
By A becker

Published on Dec 10, 2014


Shit, it was big! "This is one of my other boats; I had it brought up for our trip. More cabins!"

I stood there dwarfed by it, Cho was behind me wrapped around, "Cho it's huge!"

He squeezed me, "It is twice as large, actually the Captain likes it more, he says it steers better even in the river. We have enough room for everyone!"

We wandered around, the Captain had a big smile, showing me the larger everything. Jian loved the cabin she'd share with Ting; mine with Cho was gorgeous, all in shades of green. Much bigger bathroom!

Up on the bow Cho held me close, whispering, "There's another reason, we can carry more security." He kissed me, I held on tight.

"All the gifts you bought are onboard; everything is ready for tomorrow morning. Time for some fun with friends."

Lying under Cho later, his kissing so welcome, we spoke about lighter things and drifted to sleep together.


Cho's mouth on mine was my wake call, MMMMmmmm I was going to enjoy it every day!

We showered more quietly than usual just a bit of my grabbing for the cock I loved. It did end under the water in a wonderful kiss.

I prepared my bag for the trip not forgetting an envelope I'd put aside with the cut-off gold chains and disks. White short shorts, dark blue halter and blue and white deck shoes, cute!

I helped Jian get her things together, "Which shoe did you want to take& the right or left?"

Jian swatted my arm, "Fay please just help!"

We got her stuff ready, I carried it as Jian clumped.

Amporn just made coffee since we were hosting breakfast on board, the four of us chatted and got some rays on the terrace. I walked Jian to the boat as everyone started to arrive in cars with security guys.

A beautiful day with friends, lots of chatter as we all boarded. With the larger boat all couples had cabins where the change to swimwear took place. I started with the skimpy new white bikini; Cho had one of his small Speedos, this one red with white piping. We stood in front of the big mirror, arms around each other's waist, "Fay we do look good together don't we?"

I kissed my man as my answer. Hand in hand we went out to the fantail to be in the sun. Ting carried Jian on his back having to bend over to get through the passageway door.

Bloody Marys' for those interested, coffee flowed, Salapaos, Patongos, fruit, all spread out. We feasted in the sun as the boat turned up river.

I lay in a corner of the bench aft, my round blue shades on; I put out my hand to Lawan. She'd been quiet but smiling, "So are you ok?"

She leaned on me, snuggled close, "Thang and I have made love several times. He is so strong and yet very easy lover. My pussy feels so well taken care of, more than ever. He kisses me with passion!"

I hugged her tight, "Enjoy yourselves! I like him very much and he was so good to me at the end of our troubles. No secrets, we made love several times also, strong and sweet too."

"Fay will we all make love together again?"

I told her I hoped so! I enjoyed being with her. Lawan asked about Reyna, "She's in prison is all I know but I'm not sure what she will be charged with though. It is very up in the air."

We cuddled, watching the others mingle, arm around me linked to a hand that did a bit of exploring, I happily returned the favor, we giggled. So much fun to see who was talking to whom, body language.

Like Ni, she was almost inside Kavnu's swimsuit, so sweet, she was hooked and he looked that was just fine with him.

Thang and Eve and Ku all laughing about something. Cho sitting with Ting, who had Jian on his lap an arm wrapped about his neck.

I got Lawan to pause her play with my pussy cheeks, "Lawan what do you want to do now? You could be a translator right?"

Her eyes closed, "Yes but I will have to start all over. Ni has her knowledge of programming but hasn't done any for a while and Jian did office work. Long ago."

I kissed Lawan squeezing her close, "I'm going to help you all find something you want to do! We can't marry our men but I want a full life too. So we all work together, helping each other. Friends!!!"

I got a steward to bring us a Bloody Mary with two straws, we smiled and sipped. "Fay I like that you fucked Thang and we have shared before. I seem close to you and the others to by sex. Feeling Jian inside me, tasting Ni's cute pussy, it is those connections which make me happy. Sex with love!"

I stroked her belly, "Yes, it's a warm feeling. Ting is the only man here I haven't made love with." I giggled, "Maybe I should ask Jian to let him?"

I laughed, Lawan with a cute giggle, "Fay, you and Cho make a fine couple!"

We kissed again, "I have found my man!"

Thang came over to us sitting in our combined laps, too much! He slid off thankfully, "Another drink?"

We demurred, Lawan pulled him close, she was looking up through her eye lashes, sexy. Thang's eyes on her as he leaned in, kissing her sweetly then more. Lawan's hand in mine tightened, I returned the squeeze. They broke the kiss as Thang leaned back into the bench seat. He was still looking at Lawan holding her around the waist as I bounded up to go to Cho.

I plopped down on his lap, the OOOF was strictly fake and I gave him a few bounces for effect. He captured me ending that.

I dragged the girls to the bow with a parting, "Girl time up front! Guys keep out for a while!"

We lay out, tops were doffed after drinks were delivered, the stewards were warned off too.

On my belly, "Talking with Lawan made me think about what's going to happen now. I have a meeting with my boss' boss Thursday and I know him but not how he'll like what he sees."

Jian popped out, "He would have to be dead not to like!"

We all giggled at that, "But I have an unknown as some of you. We are sisters now so we need to talk and support each other however!"

We all held hands, laying in a circle our faces in the sun, bright and happy. We drank to ourselves!

"I spoke to Mr. Thoi about the ceremony Wednesday. He wanted to know if we wanted the news media to cover it. I told him I would ask you. For my part I would prefer there wasn't any but we can vote on it."

All the NO's made it plain that they didn't want it either. Quiet lives is what was needed! All done with that!

"I know that Cho has buildings where you could have apartments for a start. Eve's job is temporary but could be more if things work out the way I want. Ku is good. So it leaves you three we have to work on!"

We began some general chatter, I moved over to Ni. She turned over to talk, I lay on her with a kiss, "Even if I'm dropped by my company you might be able to write code for them for local use. So tell me what development software and languages you know."

Ni's face clouded over at first but cleared, "Fay& " she kissed me, "Ok& I know  C' and its newer variants and Perl, Ruby, Python and more. Would they want that?"

"Shit, yes! I'm sure with your good English it would be easy." I rubbed my belly on hers, "I'm gonna get you set."

"Fay I have Kavnu, I'm set!" Sealed with a kiss.

We wiggled around some petting; I nearly upset her drink when my fingers got inside that small bikini bottom. I eased off but stayed on top. We smiled at each other, "Fay I want to!"

I pressed full length on her, "Me too! But I guess we should wait."

Ni giggled giving me a mini earthquake, "Yes but not too long OK?"

Eve and Ku surrounded us, Eve nuzzling me, "Is there going to be sex here?"

We all broke up into gales of laughter, "Well we could all hold down Jian since she's got the only working bit of equipment!"

We jumped and piled on poor Jian, laughing and tickling each other. I ended flat on Jian, she circled my neck and pulled me into a kiss, softly, "Love you!"

We all hung chatting and goofing around until we needed drinks then the tops went on and Eve went to get the guys and stewards. She returned with an invite for  food' in the saloon and we gave in to that happily.

Stuffed, I sat with Cho up on the bridge watching the countryside go by slowly, lushly green with small houses. Lots of river traffic, pleasure boats, barges and families on boats together plying the river as a highway. There were others up there with binoculars, Cho whispered and pointed off to the west, there was a rakish looking navy gray ship maybe a few kilometers away, "Ignore them talk to me!"

We talked about the girl's needs, how to help positively. Ni's skills would be easy to market; Jian's head for numbers and knowledge of Excel were a good start. Cho leaned back, "What about Lawan?"

"Oh I have big hopes there; she is fluent in French, English, Vietnamese, some Chinese and Japanese."

He pulled me close, "Go get her ok? I want to ask her a few things."

I popped up and dashed off. Lawan and Thang were lying out on the bow. I grabbed her hand, "Come Cho's got a few questions for you about your languages."

Thang gave her a tush pat, "Go!" On the bridge Cho got right to it.

"Comment la technique est votre vocabulaire?"

Lawan explained she'd done tech manual translations for the embassy. They were pleased enough to share with the ministry in Paris.

"B¡n có thà làm iÁu ó trong t¥t c£ các ngôn ngï cça b¡n?"

She smiled, "Écrit en chinois et en japonais est moins bon nh°ng ti¿ng ViÇt cça tôi là r¥t."

I kissed her cheek, "Sont d'être modeste? ou?"

She hugged me, "un peu mais je peut le faire."

"Do you want to work for me? I need someone to do in-house translations of manuals, theses, other technical papers so all my offices will be able to use the info."

Lawan was bouncing on her toes, "Yes& Yes! I love to do that!"

"Done!" Lawan jumped into Cho's lap for a hug! Cho kissed her cheek, "Go tell Thang!"

Whoosh Lawan was gone. I stepped between his knees, "There's a happy camper!"

"Well I have been looking off and on for a person. We farm out the work and I have not been pleased with much of it. This is good for us both!"

Cho got a proper reward, after the kiss, "There's one off my list."

"You have taken on finding work for them all?"

"Yes without saying it that way. I told I wanted us all to be helpful to each other. Remember I may be out of work on Thursday."

He shook his head, "If so your company is run by idiots and bigots!"

I shrugged, "Everyone has their secret  Do not likes' even me. I don't like waiting for sex!"

Ow! I got my pussy cheek pinched and was scooped up over Cho's shoulder, "No more waiting for you!"

On my back, a quickly naked Cho mushed me into the mattress, "Time for patented blowjob Honey to get me ready for the main course!"

"Yessir yessir!" I eagerly opened my mouth first to a kiss then a cock.

MMMmmm I was built for this penis: shape, size but mostly the operator. I got facefucked via some pushups but I got Cho on his back so I could kneel between those strong brown thighs. Wet and juicy, I skinned it so the wonderful cockhead was exposed to my work. I laved it, penetrated the piss slit, tonguing down the sides. Slickly wet I pumped it then going down for those delicious balls. Popping each one in and out of my mouth. Rubbing my face against them enjoying the musk that was increased by my salvia. Shit, he tastes so good.

Cho was in the grabbing duvet phase, saying things in Thai. I so wanted to learn soon.

He was very clear about one thing though, "Fay time for pussy!"

I wet myself, Cho licked me, loving that lube wasn't necessary; I lifted my pussy for his entrance.

Aaaahhhh yes, Cho gently widened me, easing into his personal pussy. My god I loved this! Each stroke burned so good, "Cho fuck me! I need you!"

My pussy sticking up felt soooo good as Cho rode me, driving down; I yielded to each thrust and tightened on the withdrawal.

Cho was leaning over saying sweet things about his love of my twat. When he decided to change positions the cock I loved was buried in me. Cho slowly rotated me onto my side, holding my slender thigh against his chest scissoring me ever so nicely! He was really driving into me with my leg as leverage, YES!

Gawd, Cho knows how to fuck! Strong thrusts, loving caresses of any part of me he could reach. A hand sliding along my raised leg, "Fay you are so smooth! I enjoy your skin!"

He took my left nipple ring, tugging gently, turning sending jolts into me like it connected directly to my pussy. He fucked me liked for a while and changed again. Rotating me to my back, sliding onto my belly, "Fay I want to see your eyes, I am going to make you cum!"

I could feel he was right, the warming in my pussy spreading across my tummy reaching my chest, aaaaaahhhhh it exploded! "Cho! Cho, mmmmmmmmmm!"

He was smiling into my eyes, "Fay you look so good!"

His prick hadn't slackened still powering into me; he was circling his hips rubbing my pussy from many angles. I saw and felt he was close; his shoves were shortening, short and sharp thrusts, OH YES!

"Fay, ah yes, cumming now!" He was rigid holding my legs up and wide, the center of his weight on my pussy. His face tight with ecstasy as he made several cum shots into me, I loved the pulsing in my back channel! I could feel each one!

Cho eased down onto me, I closed my spread thighs around him cradling his head on my shoulder, "My man, you're so wonderful to me!"

His heaving chest gradually slowed as we kissed and caressed each other, "Fay there is sex and there is SEX with you! Your kind is the best ever for me! Right from the first time in that little room."

His soft cock slipped out lying wet against my pussy cheek, spent but now I wanted to cuddle it in my mouth. Cho knew, "Wait a bit Fay let us hold like this. I want you to suck me but wait."

He took my face in his hands, "You are my love! Stay with me forever, Yes?"

I started to cry, Cho laughed so we both shook, "See you know already why I love you!"

We lay there warm, quiet and very happy. Until&

Jian joined us with a BIG bounce! Ting followed with a second BIG bounce!

After the bed stopped waving up and down, Cho in my ear, "Connecting door!"

I kissed his cheek and sat up, I had to laugh they were just as bared assed as us. "Hiding a salami too?"

Jian didn't get it but Ting and Cho did. I let Ting explain as I grabbed Jian's cock, "Ah my dear Cho I like this one too but yours is #1!"

Jian gave me a mock frown and burst out in giggles, "Fay, you must share with me!"

I lay over Cho and Ting pinned down our one legged bandit!

Cho wondered aloud, "Our guests? What must they be thinking?"

Ting smiled, "All cabins are being put to the same use as ours I would bet Cho!"

Cho remarked it was good he brought up the bigger boat.

Our dinner was early so we'd be able to swim at Aao Khamoht. At Cho's suggestion the alcohol consumption was low.

Bikini's and Speedos donned, we gathered on the fantail. Our gifts into the dinghy with Cho, me, Ting and Miss One Foot. Everyone else swam in easily alongside us. The guys were off for a match in the lowering light, us girls went to Kure and Tani's home.

Little Tani was so happy to see us, hugs all around with the introductions. Kure's face so serene, gazing so happily on her youngster as the new outfits were opened. Lawan and I had carried the fuel which she was so pleased to receive. She showed us what lovely clothes she was working on and that the local villagers were very willing to trade with her for the nicely sewn things.

I wished I could converse directly with Kure but it would have to wait. Outside looking up at the darkening sky, I was considering how to further help Kure and Tani without making them dependent. Jian slipped her arm around me, she pulled my face down to hers for a kiss, "Fay, I have loved you from the first. We are sisters, lovers and friends I hope for all my life."

Tears took over after that, hugging, I pledged her my love and friendship. A year before I could not have imagined holding this petite beauty, or standing on a beach in Thailand in a skimpy bikini, having a passionate lover who wanted me as much as I wanted him.

We parted from Kure and Tani telling them we'd back in the morning before leaving. In the dinghy I rowed Jian back, "Jian come below with me ok?"

In the cabin she shared with Ting I knelt to remove her bottom. The cute cock that started me on my journey warmed easily in my mouth. Jian drew in a sharp breath, "Fay I do love it!"

I got it all the way in, nose against her bare sex mound, tongue slipping out to lave over her little balls. I wrapped my arms around her sucking up and down. Such a lovely thing in my mouth, her pre-cum so sweet!

I got Jian to turn and I put my tongue at the top of her pussy cheeks, sliding down aiming for her tender small hole. Another gasp as I reached my target, I got it wet and began to burrow in.

"OH Fay you are so bad!" Oh, I thought I was being good but it's ok with me. For several minutes we enjoyed the connection, I wanted the warmth of her insides.

Finally I sat her on the bed and returned to her treasure. Sucking now for the golden sperm, I fingered her pussy and hoovered her cock. Deep sucking, lots of suction, salvia wet, tiny kisses, teeth gently touching, Jian was ready to explode. On her back she was thrashing around as her body gave me my mouthful of delicious sperm. Several big globs, followed by 2-3 small spurts all went down the hatch.

I was cruel, I didn't let up, in a near strangled voice she begged me to stop. I crawled upon her for a kiss, she licked my lips, teeth and sucked my tongue, "Fay you are a sucking devil!"

We lay quiet and the guys found us like that.

They pulled their speedos off and joined us. I slid onto Cho, licking my way south.

Cho and Ting enjoyed our mouths for a while but we needed to be good hosts so dress in shorts and a cute crop top I was at the bar holding a Campari and soda with a twist of lemon talking to Lawan and Thang. She was so cute giggling that all the pairs had ended up in their cabins it seemed for some "nap time" which involved no rest. Thang gave her waist a hug remarking they certainly hadn't any rest. Lawan seemed to blush but was obviously happy.

Some folks went back into the water for the wonderful phosphorescent light show; I sat on the fantail bench with Eve. Jian was in the dinghy with Ting and Ku. Cho was stewarding Lawan, Thang, Ni and Kavnu as they swam about.

We leaned back close, "Fay I was thinking about our first meeting at the club& " Eve kissed me, "I can't remember enjoying sex as much with anyone until then and now Ku."

I rested my hand on her sex mound, "Eve you were delicious I hadn't eaten pussy for some time and never with such enjoyment. It was as if I'd been waiting for someone like you. Sexual pleasure giving and receiving openly. I was amazed about that after I learned some about your life."

"Oh Fay I loved being with you for the same reasons, you delighted in returning my caresses. No secret about Ku and me, we are so good together. We complement each other and I think I could enjoy living here but I want to take her to the U.S. to see it or at least some of it."

"If Thursday's not a big bomb for me I want you to work full time for me! Are you up for it?"

I got a huge hug and kiss, "Ya Man!"

The trio in the dinghy returned and I got Jian in my lap while Ku crunched Eve. Ting went to the bar leaving me to deal with Little Miss One Foot. I made her squirm though, fingers in her panties searching for her boy clit. Ting finally swapped me a Campari for Jian. Good trade!

I had a towel for each of the swimmers as they came aboard, chatting about the colors and effects. Some evening snacks in the lounge after the swimmers changed, Cho gallantly made several trips to the food for me, marveling at how I could eat but be skinny.

Funny, none of us were big drinkers, companionable I would call it. Happy, easy going in the backwash of events. Thang was questioned about few things but he didn't have many answers because he had only been in at one point of the action.

I was with Cho on the bow; I had stopped to get the envelope. We stood there his arms around me from behind as I tossed the old chains and disks into the river. "Gone! You need to make changes to cover the last bits, OK?"

Cho said he would make a plan.

Alone, just holding each other, whispering and kissing. "Fay, quick visit in the morning, OK?"

I agreed, sleepy, we wandered down to our cabin. On the bed my silk nightie, nearly sheer and cutoff at my hips was lifted so Cho could caress me, "No sex just touching then sleep."

He petted my body for a while before drawing me close, "Good sleep Dearest!"

The sun was warming my back as I rowed Jian and I over to the shore. We visited with Kure and Tani for a while; I got got a mini Thai lesson via Jian and Kure. I admired her calmness and her skill with the needle. Tani gave me a big hug at the boat. She endeared herself just being a young girl doing young girl things.

I talked with Jian on the row back about helping without creating dependency; she could see I had the bit between my teeth.

"Fay, maybe being friends is enough?"

I saw her point but I knew I had to go on somehow.

The  girls crew' gathered sans tops on the bow again until lunch time when I sat beside Jian. Dangerous when armed with chop sticks although I have to say Ting made good for my lost shrimp and crispy fish.

Lots of hugs on the dock as we all were going separate ways, Jian hoisted over Ting's shoulder for a ride to their bedroom.

Cho and I showered with our usual horseplay which didn't end with a mouthful of cum for me. Sadly!

Races! Black sleeveless blouse with gold buttons, showing lots of tummy, red and black tartan pleated mini-skirt low on my hips, black thigh high stockings and black pumps, little purse with gold clasp.

Ready for the track!

Cho took me to the stables to visit his horse that was running today. A beautiful golden chestnut, tall, big butt named  Glaa,' "It means Brave and he is courageous on the track."

I bet a few times nothing much following Cho's lead. Damn if we didn't win most! Then in the 8th Glaa was up in a stakes race named after some general or something, 1 and 1/8th mile! I put a bunch on his nose to win. In the box we watched the start, bumping but no big deal. Glaa was off the pace running 5 lengths astern of the leaders. On the back stretch he improved a bit and at the turn he rushed forward. He was behind 3 horses who were tight bunched as the turn began but spread some around the curve. Glaa didn't have a way through until one drifted toward the rail and Glaa dashed into the gap. The drifting one tried to comeback from the rail but it was too late Glaa was there. Boom! He exploded through into the clear at the top of the stretch and ran away from the rest of the field by the 1/8th pole he was 4 lengths ahead and pulling away to finish 6 lengths ahead.

Brave indeed! Glaa did Cho proud! We went down to the winner's circle where an old widow (of the general, I think) gave Cho a nice silver cup. He was all smiles. The trainer was pleased and the jockey about Jian's size quite happy with it all since Glaa had made him look good.

I stood back and took it all in. Someone slid their arm around me, Mr. Thoi!

"Well Fay, you have come up winners today!" Smiling, looking quite relaxed.

I gave him a kiss on his cheek, "Indeed I have! And you?"

"Ah, I was not doing very well until this race. I backed Cho's Glaa as I have before and now I am ahead for the day."

He steered me off to one side, "I do not want to rain on your day but that Saul fellow is still out there."

I patted his hand, "I think we are protected even here." I pointed out three men within 20 feet who worked for Cho's security.

There were two more races so back in the box with Mr. Thoi. Just small talk until a man in a dark suit handed Mr. Thoi a note. His face didn't change but he excused himself reminding me we needed to set a day for lunch. "Not this week but next."

"Thursday or Friday, will you want to meet my boss?"

"Perhaps as a member of the Railroad Board but if you need anything else please call."

After the last race we went to the stables and I got to meet Glaa a bit closer. The trainer said he could be a wound-up in his stall after a race so be careful. I liked horses and had always had good relationships.

"Hello Glaa, brave one." I reached for his nose, he lowered his head so could stroke him making small sounds like a chirp. I ran my hands over his face slowly, gently, he was quiet. Upright ears were soft and his mane almost velvety.

The trainer was nonplussed, "I have never seen him be so quiet with some he does not know."

I whispered he was handsome and strong young man. Cho stood at the entry watching me, a huge smile across his face.

In the car on the way home, he took my face in his hands, "Fay tames all the males!"

He kissed me, at first a slowly then with building passion. My arms snaked around him, then pulled into his lap, "Fay you are so desirable in every way!"

He could see I was deeply emotionally about him; my eyes welled up but& "Fay don't cry, we have something that goes deep, my gut tells me I am going grow old with you."

Then I really did cry but Cho's big white handkerchief stemmed the flow. I slipped off his lap to repair my face after a few more kisses, I didn't want to be a raccoon.

We had a nice quiet dinner with Jian and Ting on the terrace. Amporn's cooking is so good; I made a piggy of myself.

Cho holding me in bed later, "You are going to have a busy, emotional week. Be prepared and tell me if there is anything I can do to help."

I kissed him, "You are already doing the best thing!"

In the dark, on my side his warm body spooned up against me& I am ready for whatever comes since Cho wants me.

Monday at the Rail yard managed by Kavnu, I dressed more casual. White short sleeved top, short with gold buttons down the front, navy blue mini skirt, navy and white slope heeled sandals, white purse. Navy, white and red bangle bracelets on my wrist. Jian half-awake in the kitchen gave me a whistle, Cho went one better, big kiss. I fixed my red lipstick after that!

Lek drove me over to the Railroad office to pick up the laptops and we were off. Kavnu and Tarek were ready. They had done all the hardware and software updates, I setup the laptops, installed the new software manager on Kavnu's desktop. We ran many tests, calling down to the track where a foreman and crew scanned the test barcodes for us. Tarek had really become engrossed with the whole idea and delighted in trying new things with the data. Kavnu smiling over his back, I had to agree. Lek sitting across the room just shaking his head.

I was on the deck as Tarek came out to go down to the tracks, "Miss Fay & " he was self-conscious, "I know we can not be together again, I must tell you of the pleasure you gave me and the memory will be with me." He held up his hand, "And I must thank you for trusting me with these new duties and I will be doing as good as I can."

A long speech by Tarek's standards, I gave him a hug and cheek kiss, "You will do well I'm sure. I'm glad to see you excited by this. You get to go visit other yards and get to know new people. It's all a good thing!"

He was smiling as he went down. Kavnu came out, "Tarek is& how to say it  all fired up'& Yes?"

I laughed, "You got it right! He's very pleased with himself and that's good for us all. Do we need anything for tomorrow?"

He was sure we were fine and he'd meet me at the Railroad building about 9.

Lek took me back to the office, I did email in the car ignoring the security cars that were omnipresent now. Ku had new boxes of cookies and biscuits for a mid-day Tea. Eve, Ku, Lek and I sat outside munching, chatting about Wednesday.

My iPhone went off, Cho! "Yes dear?" Did I want to go dancing for a short while he knew I'd be getting up earlier Tuesday? Obvious answer, YES!

I sat down to email with Reg, sending what I knew about our tests today and how the new stuff worked. Eric's trip was going well so he has been in a good temper. Did I want to change my picture on the company website? Oh there's a good one. I temporized, "I like some pictures taken out here so i will look at them and send one."

Goody, the new well on the Hampshire property was done and came in for less money than projected. Deal!

I got Lek to drive me to the iStudio store again; I wanted an iPhone for Cho. Bin, the cutie, was there. He seemed genuinely pleased to see me maybe even a bit of chubbiness in those tight slacks. He told me we just had to swap the sim card and go online to change the data plan. I got the gold one like mine and a similar case.

Done and dusted in short order. I think Bin enjoyed me if only visually. The bulge hadn't gone down by the time I left. Lek had been nearby watching it all, "Fay you are a tease!"

"Now that's not fair. You had more than a tease if you might remember!"

He was contrite but still thought I had used my femininity on poor Bin. "How? I paid the regular price you know."

He drove shaking his head but it was easy to laugh it off. Things do look different from the other side, I was glad I hadn't been like that.

Jian called, she and Ting had heard from Cho about the dancing. "Would you be mad with me if I wanted to stay home?"

"Of course not! Cho thought it a way to let off some energy! We won't be out long. See you in a little while."

At the Railroad Building, I was on the phone with Rokson looking towards Ku's area when a delivery driver arrived with a sizeable box. Ku signed for and pointed towards me. I had a sideways glance at the man in uniform, hat pulled down& something about him& SHIT it was Saul. Lek was on the other side of him now as he approached. I didn't panic...then he tossed the box at me& I dodged it which he didn't expect, off balance he lunged for me with a long bladed knife.

He was moving fast swinging the knife as I moved aside, he sliced my left forearm& aaaahhhh but he tripped, I had my MacBook Air crashing down on his skull. He made deep grunting sound falling to his knees& bloody! I kicked his balls& the screech was LOUD& I'd made perfect contact.

Lek was there as I backed away; he fired once hitting Saul in the thigh. Eve's hands were wrapped around my arm pressing hard, Ku on the phone calling for the Railroad medics.

Lek cuffing the crying, whimpering Saul.

SHIT SHIT it hurt& "Ku call Mr. Keren on my phone!"

Lek's shirt was wrapped around my wound; Eve still holding tight over it. The medics were here quickly&

Ku told Mr. Keren what happened and where and that Saul was immobilized and I was hurt but safe.

Lek called Cho's security men downstairs, they were here albeit late.

I sat there letting the medics do whatever to me SHIT it did hurt, I wiggled my fingers& more pain but they all worked. Lek watching another medic stop Saul's bleeding.

The badly dented MacBook my savior!

At least this part of my adventure was over! Why was killing me so important to Saul? The jerk should have just taken off! A cluster of medics kept working on me. They wanted me to go downstairs to a vehicle, on a stretcher. I was swayed between two men, at the bottom of the steps Lt. Tak appeared.

"Miss Martin is to be loaded on my helicopter. Now!"

Several cammo suited guys lifted me into the helicopter, Lt. Tak and Eve climbed in. Swoosh we rose in the air, the sky swirled around and we were off like a rocket. The Lt. was talking fast on his radio, Eve's pale face near mine, tears. I squeezed her hand, "Eve I'm ok! Do you have Cho's number?"

She held up my iPhone, I knew I was smiling, "It's in there please call him."

The noise made it impossible, "Eve call him when we land OK?"

We landed on a rooftop; a gurney, then all I saw were ceilings and bright lights.

OH YES! Pain as my bandage was opened. "Miss we are giving you something for the pain now."

Waking& coming up from the black like in that horrible room in Korat, was I still there& ? No Cho's face was the first thing I saw. A gentle kiss, "My love& "

Eve's face paler maybe but not lined with worry AND Mr. Keren's face, stern as always but looking towards me like& he wasn't worried.

I was surrounded by white on white with pale blue accents, the bed was soft, a few tubes and a big bandage.

Cho went first, "Your arm is ok! It is a deep cut in one area but shallow for most of it. You will full use of it when it heals. No permanent damage, OK?"

I smiled and nodded, "Saul? I heard a shot by Lek?"

Mr. Keren leaned in, "He is not badly hurt. Lek shot him in the thigh to immobilize him, it is only a flesh wound but you had already done most of the damage," shaking his head, "You are a tough customer Fay!"

I laughed, OW! OW! No more of that. I settled for a smile.

Mr. Keren took my good hand, "I do mean that but you won't have to worry about Saul any more, he is locked up tight with the others. There are enough charges so that they will either never get out or they will be very very old!"

I could hear his hardness was satisfied with that but worse would have been ok with him too.

I drifted a bit; a doctor was there beside my bed, "Miss Martin, can you talk to me for a moment?"

I said I was awake. He told me I could go home but I would have to be easy and return in a few days so they could check the wound. And there would be repeated visits until it was healed.

He raised the bed and I could see Cho! Eve and Ku together, Jian leaning back on Ting. Thang and Lawan, Kavnu holding Ni's hand, Udorn and his Mrs.

"See you are well attended and will be taken care of properly but remember you will have to be easy."

Cho came forward, "Jian picked out some things for you to wear. The other clothes were a mess. The men will withdraw, Ladies!" He waved his hands setting movement forth. The girls got me up and dressed. Shorts and a crop top and sandals, hair fixed a bit and onto a wheel chair for my exit.

The nice doctor wheeled me out to one of Cho's big Merc's. The car smoothed out the ride home. I refused to be carried; the sling was keeping my arm tight limiting the motion. We sat on the terrace as Cho organized dinner with Amporn. He got help for her, the Kiet Family restaurant brought over food for our crowd.

Cho said I would have to go to bed in a short while, he didn't want me up late. He knew I wouldn't put off going to the office tomorrow for the yard managers meeting since it was important to me.

Mr. Keren came with his wife, so pretty and petite, an exquisite beauty. "Fay this is my wife, Phailin. Dear this is the lady who causes so much trouble!"

My mouth went open but Phailin stepped right in, "Pay him no mind, he can be an old fuss-budget. It is nice to meet you AND& We meet when I feel you may not be calling on my husband so often in the future."

We held hands, "Thanks for covering for him so nicely. He nearly caused me to faint in the first moments when we met in Pattaya. Has he told you how  cool' he played it?" That set us off chattering together, we got drinks Mr. Keren watched us getting on. I saw a few shakes of that fine head. He sat with Cho I guess commiserating with each other as Phailin and I gabbed away.

I steered her around doing introductions as we went. We made a stop in the kitchen so I could take a pain pill, she wondered if we should sit for a while. Back outside she parked me, got Cho and her husband, putting them to work to bring us some food. I had to laugh at Mr. Keren and Cho doing her bidding.

Udorn's Mrs. sat with us, they did exchange a few stories about me which was embarrassing but they it in fun to show their men's concern over me. Mrs. Udorn loved the little story about Mr. Keren's introduction to me.

I could see everyone understood the significance of Saul as an end point to all the drama from the Brother's and the abductions and the like but I saw it as the beginning, the real start for Cho and me.

The Udorn's made their exit, Phailin held my hand, "Fay I see that you still have many worries and opportunities and if I or Mr. Keren can help in any way please let us. Yes?" We walked hand in hand to their car, the driver jumped out to get the door, Phailin waved him back in. I got a gentle sweet kiss on my cheek, "You go to bed now and rest. I will be calling you soon."

Cho and Mr. Keren shook hands and I got another cheek kissed.

I stood with Cho wrapped around me as the car passed the gate. "Fay bed for you!" "Yessir! Yessir!" He was gentle with me only a pat on my pussy cheeks. I went through everyone kissing and hugging. Jian and Ting took over as hosts.

Kamol and her US Marine sergeant were leaving; he told me I should give close combat instruction to soldiers. We all had a laugh at the sight of me doing that.

Cho propped me up in pillows and cushions on the bed, "Fay did you want another pain pill?"

I told him I was ok now, just wanting to sleep.

Cho sat beside me, we kissed, "Sleep!" We held each and I went off pretty easily. I was awake a few hours later Cho holding me,. I needed a pill but couldn't get it without waking Cho. He was all smiles when I did, funny guy!

His warmth was like a sleeping aid, I was asleep again soon.

The morning wasn't too bad. The pain was down. Jian and Ting helped Cho with me, Little Miss Plastic wrapped leg got a cousin, Little Miss Plastic wrapped arm. I was clean, hair done by Jian, light blue shirt dress and dark blue belt, dark blue heels and bag. Jian insisted on the pink nail polish and lipstick.

Some coffee and salapaos. Lek and the car was waiting. Off I went with Cho beside me.

"Don't worry I will not just sit around making you fret about me. I have things to do downtown. I have another car meeting me. Just  knock'em dead Honey' I know you will. If they get it then the rest will be easy, remember the Railroad board loved it and had fun playing around."

"I need to shop for some slings in different colors this basic white doesn't do it for me."

That broke up Cho! "Fay I should not ever worry about you, you are steady, solid. You did not panic yesterday even when you were hurt."

He stood beside me at the Railroad office front door, his arm extended. I rested my good hand on the firm brown arm and was escorted to my office. Ku was all smiles and Eve came up to me, "Damn don't you look good! I sure couldn't have done what you did."

I looked into the scene of the action& WOW! It was all cleared and cleaned. Just as if nothing had occurred. On my desk was the U-shaped MacBook I'd used as a weapon. Next to it was a new MacBook!

I turned to Cho, a big sneaky grin, "Yes I had it replaced. Even all the data and programs are there. That nice fellow Bin at the iStudio managed to salvage the hard drive and move the contents for you."

HUGE hug and kiss, "Thank you I had wondered what would be left. Such a nice man!"

"I do like making you happy!"

"You being Cho is what makes me happy!"

He gave me a kiss and took off. Kavnu arrived, they shook hands as they passed. Kavnu was almost bouncing, "Fay I am so glad you are here. We are ready, I have it all setup in the conference room."

He gently touched my arm in the sling with a soft smile.

"Thank you so much for getting it all done here so I didn't have to do much." A soft kiss on his warm cheek.

"Ok let's go!"

The yard managers had probably heard some thing's about me but I went in as if I were a blank to them. They got a rundown on my CV, my company and what we had accomplished so far at Kavnu's yard. I gave them an overview of the changes they could expect, timing for transition and how they could participate at other yards before theirs was started.

The manager at BangBamru rail yard, Yaison looked up with excitement in his eyes as his yard was announced as the next one. I gave them all a look at pictures of how the cabling and the bar code readers were installed. I especially asked that during the process we would be open to ideas from them on how to improve the process and any ideas on shortcuts. I told them about the drilling through the berms that I had suggested get the cabling through tight spots. They were all nodding theirs heads at that one.

We then moved them to the computers Kavnu setup. I let him take the lead and just moved around helping with questions. Rokson stopped me, "Fay you are good at this! I do hope your arm will be completely recovered."

We chatted a bit, I helped Yaison do a multi item search, he loved it. I took him to my laptop to show him some of the features of the management software he'd have available. I showed the contours where we wanted to drill through the berm at his yard, he gave me the history of that area being the oldest elevated track in his yard so the soil would be well settled.

Kavnu came over, "Fay they are enjoying just the Board members did!"

I patted him on the back, "Yes, thanks to you getting this all setup. I'm very pleased!"

Kavnu's face might have spilt open from happiness, "Oh Fay everything for me going so well!"

Shit, we were infected with that dread disease - happiness! I got a call from Mr. Thoi, "Fay I am devastated about your attack yesterday. I heard when I came back into Bangkok this morning. Keren said you would make a full recovery, that is true Yes?"

I gave him what I knew. He told me he had gotten my email about no news media for the next day's ceremony. "So we are on for 1PM at the Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall, in the garden outside, inside if it rains. It is a serious ceremony so& "

"I got it Mr. Thoi, I need to dress appropriately. Decorously!"

He laughed, "Yes but do not overdo it. You must be you Fay. I understand you and Phailin were quite close last night."

More laughs from me, "Yes we did get on very well. Mr. Keren seemed to be pleased and anxious about it."

"Just so you know if it didn't come up, Phailin is my first cousin. She has always been a bit of a terror to the family. She married well if you ask me but some thought she could have done better. Keren is a rock and all that implies. So go back to your yard managers and I will see you tomorrow."

Rokson came over when I hung up, "At BangBamru you think 4 or 5 drillings? I can have the pipe there on Friday."

We looked over the contours and counted my drawing points, "Let me make a call and we'll know but I would think Monday or Tuesday would most likely be start."

"Reg, Hey! The parts for the next yard have shipped? Good, I'll send my stuff on the layout. I'm planning to drill for PVC through some berms in crowded sections. Yes, it's perfect and they have the equip ready. Yes I'm concerned about Thursday and I have something else to tell you& "

I gave him an abbreviated version of yesterday, he was horrified but calmed down when I finished. I told there was a lot more but I just couldn't do it on the phone.

He asked about shipping a new MacBook, I told it had been replaced already locally. Send him the bill for the replacement he'd get me reimbursed.

"Well don't worry about Eric, he's OK! Just let him see what's what and you'll be great!"

"Rokson I'll know where the parts are when I check my email shortly."

Kavnu could see I was flagging a bit, "Fay go sit we are nearly done here and Rokson& " he looked at him, "Will you help me to take down some of this?"

Ku fussed over me, tea and cakes were readied. Eve parked me in a chair, handing me my pain pills. They knew I was tired because I didn't eat my accustomed amount of treats.

"Eve would you please ask Rokson to come over when he can."

He was there like a shot, surprised me, I let him know the parts tracking showed them arriving Friday AM and we'd check them here and arrange shipment to BangBamru.

"NO NEED! I will take them over myself.' That got my eyebrows raised but& "The cabling you have purchased locally?"

We got it all straight and I leaned back closing my eyes. I was out but for how long? My awakening was done by a very handsome man, Cho!

"Fay let us go home. You need to rest."

Lek was still driving for me via the Railroad using one of Cho's big powerful Merc's we dropped into the seats Cho holding me close.

"Tonight we eat at home, go to bed early, you rest and then go to the palace. Got it?"

"Yessir! Yessir!"

"You will use that one too many times!" But I got a kiss anyway.

Jian helped get me into a bikini, lying in the sun felt so good. We shared a big lounge, two banged up ones. Playing I made an weak attempt to get into her bottoms easily rebuffed but& "later, I will want you to."

We laughed about it and our bandages. The nice doctor at the hospital called, just checking, wants to see me Wednesday morning, would 9AM be too early?

I put the appointment in my calendar that I shared with Cho. He loved his iPhone. Ting kept borrowing Cho's iPhone until Cho mentioned they were available in a store.

I gave him Bin's name at the iStudio location in La Villa Mall, "They have lots of cases and other goodies, take Jian, both of you get one!"

He decided to go right then, Jian handed over her phone so he could get her contacts moved and off he went. Cho smiling, "Well he has got the bug!"

I stretched Jian half-rolled over me her warm body pressing on me, "Fay it is so nice to just be here with you, quiet you know."

I put my good arm around her, hugging her tight and agreed.

Amporn brought some tasty treats for three of us, we munched and talked about the  thing' tomorrow.

I dozed with Jian for a while until Ting returned with his treasures. Jian got to play, we giggled texting each other, calling Cho and Ting, generally making nuisances of ourselves.

Dinner was a wonderful series of fish dishes mixed with rice's of different types and some slow cooked vegetables that were sweetly spiced.

We sat around like beached whales for a sometime in the cooling night.

Cho scooped me up with a monosyllabic, "Bed!"

Ting followed suit with Jian, outside our door I hugged both of them, "Sleep well!"

Cho stripped me down, fitted a silk nightie over my bandage, patted my pussy cheeks and pointed to the bed.

He gathered me in his strong arms, "Tomorrow will draw a line under one part of this, more to come but it is progress."

A soft kiss and a lot of pillows to prop my arm and I was asleep very soon with Cho's body close and warm.

Sun was up a bit, Cho sleeping quietly beside me, I dozed for a while before gently waking my man. He was awake right away, checking me.

"I'm fine, hungry, need a shower and some love!"

I got a spectacular kiss; love, devotion, lust, caring, passion all packed in to it!

Wow! What a way to start the day! Fed, washed, ready to dress. Black sleeveless dress, a few inches above the knee, black stockings with garter belt, black undies and bra silky soft.

Shiny black pumps and bag with big gold clasp. Red nails and toes, not too red, decorous.

Black scarf with gold birds was now my sling. The mirror told me I was looking good. Jian all in red and white was delicious looking. Ting and Cho heartily agreed.

First stop at hospital, Cho would meet me later at Railroad Building.

OW! OW! OW! As the bandage is removed. It looks ugly but strangely the doctor is pleased. New smaller bandage.

Lek carried me off to the Railroad. Ku fussed, Eve looked amused, "She doesn't make over me like that."

Ku gave her a look, "You are not injured! And do not get hurt so I have to fuss over you please."

Email, such a waste of time even with the company filter there's so much junk. Reg was sent me a link for an update that I forwarded to Kavnu.

Boy, Reg was in for a surprise whenever he got to see me again.

Tea and cakes! Something to top me up before the ceremony.

I was standing in my office looking where Saul had gone down, no sign anything untoward had ever occurred but my memory was clear. The bent MacBook on the windowsill did bring a smile to my face. Eve stepped in with some mail, she nudged me gently, "Gurl you know how to swing a laptop!"

We laughed, "Expensive club!"

It would an ornament forever!

Cho picked me up with Eve and Ku, the drive was short to the Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall. Beautiful building, we drove through the ornate gate and were escorted out to the grassy space immediately behind. The girls were there with their men, Mr. Keren and Phailin, Mr. Thoi, a crowd of dignitaries beside a group of uniformed police and soldiers, a full house. We joined the girls as the Prince I met on the night I was freed stepped forward to introduce Mr. Keren.

He gave a very nice speech on how we had sussed out the conspiracy, led law enforcement to the criminals, how we were kidnapped and freed. The whole bit.

Mr. Keren also told the security police side, how they got involved, tracking us and the rescue. He briefly described the effect of the other raids on the various criminal enterprises in the other countries. He also gave us girls high praise for our patience and fortitude.

The Prince gave each of us a medal for our bravery. Also a reward of 350,000 Bahts for each of us. Thanks! Over $10,000 nearly £6,500. Very nice cash!

I got pushed forward to speak on our behalf, I managed to cover everything, thanks for everything and happy to be here and hope for the future, etc&

With me still at the lectern the Prince and Mr. Thoi came forward and together they made the award of Thai Citizenship to me. I knew about it but it was emotional to be thanked in such a conspicuous manner. I could do many more things as a real citizen but also had obligations.

What did make it more compelling was that it was done in my new name Fay Martin. It made a world of difference to me. I managed a curtsy for the Prince which brought a smile to his handsome face.

We then got a salute from the policemen which was a gallant gesture.

Afterwards there was a reception, a general milling about under a large tent. I skipped the alcoholic drinks sticking with my fruit drink. Mr. Keren kidded me about that first night and my fruit drinks. Phailin holding my hand, gave me a squeeze, "I think that first night is going to go down in folklore."

She and I toured around, I was introduced to many people with sometimes comic asides added on by Phailin. Ting was Gunga Din for the one footed Jian, Cho was in conversation with two men in dark suits.

"What must that be about? Some deal?"

Phailin waved her hand, "They never stop doing business do they. I see your friends Eve and Kulap complement each other. Tall and short, both slender though and appear to be very attached."

I mentioned they were one of my  matchmaking' deals. She laughed, "So you have the deal making bug too?"

"What about Mr. Thoi? is he married?"

Phailin leaned close, "His wife is shy but a sweet beautiful woman who incidentally has a doctorate from Oxford in English Literature. Their children are all grown and off like ours. She works for the Red Cross here in Bangkok. You will meet her, she comes over to visit on my little social days that I want you to join us when you can."

The Prince came over to us, smiling, bowing to us which was very flattering, "I must go but it has been nice to see you again. I do wish you could not always be a little worse for wear when we meet in the future." The smile was much broader now.

I had to laugh, "I do hope that the drama will be less so you might see me without bandages. Thank you for your generosity and kind words."

"You my dear earned them all. Phailin, always a pleasure to see you. My wife told me one of your funny stories, quite droll. Goodbye for now."

I looked at her, she has such a cute wicked grin on her face, "I told her about a young man who came to Thailand to work, was semi-abducted, became a woman and a hero. She did think I made up."

"But I had met the Prince before& ?"

"I suppose he hadn't shared that with his wife. She is a bit credulous."

After the Prince left a thinning out began. Cho collected me once Mr. Keren and Phailin departed.

"You look smashing with your medal around your neck the gold and red are right for you. How about we host a gathering on Saturday at home for all these nice people?"

Home! Said so casually! It warmed my heart!

I told my love I'd enjoy being a hostess. "Do we need to hire more help if we are going to entertain? I'd like to hire Kiet at least part-time."

I got a kiss and& "You share with me. That entitles us both suggest anything and we can talk about it. We are a couple, a pair! Talk to Kiet, he might be happy with us."

No crying! Before we all separated, I asked them to set Saturday aside and got a chorus of Yesses! I'd see some the next day at the Railroad and the others I told I would call with details.

Next: Chapter 32

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