still don't know what you want, why should I stay three more days to do the same."

"Remember I said that I would tell you everything when I thought that you were ready and if I thought you were the right person?"

"Yes, I remember." Jessie said as her interest in the conversation perked up but she kept her voice non committal.

"I want to show you around where I live and introduce you to everyone here and see if you would like to be a part of us."

"I have to be out of the dorm by tomorrow evening and I have told my parents that I will be home tomorrow night."

"I think that this would be worth your time, I really would like you to come here." Judith said with a little concern in her voice which Jessie noted.

"I'll think about it, where can I reach you tomorrow to let you know?" Jessie said knowing that she waited all year to find out what this was all about; she wasn't going to pass up her chance.

Judith told her that she would be at home by two and gave Jessie the address which turned out to be right off campus. She had seen the big house before but she just thought that it was an apartment building, obviously it was not. She called her parents after she got off the phone from Judith and told them that she would be delayed for a few days.

After her test, Jessie rushed back to the dorm and packed the rest of her things. She then packed her car and headed over to Judith's place. She wanted to get there early and see what would happen so at one, she was knocking on the door. A moment later an older lady, probably in her sixties, answered the door.

"May I help you?" the lady asked.

"Hi, my name is Jessie. I was supposed to meet Judith here. I'm a little early."

"I would say about an hour early but I like that. It will give you a chance to check us out before Judith gets here. I can see why she picked you."

"Picked me?" Jessie asked.

"Yes, picked you and I think that she made a good choice. By the way, my mother is a nurse and you can't pick a better career. Judith almost screwed up there. But she always had a way of fixing her mess up's."

"How do you know I am going to be a nurse? Just what is this place?" Jessie asked as she became a little more concerned.

"It is just what you need, don't worry Judith will explain everything when she gets here. Come on in and let me get you something to drink. Oh by the way my name is Helen or you can call me Mother that is what the rest of the girls call me." Helen said as she took Jessie by the arm and leading her into the living room before Jessie could turn tail and run which was what her first instinct was to do. The room was spacious and comfortable. The couch she was placed was soft and comfortable. The windows were airy and let the sunlight in. Overall it was a very nice room.

"Linda, bring Jessie some ice tea." Helen hollered into what appeared to be the kitchen.

A homey young girl then appeared with a tray of ice tea and some cookies on a tray. She did not say anything to Jessie but she had a big grin on her face. Jessie got the impression that the girl was a little different but she was very nice and seemed to be very happy. The girl left and then one girl after another dropped in to chat and introduce themselves. Jessie could not remember all their names as soon as one left another appeared. They all were nice and welcomed her to their group as if she had already made her decision, which she had not done. The only girl that she knew was Barb, whom she had only met that one time. She was the last to appear and she kept Jessie company until Judith made her entrance.

"I hear that you decided to show up early, good move." Judith said as she entered the room and Barb made her exit.

"I want to know how everyone here seems to know all about me, what have you told them? What is this place?" Jessie demanded before Judith had a chance to sit down.

"Let me show you around and then we can talk." Judith said but Jessie would not have any of that.

"No, you start talking or I am leaving."

"Okay, let me close the doors so that we won't be disturbed." Judith said as she went to the doorway and slid the door closed. She then came back to the couch and sat beside of Jessie. "So you want to know what this has been all about. Let me talk first then you can ask any questions that you like. I will answer everything."

"Okay," Jessie said.

"First off, I will tell you what we aren't. We're not an organization or any type of organized group. We're not a part of any government department or associated with the government but we do have people in government. Now for the history of our group, it started in the late sixties when a group of women who happened to be lesbian decided to get together and help each other out. First while they were in college and then afterwards. If one of them needed help then she could call on one of the others to help her out. It then started to grow from there. It started at one college and grew from there. We now have places like this at most of the major universities in this country and also a few outside of the country. The original group found a house and the upper classmen helped to guide the underclassmen. When the underclassmen became upperclassman, then they took an underclassman under her wing. As the years went by, this training was refined until what it is now. Only now we have changed the term upperclassmen to elders and the term underclassmen to apprentice. Once the elders graduate then they have resources to fall back on. All you have to do is to call a number and state your name and your problem and someone will contact you. We have members in about every type of business and some in the government. We have women from all across the country come in and talk to us. They will tell you what you need to know to make it in this world. They will tell you of their mistakes as well as their successes. Do you get the jest of what we are about and what we are not about?"

"Yes, I get an idea but why the secretly?"

"Because we want to make sure that we get the right people into the group and to make sure we don't get people who just want us to get them out of trouble. You break the law then you are on your own. Also we have people high up in government and in industry who do not need their name plaster in the papers as being a part of some organization. So we exist but don't exist."

"I think I see, but how can this help me or what could I do as a nurse to help anyone?"

"Maybe nothing, but who knows where you will end up. One day you may

be the Director of Nursing of a major hospital. Or someone may have a sick relative or be sick themselves and need someone that they can trust to guide them. I admit that is why I made a big deal about you wanting to be a nurse but when I told Mother about you, then she set me straight. We don't have anyone in the nursing field and maybe it was time that we did. Plus you

are very smart and didn't take any shit off of me. That is what we are looking for."

"Okay, I can see that but now what about the training that you talked about. I assume that you are an "elder" and will be my trainer, correct?"

"Yes, I will be. And here is where I need to make sure that you understand what will happen and why it has to be this way. The training is for one year and if you get the approval of the elders then you will become one, otherwise you will be in for another year of training, but I don't think that will be necessary. There is a set of rules that you have to go by as well as maintaining your grades. You also have to obey your elder no matter what she tells you to do. Some things may seem weird but they are important that you do them to the best of your ability. You will be at her beck and call. She will help you in your classes or get you help if needed as it is in her interest to make you to be the best person that you can be. We want you to be a leader and to do that you need to know what it feels like to be a follower. You may be treated like shit at times and told to do things that you may not

want to do but you must do them. If you know what it is like to be treated that way then maybe you will treat the people under you better. We feel that it is better not to use people to get ahead and then cast them away. But instead bring those people who helped you get ahead with you. And if you don't do as you are told or let your grades slip then there will be punishments. It is all designed to make you a better person, a better leader, and an assent to us. Do you have any questions?"

"Yes, a few."

"Okay, then give me the first one." Judith said as she poured them both a fresh glass of tea.

"You mentioned that I would be at your beck and call and I would have to do some weird things. Are you talking sexual things?"

"Yes, they can be."

"So I will be your whore."

"I would not put it that way but yes in a sense."

"What would that teach me?"

"It would let you know how it feels to be used and how not to use sex to get ahead. If you are forced to make love when you don't want to then you

won't do it to others in your work life or even in your love life. But I can also show you things that will make you a better lover for when you find your partner for life. That is the main purpose of the sex."

"Well I can see that but I think that you need to teach that to the men out there."

"True but this is for women only so we will start there and women do

use sex to get ahead."

"Okay, now about the punishments, just what exactly would that entail?"

"Every Friday night we would sit down and go over the rules that I will give you today. If you have violated any of them then I will spank you with a leather strap." Judith said as if she had said that Jessie would have to write an essay or something else simple and harmless.

"Spank me with a leather strap, no fucking way." Jessie said as she started to get up.

"Wait a minute, please sit down and let me tell you something." Judith said as she put her hand on Jessie's arm and eased her back down.

"I never said that this would be easy. It has to be hard and you have to do things that you don't want to but in the end it is worth it. I have had my ass spanked more than a few times but it is worth it. I know when I get out in the world, I won't be alone. I will make it hard on you but you will be a better person for it in the end, I will promise you that. I will push you hard but I will also take care of you. Please stay a few days and see what it is like here. All the girls are nice and most are still here so that you can talk to

them. Let them tell you how they feel and what they think before you make that final decision. Give us a chance, will you?"

Jessie thought for a minute then replied, "Okay, I will stay a day or two but I don't think that I will change my mind."

"I am glad that you are leaving an open mind about joining us." Judith said as she got up.

Jessie thought at first that Judith was making a dig at her expense but then she saw the smile and she had to laugh. Judith then took her hand and helped her up.

Judith led her out of the living room and into the big dining room that had a long table that sat about twenty. From there they went into the large kitchen where Mother (Helen) and Linda (the plain girl she had met before) were cooking. They talked there for a minute and Jessie was able to get Linda to talk as Judith talked to Mother. She did find that Linda was a little slow as far as her education but very knowledgeable as to what she wanted. Linda told her that she was Mother's grand daughter but she lived with a girl that used to live in the house. From what Jessie could discern from Linda, her grand mother didn't like the situation but in the in she gave into her grand daughter's wishes. From there Judith took her to the meeting room that had enough room for about thirty women. The circled back through the kitchen and headed upstairs. Judith showed her some of the room and they took time to talk to some of the girls there. The rooms were quite large with a four poster queen bed, a large study area and an attached bathroom. It took them an hour to get to the third floor where Judith's room was. Just as

they were about to enter the room when Barb called out to Judith. Jessie started to stay by the door and not enter but Judith told her to go ahead and look around. She added that Jessie could look around as there wasn't anything that Judith did not want her to see.

Jessie decided to take her at her word so she entered the room. It was decorated in light blue colors with blue sheer curtains. Jessie walked to the middle of the room. She slowly turned around and took the room in trying to get a read on Judith. Everything was neat and in its place unlike her own room which had clothes everywhere and her school papers spread across her desk. She also noticed that there were two leather desk chairs and enough space for two people to work. She then realized that the other rooms that they had entered were similar to this one. She figured that if she decided to join the group, which she didn't think that she would, she would be doing some of her work here. As she circled the room again, she noticed something that she missed the first time. By the door was the leather strap. She stared at it a moment and definitely decided this wasn't for her. That thing would kill you. She went into the bathroom and found a double sink and a large bathtub. The tub also had whirlpools installed in them so she knew that these girls did live well. She could soak in a tub like that for hours. As she exited the bathroom, her eyes locked onto the strap and she had to go over to it. She took it off the wall and found that is was about an inch and half wide and about two feet long. It was heavy and it was smooth on both sides. She knew getting a spanking for something like this would really hurt.

"Yes, it hurts to get spanked by that strap." Judith said from the door.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten it down."

"That is okay, I said that you could look at anything and I meant that. But I want to tell you something about the punishment part of being a part of this group and please listen to what I say."

"Okay and I will keep my mind open this time." Jessie said with a little laugh.

"I appreciate that." Judith said as she laughed, then she continued.

"Like I said that the spanking will hurt but they will not kill you. We aren't cruel or sadistic. The spanking are there just to make a point and make you remember what you did wrong."

"Can't you do something else, some other kind of punishment other than something like that."

"Yes we probably could but would that something else stay in your mind like a spanking would. It has made am impression on you and you haven't

even gotten one yet."

"You have a point there."

"So it does serve its purpose. No one likes to get one or give one but we do take it seriously. Like I said it will hurt but it won't kill you. The sting wears off but the memory of getting spanked stays with you. That is what we are counting on and don't think that you can go the whole year without getting one. No one has ever made it long before they found themselves on the wrong end of the strap. I know that I got more than a few spankings and they all hurt but they all got my attention."

"I see, maybe I over reacted to that but I still don't like the idea of getting a spanking."

"You shouldn't like the idea of getting one, no one does. That is the point."

"Yea, I know. Here you can have this back and lets talk about something else." Jessie said as she handed the strap to her. Then as she took it, the lights dimmed twice.

"What is that, there isn't a storm or anything is the wiring bad in this place?"

"No that is just Mother calling us to dinner. She demands us to be on time. And I am getting hungry, let's go eat." Judith said as she took Jessie

by the hand and led her out of the room.

When they got there, the table was about half filled and everyone was talking. Judith put Jessie in the middle of the table and then she sat across from her. As soon as she sat down, a dozen questions came at her. She was quickly absorbed in a number of interesting conversations. She was not sure who she was talking to but she enjoyed the dinner. She noticed that Linda did all the serving as Mother had sat at the front of the table. All the girls treated Linda with the utmost respect and they took turns flirting with her.

Linda just ate up the attention as she went around the table but she always told which ever girl that was flirting with her that she was taken and they all said that it was their loss. Soon the dinner was over and Jessie saw that everyone was leaving so she made the offer to help with the dishes which Mother accepted. Mother then told Linda that she could leave early and Linda hugged her grand mother and was out the door in a flash.

"I think she had somewhere to go." Jessie told Mother with a smile.

"I admit that I didn't like it when she got with Carol. It just didn't seem like a good match but I will have to admit that I was wrong. They are both happy so that is what counts. I was just afraid that Carol would need someone who would talk engineering with her and that is way beyond Linda's ability. But Carol told me if she wanted to talk about machines when she got

home then she would have married a engineer but that was not what she was looking for. She just wanted someone to love and for them to love her. And Linda does love her so and I now know Carol really does love my grand daughter."

"Linda had to decide who made her happy and I think that she did."

"Yes she did. So how about you, any love interest?"

"No, I am not ready for that."

"Good, you have time for that later, besides you will be busy here and with your nursing. That is not an easy course of study."

"I haven't made my decision to join yet."

"But you will join us." Mother said with confidence.

"How do you know? I don't even know yet. I am more against joining than I am about joining."

"You are a smart young lady and Judith thinks a lot of you. She and I have talked a lot about you and don't worry, what I hear never leaves me. My

job here is to guide the elders and to be a sounding board to everyone. I can't do that if I tell everything that I hear. I'm not that way and never will be. I hope that you believe me when I say that."

"I do and I think that you do more than guide the elders, I think that you are pretty much in charge and make the real decisions, don't you?"

"I knew that I would like you, you are very sharp. Yes, I do more than just guide but let's leave it at that. Are there any questions that you have

for me?"

"I have asked Judith what the group can do for me and I could I do for the group. I think I will take another angle with you. What is the name of the group and how does it work? I think that you may be the right person to ask these questions."

"Good questions, both of them. Let's get the dishes into the kitchen

and I'll tell you.

They talked about nursing and general until all the leftover food and dishes were in the kitchen. Jessie talked all about her aunt and how she came to want to be a nurse and Mother talked about her life in general and her granddaughter as her part of the conversation but once everything was in the kitchen Mother got to her questions.

"To the question of the name of the group, there really isn't one, never has been. It was started by a few women who just wanted to help each other out and it sort of grew. As far as I know, no one has ever tried to give it one."

"Okay that is a little strange but I can see how it wouldn't have a name but now on to how it works. If I wanted to get help, how would I look it up to know where I could contact someone?"

That problem was found as the group grew and expanded to other universities. How would someone from this group contact someone from another? Luckily, one of the first members was into the then new thing called personal computers. She set up a data base that had all the information someone would need."

"If this group is so secret then couldn't someone hack into the system and learn everything about everyone?"

"No, because the system is not hooked up to the internet. It works like this. If you need someone then you would contact someone here who would then in turn contact the person running the data base. They would gather then information needed and pass it back."

"I see, I assume you would be that someone here?" Jessie questioned.

"At this point you don't need to know that but to answer your question, I'm that person."

"Any more questions?" Mother asked.

"No I think that is all for now but I may have more later, can I come back to you and ask them."

"Of course, I counsel the elders but I also counsel everyone else. My door is literally open at all times since I spend all my time here in the kitchen. All you have to do is come in and say you need to talk. I will pour us a cup of coffee and we'll talk."

"Thanks, I probably will have more questions before I make my decision. But now let's get the food and dishes up and then I am going to hunt Judith down and get set up in whatever room that I am going to be in. I

am getting a little tired and a nice long bath sounds so nice."

"You will love our bathtubs, they are fitted with whirlpools."

"I noticed, that is why I want to take a nice long bath." Jessie said with a little laugh.

They then worked on the kitchen as the talked. When all the food was

put up and the dishes in the large dishwasher, Mother called Judith in. she told her to help Jessie get her bag and then set her up in one of the guest rooms.

"I do hope that you will decide to join us. But that is up to you. But before you tell me no, I hope that you will give me another chance to change

your mind."

"I will, I will admit that I am closer to saying yes than I was after you told me about the spanking thing. That still bothers me but it won't be the deciding factor but it is a still a factor."

"I can understand that and speaking of that, here is a list of our rules. You will notice the rules and then how many licks of the strap that you will

get if you violate one of them. Some are major and some or minor as you can see. But study them and then in the morning we can talk about them. If that is all, I will leave you to your long bath."

"How did you know I was going to take a bath?"

"Cause that is the first thing I wanted to do when I saw that the tubs were fitted with whirlpools." Judith said with a laugh that Jessie had to join. She knew that Judith had a point there.

Jessie went to the tub and started the water as she began to strip. It had been a long hard day with a final that morning and then spending the day

here trying to figure out what this was all about. She thought about how she

had been alone all her life and here she was in a house filled with women that were like her. They were all different but at the same time they were all women who knew what they wanted and they were all lesbian. The thought of nonstop sex flashed through her head but she knew that here, it wasn't about sex. It was about learning how to get ahead. Once she was naked, she looked at herself in the full mirror that was hanging on the inside of the bathroom door. She saw her shoulder length black hair and her c cup breasts. She cupped them with her hands, feeling their weight and the firm flesh. She moved her hands down her stomach and felt the slight budge that she had at her abdominal. She never could get rid of that and had stopped trying. She went on down to her shaved pussy where her outer lips covered her inner lips. She looked on down and thought about her hips that she thought were a little too wide but again not to bad. She turned slightly and

tried to look at her butt. It was okay but she wanted to firm it up but with

all the studying that she had to do made that hard to do.

She then noticed that the tub was about full so she ran and got the rules that Judith had given her and she slipped into the warm water. She turned on the jets and felt the water start to relax her. She laid her head back and just let her body and mind go. She cleared her head of everything and she began to feel better. She just lay there for a good twenty minutes before she opened her eyes and after drying her hands on a towel, she picked up the rules and started to read. It started with the major rules first. A final grade of B in a class would earn you twenty five swats of the

belt, a C was fifty, a D was a hundred and finally an F was good for two hundred. The same applied to test and papers with the B getting you ten, a C

getting you fifteen, a D was worth thirty and an F was good for a fifty. Tardiness earned you five swats per minute, while disrespect to a member of the group was worth fifty swats. The sheet didn't define just was qualified as being disrespectfulness. If you skipped a class then you got a hundred swats. An unmade bed was worth ten swats as well as a messy room. Then Jessie saw that a messy desk was also worth ten swats. She did not like the last three rules at all. She knew that she would have to change her ways to avoid breaking those rules. The sheet went on for two pages with list of all

the things that would earn you swats of the strap. The last one was Lack of Organization and Jessie knew that she was in trouble as it was worth forty swats of the belt. This was another one that she would have trouble with. But Jessie did begin to see where the rules would make you efficient and also make you want to do well. They were made to make you a better person. The last rule also caught her attention too. It simple stated that if you told someone outside the group about the group or did anything to harm someone of the group would get you kicked out permanently, there were no appeals. That was simple enough but Jessie knew if she was to join the group, there was no way to avoid getting spanked. She was a B student with an occasional A and an occasional C. the same applied to her tests and papers. D's and F's

she was not worried about but B's and C's would earn more than a few swats. It really came down to just how hard they decided to spank you. That was the key and something she had to try and find out.

Jessie put the paper down and lay her head back to relax a few more minutes. She was almost asleep when she thought she heard her door open and shut. She listened for a moment but heard nothing else. Then she was sure that she heard it open again and then she knew that she heard footsteps before the door closed again. She knew that there were no locks on the door but she thought that there would be some privacy here and was a little irritated that someone would just wander into her room. She quietly

got out of the tub and dried her hair and her body before wrapping a large towel around her body. She then walked on her tiptoes to the bathroom door and peeped around the corner of the door. She saw that there were five girls sitting on her bed trying to be quiet as a mouse.

"Well come on in, we have been waiting for you." A cheery blond whose name she could not remember called out to her.

Jessie came on into the room and the girls made a place for her at the head of the bed. It wasn't until she was climbing onto the bed that she realized that she was naked under the towel. She carefully got on the bed and made sure that the towel was tucked between her legs.

"Are you all here to get me to join the group?" Jessie asked the blond who seemed to be the leader of the girls.

"Oh hell no, we are here to get all the gossip on you." The brunette

with short hair said and then she laughed.

"I see, I am afraid there isn't much to tell but first you ill have to give me all your names. I am really bad at names." Jessie told the girls.

"You have only met about twenty girls today, I don't see why you can't remember our names." The redhead said with a laugh. "My name is Jackie, and beside me is Lou, then Abbie, Suzie and finally Pat. We are all finishing our first year here and hopefully will be elders next year."

"Well, it is nice to meet you all again. So what do you want to know

about me?"

"Everything, especially all the juicy stuff," Abbie answered for the


"I am afraid there is not much to tell. I am a lesbian, of course, but I have not had that many romances. I fooled around a couple of times in high school but did not have my first real sexual experience until I got here but

to tell you the truth, I have been studying too much to really get wild." Jessie replied.

"Hell, you are as boring as we are." Pat said.

"Sorry," Jessie said feeling really sorry that she didn't have more adventures to tell.

"So is there anything you want to know about us?" Abbie asked.

"There is one thing I would like to ask you but I don't know if any of you can or want to tell me."

"Shoot, we don't have any secrets here." Lou replied.

"It is about the spankings," Jessie was saying and she saw all five girls facing her start to smile. It was as if they knew that would be the question

that she would ask. "That is the only thing that is keeping me from wanting to join. Just the thought of being hit with that strap scares the hell out of me."

"We all feared that when we joined and still don't like getting them

but they are just part of the process." Pat said.

"Well what happens?" Jessie asked not sure that she really wanted to

know the answer.

"It really depends on your elder but basically your elder goes over the list on Friday evening and you find out how many swats that you will get. She will then ask if you have any questions and if you do then she will talk to you about them. She will then ask you to strip off your clothing..."

"You get it naked, on the bare ass?" Jessie asked incredulously as she interrupted Pat who was talking.

"Yes, it is all a part of the punishment. She will then ask you to bend across the bed or put your elbows on the bed, then she gives you the licks that your earned that week."

"How hard does she hit you?" Jessie asked.

"Well hard enough for you to get the message but she won't bruise you or anything. She is not doing it to kill you but she has to let you know that she means business."

"I see, I think." Jessie said but she was still scared about the whole thing.

"I went ahead and asked my elder to give me my punishment for getting a C in Calculus last night and see you can barely see the marks." Lou said as she got up on her knees and turned around. She pulled her shorts down showing her ass to the group. Jessie could see that it was still a little red but there were no marks. She couldn't resist but to reach out and touch Lou's ass just to make sure. That brought an "Ohhh" from Lou and it made Jessie blush.

"I am sorry," Jessie said and she could feel that her face was red as a beet.

"Oh hell, I don't mind. I was just playing with you." Lou kidded with her as she flashed her ass a bit before pulling up her shorts and sitting back down.

Jessie decided to talk about something safer so she quickly changed the subject and they all started to relax and just talk. Jackie soon left and came back with a bottle of wine which was the only alcohol that was allowed in the house, and only a glass or two a week was allowed. Getting caught drunk was worth two hundred swats of the strap and none of the girls wanted any part of that. So they all just sipped their wine, just getting enough to relax everyone and to keep the conversation going. About an hour into the evening, Jessie unfolded her legs and lay out a little more as the other girls were doing. She didn't notice how the towel was no longer covering all of her legs until her saw Abbie looking at her midsection and she looked down to see that the towel parted a little. She could see that her upper thighs were exposed and she knew that from Abbie's viewpoint, she could see her shaved pussy. Jessie started to close her legs then decided against that. Abbie then moved her hand up to Jessie's thigh and she started to rub her hand up and down her right upper thigh. The other girls noticed this and when they saw that Jessie didn't stop Abbie, they all put their glasses down and they began to strip off their clothes and then they began to pair up on the bed. Abbie got up on her hands and knees and moved up in the bed. She quickly shed her clothes before she bent down to kiss Jessie who closed her eyes and accepted the kiss.

As they kissed, she felt a pair of hands undo the top of the towel and she felt it fall away from her body. She then felt two sets on hands on her breasts. She wanted to see whose hands they were but Abbie her had tongue in her mouth and Jessie was getting lost in the sensations that she was feeling. She then felt a pair of hands pull her legs open and she then self someone's warm breath on her pussy. She then moaned into Abbie's mouth as she felt a tongue begin to lick at her pussy. It licked up and down

her slit. Jessie let out another moan. It had been a while since she had sex

so this was all long overdue but having so many girls working her body was about too much for her. She had two mouths on her breasts sucking and biting her nipples as another girl was kissing her passionately. Then a fourth girl was licking her pussy. She felt herself approaching an orgasm much too quickly but her brain couldn't keep up with everything that was happening to

her. She wondered briefly where the fifth girl was but then an orgasm hit her hard and she flooded the girl eating her pussy with girlcum.

When she came back around, Abbie was still kissing her face but there was another girl at her pussy licking gently. Her tongue moved from her ass to her clit and Jessie let out a loud moan. Jessie brought Abbie's lips back to her lips and she kissed her passionately. The girl at her pussy was taking her time as she licked and pulled on her pussy lips and then probing her pussy with her tongue. This girl was really good at what she was doing. Her breasts were beginning to get a little sore from all the sucking and biting but she couldn't and didn't want them to stop. She continued to kiss Abbie passionately as she felt another orgasm begin to come to her. She liked her sex drawn out but then this all felt so good. She tried to hold off her orgasm but the girl that was licking her pussy was just too good as she had made her way to her clit. She used short quick strokes of her tongue to bring a second orgasm to Jessie.

When she recovered this time she found that Abbie was still kissing and caressing her body but the other four girls were now licking and caressing each other. They then put Jackie down on the bed and the three girls were at her breasts and pussy. Jessie knew it was time that Abbie had a little relief so she slid down a bit in the bed and grasped Abbie's C cup breasts in her hands. She pulled the right breast to her mouth and she kissed the nipple and then sucked on it. As she did this she moved her right

hand down to Abbie's pussy. She combed her fingers through her pubic hair before covering her pussy with her hand. She found that Abbie was very wet and excited. She slipped her middle finger into Abbie's pussy and moved it in and out of her hot pussy. Jessie could hear Abbie moaning above the moans coming from the other girls on the bed. Jessie fucked Abbie with her finger for a minute or so before going to her clit. She found the little nub and she began to caress it with her girl juice soaked fingers. She started slow but it did not take her long to pick up speed. As she did this, she sucked and nibbled on Abbie's breasts. She soon felt Abbie begin to jerk and her fingers were flooded with girlcum. She brought her fingers to her mouth and tastes Abbie's girlcum. It had a saltier taste than her own juices but good all the same. Jessie moved on down in the bed, and she began to suck in the girlcum that was still flowing from Abbie's pussy. Jessie then felt her legs

being opened and she looked down to see that Suzi was between her legs and she started to lick her pussy. Abbie now had Lou's pussy under her mouth and she was working away on it. Pat and Jackie were somewhere around the bed but Jessie couldn't see where but she heard their moans. Jessie used her tongue to get all the girlcum from Abbie's inner thighs and then she went to her pussy. She licked up and down the slit before she parted Abbie's

pussy lips with her fingers so that she could push her tongue deeper into Abbie's pussy. Jessie felt Suzi's fingers enter her pussy and she began to fuck her. There were at least two of them inside of her filling her pussy up. Jessie had a hard time trying to bring Abbie off as her own pussy was being fucked so well by Suzi's fingers. Jessie knew she wouldn't last for long so she moved her mouth up a bit and sucked Abbie's nub into her mouth. She sucked and licked hard and was soon rewarded with fresh girlcum from Abbie. As she did this, she felt Suzi's mouth on her sensitive clit as she fingers continued to fuck her pussy. Jessie let out a loud moan as she pushed her pussy into Suzi's mouth and she felt an orgasm rack her body. Jessie then felt her senses begin to fade as Suzi fucked and sucked her through a second orgasm. Then everything went blank.

"Honey, wake up. Breakfast will be on the table in a half hour."

Jessie opened her eyes to find Judith smiling down on her. Jessie then realized what had happen the previous night and she felt for the covers

and was relieved to find that she was under them naked and not on top of them naked.

"Oh, okay. Thanks. I'll be right down." Jessie said.

"Take your time, you have time yet." Judith said as she left the room.

This left Jessie to her own thought. And she tried to figure out what had happened the night before. She had never been apart of an orgy before and never thought that she wanted to be but she had to admit that it was fun, but not something she wanted to happen to often. She liked one on one so much better. That was more intimate. She also wondered if this was just something to get her to join but she really did not think that it was. But she would find out today. She then got out of bed and headed for the bathroom for a quick shower.

As she left her room, she found Lou coming out of her room from across the hall so she stopped her before she left her room" Lou, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything," Lou replied.

"Can you come into my room? I will just keep you for a second." Jessie said as she let Lou enter her room.

"I need to know something and I need an honest answer."

"Sure I will always be honest with you or I will tell you that I can't answer the question, either way I will be honest."

"Was last night a way to get me to join, you know show me a good time?"

Lou's face lit up with a smile and then she laughed a little, "No that was a way for us to let loose after a year of only making love to our respective elders. You were just an excuse and you seemed to be willing. I hope that you didn't mind or now regret it happening, if so I am sorry."

"No, I was more than willing and I needed the release too but it just isn't something that I do or really have ever done. I just don't know what is being done to make me want to stay. You know what I mean."

"I do, I really do. We do want you to be a part of us. I think you will be someone good for us but last night wasn't apart of that. It was just some

girls having fun. Are you okay with that?"

"Yea, I am. I just wanted to know what last night was really about."

"That is cool. Now I don't know about you but I worked up an appetite last night." Lou said as she hugged Jessie in a friendly way, then she hooked her arm in Jessie's and led her down to the dining room.

Jessie spent the rest of the day with Judith as they talked about how things would work if Jessie should decide to stay on with them. Jessie pulled out the list of things that would results in punishments and Judith took her

time to explain them but she also told Jessie that she would understand them more as the year as an apprenticeship went on. Judith also told her that she would never do anything to cause her to be punished. She would not leave her clothes lying around so that Jessie would be punished for not keeping their room neat. Or she would not lay in bed so that Jessie couldn't

get the bed made before she went off to class. But she would also not warn her ahead of time when she may be getting into trouble. This was supposed to be a way for Jessie to learn on her own but with Judith helping her. Judith would do everything that she could to help Jessie succeed. That was in both of their interest but Judith didn't explain how Jessie's success would benefit her. Jessie figured that would be something that she would figure out alone the way. She also made sure that if she decided to join but then after a couple of weeks that she could get out and Judith assured her that they would make sure that she had a place to stay after she left the group. They wouldn't pay for her room and board like they were going to do if she stayed there but they would make sure that she was taken care of.

At dinner, there was a new girl joining at the table. The first thing Jessie noticed about the girl was her brown eyes. They were big and sad looking. She was just drawn to them for some reason. The girl had short brown hair and her breasts were a bit smaller than hers but still nice. She was also like Jessie in that she had an extra pound or two but that only added to allure. She just kept looking at the girl who she found was named Rachel. Jessie quickly figured out that Rachel was being recruited by Barb. She seemed to be real nice and smart but she was not sitting close enough to

her to really get to talk to her. But she knew for the first time in a long time she felt some type of attraction to another woman. She felt like that Rachel

and she could become good friends. Jessie wanted to talk more to her after dinner but Barb quickly ushered her out to talk to her and allow her to talk

to the other elders.

Jessie again spent the time after dinner talking to Mother and Linda

who stayed over this time as Carol, her girlfriend had to work late. She did

enjoy talking to them both and she found that Linda, while not being book smart had a lot of common sense. She knew how to get things done and she also knew how to fix most anything in the house. After the dishes were put into the dishwasher, Jessie headed up to her room. She had a decision to make and she had to make it tonight.

She again took a long bath and she thought and thought but she just could not make up her mind. Finally after the bath was done she decided to just go on to bed and hope that the answer would be there in the morning. But just as she was slipping into her bed, she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" Jessie called out.

"We are having a get together in Rachel's room, want to join us?" Pat said as she popped her head inside the door.

At first Jessie really did not want to, but the thought of being able to talk to Rachel made her change her mind. "Sure, I will be right there."

Jessie look a last look into the mirror, making sure that she looked

okay dressed in her pajama top and shorts. She then made her way down to the hall until she heard voices and giggles coming from behind a closed door. She slowly opened the door and she found that Rachel was sitting at the head of the bed in her own pajama's. "At least Rachel was smart enough to get dressed, unlike I was." Jessie thought to herself.

"Come on in, we were just trying to get all the juicy gossip out of Rachel." Pat called to her.

"Yea, Rachel says that she doesn't have anything to tell," Abbie said and then she continued with, "Do you want to share yours with her?"

Jessie belt herself blush and she wanted to kill Abbie but then they

all broke out laughing as Abbie came to her and pulled her to the bed, hugging her. Jessie knew that they were just messing with her but she also saw that Rachel perked up at the thought that Jessie may have a story to tell. Jessie wanted to tell her that soon Rachel would have the same story to tell if these girls had their way. And as it turned out, Jessie was right. A

bottle of wine soon appeared and it was not long after that, a lot of kissing broke out. Clothes were soon separated from their bodies and the smell of aroused women filled the room. Jessie wasn't really in the mood to do anything but before she knew it Lou and Jackie was all over her and she was naked and she body was being racked by one orgasm after another.

Jessie woke sometime later that night to find the lights out and she

was under the covers. She first thought that she had somehow made it to her room when she heard someone stirring in the bed beside of her. Jessie tried to turn over with out making waking the person beside of her. When she was able to see her, she saw that she was looking into Rachel's face. She looked so peaceful sleeping there with her mouth slightly opened. Jessie studied Rachel's face in the dim light coming from the window. Rachel had high cheekbones and a little upturned nose but it was those eyes, even when they were closed that drew her in. she did want to know this girl but not sleeping with her before she got to know her. She began to move back and then she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Where are you going?" Jessie heard Rachel say.

"Just going to pee," Jessie said not really knowing why she said that even though she did have to pee.

"Well, go for me too. I need to pee too."

"I will see what I can do." Jessie said as she got up and headed toward the bathroom, not realizing that Rachel was watching her the whole way. Jessie sat on the toilet and she let her bladder release its fluid and she wondered what to do next. She decided that maybe it would be better if she left and went back to her own bed, but how to get there she didn't know.

"I thought that you were going to pee for me too." Rachel said as she started to get out of bed, then she continued with, "And I thought that we could be good friends, but I guess not."

Jessie noticed that Rachel was smiling when she said that but she also noticed her body again. It was a lot like hers, a little padding where it shouldn't be but at the same time it made her all the more alluring to her. As she started to put her panties and shorts back on she heard Rachel come out of the bathroom.

"What are you doing?"

"I thought that I would go back to my room." Jessie said wanting to stay be not sure that she should.

"I wanted us to talk a few minutes, I would really like that. Would you please stay?"

"Okay, I think I would like that too." Jessie said honestly.

"Well get those shorts and panties off and get back under the covers."

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" Jessie asked after they were

both under the covers and their faces were inches from each other.

"What do you think about all of this? Are you going to join?"

"Well, I don't like the spanking part. That scares me. I don't want to give control of what happens to me to someone else. What about you?"

"I feel the same way but yet, I feel there is something to be gained

too. You know what I mean."

"Yes I do. That is why I am thinking about joining. I am just not sure yet but I have to make the decision soon."

"So do I. so are you going to join? You didn't answer that question."

"Are you going to?"

"I asked you first." Rachel said as she playfully punched Jessie under the covers.

"I know you did but you have to answer it first." Jessie told her.

"I don't know, I want to, but I want someone, maybe a friend to be there with me. Someone I could trust to talk to, someone like you."

"But you don't know me."

"I know but I feel like we could be friends. Don't ask me why but that is what I feel."

"I do too. I like you for some reason. I don't know you but there is an attraction that is more than just sexual Do you know what I mean?"

"Yes, I do. But back to the real question that we both are facing, are we going to join?"

"Do you want to?" Jessie asked.

"I do but only if you are here. I just feel like it will be okay if you are here."

"I feel the same way. Okay we'll join, I can't believe it but I just made the decision."

"I'm glad, I really wanted to join but I wasn't going to if you didn't." Rachel said then she pulled Jessie toward her and hugged her tightly.

Jessie liked the feel of Rachel's body against her own body but it wasn't sexual. It was more real than that.

"This will be so good; I just know that it will. I know that we will both be busy but just knowing you're here makes it better."

"I think it will be and I think that we can make time to talk. There will always be time for that."

"Yea, we will make time for each other. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything you want to know, I will tell you." Jessie told her.

"Why didn't you make love to me tonight? You seemed to have made a point to avoid me."

Jessie hesitated for a second as she was not sure how to answer the question but she said that she would be honest so she said, "Because I am attracted to you and I didn't want our first time together be like that. That was not making love that was just sex. Not that is anything wrong with sex but I want something more with you. Plus if we make love now then this fall and we are with our elders then us having a sexual relationship will make it

hard on us. I think it will be better to wait until that is over. I know that is a year away but I think that it is important that we keep things as friends until we can devote our time and bodies to just us."

"I understand, I feel the same way. I want our first time, if there is one and I believe that there will be, to be perfect. I hate to wait but I think that you have a point. But are you sure about waiting? " Rachel asked.

"No, I may change my mind by then. I don't know. I just know that I like you and I don't want to lose you before we have a chance to really know

each other."

"I think that you are right but I won't guarantee that I can wait." Rachel replied.

"Let's talk over the summer so that we will know each other when we come back in August. We can talk through the internet and stuff. We will know more by the end of the summer on how we want to do this." Jessie suggested.

"Okay," Rachel said and she slid against Jessie and took her into her arms. Jessie could feel Rachel's body against hers and she knew that she really did like this girl and she was not sure about waiting a year to really make love to her but for now she just enjoyed the feel of Rachel's body against hers, and the feeling of friendship that had developed in just a few

minutes of talking.

When Barb came into to wake Rachel for breakfast, Jessie noticed that she did not seem surprised to see her in bed with Rachel. Jessie talked

a minute to Barb as Rachel slowly came out of her slumber. After they both got dressed, they exchanged cell phone numbers and email addresses. Jessie had to leave early so right after breakfast, she told Judith of her decision

to join but also told her that she had already signed a contract for the coming year to live in the dorm. Judith assured her that it would be taken care of; she would not be charged anything for getting out of the contract.

When Jessie got home that afternoon, she got a cool reception from her fourteen old little sister Kat, which was her family nickname. Her full name was Katherine but as soon as Jessie saw her little sister after she was

born, she started to call her Kat and it stuck. It bothered her that her sister gave her the cold shoulder until her mom told her that Kat was trying

to convince her and her father that she did not need anyone to stay with her

while they were gone. Jessie knew that she didn't want to fight with her sister all summer; she had enough to worry about so that night she came to Kat's bedroom door and knocked.

"Go away," Came the sullen answer from inside of the door.

"Come on Kat, its me Jessie, I want to talk to you."

"Well I don't want to talk to you, so go away."

"Kat, you know I am just as stubborn as you are, so you might as well open the door or we both will be here all night."

There was silence for a while before she heard footsteps and then the door slowly opened.

"Thank you, now let's talk." Jessie said as she followed Kat to the bed and they sat on the edge.

"Now will you tell me why you are giving me the cold shoulder? We have always been more friends than sisters."

"I wanted to stay here by myself. I am fourteen and will be fifteen in a month. I don't need a babysitter any more."

"Is that what mom said that I was going to be?"

"No she just said that I was too young to be here that long by myself."

"So you assumed that meant that meant that she thought you were too immature to stay by yourself?"

"Yea that is why you're here and not at school like you wanted to be."

"Did you ask her what she meant by you being too young or did you just stub up and pout?"

"No I didn't ask her but what else could it mean."

"It could mean that a fourteen year old girl in a house alone is very dangerous. Not for what you would do, I think mom trusts you there but from someone finding out that you are alone. It is a dangerous world out there kiddo. Maybe you should talk to mom and find out her thinking, okay?"

"Okay, I will. But since I am stuck with you for the summer can I have a party for my birthday, just a few girls over for the weekend?"

Jessie laughed at Kat's quick thinking and she had to give her credit for changing gears so quickly.

"I will talk to mom about it and we will see."

"But you will be in charge, you can decide." Kat persisted.

Jessie thought a minute and she figured that she would be able to get their mom to agree so she acted like it was a real big decision before said,

"Okay, I think that it will be fine but you have to get the house ready and then clean it up afterwards. I am not going to be your maid girly."

Kat hugged her sister and Jessie could see her fun loving sister back in form. Jessie did okay the party with their mom and she also made sure that Kat and her mom got back to talking again. And when it was time for her

mother and father to get on the plane it was Kat who started to cry first. Kat may have thought that she was grown up but it wasn't until then that she

realized how much she would miss her mom and her father.

Jessie and Rachel talked everyday during the summer. If it was not by phone then they chatted online. The more Jessie talked to Rachel, the closer

she got to her. Their friendship which started that one night in bed was quickly becoming the deepest friendship that either of them had ever had. Jessie knew that she was still attracted to Rachel sexually but she found that Rachel was someone that she could talk to about anything. Some nights they would stay up most of the night talking about nothing at all.

Jessie did survive Kat's party but it was interesting having five teenage girls in the house all weekend running around and generally making sleep impossible. So holed herself in her room with her laptop and talked a lot to Rachel. Then came Monday morning, Kat was true to her word and she cleaned the house, Jessie did give her some help but she made Kat do most of the work.

As the time came toward the start of school, Jessie became more nervous about what she had committed herself to and she could tell from Rachel's part of their conversation that she was just as nervous. They talked more and more about what lay ahead of them and also of their relationship. Jessie felt like they were lovers who had never made love. This was bothering her a lot and she talked to Rachel about it. They both knew that they would be making love to their elders, that was made very clear to them and how this would affect them, neither was sure. They also talked about whether they would make love during the year. It was all so confusing and was causing them both more than a little stress. Finally Rachel suggested that they come back to school a few days early and get a room somewhere. They needed some time together to decide where they were going and how to handle what they both were going to go through. Jessie thought about it a

minute before she knew that Rachel was right. They had talked enough, now was the time to spend some tome together and see where they were.

Jessie arrived early to the motel that Saturday morning. The motel was located just off campus. It was a nice hotel but since they were staying

for the weekend and it wasn't a football weekend she got a decent rate. She sat on the bed a few minutes then got up and walked around before sitting back down. The wait was killing her. She wanted Rachel to hurry up and get there but at the same time she was scared of what she would say or do when Rachel got there. Then came the knock on the door.

"Oh shit, this is it." Jessie said to herself before she headed for the door.

"Hey there girl!" Rachel said as she dropped her bag and opened her arms for Jessie.

"Hey there, yourself," Jessie said as she fell into Rachel's arms and allowed herself to be hugged tightly. Jessie wrapped her arms around Rachel and she felt at home. She was worried that when they got together, the feelings for each other that they had developed over the phone and internet would not be there. But it was, maybe even more so, now that she was in Rachel's arms.

"I missed you. I know that sounds weird but I did." Jessie told Rachel as she relaxed her arms and they put their foreheads together.

"I know what you are saying." Rachel whispered back.

Jessie then moved her eyes up and she was staring into Rachel's eyes. She felt herself melting as she looked into those sad eyes of Rachel's. Before she knew what she was doing, she had closed her eyes and she felt Rachel's lips against her own lips. It was a soft kiss with them just using their lips but it went on for what seemed like a lifetime to Jessie but then

she felt Rachel's lips leave hers. Jessie was out of breath just from all of

the feelings that the kiss brought forth from her heart. It just that moment she knew that she had fallen in love with the sad eyed girl that she was holding tight. They hugged for a minute then Jessie let Rachel go and she stepped back.

"I guess I could let you in the room." She said with a bit of an embarrassed smile.

"Yea, I don't think that the motel would like the idea of us making love out here in the hall." Rachel said with a wink. She then picked her bag and came on into the room.

"I admit that I was scared to death driving up here, I was so afraid of what would happen but I think we will be okay."

"Yea, I was scared too but after that kiss, I am not so scared."

"Well how about another kiss and I'll see if I can take the last of that fear from you." Rachel said as she came toward Jessie who held out her arms and when Rachel was safely in her arms, she closed her eyes and kissed her with the passion that she was feeling. Jessie gripped Rachel's shoulders

as she opened her mouth and accepted Rachel's tongue into her mouth. She used her tongue against Rachel's and then she had her tongue in Rachel's mouth. Rachel sucked on her tongue and Jessie felt her whole body tremble from the hormones that were suddenly rushing through her bloodstream. Their lips parted only long enough for them to catch their breaths before their lips were locked back together. Jessie felt like she couldn't get enough of Rachel, she just wanted to kiss and kiss her so that is what she did. They kissed and kissed as their hands stroked each other backs.

Finally Jessie ended the kissing as she put her head on Rachel's shoulder and just hugged her. Their was so many things that she wanted to say at that moment but nothing would come out of her mouth so she just held Rachel who had placed her head on Jessie's shoulder.

Jessie then began to think of the nine months ahead of them and she was suddenly scared. She was so afraid that their new found relationship would not survive. She felt herself begin to cry and she hated to cry.

"What is wrong honey, why are you crying?" Rachel said as she lifted

her head and took Jessie face into her hands. She kissed Jessie's tears away

then she asked again, "What is wrong?"

"I am sorry but I just thought about what we have ahead of us and I am afraid of losing you."

"Hey, you got me girl. I am not going anywhere, no matter what happens."

"What about when I am with Judith and you are with Barb? We will be having sex with other people."

"That's right, we will be having sex but we won't be making love. That will happen when we are together."

"Yea, I didn't think about it that way. I want to be apart of this group but not at the expense of losing you."

"You aren't going to. We will be open with each other and tell each other everything like we have been doing this summer. If we don't hide anything from each other then we can work through any problems that arise. And if it starts to come between us then we will quit and go off on our own."

"That sounds good to me. I think that it'll be okay. I know that you will be there for me and I will be there for you."

"Cool, now let's go get something to eat. I am starving to death. I was too nervous to eat before I got here and now I am starving."

"Now that you mention it, I could use a little something to eat." Jessie said as she gave a last kiss to Rachel and they out the headed out the door.

They walked down the street until they found a deli and they decided

that sounded as good as anything, so they slipped in the door. Once they had

gotten their sandwiches, they went to a booth and talked as they ate. They kept their conversation away from the group until Jessie say, "oh my God."

"What?" Jessie asked looking around trying to see what Rachel was looking at.

"Don't look now but Barb and Judith are about to come through the door."

Jessie, of course, did the opposite and she saw them come through the door and then Barb and Judith spotted them sitting there. "What should we do?" Jessie whispered to Rachel.

"They already spotted us so just wave and invite them over."

"Barb, Judith, come on over and join us." Jessie said not really wanting them to do that.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" Barb asked.

"We just stopped in for a bite, do you want to join us." Rachel echoed Jessie earlier offer.

"Are you sure we won't be intruding?" Judith asked as she looked directly at Jessie.

"No, we were just eating, we will be glad to have you." Jessie replied.

"Okay, let us get our food and we will be right over." Barb replied.

"Do you think they know that something is going on between us?" Rachel asked after they had gone on to the counter to get their food.

"I think that is what they want to find out." Jessie said.

"So what do we tell them?"

"The truth, I mean it won't take them long to figure it out once we show up and spend all of our free time together."

"Yea, so we are a couple?" Rachel asked.

Jessie knew what Rachel was asking and she had no qualms about her answer. "I think we are."

"Cool" Rachel said as Barb and Judith arrived with their food.

"What's cool?" Barb asked as she sat down by Rachel and Judith slide

in next to Jessie.

"Oh nothing," Rachel said as she smiled at Jessie.

Jessie saw that Barb and Judith was taking it all in. so Jessie decided to change the subject before Barb pursued Rachel further with what was "Cool".

"So what are you two doing here?" Jessie asked.

"Oh the same as you, just dropping by for a bit to eat. Mother and Linda took a few days off before the fall semester started so we are all on our own. But they will be back tomorrow which will be good as I am tired of keeping the house clean. I know that Mother will be pissed, if she comes back and the place is a mess." Judith said with a laugh.

They all joined in with the laughter and did wonders to the tension that Jessie was feeling. From there the conversation went on as if nothing unusual was happening. Jessie figured that they would be pumped about what was going on but they weren't. The conversation was just normal stuff that four college age girls would talk about. Barb and Judith also left right after their food was eaten claming that they had things to be done before the night was over. This left Jessie and Rachel wondering just what Barb and Judith was thinking when they left but they both figured they would find out Tuesday when they showed up for school.

After they left the deli, they decided to take a walk. They started to walk up the street that the students called the "Strip" as it was lined with

stores and bars and was just off campus. As they walked, letting both their stomachs and their nerves settle, Jessie felt Rachel's hand brush up against

hers a time or two. It felt nice and the next time it happened, Jessie opened her hand and took Rachel's hand in hers. Rachel looked over at her and Jessie saw a soft smile come to her face as she grasped Jessie's hand. Jessie squeezed Rachel's hand and they walked on up the strip. Jessie knew that when they got back to the motel room, they would make love. This would complicate the next nine months but there was no way of stopping things now and nor did she want to.

When they got back to their room, Rachel had Jessie go take a shower first. As she washed her body, she thought about Rachel and what would happen in a few minutes. She felt her body tingle in anticipation but also her nervousness began to arrive. This was real and not just sex. This time it meant something. When she got done, she dried off her body and fixed her hair a little and put a little of her favorite perfume between her

breasts and just above her pussy. Then she realized that she didn't bring any clothes with her so she put a bathrobe on that was provided by the motel. She walked out and she saw that Rachel had turned down the bed. Rachel smile at her and gave her a quick kiss as she went into the bathroom.

Jessie didn't know what to do. She didn't really have any sexy sleepwear to put on. She walked about the room trying to decide what to put on and then she decided that maybe the robe was just as good as anything else. She sat on the edge of the bed and waited and the longer she waited, the more nervous she got. She kept trying to tell herself that it was just a

night with a good friend but she knew better. She put her hands in her lap then put them to her sides only to find them back in her lap. Finally Rachel

stepped out of the bathroom wearing a robe like hers.

Jessie jumped up and she saw that Rachel had a nervous smile on her face and she knew that the smile that she was doing was just like Rachel's. Rachel walked slowly toward her and Jessie opened her arms and took Rachel into them. She could smell Rachel's perfume and she could smell the fresh washed hair. Jessie hugged her tightly and then she whispered into Rachel's ear, "Oh god, I'm scared"

"I know, me too, but we have each other. And it is not like we haven't seen each other naked before."

"But this is different." Jessie told her friend.

"Shhh... It will be alright," And then she felt Rachel's' kiss her neck and those lips slowly made their way to Jessie's lips and then they were kissing.

The kiss was soft at first as Rachel was using her lips only. Jessie

allowed herself to be drawn in completely by Rachel's kisses. Jessie was the

first to open her mouth and she felt Rachel's tongue enter her mouth. Jessie

sucked on the tongue for a bit and then she moved her tongue up and their tongues danced in Jessie's mouth. Rachel then withdrew her tongue and started to kiss Jessie with just her lips. She went from her mouth to her face and then her neck. Jessie let out a small moan as Rachel's kisses heated her body up. Jessie soon wanted to feel Rachel's body against hers so she took Rachel's face into her hands and brought it back up so that she could kiss her lips again. Then she stepped out of Rachel's arms.

Jessie moved her hands down to the tie that held her robe together and then she found that her hands were beginning to shake.

"I can't believe how nervous I am." Jessie said quietly.

"I know, baby." Rachel said as she reached and took Jessie hands away from the tie that was holding her robe together. She then loosened it and let the robe open. Jessie sucked in her breath as she saw that Rachel was looking her body over. When she saw Rachel's smile, she let it out. Rachel then put her hands to Jessie's shoulders and pulled the robe down and she let it drop leaving Jessie naked. Rachel stepped forward and kissed her lips

and then she bent down and planted a light kiss to each of Jessie's nipples.

This caused Jessie to moan again.

Jessie stepped back from Rachel but then she stepped back forward and took Rachel's tie in her hands and she let it loose. Rachel's robe opened revealing Rachel's body. Jessie looked at Rachel's face and then went down her body. She saw Rachel's small upturned breasts and the small nipple sticking out begging to be kissed. Her eyes went on down to Rachel's pussy and then she realized that Rachel had shaved all her pubic hair off. She outer lips covered her inner lips and Jessie had to smile.

"You shaved yourself." Jessie said as she hand went to Rachel's' pussy and she felt the smooth skin and Rachel's lips already starting to get moist.

"Ohh..., that feels good. I saw that you were shaved back when we met and I figured that you liked your pussies shaved. I went right home and shaved my pussy and have kept it clean all summer. Do you approve?"

"Oh, I approve, Jessie said keeping her fingers on Rachel's pussy as

she stepped back in and she kissed Rachel. Her fingers explored Rachel's pussy as they kissed and she could feel Rachel coating her fingers with her girl juice. Jessie slipped a finger between Rachel's' lips and stroked her a

little deeper. Rachel's pussy was so smooth and soft. She let her middle finger enter Rachel's pussy and she found it tight and wet. She began to move her finger in and out of Rachel's pussy and that brought another moan from Rachel. Jessie then felt Rachel's hands on her ass, pulling open her cheeks and gripping them. Jessie continued to stroke Rachel's pussy as she kissed her lips, face, and neck. When she got Rachel nice and hot she moved her wet fingers to Rachel's clit and started to stroke the little nub. Rachel moaned aloud and she moved her mouth to Jessie's shoulder and started to bite it as she felt her orgasm begin to build within her body. Jessie slowly

built up the pressure on Rachel's clit as she went along. As Rachel's orgasm

approached, she pulled harder on Jessie ass cheek, almost to the point that Jessie thought she was going to pull her ass apart but she kept the pressure

on her clit. Then Rachel let out a loud moan and Jessie felt Rachel's girlcum coat her fingers.

Jessie held Rachel as her orgasm racked her body. From the way Rachel was moaning and groaning, Jessie knew that it was a great orgasm that she had given her friend. As Rachel came down from her orgasm, Jessie guided her over to the bed and sat her down. She pulled the robe from her shoulders and then she pushed Rachel onto her back with her ass at the end of the bed. Jessie then got down on her knees and she opened Rachel's legs. She saw that Rachel's pussy lips were swollen and very wet. Jessie first inhaled her musky aroma and then she took her first taste. Rachel's juices were as sweet as she had ever tasted and even though she wanted to go slow, she couldn't. She had to get all of Rachel's juices out of her before they leaked down her ass. Jessie licked and licked the outer lips, pulling and sucking on them. She then moved her tongue to Rachel's slit and parted it. She went up and down licking and sucking out the wonderful juices. Rachel was moaning again and Jessie felt her hand on her head pushing it deeper into her pussy. Jessie open Rachel's pussy with her finger and she licked even deeper. She heard Rachel call out to her "Oh god, Jessie that feels so damn good." Jessie licked deeper and harder getting Rachel to moan more. Jessie finally moved up to Rachel's clit and sucked it into her mouth. She used her tongue to caress the tip of the nub and Jessie felt Rachel shiver. Jessie licked her that way for another moment but when she felt Rachel push her hips upward, Jessie started to lick the clit harder. She licked and

licked until she felt Rachel's thighs clamp down on her head holding her in place. Jessie licked faster and harder until she felt Rachel arch her back and scream out her name. Jessie went down to Rachel's pussy and sucked out the girlcum that was flowing from her pussy. Rachel convulsed and then she was quiet. Jessie continued to lick for a few more minutes then she came back up into the bed and found that Rachel's face was coated in sweat and was almost red from the orgasm that she had.

Jessie kissed the sweat from her face as her fingers found Rachel's breasts. She caressed the soft flesh and she pinched and pulled on the hard nipples. Then she slipped down in the bed and took the left nipple into her mouth. She sucked and she heard a soft moan come from Rachel. She sucked on this one a minute then went onto the other one and sucked it into her mouth. As she sucked on the nipples, her hand went back down to Rachel's pussy and she tenderly stroked it. She ran her fingers up and down the warm wet pussy. Rachel whispered out "No more, no more" but Jessie didn't stop and Rachel was too weak to do anything about it. She laid there as Jessie sucked her nipples and stroked her sensitive pussy. Jessie was determined to make Rachel's first night with her memorable. Jessie slipped two fingers into Rachel's pussy and began to fuck her. Rachel was soon pushing back against those fingers as they moved in and out of her pussy. Jessie increased the speed of her fingers and pushed them deeper into Rachel's pussy. Rachel cried out weakly, but she was too far gone to stop Jessie, who

kept the pressure up. Soon the fingers were going in and out quickly and Rachel was moaning loudly. When the timing was just right, Jessie moved her finger to Rachel's clit and started to circle it with her slippery fingers. Around and around the clit her fingers went until she knew Rachel could take

no more and then she put direct pressure onto the clit. With just a minute of direct pressure, Rachel arched her back again and she came hard. More juices flooded from her body and Jessie jumped down to the pussy to suck up those juices. Jessie licked long past the last of Rachel's girlcum had stopped flowing, but by then Rachel was out like a light.

Jessie moved up in the bed and hugged Rachel's limp body against her. She knew that she had satisfied her friend like no one else had ever had. Jessie soon fell asleep beside of her friend, even thought she had not had an orgasm, she felt like she had. Just pleasing Rachel was enough to satisfy her. Sometime later that night she felt Rachel moving in the bed and then she felt her arms being moved. Then suddenly she was awake and she found that she was tied spread eagle on the bed.

"What are you doing?" Jessie asked.

"You kept me going so long, I didn't get a chance to please you. You

wore me out. I am not going to let you do that this time. You are all mine, girl." Rachel said as Jessie felt her lay down on top of her.

"I'm all yours."

"I know," Rachel said as she kissed her.

Jessie at first did not like being tied up but soon was lost in Rachel's kisses. Jessie kissed Rachel back and she wanted to wrap her arms around her but she couldn't. So she just relaxed and let Rachel take control. Rachel moved her lips all around Jessie face always coming back to her mouth and when she got there she would kiss her passionately. But soon Rachel moved down to Jessie's breasts. Jessie looked down as Rachel used her hands to caress her breasts. Then she squeezed them both so that Jessie's nipples were there for the taking and that she what did. Jessie watched as Rachel's mouth moved down and captured her right nipple. Jessie closed her eyes and sighed. Rachel sucked and licked at her nipples going from one to the other.

Jessie felt her juices begin to flow and she felt her pussy begin to heat up. Jessie shifted her hips to try to rub her pussy against Rachel's leg but Rachel kept moving away from her. This was frustrating Jessie but also made her just that more excited. Jessie began to moan and groan as she was fast approaching the need to cum. Rachel knew what she was doing and she kept at her breasts until Jessie found that she was groaning and almost ready to plead to Rachel to touch her pussy. Rachel knew that she had Jessie where she wanted her so she gave a last bite to Jessie's nipples and then she went down in the bed. This time she wasted no time teasing Jessie. She dipped her head down and she started to lick.

"Oh god damn girl, lick my pussy and don't stop." Jessie ordered Rachel and Rachel complied with those wishes. Jessie felt Rachel's tongue going up and down her pussy and then into it. Rachel's tongue seemed to know

just where to lick as Jessie moaned and groaned as she felt an orgasm build within her body. She had waited a long time to cum and she was on the edge. When Rachel sucked her clit into her mouth, Jessie felt all her emotions come forth that she came hard. She twisted in her bonds and she spewed forth her girlcum that Rachel was happily lapping up. As Jessie began to relax, she felt two fingers pushing into her pussy. As they began to fuck her she felt a finger edge near her asshole. It rubbed across her asshole and then it went around it. Her asshole was wet from her flowing juices and as soon as the finger was nice and wet, she felt it at the center of her rosebud. She relaxed her asshole and then she felt a finger press against it. She felt her asshole opening up and the finger entered her. It kept going in until she felt Rachel's knuckle press against her asshole. She now had two fingers in her pussy fucking her and one in her asshole doing the same. This felt so good but it got even better when she felt Rachel's tongue against her clit. Rachel licked her clit in rhythm of the fucking of her fingers. Jessie felt so full and she started more her hips as best as she could as Rachel fucked and

licked her to another massive orgasm. Jessie knew that it could not get any better than this but it did as Rachel did not stop until Jessie came twice more. Then she was spent. She felt Rachel clean up her pussy with her tongue then she got out of the bed. When she came back, she had a wet cloth in her hand and she wiped the sweat off Jessie's face. Then she lightly kissed her.

"Please release me, I want to hold you baby." Jessie whispered.

Jessie felt Rachel get up and she felt her ties being untied. Then she felt Rachel lay back down beside her and take her into her arms. Rachel was holding Jessie more than Jessie was holding her but Jessie did her best before she drifted off to sleep with her new lover in her arms.

Daybreak had long since broken when Jessie opened her eyes and the first think that she saw was Rachel's eyes looking at her.

"Morning babe," Jessie said as she curled her hands around Rachel's neck and brought her down for their first kiss of the day.

"Morning, love." Rachel replied as the kiss ended.

"Oh god, I can't seem to get enough of you, you know that." Jessie said.

"I feel the same way but we have some things to talk about today." Rachel reminded Jessie.

"I know, but lets just kiss a few minutes before we face the reality of the day." Jessie said that that is what they did. They lay there and kissed for a while but then nature began to call both of them so they got up and headed into the bathroom. They relieved their bladders and then took a shower together. As they washed, they kissed lots more.

"What do you want to do now?" Jessie asked as they dried their hair,

hers taking more time than Rachel's since it was much longer.

"Lets go grab a bite to eat and then take a walk, I do most of my better thinking as I walk."

"Okay, I am so hungry I could eat the south end of a north bound cow."

"Oh that sounds appetizing." Rachel said with a laugh.

"You know what I want to talk about don't you?" Rachel asked as they

strolled across the mostly empty campus early that Sunday morning.

"Yea, what happens when we have to make love to our elders. Do we talk about it or just pretend it isn't happening."

"So what do you think?" Rachel asked as she took Jessie hand in hers.

"Well, it is stupid to act like we aren't doing anything; we both know that we will so I say lets be completely honest with each other. Tell each other everything that happens, what we do and what we are feeling as we do it. That way I am not wondering what you are really doing and you aren't wondering about me."

"Do you think we will cause more problems that way, if we both know what the other is doing?"

"No, I have to be honest with you and I want you to be honest with me. That way we will know if this is starting to come between us. As soon as

it starts to, then we are both out of there. You hear me. I am not going to lose you over this." Jessie said as she stopped and she lean in and kissed Rachel. "I will not lose you, you hear me?" Jessie said after the kiss ended.

"I hear you and I'm with you. I want to be a part of this group but I'm not willing to lose you over it." Rachel said as she squeezed Jessie in a tight hug.

"Good, we got that settled. It will be heard listening to you tell me about making love to someone else. I have to admit that."

"You won't hear about me making love to anyone else. I will only make love to you. The rest is just sex and it won't mean anything other than a good time in the sack, or at least I think Barb will be good. Hell she may suck at it and I will want to trade elders with you." Rachel said with a laugh.

'I suspect that they both will be good at it." Jessie said as she held onto Rachel.

"But remember they will also be the ones spanking us. So there is only so close they will get to us."

"Don't remind me, I am not looking forward to that, not one bit." Jessie said as she shivered at the thought of being spanked by the leather strap.

"Me either," Rachel replied as she gave Jessie another squeeze.

Soon they separated and just walked and talked about what was going to happen and when they were tired of that, they went onto more pleasant subjects. When their legs got tired of walking they sat down and just enjoyed the afternoon sun. Later on they stopped by fast food place and got a salad and they took it up to their room. They ate and talked more before both made a phone call home.

Then it was their time together. They slowly came together and they fell onto the bed. They kissed and caressed each other and slowly their clothes came off. First their tops and bras and they caressed and kissed each other breasts. Then their shorts and panties were pulled and pushed off leaving them naked. They were in no hurry this time and they explored each other. Jessie moved her hands over Rachel's' arms, back ass, breasts and then finally her pussy. She felt Rachel's hands and fingers doing the same. They kissed and moaned as their bodies heated up. When they were ready, Jessie turned Rachel onto her back and she turned around and lay on top of her. Jessie used her fingers to open Rachel's pussy as she began to lick. She felt Rachel use her fingers to explore her pussy and then she felt a couple of fingers enter her. Rachel fucked her slowly as her tongue licked around those fingers. Jessie licked Rachel's clit and then her pussy and then back to Rachel's clit. Then as she went back to Rachel's pussy she slipped a finger down to Rachel's ass. She tenderly caressed the rim of her asshole before pushing a finger into her. She heard Rachel grunt and then coo. Jessie moved her finger in and out of Rachel's tight asshole as she licked and sucked on her clit. Rachel picked up the speed of her fingers and her mouth found Jessie's clit. Jessie felt an orgasm building within her and she tried to pick up the sucking on Rachel's clit but Rachel was too good and she felt her orgasm hit her. Jessie had to stop a moment as the waves of her orgasm washed over her but when they had passed; Jessie was back at Rachel's clit. Rachel's' fingers had left her asshole and she was now just licking up Jessie's girlcum. But one of those fingers found her asshole and was playing with it. Jessie sucked harder on Rachel's clit as her finger really began to fuck her asshole. She felt Rachel asshole tighten around her finger and she felt Rachel shiver as she came.

When Rachel had recovered from her climax, she turned Jessie onto her back and they went back at it. They licked and fucked each other to a couple of more orgasms before they finally gave out. They then cuddle together and fell into a peaceful sleep.

They had one more day together and this one they decided to have some fun. They just had to stop at the University to pick up their schedules and pay their fees. Then they went to an amusement park that was about forty miles away and rode every ride that they could find. The roller coasters they rode about ten times since it was a weekday and not many people were at the park. They did not leave until early evening when they were worn out. When they got back to the motel, they took a shower and then cuddle up in the bed together. They made love, taking their time to make sure that they please each other and they did. The next morning they woke to the new day and they made love one last time. Rachel made love to Jessie first and then Jessie made love to Rachel. Then they lay there and kissed until it was time to go to the house and begin their new life.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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