
By A becker

Published on Sep 19, 2005


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 10 < or My Bangkok Days 10 >

We made drinks I served tables a big black man from South Africa pulled me into his lap, "Baby spend time right here."

I wiggled out his hand between my legs was strong Lawan's arm pulled me free he laughed at the bar she pointed to Ang going over to the man.

"Ang won't hurt him?"

"No he will talk first he always talks."

The man looked at Ang as he spoke he nodded no trouble I kept working jumping when some arms surrounded me, "Hiro you'll give me a heart attack!"

"Maybe yes not the bad kind."

"Sit here I'm busy right now it will be slower soon I think."

Hiro hooked two fingers in my waistband tugged me close between his legs, "How much time do you have later?"

"I have my other job during the day can you stay with me tonight?"

"Yes definitely when will you get up?"

"Probably close to six OK?"

Fingers were plucking my nipples his back was to the room one hand slid to my crotch Hiro was acting like an octopus.

"Whoa I've got to do things here."

I backed up into Lawan she almost spilled two drinks all okay I took them to the table where the South African man was he smiled gave me a big tip.

Making a Tom Collins Ang came up to me, "Are you taking that man to the apartments?"

His head motioned to Hiro, "Yes I want to problem?"

Ang said no but to see him before I left. Hiro stroked my belly pulled my chain, "Can I read this?"

"Later Hiro we can be naked together."

I stuck a big Dewar's down in front of him big smile he downed the drink held out the glass my eyes bugged, "Fay I have been drinking this stuff for a long time."

I gave him another but held it for a few seconds, "Hiro no limp dick later because there has been too much of this OK?"

"Never happen I had quite a few last night no question about how you felt."

He had me there his cock had done lovely things to my pussy can you wear out one of those a pussy that is I was getting a lot of activity back there. Two guys today now hoping for a third oh my what would those prudes back in London think stuffed shirts in the head office stupid fat ties £60 hair cuts whining about US and French competition they were going to be dead meat soon without change.

Right time for business philosophy drinks to serve a very nice looking blonde tight body was with Lawan they were at the bar end next to Hiro Lawan was a bit wound around the fellow. Snug pants big big bulge oh Lawan may have struck gold, "Fay can you watch this end for a while?"

She squeezed the blonde's arm like it was a lemon, "Sure not to long OK?"

Lawan kissed my cheek gone to the back Hiro patted my behind, "What about us?"

"Don't worry big boy you'll be able to come up to my room."

He broke into laughter, "You do not have the tits for that role."

"Maybe someday."

There were two new men at the bar both drinking Chivas looked Chinese quiet peeking around at what might have been for them a circle of Dante's. They were out of place they would okay for a committee meeting here guilty pleasures were too much temptation so I thought I would needle them, "You want some girls for company?"

They jumped like scared rabbits one dressed in a drab striped shirt older gray flecked hair he looked over, "Sorry we just want drinks."

"No need to be sorry we have lovely girls here you could or dance pass the time with someone. I'm Fay you are?"

I reached out my hand standing next to him close he was leaning back, "Chou I am Chou this is Jintao."

I smiled at the younger man keeping hold of Chou's hand he wanted it back no way I was having a bit of fun.

Jian was behind the bar her eyes twinkling she knew I was teasing, "Jian another dink for my friends on the house please."

Jian served them right up Chou had to take it with his left I had the right squeezing lightly I rested it on my left hip bone he had a worried look the hand stayed where I put it. My hands were on him right bicep tight hard his chest too Jian talking to Jintao Chou focused on me his right hand relaxed he was from Shanghai garment trade doing manufacturing deal Jian quick with another Chivas I took Chou's hand led him to a back booth I winked at Hiro he knew.

Chou slid into the booth following my hips I stopped before he expected our bodies close thigh to thigh my hands explored his face lips next his reserve had been scotched down enough Chivas was in. We kissed I opened his shirt the muscles were firm no hair at all I licked sucked his nipples moans from him shirt gone tongue sliding over taut skin kissing his neck ears shoulder he had an warm earthy smell my mouth on his belt opened zipper down nice handful of cock through his briefs. He was shifting around my touch engorged his prick I got it out cut big fat head mushroom thick six incher his moans were loud as I sucked that gorgeous cockhead.

So many nice cocks I wanted them all Chou's was delicious lots of pre-cum very sweet his breathing was shallow balls tight under the table with me my head bobbing on him I sucked harder more suction hand sliding up and down with my lips wet a finger rubbed it across his anus he jumped, "Oh please so good!"

I wet the finger more working it around the ribbed opening entering him hot tight he was close my finger was in deep the second finger drove him over the edge five huge shots of cum his body twitched atop my fingers that fabulous cock spurted a bit more on my tongue he was a little bitter not cumming enough I will change that.

Chou's hands were on my shoulders finger marks from his grip, "You are good suck me like no one before."

My lips were holding that huge cockhead tongue investigating his peeslit a little finger action in his ass, "You must stop!"

Many small spasms for him as I wiggled my fingers, "Chou do you feel good you want more?"

I sucked down hard he jumped, "Please stop!"

I giggled, "Don't you like me?"

His laughter was cut short I pulled my fingers out, "OOOHHH...."

He flopped down exhausted my face in his lap breath on his balls cock on my eyes hands caressing his strong thighs, "How long will you be in Bangkok>"

It took him a few minutes to respond, "Five days>"

"Will you fuck me another time?"

"Sit next to me."

Chou undressed me stroking each part he cupped my crotch, "When were you changed?"

My answer surprised him he fingered my rings asked about them I briefly told him my story, "Fay you are beautiful more than any one I have been with."

Lawan popped up, "Fay I need to take a break can you come back to the bar?"

I kissed Chou, "I have to work Lawan needs me come on."

We washed in the back, "Chou I'll be at the bar."

Quick kiss check my face dash to the bar Hiro was drinking talking to Lawan she nodded towards a big red-faced man she came around linked her arm with his off they went towards the back.

"Fay when will you be done tonight?"

Hiro wasn't antsy you could see he was chilled out I kissed his cheek, "At midnight since I am working tomorrow."

"Good we can have some time together yes?"

I kissed his nice lips, "MMMMM yes."

Chou's hand was filled by another Chivas my treat, "Will I see you again soon maybe?" he spoke softly over the bar he had seen me with Hiro, "You are popular girl."

I gave him my best you are my best man smile, "Come in tomorrow around eight o'clock I will be right here."

Jian came down from the terrace Jintao in tow all smiles both of them; "You have fun up there?"

Jian slipped her arm around me as I made a drink Jian whispered; "Yes he has a big cock very big maybe nine inches."

I bumped her with my hip giving her a good leering look we laughed together she said he was spending the night with her, "We can leave a little before midnight OK?"

I nodded in the middle of a Planter's Punch. "He won't have much money Jian."

Her face told me she knew her shrug told me it didn't matter it got busy for a while a very slender blonde sexy short cocktail dress shimmering gold came in with a pudgy man who looked Eurasian he was all over her in a front booth. She made a trip to the Ladies I stopped her, "are you working?"

"Yes is it a problem cops?"

"No nothing like that I just wondered maybe you should talk to one of the owners he could have work for you."

Her face was hard some beauty leftover she gave me an odd look, "You working?"

"Making drinks sometimes other work," I smiled she had a nice shape skinny but very sexy.

"Ang is out now if he comes in I will talk to him OK?"

She took my wrist, "Nothing funny right?"

"No straight," I led her to the rear booths we sat for a minute, "This club has lots of connections you may be able to make more money that's all."

I circled her waist her arm curled over my shoulders we kissed, "I like girls too."

Her words were backed up with roaming fingers shorts were undone her small hand slipped in she held me, "Oh you're a ladyboy I like that can we do something here?"

Her nipples were like stones under my fingers, "Lay back let me taste you."

"No please shorts off."

I leaned back her mouth on my bare sex mound traveling downwards tongue flicking my old sex, "Turn over."

My pussy was expertly eaten fingers tongue lips she ate me burying herself in me, "Oohh this is nice your cunt is hot."

I sat up ready to return the favor, "Later I have to get back to my trick will you be here tomorrow night?"

"Yes after six o'clock."

"It's a date for six tomorrow."

We kissed she dashed off dressed I was at the end of the bar Hiro's hand holding me between my thighs, "It's almost time."

I squeezed that roaming hand, "Half an hour."

I checked on Lawan her feet were up in the air over the table the red-faced man was pile-driving her pussy the slaps of flesh meeting were loud his ecstasy groans well he wouldn't last long now Jian pointed to some drinks, "For number 5 OK?"

Two scotches the slender blonde her friend hands working in her ear; "There are big dark booths in the far back behind that divider."

She smiled he paid I went Hiro laughed, "You a pimp now?"

I hit him on the arm, "Don't be like that just tryin' to get them some privacy."

His right hand rested on my hip, "My turn now."

"As soon as Lawan returns."

Speak of the devil she appeared walking somewhat sideways strained look on that pretty face, "You OK?"

"Oh yes he is so big I am sore hurts but OK."

"Mmmm how big I saw your legs up."

She held her hands up about ten inches apart, "That big thicker than my wrist very strong."

I kissed her cheek, "I need to go now OK?"

She kissed me back arms around me; "Yes I will see you later."

Jian had left with Jintao a few minutes earlier Hiro walked his arm around my neck we kissed several times at the stairs he stopped, "Can I stay until morning?"

I hooked my fingers in his belt tugging him up the stairs into my room stripping him pushing onto the bed a slow strip exposing my bits his cock told the story hard straight up curving onto his belly.

"I want to see your markings."

He examined me closely I told what the tattoos and disks meant he liked the idea, "You are property very sexy I want you even more now come fuck like never before."

Hiro's cock dripped I took care of that I pressed my tongue on his shaft the pulsing blood big turn-on I loved exciting sex partners Ang Heng owned me in their way I felt free. Free to enjoy free to try men women the thought of Jian's cock that first time Hiro was the beneficiary I dove into his balls sucking licking kissing handling his cock like a trophy hot I was so hot.

Hiro's prick upright I sat on it, "Oh Fay fuck me!"

I rode Hiro's cock like I was on a big hunter crossing fields at full gallop bouncing my pussyass on his hard thighs gripping his biceps like reins. He rose up to meet me thrusting that prick into my welcoming hole, "Hiro you... you are so good...."

I was sensed his need the time was soon, "Cum in me fuck my ass fuck me..."

I had to have.. oh gawd.. my ass suffered the pain of passion now hard cock ramming Hiro grabbed my nipple rings pulled me down orgasm a flood of cum I felt each explosion my body overflowed my own orgasm hitting me my stomach upside down my mouth crushed onto his he held me to his chest his rigid penis deep.

We slowly relaxed pussy flexing on that wonderful cock he twitched, "Fay do not move please."

I knew it hurt him drove him crazy I squeezed him some more he slapped my pussycheeks, "Stop please."

I kissed him I had pleasured this lovely man he didn't need to tell me how he felt I slid my legs down laying fully on him wet sex under me his fingers reached into me stroking my sex.

"Can we do it again?"

He laughed it was choked off by cock pain my fingers clutching, "Careful Fay..."

"No I want you again!"

I giggled playfully bouncing on his chest I licked his face neck sucking nipples tried to go down on him his fingers in me held me in place, "Wait we have all night."

He took my neck in the free hand pulled my face to his we lay there kissing my hand caressing a very fine cock, "I want to do special things with you Hiro do love your wife?"

"No it was arranged we have two little boys good boys no love."

"Have you ever ..."

"Fucked around? Yes with many women one got pregnant she went back to Sweden had the kid we talk I send some money presents she never makes demands. A man from Texas he was a bottom the grown son of a banker friend a few others."

"You have been busy, " I kissed him.

"Well a man once told me you can not wear it out so use it."

His penis was my captive his fingers in my pussy we played with each other, "When will you leave Bangkok?"

"In two days I must be back for several important meetings. Tomorrow will be very long day with government ministers we are selling big computers to them."

"Will you be here after? Will I see you before you go?"

"I will come tomorrow night Friday I leave near noon."

I tugged his cock, "let's go to the bathroom OK?"

I knelt on the cool tile looking up handsome face sexy body tonguing the cockhead, "Hiro please pee into me I need to taste you."

"Fay you are bad I love to pee open wide tongue out."

I readied myself the weight of the cock was nice warm pee he kept the stream slow so I could drink it all yes yes good pee I gazed into those dark eyes making a connection to his body that I would remember forever.

"Aaahhh Fay you are too much so sexy submissive greedy for cock the perfect woman."

We showered Hiro watched me clean my mouth he soaped my pussy enjoyed himself a lot there I did too he had the cleanest cock in Bangkok.

I dried his hair kissing the strong neck, "Sleep with me for a while please."

He held me suddenly Hiro scooped me up carried to the bed, "Lay back Fay open your legs."

He laid on me the feeling was so nice I surrounded him my limbs wrapping up my lover we kissed passionately his prick remained quiet we passed into affection.

Sleeping spoon with Hiro warm comforting safe I slept deeply until morning,

"Fay time to get up you are going to rail yard yes?"

Heng's face loomed above me I nodded he motioned to Hiro, "Take him to Junky's for breakfast Ang will meet you there."

He kissed my cheek flashed his body under the robe laughing soft cock hanging there I reached out but he was gone quickly.

I turned over facing Hiro pleasure to wake him slow kissing sliding under the sheet mouth full of cock mmmmm nice way to start the day, "Fay..."

I slurped cock hard fast he moaned I gave him my best blow job all stops pulled out deep suck fingers in ball licking top of the line cocksucking I got a mouthful of his finest.

"Fay you are something!"

"Are you hungry Hiro?"

We washed and dressed he sat through my face fixing hair doing outfit choosing black and white tartan skirt white sleeveless cutoff blouse black silk bra panty set sandals high heel black straps small purse he pulled me close by my belly chain, "You are too sexy like that for work."

"I have an image to project now big boy."

We laughed, "Forget it Mae's tits are bigger than your whole body."

I giggled leading us down to the street hand in hand we strolled to Junky's buttered French bread toasted milky coffee, "I could get used to this life," he looked into my eyes, "with you!"

Holding his face I covered it with kisses my stomach was upside down again, "Will you be back soon?"

"Depends whether we get the contract."

I wiped his face, "The minister shouldn't think you get into trouble."

He kissed my cheek safer no more lipstick.

Ang was there on time Hiro rode with us to the high street to a cabstand, "Until tonight." One deep kiss gentle sneaky belly caress.

I leaned on Ang as he drove he stopped in a side road, "You are involved with him beyond just fucking I want you to spend the night with him make love until he has to leave."

He dropped me at the rail yard office why make a point about Hiro he could see that I liked him fucking him for pleasure well I was a whore I guess he expected some more money.

Kavnu greeted me a big hug kiss, "Fay we have time," he led me to the low sofa, "please..."

I opened his pants dropped them underwear followed sucking him like the others was a treat soft to hard pre-cum sweet slick firm balls Kavnu groaned my mouth bringing him close very fast, "I have been thinking about you all night aahh Fay cum in your mouth...."

He jetted three nice loads a few spasms later he flopped on the couch beside me I leaned over took him back in my cockholder soaking that cock he stroked my hair, "Fay I didn't touch myself waiting for you."

I lifted my head smiling at his restraint, "Can you get hard?"

My hand moving up and down the wet shaft soft, "I want you in my pussy."

He grinned the cock responded with a jerk I knelt down removing my clothes keeping that penis warm and wet naked sucking a hard-on, "Fay lean over."

Kavnu entered me doggie sex in the morning he took a long time more than twenty minutes of fucking my backpussy before the second orgasm swept over him he left three loads in me. His stamina was amazing the whole time the thrusts had been hard fast deep he rode me good his breath on my neck was hot small bites on my shoulders kisses he stood on wobbly legs I looked up at him his smile huge.

We cleaned up readied the files for the day down the stairs to the yard Tarek was in the distance with a crew we joined them working steadily until noon the first sensors were in, "We can test them this afternoon for Udorn I have the demo barcodes we hook up the laptop run the software its simple."

Tarek walked with me to the work shed he pointed out yesterday Kavnu was going over techniques with some of the crew.

"I want to fuck you."

An upfront request right on the line, "Tarek I want your cock in my pussy."

I couldn't be plainer too we hurried to the shed I was naked in a flash Tarek's pants were down my throat accommodating his prick he took control of my head fucking my mouth groaning, "Oh Miss this is good."

He turned me around I bent over my pussycheeks sticking up Tarek drove in all the way in one stroke I grunted as his weight landed on me my lust close to the surface now boiled over once more, "Fuck me Tarek fuck me!"

What he did to my pussy no one had before I was fucked to the max he romped me riding me like a pony pounding thrusting giving me his cock to the root on every downward plunge. He went wild fucking me with abandon I encouraged him yelled out for his cock his orgasm was the most powerful I had received many large shots into me hands gripping my so tightly red marks on my arms thighs belly. He fell over on the floor beside me chest heaving choking for breath I rubbed his belly to slow down the gasping I laid on him gently kissing his face arms neck chest he slowly calmed down he had been yelling in Thai incoherently he recovered enough to croak out, "I sorry too much."

I kissed him, "It's ok everything is ok."

I moved my mouth to his cock took it in lovingly suckled it a treasure nice warm tasty very filling.

Fifteen minutes later it seemed like it never happened except for the pain in my pussy clean fixed up we departed the shed to go to the office VP Udorn was coming for the test.

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 11

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