
By A becker

Published on Mar 8, 2015



"He is a romantic! So nice that Reg has a little bit though not on Cho's scale."

On cue when his name was spoken the man himself came in, we both got kissed but Rona's was more chaste than mine. He had talked to Reg and seen my secret – Newcastle's. Oh well, sometimes it doesn't work out.

We were shooed out so a Speedo could be donned. Rona and I shared a `brown' watching Amporn make snacks for us. Dinner was planned for the terrace later.

Rona gave me a hip bump as Cho appeared in his Speedo, "Girl, you found yourself a hottie!"

We broke up laughing with Cho tickling us both into near hysterics; he swooped me up over a shoulder and tugged Rona along by her hand. Reg mentioned something about caveman tactics which had us laughing more.

Jian came home from the Railroad shortly before Ting from the hospital. Introductions done. Bathing attire was put on and they both pronounced Newcastle `brown' wonderful. Some swimming which Jian did without her cast, I was the only one left on the beach.

We toasted ourselves with Newcastle's and dove into Amporn's delicious vittles.

Dinner was great, Amporn's food was praised by Rona and Reg. Kiet was shown how to pour a Newcastle properly!

We lay quiet afterwards stuffed by Amporn as the day slipped towards an end. I gave them the morning etiquette about dress and how breakfast was served or rather picked up. No real time table except my last check showed the multiple server boxes at the terminal for delivery at 0900 tomorrow.


Rona, Jian and I were sipping coffee as Amporn made us a platter of fruit and salapaos. We spread out on lounges, bikinis, sunglasses and sun protector smeared on Rona. She got a bit more of my story and Jian's part, I didn't say not to tell but she got the idea it was private between us. We waved to Ting as he took off to teach an early class, Cho was going to the Railroad Building with us shortly.

Rona was coming to see the place and have lunch out with me and Reg and some of the others. I had booked a large room at Wo's place and asked for a large assortment of dishes at Wo's discretion but little meat. He remembered me and wanted to please.

Red skinny jeans, black Nordstrom's ankle boots, black cutoff short sleeved polo shirt was my outfit for receiving Apple Server boxes with Reg. Jian was wearing a navy blue dress, mid-thigh slender straps and red pumps and a series of white bracelets on each wrist. Rona in a mid-thigh cotton short sleeved yellow dress and blue espadrilles. Reg was formal, midnight blue short sleeved shirt over light khaki pants. Cho's dark blue suit with open collar pale blue shirt was very business.

They got a tour of the Railroad Building ending at Eve's spot. Reg liked the computer centre layout, all the power and networking laid out the way I wanted, ready to go.

FedEx arrived with all the server boxes. Quickly the room was overrun by Apple boxes full of servers! Reg counted and signed for them. All good.

Ku called, I had a FedEx envelope waiting. Banner day for FedEx. We all migrated to my office. Kavnu came in as I was opening the FedEx thing. Eve did the introductions as I looked at my new USA passport, Fay Osborne Martin. Rona squeezed me; she knew how much it meant. The others cheered for me and Reg promised toasts at lunch.

I answered a call from Dad Keren on the balcony, could I talk for a few minutes? Reyna was going to be released. The Ministry of Justice decided not to prosecute partially because all of the men arrested had now agreed to plead guilty after my meeting with the lawyers. YEAH!

Dad laughed, "Yes it is good. No messy ending. But Reyna asked to meet you. I think she wants to apologize."

I said I would but I had a condition, she had to meet all of us. We all suffered so any apology had to include everyone. Dad Keren was smiling, I could hear it. Then that warm chuckle, "I hope never to underestimate you Fay. I have Reyna's lawyer prepared for conditions."

"Is it part of her release that she do this?" No but apparently she had guilt about it.

"Dad, when?" Later today maybe or Saturday morning he said, it is up to me and the girls.

"There is more you may not know. She had her testicles removed by the Brothers even though she gave away your secrets. So there was punishment."

I told him I would have to make calls to Ni and Lawan but Jian and Eve were here with me.

"Call me Fay when you have agreement."

I pulled Jian and Eve onto the balcony with me and told them the news. They were willing to meet if it worked out. I got the same from Ni and Lawan. Dad Keren wasn't surprised.

He'd call me back. I told him I was hosting a lunch at Wo's for my "crew." Laughing, "What about very soon. She is at a building near my office." OK!

Three of us let the others know what was happening. Ku held Eve's hand, "It is part of the ending, yes?" She hit the point that had bubbled up in my mind. Dad Keren I'm sure remembered my face when he told me in the SUV in Pattaya after my rescue Reyna had given us away. I'd eased up since then.

Dad Keren was back quickly, she accepted, was there a room at the Railroad Building that could be used since we were all there or close? Kavnu said there was a conference room at the other end of this floor, he would reserve it now.

"Dad, bring her here to second floor all the way at the north end of the hallway. We will tell security." Done.

Ni and Lawan came over right away. They got to meet Reg and Rona. Kavnu put security on alert. The five of us walked down the hall while Ku made tea for her and Rona, Reg had jumped on my MacBook Air for email.

Reyna was very thin and scruffy, sad face broke into tears seeing us all together. I gathered her into my arms as she sobbed. We all hugged her, her lawyer backed out.

She begged for us to forgive her. I told her we were sorry for her forced changes and we would not hold any grudge toward her. We agreed to that before she came in.

She had been shocked by the threats of the Brothers, scared and isolated. We told Reyna some of things that had happened to us which brought more tears. She had been in jail since the Brothers were arrested mostly alone. Very sad and hurtful for her.

I moved back and called Cho. Was there somewhere for Reyna to live at least temporarily? And a way to earn a living? He was quiet, "Fay your heart is so big! Yes a place to live can be done today."

"Reyna did something in the Telco field, I will find out more."

I took Reyna's hand, "Cho has a place for you to live. He will give me the info shortly."

That news only made Reyna cry more unable to speak. Jian's arm around me, "Fay..." I got kissed.

We all sat finally. Eve borrowed the lawyer's handkerchief for Reyna. I went to talk to him; did she have any charges pending? No. Did she have any money? No. Any possessions? No. Boom! It hit me, I called Cho. Yes, Reyna's things were saved with ours and her money. He would have them taken from storage right away and the bank info sent to me.

I told Reyna about her things and money which caused more crying. She almost fell out of her chair. Ni was holding her; they had been especially close before all the upset.

Cho called; there was an apartment building two blocks south. The manager was opening a furnished one bedroom for Reyna and her things would be sent there with the bank info.

Ni volunteered to escort Reyna there before lunch. I suggested to Ni she get Reyna in a hot bath. I would get some things sent over, toiletries and food. I would go over after the lunch to see about her clothes and other things.

Reyna's lawyer spoke to me in the hall after I called Malee to ask her to send some toiletries, a big fluffy robe and slippers to the address by express courier charging them to our account. He thanked us for being so generous towards Reyna. I told him we had suffered so had she and more suffering wouldn't erase anything. We had been friends.

I called John Wesley; he was amazed at my request. "I know Reyna had worked for an electronics firm making Telco products. She had done some kind of design work. I will see what I can do but please don't make any promises." I liked John but I couldn't trust his word. He'd been fucked a lot by Reyna, enjoying her big cock but I doubted he'd do much.

Cho's apartment guy called me; the place was available right now, fully furnished, linens and all. I told him some packages would be delivered would they please accept them and put in them in the flat. All good.

Reyna had gotten it together so she and Ni with Kavnu were going to the flat. It was a short walk away. I held her hand, "I will be by to see you in a few hours, OK?" She gave me a smile and motioned towards my arm, "We'll have a talk about things then."

Back upstairs Jian hugged me, "Fay you get things done like WOW!" I whispered that money gets things done! A big squeeze, and "Yes but you have to want to do it and know how!"

Everyone walked over to Wo's restaurant; he'd booked us into a nice bright room. Smells were wonderful from his cooking I told him, he was proud as he should be. Eve and Ku, Jian with me and Cho, Reg and Rona, Lawan and Thang we made a happy group. Ni and Kavnu joined us shortly. Ni kissed me, "Fay it is a nice simple place, comfortable. I started a bubble bath with what Malee sent over."

We had something else to add to our celebrations, new friends and one old friend returned to us. Wo did us a great lunch, the table groaned with dish after dish, heavenly rice with aromatic spices, big prawns in flavorful sauces, a whole fish crispy but moist with saffron infused vegetables and noodles. OH, I was stuffed!

I asked Wo to make some takeaway for me to carry to Reyna. I kissed everyone, Reg and Rona were going home in one of Cho's cars, Cho was walking with me and Lek to Reyna's. Lek insisted on carrying the food. Ok, fine! "Do you like to dance, Lek?" Yes, he went to clubs every now and then. Get a date? Come to the Ice Rink? Ask the nice police woman at General Keren's office?

Cho was rolling his eyes as this went on, squeezing my hand. Lek seemed interested so I wasn't deterred. We would see.

Reyna was looking better after a long soak in bubbles. She and Cho talked about work as Lek and I put together a meal for her. I made a list of things to buy, Lek when down to the shops for me.

Cho was on his phone, I went into the bedroom with Reyna. I asked if she needed a doctor visit for anything. No. What about your changes? She teared up, it was ok. I drew her close, telling her she would need to decide if she wanted to stay with the current status or go towards hormones.

She clung tight, "Fay I am so distressed still about what I did." I soothed her, "Reyna, it can't be undone but you saw us all. Don't we look okay?"

"Oh, Fay you look wonderful."

I told her love from our partners and each other made it possible. We are together like sisters, supporting and loving one another.

I told her about Saul, his obsessiveness about hurting me, my arm and his death. She had been held captive upstairs at Heng's bathhouse, the Brothers and Saul talked near her. "Saul had been crazy about your supposedly ruining his businesses and wanted revenge. Sending you to Korat to the house there was his idea."

She had been isolated, she was drugged, awakening days later after her testicles had been removed. Reyna said she recovered in Heng's building in captivity. She was taken into custody by the security police when they raided the building, interviewed. She said I told them the truth about what I did. Then nothing. Sitting in a cell day after day every now and then they asked more questions. Until yesterday, She was moved to a place during the day and met with my lawyer. He was hopeful. Today happened.

I told Reyna I talked with John Wesley, she was sure he wouldn't help, `he loved my cock only.'

She thanked me for Cho being so thoughtful and decent. His saving her things and money was shocking. "I am not penniless which I had believed and made me depressed."

I kissed her cheek, telling her to relax, feed yourself well. Wo's cooking smells had invading the room made her smile. Hugs at the door.

Cho holding me from behind at the door of the computer centre, "My love, look at all those Apple's soon to be humming along." He squeezed me, "Should we put a server at the house? I want to have a laptop too and we can use it for saving and entertainment, right?"

"Do you want me to computerize our life?" Laughing, "I can you know!"

Standing on my balcony in the sun, a nice breeze, I called `Dad' he was pleased with what had been done for Reyna, not surprised at our attitude towards her, "I know you have a big heart."

That we had her settled in a flat and her things were returned did amaze him, he said something about why I had his love. Sweet!

I said Eric was returning in a few hours but he would have a more pedestrian trip to our house this time. He laughed, "It was important to impress the first time, Yes?" I agreed.

Phailin had enjoyed the girls lunch. "I heard you had been sucked down into the `women's group' meeting thing. Beware they are vampires." He was laughing hard, "They do have more fun at their meetings than I ever do at the many I have to attend. Some sharp minds in the crowd. Watch out!" We rang off laughing.

I called Malee, "Girl, get yourself and your stuff over to the house, I'll send a car. Same room. Boat is warmed up. Car at airport for Eric. I'll be home soon."

Lek driving me home, I let down the barrier. "Are you coming over for the barbeque tomorrow with a date? And Sunday?"

I could see his face in the rear view mirror, smiles, "Yes I will be there. Siri, my police colleague is coming with me."

"Good! Warn her about us and have her leave her cuffs at home!" He had a good chuckle over that.

"Do not worry she will be OFF duty!"

I bikinied myself quickly flopping down beside Rona with a Newcastle and two glasses. Rona sipped, "Amporn is fattening me! Lovely little things to taste all I'm sure going to these hips."

"Don't worry you have room to give with those slender hips. Now upstairs like me there's room to grow but la bambino will take care of that!"

We laughed as Reg climbed out of the pool doing that wet body hairy look, Rona nudged me, "You never had to worry about that."

"No but Reg does it well." He gave us a questioning look and Rona explained. We got a double arm bicep flex with gut sucked in as a bonus pose. I held up 7 fingers, Rona gave him an eight which pitched us into more laughter and we got sprayed with water.

Malee came out from the house in a tiny bikini and was introduced as my phone made noises. Text from Eric, in the car on the way. Malee gave me a shy smile; I shared my `Brown' with her. She was packed for the cruise with Eric, Reg and Rona in the dark still. I thanked Malee for the fast help for Reyna, I got a kiss," She's your friend." Enough said.

More from Eric, Jared and Douglas and their people would be in Saturday evening going straight to their apartments.

Malee was nervous so I took her hand, we walked over to the dock, "Hey, you like him? He likes you! Enjoy some private time and find out how much, OK?" She nodded, "With Cho and I we had an instant attraction and had proximity to help us. Now you have some. Go girl!" We did fist bumps and hugs.

The car came through the gates, Eric popped out. Malee and I were close by in our walk as I had steered us around that way. They kissed and held each other. Eric hugged me, on the terrace Reg's hand shaken and Rona kissed. I could see some astonishment on their faces. Eric and Malee went in to get their things together for the weekend.

I finally gave Reg and Rona the low down. As the couple' emerged we cheered. They were both shy and proud. On the dock I kissed each, whispering to Eric about the secret' Newcastle stock already on board. He gave me another kiss. They were off.

Rona's arm around me, "Hunny Bunny, they coming back any time soon?" We giggled after I said I hoped not. I did give them the whole story, Rona loved my matchmaking. Reg's only comment was Eric had spent more time at work than nearly any other employee maybe that would stop.

Ting came out to the terrace with Jian; they had arrived while Eric and Malee were leaving. Cho bounded out of his car, we ran towards each other I yelled out, "Gawd somebody video this!"

We met in a kiss! Rona calling out, "Let's try that again! Take two!" We stood there laughing holding on.

The fabulous aromas coming from Amporn's cooking meant I was going to be a little piggy tonight. I stood in front of my mirror, naked gazing at me and then stopped as I considered my old parts that I now had in common with one more person. Reyna shouldn't be alone; she'd had a lot of that. I jumped into navy short shorts, white cut off polo shirt and sandals. I kissed Cho, "I want to bring Reyna over if she wants to come. There's been a lot of solitary for her. OK?"

He pulled me into his lap, "Fay, go get her but do not pressure her! Right?"

One good kiss.

One of Thet's security men drove me to Reyna's flat. I rang her intercom and was buzzed in. Reyna looked much better, fresh face, nice shorts and top from her old clothes. I took her hands, "Please come to our house for dinner. Informal, quiet, friends, six of us you would be seven." I smiled. She was shy. I gave her my best pretty please look.

She laughed at me, "Fay, you are hard to resist as always. Yes, thank you for asking me."

I held her hand during the drive, inside the gate she marveled at the house and grounds. Cho was so gracious towards her. Jian gave me a hug after Reyna. We were good!

Amporn's cooking could loosen any tongue. Lovely vegetables, rice, her delicious fish dishes and prawns bigger than my hands so moist, spicy with coconut. Reyna accepted a Newcastle, liked it but I saw she drank it very slowly.

I showed her the house, in the dark we walked a bit. Near the pool she stopped, "Fay, I have hated myself over what I did and felt that my being altered was a just punishment. I am shocked but grateful for your forgiving nature and the others."

I hugged her, "Reyna when I heard you had betrayed us after being threatened by the Brothers, well ... my first reaction was to want to cut it off for you." I felt her hand react, "but when I considered your position I couldn't be angry. I just wanted us all to be free and well."

We sat on a lounge arms around our waists, we cried a bit. "Fay, I need to find some work that will make me feel good about being alive. Would you help me?"

I kissed her, "Reyna, I will." I told her we needed to get her a phone, she needed to eat and take care of her body to be well again. Inside I had already gotten an idea.

I kissed her at the car, "I will be over tomorrow, rest."

Too late to call but Kanda would be my first call tomorrow. Rona shared a lounge with me on the terrace, "I do like this Fay person. She's smart, nice, compassionate and sexy. Do you give lessons?" I tickled her but had to stop as she gave as good as she got.

"Rona, I hope I'm living a balanced life. Work, play, friends, family, which is suddenly getting bigger rather than smaller! I don't feel I'm bettering the world to any large degree just making my small contribution to seeing it a nicer place. Oh, I'm also humble." Boy did I get tickled when that speech was done. Rona had me good. I cried out I was wounded so she let me off.

We lay there hugging, "Hunny, I do love being with you like this."

"Hunny Bunny, me too. You are a friend I needed. Reg is my friend but more like you is good." She put my hand on her belly, "Auntie, I want a nice world for our little one too."

Bedtime! We went to our separate rooms, happy, hugging and kissing. I thanked Cho for his reception of Reyna, "Fay, you made it possible. You showed a true good spirit in dealing with her. Nothing less than that could come from me because..." I was smothered with kisses as he pinned me on my back, "I love you!"

Rona looked great in the morning sun! I lent her one of my robes the first morning; she'd forgotten to pack hers. It was short in yellow with bright blue lapels. Sexy legs! Salapaos! Rona loved them! Jian helped Rona, the cook, ask how to make them. Amporn was willing to have a class.

Coffee, fruit and more salapaos, the guys joined us. Ting was ambushed by Jian jumping into his lap. Cream was smeared on his cheek from a salapao, Jian willing licked it up. Jian gave me a look; I knew she wanted his other cream too. I did a thumbs up to her. I leaned over to Rona to let her in on the joke. Giggling Rona gave Jian another thumbs up.

I called Kanda, she listened to my spiel about Reyna and how she had expressed herself to me. Kanda said there were possibilities but none would pay a large amount. I said I didn't think Reyna was considering money first, she needed a living wage for now. Kanda said to ask if Reyna would come for an informal talk.

Us girls were going to do some shopping for the barbeque and us. Short shorts, skimpy tops and sandals! We took two cars with security guys.

We picked up Reyna, first stop La Villa Mall, the iStudio Store. Bin was working as always. He was overwhelmed by the invasion of four sexy girls. We got Reyna an iPhone 5c, she liked the red. She loved the iPhone. iTunes card for 3,200baht. We promised to teach her how to use the phone. Bin's tight black slacks were showing a very definite bulge when we left.

On to Noi's, she had been warned we were coming. We did my fitting of the Ao Dai's since they were ready, only minor alterations. Jian tried on several dresses as did Reyna. Rona did a pants outfit, sleek black slacks with a fitted silver gray men's cut jacket. Noi pointed out no bra, it was soft inside. Rona tried it, sexy and very chic! A few tucks and it would be perfect. Rona mentioned she wouldn't be able to wear it for long. I hugged her.

Jian really liked her dress, red and white stripes vertically with belt stripes going horizontally. Mid-thigh, nicely fitted top with narrow straps. Reyna got a slim fitting electric blue sheath to a few inches above the knee. We all looked hot!

Noi said none of the alterations would take long so we could have them in a few hours. We paid; I said I'd send a car for them.

Back in shorts were got lunch at Junky's which the old chef had bought in the aftermath of the Brothers collapse. It was Somboon's now. The deck at the rear was open, we talked with Somboon briefly, he of course remembered us. We had his best noodles with shrimp and tofu, crisp and tasty vegetables. Fruit and cool orange lassi's to drink.

I nudged Reyna, "I remember John and you over there," pointing to the other table. She smiled, "Yes, he was good for that." No sex back here now Somboon had lowered the fence so you could see the river and all the activity on the water.

Stuffed we headed to Villa Market on Soi Sirijulasawake Silom; we wanted a lot of Newcastle but didn't want to take it all. The manager called another Villa Market; they would hold several cases for us. We got a few other things Cho wanted. We made the second beer stop and headed home.

I lent Reyna a bikini and we all lay out. We had the equivalent of 14 cases of Newcastle and Cho's barbeque with many dishes from Amporn! Feast to come.

Kavnu called, Tarek was very happy with his new job as manager of the Rail Yard AND he and Li had really liked each other. Score one for conspiracy! He did apologize but he asked them both to come to the barbeque. Did he do wrong? NO! It will be good to have them in social gathering.

I sat with Reyna and told her what I had done with Kanda. I called Kanda, were she and Thoi coming to the barbeque I couldn't remember? Yes. Would it be ok to talk to Reyna we could put them in Cho's office? Good! Reyna looking at me through that taking my bad hand, gently stroking.

"Fay, I will try to repay." I told her there was no `repayment' we were sisters I wanted her to rebuild as we had.

Kiet came out to me, "Miss Fay, Amporn would like you to be in the kitchen." She was smiling eating a salapao pointing to Rona. The English cook was learning about Thai donuts according to Amporn doing well. I tasted a Rona salapao and gave her a kiss avoiding getting batter on me. In my halting Thai I thanked Amporn with Kiet's help made it clear Rona had a ways to go. My cute butt got a pinch, ouch! Not too hard but I over-acted, Rona was contrite but tried again when I gave it away. I dodged out of the kitchen then. I did sneak in to grab another one to share with Jian and Reyna. They liked it very much. Rona was appeased.

Reyna was taken home for a change of clothes as we got cleaned up for the barbeque. Cho in shorts was already at work; Reg and Ting were drafted as assistants. Amporn doing her thing.

Rona helped Jian wrap my arm, we shared the big shower laughing, splashing and washing a bit too. Rona with only a towel on her head dried my hair; Cho came in for his shower. Rona's sleek bod on display but she handled it with aplomb twitching her butt as she dashed down the hall bare-assed. Cho's laughter following her as we heard a "shit Rona, showing off that sweet butt?" from Reg. A lot of laughing as Reg stuck his head out of the suite, I mooned him. "Swell arse, Fay!"

It was hard to get dressed giggling, I grabbed Cho on his way to shower for a kiss and lick of that fine cock!

Black Ao Dai and white pants and black ankle boots! Red nails and lips! The Ao Dai had a high collar, sleeveless, only a narrow strap under the armpit on each side, the rest open down to my ankles. Showing lots of skin. Sassy! Jian wore her Ao Dai which mine was modeled on, sexy momma! We paired up. Rona had TIGHT electric blue jeans and purple crop top. Her foot was my size; I lent her my brown ankle boots!

We had some caterers for serving and clean-up who gave us three quite a double take. YES!

We did a line-up for Amporn who pronounced us beautiful! Bright flowers! YES!

We greeted the guests on the lawn. Mr. Thoi and Kanda looking relaxed. Kanda in a nice orange and purple dress! MMMMM cute!

Phailin in a pants suit, black pin striped, black heels. Deep décolletage under the jacket. I gave her a hug, whispered my approval. She loved my Ao Dai; the word `sexy' was applied. We laughed. Dad Keren was just smiling, "You two!" He asked about Cho I pointed him towards the grills, "The BBQ Master! Follow your nose." Phailin gave him a kiss and send him on.

I introduced Kanda to Reyna; Kiet led them to Cho's office so they could talk. Phailin's arm around me squeezed, "Noble of you Fay. Kanda is resourceful so Reyna is in good hands."

We wandered together, I saw Lek with the nice police woman, Siri. Phailin knew her and Siri was somewhat abashed being at the same get together as the General and his wife. Phailin was so cool commenting on Siri's beautiful blue dress. It was a gradient of blues dark to light top downward. She gave my hand a squeeze and took Siri off to get a drink.

Lek looked at me at a loss. I kissed his cheek, "Go follow them."

Udorn and Ubon looking happy got big hugs from me. They bought new rings for each other. Little golden sun bursts to celebrate the new life!

Jian slipped her arm around me, Rona holding my hand, we stood near the grills watching our men cook the kebobs. Cho, the orchestra leader, looking warm. I got an ice cube I gently rubbed his brow, it was hard with his laughing so I slid it down his chest under the shirt towards his waistband. That got me ejected from the cooking area. Sad!

Everyone was laughing. I saw Lek and Siri again; she was pleased to be invited to dance tomorrow night. I wanted to see Lek's moves and kidded him softly. I was dragged away by Kanda.

She enjoyed her rather frank talk with Reyna, "I think I can find something for her to do which will satisfy her current needs. She speaks well, you have given her self-confidence a boost by the way you all have treated her. Have I told you I think you are a wonderful girl?" A big hug.

I finally got a Campari as the food was being laid out. Cho and the boys decided to do a quick shower after the heat of the grills. I offered to help Cho but a kiss and, "You would be welcome except we can't be away for hours from our guests," stopped me. A small pout about not getting to lick him was squelched by another kiss. Grins!

Kavnu and Ni arrived with news! Tarek was blown away by his promotion. So happy he almost broke his face with smiling. Li had been a fine dinner guest. She was a good talker and a good listener as Tarek found out when he did some `shop talk' before Kavnu gently steered things away. They got on well enough so Tarek volunteered to escort her home.

I went hunting for my second Campari, had I lost another??

During my search I saw Tarek and Li. They were a bit bashful with all the Railroad brass around but hugs melted them some. I pointed to the bar where Kavnu and Ni were. Smiles came out as they went over.

Everyone loved Cho's kabobs and Amporn's splendid rice and vegetable and fish dishes. Somewhere along the evening I got some spicy rice and a shrimp kabob.

Reyna squeezed me, "Thank you Fay. Kanda was a kind listener, she gives me hope." Squeeze back.

I put my Campari somewhere? Never mind, not right for the food. I went looking for a Newcastle. Found one as Rona did too. We got glasses and shared one. She giggled like this ½ beer wasn't close to her first, "You know in BF time I always thought you were cute. Not the more male guy like Reg but you would be a good cuddle buddy. Turns out I was right, huh?"

I steered her to an empty lounge to share, "Rona, I had no idea you lusted for my body! I might have surrendered." We laughed, she hugged me.

"Fay it is so nice to have time with you. I'm so glad I made the trip."

Ting came by piggy-backing a slightly tipsy Jian. I motioned for him to deposit her. I had a bud on each side. Jian gave me a kiss, "Fay, love you!"

Arms full of girlfriends, tipsy, cute, sexy, happy! Nice! Cho found me like that; he slid me out into his embrace. A sweet kiss! His hands under the Ao Dai's open sides stroking my back, sides, gently over my breasts. MMMMMM! I liked this! "Fay, you are the sexiest woman I have ever been with." I liked this even more!

I pressed hard against him, my face in his warm neck as those nice fingers roamed over my back. MMMMMM!

The girls were lying side by side giggling. Rona's voice, "you two are hot!"

Cho in my ear, "Are they really that tipsy?" I nodded my lips on his neck. Cho saw Kiet and tasked him with finding Reg and Ting. We stood hip to hip smiling down at our friends still giggling on the lounge.

Reg put his arm over my shoulder, hand on Cho's shoulder, "Shit, can't take them anywhere." We laughed; Ting leaned over them, "Ladies time for bed!"

Which brought more giggles and an "Oh, party still going" from Jian. Cho and I helped get them on to their lover's backs for the trip to bed. I got Rona's jeans off with some struggle. Naked Rona was covered by me, Reg had had a few, "I think she only had one beer. Changes to body chemistry!" Which is what I understood he intended to say but it didn't quite come out like that at all.

I told him to join her, I helped with his shoes he was almost asleep except for a hug and kiss, "Fay, nice time, nice people." I got his pants off and stuck him under the covers too.

I met Ting in the hallway, "She asked for you."

I lay next to my buddy, a kiss, "Fay... Oh..." My fingers were playing with her parts, she was wiggling and giggling, I stopped and kissed her goodnight.

The Thoi's and Keren's were flagging too. I walked them to their cars.

"Fay, I'll do my best for Reyna," Kanda holding me. Cheek kiss.

Dad Keren holding my hand, "We enjoyed everything. The Newcastle beer is good. I'll be back for more." I made sure he knew we had an open door policy for that.

Ni was wrapped around Kavnu on a lounge waving to me. They were working up to go home but slowly. I kissed them both as Cho's arm slipped around my waist.

The Captain had radioed earlier that all is well on board and they would be back in the afternoon. Good news.

Thang was holding Lawan's hand as they heading out, they were driving Reyna home. Hugs, kisses and reminders about the Ice Rink tomorrow. Thang had a funny face, "Yes more dancing but you can be freer in your style." He seemed encouraged by that.

Siri and Lek near the gate, "I'm glad you came, I hope you're looking forward to some dancing?"


Cho and I stood on the dock looking at the lights reflected in the dark water, his arms snaked around from behind. Each hand moved under my Ao Dai to cup a bare breast, "For making out this is a perfect top." I giggled; he gently rubbed his thumbs on my nipples, moving the rings. HHHHHMMMMM! I leaned my head back for a kiss which was passionate so much so I didn't want it to end. He let me turn to mash myself against him. AH, the tongues! We let them play a bit until I pressed my face against his. Strong arms carried me in. I didn't see the caterers but Cho said later they watched us with big eyes.

In the morning I felt fine, I hardly had anything to drink since I moved around putting drinks down and forgetting where they were but Reg and Rona appeared on the terrace a bit frazzled. Ting carried Jian. I tried kisses for all but it was Niran with his lovely mango lassi's that did it with a belt of sugar for each sufferer. And plenty of water. I drank coffee and my lassi, gobbled salapaos and pineapple and rose apple. They sat there hating me. Cho was laughing behind his newspaper.

I was reading the New York Times on my iPad, Reg groaned, "Fay, dancing??"

A Cri de Coeur, my response was "Kiet, please ask Niran for more lassi's please." Pointing to the two pairs.

They spent the day recovering, not too much sun, some sedate paddling in the pool, lots of fruit and salapaos were prescribed for the sugar content. By mid-afternoon they were mostly human again.

Jared, Douglas and the others had arrived last evening. They'd settled into their apartments and would relax until tomorrow and wander about some. Pool and restaurants, shopping nearby. They were good. Jared checked with me about the server delivery, all fine.

Rona lying next to me on a lounge, "I didn't really plan my wardrobe for this. We're close in size think you have anything for me?" Oh yes! We went to my bedroom and threw open the closets.

I stepped back and considered how things fit on me. The white dress with the slit on the left gathered to a gold flower pin. Enough room up top, good length even with Rona's shorter leg. White stockings and she fit into the gold spike shoes that have the lightning bolt heel!

She was pleased. "We'll work on the hair, gather it up maybe."

I went with the black backless halter dress with gold piping, mid-thigh, black glossy heels with a narrow strap and thigh high black stockings leaving some tanned skin bare.

Jian came in with choices and we helped her decide on black pants and silver sleeveless bolero jacket. One shiny black strap spike heel.

We came out to find the guys had gone shopping? Well the outcome of that will be interesting. I remembered the last time with three men in matching bell-bottoms and tight shirts.

The yacht was docking. Us three went down in our bikinis to greet Eric and Malee! They were tanned and smiling. Loads of kisses and hugs!

Eric got a call; we left him on the dock. Malee was happy, her arm linked with mine, "Fay, thank you! We had a great time. I got to see places I had never been and some from a different view." Sitting on the bed in their guest suite I hugged her. She had a sweet smile with an undercurrent of wicked, "Fay... "As she patted the bed, "we are great!"

I laughed, we did a go girl' fist bump! She brought over the other day several outfit choices for tonight. She had a halter top shiny metallic black dress, mid-thigh, full skirt and strap spike heeled shoes with small gold chrysanthemum on toe. That went with our colour scheme'!

The guys returned with bags and we girls were shooed out to the terrace, `No admittance' to our bedroom. HHHHHMMMMM! Secrets!

I had called Ni, Lawan, Reyna and Ku and Eve. Black and white with some gold `colour scheme' if you've got it. Anong and Rak were in too!

Dinner on the terrace in shorts and tops, anticipation building! Amporn fed us wonderfully. It always smelled so good and lost nothing in the translation from nose to tummy!

Then we split up boys and girls to dress. The boys on the terrace first. Malee, Jian, Rona and I hugging in the hallway before making our entrance. The guys were all dressed alike again. Black pants and shoes, WHITE shirts not tucked with SKINNY black ties! Smashing.

We showed off for them. Yells of appreciation! We all hugged and laughed at our little game. Rona got a big kiss and me a fist pump for her dress from Reg.

Ting had overheard Jian and me talking about black and white and so they decided to join in!

The call Eric got at the dock was Cho asking his sizes. Great surprise!

The waiting line for the Ice Rink was long. Mr. vivid blue suit met us at the door. He got our list of guests; he would take care of them.

I was between Reg and Rona, "Please enjoy! Dance as much as you like or sit and watch the couples on the floor, it is a kaleidoscopic show." A kiss from each on opposite cheeks.

ABBA! Cho swept me off! We were hot as Cho led me around the floor smiling, talking others, wishing them well. He was so happy! After a few dances we were near the stairway to the DJ booth high above. Cho led me to the gate; the security guard opened it for us. Up the metal stairs, first to back wall then right turn and steeper to the booth. He waved to the DJ's but took me aside to a small viewing area. We looked down on the whole room. The dancers moving in arcs and whorls, spinning and stepping creating the kaleidoscope imagery I used with Reg and Rona.

His arms around me, warm insistent lips. I was almost whirling myself, heady with the spirit of the room and my man. We hardly spoke; we didn't need to when it came to our feelings.

We descended slowly. At the booth Anong and Rak had arrived. Rak was dressed like our men, he'd gotten a call! Anong in a white skinny strap dress that had a golden bolero jacket!

Thang and Lawan were boogieing, smiling happy faces. I guess this is Thang's element.

I was `bumping' with Reg, funny to imagine the impossibility of this a few weeks ago. Now we fit in a natural way, complete acceptance of me as me.

No shit! I pointed out Eric doing the `funky chicken' with Malee. More head shaking. Eric was dropping some barriers for sure.

The whole Rink was movin' and shakin' in so many ways and colours!!

I slid next to my bud, "Oh Fay I want to dance!" Sad face I took into my hands and kissed, "You will Dear, only a few weeks at most." I can always get Jian to smile, its easy she's so happy a person.

I sipped a Cosmo watching Cho take Reyna around and around. Her face was wonderful to see, smiles and happy eyes.

The music pounding away kept my toes tapping even as I sat to rest.

Blondie, The Commodores, The Bee Gees, KC and the Sunshine Band, The Lipps.

One after another!

I claimed Cho back for the Village People, we all went to the `YMCA!'

Then Kool and the Gang, Yes!

Eric was beside me in the booth, "Take Malee up to the DJ booth, there's a small viewing area next to it. Great view!"

We walked over, I got them past security.

Rona and Rak were doing something like the `Hustle' as Anong and Reg tried to keep up. Lek and Siri nearby following along with them. Lek looked relaxed with Siri, a slender, lovely woman, strong shoulders she must have been a swimmer.

Kavnu was moving with Ni, better than at the Ball Room, like Thang I guess.

My butt was getting tired; I parked between Reyna and Jian. At some point Ku and Eve had arrived. They were in black pants, white shirts not tucked and red ties. We hugged; they had been delayed by unforeseen circumstances. I giggled; I said serendipity is an aphrodisiac! Cute smiles!

Gloria Gaynor!! Michael Jackson, Wild Cherry, Barry White, Vicky Sue Robinson, more ABBA!!!

Cho had called the DJ's to ask for a few tracks. I was wearing out but he pulled me onto the floor for Donna Summer's Last Dance' I pulled my metaphorical knickers up' and went to it. I loved being swung around by Cho, pulling me close, sliding along. Swinging and swaying.

When Donna went quiet I had to sit. A glass of water, Cho holding me.

Eric and Malee had loved the high perch, the dancers making patterns of colour in time with the music. Malee whispered they had kissed up there, me all smiles, "Us too!"

It was half past eleven when we headed home, the crowd was still going. Work tomorrow.

Eight of us at home on the terrace holding hands wishing each other a goodnight sleep.

Rona in the loaned short robe brought the dress and shoes in to me. She was glad, "We hadn't danced for so long." Big hug. I patted her butt, giggles, kiss. As she left Cho said something about her last exit, Rona threw open the robe and dashed out followed down the hall by our laughter.

Warm, quiet, snuggle with Cho! Classic end to a nice weekend.

Eight of us on the terrace in the warming sun. Various dress styles from the sexy to wrinkled shorts! The girls the former!

Malee in the robe I loaned her the first time, tousled but cute, Eric's arms around her from behind, "Everyone, Malee and I want you all to know we are a couple!" Cheers interrupted his speech, "We have a lot of things to work out but you all are in on it!" Hugs, kisses, back slapping commenced.

We ate Amporn's delicious salapaos with coffee and fruit. Dressed for the OS X Server install.

Black cutoff polo shirt, black skinny jeans, black Nordstrom ankle boots, black purse and briefcase. Cho's lovely black onyx jewelry!

We needed two cars for all of us. The OS X server install teams were uncrating as we arrived. All the Company brass around added a bit of pressure but the racks, networking and power were ready. Jared did a fist bump with me!

I introduced Kavnu and Udorn to everyone and Udorn in turn presented Cho. So all the Railroad brass was in attendance too which didn't lower the stress level. Everyone was in a good mood though so we backed up and let them get on.

I called Rak and told him about Rona shopping at Mongkut this morning. "Leave it to me."

Eric, Cho, Udorn, Kavnu and I gathered in my office. We didn't want to look over the shoulders of Jared's guys. They knew what to do.

Thet called to say Alex from Seattle had landed and was on the way to the Railroad Building. I told Eric, he smiled, "Another unveiling!" I decided to do it in my office with Eric, he was good with that.

Lek escorted Alex upstairs; he came in with a smile as he greeted Eric. Eric introduced me as Fay Martin, Alex didn't miss a beat, shaking my hand then lifting it to his lips gently. Wicked look in his eyes, laughing, "I was forewarned accidently when talked with someone in London who was talking about Fay with it all being about what I knew Phil, you, were doing here in Thailand. She didn't know I didn't know." Laughing along with us now, "Two and two. Then I asked about another subject with an OS X Server guy and more Fay. So..." Alex was happy that I was obviously happy. He met Cho before we all walked to Wo's.

Lunch at Wo's. Jared and Douglas's teams would get take away that Wo was preparing after my call.

We talked hardware and software. All the equipment for the next four rail yards was in the storeroom now. Kavnu had his schedule, Tarek and Rokson were ready. One of Rokson's construction foremen would be at each install from now on to learn and help.

I brought up the idea of a `flying squad', highly trained workers who could be brought together to tackle the repair of a rail yard network after a natural or man-made disaster. They would do their normal work until something happened, then decisions would be made as to how many and where they would be deployed. The standard of training would have to be maintained but refresher courses or just using ordinary upkeep as training. Kavnu argued for it so the Railroad would be able to respond quickly and not lose data on rolling stock and shipments. Udorn and Cho asked Kavnu to write it up for the Board. I volunteered to help Kavnu as we all walked back to the Railroad Building.

All those OS X Servers, lights, shiny new, humming away. Jared's team working on the installs of hardware and getting the OS happy. Douglas' APP folks had been driven to Kavnu's old rail yard to setup the linking systems and software. Tomorrow BangBamru.

I was somewhat out of the loop now. If we were going the Microsoft Windows route I'd have been more involved but these folks didn't need me.

In the sun on my balcony I made some calls, Reyna had been invited by Kanda to go over to the Red Cross office to chat about work possibilities. Good Luck!

Rak took Rona to a Cantonese restaurant near Mongkut he said was the best in the city. He dragged Malee from her desk to join them. Apparently she didn't struggle very hard!

Sitting after dinner on the terrace stroking Jian's leg. No cast when around the house, progress. I was going to the hospital tomorrow myself.

I met Malee in the hallway, the morning sun streaming down through the skylights. Big smile, cute in my robe, "Fay, I like it so much!" Keep it from me and I got a hug!

Sun and salapaos! I ought to write a book with that title!

The sun was part of my life like never before. Funny I had always liked the rain in England as a child. Rides with Gwen in the wet. She was up for it until the last year. I'd enjoyed taking care of her after a ride, rubbing, brushing, and combing her lustrous coat. Putting a warm blanket over her, fresh hay and some nice oats and hugs! She deserved it in return for her affection and care of me on our rides. I sat in the sun in Bangkok tearing up with the memories.

Rona sat beside me; I tried to tell her a bit. A warm squeeze and kiss, "Fay, you are the sweetest girl I know."

The others straggled out, coffee and Amporn's food making them human! Cho's smile making my day!

The nice doctor changed my bandage; it was much smaller, more `breathable' material. Still ugly! He liked my blue shirt dress and darker blue stockings and shoes. "I looked quite sophisticated' Ha!

Kavnu and I spent hours going over ins and outs of my `Flying Squad' idea and putting it together for a presentation the the Railroad Board. Ku and Jian made sense of our writing and got it looking good!

Then Eric and I sat down after lunch to talk about the regional training centre' idea of mine. Each region' whenever they were created would host a training centre where new folks could get training and older ones could sharpen their skills. It would lower the burden on the Company's home office which should support Europe but allow staff to travel to other locations, learn about any specific needs and pass info back to home office.

A local company would host it, they would benefit by having the best training `in house' and support from The Company with staff from London coming to town regularly.

Eric was `in' but we'd have to work on costs, responsibilities and locations. Smiling when I said Bangkok was an obvious choice, "I expected that!" Laughing, "It would be miles ahead of any other location by virtue of being first, a welcoming local company and staff." It made me proud to hear that about the Railroad.

Cho and I decided to host dinner for everyone connected to the effort. Instead of taking over the Kiet's restaurant we had them send over the food to us. Our usual caterers did the serving, etc...under our Kiet's direction. He was growing into his place with us so well. My Thai was better accented with a broader vocabulary; his English was much smoother too. Amporn and Niran got the night off. Smiles!

We had a good time with all the Londoners mixing with our Railroad folks. Eric and Malee together showed off their love, it was sweet!

Cho told everyone that we had several outings planned, first a night at the Ice Rink for dancing, etc...Friday night all were invited. Then on Saturday they would have a choice of going up river with us to the phosphorescent bay for snorkeling or doing a tour of the city hitting all the tourist locations, travel provided for them or they could just take the day on their own to explore.

Cho made it clear the boat trip would be an overnight thing but for those leaving Sunday night we would be back in time. "Please give your choice to your team leader by Friday morning so we can plan the numbers."

Wednesday saw the data streams flowing from all the setup rail yards. Eve smiling as she was able to track anything in a box car or a trailer on a flat car or a tanker from her desk in those yards. Cho and Udorn were grinning; I was standing beside Kavnu who had a broad smile, "Fay, just like the demos!" He had seen it all the way with me.

Jared's team were ecstatic, everything was working as planned. Some of the multiple racks would provide redundancy, others continuous backup and others remote access all tied to a security database in London The Company maintained.

With this in place putting trains together became more accurate and simpler, tracking gave data on movements so routing could be improved, many things would grow from this.

Evening found Eric and I sitting on a bench at our dock discussing how things were going and what was to come. Thursday all Railroad yard managers would get to touch and feel the system. They'd use desktops, laptops and iPads. Kavnu had set it up and was looking forward to seeing their faces as the possibilities hit them when they `got it'!

We talked about the regional job, closer to roll out as the Company board was up to date on Bangkok's success. He said I needed to get my skates ready!

Then some talk of the `new' software for remote controlling big machinery, they were testing in Holland on a suggestion of mine: marine locks. It was working well with a Dutch company partnering on the hardware. "Could be a big deal, Fay!"

Cho and I motored over to the Keren's. We were dressed in white as Keren asked. I met their son Somsak and his wife Tona, a handsome couple in from Singapore where he was assistant consul general in the Thai embassy. They hadn't seen Cho for a while so they did a bit of catching up as I gabbed with Phailin as she gave me a tour of their home. Lovely wood floors and walls, warm colours, very big kitchen with large windows.

Dad Keren brought us together in the garden lit by a few lanterns. We sat in an arc of chairs in front of their family altar, he gave Somsak and Tona a brief history of my links to their family and how he `connected' with me. He spoke about how he respected my toughness and aplomb, especially my strength of character in adversity. When he talked on my being alone in the world except for Cho and how it touched Phailin and himself. There was a bit more before Phailin took my hand and joined it with Keren's who held a burning stick of incense. He passed it to Phailin then Somsak and Tona in the place of Kamon. Then to me. Lastly he lightly touched it to my left wrist, a very small mark. I was crying by then. Keren wiped my tears away as we all hugged, I reached out for Cho. All together! I signed some papers for the government but I was a daughter now.

Somsak was holding my hand, he mentioned that he and Kamon had wanted other siblings but it hadn't happened. He was terrific. Tona asked my impressions of Kamon's kids since they hadn't seen them for years. She laughed at my description of Sunny, growing up, cute, being a `teenager' in America. Artie, the football hotshot who's getting into skateboards. Tiny Suchart, I described those big dark eyes in his wrappings.

Aside, Tona said quietly that she might be pregnant; she would be tested in a few days back in Singapore. She hadn't mentioned to anyone yet, waiting to be sure. A kiss, "I do hope it will be happy for you two."

A lot of new life!

Phailin and I in the kitchen sitting in the comfy breakfast booth, "Somsak is right we did want to have more children but after Somsak I couldn't," I squeezed her hand, "we had to enjoy the many nieces, nephews and cousins. Until now!"

I commented that at least I was past the nappy stage if not the handkerchief one. She laughed out loud at that. Dad Keren did too when Phailin repeated it.

I found out that Somsak was doubly pleased because he'd somewhat hero worshipped Cho and now they were brothers! Fun `family' secrets I now had to keep.

We invited Tona and Somsak to the Ice Rink party Friday night, they were `in'!

The drive home was a nice cuddle. "You have a family behind you now but you also have obligations." Dark eyes on mine, I nodded, "I'm prepared." He smiled; he knew I wouldn't have done this lightly.

Morning sun on the terrace was blotted out by Jian climbing onto me. We tickled and giggled. We ended in a kiss and dash for coffee and miscellaneous things to eat. Malee coming out with hands full as her robe slipped open giving Jian, Rona and I a show! We clapped as she put down her food goodies and flashed it wide showing her goodies before tying it closed. We all pouted which caused giggles from her. I told her about Rona's flashing of Cho history which got me a swat during a laughing fit. Jian spilled the beans on our occasional group showering when we did get clean eventually. Malee gave us a mock shock look before bursting out in giggles.

The Railroad yard managers from across the system were in the big conference room. Cho led off the meeting with the news of Udorn becoming Railroad President and Kavnu moving to the Vice-President spot which were cheered. Then Kavnu and Jared did their bit about the hardware and software. Douglas did his piece on the new app which led to the hands on time; each manager was moved from one device to the next. They loved the iPad software, clean and easy but some preferred the laptop version because they knew the OS better. We would get them on iPads, `All in good time' from Douglas and Kavnu.

Douglas' app folks were at Nakhon Sawan and Nakhon Ratchasima to finish up the first phase. Rokson was working at Chumphon Rail yard, his email yesterday had said they would be done for sure this morning if we wanted the app people to start in the late morning. Douglas had said yes! Part of his team was on a train a few hours later, they arrived safely, looked over the rail yard and would start today in the AM. Kavnu said there was an express to Bangkok Friday late morning so they'd be back in the city by three PM.

All the major lines in the system were covered on at least one point. More installs would be done next week. Most of the OS X Server folks would leave Sunday late but the Mac APP ones would be around for a few weeks or so doing the other installs and follow up.

Friday started on the terrace with our friends, coffee, food and chat. Rona was secretive about what she bought at Mongkut to wear tonight at the Ice Rink and Reg said he didn't know either. MMMMMM! Reg did get the back story on the Ice Rink from Cho, everybody loved it. It gave them a different facet of Cho. I smiled at him, I was so happy with him!

Jared's team in the Computer Centre was winding down now. The hardware was running perfectly, the mirrors completely sync'd, the backup saving locally as well as on a server in London. The guys back at the Company offices had tested the remote access doing multiple tasks, all good!

Eve's shining face at her desk, a big hug, "It's so great! We'll see it all!" She was enthused!

Jared and I walked to the tea caddy, "Fay, Eve's excellent! She's given us several good ideas for changes and new reports. AND, Eve has an even temper we found out when there were a few setup glitches. She helped iron them out after a few choice expletives were spoken about some hardware." He was laughing, "Me included."

Jared handed me his team's choices for Saturday to give to Cho's PA.

Walking upstairs with Lek, "Fay, you know a funny thought in my head," we stopped on the landing, "all of you are smart with many skills and you met because of the Brothers. It is odd." I squeezed his shoulder, a thought, must call Dad.

On the balcony, while Ku was getting our tea and cakes feeding ready I texted Dad. He was on a call and would call.

Andrea answered right away, "Fay, I do have vacation time coming. Yes, sitting on a beach in Normandy and some time in Paris. You have beaches? Yes, I know...free housing and food? Lots of things to do... Ok! I'll work on it. By the way Karla's promotion to `Lead' was posted and her team gave her a crown and scepter! Nice for her. Tony is doing really well. They wanted me to thank you for the solicitors help and their legal bits are on the way to be changed."

Reyna's VM took my asking how she was doing and call me before tonight message.

Dad Keren called back but he wasn't enthusiastic about my request. "Fay, I think you should leave this go, no good will come from it. They are criminals and willingly cast you aside when it suited them." I let it go for now but wondered about whether speaking to the Brothers might be good.

In Cho's outer office, his PA Sanjara said he was finishing a call to a manufacturer. I walked to the conference room adjacent, "Sakda, it is Fay. Yes, that's fine. Text me the picture, I'm in his office now. You are making me a really good price aren't you? Yes but I want you to make money too! Please! I got it... Yes the colours are great! Go! I'm patient because I want your best! Ok. Be well!"

Cho agreed with Dad about the Brothers but... "They were your friends once, you did help them sometimes..."

In his arms, "Fay, I just think you don't owe them anything that you haven't already well over paid."

I had a hard time expressing how happy I was and even though they used me for many things, some not nice, they made my happiness possible. Cho's strong arms and loving kisses reinforced it but had I paid? I looked at my arm I guess we're even! Acceptance of good fortune! A life step!

Amporn had some spicy shrimp starters and a mango dip for cut fruit on the terrace for the eight of us. We munched awaiting her dinner which was driving me crazy with the glorious smells! A big crispy fish! Several other fish dishes, curry and sweet. Rice with vegetables or sweet bits of fruit or tangy tomatoes. Soft noodles or crispy won tons. MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

I was again Miss Piggy! Dancing was going to take it anyway!

I hadn't heard from Reyna. Cho told me to call Thet. He said he would send some fellows over to check on her.

Soft black skinny slacks, silver and white bolero jacket with one embroidered frog clasp to hold it together, black spike heels! My hair point well down on my cheek nearing the jawline!! Showing a ton of tanned skin!

Jian had sleeveless dress in white red and yellow vertical stripes, soft easy silk, one red pump!

Malee like me in trousers, silver gray and a black vest. Sexy tight on her bod! Black heels.

The guys were all going in basic hip business suits without ties, open collars!

We awaited what secrets Rona had for us. Reg had been shooed out so he was with us.

RED! A soft flowing RED halter dress with deep décolletage past her belly button, full skirt! Her bare back was amazing, soft skin lightly tanned! Reg was clutching his heart. We all cheered.

"I had to do one sexy special thing before the child makes it too hard! You like?" As she twirled around showing on those great legs in red stockings and red pumps.

Rona gave Malee a big hug, "Malee helped me and kept my secret!"

This sexy crowd piled into two cars. Whisked off to the Ice Rink!

Mr. vivid blue suit was having to manage our many guests, Jared and Douglas' teams had arrived. Cho had kept a secret too! He arranged to have the US and UK embassies post an invite for ladies who wanted to dance, an evening's entertainment if they would like to meet and dance with the young techie guys. A dozen women had agreed. Cho's PA setup transportation for them. They had gotten into the spirit with something like 70's and 80's style clothes!

Cho gathered everyone together, told them their first drinks and their food would be on the house, cheers, but please don't drink too much. Save your energy for dancing. If you are going on the boat trip don't forget the morning departure.

KC and the Sunshine Band started us off Cho and I in front of the booth smiling at each, his strong arms leading me. The Lipps, then Gloria Gaynor on and on through the hits of the disco era. You could see the tech guys dancing too young to remember Disco but a lot of energy at least.

I asked Jared for a dance which got him a bit red in the face but he wasn't bad. Laughing by the end of it, "See no great ordeal?" He smiled and thanked us for the night at the Ice Rink.

I saw Alex from Seattle with one of the embassy ladies they were doing hustle like steps.

Cho snagged me for an ABBA tune; we ended up near Rak and Anong. We hugged, Anong squeezing my hand, "Our families are pleased with us. We are an approved match! So funny because Rak told me he didn't care but it does make it all so much easier."

"They would have to be crazy not want you as a daughter and yours for not wanting him. Families are something I have a lot to learn about."

Anong hugged me again, "You are lucky to be part of the Keren's. I like them all so much."

Vicky Sue Robinson followed by Wild Cherry then Blondie. I danced each with a different partner, Douglas, a OS X Server guy and Somsak who had arrived with Tona. I could see Tona being swung by Cho. Somsak and I laughing Tona was carried off. We paused in the booth for a drink. Jian was introduced; we shared a Cosmo as Somsak got a rum punch.

Toasting Us!

I faintly heard my phone and dug it out. Thet! I called him right back, I told him I would call again once I was in the Ice Rink office where I could hear. He said Reyna had been harassed by a neighbor and afraid to leave her apartment. He had spoken to the local police who didn't think it was anything. "I did go further and I hope I haven't caused any trouble but I called a friend who works for General Keren like I used to do. He came over to talk to the man; he is a German, the fellow lives on the same hallway as Reyna. Loc, the security officer, tried to reason with the man but he became physically aggressive. He is a big fellow but Loc is skilled in close combat. The German is under arrest for attacking a security officer and will be investigated. Reyna is fine but upset, she asked me to tell you she will stay home tonight."

"Thet, she has been alone a lot which is why I have tried to get her out. If she feels safe staying there then it is good. Please see if she needs anything and help her if she does. Tell Reyna I will be by tomorrow morning to pick her up for the boat trip if she still wants to go." He said he would take care of Reyna tonight and find out about tomorrow and contact me.

I liked Thet and certainly trusted him so I went back to the booth in thought but not worried. Jian saw me, arm around my waist looking in my face. I told her what's up, Reyna was ok but frightened.

Eric took my hand after I put away the cell for a Gloria Gaynor tune!! We did a modified hustle with Reg and Eve, Rona and Ting, Somsak and Siri, Lek and Ku we all worked it together. Cho led Tona out to join. Everybody was joining in. I was thinking about Jian, she was at the booth entry moving her body as best as possible holding Thang's hand on one side and Ni's on the other.

The Bee Gees followed then Michael Jackson. The Commodores came with two tunes back to back!

More ABBA!!!

After that I was worn and headed to park my butt. I hugged Jian, "Soon baby, you and me out there!" Big grin! Big kiss!

We stayed until midnight. Lots of happy people still dancing as the house group were carried home by Cho's big Mercs. Those going up river knew they had a dockside time so...

On my belly as Cho straddled my thighs giving me a heavenly back rub, he was more than willing since I had done him already. Strong fingers going deep but in the gentlest manner. Naked on my back Cho on top we kissed for a while and slid off to sleep.

Everything was ready in the morning. Rak had delivered many snorkel sets with himself and Anong. All the girls and their partners were coming. Eric and Malee too. Five of the tech guys and a few of the embassy ladies too.

Jared and Douglas and the other techies were doing the guided tour Cho's PA arranged in a private bus with lots of attractions and all day to do it. Free passes to several nice attractions.

Thet had called me, Reyna would go and he was going to accompany her. Good! I wanted her to feel safe.

We had cabins for the couples and protected sleeping areas for the rest either on deck or in one of the saloons.

On the fantail I held Reyna in my arms, she was ok, unsettled by the events but ok. I thanked Thet for following through for her. He told me they had stayed up late talking; they were from different worlds in many ways but had a connection. I squeezed his hand. I got a nice smile from him.

The main saloon had breakfast items available. Tiny black bikini on, hands full of coffee cup and salapao I wandered to the sunny fantail. I parked on the cushions, red tinted round sunglasses. Rona came aft same as me, food, bikini, sunglasses. She flopped down beside me laughing, "Reg laughed at your mooning him the other night then sat on the bed and looked at me saying `it was like you weren't ever any different than what you are now.'" We hugged grinning with a fist bump. "You know Hunny Bunny I can't imagine when you weren't, it's like I can't remember!"

That made me feel good, like I was a real person, memorable and substantial.

A lovely day warm, sunny our crowd wandering around with coffee and food bits, talking, laughing, happy. I watched Reyna with Thet, they were close leaning their heads together to speak, intimate looking. It was fine; she needed to expand her base of friends. Thet was a solid guy, early forties, not handsome but had a look...stability and decency. He had a nice smile which was on display now for Reyna!

I slipped my arms around Cho, "have you seen Thet and Reyna?" I whispered over his shoulder my chin on his back; I saw the nod as he continued to talk with Eric.

In the main saloon Lawan getting food was nabbed from behind, "Hey, how's the work load?"

She giggled as my fingers roamed over the bikinied bod, "Piles but no urgent deadlines."

We sat for a minute, "Fay, Thang is going south Monday for a few days..." I jumped in, "Come stay with us!"

"I miss him," Lawan leaned her head on my shoulder, "Fay I am thrilled by him in bed, we are so comfortable. He is sexy, yes?" I quickly agreed. She smiled, "it is funny you brought us together after we both had sex with you." We laughed and squeezed.

Jian bent over us, kisses! I told her Lawan would stay with us for a day or two, Jian was up for it.

I saw Thet and Reyna talking with Cho; he was patting Thet on the back and nodding.

The three embassy ladies were happy being aboard and their host tech guys had been gracious and nice. That was good to hear, we wanted to be good hosts. They were cute and getting rays and Bloody Marys.

I thanked the Captain for taking Eric and Malee out and that they had enjoyed themselves. He is a quiet fellow but seemed pleased I made the effort to thank him. Good!

It was a placid, warm evening anchored in Aao Khamoht. Rak's snorkels and flippers were passed out. Cho rowed Jian and I to shore to visit Kure and Tani. He held my hand as we were greeted at the door by Kure's husband, Ban. My Thai wasn't up to understanding what he said but I felt it as a warm expression. Cho shook hands with him as did I and Jian. Cho said he thanked us from his heart for the nice gestures to his family and the prospect of being home all the time.

I jerked around to Cho, he had a glowing face, "Yes, I looked in to it and made a few things happen." I threw my dignity to the winds grabbing him, kissing him holding on tightly.

"I found a small manufacturing company specializing in products for the fishing industry, it was for sale. It had a division that makes parts for large fishing nets, and accessories which could be re-located. I have a new plant building under construction a ½ mile from here along the river. 6-8 local men will be hired for fulltime work maybe 4 more for part-time. We run the materials up river do the work; send the finished pieces down the river. Easy, no trucks and small haulage boat firms will get work from us."

I started crying Cho's arm around me Tani holding one hand Jian the other. Ban holding Kure, everyone happy with the new changes. Cho was my prince charming making my dreams come true. Tani walked us back to the row boat. I got a kiss from her and gave a hug to her and her dolls.

On the deck Jian squeezed me, "Fay, you were right to want to go forward. A good thing."

Naked with Cho's weight on me crying like a child being kissed lovingly, "I'm so happy! You take me seriously like no one ever has. You make good things happen around me like magic but I know you are a realist, you find a way to make good occur and make money! It is an art!"

"Nothing I have done would have occurred without you as the catalyst! We are a team, a perfect pair. You are the inspiration, I am the doer. Perfect!"

Comments welcome : abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 37

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