
By A becker

Published on Oct 22, 2017



In the front hallway the next morning I gave each an envelope with one thousand dollars and a thank you note. They were thrilled! I said we were so pleased with them and grateful for their care. Hugs all around!

We motored back to Martin State Airport. The big bird sitting there in the sun as we crossed the tarmac. Loaded and Captain Kor said we were off. Rolling to the head of the number 15 runway, he hit the gas and everything flashed by then just sky. We headed east climbing then a looping turn to port we passed between Baltimore and Philadelphia. Non-stop to Seattle.


The 767 came to a halt at the same parking area at the north end of SeaTac. Cars waiting. Heading to Magnolia up on the Alaska Way viaduct, the view was wonderful across Elliot Bay, shipping, small boats and sailboats further out on the blue surface of Puget Sound.

So many construction cranes across Seattle's skyline. Horrible nasty things. They signaled change but NO progress. More of the same tacky glass & aluminum sided garbage buildings. All built to be torn down in fifty years!

None of that visible at the new house. Trees and water! Standing with Cho looking north. Powered launches and sailboats dotted the blue water. It was a pleasant sight.

Martha greeted us, as housekeeper and cook she had wanted to work for us. April and Fred gave her rave reviews. She and I sitting in the kitchen with a coffee in hand. We talked food! What we liked and didn't. She said that Fred had to change his diet for health reasons so she had been cooking `light' with very little red meat or pork or chicken.

With fresh fish being easily available she smiled with the thought of providing us with lots of it in many different ways. Within our limits she was encouraged to experiment.

Housekeeping... I said we have a company that had been checked by our Security to come in to do the cleaning. They would be here twice a week whether we were in residence or not. Martha would supervise them setting out how the work would be done. The same for the grounds keeping people. Nicolas would sit with the company management to discuss what we wanted then Martha would keep an eye on them.

Martha knew Nicolas and his staff would be continuously monitoring the property. Martha said Nicolas had been over many times, a smile, "He's a nice boy."

Martha and Lloyd had two of their own. We walked to their apartment past the garage. Two very good-looking young men. One married, twins on the way. Nice snaps! Huge grandmother to be smile!

We sat in their little kitchen, I told Martha we were hands off but did like things our way so we'd work out all the bits over time. She laughed, "Miss, I like to know where I stand so please say what's needed. Lloyd always kids me all the time about my `up-frontedness'."

"Good! Me too! I give Cho fits sometimes!"

I extended my hand, "I'm Fay!"

She gripped it and we shook!!

I asked if she was any good at grilled cheese sandwiches. "I'm damned good!"

She was challenged with a grin. We laughed walking back to the kitchen. I requested chips, "Or as you Americans call French fries..."

She wrinkled her brow, "Frozen Okay?"

I said yes, making them from scratch was nice but a big paid in the butt! We did fist bumps! She got a kick out of that. I left her to it and doubled back to look at the construction.

At the back of the garage the old apartment for the chauffeur had been enlarged for our Security folks.

Now there's a bigger sitting room with chairs and sofa, a TV and music equipment. An Xbox still the package with some games on a table. A small refrigerator and a microwave. A big shared bathroom and four small bedrooms. This was to be the men's space.

The ladies were in the apartment above Martha and Lloyd. A two bedroom was changed to three rooms, shared bath and a sitting room with a snack and entertainment equipment area same as the men.

I spoke with them all in the dining room. PJ was our team supervisor so any wants or issues please let him know. Tai chipped up she'd laid on the bed, it was comfy!! Good start!

Martha stuck her head in, "Lunch!"

Oh Yes! Martha could cook a grilled cheese sandwich! Nice cheddar softly oozing at the sides, browned just right! A pile of chips! A tray of mixed olives, pickles and little carrots! Martha was praised. Then cheered as Newcastle's were served!

She said Nicolas sent someone on a grocery run for her just to get them! Cho grinning as he sipped his.

After we sat in the `study' which had a nice warm medium blue walls around large windows, the other was all tall glass windows, floor to ceiling. They opened to a small sitting area then the lush grass expanse running around the entire house.

April and Fred had left us a note. We snuggled on a sofa to read. They were sweet in wishing us same enjoyment of the house as they'd received. How it had been so much fun to raise their children here with the pleasures of family and the outdoors all around. Fred had worked hard to build his business, their son recently bought out Fred's interest in the company so he was officially' retired. They were free to go to Los Angeles, some warmth and grandkids every day. We appreciated the many nice sentiments and they included their new address and telephone number. Call us.'

We were hosting Kay and Greg and kids tonight. Martha was planning something to do with salmon which was all I knew. Good with me!

Udorn called from Bangkok, Ubon had delivered their daughter! Udorn was over the moon!! It was a beautiful healthy girl to be named Mali Fay! They had been worried because Ubon was past the due date by a week but all was well. She went into labor as they were talking about inducing her! I guess that was all the push she needed!

Cho told Udorn to stay home and care for those two girls of his. They had gotten our gift of unlimited nappies! It was so simple and welcome a gift! Wonderful news!!

Emails forwarded from Gil about the dressage arena bids from both of the folks I met. The north of Oxford pair's was much more professional and complete. Unsurprisingly the costs weren't even close. The Hampshire fellow somehow figured we wanted to go cheap like we were some sort of impoverished gentry. Weird! I replied to Gil to answer in the negative.

The costs from `Equestrian Ventures,' the north of Oxford company, were what we expected. They listed each item with a cost and labor time with a give or take proviso. They suggested off-setting the arenas as they fitted the space better and with the new positioning no grading would have to be done as the ground was level.

I had Gil do an email accepting their bid and asking for a timeline. She was to request they contact Gregory and Charlotte for an appointment to bid on the cross-country jumps.

I gathered Tara for a walk with Jaidee. We headed out of the gate and down the road going south. Walking on the side of Lawtonwood Drive we cruised along with Tara wondering where I was taking her. The woods were dense on either side, Jaidee did some snooping but I kept him moving.

We exited the trees at an intersection, a newly installed sign announcing there were horses crossing. Big with flags on both sides waving in the light breeze. It made me feel good to see it.

Behind it was a pole with a photo-electric panel on top like the Fay' sensor stakes. In fact it was a cousin designed by Reg for Seattle. It was a collection sensitive devices to monitor digital signals from the saddles on the horses. The GPS on each would report the location, allow the rider to receive warnings about out of bound' areas and danger points.

Any rider trying to go down Lawtonwood Drive would be warning by a noise and verbal commands from the stable office. Since the riders were registered and barcoded we could contact them by name, failure to respond would get a staff member sent out after them.

We would be able to see on the office computer where every horse was throughout the park. We had worked with the Discovery Park staff to create the geo-location limits, they were linked into our communication net.

If someone didn't return on time after warnings from the saddle comm device we would go out for them and they wouldn't be able to rent again until a suspension period was over unless there was a compelling reason for their failure to respond. We kept our records secure and backed up so we could call up any day or time or horse or rider. There were dozens and dozens of these poles all through the park. Because we had so many we could triangulate someone's position very accurately. A good proving ground for the technology!!!

Today I was going to test some of the equipment although Tara didn't know that. Her personnel file showed she had ridden a lot as a teenager so ...

Around the corner of a clump of trees the stables came in view. I gave a look at Tara. She was amazed by it being here! I led us over. Andy had been alerted, he saw us, arms open wide as I unhooked Jaidee who was a bullet. Andy on one knee got a tongue bath and hugs! From Jaidee that is!

He took my hand with a huge grin, "Miss, it's great to see you!!! And Jaidee!!!"

I gave my scone buddy a hug, "You're looking good!"

I intro'd Tara. I took her to the house, Jaidee stayed with Andy. In the guest bedroom I pulled out riding clothes and passed the needed bits to Tara.

"Fay, you mean..."

"If you want to guard me you'll have to mount up! I have a project to test."

Smiles as we stripped to undies and into jodhpurs. Tara saw that I laid out new things and in her sizes.

"Fay, this was planned?"

I gave her a sneaky grin. "Oh My, I am going to have to be careful working for you."

More grinning from me, "Yes, that is a fair assessment. Cho and I can be devious on occasion."

Dressed we walked back. Tara loved my clothes!! Everything looked good on her and fit!

We registered like any rider, barcode wrist bands. Chess and Guy were saddled for us. They both were nickering as I caressed their faces. Tara's eyes just kept getting bigger with wonder. Jaidee had done some shared sniffing with the boys, they remembered each other.

Andy laughed at my `no scone' remark but gave me a leg up anyway. Tara up, we turned out the gate going west. Texas Way had more warning signs about horses even though there was near zero traffic.

Across to the lower parking and playfield. There all sorts of people out in the sunshine, families, some footballers (Yes soccer!), a Frisbee chasing border collie and sunbathers. We trotted along the northern margin beside the road, Tara said she was comfortable so I picked up the pace. We followed the road into the trees then cut over to the big clearing turning south through another band of trees on a path to Discovery Park Boulevard.

Now for the test part. We turned west and downhill, where the trees closed around the road there were signs beside the road with a `Fay' pole up top. As we approached the lights started to blink all along the edges in several colours and intensities.

"There are heavy trucks using this road to go down to the West Point Waste Treatment plant. They come and go during the day, you see the road isn't all that wide."

My hands motioning, "We worked this out with King County to alert the drivers that there are riders on the road. They are supposed to slow to five miles an hour. It's only a few hundred meters so no big deal. The same signs at the bottom and middle. Riders will be warned about the trucks and that our GPS devices will set off the signs."

We walked down the grade slowly. At the bottom where the trees stopped there was a spectacular water level view of the Puget Sound. We walked to the beach and turned south east or so for about half a mile. Signs there said no horses were go beyond this point.

I walked us up to the sign, then passed it. The was a noise alert and a voice saying they could see us no problem. I turned us back and waved to the pole mounted video cam.

I called out to Tara, "Come on!"

I urged Chess into a gallop, he responded eagerly. We thundered down the empty beach flinging sand in rooster tails behind us! Tara and Guy a bit astern to the right avoided the spray. We kept it up right down to the lighthouse! Nearly three quarters of a mile! We walked up the berm to the grass beside the old building. It no longer worked as a lighthouse just an antique as part of Discovery Park.

On the other side of the point the beach went along for about two hundred meters with signs near the end like on the other side to show stopping place to keep horses off the pedestrian path. We turned back around the old lighthouse keepers cottages and the new signal tower that replaced the big light.

Back up the road, the signs lighting up! The signs in the middle of the run blinking away. All good.

As we crossed the old housing area, a pickup truck was going down. The driver stopped and waved. He pulled off the road and we jogged over. It was the park administrator.

"Andy said you were out testing the signs. Okay?"

I said it they were working as we planned. He was pleased. "And the saddles?"

He was quite pleased with my report. We shook hands. He certainly liked us being in the park!

Tara's face was an interesting mix of incredulity and laughter. I lead us in a gallop across the old parade field, up the rise to the little chapel. We turned to look west. With the sunny clear day, the whole Olympic Peninsula in view! The lowlands to the south up into the over eight thousand foot peaks to where it descended to the Strait of San Juan de Fuca, the opening to the Pacific Ocean.

Tara had never been to Seattle, she was taking in the beauty now. I stroked Chess' neck. Going back to the barn along the top of the ridge northward to the flag pole down to the big crossroads and onto a path through the woods returning us to the large playfield near where we started.

There were more people in the sunny space, easy to tour around the edge. Some kids waved, we waved back. A teenage girl asked where we came from. I pointed to the road to the stables and said horses could be rented there.

Andy was sitting on a bench with Jaidee grabbing some sun. His staffers took our boys away, they'd get the royal treatment like at Harcourt House. Andy knew how to train his helpers.

He was coming over with our Seattle family for dinner tonight. He had called for a car for us when the system told him we were on the lower playfield. We loaded our clothes and Jaidee.

I explained to Tara about our starting the stables, part to make money and part so I could ride when we were here. Andy came over for two years and we shipped in Chess and Guy from Harcourt House and Artis was on loan from a friend in New York. The other horses mostly came from New York with two being local.

I changed and grabbed a smiling Gil and Francis with PJ and Tai and a car. We drove over to the north end of the Ballard Bridge where our install team was working. They had support from a Seattle DOT bucket truck as they affixed a `Fay' sensor to a light pole.

We watched, it was a simple process to attach it, more fuss to align it and test its positioning and accuracy. They had several DOT pickup trucks with special grids lashed to the roof and truck bed to do the testing. Antoine, our crew chief, held his iPad up so we could see the output from the grid reading and result on the test server. It worked! Some anomalies if the road surface was badly uneven but there was a work-around for that.

Antoine showed me some preliminary data, it looked like what the London test led us to expect. All good so far! Antoine said the DOT folks had been great to work with, professional. That was nice to hear. Jonathan, the department's deputy chief Janice's aide, had been out several times. The DOT workers got to see clearly the project had DOT top brass' attention.

Cho got my report on the technology in the park and the traffic project as I sat in his lap. All the systems at the park working as designed with additions possible!! The traffic scanning setup going along very well! The kissing at the end was my reward!

Dinner soon! Wash up and into gray skinny jeans and a long sleeved red jumper as cool air was coming on. Cho came upstairs! I captured him in my evil death grip but he turned the tables on me with a killer Thai bed bounce. We lay there laughing! Jaidee with a woof joined us!!

I gave Cho the low down on his reunion with Chess and Guy and Andy! He loved it. My total surprise on Tara got him laughing and me a squeeze, "My little trickster! She was good though?"

"Yes, a good seat and handled Guy just fine!"

Dinner was great! Martha BBQ'd a whole king salmon! Two huge filets beautifully done on a big grill behind the kitchen brought in on big serving platters! Very nice whipped potatoes with a hint of garlic and dill! Asparagus under a lemony hunter's sauce! Big round corn meal cakes, softened herb butter!

A wine suggestion from Carter, it was found in a wine merchant on Queen Anne, Bouchard Pere et Fils Chevalier Montrachet la Cabotte Grand Cru. A delicate fruit and fennel aftertaste, smooth and rich!! Another big hit from Carter!!

Andy stood up and offered a toast.

"To our hosts wedding! I wasn't there but I'm proud to play a small part in their lives! Congratulations!!!"

Cho and Andy shook hands, I kissed those red cheeks!

We offered a toast to Ubon, Udorn and Mali Fay!! New life! Our Seattle family had met them so they could relate!

With jackets on we did afters outside on the lawn. Kay and Sunny with me looking over the dark water, us oldsters sipping Amaretto. Sunny laughing about my little revelation for Tara today, "Fay, you do like to have little surprises for people."

I told them about Thet's little joke for Tara, "I guess you could call it our form of hazing. I do like to do unusual things for people I care about!"

Hugs for them both. Sunny had been coming over to ride most days, She and Guy a good pair.

Francis and Gil on lounges with jackets and blankets. They said a nice night like this shouldn't be missed! They were warm. Cho handed me an amaretto and cognac for them, I figured out who got what.

Jaidee was running up and down with Artie, those legs will be tired tonight! He was enjoying the grassy space!

Snuggled in with Cho and Jaidee! We talked for short while before sleep came...

Martha did a great omelet with Dungeness crab and chopped tomatoes! Sour dough bread toasted, big slices! Blackberry preserves! They came from Martha's niece in Suquamish across the Puget Sound. Delicious!

Gil with a mouthful and a grin! Quite a feat! Cho sipping coffee with a very satisfied look! I'd gotten him up with me for a walk! Jaidee leading, Ro and Tai along. They were the best early risers. We toured the neighborhood for a mile or two of foot work. Quiet in the morning, nice houses, very well-tended properties.

Jaidee got to snoop lots of new places. He left some pee as reminders.

Francis, Gil and I to the dining room to work. I laid out several project timelines I'd printed at Upperville but I wanted to update them. When it was opening time we'd go to the Apple Store for equipment and other shopping.

Warm enough for black short shorts, white crop top and my cutoff black Seattle hoodie! Silver bits and `Joy' applied by my man! Cho was dressed for golf. Ken was taking him to his course, the Seattle Golf Club. Ro going with him.

Gil, PJ and Tara were rounded up. Off to University Village shopping mall.' Sounded nice but the reality of the outdoor' mall was horrible. Tortuous roads, constant pedestrian crossings, a driving nightmare then terrible parking! I got our driver to find some place to wait and we'd walk the rest of the way. We'd call for pickup.

The Apple Store folks were great as always! Four big iMac's, a three terabyte Time capsule, miscellaneous cables and a new iPad case for Tara. Three WiFi range extenders too. They organized a dolly to move the stuff out to a little parking area behind the store where the driver met us.

Starbucks a short way down so we trooped over for lattes. Gil said there was an Amazon bookstore here so we walked to it. It was laughable! Very few titles, best sellers mostly with minimal stock on anything else. Employees were clerks, no BOOK knowledge or appreciation. What a waste of space!

We met the driver again in a parking lot of an office supply store on the margin of the `mall.' Gil had found online a colour laser printer, we wanted to pick it up there but it was out of stock. Gil was furious because their website listed two in the store. She was on point and asked for the manager. She showed that person her printout but all he could do was apologize.

In the car Gil called the Staples store between Queen Anne and Magnolia as they showed one in stock! They checked and it was there and would be put on hold for us. Good!

We drove that way, over the University Bridge which is a draw bridge, around the east side of Lake Union and by the Seattle Centre. The Space Needle looking cool as it always does!!

The Staples store was almost under the Magnolia Bridge. They were great! The printer in the back of the Suburban with extra toner. We went out to make a u-turn, I saw Champion Party Supplies. Stop!

A warehouse type building filled with everything to throw a party for any occasion. Costumes, birthday cards, seasonal or holiday napkins, plates, glitter, whatever ... Fun! I could have run amok but restrained myself! I bought a funny birthday card for Cho, I'd put it away until autumn.

At home it was setup time! One iMac for Martha's kitchen, one in the study, one for each of the Security Team sitting areas. Time Capsule in Security office with the printer, both wired to network. The Brother laser printer had Airprint but I used the study iMac for another Printopia licensed setup. It was a coverage thing linked up via the WiFi.

I had my project printout in minutes! Then back to work! Only a few breaks for coffee!

I hard at doing all my bits when I heard Cho calling my name... "Fay..."

Oh Shit, I've a golf pro on my hands... I knew it! Cho had broken par again! Five under on a fine course!! We sat on a sofa I was holding him tight.

"It is a gorgeous course, lush as any in the tropics. It is pretty open but it didn't matter I was on target like the other day in New Jersey. My drives are longer but on the greens I was solid like the old saying `you drive for show but putt for dough!"

Quaint! I held that handsome face I leaned in to kiss! It was wonderful to feel his passion like my own when in the saddle!!

I learned of one putt on a big green, Cho rolled it in from forty feet away.

"I could `see' the path in my mind over a low swale then down slope. I hit it just hard enough to get over the swale then gravity did the rest. A big curve, it was mesmerizing to follow the ball... dunk into the cup!"

He laughed, "You should have seen Ken! He was jumping up and down like it was his putt.'

Cho said Ken was a good golf partner, quiet, gets on with his business, good player too. Ken finished three over par, apparently he was close to par all the time.

"Ken suggested we visit Hawaii sometime, there's several 'championship' courses near their place in Kaneohe."

Ken and Pam were coming over for dinner so we could chat more then. Martha doing something semi-secret?

I talked to Reginé in London. She had a startup that Cho and I bought into taking a controlling share but left Reginé to operate. She got the money in her hand but we had her still act like a startup. She did the social media stuff for The Company which was basic, nothing flashy. I got her in on The Project! She had a new team just for us. They'd manage our presence on Twitter and Facebook. Once The Project went live they'd be all over what was happening online.

I changed for a short ride. Tara and Gil were my mates today. Chess, Guy and Artis were saddled. They'd all had a ride with paying customers earlier but I could see Chess was ready for me!

We went over Texas Way Then Illinois Avenue where `horses crossing' sign with lights had been placed. Our proximity devices had the lights blinking. A car pulled to a stop for us. We waved out thanks and got a wave back!

Down the side of the big field in a trot lots of folks watching us go by. At the end we went right towards the Daybreak Star Centre. Around the east side to the front. We tied our horses to a barrier and went in. Jack Black Wing was there. We shook hands and did fist bumps! I gave him a handful of Andy's stable business cards with my name on the reverse.

"Jack, any of your members who'd like to ride give them one and Andy will know to give the special rental price."

Smiling, he thanked me. He remembered Gil and I intro'd Tara. We walked a bit, he said that Sunny had been back with her mom and brother. "I showed them around some then they took their time looking. The young man was very interested in some of the exhibits about the archaeology digs on tribal lands. Maybe when he's a bit older we might take him to one?"

I thought that was great! I let Jack know Artie's parents were always encouraging their children to grow in different ways. "Sunny is a very promising equestrian so she'll be in England for the summer learning about dressage and eventing."

Jack had a second cousin who had done that as part of his time in the Canadian Army. He nearly made the Olympic team. "It really bonded him with horses. He lives in British Columbia now on a ranch working every day with horses."

Another fist bump! We smiled, "You take your opportunities, right?"

Jack agreed, "If I hadn't gone with my uncle's urging to do ancestral work years ago as a young man I might have drifted from the tribal life. There are so many pressures on our youth go out into the world and leave..." a short hand motion, "... this behind. More so than ever!"

We headed out front, I linked my arm with his, "Jack, I think it's wonderful to have this. In England we're closer to the past with the Royal Family and all... than ordinary Americans."

We said goodbye, Jack was nice to give us knee-ups. We waved as I steered us back towards the lower playfield. We went through the trees via Montana Circle and emerged in a flat area at the end of the parade ground. We walked to the edge of it and I yelled `come on!'

I urged Chess into a gallop. He responded with speed and power! We soared across the grass we were six lengths ahead as the little `reviewing stand' was left behind. Then up the slope towards the tiny chapel where we stopped and turned.

The others caught up, huge smiles and happy horses! We sat for a few minutes looking west from that high point. A beautiful day laid the blue Puget Sound at our feet! Across the water the green lowlands gave way to the Olympic Mountains, snow covered jagged peaks!

I pointed to the few things I knew. Lovely day. We rode back down the slope and took off again for a hard run right to Discovery Park Boulevard then a soft trot over to the playfield and back to the stables. Andy had called for a car when we hit the playfield sensors!

My `trying to get rid of us' brought a laugh, fist bumps and big thank you to him from me!

Drinks on the patio looking out over Shilshole Bay with Pam and Ken. Ken was still talking about Cho's round! He was jazzed.

Pam winked, "Ken loves golf when he sees people play well he's very supportive and a bit envious which feeds the supportive part because he wants to play as well as them. Kind of torturous way to say it but you get the idea?"

I said I did. I asked if she'd ridden in the park. Not yet but she wanted to. I told her we would gone to Bangkok day after tomorrow evening.

"Can we ride tomorrow morning? You can show me the ropes."

Deal! Pam would be here by nine in the morning.

Cho was going to look a powerboats tomorrow after golf. Ken was helping us buy a boat and find a good shipyard for any work we wanted done. We decided to go that way rather a sailboat at least for now. Easier to use for us.

Martha rolled out dinner!! Pan seared yellowfin ahi with wasabi aioli, wild rice with mango, cubed pear and apple pieces with walnuts and goat cheese over mixed greens, dark grain bread toasted with an orange honey glaze!!

Boy I was loving this! The fish done the way I asked when we'd had our new owner talk, just barely pink inside! Everything was superbly done. Martha got big cheers when I asked her to come in from next door. She's versatile!!

I had Jaidee running up and down the lawn for a while in the morning. He enjoyed himself so much! Cho helped before driving off with Rande and Ro. Pam was on time and we drove over to the stables. Andy had the horses ready. Chess was nickering as I caressed his neck! Tara on Guy, Gil on Sara, a sweet mare and we put Pam on Artis. He's such a well behaved boy! Our barcodes on!

I lead us out over to the lower playfield then south on Montana Circle. We exited the trees going by the cottages on our left. We worked up to a gallop crossing the parade ground up the hill to pause and then back down a harder sprint back. We left the open field crossing a road then in between some trees to a another open area. We hustled the horses through that down Discovery Park Boulevard to a trail going north. A long clearing we did some galloping through to a trail that led to the lower playfield.

It was mostly empty so we flew down its length back towards the stables. Throwing up some grass!

"You're coming for dinner again, right?"

Andy's big smile said yes! "Is it okay to bring a guest?"

"Sure! No problem at all. They'll be welcome."

Fist bumps. HHHHHHMMMMMM Andy finding someone? Good!

Pam borrowed a bikini and we sat in lounges on the `sandy' terrace. Gil, Ansara, Tai and Tara joined us. Tara on a blanket reading a New Yorker magazine, Tai and Ansara playing cards, Gil on her iPad. Pam and I sat a bit then we walked down to the dock.

I liked the view across the water with all the boat traffic. The sun warming us. I grinned, "I'm going to jump in!"

Pam's eyes wide as I did leap off. WOW! The water was COLD!!!

Pam's splash nearby. We treaded water laughing! Up the ladder to the dock. We ran up to the sand the ladies laughing about our little feat! We went in and up to a warm shower and dress again. Naked looking at Pam's slender form, a bare mons with a tattoo, initials which weren't Ken's.

"Fay I love your flowers!"

I told her mine were cleverly designed to cover an earlier tattoo. We were standing in the sunlight coming through the window. My arm around her narrow waist her arm resting on my shoulders. I gently touched the initials, they were dark just above her vagina.

I stroked the soft skin, her eyes closed. A shiver...In a croaky voice Pam said they were her husband's initials. I remembered the hurt in her voice when she told me about his dying of cancer.

I let my fingers caress her sex lightly, I cupped it in my warm hand. Squeeze! Her eyes open, we kissed, soft, gentle then with more passion. One finger entering her wetness... "Oh Fay..."

I knelt down to taste her... more shivers was my tongue slipped inside after some swipes over those nice sex lips! Delicious! I leaned in deep, Pam was wobbly so I moved her to the bed. I kept up my tongue work adding fingers now. One wet one slid down to her rosebud which got me an immediate deep moan and arched back.

Parted lips gave me more access to the hotness... Orgasm!!! Long shaking of her body, I didn't let up at all. There were tears, her hands in my wet hair, "FAY... "

A second climax was very nice... I left her sex licking my way upwards, a shallow inny belly button in flat stomach her pear shaped breasts tipped by pale brown areolas and small eraser nipples! I suckled some then pressed my lips to hers... Pam's willowy arms and legs surrounded me!

"Fay... it was so lovely!" Blue eyes on my green! I kept moving up untying my bikini, the bottoms flew away. I brought my bare sex to her mouth, it was eagerly kissed and licked.

MMMMMMMM Yes! Pam knew how to eat pussy!!! Nice but I wanted more of her... I said I would rotate... Pam pushed her tongue inside me I spun on that! I caressed her nipples some as I slid down to plunge my tongue and fingers into her!! We licked kissed sucked I was pushed over the edge twice, Pam once more then we rested facing each other. Kissing and touching...

"Pam, that was exquisite!"

Shining eyes, "Thank you so much! It has been some time since I have made love with a woman. I've missed it!"

Gentle caresses and nipple play. Kisses! Pam liked my rings! We couldn't stay for long! A fast shared shower with some little touches! She used the hair dryer while I dressed and fixed the bed. It was staying warm so short shorts and crop top. I loaned Pam some shorts and a cut-off T-shirt.

We waited for the guys to come home. Cho was four under for his golf game today! Very pleased with it too! I slipped my arms around him, my cheek against his. I whispered a non sequitur in his ear, "I love you!"

I got a big squeeze!!

They'd looked at three boats, another in the morning. Ken thought the last tomorrow would be the best.

Ken's eyes had widened when he caught a look at Pam. She was looking sexy in my clothes! We told them about the `big leap' they were laughing. Drinks outside waiting for dinner and Andy.

The very same arrived with his guest... Audra! She looked radiant in a very cute pale green sundress, her soft red hair and green eyes were perfect for it! I held open my arms, she was folded in.

She and Andy had stepped out a few times at home, really nice and friendly then a bit more serious. He invited her here for a visit, they split the airfare. A shy smile and a whisper, they were using separate bedrooms at the stable cottage for my ears only.

I asked about the look at the Harcourt House wedding when I gave her the little flower bouquet... Yes, she had been thinking of Andy! Grinning and nodding!

I asked if she needed anything... a hair dryer she'd forgotten hers. No problem we had spares for guests.

They were going to do some sightseeing together and hang out! I tugged Andy's sleeve to let him know if he'd rather use one of our cars so they wouldn't have to drive or park, call to get picked up. Fist bump!

Martha did a cold smoked salmon dinner with the continuing heat. She added two sauces, wasabi and a red pepper aioli if desired. The buffet also had salads, fruit and pasta. Cut fruit and cheeses with several bread choices. Assorted cut raw veggies with a spicy dipping sauce!

Then vanilla ice cream from a local store with strawberries and chocolate bits! The ice cream was exceptionally creamy!! A repeat for sure!!

As our guests departed there were lots of hugs. Pam upstairs changed to her clothes with some petting thrown in!! Sweet!

Audra had the hair dryer, she would leave it with Andy. A kiss for her and `enjoy' from us!

Beside the bed I took my favorite penis in hand, as I stroked it lightly I told Cho about Pam and I. A big smile, "Well she looked great in your clothes!"

My reply was she looked great out of them!! I knelt down to kiss and lick that cock! Cho sat on a chair and leaned back... talk about encouragement! He was giving it to me!!

I went to work! I licked it like a popsicle, up and down getting it sloppy wet. I fisted him gently to ease the foreskin back then my patented hoover vacuum method was applied.

Oh the noises of pleasure from Cho! His hips kept rising to meet my down slide which buried my nose in the soft dark thatch of his pubic hair! Slurping! He was WET and EXCITED!

I leaned back holding him licking my lips, "Up on the bed Madame!"

I giggled and jumped on the sheets after whisking the duvet away! Cho between my legs leaning over to lick me... marvelous tongue work! Fingers opening me so he could get in deeper...Oh Yes!

"Cho come up... Be inside me!"

Right away he guided himself to my vagina, sliding into the wetness down to his balls!! DAMN I loved that feeling! That smooth sac against my skin!! Wonderful

Cho withdrew but returned right away with a smile... all in once more! My hands on his shoulders pulling him forward to me for a kiss, locked for moments Cho didn't stop moving inside me! Aaaahhhh I felt the good burn of us rubbing together!

Ah Ha! I was half rolled to the right my left leg lifted as Cho straddled my right! My slender thigh pressed against his belly the piston of my pussy continued! Cho's hips stayed in motion as he leaned down to kiss me at my urging! I looped my arms around his shoulders clinging my orgasm flooded me with intense heat!

OH Shit! Cho smiling at my pleasure, kissing me more. Another half roll! Cho lifted my hips settling in behind me. The loving wonderful penis... filling me at each stroke! Cho gripping my hips working that cock, swiveling his own hips, exploring angles... He was driving me crazy... right over the edge to a second orgasm.. the warmth stronger this time I felt it in my face intensely!!!

I got Cho to turned me over, my `Please let me see you' was answered. Those beautiful dark eyes on mine as Cho built up to his climax! His strokes were steady but I knew he was close. The strain of pleasure across his face... the drive of the cock into my wetness was shortening and faster...

"Cho cum in me!"

I gripped his arms on either side of my body... Shit Yes he was cumming. A deep push... balls bouncing hard against my flesh... Cho stiffened... the first pulse of sperm... My pussy tightly squeezing him... I felt the other spurts... YES!

I held on... Cho was balls deep in my vagina... My fingers caressed his face... my legs wrapped around him holding on... A radiant smile on that handsome face as he eased down to kiss me! OH So Sweet!!!!!

Sweat bonded our chests... his breathing slowly lessened... I rained kisses on every part of him I could reach. Cho's cheek against mine, soft words of love!

Only the cool marine air coming got us to move. Cho went for water, I washed and knelt beside Jaidee. He was all sleepy eyed and warm in his bed. Kisses for him!!

Under the bedclothes we snuggled and shared the water. My face on Cho's chest! We petted a bit, nice kissing! Spooned for sleep, quiet in my ear, "Fay, my love!"

I squeezed the arms around me.

It was a chill foggy morning, in jeans and a mac playing with Jaidee on the grass. He loved to run around chasing me and his tennis ball! We had a blast!

Me with coffee and Jaidee's face in the food bowl in the kitchen. Martha grinning at us both. Her husband Lloyd with me at the table. He had an idea to tinker with the DeLonghi espresso machine. Lloyd was a mechanical engineer, he suggested a fairly simple alteration that would mean no more adding water by hand.

A small sensor inserted in the water reservoir would cause water to flow in from a pipe until it reached another device which caused a shut off. The first sensor would, at my suggestion, not be at the bottom so there'd be enough water at any time for a coffee to be made. Thumbs up from Lloyd on that!

We would need a small water pipe run from under the sink, a simple control knob near the DeLonghi to cut the water off if needed and the sensors. Lloyd said he do it after we left. I asked him to consider, if it worked as advertised, to make `kits' for our other home's DeLonghi machines. Fist bumps!!

Cho grinning at Lloyd and me as he made coffee! I gave him a big hug!

We were off to meet Ken and Pam in Ballard to see the last boat and the one Ken favored in a dockyard. The day was still cool but the sun was to be out soon. Black skinny jeans, white crop T, red and black checked flannel shirt, two buttons done up, Nordstrom ankle boots, red nails and lips.

Cho and I, Gil and Francis with Ro, Ansara and Tara. We climbed out at Ballard Nautical Yard. Ken and Pam arrived a few minutes before us. Hugs!

Ken knew the owner `Jud' Judkins, he used the dock for his boat work. Jud had a strong handshake and a big smile. Ken alerted him about our coming to look at this one boat. It had a sad story, it has never been out except in trial runs. Ordered by a fellow who had had a stroke and was no longer very mobile. He and his wife decided to sell.

We went aboard a gorgeous looking sixty footer of a type called a Nordhavn 60. It had been modified to be more friendly to inside entertaining. The saloon was enclosed further towards the stern than normal then an open deck area with door opening in the transom above the swimming ramp. The upper deck had an outdoor seating area with the four seat runabout boat at the far end locked down under the hoist. The foredeck was open for sitting too. The flying bridge was the basic design. Three staterooms and a Captain's cabin and crew quarters below which could be for guests also.

Twin engines, extra fuel capacity, a full suite of Furuno electronics, radars, compasses, navigational devices, intercom, radios, hi-res digital maps of the world's waterways and exterior cameras. It was loaded. On the bridge there was a desk area with room for a computer and small printer which doubled as the chart desk. Storage under and above for charts and books.

The staterooms were large with very nice mattresses, thick carpeting and nice bathrooms with showers. The gallery had a big Sub Zero refrigerator/freezer, cooktop, oven, dishwasher, compactor, lots of power outlets around the large counter spaces.

The saloon had a music and video system we could hook an iPad into and a large screen monitor. Bench seating on both sides, very comfy with table space to seat ten nicely twelve maybe for dining. The table legs were made to `telescope' up and down so they could be at cocktail or dining levels.

We wandered throughout, there was a washer and dryer down below and more storage with a second freezer. Teak flooring and walls throughout gave it a warm feel.

We could cruise up through Canadian waters to Alaska, south to Mexico, west to Hawaii. It had the look of a trawler with considerable range at 9.5 knots.

It was a fabulous boat! I could see Cho wanted it! Me too! Ken and Pam were with us in the master stateroom smiling, they knew how we felt. Jud leaned with a questioning look.

Cho winked at me, "Jud, would you wrap it up for us?"

That got quite the laugh from him. We shook hands with Jud. He was pleased we were pleased! Cho called out to Francis asking for him to go with Jud to do a wire transfer of the money. Done!

Ken suggested we take another look around to see if there were anything we might want to change or add so Jud could get it done while we were away from Seattle. I said right away we should get a big iMac for the pilot house desk with a Time Capsule. Cho laughed, "There's a surprise!"

I didn't say anything but Cho used a contraction! I loved it! Later for that!

We did another walk through following Ken's idea. We made a short list, nothing big.

Outside we looked around the dock yard. Lots of activity, well laid from our layman's point of view. Ken said he'd been coming here for well over twenty years.

In the office we signed for the boat and gave Jud our small list of things. He said no problem. I said we'd have the Apple Computer items delivered. We got to meet his number two Rodney and number three Pelle.

We couldn't give them an exact date for our return but Gil would keep in touch. We took Jud with us for lunch to a restaurant with a diner menu called Cora's. I was piggy with three huge pancakes, butter and syrup!

Our goodbyes with Ken and Pam. A whisper about how much she enjoyed being with me, I said we'd do it again and a reminder about Phuket which I had given the skinny on to her.

Packed and on our way to SeaTac. The big 767 was ready. Jaidee walking up slowly but on his own. We strapped in so Captain Mira could get us moving. I looked around at us, smiling faces, one with a tongue hanging out! Jaidee!

We made slow but steady progress along the taxiway in line. Mira gave us the heads up as we turned on to 34R. Then the rush down the runway... everything flashing by until we jumped into the air. A power climb this bird had no trouble with then a big turn to port. On to Bangkok, we'd been away for a while!

Gil and I sat to work! Email, texts, some calls and lots of reports and new info from Papua New Guinea on the north shore possible project and the government's investment in infrastructure.

I was receiving reports from Michael and all the department heads in London now as well as Alex. Gil was planning my tour trip with Michael to follow the upcoming one with Alex.

After a lovely dinner by Soka and Ban I was in bed with my men. The Brown Flash had romped up and down the deck with Cho and Tara. He had great fun! Ready for bed!. I rubbed my bare tush back against Cho, "So where did that `There's a surprise' come from? A contraction? That's new!"

My neck was softly kissed, "It popped out as a colloquial Americanism!"

We laughed, "Well now... we should add a few more here and there."

More kisses were Cho's signal of agreement. I was sleepy too so when Cho carried our little fellow to his bed I was almost out as his warmth came back.

The alarum was abrupt! I got it though. Jaidee's big brown eyes looking at me, a tail gently thumping in his bed. I grinned.

Up and washed making coffee. Jaidee had made a trip to his dirt box!! Now face down in the food making nice dog eating noises. Sipping my coffee as the rolls warmed. Buttered roll chunk in my mouth as Soka came up from below. Big smile. She would do eggs and more...? You bet!

Nice over-easy eggs, more rolls, strawberry preserves, veggie sausage patties and more java! I was great especially when topped off by a monster hug and kiss from Cho!!!!

I was a good person sitting with Cho as he ate, I had to have another buttered roll to be nice keeping company with him! Cho and Soka joined by Francis laughing at my being `nice.'

Gil thought I wasn't being appreciated for my `niceness' we all laughed as I lifted a leg to shake like I was settling the food down.

Time for more work. Cho and Francis laid out some spreadsheets they'd just printed about the Ballard Nautical Yard. Cho motioned me over. We could see consistent earnings, increased revenue and steady employment data from the last ten years. Jud had emailed them after we expressed an interest in the dock yard. He was sixty two and thinking ahead.

He and his wife Tricia had two daughters, one a Seattle high school English teacher going for a PHD, the other a graduate student in aerospace engineering. Neither likely to transfer to being boatyard managers. He had a good men in Rodney and Pelle but neither had the financial wherewithal to buy him out. Cho's thoughts were we buy the dockyard, have Jud run it on salary for a few years getting his two assistants deeply involved in the management above individual project level. Find out if they can do the job.

Jud would get a monetary and personal cushion to ease into retirement. Jud had been VERY jazzed about it. We said we'd have to see financials and he should speak to Ken to get our bonafides! Our paying up front over two million dollars for a boat was a tip-off too.

Since we had the spreadsheets he must have been good with what Ken said. Francis was going to do some detailed analysis of the spreadsheets and other info Jud had sent along.

Cho and I in a chair together talking about it and a pile of media requests Gil had from the New York lawyers. Monaco was dealing with news folk, giving them what he thought appropriate about Glaa and IrishRainbow. If they asked about us he gave them the name of the PR law firm in New York which was an effective barrier.

We had to laugh about a report from them about various attempts to `trick' them into giving away info, a few tries at breaking into their web page and office systems all brought to a dead stop by their defenses! Cheers!

I emailed to Sam thanking him for the reference to them. They were going to earn their money!

We planned a few meetings and interviews, DRF and TV networks and newspapers in the days before the Belmont Stakes in New York. Some telephone interviews in the next week while we were in Bangkok. We were happy to talk about horses but would deflect questions about us. Several `woman's' magazines were interested in interviewing me, we'll see.

Captain Kor let us know we were an hour out from Don Mueang. Some snacks and packing. Jaidee sitting on the bed watching me with the suitcases, I think he was laughing. He travelled light. One outfit!

We were on approach! The weather was clear, sunny and hot! On the ground and taxiing quickly. I could see the helicopter waiting. We transferred and lifted off. A bullet to the dock down the river. No Jian and Ting greeting committee! They were having fun in London with Caroline!

Amporn and Niran! Hugs! The house was a welcome sight! The four of us had a quiet dinner on the terrace. Jaidee had a good time with his tennis ball on the grass before dark.

In bed with Cho, kisses, "Give Reyna a big hug for me!"

I would.

A pale blue sundress with navy espadrilles and gold bits in Tu's car with PJ heading to Dr. Sanporam's clinic. In Reyna's room, I delivered a big hug from ME! She was ready to go into surgery. I watched her roll away with Thet holding her hand.

Thet was back in a few minutes, a hug, "She'll be fine look at me!"

His smile was tight but there. It would be hours before she'd be out of the operating room, I took Thet with me to a small restaurant nearby. We sat outside in the rear under a big banyan tree. Sharing a pot of tea before eating. Good food, not on a tourist list.

Thet relaxed as I asked about him. He was ex-Security Police like many of his staff, he'd met Cho while he was still in uniform. Cho was looking around for business ideas, they talked and our Security was born shortly thereafter. It was a large operation now, our many properties in various levels of protection.

New and more sophisticated equipment to meet increased dangers, wider deployment of staff, lots of strands to keep track of daily. Cho had urged him to find and develop good managers to share the load. They could focus on certain aspects, the technology division was growing quickly. He was benefitting now! He was taking time off to be there for Reyna!

The restaurant owner was pleased we liked her food and the comfortable place under the tree. The waiter had done his work quite well. I left a big tip in cash, he was going to protest it was too much. I told him we appreciated his work! Big smile.

Walking back to the clinic Thet was grinning, "Fay, your Thai is excellent, you even have a Bangkok edge to it."

We laughed out loud. PJ was smiling, "Fay, is from Bangkok now!"

Fist bumps!

In Reyna's room we waited. Dr. Sanporam's assistant brought us news. The procedure was still going but nearing its end. Very successful! Thet's tension which had gone up with our return eased. A smile.

In about thirty minutes Dr. Sanporam came in, "Thet, she is fine! The surgery went as planned in every aspect. I anticipate excellent final results after the swelling goes down."

Thet grinning thanked him and shook his hand.

"She's in recovery, in a little while you can go in. Fay I am glad you are here for her."

A hug! I waited some more which is what gets done a lot in every hospital! I was there when Reyna was wheeled into the room. Groggy but smiling! I kissed her cheek.

She was going to sleep a good bit. I told Thet she would be tag teamed by the Crew. He laughed, loose now!

At my old office Kwang had the my desk swapped for two. Anong sitting there beaming happy to see me. We chatted. She had a brand new snap of Caroline that just arrived in her in-box! Anong's was belly sticking out pretty good, three months to go!

Dusit was ready to go to Los Angeles soon. Lots of changes here. I really didn't need this office, it was good to pass it to the Foundation. I could always park in Cho's at The Railroad or here or home. Gil made it easy for me to float!

Gil, PJ and I drove over to Mom and Dad's! Things were quiet, the fuss after the assassination attempt had died down but the Security Police were still around twenty four hours a day. Our Security's monitoring equipment in use full-time.

Phailin was happy to see me, hugs and kisses! Dad was fine, making trouble for everyone whenever he can! We laughed over that!

Tona was getting close to her day. They had everything planned, nurse hired and Phailin was going to go down in five days to stay for a while.

I nudged her, "You could wait until her labor starts and fly down on one of our planes."

She looked at me, "Yes? It would be nice to do it that way rather going many days in advance.'

I kissed her cheek and called Kavat. He was ready! "We only need an hour or so."

I gave his contact details to Phailin. Kavat knew her as she'd flown with us several times already.

We went back to Dr. Sanporam's clinic to see Reyna. Ni was sitting with her when we arrived. She was doing fine. Sleepy but smiling. The doctor was pleased.

At the house I sat for a while with the train layout making buildings. Gil joined in! We put together a half dozen industrial buildings, warehouses and accessories. They were various stages of construction when Amporn had dinner ready!!

Sitting on the terrace under the big umbrellas we had cold spicy prawns!! I made a big pile of shells on my plate! Amporn topped off the dinner with mango sherbet! Wonderful! Turned out Niran had made it himself!! He was ready to repeat it!! A big hug!

The sunny morning got Jaidee and I out early. Holding a panting Jaidee after lots of tennis ball throwing! My butt on the lawn near the drive was a bit tired too. Cho leaned over us to stroke him before going off to play golf. I stuck out my tongue and panted... Cho laughing petted me too!

He and Rak were meeting some Army officers they knew at a course run by the military north of the city. I wished him a great game.

Gil and I got to work with coffees and a few piles of paper. Sure glad we've become paperless... when was that predicted by Bill Gates... 1990 or so?

We spent time on the schedule... plenty going on. We'd be here for a week then New York. The Belmont Stakes and The Project! I needed to have a place for exercise... maybe a bike or a pool? Gil started emailing our Security group to see if they rode bikes. Then researching pools near to Greenwich Village.

Right away she found RiverFront Club! She would get a corporate membership so all our folks could go there if they wanted. Pool, rock climbing, running, kid stuff and much more! Go girl!

Cleaned up after a swim I had Tara and Tai with me to visit Reyna. She was looking alert sitting up. Lawan was there! Big hug! Thet was getting some coffees.

Reyna said she was feeling fine, some swelling but not too bad. She had the same sense of needing to go to the bathroom I experienced. I gave her my `sage' advice! We laughed!

I sat talking for a while, Lawan took off. Thet had a relaxed appearance today.

I asked Reyna about the new job at the Red Cross. She lit up telling me the details and bits about her boss. If her recovery went well she would be able to travel in a few months. Seemed like she was fitting in very well. Cheers for her!

All the talking wore her down some so she napped and I was walked to my car by Thet. I knew he was happy, big hug!! Funny my two shadows seeing their boss hug with me.

Bikini time! I did some laps with Gil then laid out with a mango lassi from Niran!! We were chilling with a bit of work thrown in when Anong arrived. I lent her a bikini, it was a string one so she got it to cover everything necessary!! Slurping up sun and lassi's! No more work!

Cho texted they were on the way home. Lots of stars, explosions and lightning bolts on the end! Ah, my man had another good day!

I watched Cho jump out of the car running my way, I hopped up arms open wide... ooof! I was engulfed!! Cho twirled us around a huge smile on that handsome face!

"FAY I'm in the groove!"

The Royal Thai Army course had a new lowest score! Cho shot a sixty-four! Eight under par! I was tossed into the air and caught! I finally got back to my feet.

Rak sitting beside Anong laughing, "Oh Fay It was quite the spectacle! Cho going about the business of rampaging over that pretty course! Tearing it up. We ended up having a small crowd following us when word got around Cho was four under on the front nine. Maybe twenty Army fellows. On the eighteenth tee I was standing there waiting to tee off after Cho. He waggled his driver and BOOM the ball took off like it was rocket propelled. Three hundred yards plus dead in the Centre of the fairway! The crowd cheered!! Amazing!"

Cho's arms crossed over my belly from behind as Rak gave us the story, squeezing at the BOOM! A kiss on my shoulder.

Laughing, "It was weird to have those fellows around us. They cheered when my approach shot from the fairway landed above the pin and rolled down the slope of the green heading for the hole. Almost an eagle, it stopped twelve inches short. A tap-in putt."

Cho had been under par every round he'd played for over a month, on different courses and different continents. Quite a string!!

Dinner on the terrace was very lively, Rak and Anong with us and Gil and Francis. Dad and Phailin joined us bringing Kanda and Thoi. A nice crowd! Thoi and Dad made Rak swear Cho's score wasn't made up just to get them! Much laughter.

Rak grinning, "The course manager said they would change the `Leader Board' tomorrow so go look!"

I was looking at Cho in the mirror as he undressed, "So you are going to be a golf pro and I get to run all the businesses?"

He gave me a huge toothy grin, "Funny on the eighteenth hole as I was contemplating my second shot... I realized I was over thinking my choice of club... stopped took a breath... looked at my bag and quickly pulled out my nine iron... stepped to the ball and swung! It was a great shot! ... I would like to talk to a professional golfer about their thinking processes..."

During that I had disrobed completely, standing nude with my hands on my slender hips Cho had wound down with a laugh! We hugged and kissed. I was carried to bed. Jaidee's nose over the edge of his bed, big eyes!

Cho went to him, a hug and kiss for Jaidee too! We cuddled. I could see the Brown Flash watching... waiting in hope of an invite... those brown eyes... I called out to him. He bounded over, we made a spot between us. Our hands rubbing that warm happy puppy body!

The three of us snuggled! Cho talked some more about golf and we discussed the Chanthira Foundation clinics openings scheduled for six weeks out more or less. Sleep.

I watched Jaidee's tail flying as he pursued the tennis ball bouncing across the grass in the sun. He brought the ball back but it needed to be replaced as it was a hairy wet mess. "New ball later!"

That seemed Okay for Jaidee. Food! That was music to his ears!

Amporn had been making breakfast for us both. Jaidee tucked into his just like me. Eggs and veggie bacon, a pile of toast, butter and strawberry preserves! Some sliced mango and banana. I was good. Gil came in near the end, I sipped coffee as she ate. Cho was gone already to The Railroad for a few hours then to two banks for meetings. He had managed to get Francis up for those. I hugged them both at the door!

White short shorts, navy sleeveless blouse and gold Guess sandals, gold jewelry all around and `Joy' Gil and I going to visit Reyna and Ubon. Tai and Tara with us. PJ taking a few days off to be with his parents.

Reyna was up walking with Ni when we got there. She looked great! A lovely emerald green robe down to her ankles, a gift from Thet!! Hugs! She felt good, not much swelling so walking felt Okay but tiring. I'd told her all about my recovery so she knew what was coming.

Reyna knew there was a lounge beside our pool for her anytime! We'd be gone to New York but she was welcome to park herself and have Kiet and Achara take care of her!!! Smiles from her and Thet!

As we talked Dr. Sanporam came in, he was going to send Reyna home in the morning with an appointment for her `unpacking' two days later. Lawan arrived as I was heading out, HUGS!!

We sat for a few moments. I was thrilled with her progress on `Pride and Prejudice.' She and Thang, Kavnu and Ni, Eve and Ku were coming for dinner. Reyna and Thet had to have a rain check.

We were greeted at Udorn and Ubon's front door with BIG HUGS!!! Ubon looked wonderful, little Mali Fay so pretty! Big brown eyes! I got a loud gurgle when I kissed her cheek.

All was good, mother and child healthy, Mali nursing well! Adding to their happiness was the news that their son' wife was doing so well close to giving birth to their first grandchild.

It was fab to see all my friends doing well! Dad called to ask if we could talk, he had news... good and interesting?

I said to ask Phailin if they wanted to eat at ours? He be back to me! Five minutes later it was a Yes! I got on to Amporn, she was good with it. Before going home we made a Newcastle run!

Phailin and Dad came over before dinner, my `bikini's' text to her earlier was responded with by the correct emoji! A very nice dark blue with white stripes model was happily presented!

We sat to hear what Dad had to say. My Crew here too as they were part of it!

Rai was dead! He had been killed by a rival for the affections of a younger femme man in the prison in the north where he'd recently transferred to from Bangkok. Rai had made an attack but the other was a better fighter. No family members would claim the remains so he'd be cremated and buried at the prison. Done!

The two men who'd tried to assassinate Dad were to plead guilty to avoid the death penalty. They had been recruited by extremists in the south their heads filled with hatred. The first one I shot had been stunned to find out me, a woman, had stopped his attack. Once Atat was down and Dad hit he figured it was a cinch! They were both recovered as much as they would be.

They had opened up in interrogation by some of Dad's people. That helped them with the charges. The men who sent them on the mission didn't tell them very much. The two had watched the Security Police HQ for weeks waiting for a chance. Not very sophisticated! It was all so almost accidental...

Dad wasn't happy they had tried but... His force was more alert now and an intensified program to watch and infiltrate the extremists was in place. New technologies like the `stingray-like' devices in operation along with other electronic and human surveillance techniques.

Okay, the news was odd but over! Kiet brought out the Newcastles' we toasted Mali Fay's birth and her health and Ubon's!! And to Reyna doing so well!! My Crew cheering for Reyna!

I rounded up Ni and Lawan for a chat. I asked about surgery for themselves... they both very much wanted to go forward. They knew we all would have their backs!! Our gift to them, we'd pay all the bills as we are for Reyna.

Wonderful dinner from Amporn! Soup, fish, veggies, roti, all delicious!! Spicy! Newcastles helped with that!

Walking with Dad after dinner, "Fay, you and your friends have been wonderful to Reyna..."

He didn't need to go on, "She had no support as they pressured her small wonder she gave way. We understood that..." thinking of my thoughts in the SUV in Pattaya, "maybe not in the heat of the moment but we had time to consider her plight before she was returned to us."

Dad squeezed my arm.

Everybody in the playroom where the TV was. Cassandra sent the video she made from the Harcourt House weddings. Like Alia, she made several. We all sat together to watch the complete one. It started with PJ escorting me down the stairs into the Great Room, Stanton handing me my bouquet. Reg looking so formal.

Our slow paced walk out into the sun and along the path to Cho got a comment by Dad that Reg was a pretty good stand in. Laughs!

Cho looking like a million bucks to me!!! The veil off and the simple ceremony.

It was gorgeous to see on the big TV, very high resolution!!

The kiss in the bright sun was awesome. Cho holding my hand now, he squeezed. I leaned over for a repeat!!

All the hugs from Jian and Ting then my Crew and family!!!

Dr. Lone's lovely closing invocation to everyone!!

Cho leading us back to the house and my greeting with Carter!!! Cassandra got it! Carter looking so happy!!

Reg offering his toast to us all! The partying, Cho and I going around. All our friends and neighbors!! Cassandra managed to get them all in somewhere!

My handing out flowers to all the women with Stanton's help. The ladies downstairs too... a reminder to me about Audra.

Cho and I leaving, saying goodbye from the terrace and entering the car. The Brown Flash hopping in! Great!!

Cassandra also send a short version and one each of Aileen and Sue and Jian and Ting. Her email said the others had been sent their videos. Hundreds of still pics would be in a collage video to arrive shortly. All the snaps and video were on DVD's that would be dropped at Harcourt House.

Both of our wedding planners earned their bonuses!!

A nice night with friends and family!!

In the morning Gil and I worked for a few hours then we ran over to Thet's house to welcome Reyna home. A slow climb out of the big car. She looked good, moving slowly. She was very happy that there wasn't much swelling, understandable!!

We helped her get into bed. She wanted to lie down for a while then be up later. Thet was so sweet with her. They were definitely good for each other!! We arranged for a friend of Amporn's to come and cook for them, apparently Thet could burn water. They'd be Okay!

At the house I snagged Tara and helicoptered to Cho-Fay Air at Don Mueang. We'd dressed to ride before going. It was hot so no jackets or ties. We drove over to the stables. Anonk had Roy and Carmen ready for us.

I let him know Reyna had some surgery and couldn't ride for months, he would miss Reyna's visits, she had gotten quite good. She had worked hard in the classes.

We went to the longer trail on the north side. A warm-up then a good gallop. Roy striding out, he seemed glad to stretch his legs with speed. Carmen the same, happy to be out running! These two bays were excellent riding horses, Roy had more speed but Carmen was a steady girl great for the less skilled riders. We toured the trail several times taking about an hour's ride.

We galloped back to the stables, Tara grinning! I appreciated her as a riding companion, she didn't try to make small talk. I liked to think as I ride so it works.

We met Cho and Ro at Don Mueang. A bigger helicopter lifted us off turning northwest. The pilots put the speed on! We cruised for thirty minutes crossing over farmland and small towns.

Cho pointing to port, "See the lake... that is where we're heading."

We began a swinging downward turn that direction.

I could see the water and some low hills beyond with a town nearby, Cho said it was Rabam. On the property there were large pastures and fenced paddocks around a large spread out stables. Two tracks, dirt and grass inside an enclosing fence.

We were on approach to a landing grid out away from the barns beyond the house, a windsock showing only light air and flashing guide lights. Touchdown on the asphalt surface.

A fellow with deep brown skin and white hair built like a jockey came out to us from a fenced yard surrounding a Thai style elevated house deep in trees.. I was introduced to Chek, he managed these stables and had for fifteen years!

He congratulated us on being married! I shook a strong calloused hand. He led us out to a large paddock where two chestnut horses were running alongside each other along the fence.

They ran up to Cho, I was introduced to them inside the gate. Asda was Glaa and Hansa's sire and Hathai their dam. So beautiful like their son and daughter, golden red chestnut coats glistened in the sun.

It was clear they liked Cho. Hathai nuzzled me, I had my arm over her withers stroking her neck. Asda put his nose on Cho's shoulder watching me with his girl. I put out my hand... Asda came to me. I caressed his face, sliding my hand along his jaw. A soft nicker.

Cho laughed, "See you charm all the horses!"

Chek had a toothy grin, "Yes, see you must be the right woman for Mr. Cho!"

Soft laughter!

We discussed the move to Harcourt House for Asda and Hathai! Chek would miss them but other horses were coming and there were several mares in foal so he'd be busy.

We stayed with them for a while and then I was intro'd to the other horses. Several were to be moved to Bangkok for racing soon. Possibly two others to the north Bangkok riding stables. A special one SakChai, a slivery white, was a two year old who'd won his first race in Bangkok. Half-brother to Glaa and Hansa through Asda.

Chek offered iced tea. Sweet and milky! We sat on the wooden deck behind the house. It was a hot day but the house was surrounded by large trees shading it from the worst of the sun's rays.

Chek's wife was a petite lady who looked younger than her age. She brought out the iced teas with little cakes. I hadn't thought anything of it until Ro was helping Tara when she spoke to Chek's wife.

I'd been chattering away in Thai as if I was born to it. The members of our Security team were working with Tara on her Thai!

I asked Chek if he was surprised by my speaking Thai. He paused, "Miss I hadn't thought of it... I should have because I have never met a Westerner who spoke our language before as you do."

We took our leave, it had been a pleasant visit. In the air I asked Cho why we hadn't come before. He shrugged, "It wasn't a priority place but you did need to see it."

I smiled at the thought and contraction.

In the cool darkness on the terrace I parked on Cho to kid him about the contractions slipping in. I was gently fondled, "I am being influenced by you!"

We had a laugh over that! A quiet woof from the Brown Flash beside us and then a loud yawn. Okay we got the point.

I was behind my round red shades in the bright morning sun, white sleeveless dress with black everything else on a Phahon Yothin 6 street corner with Tai and Tara. I sipped my latte looking up at the elevated train station connected to the La Villa Mall. We walked into the courtyard of the mall to the iStudio Store.

Bin was working as always, snug black pants and cool haircut. He seemed surprised to see me, a big smile. Maybe that cute bulge would be back!!

I wanted to get Francis a new laptop for his birthday. Fifteen inch MacBook Pro, 512gb SSD, 2.9ghz CPU and 16gb RAM, top of the line. A case and assorted Thunderbolt connectors, LAN, Video and a spare charger. A handful of iTunes cards for me to give as gifts to other folks.

I didn't get a bulge on Bin, too bad! A good sale for him though.

Off to Mongkut to get the Francis' gift wrapped by their talented folk. Upstairs I gave Satang, the senior seamstress, a big hug for her wonderful work making my two wedding dresses. I handed her an envelope of snaps from both weddings of me in the dresses. She loved them.

We went along to Rak's office, he saw me through an open door and waved me in with the telephone against his ear. When he finished, a hug, "I got an email from Nara this morning. She's going to marry her Aussie in a few months here and back there. Her family is large, mostly in Bangkok, so they'll throw her a big wedding!"

Laughing I asked about Malee as a buyer in London.

Rak was pleased, she had contributed a lot to their coming seasonal offerings! "It's working, we are both happy!"

Fist bumps! I deferred the offered sherry to another time as I was still out and about. Hugs!!

Tai was in front and Tara behind as we walked up the stairs to the main door of The Railroad. The guards opened the door for us, I guess they know me by now. I stopped to see Eve. She was surprised but threw her arms open wide. HUGE HUGS!!!!! It was getting more difficult to do that with her tummy full of our babies. She wasn't going to come in to the office much longer.

The Railroad installed a T-1 line in her and Ku's apartment so she'd have a high speed connection. Tono was ready to be the day-to-day manager, a hard worker and smart! He'll do fine!

Running up the stairs Tara laughing, Tai grinning at me, "We can keep up."

We did fist bumps at the top. Walking into Kavnu's outer office, he was talking to Ku facing away. I snuck up and POUNCED! Ku kept a straight face so the surprise was total!

We hugged laughing! He was doing fine with the extra work as Udorn would be out for a few weeks at least. His boys were in town, Ni was showing them how to code over at her office. That's cool! Kavnu loved the idea.

I wanted to see Jasmin, her assistant said she was in Chiang Mai until tomorrow afternoon. Another day!

I wandered down to Cho's office. Tara got to meet Sanjara and she sat next to the Sakda tables. Marveling over them!

"We can go over to his shop one day. He's an artist!"

Cho squeezed me, kisses!! He still had some work, I was heading to Thet and Reyna's for a visit.

Reyna was in the garden on a big cushioned swing looking relaxed. Her padding would come out tomorrow! I had given her my reactions. Otherwise she was good, some swelling but it wasn't getting worse. She was dealing with it.

She wasn't thrilled about the plastic penises but it was just something she had to do so... My suggestion was to get Thet to help, best done without clothing! It was said with a comic leering face!

That broke her up! "He will help!"

At the house Cho and I sat for an interview with a Thai TV sports person. We kept it to horses. It wasn't long. We'd done a few telephone conversations with American sports writers, DRF.com and Blood Horse several times. The PR law firm in New York had a long list of people who wanted to do on-air chats but we weren't inclined to do many. We would choose a few when we got to the city.

Once The Project kicked in the demand would go through the roof. Conserving ourselves. Ha!

Dinner was a feast with a cake covered in candles for Francis to blow out. He was gobsmacked by the big cake and his new MacBook Pro. I kidded him we'd expect more work now! We had all signed the card that Gil had made, two feet tall with glittered lettering!! A big 30!!

Cho poured him a Remy Martell Louis XIII cognac and one for himself. Kiet brought Gil and I Amaretto's for a toast. Francis was thirty! An important year for taking stock by some, not by me though. I didn't think there was any `year' that should delineate your life.

Francis was doing well now working with us. I also kidded him about being back in New York with one word... Ali' I got a we'll see' and a big grin.

Jaidee standing behind me avoiding the prop wash as the helicopter fluttered down to the dock. This was the start of a month of crazy. Glaa, The Project and Eve!

Airborne from Don Mueang! New York!

Work time, a pile of reports, contracts, miscellaneous office things and proposals. Coffee!!

Gil and I caffeined, we worked for hours. I looked over at Cho on a sofa with Jaidee. Some papers and his iPad on one side, a hand rubbing the brown fur on the other. Jaidee had been tired out by Tara and the tennis ball.

A nice dinner from Soka and Ban and some quiet time after before bed. Looking in the mirror as I brushed my teeth... I liked my hair but a change was needed, what I hadn't decided. Cho came and cupped by ass cheeks with a BIG grin! Kisses on my naked shoulders and neck. Roaming hands making it hard to do my dental duty.

I leaned over to spit and rinse... YOW! My nipple rings were captured! Cho's face on my back, "Okay! No more."

I got to rinse and dry my face. Cho turned me around for a kiss, sweet! "Minty fresh!"

What a laugh that coming from Cho! He shrugged, "I did watch more TV but you've weaned me off that."

I giggled, "Another contraction!"

I hugged and kissed him, "I'll stop! It's good you are though, no more from me on that."

We jumped on the bed, Jaidee joined us. OH, what a warm tummy to play with. We rubbed and cuddled our little man. He was growing up, a lot less `little' these days! We kept Jaidee with us for a while then it was lights out so he went to his bed. Big beautiful eyes!

A few kisses in the dark... sleep.

The big bird was droning through the darkness as I woke. Quiet, not for long as Jaidee was awake! A kiss for him. I washed and dressed. Skinny gray jeans, white crop t-shirt with an electric blue flannel shirt over needed in the air-conditioning. Black ankle boots.

I got Jaidee's breakfast and a coffee. I grabbed an apple and sat to finish some work. Soka came along the passageway smiling, "Breakfast?"

Me a big yes. Two minute eggs, veggie sausage patties, toast and strawberry preserves. A bowl of grapes, black and red. I was destroying my food when Francis emerged.

"Fay, that looks great!"

Soka waved him to the table with `it will not be long.' Rubbing his hands in anticipation, big grin! Sipping a fresh coffee as Francis ate I asked a few questions about the Ballard Nautical Yard.

He had twenty years of financials now, a very well established and steadily growing business. Excellent cash flow, well managed inventory, good success in making sales and clean regulatory record. A very stable work force, highly skilled and motivated, shown by LOW turnover and HIGH productivity.

Francis was a fan! "Jud is a good businessman. Too bad there aren't more like him."

Cho came out on that. I got a kiss, Francis a fist bump! "Yes, we should go ahead with the deal. We'll assemble it to give Jud a good financial package, save him some on taxes."

Soka handed Cho a coffee, big smile and thanks. Food soon she said, Cho with a thumbs up!

He sat beside me and we picked up the conversation about the boat yard. Cho had gone over it with Francis last night. We discussed an offer, Cho would send our proposal on to the Seattle lawyers to work out the details of how to structure the payout to give Jud the best tax position and send it back to us. Then we can review and send it to Jud so he can get with his lawyer and accountant.

Mira on the tannoy, we're forty five minutes to wheels down. The usual packing and assorted things. I could feel the 767 making an approach turn. Seats! Jaidee grinning at me from Cho's lap. He's getting too big for that!

The breeze was gusty as we crossed the tarmac to the helicopter. The flight was faster in a new aircraft that was bigger and much quieter! The landing grid came up quickly, perfect touchdown! Out into the muggy weather!

The staff moving our things to the cars. Terrance's big grin! Fist bumps! All was well with him and our car service! It was a short trip to Minetta Street. Gary out front, he was now our building security chief as Petra was The Project's Security lead. Gary had moved from Seattle, closer to an ailing set of parents.

Yi's head out the first floor apartment door, smiling, glad to see us. Happy with her new digs. She and Roslyn got on fine and there'd be a cat soon.

Upstairs I asked Gil about the RiverFront Club membership. It was ready to go. I wanted to swim so we put together our bags. Tara, Tai, Ansara with Gil and I. I called Megan, she was up! We'd meet at the club.

The membership folks were nice, we were all done quickly. Club ID cards and everything. In the locker room, we changed for swimming. We bought black tank suits like skin from the shop! Towels and off. Gil had made sure about the times for exercise swimming so we could do laps. Not many folks around at this hour of a work day morning.

Megan arrived! Tai grinned at me, I raised my eyebrows! They hugged after we did.

Gil and I side by side swimming, Ansara watching. Megan, Tai and Tara went to check out the weight rooms. We swam steady for thirty minutes, not fast, paced. I felt good all over! Climbing out thinking I might be sore exercising some underused muscles. Maybe a massage from Cho?

Drying off telling Ansara to go ahead. Smile, she dove in. She did laps too. Gil and I relaxed on lounges. The others came back with happy faces. The weight equipment was first class and the rooms excellent. Tai and Megan went into the water, Tara beside me.

"Do you want some off time to see family on Long Island?"

She shook her head, "Mom and I don't speak and Dad's gone. Cousin's aren't around here, all bailed out after school."

I didn't ask.

Ansara came with Gil and I as we walked around taking in all the parts of the facility. Lots of bits I had no interest in like climbing walls and lifting weights. If all I ever used was the pool I was good.

I dragged Megan, with no resistance, to ours for lunch. I got Tai's vote with that. Grins from them both.

I did want to hear what Bill had her doing. She was researching the owners of the affiliates so we could talk with them as The Project kicked off. Bill wanted some history and some about their politics. On the conservative side. Well... we didn't have to love them.

Texts from Monaco Glaa went ½ mile in 46:8' hes ready!!' Damn the boy was motoring!

After lunch we dressed for an interview. A white dress with a men's shirt type collar, navy heels and gold bits. Red lips and nails.

We decided to use the mid-town hotel suite for all interviews. It was away from our home, it had controlled access and was big enough for multiple uses. Terrance drove us up. The manager was nice, sorry they didn't host Cho nowadays.

Two writers and a video cam operator from DRF.com. We talked Glaa, his background, sire and dam. Then the early races in Bangkok, moving to New York last year to work with Monaco and have Mike be his jockey.

His success at Saratoga and Lexington putting him on the map for the Kentucky Derby. One of the writers was based in Southern California, he'd seen both Santa Anita races this year.

He was smiling, "He had a reputation for power but the Santa Anita Derby really opened eyes! Being mugged at the gate then setting a record!"

He was waving his hand like it was HOT!

We got on to Harcourt Racing's other horses in America, Thailand and Europe. Hansa's training upstate and a question about IrishRainbow.

Cho grinned and pointed to me, "In the Derby he appeared to have a bad trip and afterwards their team seemed upset. Robbie Robertson and I spoke, I made an offer and it was accepted. We were very happy Domingo came along with us. Monaco worked the horse and rider hard, you saw the result."

They asked about races after the Belmont. We would decide once that race was over but there would be down time for Glaa in Pleasant Valley. There was a bit more but it ended soon. The DRF folks were acting pleased.

Cho with me at home, "It went well. They are horse people so our private life doesn't interest them, it will not be same with others."

I grimaced in that knowledge but I was pulled into those strong arms. My fingers caressed Cho's face, kissing! We changed to casual clothes, meaning short shorts and crop top for me!!

Gil and I outside under one of the big umbrellas working. Cho and Francis in the office. Cho came out with a print-out.

"Here's an updated list of interview requests the lawyers think are worthwhile. Mark it up and we will compare."

I scanned the list, all the major TV networks, ESPN, local newspapers and several national ones. I wondered how many requests had been made if fifteen were left. Well who cares the PR law firm was doing it not me.

I handed it to Gil to work out a schedule with Cho and connect with the lawyers. A note said we ought to give a bit more time to NBC because they were doing the live telecast of the race. Okay fine.

Daria came to dinner bringing Ali much to Francis' happiness. They took Gil, Tai and Megan clubbing afterwards. Daria grinning ear to ear!

"Ali is such a great worker, I want her to have fun not sit around with little old me."

We laughed when she said, "you two ought to be out with them!"

In the dark on the terrace, sitting on a sofa together snuggling watching Jaidee with a chew toy. We talked family things. Caroline Jian was doing very well as was Mali Fay. Phailin was in Singapore with her new granddaughter born today, healthy mom and child. I was an auntie again! Little Margaret Fay Alexandra was six months and blooming. Eve soon to make us parents, Anong and Malee. Amazing.

The whole past year had been amazing. We both had done so much and changed some but our cores remained the same. We had luck and skill, above all we complimented each other. Our strengths played well with each other's. A team!

Cho squeezing me, "You have brought me out of my shell!"

I rested my hand on Cho's cock through the shorts, "Well, I'm willing to bring you out any time!"

I got tickled and kissed! Carried to bed. Naked and caressing each other... I wanted to go down instead we inverted! HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM delicious cock to taste, sloppy wet quickly so I could ease the foreskin back! Those balls were dripping once I succeeded with the penis. One hand stroking my man's cock the other holding the testicles up as I sucked them. I loved POPPING them out of my mouth... Cho laughing.

He was very busy making wonderful love to my pussy! A talented tongue wetting my slit... OH Shit it hit my clit! Damn the man's tongue flicking my nubbin!!! I was squirming as Cho worked his way to my back passage...

I stuck a finger in my mouth beside his prick, got it wet and it headed around back! Sucking cock, gently massaging wet balls and the tip of my wet finger going over the ribbed rosebud!!! Now Cho's hips were the one's moving!! Damn he was rigid on my tongue!

I added some wetness to the finger to go exploring in dark regions! My entry had Cho rise up and half roll over me forcing his cock fully into my loving hole!! YES!! All the way in, my nose buried in balls!!

Cho's fingers and tongue pushed me over the edge, the heat flooding my chest from below... My body was taut... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I couldn't move for a while... I eased up... I still had a mouthful... I went back to sucking my fav cock! Cho was close... hips moving... I wiggled my embedded finger... sucking hard He was ready! HhhhhMmmmm strong hip movement... pressing against him... one hand in my hair holding on... A hand and mouth working the cock shaft... A finger under the glans rubbing... tongue in the piss slit... my lonesome finger digging deep... there he goes... Cho's explosion in my mouth!!!

I sucked hard... lots of suction to give Cho pleasure!! I got gobs of cum on my tongue and down my throat... a bit of choking but tasty Cho sperm!!

I kept the cock! No reason to give it back yet!!! Nursing it as the rigidity ebbed... still delightful! Cho did a big sigh... kissed my pussy and gave me a long lick!! Nice! We swung around to kiss lips!

Soft smooching, warm bodies pressed together! We snuggled pulling the bedclothes up over us. In the dark those lovely lips on mine!

"Cho, this is so fine!"

I pressed my face into a warm chest, arms around my shoulders. We were very quiet! We dozed for a short while.

I grabbed a robe to go the kitchen. Water and Jaidee treats. We sat up in the pillows watching the boy chow down. He gave us a look like more' but like Oliver there was no more.'. We snuggled to sleep.

Going down the lovely lift with Jaidee and Tara and Tai, We walked where ever the snooper nose led us down to Bleecker Street east to MacDougal Street then south until we hit Sixth Avenue at Prince Street. We crossed Sixth and headed back on the west side. Back to the Bleecker crossing to where Minetta Street connected. Gary at the door smiling.

Roslyn and Yi in the kitchen, hugs. I got a nice pair of eggs over easy, fried potatoes, toast and orange blossom honey and a bowl of cubed cantaloupe. I was good.

Gil with me, Tara and Tai too in a car heading for some shopping then we'd meet Cho at the mid-town hotel. More interviews. Tomorrow we were going out to Belmont Park!

Barney's, Bloomingdale's and a few small stops on 57th Street. Lunch at Swiss-French restaurant on 57th Street then to the hotel. A sky blue dress, oval neckline scooped deeper at the back, snug on my torso then flaring out a bit down to mid-thigh. Dark yellow heels, pale red lips and nails.

The CBS interview went right along, their sportsperson asked good questions and was quite nice. Professional and correct! I liked him.

Fox Sports was different, They sent a woman and man team. The man, Frank, really knew horse racing, the woman, Elinor, kept trying ask personal questions. We deflected them with ease but I could see Cho was annoyed. He hid it completely from them but not from me.

Afterwards we stood to chat off-the-record, Cho admonished the woman. She didn't seem chastened. That didn't sit with Cho, he had the bit between his teeth. He asked PJ to escort the woman downstairs. The Fox Sports lady didn't care for being dismissed. When she was gone he asked for the name and phone number of their superior.

Frank tried to apologize, I felt bad for him because he'd been professional. Cho got the name. I kissed Cho's cheek. I walked the man to the elevator. Ro waiting to attend him down.

"Miss Martin... "

I stopped him, "My husband is protective and she was gauche! You might talk to your boss about this and I will have Cho hold off. Okay?"

He said he would, he thanked us again for our time. I shook his hand feeling prophetic!

Cho was sitting on a sofa with a wry grin, "You do the smoothing?"

I laughed, "Of course. She was PO'd with the dismissal."

"Good! I won't make the call but we will `go slow' with her at Fox Sports in the future."

I was fine with that. I changed again, a black and white vertically striped dress. Long loose sleeves, the skirt portion with a bit of flounce. Black accessories.

ESPN was next. We survived. They were Okay but they had a tendency to try to talk over your answer with another question. Cho tired of this. I asked for a break, I took the two men aside.

"Gentleman, you need to allow us to answer your questions. Jumping in with more questions is bothersome. We will not short change your time but ease up please."

They nodded, not meeting my eyes. We started again and they were much better. We ended letting them stay a bit longer. I again did the goodbyes. They thanked me once more and one apologized, "We weren't paying enough attention to how you were doing the interview. Frequently people want to be rid of us so we press. Thanks for being nice about it."

I shook his hand smiling.

We headed downtown glad to be done for today. More to come. Cho laughing about being grumpy, "Well if they didn't act foolish or in a big hurry to ask another question I would not mind."

I kissed his brow which got us all laughing!

We were up early to visit our racing guys. Black skinny jeans, white short sleeved shirt, Nordstrom black ankle boots, gold bits and Patou's `Joy' specially applied!!!

On the road to the heliport. A fast trip to Belmont Park. Not many folks around so we could land in a parking lot but on Saturday there was a grassy space just outside the grounds we would use.

I got to see the the big viewing stands from behind. We detoured into the Paddock.

Oh My! The statue of Secretariat was awesome! He was in full flight, striding out like only he could. I stood there looking at it with Cho's arm around my shoulders.

"Pretty special!"

I could only agree! Secretariat owned this track! I felt very honored we were here and Glaa could run in this race!

At the barn hugs for Monaco! James, his number two, had a big grin, "The boys had a good workout, ate well and had a bath. Looking good!"

Eddie, Glaa's groom, was smiling too. "Miss, he's happy, pestering me while I work!"

My hand on Glaa's powerful neck, stroking. A nicker and nudge. Cho had a cut carrot, whoosh... it was gone!!

IrishRainbow was a happy camper too. He seemed to like being talked to according to Jesse his groom.

"Miss, I chatter while I'm working around him. He nudges me when I go silent."

Funny guy. I gave him his preferred treat, several mints!

Out in the sun we talked with Mike and Dom. They were ready and thought the horses were right at peak.

Their ladies would be town tomorrow. Everyone was coming to eat with us. We booked a big table at Volare for dinner.

In the clubhouse we met with some folks from New York Racing Association and Belmont officials. They were pleased we were here. A Belmont fellow said he was hoping the 20-teens would be like the 1970's for racing, three Triple Crown winners in one decade after Secretariat broke many year drought like American Pharoah had recently done!

We both smiled looking at each other, diplomatically Cho said it hadn't happened yet but it would be good for racing.

We walked back toward the barn, a man in front of us... It was Ringgold! I rushed forward to hug him from behind, I shocked him in a good way.

"Fay, ... take it easy on an old guy!"

"Phooey! You're not old Ring! We are glad you arrived. Where are you staying?"

He was with family in King's Point. He'd be around but there was a big birthday thing for his mother so...

Hugs and a kiss before we parted. He knew Glaa was ready!

Flying back to Manhattan we got an excellent look at the city, the broad swathe that is Brooklyn, so large. The Verrazano Bridge standing alone, the long coast line, the three islands in the harbour as we turned up the Hudson River.

On the terrace with Gil, she had been shopping and a swim. Francis and Ali were out doing things. Gil giggling, "They really like each other, it shows."

Dinner out at a Thai restaurant in the East Village. Somtum Der had an Isan Thai flavour! We had the table in the back with some side tables for Security. Cho ordered for the four of us and PJ led for the others.

Soup!! Tom Klong Pla Dook Yang, spicy catfish grilled with peppers in a broth! Then a Koi Goong prawn salad and several papaya salads!! Tum Thai, Tum Poo-Plara, Tum Pla Too with Kao Mun, and Tum Mangsavirat!

So we had fish, vegetarian and fish with crab!! Tara was dealing with the spiciness via Singha Beer! I was loving it!! I got some grilled sticky rice skewers! Yes, I love these!!

Francis got the wok-fried Seafood Suki. I tasted it, tremendous! More of Bangkok dish rather than the Isan or Northeast which was the core of the menu.

I was well fed and happy leaning on Cho, sipping tea. The owners were thrilled to have us and astounded when I thanked them and made a comment about the two papaya salads. Shocked by my fluent Thai for sure. They had heard about our wedding at the Forest Palace from Thai newspapers their families sent on regularly. We said we'd be back. Many thank you's!

Okay dessert! We drove west on Houston Street to Sixth Avenue and Bedford Street. Up Bedford to Grove then back down on Bleecker to Seventh Avenue. L'Arte Del Gelato! Pistachio gelato next to ginger!! I was set!

We ate as we walked the few blocks home. Terrance & the other driver had their ice cream and went home! It was a nice night not too humid, we strolled along happily!!

Tomorrow more interviews uptown.

We did ABC Sports, the New York Post and the Daily News one after the other. Their reporters knew racing, good questions and they listened!!

We walked down 46th Street to Akdeniz Restaurant, Turkish cuisine. I started with the red lentil soup, a white bean salad, then their cheese pastries appetizer and the salmon kebabs! All very good!

Our waiter was quite efficient, we had several tables put together at the end by a window. He pulled in another fellow waiter to get us started with drinks and appetizers. It was a pleasant meal, unhurried.

Turkish coffee and custard at the end, Lemand, our waiter, bowed and thanked us for coming. Cho left him a big tip!

It was a short walk back to more interviews. Two important ones, New York Times and NBC Sports.

The New York Times... a big time newspaper but certainly not at the top in sports writing. We sat with two fellows, answered questions back and forth between us. We were vague on the future because we were thinking about several races and wanted to sit down with Monaco so...

The NBC folks were the broadcaster for the Belmont Stakes so we gave them extra time. Some good questions, a few that we considered silly when we were in bed later. It went off well though. I think we came across as interesting, committed to racing, funny and cute. Pretty nice combo!

There was an extra producer along in the background. He came up to me after we wrapped the interview.

"Miss Martin, I'm Leif a producer from the Today Show. I would like to invite you to come sit with our family in the morning if you could. I think our viewers would enjoy seeing and hearing from you."

Cho winked at me! I knew he was playing golf with Sam somewhere up in Westchester County in the morning.

I agreed to be on the show, I was to arrive about 7:30. Leif gave the directions to the studio entrance to Gil.

Pre-race dinner! Monaco, Mike and Donna, Dom with May, Ringgold made it, all of us at Volare! Giovanni's smile!!! I loved that! He bowed over my hand! I kissed his cheek! Dark smiling eyes! We had a huge table, lots of food, drink and talk! All the food was wonderful! Just the best place!

Giovanni `s service was akin to a superb dancer leading you. He was always ready! Smooth and skilled! It was quite a show to see him! I told him so afterwards. He was emotional about it, I hugged him and left a bit of red lipstick on his cheek!

Okay live TV! I choose a pale yellow dress, a small shirt style collar and short sleeves that had a narrow cuff. Snug to my torso, mid-thigh, a slender belt with matching stockings and St. Laurent Red Anja stilettos. A red leather clutch bag. Red nails and lips, red but subtle.

Cho had seen what I laid out before going off with Sam, they had an early tee time. He approved with a very nice kiss!

Gil, Tara and PJ with me. Terrance driving brought us around to going south on Fifth Avenue to turn on 49th Street. We went in through the NBC Studio entrance where Leif was waiting. He had a big smile, "Good Morning Miss Martin."

Intro'd Gil, PJ and Tara. Leif got it! He took us to a room with comfortable chairs. Tara came with me to makeup. They loved my skin and did almost nothing.

It was an outdoors thing today. The show was being broadcast from the Summer Garden which is what the outdoor Ice Skating Rink at Rockefeller Center is during warm weather.

Leif said I wouldn't need to go into the Green Room if my security folks thought it better. I was good with that as an excuse to keep any fuss to a minimum. They would come get me when it was time. I was to be in the last hour.

The waiting was easy with an iPad! A woman came to the door with Leif, she was intro'd as Janet the lead anchor on the last hour of the Today Show. We talked about what I would see on the set and how she would introduce me. Where I would sit and how she thought our conversation should go.

"Fay, I do want you to expand on your answers and we can be flexible about your answer time. I'd like the viewers to get a feel for being a race horse owner and a bit about yourself. I understand you ride frequently." I gave her a synopsis of me...

She was good with it. Leif looked at his watch, `about fifteen minutes to your time. It's a short walk.'

Sitting again, Gil doing some eye rolling... I gave her a grin.

A ting! Text message from Sam. `Fay no need to reply''

`Cho 2under aft 4holes' then there were stars, lots of stars!!!!!!!!

This interview on the Today Show was to be our highest profile bit to date. If you didn't watch sports or read the sports pages in a newspaper we were probably under your radar. Things would ramp up after this.

We didn't lack for interest. Plenty of writers and photographers had been around the barn at the Belmont but our Security and the track's had kept them back.

Monaco had been able to train Glaa and IrishRainbow normally, more or less.

At that moment my escort arrived, we went down hallway going a level lower with my crowd. We went under the street to the Summer Garden which is below the street level. We came out to a doorway where Leif waited.

"Your staff will have to stay here but we will leave the door open so they can see but they will have to be totally silent."

I asked them to go to airplane mode on their devices. I could see Leif was pleased. He led me to the edge of the set. I was met by Janet, they were on commercial time.

She went back to a couch after showing me where to sit. They were back live...

I was introduced with the link that I owned Glaa, a contender for the Triple Crown at the Belmont Stakes tomorrow. Walking on was easy, I didn't trip on anything! I shook hands with Janet, she focused on me.

I was sitting facing the gold statue of Prometheus, the water was turned off for the show.

Janet asked what it was like to watch a horse you owned run in a famous race. Smiling I told her what you think first is for the horse to have a safe trip, too be Okay afterwards.

She showed a clip of Glaa being `mugged' at the Santa Anita Stakes.

I narrated, "See how strong he is, he recovers and takes off after the field. We relaxed when his stride became normal. He went on to set a new record time for the Stakes. A small bit of sadness for racing history in that he erased the name of a great horse from the record. Sham! Almost forgotten now, he had the misfortune of being a three year old the same year as Secretariat."

Janet followed up, "Glaa is chasing Secretariat's legend isn't he?"

"Every horse that runs in Triple Crown races does that. Glaa has won two but he has not beaten Secretariat's times."

"He's been quite close, in fact second only to Secretariat?"

"Yes, Glaa has speed and power to spare."

They ran a clip of Glaa down the stretch at Churchill Downs...passing the black horse and then accelerating through the last eighth of a mile, widening with every stride.

"See how he went past the the others then in the straight he went even faster..."

Janet shaking her head, "Fay, he can come from behind beautifully."

"He makes his own decisions quite often, Mike, his jockey, knows Glaa well and lets him go."

Another clip of Glaa in the rain at Pimlico.

"We could hardly see the start, as the horses came down the straight Glaa was running like there was no rain at all. It's the power in him, he ignores the weather."

"What about the heat and humidity expected tomorrow? The weather reports say it could be almost ninety degrees by post time?"

I grinned, "Glaa was born, had his early training and racing in Thailand. He runs very well when it's warm! He set records as a two year old in very humid and hot conditions."

I mentioned IrishRainbow. It was rare for a stable to have two horses running in a Triple Crown race. I said we'd purchased him after the Derby where he finished eighth, our trainer had worked with IrishRainbow, he improved to third very nearly second in the Preakness.

Janet asked if we wagered on the races.

"Yes, a bit, more last year when the odds were better but there's no money to be made at 1-8 which is where Glaa was last night."

Laughing, " There's no fooling the odds-makers now."

She laughed with me, "You're a rider, yes?"

I grinned, "Yes, I ride every day when possible. At our home in England I often ride twice a day because it so available. The stables are a short walk down the hill. My neighbors have gotten used to seeing me out and about."

"Harcourt Racing is based in England?"

"We are but we have locations in Thailand and America where we train horses. Glaa has a full sister training upstate New York right now for the Saratoga Season."

"Can we expect good things from Her?"

"We hope so, she's a two year old but mature for her age. She runs like liquid flowing, so smooth and deceptively fast. Hansa and Glaa's dam is in foal again to their sire so maybe another one like them."

"What else is Harcourt Racing doing?"

"We have a mare in foal in Oxfordshire who has a wonderful pedigree. She has Secretariat's blood from both sides. Secretariat didn't produce a line of super stallions as some expected, some excellent runners like Risen Star who won the Belmont Stakes and the Preakness. Weekend Surprise, Lady's Secret, General Assembly all multiple race winners. The legacy of Secretariat is in his daughters! Secrettame and especially Terlingua! They produced many stakes winners, our lady Mahogany is from that line."

I went on telling Janet and the viewers, who I honestly wasn't thinking about, the story of Asda and Hathai traveling to New York and there would be a family reunion. The first time they'd all be together.

Janet asked how long Glaa would race or would he go to breeding.

"He's not syndicated, meaning we control which mares he will be brought to him. We will start with our own horses then carefully chosen mares from friends and colleagues".

"Will we see Glaa merchandise or ads featuring him or yourselves?"

"Not soon. We will license his name and image but in a very selective way. We are working with several animal rescue charities at the moment to see if Glaa can help them raise money to support their work."

We went on a bit more... I was completely relaxed. At the end Janet thanked me for coming on and the lovely short history of Glaa, Harcourt Racing and the future.

We were off-air for a commercial. Janet had her hand out, "Fay, that was terrific! Thanks so much!"

I said I was happy to be here.

Leif off the set was smiling hugely, "Miss Martin, you made my day... my week... my year!!! I just knew you'd be tremendous!"

Big hand shake!! He hoped Glaa would do it tomorrow!

I collected my folks and asked Leif if there was a Starbucks nearby. On the Concourse level at the Sixth Avenue end. We were on that level so... I shook Leif's hand again. He said he'd like to have me back maybe with Mr. Cho. I pointed to Gil, "You have Gil's contact info, so we'll see."

Coffee! We walked through the shopping area to Starbucks. I got an almond latte and a blueberry scone. We went up to the outdoor seating area above the Summer Garden to relax in the shade. I could see Prometheus again from above now.

Another text from Sam 5 under thru 12' hes amazin so focused'

My man! I understood the focused part, Cho could really do that!

Refreshed... shopping for a while. Across Fifth Avenue was Saks, a place to start. I looked for shoes but nothing in the various vendor departments grabbed me. I did buy a scarf, a black gradient with little golden bears along one of the short edges.

We strolled north just window shopping. All the big names were here but my taste didn't run to many of these. I looked in the Microsoft Store, nearly empty, I'd never seen an Apple Store look like that!

Rolex, I didn't wear watches now and Cho already had plenty. Doubleday Book Store but I wasn't in the mood to browse books. I asked the others and got noes.

Nothing until D&G. I bought a new small black clutch. Some dresses to come back and try but none of that today.

At Tiffany's a fellow named Geraldo handed me a pin I'd admired in a case. It was a stylised horse in gold clearly modeled after the Uffington Horse. I bought it! Gil pinned it over my heart.

We walked another block north to the GM Plaza Apple Store. It was very crowded so we didn't stay long. We didn't need anything.

On the west side of Fifth Avenue we went south slowly looking but not often stopping. I was amazed at the number of free-standing watch stores, Piaget, Rolex, Omega...

We wandered through Abercrombie & Fitch, nothing appealed. Bendel's, Dior, Gap, Hollister, Zara... none got my money. We were across 51st Street from Rockefeller Centre. Victoria's Secret!

Well I didn't feel the need for anything there but we went through casually looking. Tara asked PJ if she could take a few minutes, he smiled a yes. I nudged him with a grin.

Tara did buy a few things and Gil came across some leggings she liked so money was spent. I was still grinning as we exited to go around the corner for lunch.

Gil had a booking in the Bar Room at the 21 Club.

Outside we looked at the jockeys lined up, Harcourt Racing colours might be on one someday! We saw the Zayat colours that American Pharoah done so proud!!

We sat at table 10. The ceiling was amazing, cluttered with a wild assortment of gifts to the owners. So much it was hard to take in.

I did a classic Martini. Clayton's Jumbo Lump Crabmeat, a `21' Caesar, the Dover Sole! All the food was good, presentation excellent. I went for a double espresso and Amaretto.

Our waiter was doing a fine job for us. We lacked for nothing!

Two women, looking in their late sixties or so, expensively dressed, a few tables over kept looking over at our table, they got up and approached. Tara intercepted them. They just wanted to ask if I was the one on the Today Show this morning.

I said I was. They said it was a very nice, they enjoyed the story about the dog. I didn't laugh or correct them but Gil choked. Tara looking at me with a `what planet are they on' look. Difficult to disagree. PJ has this weird grin like he might explode.

Once the ladies were gone PJ's laughter did burst out! We all laughed. The waiter came over to inquire. I told him the ladies had a case of mistaken identity but that it was quite humorous.

Bennet, one of our investors came to lunch with several men. He came over right away, I slipped out to hug him. He was pleased to see me and sorry to have been away last trip. And sorry to have missed a Roslyn dinner.

He had a devious smile, whispering, "I'm ready!"

We laughed together, I kissed his cheek. "Say tomorrow's a big day for you two! Best of luck although it seems Glaa doesn't need luck!"

He intro'd me to his companions, they were in advertising. The silver-haired one said I'd made a splash this morning! I thanked him if he meant my dive into TV was good.

He laughed, "Miss Martin, no better swan dive ever!"

I thanked him again. He explained to Bennet I'd been on the Today Show talking about Glaa and racing. Bennet squeezed my hand `Go to it!'

He smiled at my `Enjoy your lunch,' his companions shook my hand.

We were ready to go home. Gil had Terrance prepared, we were picked up out front. Down Fifth Avenue, I got to see the Public Library lions and the bottom of the Empire State Building. The narrow edge of the Flatiron Building loomed up as we drove south. Fifth Avenue ended at Washington Square, we looped around it to MacDougal and back up Sixth Avenue to Minetta Street.

A Sam text `7under'

They were driving home from Westchester.

Cho texted me `a great round' then so many stars it was like the heavens fell into my phone!!!!

Boy I needed to plan a celebration quickly! Francis volunteered to go across Sixth Avenue to the wine merchant for several more bottles of Tatinger's. Roslyn had smoked salmon for dinner with various veggies and etc's. Her sister, Mita, baked a cake and decorated it with horses. Mita said there was a cooking store several blocks away, she would call to see if they had `golf' things she could add to the cake. Yes!

Gary our Security guy gave me a thumb drive with the Today Show downloaded on to it. Cheers!!! I plugged it into the big TV, tested it, perfect. Cued up to me!

Champagne chilled, a golfer on the cake! Caviar and little toast triangles, very nice looking shrimp and hot sauce!

Sadie arrived, big hug! She'd gotten Sam's texts too.

Text from Rande, they were close.

I'd changed to a short pleated white skirt and red silk crop top, white espadrilles. A re-up of `Joy' too!

In the foyer Cho gobbled me up, kisses!!

"Fay, it was great! The course is tough but I was in the groove again!"

We all stood there waiting...

Cho shot a 65 on the north Wingfoot Club course. One of Sam's longtime clients invited them when he found out Cho loved the game. Sam said when we were walking up the eighteenth fairway there was a crowd gathered around the green, Cho was six under. Not many had seen their course treated to such a round. Certainly not by an amateur payer!

He paused to look at Cho who grinned and nodded, "Well, the green is wicked, it slopes toward a big sandtrap with a big swale in the center. Cho was the last to play their approach. Cho's drive was long leaving him a short iron to the green. He closed his eyes for a second then stepped to bag and pulled a club, walked to his ball, set his feet and swung. Damn I watched the ball rise, arcing down over the green. It landed at the center then the backspin drew it over it over the swale it picked up speed rolling... rolling... right toward the hole. It hit the pin and bounced back a few inches to stop.

The club members and others cheered him! We walked up to the green Cho waved and thanked the golfers. He had that tap-in for birdie and a 65!"

Cho swept me, "I'm turning Pro tomorrow!"

Feet on the floor, I held Cho's face for a long kiss! Then I stared into the dark eyes, I saw his passion!! Cho's grin and whisper, "I was thinking of you all day!"


Everyone congratulated Cho! I pulled him into our suite. Another kiss and a question... "Why thinking of me?"

Strong arms squeezing a mite, "I was thinking of how you've changed my life! It is so positive and wonderful I feel elevated! Each stroke happened as a sort of gift from you!"

OH Shit! I started crying... I was leaking all over Cho's beautiful polo shirt. A Cho-Fay handkerchief was dragged out of his pocket... Cho eased me down onto his lap in one of the chairs. I was shaking!

"Fay... Fay... I love you so much, you are my inspiration!"

A hand on back moving gently, Cho lifted my chin for a kiss. I snaked my arms around him holding on tight. We came up for air... "How was the Today Show?"

I was smiling now, "Gary recorded me so we can see it together!"

Cho was up for that! I fixed my face.

In the media room Francis had the Tatinger's ready! A sip! We all sat and I punched the remote. I was intro'd and entered the set. I looked pretty good and confident! Shit!

I re-lived the whole thing holding Cho's hand. He tightened on me several times as I said something he liked. My comment about Glaa being familiar with heat and humidity got me a big squeeze. When it was over everybody cheered!

Wow! Roslyn and Mita in the back were loud! Sam grabbed my hand, "Fay, you're a hit! You really `handled' it!"

Standing we toasted Cho's brilliant round and my showbiz debut! We laughed and laughed!

A very nice dinner followed by a Jaidee excursion around the neighborhood. He had a grand group of admirers. Cho and I, Gil and Francis, Tai and Ansara. We walked Sam and Sadie home then went up to Washington Square for a nice wander about then home. A good way to settle dinner.

Tomorrow a big day all around!

Gil got a call during breakfast from the PR law firm. They had an explosion of requests for interviews and endorsements for me after the Today Show. I was laughing about it when Cho came out. He was smiling, something about a new profit source before I kissed him to occupy his mouth!

I asked Gil to setup another meeting with the PR lawyers here early next week. Thumbs up!

We had no interest in any of the earlier races on the card so no hurry to go out to the track. We were a bit lazy as we the dressed for the show.

Our shower was delayed by my wanting Cho cock in my mouth! He was sitting on the bed as I went down' on him! We were laughing so much that I abandoned the blow job for some kissing and licking of the member!' My describing it that way... got me giggling, naked, on my knees, looking up at Cho holding a cock. He burst out laughing, pulling me up on top of him. We kissed and I did some giggling! Then some quite nice kissing! Then the washing up!

I chose a navy and white checked dress, small checks and short sleeves, mid-thigh, scoop bodice. Navy stockings and heels. White linen gloves! The D&G navy leather bag, red nail and lips. I handed the Lapus Lazuli bracelet to Cho to fasten on my wrist, the ring, necklace and earrings too! The triple braided gold strands bracelet on my left. `Joy' of course! I decided to skip a hat.

Cho decided on a lightweight navy blue suit, lovely shape and fabric, a very white shirt and a silver gray tie. We all had our Harcourt Racing pins and I put on the Uffington Horse pin.

It was warm and humid as we exchanged the car for the helicopter. Down river and over Brooklyn and the far eastern part of Queens. From several thousand feet up we could see Aqueduct Raceway to our right and JFK Airport. We settled onto the grassy space just outside the Belmont grounds. There were several Belmont security men to help us through the traffic so we could cross over to a gate. Electric carts arranged by the NYRA and our Security took us over to the barn.

We did our regular visit to Glaa. He was good, a soft nicker while we petted him. IrishRainbow was also quiet but relaxed. Hugs for our boys. Their grooms, Eddie and Jesse, were doing some last minute things. They'd be coming over to the paddock soon.

Mike and Dom were in the Jockey's Room dressing.

We told Monaco we would see him in the box. We stayed consistent with our pre-race visit then getting out of the way. Monaco handled the saddling, we would be superfluous! Neither of us felt the need to hob-nob! The carts dropped us behind the Grandstand. We went inside.

I said I didn't want to make any bets, Cho smiling, pointing to the odds. Glaa was at 1-10 now. IrishRainbow was 9-1, that showed how his improvement from the Derby affected the odds. He was now the third betting choice.

We had Box A 20 and the front of C19. Cho and I, Gil and Francis, Ringgold, Sadie and Sam, Rande and Ro with PJ and Tai. In the C19 section were Donna and May with other family! We hugged before sitting.

The stands beside the track in front of us were crowded, there was a race going off when we arrived.

I smiled to our neighbors on either side. A man extended his hand over the barrier, "You were great on the Today Show. A fine representation of the sport!"

I thanked him. Sitting next to Cho, "So do golf Pro's get recognized?"

My giggling brought a huge smile on his face, "Well, only if you're an Arnold Palmer or Tiger Woods."

Cho got a text from one of our security people with Monaco, saddling was done and he was on the way up.

I was keyed up but not on edge. Confident Glaa would do what whatever he wanted. I did so want IrishRainbow to do well today. AND Mike and Dom to guide our boys to a safe trip.

The horses emerged from the tunnel to applause! Each with their pony, they walked down the track towards the starting gate. They would use the turn area to warm up but with the heat and humidity not much of that!

Everybody stood up as the opening notes to "Sidewalks of New York" began. Another singfest for which we didn't know the words. Strange traditions! We stood holding hands just watching.

Down the track the horses were closing up to the gate as the tune ended. Glaa was loaded into the number two slot. IrishRainbow in six. Ready for the start!

CLANG! They exploded out of the slots! Glaa had his feet right away dashing ahead! He was going to the front today. The others were already behind him, three tried to keep pace, IrishRainbow was one. Down the straight for the first time Glaa looked so good, striding out with the sun making his chestnut colouring glow!

Into the turn, big wide, long turns at the Belmont, loads of room. Glaa was on the rail now. The three challengers were three lengths off his pace. Winding tight to the rail Glaa was sprinting through the first quarter mile in 23:7. Fast but no record.

I had my glasses on him as he entered the back straight, coming up on a half mile, 46:5! Very fast! Glaa had no competition now as the others were more than six lengths adrift. He was doing this on his own. Mike like a statue on his back.

Glaa switched leads, left to right like a synchromesh gearbox, smooth and natural! His strides appeared to widen now as he was roaring down the level ground. The three fourths mile came and went, half the race over... 1:10:20!!

Oh Shit! Glaa was like a rocket!

I had Secretariat's times burned into my head, Glaa was close, very close as he approached the turn. On the big sweeping turn I watched our boy extending out with those forelegs, snapping hard at the dirt, his huge hind legs reaching far under his body to propel him forward.

I turned to the time across the track at Cho's urging... the mile time... 1:34:9!

Once more a time second only to Secretariat. Glaa was at least a dozen lengths ahead of IrishRainbow and another horse as he unwound the turn. At the red and white pole marking the final quarter mile at the head of the stretch Glaa looked like he did at the start. His form was perfect, he wasn't slowing or looking tired.

The timer showed his mile and quarter time... 1:59:6!! It was faster than his winning Kentucky Derby time at the same distance. He was mirroring the greatest race horse of all time! He couldn't match Secretariat's time but he was close!

Glaa was indeed Pegasus down the straight! Mike sitting still, his whip put away unused. He was hand riding our boy to an ever increasing lead, it had to be over twenty lengths now...

The crowds around us were going nuts! Yelling, screaming, waving and clapping!! These were not folks jaded by American Pharoah's fabulous recent Triple Crown win! Glaa's run at the title was obviously popular!

We were already on our feet as the boy came at the finish line, all alone! Mike urging him, knowing he was seeking a place in the record books!

Pandemonium! Glaa powered past the finish line... 2:24:9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was hugging Cho, crying, laughing!! I held him tight as we watched the race end. IrishRainbow striding out had passed the other challenger in the straightaway winning the `Place' easily by five lengths which made us so proud of him and Dom! I saw Dom's whip hand raise up in triumph. Well deserved!

Gil's eyes were wet too! Francis shaking Cho's hand, grinning! My arms around Ringgold, "You were right last year, all he needed to do was stay healthy!!!"

I kissed Ring's cheeks! "Fay, he is one marvelous boy!"

Cho dancing, grabbing me up again. I had one of Monaco's hands, tight! He and Cho hugged! Sadie and Sam giving hugs and kisses!!

The noise around us made it hard to talk! I looked down towards the first turn, Glaa had slowed... Mike and Dom did fist bumps and leaned over to hug! Glorious day!

An NYRA official came to the box, we had mostly settled down. I hugged Donna and May on the way out. They had tears too. We were led down to the track with Rande in front, PJ following. Glaa and IrishRainbow were walking up as we got there. Our new boy had to go to the stable but he got a kiss from me and Dom a handshake.

Eddie put a lead shank on Glaa and handed him over to Cho. I took Eddie's hand, a big shake and a kiss on his cheek!

An NYRA fellow leaned in next to Cho to whisper to us, Glaa's official margin of victory was twenty seven lengths. He was now second in time and winning margin! What a day for our boy!!

Cho and I walked Glaa down Victory Lane to the presentation table. Mike still in the saddle tossed his whip to Eddie which I thought was special!! I got Mike's hand, he was a bit glassy-eyed, "Miss, ..." I squeezed that hand tight!

The garland of white carnations over Glaa's withers bothered him not at all! Glaa was doing fine, sweating but Okay. My gloved hand on his face, the wide eye looking right at me! He wasn't lathered, so calm!!

Mike slipped down to shake Cho's hand then Monaco's!! I got a hug, I left a bit of red on his cheek! I laughed, "Don't worry Donna will know where it came from!"

HUGE grin! He was now a Triple Crown winning jockey! A gigantic boost for him!! He came with us as Glaa was led back to the barn by Eddie whose face was one massive smile!

The Governor of New York, NYRA officials and Belmont Stakes people. We received the ornate August Belmont Trophy. The three horses, Eclipse, Herod and Matchem, holding the bowl as the foundation thoroughbreds with the first winner Fenian atop the lid!

We would get to hold it for a year! We would also get large silver tray with all the Belmont winners engraved to keep.

The Triple Crown trophy, a big three sided silver vase, was presented. Heavy! Glaa's details would be engraved. An honorable group Glaa joined.

We shook hands with all the dignitaries. The trophies would be delivered. So we went out back to walk to the barn. People cheered us as we passed through the Grandstand, we avoided the paddock because there was another race preparing.

At the barn Donna and May had armfuls of their men. Happy couples! We added some hugs!

Glaa and IrishRainbow were being walked to cool down. I saw Jesse's face, brilliant big grin holding IrishRainbow!

Gil gave me a big wink as a catering van drove up. They opened the back, brought tables, a big metal tub with beers and champagne, Tatinger's naturally. Trays of snacks, plates, napkins and assorted sweet items!

Cho holding my hand smiling, "You are a rascal! You did this?"

"Me and Gil with help from Francis!"

A glass of Tatinger's and a grip on a Cho hand, I proposed a toast! Waiting for everyone except Glaa and IrishRainbow to have a drink.

"To Glaa, a champion! To IrishRainbow for a magnificent effort! To Monaco for his sure and steady training. Mike and Dom, great rides!! To all the other trainers, Eddie and Jesse, our walkers and riders who've taken such care of our boys! To you all THANK YOU from Cho and me!!!! We are very grateful!!!"

Cheers and thank you's back!!!

Cho kissed me after we drank. "You did beautifully!! I'm glad you took your turn!"

We milled about snacking and having more champagne. Some other trainers came by to congratulate Monaco, it appeared they really liked him. I thought that quite lovely!

A few owners dropped in too. We chatted and accepted their best wishes. One did mention that although he wasn't absolutely sure, this was the first time a stable had a winner and a second in the Belmont or any Triple Crown race.

I saw Francis' face, he was challenged by it, I got a big smile from him as he saw I knew. He pulled out his iPhone and started tapping. In a few minutes he came over to me.

"Fay, no two horses from a stable have ever competed against each other in the Belmont and none from the same owner. So the one, two finish today is more history!"

I hugged him. I passed the info to Cho later before we left.

Some news folks filtered in, they weren't pushy, mostly older true turf writers.

One who writes for BloodHorse congratulated us and Monaco. "Your Glaa is tremendously talented. I was worried about Secretariat's records after seeing him in the Santa Anita Stakes. Glaa is very game! You Miss Martin were wonderful yesterday morning. I hadn't seen anything of you before, you were a `dark horse' but amazing!"

I was shocked and honored. He got to meet Glaa and IrishRainbow. They sensed his affinity for horses, they were polite boys.

"You're going to keep racing Glaa aren't you? There's no syndication in place?"

Cho told him we had NO plans to syndicate and Glaa had come through today in tip-top shape so he'd get a break and we'd look at several more races before the Breeder's Cup.

He said an old friend told me to look you up after the race, said he'd be welcomed. Thayer. He didn't know what was wrong with Thayer just he was sick.

Sadly we knew he had been diagnosed with lung cancer. Cigarettes! I was sorry Thayer was so unwell he couldn't travel, we missed him.

I'd pushed it away in all our goings-on but pulled out my phone now to call. Thayer was croaky but pleased to hear from me. He said he was doing what the doctors told him to do, Sondra was being nurse but not overbearing. A laugh!

"It has been a real thrill to follow Glaa! I wish I could have been with you today!"

I asked him to take care and I let him know we would be up to see him before going to Pleasant Valley. He was quite pleased.

We stayed a bit longer, several more owners and trainers came by. Mostly nice folk, a few I'd rather not spend time with.

In the car heading to Minetta Street from the heliport I leaned on Cho, tired, it had been a day full of excitement. My neck was kissed, a quiet, "Love you!"

I wiggled back against him!! I hugged Gil and Francis goodnight at the door, they were going to their apartments down the block and then meeting Ali for some clubbing. Day's off tomorrow!!

Cho and I walked Jaidee with Tara and Ansara around the neighborhood. Jaidee did some marking of city property with his personal scent and met a black Labrador named `Blackie,' he was nice.

A very quiet end to a boisterous day! We had some post-race interviews scheduled and then off to Saratoga to see Thayer and on to Sam and Beverly to see a family reunion!!

In the post Jaidee Walk/Breakfast period , I made an attempt to capture Cho's delicious appendage but was denied due to time constraints. Foo! I did receive a `rain-check' so I was mollified.

We were laughing uproariously in our suite as we dressed. Cho loved the decorous `British' manners when he said no!

In the hotel suite, we met with twelve print reporters in a mini-news conference! We did make a short statement on what the plan was for Glaa in the short term and then took questions. They asked some general questions and also a few specific ones that we did point them to Monaco. It was good.

We did the same sort of thing with the video news media. Not so many horse racing folk but they didn't go crazy except one woman from a local channel. I told her we were there to talk about horse racing not us. She tried to work her way around our refusal, it didn't work. Ha!

We'd been videoed and photographed a lot in the last week, in a few weeks it would get worse. Oh Joy!

Glaa and IrishRainbow were vanned to Pleasant Valley, Terrance drove everyone up there. Cho and I with Rande and PJ flew up to Thayer's place outside Saratoga. The helicopter dropped us on the road near his house. Terrance would drive up for us up later.

Thayer had lost a lot of weight since Pimlico. He had been so spritely in Baltimore a sort of last outing before surgery. He said the doctors believe they got all the cancer with half of a lung. Now he had to do some radiation and chemo treatments which were really making him miserable.

"I'm going with it all because sixty two is young enough to still have a few good years."

I hugged him, "Lots of years to come!"

Sondra was being the nurse and dealing with the stable business. She had help there from Thayer's stable boss who like Daniel at Upperville was a good manager. Cho was talking with Thayer, I walked outside with Sondra.

I let her know she could call us whenever for whatever. Hugs, "Fay, I'm Okay right now. Dad has weeks of his treatments to come so he'll feel lousy for a few months. By Christmas we'll know where he is at."

"Come over again to the `Old Country' for a bit at Christmas again year. Thayer enjoyed himself, you did too."

"We will! We had a lovely time."

Thayer and Sondra waved as Terrance's car took us away to Pleasant Valley.

We chatted with Terrance as he drove. He was enjoying life! He loved driving and our car service suited him! Aylesha did the day-to-day managing very well. She was good with the drivers, lighthearted but firm when necessary. The maintenance team were excellent, they always had the cars running tip-top!!

He laughed, "We don't have any down days. Our schedules fill up. Aylesha and I hired a half dozen new drivers, three full time and three part time. They're all going through the training course and hopefully pass! Francis gave us the Okay to buy several new cars so we'll be a bit bigger!"

I squeezed Cho's hand!! It was his idea and even though we had higher costs the service was starting to be profitable!! Yea!

As we went up the drive to Beverly and Sam's Cho kissed me, "My dear, your idea to send Asda and Hathai here was great!!"

I had a Cho hand as we walked towards the stables after greeting everyone. We headed to a paddock, grassy with trees along one side. There were four chestnut horses walking slowly together.

Cho stopped and then hugged me again. "I am glad you thought of this!"

Glaa and Hansa with their sire Asda and Dam Hathai!! I got the parents detoured to here for a few months before going on to Harcourt House.

We entered the paddock, the four of them came up to us. We got to hug and caress them.

Jackson was at the gate with some mints, I thanked him. We shared them out, all well received!!

I was amazing to see this incredible family! I did lots of snaps and Cho did some video. Gil and Francis did pics too.

Sitting on the fence with Jackson, he had a big smile.

"That Hansa may surprise a few folks this summer! I know I'm prejudiced working with her everyday but she is so fluid in motion. She accelerates smoothly and changes leads like she's a four year old."

He waxed about her physical gifts then paused, "She's a smart one too. We had her out with three other horses, I told the jocks to I wanted them to box her then her rider was to get out of the trouble."

He slapped his knee, "Well she wouldn't let them confine her, she slipped around them several times so it never worked. The jockey said she was deciding."

HHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMM We had another horse with a mind of its own.

I walked into the paddock next door to see IrishRainbow. My hand with several mints was nuzzled, Okay! He chewed them. He was a handsome brown, good lines, really coming into his own now. Cho joined me.

"He needs to run in races besides those with Glaa. On his own he could be a real winner."

Cho was up for that and we'd bring it up to Monaco.

We were walking back to the Stone House after dinner, I told Cho Jackson's little training story. He loved it. "Jackson is sharp! It is just the sort of individuality that should be encouraged."

We were alone in the grass behind the house Jaidee wandering, Cho hugged me, "You see things... It is a gift! You are able to be ... outside of something while inside and recognize some properties others miss... I am not expressing myself well ... Jackson is an example. You saw the wreck as we all did but also the man that could still do things... Francis too! I'm not trying to make you out to be some sort of seer or goddess... you are special!"

I was crying as Cho wound down. We pressed together.

"Think of how much we are to benefit from Jackson's knowledge! Hansa is talented... gifted in fact but she will know more about how to act on a track than her peers, a huge advantage!"

My face dry we all went into bed. Jaidee so sweet on his back in his bed, Cho was working on his tummy! I was lying on mine watching, quite the show, doggie legs flopping with the tongue!

I was striding over to the stables in the sunrise, Gil yawning almost breaking her face. "You know I can ride alone?"

She laughed, "Yes, I know very well but I want to ride."

We hooked arms for the last hundred meters. The same two horses we'd ridden before were ready. Sam waved as he drove out towards the fields.

We walked our mounts by the paddock where our `family' was, they came over. It was obvious they liked being together! Tremendous!

I `borrowed' some more mints from a groom for IrishRainbow! He is a very nice boy! Terrific to have him with us.

Gil and I rode out to the south back towards the Stone House. We crossed fields and looked at a new track was nearly ready. One and quarter miles of dirt, nicely groomed only the fence needed finishing and that was less than fifty meters.

We had a good gallop to the Stone House. Cho and Francis on the back porch with coffees waved as we rode by. The stream that bisected the western half of the property was the limit of our ride today. We rode parallel to it going northeast back towards the stables.

Gil went to Beverly's kitchen for coffees and I climbed the fence of our family's paddock. Up a few rungs leaning over when Asda spotted me and trotted over. He let me caress his handsome face. Quiet, contented nickers, Asda had a proud bearing that his children showed. They were members of our new aristocracy!

I climbed over to hug him. Hathai joined us, the kids playing at the back around the trees. I rubbed them both such lovely skin. The youngsters came up as Gil came through the gate. It was good she left the coffee mugs on the fence as Hansa gave her a bump and a nicker.

I gave each a hug and a groom `loaned' me some more mints. Jackson on the fence had a big grin, "Miss, you're pretty popular. They must know it was you who arranged this."

I sipped my java, "Well, if they figured it out they'll know that I'll be the one to break it up too."

He laughed, "Well, it can't last. Little miss is going to train some more then take her first trip to Saratoga. Given her skills Monaco has chosen to enter her in the Sanford Stakes. If she does well probably the Saratoga Special Stakes and the Hopeful Stakes. All against the boys!"

I held my hand up with the fingers crossed. Jackson and I did fist bumps. Rande and PJ walked out to where we sat. Jackson jumped down to shake their hands and shoulder bump. The big guy put his arm over Rande's shoulders showing him the paddock full of golden red horses.

"These are the best! Look the beauties!"

Rande grinning, "So it is safe to bet on Hansa?"

He was kidding since he was the one who hadn't bet at all. PJ who'd won some money on Glaa was laughing at his friend's trolling of Jackson, who got the joke! Nice for them to be good together since the contra-temps at the stables in Saratoga!

There was a cookout dinner for the staff and I didn't have to doing any cooking! I had a veggie burger and hotdog. The hotdog was good! The sweet relish was made by one of Beverly's cooks! Tasty!

A plate of chips (fries) with mayonnaise. Everyone who asked me tried it. Some said it was Okay, others said they'd stay with ketchup. I was good with ketchup too and maybe some malt vinegar!

We had a nice surprise as Beverly and Sam's younger son arrived, the doctor. John was taller than his parents, good-looking with a good handshake! He had some time off between trips overseas with Médecins Sans Frontières. I got to talk with John about the work for a bit before his mom captured him. He went off smiling.

I talked with grooms and stable boys, the cooks and trainers, good people who loved Sam and Beverly. Rare for a `boss' and good for us! Nothing beats a happy, motivated staff!!!

An early night got me rubbed and kissed under the bedclothes!! Having a naked Cho on top!! I giggled as his fingers played with my bits, my response was mostly defensive! Fun! Jaidee jumped up with us when Cho invited him. We jointly tortured his brown body!!

Tara joined Gil and I for a ride. We toured to the east this time looking at the land and enjoying the early summer morning! We'd be going back to the city tomorrow. I was on the fence of the family paddock after the ride. My hat on my back where it sat often enough, the sun on my face. Glaa was beside me acting happy and frisky. A groom said he stole a rake and didn't want to give it back. Finally he swapped it for a carrot!

IrishRainbow had chased Jesse with a stick. Jesse laughing so hard! Everybody happy!

The four of us working around the Stone House kitchen table. Quiet doing our own things, easy access to coffee and FOOD!

Dinner was at the pizza place in Pleasant Valley where the drivers and Security folks went to last trip. Great crust and fresh made ingredients!! Really fine!!

Stuffed we were sitting on the porch watching Jaidee play. He was ruining another tennis ball.

I went over to the stables to say goodbye for now to our family unit! So gorgeous to look at shining skin! I hugged each one! Some mints went over well! I think IrishRainbow got more than his share!

Terrance had us on the road down to the city.

We talked about miscellaneous things on the way briefly touching on The Project! We would make personal contact with each of the investors before the jump off. They all knew my personal status now. It was reassuring that they'd all been astounded but none had any issues. They also knew that Cho and I would later have a press conference to let the world in on my `open' secret!

Jaidee got a walk after the drive, me with Tara and Tai. I aimed us west so we could make a stop at the bakery on the way back. Molly's Cupcakes!!

In the late morning Cho and I took Gil and Francis with us to the mid-town hotel. We turned the suite into the HQ for The Project. Daria, Mike and Bennet joined us for a video conference with the others. They got a report from Francis about the events planned for the day. Petra went over the Security arrangements and Bill followed with what would be happening with various meetings scheduled for the morning. His staff went over the personnel changes and Petra added in the methodology for handling the unwanted ones.

There was some light laughter when Pedro made a comment hoping a few `would resist.'

What would be happening in terms of the takeover, the stock market, SEC, etc... was reviewed by Francis.

The conclusion was we were ready! There'd be bumps in the road but we'd keep moving on. Our legal right to do this was unquestionable. The last bite of stock was in our possession, we had fifty eight percent of the class `b' voting stock giving us control! That made everyone breathe easier!

I learned a new term from Francis `creeping tender offer' which is the way to define what we had been doing so other folks, especially financial people, would understand. We had acquired our shares at deflated prices because of the general weakness of interest in 21st Century Fox. We paid the highest share price of the last twelve months to the family member who sold us the last bit as per our agreement.

One minute after midnight tomorrow we would formally take over. Thirty hours! We were all keyed up for the challenge!

After the conference links were closed we toasted with Starbucks!

PJ had been with us in all the meetings as our personal protection team leader he needed to know it all. Their job was us. Petra's team was separate.

Roslyn was ready to feed us! A tangy curried shrimp soup! Spicy coconut tofu satays! Grilled ahi steaks with a smooth ginger teriyaki sauce! Wow!! A wild rice with pine nuts and chopped orange! A delightful strawberry sorbet with a bit of lime!!

I was lying bare-assed on our bed, Jaidee alongside watching Cho undress. I love a good show! Cho didn't have to do any bump and grind to make it sexy to me! His face was cute, the smile fabulous!!

He joined me, pressed together, kissing! Jaidee rolled over so his warm body was against my back and butt. My giggling made us all jiggle! There was a woof from Jaidee and laughing from Cho. He and I under the covers, Jaidee in between us on his tummy. Such a funny guy!


`I stroked Gwen's mane, running my fingers through her soft hair. She was nickering quietly, stall was warm and dry despite the howling winds and rain. I had the pleasure of grooming her, I loved to do it. She happily consumed an apple and gnawed a bit on her hay rack. Simple pleasures.

It the first time I was at home since taking the position of Sheriff. It had been ten days of steady work, papers, parades to inspect, staff instruction and leadership reviews. Sitting at a desk too much!

Going to the B*********'s home each evening later than I wanted. Not being able to be very sociable. I did make an effort to see them in the mornings and I did walk out in the garden with Alice whenever I could. The weather had been fine and warm so an evening stroll was possible.

Alice was fifteen years my junior, beautiful and intelligent, well spoken with a delightful wit. We got on very well. She made me aware that I was welcome to pay attention to her.

We were at the entrance to the rose portion of the garden when she stopped on the path, the light was dimming. "M'Lord, ... Yes, it sounds formal but... I wanted you to understand my feelings... My feelings for you... I hope I am not being too modern but... I have sensed your feelings and I wanted you to know... Well I would look upon your request to speak to my father as ... It would be something that I ... It would please me greatly!... There it is said."

Strange I found myself quite calm and strong of purpose. I lifted her hand to my lips for a soft kiss, "Alice, I am very honored to ask you to marry me!"

The light caught her eyes, they were shiny with moisture, "Yes, Yes! I will!"

I held her close for a few minutes, "You know I think we should go in and tell your parents. Then if your father insists I will still ask him for your hand although now it would seem to be anticlimactic."

We both laughed. Holding hands we walked somewhat quickly back inside to the drawing room. Her father reading, her mother embroidering. They both looked up and saw first our hands, then smiles. He rose and stepped forward with his hand extended. Her mother embraced Alice then me.

No words necessary! We did finally agree to speak about when, at least there no longer any doubts. The planning was theirs, I did say that I would whatever was in my power to help.

I needed to go to London to see the King. It was important, I hadn't seen him in over a year and the upset of the Sheriff's office should be spoken of. The carriage ride was beastly, it always was but I was able to get a nights rest at my home near St. James's Park.

The King in a lucid period was at Kew Palace, I went up river by a barge. The weather held good. I entered his office and was surprised that he came over to greet me.

"M********* you've done a good service for me! I am pleased with you. It is rare for a man of position to extend himself as you have done to protect the people. You had no reason to suppose a gain for yourself. Being made Sheriff probably was not what you planned. No regrets have I heard about that."

He waved me to a chair, "Today I want to impose more trust and duty upon you. This afternoon there will be short ceremony here whereby you will become the Earl of K******, your home county. I will devolve the power to appoint the Sheriff to you so you may go about your previous life."

I had stood up at that but he again waved me to the chair.

"Is there any other relevant news I should know about your goings on?"

I told him I was to marry a rather wonderful young woman. He was excited for me! "My dear friend many happiness's! I hope you are gloriously happy and blessed with children."

I was walked into a nearby dining room for a luncheon and then in a large hall with many observers I knelt to become an Earl. Afterwards the king had tired and withdrew. I was able to spend time with my friend his equerry.

He had a large smile, "Well, M******** being a pain in the arse has paid off for you."

We both laughed loudly. "I want you to know that your defense of the King's name from those fools really touched him. Too many turn away from nasty things like that you did not!"

We managed a sherry to toast my new title! The barge ride down river was a good deal more pleasant as an Earl.

I did receive a request for my presence at St. James's Palace to meet with the Prince of Wales. I went over in the afternoon of the next day. "Prinny' wasn't particularly subtle but I did reassure him that I had no political agenda he need worry about. Once that was done he was quite charming and we talked for a short time before he gathered some of his friends for some gaming time. I took my leave.

Another night in town and then the annoying journey back to K******. My seeing Alice again soon was my reward!

I walked up the steps at her family's home thinking my use of my position had been arbitrary but I had concealed nothing when informing the King. That had to have been on his mind but he had no reproof for me! Damn he liked my doing it! Power was an interesting concept, using it carefully is difficult.

My soon to be parents greeted me as a long lost son. Very nice to stand with them holding Alice's hand to give them the news that I was now an Earl. A large rise for me in the level of peerage! A hereditary peer of high rank and in the King's favor!

Alice's eyes were shiny, her face beatific!'

I was awake! Like the other dreams the richness of it was startling. It was certainly apropos!

Jaidee's tail was thumping, he knew I was awake! A big kiss for him! He watched me do a quick wash up and dress for a walk. Cool morning, black trackies and trainers with a white cut-off long sleeve hooded sweatshirt. Gil had walked over joining PJ and Tara.

We had a nice stroll around the streets heading towards Washington Square. Jaidee got some off leash time in George's Dog Run. We met Felice again. Her mom and I talked books as the `kids' romped. Gil's face looking weird sickly with the tatty, gooey tennis ball in her hand she had taken from Jaidee to toss.

I called out to her to throw it away. She walked with extended hand out as if it was diseased. The NYU professor laughing with me.

After food! Petra arrived. We went over last minute things. She would start the day early at the mid-town hotel HQ and break location for staff. Last briefings and then go. Francis was leading a team to take control of the elevators at six in the morning.

Petra's squads would then enter, a group on each floor the target company occupied, at the elevators and her flying squad of specials who would do the removal of individuals from the building. A local moving firm who was recommended to us would have teams ready to go into offices to box them up supervised by Petra's folks!

Captain Kerns had put us onto the commander of the Mid-Town North Precinct. He knew there may be a need for extra traffic and crowd control in the block surrounding 1200 Sixth Avenue. Because of Kerns and Mike making calls, the commander was keeping it low key.

The hotel was ready for the extra activity. They would have more floor staff and would provide coffee and tea things. Mita, Roslyn's sister, was going to manage it for us, keeping folks fed and watered! Pastries in the AM and easy to eat foods during the day. Hot food in the evening.

Reginé and her team arrived from London. Our social media whiz! Her folks were ready. They had in the can an opening salvo of news and commentary ready. They'd be at The Project and moving around during the day taking snaps and posting. They'd cover the news conference and keep the stream of news going!

Hélène called me, "Fay, don't you and Cho try to do too much! We have a good team let them work. "

I laughed, "No need to worry about us! It will be impossible for us to rush around. The team is ready!"

Cho smiled when I told him, "She's funny. Also she likes you so there may be some mothering."

I hugged him, "It's a bit late for that I have Phailin!"

I was on the terrace with Jaidee when Sumate came out. Fist bumps! He would let Petra lead but would be here in case there were decisions that needed an upper management edge. Gil walked him up the block to the other building where we had an apartment for him to use.

The weather was still warm and humid, we ate outside under the big umbrellas. Lox, cream cheese, bagels, onions, tomatoes, capers, you build your own! Two potato salads, one hot, one cold, relish tray, cut fruit, graze at will! Poppy seed for me! Newcastles or whatever you like!

I was a bit wound up after dinner! A walk with Jaidee had me ease up. Cho and I with Ro and Ansara wandered the streets around us. Jaidee got to pee all over things and do a nice poop which I cleaned up! We met a dachshund named Pip on Bleecker going home. Pip was an older fellow, long haired and handsome! His dad was also older but appeared to be spry. Pip was bouncing about with Jaidee.

I told his dad it was nice to meet them. Peter Snow was his name. He got ours and did a double take!! "You own Glaa?"

Cho smiled and agreed. Peter stuck out his hand, "I won five hundred dollars Saturday! Thanks!"

The odds were terrible, I asked how. He laughed loudly, "Well my brother in law is a bit of dope!" He kept laughing, "The only thing knows he about horses is they have four legs! So when he said there wouldn't be another triple Crown winner so soon... Well you can see!"

We congratulated Peter, he laughed again, "For the win or having a sucker for a brother?"

I said both! We shook on it before parting.

After that I was loose! At nine o'clock our time we did a conference call with all investors. We voted in a new board of directors, all of us and Cho and I were co-CEO's! The rest was up to us.

I had Cho on his back, naked and surrendering to all my demands in between laughs! Those strong arms wrapped me up! I got kissed! Pretty good too!! We cuddled, spooned and went to sleep which I thought might impossible.

The iPhone was set to off earlier than usual. I got it off. Cho's hands held me before I popped out. "Today is a day of your creating, enjoy!"

He got a huge kiss for that!! Washed and dressed! Black dress, mid-thigh, a bit flared from a tight torso, short sleeves with small cuffs and a shallow scoop neckline. A wide leather belt. Black stockings and heels. Gold jewelry, Lapus Lazuli set with the dozen gold rings on my left wrist. The new Uffington Horse pin on too. `Joy'

Cho in one of his lovely tailored black suits, white shirt, so white! The tie was silver gray with red vertical stripes. Sex!

Gil came up, black sleeveless dress! She had spike heel ankle boots!

All of our Security wore black too! Each had a Harcourt Racing pin like us! Gil too! Petra's staff had been briefed about the pins and what they meant, total access!

A text from Francis earlier confirmed he had control of the elevators. Petra messaged `we have the teams in place we are managing building access.'

Terrance at the door. We drove up Sixth Avenue to 1211. There was a crowd around the entry. PJ had texted Petra as we neared the building. We exited the car three of our Security in front like a wedge PJ beside me, Rande beside Cho, Gil behind us and Tai at the rear.

Petra's folks opened the doors and spread some of waiting people back. We went straight in and up in the elevator to the management floor. The president's office was open for us. We didn't have to wait long for his arrival.

All the senior Fox staff had their pictures shared to key people in Petra's team, they were to brought upstairs right away. The CEO of 21st Century Fox News, Roger A**** found himself fired. He tried to make noises but we shut him down. He said M******** would never sell! I told him he didn't we bought!

He was told his office would be boxed and delivered to a locked storage area which he would have immediate access. Only personal things, all company documents and equipment would remain here. His contract would be paid off to the penny.

"I'll sue," was heard for the first but not last time. I'm afraid I laughed at him which really got his goat!

"Even you must know that you work under a contract which has in it that the corporation can buy it out any time it pleases. So waste your money on lawyers!"

I dismissed him with a wave. He was led out. I turned to Cho jamming my fist into the air! YES!!!!!!!!

My exaltation was shared! We hugged and kissed. I said this would part of the standing corporate rules!! Cho was up for that!

I hugged Francis and Gil! Massive smiles.

This was repeated for each senior staff member who were mostly just bureaucrats. But each of the division heads from Sports and News got the same treatment. It got more interesting when the big on-air folks showed up. It was a pleasure to fire Bill O'R****! He was gobsmacked! Boy did he try to whine. I told him to be quiet and listen!

He tried staring intently at me but he was holding a losing hand, no power! I told what we said to the others about their contracts and offices.

He WANTED some things from his office right now!!!! Petra was behind him, "Take him down," from her. She leaned forward and said something to him... suddenly he went limp and was escorted away. She gave me a brilliant smile!

I knew what she said, I leaned in close to Cho, "She asked him to resist!"

Cho laughed outright! We hugged and did `air' fist bumps to Petra!!!

It was so nice to repeat this several more times, Brit H****, Charles P******, Tucker C*********, one after another! Laura I*******, the Fox and Friends ding-dongs, Geraldo R*******, Eric B*****! Then a special asshole, Sean H******* arrived.

He tried to push past Security and found himself up against a wall, pinned tight. Petra spoke to him and had her folks let him go. He stood facing us.

"Mr. H*******, Fox News no longer has a place for you. This network will finally live up to its now forsaken motto `fair and balanced'!"

Standing beside Cho I added, "It's clear you can never be either one."

He got same info about his contract and office. Sullen but being mashed against the wall had taken the fight out of him. He was loaded into a DOWN elevator.

There more but to us they were chaff, easily blown away!

Now something different! Chris W******** was escorted into a conference room where we moved to. We offered him a chair and sat down. He came in knowing something huge had occurred.

"Chris here's what is happening..." I launched into what we had done, what we were going to do and how we intended to achieve those goals.

I became somewhat excited when I mentioned honest reporting and interviewing. My right hand slapped the table. He smiled, motioning he'd like to say something.

He said it was fine with him and he must be fine with us because we were having this discussion. He said he understood!

"Chris, yes we want you to stay. Your exact role will be determined by the new president of the network. Come downstairs with us and meet him."

We rode down to the second floor newsroom. As we entered the room Bill had finished talking with several people and turned to us having been alerted we were done upstairs.

Bill shook hands with Chris, smiles. Bill looking at us, "I understand there's blood on the floor!"

We both smiled and nodded. Bill said all the owned stations and affiliates had been told there would be a thirty minute downtime and major announcements from New York. We had sixteen minutes to review what we planned to do and say. Ready!

Bill spoke briefly with Chris while I went over to the anchor desk' to hug Megan. She was to be the daytime anchor for the network, the role was to be the link between the shows and events and doing some interviewing and leading on breaking news!'

Cho and I moved to a set on the edge of the newsroom so viewers could see some of the activity behind us. I pretended to straighten Cho's tie! He grinned, "I'm ready!"

A contraction! His smile broadened as he saw me get it. We were standing side by side with two mikes above us and two cameras in front. The director stepped close. He said he'd get the message of the network being off then cue us to talk to the staff in the building, Fox owned stations and the affiliates.

I hugged my man as Megan's voice came up... "Good morning! I'm Megan Ames from New York and in a moment you will get some important information from the new CEO's of 21st Century Fox. A reminder that programming for the balance of the day will be different from our posted schedule. We will pass along a full listing as soon as possible. Now here is Mr. Cho and Miss Martin...

We got our cue...

Smiling we thanked the stations for their hard work and apologized for the interruptions. I went ahead, "Today the MTR Corporation controls the 21st Century Fox. There is a new Board of Directors and we are co-Chairpersons of the Board. There is also a completely new management team at the head of the network.

For you on the Fox Entertainment side there will be no significant changes at this time. There will be a new boss for you and you will meet her very soon. We hope your successes continue into the autumn season!

On the news side there is wholesale change."

I paused, "The typical programming you are used to seeing is being revamped. The old motto of Fox News is reborn with a vengeance. The news will be `fair and balanced!' No more pandering to certain interests that have little place in American life. We will not produce or air any news story that isn't verifiably true and leave speculation to the arena of back fence gossips."

Another pause, "This is a NEWS organization, one that will be honest and above board at all times. The reporters and on-air persons will be those who have integrity and intelligence. The many new faces you will get to know but one face you may know is the new President of Fox Network. Allow me to introduce Bill M*********!"

Bill joined us, "He will now give you some information about the changes. Bill..."

Cho and I stepped back to give Bill the floor and the stations attention. He was great, calm and deliberate, telling the folks down the chain that the news feed from New York would cause them to receive feedback, possibly some very negative.

"Change is often disruptive but if managed well it will be beneficial. We intend to do just that."

He went on about how the shows like Fox and Friends would remain but new people and methods would be in place. Each show that had a single on-air big name moderator was ended. Those individuals were no longer with Fox News.

That was the hard stuff... now the sweeteners for the affiliates especially.

"We will have new faces but they are seasoned professional journalists, real news people! They come from TV, radio and print! You find their shows to be intelligent and thoughtful, always true to our motto of `Fair and Balanced."

Bill smiled into the camera, "We have a team working on new ad buys. They started several hours ago... " he lifted the paper in his hand, "We have already booked twenty million dollars in new ads in these few hours. We expect this will roll downhill to your localities. We will in fact will encourage our national advertisers to seek you out for more ad placements.'

Bill paused, "We did some preliminary work over the last few months and our research shows considerable pent-up demand for our advertising airtime. We show there will something close to one hundred and twenty to one hundred thirty percent increase in ad revenue year on year for the balance of the fiscal year."

Another pause, "The management team we have now are veterans of all aspects of the news business, you will find them open to ideas and ready to help. A new senior editor for news is a familiar face here though, Chris W*********."

Bill extended his hand to Chris as he stepped onto the set. "You know Chris' work, he will continue doing on-air reporting and interviewing but will be very influential on our editorial team."

Bill smiled, "Now I will return you to Megan Ames, our daytime anchor who give you a brief rundown on what to expect for the next few hours. Take care and you will be hearing from us!"

We were `out' and could relax. I hugged Bill, "Great! I think the tenor was right-on!"

Cho's arm around me shaking Bill's hand and then Chris'. "Now the fall-out."

We laughed but Cho was right. He and I were going with Bill to do a news conference in the auditorium.

Chris' was to meet with the existing editorial staff. The current staff throughout the building would have to find their way with us. If they can't reconcile themselves to the changes then we'd try to help them find some place to go.

Cho leading, we entered the auditorium and went up onto the stage. There was a large podium with a forest of mics! AND a big crowd! Francis and Gil by the steps on one side with Petra. At the top of the steps on each side were our personal Security team.

The three of us stepped to the podium, Cho started us off with a few ground rules. He pointed to an NBC News person.

"How did you wrest control from the M***********'s? No one believes they just sold out to you."

We laughed at that! Cho answered, "We gained a majority of voting shares through a buying program done over course of this year. We elected a new Board of Directors. Done!"

A Wall Street Journal reporter was next, "Have you spoken Mr. M*********?"

Cho answered, "No! We have no need to."

New York Times, "What is happening with the staff and on-air personalities?"

I had to be the one on this, "Regarding the on-air people, most have been fired... " that caused a big stir... "The only major personality we are retaining is Chris W**********. He will continue to do what he did before and be a senior editor in News. All the so-called news personalities were never real reporters just loud mouths. They were discharged and escorted out of the building."

I took a breath, "The news room staff and others are all still working. The previous top management, all the vice-presidents, etc... have been fired. We have excellent people on our team to replace them."

LA Times: What about the shows those fired personalities were doing? Will they still air?"

Bill was up, "Some of the shows have been cancelled especially the ones closely tied to a person. Some like Fox and Friends will have new staff. Replacements shows are in motion and the airtime will be filled with new programming."

CBS: You have gone through the trouble of buying out the M************'s how will you change from their programming?"

Bill said, "Fay, will you take this."

"First, the old discarded motto, `fair and balanced' will be followed! Under the M**********'s the pursuit of power and money superseded the network's responsibilities to the public. Integrity will be a watchword for Fox from now on. Reporters, staff and on-air people will be tasked to get it right or a story will NOT air."

Two beats, "There will be NO more scurrilous reports, NO gossip masquerading as truth! NO undignified yelling and screaming, NO belittling guests. That is NOT news reporting and will NEVER happen again!"

The strong language from us had the room buzzing in a major way.

ABC: Have any of you ever met the M************'s? And in what manner?"

Bill laughed, "We don't run in the same circles!"

There was some laughter at that.

Cho smiling at Bill's comment, "Neither my wife nor I have ever met any of the family. Given what has happened it's unlikely we will."

That got another laugh from the room!

Suddenly it seemed to hit them and a mass of hands were up.

I pointed to a woman in a nice red dress, "Miss Martin, I am Dorothy T******* from Fox News."

I smiled and nodded for her to go on, "I guess we have been dense but you own Glaa the Triple Crown winner! How does that meld with this corporate takeover?"

I looked at Cho, he grinned and said to go ahead. "Dorothy, Glaa has been a part of us for some time. He was the Horse of the Year last year as a two year old giving some hint to his abilities. He's a wonderfully talented horse who I hope Fox Sports gets to report on for some time yet."

I again looked to Cho, he made a go motion. "Simply there is no relationship at all. Cho and I with our investment partners decided there had to be a way to stop the swill being put out as legitimate news from the old Fox News. The public deserves honest and complete reporting of the news of the day and analysis of events that is based in sound and intelligent thinking."

Miami Herald: "Who are your partners?"

Cho stepped up, "We will release the names of the new Board of Directors tomorrow. They are our partners and stockholders in MTR Corporation which in turn owns 21st Century Fox. MTR is not a public company so we aren't obligated to release much information but since we will be demanding integrity from our staff we are prepared to be responsible ourselves."

Seattle Times: "How do you think the changes will affect your ad buys and company revenue?"

Bill had this one: "We did do quite a bit of research before today. We found there was interest in buying time from many companies that held back because of Fox's toxic reputation. I can say we project ad buys to show a notable increase and we have had a very large response already this morning. Now will some current advertisers leave? I'm sure some will. It is inevitable."

Washington Post: How does the ownership change affect the Fox Entertainment division?"

Bill leaned to the mics, "The are no changes except in some management positions for the entertainment side at this time."

CNN: "What about the News Corp's remaining assets like the newspapers?"

I took this one, "We chose to pursuit 21st Century Fox since it was a separate division with immense power to do wrong."

I motioned to the Wall Street Journal reporter, "Maybe we should try to liberate some of the print assets and bring them into the 21st Century!"

Some laughter as the expense of the reporter but he smiled through it.

Bloomberg News, New York Daily News, Chicago Tribune, C-Span, Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Univision, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Dallas Morning News, Los Angeles Times, Arizona Republic, USA Today, BBC, Baltimore Sun, Huffington Post, Philadelphia Enquirer all had their time, they were answered, all of them. Right up front about how we felt!

A New York Post reporter tried a snarky question: "Don't you think the manner in which you took over was sneaky and underhanded?"

Cho and I looked at each other, he raised his eyebrows and motioned me to go. The New York Post is owned by M**********.

I stepped past the podium to the stage edge, everyone could hear me fine, I leaned over the fellow as he sat in the front row, "Do you think your owner has the standing so you can ask that question?"

He looked up then down saying nothing. "I didn't think so!"

I walked back next to Cho who opened his arms, we briefly hugged. It was a great moment!

To my amazement there was applause! It started slow but built up until nearly everyone was taking part. Bill was grinning, clapping away!

I stepped up to thank them. Someone yelled out `Go for it!' I laughed, "Don't you think we have been?"


We went on for a while longer. The questions were all about the business, none directed to us as a couple. That in itself was somewhat amazing.

We broke it off finally. I motioned to Tai, I asked her to do something. At the side door she brought over the Wall Street Journal reporter.

"I wanted to apologize for that comment and bringing you into it that way."

He was gob smacked, "Miss Martin, that's very nice, thank you but it's all part of the game."

"Well, I was only saying it partly in jest."

He looked me, saying it quite low. "Please do! We need changes!"

I shook his hand.

Dorothy, the Fox reporter in the red dress, came over. Tara let her through.

"Miss Martin, I don't want to presume on your owning us now but can we sit for some time on the record? I work in the national news division."

"Dorothy, you'll need to take it up with your boss and he'll pass it on. I would imagine I could make the time but no promises. Okay?"

She nodded with a smile. Good, she's a bit pushy but polite!!

Cho was staying with Bill for a few minutes before they would split up to do what I was starting. I went up to the Fox Sports floor with Donald the new head of Fox Sports. He came over from NBC Sports!

The staff was polite, wary but interested. I saw Frank the interviewer. I motioned to him. I shook his hand and eased us to the side.

His brow was furrowed, "Miss Martin, ... Well, I did speak to our boss. He seemed dismissive but I don't know what he did."

I stopped him, "Frank, just so you know we had no issue with you! In fact, you did a fine job. My husband didn't make that call."

I told him he was Okay with us. He knew his boss was fired so...

Donald, the new head of Fox Sports got the story. I spoke to him after Frank left, "I don't want anything done on this. They need to be given a chance to succeed with us. If Elinor is regularly as gauche as that you'll know soon enough."

He smiled, "True up to a point. Not everyone is as upfront and outspoken as you though."

I laughed! We walked some around the space. The office of previous head of Sports was being packed up as we got there. I stood in the doorway. Some people were taking down pictures and wrapping them, one woman was going through the desk looking at documents, deciding which belonged to Fox.

As I turned to go Elinor came out of an office opposite. She had a stricken look upon her face seeing me. I said hello and walked on with Donald. He kept a straight face with some difficulty. Once we were away he laughed.

"Fay, I think I need to pass on your comment to her. It will either make or break her."

I said go for it. Back in the main Sports news room I asked everyone who could to gather around. I stood on a chair

"We will be having these discussions in very department but you are my first. There will be changes for each and every one of you. To begin, there will be a five percent increase in pay... " Murmurs, warm sounding, "Next the healthcare plan will be be changed. Broader coverage, no deductibles only co-pay's, vastly improved dental and vision coverage... " Now the noise was obviously positive... "We will also change the 401K plan to be more generous from our side."

I looked over their faces, expectant... "We are NOT being generous without motive... We want you to work hard. We want you to be the BEST! We are willing to do what we believe is necessary to demand that of you!"

A big pause, "We believe in equality! So there can only be an open and welcoming attitude towards all humans. For Cho and I, everyone ... any gender choice, ethnicity, age are equal in our eyes. We expect you as Fox employees to support this as it is the ethos of America. This great country was built on the backs of every type of person on the planet and we honor their contributions."

Their faces said they were still with me, "I was born in Washington, D.C. but raised in England, a citizen of both countries and for the last year I've also been a citizen of Thailand. I contribute to each country but I'm the sum of my parts just like America. So join with Cho and I to live the dream of America every day!"

I was shocked at the applause! I expected they would at least `get it' but this was approval... We still had to work hard to get what we wanted from them. I was offered a hand by a young man to step down. I shook hands all around. I saw Donald's face, he was ecstatic!

Elinor came up but was wary as PJ was beside me, she remembered his taking her `down.'

"Miss Martin, I want to apologize for not recognizing the opportunity to learn more about Glaa..."

I decided to stop her, "Elinor, you were wrong but I do understand the pressure you must feel being a woman in a man's field. Trying to make an impact must be hard. You didn't see the signals or you would have stopped. You have to maintain your awareness. So you have a clean slate with us, Okay?"

My hand out... A brilliant smile on her face, we shook.

Donald walking with me to the elevators, "Fay, your talk... that's a gold star!"

"We'll see! The sugar has been applied. AND positions laid out! Up to you and them now!"

Donald shook my hand on that!

Upstairs Cho and Bill were in the now emptied President's office. I looked around, "Bill, buy some decent furniture why don't you! This stuff is crap!"

He was laughing, "I'll get Tilly to do it up!"

We did fist bumps! "By the way, I was a surprise hit with the grandkids doing that!"

He and Cho had given the same basic talk as I had. Cho to the second floor news room and Bill upstairs to the staff and on a video feed to the Fox owned stations around the country. Bill would do video to the Sky UK staff in Europe in the morning. He would tell them we would visit soon.

Bill motioned to the screen behind us. He unmuted it. Megan was on screen doing an intro to a new show being done by a former Wall Street Journal reporter working for us now. She looked good, her voice clear and her southern accent almost unnoticeable.

"She's very good! Her presentation is superb, her voice with the faint soft drawl easy to hear and pleasant. She is a great find. I tip my hat to you Fay!"

I sketched a bow laughing, "Did she tell you about the scoop we gave her as a last story in Louisville?"

I gave Bill the brief story, he already knew about "Brock's' disastrous meeting with us.

Bill asked if any of the investors had contact from the M**********'s or their surrogates, we hadn't.

Cho didn't expect any, they'd been taken unawares and out-maneuvered! It was done. Now they had to look after what they had left. The family member who'd sold their shares to us was in Bermuda with their family at a house owned by William. They were incognito!

We were on guard for petty attempts at revenge. Cho felt it wouldn't happen but ...

Email from Gregory, the Equestrian Ventures were starting work on the dressage arenas. He said Charlotte would email me later. Good! Sunny would be out of school this week readying for travel.

Real life stuff!

Food! It struck me that it had been many hours. I was excited but hungry! We decided to go to the 21 Club.

Our Security team, Gil and Francis. Gil had called for a booking using our names. She asked for tables 9, 10 and 11. There was pause... she looked at me then a fist pumped up!

Oh shit! News travels fast. Glaa, as a Triple Crown winner had us fit in!

So we set out. Down to the lobby, we worked our way through a crowd then onto the sidewalk to a Terrance car. Up Sixth Avenue to 52nd, only five blocks. At the door of the club we were met and escorted to the Bar Room.

As we entered we were recognized, there was applause, folks standing up all around clapping, a few cheers! Was it for today or for Glaa's triumph? We smiled and waved to everyone.

At a table near us was the CEO of CBS, we greeted him. He said over the noise, `quite a coup!' Cho thanked him and shook his hand.

I did the same order as the other day. A classic Martini. Clayton's Jumbo Lump Crabmeat, a `21' Caesar, the Dover Sole! I sipped my drink looking over the rim at the other diners, well dressed, prosperous.

The food and service was excellent! A special sauce was delivered by the Belmond 21 Club manager! He told us that to follow their tradition the last jockey statue out front would painted in our green and yellow blocks and stripes silks next week! Cheers! Glaa!!!

Some day so far!

Out front I asked if we could walk back? PJ smiled, Security was Okay with it. Everyone said they were good. West on 52nd to Sixth! Easy. South on the west side of Sixth Avenue. PJ had Tara call ahead as we walked.

It was a nice sunny day most of the humidity of the last week had gone east! We were on the shadow side of the street. We got a good look at Radio City and the rest of Rockefeller Center from across the street. The walk was great to loosen us up!

As we approached the 1200 block we could see policemen directing traffic and managing a crowd. It wasn't unruly, just sort around the front of the building. I did ask an officer what was it about. He said they were just interested in what was going on and it didn't appear they had any issues. Sort of gawkers. I thanked him. He didn't recognize us. That boded well, we could be out and about without attracting a crowd. For now!

We turned down 48th Street to a side entrance. One of our Security men was there, a big smile. I thanked him and did a fist bump! He got a kick out of that!

Reginé met us upstairs. Her iPad showed the volume of her team's posting and the responses. They were tracking the tweets and posts about the takeover. So far there wasn't any real negative wave although we expected it. Certainly when those old familiar faces didn't appear on screen!

They were out there with the positives, lots of `spin' but the truth only. We had made it clear the hyperbole should not get crazy. It was one thing to promote another to lie! Reginé completely approved and the team was totally onboard.

The news conference coverage had tweeted each question and our answer. They had done a video of my interaction with the New York Post reporter and posted it with the applause. It got thousands of `likes' right away. Then it went viral!!!! It was ALL over the web very quickly. The retweets were HUGE!

Ah, so maybe the folks at the 21 Club had seen some of that? It was going a bit wild! Good though!

Upstairs we setup in a conference room to do a video link to Fox Entertainment in Los Angeles. Cho and I with Bill. Bill introduced Abbey to them, who would be their new leader. We gave them the story and what it would mean for them. Since there were few changes on the entertainment side it was easier but we did spell out clearly our expectations about work and equality. They also got the info on pay and benefit modifications. They were told Cho and I would visit them soon.

Abbey was leaving for the Coast tomorrow night. She and I got on right from our first meeting at the dinner for Bill and his team at ours. Her work history was perfect with time at several Hollywood studios and TV. There was an apartment at our Venice Beach place for her, temporary or longer.

The three of us sat with the entire new management team, Petra, Francis and Gil. The day had gone well so far. The new managers found mostly professional behavior, there were a few comments by staffers about the fired personalities. They were told there was a new way, if they couldn't work in the new environment they needed to leave. Several did resign which was good for us and them. We expected more, we would be happy if they did make a decision one way or the other.

Raleigh, new head of Administration, said he and his other new managers would be going through the staffs talking to everyone.

The managers were going to be on watch for certain behaviors, they were on the same page as Bill and us! Bill had done a fine job finding staff, money well spent.

Now Cho and I did a conference video call to all the investors. They were in a word – THRILLED! We had pulled off a huge coup, quite a success. We took over a major media company, swapped out management and went forward without a beat. The reaction on the web was a big win for us!

They were full of acclaim for us three! Bill smiling big! I knew Mike felt good about getting Bill onboard! AND Bill felt good about taking over from the previous politically rightwing management.

When we closed the conference I leaned back, I could see Megan's face live on a monitor. She was going strong! Interesting thought ... I'd made that face contort in ecstasy! I kept it to myself for now... later to mention my thought to Cho.

I took Gil with PJ and Tara along for a wander around. I told Cho and Bill I was going to press the flesh. Cho laughed, "Take it easy on the staff, Okay?"

We hugged and kissed!! Not enough of that today!

We went to the news room floor in search of Kent who was now the boss. We found him with several producers, joined them and when they paused I asked that they continue I needed to learn a lot. That brought smiles.

They were discussing coverage of one of the lies being told by the presumptive Republican candidate for President of the United States. It was a lie, completely at odds with video of a previous statements he'd made.

Kent didn't look at me, "We cover it, we say what he said with video of him saying it and we run a chyron saying it is a contradiction of a previous statement and then have the reporter say there is no factual basis for the change from what had been his earlier position and we run a video clip of the previous statement."

The producers were good with that. Now afterwards Kent looked at me. What he saw was a big smile! Fist bumps!!

"We'll call him a liar soon I think! He's setting himself up and the only reason he's gotten as far as this has been the old Fox was covering for him. That's over!"

Laughing I asked what it might be like at the Republican convention. Kent shook his head, "There will be drinks spilt!"

Another great hire by Bill! Also Bill made it clear to all of them what we wanted and how he wanted them to achieve it.

I moved around the room stopping to talk to folks, sometimes one-on-one, small groups also happened. I was asked questions, answered and asked a few of my own. We had dialogues, it was good!

There was no way I'd remember the names but Gil was at my shoulder now. Maybe...

In the middle of a running program I got to talk to Megan. She'd made a bathroom break! We hugged, "Fay, it's just crazy good!"

I laughed, said I was glad.

"You and Cho with Bill at the news conference, I watched the feed. That was smashing!!! The mics picked up your comment to the New York Post guy, the applause after was electrifying! I had goosebumps!!"

"Well, it was exhilarating for us!"

I told her about our entrance' at the 21 Club. "That gave me chills! That's an establishment' crowd!"

We had to stop as she would be back on-air shortly and Kent wanted a word.

He mentioned who might be on Fox and Friends tonight. "You do have some connection with him? Should we know about it?"

I gave him the particulars of the Basuto Group and that we had paid several economists for work they did. Paul K*********** being one. He'd written about Brexit and the EU. Neither of us had ever spoken to him, actually we were very hands off on that project for now.

Kent said that was cool, "We can get it in an intro or a chyron if you..."

"Kent, you are making the decisions. I don't think there's an issue but you're in charge. We have lots of businesses and interests around the world so there will be other times. I know this is a tense day and this involves us... You're the man!"

He laughed, "It's funny I sort of figured you'd say something like that..."

Fist bumps!

I kept going around the floor. What I found were folks who did the news and weren't notably political. There was one who'd worked for O'R*******, he was at a loss. I asked what he'd done, a `researcher.'

"Well, what is being asked of you now?"

"The same but... the direction is different."

"Is anyone requesting you change information or slant it?

"No... well, he said he wanted it straight forward, as it is. He made a point of that but I've always put a political spin on the info, looking for some edge to use however tiny or obscure get at a person or group. O'R****** wouldn't have it any other way!"

"How would you rather do it... honestly or spin it?"


"Then... "

He looked up at my face, I wasn't having him on!

"A lot of folks are going to be upset with us telling it honestly! We have to, it's too important for the country!"

I smiled, "Try it?"

He smiled, "Okay!"

We shook on it!

As I moved away I could Gil's face, a cute grin. She whispered when we were far enough from the young researcher, "You have a flair for dealing with people. Either one-on-one or a crowd, you can win them over."

PJ and Tara were close enough to hear her. So PJ stuck out his fist to Gil. Bump! Tara grinning!

Kent waved at me... I was intro'd to Roberta Chesney, a slender brunette, looking quite good in a blue dress. She was the evening anchor here in New York. She'd take over from Megan at the end of the six o'clock news. I welcomed her.

We went up to the conference room down the hall from Bill's new office. All monitors were on different major channels. It was nearing six o'clock news time. For us Megan was starting it off then passing it off to several others to do segments of the news. She would do a wrap at the end.

CBS did world and national news then they said there had been an upheaval in ownership at the Fox network. A new board of directors had taken control with the owners of the recent Triple Crown winner Glaa as the co-chairpersons. They named us and said they had already seen a major change in attitude.

Then a clip of the New York Post reporter asking his question, they included mentioning his newspaper was owned by M**********, the former owner of Fox. They kept rolling to show me exchanging a look with Cho, his motion to me and my stepping to the edge of the stage and leaning over. My question to the reporter was captured very clearly. You could see his head down. My turning to walk away then the applause starting and rising to fill the room.

It was incredible to watch myself do that! Cho had my hand, squeeze! The folks in the conference room were a mix of our staff and many of the new management team. They applauded!

It was cut short by NBC starting its piece, we switched over. They were alike to CBS except they showed their reporter asking how we did it and my answer. They also pointed out that a review of the shows on today there were big changes at FOX and they believed it was only starting.

ABC did similar coverage. They included their reporter's question about us meeting the M*********'s and our answers. The laughter from Bill and Cho's responses seemed even bigger!

At the end of our news Megan did a short bit about today. She said a group of investors had come together to make a change in how the events of our days were portrayed on Fox News. There was a new Board of Directors and the Co-Chairpersons were Mr. Cho and Miss Martin. We were a married couple who had been in the news lately as our colt Glaa had just won the Triple Crown of American horse racing.

She had a great smile at the telling that there had been many changes at Fox News today. The viewers would see new faces and a few familiar ones but the news content would be `fair and balanced' at all times.

She said she was off now, the evening anchor here in New York will be Roberta Chesney. `Have a good evening!' and she was out!

We had gone down to the news room to watch her. We were off camera when she signed out. She vaulted out of the chair to hug me.

"FAY... Fay, it was marvelous!!!"

I held her tight, the producers and directors and staffers cheered her. She hugged Cho and then Bill.

I had her hand, "Now my dear, you have to do it all over again tomorrow!"

Megan threw up her free hand, "So you folks want to do it with me tomorrow?"

Massive grin! They all said YES loudly! Okay, sold!

It was late in England but as we promised we called Hélène and Mac. The success was warmly received. Bill's info on the new ad buys really got their attention. We had over thirty million new ad dollars!!!

We then did Pedro, Lori and Ken on the west coast. They hadn't yet seen the nightly newscasts with the time difference. Cho said definitely watch the CBS one. They all were quite pleased with us and the numbers from Bill!

William in a middle west time zone was pleased. He said he felt his money was not only safe but his people thought likely to double the value of the non-voting shares! His enthusiasm for the stock price made me think, we'd bought a large amount of common shares also, what could we do with an extra five billion £'s?

Mike, Bennett and Daria we would see shortly for dinner at ours!

Text from Reginé `675,000 retweets 810,000 likes' for the video of me and the reporter, big numbers for just a few hours!

The Roslyn dinner of grilled trout Almandine, tasty little grilled potatoes and a nice mound of asparagus partially hidden by a creamy hunter's sauce, soft dark rye buns filled me up. A nice white Bordeaux fitted perfectly. Roslyn let me know that she always asked Carter for wine choices. The man's a whiz!

Mike and Cindy, Bennett and Daria all loved it! Roslyn getting a cheer!

Francis and Ali were taking Gil out to go clubbing for a short while. Cho and I sat outside with our happy investors sipping afters. Cindy and I by one of the old windows with the wrought iron grille.

"Fay, your interaction with the Post reporter stole the day."

I laughed, "It was good but not my highlight. It does work well for us though."

The day had been long but a huge success. A real coup seldom seen any more in business. Our `sneaky and underhanded' approach was so unexpected. My remembering that moment was good but also put something in my thoughts for tomorrow.

A nice dinner with friends was an excellent close out for the day. Jaidee's walk afterwards was mildly comic. We met Pip out with Peter. Our boys romped a bit before Rande and Tai had to save Peter from falling over as the leashes tangled him up! Undone and steadied up Peter started laughing, "I'm damned! I'll have to be a lot more careful when we have these meetings."

Cho and I wished him a good night. Jaidee prancing along home!

We snuggled together. Cho's warm skin on mine! Sleep was easy.

Dressing for another day at 21st Century Fox! I chose something from my Rodeo Drive trip. The Alice & Oliva Hayden short sleeved fitted striped dress, navy heels picked out that colour from the horizontal stripes and worked great with the coral shades. The dozen gold rings on my left and the triple braided gold bracelet on my right. A salmon coral shade on my nails and lips like it came straight from the dress!!! `Joy' applied! A navy bag and I was set! In the mirror I smiled at myself, the dress was tight, showing my slender form!

Cho in one of his delicious fitted navy suits, pale blue shirt and no tie. We were going to talk to the management staff about dress. No need to wear suits when jeans were comfy, just keep a suit and tie handy was the plan! Cho was making a start.

We went in through the front door on Sixth Avenue. There were a few folks out front, Petra's people were there and in the lobby. The building security had had some complaints from the News Corp. about our controlling the elevators. They were insisting we stop managing the elevators and over-riding their use of the building facilities.

When we were told Cho and I grinned. Petra was smiling at her assistants who were not getting it, of course they hadn't been told but they hadn't needed to know.

"We made a deal with the previous owners about three months ago, we own the building now. C************ Properties sold us the tower so... "

They got it now! Big smiles, "So ignore them?"

Petra said no but it wasn't a biggie. She would talk with their representative today. It wasn't a priority yesterday, "We can ease up though. Just have people at the elevators on each of the Fox floors checking name badges. But stay visible on the lobby level around the elevators! And maintain our watch on all stairwell video!"

Francis gave me a wave from an office doorway, "Fay, the call was made and he will be here in an hour or so."

Good, fist bumps!

I saw Sumate! He'd been a `Will-o'-the-wisp' in the last twenty four hours. He grinned at that description.

"I have been behind the scenes, no need for me to do anything but watch and see how we are doing. Petra is terrific, organized, a good leader and she makes thoughtful decisions rapidly. One thing Thet and I have been talking about is a re-org of responsibilities here. When we have a plan we will bring it to you both."

Fist bumps!

Cho and I used an empty office to do email and calls. My daily check-ins!!

Caroline Jian was doing wonderfully. Eating like a horse, sleeping, yelling, pooping diapers and making her three parents very happy! Andrea had a checkup and her body was excellent!! Good!!

Jian said the Chanthira Clinics were on schedule with one or two hiccups.

Reyna laughing that she had spent the entire day beside our pool with Kiet and Achara being so nice! Her swelling was nearly gone. Thet came over and Amporn had fed them! Amporn's friend as their cook was terrific, they'd asked her to stay on and she agreed!!

Her last visit to Dr. Sanporam was VERY positive! She was going back to work next week on a limited basis. All good news!

My sisters all had good news. Lawan working on Cho's projects and the Jane Austen novel! Ni and I occupied with an upgrade for the Panic App' and a further test of the stingray defense App.' We agreed when I was in Bangkok we'd sit with her team to discuss future projects!

Eve!! She was ten days to the due date!' All's well, taking it easy. Helping Tono out remotely with a few things, exchanging calls and emails with London. She named it work-lite.' Funny girl!

She knew we'd in town soon for the `day!'

Cho, Bill and I sat with Kent and his top managers to discuss the two political conventions coverage. There was a huge amount of planning and prep already done. We didn't need to do much except to ready our new on-air folks for the tasks of covering the barely confined lunacy that the conventions unleashed.

The Republicans weren't going to be pleased. There would NO fawning coverage only warts and all! We were also not going to cover quite a few speeches especially those of supporters who had no official positions. No former mayors of New York as a start.

We planned to scale back our effort in Cleveland. Kent was good with it, he didn't feel many of the convention's warm-up speeches were worth covering. We would have an equal amount of hours for the Republicans and the Democrats in Philadelphia.

Francis gave me a sign. I went down the hall to the office Cho and I were sharing. Francis said Joseph was at the elevator waiting. Okay!

Francis brought him in, a guarded face, tight curly hair, green eyes. Joseph looked at me. I extended my hand, he took it.

"Joseph I wanted to apologize for putting you on the spot yesterday. I think your question was quite inappropriate though but I should have ignored you. Sorry!"

His face was a study... it showed he was glad about what I said, a bit defiant but sorry in the eyes.

"Miss Martin, I was wrong! I tried to do a grandstand thing, it backfired because you were right. I'm sorry too."

"Well, the results seem to show it has a life of its own. Why were you sent? You seem young... no offense."

A good smile, "My editor told he to get my butt over here, some sort of news conference about show changes at Fox News and since we were all owned by News Corp he wanted to be sure to have a presence so nobody above him gave him any shit... Oops, sorry!"

I laughed and waved away the apology, "So you were junior enough one to be sent?"

"Yes, three years on the job but no advancement.'

"Why not?"

"I think they like my work but ... They don't know... for sure anyway... the editor I'm under is a bigot... I'm bi-racial and they like white folks."

My eyes were wide! "Joseph, you didn't disclose your ethnicity on any paperwork?"

"I've passed as white for so long... well, you you can think things are so even if they aren't. My dad is black, light-skin, my mom is a Scottish woman pale red-head with freckles."

"It's hard to keep a secret like that. Okay! So what have you been writing on?"

"Miscellaneous stories on the media beat and New York City news."

"What would you rather write about?"

"Well, I've been doing research on my own, my time, on the concrete business and the Mafia. Just looking in publicly available places for the most part but I do have an uncle who used to be in the construction business. He worked on building foundations for big towers but he ran afoul of some Mafia guys, he was almost killed. He bagged it, moved away and is doing Okay in a totally different line of work."

"He has given you something interesting?"

"He worked on several buildings for the Trump Corporation. It was one of those that got him in trouble. He's told me about how the Mafia worked their deals since they controlled the concrete business in the city."

"Dangerous stuff! Are you being careful?"

"Just working the edges right now and not using the New York Post name."

"All on your time? Your resources?"

"Yes. I wanted to bring it in completed so it just needed some editing and hand it to them."

Kent had come at my request to sit in. Kent was looking at me, an eager expression on his face.

"Joseph do you have a contract with the paper?"

"No. I'm on salary but there is nothing that holds me."

"Do you want to move to the TV business? Complete your investigation for Fox News?"

He jumped in the chair like he'd been shocked! "No shit?"

A hand over his mouth but I was laughing, "Yes! No Shit!"

His YES was expected! I leaned over to shake his hand as did Kent.

"You will have to be honest about everything though."

He said he was good with that.

Kent said to go back to your paper, resign and be here tomorrow morning at nine. "The security people will know your name and bring you up to the Admin floor for employment stuff then we'll pick you up. Okay?"

"By the way are you interested in what you might be paid?"

He looked at me sort of blank for a second then saw my grin, "Yes but I can wait until tomorrow!"

I laughed out loud at that, "Okay, bring your personal stuff for Admin and your work for Kent!"

He nodded, I got PJ to walk him to the elevators and through security.

I leaned back in my chair looking over at Kent. He had an introspective face, "Thinking about... I don't know that the Post would've run his story. They kiss ass to Trump."

"Well, not all things are clear or obvious."

He looked at me, "Like Joseph?"

"Well, he learned he had to hide to get along. He's not an outlier either."

I stood up and went around the desk... Standing there with hands on my hips. Kent looking up at me...

"What do you think? I look Okay?"

"Fay, you look great! What?"

"Something everyone is going to know soon because Cho and I have decided to have a press conference in a few weeks. We are going to be parents in less than ten days..."

I twirled around with my arms out... Kent was lost now.

"I can't have kids but we will have two soon. A close friend in Bangkok is our surrogate. She has a boy and a girl close to nine months."

Kent congratulated me.

"It's complicated. Cho's sperm with eggs from two different women. One from the surrogate who is a blonde American and one from my adoptive sister who is Thai."

"Oh, they would be like each of you. Wonderful!"

"That's the plan. We'll see. I lost my parents over eleven years ago but met a Thai family after some problems in Thailand. I loved them and they me, so I was adopted into their family."

I sat on the desk, legs dangling. "But more to the point is I'm a different type of woman,... I'm a transgendered woman."

I extended my arms again twisting my shoulders.

Kent was dumbfounded! "Damn! No one would ever know!"

"Ah but there is someone out there who would go looking and find out! Cho and I aren't shy but we do value our privacy. The MTR board all know as does Bill. We told him in same conversation about his signing on for The Project!"

Shaking his head, "I get that. I know some of those people!"

"Then you know if we `own it' we win and control it. So after the twins are born we will do it. Until then we need you to keep an ear open for any noise."

"No problem! If any whiff comes by you will know ASAP!"

Fist bumps!

"So tonight, dinner with us? Bill and Tilly are coming. You and your wife? Kids? Donald has been asked by Cho and Raleigh too."

"I'm okay but I need to talk to Karen."

"Tell her we'll get a car sent. You're somewhere on the Upper East Side?"

"Yes, off Lexington on 78th Street. I'll call her now."

Thumbs up from me.

I texted Cho, he replied that Donald and Em were in, Abbey was eating with us then a car would take her Newark for a late flight to the Coast and Raleigh was in. He lived in Connecticut, his wife had to go to a child's play tonight so we'd put him up in a guest room after to save a LATE trip home!

Kent had Karen on the line, he was explaining about it... I motioned for him to give me the cellphone...

"Karen here's Fay."

"Karen, Fay... Please come, we'll get you and the kids picked up. It's a kid friendly place and Jaidee likes to make new buddies... A chocolate brown Labrador... eight months... a big puppy!"

I was looking at Kent, "Good!" I pointed to Kent's watch, he held it up, "In about half an hour? Fine... Here's Kent back!"

I handed it to him and motioned I was going down the hall. Gil called Terrance for a car. She stayed to get the exact address from Kent.

I found Bill and Abbey talking about programming. I sat with them, Kent gave me a thumbs up from the hall as he went past! Cho appeared! I got a hug and kiss.

Holding his hand in the hall I told him about Joseph. He stopped our walk, keeping one hand, his other a warm palm on my cheek, a kiss!

"You do good things!"

I said I'd told Kent about me and we should tell the others tonight. Cho was good with that!!!

I went down to the news room, Megan was starting the six o'clock news. I went into a side room where there were monitors showing the other networks. I didn't think we'd merit any more coverage for now. We switched the volume off and on. Nothing so I went out to watch Megan.

She was so self-possessed in front of a camera! A natural! She hugged me after she was `out!' Roberta taking over. Megan was coming to dinner too.

Terrance was outside. We headed home. Warm early evening, white short shorts and navy crop T, I skipped shoes for now. Doing email in the sun. Cho sitting with his MacBook on his lap, Francis leaning over his shoulder. Jud in Seattle accepted our proposal for buying the ship yard. Gil got Newcastles' we toasted and cheered!

Cho called Jud. He said it was going to be good learning a bit about the business. He did impress on Jud the need to give more responsibility to Rodney and Pelle. Jud said he get them going right away!

Dinner was great! Karen and Kent's kids came up first. Toby, the boy, twelve... twelve AND a HALF I was informed, very cute, a girl's dream. Their daughter Tonya, at nearly eleven, a heartbreaker! They loved meeting Jaidee, he was bouncing around. I slipped on shoes and we took Jaidee out for a short walk. PJ and Tara joined us.

I let Toby hold Jaidee's lead. Our boy was well-behaved. He did some snooping but also did the business! Karen wondered about me picking up dog poop. We were behind the kids, I pointed to my scar and then PJ and Tara. She could see they were scanning the street. Her eyes were wide, I nodded, "Part of the deal!"

I shrugged and smiled. We linked arms on the way back. Donald and Em were arriving. Gary helped Em out of the car. I got to meet her. Sweet face!

Everyone loved the lift. We got drinks and out onto the terrace. I explained how the terrace was born. I did a mini-tour. The kids were in the media room watching something on the TV with Jaidee munching on a puppy chew.

Roslyn repeated the Mexican buffet with a few different entries. I could see the kids liked the idea. Tilly beside me watching, "Bill said you two having kids soon?"

She motioned towards my tummy. I leaned close to say it was with a surrogate. After dinner Cho and I would explain. I guess Bill had kept our secret!

With the fans it was nice outside to eat. I found a few things about our newest guests.

Em was a school teacher at a private school that was setup to deal with children with emotional difficulties. Some days were tough when a child was having an upset but most of them were quite smart and worked hard. They needed an environment that was stable which the school tried hard to provide.

Karen was a home person who wrote for several women's magazines about parenting. She had a degree in child psychology.

Inside the kitchen with Tilly getting some espresso, she smiled, "You are good at this sort of thing, talking with folks, learning and sharing. I find it tough."

`Hang out with me, I'll loosen you up."

She laughed. "I think you would but it's a bit late in life for me.

A huge laugh from my `Never too late!'"

I took Kent and Karen aside, I said I was going to tell everyone what I'd told Kent so maybe they should decide if the kids should be in on it or not. I left them to it saying the media room could be closed up.

I was ready, a kiss from Cho, a tight hug! Kent and Karen asked their kids if they would let the adults talk over something. They were good to be in the media room with Jaidee for a short time.

We all sat in the living room. Bill already knew like Kent so I went right to it. Standing there in tiny shorts and some tummy showing I said I was a transgendered woman. They were astonished as everyone seemed to be when I told them.

I did laugh, "Thank you for the compliment on not being able to imagine I'm anything other than what I really am."

They got it! I explained how Cho and I were starting a family they loved the whole set of connections. Raleigh seemed moved by the adoptive family part. He said he'd lost his parents at thirteen to a traffic accident. His relatives had been lovely but it wasn't the same.

Cho said we'd be in Bangkok a good deal after their birth but we had a support staff and the extended family and friends around us there but we'd be working too.

They'd get iPads tomorrow with the video conferencing App so we'd be touch. Their iPhones on our private network were in the Fox Group team name.

Then the work part. We told them we wanted Fox to support Hillary Clinton for President. I said we would do an editorial' piece, clearly labeled as such after the conventions were over but the news was to be fair and balanced' at all times.

It appeared we wouldn't need to dig very hard for anything negative about the Republican, he'd give us all the ammo we needed. I smiled at Kent, "But we should keep looking."

He smiled! Joseph as a start!

We didn't keep them late, Raleigh we put in a guest room with us. We had guest accessories and clean shirts for him to choose from.

He sat with us outside after the others had gone. We talked about employment practises, employee reviews, benefits and more. He got our views straight from the horses' mouth! He believed in progressive management, treating staff well always made for good work. Productivity goals are met by happy folks!

Going uptown in the morning I decided to be more daring with my clothes. Skinny pale gray jeans, a white silk short sleeved blouse cut off at my waist, a bit of tanned skin showing but not too much, black ankle boots and silver jewelry. The bracelet with the slender chains to a ring and Karla and Michael's torque! The three stranded heavy silver necklace from Cho hanging in the open neck of the blouse. `Joy' and a big smile.

Cho was playing at Wingfoot again with Sam and his friend. He was sent off with a big kiss! Eleven-thirty tee time.

Raleigh in the car with me, Gil and Francis. PJ and Tara with us. Cho lent Raleigh a black polo shirt to go with his gray slacks. Breaking in some new corporate rules.

Terrance smiling on the curb, "Fay, I'm not into high finance but this is a good thing."

His hand motioning towards the building. Fist bumps!! A huge smile!

The security folks in the lobby managing the flow of people in to Fox and the other tenants, like the rump of the News Corporation. Bill's office first. He grinned at my clothes, "Casual? I'm not sure we're ready for you!"

This from a fellow in navy slacks and a pale blue short-sleeved shirt and trainers! We had a laugh!

I was with Gil in the borrowed office doing email, etc... Kent emailed that Joseph was at Administration doing the paperwork. He'd sit down with him later to look at his stuff on Trump. Was I interested? I said it would be better for me not to read it. I might get ideas.

That made him send me a laughing emoji!

After sitting with Bill for a bit I took PJ and Gil on a walkabout! We started in Administration. I stopped at desks and offices just saying hello, smiles greeted me everywhere. I liked that! Several women asked about my clothes, would they be appropriate for them.

I told each they would be hearing about dress but overall the rules would be loosened. How far was up to management and what was believed to be acceptable in an office setting. I said I wasn't trying to hedge but I didn't have any experience with dress codes and how to be fair.

Before I went downstairs I asked Raleigh about my outfit. He was standing beside his desk, I stood still.

"Fay, I think you look fine for ordinary work not for meeting people outside the company though."

I said I got that but it wouldn't offend or cause issues?

"We're going to go slow I think. I don't want to jump without considering all the possibilities mainly so we don't have to back track. That's never good."

Fist bumps!!

In Sports I sat on the side to watch a segment on the upcoming Major League Baseball All-star Game. I could get that it needed to be covered but what was the point? A mid-season rest? Recognition for the best of the best? It was an oddity to me much like American political conventions or the English football league scheduling around cup play and international matches.

On the News floor I hugged Megan between shows. She had become a celebrity in three days, the face of change at Fox. Every Fox viewer saw her and Roberta Chesney multiple times a day. There had been news pieces on her although we hadn't done any promotional work, just shoved her out there.

Reginé's numbers showed she was tweeted about a lot. Women seemed to like her understated looks and men thought she was hot!

Reginé's team had done great work! Our social media quotient was terrific! The New York Post video was still building big numbers. Multiple million likes and retweets!

Joseph had come from meeting with Kent and a producer. A beaming face!

"Miss Martin, they like my stuff so I'm to continue doing it. I've agreed it is to become Fox work product but no matter how it airs my name will be on it!"

I was happy for him! Interesting to see these things happen, rewarding!

I needed some exercise besides wandering the streets with Jaidee several times a day. Swim! Late afternoon was an exercise period in the pool so...

Gil and Tara with me. Tank suits wet from an extended swim, lots of laps, a towel around my neck...

`Nice ass!' spoken quietly behind me... I saw Tara move quickly...I swung around to see a paunchy middle-aged white man in saggy trunks and a towel with a pink eyed face being barred by Tara from leaving.

"Gil call the front desk, ask for a manager!"

"Yes Fay!"

"I'm sure you won't mind waiting for a manager?"

I motioned to him, he stopped trying to go around Tara which wasn't working for him anyway. He looked unhappy, I didn't care.

A man in the club's colours coming our way.

"Miss Martin... "

My name got Mr. saggy pants head to jerk up, eyes wide... "You?!?!"

I didn't bother to acknowledge the man.

I told the manager what the man had said and it was witnessed by my companions.

He looked at the fellow, then me, then back, "Mr. Carlson... right?"

Mr. saggy pants croaked out a yes, "Why would you do such a thing? Here or anywhere?"

A shaking head, mumbles then found his voice, "Miss I am deeply sorry to have spoken like that to you. I have no excuse... I'm really not like that! Very sorry."

The manager looked at me again.

"I don't want to pursue this any further but I do want it on record it happened."

The club man said yes, he would put it in the day log and in a note to the General Manager.

I turned to Mr. Carlson, "Although we are displaying our bodies when we swim it doesn't mean this is a meat rack! I hope any women members of your family are better treated."

I motioned to Tara, she moved aside with a look that said to me she wanted to thump him.

I nodded at her in agreement. The man scuttled away.

The manager thanked me for bringing it their attention and that nothing untoward had happened. I could see his eyes glance over at Tara. She looked fabulous in the tank suit, sleek, muscular and confident. He could see the coiled look! My cobra!

We had a laugh over that after the club fellow was gone. "Fay, a cobra? Maybe I need one tattooed on my bicep?"

I gave her a mock arm punch! She cringed holding like I'd done damage.

"I've heard about you and laptops and your kick so... "

I really laughed. Gil looked at us, I guess I'd never told her about that. She knew I'd been cut...

We stopped at Starbucks near 42nd Street for lattes and sat in the sun in Hudson River Park. I told the driver we'd meet him at the Leroy Street garage after he dropped us. It was just a few blocks down.

In the warm air I told Gil and Tara the story of the bust of the gangs in Bangkok, the cleaned up version. Then how Saul had gotten in the office disguised as delivery man. How he cut me and what happened to him. Gil winced a bit at my shoe slamming into his balls!

"Damn Fay! That man today ought to be glad you didn't... "

"I won't start anything with anyone unless they are already threatening me or mine!"

Tara flexed her arm, smiling, "Thet wants us to be very mindful of you and Cho's attitudes but still be proactive. My quick assessment of that guy was he wasn't up to much."

Fist bumps!

We walked down West Street to Leroy and the garage. I went in to see it, neither Cho or I had been around since it went fully operational. It looked good. Clean and orderly, the men smiling as the new fellows were intro'd to me by José our foreman.

I thanked them all for the hard work and how we appreciated how the cars operated perfectly and always looked so good!

I told the driver we'd walk over to Minetta Street. He grinned. We went down Leroy Street to Seventh Avenue, jogged over to Carmine Street to get to Sixth Avenue over Father Demo Square to Minetta Street.

We talked about the shops we passed and I met a girl with a kitten in a basket. She was going to a friend's house who had a new puppy to play. Cute!

The PR lawyers were coming up. They all took off their jackets and ties in the living room as I watched from the terrace laughing! We shook hands, big smiles.

"Miss Martin, you and Mr. Cho were smashing on the TV! After the press conference our phones lit up and tons of messages piles into our emails..." He turned to a junior, "How many?"

That fellow said by days end we had over three thousand new requests for interviews, endorsement and other things.

They could report there were still attempts to con or wheedle a way into their systems but their tech staff halted it all.

I looked to their tech fellow, huge grin, "You having fun with this?"

He lit up, "Miss Martin, it has been terrific to see how our systems work so well. You are indeed giving us the test of a lifetime!"

We did fist bumps!

We went over some of the more likely possible activities for Glaa and ourselves. Because of the twins coming we weren't going to do any interviews any time soon. Then it would be with major media players and a few smaller ones we liked.

No endorsements at all from us or Glaa. The animal sanctuary charities had been contacted about their requests and the firm was working with Monaco on when any filming might be done. I let them know the whole family was in Pleasant Valley for another week if one of the charities wanted to get a crew up there like REAL soon.

They'd be on that with the senior pointing to a junior who did a thumbs up.

We toasted with Newcastles!!!!

On the terrace I sat down alone staring at my iPhone and it's day long silence. I would never call Cho when he was playing so I'd have to wait but...

Roslyn had snacks!!! Salsa and several colours of corn tortilla chips, spicy guacamole... spicy and a Newcastle!!

Outside with the food on a table with Gil and Francis, we attacked! I was munching when I heard Cho's voice calling for me. I managed to get out of the chair before I was gobbled up in the strong brown arms!!

A KISS!!!!! The comm silence wasn't bad it was GOOD!!! Cho played the other Wingfoot course... a 66, six under par!! He bounced me but I warned him about my recent food intake...

On my feet, face in his chest, hugging! My golf Pro!!

In fact Cho had been invited to play in a Pro-Am tournament at Wingfoot in August! Sam's friend had supported his entry. So Cho would get to talk to real golf Pro's!! Damn!! Just like he wanted!!

Cho was jazzed about his day! I told him about mine in bed later. Things at Fox were good. We were both pleased. I'd communicated with our new Board, all good with them!!

My bit of fun when swimming, well... Cho was less happy about that but he was glad the River Front Club management had been involved and that I'd played it the way I did. And Tara had been sharp! KISSES!!!!!!

I was watching Jaidee run after his ball in the Leroy Street Dog Run! We found it yesterday near the garage! It was an eight block walk one way but no one was around at the early hour we went so Jaidee could run a bit crazy!! He loved it!

Tai was with us, just back from a few days off. I'd seen her at Fox on the news room floor sitting on the side as Megan worked. I hadn't disturbed her, their days off were too important and personal.

Tai was waiting for Jaidee and I in the entryway. We walked out she had a big grin, "Fay, you saw me at Fox didn't you?"

I said I had seen her across the news room. The smile stayed on, "Megan and I are seeing each other but low key."

I said it was fine with us. I went on with... "Megan is under some stress even though she is having fun. Any relaxation she gets is good."

I was grinning now! Tai hugged me.

On the way home we stopped at Molly's Cupcakes for the usual several dozen, mixed!

Going uptown with Cho holding my hand! At the Fox building we rode to the Administration floor. Time to sit with Bill for a review of our work in progress before we left for Bangkok.

We had a conference call on the App with all the investors/ aka the Board of Directors! Their names had been released to the press the day before yesterday. They had received lots of requests for interviews, etc... We had decided they should follow whatever media plan they liked just to be careful!

Funny they all had chosen not to open up! Pedro laughing, "Well, the news people aren't my friends so..." That seemed to be the general opinion. I got everyone to laugh out loud, "Well, if Fox News calls you need to answer!"

They all knew we were going to Bangkok for Eve and our babies birth! Well wishes from all. Bill shook our hands and we hugged! We were tight! He had the confidence of the Board and especially us.

We did go together through all the Fox floors saying goodbye and thanking everyone.

I made a point of publicly thanking Frank in Fox Sports and Dorothy and Joseph in News. I'd done an interview with Dorothy, it was in the can on hold for a short time because I discussed our babies but no release until they were born.

I wanted the News folks to see me with Joseph so they would understand we liked talented people even they were on occasion difficult and we would reward hard work.

My last thing to do before we left was to go the Board of Elections to drop my voter registration papers. It was only a few blocks from Minetta Street on Varick Street. I took Tara with me and Jaidee. We had a nice walk, the folks in the BOE office took my bits and I was good!

We were packed and off! Up to the Heliport. I leaned on Cho, "Should we rename it the Cho-Fay Heliport or the Fay-Cho?"

Cho had the idea to purchase it. He had Francis look at the numbers. It was barely making any profit, the owners eagerly took our offer. The staff was worried when we had a meeting, they didn't know bought them just a corporate name. Finding who we were brought smiles to their faces.

As Cho spoke to them I nudged Francis, "Are we giving you a varied enough work portfolio?"

A big smile, "Fay, I love this. Corporate takeovers, six o'clock in the morning elevator abductions, buying ship yards... I haven't ever had so much fun ever!"

"Good! Stick us we'll get you in more trouble!"

Smiling as Cho put out his hand to me. We shook hands with the staff. We told them no layoffs. We intended to build the traffic by letting our friends know we now owned it. Easy access from Mid-town and the West Side, right opposite the Hudson Yards projects!

As we lifted off for Newburgh I paid a bit more attention to the location. The Heliport was in a great location. For us it didn't have to make much money but turning a profit would be fine!

Captain Mira and crew were ready to go. Home to Bangkok! We were airborne shortly. An interesting feeling, The Project out in the open, we were a lot more public than ever. In horse racing we were still the big noise but that would wind down until Glaa was entered into his next race. No decision on that yet.

Now we would pull our necks in for a bit. Bangkok for a month or so. All our commitments could be handled long distance so we were good!

I was looking forward to speaking more Thai every day. I did with Cho and my Security team. That was so good to be able to communicate with a very low chance of being understood. Gil had worked on her's so we talked some in Thai but English for communications. Francis had gotten pretty good at being able to build sentences, he would have time to immerse himself. Maybe? Tara coming along nicely!

My tummy was ready for Amporn's cooking!! Time to work on the railroad layout!! Lots of things to do but the babies would be our first priority. We had a nurse, Tha, via Kanda, very highly recommended, also a wet nurse whose milk would support Eve's and give the babies some local body resistances. The house was prepared, Eve and Ku would stay with us for several months at least.

Phailin would be back from Singapore in a few days. Little Sukhon and her mom, Tona, were doing very well! Somsak, the proud daddy, had sent loads of snaps! Little Suki was a cutie!

I worked with Gil, Cho and I together with her and Francis talking events and business bits. Francis was going to Seattle in a week for another piece of business buying.

Our house in Magnolia was regularly buzzed by a tour helicopter company's aircraft. They supposedly were showing riders the Hiram Crittenden Shipping Locks but why was a big question. That can't be that big a deal to pay a hundred dollars to see?

We weren't being NIMBY's. It was dangerous to fly low and fast over residential areas. It left the pilot with little time in an emergency to find a spot to try to do an auto-rotate landing into. Close clustered houses, power wires, parked cars and narrow streets all over Magnolia and Queen Anne where the helicopters flew.

Also our Security didn't want tourist helicopters around the house hard to distinguish from someone wanting to do an evil deed. So I guess it was some NIMBY!

Cho wanted to buy the company outright and make routes for the tours over water where the views were spectacular or industrial areas avoiding densely populated areas altogether! He showed me on his iPad how simple it would be. Francis had done some research finding lots of complaints from tour takers saying they'd been shorted on time in the air. So the company already was a cheater. The Federal Aviation Administration didn't give a damn and wouldn't do anything to guide the tour company to better habits. Cho smiled at that!

"The folks at FAA are pilots so they always side with the owners of aircraft. It is a scandal no one wants to deal with for fear of the whinging!"

We used helicopters a lot but Cho had always demanded the routes be over water as much as possible or at higher altitudes to reduce the noise below and give the pilots some room to maneuver. So we'll own another piece of Seattle. Francis would check on the new boat too. Martha would take care of him!

Soka and Ban fed us wonderfully! Soup, prawns, veggies and rice. A nice fruit salad!

I was lying face down on the deck Jaidee's heaving chest against my side. Cho and I had been `exercising' him with a ball. Cho knelt next to us, we both got petted! Our little guy was such a happy camper, he traveled well. Always did his business in his box, great appetite and there was plenty of room to romp! Jaidee!

Sleep time! I was on the bed waiting for Cho smiling at Jaidee in his bed. The tail thumping as I told him how handsome he was! Cutie-pie!! Cho behind me, so warm and comfy. We bored holes in the sky and slept!

Ban was the early bird in the morning. His grin at seeing me with coffee and several empty cupcake shells. Jaidee had finished his breakfast and was slowly destroying a chew treat.

I would get eggs, veggie bacon, toast and fruit soon! Cho came out when Francis emerged, they both wanted the same! Gil sat beside me. A `just toast' got a look from me.

"I haven't exercised enough. I'm looking forward to the pool being right there!"

Me too! She was in for some trips to the stable!!

We did some work on Chanthira Foundation stuff. Coffee!!

Mira on the tannoy, "We are on approach. Forty five minutes to wheels down."

The helicopter glided onto the deck helipad from the river approach. It was cool to see the house from the air that close. Amporn and Niran our welcoming committee with Kiet and Achara. It was nice to be home!

It wasn't too early so I called Eve. She laughed, "I knew you would. I'm... we're fine! No seismic events yet."

I told her I'd visit in a while, she was good with that. I did a change to a navy mini-skirt from jeans and a cutoff white polo shirt, navy espadrilles and lightweight bra and panty pair, tiny ones!

Gil and I in the car with PJ, Tu behind the wheel with a smile. At Ku and Eve's big hugs. Her tummy was huge! The nine months was up in two days.

"So are you going to be on time or..."

Laughing, "These days I'm always on time but this is my first go `round. So... all bets are off!"

She and Ku were ready to move to ours tonight!! We talked for a while then I left so Eve could nap.

At the Railroad Building I checked in with Tono. He was doing fine. He could reach Eve or support in London for any issues! Fist Bumps!

A hug and kiss for Ku! "It's going to be fun sharing! I'm looking forward to Amporn's cooking!"

Kavnu came out for a hug. He was doing fine, Udorn was back part time so less work. Ni and his boys were terrific!

Upstairs Udorn was grinning so wide,

"My girls are wonderful! Mali Fay is so sweet! She sleeps very well, neither of the boys gave us much of a break."

He was so happy!!

I popped in to say hi to Sanjara. Cho was at a bank for meetings so I didn't stay.

We went over to the Chanthira Foundation office. Anong was good. Healthy and getting around just fine. Her stomach was getting to be a good size.

We talked about the schedule for clinic openings. A delay because of a problem with the new exterior paint not laying down on the metal surface surfaces properly. They were working on it.

Next stop was Reyna. She was back to work in the Red Cross office. Her swelling was almost totally gone, very minor now. She was moving around fine but going easy so as not to stir anything up!

"These plastics dicks are terrible!"

I laughed at that, "Well, keep at it! Is Thet `helping'?"

We giggled over her Yes!' And my keep at it' repeated!

I got to meet her boss, Ta, petite and athletic. Dynamic!

"Miss Martin, I have heard a lot about you. You have a good friend and admirer here!"

I hugged Reyna, "We are sisters!"

Ta smiling, "You and your husband are famous now."

I tilted my head to the side as I looked at her.

"You have the most famous horse in Thai history!"

I smiled at that, "Glaa is a wonderful boy."

I told them about the family reunion in New York. They loved the snaps and a video on my iPhone.

I heard Reyna talked a lot about riding. Ta had ridden as a girl but not since. I said to go over to the stables. "Try Carmen, she is sweet and easy to ride. I will call Anonk to let him know you might ride. He will take care of you."

Ta thanked me it was an intriguing idea. She had enjoyed riding.

On to see Ubon and her little Mali Fay! They were in their garden under their big banyan tree cuddled in a chair. Lovely! She was such a cute bundle. Ubon was close to being a grandmother! Their son and his wife we going to move in with them for a few months when their baby was born. Nurses and lots of family around to lower the burden on the young couple.

After a late lunch in the sun Gil joined me for some building of factories, stores and more for the train layout. We had a respectable number built now. We laid them out on the table on sites we'd chosen. We needed to work on certain kits now because The Railroad Model Train Club guys were coming over soon to do the wiring under the table for the lights in the buildings and other powered bits. We had water wheels up on the mountain slope with a sawmill and a gristmill, a draw bridge and road crossing hardware.

I did the sawmill, Gil the gristmill, Francis jumped to do several of the other powered things. He loved the layout, he'd had a train set as a boy. I told him he was welcome to contribute any time!

If he wanted to `run' the trains he'd have to take Cho's refresher course. That broke him up! We had good laughs and jokes about it!

Seeing how well Francis worked I got him to make a start on the train station and it's adjunct buildings. We'd share the roundhouse and all the utility bits for the working rail yard.

Cho was surprised at our progress when he arrived home. He joined us to make a start on one of the farms at the far end. The house, barns, stable, etcetera. I got some snaps of us around the work table and some by Amporn of all of us.

I was laughing at us doing this days from winning the Triple Crown of American Horse Racing and a huge corporate takeover. The laughter overcame the four of us.

We had a caravan to move Eve and Ku to ours. They would stay with us for a few months. We had a helicopter ready on twenty four call to take Eve to Bumrungrad Hospital given Bangkok's traffic.

Hugs and kisses in their suite. We all helped get them settled.

After Amporn's marvelous dinner I was in Cho's lap on the dark terrace. "The white horse you met up at the Rabam stables, SakChai, is to ship to Santa Anita soon. We should run him in several early two year races to see what he has. As a half-brother to Glaa and Hansa, he has shown the same speed and acceleration in training. His maiden win in his first start at the Royal Bangkok track we missed but you have seen the video. He was tremendous!"

He had stalked the leaders then blew past them at the top of the stretch like Glaa had so many times. SakChai's brilliant white was unusual and striking, he drew lots of attention. He'd possibly go up against his half-sister at some point!

I was lying in the sun beside Jaidee, the lawn was warm under us. We were hot from playing, running and having fun with a ball. A nice start for the day. June 26th.

Cho stuck his head out the kitchen doors, "FAY!"

Eve's water just broke and she was in labor for sure! The helicopter was enroute, her bag was carried out by Kiet. Cho, Ku and I accompanied her to the helicopter. Her obstetrician was already at the hospital, now getting things ready.

I had one hand, Ku the other. Cho watching. Eve was doing Okay, breathing right and smiling, "I'm glad it's started!"

We unloaded on the rooftop helipad and down to the Natural Birth Center. She was undressed and given an assessment by the doctor. She was very dilated. Into the bath with Eve! The doctor, his assistant and us three all watching Eve. She laughed, "Quite the show, HUH?"

We all laughed, the doctor's grin very wide, "Well, she is `well attended and in good spirits' that will be in my report!"

Eve in the labor bath was calm and doing great but things started to happen about thirty minutes in. Eve had done well in the bath but since she had twins a move to a bed was advised.

She had pain on her face and was pushing down as the first head appeared. It was the boy! He was out and crying very soon! The doctor waited for the umbilical cord to empty the last of its liquid to Chati then he clamped and cut the cord. He laid Chati on Eve's stomach to do an Apgar assessment. All good! Strong heart! Wrapped up after weighing and a cap on! Six pounds and ten ounces.

Chati in my arms and me in Cho's! Dark hair and brown eyes like his Dad!

Eve was working still no immediate entrance by our girl.

Eve made us laugh, "Come on honey!"

Eve was amazingly relaxed I thought! Maybe that helped?

After another twenty minutes our little girl began her entrance, slower but her emergence was steady. Her head... shoulders then boom she was out! Her crying was louder than her brother! Her vitals were also good! Cho had Chati, I was handed Chanthira! She was quiet, green eyes and light brown hair, not a lot but enough to tell.

Eve was lying back with a lopsided grin and some tears, Ku sitting next to her. While we had the kids as the doctor checked her out. No issues! She was tired, worn even though it hadn't a long labor, giving birth twice though and the nine months...

Cho in a chair with both the kids. I took over taking snaps from Ku. I got loads and was uploading them right away. It was ten o'clock so the folks in America would get them before bed time and the ones in England when they wake up!

I sat beside Eve, soft strokes on her face, "Thank you, Sister!"

The babies came back to Eve to see if they would feed after they got eye drops to prevent any possible bacterial infection.

They both were hungry and latched onto a nipple! Wow! They were naturals! It was strange to see them working on Eve's nipples... I had done that!

A few more tears but the smile was big, "I'm glad about this!"

I hugged her carefully! Ku had Eve's left hand against her cheek, her dark brown eyes glued to her love's face! Eve pulled Ku close, she stretched out beside Eve helping to hold a little nurser like me.

The doctor said both babies had excellent vitals, he was obviously pleased. It was an easy birth for him he said. A very healthy mother, the little ones in the correct position, zero complications!

A nurse came in with ID bands for the babies, Eve and Cho and I. All connected. Since they were nursing the nurse would wait for footprints but they couldn't leave the room until it was done.

We relaxed! The babies were happy to nurse, they were healthy, Eve was fine!

We let Eve sleep, the babies too after their feeding and footprints! It was calm and quiet in the room! The doctor said we should go out to relieve our pent up tension. `Take a walk or eat or...'

The three of us walked out the main door and around the corner to La Buca. An Italian restaurant! The starter antipasto was olives, artichokes, peppers and cheese. We shared two big crust pizzas, one was mega-cheese and the other had artichokes and chunks of tomato! Very Nice!!

They had a good wine selection but we decided not to indulge. The service was fast and good! Tiramisu at the end!! Delicious!! Ku grinning so wide loving the dessert!

On our walk back we went around the hospital to the Starbucks, lattes!

Ku was happy for us that everything was good. Even happier Eve was Okay!

I nudged her, "You will get her back!"

Ku hugged me, "Yes soon but it is not over yet."

We stayed around holding the babies when they were awake and not nursing. The doctor said Eve and the babies could probably go home tomorrow afternoon.

On the terrace in the lantern light we toasted Eve, Chanthira and Chati with a bottle of Tatinger's!

Jian, Andrea and Ting sent an emotional video wishing us and the babies well. Very sweet and tender congratulations! They were tip-top with Caroline being smashing!!

In the early morning I went to the hospital. Eve was awake, smiling, "The kids have nursed already! I'm feeling fine. Still tired even though it wasn't a long labor."

I said nine months was a long time with a kiss. I was holding Chati, Ku taking snaps. His face was like his dad's for sure! Ku got more pics when I held Chanthira. Her hair was definitely a light to medium brown and green eyes. Eve said her mom's eyes were green.

It was amazing to hold my daughter who came from such an unusual arrangement. A cutie... Wow... a huge yawn! I didn't stay long, they all needed to sleep! The doctor came by, he said they'd had a hearing test and it was normal!!

Cho would be here in the afternoon to do the pickup while I worried over the already perfect setup at home.

Between Amporn, Niran and Kiet with Achara the house was ready. Tha was settled in, the wet nurse too. She would come in every morning to feed the babies in the morning up to noon. Then Eve would take over and Tha would give them formula at night.

I'd read books but with no practical experience let Tha made up the schedule.

Cho called they had everyone loaded and were coming home. Yea!

Amporn had dinner in hand, I had Security alerted. The cars drove up the drive...

I took Chanthira from Ku, Tha took Chati from Cho. Cho and Ku helped Eve out, we all trooped inside to the nursery. The babies started out together in one bassinet. Tha organized everything so we could go out to the terrace. We parked Eve on a lounge with pillows and a Niran mango lassi! She was good.

We went back in just to look at the little ones. Cho encircled me with those strong brown arms, "Pretty good work by Eve!"

I nodded, I know I had a huge grin on my face. Tha looked over at us, she was grinning too.

"They are beautiful babies!!"

Jaidee got his first look from a distance. We'd let him get exposed gradually, new smells and sounds!

Our news had created a flood of texts, email and calls. Everyone thought they were gorgeous!! That did nothing to harm Cho's ego. Eve and Kay received equal time!! Kay said Chanthira looked like Sunny was she was born!!

We took time to talk about Sunny. She was to leave Seattle tomorrow for Harcourt House. One of the Gulfstream G650ER's was at SeaTac waiting for the morning departure. Kay was emotional but the separations of this past six months made it a bit easier. Kay knew Sunny would be well cared for all the time.

The dressage arena construction was started and the jumping equipment had arrived and been assembled into a layout under Charlotte's direction. We were good there!

Charlotte had the Equestrian Ventures folks coming back in a week or so to walk over the area we wanted to setup as the cross-country course. She'd be on to me then.

I responded to as many of our congratulations as possible before dinner then plowed forward afterwards!!

I got to sit with Chati and then Chanthira with a small formula bottle each. They drank their food right down. I caressed their exposed skin to give them feeling of my loving touch. I watched a diaper change and then did one. Easy enough at this stage... It was an experience I had never anticipated!

In the morning Sunny sent a text as the Gulfstream was taxiing at SeaTac "I love my new cousins!' "I'm so stoked abt this trip!!!!!!!!!!!!'

My replies I know you will' they'll be lucky to have you guys as family' `enjoy & work hard'

The last was `U bet!!!!'

Dad and Phailin came over to see the grandkids! Amazing smiles! They held the little ones for some time until Charlie decided to mess in his diaper. Phailin said Chani looked so much like Sunny when she was born. They hugged Eve, Phailin's smile, "They are beautiful!"

We had a schedule of a sort working the days that followed. Eve and the wet nurse fed the babies and they got bottles from Cho and I or Tha on the schedule. They got to be walked around some, rubbed, washed, changed, weighed, fed, caressed. We did little exercises like pretend bike riding and walking, moving their legs. All the non-feeding things took place while the sun was up to encourage them to work toward a day-night schedule.

The kids slept a lot!! All good!

We took lots of snaps and videos. We tried NOT to over-share. Ha!

We decided to stay with our babies rather go to the trophy presentation for the Kentucky Derby. We asked Ringgold to go with Monaco and Mike. We sent a message with him thanking everyone, saying it was an honour for us and that Glaa's success was a tribute to him and the great sport of thoroughbred racing!

Ring was pleased to represent us! He'd seen snaps of the babies, loved them and was thrilled for us! We asked him to come out to Bangkok. He could hop on the Gulfstream that would bring Francis home. It would snag him in Louisville with Monaco, pick up Francis in Seattle and wing its way here! He was in!

We worked on the model train layout, building all sorts of structures getting ready for the wiring. I loved watching Cho do the farms. He was quite the perfectionist putting the various farm buildings together and siting them.

We had the industrial area and the rail yard done between Gil and I with Francis' help before he flew off to Seattle. The roundhouse track layout was tricky but we got it all aligned finally. We could only test it manually since no trains were running yet but the engines rolled in and out easily.

The downtown would have hotels, businesses, offices, shops, government stuff like police station, fire department, post office, also restaurants AND an ice cream parlour!!!!

We had fun doing the buildings and arranging them on the table.

The guys from the Railroad model railroading club came by a week after the kids were born. There were loads of Aaaahhhh's and oooooohhhhhh's when they got to see Chani and Charlie.

They went to work! Amazing to watch them as I built houses! Gil and I stayed ahead of them for a few days. All our buildings lit up from the inside by fiber optic cables, the water wheels turning, street lights, switches. All the track was live!

There was one slide out drawer that had the master electrical panel where we could manage power by areas and groups. All nicely cross-wired. Then we had the drawer next to it that had all the power controls for the tracks. One of the guys said to put some things on a track.

I put a Santa Fe diesel engine and a few box cars on the close in track. He showed which controller to use... WEE it rolled away easily!! I let it go around the town towards the mountain end of the table edge then slowly approached the tunnel entrance...

He said go on so I let it go... it disappeared into the mountain... He showed me the correct switch to `throw' so when it emerged it headed into town!! So cool!!

Cho smiling and clapping! He took over for a run around the whole board! I added a few cars and a caboose! Zoom!! The club guys would make an descriptive overlay for the electrical panels and the controllers.

Some speed was applied, the engine and cars handled the curves with no problem. We'd done that part right! I did some `switching' with help so Cho could take it right into the rail yard. Fun! We could do things together.

Another drawer had a panel for special effects. We could make smoke from industrial chimneys, the street lights, level crossing signs and more.

There was still more wiring for the houses and farms to be done but it looked great in the dark. They even wired small lights into the table edge above the drawers so you see all the controls in the dark!! These guys were so great!!

I cornered Cho, "What can we do for them? The rent on their clubhouse is good but..."

He was grinning, "I fixed that already. I bought the building! We can let them stay in their part for free!"

Big Hug! Great idea! The next day was Saturday, we asked them if we could talk to them at their club. Cho and I standing with them all around told them they would be able stay here as long as they wanted rent free!

Cheers!! They hugged us and shook hands... jumping around, doing high fives with each other!! The president got everyone together, they bowed and formally thanked us. We bowed back saying how much we appreciated their work at our home.

Their layout was huge and intricate, we got a guided tour! For them it was part total fun and a proving ground for ideas. They great new uses for low power devices and fiber optics! A wonderful visit!

They were so thrilled to be able to spend all their money on equipment from now on!!

The Gulfstream with Francis, Monaco and Ringgold arrived at Don Mueang! I was on the terrace as the welcoming committee as the helicopter fluttered in. Cho was at the office for a short while.

Monaco and Ring got to meet the twins. Ring holding Charlie, "I never got around to this."

A bit of sadness in the background on that but he smiled, "We can't all do it."

They got to meet our friends and family at a cookout. Cho's kebabs and Amporn's goodies for the Crew and their families, Thoi and Kanda and Phailin. Dad had to go South for a few days.

Ring and Monaco were flying to the stables near Rabam tomorrow. A good look see and meet SakChai before he flies to California. Monaco wanted to have a talk with Chek about several of the yearlings.

I had Chani in my arms watching Amporn make dinner, she was quiet, those big eyes trying to focus on me!! She looked so cute in a little yellow knit hat! Cho took a pic, we sent it to Kay. She sent one back of Sunny as a two week old looking exactly the same!! It was forwarded on to Sunny. She answered in a short while after a break in her training.

If Chani was to be her double she'd be delighted!! `Go Girl!!'

In the morning Gil and I worked, Cho was on the phone, smiling, "Jud says hi! He and his wife love the baby pics and the boat is ready! He's done our list and run it out in testing. A-Okay!"

Big thumbs up!

We took the babes out to the terrace under umbrellas. They could feel the breeze on their skin. We let Jaidee come close, he gently nuzzled them with his nose, they were a puzzle to him but interesting. Charlie's hand was out stretched Jaidee licked it. Cute!

We kept a laptop in the playroom wired to the big TV streaming Fox channels. While we were doing things at the train layout we aimed the TV towards us. In the mornings we had another laptop in the kitchen. We liked what we saw! The news was clear and concise. The talk shows had debate without whining, crying and shouting! There were guests from all political persuasions, all willing to discuss. I watched one show about foreign policy, a somewhat nervous conservative guest came around to join in the discussion fully by the end!

I emailed Kent about it. He responded the fellow was someone he'd known for many years, intelligent and well educated writer but fearful of being labeled a conservative because he didn't want to be branded as a Fox type. He could never have been rightwing enough for the old Fox News. A good thing!

There had been a lot of complaining on social media about the changes at Fox but it was just braying donkeys. We weren't going back and all they had left was whining. With Fox being `fair and balanced' there was no media outlet for cranks and rightwing deadbeats, no place for their lying.

CNN still had some neo-fascists on their payroll to sort of balance themselves against the old Fox. We bet they'd be gone because there'd be no need for them.

Their plans for the political conventions would most likely change when they see our line-up! Same for the other networks! They wouldn't want to waste air-time on talking heads. Shorter coverage, no `buck me up' speeches, a lot of talk about what the party platforms are saying and what the politicians are saying about that!

Ooops! We were going to ask tough questions and dig for answers. I just knew we would be considered rude by the Republicans especially since they hadn't been pushed by the old Fox. A new day.

Cho agreed we should go to Philadelphia for a day or so. No way I was going to Cleveland! From there we'd stop in New York and a few days at Harcourt House! The babies were too young for travel, they'd only be a month. No need to push at the envelope!

I kept up with Reginé every day. We talked about our reception and response. The negatives had risen as we expected but our pushback had been immediate and strong. The numbers showed we were winning that fight. But it was ongoing... her team would be vigilant!

She was planning several campaigns we wanted start for certain topics to bring to the attention of people around the world. Human rights and animal rights! We share the planet so each person and creature should be given respect which meant more than lip-service!

She also said the rise of bots on twitter and facebook had to be watched. I asked her to start a new team just for that. Their remit would be suss out bots, make complaints to the websites, pushback against what they were saying by pushing the truth and exposing the bots as bots.

I told Reginé I would make a trip to San Francisco and Silicon Valley to see the heads of both twitter and facebook in person. We'd see what might come of that.

I put Gil onto setting up meetings. The co-CEO of 21st Century Fox had some heft why not use it!

She was grinning, "Righto Boss!" with a mock salute!

When Gil got back to me later, "Fay that was interesting. They were skeptical at first that I was acting for you. You have meetings as you wanted setup a week from today. Twitter in San Francisco at ten in the morning and facebook the next day at one o'clock in East Menlo Park."

Gill would do the planes with Kavat and cars, rooms at the Kensington Park Hotel on Post Street. We'd use one of the Gulfstream G650ER's then fly to Seattle to meet Cho, we'd have a 767 for the rest of the trip. The G650ER's were new to us, long range with sleeping accommodations and a bathroom with a tiny shower. My first trip with one, Sunny had used one to go to Harcourt House.

Cho had Ring and Monaco in the car ready to play golf, they'd pickup Rak on the way. Today the Bangkok Golf Club where Cho had one of his memberships.

Chani in my arms on the grass. She had on a sun bonnet, little pink ducks on a ribbon around the edge! Sweet! She was opening and closing her fists, exercising!! I sat on the grass with Jaidee, he rested his head on my leg looking at Chani. Her little arms waving, his eyes watching with a bemused look. Gil joined us with Charlie, his bonnet had dogs in blue.

I was all smiles, happiness. The month of June was going to be remembered for sure! Glaa, Fox and kids!! What a trifecta!

Later back to watching the last of the republican convention, trump gave a crap speech full bluster, threats, whinging and stupid lies. The aftermath was bloody with our commentators ripping him apart piece by piece. They pointed out dozens of falsehoods and factual fantasies! His insults towards various targets were ridiculed and the dark snotty tenor of his speech was thoroughly examined. No viewer could be in any doubt that Fox News wouldn't sugarcoat anything from him.

For Fox News this was a defining moment. The kid gloves were off for republicans!

`Fair and Balanced.' We asked tough questions, were dogged seeking appropriate responses not stupid lying answers!

If Hillary Clinton gave a foolish speech like that she get the same treatment.

Text from Cho was exploding stars and fireworks!!! Okay! I made sure we had Tatinger's chilled and plenty of Newcastle's so he could make a choice for a toast!

They came down the river and turned onto the dock helipad as I was going back in with Charlie, Tha had Chani. I handed Charlie to Gil.

Cho's face told me the tale without a text... A huge grin, ooof... I was hugged!

"Fay, it was a lovely day!"

That seemed tame. Monaco, Ring and Rak were grinning too. Rak shaking his head, "Fay it was more than lovely... spectacular really!"

It was decided to use Newcastles, we toasted a 63! Cho's lowest score ever! Cho holding my hand, "It was fun! The course isn't very long, I remembered it pretty well although I haven't played it in several years. A lot of short par fours which suit my new longer drives leaving me with chip shots to the green."

Ring patted Cho's back, "Fay, he was close to going two shots lower... just missing two putts."

Cho gave me a bit with how he played one hole, the 9th. It was a par five double dogleg, both legs were shallow. He was long off the tee well down the fairway.

"Most people play their second to the space in front of a big bunker before the green but I had a great lie so I pulled out my three wood and went for it. I struck it just right, it carried over the water to the green front and rolled above the pin. I had a chance for an eagle but the ball skimmed out the side of the hole and I had a tough five footer for a birdie!"

Monaco laughing, "You've got a great swing Cho! Smooth and easy, power coiled up and deadly on release!"

Ah! Maybe we should cobra tattoos?? Cho squeezing me at that!

"No, I do think it is an apt description of how I feel I am playing now."

He shook Monaco's hand!

Anong joined us for dinner. We were loud and happy! Rak had had a great day too, six over par so he broke eighty! Monaco and Ring did not do as well but neither had played much recently. They did enjoy the day out and the show Cho put on!

We spent loads of time with Chani and Charlie while they were awake and some just watching them sleep. Tha grinning said they were very good. The wet nurse was a curvy sweet lady so proud to be helping our little ones grow up. She understood the benefits to the babies of her milk. She often brought her daughter who was a sweetie always dressed in pink.

Work intruded into our idyllic time but we were in such a happy mood it didn't matter. Francis' work in Seattle was perfect. The former owners signed a non-compete agreement that had a five hundred mile limit from Boeing Field and a ten year lifespan. We owned a third helicopter company!

Flight rules were changed, the pilots given strict instructions about flight paths. From Francis, a few said they had done side trips to people's houses which had been appreciated... Francis gave them the perfect retort: was the noise and annoyance appreciated by the neighbors?

Each pilot had to sign a new employment agreement that explicitly stated they would be fired immediately if they deviated from the flight path at any time except when they declared an emergency. Black boxes, transponders and GPS devices were fitted so we'd know! The FAA was apprised of our changes and that the flight paths were fixed and the schedule of flights would be published every day online and in an email to them.

The pilots were also going to have to get certified on new helicopters since we wouldn't use the garbage aircraft in the inventory for long. Agusta models that were quieter and larger and SAFER were being readied. We had training setup for them and the mechanics. We had also hired some Agusta factory trained maintenance people.

The new manager Amarha had been recommended by Jud Judkins. She was a consultant to several companies on aircraft use and purchase. She lived aboard her boat which was serviced by Ballard Nautical. Amarha and Jud had become friendly as they liked talking `tech stuff.'

She had flown in the U.S. Army both transport and attack helicopters and had years of fixed-wing experience. Many thousands of hours of flight time in different aircraft, she even had time in the Agusta's we were buying, in fact recommended them.

We had spoken over the phone about the job. She would do it for a limited time while we found a permanent manager, we decided on a two year contract that would allow her to keep going with her consultancy.

The plan was for Cho to be in Seattle before me and meet Amarha. We'd do some things then be on the way to the Democratic convention in Philadelphia. Some time for boats and helicopters and traffic scanning!

We had the third generation of the video devices working in Seattle's Metro bus system. Helmut's boss and his boss had been on to Eric to license our software and hardware. We'd discuss it with Eric and decide if we wanted that rather than total control. I was in favor of sharing the device design since it was all generic parts and could be engineered without us but keep the software ours. The compression algorithm was valuable and we were using it in the transmission of traffic data.

We hadn't tried to patent the hardware's design but we did hold a copyright on the software. We'll see what everyone thinks.

I didn't want to go away from Chani and Charlie! So sweet! I loved being with them. It took me a while of hugging and kissing before I was out the door to the helicopter. Sad!

We transferred to the Gulfstream and were off right away. I settled in to work with Gil, PJ, Tai and Tara had down time. I certainly was safe when we were airborne.

Well out over the Pacific I slid out the bed and fell in. Six sleeping spots with curtains around them. I slept better than expected in the new bed. Showered, dressed as we made our approach to SFO. We taxied off 28R to a parking area on the east side of the field.

Down the steps the wind caught my dress but I was prepared. Pale yellow short sleeved mid-thigh dress, scoop front and back, black stockings and ankle boots. Cho's black onyx gifts and the tripe braided gold bracelet on my left. Small black leather bag with the DG on the clasp. The small leather case for my iPad from Jian and Ting.

A big car was waiting. We had a convoluted road out of the airport then a high flyover to the 101. All the way into town on the 101 to Van Ness Avenue then north to Market Street and two blocks to 10th Street.

Twitter's HQ. At the front there was an assistant to escort us up the the executive floor. I met Jack and two top executives in a conference room. They seemed wary I suppose because the reasons for the meeting had been left vague but they really couldn't refuse to see me. I liked that!

I started out throwing bombs... the bots on twitter were out of control! They needed to deal with the issue and right away before the election. Our research showed a big increase in traffic from eastern European sites. The trump account was the perfect example since more than half of his followers were fake accounts.

They were squirming their seats.

I said our Fox News division was already doing work on several pieces about bot' accounts on twitter and facebook. We had information that ad money from questionable sources was flowing in to buy time and space on their systems. The word Russia' was spoken!

They asked questions trying to find out how much we might know. Kent had sent me a lot of info so I knew a great deal about what we had. They didn't get much from me. I stonewalled them politely. I could see it was aggravating and that suited my purpose. They were on notice we knew a lot about the money flow and the ads all tied to `dummy' bot accounts.

After ninety minutes we called it good. It was all very polite. Gil gave me a look, she was laughing inside I could see it. Down the elevator, out to the car, it exploded once inside the car! We were laughing our heads off. PJ was restrained but he knew a good deal more than the twitter folks did. He'd read Kent's info!

"Fay, I know you wanted to bait them... do you think they will take it?"

Tara looking at my face, "PJ, I don't know but they have lots of questions now they didn't have before we arrived."

Fist bumps and smiles! On to the hotel. It was an overnight. Time for some fun!

The hotel people hadn't a clue who Miss Martin was! Then I showed up! The front desk woman recognized me because she was a horse racing fan! A flurry of activity but it calmed down when I talked to the manager. They were cool.

The woman on the desk asked if it was Okay to ask for my autograph. Whew, that's interesting. The manager was going to say something but I forestalled him, "Yes, I'll give it to you."

I signed a piece of hotel stationery for her. The manager did smile about it.

We had a suite with three bedrooms and a connecting double room. Tai and Tara together in the connector, we split the others.

We changed. Skinny black jeans, silvery cutoff top, my short black leather jacket, I stayed with the ankle boots and jewelry. Round red sunglasses! Out onto to Post Street going east, shopping!

I skipped Saks! If the flagship store on Fifth Avenue didn't do anything for me this one wouldn't! I was wearing the Tiffany horse so I made a turn into their store. Nothing serious, just a scan. AH! I did see earrings! They were Celtic geometric circles in silver. Okay! Boxed and bagged six of them each with a different pattern! Also a nice pair of green stones in silver surrounds. I got them for Sunny. They were quite close to the Gaspeite colour!

The Apple Store! I bought a pair of Beats in red for me and my four companions in any colour they wanted. I got a small HP inkjet printer/scanner that did AirPrint for the Gulfstream. They would have it delivered to the hotel.

Wandering... Nike, Zara, Gucci, Burberry, Hermes! I bought a pair of gloves at Hermes, soft pale gray leather! Maison Margiela had quirky clothes, interesting but I didn't want to spend too much time today. Another time maybe, they had stores on Manhattan.

Escada looked like it could be good but another day. They had stores in New York too.

I was hungry! It seemed like a common thing amongst my troops! I steered us out onto Geary Street aimed west. Three blocks down... David's Delicatessen!! I'd found it on earlier trips to San Francisco!

Lox and bagels for me. Poppy seed, two kinds of potato salad, Dr. Browns Cream Soda! Red pepper slices, red onion, tomato, capers, lovely cream cheese and lightly toasted bagel!! Yes! The others had a variety of meals, they were chowing down like me! Smiles!

Cheesecake for after!

We had a reservation for Scoma's tonight at eight so my tank was full for now. We wandered about more exercise than anything else. The hotel had cookies and sherry in the lobby when we made it back. I was up for that! Not too many cookies I intended to be very naughty tonight! We hung out for a short time.

The manager had the printer at the desk, they would hold it until morning.

For dinner no change because it was a casual place. We were dropped at Scoma's door. We went straight to the table tucked in a corner. I let everyone know that the food was superb here and I was diving in deep. Laughter!

Lobster Bisque, a bowl! Then a Caprese Salad. Anchor Steam beer!!!! Petrale Doré, local sole. Parmesan Polenta as a side. Another beer!

Cappuccino at the end because I had plans!!

We met the car at Jones and Beach Streets after a short walk around Fisherman's Terminal, I asked him to use Powell down to Sutter where he could drop us as the end of the night for him.

Everyone wondering until I led them to Lori's Diner. We slid into a booth. A coffee milkshake!!! Each of us got something different. The Oreo shake, Orange Dream, Chocolate ice cream soda and a root beer float! We sat slurping! Smiling!

In the living room of the suite we sat stuffed and happy. I had several dozen new snaps of Chani and Charlie from Cho to share. So gorgeous!

No need for an early rise for facebook it wasn't until afternoon. The car at the door... down the 101 to Menlo Park. facebook's big new building all very California. Up to Mark's office floor then out in the sun at my suggestion which they were good with!

The meeting went much the same as twitter. Of course they each didn't know about the other meeting from me. The facebook folk tried pushing back more but I knew we had the bigger pulpit no matter how many users they had. They knew it too!

I didn't leave them with any doubts about our doing the research on the bots, the money and the source of it. They had the choices. As with twitter it was all very dignified and civil... No threats just a frank discussion.

They'd watched the Fox facebook pages change. Not so much on Sports or Entertainment but the News...WOW! They also seen how our ad sales had jumped enormously as had our Nielsen ratings!!

A lot of unstated power. I let it remain as a backdrop. A cordial ending. In the car there wasn't the same laughter but more a sense of how I played it... understated, almost coiled.

Gil got it, "They realize that the new Fox has strong claws."

I nodded at that!

Laughing I turned to Tara, "Maybe I should get a cobra or fox tattoo!"

Another run on 101 back to SFO. The Gulfstream was ready, warmed up. We were in the taxi queue right away. It wasn't long before Paulette said `we're next' over the loudspeaker. The turn and rushing down the tarmac! Seattle! Cho would be there the day after next!

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Next: Chapter 49

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