
By A becker

Published on Feb 22, 2016



We left it there but I sensed their intensity of interest. PJ was smiling at me in the car to the hotel.

My what... Only got me a bigger grin, "Fay, am I correct that you worked your way through the presentation so they were elevated at each stage to new excitement?"

He kept grinning as I responded, "Yes I did plan it so we went from their issues to what we can do and brought in our products."

"You impressed me watching."

"Well thank you Sir! I'm getting better at this."

He shook his head, "I think you are very good right now."

The last few stops had been the first time I had asked him into the presentation, trying to bring him as more of an assistant than just a bodyguard I hoped without compromising that role. I thought he mustn't be allowed to be bored.

PJ and I were in a restaurant later for dinner. It was an older one buried in a small area of Wan Chai not developed yet. I had been there before they had the best dim sum!!!

I was a piggy again, so many choices! The shrimp were my favs. PJ loved them too.

Snuggled in bed Cho iPhone sexed me through a session with my plastic dick knowing I'd be home tomorrow!


Thai Airways arrived on time at Suvarnabhumi Airport, coming out of the jetway I was scooped up by Cho! Kissed and crushed to his muscled body. My MAN! What a joyful greeting!

After THAT we wasted no time in getting aboard the helicopter, a straight line to our dock. Jian waiting on the terrace open arms! Eve and Ku also!

I held Eve tight, "Fay I'm so happy!"

I rested a hand on her bare belly, we grinned at each other, "Cho did the same earlier."

Cho arranged for all the girls and their companions to be at the house for dinner.

In our room I marveled at the re-painting that had been done. I chose the colours but didn't expect it to be finished! A soft white ceiling with walls in several shades of pale rose, the new curtains up too. The bathroom and dressings rooms done!! They were various blues and sea green.

Cho's arms around me, warm, strong and giving bits of me sexy stroking's. MMMMMMMMM Kissing him is a sweet treat!

In a bikini for the first time in weeks soaking up sun with an espresso and a pile of salapaos. The tray was going down fast as I got help from Jian and others. Big grins everywhere.

Cho had my hand as we opened the double doors to the Playroom, so big! There was a taped outline on the floor of where the train layout was to go. Carpenters to be here tomorrow to build the framing for the base. The base would have built-in drawers for storage and slide-in/out trays for keeping engines and rolling stock easy to see lying on their sides. A work bench was also to be built where things would be constructed. Ah my spot to build houses, etc... Oooohhhh Cho had done some work on this!

The covered billiard table beckoned but I resisted awaiting my game with Dad to inaugurate it. New padded bench seating and a corner alcove table area next to the billiard table. The terrace seating around a table was done and a sandbox, a small swing set and several big umbrellas.

I'd seen the nursery and nurse/nanny rooms already; they were just like I'd wanted! The nursery was a series of greens, light and yellowy with rows of sweet cartoon animal's waist high around. All the various cribs, diaper things et al would be moved in soon.

Alex and Sheila would be here in ten days when we were back from Kentucky, Sondra and Joanna five days later. Aileen and Sue the third week in November with Inmura and Miki a week after them. Also Eric before his wedding to Malee on the 27th. Busy month of visitors.

Kenneth who was the supervisor of the water project install team in Sydney, New South Wales called; they were going great guns two days ahead of schedule. The local folks had done more prep work than planned so our part got a nice jump start!

I passed it on to Eric who was quite pleased, "Fabulous! This is a great learning project not too complicated but many elements we will see over and over. The same for Cho's project in the northeast. Almost like a demo."

"I think Ramon in Manila is going down there. He was invited but I haven't heard whether it's a go or not. I'll follow up."

Jian had put Dusit and Kwang to readying the interviewees, the list was down to twenty five or so. Jian had followed up on them, "Fay, they did a great job of working on the list. They also sent acknowledgements to everyone and `thank you's but not at this time' responses to the obvious not qualifiers. I did not need to change any of their choices."

We did high fives and fist bumps, not only for their work but re-affirming our decision to hire them!!!

Cho `helped' with my plastic dick work. I loved sucking him as he played with my new sex. We lay close after, "Fay if one baby is a girl I would like us to consider my mother's name as her first?"

Big hug, "Chanthira is lovely, can we use Chani for short?"

Yes, he liked the sound of that. He also proposed Chati for a boy's name, "We can call him Charlie, OK?"

I was good with both! Middle names? We had time for those. He was adamant Fay would be one of our daughter's middle names and Martin for a boy!

Amporn made us all a wonderful dinner! A crispy fish in honour of my return, coconut prawns, tasty veggies and Roti. Kiet had made an ice cream run. No surprise he volunteered! A locally made mango flavoured sherbet was spectacular!!

Snuggled with Cho in the dark, "Cho two weeks was hard! It would have been worse except I was so busy."

Kisses! Strong warm embrace! Sleep at home!

In white shorts and crop top, big coffee, watching the carpenters building the train table base outside. They had covered the tiled terrace outside the big glass doors to do the frame. Cho's arms slipped around me, "It will actually be on lockable wheels in two sections that we can separate so we work on parts of the surface in the middle and underneath."

I stood beside him as he explained, "Power here for both sides to run the trains and light up buildings, signs and animated bits."

He had given this more thought than I knew! Like his big real Railroad!

Eric called when he got into his office, "Fay, your trip sounds like an unqualified success! Great sales and possibilities. I'm glad Chao is still in charge... He and Millie?... Then I might see them?... Of course Malee and I wouldn't miss being with you guys at Harcourt House. Congrats to you both and Eve!! Little Cho's and Fay's Oh MY!"

We laughed until we rang off. Cho did too when I told him the end.

Into the office tomorrow, I needed to get some things done before we went off to the Breeder's Cup. Many interviews in the next few days.

Andrea called with congrats too. And thanks for the interviews in New York! I told her to grab Jasmin, train her and send her out to me. Andrea laughing said ok!

She was doing great, still no morning sickness, gaining weigh but not too much so far! She and Jian and Ting were in discussions about names. I told her about our choices. She loved them!

Anthony had arrived with the first of the trainees from London to work with Eve. They were in a class setting with her and her assistant Tono as Anthony came over to the house to setup our Mac OS Server. It was installed in the Security Room by the dock which was air-conditioned and protected.

The server would hold data and media of all kinds we could stream and have several Time Machine hard drives beside it. All our devices were connected and the laptops set to backup there and into the cloud.

On the terrace with coffee I got Anthony's view on this crop of newbies. He liked them and felt they were good hires, many skills and eager to learn! It was great to have folks of different backgrounds AND much more multi-lingual too! Cool!

It had been funny for me that I was fluent in French, German, Spanish and quite strong with many other European languages but I was now in Asia. My spoken Thai had advanced tremendously. I was definitely holding my own in conversations. My reading had greatly advanced but writing was lagging. My dad had passed the language skill on but not the interest in the military or intelligence business.

Jian had scheduled twenty five interviews for the next few days. We sat down to prepare with our questions and those from Andrea. Who were we looking for?

We needed folks who communicated well in English and weren't a bit shy to ask questions. You couldn't know everything so any candidate had to be able to get past that block and seek help. It was a tough thing especially for younger folks.

We needed to see if they could coach clients through issues and raise their level of knowledge of our products. That was one side, the other was the technical. They had to KNOW networks!

Standing by the car with PJ in the morning watching Jian come down the walk. Cute. Emerald green dress and dark blue heels. Very cute bits of thigh showing!

My light blue dress was mid-thigh with navy belt, stockings and shoes. Lapis lazuli set and gold triple intertwined bracelet and gold hoop earrings!

We were hot and professional.

Dusit and Kwang at their desks smiling at us as PJ pushed open the glass doors. They had the schedule and security was alerted. They had conference room ready.

Jian took my MacBook to hook up to the conference room's big screen so we could run video.

The first was a Bangkok native who'd worked for IBM for four years in the mini-computer division. He had installed systems, setup software and networks. His spoken English was only barely adequate but reading wasn't a problem.

After he was gone Jian got coffee and we talked about that issue. We had to find a balance regarding English competency but there was no way to mitigate being able to communicate clearly.

Our second also a man whose experience had been with one company where he was in the computer department. It wasn't enough of a platform to have really tested him on networking but he spoke reasonably well and had an engaging manner.

More coffee and a trip to pee. Jian looking at me, "Fay you seem to be very careful asking questions."

"I feel the responsibility sharply because they want to be where I was a year ago. These two didn't have the knowledge I came to the job with as a rookie five years ago. I don't want to erode the quality of the workforce!"

The last of the afternoon was a woman with a story. Janine was an American whose marriage to a Thai businessman had collapsed. No children, twenty nine years old, slender emerald green eyed blonde, pretty just short of downright beautiful. Computer Science degree from University of Washington in Seattle and excellent work experience before moving to Bangkok to live with her husband. I could see her dress was decent but plain, no stockings or jewelry, light lipstick only and her hands needed care although she did try to minimize their exposure. Threadbare? Hard times?

She'd done some programming and had considerable network configuration experience both with Ethernet and WiFi. She understood the protocols of networking and RS 232 and its variants in the serial world. We talked about controlling devices and a summer's work in a plastics molding company where CNC machines were sent cutting data.

Janine had much of what we needed in skills backed by some real world experience. I opened a dark door by asking about her present situation.

There was a brief croaking as she started to say she wasn't working now since she had no valid work permit. The body language changed to a more defensive posture so I said we'd break for a few minutes, "Janine, coffee? Tea?"

She asked for coffee black. As Jian made coffee I got out some cookies, ginger!! And cream filled wafers!! I made plates for each of us so Janine would feel free to eat it all.

A quick kiss for Jian, "I like her and even if we don't hire her we need to help her."

Jian gave me a look from under her lashes, "Fay..." a tap on my left breast, "a big heart!"

Back at it I went for more on her work that summer which seemed a source of pride. Janine opened up again, smiling with an anecdote on the repeated sending of the same cutting program that failed by a worker expecting different results and her educating him.

I asked her to walk with us out into the sunshine. I leaned on the terrace wall, "Janine I will need to know more about what you are doing now so I can evaluate you."

I put out my hand to her she took it looking in my eyes. Then a pause, "I'm working as a nanny for two children of a friend of my ex-husband. He knows I can't legitimately work because of my visa; he pays cash but not much. I'm stuck! I was pushed out of the home I shared with my ex... no money ...I had to beg him for my passport which he just returned a few days ago... divorced six months back..."

No tears but she had a tremble.

I had my iPhone, Mr. Wattna came on after a short wait, pleased to hear from me and in fact he was going to send us a request to meet some American businessmen at a roundtable discussion of opportunities in Thailand. Good, we'll see if we can be there. Send the info.

I moved us to Janine; he was appalled by the man's methods. "Miss Martin, reassure your friend she has nothing to fear from us about the visa. If she can come to my office I will provide a work permit under your aegis. Then she will have some security. ...Yes in one hour is fine."

I rang off looking at Janine, "Can you go with me in an hour?"

She was dumfounded, "Yyyyes! Fay... "

On my prompting she gave Jian the address where she was living with the family and what was hers in her room and where the room was in the house.

I called Dad. The smile in his voice was unmistakable, "Fay, I will have it done. No worries about the legality of our actions what the man has done is a crime which we are entitled to investigate and we won't need to go anywhere in the house but her room. I will have it all brought to you."

I thanked my Dad and the future granddad! He chuckled! I passed my iPhone to Jian to give him the address and room info.

Janine had dropped into a chair one hand over her eyes the other on her knee which was shaking slightly. I sat beside her taking the shaking hand. Jian brought a small glass with a bit of whiskey. Janine looked at me then Jian, "Should I?"

"That is up to you. If you feel it will help by all means."

She thanked Jian but said no which I liked. The hand I had stopped shaking, "Fay, what can I..."

My squeeze brought her eyes to mine I let her see I was in her corner, "Jian call Cho's property guy and ask for Reyna's old flat to be readied."

Jian had a grin; I got my iPhone back as she used hers to call.

"Janine, we'll put you up in a small flat temporarily. Then some decisions can be made."

Lek called, "Fay I am commissioned by the General to help you on this issue. My team will enter the house, remove the woman's belongings and deliver them to your office. Yes, Siri will be with me so no men will touch her personal items. Soon!"

I suddenly realised I'd been speaking Thai through much of this so Janine was somewhat in the dark. In fact she was staring at me; I could see my smile relaxed her.

"Ok, first we will go to the Thai Foreign Office to get your visa fixed. Second, your things will be picked up by the Security Police and brought here."

Now Janine was crying. Jian got the handkerchief from my purse, Cho and Fay. I sat next to Janine again, "Here. It is a lucky handkerchief!"

"Then we will take you to the flat. Do you have a bikini?"

That floored her, "Bikini? No not any more..."

"Don't worry we have some for guests. Then a swim and food. OK?"

That may have been the most shocking item on the agenda.

Mr. Wattna greeted me effusively and Janine's passport was handed over. His assistant dashed off. We spoke on his balcony, a few brief questions for Janine about her divorce status and future plans. When I let him know she'd be an employee Janine's head whipped around. I smiled.

Her passport updated and I had the schedule for the trade meetings in New York in hand. PJ took us off.

Back at the office Lek and Siri were just arriving. I liked he did fist bumps with PJ and I got a hug from them both. Janine's things were in Jian's office; Siri went in there with her to help review the items.

Lek and I caught up on events; Dusit brought coffees for us all.

PJ and some security guys got Janine's bits down to the car for the short run to the flat. The building manager let us in giving Janine keys. She was shaking again, I took her hand to lead her to the bedroom, "Please tell me if my being a busybody is too much."

"No..." big smile, "I'm good, very grateful but...it's so unexpected, that's all. My ex and his friend did condition me to presume the worst of people. So thank you for being different."

I laughed inside and out, "Different is my norm!"

OK off! PJ escorted us down to the car, I kissed Siri and Lek goodbye, a `we'll get together' after our trip to Kentucky!

At the house I got out a bikini for Janine, she liked a black string one. Damn she looked great! Beside the pool with drinks we nibbled on some little spring rolls and peanut sauce from Amporn in the sun. Cho came home; I got a kiss Janine got an introduction handshake and wink. I was giggling as Cho went in, "He's loves to see girls looking good."

I waved my ring, "I enjoy watching him do it, there's so much fun and mischief in him!"

"Someday soon we'll get serious about wedding planning," my laughing caught her imagination.

"Fay hire someone to plan."

More laughing, "Yes I've been told that but I have to plan to get a planner. Ha!"

Cho came out to do some laps in the pool before dinner; the Speedo brought a low gasp from Janine. I leaned over to squeeze her hand, "See how it works both ways!"

There was a sweet sounding giggle from her, "Damn I'd say yes!"

We talked about working for us and that we had some hurdles still to be cleared; I called Eve to ask for a complete tour of her shop for Janine. She said send her over tomorrow since Anthony was doing a class in a conference room in the morning.

Jian intro'd Janine to Ting and feasting on the terrace began! Amporn hugged me later, when I dragged Janine in, "Miss I love to make things for Fay she likes eating so much!"

I gave Janine the translation, "I saw that yet you are so skinny!"

Cho chimed in, "A hollow leg for storage!" He slipped his arms around me resting his fingers on my bare midriff.

We sent Janine to sleep at her new flat with Eve and Ku to pick her up in the morning with Shira. They'd send her to my office after Eve's tour and talk.

Yellow and White striped sleeveless dress, white stockings and yellow heels, green parrot cloisonné bracelet and the wide hinged gold one too. I waited with Jian for the first interviewee.

Rang was a bit smaller than average with a wide smile in a handsome face. At thirty one he had a solid work history after a computer sci degree and some grad work in robotics. He knew networks inside and out was currently working as a Windows Server manager for large bank.

He wanted to see some of the world and get paid. Simple idea but I disabused him of the idea that we would subsidize his travels without a lot of hard work.

He laughed, switching back to Thai after I pushed him to English, "Yes I understand," then more English, "and I do not want to appear flip."

I ran a video of a rail yard install of our sensor system and the linking to a Mac OS X Server. He was rapt, "Yes I would enjoy doing that!"

Rang wanted to learn about the Mac OS and when I showed him the conference APP connecting with Tarek he was squirming in his seat. I let him talk with Tarek for a few minutes before getting back to cases.

He didn't have a passport so that had to be fixed as soon as. With an expedite fee he could have it soon after serving out his two week notice for the bank. Good it wasn't one of Cho's banks!

The next fellow was great on paper but his English was very weak. A bit of a lie! So it was over quickly with the proviso if that changed please apply again.

We downed some cookies that Kwang baked with coffee. Sweet sugar cookies from a recipe her mother got from an American family she had cooked for. Simple little cookies with various fruit preserves in a small depression in the center. Tasty! She was encouraged to repeat it any time. Kwang said she could do it here with oven in the kitchen. OK! I was sure the aroma would be deleterious to my work. Shit! Who cares!

Jian was giggling through all that. I tickled her before hugs and a kiss finished it.

The ensuing two interviews were useful but the candidates lacked either the knowledge or get up and go spirit I felt was needed.

Dusit called in a lunch order to Wo's. Security downstairs called to say Janine was on the way up. On the terrace she sat with Jian and me to talk before food. I told her Lek and Siri worked for my adopted father who was a senior general in the Security Police. Dad Keren had called last night to tell me what had gone on and I passed it on to Janine.

The family had been upset by the arrival of the Security Police at their door, when the man had tried to stop them gathering your things he was detained. He was informed of the criminal laws he had broken regarding you he became deflated and expected to be arrested. Lek informed him that it would be taken under consideration but if all your things were okay no charge would be placed for now. He was advised he was on the police radar so he had to be proper when dealing with all domestic servants.

Janine's eyes were wide open listening to me, "I am amazed by all of what's happened. Yesterday, today with Eve, now this."

The bounty of Wo's cooking didn't dispel her wonder. The prawns with red chiles were magical, the chiles hot but perfectly balanced in the sauce, soup and a fabulous coconut rice. The five of us punished the food admirably.

We parked Janine at Jian's desk to play with the London demo servers while we interviewed three more.

A Thai-Chinese woman, Kei, petite, sweet but well educated in computers and networks. Good work experience! I knew after a few minutes she was a keeper. We completed the interview and I intro'd her to Janine so they could share Jian's Mac and mess about in the demo's. I wanted to see them interact, would Janine show Kei what she'd learned.

Dusit had been put on follow ups, checking references, etc...He was on it!

Before going in for the next one I watched Kei and Janine through the open door, they were laughing as they worked the software together. Good! They were open to new people and things AND sharing!!

The final two interviews were okay but there was no `feeling' for me from either. They really needed more work experience and language skills to rise to a new level to get me interested.

Standing by my desk with Jian's arm around my waist, "Honey, two today is good?"

I nodded, "Sure is! They could be great! Three in two days is a good start. That leaves nineteen?"

"No, one withdrew so eighteen."

We had six interviews tomorrow and eight the day after then four on the final day then a meeting for all chosen in the afternoon. Pushing because Glaa was racing!

PJ took me to Dr. Sanporam's office for a checkup. He was pleased with me! He took some more anonymous snaps. "Miss Martin I once said to you that you were a near perfect patient. I think I underestimated you. I can see you are happy with the results, your surgery may be my best ever!"

I hugged him, "I can't thank you enough. I'm thrilled!!! But when can I ride?"

He laughed, "I would say in a few weeks. I would also say the same for sex. You should be able to begin a normal sex life with some regard to enthusiasm."

I smiled at that, a cheek kiss and I was gone floating on air.

I was tingly in the car, so happy I'd be able to ride during Christmas time at Harcourt House. I called Cho. I loved telling him good news his voice was always so warm it was like turning on a blow torch inside me I don't think I'll ever lose that feeling!

We were hosting some various folks for cocktails so I added Rang, Kei and Janine. I told them informal dress.

Mr. Nu called as we passed the gate, "Miss Martin, I received your list of board prospects and we have sent letters expressing our pleasure in inviting them to join us in two weeks for a meeting. I will keep you up to date on their status. Also, I am pleased to hear you will be our chairperson. Cho has a good head when it comes to people."

I laughed, "Well I held a gun to that head."

Mr. Nu had loud cackle over that, "No doubt I am sure!"

Ting was nibbling with Amporn trying to shoo him away, "Come let her finish." We sat in the living room, "What about you and Jian marry in London? We can freight your parents in!"

He smiled, "Can they have seats not in freight? Yes, we should. I am to be Cho's best man and he mine so we will not have any trouble there."

"Cho and I were talking two marriage ceremonies, one here and one in London."

"Fay let us do a double in London?"

Jian was dropped at the door; Ting called her in and repeated our ideas. She bounced up and down, "YES YES!!!"

Cho slipped in quietly to our rooms as I was pulling my shorts up, "Whoo!" I was grabbed and tossed into the sir, caught and carried to the bed. Shorts around my ankles my top invaded, giggling, squirming!! We lay there laughing our heads off, a big kiss!

"Welcome home dear!"

A warm hand covered my crotch, a gentle squeeze, "So what else did the Doc say?"

"I'm picture perfect, literally! I can ride in a few weeks, in time for Harcourt House!!!"

Cho held me tight in a passionate embrace, "I am so happy and sex?"

Same time period for that got me a huge squeeze and kiss!

Cuddled we talked about weddings. I told him Malee was sending me the name of her planner so I could make a start but I needed from him what he wanted the ceremony and reception to be like. We wandered in the fields of family, Buddhism, etc... for a few minutes.

His hand never left my sex, warm and snug on me my arms around his neck, more kissing then a butt pat, "Let us go!"

I held his hand on me whispering `LOVE' in his ear which got me another big kiss!

I finally got my white cuffed short shorts on properly with a long sleeved red cutoff top that had the little white birds, black Nordstrom ankle boots, the new silver and black belly ring! Silver bracelets!

Cho in light khaki shorts and a lovely sea green and blue striped polo shirt. Perfect colours for him! OOOOOOHHHHHH so sexy!

Dusit called, he had managed to complete the background checks and thought I wanted to know right away that Rang and Kei were good! Janine too but the info is older from America before she came to Thailand. I thanked him for staying late to finish, "Come in late tomorrow, OK?"

He said he would sleep in. Good!

We greeted everyone at the front door aiming them on through to the terrace where Kiet was manning the bar. He'd become quite the bartender really enjoying himself. Funny he didn't drink any alcohol, still too young.

I remember asking his father if it was alright to teach Kiet about making drinks, he'd had a nice smile saying his son was capable of deciding how to be correct. Sweet!

Janine had been picked up by Shira driving Eve and Ku. She got a club soda with lime and a plate of Amporn's little dumplings. I steered her to the water side of the terrace, "Sit with me for a minute. So tell me about being at Eve's nest?"

Janine talked volubly about the software, seeing all the different rail car's manifests in real time, knowing where they were and destinations. All the reports... she loved it.

"It's like the software you wished you'd written!"

"Good! You want to work for me?"

She almost upset her plate, "Yes! A job offer is a very real thing!"

She stopped; a hand went to her mouth, a little cough. Ah! I leaned against her shoulder.

"It's OK! I do mean it."

That worked she giggled.

I told her I would have asked my Dad to do those things for her regardless and Mr. Wattna was a fellow who had the power to set things right and I used my connection.

"If you want a why, it's just... I love Cho! He's made it possible for me to blossom, be happy, feel fulfilment, have confidence and I want it for everyone! I want to share and do what is within my power to help others. I know it sounds preposterously pompous..."

Janine lifted her face, "No it isn't when you actually live it!"

Her eyes on mine, she meant it! We hugged. Cho came over to squat in front a hand on my knee, "So is it deep over here?"

I laughed, "No, just explanations."

"Good," he poked Janine's knee, "you staying for dinner?"

She looked at him, me, "I'd like to if I'm not any trouble?"

Cho's cute wicked look came over his face, "We specialise in trouble here, you will fit in!"

I circulated, talking to Kei and taking her hand to lead her over to Rang who was with Ting.

"Maybe a good time or not, I want you hire you. Seems silly not to have said it before but there are Company hiring requirements. So?"

They both burst out in YES'S! Great! I told them about the Thursday afternoon meeting! Done!

After dinner Cho was holding me around the waist from behind, warm fingers slowly stroking my belly, some kisses on my neck. HHHHHMMMMM Not bad!

I turned to stick my nose into the striped shirt, "Love!"

I felt the squeeze of those strong arms; Cho lifted my chin for a kiss. I melted.

Up early sitting in the sun where I had with Cho the very first morning after dancing letting the sun warmth flow. Jian rested a hand on my shoulder, "Fay..." she leaned over to kiss me and was pulled into my lap.

"Sweetie, you ready for the next few days? Nose to the grindstone."

"Fay can we find better than the first three?"

I shrugged, "Did we expect them? No, it's a roll of the dice. Did someone good see the ad or another person tell them? Were they confident enough to apply?'

I shrugged again. She kissed me once more, "Here is to our lucky roll!"

Laughing we walked in to dress.

Navy blue dress, mid-thigh, matching stockings and heels. A big navy bag with white trim. Jian looked VERY cute in a white dress with gold braid at the hem and sleeves. Gold shoes with little white chrysanthemums on the toe.

Rande was waiting for Cho we did fist bumps before I dove into the car, PJ with a grin climbed in after Jian. We were all grinning.

I asked if he was ready for another horse race. He said he was ready to win more money with Glaa! High fives!

Today was terrible! None of the six men interviewees were ready to do the kind of work we had. They were nice people, had skills but weren't a fit.

I was sitting at my desk a bit down after finding three great folks so easily then zero. Jian plopped into a guest chair looking like me, "Rang, Janine and Kei have been over at Eve's shop all day. She was laughing when I called about them they were having so much fun!"

My phone rang, I picked up, it was Eric, I connected but started talking loudly to Jian, "It's that `old guy' in London..."

Eric's laughter was great, "So hiring in the sticks is going ok?"

I gave him a précis but the glumness of today didn't last when he said Andrea threw back many more than she kept. We laughed more. He liked the sound of my three, "Can you put them on a plane? You can't do but so much training out there with your travel."

I knew Janine would be ok to go and Kei was a probable, Rang had two weeks' notice to fulfil. I'll arrange it and send a heads up to Andrea. Good!

Jian got Eve to send them over here. In the late afternoon on my terrace I gave them an update. Rang had called in `sick' today to spend time at Eve's but he felt obligated to finish out the two weeks which was the right thing.

Jian had Kwang working on flights for Janine and Kei who were ready to go. Out on Friday evening or Saturday morning, Andrea's PA getting rooms at a nearby guesthouse and they would join a training regime straightaway.

I was looking out over the city and river during a break in today's eight interviews when Janine came out. She had on a nice frock in blue which made her eyes even greener. I'd called Rak to open an account for her backed by me so she could get some new clothes. He'd been pleased with my asking but sad that he would probably lose Malee after her marriage to Eric.

"Why don't you make her your buyer in London, she could cover all of Europe? You get to keep her good sense in clothes and get a wider selection."

He loved that, "I will bring it up to her right away!"

"She and Eric promised her family frequent visits so you'll be able to see her here."

Janine twirled around for me, "I like. Great colour for you!"

"I met Malee, she is so nice. Rak introduced himself too. Thank you so much!! I feel good with a few nice new things."

I was back to glum in the afternoon as seven candidates had come and gone without my feeling a spark of interest in them. Worthy folk but not good enough. None could swim in the deep end any time soon which they would need to do. One to go.

Akai was different. He was slender, long golden brown hair, sweet face and a good brain that had experience with servers, remote access software and multiple programming languages. He was doing server and desktop support at several companies rather than be tied to one.

I asked why he was interested in changing that, he smiled, sweet, "There is no challenge to this work, it is maintenance work."

I laughed, "But there is drudge work in every job."

He acknowledged that but The Company had many roles which would test his skills and as he learned more there would be opportunities. Fair enough!

He had done some traveling since there was family in Singapore, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur. He held dual citizenship between Singapore and Thailand. Good!

Could he travel to London soon? Yes, all his work was on a `time and materials' basis so there was no contract. I called Kwang in so she could work on ticketing him too.

I hugged Jian in the sun, "I saw your face while we talked with Akai. You knew too!"

The ride home we were happy, another one! Tomorrow the last day! Four people.

In a bikini, in the sunshine with skewer of BBQ'd shrimp courtesy of Niran! MMMMMMM I've got to be one of the best fed people on the planet!!! Munching on a veggie dumpling a Newcastle with Cho Ting Jian!!!

I got a call from Janine! She was so excited, "Thank you Thank you Thank you!!"

"Oh you got it?" Very cool.

"Oh Fay, I will repay you!"

"Don't worry about paying me back, just go and learn it all, go out and DO and enjoy your life! That's payback!"

I was laughing, Cho fingers caressing my neck, a few shivers and goosebumps!

"She got the iPhone."

Knowing smiles from them.

In the dark, held snugly after one of my patented blowjobs mixed with plastic dick sex play, Cho slowly petting me, "I did say in New York I needed to keep you away from stray puppies?"

Giggling, kissing, "You mean Janine? Yes but this is different. She applied for a job..."

Lips on mine shut me up for several minutes, "and she'll be great."

Cho was laughing at me gently, "My thought still goes. But I will be happy if you ignore it also!"

MMMMMM kissing my way down to that lovely cock. Still damp, I wetted it fully, sliding the foreskin back. Good eating this dick! I sucked him like I'd never be able to again. He drew several gasping breaths my tongue did its work. One lone digit wandering around the tight ribbed hole got me "Oh shit Fay! Yes!"

Cho's balls were slurped into my mouth as one wet hand slithered up and down his shaft. The other hand was engaged in doing nasty nice things to his little hole.

Gently probing, caressing the small little rubs around that small opening!! Cho twitched!

YES!! The duvet was being twisted in Cho's hand as I worked my magic. Sucking his cock was so much fun. He tasted great, the pre-cum the sweetest. I bounced my nose on his pubic mound once... twice... several dozen times as I brought him to a shuttering climax.

Cho's spasms set four loads of cum into my mouth for me to savour then send down to my belly! I kept it in my wet hole slowly sliding up and down with lessening friction.

"Fay, so damn nice!"

HHHHHHMMMMMM I loved to be praised over my cocksucking!!

Each testicle was gently kissed and licked before I made my way up across his flat muscled stomach. The nipples were iron pellets as I passed by going for the neck. His pulse as racing, my lips on the carotid feeling his blood flow slow.

His arms encircled me, crushing me to him. I like!

His second orgasm had been much stronger and just as delicious! I was kissed with passion and tenderness mingled.

Cuddling up was sweet. We spent some time kissing; I enjoyed chewing on his lips!

Going to sleep feeling very fine!

The last interviews did not add to our group of hires. They were a mix of potentials and one liar. So I was not depressed just a bit sad. Still four seemed ok to me. I had high hopes for them. Akai, Kei and Janine would be out over the weekend to London. Andrea had things set on that end. Rang would go in two weeks.

Training and some visits to locations in England to see working sites and a possible cross channel trip to the Dutch canal project were on tap for them.

Sitting with Jian and me they were excited. The four were young, energetic, well educated, ready to work. I told them more about The Company, how it was changing and growing. They were the first folks recruited outside of London and the bloody well better behave! That got a laugh.

They learned some of my history that I'd been a network engineer as they would be and now a Deputy Managing Director for North and South America and Asia from India to the east and the South Pacific. I was twenty eight and going on twenty nine, engaged and a happy person!

They were given a précis of the London office, its location, the people in general and atmosphere. I felt they would fit in.

Andrea emailed me that Jasmin would also be in town from New York for training in the same group. I told my four about Jasmin and to watch out she was sharp.

My desk was cleared, ready for the Breeders' Cup. Packed and ready. On the tarmac looking at the 767. Big! It seemed even bigger today?? Until Cho did this I'd only seen the big airliners from airport waiting rooms. Cho's arm around me, a squeeze, we went on. Ban and Soka smiling.

Belted in we looked at each other and I reached out. Cho had a big grin, "OK what's up?"

He tried to cover up but Jian and Ting saved him as they leapt out of the second suite. Pinned in my seat I was hugged and kissed. Laughing they sat in another set of the swivel chairs and belted in.

We began to move. I got the story as we taxied out. Cho had invited them along to see Glaa at his biggest moment. No tears but I was misty with having them beside us.

We roared into the air coming around for another long trip now tis time to Lexington, Kentucky.

We nibbled on treats made by Soka and Amporn. Salapaos and patongos, fruit and coffee!! I had asked Cho about increasing Ban and Soka's pay since they were cooking for us. Done!

We had a great dinner full of laughter and wonderful food, a mix of Amporn and Soka!

Sleep after a session with my plastic dick and Cho's body!! Warmly snuggled with him.

A black mini-skirt, yellow sleeveless blouse, black heels, Cho's onyx set and a short black leather jacket. My first time in Kentucky, I hoped not my last we wanted Glaa in the Kentucky Derby!

We got a view of the race track on approach to Blue Grass Airport, verdant land with horses loping about in white fenced paddocks. Pleasant.

The car service was waiting and we were whisked off. Thayer's friend Roundell, who was to be our host, lived off Elkchester Road north of the race track. A big brick house with out buildings and stables scattered behind was set in a grove of cypress trees.

Roundell met us at the door; he was dressed in a business suit, "Please come in, welcome." Ruddy faced, thick but not overweight, big hands.

He laughed, "Had to meet some bankers so don't mind my clothes."

Cho commiserated because he didn't run to suits and ties often either.

Roundell's wife arrived behind us, Sasha, a bit younger dressed for riding, had a bright smile. We shook hands as intro's whizzed around the room.

Drinks were offered in the sun room and on the sunlit patio beyond. Sasha joined me in a Campari, "Great! I have been the only one who drinks this..." she held her glass up, we clinked, "I'm always teased over it."

I was glad to help her out. She offered to drive us over to the barns at Keeneland to see Glaa. I changed to black skinny jeans and ankle boots with the yellow blouse and jacket. She liked!

Sasha took Cho and me to the stable area. She had an owner's pass. Glaa had a nice stall and put up some noise when he saw us. I stroked that fine face, hugs and ear rubs.

"My, he is a handsome devil. I've heard a bit about his workout times...astounding."

"Sasha he's my big fast man. It is wondrous to watch him run."

Twenty fours from now we'll know how good as he'd up against his stiffest competition.

We had a lovely room at theirs, the bed big and comfy. Together with Cho, warm and happy after some sex play with my plastic friend and his very real equivalent! Hhhmmm

A good night's sleep.

A sea green dress mid-thigh with navy blue stockings and heels, gold jewelry all around. A navy blue jacket as the weather had a slight chill. Navy gloves and bag.

Cho did have a suit but eschewed a tie. A beautiful black suit cut to show off that body and a dove gray shirt. Sex!

Roundell had a large box, Sasha and he shared with Thayer and us four. I was walking with Jian talking to Sydney and Sam on a shared iPhone call. They were going to bet Glaa again! Terrance had emailed the same that morning.

Cho placed another £5,000 bet on Glaa's nose for me, the morning odds were 4-1. He said they might change before the start.

The Breeder's Cup Juvenile Turf was called.

I was watching the board as the post parade began. The odds moved to 5-1 ????

Glaa walked along quietly as he always did. Today I wasn't apprehensive. I still couldn't explain the Hopeful pre-race worry. A cool day unlike any Glaa had raced in up to now. Oh that might be affecting the odds.

Monaco, Glaa's trainer said he be held back to get warm then let go. It was only a mile distance.

They were in! Clang! Off... Glaa came out clean with a burst he was with the leaders to the turn. As the field spread out Glaa stayed on the leaders' shoulders down the back straight as they neared the turn I watched Glaa move. He quickly passed the two leaders by mid-turn.

At the top of the stretch he was several lengths clear and again he took my breath away with his acceleration. I groped for Cho's hand, tight! Jian's hand on my arm squeezing.

Glaa soared down the stretch like Pegasus! By the eighth pole he had an 8 length lead. The jockey doing a hand ride as Glaa thundered past the finish line in full flight. He over-ran again going well down the back stretch before pulling up finally.

1:33:00 A new record time for the Juvenile Turf mile.

Sasha hugged me as we went down to the winner's circle. I thought Roundell would shake Cho's hand off. Thayer gave me a knowing look, he was convinced believer now!

Cho received the trophy with me beside him! Jian and Ting holding hands smiling. I was so happy I could burst. We made our way to the stables behind Glaa.

I put my arm over his jockey's shoulders, he smiled, "Miss Martin, it seems silly to say but all I did was sit still for a minute and a half. Glaa did what he wanted; he knows how to race... how to run his race!"

"Mike, take some credit, you did great!"

"I can't! Even the move to outside to stay on the leaders shoulders he did. I just didn't fall off."

I hugged him, "Do you like being taken for a ride by Glaa?"

"I'd totally love it if I wasn't half scared when he hits the gas, it's phenomenal! No car I've ever driven is like it."

I was thinking maybe this winter in California while Glaa trains I'd ask to ride him. Dangerous though, he's more horse than I've been on!

My phone went off, "Terrance! Yes, it was just as spectacular! Great! Call Cho."

I called Sam and Beverly. They had watched it; Sam had bet on Glaa and got a nice return when the odds moved to 5-1 before the start.

I told them we'd keep the stone house on the extension property for us and guests. Beverly said Jackson working with two youngsters was terrific to see. He had patience. He was using one of their rooms for now... I suggested putting him at the stone house unless she thought it might isolate him. For now Beverly said he was better with them, later...

Jian and Ting had put money on Glaa enough so we all had to sign for our winnings. Cho and Monaco were still talking to the press when Thayer came over to us shaking his silver haired head.

"Fay, Glaa proved the weather won't be an issue for him. He got warmed up fast!"

We talked about Sondra's visit, where Glaa would winter and our investment in Sam and Beverly's operation.

"They already have a fine reputation your joining forces will boost them. Also your help for Jackson, my dear, has been noted by the community."

He was holding my hand, "The generosity of that ..."

I kissed his cheek, "Thank you! AND don't worry about Sondra we'll get her some trouble but not too much!"

We laughed as he mentioned that with Glaa's wins he was the clear leader in points and earnings to qualify for the Derby back here in the spring at Churchill Downs. I told him I was looking forward to buying some floppy brimmed hats which got a huge hoot from Thayer.

I invited him to Harcourt House for Christmas, "We'll be `in residence' for about five or six weeks so let us know in advance and hop over."

He said he might, we hugged as Cho arrived. They shook hands as I told Cho about the invite, "Yes come over and share some Remy Martin with us."

Thayer smiled, "Well that hadn't been mentioned it puts a different complexion on it. I'm in!"


Sydney called, "Fay I was foolish... I put $2,000.00 on Glaa to win! I've never bet that much in my life! Boy did he pay me back! Thank you!!"

I told him I'd pass the congrats on to Glaa! We laughed. He thought it marvelous that Cho and I were involved with Sam and Beverly, `more reasons to go north to visit' he said.

We collected our things at Roundell's, Sasha sitting on the bed as I finished packing with her maid's help, "Fay anytime you want to visit give a yell and come to stay. We can ride and hang out, doing girl time."

We kissed and hugged. I returned the invite with the caveat she'd have to find out where we were. We giggled. I liked her and Roundell had been good company.

Jian and I smiling at each other, "Fay I like this betting thing! We make money!"

"Yes dear but..."

We all laughed with her, "I do not plan on making it a habit just with Glaa!"

Cho-Fay Air lifted off smoothly enroute to SWF in Newburgh. Terrance with one of the new cars would get us at the JRA Heliport and we'd meet the crew he'd hired at the LeRoy Street garage.

Terrance had three drivers, two mechanics hired so far with four cars on site and more coming. The guys were classic New Yorkers with their blue and white coffee cups and pastries. Terrance intro'd us and Cho talked to them about what would happen with this service. The exclusive nature and high expectations seemed to get them. He was demanding their very best always! Their pay and benefits were well above the going rate so what Cho expected was fair.

The garage roof had been fixed and I was wandering when a head popped around the doorway. Sumate!

He laughed, "Yes it is me. I am here to do the security for this site and the new building on Minetta Street."

We talked for a few minutes Terrance joined us. They had met the day before yesterday. Sumate's team was picking up some devices then starting on the install here, the other half were at Minetta Street. He said the staff here would be fully briefed about the system.

I got an email from Mr. Murkanmuri in Tokyo, he'd skinned several colleagues on bets made on Glaa at the Breeder's Cup. I replied congratulating him and he'd have to wait until next year to try again.

We all walked with PJ and Rande over to the new building, sunny day. We got to meet the couple who were going to move from the sixth floor to the refurbished first floor apartment. They were a funny pair in their seventies.

They very much liked the new flooring and the windows which were almost finished in both first floor apartments. They had been able to choose the paint colours, lots of smiles. Alma took me aside, squeezing my hand; they were very appreciative of the new security things that were being done also. They were quite pleased with the new owners!

We stayed overnight at the mid-town hotel suite after dinner at Sam and Sadie's place a few blocks east of the new building in Greenwich Village. Terrance smiling at the hotel, "We are off to a fast start. Through Sam we have both drivers booked for 2/3rds of the next month and I'm driving too."

Cho had let Sam know if he had `good' clients, VERY GOOD clients the Leroy Street car service would be available for testing. Terrance had someone for us to interview as a manager, Aylesha. She was the daughter of a friend; she loved cars, was good with people and had a head for numbers.

We sat down with her at the hotel suite in the morning. We liked her, great smile and she spoke well without much New York accent. Benjamin, two year old her son, was very cute, no father in the picture. We both asked questions, told her about what we wanted, having Ben in the office was okay with us.

Her dad had been a mechanic all his life; she was an only child so her hanging out at her dad's work was a natural. Her mom was the business bookkeeper so she got her strengths from both sides. At twenty eight she was young and full of life, a doting mother and had the skills we needed. Strong enough personality to be a `boss' around the garage! Done!

Terrance dropped us at the JRC Heliport for our lift to SWF in Newburgh. Cho-Fay Air climbed into the clouds with the four of us grinning. Soka served a wonderful dinner, marvelous veggies, a creamy but light cold fruit bisque, a baked fish!

Afterwards I was hugging Jian before bed, "My little friend do you want to help me with my plastic thingie?"

She was up for that! We all got naked on our bed. Cho behind me playing with my parts, Ting doing the same to Jian. We were inverted; I got to have her cockette she lovingly played with my pussy. The plastic dick felt much better inside me these last few weeks as I had opened up nicely and stayed open.

Cho's hard cock rubbing my ass cheeks fingers caressing all over me. Ting kissed Jian's boypussy as she turned her head to suck him. I half rolled for Cho's cock when he moved up.

MMMMMMMMMM My fav penis in where it was so welcome. Slurp! I sucked the head tongue sneaking into the foreskin slobbering all over it. One hand easing the skin back on Cho the other doing it for Jian. When she was exposed Ting took over sucking her fingering that cute bottom.

Legs spread Jian plastic dicking me gently Cho straddled my chest to feed me cock. Ting rose up parted Jian's legs and eased inside her. She stopped working me as the cock penetrated, once Ting had a rhythm Jian started up on me again.

Damn I was enjoying Cho's weight on me his cock so welcome! In a short time Jian had to stop her play with me as Ting's pace became so energetic.

Cho rotated around never leaving my mouth to eat my pussy and plastic dick me as Jian's moans increased. Ting was fucking her good.

I held onto Cho's cock as he gave me several orgasms with fabulous tongue work! Shit! Shit! Damn him! He could make cum!!!

I swallowed his cock rubbing my nose in the soft pubic hair then off to do tongue swipes over his wonderful balls! Cho's musk in my nose!! He smells so good!

The bed was bouncing with Ting's thrusts into Jian and they both climaxed. My hand getting splashed by Jian's orgasm as I stroked her off and that sweet tush filled with Ting cum! How good was this! Cho cumming in me shortly after that. Delicious cock and cum in my cakehole!

As we lay together our breathing going to normal I began to giggle they joined me it became a laugh fest. Kissing and hugging. `We haven't done that for a while! So much fun!"

General agreement! Jian lay on me to kiss, "Thanks Miss Martin for your very nice hand!"

"You're welcome, my dear, anytime!"

We all were so happy. Those two went over to their cabin as I snuggled into Cho's chest. MMMMMM What a nice time.

I washed my plastic dick and me. Sliding into the covers, Cho against my back, warm and nice! I was giggling making us vibrate, "Soon you can fuck me!"

"Nicely put!" I was kissed and squeezed. Sleep.

`The grass beneath us flashed by as we galloped across the lower fields trying to escape the King's Guard. A spinney gave us shelter as the pursuer's missed our hiding place. We patiently waited out their riding past and over the ridge line to the north then we slipped away to get food and go into hiding.

Another successful foray! We robbed the King's tax collector of all he had taken from the villagers and we would give it back after a few days hiding out.

Gwen wasn't tired as we rode into the secret stable hideout. I rubbed her coat and covered her with a warm blanket, her food bucket filled and water trough checked. I walked to the house for a well-earned meal.'

I was lying in the dark beside my love, his warm naked body so lovely. The dream had been so real! It was one of our many adventures together, Gwen my loyal, strong mare keeping me from being caught by the King's evil men.

I was awake now. I slipped into the shower. Hair and face fixed, in shorts and cotton long sleeved top curled in a chair in the lounge. Soka leaning over to fill my coffee cup.

She had a cute smile, I got it, "Did we make a lot of noise?"

Giggling, a huge smile, nodding, more giggling! I pointed to a chair. She and Ban were trying for the first time to have a child. I was pleased for them. It meant to me they felt comfortable being with us, stability. I wished her much success!

By landing time I eaten a nice pile of salapaos before the others got up. They made up for lost time though.

PJ and Rande escorted us down under umbrellas. The rain heavy at times followed us home. More dashing around!

Standing against Cho in our rooms, slipping my arms around his neck getting a quite nice kiss. We lay down at my urging. I told him about my Gwen dream his eyes shining.

"Ah, you dream about her infrequently but always in the nicest way. It is good you have such happy memories."

"We fought many small battles together! Fame and glory but not riches. We always shared our takings."

"Just like now. You are living your dreams."

I kissed him hard, "Brilliant of you. I had never thought of it like that! Thank you Love. It makes it more special for me!"

Cho stroked my face, "Fay keep Gwen in your heart. It is big enough for her and me I think!"

I started to cry, Cho pulled me very close to ease my trembling. His warmth and strength like a medicine dose.

A very busy month with guests, weddings and trainees coming to town, prepare for Harcourt House, ooof so much going on.

First a dinner here for family. The Keren's and Thoi's with Eve and Ku to join us. Dad and I were to play the first game on the billiard table!

Amporn put on a wonderful spread. The dining table groaned but I did my part in easing its load! Stuffed, sitting in the main room as the rains continued, the end of the monsoon trying to hang around, we talked about all sorts.

Down the long hall to the playroom... The "Treviso" table was shiny new! Dark wood looking handsome with the bright green surface the table lighting lowered over it made a pool of light. The table seating area and banquette were dimly lit by recessed fixtures.

I handed Dad a cue, brand new. My Centennial cue was screwed together. They were chalked and Dad broke after a big hug.

Nothing dropped. I choose the low balls since they seemed to be the more difficult. Eight ball without having to go by the numbers, best of three games.

Six, four, three I dropped then the first shot to finesse. The one hidden behind the eight and eleven, I went behind it off the cushion kissing the eleven as mine dropped. Five dropped then the seven. The two behind the twelve, no way around that with all the other balls still on the table so I tried to re-create the last shot at the Pattaya club, jump the cue. It worked! The two rolled in the side pocket! Smashing! Cheers from the crowd!

I was now lined up on the eight, easy side pocket shot. Dad applauded as did our audience. I got a kiss from the old guy!

The second game was closer with Dad dropping a few balls before I took over to run all the way through. He hugged me, "I knew I did not have a chance watching you in Pattaya!" I kissed his cheek and held him close thinking about that night and what it meant to me. Another good memory!!

I was toasted as the Champ!' Ha! Dad and Thoi got a tour of the other new parts of the house with Ting and Cho as us girls hung out. Our mom' Eve and Ku got to see the nursery with Phailin and Kanda which they all liked; all the various bits were in place now.

Kanda had a colleague working on the side for a nurse to hire, Phailin already had given me leads for a nanny but I thought it was too early for that.

Kisses and hugs as send offs after a nice evening.

Cho carried me in to bed. Pinned beneath him I was kissed and caressed. "It was fun to be piled together with Jian and Ting."

I gave him a big kiss and cock squeeze, "HHHHMMMM Fun the way you give me orgasms too!"

Sweet and warm in bed with Cho!

Malee's wedding planner, Alia, came over for a meeting. She took notes and promised a first go around in a week or so. That was started anyway. I told her Buddhist but low key, later part of January as soonest time, a list of participants, only a general idea of guests "a lot', pictures of the Forest Palace garden where we decided to have the wedding and the reception throughout the house.

She seemed to be unflappable which I thought an admirable quality in her position. We'd keep in touch.

I emailed Rona for a name of a good wedding planner in London. A second English ceremony at Harcourt House in the garden depending on weather or in the great hall more likely. We'd do it again in a civil marriage and Jian and Ting beside us? Jian was in favor of it, Ting had to be asked.

Cho came by my office with an architect, Mr. Kotro. They rolled out some preliminary designs for Chanthira Health Centers, there were several I liked. I wanted them to be simple, functional, and easy to maintain and have expansion possibilities. I thought Kotro had captured those qualities in several, after talking to us he would use those as the starting points for more advanced drawings. Good!

Alex and Sheila would be here soon, the suite was ready. Kavnu was eager to show him around rail yards surrounding the city and intro him to their first team of disaster repair flying squads. He had taken the idea we worked on to heart. I had met them, young and old, smart and well trained. Many had been in on multiple installs with us.

I was with PJ in the helicopter enroute to Suvarnabhumi Airport, Alex and Sheila were on a Thai Airways flight we were heading towards. Those two nice men from Foreign Office and Security were there to help. Big smiles as we shook hands, I bought the coffees.

I was all plain old b/w! A white sleeveless cutoff blouse, pleated black mini skirt tanned legs showing nicely, black espadrilles, Cho's black onyx and the triple brailed gold bracelet. A single gold strand around my neck. A small black and gold clutch purse. Cute, devastatingly cute!! Cho's comment.

I waited for the deplaning, the crowd eased out. I pointed them out for Security; they were taken aside and surprised by my being there. Hugs, cheeks kissed.

We dashed across the tarmac in the cart to the helicopter. We yelled a bit as I pointed a few places to them. The flaring for landing on the dock so quickly startled them. PJ helped them out; I led them to the terrace where Cho was.

Sheila gave me a look of I was right you did get a hottie! We laughed as she whispered it to me!

Dinner here with us and Kavnu and Ni. Kavnu would haul Alex around to rail yards and Eve's domain in the next few days. Sheila would hang with Jian and I, shop, swim and visit a few touristy things.

Kavnu took Alex away in the morning; Sheila came with Jian and me. She did some shopping as I had a Dr. Sanporam appointment.

"Miss Martin you can ride in three weeks, not hard to start please! Gentle riding and work your way up, ok?"

I was good with that!!

Dusit called Wo's for lunch. We all were piggies! Sheila's smile told the tale, "Fay that was great! His food gives your Amporn a run for her money!"

We all went to the Ice Rink for a night of dancing. The Whispers "And the Beat Goes ON" Pointer Sisters" followed with "I'm So Excited" then Michael Jackson, the Village People, Rick James, Bee Gees and Gloria Gaynor.

I had more stamina tonight! We stayed on the floor for quite a while, I loved being in Cho's arms like this! Alex and Sheila came whizzing by laughing their heads off with pleasure.

Some Cosmo went down my throat; I was still being easy about liquor. Some munchies arrived! Little dumplings!! Satay's!! MMMMMMMMMM

Back out on the pulsing lighted floor we boogied to Earth, Wind & Fire, the O"Jay's, Kool & the Gang and Donna Summer! Kavnu was really letting go with Ni!

Jian was having a blast! She and Ting looking so hot in their matching blue suits and white open collar shirts. Black shoes! So cute!!

Cho's tight silver gray pants and red shirt like mine, tight but stretchy. We both had black shoes also!

At the booth entrance Sheila hugged me, "Fay this is so good! We haven't danced like this, completely letting go for so LONG! Thanks for suggesting we come!"

The eight of us siting on the terrace later, Kavnu and Ni were off, an early morning for him and Alex. They would go to Korat rail yard and stop at Tarek's on the way back.

Sakda brought over the tables he made for my office. Beautiful! The end tables were flowers, the coffee table was like a garden with many flowers, a few birds and bees flying around. The designs fabulous the workmanship mind blowing!!

I hugged him, kissing those ruddy cheeks. "Sakda, this is the best!!! Thank you for so much such beauty."

He had a huge smile; he loved to have three pretty girls admiring his work. Lucky man!

Sheila was astounded; she talked with him about getting a table for her parents after I mentioned the stars I'd commissioned for Cho.

She and I did lunch at the little French place Phailin took me to months back. Crepes!!

Then bikini's beside the pool. "Fay is it ok to go topless? I don't want to cause problems."

"Sure except there is some boat traffic but pick a spot behind something. The security guys don't come very close and all the workers are on the other side of the house now. I'm going in, I'll bring drinks."

In the playroom I watched as the carpenters finished the frame and work desk for the train layout. They'd put in the shallow sliding drawers for the locomotive and car storage. Bigger ones below. My work desk had shelves above and slots for tools and parts. More shelves for holding completed buildings. Big storage drawers. It was going to be a long process to build the towns and other parts of the layout. The tunnel was Cho's job!!

I got Lassi's for us from Niran. He always was smiling; he and Amporn were just the best people to have in our home!

I re-joined Sheila, "Nice titties!" We laughed, I doffed my top too.

She touched the rings in my nipples, "Do they hurt? Sensitive?"

"No and Yes! Very much so when a certain person plays with them!!!"

More laughter, "HHHHHMMMMM Maybe I should try it?"

"Pain to start but the right cream makes healing fast; don't do it until I send you some of the cream. You'll want it!

I'd forgotten Kiet in the topless plan. He came over to ask about drinks and got an eye full of our titties. I sat up, "Kiet I hope we haven't shocked you..."

"No miss, I have seen bare tops before. It was a surprise though."

I leaned back, "Ok we have that out of the way!"

He would get us snacks too. I just rolled with it.

Sheila gave my hand a squeeze, "I hope I didn't make trouble?"

"No, we have been topless onboard the boats but it is a first for Kiet. Seems like he's ok!"

Sheila and I gabbed about so much she had several degrees in economics and was very well informed on trans-Pacific trade. She was worried about Australia being a commodities well for China to dip into with no regard for the future. Other South Pacific and Indian Ocean countries too.

"It isn't like there's no end to the copper or other things but we're digging as if it'll last forever and always have a buyer. Any slowdown in China is going to kick our collective butt!"

I talked to her about the Western Australian trucking company I was going to visit. Sheila said it would be an immediate victim of a shortfall in ore purchasing. I emailed Eric and we went back and forth over it. I decided to visit but be wary.

I asked Sheila to prepare a report or forecast of what she saw as trends in commodities for the next year and beyond. Eric said The Company would pay but I also wanted it for Cho...so I would pay but make it available to The Company at no charge. Eric laughed; I could almost hear the shrug over the phone.

Eric would be here in in three weeks.

Ramon from Manila called to say he was going to Sydney and then on to Thailand for visits to two of our projects. I gave him Cho's contact man here so he'd get some travel assistance and an escort to the site.

If we were town, I told him he'd be a welcome guest at our place or if not we'd get him a place to stay.

I called Kenneth of the contract consulting group working on the Water project in New South Wales, they were pushing on rapidly. The locals were hot! So much work being done and all equipment checks were perfect!! I told him Ramon from the water board in Manila would be there. That was cool with them especially if it makes a sale. He liked the Philippines!!

Inmura was going out to the site here in a few weeks so they'd both get to see some construction and installed working equipment. He and Miki were to be our house guests.

Kavnu was taking Alex to another local site and then half a day in Eve's nest. I took Sheila out to some touristy places, a great lunch at a tiny café that PJ recommended. They did wonderful dumplings paired clever sauces, spicy noodles!

Sitting by the river Sheila asked about PJ. She knew he was a bodyguard but we seemed to be friends. I told her I was trying to find the balance of him being close...

"Fay I'm glad I'm just an Australian housewife."

I laughed but pointed out she was more than that. Her `I need balance too' had us both giggling.

I was sad to see Alex and Sheila go but we'd become much closer. Cho mentioned he liked talking with both and looked forward to Sheila's report. Alex had taken me aside, "Fay this report by Sheila..."

"It's an area where we have no knowledge but possible business interests. Cho wants it too. My boss also!" And she knows doesn't she?"

Alex agreed Sheila kept up on it talking with people she knew in the industries and government. "I always thought Sheila was just keeping up with friends, enjoying being informed but now..."

"Ooops a hobby could morph!"

He laughed. "She's always been taken seriously by me. We like to talk about the world beyond our front gate... making money at it never occurred to me."

"If Sheila wants to go past this there'll have to be a lot of info seeking. Thank god for the internet right?"

I rode with them to Suvarnabhumi Airport, hugs and kisses at Thai Airways.

The helicopter took us on to the Cho-Fay Air terminal at Don Mueang; PJ drove me over to the stables north of the airport. It was my first visit; the manager was very nice showing me everything. I met Carmen and Roy, two quite sweet bays Cho had purchased.

Roy and I went for a walk; he was restive but didn't cause me any trouble. He needed some riding was all. We went around part of the property, down a close-in trail.

Anonk said there was space for more horses and classes for beginners would start in a few weeks. I emailed Reyna about it, she replied a big YES! I put her name down. Anonk was pleased a friend of mine would join them.

I got an email from Cassandra, Rona's choice as a wedding planner. To intro herself and ask questions, I gave her the info about Harcourt House, Carter's email for pictures, possible dates and guests. She'd run with that to start!

I emailed Carter to let him know Cassandra had a commission from me, another to Rona with thanks!

Kiet and Achara had everything ready for our next guests, Sondra and Joanna. They were on Cathy Pacific from LAX via Hong Kong; the security fellow at Suvarnabhumi Airport would be at the gate with his Foreign Office colleague.

The young women came bounding off the aircraft! Happy to be off and looking forward to adventures. My `airport friends' did their part and we took off for the helicopter. They loved the ride.

Cho called as we got to the house, "Dear look on your dressing table."

What? What? No more from him. Secrets!

Just a small black box with an enormous blue bow. No shit! A ring, a beautiful ring! A sapphire, oval, big with same claw grips holding the stone as my engagement pearl. It was a magnificent gift!!!

I slid it on my right hand with tears running down my face. OH my man! I called him, light warm laughter, "Fay it is like you very beautiful! I could not but buy it! It said your name to me!"

I dropped into the vanity chair, crying, Cho's voice, "Fay, do not cry any more! It is given in love, enjoy its beauty and know it is a reflection of my feelings towards you. Go be with our guests until I come home."

I didn't let him go without telling him of his love being returned in full measure!

I washed my face, a quick fix and a bikini! The white dangerous one I wanted Cho to see me in it when he came home.

I stopped by Sondra and Joanna's rooms. They stared at my suit. Sondra yelled "I want one like yours!"

Joanna nodding, "Me too!"

I said we'd shop at Mongkut tomorrow so they'd have the chance. Then they saw the sapphire ring!

WOWS! WOWS! I felt very special!

We were sunning when Cho came out from the house behind us. Suddenly he was leaning over kissing me! I looped my arms around his neck, he eased down onto me!

Sondra and Joanna cheered us! Cho sat up I wrapped around him, "Welcome home!"

Cho smiled down at me, I waved my hand, "Thank you Thank you it's so handsome!"

I got kissed again, good stuff.

"It is a bauble I thought you might like."

A sweet sly `I got you' smile!!! A swat on his butt as he exited to change.

We were all laughing. Kiet appeared with snacks from Amporn and fresh drinks!

Cho returned in a Speedo! The girls' eyes tracked him as he went to do laps. I was laughing, they giggled self-consciously. "It's ok! He's an eyeful isn't he?"

They agreed!

Wet he sat on my lounge, "How about an overnight trip to Phuket? I want to look at a house there."

We were all up for it! He's `you only need shorts and a bikini' caused laughing.

My when? Got from Cho "Tomorrow afternoon, overnight, back the day after in the afternoon."

The girls were up for it!

We were to view a house and stay at the house of one of Cho's business friends. They weren't there but Cho had permission to use two of the guest cottages.

The evening we return we'd go to the Ice Rink with my `crew'!

Tonight we went to Kiet's restaurant as Amporn and Niran had the night off. The Kiet's fed us wonderfully as the fairy lights in the acacia trees winked down on us.

Jian and Ting asked if they could be married at Harcourt House with us when we arranged it. Of course! I suggested the `double' they thought it over and were in. Ting's parents would be brought in and all our friends. Sometime in February but not nailed down yet was fine with them.

PJ and a driver took us girls to Mongkut in the morning. They got to meet Malee and Rak and Anong who was visiting. She hugged with me, we chatted. It was just days now before the wedding. A rehearsal and a dinner. Cho had something planned as a bachelor get together for Rak but it wasn't going to be a drunken affair.

On to swimsuits for Sondra and Joanna. I went to the men's department for some Hanae Mori after shave balm for Cho; Him' was a nice scent on him. I bought some HM' for PJ when his back was turned.

Malee showed me some new dresses, tops, trousers and jackets. I bought a navy blue hussar's style jacket long sleeves and intricate braiding on the front button holes and sky blue trousers with a narrow yellow stripe as an outfit. A sky blue backless short sleeved sun dress, mid-thigh with rich yellow sleeve cuffs and hem. A canary yellow sleeveless dress with a full skirt at mid-thigh, it had a horizontal diamond shaped cutout that exposed my tanned belly.

Red trousers, tight everywhere with a five button closure at the ankles, a white scoop neck jersey with long sleeves with red ribbing at the neck and cuffs. Christmas outfit!

Then we talked wedding dresses, hers was almost done. I'd seen the drawing, white straight skirt to the floor, sleeveless with modest décolletage with lace edging all around. A gold and lace shawl attached at the waist going over her left shoulder to the floor.

I talked to the store seamstress doing Malee's about my ideas for a dress. Her eyes were bright in anticipation as I gave her my thoughts! She would love to do it! Good!

I gathered my purchases, adding some new sandals, black with a small golden bow at the big toe. A few undies and bra sets. We got all mine and the girls into the car. PJ smiling after I kidded him about shopping with me. He cracked open the Hannae Mori HM to sniff. He liked!

We packed small bags and were picked up on the dock. Cho was already at Dom Mueang when we helicoptered in. There was a smaller jet, a Gulfstream G550 waiting. All white with the hibiscus on the tail. A kiss for Cho for that! He patted my butt with a smile.

In an hour we were landing at Phuket International Airport. Several Land Rovers on the tarmac for us. Out onto the 402 south bound, whizzing along! We switched over to the 4030 heading for Choeng Thale, through there to the 4233 on to Kammala. The house was off the road to the west after Kammala.

As we came near the ocean there was a road to the right. A stubby rocky peninsula between Kammala and Pa Tong, a narrow road lead to a small cove.

A brilliant curved beach, the house under a cluster of banyan trees. It is a combination of Thai and western in a roomy one floor home, high ceilings in the main room and the bedrooms. A wide terrace off the main room wrapped around to the dining room. The cove visible through the trees from the master suite and main room. The kitchen wasn't big but well-appointed with new appliances and a nice eat-in counter and stools. The dining room had huge windows and dark wood table and chairs, sideboard.

The master suite was gorgeous. Warm yellow and rich browns, a big bed, a walk-in shower and a Jacuzzi fitted bath tub under a large skylight. A separate terrace facing the water. The four other bedrooms were paired to shared bathrooms, red and yellow and blue colour schemes. Each pair had a shared terrace.

I wandered with Cho looking at the fixtures and overall condition. I sent the girls down to scout the beach. They changed to bikinis before setting off. They both donned the twin to my `dangerous' white one in blue and yellow!

On the terrace I slipped against Cho's chest looking up, "So why this house?"

He wanted to have a place here because there were so many challenging golf courses on the island. Close together and close to this house. It's close to Bangkok and can easily handle any of our aircraft and we can share with friends who want a beach for a while.

I was kissed, "I do love to play golf, many of my friends also. I want to play more. I have only played once since I met you!!!'

I was laughing loudly at that Cho scooped me up walking rapidly inside deposited me on the big bed then jumped on. Ooof!! He was solid! I was pinned!

Cho nibbled my neck as I wrapped my arms and legs around him. We laughed the girls found us our laughter leading them in.

"The beach is wonderful! The sand is so soft and trees come right down to the edge, lots of area to lie out and party." A glowing report.

They ambled through the house as we went down to the beach. The sand squished between my toes easily, the water clear and a lovely blue. There were cabanas under the trees and the boardwalk down from the house widened to a seating area that was partially shaded during the afternoon.

The cove faced almost south with the two headlands pinching in, "The December tsunami's force didn't penetrate very far here because of the geography but it is shallow high water would fill the cove."

A warning but it could happen anywhere on the Andaman Sea side of Phuket. We held hands walking back on the steps I hugged him, "So do you want this house or ?"

"I like it and you?"

"It's nice, homey and well kept. I would say yes but the price?"

It included the land around the whole cove, back to the road and along for a one hundred meters front either side of the driveway entrance. It had a fair price Cho said with room enough to add on.

I sat outside with Sondra and Joanna as Cho made calls.

They loved the whole place, I got please invite me's from both if we bought it.

We drove south of Pa Tong to a gated house. BIG with two guest houses. Cho friend's staff welcomed us and we used their pool for a while before dinner. A white peasant blouse off my shoulders with tiny blue stars across the the bodice and blue cuffed short shorts. Blue espadrilles and gold jewelry.

Cho's soft khaki pants and royal blue shirt looked fine! The girls in shorts like me.

We loaded up for the drive to the Pier restaurant on Chalong Bay in downtown Phuket. It was right on the water beside the jetty, our table on the edge of the water. Rande and PJ had a table a short distance away between us and the rest of the diners.

Cho was known to the owners who greeted us. OH yes! The food was great!! Tiger prawns grilled with chiles and coconut, crab in a spicy sauce wrapped in a wonton and deep fried quickly. A wonderful spicy coconut fish stew. Tasty little vegetable dumplings! So much more. ALL GOOD!!

We shared everything so Sondra and Joanna tasted from every dish, lots of cool water when too much chile was bitten. They marveled at the different flavours and the beauty of the presentation before we piled in.

Sitting on the terrace outside our borrowed cottage when Cassandra called from London. She said after seeing the snaps Carter sent she wondered if we'd want to put the house on the `approved marriage venue list?' Others could rent our garden for their weddings or the main hall. "Fay, not as a money-making thing but because they are lovely in their own right and other romantic lovers would enjoy being there as a memory."

I'd speak with Cho but I couldn't see it happening soon because we had plans for work to be done. She was fine with that, "Just an idea. But we should consider the main hall as the only good choice for your nuptials given the weather until at least mid-April. Then the garden might be wet but filled with spring blooms."

We went on a bit, I told her we would be `in residence' from the first of December until past the New Year. She'd come up to see me. Good!

In the morning we met the real estate rep for the owner at the beach house. Cho said he'd pay the asking price as long as they agreed to an immediate turnover. The real estate fellow got on to the owners right away. He knew some agents who had deals with Cho before so knew he was serious.

I overheard his `agree and you will have the money tomorrow...' as I moved away out of earshot. Cho nodded when I told him, "You have seen I move fast when I want something!"

A quick kiss! And a smile, "So ruthless of you to pay the asking price." My wickedest happy grin. For which I got a strong butt pat!

"We will do some upgrades right away. Some solar panels definitely and security."

He called a local fellow he'd done business with who said he'd be on site tomorrow to look at the placing of solar panels. Thet had two men coming down tomorrow to view the property.

We rolled out for the airport as the real estate man said it was a sale! Cho's last words were the lawyers would see the old owners tomorrow at their home in Bangkok.

The Gulfstream was ready for departure was we arrived. Cho asked for a quick pass over the property which wasn't a problem. It looked like an exotic hideaway from the air. I took some snaps to show Jian and Ting. The girls had taken quite a few themselves on the ground and were sharing with me.

I asked Kiet if he would like to go to the Ice Rink with us tonight. He was excited! Achara had a family thing so she had to say no but wanted to go another time. Done!

Red skinny jeans and a black silk sleeveless cutoff top, black strap heels. The silver torque, Cho's silver belly ring and triple silver strands around my neck! He looked smashing in black slacks and a red silk shirt I bought. Those hot looking black `mod' slip-on boots! Yes! We were doing it like Eve and Ku.

Jian and Ting too. Red and black opposites like us!!! Our red slacks were hot!

Sondra and Joanna in mini dresses, one in yellow the other in blue, tight on top and showing their cute bods.

Kiet was more formal in black trousers, white shirt and a narrow black tie. He looked quite cute actually.

The neon around the door pulsed `Ice Rink' lighting the street with its glow. Vivid blue suit man opened the door for us, he had a smile! I dropped my bag at the booth as Cho whirled me off. Yes!!!

Kool & the Gang started things off for us. Blondie and Earth, Wind & Fire followed.

We took a break by the booth door as Sondra went by with Kiet! They looked great. Cho grabbed Jian and Ting had Joanna for the O"Jay's, and Donna Summer.

I sipped a Cosmo with PJ and Rande watching the crowd.

Cho brought Jian back she was smiling, "So good! I missed this very much."

We hugged, I had Cho's hand, "We need a trip to the Ballroom too!"

He got it over the noise, a thumbs up! We got back out there for Kool & the Gang and Bee Gees. Kiet and Sondra were still going!

We danced a lot, I was getting back to `normal!'

We all ended up on our terrace with drinks. Kiet working at the bar with Sondra close! HHHHHMMMMM

Cho walked me down to the playroom to see the train tables. They were complete with the drawers underneath and storage bins. The work desk looked ready! Now we had to decide what kind of towns, businesses and industry we wanted to have. The rail layout had to have a switching yard and workshops.

Around the entire layout there had to be a road network. Boy it's going to take a while to get this going!

Cho stopped at the office I went back towards the terrace. A low moan in the darkened kitchen made me pause. Pleasure not pain!

Kiet and Sondra! They were petting in the dimness his hand between her legs with his hand on her left breast. Sondra's head was thrown back, lip biting time for her!! They were still dressed though.

I left them to it. They were close to the same age and intelligent AND hormonal! I knew I had a Cheshire cat grin when I got to the terrace.

Cho had me flat on my back his body covering me completely, kissing. I told him about the kitchen rendezvous which got a laugh, "Do we need to ..."

"Well are we to act as `in loco parentis'? She is eighteen and not stupid."

"In the morning please nudge around the issue with her, okay?"

I agreed. We nuzzled for a while before sleep.

I was up early in a bikini in the hall Kiet was backing out of Sondra's room wearing only underwear carrying the rest. He almost dropped it all when seeing me. Tears started.

I helped him with the clothes, "Come on to the kitchen no one else is up yet."

He was going to scramble to dress I put my hand on his arm, "Wait! Don't be scared. I'm not upset with you. OK?"

The tears filled his eyes, "Miss I am shamed to have let you down..."

I hugged him, "Kiet I'm not upset. You're a young man and Sondra is a nice young woman..."

"We did not do anything! Please..."

"Kiet it doesn't matter! I trust you! She can make her own decisions."

"Miss we just touched kissed no real sex!"

I kissed his cheek, "Go get dressed for today and come back right away. OK?"

He nodded and dashed off with his arms full.

Coffee! I needed it! I hauled out some salapaos we both needed the sugar.

Kiet came back, he'd wiped his face but there was anguish there.

"Kiet, I'm not thinking anything bad about you or Sondra. You should have fun but be careful."

"Miss, we kissed and touched but nothing more..." he choked a bit, "we are both virgins and only wanted to play a bit."

I held out the plate of salapaos he smiled and took one, "Eat! Talk with me before the house gets up." Outside with the sun up we sat.

"Kiet don't have bad feelings about this I will not share it. You should tell Sondra I saw you and you explained to me, she deserves to know."

He nodded. "You two had fun dancing?"

A big smile, "Yes. We like some music and movies the same. The dancing made us close it was ex...exhillergating? Is that right?"


"Yes ... Yes! That is the one."

"What is right is to enjoy yourselves without forgetting Sondra is visiting and she doesn't need complications. You do understand me?"

"Yes Miss..." my look stopped him, "Fay. We both enjoyed the touching and kissing since we both are at the same place. I am only six months older. We decided to touch only because we were not prepared to go further."

He saw my eyebrows go up, "Fay not just because of that but we hardly know each other."

I liked that better than the no condom idea.

"Good! It means you two are thinking and not just doing! I'm glad!"

There were noises of others being up and around. "Go see if Sondra is awake and tell her about my knowing. Ask her to come find me."

I laid out salapaos, cut some fruit and made more coffee. My buddy was first! I got a sweet good morning kiss from Jian and then Ting. I sat outside in the glorious sun in a tiny black bikini soaking it up. Joanna joined me as Cho went by in a Speedo to a sharp intake of breath by her after I was kissed.

"Fay he's so hot!" We laughed.

Sondra came out looking a bit sheepish before she could get started I grabbed my coffee, "Come walk with me."

She slipped her arm in mine as I stuck an elbow out, "I've had a talk with Kiet and I will tell you the same things. Enjoy but be careful."

"Oh Fay I don't want to be trouble! We just liked being together and wanted to feel closer."

"I mean it; you two are Okay with me. You are old enough for such decisions but just don't rush into anything is my advice. AND don't be ashamed either."

Sondra kissed my cheek and gave me a big thank you and bounded off. I was feeling like an `older sister' very strange!!

Cho was sitting with Ting, I was pulled into his lap as Kiet smiling relieved me of the coffee cup with my `more' coming out loud and clear. Cho squeezed my plans for the day out of me, shopping, sightseeing and eating with the girls. A stop at the office and another at the Railroad to meet with Kavnu and Udorn briefly. They some idea I was to think on.

"Come by my office there I may be around." Okay!

I retrieved my coffee cup, filled, from Kiet who had one hand captive in both of Sondra's. Amporn gave me a big grin nodding towards those two which I returned.

Black pleated mini skirt, white sleeveless top with two big shiny black buttons holding it together. Cho's silver belly ring with the black flower, silver torque and silver diamond patterned bracelet with the chains to the ring, black ankle boots. Yea!

The girls were cute and sexy like me! Off shopping! Gawd!

PJ had Penny with him today, she was driving! Cool!

We went by Noi's to start, I'd warned her. She had laughed but we invaded!

I liked a cornflower blue and soft white vertically striped dress, short sleeves, full skirt at mid-thigh. The belt was all blue. It needed a bit taken in around the waist.

Joanna chose a China red sleeveless top with an ornate gold dragon on the back. It was open mouthed reaching out! Slender black slacks with button cuffs. Some alterations needed.

Sondra saw a royal blue dress, above mid-thigh, snug to the body. It fit beautifully!

Noi sat next to me, "Fay it is so nice to see you always. I am pleased you come back."

"Noi you have such nice things! Sorry Jian couldn't come I've got her working!"

We laughed, "Well she makes money to come see me!"

We did high fives! I said I'd send a car for the items, "Just call I'll have them come over."

We stopped by several shops nearby and at Sakda's. I got a big hug. He had a commission by Sheila to make two tables, one each for her parents and in-laws. The girls loved his work. I told them they'd see more.

At my office I pointed them to Sakda's tables as I hugged Jian and spent some time on a few issues with her. Sondra brought us coffees with a cute smile and a little bow. Joanna followed with cookies, those nifty sugar cookies of Kwang's! We pigged out in sun for a short while.

Eric and I talked for some time about multiple items, tours of our projects, maybe good news from Washington, Seattle Metro and bus video adapter, the contract signing for projects I worked on in my last trip, his arrival for the wedding.

He was very chill about the wedding, "We want each other and being married makes it easier for her with the family AND it isn't going to do us any harm."

That got a laugh! "Harm reduction? Is that..." Eric started laughing more.

My having two wedding planners and no plan was cause for a great deal more laughing! Malee and he were looking forward to seeing Harcourt House at Christmas.

I grabbed Jian to go with the girls and me to lunch and the Railroad. Dusit and Kwang were so good, already working on a trip to the US and South America for me. Finding them to be self-starters was huge and more high fives between Jian and I.

Lunch at Wo's! The aromas of his wonderful cooking filled the room upstairs! He himself brought in a big plate of prawns in a green chile and coconut glaze!!! They were huge, larger than my fist. That didn't frighten me I gobbled them!!!

Downstairs I gave Wo a hug, hard to do with that rotund body but he'd fed me well so many times!!

Off to the Railroad. We went to Eve's place first. Intro's and hugs all around. Eve was doing well. A couple of pounds up but not much so far. She'd been shopping at Mongkut and showed us some of the clothes for the Momma-to-be! She was going to be looking good!!

I went to Kavnu's office; Ku was waiting and jumped me! We kissed and hugged, "Fay everything is so good now. Eve and I are so happy."

I squeezed her, "Happy is the word for all of us!"

She and Jian sat to gab a bit with the girls.

Kavnu was upstairs with Udorn so PJ and I hit the steps. Kamol at her desk on the phone but Li came over. A big smile and a hug. She said to go in.

Kavnu grabbed me in a hug; I was passed to Udorn for another. We all laughed when I said something about a typical business persons greeting.

We parked and smiled at each other, Udorn started us, "Fay we are considering hiring a chief technology person. A new role which we would position to report to Kavnu. They would oversee the entire computer centre, old and Eve's new one. All the networking and communications throughout the Railroad, our telecom contracts and cellphones."

"Good but isn't that really a role somewhat equal to Kavnu?"

They looked at each other, Kavnu picked up the ball, "Yes I think you are right..."

I jumped in, "But it wouldn't be wrong to start the position below Kavnu and promote the person when they have a grasp of the Railroad scheme and if they fit."

Smiles! Udorn aiming his finger at Kavnu, "My dear fellow you were right to suggest we talk to Fay. He brought up the idea and wanted you to give us some feedback AND see if you know anyone who might fit."

I squeezed Kavnu's hand, "I'll think about that part. I know a lot of tech folks although not many here. Do you think language is a barrier? The tech world is English speaking."

I also reminded them that I'd no knowledge of Thai before coming here.

Udorn laughed, "Now you have no problems!"

I realized we'd been speaking Thai from the beginning; it was second nature to me now. Thanks again to my parents for the language facility in my brain!!! And Kiet! AND Cho!!!

I agreed to take a look for a possible candidate but someone had already crossed my mind.

I gave Kamol a big hug, "Girl you look great!"

"I feel great! I am going to Los Angeles to spend Christmas with my Marine's family. I've spoken to his Mom's and Grandma and sister. They all sound nice, they did the invitation."

Another hug and kiss for her, "You'll WOW them!"

Li had a shy smile, "Tarek and I are seeing each other still. We are comfortable together!"

I was holding her hand, "Li, enjoy yourselves. See what comes! I hope it stays being good for you two!"

I went along to Cho's office; Sanjara, his PA, gave me a big hello! Cho was in a meeting for a while. She'd ring me when he was done. OK!

I collected the girls and we hit some shops. They were trying on a few things as Andrea called.

My three newbies were really good. Sharp and working hard. Very likable, mixing well. I said I needed to talk about maybe poaching an employee.

"What? You want to steal an employee from London to work for you?"

I explained about the Railroad technologist position, she got it!

"Oh you're thinking of Jasmin aren't you?"

"Yes Miss Sharpie, I am! I think she has the skill set and leadership potential and she's good with languages."

"Well I haven't spent much time with her but I like her and yes she's got good skills. How certain is the job?"

I told her the Railroad wanted someone to be dedicated to the role so other management wasn't burdened or unable to keep a close enough eye on the tech side. I didn't know what they'd offer for salary but they wouldn't go cheap on it and the benefits would be good.

"You know Cho wouldn't want to go halfway, he's not that way."

Andrea laughed, "Oh Fay! So what to do?"

"I will offer her as a candidate, give them what I know and you ask her to call me AFTER you tell her what it's about. No secrets on this!"

More laughter, "I got it! A big change for her!"

We rang off with love and a report on her weight gain and the doctor's being pleased with her progress! A little Jian and Andrea growing!!

I got Penny to stay with the girls and get them home when they were ready; PJ called for a car for them and drove me back to the Railroad. Udorn and Kavnu huddled with me.

"Fay like always you are so fast getting things to happen," Udorn's head shaking. It always occurs around me! HA!

I gave them a bio from memory of Jasmin, all about the interview and that she had just started in London.

"So you both know, I feel she would hit the ground running but she now has to choose which I will say isn't an easy choice. I hope Andrea can talk to her soon and she will call. I will get on to you so you fellows can interview her."

I got hugs and my cheeks kissed. Now we wait.

I tried Cho again in his office, Sanjara told me go right in. Wow! This time I was swept off my feet, kissed and held snugly. On the balcony I told him about Jasmin, he laughed at the possible poaching!

"Only the best for us!" We laughed and he called it a day to take me home.

Joanna and Sondra did a mini-fashion show for me. They had some nice things. They also had gifts for the parents. Sondra had talked with Sakda about a table for Thayer. They'd gotten on well with Penny really understanding her role and going with it.

Naked in naked arms, kissing! MMMMMMMM Good stuff! We were going to go forward with some plastic dick work but my iPhone went off.


Naked on the bed with Cho's fingers exploring, "Fay I am interested to hear more. Please..."

I told her about the Railroad, a brief history, the current modernization plans, the state of its technology. The ownership at which I heard a gulp, "Fay this is difficult for you?"

"No, I want you to have an opportunity to decide; in fact I started this regarding you. They asked me for advice since I had done so much with the networking and computer installation. I asked Andrea to speak with you then I told the management about you and I waited for you."

A pause, "Don't for a minute think that this in any way changes your position with The Company. Andrea and Eric and I only want the best for you. You should decide if it appeals to you and then talk to the Railroad folks. I will only say they are nice and good managers. There is no harm in talking!"

She was quiet, "Fay..."

"Jasmin, no rush! Think about the two jobs, what might draw you or repel you, one is more static, one is more management the other more hands-on, there are challenges to both, learning for both. More travel around the world with one travel around Thailand on the other."

"But am I ready for management?"

"Well I wouldn't have suggested you if I didn't think you were capable..." I squeaked as Cho touched a nipple ring.

"Pardon me... Let's say you made an impression on me..."

"Fay will you help me even if it might mean I would work for another company?"

"Of course. I'll help no matter!"

I gave her Udorn's number to set up a telephone interview when she was ready. I told briefly about him and Kavnu while staring into Cho's eyes. We rang off.

Cho pulled me hard against him, "You are something! Enough to attract her but leaving it to Udorn and Kavnu to flesh out the job and conditions. Maybe you will really have a use for that diplomatic passport one day!"


We went out to the kitchen for drinks, in the low light we could see two people sitting on the terrace. Sondra and Kiet, close! Kissing with some arm movement. Cho looked at me; I said I'd spoken to both. Back in bed I told him we weren't giving license but telling them were old enough for careful choices.

Cho gave me a look, so I added, "Sondra is eighteen and a half, Kiet nineteen, that's old enough to understand. They're smart. Some intimacy without real sex, isn't that a reasonable thing?"

Strong brown arms slid me tight against him, "Yes, you trust them Yes?"

I kissed him and nodded, he squeezed, "Ok then we will let them decide."

I went to Mongkut in the morning to pick up my dress for Anong and Rak's wedding after the last adjustments. It was her colour choice, a pale orange and white skirt to my ankles with a white sleeveless embroidered jacket that had a matching pale orange scarf attached to the waist and went over my left shoulder down to the floor. Darker orange shoes. There was a narrow band of my tanned tummy exposed.

There was a rehearsal in the evening, everything went well. Ready for tomorrow.

At home Cho pulled me close, kisses!!

"What have you heard from your wedding planners?"

I explained that I hadn't expected too much too soon as they were busy but in a few weeks there should be input.

Dinner with our guests who'd spent the day doing touristy things around the city with Jian and Kiet as guides. Sondra asked to speak to me. We wandered down to the dock area arm in arm.

"Fay can I stay longer?"

Her eyes were wet and glistening in the dock lights.

"For our part it isn't a problem but ... is it Kiet? And... will you explain that to Thayer?"

We sat on a waterside bench, "Do you think I'm silly? We haven't had much time together..."

"Not silly but too quick to make something of it. You're both young and inexperienced and looking for ...well as Kiet said `closeness' neither of you have had with the opposite sex. Your staying is fine but not without Thayer weighing in. You need to be honest with him and yourself about those feelings."

A few tears, "Fay I understand and I see the risks for me. I've been alone a lot, at school for years, at home with no one to talk with. Kiet and I talk, hold each other, some touching, just exploring, all limits strictly observed."

She giggled, "We haven't taken off our underwear yet."

I laughed with her, "Well that's a limit! But be sure you make a limit that works for you. I love to touch Cho, his body feels soooo good to caress and just hold. He's always so warm! Often without going any further."

My cheek was kissed, "I promise to call Dad tomorrow."

"Don't forget the time difference," my parting words.

Kavnu's name on my phone, "Fay we talked today with Jasmin. We liked her and she emailed her CV. We asked her to come out for an interview if she wanted to go further. She promised to get back me tomorrow.'

We spoke more about her before ringing off. I felt she'd call me...

A quiet evening at home the next day would be busy.

PJ took me over to Anong's aunt's house where we would begin the day. I was in my undies with a coffee in Anong's bedroom, we were laughing about something when Jasmin called.

I stepped out onto the small terrace into the sun in my underwear.

"Fay I'm blocked! I love the idea of both jobs and they each offer so much. HELP!"

I tried to soothe her but it had to come down to a decision by Jasmin. We talked about the benefits for her professionally and...

"I spoke to Eric. He wants you to choose what's best for you but he isn't willing to close the door on you either... Clumsy...Sorry... he wants you to know that if there is an opportunity for you in the future with The Company your decision now won't have any affect."

"Oh Fay..."

"Jasmin, I won't come down on either side but you should consider the benefit for the future by having management experience."

She thanked me and asked about coming out for the interview. I told her the Railroad would pay for everything, I advised her to request business class or better seating to be more comfortable in the long flights.

I had to dress quickly, Auntie checked me out and all was well. All the ladies and Auntie got into several vans for the short drive to the temple grounds. There were escorts for us to a tent to wait. I could see an altar across the grass beyond the seating area where a large gold Buddha sat shiny in the brilliant sun.

We walked out me behind Anong carrying her gifts for the monks, her Auntie alongside her. An aisle opened at the end of the seating, a handsome Rak waited there with his brother as his best man. Rak took Anong's arm leading us all down the aisle towards the altar.

Five orange robed monks were seated, Anong and Rak knelt, we all did behind them. Prayers were chanted by the senior monk as two monks' lit candles and incense. The monks Prayers continued until each had spoken.

A spool of white cotton thread was wound Rak and Anong's heads connecting them as the senior monk began a prayer. This prayer was chanted as he sprinkled them lightly with water from a soft green leafy branch. Their hands in wai pose as they leaned forward.

A further prayer was offered before I passed the gifts to Anong to present to the monks. Each was accepted with gentle dignity.

Finally a last prayer was offered before the monks bowed and departed.

Rak and Anong kissed. Sweet! They are a handsome couple.

We all got to kiss and hug them before we all went back down the aisle to loud applause from the guests. I spotted Cho looking at me. He pressed his hand to his heart. Mine! I blew him a kiss.

Under the big tent we toasted the newlyweds! Cho's arm around me from behind warm breath on my cheek, "It was nice, calm, peaceful. You like?"

I nodded, "I liked the prayers for peace and prosperity, asking them to be being gentle to the world and its creatures."

"You look quite nice in this outfit. I bet it is not what you would wear though?"

"No, I'm working on mine!"

Later at Anong's Aunties we hugged, "Go have a wonderful honeymoon! Be well!"

"Thank you again, a thousand times for asking me to extend myself past my fears!"

Rak held me close, "Fay,... you and Cho have my love and we hope your wedding is a nice as ours!'

We gave them a proper western sendoff, showers of dry rice. Auntie loved it!

At home Joanna had gone with Penny to several touristy spots; Kiet was over at his family's restaurant. Sondra by the pool in the dark blue version of my white `dangerous' bikini.

She gave me a look, "We took off our underwear last night..."

She and Kiet hadn't had `real' sex just more touching and exploring. "I liked his cock, soft and hard, so warm and the foreskin felt really cool to slide back and forth."

She laughed, "He came on my belly! Watching his face as I held his penis was great, I could see so much going on there. He said no one had ever touched him before. I let him caress me, I didn't cum but it was very nice."

I told her I was glad they were having some fun but what about Thayer? She'd tried to get him but had to leave messages.

"You've got one day to talk to him otherwise you're on the plane, right?"

"Yes I promised you, no trouble from me."

She rolled onto her belly, "Fay I really like him. It is so nice to talk with him, he has lovely manners too! Most boys I've met don't compare well."

I granted all that but ... she nodded, "Sondra, call now to hell with the time difference."

Sondra jumped up grabbed her phone and dialed. It was six in the morning in New York. Thayer answered, she went right to it. I left her to have some privacy but Sondra called to me Thayer wanted to hear it from my lips it was OK.

"Thayer sorry you had to be awakened...It's no trouble for us...Sondra's not a bother and no we haven't been `entertaining' her...Cho's travel person can get the tickets arranged...No, Joanna is planning to go home...did she say...hold on..."

"Girl you didn't say anything about Kiet? OK get on here now and do so or..."

Sondra took the phone and I walked away again. Cho was on a call in his office I wandered past to the playroom.

Gawd the train table was big, how the hell are we going to fill it up. Cho had to build the tunnel that would run under the framing of the mountain; I could see it would easier than I thought with the table opened at the center. What's first?

I uncovered the billiard table, racked'm and broke. Three balls rolled in, good start. I worked my way around by the numbers sequentially, some tough shots and a cue jump that didn't work!

I slammed a few in hard just to feel it, making noise! Sondra found me and parked on the padded bench seat. I held up a finger, blasted two more down and rolled the final ball in the length of the table.

I turned to her, "Fay I told him I was having a vacation romance, you and Cho knew about it and I wanted to stay longer to make it last. He asked if I was going to take it further I told him I didn't think so just my first bit passion for someone. He didn't ask who. But I can stay if you allow it."

"Okay, you need to decide on a few things, don't think about hurting Kiet or for that matter yourself. If you have any doubts about how far you are willing to go with sex buy some condoms or stop."

She gave me a kiss and ran out. I covered the table and went looking for Cho. His voice told me the call wasn't over.

Food! I got a plate of fruit and two patongos from this morning. Munching on the terrace as Joanna returned. She got some rose apple and loved it. We'd planned a dinner out at Cho's favorite French restaurant.

Sondra asked if she could cook for Kiet? Yes but she'd have to clean up too. Okay!

After the restaurant we stopped for ice cream. Several liters of mango sherbet, vanilla and a lovely mixed fruit sherbet I taste-tested.

Sondra and Kiet were down by the dock sitting, they'd eaten and cleaned up! I didn't bother them.

A knock on our door, Sondra. I brought her in she'd been crying. Cho smoothed out the duvet, I eased her down. I slipped my naked self under the covers with Cho.

"Fay I wanted to have a serious talk with Kiet which is why we stayed here. I told him I liked him and enjoyed touching and everything but I didn't want to go further. He was upset but not mad. He didn't say but I think he believes I don't trust him. It isn't true."

A few tears, "It isn't him it's me. I want more, maybe too romantic..."

"Sondra do you remember what I said the other day about limits? It wasn't just about sex but emotions too. You haven't bought into this, so..."

I cradled her against me, she wasn't crying. A shiver, "Fay you're right! I liked what I liked but no more. I feel I've hurt Kiet for no reason by being self-centered."

I hugged her, Cho's warm hand on my skin stroking my back felt nice.

"Sondra do you think you should stick to your original departure plans?"

She nodded, rolling over to look at me, "Fay I made trouble and I'm sorry!"

I pushed some hair aside to kiss her cheek, "Sondra it's part of growing up. You make mistakes or see things that aren't really there. Relax about it! Call Thayer in the morning!"

After Sondra had gone to bed Cho helped me with Mr. Plastic dick... Oh-So-Well. I was lying flat on my back supporting his body kissing those lips! Three times he made me cum, I'd almost peed myself with the last. He donated a large amount to Cho cum to me which I appreciated. Damn if he didn't always taste so good.

Early morning in the kitchen I held Kiet's hand, "Do you remember when we first spoke? You had slipped down on the grass and I told you I fell down all the time?"

He smiled, I went on, "Well, falling down comes in many forms."

He looked into my eyes, his became moist, I hugged him, "Fay, thank you. I am not mad with Sondra I am confused though. She seemed so intent on..."

I squeezed, "She is confused too but without much experience she didn't handle it well."

He brought his head up his eyes said he got it. A faint smile, "Coffee?"

He could see he didn't need to ask! Salapaos and coffee in the sun. Jian joined in! A sweet kiss and hug with my girl. I gave her a précis of the love affair's end. She laughed, "It is good. Sondra was not going to stay was she?"

I shook my head, squeezed her hand and spread out for the sun bath!

Cho was going to the Railroad office, a kiss as I dressed for work, "The house in Phuket has the solar panels installed the rest of what we wanted done so maybe take Aileen and Sue for a couple of days?"

I hugged him. A big yes! "I'm going to ask them to come up to Harcourt House with Rose and Matthew."

Another nice kiss. He was off. PJ took me to work. Email from Inmura, he and Miki were ready. I let them know they had a suite waiting at our place.

Jian was showing Sondra and Joanna some more parts of Bangkok. Sad I couldn't go too.

Eric and I talked about all my projects. The water control one's going great. Kenneth in Sydney kept sending regular email and snaps, he liked the work it was obvious.

"Eric should The Company buy the Subcontractor? It would bring them inside so we could share more with them. They wouldn't any training."

He liked the idea; he'd ask the Board and make an offer. Eric would arrive in a week!

"Okay I got it, gotta buy more brew!"

Boy did he laugh at that! He surprised me with, "Cho is going to stand up for me!"

Secret! A very nice one! I was to be a bride's best maid again for Malee this time. We'd be together!

I got PJ to take me to Mongkut. One of the young women at the front desk remembered me and smiled. Malee was at her desk, big hug. "Rak said he wants me to be the buyer, etc... in London and Europe!!"

More hugs, Nara was happy for Malee but was going to miss her office buddy.

I did a try-on of my dress for her wedding. The seamstress hadn't much to do it fit so well. Pale blue with white lace panels to my ankles, sleeveless and a darker blue scarf around my waist and bodice then over the left shoulder to the floor like a short train. Silk and brocade.

Then Satang, Mongkut's head seamstress, and I sat to go over drawings of my dress. She had big eyes which poured over my sketches. "Yes yes it will be an honour to do this. You have a nice touch!"

Satang did a full battery of measurements of me, up down sideways! Smiles and a please let me know if you need anything! Buy the fabrics through Mongkut and bill our account for all of it. Done!

Reg called on the way back to the office. He was very pleased with all our projects and the working model for the buses. Helmut at Man was raving about the latest iteration. Fast install streamed video smoothly and this one could hook the coach's internal systems. Wow, the data was great!

I told Reg Helmut and I were talking about the early part of March for an approach to Metro in Seattle. By then he'd done more test installs and we'd upgraded the software.

Rona doing so well, getting big. She was sending snaps. Christmas at Harcourt House would be their last outing before the BIG EVENT! Laughs!

Reg passed me on to Andrea, "Hey Mom!"

We giggled; she was wonderful and starting to show!! Not a sick day yet!

"Now those people you sent us... Please send more like them!!"

"Well Rang called early to say he was ready to go, you'll see him tomorrow. He's really promising!"

"Jasmin and I talked; she is going out to interview. So you'll probably see her soon."

"If she chooses the Railroad she'll be Eve's boss and so will be deeply involved with The Company anyway!"

Andrea laughed, "Well I like her! We'll see!"

I let her know Jian and Ting would be at Harcourt House with us for a while so...

"It's Wonderful, just get us in a big bed!" We laughed loudly!

I dragged Jian out to lunch at the little French bistro Phailin had turned me on to. We giggled about the `big bed' request by Andrea.

Being in England was going to be so much fun. Riding, friends and family!! Parties, dinners, etc... I was almost licking my lips with the thought of Christmas food! Carter had told me a Carla secret, she made Christmas stollen! OH Yes! I'm in!

When I described stollen to Jian those dark beautiful eyes widened! She got it!

At home Joanna sat with me in the sun, "I've loved being here with you. The touristy things and shopping, the dancing! The warm sun has been welcome. New York is so cold in the winter."

"Are you going to Sweetbriar? What's the weather there?"

"It's on the edge of mountains in southern Virginia and cold too! It's Mom's alma mater and I made a promise. There are problems at the school though; you know money to keep it going, so there are doubts about staying four years. I am enrolled for the spring quarter. Committed but ..."

"Well, talk to Jack and Ellice about coming over to England for a few days at Harcourt House. We're having a long time there from the first of the month through a week or so of January."

She seemed excited by the thought. "I'll ask for sure."

Late that evening we rode over to Suvarnabhumi Airport with them. Lots of kisses and hugs. Sondra held me tight, "Thank you for being so nice! Would you be upset to get email from every now and then?"

I reassured Sondra she was good with me and keeping touch would be great!

So it ended well, Cho holding me snugly on the terrace rained kisses down all over my face, shoulders, arms and fingers!

"In case you might have forgotten I love you!"

I held his face leaning in for a long passionate kiss!

"I haven't forgotten! But please keep reminding me!"

WOW! The next kiss left no doubts! I was scooped up and carted inside to bed.

MMMMMMMMM Cho cock! Delicious to suck at any time!!!! His fingers doing lovely things to my pussy OH SHIT the tongue!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We kissed, sucked, licked at each other's bits!! My plastic temporary dick came out to play. Cho did my last expansion of the day in such a way to bring me off several times.

I enjoyed the best cock on the planet until it erupted in my mouth. More wonderful Cho cum. Gawd! What a way to end a day!

We snuggled after a quick clean up! That lovely penis softly molded to the curve of my butt crack!!! Sleep!

I got ready to fly over to Suvarnabhumi Airport for Aileen and Sue. PJ on the dock smiling, "So were going to Phuket?"

We did fist bumps with a big grin as a yes as he helped me aboard. A slow rise we spun around and dashed forward gaining altitude quickly. A clear day gave me a magnificent view across the city. I watched as Suvarnabhumi Airport rapidly grew. We fluttered down on the big `H' on the tarmac. The cart scooted us over where the nice men from the Security Police and the Foreign Office waited.

I bought the coffee as usual and we chatted about their work. Pj got his drink and kept watch on the gate. Shortly he gave me a sign. The security officer went to the gate. Aileen and Sue emerged; they were escorted over to get their passports dealt with by the Foreign Office fellow.

I hugged and kissed them as it was done. He welcomed them to Thailand. The Security guys would get the luggage Thai Airways folks had specially loaded for quick access at our request. We drove to the helicopter, big eyes from Aileen and Sue! I got them in with PJ's help and buckled in. We lifted off, spun quickly and OFF!

As the helicopter zoomed towards our house I pointed out a few landmarks we would visit. Before touching down I gave them a fast aerial tour of our home.

On the dock PJ guided them to the terrace where my love awaited them. More hugs and kissing. I took their hands and swirled us around in the sun, "It's bikini time!"

I walked them to their suite beside Jian and Ting's. I rushed to change into a teeny black string bikini, knocking, "Come on food and drink!"

Sue opened the door in a small blue bikini but Aileen had a tank suit on, "Oh no this is a bikini zone dear!"

Sue was laughing, "I told you!"

I grabbed Aileen and pulled her to the clothes closet down the hall where kept miscellaneous bits for guests. A very small black bikini like mine came to hand. Sue and I got her in our rooms to change. Sue giggling as Aileen was a bit shy, I turned my back.

Sue said all done, I whirled around the top wasn't quite in place, "Don't worry you don't need that!"

Aileen half in just stopped and flipped the bra top at Sue, "Ok happy now?"

We all laughed, I handed the top to her and tied it for her. On the terrace I called Kiet for drinks and pointed toward the pool. Achara had laid out towels and pillows. We got comfortable, "Ladies how about a short trip to a beach at Phuket? We just bought a house there and want to fly down for two days."

They were up for it especially after my description. "What you're wearing and some shorts is all we need! You have shorts?"

Their `a pair' got, "Oh, I have some we can share you're build like me!"

Cho came out in a Speedo to do some laps; Aileen leaned over, "WOW! One might have to reassess this whole lesbian thing..."

Sue was almost barking with laughter, we rolled around giggling. Cho finished and sat down on Aileen's lounge, "How about a close-up?"

That broke us all up! Kiet was looking like what? What? as we kept laughing!

We gathered on the terrace for dinner, six hungry folks whose desires were filled by a great dinner from Amporn. A coconut fish, moist and tender and sweet, three veggies dishes in varying degrees of spicy, roti and a pineapple cake!!

We sat in the half dark of the dimly lit terrace talking about what we would do after the Phuket trip. Hugs and kisses sent our guests to bed, early rise for a flight.

Cho held tight by the vanity, we could look at ourselves in the mirrors.

"Miss Martin you are kinda cute."

I giggled, "Thanks! You're just a handsome guy not cute at all!"

Laughing a naked me was spread out on the bed, kisses and Cho's smooth nude body rubbing me. HHHHHMMMMM Warm flesh on me! Nice!

I pulled him to a stop for some more kissing. We let our fingers go seeking! I cupped his ass cheeks squeezing him onto me; he wiggled that pelvis a rising cock between us!

My old buddy plastic dick came out we began our last bit of play for the day. Doing my pussy three times a day was boring until the evening session then Cho and POW!

We kissed then rotated, his tongue joining with the dick to do such marvelous things. I had the COCK! My fav! Sucking it to a slick wetness so I peel the cockhead out from the foreskin always a treat! Cho showed his appreciation giving me a lovely HARDON!

We sipped on each other. Kisses, licks and suckings! AAAAAHHHHH Shit he made me cum! It started in my guts sweeping across my chest the heat wave flooded my face, my hair follicles tingling over my scalp.

Cho was laughing as I shivered, "OH baby I love your orgasms!"

I had a mouthful; a hand stroked his chest in response as I kept to my sucking. A single finger caressed his rosebud, the body twitched, a low moan. I picked up the pace burying my nose in those warm balls with each down stroke. He was so wet as I slurped the cock I adored.

Those slender hips began to buck some I sucked harder my damp finger going inside him a bit which touched off the explosion!

Cho spurt four times each tasty warm cum load welcomed into me. I savored it before letting it slide to my belly. HHHHHHHMMMMMM So good! I wanted more I sucked squeezing the penis to get very drop! His body squirming in my grip!

OH shit he had my clit OH SHIT!!!!! I was orgasming! Cho didn't let up... three separate orgasms!! I was limp as he moved up to kiss me.

I wrapped one arm around his neck the other between us holding the cock, soft, wet. He smiled kissing me. Cho rose up drawing my hand up to his lips, a kiss then it joined the right one over him.

I sighed, I was kissed again.

"Not bad, Miss Martin!"

I giggled, "Oh Sir, it was quite okay."

We laughed grinning at each other. I brought my legs up around him holding tight. We kissed for a few minutes then lay still. A quiet period of soft caresses and kisses.

Later as I washed Mr. Plastic Dick Cho rested his hands on my slender hips, a wicked grin over my shoulder. A hand slid around to cup my pussy MMMMMMMM a finger probing very gently I wiggled my bum back on the flaccid penis.

I was lifted to return to the bed. We cuddled a few more nice kisses. Sleep!

Red cutoff polo shirt, black cuffed short shorts, black espadrilles and black onyx jewelry I was ready! A bag packed with extra shorts to share with the others. We bundled ourselves onto the helicopter which speedily rose and turned north towards Don Mueang.

The Gulfstream was warmed up waiting. On board and off in a snap. Jian and Ting, Aileen and Sue, Ku and Eve and Cho and I. PJ and Rande had smiles, glad to go to the beach!

The pilots were able to give us a quick pass over the house before turning north to land at Phuket International. Thet's men were there with the Land Rovers, loaded.

The drive isn't long though not particularly scenic. Ah some new things! A new gate and fence. Beside the garage were new buildings for Security behind that were the solar panels in several rows.

We were introduced to Anodo and his wife Pha and their son Ty. They were the live-in Security. They each worked for Thet's team, met on a job, fallen in love and married. Ty was almost three now. For them, natives of Phuket, it was an ideal posting. Lots of benefits!

I changed to a teeny dark blue bikini with little white stars and rushed to the beach. I dove into the water with several sleek companions. We swam and splashed finally sitting on the sand. Jian's arm around me next to Aileen's, Sue plopped onto her butt between our legs. Eve and Ku legs intertwined leaning against my back.

Looking Aileen's face, smiles, "Did you ever think you'd be on a beach in Thailand in a bikini with me?"

We laughed!! A lot!

"Fay, it's one of those strangest dream things. But it's very nice!"

We wandered exploring around the cove to the southern headland then swam across to the other and worked our way back to the house.

Food! Pha was cooking for us!! She looked so cute in a cutoff top and shorts in the kitchen. We hugged as I thanked her.

"Miss I love to cook more people is not hard.'

I picked up Ty a cute bundle giggling happy! Pha was making the room smell wonderful.

We sat on the upper terrace to eat! Prawns, veggies, roti and fruit! Sun and a nice breeze.

My `afters' was a layout on a lounge with Jian. Eve and Ku cuddled up. Aileen and Sue with some sun protection next to us. We talked about all sorts but horses a big part. I was so looking forward to Harcourt House time!

The guys came out to go swim and we all joined them. Big splashing, a large ball to toss around and Ting had a wave board but the surf was too small.

Jian kissed my cheek, "Oh Fay PJ and Rande in Speedos? AAAAAHHHHH!" We hugged! Laughing I asked Aileen if they brought out the same reaction as Cho yesterday. She giggled, nodding her head as Sue pinched her bottom.

"OOOOWWW I'm just looking!" It broke us up, I decided not to enlighten our fellows.

Dinner at the Pier in Phuket town! Scrumptious eats, fish, prawns, many spicy veggie dishes!! Sweet grilled pumpkin slices!!Tapioca pudding with coconut and pineapple.

Back at the house in a bikini sitting on the sand in the dark. Quiet, warm especially with Cho behind me wrapped around me. MMMMMMM

The others were likewise. Some swimming later then Cho carried me inside whispering, "Time for plastic dick, dear!" Yes!

On my side Cho softening in my mouth!! He'd worked my pussy with the dilator dick and his talented tongue I'd returned the favor!!! Tasty sex!! A wash up and cuddle, sleep came quick.

I was in the sun with coffee Pha's little man Ty with me. We ate fruit and patongos Pha made. Nice! As everyone came out Pha made more I got quite a few fresh patongos.

By the water the girls laid out, Cho and Ting played golf at a nearby course. We doffed our tops so nice to have the sun! Pha came down with Ty when the housekeeper arrived. Her bikini top came off too. We swam, talked. I sat in the water with Pha, she and Anodo had met working in Bangkok for Cho's Security. They trained together and done some assignments, liked each other and dated some before new positions separated them. "We came back together four years ago in Korat on the forest patrol. We had missed each other and how we were good together do we decided to marry. Thet wanted us to continue work for Cho's Security so he arranged things for us. Little Ty was wanted but the timing wrong but Thet and Cho made everything work for us. Being here is perfect. We will protect your house and live near our families."

Pha said they had both been well trained in unarmed and armed action and recently in the newly installed electronic equipment.

Ty splashed us with a belly flop. I scooped him up for a hug. I told Pha we'd be around but also our friends would use the house.

Dinner was at a floating restaurant Ting knew south of Phuket town. Coloured lights outlined the boat gently bobbing at the dock. We had a big table upstairs. The meal was centered on a tuna caught that morning south of Phuket by a local fisherman. It was grilled with vegetables; we had several sauces which we all shared in. A warm fruit salad with coconut and lime sauce was a treat!

I was on the terrace outside our room with Cho in the dark after our sex with Mr. Plastic Dick was done. I leaned on the railing Cho behind me a warm soft cock on my skin, "Carter emailed that they were ready for us in fact looking forward to Christmas this year! It seems the last few years it's been a bit drab at holiday time."

"Good then we'll enliven it for everyone. Since we have a signal booster I want to get the staff iPhones as gifts and we pay the monthly fees in a package deal. I had Dusit look into it and we can get a good plan at a fair price."

Firm hands sliding up my sides towards my little pears! A thumb gently stroking each nipple, a kiss between my shoulder blades, "I asked Ni to work on an iOS app for us. An app we create and control through the iOS Developer Enterprise Program. We'll be able text, send files and pics, do calendaring, document sharing and more. Just those we want to be part of our world get it."

Cho kissed my shoulders, "You are thinking ahead."

Both hands glided down my skin towards my pussy, fingers softly caressed me giving me a shiver.

MMMMMMM "Are you getting excited my dear? I hope so just the thought of making love fully with you in the big bed at Harcourt gives me the shivers!"

I giggled, "Me too!"

The morning sun on my back as I leaned over Eve, a sweet kiss and touch of her tummy. We all had coffee, fruit and salapaos after a swim. We were all topless basking in the warmth. Anodo had been warned that we would be bare chested. Pha made it easier by bringing him out topless herself in front of Cho and Ting. We laughed! OK! Done!

I shared some new snaps of Thames romping around the stables at Harcourt House and all our horses in their paddocks Gregory had sent. Damn I was ready for England!

We flew back in the early evening. It had been a wonderful two days. Aileen and Sue were going to do touristy things the next few days courtesy of Jian and me and also Ku and Eve.

We dressed for the Grand Palace the next morning, dresses that weren't too short or slacks that weren't too tight. Rules of decorum were enforced.

There was so much to see, the Emerald Buddha sitting regally on the high chariot was quite the sight. The room is so ornate, the walls covered in beautiful murals. The doors inlaid with mother-of-pearl episodes of the Ramakien were my favorite maybe because you could see them up close. They glistened.

Looking down between the buildings, the huge statues and golden roofs, the sun shining down it was like I was on another planet. I am so small beside the big golden dome.

Hours passed by in wandering through the lovely halls and museums one fabulous sight heaped upon the next. Cho was an excellent tour guide, his deep knowledge of history and love for Thailand gave us a richly detailed outing.

We sat with cold drinks in Saranrom Park across Thanon Sanam Chai from the Grand Palace. A bit foot sore but cooling down in the shade.

I'd taken loads of snaps today and in Phuket, I wanted to send Aileen home with a printed album for Rose and Matthew. Jian huddled with me, "Yes Fay we can make an album to print. The office colour printer is good!"

We changed to more casual clothes, black cuffed short shorts, emerald green sleeveless cutoff top, black ankle boots I bought in London, silver jewelry for a dinner out.

First we all went to the movies! Popcorn! Cho and I shared so much the worse for him! We watched The Big Short! Good but maybe the whole idea of a global recession caused by asshole bankers really wasn't meant for comedy? Well I liked the actors but almost all men? What's that?

Off to Bawarchi Chidlom restaurant. Indian! Tandoori fish and shrimp!!! Naan!! Nice curried veggies!! Fay was a piggy, eating all sorts!!

Text from Casandra about marriage planning, no issues she could see. Harcourt House could be used as a venue if registered with the local authorities, Cho would need to provide ID, passport is fine, etc... At least we now had a list. I emailed the City Solicitors for help in arranging things, the venue business, formally asking the registrar to perform the ceremony and more. Ok fine something is happening there. No date yet.

Aileen and Sue came to my office in the morning with Jian and Ting before going off for more sightseeing. They were going on to Sydney tomorrow to see Sue's brother and his family soon. I had to work. Poo!

Jasmin called, she was to go to Heathrow in a few hours to board a Thai Airways flight, she'd be here tomorrow. I told her we'd arrange a pickup.

I spoke to Kenneth about the water project in Sydney; they were still well ahead of schedule. The folks here in northeast near Korat were too! Yea!! Albert's project in Christchurch was fifty percent done, no issues. All the railroad scanning projects were near to start; I planned some quick visits after Christmas around the Pacific projects.

Mr. Kotro called did I have time tomorrow for a look at new drawings? Yes, he'd come over at one o'clock tomorrow. OK! Cho said he couldn't so I was on my own.

Our sendoff dinner for Aileen and Sue was at Murasaki, a small but wonderful sushi place near the river downtown. It was an old Japanese style villa converted. A central courtyard garden with open seating on two sides and several private rooms on the third, the fourth was the kitchen. They did fabulous oshizushi with smoked fish and several plates of sashimi. They made their own tsukemono; I liked the Takuan and Beni Shoga best.

Oh I was a piggy! I hoarded a dish of gari! We all drank mecha, so nice!

The owners knew Cho; they always laid out such a feast! I made a booking for us with Inmura and Miki but promised Cho to ask first in case they didn't want a busman's holiday dinner.

Aileen had her arm around me on the curb, "Fay help me I'm so stuffed!"

We all fell laughing into the car, Sue said she'd put on ten pounds being here. Not so you could tell though.

I gave some assistance to their packing; Achara had done some washing for them. All in! I Federal Express'ed the box with the picture album to Rose and Matthew, Aileen would do the explanations when home. Jian was a marvel with the software making it come together! Kisses!

Jasmin was arriving about seven so I flew over with Aileen and Sue. We talked weddings, ours and maybe theirs at Harcourt House. Kisses and hugs for them.

I headed over to Thai Airways gates for Jasmin. My arrivals buddies, Security and Foreign Affairs joined me. We were getting friendly with so many visitors. I told them I'd be back tomorrow for another arrival. Grins. I bought coffee. PJ got a laugh out of that! AND a coffee!

Jasmin was surprised to see me! Her passport taken care of, tourist visa stamped. Even more so when we got her out of the electric cart beside the helicopter.

"Fay you doing this..."

Laughing, "Don't worry you aren't obligated to sign up! I was here to sendoff some friends and getting you was easy."

We lifted off, spun around, zoom! When we approached home I took a good look at the changes, they fit in fine with the old house parts except the Playroom, it was BIG!

Cho was home, he greeted Jasmin, "My dear there's a car on the drive for you. They will take you to your hotel. Udorn and Kavnu will connect with you. Welcome."

Jasmin did seem a bit awe struck this time with her greeting, flight and Cho's smile. Rande got her bags aboard the car, we wished her a good night and great interview tomorrow.

Afterwards I was lifted over Cho's shoulder, carted in past a laughing Amporn to bed for a plastic dick session! YES! Cho cock! He willingly shared the delicious `real' dick with me. His fingers and tongue did me up fine, several shivering orgasms!

I recovered in short shorts and bikini top on the terrace with a Campari. Cho's kiss tasted of Newcastle's! A quiet dinner at home with Jian and Ting and a billiard game between boys and girls. Girls won two of three!

There was a small mountain of catalogs from HO train mail order companies on my work table. A hint!

After a few hours at the office I rode over to the airport to get Inmura and Miki. Their flight from Narita was a bit late so I had more time to drink my coffee with my airport friends. The police man was a career copper, regular police then moved to the Security folks. The Foreign Affairs fellow was younger with hopes of advancement to an overseas posting.

Finally my guests were here! I saw Miki and sent the police man over, he did his part and then the visa thing was completed. Down the steps with PJ leading to the cart, all aboard. Inmura was looking at me like... sensational!

Once aloft I did some pointing out of points but the yelling could only go so far. On the dock we were helped out, their bags taken. Ting was on the terrace, he took Inmura in hand, I had Miki. She loved the suite; I suggested casual clothes for sitting and dinner. Shorts! She smiled.

I dashed to change. Black short shorts and red silk cutoff top, black espadrilles. I knocked on her door; Miki's face when she saw me was wow! Her shorts were quite cute; I offered a cutoff top instead of her t-shirt. I watched Inmura's eyes as we came out; it wasn't my belly he was staring at!!!

Ting had provided a Newcastle for him before we chased him off to change and be comfortable. Miki had the sweetest grin, "You were watching too?"

I laughed, "Yes it was nice!"

Ting grinned, "You girls always teasing!"

We all were laughing as Jian came home. Hugs and intros as Inmura returned in some shorts and polo shirt. Good! Relax. Amporn was in charge of dinner, Kiet did the bartending, Achara brought out tasty goodies!!!!

In the morning they were off to Korat and the mountains to visit the water project being done by one of Cho's subsidiaries with The Company and the Dutch trained consultants hired by The Company. We had Land Rovers set to pick them up and a hotel in Korat for them. When they had seen it all we would do touristy things.

I asked about the possible Murasaki dinner, they were interested. We'll see.

Miki and I talked with Amporn as she worked, I translated. A few taste tests for her! Amporn served a wonderful cool, sweet pumpkin soup, crispy fish!! Supporting veggies and roti! Kiet had done an ice cream run so we were well stocked!

I had Miki with me walking around the periphery gardens, we talked economics. I told her about Sheila and the commodities report. Miki was interested, would Sheila talk with her? I was certain. We exchanged contact info and I would call Sheila in the morning.

My suggestion was for them to start a consulting firm together, Miki was smiling!

Jasmin called, "Fay they were so nice and enthusiastic. The job sounds demanding as they've never tried to bring all of the threads of non-railroad technology together before. Are you sure The Company isn't going to be upset with me if I take the post?"

I reassured her I had spoken to Eric; he wanted her to be happy. No bridges were being burnt.

"Can I talk to you about their offer? ...Thanks! I know you are sort of in the middle here..." She gave me the details, it was a good offer, salary and benefits, they were honest with Jasmin about the lines of authority and possibilities.

I gave her my opinion.

"I'm going to accept! Damn my parents! They're in LA; New York was far for me to be from them, Bangkok?"

"Just live somewhere with a guest room!"

We laughed over that, I told her Cho could provide temporary or long term housing and we could feed her every now and then.

"Call Udorn! Get it done! Then call Andrea!"

We rang off. I told Cho, he was pleased since he knew how much I liked her.

Wet with sweat from Cho, ours mingled as we hugged on the bed. SEX! No not the real deal yet but the plastic dick and his fingers were magic! I got to kiss and suck his beauty! Warm cum to swallow, savour first! Cho on top was nice, love the feel of him!!!

Coffee, fresh patongos with sweet mango dip, warm morning sun and Sheila on the phone. We gabbed about my idea of a consultancy, I intro'd Miki, they'd had a first talk and let her know I'd be in Australia to do follow-ups. Sheila already working on the commodities thing and shared info with Miki.

Inmura and Miki were off to Korat, me to the office in a white sleeveless dress and navy accessories. Jian's miniskirt in pink looked great with an orange top!

I worked with Kwang and Dusit on the next trips, visits to Australia and New Zealand, Some in South and Central America, Canada and Seattle to meet Helmut from Man to talk with King County Metro about the bus video thingy.

China was on the horizon but not moving up as I was wary of their failing economy and government interference. Sheila's report would affect that trip.

I made a quick change at home to shorts, PJ and I used a `copter to Cho-Fay Air base at Don Mueang then the short drive to the stables. I visited with Carmen and Roy. They were both sweet kids. I walked them both since they liked each other. One trail was clear so we wandered down it for a while before I turned them out in a paddock. Some nice crunchy carrots were happily munched!

On the dock after flying back Eric called from his flight to say The Company was buying the consulting group we hired to do some of the water project installs. It was going to be a good fit for all their folks to be our employees and the two management guys staying were to divide the world between them to supervise work. They would report to Michael and me.

He thanked me for the suggesting the acquisition. A big and quick addition to our capacity.

Kenneth and he had talked earlier that job the New South Wales was many days ahead now. I let him know the Christchurch was doing as well and that Inmura's were in Korat. The project there was nearing completion rapidly.

I told him we'd be at Suvarnabhumi Airport to get him! With bells on!

Turns out Malee has some family in Korat area near our forest palace' where they planned a few days. Their first family' visit!

Malee was to come over after dinner to meet Eric at ours after the pickup. Tomorrow was a hen night with the girls followed by a rehearsal. Cho and Ting were taking Eric out somewhere. Big secret!

I went over to the airport in a pair of black jeans like a second skin, bright yellow short sleeved cutoff polo shirt, black heels and Cho's gorgeous onyx jewelry. PJ did a silent wolf whistle.

I climbed the outside stairs to the gate behind him, my airport friends' were off duty but replaced by others. The police office understood, the Foreign Affairs lady knew what she was to do but not why. It seemed to bother her. The policeman explained I had some pull' with the Security Police not knowing I spoke Thai and understood it all.

I asked the woman to walk with me, PJ nearby kept the police man back. I told her General Keren was my adopted father, her eyes got big. This arrangement was made because of concerns about my safety; I pointed her towards my arm. She was sorry to be a bother, I reassured her she wasn't and she should have been told why. I bought drinks for everyone and chatted with her. My ease of speaking Thai had made the policeman nervous I gave him the same explanation which did not make him less anxious.

Eric saw me and did a hand to heart motion, I laughed, "A bit late to make changes!"

We were still laughing as the visa/passport bit was done. We whizzed off from the airport like a bullet getting to altitude quickly and minutes later turning on approach to our dock. I pointed out the new bits to Eric. He could see Malee on the terrace with Cho. I squeezed his hand, a great smile.

Aaaaahhhhh! A picture perfect kiss! Lots of hugs from Jian, Ting and us. We sent them to their suite. Eric was back in a few minutes to thank us for the Tatinger's in the ice bucket and the fruit. I took his hand to lead him back, at the door a kiss and Malee opened it starker's! We laughed!!

My parting words `go to it!' Everyone on the terrace laughed with me when told.

Malee did an overnight then went to her parents to stay until the wedding.

The hen party was at a big club on top of a hotel downtown, glitzy. It was arranged by her cousins who liked to party hardy! Cocktail dresses were suggested. I went in the red metallic halter top one that was bare-backed with a white pleated mid-thigh skirt. Red heels, gold jewelry, red nails and lips.

Malee greeted us. She smiled at my dress and squeezed Jian's hand; she liked her bright blue slender strapped top connected to a silver skirt. Jian shimmered. Malee loved blue; she was in a dark blue dress herself mid-thigh with a scoop bodice beaded in silver.

Drinks all around, I was going very slowly in that department. PJ and Rande were with me but definitely staying back. Dance music and some male dancers who gradually lost almost all clothing. I leaned to Jian, "Our guys are better built!"

She smiled, a hand gripped my arm.

I was bored but keeping up appearances. The cousins and others very involved with the dancers and whooping it up. Malee seemed to be forcing gaiety. I got her hand at one point pulling her to a side booth, "Honey, I hope you like the `forest palace.' I loved it."

We talked but the noise level made it tough. We sat side by side, "Fay, thanks!"

I waited but... then her smile, "For Everything!"

I let her know how much I was looking forward to Harcourt House for Christmas.

I got squeezed, "I want to see you there, English gentlewoman!"

I giggled, "Yeah, right!"

We held on laughing!!!

I told her Jian and I were going to leave soon, "Fay I wish I could too. This is so silly."

"Well sneak out with us."

I knew her head shake meant she would stay to be the good girl.

I wished her well and no hangover. She kissed me, "Actually these have all been cokes." Her half empty cocktail glass.

Another kiss! Jian and I slid out, PJ in front, Rande behind as went crossed to the car. Two men on bikes rushed forward trying to grab our purses...

Pj shoved one as he got close into the other as Rande moved us aside. Crash!! A mix of mangled bikes and riders. A policeman ran over, more came running. I put my hand on PJ's shoulder, Jian behind me and Rande watching our back. The cops thought PJ had started it and wanted to take him into custody. I saw one was a sergeant and addressed him, "Sir my I speak to you?"

My Western appearance, dress and my speaking Thai got his attention.

I told him we were leaving the hotel to get to our car, motioning to the the big Mercedes idling when these fellows tried to run into us. PJ was a bodyguard protecting us.

He listened but wasn't inclined to make a decision in PJ's favor. I showed him my Thai diplomatic passport which got his attention. I gave him our address saying he could visit if there were any questions. He was wavering. I pardoned myself and dialed Dad.

"Put the fellow on." I handed my phone to the sergeant.

He jerked upright, his head bobbed and the eyes were wide open. He carefully gave me back my phone, "Fay he understands now. Good night daughter."

My thanks brought out the warm chuckle I loved, "I am always ready."

The sergeant apologized but I stopped him, "You were doing your duty, nothing to apologize for. Thank you for your help."

We breezed home after that. PJ's grin, "So the General carries weight with the street cops?"

I smiled back, "It would appear that sergeant knows who he is for sure!"

Cho thanked PJ and Rande. On the terrace in shorts and cutoff tops Jian and I gave a fuller account. Cho and Ting concerned but happy about my decision to take PJ and Rande.

Jian and I got some club soda and some chilled shrimps in a sweet peanut orange sauce as we both had stayed away from the heavier food at the hen party.

We also decided there wouldn't anything like that hen party for us. Cho and Ting had taken Eric to an exclusive cigar bar. Cognac and cigars. Kavnu and Udorn joined them. Male talk, mixed shop talk and some of Ting's fabled patient/doctor stories as only he knew how to tell them. He always made my stomach hurt from laughing.

Eric felt it was a really nice thing, quiet time; good company, good drink and he didn't have to pay! The last got a laugh!

I jumped up, "Hey guys... "pointing to Cho and Ting and Jian, "how about we have a dance party at the Ice Rink for all of us together? You know instead of hen and bachelor parties?"

OH YES! It was a hit! Jian flew into my arms for a kiss, "YES YES!!!"

Done! We would combine our love of dancing and our friends!

A short day at the office then Malee and Eric's rehearsal which didn't take much time and dinner hosted by Malee's parents at a riverside restaurant specializing in local fish dishes. Very nice it was too. Malee's dad next to me laughed at my food intake, "Fay it is so good to see a woman enjoy herself." Kiss on his cheek!

The wedding was outside at a park near the family home. It was a short drive there after getting dressed. Malee looked scrumptious in white, the dress straight to the floor, silk and lace, the gold scarf shimmered in the light draped over her shoulder to the floor.

Mine a pale blue with white lace panels to my ankles, sleeveless and a navy blue scarf around my waist and bodice then over the left shoulder to the floor like a short train.

The guests were a large group in chairs on the lawn, Eric in a red brocade high collared jacket, white silk pants with a gold scarf over his left shoulder. Cho beside him in a gold jacket cut like Eric's and white pants, a red and gold scarf, he looked like a million £'s to me!

Malee's dad walked her out to the front of the altar next to Eric. I was behind, her cousins after me carrying the gifts. As the monks came out we knelt down on the silk pads, slow quiet prayers began. Incense and candles were lit as the prayers asked for everyone to honor life.

A series of chanted prayers offered blessings on the couple and their future. The families were blessed and Eric's parents remembered which I thought particularly fine. The soft white sacred cord gently looped about their heads connecting them now and in the future was prayed over by the senior monk. He offered a final blessing in a long chanted supplication to have their union be fruitful and for them to be dutiful and remember to be kind to all of the earth's creatures.

When he was finished I motioned to the cousins they passed the gifts forward to me. I handed each one to Malee she leaning over her knees then extended the gifts. They offered a prayer in thanks. After that the monks withdrew.

We stood and Malee got a sweet kiss from a beaming Eric. I hugged her, bright shining eyes in a happy face! Eric held me close, a quiet thank you!

We all went under the canopy for a bit of government paper signing. Then we mingled with drinks and nibbles in the sunny park. Malee's father corralled me, he smiled, "I never thought we would see a day like this. She has always been a wild one."

I squeezed his hand, "Well now she's Eric problem."

He laughed, "The mantle has passed?"

I congratulated him on surviving the test of parenthood. He was quite taken with that idea going off to tell her mother.

I got to talk with Eric, I said I thought the reference to his parents was nice.

"It was Malee's idea since hers were lucky enough to be here. Now you and Cho are up!"

I ruefully acknowledged that but it wasn't that close, thinking was moving to a late spring time event.

Their plans were to go to the `forest palace' for a few days, see some of Malee's family in Korat then go to the Lakes District in the north of England for a romantic few days. Eric had an elderly uncle, his father's last relative there. A short visit then driving and hiking in those gorgeous hills. They were excited to spend some of the holidays with us at Harcourt House!

Malee was going to keep her place in Bangkok as their home here and move into Eric's on Christchurch Street in London. Snugly place for two. Whispered, "We are going for kids right now so..."

Laughing I accepted the nod to be an auntie again.

Cho's arms around me crossed over my breasts, "Fay look at Eve. She's showing a bit."

Our future in that lovely body, Eve turned to look at us, a brain wave between us; she closed her hand on the tummy and smiled. She and Ku joined us, hugs, kisses.

One on each side of me, "When you're the parents of these guys we are going to get married. In the U.S. now that it's legal.'

I kissed them both, "Or at Harcourt House in the garden there's marriage equality in the U.K. too!"

That got a positive squeeze from them. Cho kissed them murmuring softly he'd be glad to give them away to each other. We giggled with the thought of that!

When Malee and Eric were ready to leave I brought out my secret, pounds of rice. An old tradition I liked to share with my Thai friends. They were showered in white specks sliding into the car, one of Cho's big Mercs.

We didn't stay long after that, Malee's young cousins wanted to party loud but Jian, Ting and we chose to go home. I kissed Malee's mom and dad telling them if they needed anything when Malee and Eric were in London please call. Sweet people.

Jones the fellow running the water project for The Company called, they were nearing completion. Inmura had seen it all. I told him I would be up tomorrow to visit him.

I called Inmura, when were they planning to return to Bangkok? How about a lift on the helicopter, I was coming up tomorrow? Good! Done!

Black jeans, white top with red vertical lines, black ankle boots. A few things in my briefcase waiting for pickup with Cho. His arms slinked around me I looped mine around his neck some nice kissing!

Whoop Whoop of the in-bound aircraft got us ready. Flight time was little more than an hour.

We landed on a cleared area beside the river. Jones I hadn't met before since he worked for the consulting firm The Company had just acquired. American, nice fellow, a go-getter! We got a tour of the sites, watched as a fellow from Cho's water project maneuvered several sluices from an office twenty miles away. Damn nice!

Cho in my ear, "Smarty pants!" Then aloud, "Thanks it's just what we need for this project!" He shook Jones' hand enthusiastically, big smile.

We picked up Inmura and Miki near downtown Korat, before zooming off I whispered to Cho, he spoke to the pilots. I saw the confirming nods and a thumbs up.

This bigger helicopter was quieter inside I explained we would make a slight curve enroute to fly near one of our houses. Miki was next to me as we passed near to the `forest palace' not too close and from about five thousand feet up. No matter you could see the house and setting clearly. It looked the part, a palace! Miki thought so too.

I looked over at Cho as his head turned towards me, smiles.

Miki and Inmura were leaving tomorrow going home via Taipei where one son was on a temporary assignment for his company. That evening I sat with him, "Fay thanks once more for the invitation. Seeing the work and result is very good. I am sure we will be signing on."

Miki had had several talks with Sheila and my idea of their joining together was being hashed out. "We have separate interests but could easily be melded so we would complement each other." We hugged!

Achara had begun to pack me up our trip to Harcourt House, what a job! She was very good at folding clothes to fit without crushing!!! I missed my first packing buddy Malee though!!

I had lunch with Amedee after I read her Jane Austen book. We talked about `manners' and civility today and how they had ordered lives in the past. She was funny and smart. Our conversation wandered through other areas including how ordinary folks dealt with life. Her own humble beginnings made me have an itch...

"Would you consider joining the board of our Chanthira Foundation?"

I went into some detail about what we planned for its mission. AND how Cho and I felt about it. I knew she was watching me closely.

"You are passionate about this I can see. I am not a business or healthcare person...'

I interjected, "No but you are the sort of person I want. You have a family, you're smart and a thinking human. You are just right!"

A shy smile, "I am not a speaker or anything."

"You won't have to be. Just give us the benefit of your life experiences."

"I will ask the Minister to see if there might be any objections from that side, the husband side will be happy."

Good! We ceremoniously shook hands laughing!!

At home Cho told me the news from Terrance and Aylesha; we had ten cars and twelve drivers, two full time mechanics and a part-time one. Sam's law firm was using them and a few "good" clients. All going superbly so far. Great feedback!

Thet and Sumate came over, we talked on the terrace. The New York apartment building work was progressing. The ground floor apartments done and our elderly couple had been moved in. The construction work driving ahead. The roof demolition completed and the new exterior walls were framed. Inside walls were being moved, skylights in the kitchen.

Alma and Chet were quite happy with everything. Dennis, the day security man, said Alma's daughter wanted to thank Cho for what he had done so next time we were in the city...

Sumate's team had wired the building along with the Leroy Street garage. Done and working properly. Thet followed up with a report on Harcourt House security. A few minor equipment glitches and some mistakes by staff all of which were dealt with by Carter.

That good fellow had let us know they were READY! So were we!!!

Next: Chapter 42

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