
By A becker

Published on Mar 11, 2013


Cho led me to bed. There was the bag I had used from Korat to Pattaya. Everything from my room, all put away in a separate Armoire. The Orwell and London books on the bedside table.

Cho threw open the armoire, all my clothes from the whorehouse, my dresses, outfits, shoes. He had a huge smile, "I rescued this to keep you alive in my heart and head. So I could welcome you home."

His arms around, "This is your home now."

I became a waterworks again but Cho understood. He didn't stop kissing me until I was naked beside him in that wonderful comfortable bed. He opened the table drawer, I couldn't see what he was up to, "Fay don't move for a minute."

Cho cut the chains from my body! He was going to throw them away, "No don't I want to drop them in the river, OK?"

I got a kiss as answer.

"Please don't forget, I have to call Udorn tomorrow!"

"Fay you can make all the calls you want. I hope we hear of your friends arrival."

"What of Ting? Does he know? Does he know Jian is safe?"

Cho kissed my lips eyes chin cheeks, "Yes he is coming down tomorrow. Sleep now, hold me."

That was the end of my long day. So sweet to be in Cho's arms.


I was the proverbial sleeping log until Cho woke me. The sun was brightly lighting the room, "Fay, it's ten o'clock. Enough sleep for today. Come I will make omelets for us."

I didn't need much persuasion to wake but when I couldn't get Cho's cock as he leaned over me, I had to get up to chase him down.

I cornered him in the bathroom, he was grinning as I opened his shorts, commando today, "Fay suck me!"

Nothing better would ever need to be said to me by Cho. His lovely penis was heaven to hold on my tongue, I went to work kneeling in front of the man who claimed me.

It was like I never had another cock. A lot of pent up desire flowed from him, sweet sweet precum!

"Fay I have done nothing since you were taken from me."

I stood up keeping the cock, we re-located to the bed. He sat naked on the edge, I kissed him, pushing him onto his back I restarted the blowjob.

Every bit of skill I had acquired was poured into that blowjob. Suctioning the head, wet the foreskin so I could slide it back and forth, each testicle given my special oral bath, the veins I traced with the tip of my tongue. Wet, slippery my hand worked up and down as my mouth slowly closed over the entire shaft, I bobbed my head loving the taste, feel, weight of my man's dick.

Cho became almost incoherent with pleasure, his hands grabbing at the bed covers, his mid-section thrusting up to meet my down strokes. I sensed his orgasm coming and re-doubled my suction and hand caresses, a wet finger circled his anus. That did it he was yelling out my name as that delicious cum blasted into my mouth. I hoovered it right down not spilling a drop.

I kept the pressure on moving my mouth along the shaft making a wet cumming tunnel for my cock. It was mine now! I felt in my belly that we would always be together.

Cho's orgasm done, his body twitched with continuing attentions, "Fay please stop! It's so good but now stop!"

I honored my love's request to stop all motion but I didn't give up my cock. He propped himself up on elbows, "That was worth waiting for."

I knelt proud and happy with my mouth full. He slowly took it out, suffered through many kisses on the cockhead and balls.

"Fay, let's go eat breakfast."

"My love I've been fed the most wonderful meal from the most wonderful cock! Nothing more is needed!"

He pulled me up on top of him, "Fay, thank you dear. Now I will cook for you, OK"

He cupped my pussycheeks, patting them lightly, "Come let's eat and start the day together!"

"Shower," I yelled bouncing up and running off.

"Don't take too long Fay." Cho called as I reached the big shower room.

Hot water, nice soap, BIG fluffy towel, warm terrycloth robe, way too big but just right for snuggling in.

The smells of coffee and cooking pulled me along the hallway to that well remembered big airy beautiful kitchen.

Cho was at the stove, "Cut the fruit, don't make a mess."

I saluted the kitchen general and set to work, artistic arrangement of mango, guava and pineapple.

Cho put his chin on my shoulder, "You good worker Gunga Din."

A quick kiss, "Remind me not to get you mad when you have a knife. Nice work! You did that pineapple nicely!"

"Thank you, Sir. I have chopping experience in both fruit and vegetables. Please make use of my talents."

We sat outside in the warm sun, the omelets sizzled, coffee was strong and hot, fruit sweet. This is how I wanted to start every day.

I didn't see the housekeeper until we were done, for once I didn't try to get my hands on Cho's cock so we looked very domestic, her smile told me that I was welcome. She had a tray and started to clear away our wreckage, I wanted to say something..., "Cho how do I say she is beautiful?"

"?????????" Her eyes lit up "?????????? ???????? Cho ????????????", Cho gave me a big grin.

"Okay smarty pants what?"

"She said you are also and you make Cho very happy. Which is a great understatement!"

I squeezed her hand, helped her put dishes on the tray as she tried to shoo me away.

I pointed to myself, "Fay."

She bowed, "Amporn"

I gave her a hug. I watched her carry the tray moving so smoothly.

"Her name means Gold from the Sky."

The Sun's rays, a charming name.

I got up and parked my bum on Cho's lap, "We have to have her around so we know how we feel."

A soft kiss told me we already knew.

"?????????," was whispered in my ear. I instantly understood.

"I love you!"

Amporn came out with Cho's cell. He looked at the missed calls, "I have to do some work. There is a cell for you in the armoire, still in the box but it is charged, ready to go. The number is on the box so you can share it."

I demanded a hug and kiss, got both and a nicely squeezed bum.

I dashed into our bedroom, got the cell, my old address book was on top with all the numbers I needed to make contact today.

First call to Mr. Thoi, he was gracious as always, my thanks for getting me free where accepted with a simple, "We did what was right for you as well as Thailand." He wouldn't hear any more thank yous. "Fay the railroad board is unanimous, they we want the project to go ahead and you are the one to do it. You have our support for anything you need to do and any resources. Which also include our influence with your company and government regarding your changed circumstances." He told me to call Udorn right away.

I called London, Reg was on the line, blathering about me being ok and all that, I let him go on for a while, "Reg, calm down. I'm OK, the project will be done the railroad has assured me they want it! That is from the board. Just send me any updates to the firmware or software, OK?"

He assured me he would right away, I told him part of my problem had been someone's desire for our company's trade secrets. He cursed management again about the lack of security but let me know man at the man at the top who had a sluggish attitude concerning security was out.

Udorn was next. He was overjoyed to know I was safe and delighted that I would be picking up the reins of the project immediately. He said he would contact Kavnu.

"Fay, Can I give this number to Lek? I want to assign him to you again."

I agreed instantly, a car and Lek for me would save Cho having to worry.

I got him to transfer my call to Kulap, my assistant, when he told me he had kept my office open and gave her small jobs to do so she would not be moved away.

Ku broke into tears when she heard my voice, crying so hard to was almost impossible to understand her. Something with Eve was all I got. I asked her to slow down, be calm, breathe. Eve was OK! She had not been captured but had evaded the men who came at her by dodging between cars and into a shop. The men couldn't spend time looking so they left with the others who had taken the rest of us and Eve had been hiding at Ku's flat the whole time. Ku gave me a telephone number to call.

Eve answered just by picking up but saying nothing. "Eve it's Fay! We have been freed by Army and police." She started crying too. I gave her a sketch of recent events and that she was safe from the brothers now. I said the others were to be in Bangkok by the end of the day and I would arrange a gathering.

Cho came, "Fay, can you hold for a moment?"

Eve said she would wait.

"When you talk to the girls let them know that all their belongings are in a secure storage building because I had them taken when Ang and Heng were arrested."

I pointed to my lips, "Reward for you!"

"Eve all your stuff is safe! Cho had it taken to storage you can get when you want."

We talked a bit more but I had to do more so we rang off with kisses.

I found Cho on his cell with a cup of coffee on the terrace. The sun made his skin look so warm his smile was dazzling, he extended his hand, I sat beside him putting my arms around him.

He hung up, "Thank you for my friend's things. I can't believe how good and thoughtful you are, so different from where I have been."

He kissed me, "We will have time for you to tell me all soon. I want to know even if it is bad. No secrets, right?"

"I promise only to keep secret whatever surprises I have for you otherwise I will be an open book to you."

I didn't cry which was a good sign. I had been so emotional in the last thirty-six hours.

I still marveled at Cho's getting all our belongings from the apartment building and keeping mine like a talisman in that armoire.

Cho jumped up, "Stay here!"

I watched him run into the house, he was back in a flash, "Close your eyes."

He took my left wrist, encircled it with something, "Open!"

The lapis lazuli bracelet! Cho was a miracle worker! I yelped for joy and jumped on him we both tumbled onto the grass. My robe flew open but I pressed against Cho's chest. We kissed and the tears came again. More than any of the other things that were saved this was personal. My first gift of love from Cho.

I held onto Cho tightly, He kissed me, "I thought you might to have it."

Mr. classic understatement!

"Enough kissing, I still calls to make. You go through the clothes and decide what to keep. Ask Amporn if her nieces might want anything you don't they are near your size."

"I can't speak Thai yet!" I tapped the side of his head.

"OK, put them aside and we will both ask her. Now go, get dressed. Call Thoi or Keren to find out when the girls will be here and where."

A pat on the bum was meant to get me to move but it took a harder one to stop my kissing him.


I closed the robe dashing into the house, waving to Amporn in the kitchen.

Checked my pill collection, enough for a week or so, downed a dose.

Black thong, black and white pleated plaid skirt, black short sleeve blouse, I liked the big shiny black buttons. I had a nice bit of me showing at the waist, in the mirror I twitched my hips. Black sandals with slope heels. Sexy!

Fixed my face and hair. I put Thang's beautiful tear drop bracelet on my right wrist.

I got my black bag with necessaries, cell, I was ready.

I made a pile of the shorts and tops from Korat, some unworn, for Amporn.

Cho in the sun, so handsome.

This better not be a dream!!!!

I sat beside my man and dialed Lek, he answered right away. He was so glad I was alright and very pleased to be back as my driver.

"Can you pick me up at Cho's river house? 30 minutes?"

He would be there!

A messenger was coming out of the house, Amporn pointing to us.

Cho signed for the envelope and handed it to me, "This is for you!"

I tried to be a demure lady but the urge to rip it open was too strong. I almost dropped the contents, a MasterCard and American Express cards from BangkokBank. My name on them.

"No you can't buy houses or boats but the credit limits are Baht 1,500,000.00 about $50,000.00 or £30,000.00. For clothes, shoes, you know what you need. At Mongkut's just sign for anything Rak knows and he'll leave instructions."

I straddled the bench behind Cho, wrapped my arms around him, "I want you."

"I feel the same but we both have things to do. I have a gathering for everyone in preparation and many lose ends and I don't want to delegate some because it involves important people. Some will want to hear my voice. Go to railroad office and start picking things up. I will call you about the girls arrival and gala, OK?"

I hugged him tightly, "I obey my man always."

He gave a short snort, "I only hope so! I have no illusions."

I swatted his shoulder, "I'm not so bad...yet! Wait until tonight!"

I ran off towards the gate before he could retort, waving and blowing a kiss.

Lek was just driving in, Amporn's husband had opened the gate. He stopped jumped out and hugged me. I let him do the glad I was safe, etc...Boy I can see that was going to be continuous so I better be prepared. Don't be a shit Fay.

I called Mr. Thoi, "Hello I'm on my way to the office to see everyone and restart it all. Do we need to do anything more for the Board? Demo? Or info?"

He assured me that whatever the Board might want they could wait a few days for.

"Cho called me this morning. I don't know what else will come of all this but I am very pleased that you two are together. You are perfect for him. He needed a fresh breeze blowing through his life. Be well!"

I didn't cry but he heard the catch in my voice thanking him.

"Could Mr. Keren call me? I don't have a number for him."

He would call Keren.

Lek dropped me at the railroad office, I went up to the floor where Udorn's office was. I stepped into his outer office and was attacked by Kamol. She was all over me, I calmed her down. Udorn heard the commotion, he gave me a warm hug and kissed my cheeks, "Fay this is a good day after many days of fear for you."

He sat me on his couch, "Don't do any work, just relax."

"I can't, I need to get this going. Too much time has been lost and there will be upgrades that have to be incorporated, the workmen will have to have a review and..."

He stopped me, "Fay OK! I am the boss you remember."

I laughed, "Yes Boss but..."

His smiled was broad, "You want to do things. Go ahead. Just don't too much all at once."

I agreed, gave him a kiss and got a big hug from Kamol, "I have much to tell, I know it will wait. You are safe that is best."

Kulap almost knocked me over with her hug and swept her arm around.

Eve! She looked radiant like Ku! We held each other, "Fay I have felt so powerless. Not knowing, Ku didn't know either. We have been scared."

We sat in my office, I liked that, I told them a brief précis with the info I had on the girls. I let them know that a gathering was been prepared but I didn't know anything about when or where.

My cell rang, Mr. Keren. I went out to the balcony, "I'm sorry to bother you but is there news about the girls?"

"First, you can't bother me! Second, the number on your cell is my cell, save it. Third, Lawan and Ni are in flight from Phuket now with ETA of about an hour to Don Muang Airport. They will be driven into Bangkok to the Defense Ministry. Jian is at U-Tapao ready to board a helicopter. She will go to the landing pad where we landed last night. OK, my dear?"

Gawd, was it only last night?

"Thank you for all three! It's good thing you aren't here or I would be kissing you! Your wife would be asking about the red lipstick!"

His warm laugh came over the cell just as it had in Pattaya.

"There is one point I need to remind you of though. That Saul fellow is still loose. We have no record of him using that Russian passport to leave the country at any border point. I am having some security arrangements made for you. No you aren't going to have a choice until Saul is captured. No further discussion. When we hang up I will be calling Cho to explain it to him."

I told him I wouldn't be a brat about it and that Udorn had assigned my old driver, Lek, to me.

"Excellent, he is a good man."

"He's one of yours?"

"Yes, we should have had him closer though."

I decided not to tell him I had seduced that man also. He might think I was a real slut.

"When the girls are close I will call you."

We rang off, I stood alone for a few minutes.

"Ku we need to get a few things started. London is sending some upgrades for software and hardware. I don't know anything about them so we wait until they arrive. I do want you to make some calls. The yard managers we had in for the demoes and tests for a meeting...What day is this?"

I felt a bit lost, "Ok no point trying before the weekend. Make it Tuesday at Kavnu's yard around ten o'clock if possible, shift it to Wednesday if there are problems. I will call Kavnu myself. If you need help with putting the docs together ask Kamol, she will get some people for us."

I spun around looking at Eve, she...

I called upstairs to Udorn, "Can I hire anyone? Just for my office to help with paper flow. Temporary and part-time? Thanks! Kulap will be able to see them through the bureaucracy?

Well that's fine. Right now? OK! On the way!"

Eve knew I was up to something, "Would you like to work with Ku for this project? You heard, temp and part-time?"

Her eyes were bright, she nodded.

"OK it's upstairs with me right now."

Udorn immediately arranged everything for Eve, "Fay, you are building your own mafia?"

What was fun was Mrs. Udorn arrived for a lunch date with Mr. Udorn and I got to meet her. While her husband talked with Eve and Ku, she steered me to the balcony, "Young lady please don't go running off any more, my Udorn was heartbroken. I would have wondered more about you two but for our renewed relationship. When he told me of your sex I was hurt until he said he wanted me. He and I are doing so well now. It is like being married all over. He didn't say you had repeated your time together."

I kissed her cheek, "No only the once and when I saw the picture of you on his desk and how proud he was to show it to me I was certain there wouldn't be a need for a repeat."

We stood there side by side looking out holding hands, "I see why he was tempted by you. You are a beautiful girl."

I loved hearing the compliment because I was Cho's girl and wanted to be an asset to my man.

I got Udorn to stop fussing and go with his Mrs. to lunch.

I gave Kamol a hug, we were alone as Eve had gone downstairs to be with Ku.

"Fay, just so you know, my Marine sergeant and I are very happy. He has marked me some which I am so pleased about and we are to go to Los Angeles later this year to meet his family."

We kissed, I was certain she would be a wonderful mate for her big US Marine.

I sat at my desk looking at a million emails in my inbox. Well less than that but I didn't have the heart to wade through them all.

Reg's latest said the EPROM chips were programed and up to date and out with FedEx. Software on USB sticks was inside too. This guy was good, always doing it right. My reply let him know that and how I had always appreciated it. I sent it before considering it too much. I could see that I hadn't been as guarded as I intended but at least I didn't end it with kisses. I hoped he didn't miss my bonhomie cynicism!

I called John my English spook, "You know my voice?"

"Damn Fay! Are you ok?"

"Thanks for keeping my name a secret!"

"Fay, don't joke about it! You have no idea about what has been going on! Lots of 'unofficial' communications regarding you. And some serious yelling down phone lines!"

"Well if I'd know I would have called you sooner and let you know the inside info on my captivity."

"Ok, OK! Can we meet?"

"Can you come to the railroad building? I mean inside to my office and sit in one of the chairs?"

He said he was about fifteen minutes away.

"I will tell Ku to expect you. Third floor, to the left at the end. My name is on the door."

I called Kavnu's office, he was overjoyed to hear from me and asked about Ni. I was happy to tell him she was safe and on the way to Bangkok right now. I let him know they would land at Don Muang and be driven into town, "when I have time and place I will call you immediately."

He was jumping up and down, I could hear the thumps of his shoes.

I told him that the scanning project was on and going into high gear as soon as I could get the pieces back together.

"I'm at my railroad office now, come over."

He practically yelled out an OK before ringing off.

John showed up and wanted to come in as I was finishing with Kavnu, Ku wasn't having any. Miffed John dropped onto the couch, "So what happened? Where were you?"

I sat in a chair opposite and told him a lovely lie, "John I'm not at liberty to tell you anything right now." He started to protest but I cut him off, "If you want to know now then call the Security police and ask them. For now nothing from me."

He wasn't happy and less so when I told him he couldn't smoke here.

"So when do I get to know?"

I gave him a smile, "When I get the OK to talk. There's something about ongoing investigations."

He left pissed at me but I didn't want to play his cloak and dagger games. Besides Mr. Keren had in passing mentioned that the United Kingdom had a good deal of foot dragging unlike South Africa, the US and several other countries like China including Hong Kong and Vietnam on helping the investigation. Screw him! I'm an English citizen and they didn't give whole-hearted support? I didn't care whether it was John or someone else in the food chain.

Mr. Keren called as Ku put a cup of tea down in front of me. The girls from Phuket were on the ground at Don Muang and getting into car right now. Jian's flight would on the landing pad in thirty minutes or so.

"Can you come to the Defense Ministry in an half an hour? There will an officer at the West gate to escort you. This is a private meeting for you. We have several hotel suites reserved for them at the Mandarin Oriental on the river south of the Ministry and Cho's house."

He knew he didn't have to ask! I called Lek, "I'm outside now!"

I grabbed Eve to go with me, she got a big kiss from Ku as we left.

Lek was holding the door open we came down the steps, "Defense Ministry West gate. We will have an escort waiting there."

At the gate was the handsome young officer from last night, he sat in front and directed Lek to drive straight. We passed the big Ministry building and came to open grass field where a large canopy stood.

As we got out a helicopter fluttered to the ground in the middle of the big field. The door slid open and Jian emerged in the arms of Thai Army man. He carried her to us at the canopy.

Tears of joy when I got my arms around her, Eve surrounded us both.

We didn't speak right away but kissed and hugged so tightly. Mr. Keren strode up and moved us under the canopy as a shower swept over. I stood holding Jian, "I never gave up hope for this."

Her smile was so sweet, "We were meant to be together, the stars say so."

We didn't have to wait long before a big black sedan brought our Lawan and Ni into our arms. Kissing, laughing, tears all at once.

Mr. Keren acting as master of ceremonies, "Ladies, we wanted you all to meet today. There will be a ceremony for all of you in a few day's time. You can relax and talk over the next few days. There are suites reserved at a hotel for you and a driver will be available. Talk for a while and then you can use this car for the short ride to the hotel."

I told them that the hotel was a short boat ride down river from Cho's where I was staying and I wanted them to come out to the house tonight for a small party. I told Jian that Ting was on his way now to meet us here.

She was excited, "Fay, do I look alright?" She a cute pair of white shorts and an orange t-shirt which her skin look so warm.

"Yes, dear Jian." I whispered in her ear that she could stay at Cho's with Ting. A big smile said it all.

Kavnu was escorted under the canopy, Ni went into his arms. I got a hug and kiss before Ting's arrival.

Jian started toward him but he held up his hand, "Jian stay I want to see you." He was crying, Jian started too. He lifted her up holding her against his chest, a lovely kiss!

Cho arrived with Mr. Thoi, I got a kiss on my cheek from the cagey old fox and a big kiss from Cho.

I slipped my arm around Lawan's slender waist, "Dear I met someone in my travels that might be a good person for you to meet. Would you like old Fay to be matchmaker?" I looked into her dark eyes, I could see how she cared about me and trusted me.

The arm encircling tightened, "Fay if you like him..." A few tears, I pressed against her, kissing her left ear, "Lawan I want all of us to be close forever."

I gathered the girls telling them that everything that they had at the apartment building had been saved for them by Cho. There was a lot of yelling about that with Cho being stormed by kissing girls. I rescued him. He stood behind me arms crossed over my belly.

He said it was in storage and was being moved to the Mandarin Oriental right now. He also noted that whatever monies had been recovered had been placed in accounts at his bank under their names and was immediately available.

I let the girls kiss attack him again going to buttonhole Mr. Keren.

"I would like to ask a favor."

He gave me that warm chuckle, "Yes my dear? I do hope I have anticipated all your needs."

Well if you are a smart ass it's best to admire another when they are a class act. Keren pointed to the right. Thang was walking across the corner big green field heading this way.

Mr. Keren's arm went around my waist, "He is a fine fellow and has a good future ahead of him. I knew you would want to see him again. He's no fool! He fully knows your commitment to Cho. I talked to him before I sent for him last night."

"I do love you too! Can you do one more thing?"

I mentioned his admonition to me about Saul and would he repeat it for the girls.

Mr. Keren's announcement was greeted with quiet. He told them that his policemen would be at the hotel and in the cars, all fully briefed on Saul.

Thang hung back until after that bit of news, I hugged him and brought him over to Cho. They shook hands each with one of my arms around them. I thought my face would break from smiling.

I grabbed Lawan, she was being shy, "Fay I am not looking good." Her cute navy blue skirt and low heels and gorgeous little scoop front top, white with luminous green flowers was great for her colour.

"Lawan you are smashing! Trust me, right?" She nodded and I introduced her to Thang. His eye showed he liked what he saw.

"Thang would you be Lawan's escort please? For tonight and the next few days?"

He bowed, "Yes, it will be an honor for me!" He extended his arm she slipped her slender hand through to rest on that muscled forearm.

I steered Cho over to Mr. Thoi, he watched us come, "Fay I have news that was to wait for the ceremony we are preparing but it seems to me to be appropriate to tell you now." He took my hand, "The Government of Thailand wishes to make to a citizen by decree the day of the ceremony. I bring it up so you can have time to consider all the consequences of that and being a bi-national person."

I told him I already was two and being three would make me very happy.

"Good, then there is the issue of your company and government. We will talk later about those."

He kissed my cheek. I stood watching him with Cho's arm around me again go to his car, the driver jumping out to get the door only to be waved back.

I leaned back into him, "Will Ting and Jian stay with us?"

A light kiss on my ear was my yes, "Her things are in a guest room already."

I stuck out my bum into him, "Surprises Huh? You and Keren and Thoi!"

Ting waved us over to where Jian was sitting. I knelt beside her whispering, "I still want to taste you!" A warm kiss said her too.

Lawan and Ni were loaded for the hotel with Kavnu and Thang. I yelled, "Remember tonight a PARTY!" The responding chorus was a loud yes!

"Oh and the dress is informal, shorts are great!"

I asked Lek to take Eve back to the railroad office and bring her and Ku to Cho's for the party.

"And you?"

"I will go with Cho. Don't worry we have a security policeman."

I did feel strange with all these men who had sex with me around together. Gawd they better not compare notes!

Mr. Keren and Mr. Thoi had declined their invitations to the party, both saying we needed time to talk it over and be together.

Jian Ting Cho me all crowded in the back of the car, the driver and guard up front for the short trip to the house.

I was standing with Cho on the driveway, he went over the guests for the party with the policeman and his driver who was a trained bodyguard. Amporn's husband Niran would be at the gate with them. The policeman was asked to brief Cho's driver about Saul.

Jian and Ting were settling in a guest room.

"It's such a cute cast. I want to sign it!"

"Yes scribble on it."

She waved a crutch.

Jian on crutches!

Jian smiled, "I can not be carried every place."

Ting yelled from the bathroom, "Well I offered to do just that. I would enjoy it."

"No I have to be able to go myself."

She came over and leaned on me, my arms around her, we kissed, "We are going to have fun together."

When he came in Jian held Ting's hand, "No dancing for you though," He got a pout from Jian for that.

"You must carry me then!"

I thought about checking to see if they needed anything but Amporn would have done it.

"Later! You lay down for a while."

I knelt in front of Cho in the shower sucking my man's cock, enjoying his taste, enjoying the feel of his cock. He leaned back and let my mouth have its way with that scrumptious penis. I lovingly wet the shaft, stuck my tongue into the foreskin swirling it around the head. Once wet, I slid it back and devoured the cockhead.

Cho's breathing increased, one hand in my hair, held me lightly, I buried the cock in my throat. I felt at home, this is where I belonged.

I bobbed up and down, keeping the penis wet, slurping down letting my tongue slash over his balls. His moans where the music I wanted to hear, I decided to raise his volume with a finger caressing the anus. He hopped up but I didn't lose him. We are paired now. I suctioned him, probed inside him. He was close.

I reached in for his prostate as I cupped the balls and went into full Hoover attack on the cock. Cho didn't last long after that giving me a huge load on my tongue with the first spurt the second and third were smaller but no less tasty. I let it all slide into my tummy.

I kept hold of him gently slowing but not stopping until he slid down to sit back against the dark wood wall. Cho pulled me onto his lap, we kissed.

"Fay, Fay..." Lots of kisses.

I nuzzled into his neck, "Cho you taste so good. I want you forever!"

The kiss that followed sealed the deal.

I sat naked at my vanity doing my face, my hair was so easy I loved it, my big curve hung below the cheekbone.

"Fay, you look so sexy." My megawatt smile encouraged him. "You are a natural beauty and I adore that hair."

I got a kiss on my neck, I turned but he managed to save his bare cock from falling into my clutches.

He stood in the doorway as I finished dressing, a halter top that was a loop of soft cord around my neck and waist with shimmering cloth covering my front completely bare back all in black, black shorts with cuffs, black heeled sandals, my two treasured bracelets.

Cho opened his arms I slid in, "You are so lovely and loving." He held me close for a few minutes.

Jian and Ting came thumping down the hall, "Hey what is holding up the food?"

Jian insisting to be fed.

Amporn was in the kitchen getting the caterers in order we left her to it, Cho whispered, "She knows what's what in here."

At the bar Jian stood with what seemed to be an impossibly big drink surmounted by spears of pineapple.

"Careful girl with that ankle."

She winked broadly, "I am holding Ting to promise to carry me!"

Ting's huge grin said no big deal.

I sipped my first alcohol in many months with a mental reminder that the interval was to be respected. My Planter's Punch was ordered weak!

We had guest arriving, Eve and Ku came in blue shorts and white tops and Nikes. Matching, sweet. I held them against me with the admonition to enjoy!

Kavnu and Ni with Lawan and Thang! They all looked relaxed, smiling. I hugged them all. Ni kissed my ear, "He still wants me!" She was warmed by my enthusiastic response, "He's a fine fellow, I wish you joy!"

I took Thang and Lawan by their hands, "Come have a drink of something. The food is coming out!" Lawan's cute little rounded bum was quite sexy in tight shorts, Thang's arm moved about her waist at the bar.

Jian whooped as the caterers' laid out the food. Hot and cold dishes, finger foods of all types.

Ting her carried to the tables then acted as her bearer boy to and from the delightful smells.

Cho slipped around me those warm strong arms, "Cho can we sponsor a big dance contest at `The Ice Rink,' you advertise it so we get lots of entrants?"

Those arms tightened, "Fay that is great! Do you want to wait for Jian's ankle to heal?"

"No she will be happy to be a judge I'm sure."

"Will you think of more fun things we can do! I want spread around some of the good feeling which you give me!"

"Yes but now I must be fed!"

Cho spun me around hoisted me over his shoulder and carried me off to the food. Damn he's strong, I'd better keep remembering that.

I piled a plate with spicy shrimp, crusty fish and fruit. I lost track of my punch so Cho got me another, "Not too much rum, OK"

I munched, between bites I chatted trains with Kavnu. Ni had an arm around him looking very sweet, listening closely to Kavnu. Although not a youngster, he was animated about his work and exuded vitality. What he was going to do about his sexless wife? He had two sons and was desperately unhappy. Ni was sweet, loving and available.

I watched Cho as he moved about, handsome, sexy, beautiful in body and soul and mine! He is so assured able to converse with everyone effortlessly.

He had been saying something to Ting when he suddenly looked up at me, seeing my eyes on him, although thirty feet away I heard or maybe rather felt the `I love you'.

Wandering around hugging kissing letting everyone know that after food we would have a powwow. I got the caterers to help setup some chairs on the lawn. A cute boy stumbled onto the grass, I bent over him, "You OK?"

He was flustered, "Yes yes yes, am OK!"

I extended my hand he took it I could see his eyes were huge and bright, "Oh Miss I am sorry."

I kept his hand which him more agitated, "What's your name?"

His English was good, "Kiet, Miss."

"Don't worry you haven't done anything wrong. I fall down all the time."

His palm was moist, I kissed his cheek, "Go on now."

I thought he was going to faint.

I stopped him, "Kiet, do you always work for the caterers'?"

"No, I also work in a family restaurant. It is across the river near the Culture Ministry. It is small but does well."

He was proud of the restaurant, sweet kid.

"Kiet please go to Amporn in the kitchen. She is keeping four boxes for me. Please bring them out when I wave to you, OK"

"Oh Miss it is an honor for me."

He dashed off after that.

I leaned over Jian's back, "Time to tell our stories, OK"

Her arm went around me, kiss on my neck, "Yes, I want to know everybody's story."

I herded everyone to the chairs, "Sit however you like."

I had gotten a cloth from Amporn earlier and spread it out next a chair I reserved for Cho. I knelt beside him, "I will go first, OK."

The chorus was all yeses.

"I will begin before we were taken away because some of you don't know why that happened."

I took time to develop why I was suspicious and how the girls all made it dovetail. The security police and military involvement and then the abduction. I asked Eve to tell her part then of her escape and hiding.

Her story of fear was palpable to us girls.

As I told of my imprisonment Cho's hand tightened on my shoulder but I didn't dwell on the minutiae of my captivity.

I saw Ting's face harden as I told about Rai and my halting attempts to contact him via doctors who visited with me.

He spoke about hearing from a colleague but that the fellow had also spoken to Rai and Ting believed he was the proximate cause of my abrupt move to Pattaya.

I asked Thang to explain as much as he could about infiltrating into the house in Korat. He described his assignment somewhat vaguely but he had been hired on the recommendation of a local gangster the security police had under their control. He kept watch and gathered information but the trip to Pattaya had disrupted a police raid.

His boss kept him on the job and he managed to keep me safe and then out of the club.

I gave a quick rundown of the club raid and my flight to Bangkok.

Jian was surprised to find I had followed her into the Pattaya club where she had been for a few weeks. The move to another house off Walking Street in Pattaya had mostly ended her seeing clients since it was harder to secure where the girls worked and were seen by clients.

She recounted being held in a suburb of Bangkok for some time after the abduction working there with other girls who had chains. Her quiche was put in there and she didn't work until she was able to be locked. She was moved unexpectedly to Pattaya by a dark van late one night.

"I had a goaler like Fay and was never let off my chain. The man there Nowat didn't like me, I was so sad. So moved to the Walking Street place."

"How did you break your ankle?"

She gave me a rueful smile, "I had loosened the bars on my window. When I heard the explosions downstairs I tried to get out that way but my gaoler came in and knocked me down. I landed with a crack pop sound. The goaler was shot by a soldier and I was free."

Lawan and Ni followed, they had both been taken to a house in Phuket. They hadn't been separated but made to work with clients long hours in captivity. Lawan had tried to escape and been beaten. When the police raided the house all the men gave up thinking they would be let off by the cops only find it was the security police not the locals. They were rounded up and the girls freed.

"We heard that we were to go to Bangkok. Commander put us in a hotel overnight under guard. He said we fly to Bangkok this morning. We all meet and all is good again!"

It wasn't a surprise to me that none of us wanted to go into details. I wasn't looking forward to telling Cho some things, I knew I would though. I was certain each of us would.

I told them I knew nothing about the ceremony that was planned or even when but that I trusted Mr. Keren so it would work out.

I waved to Kiet, he brought the boxes I had entrusted to him.

I handed one each of my girlfriends, new cell phones.

"I put our numbers in and they are yours to keep. Cho has paid for the first year of service already!" Lots of cheers for Cho for that!

There wasn't much drinking going on. Too high from the last twenty four hours. We all appeared to be headed for our beds early. Lots of kissing hugging as part of the goodbyes.

Jian and Ting headed inside.

Cho had his arm around me I leaned my head on him, "It was very nice, low-key. A good way to ease into a new phase of life."

I agreed, we had needed some talk time to relax. Get comfortable without a lot of hoopla.

I gathered Jian in my arms at her door, "Tomorrow come with me to the railroad for a while, OK?"

She kissed me, "Yes I want to see Fay at work."

"Around nine thirty, alright?"

She nodded slowly, Ting kissed me and scooped up Jian.

Next: Chapter 29

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