
By A becker

Published on Jan 18, 2015



I sent his lovely cum down my throat where it belonged keeping the cock tight gently moving my finger in that sexy ass. Cho relaxed back but small jerks told me my mouth was still having an effect. He did not ask to be freed I just got to continue loving his cock!

I slowed to a stop just being a cock holder smiling up at my love.

"Fay you do make me feel so wonderful! Come up here."

I laid over him my face on his shoulder, "Cho's cum is so tasty!"

We snuggled, warm, comfortable holding each other. We eased under the covers cuddling naked. Cho pulled pillows over to prop my arm. Drifting nicely to sleep. Warm! Happy!


I was sipping coffee in my big fluffy robe leaning on the island in the kitchen when Malee appeared, sleep ruffled but smiling.

"How was your `sleep?" Arching my eyebrows!

Malee hugged me, "Fay it is so generous of you and Cho! Eric and I fit nicely!"

"Good I hope the dancing is as good. Do you want to borrow a bikini? Jian's going to lay out with me."

Cho was in his office talking with Eric so we got Malee fixed up and sprawled in the sun. More coffee and a pile of fruit and salapaos courtesy of Amporn, we were set!

After a time of cooking ourselves in the sun the three men joined us. Cho lowered himself onto me his Speedo giving a small indication of interest. Ting did the same on Jian. Malee opened her arms to Eric. He was attired in one of Cho's Speedos with rather a strong display of interest in the large amount of skin Malee was showing in the loaned bikini.

There was a lot of giggling and wiggling before Amporn made the rounds of coffee refills. She had a happy face.

What a lazy day! Jian and I couldn't go swimming but the others did. Eric did some dives and Malee followed but lost her top. The gallant men found it for her; Malee restored it to its proper place. That ended the diving.

Eric and I looked at Ni's CV and the thumb drive. He took some time to examine at the code she included. Good tight code did the job intended. He liked her work.

I made a piggy of myself with crispy fish at lunch but Malee beside me made a fair effort to keep up. Cho heaved me over his shoulder, "Fay you eat so much but are as light as ever!"

He parked me back on the lounge, I held open my arms, "Girls come on!"

Jian and Malee piled on, we lay there laughing away. I was browning nicely with tiny bikini lines that Cho loved. I whispered to them I'd never seen this side of Eric and it was easier as a girl for me. Malee kissed my cheek saying she had a very good time with him. A big smile, "My mother sometimes despairs of my ever marrying since I am 25 but I like being independent.' We hugged, toasting with juice "to independence!"

I tried Dr. Thannet's office not knowing about Sunday hours. Surprisingly he answered the phone and was pleased to hear from me. My request was simple; he would send the documentation to me at the Railroad Building by courier in the morning. I mentioned SRS, "Fay if you want a referral I will enclose it in a separate envelope with the others." I thanked him; I said I would come by for a quick exam and prescriptions before making a business trip later in the week.

Dinner on the terrace was a take away buffet from a favorite restaurant of Cho's. French Polynesian cuisine with lots of fish. MMMMMM!

As we dressed for The Ice Rink Cho wondered how much I could dance. I told him I wanted to try but no overdo it.

I donned a new dress, red halter top in metallic fibers attached to a white narrow pleated full skirt. Red thigh high stockings and white pumps with a white clutch purse with a gold clasp. Bare back and a band of bare skin above my stockings. The red scarf with gold bangles as sling. RED lipstick and nails!

Malee had been run home to dress and brought a few things along for later and tomorrow. She was in a shimmering dark blue sleeveless dress, more than a few inches above the knee and blue stockings and shoes.

Jian had a gold `Ao Dai' type dress, high collared but open down the sides over white satin pants that hung on her slender hips. Sexy skin showing along her torso! Jian looked great; most of her cast was under the pants leg.

Eric had gone with Cho and Ting on a shopping trip. They had long sleeved body tight shirts in aqua and orange, slender leg bell-bottomed trousers in a darker orange and big wide heeled shoes. Near comic but they all looked so good! The 1970's!

Cho said Rak and Anong would meet us there and that he had a small surprise at The Ice Rink.

The man in the vivid blue suit met us at the door; the line to get in was longer than the last time. We stopped, Cho spoke to him, "Please be sure we let in as many as the law allows. Tonight we want everyone to dance."

The man was nodding as Cho also told him about Rak and Anong, I handed him the names of the two young people from The Ballroom I'd invited, "Any questions call!"

The whole place was buzzing! We walked to the booth, OH it was changed! Cho had had it made larger now all of us would be in together! I gave him a hug, in my ear, "I wanted to share with more friends so I had it done last week." We piled in as Rak and Anong showed up!

Since Jian wasn't dancing she was in the middle next to me, "I love you," whispered into her ear. We hugged her eyes bright like the very first time. Cho hauled me out onto the dance floor; we were off in a fast quickstep across the floor as it pulsed colors beneath us. The music pounding out, the whole crowd swaying! `Blondie' was pounding through my ears.

It was a fuss to deal with only one arm but I had to dance!

In an interval the DJ reminded everyone that the contest would start in an hour. Vivid blue suit came by the booth with paper and pencil for us to be judges and the young couple I had met at The Ballroom. They had gotten my invite and had been taken in at the door a short while before. They said they would enter the contest; I gave them hugs for good luck!

I plopped my tired skinny butt beside Jian, she eased a Cosmo into my hand. Nice! Cho's arm snaked around me, happy I could dance some.

Rak and Anong went by smiling faces as they danced to a Donna Summer tune. They were a handsome pair. I hadn't seen Eric and Malee for a while then they swung by going fast really looking quite engrossed in the dance and each other! "Pointer Sisters" followed "I'm So Excited," Michael Jackson, the Village People, Rick James, Bee Gees!

After a few more dances my arm ached so we called a night on dancing. I brought some pain meds just in case so I stopped drinking. Cho held me close for a kiss.

Eric sat beside me as Cho took a turn on the floor with Malee, "Fay, thanks so much for this! I haven't had so much fun for quite some time!" I leaned over to squeeze his hand with my good one.

As the dance contest neared we got drinks and food before it kicked off. I was doing juice and munching.

Rak and Anong joined the contest which I thought made a statement about their confidence in each other. The floor had so many numbered pairs as the contest was closed, Cho took a wireless mic, "Every pair who has entered will be given a free pass to two future visits to The Ice Rink!" Huge applause and cheering. He stepped back as the music came up, joining us in an area above the booth where we could see better.

The dancers swaying in time to music were beautiful. Cho kissed me, "I have men doing video so we can have a show made." We scribbled down the pair numbers were thought should go on to the next round. I had my arm around Jian, Cho leaned over my shoulder. I could see Rak and Anong they looked so strong and fluid I had to include them.

It was down to 24 pairs. Music filled the hall as they swept into the next round. I loved the motion, color and sound blended together. Cho's arms around me from behind as I wiggled to the beat of the tune I managed to write with his help our choices. The music of Gloria Gaynor, Earth, Wind & Fire, the O"Jay's, Kool & the Gang, so many more!

I didn't even think of Rak and Anong as friends just focusing on the number. They were in the semis. There was a break as we now had 12 pairs. Our young invitees' had had fun but weren't in the next round. I waved to them! We will be back' was what they called out to me.

The air conditioning was barely keeping up but my halter dress kept me cool but there was much mopping of faces by the men. Our guys looked so slick in their 70's duds.

The 12 were back! OH I'd love be out there. Cho in my ear divining my thoughts, "Yes we will try on another night!" Flash they were off all cross the floor, bright faces, brilliant moves, quick feet!

Damn it was harder; we had to reduce it to 6 couples. Cheering as the music stopped.

Rak and Anong didn't make the last 6 but they done so well. They congratulated the others before joining us again.

Anong's eyes were bright and wet, "Fay all through I was thinking of your words. Holding Rak...well, it was so special!" Rak's arm slipped around her, his face showed the exertion and something more! We were standing just off the floor in the booth; Rak pulled her close, "Marry me?" She was still holding my hand, big squeeze, "Yes!" Well the kiss was wonderful to watch! Hugs all around! Rak's back was pounded, Anong kissed. A toast by Cho before we got back to work judging.

Two dances to go! The DJ using the tunes Cho wanted started them off with ABBA's 'Dancing Queen' they all looked so fine!

I liked couple #9. They were lithe, brilliant in Orange, red and blue colors! They were wonderfully emotional in all their movements; I could 'feel' them! Others must have seen what I saw they were finalists. #21 was the other pair, they very good, exceptionally synchronized.

I was on edge as Donna Summer's 'Last Dance' began. #21 looking good but #9 was so HOT, dancing like I would be with Cho! The driving rhythm had them flying!

I was bouncing up and down with the music Cho's hands on my hips from behind. Both pairs were like birds soaring on the lights from below.

A storm of applause as the tune ended. The judges who were doing the finals huddled at the end of of the floor. I was willing the #9 into their heads! We all stepped out on the floor in front of the booth waiting.

Cho had his mic. "First before the results please all the contestants return to the floor!"

They spread out in a big arc around the finalists. Ting, Eric, Malee, and I went among them handing all of them passes to The Ice Rink. Flowers to the final 24 pairs, crystal bowls to the 12 pairs, larger ones for the 6.

Then the judges came over, Cho smiled, "The winners are #9!" A huge stomping cheer. They went straight to the #21's with hugs and handshakes.

Cho and I gave the #21's a big floral bouquet and a large etched crystal vase.

The #9's, so handsome a couple, smiling I gave a huge bouquet and a hug to her as Cho handed him a silver bowl engraved with the date and the title of the finale Donna Summer tune.

The Rink was swept with applause for the winners and all the others! I couldn't applaud but I did cheer loudly bouncing on my toes. I teared up. I turned to Cho and whispered. He asked Rak and Anong. They nodded!

"One last thing before you dance again, our friends have become engaged here tonight. Rak and Anong. Join them in the next dance!"

The DJ cued up KC and the Sunshine Band's `Keep It Comin' Love' for Rak and Anong to lead the dance, as we all cheered.

I was emotionally wrung out, Jian's arm around me, Cho holding my good hand, how could things be any better!

Eric standing there a big smile as Malee pulled him into a kiss. Sweet!

Back at home on the terrace I sat in Cho's lap, the others cuddled too. It was late we were all just coming down from the excitement. I got up and went to Rak and Anong. I kissed them both. Anong held onto my hand, "Be my maid of honor?"

I started crying, "I'm thrilled! Yes of course!"

Anong pulled me into a hug, whispering, "You were the first to speak openly to me, urging me to open myself to Rak, others did not take the risk. Thank you so much!"

All the goodnights were said, at our door Jian kissed me, "Fay no one has ever done more to make me enjoy life more than you. I love living in this world with you."

Cho held me as I cried some more Jian's face against mine. Ting clasping his love close from behind.

Naked in bed with Cho, warm, happy, safe, I cried some more in his arms. He understood it all. He would, always!

My arm was sore with a low throb in the morning, too much swinging it around last night. The sun, Amporn's food and coffee made me feel better. I had to giggle as Eric and Malee arrived on the terrace.

Tousled but clearly happy together, my teasing seemed mandatory. They went with it smiling. Funny Malee was still wearing the tiny nightie top and short robe I lent her even though she'd been home for clothes. I guess she felt sexy which is good.

I was great to see Malee munching on a salapao snuggled up to Eric the sun warming both.

Lek picked us up. In the car on the way to the Railroad Building Eric gave me a look, "Fay, I really do appreciate your hospitality in so many ways. I haven't felt this relaxed for some time. Malee... well she and I make each feel good."

"That's enough isn't it? I do like all the smiling going on."

He nodded, smiling but pensive. At the Railroad Building we got into work mode. Eric planned to talk to London about equipment; could we make Bangkok the first Mac OS Server location? What would have to happen for that? Timing? Training for me? Get a trained install team out to Thailand?

Eric and I were munching on little sandwiches and tea cakes with Eve and Ku in the sun. He was looking at me, "Fay, you have a real style sense. Anyone in your family give it to you?"

My black sleeveless blouse with big gold buttons with a black and white tartan miniskirt, black stockings and pumps and the black scarf with gold birds as sling. I was looking good.

"No my mother was very much a casual dresser, slacks and jumpers, my dad was tweedy."

Eric laughed, "OK, you surely are far from that!"

Reg was on top of it as always when Eric called after lunch. It might mean a week or two but it was doable if the Railroad would agree to it being a beta site. We might have to have the tech team be around for a bit longer.

Eric and I talked to Udorn about the whole `beta' idea warning him about the hazards, possible downtime because of new software issues, frequent backups would save the data though, etc... and giving him the benefits. It would mean we wouldn't have to re-visit the install for a Windows to Mac OS switch, upgrades and updates would be more easily applied. Training for managers and support staff would only have to be done once. And the Railroad would be on the cutting edge, a model for others.

Udorn was in favor and would take it up with his boss and the board. He thought they would definitely be willing to go ahead.

Dr. Thannet's envelope arrived. I looked through it and couriered the docs to Mr. Thoi. I called, he said he would review them then overnight it all to the Washington and London lawyers.

I looked at the SRS referrals of the doctor but put it aside for tonight.

Reg called Eric with an update on using the Mas OS Servers, he checked with the development team. They felt the software was stable and would welcome a `real world' beta site. They promised 24/7 remote service during the beta period.

I went to Udorn's office to tell him. Kamol was hugging her US Marine sergeant, they'd had lunch. He was going back to duty. I got a hug from them.

Udorn had already talked to half the board and they were good with the `beta' idea knowing I would be around. Sort of a guardian angel!

Eric and I went over BangBamru layout, I pointed out my proposed boring sites. With Yaison, the yard manager, we'd be able to pick out the best spots. Kavnu came in as we started, he added to our discussion since he knew that rail yard.

I went to the hospital so the doctor could look at my arm. It hurt afterwards but it was healing fine. No hint of infection. The scar will be small he said but seeing is believing!

Eric took a car to meet Malee at Mongkut; she was cooking dinner for them. They would come home for the night since we had to be up early in the morning for the drive to the rail yard in BangBamru.

I lay out with Jian by the pool, shared a lounge petting and playing a bit. Ting came home first, quick change and he was in the pool. Out and Wet, he was dripping on us. In bed later Cho and I looked at Dr. Thannet's referrals. Cho said he would ask a few friends he could trust. We left it there but I knew I would ask Thoi and Keren too. Tuesday began early, a hot day! It was exciting to work with Eric. The boring machine did its job perfectly. Rokson had his construction guys doing it right. The cable buried properly and under the first berm.

I sat on the edge of cable wheel Kavnu came over with a cold bottle of juice, to kill the dust in my mouth he said. The rail yard was enveloped in a cloud we kicked up with our digging.

"We are doing fine, right?"

I told him yes, everyone contributing had made it easy so far.

I was glad I'd opted for shorts although I had reservations about Rokson but he been too busy to expend energy ogling my legs. Eric came over with Udorn, we talked about the progress and then joined the men for a lunch.

Udorn had the food brought out, lots of fruit, meat satays and tod mun fish cakes. Several rice dishes. The men were really pleased with Udorn giving me a wink. He got it, praise comes in many forms.

I was worn out after the long day trooping around in the rail yard and sun. Eric got me in the car with Lek's help. I semi dozed on Eric's shoulder on the way back to the Railroad Building.

Eric admired my bent Mac Air ornament again, "You make a statement!" Ku made some tea to boost us. Sipping on the balcony, "Fay I have an ulterior motive for wanting this to be a `beta' site."

I laughed, "I know! I think it's good for everyone! AND Malee is a special girl!" I hadn't asked Eric any personal questions but he decided to offer some info. He had married too young they divorced which had hurt, a failure. No contact at all. A few close friends, a few lovers but focused on work. Very intent on succeeding as CEO, moving the Company forward. But being with Malee was reminding him that he'd been unbalanced.

"Actually we talked about it last night. I'd be returning often during the `beta' period so we'd be able to meet and see what's what in a relationship."

Shit! I should consider being a professional matchmaker! My success rate right now was pretty damn good!! I voiced it to Eric which got a big laugh. He said his monk status was compromised but not over yet!

I spoke to Mr. Thoi about the SRS; he told me he'd have some suggestions when I returned from London. Mr. Keren wasn't surprised it seemed natural to him, "I know someone you should talk to. I will arrange a meeting."

With another day in BangBamru tomorrow I wanted an early night. Dinner at home was a quiet affair of 4 couples. Eric and Ni had a meeting after to talk about her coding for the company. He setup a conference call with two guys from London for the next day. Ni would use my office while we were in the field. Kavnu was pleased, "Ni knows her stuff, right?" I found it easy to agree!

Another hot, dry day ended with everyone happy about the progress at the rail yard. Everything tested fine, the berm boring working perfectly and the yard manager Yaison proud of his folks learning the methods of getting the cable in well and sensors setup and tested.

Wednesday started with doctors, the hospital first. The young doctor still happy with my healing, the wound was definitely smaller, closing. Also still ugly to me.

Dr. Thannet did a quick exam and wrote out new prescriptions for the file and Kaki filled them for me. "Fay you have healed very well. Quite good changes from the hormone therapy. Are you pleased?"

I let him know how things had worked out and what was happening regarding my work. I had 6 months of doses for everything! Lek took me to the Railroad Building.

Ni came by the office again. I got a big hug and her news. The company wanted to hire her for contract work which gave her the most flexibility with time to pursue other projects. She celebrated with Eve, Ku and I at tea, the usual heavy destruction of cookies and treats.

I called Cho to see if he had any office space that was furnished Ni could use. He sent her to a building not far from the Railroad Building to look. The property manager would meet her. She came back excited, airy, modern furnishings, maybe too big but...

Cho talked to her, no rent until she earns, flat fee for everything including fast internet. Her how much question was answered with 10bahts per month, a few pence! She was shocked but nothing would move Cho. All he said was he was seeding for the future.

Fresh tea was used for a toast.

Lek took me to Mongkut for some luggage. Malee busy at her desk paused to introduce me to her office mate who bought shoes for the store. I told her I had purchased a few and would be back. She was shy but obviously pleased by my admiration for her choices.

At home I began the process of packing. I'd never done it as my new self so it was a learning thing. Jian helped me plan outfits, how I could cross over with shoes and accessories which would reduce my baggage. We had the closets in an uproar when Cho came home. He got a good chuckle at my new-fangled predicament.

When Malee arrived she lent me a hand and gave me really good advice. After dinner we finished. I was amazed. All I needed was to add my basic cosmetics in the morning.

Lying on my side Cho and I talked about absences, how we would have to get used to them if I took the possible job as Regional thingee for the Company. We went over communicating across the time zones, sending pics and more.

I was in love for the first time and going away for the first time. I cried some but Cho kept after me about he would be right here thinking about me, our love and future.

I fell asleep in his arms when I was sure I wouldn't be able to rest.

The sun was welcome on the terrace, Jian and Ting, Eric and Malee all helped Cho keep my spirits up. Mr. Keren sent my passport back with the United Kingdom work visa all set. With a note to enjoy my trip and he would watch over Cho.

Cho and Jian were with me as I got dressed. Something comfortable, the blue short sleeved backless sun dress with dark blue stocking and pumps. Red but not too red nails and lips. Dark blue scarf as a sling and purse matching my shoes. I had my Mac Air in a nifty small briefcase which was a gift from Jian and Ting. Black leather but thin and light, big enough for the Air and books, etc...

Mr. Keren called, "Fay are you ready?" The fox, what was he up to?

His car came through the gate as I heard the fluttering of a helicopter over the river. His smile was broad, "Just a little surprise for you."

I got my kissing and hugging done, I don't know how and my little self on board with Cho and Mr. Keren. Another arrow shot trajectory to the airport. At the Royal Orchid First Class lounge I had to say goodbye to Cho. It was hard. He held me close, "Fay go with my thoughts aimed at you always." A sweet kiss, tender with love. I didn't cry, Cho asked me not to and I was able to hold on.

Mr. Keren kissed my cheek, "Go Fay, do well and enjoy."

Those lovely men used the helicopter to return to the city. I cried in a corner of the lounge. A very sweet and beautiful attendant helped me and I fixed my face. She told me Mr. Keren informed the staff about me. I had no idea what that meant until the pilot came over to greet me, "Miss Martin, It is a pleasure to have the daughter of General Keren on our flight. If we can do anything to make it your best flying experience please let us do so."

The old fox struck again. That made me smile when I thanked the pilot.

The flight stewardess helped me with my briefcase seeing my sling and the nudge from the pilot was paying dividends. Waiting for the aircraft to fill up thinking about my first flight, it was an earlier Boeing 747 from Washington, D.C. to London as we returned to England after my father was moved back. I was wearing shorts and knee socks, OH MY how things have changed.

My seat allowed me privacy with the divider up and would recline to be a bed. The chief steward came on with the full flight please find your seat canned speech in several languages. It took a while before the doors were closed. I watched as we taxied out and got in line for departure. The captain hit the accelerator and the big Boeing floated into the air. A full plane, this was so smooth. I won't fly Airbus, all their aircraft rattle and have a distinctive lack of power getting into the air. I didn't need white knuckle take-offs.

I eased back, 13 hours to go, 7 time zones.

A bit of eating, a bit of reading, a bit of sleep after a few hours in the air. The sleep was made easier when I got a few pillows to prop me from turning, they were a poor replacement for Cho!

I got up to loosen my muscles, a walk around in the quiet cabin area. A flight attendant got me some coffee as they readied dinner. I wandered about minding my own business. Two ladies, middle-aged Thais, kept looking at me. I avoided them.

I ate light, snuggled with Mr. George Orwell in my seat cocoon with coffee and Amaretto Disaronno. Strong but clear prose! To me Orwell was the best all-around writer of the 20th Century.

As we bored through the sky I slept for a while. I checked the time; we were on schedule and getting close. I did a fix up of my appearance. The First Class flight attendant said I really didn't need it. Sweet!

Eric said he'd call Reg with my arrival so he could get a car service to pick me up. At the Arrivals a slender African man was holding my name up. He greeted me as another man older grey-haired light complexion but Thai stepped up, "Miss Martin?"

I acknowledged it, "General Keren, has asked me to help you through the airport. I am Klahan." The car service driver was thanked, paid, tipped and dismissed. Me and my luggage by-passed Customs, straight to big black Jaguar at the curb.

We cleared Heathrow quickly onto the A4 moving right along.

"General Keren has put this car at your disposal. Prasert is your driver; he knows the city very well. May I put his cellphone in your contacts?"

Klahan said he'd be on call for anything I needed; his number was also in my phone now.

We made the turn to Fulham Palace Road, Prasert going smoothly through the traffic.

"Klahan, how long will Prasert and the car be available to me?"

Throughout my stay. Well Mr. Keren was spoiling me. I had an easy commute to the office, 4 block walk to Parson's Green tube station then a short ride on District Line to Notting Hill Gate Station then 2 blocks to the Company offices.

"I won't need Prasert all the time as much of my daily travel will be on the Tube. I will have to go a few other places when his skills would be appreciated."

"General Keren told me to convey that you are free to use the car as you wish. Prasert will not be doing any other duties."

I asked Prasert to stop at the corner of Kings Road near the BT shop. I was helped out by Klahan, he accompanied me to buy a BT SIM card and get a phone number. The shop fellow made it easy. Credit card applied, out the door.

Prasert turned into Basuto Road, my house was at the Eel Brook Common end. Quiet street, my place was a neat 2 story with basement, white and a nice garden. My parents bought it 40 years ago before many overseas postings but retired there. The house in Hampshire was my weekend place too far to commute but nice and cozy.

Klahan and Prasert brought in my bags and up to the bedroom. I thanked them. "Prasert how far is your base from here so I would know how much time to anticipate you needing to arrive?"

He was just across the Thames, off Armoury Way not far from the Wandsworth Bridge in Wandsworth Town area. Close!

I said goodnight.

The house was clean and neat Mrs. Batchly was an excellent housekeeper but no food except crackers. I had rested on the flight so I grabbed a couple of shopping bags and walked up the road.

It was after 8:30 but still warm so I was comfortable but threw a light sweater over my shoulders. I decided to eat and then shop. My local was The White Horse, a solid Victorian pub that had changed little except for menus over the years.

I got a Newcastle Brown, ordered a cold salmon plate and looked for a quiet seat. There was an empty table outside at the Parson's Green side. Lots of chatter, one of every sort of Londoner: tweeds, mini-skirts, grungy jeans, business suits. I fit in by being a member of this eclectic crowd.

I sat sipping my "Dog", a smooth beer I loved. The fellow who brought out my salmon gave me a GOOD looking over and appeared to approve which I found quite satisfactory. I could see he wanted to chat me up but a call from the pub took him away. Nice build, brown hair, smooth face, confident manner I was sure stood him well with ladies. He wasn't my type as Cho passed through my mind's eye.

I sent a text to Reg; he fired right back he'd in by 8 tomorrow. I was to enjoy my "Brown."

I bought some food for breakfast; Newcastle's and snacks, too but no salapaos though!

I unpacked and slid into a nightie, mounded up the pillows, thinking of Cho's cock was asleep quickly.

I called him straight away in the morning; he got the number and would share. He laughed at my sitting at a pub garden nibbling last evening. I explained the pleasure of my beer and that I wanted to share one with him sometime soon.

I giggled as I gave him my take on the server. He laughed at Mr. Keren's taking care of me nearly 6000 miles away. We chatted light-heartedly trying to not be too emotional. Shit I missed him, he knew. Kisses over the air.

Jian was happy I was safe. Ku didn't have anything for me to worry about. Eric answered but was choking. The dust at BangBamru. The work was roaring ahead, no issues. He was leaving Friday late morning for Tokyo. I told him where I had been last night which got me a few choice comments about his needing a "Brown" too.

Mr. Thoi said I could call the solicitors for an appointment but the lawyers in Washington had the papers and were ready to go to the city office tomorrow. Kanda hopped on to wish me well.

Mr. Keren got my thanks for Klahan and Prasert. AND the "daughter" bit at Royal Thai Airways! He gave me that warm laugh, "Fay I am believing it is true!" We both laughed and I asked to be remembered to Phailin.

I managed to wash without incident, fed myself two `toad's in a hole' and dressed for a warm summer's day in London. Dark blue and white checked sleeveless dress, tiny little checks. Mid-thigh over dark blue stockings, white pumps with blue bows, dark blue purse and blue scarf as sling. A light wool blue cardigan thrown over my shoulders. Red nails and lips, hair point resting softly on my cheek! My new briefcase! I looked very professional but S E X Y!!

I took my time walking to the tube enjoying my neighborhood seeing it through a new lens. Comfortable and nice!

Tube was crowded; I was bumped hard by a middle-aged man in a tacky suit but saved from falling over by a hunky guy who gave the `suit' some stick. No one offered me a seat which sort of surprised me until a younger fellow looked up from his book and gallantly offered me his seat. My first time! I hoped the others got the point! The young guy got my best mega-watt smile.

I stood across the street from the Company building, my ID handy. I looked for a few minutes then charged over. The ID certainly worked the security door. HA! Neutral!

I went up to Field Work floor with a few stares, some lingering but no problem. Reg was leaning over a table as I approached. He looked up and then back down. I had the rare pleasure of taking him completely off guard.

"Hello I'm Fay Martin!" My hand out. He straightened up and auto-reached out then stopped dead. Eyes bulged, "What the fuck! Phil..."

He was good and properly gob smacked! Yea!

"Sit Reg!" Which he did gawking at me. I perched on the corner of his desk, putting my things on the table.

"Do you have time for this or should we get on with work?"

"Don't you dare get glib or off-hand with me Phil!"


"Damn you what's going on?"

"Take a good look Reg. This isn't a costume!" I stood up and slowly spun around.

Almost sputtering, "Fay..."

I moved us to the chairs in front of his desk, "Reg, first you must know that Eric knows! He's quite happy and insisted I come back soonest to get it all out in the open. There's no going in reverse, I'm Fay forever and will be getting all my legal bits straight right away. I'm Fay Martin on my Thai passport. So much for that. My brain is the same and I suppose Eric spoke to you about the proposed regional job?"

He nodded not trusting his voice.

"I'm different on the outside, Yes! But I'm still me on the inside with a few caveats. I guess I'm not ugly to you? So we can get past that?"

"Damn you Ph... Fay! You're a knockout! Okay, pause here. You are all right?"

"I'm better than that I'm happy, in love and eager to work! Anything else?"

He just shook his head, "Fay when can I get the story?"

I said we can get lunch, "Rona still works down the road? Then call her so I can give it you both at the same time. Lunch at the Churchill on me! I've got to compare the food."

"Shit that's right they do Thai. I'll call Rona." Reg played it cute with her not giving away my surprise.

We walked to the canteen, he bought the lattes, and I got the stares! "Does it happen much?"

I laughed, "Yes a lot! It's great!"

"Shit Fay it's going to be tough for a while dealing with this."

"No you'll be shocked how easy it is to accustom yourself. I have!"

"But you're on the inside!"

"Come on let's talk OS X servers!"

We got into a technical discussion. While I had been a Windows guy at work I had been a Mac user for years so the transition to Mac OS server was going to be dead easy. Reg had been a behind the scenes actor in going towards Mac Servers, we got right into it.

A few folks wandered in at different points and the introductions went well. There was a person I didn't know, Lucy, a spritely petite blonde, who just greeted me as Fay without any baggage. She admired my clothes but didn't know we had any women network engineers.

"I'm the first," Which confused her since I was obviously not `new' but we went on. Jared from the server team came in after the introduction he gave me a big smile, "Well Fay no offense but it's an improvement on Phil!"

I laughed, "If it means anything I think so too!"

He's a tech guy's tech guy and was very pleased I wasn't a Mac OS novice but instead hardcore. "We'll face plenty of those soon and you're going to be out there at the `beta' site!" Turning to Reg, "Shit it's near perfect!" He smiled at me, "And you're near perfect too!" His face got red from blurting that out!

I saved him by being easy about it, "My boyfriend thinks so too!"

Reg was shaking his head, I wasn't sure it wouldn't fall off from all the motion this morning.

I told Jared, "Remember I'll be up tomorrow in the afternoon to spend some time."

Lucy came back with one of the Company's brochures, "You're Phil Martin?"

I laughed at that, "No dear, I'm Fay Martin." She paused, almost backed up to look again.

"It's ok since you didn't know me why don't you ditch that."

Reg and I talked the security issues which started the whole thing; he knew Eric wasn't going to let that happen again especially when the new software rolls out. Remote controlling things across the internet to do damage had been in the news enough with the Iranian centrifuges and all the malware attacks. Our security had to meet the challenge, Reg said it would. "We will control it right here 24/7."

Before lunch I called the solicitors in The City. They would like to meet, would a time in Friday morning work? With my meeting with the Mac OS Server group set for Friday afternoon I agreed to 10 in the morning for the solicitors.

We walked to the The Churchill Arms to meet his wife, Rona. Since we were there for the food I had reserved a table in the Conservatory. Skylights with lots of greenery around.

I asked for the corner table under the big blue butterflies and skylight. We had just arrived when Rona showed up. She saw us and had a quizzical look on her face.

Reg at my prompting said he wanted to introduce her to Fay, a pause as we extended hands, Martin. Rona was left holding my hand looking into my face then Reg then back, "Phil?"

"No Fay. Hello Rona." She sat down abruptly still looking at me. I sat opposite her letting see me.

"No shit Fay! I'm glad I've got Reg locked up or have to worry about you!"

I smiled but before I could respond, "That's what I mean, you've a killer smile."

It was easy to continue smiling, "Well Reg is definitely safe I've a guy of my own."

We decided to get the ordering done then plunge into the 'new' me.

I chose a bunch of appetizers and rice dishes as my comparison items. Reg and Rona agreed to share so they could taste along with me. I did my fruit juice.

I gave them an abbreviated version with connections to the stealing and spying so Reg could relate. He'd told Rona a good deal so I was able between bites tell them my story. Eric knows all and has met most of the participants except the criminals was my starting point.

I could see Rona's eyes go soft when I described Cho, she felt it. How the Thai government had treated me and the girls told them quite a lot. I let them ask questions. They knew my current sex status and future plans. How my arm was doing. What Cho's house was like and the boats. Rona loved the dancing parts, when Reg asked if did I the leading she gave him a poke and a fierce look. He looked at me but he could see the usual 'guy' support wasn't there so was chagrined. I smiled, "You'll get used to me being just what I appear to be. Rona don't be hard on him. I don't wear pants as much anymore."

I gave them a sanitized version of my abduction period and of meeting Mr. Keren in the pool table room and how I was treated afterwards.

I told how Eric had been greeted by me with the sign Mr. Keren had arranged as a gag and an honor for me in the helicopter ride to our house on the river.

Reg commented that General Keren seemed like quite a fellow to have on your side. I said I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of the law with him around.

Rona was watching me very carefully, I knew she had something to say and waited.

"Fay I like this new person. You are more confident and assured. You give off a different vibe! You know you're different and are content with it." I'd always liked Rona and we'd gotten along from our first meeting years ago. Now she was showing insights into what I believed about myself. Cho had said much the same to me although his experience with me was more limited. I knew my manner was significantly changed. I liked it too.

I reached to squeeze her hand, "You got it!"

Reg had an epiphany, "That's why Eric said you were for the Regional job the morning after he arrived there. He saw it also!"

Rona grinned, "He's a sharp fellow, no doubt about it."

I told them about Eric staying with us, meeting so many people at our party and his night out at The Ice Rink. That really opened their eyes, I mentioned that it as ears only info. That got a laugh but they agreed. I chose not to say anything about Malee that would be too much.

That General Keren would do things for me like limos in London did astonish them. "Well I'm going to use it tomorrow morning going into The City to the solicitors. I'm getting my name officially changed then the property's deeds and all the usual stuff."

Rona gave me a big hug and a go girl fist bump as we left The Churchill!

I stopped at Personnel to get my ID card changed. They'd been been alerted on the quiet that morning by Eric to be ready to do all the name changing. New picture! Cute! The fellow doing it gave me a good looking over; we'd only met a few times before Fay!

'BF' Before Fay, that's what I'll use when asked about anything Phil did or was.

They copied the main page of my Thai passport. I signed some forms. All would be done in a few hours.

The Mac App Team were coders I had met 'BF' though we hadn't done much together. They asked questions, got answers, gave answers. I got to see what the control app looked like on an iPad! Slick, shiny and easy to use but had the ability to use the power of the Mac OS Server software. I was given a 3G iPad loaded to try out on the working test server unit; it was set for remote access. Several productive hours with them.

A few friends hearing about me stopped by my office to get a look. I didn't mind, the novelty would wear off soon enough. They were positive about the changes. Paul Glover was different, he always was. Now the administration dept. head, he wasn't happy about Personnel, one of his depts. making changes before I had done all the official things for my new name and sex.

He called me into his office with the head of Personnel; Glover's personal assistant was rolling her eyes as we went in. He wanted to get going making a fuss when Arthur the Personnel boss cut him off, "If you have a problem about this talk to Eric, he was quite clear on the phone to me that Fay have everything we could do done as soon as possible. The official US and our paperwork will be along soon. He didn't think waiting would make much sense nor anything we would do be improper."

Glover tried to bluster some but Arthur just wasn't having it and we both left him there sputtering much to the delight of his PA Charlotte who gave me a hug.

Reg had a good laugh when Arthur told him, I held up my hand and sling, "I stayed quiet, Arthur didn't need any help from me!"

"Don't worry Eric was very clear about what he wanted so my butt is covered except for my attitude."

I sat at my desk to make calls. Eric was first, it was late but he didn't care. He and Malee were in bed after he packed for Tokyo. "I'll call Glover tomorrow. Tell Arthur he's cool with me. I'm glad your reception has been positive. Good about the solicitors." We rang off.

Cho was sitting on the terrace; I loved his voice telling me how I was missed. I started crying but he talked me into a good place. I told him about my day and how I had been received which made him happy. Eric's standing up for me was no surprise they'd become good friends. I said I'd planned go to the house in Hampshire Saturday morning and stay until Sunday evening. Much love was passed through the ether.

I went up to Arthur's office, his PA Andrea, I'd missed earlier, she had been a pal and occasional date, took my hand a spun me around, "Fay damn if you don't look smashing! I've heard nothing else but you since I got in! Will I get a 'tell all' session?"

I said yes just when I didn't know. Arthur and I spoke, was there anything else I needed to do. He told me we'd now wait for the paper. He knew Eric would back him on the Glover thing but I told him I'd spoken to Eric and his backing included his being abrupt with Glover. All good.

I called Prasert on how much time we needed to make my 10 AM appointment in The City. He would be there! Did he want to take a drive in the country on Saturday, going to my Hampshire property. He is taciturn but had a laugh about how I said it.

I asked Reg if he and Rona wanted to come along, he would text her. I walked up to Arthur's office and sat in the chair beside Andrea's desk. She finished her call and looked over, "Want to go to the country for an overnight? Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon?"

Andrea knew the house and liked it, a big smile. I would pick her up at 9AM. I called Prasert again; did he have a larger car? Four in the back, Great! We could talk tomorrow on the way to The City.

I was stopped on the stairs going down by Karl, a coder from the Mac App Team, slender, blonde, cute, "Fay could I talk to you sometime about ... your changes? It's ... well..." He petered out and looked like he wanted to bolt but I put my good hand on his arm.

"Karl come on down to my office." He was embarrassed; I put him in a chair and sat next to him.

I told a bare bones story but emphasized how much I enjoyed being with Jian and the others and I knew it was right for me.

Karl was building up to something that I already figured out, no genius required. I let him go at his pace but kept describing how things changed for me, helped of course by love from two people in particular. I waited.

"Fay I do so want to be Karla!" Her chin was down, eyes closed. I touched her knee which brought her head up.

"It takes your making a decision. If today is any guide I think the Company has been welcoming to me especially since it has been a total shock. If they were prepared it should as easy for you as it has been for me."

I got a slight smile, "That's better. Do you have support outside of here?"

Karla gave me her situation. A lifetime of closeted 'dressing' some sexual partners didn't like her dressed. Hiding it from her parents, occasional close calls until her mother found her with a boy in bed. Big explosion, uncomfortable times.

A close friend and a lover who would possibly help. The friend was a woman who had assisted with Karla coming out now and then. The lover who preferred Karla but had a few issues about his own sexually.

I told Karla to talk to Arthur in Personnel about what the Company could and would do in a transition period. Since I had been at a distance it never came into play for me.

"I'm only here for a week or so but I'll be glad to help. I'll go to Arthur with you if you want."

We hugged and I got many thank you's which I really didn't deserve.

Reg stuck his head in after Karla left, "We're in for the weekend."

I told them to meet me at my house about 830, we'd pick up Andrea in Hounslow on the way out of the city. The weather was to be fine and any sort of outer wear was available including "wellies" at the house. We'd stop and shop in Alton before going to the house.

I took some pics of my office, the building, etc... for Cho. I would do more at my house and send them off in an email letting him know I'd be going to the cottage for the weekend with friends. He'd see them in the morning! Jian would get the same!

Reg and I walked to the tube. He was watching me walk and seeing men look at me. "It's creepy! You're my friend."

"Reg you looked at women, I did too. I just think it's closer. Rona gets looks!"

More head shaking, "Damn Fay! Hey you know I haven't missed once since this morning!"

He was going to give me a `guys' back pat but sort of twisted in stopping, I had to laugh.

"Yeah, right! Don't worry I expected transition, no pun!"

Again the District Line was crowded but an older fellow gave me his seat after seeing my arm. He got a big thank you; the arm was throbbing a bit from the long day.

I stopped at the local Indian restaurant for a take-away. Tandoori fish, biryani rice, pakoras and garlic naan. And the news agents for the Guardian and TimeOut London. I spread out on the kitchen table and counters, feasted, cooled my tongue with a Newcastle Brown!

In bed, propped with pillows, lights out, I gave myself away to thinking about Cho.

I managed to avoid getting the bandage wet!

Solicitors! How to dress so I wouldn't embarrass Mr. Thoi. Ah, SKINNY blue jeans, white short sleeve blouse with green parrot with red on his wings on the back, brown zip up ankle boots. Red scarf with gold bangles as sling. Brown purse and the nifty briefcase. Stylish, Sexy but not too far!

Prasert gave me a good look as I came down the front steps; he was holding the car door.

We talked about the weekend; I told him there was a bed sit apartment over the old carriage house, modernized but simple. He could join us for meals or use the kitchen in the apartment. His English was quite good so he'd not be at a disadvantage. We would need to shop so he could make up his mind any time. He seemed pleased to be given a choice and private place.

The solicitor's secretary was a primly dressed woman of middle years but young looking. She sure gave me the once over, twice. I no longer minded it. It was a complement as long as it was brief and silent. She got me a tea.

Two lawyers met with me. They were somewhat surprised at my looks given what showed on their faces. I went with it. They had the documentation and a communication from the Washington lawyers. We were set just waiting for their end to finish. I signed an agreement for representation. I asked about a retainer, "Oh no Miss Martin. Mr. Thoi is handling a few things for us in Bangkok and Singapore. We are professionally exchanging."

I'd get word when they had the docs and when I could expect the changes to be complete. I told them I was tentatively returning to Bangkok next Thursday. We were all good! Prasert dropped me at the Company office. He'd be at the house about 8AM Saturday unless I needed him before.

Reg and I and a few others talked about the beta' scheme. That is after they recovered from seeing me in my jeans. It wasn't that jeans were unusual but mine were different.'

They gave me some tips for working with the newest version of the software but since it was Apple OS I knew I would be okay.

Arthur asked me to come up after lunch but before I met with OS Server folks.

Reg and I ate at the Kensington Place, grilled sole, pureed potatoes. Good fare, simple, well done!

Arthur sat me down. He'd gotten some more push back from Glover first thing this morning but a few hours later... Glover tendered his resignation. "I'm the new head of Administration and Personnel. Eric confirmed it when his flight arrived at Narita after he'd talked with Glover." I shook his hand, he'd be good!

What the hell did you say to Eric?"

"I told him what happened with Glover, I didn't dramatise it. He asked me about his demeanor. That was it."

"Well he's gone. I've more work but Andrea is very good and I've worked with Charlotte before. Andrea said you're going to the country this weekend. It's good because she won't get much free time for a while." He was smiling and I could see he wasn't expecting much free time either.

I called Cho leaning back in my chair, looking around an office which had been mine for two years. Familiar but not. The way he said `hello Fay' gripped me, tight in the chest. We talked about our day's events, how we missed each other, quietly I told him what I wanted to do to his body. Giggling when he agreed to all of it! There was a big stakes race in six weeks that Glaa was entered in so we had to be there. I was up for a day at the races! He reminded me to take more pics. Plenty of my country house. We rang off with love.

Eric was at his hotel in Tokyo, tired and readily admitting to missing Malee badly. He told me he had warned Glover about his lack of sensitivity in personnel matters and that the Company was going to be a leader on being an inclusive workplace! Over now!

He laughed that Cho had issued a standing invite to use a guest suite at our house any time!

I told him about Karla without naming her knowing he would be sympathetic. He asked me to help her.

Arthur was informed, "How would she take my asking her what she needs?" I told him she'd taken me into her confidence so let it come from me.

I went to her desk which was in a bullpen area, leaning over I asked her if it was good for her to talk now. In my space I told her I'd sounded out management, they will support her all she had to do was ask. In Arthur's office holding my hand she asked to be allowed to transition publicly. Arthur asked how quickly she wanted to move and would she like to him to inform Douglas, her boss. After Karla left Arthur looked at me over his glasses, "Is this a snowball going downhill?"

All I said was there may be more but it was pent up need that could see a path now. Andrea sat with us, Arthur let her know she was to be open to anyone's seeking the Company's assistance and she was to be the go to' person. Andrea gave me a look like troublemaker' with a big grin.

Karla's boss Douglas wasn't very surprised; he said it wouldn't be a problem. They all were young go-getters focused on quality work very sharing. Karla had been the shy one but an excellent coder and UI developer. Andrea made it clear he could call on her for any help.

Karla joined us, shy smile as Douglas shook her hand welcoming her as Karla to the team. They went to tell the others. Arthur leaned back, "You're so well put together is there a manual?"

Laughing, "Not that I know of but I remember I had no planning either!"

Andrea let him know she some contacts who could give advice on an ad hoc basis, she would tap them next week but give'm a heads up today.

Reg and I walked to the tube. I gave a couple of £'s to a down on his luck fellow outside the entrance who had a beautiful red Shiba Inu puppy. The dog looked well cared for and loved.

Reg laughed before we spilt up, "You always did that, good that hasn't changed!"

Friday evening tube was a crush. A young woman gave me her seat after seeing my sling even better a man was shamed and stood for her. We smiled across the aisle.

Indian leftovers and packing. Amaretto and coffee. Sleep.

Skinny bright blue jeans, cornflower yellow blouse, brown ankle boots, blue scarf sling. Cho's lapis lazuli bracelet and ring, I wanted to feel him close to me. Prasert was bang on time, Reg and Rona too. Andrea on the curb waiting. Zoom!

It was an easy drive for Prasert; we made Alton in less than 90 minutes. We talked shop mostly but some about my changes. Shopping for a few meals worth of food and snacks, Newcastle Brown stock up. Prasert decided to cook for himself; he bought the makings which I had told him I would reimburse.

We motored the short way up through Upper Froyle and Lower Froyle to my house. White stucco two floor with thatched roof sitting on a small rise above grassy fields, a few out buildings and the carriage house that has a slate roof. Quaint, cozy house with some family knick-knacks. We unloaded; Prasert opened the apartment to air it. He came over to me, "Miss Martin, it is quite nice with a fine bed."

Good, he's taken care of! The others dumped their stuff and began to organize lunch. I went to the side yard to look at my new well. I could hear the fluttering's of a helicopter not too common but it wasn't loud. As I turned back it was much noisier. It was over the woods to the east and coming on a straight line to pass overhead. Then it slowed, a half turn and it closed up to the house flaring for landing in the nearest field.

What the hell! The door opened and a man stepped out. Cho!

Comments to: amybecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 34

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