
By A becker

Published on May 11, 2019



Theodore leaned back in the chair, "We want to take over this..."

He turned to me, "Is that a problem?"

I looked at our folks, they seemed fine with that. I told him we would provide everything to him including maintaining our operation until they were ready to take control.

He stood up asking for a safe room to phone from. Eve put him in her office.

I asked our team if they were really good with this. They said it wasn't their life's work and definitely outside their remit. Fist bumps all around. Eve's grin got us all.

Moses laughing, "It's not like we haven't had fun! Their security is pretty lax. And the excitement of going through all their stuff is terrific, like being a voyeur without any guilt!"

Fist bump!!!


Moses was a Russian speaker from his grandparents and Oleg's family had arrived in London after the 1917 revolutionary chaos in St. Petersburg. So listening to the russians talk hadn't been a problem.

"He's in the monitor room now watching, we have been trading breaks. These guys are Russian intelligence agents, all of them. We..." he motioned to Kelela, "... we know they're GRU, military intelligence."

I asked why. They said at several points the workers stood to attention, some uniforms and... smiles... an ID card they could zoom a camera in on. They had the boss' full name, his rank, the ID card number. His unit was ID'd.

They had reviewed past video from these same cameras, hours of boring footage but at no point had they seen any of the camera's zoom in. The Russians may not be aware of that capability in the equipment.

Kelela said they had only zoomed in once to get the ID card but if the video is ever reviewed by the Russians they might see that. Then if they're any more than half-assed it should throw up a marker to them. If that happens they may get investigate their cameras and maybe more.

They would see that an administrator zoomed the camera from the browser control page, if the boss is viewing he will see the ID card as we did. Wondering why his ID was viewed knowing it wasn't him and ask a lot of questions but if it's an ordinary staffer he'll probably think it was the boss checking things out and not say a thing.

Kelela smiled, "At that point it's the NSA's baby."

Fist bumps.

Theodore came back in, "We'll have a team here tomorrow morning. If you will give them the same briefing, copies of your data to date and all the necessaries to take over we'll be very happy. They'll go over the logistics and timing of the takeover."

I did say to Theodore in light of what Cho said, we'd appreciate our name being kept out of it. He was fine with that.

"Everything about this is going to be very narrowly held. Right now the President and one of her close aides knows since you brought it to her. My boss in Counter Intelligence knows, no one else at NSA is in on it yet. I will tell Director myself today when I'm back at Ft. Meade. The team I will send are top drawer who have many secrets in their heads and are absolutely reliable. Any leak at all will blow this. That is not what we want."

I got Moses to tell Theodore about the zoom issue. He immediately asked how saved video was handled. Moses told him.

I could see Moses' face and grin, "Well if it were up to me..." Theodore smiling and waved him on, "...I'd make some `interference' appear for those few seconds and save the file back with the log info appropriately set to the original date and time."

Theodore's smile was broad, he did a handshake with Moses.

I had to laugh at the Russians. They were so busy trying to do something to us that failed to be aware of their own systems failings. Their overweening pride made them sloppy. I doubt if they ever even looked at any of their own video surveillance footage.

I was happy the NSA wanted to take this on. I didn't want us involved any further. We told Theodore if we had any other similar events we'd bring them in right away. All good.

I went into Eve's office to email Hillary. I brought her up to date. She came back right away with thanks for what we did. `Talk later'

Theodore had called Ft. Meade, they authorized a Cho-Fay Air AW139 landing on their helipad. A car took Theodore to the Heliport, he was off to Maryland. He was very grateful for the lift! It was only a forty minute flight.

I'd give it all to Cho soon. I sat with Eve.

"Who on your staff knows?"

She gave me two names past who I already knew. Eve said like everyone in the Computer Centre they were vetted carefully by our Security and London. Oleg and one other had come from Jared's team. She was confident of our security.

I told Eve I would tell Eric myself.

The folks arriving from London would be put on creating a series of VM's that Moses' team would then use. I asked Eve to put in new fiber optic connections to keep this separate from the the rest of the Centre.

I told Eve I'd take Kelela's team to lunch when I was back in the city as a thank you and she should make sure they get compensatory time off. Thumbs up!

I went up to see Tai. She was smiling, the office had been de-papered! The two women's shelter groups had come to collect all the magazines after she was done with them.

I asked her to look for stories in any national press outlets about hackers attacking large corporations in America or Western Europe. Especially if they attackers were found to be russian. Okay!

I was collecting `secrets' of a different order than what Cho and I had fun keeping silent about. I couldn't think of anyone other than Eric who should know right now. I called London.

Eric got it all. He was glad the NSA was taking over `we didn't need the headache or overhead costs.' He approved of my actions and was glad we were building the defenses. He had a good opinion of Oleg's skills.

I let him know our Security person here, Petra, had been told. Kelela and Moses were going to do a briefing for a few of our Security folks coming from Bangkok. Kora was leading the team!!

Eric's ladies were all doing well, Ba was great, Pinky was cute. They had settled in very well.

I texted Cho to see where he was. He'd been in a meeting with Sam on a few properties here in the city. He was free now!

Lunch? >>meet me at 21?<< Cho was in, a big thumbs up!. Pell drove us up Sixth Avenue to Fifty Second Street, PJ led me out of the car. Ken behind me had to stop a paparazzo from getting too close. The Manager was used to Gil's calls now. We had our usual tables. I let him know Cho was coming shortly.

I asked for a dry Martini, to start... the crab then a Caesar salad with anchovies, the ravioli with the mushroom side dish. The apple tart and espresso at the tail end.

A few people stopped by the table to say hello. I didn't know them but they were polite, pleasant and brief. Fine.

Cho! He was escorted in I got up for a hug and kiss! This was new for Ken and Penny, PJ and Rande were old-timers. I could see the newbies doing some looking around. There was so much on the ceiling to take in easily.

Everyone ordered and we sipped beverages. I whispered to Cho I had a good story to tell. He squeezed my thigh!

A good lunch. On the way out the Manager smiling said that Mr. Trump hadn't returned since the election. The way it was spoken told me the gentleman wasn't missed. Cho got a laugh as we walked out to the car. A few snaps by paparazzi and we were away.

Going up in the lift from the Fox Tower basement I hugged Cho tight. In the office we used I sat him down to tell my tale of the day. I had his attention. He asked a few questions and at the end I was kissed.

"You did good! I like you sending Theodore off that way. A nice touch."

I was grinning, "Anything to hurry along the process. I'll be back here in the morning, by noon I want to be home spending time with the Twins." Kiss!

We left after meeting with Bill and the department heads. They each gave a précis of their units and we discussed directions for the next six months. We were a pretty loose and happy group.

On my tummy in the Nursery facing the brown eyes of my son! Wow! What a cutie this guy is! He was making all sorts of sounds then did a rollover when his dad came up from behind. He stuck his arms out to Cho who lifted him up. Tha had changed Chani I sat up to take her.

Green eyes on mine. Chani put an arm on my neck squeezing. I told her she was a beautiful girl in several languages finishing with Thai. Lots of hugging.

Tha had dinner ready for them, we did the feeding. Cereal was terrific, peas too! Carrots were yummy! A big hit! Tha grinning as she told us every baby she'd nursed loved carrots.

So cute of Charlie to pat his hands on the highchair tray wanting more! The rows of little teeth in his big smile! Cho being funny zooming the spoon around on its approach to his eager mouth!

Roslyn working on our dinner laughing in the background.

I took Jaidee out in the morning with PJ, the guy under the big coat and knit hat, Tara too! Cold! We had a long walk Jaidee and I needed the exercise. Our reward was fluffy omelets from Roslyn with steaming potatoes and piles of toast! Coffee!

Black jeans, tight, cut-off t-shirt, red and black checked flannel shirt, ankle boots, silver bits and `Joy' and I was off to the Fox Tower. Ken and Tessa with Gil and me. Up from the garage we stopped on the 21st Century Fox Admin floor. A quick word with Bill and then to the Computer Centre.

Gary called he was coming up with three folks from down south. Cute!

I met the NSA team in Eve's office. Two men and a woman who were described by Theodore as among the very best!

They were a bit more than mildly surprised to see me. The lead stammered a bit in greeting me. Okay!

I gave them over to Kelela and Moses. We used a conference room, Ken and Tessa on the inside which at first bothered the NSA people. I told them they would stay which ended the discussion.

The newcomers were surprised by our folks level of sophistication then settled into admiration at the skill used to discover, track, block and then turn to penetration. Moses had some video and snaps of the russian site, the ID badge got a good laugh.

They `got' the possible trouble with the zoomed video. They wondered about the russians not using the capabilities of their cameras as we had but would go in to muddy up the video file with the original time and date location information.

We moved them to the computer room being used for this event. Oleg was listening to a telephone call by the boss' to a superior... when it ended he said we' would have a visit from the general tomorrow. Laughs from us!

I left them to get on with the exchange of info. Our folks had lots of printed material, character portraits of the top russians, work habits, schedules... so much! They had been diligent and detailed in everything they had done on this! Superb!

I told Antra we'd be headed to Bangkok soon.

She smiled, "I miss the warmth but New York is so exciting!" Fist bump!

I gave Eve a kiss and hug. We would talk but not see each other until Bangkok on the way to Phuket. I told her I was thinking of some way to reward the team besides a glorious lunch. A kiss!

Back to Minetta Street and the Twins! We played, read, talked, fed, cuddled and kissed those two cuties! They would go to Los Angeles later today. Tara and Ro were their protectors.

Cho asked why those two. They were ones who Jaidee enjoyed the most and he was going with the Twins. I didn't want to coop him up on the 767. He'd have the beach to dig in! A kiss for good decision-making!

Damn! It was a wrench to watch the cars drive away from our doorway. Now no Twins or Jaidee! Poo! Cho holding me tight was a balm for my sadness! Only two days.

Francis went with them to work on several projects in Los Angeles. He and Ali were deciding on where to get married.

In the morning light it was quite cold on the open spaces of the tarmac at Newburgh. Up the stairs, getting settled in and the whine of the engines all part of the scene. We were powering down the runaway soon after. Two hours or so to Miami-Opa-Locka Airport.

Stephanie at the controls put her foot down to make it a fast trip. I was going to be on board with Gil all day until the Pegasus World Cup in the late afternoon. We spread out after breakfast.

I wanted to be completely caught up then have time to work my notes about things I'd been thinking on during the holidays. I read reports and reports, drank coffee, emails, texts, coffee, made calls.

Cho broke the monotony pulling me into our suite as he changed for golf. Well a naked Cho always raised my temperature!! I got to kiss that gorgeous cock!! Some licking too before some horrible underwear covered it up. POO!!

He did look awfully fine in navy slacks and a sea green Polo shirt. HHHHHMMMMM I wonder who was smart enough to have bought that shirt. I got a big kiss for reminding him it was me!

I waved goodbye from the top of the stairs. Cho would meet Javier at the Doral where he is a member to play the Blue Monster. I asked why the name... a lot of water and yardage! Okay! He had Rande and Ansara with him.

Back to work until Ban and Soka signaled lunch. We cleared the table of our `junk' and sat down to red chile shrimp, sweet rice, spring rolls and a huge fruit platter! Tasty!

After I got all our Protection Team to sit and talk. How's it going, was I doing anything to make their job difficult, did they need anything? They were looking at each other until PJ grinned, "We are good! You and Cho are great!" Okay.

"I like to be thought of as perfect! Thanks for that!"

Laughter all around. They all said everything was good so I believed them.

I dressed for the track. A white short sleeved dress with navy blue vertical stripes, navy stockings and heels. A white wide brim white Spanish Equestrian hat with a navy ribbon around the crown and over the edge at the back. Navy linen gloves and bag. Gold jewellery and red nails and lips! Oh yes!

I was relaxing with a report from New Guinea on the north shore improvement activities when Cho returned. A huge grin!

"I'll tell you later but the course is owned by Trump and I had a terrific day!"

He did the shower and change thing emerging in a tan suit, pale blue shirt and a navy tie. The shoes were that lovely warm chestnut brown! Gold horses running on his cuffs!

PJ, Ken, Penny and Ansara were looking very sporty and chic! Off to the race!

The car took us north to Hallandale and Gulfstream Park. We circled around the complex, lots of stores and restaurants to the barn entry gate. Right past the massive Pegasus statue, huge!

The security men there were expecting us. They told the driver to go left then the first right down three barns.

It was easy to find as there was a Ringgold standing in the sun. Hugs and kisses from me! Monaco came out, more of the same for him. We got to visit with IrishRainbow. He was calm and made little happy sounds as we petted him.

We headed so not to bug' anyone. Over to the clubhouse on Seabiscuit Trail stopping under the portico. A track official was there to greet us and we were escorted to the White Room' above to the right of the finish line.

It had nice comfortable looking chairs and sofas, a balcony looking down on the track. There were canapes, fruit and miscellaneous baked items, drinks to choose from in the refrigerator. A computerized betting unit that looked hungry. I wasn't going to feed it.

We had about an hour before the start. A race had just finished as we arrived. Another to go then ours.

I sat with Cho to get his round history. He had beer, me some water for now.

Cho laughing, "I was so loose on the first tee, it's a long hole. I hit a big drive over 330 yards leaving me a good lie, I used a three wood and got all of it, the ball landed on grass before the green and bounded up the green and rolled up toward the hole stopping 8ft short. An easy uphill putt for an eagle.

I birdied the second, third, fourth and fifth then a couple of pars.

The eighth is another long par five. A big drive near the left side water, a four iron to green front leaving me a thirty five footer for eagle which didn't drop so a birdie. Number nine a par three I hit the flag leaving me a four footer and another birdie so I was eight under on the front nine.

Cho was grinning, "It is an Okay course. I would make some changes but another day for that."

He had been quite composed telling me how he smashed up the front nine on Trump's golf course.

"You should have seen Javier and his two friends... slack jawed. They're good players, scratch golfers. A lot of head shaking by his buddies but George in Los Angeles told Javier about my game which is why he wanted me to play here. Javier and I have known each other for about nine or ten years but never played together."

A smile, "At the start they were going to do some betting but I discouraged them from including me.

The tenth is one more long par five, I hit big drive carrying over the water with several big hops stopping near rough short of third bunker probably three hundred and forty yards. The drive gave me a great angle towards the green I could see the whole length of it. I chose a two iron and hit it like a rocket right at the center of the green. It took three big bounces and rolled to stop six feet to the left of the pin. An eagle!

A par on eleven. The twelfth is yet another huge par five. I hit another monster drive just short of left sand trap leaving me two hundred and forty yards to the green. There's an opening between sand traps at the green front so I aimed for that. A three wood gave me one bounce to land on the green twelve feet from the hole but I missed the putt to the right and tapped in a birdie.

I was a bit miffed with myself over the putt. The next three were all pars.

I was back on fire with the sixteenth. My drive carried over a huge sandtrap in the fairway to the green front about five yards from the green so I chipped it and it went in for an eagle.

Seventeen was a par. Eighteenth I stroked a long drive into a sweet spot near a fairway bunker then an easy eight iron to the green. It landed behind the hole and drew back to hit the flag and bounce off three feet. Birdie to end my day at fourteen under. A 58! Which is a new course record!!!"

WOW! I jumped into his lap... KISS!

"Oh my professional golfer, you've shoved it up trump's nose!!!"

Cho was laughing, "He'll walk into his club to see my name on the Leaderboard at the top! Terrific!"

Gil broke in with the news the Pegasus World Cup was announced. We got up to see the post parade. IrishRainbow looking handsome. Dom on his back our green and yellow silks glistening in the sun.

This race was a mile and eighth for four year olds and up. This inaugural race had a twelve million dollar purse. So our boy was running for big money. Several of his opponents he'd raced against already. Two had finished ahead of him in the Kentucky Derby, two other behind him at the Preakness. None had tried the Belmont and he had beaten all of them in the Breeder's Cup.

My glasses caught him walking calmly into the chute... Clang and they were moving. They came down the straight towards us on the balcony. Three horses abreast with IrishRainbow on the outside into the turn. As they went through the turn I watched our guy change leads smoothly gaining ground doing so.

On the back straight IrishRainbow began to pull away, three lengths then five by the turn for home. The silky lead changes into and out of the turn left him seven lengths clear and heading down the stretch blazing along. He looked magnificent!

Dom was hand riding letting IrishRainbow run. Our colt poured it on! He was having a blast running as hard as he wanted, Dom was mildly encouraging him.

He was ten lengths ahead crossing the finish line. The sun on his beautiful brown body was fabulous. 1:46.83, a new track record!

Boy did this horse justify putting him on a different path from Glaa. He was going into the record books really making a name for himself. We were proud of the work of the horse, Monaco and Dom and the whole staff. He had been prepped perfectly.

As he came down the stretch I had a hand of Cho's and Monaco's with Ringgold behind me holding my shoulders. We celebrated. After Cho's kiss I turned to Monaco, my hands on his upper arms, "You deserve a lot of credit for re-making IrishRainbow. I watched him change leads, accelerate smoothly and run with power easily."

His eyes were bright, "He's a fine runner, eager and willing so it was easy."

"Don't sell yourself short. He wasn't like..." my arm waving towards the track, "that... in Kentucky."

Hug! I got a big hug from Ringgold as Cho and Monaco hugged.

A track official was at the suite door to lead us down to the winner's circle. Our high spirits continued on the walk. As we emerged from the building on the stairs there was cheering!

IrishRainbow came up the track to more cheering, Dom raised his helmet to a surge in cheers! Cho went in to accept the trophy. Loads of smiles all around, congratulations from folks nearby!

We headed down along the track on foot to the barn. It was a bit of a hike but it felt good to move my legs. May was with us, her family too. At the barn we got everyone introduced. Dom came in from weighing for a kiss with May then she left.

Dom shook hands all around! He was in for his ten percent share of the Seven Million Dollars we had just won. Monaco and all the staff would get their usual percentage share which would be huge for them!

Hugs and kisses all around before we walked to the car. On the 767 we opened some Taittingers to toast horse, rider and trainer. It was great to hold Cho tight to kiss our success.

He squeezed me, "Ah... please take some credit because you made it happen! And this time it wasn't my doing after you got the idea... this was you! Also it was you that set IrishRainbow on his own path away from Glaa. See how you think ahead!"

I got another kiss and Cho raised his glass to me. It did feel good. IrishRainbow had made us proud... Us!

Tomorrow was May and Dom's day!

Smiling across the 767 lounge at Cho. He made a twirling motion. I spun around twice.

"Very nice!"

A canary yellow short sleeved dress with circle skirt. Cornflower blue belt, stockings and shoes. Blue bag and gold jewellery. I did red nails and lips. Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes dabbed by my man.

May said she wanted everyone to wear bright colours! So I was contributing! Cho in a navy suit, white shirt and the Harcourt Racing yellow silk tie.

St. Eligius' Catholic Church was cute, surrounded by palms near the Hialeah Canal. We were seated at our request at the right rear away from the center of activity.

Dom came over we hugged and kissed. He was beaming, a bit nervous but May was the woman for him!

May entered looking wonderful. A lovely veil going down behind a gorgeous full skirted ankle length dress. The organ missed a beat or two, we found out it was her aunt slightly overcome seeing her in the aisle.

It was a Catholic service but not drawn out. They came down the aisle shining faces. May saw us and waved. Cho did a thumbs up! They went around the back to the office to sign their documents as the crowd gathered on the church steps to greet the couple and throw rice.

We slipped out the rear after a quick kiss for May. Our car in the rear parking lot. A short drive to Dom's family restaurant and dance ballroom on East 49th Street for the reception.

The family had run this business for decades. Dom's father had chosen to work with horses, Dom had followed his father but riding instead of grooming. The uncles and cousins had gone into food and the whole tribe loved to dance. They put them together and were a success.

I had a club soda and lime off to the side as everyone waited for the newlyweds to get it started. Cho talking with several of the men. May's mother joined me. She was glad we came.

"Dom talks about you two a lot. He is very happy riding for you."

I squeezed her hand, "We like his skill on a horse. We like winning too!"

Her eyes big when she exclaimed about his winning share, "Oh my it means they can start with much financial support. It is so good for them."

Almara smiling, "He told us about meeting you after being so mad at the trainer in Kentucky... He was so upset even May couldn't calm him, she usually can but you did! You gave him a big boost taking the horse in and having Mr. Monaco work him. Ah... Dom told May it was a new day!"

The band was ready so Dom led May out for the first dance. A waltz! They made a few circuits of the big floor before waving everyone on. Cho led me out, a happy face! As always we enjoyed ourselves. Swirling around smoothly completely at ease in each other's arms.

We were next to Dom's father and mother, Cho winked at me and asked to change partners. A big yes! Dom's dad may have been a groom not professional dancer but his feet were light and he was a good leader. We swung about until the second tune was over. I could see Dom's mom's face, a big smile.

They marveled at our dancing. I told them the `first date' story.

May's father and mother joined us and Cho asked her to dance. They were off. I took her dad's offered hand, we spun around. He was a good dancer too. We enjoyed two dances before I wanted to get a drink.

I was offered anything I wanted by Dom's uncle at the bar but I stayed with the club soda and lime. I passed on the straw. I wandered the big room, Cho dancing some more. I got to May, her bridesmaids, cousins and friends all in a clutch. She intro'd me as Dom's horse owner. They were nice then several recognized me. I said hi to them all.

I smiled saying I needed to talk briefly with May and guided her away. I said we'd be leaving soon but the wedding had been lovely, a few other things before a big hug and I hoped to see her in Los Angeles.

They were off for a week to Costa Rica. A beach house belonging to the family. Cheers and a kiss. Dom hugging Cho was great! He'd come a long way with us. We said goodbye to the families.

Cho was ready so we collected our crowd and slipped away. Straight to the 767 and off quickly! Pedal down for Santa Monica! The Twins and Jaidee!

When the lift door opened Jaidee was sitting there waiting! He went into over-drive, wiggling, licking and tail wagging! A delirious welcome! The twins on the carpet in their room making noises and waving. I gobbled up my daughter, Cho his son.

We hugged and kissed and rubbed them a bunch before swapping! Chani's eyes so bright then I looked into the dark pools of Charlie's like his dad! Tha said they were great! Eating like little horses, all's well at the opposite end! So far all the solid food choices had been fine!

Dolores smiling greeting us. Dinner in a half an hour. Tara was here she'd was just back from a walk with Jaidee so no worries there. I stayed in jeans and cardigan parking my butt in the kitchen booth.

Marinated shrimp kebabs with tomatoes, onion, peppers and squash on the spears! A nice teriyaki marinate. Fried rice with bok choy and broccoli! Spring rolls! Yea! Ice cream, coffee or vanilla or both with sprinkles!!

We were all together, Cho and I, Gil and Francis around the fireplace in chairs and sofas. Afters! Espresso and Amaretto! Francis said the property we wanted to the northwest of the Topanga Canyon ranch was ours. It was partly forested on a several small hills, a small valley and a swath of level ground attached to the ranch property line.

Francis had already contracted with a local company to do brush clearance as a fire break on part of the level area. Leslie's folks already had the sensors and cameras in on the other boundaries and a team would do it on the new addition right away. The sensors were new multiple function devices. They picked up movement, reported its size, direction and gait also did heat sensing. The outer ring was setup to warn about fire.

Half of the big double garage building was the Security office, upstairs was an apartment for the Security staff to use. Two bedrooms, kitchen/sitting room, etc... A ladder was being put on the side of the garage so it was an easy climb to the roof as a watch post for fire.

There was a small two bedroom house near the stables for a live-in stable person. Fully equipped.

"The main house is nice but you'll see it tomorrow. Leslie has folks on the premises fulltime and a woman named Vivian will do the stables. She was hired via Monaco and seems very pleasant. Four horses from John Glass and Shelia's family in Rialto are already there. I saw them from a distance so not much on that. Vivian has papers for all four for you. She's organized tack for the horses, has a hay and grain supplier. I have someone coming to build a wading pool for the Twins."

Fist bump!

I hugged Cho from behind as he did his teeth. I liked his warm body! My breasts on his back oooooohhhhhh!!

We gave Jaidee one of our patented body rubs which reduces him to a puddle of brown fur between us. So sweet! Cho carried him to bed. He was zoned out. I was too very shortly afterwards.

In trackies and trainers I had Jaidee on his lead crossing the sand. Tessa with me, one of Leslie's folks trailing. My guy did business and got to dig for a while. No one around at that early hour so I let him go to it! Jaidee lifted his head out of his hole when I spoke one word...'breakfast?'

Okay! He was in for that! We filled in his diggings. He was prancing along home.

Dolores was ready to do a mass production of French Toast for us and was hard at it as Jaidee dove into his food.

Warm fried bread, maple syrup smearing the oozing butter!! Terrific stuff. We all had smiles and big thanks to Dolores. She was grinning waving her magic spatula.

Topanga Canyon. Levi skinny jeans and crop T, flannel shirt over that all in black. Riding half boots and a black jean jacket with a brown leather collar. Gloves and one of my Spanish Equestrian helmets.

We loaded two cars for the drive. North into Santa Monica then on the Pacific Coast Highway along the water. It wasn't far to Topanga Canyon Boulevard to the right going uphill, winding through the hills. We took a left onto Old Topanga Canyon Road for about half a mile then the ranch drive was on the left.

In about two hundred yards, the house on a small rise. A long ranch style home with a peaked roof off-set to the left. The bedrooms to the right from the main hallway which went right through to the terrace. The main room opened to the left of the entryway. The peaked roof was the ceiling of that room, it had a view to the east across the hills, Santa Monica Bay in the distance. To the west was a wall of big windows and a double door to the flagged terrace giving a look at the distant forested hills.

The dining room and kitchen were beyond the main room. The dining room was the width of the house with doors to the terrace. Its fireplace shared the flue with the living room one. Big stone hearths with wide mantels. The kitchen was quite modern, lots of workspaces and nearly new appliances. Windows looking south. A large booth and chairs eating area. Yea! It was in the southwest corner with big windows on two sides.

All the windows had long electric sun awnings so they were easy to open and close. The terrace had one for a large sitting area to be shaded.

There was a duo of workers creating a wading pool for the twins in an angle close to the edge of the stone flagged terrace. They said two days for this then it should `set' for a few more before anything else was done.

The garden was all indigenous plants that were drought tolerant, it had stone walkways to a small sitting area that overlooked Santa Monica Bay and the Pacific. A sunny day gave us a marvelous view!

We headed out to the rest of the place. A lorry coming up the drive, something about chimneys on the side. Francis said they were installing scrubbers on the fireplaces to remove carbon dioxide and particulates when we had fires. No pollution. They had done the same at the Venice apartment last year. Working as planned.

The Security folks were working on the new section adding our stuff. One in the office doing checks of it all.

Vivian was happy to meet us! She was a single mom of a teen daughter, Vivienne. Viv had been working in an office near Santa Anita Park where James, Monaco's number two, met her. Her love of horses came out and once the new ranch was ours James brought her Monaco's attention. She happily jumped at the opportunity.

Vivienne was thrilled to be included. She had recently graduated high school, still thinking about what she wanted from life.

They had two horses that were vanned here with the four of new ones for us. I got intro's. Ours were two geldings named Inky, all black and Trez, a gray. Two mares, Cypress, a pale brown and Azusa, a brown. They were a mix of riding horses and retired racers retrained for ordinary riding.

Nadine would be here tomorrow, she was stable help and like Vivienne part-time. Nadine was at also part-time at UCLA.

Cho and I saddled Inky and Trez. I got a leg up on Inky. We walked out to a close in paddock and did some work to find out about these boys. Inky was strong, smooth acceleration. Cho liked Trez! We gave them a good work and then tried the two ladies. Azusa for me. She was also a good ride, I felt comfortable right away.

Cho smiling at me, "Cypress is a good girl. Let's go out some."

Viv opened the gate and we went west around the paddocks. Two small hills with lots of trees and brush about three quarters of a mile ahead. We went on a trail between them, it opened to a shallow valley rising to the southwest, a bubbling creek in the center which we found out was dry by mid-summer. There was an obvious fording spot so across and up a slight slope to a cutback then a few more brought us to the top of the ridge. We could look back towards the ranch.

It was quite handsome looking from here, the long house, out buildings, stables and fenced paddocks. We turned for the view northward. It was a series of rising ridge lines, we knew the San Fernando Valley was beyond them. The southern view was more ridges going down to the Pacific and the west more rising land covered in trees and brush.

We headed back across the shallow valley to the stables. Azusa was sure-footed and steady, willing to go where I wanted, trusting my choices. Very good! Cho thought the same of Cypress. She was calm and easy.

It was a good start! Viv hadn't ridden them and was smiling at our report. She had all their histories whenever we wanted to see them.

She and Vivienne were comfortable in the house by the stables. They both loved working with the horses and riding their two.

"This is sort of a dream job. Being outdoors, wonderful animals to care for, my daughter with me..."

She was a bit emotional. I hugged her. Cho had a Cho-Fay handkerchief out. Vivienne joined us.

"This is Mom's idea of the perfect career!"

I grinned, "Good then you'll stay forever... right?"

Viv said she would! Vivienne laughing at that, "Well, whenever I figure out what I want..."

Cho told her not to hurry, "You have plenty of time."

I said she should keep us in the loop, "We have opportunities all over the place. You might find something you like with us. So keep it in mind."

She smiled with a `thanks I will.'

In the house I wanted to see the bedrooms. Six of them! The master suite had a sitting alcove facing west and big windows opening onto a patio that connected to the main terrace by a stone path. The bathroom had a dressing area you walked through to get to the big Jacuzzi tub and shower space. A closet opened off each side of the dressing room, large walk-in and get lost in closets. The area for the bed was big enough for a king size but we liked it to be smaller so more space. And a not so big a bed so I didn't far to go to capture Cho!

What a laugh from him!

The other rooms were also a nice size. One pair had a large shared bathroom, Ah... maybe good for the Twins as they get bigger. For now they'd have one and Tha the other. The rest were ensuite. They all had large windows with the electric awnings.

Cho called George his banker friend, they were to play at Bel-Air Country Club this afternoon but did `he know a good home interior person?' George gave Gil over to Gina, his wife, she had several names. Pedro gave another when Cho called.

Back in Venice Gil went to work on that, Cho and I did the Twins! They were all over their room, Cho corralled them for a book. I read in English about a beaver named Willie in a nice pond with lots of animal friends. Cho sat on the carpet beside me holding them. So sweet.

We helped put them down for a nap. Warm and happy.

Dolores fed us a spicy but delicious vegetarian chili with her white corn cakes. Lovely to sit and do work with a full tummy!

Cho changed for golf, a kiss! My `break a leg' got a laugh.

Leslie and I talked about the Topanga Ranch and other properties we now protected. Some from Lori and Pedro and from several people those two had recommended. We were adding staff here almost every day. His number two Camilla was interviewing a lot then our background checks which took some time for the Security division so it wasn't a quick process.

He had promoted Felipe out at Santa Anita Park to be the head of our team there for the Park and the apartments. He would live in the Colorado Place Apartments, his wife Leticia would manage the apartments.

I had Francis call the real estate agent who found the ranch and the long stay motel in Arcadia, asking them to scout out apartment buildings in the western part of Los Angeles we might buy for staff.

Leslie watching me as Francis did a smiling, a thumbs up, "It's a good plan for us. Francis is looking at other property here so..."

Fist bump.

Leslie shaking his head, "We are paying over the average in salaries for sure but it's still hard to live close. It isn't getter any cheaper!"

The older long-stay motel east of Santa Anita Park was being re-habilitated with a ready date of March 1. It was a collection of cottages. New rooves, new paint, new appliances and air conditioners, the pool repaired and child-proofed, put in our security and a general overhaul of the grounds. We would offer the apartments to stable staff and Security. They would be able to walk to the stables. Someone said they should be called the Harcourt Apartments. Ha! How about the Colorado Place Apartments?

Gil waved to me, an email from Oxford. The lawsuit against the Sun and its reporters was filed so there will be probably a good bit in the news media. The New York PR law firm wanted to know if we had a statement and the solicitors in England did too.

I gave a generic one to Gil about how we felt there was no choice but to force the Sun to stop trying to invade our properties and how we were protecting our children, staff, horses and so on. I asked Gil to clean it up and fluff it some then send it on. She was laughing.

Gregory texted to me, Graeme and two fellow officers had been out to ride. They had an enjoyable day. Good. I emailed Graeme with smiley's. He replied with a BIG THANK YOU and that came from his friends too.

Gil had two interior design companies going out to meet us tomorrow morning in Topanga Canyon. She gave a heads-up to Leslie as he was leaving. Okay.

Gil, Ro, Tara and I took Jaidee out for a walk and some shopping. Dolores joined us. We went south on the Boardwalk stopping every now and then for Jaidee or a shop. We got ice cream, miscellaneous things for Dolores and dog treats for Jaidee. We had a good walk!

Gil sitting with me going over some things. Kent called.

"Fay we are close to nailing the money part of the video story in Moscow. We've talked with an FSB agent... deeply placed with a very high confidential security level... he wants to leave Russia and our making a few arrangements would get him on camera. He'll go over to the FBI for protection and a de-briefing but they don't know anything at this point. So it could be a package deal but we get him first."

He went on to say all of our people involved were being extra special careful. The arrangements they were considering were a trip to Helsinki disguised as a flight to St. Petersburg. Then on to New York.

I said we could have a Gulfstream in Finland so he'd go out of sight. No record after his arrival.

"Damn that would be perfect!"

"I'd get that started right away. Do you have any time frame?"

He said two days. Tops! Okay!

"Kent, I will have an aircraft enroute in a few hours."

Kavat understood the clandestine nature of the flight. He would send Paulette, `she's so steady and adaptable.' Her Gulfstream was in Newburgh now.

The flight would go non-stop from Helsinki back to Newburgh. Then a helicopter to the city.

Our Security folks, Petra and Gary would be in on this, they'd provide a secure location and guards everywhere.

Boy did I have some news for Cho.

Cho came home in good spirits. He was officially a member of the Bel-Air Country Club! Great!

He, Pedro, George and a club Pro played together. Cho did a 61 today. Nine under par. He really liked the play in the canyons and the interesting `features' of the course.

George was definitely going to join Hillary's Council of Economic Advisors, he was glad Cho had put his name forward.

"George has a lot going on but he is smart and not a stuffed-shirt. He listens to an argument you put forward and thinks carefully about it before you get an answer."

I sat him on our bed to give him the news from Kent. His eyes narrowed, watching then a smile as he heard what I did. I was drawn into those strong arms for a kiss and squeeze.

"Well maybe I will become a golf pro since you're doing rather well."

We laughed, kissed. I told him he'd have to top with that before it becomes true. Another kiss!

After dinner a call from Bangkok, it was Penn. She said the Gulfstream to Finland had a local time ETD of two hours from now. I thanked her and asked about her new life.

She was bubbly, pleased with all the new experiences. So many nice people, the food terrific and the city was very beautiful. Her apartment comfy! She loved the work, it was much more involved than her old job. All was well with her!!

I called Kent. He and Kavat had worked on the arrangements. The FSB fellow would take a flight from Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow. He would go in to the domestic Terminal B then walk to Terminal C for a flight to Helsinki under another name with a false passport. He had several.

In Helsinki he would get in a taxi to into the city but ask the driver to go to the Business Flight Center to pick up someone else. He would give the driver some money to wait then walk in. He'd tell the folks there he was here for our aircraft. Show his documentation and board. Paulette would be ready to depart. Wheels up non-stop to Newburgh.

Our Security would collect him, straight to the 46th Street hotel after the helicopter flight to the city, into the top floor suite where Fox News would do a series of interviews. Once we were satisfied the FBI would be contacted. The FSB chap would surrender to them, ask for political asylum and do a tell all.

I called Theodore. He was over the moon on what they were getting from the GRU penetration. They'd piled up names, faces and backgrounds on more than thirty five GRU officers!

"Would you like a `live' one?"

Silence! "Well he isn't GRU, he's FSB. Does that matter?" A lot of silence!

"Fay what do you mean?"

I told him about the clandestine maneuvers going on but not the why.

"He would be in the FBI's bailiwick but we would want to talk to him."

"How about we let you do that before we tell the FBI?"

"YES! I have several colleagues who'd jump on that chance."

I gave him the ETA and that they'd have to work through our Security for access and any limits we imposed for the man's safety. Theodore was good with that. He would get things moving now. Okay.

Cho joined me in the suite. We decided to limit the knowledge even among our people until we had turned the FSB guy over to the government folks. I told Gil who was likely to be the first point of contact and Francis who's brain was always good to have working on a problem.

I was encouraged when I had spun the tale out for everyone and they thought the plans were good.

A last walk with Jaidee. The moon was out shining on Santa Monica Bay making it glow. Cho's arm around my waist, his lips by my ear.

"See I can go be a golfer the world is safe in your hands."

I giggled at that thought. I nudged him, "Stop saying it you will make it come to pass!"

The morning was bright and clear again! Skinny gray jeans, white crop T and an electric blue corduroy shirt, brown ankle boots, gold bits and `Joy' A jean jacket and my riding clothes in a soft clutch bag.

The drive to Topanga wasn't too bad. We had the car trunk full of things for the house. A big item, the coffee machine. Dolores had ordered a DeLonghi and new espresso cups and coffee mugs. We had four pounds of coffee beans. Some creame and sugar. Yeech. An electric tea kettle and assorted tea infusers (bags). A box of mixed baked items. A box of temporary plates and utensils.

Coffee right away. A Lloyd `continuous water kit' was in a box for later.

I had an espresso in hand on the terrace. A chill wind coming down the hills but it was very nice in the sun.

Gil's first interior design folks arrived. Della and Trey were from Brentwood. Gina, George's wife recommended them and did us the favor of calling them to let Della know that Gil would be making contact and she worked for an `important' couple.

They'd been in business for twenty years. They were slender, nicely California casually dressed and they were not a couple. I know I had a wrinkled brow when that was said but whatever. After meeting them Cho went riding with Francis.

I laughed, "He always does that. I'm the one who gets to do the deciding."

We walked the whole house. Trey took furious notes on his iPad and lots of snaps as I described what I was thinking about in the different rooms.

Not long after we started Kavat called. I went out onto the terrace's far end away from the men doing the wading pool. He asked if I wanted a call when the fellow was airborne... could be in our wee hours. I said YES! Okay!

Back inside the living room I picked up where I left off. I said I was looking for California, comfortable, not massive pieces, a group around the fireplace which I expected to be the focal point from October through March, casual seating with tables, etc... elsewhere in the room.

I said the bedrooms can be somewhat similar as we weren't trying to do anything fancy. The dining table a good size with expandability, comfortable chairs with back support. A small seating group in the big eastern window. The game/media room bigger sized chairs and sofa at the TV end. The game table to be suitable for six to eight to play poker.

I wanted the terrace to be simple but good pieces since it would get a lot of activity. Lots of seating choices and a big table and chairs.

Della asked about TV's in the bedrooms, kitchen, etc... They were a bit surprised when I said only one TV in the media space... but big and high resolution.

Smiling, "We don't sit and watch TV shows or sports... ever. We watch movies and special things we download when we have an interest."

Della and Trey looked at each other, "Aren't you the Fox TV couple?"

"We are but we did it for reasons beyond watching it ourselves."

I asked Gil to talk to Dolores about a TV in her sitting room off the kitchen. Gil thumbs up after I added for her to ask about the furniture style for her two rooms. That really got Della to stare.

I didn't feel the need to explain why Dolores should be given a choice.

I tried to clarify for them that we would never `live' here, it was a home to have in California where we could ride when business brought us here. Some light entertaining.

"Okay so talk with Gil about the procedure we want you to follow to submit your proposal. Thanks for being here today."

I needed coffee! I had mixed feelings about this set of decorators. Cho and Francis left a note they'd be back. Short trip to Topanga. I got my espresso. I went out to the far end of the terrace to sit in the lee of a tree. I called Hillary.

She answered with a laugh, "I was going to ring you. The fellows over at Fort Meade are a bit giddy with what you gave them. They are sending reports to my National Security Advisor daily."

"We have another thing' to share with them and the Hoover boys' down the road from you."

Silence, "What are you up to now?" Laughter.

I told her about the Trump video investigation, all of it, having the tape and trying authenticate it had led us to where were now. I checked the time, "In about twelve hours our aircraft should depart Helsinki. We will take the fellow to New York and check his bone fides. Then do an on camera interview with his face masked. Once done we intend to hand him over to the some friends of Theodore in our suite for a debriefing then he'll surrender to the FBI, ask for political asylum and tell everything he knows.'

I laughed, "I know it's a bit high-handed to want to get our part done first but I think you can see our point about him going into a bag when he's handed over and we'll never get a chance after that."

Hillary did laugh too. "I see your position and for my part I don't have any issue with you getting the interview. Who gets him afterwards you should leave up to the government."

"Well I sort of promised him to Theodore."

"Don't you think you've done those guys enough favors for now?"

Laughter from us both! I agreed with her and she'd get things going. I was warned that government agency inter-fighting can be bloody so stand back.

"Got it. We'll wait on you." We rang off after greetings were exchanged for the families.

I walked back to find the guys had done some shopping. Six plastic lawn chairs temporarily for the terrace with a couple of small tables. When the furniture for the terrace was in place we'd move these temporary pieces down to the stables. Lunch! They had salads, cheese, bread, fruit and candy. Glasses for water or soda whichever you wanted.

So we loaded up plates and headed out to the sunshine. The little grocery in Topanga did good. When I was full I changed to riding clothes. I had an hour before the second interior design folks showed up. I collected Tara who'd brought riding clothes too.

Vivienne loved my clothes, Nadine stared. Viv and I did a fist bump.

"Totally delicious!"

They got Inky and Cypress saddled. Gil came to visit the horses as I walked out on this black boy. We got in slow trot towards the west before the small hills I turned us south. I had a topo map. We went down into a shallow trough then up a trail as it rose. We followed the trail as we went up and down a few ridges. I turned onto another path which went up a valley more or less in the center to the top of the ridge, a wonderful vista of blue water, after a mile or so we could see a fence.

We approached it. Our signage on the reverse side and I could see sensors. I looked back the way we came, Tara picked out a camera in a tree. I tried my iPhone, it had a signal but weak. I reached the Security office, they said they could see us. I waved, "Well don't set off an alarum I'm friendly."

They laughed.

I reversed our travel. Off the trails the brush was very dense. You could walk but not ride easily. Once on the open flat land we galloped all the way back to the stables. Inky was sure footed, easy to ride and took direction quite well. He could run pretty fast too!

Tara liked Cypress, "She's strong and walks on the trails easily."

I asked Nadine to look them over because I didn't how much work they'd had but done some good cross-country. She grinned with an Okay.

"Miss, your clothes are terrific." Fist bump!

I found our second set of decorators had arrived, they had been introduced to Gil via Pedro's PA. Gil was talking with them. I checked my iPhone, I was fifteen minutes late. I apologized for being late.

Malachi and Tonelle were gob smacked. I pushed my hat back and extended my hand. They shook but hadn't recovered yet.

"How about some espresso or coffee or...?"

They followed me into the kitchen. I saw Cho and Francis sitting outside looking at papers and some blueprints and a topo map. I wondered what they were up to, I would have to confess myself soon.

PJ was lounging in the booth with his iPad. A smile!

A small white cup and saucer in hand we started in Dolores' suite and worked our way through the house. Once they got the idea I was reasonably normal they got on with it. Good questions, note taking and pics. I liked them as people much better than the first pair but we'd see about their ideas.

Tonelle asked for a `ladies room', laughing I said ours were all uni-sex, I aimed her to the one beside the media room. That prompted a question from Malachi about TV's.

He got we weren't casual watchers and asked if we had a model preference for the media room.

"No but it has to be hi-res and fill the wall space."

They had an electronics team so they'd be on that.

Back in the main room the terrace was empty, the guys up to something.

I thanked Tonelle and Malachi. Gil had given them the guidelines for making the `book' with pictures, etc... They understood the method for submitting a proposal and in turn thanked me for giving them opportunity. Smiles and handshakes.

Gil parked in a plastic chair beside me. We both grabbed some sun. She had a grin, "Well you have succeeded in scaring them some."

I shrugged, "Do they think I would want to advertise for an interior decorator? You did reinforce the `we appreciate their silence' part?"

"Yes, I think both sets got the message clearly." Fist bump.

The guys showed up. They had a walk down the drive so Cho could see it and what was on either side and the condition of the road surface. He was concerned about the drive when the winter rains were heavy.

Cho said the wading pool men were done for now. They'd be back in two days to finish and test the water system.

Tomorrow I was coming back for a while to meet with Lori and Shira. Maybe they'd be married here? I'd ride some more with Gil and Francis checking out our space.

Cho was playing golf with Pedro at the Riviera the following morning. Dinner with Fred and April at ours tomorrow.. I was looking forward to seeing how it was going with them. Gil had masses of snaps of the Seattle house if they wanted to see but I doubted it.

Driving down the canyon I tried to see as much as possible. Some houses visible on both sides, driveways leading away into the brush. Peaceful and quiet. Lots of birds.

Dolores was laughing when I asked about dinner. Her `you'll have to wait' got me giggling too.

I thanked her later when I was full of a terrific Cuban black bean and rice soup, grilled garlic shrimp and her delicious white corn cakes and a lot of ice cream with sprinkles of many colours.

Cho wrapped around me on the dark terrace looking at Los Angeles. We exchanged info. I told him about my talk with Hillary and Kavat's calling later. About his wanderings down the drive, he said the blueprints were of the drive's build up and underground drainage and topo's of the grading done.

He wanted to be mindful of southern California's two great scourges: wild fires and mudslides.

"Better to do some work on that after we go then be caught short later." Kiss.

We did a Jaidee walk. Cho had him, I had Cho's hand. Ansara smiling at me, I gave her question look.

"You two look so right together."

I squeezed her hand.

Well we certainly knew we were right!

My iPhone went off about two o'clock. Kavat said the Gulfstream had cleared Finnish air space. No issues with the aircraft but there was a second person on board. The FSB fellow hadn't said anything about family but he had a daughter.

Kavat said Paulette had baulked at carrying her without clear documentation. The man showed a birth certificate, her russian passport and proof of his wife's death two years before. After that Paulette agreed so we have two.

I slipped out to Gil's room, she was awake quickly. I gave her the news and asked her to let the hotel know about preparing for the girl. And to get on to Gary about a woman member of our Security force to be available. Done.

We went back to sleep except Cho who hadn't awoken. Damn, such a marvelous face on the pillow.

The morning was busy before breakfast. Hillary emailed that the FBI would have first crack at our new friend after Fox News got the interview. They would contact Petra directly to coordinate.

Petra called to acknowledge that and female staff being on-site.

Kent called too, they had a team ready to go when Gary gave them the Okay.

Dolores' omelet was stuffed with scallions and grated cheddar, the muffins perfect and the coffee smells filling the room. I was naughty with the strawberry preserves!

Jeans, a crop top and a jean jacket. Ankle boots. All of me in black. Silver bling and `Joy'

We drove up to the ranch. I paid attention to the lay of the land as we turned onto the drive. Cho pointed out his concerns and that Francis was working on get a company out here. Pedro had suggested several possibles.

I liked the house in the sunlight. Handsome. I fired up the DeLonghi! An espresso in hand on the front as Lori and Shira arrived. Hugs and kisses. They were given the tour then out to the terrace and garden.

The brilliant day with all that blue water as a backdrop sold them. They didn't have a date but summer maybe July. I said the place would be furnished by then so we were good with that.

We toasted with espresso.

Lori loved that she had an open invite to come up and ride. Hugs. I took her out to meet Viv and the horses. She was going to teach Shira to ride. Shira smiling, shrugs. They would call Viv before coming. We waved them down the drive.

Cho's arm over my shoulders as we sat at the far end of the terrace on speakerphone with Kavat and Petra. The Gulfstream was on the ground at Newburgh and the helicopter ready to go. Our Security were with the man and his daughter, more waiting with the Terrance cars at the heliport. Okay.

Gary joined the call. They were prepared, the hotel manager briefed about an important but invisible guest. They'd go up to the floor below the suite in the service lift then up to the top.

All was going Okay.

Dressed for a ride. Tara and Tessa with me as Cho wanted to drive the neighborhood a bit.

We walked out going east crossing the drive. There was scrub grass and bushes for several hundred yards before the trees. A wide trail went down under the trees to a stream. There were several places to cross as fords had been created deliberately for small vehicles. On top of the ridge line we had a great view of Santa Monica and the bay.

We went over the ridge onto another trail which turned us south, it was parallel to the property boundary. I called Security, they could see us on sensors and cameras. I waved.

This large ridge became heavily forested closing the trail to a narrower pathway that climbed to a mountain top. We had an even more spectacular view over the water. Down below to the south was a road my map said was Saddle Peak Road. It was more open and rocky now. There was a wider and clear trail going down a shoulder of the mountain into a draw. A bit steep but the horses were Okay.

We descended slowly to the southern part of our open space then galloped home. Terrific! Tara and Tessa with huge grins. Viv smiling as I showed on the map where we'd been. She said she go out there herself soon. I said don't go alone which got me a thumbs up!

I asked if she had a dog which got me a no. I suggested if she was Okay with it she go to a rescue place and get two dogs that like each other and she liked. They could live with her or in the office and barn. Their food and up keep we'd pay for.

Viv was pleased but Vivienne even more! She did some volunteering to help with the dogs which her mom said she'd be held to so beware. We laughed at that but Vivienne did a `cross her heart' to show she meant it. Viv's eyes did roll a bit.

I also asked her to get a local equine veterinarian to come out to see our horses, get to know us and them. Setup regular checkups and the like.

"Did you get your credit card yet?"

She hadn't but the mail wasn't in today. I told her it would be FedEx or DHL. I said use the card for any expenses that were required. She was good with it all.

At the house the guys wanted FOOD which was usually my job to remind everyone. We changed and everybody drove up the Old Topanga Canyon Road to Calabasas. We found Lovi's Delicatessen at the west end of `downtown' Calabasas which was basically a shopping center.

Lox, poppy seed bagels, cream cheese and two potato salads. A big dill pickle! A Dr. Brown's Cream Soda! Cheese cake! I was good. Everyone else got all sorts, it all looked good and they said it was `delish.'

Outside I called Viv. She said Calabasas Tack Company was very good, towards the upper end on pricing but quality goods. So we drove over the 101 (I liked the old name much more, `El Camino Real') to see.

It was a nice looking place with an excellent assortment of clothes, tack, boots, etc... The quality was good, the sale lady knowledgeable, she was giving Cho looks... then I guess it hit her... a whoop!

"You own Glaa, right?"

Cho laughed, "Yes we..." he reached out his hand, " we do own him and a few others."

She was bouncing on her toes. She called out a man's name, he came to us. There was some hand shaking.

I told them we were just looking as we were new to the area. That brought out several `what's' from the woman.

Cho said we bought a ranch in Topanga Canyon and were putting riding horses in for us and friends. They were excited.

Cho smiling, "We won't be around that much as we travel a good deal but we'd be back to see you at some point."

I did buy two bibs for the Twins. They were white with a pony and Born to Ride' on the bottom. Cute. One with blue edging, one pink. The woman was going to do a special' discount but I stopped her.

I leaned close, "You don't need to do that for us. We'll be by every now and then so please treat us as any other customer."

I let them know our staff might be in. We said our goodbyes.

We planned to go straight back to Venice so the drivers took us around on the freeways at Cho's request. East on the 101 through the southern part of the San Fernando Valley to the 405, down through the canyons to the 10 to Santa Monica. A short drive then to us.

Time for some Jaidee fun. I changed to shorts and he and I did some water sports with a floating plastic dog bone. The beach was pretty sparsely occupied so we got a bit cray-cray!! Marvelous to run with him.

Cho was the elder statesman sitting and watching us. He did not take kindly to being sprayed so we didn't go there. I was a bit winded plopping down Jaidee lying beside me his chest heaving too. Cho threw me the beach towel and I started on Jaidee's legs.

We lay on the living room floor with Twins. A few toys and puzzles scattered around us. Then there was bing' Chani going to the first floor... two bings' ... we hit each floor. Loud laughing and big grins!

Tha called dinner! Charlie eager! They sat nicely in their high chairs eating their grub with gusto! Like Tha said... carrots were tremendous!!

We were cleaned up and much more dignified in greeting April and Fred at the lift. April's smile told me they were both doing well, enjoying their new house behind their daughter's family.

"Don't go listening to any of Fred's talk about his `lumbago' which he has done for fifty years."

That got a squawk from Fred and a big grin.

The Twins came out! What a show! They were held and hugged! April looking over at me with a huge grin.

"Fay, they are beauties!"

I did point out it was all the result of Cho's genes which got a mock puffed chest from the very one. Laughter.

The little ones totally conquered April and Fred.

It was warm enough with the sun and the fireplace to sit outside for a while. I got blankets for April and I. She loved the place.

"The terrazzo is similar to ours which I especially like. The California Spanish influence makes for a clean uncluttered look I enjoy. We, as you know, had unfussy furniture in Seattle."

I said it was mostly unchanged and we were going there tomorrow evening.

They were thoroughly enjoying seeing their grandkids every day but as April mentioned NOT having to do anything other than have fun. They'd done bunches of day trips with their family, to see the sights, beaches and Disneyland.

They'd been over to Las Vegas. Their first trip there for maybe twenty years. They didn't care for the changes. They went on to Reno just to see what was going on there and came away with the feeling they'd go there from now on. And up to Lake Tahoe too.

"We like to gamble a bit, nothing big and see some entertainment. The `big' shows in Las Vegas were really for a younger crowd now."

I gave her our news. How we had been settling into Seattle, adding property and how the stables in Discovery Park were a hit. My visit to Sunny's old school brought a smile. April had gone there for a school play a niece was directing. She was still at the school teaching English and reading. I said I'd look her up. Miss Castleton.

Dolores announced dinner! A warm spinach salad with orange vinaigrette dressing, walnuts and orange pieces. Grilled red snapper on wild rice with a terrific mango salsa. Asparagus grilled, Romano and Asiago melted over. Her wonderful white corn cakes! A butterscotch flan with chocolate bits and whipped cream. Smiles all around!

Afters by the living room fire. I could see Fred sipping lightly on some Remy Martin Louis XIII. He didn't drink much alcohol these days but Cho did offer him a bit. April followed me in the Amaretto.

It was a nice visit. They were doing so well. A small amount of nostalgia for the Seattle house but the change was good for them. They'd have us over next time!

Hugs and kisses at the lift doors. One of our cars would take them home.

I sat in Cho's lap by the fire. I gave him the gist of the call from New York that I took right before dinner. Our new friend Yevgeny and his daughter, Samara, were fine and relaxing. The girl was twelve. They had only one carry-on bag each so clothes would be needed.

The Fox News interview would be done tomorrow while the girl goes with several of our Security team to shop. She spoke English without a heavy accent so communicating wasn't an issue. We wanted her father to talk freely without his daughter around to inhibit him.

Once the interview was completed we would have to find out for sure which government agency had control and did they need to have the daughter. They didn't know about her. So a conversation was to be done to inquire whether Yevgeny wanted Samara to stay with us in some location where she'd be safe.

I suggested Harcourt House where there were other teens her age and a school where she could go in the village quietly. An alternative could be Bangkok.

Gary said he ask in the morning before anything started and the two of them could talk.

I got a very nice kiss and praise for my efforts. We had a laugh over Hillary asking `what I'd been up to' before she laughed.

Cho to play golf in the morning with Pedro, I'd meet them for lunch at the Riviera. Me to ride in Topanga then to 21st Century Fox Entertainment HQ in Century City to meet with Abbey.

Cuddles with my men! Nice! Cho petted me after Jaidee went to his bed. Those warm hands roving around me from behind gradually going slower making me sleepy.

Trackies and trainers! Jaidee loping along with me down the sand! He did love the sand. No going to China this morning. The beach towel did its work and we headed home.

We were on the road to Topanga. The `1' wasn't crowded going north only twenty minutes door to door. I changed right away Ken and Tessa were with me today. Viv and Nadine had the horses ready. We walked out to the northwest passing in between the two hills and down to the creek then on a trail going more northwest up a draw aiming for the ridge top near the property boundary.

The trail snaked its way up to the left of the peak. We stopped at the top of the ridge to look west at another mountain and into a large valley beyond. The valley looked rugged in the higher areas but you could see houses dotting the flatter spaces.

Returning like yesterday was slow going down but the horses were able to walk fine. In the creek bed we went northward beside the water towards Old Topanga Canyon Road. Near the road there was a small house which was on the edge of our land. A man was chopping wood at the back. We called out a hello.

He was Ned and had lived there since the late 1960's. He called himself an old escaped hippie. He was interested in who had bought the ranch because the previous owner had dogs they let run around, they chased his cat. She was indoors at night but roaming in the day.

I slid down to shake his hand, "Ned, we are going to get two rescue dogs to be part of our stable but they won't be allowed to run free out this far. Your cat will be safe from them."

I said to call Viv if he had any concerns. I borrowed a scrap of paper to write down her number.

"We'll be good neighbors. Our staff and horses will be there all the time even if we aren't."

I said goodbye and Ned gallantly gave me a knee up. We walked along the road back to the stables.

I finished my clean up as the helicopter fluttered in. Ted smiling as we boarded. Up and away to 21st Century Fox in Century City. They arranged for a landing area in a parking lot near Stage 9. Gil and Tessa came with me, Ken stayed with Ted.

We walked around to the main entrance. Arabella met us there.

Abbey smiling on the phone then off. We hugged. We gathered in her sitting area. We talked shows, pilots, music all leading to questions on the goals Cho and I wanted. There was now over forty percent of shows being directed by women and if all minorities were put together almost sixty percent of shows. Writers and general crew all had significantly raised diversity levels.

"There has been a lot of recruiting going on. We've reached out to find the talent. We'll show an increased admin cost but it's worth it. We've some very sharp folks doing writing, a half dozen possible new shows with a wider range of story lines."

Gil took a call.

There was a writers meeting which I crashed. They were a lively group and I shook hands and hugged just like a politician. They laughed at my characterization.

"Well maybe you can make a show..." Laughter!

Someone asked about Tessa, was she my PA? I turned to her with a grin, "No, she's my protector."

That caused silence until I said she'd be a great character for a show. Laughs again.

I said I was glad to hear from Abbey about our new people and hoped the trend would continue. I left them to their meeting. They called out thank yous as we exited.

Abbey walked me out to the front, I waved as we turned the corner to the parking area.

Gil said all was good at 46th Street. Okay!

Ted had us going immediately. Up, spinning to head west.

A landing spot out by the tennis courts had been arranged at the Riviera. We came down steeply to make a smaller noise area to land about a football field's length from the clubhouse. As we walked away I waved to Ted. A thumbs up. He waited until we had walked a good distance then lifted off. I'd go home with Cho.

I was in a white long sleeved wool dress with navy accessories and gold bits. `Joy' on by me after my clean up in Topanga. Navy heels but they were comfortable to walk in. A navy cardigan over was keeping me warm.

We walked up past all the tennis courts which were mostly empty to the circular main drive. A fellow opened the door for the four of us. A woman inside said hello, she was to escort us to the restaurant where Mr. Cho was. We had tables by the window towards the back which looked out on the golf course.

Pedro with a big smile, a hug. A hug and kiss from Cho. He had a grin, a bit cute, so I knew he'd been up to something. I waited.

We sat, a menu offered. I scanned it, a Caesar with anchovies if they had them. A yes! They had a cold tuna sandwich and a grilled cheese. I asked if they could combine them into a tuna melt sort of thing. The waitress' face opened to a smile, another yes. I asked for coffee, black. I was good.

I went out with Tessa in search of a ladies room and was aimed down a short hallway. At the sink a young woman stepped beside me, I could see she was looking at me in the mirror. I dried my hands and re-joined Tessa.

I suppose the young woman got her courage up and came up to me. Tessa watching carefully. She wasn't pushy. Her sister had called her a few minutes ago to say she had seen me at the 21st Century Fox HQ.

"She was recently hired to write for a show. You came into a meeting. Well... she was a bit star struck and I guess... I am too."

I said hi but I couldn't talk now since we've lunch being served.

"Oh no I didn't want to bother you except that I think you are doing a lot to raise women's roles at Fox and it's terrific."

I shook her hand.

Cho looking a question as I sat. Tessa was with Ken and Rande in the next table.

I told Cho about the young woman and her sister. Fist bump.

The food was very good, the impromptu tuna melt delicious. It was a pleasant lunch in a nice room. Fairly quiet so conversation was easy. I found out Cho had shot a 62 today. He and Pedro played with two of the club pros. They loved Cho's game and afterwards mentioned the U.S. Amateur was to be played here this August. Cho would undoubtedly qualify via the Thai Amateur Association and they encouraged him.

Now I got the cute face, he was going to do it. A kiss.

A big hug for Pedro. He was funny and a good talker! We piled into several cars for the drive home. Down to the `1' and south along the beach to Venice.

Monaco! A big hug when he came up the lift. He went to the main room with Cho as I got a call from Kent.

They had the interview done. He was pleased! Yevgeny gave them inside info on Trump's paying for the prostitutes! He brought along signed statements from the two women describing how and when they were contacted and who then told them what to do and paid them... Trump!

Yevgeny and Samara decided to separate so she didn't get lost in the government's mess. He had our assurances she would be properly taken care of, protected and get schooling.

I waited, Kent laughed, "You can be so patient! They asked if she could stay in New York for now?"

"Kent, stay on the line."

I called Roslyn, patched in Petra and Nina. I told them a minimum for now, Petra knew more already. Samara would stay upstairs in a guest room temporarily with Roslyn taking care of her with a Security woman being with them. Then possibly she could have the third bedroom in the ground floor apartment that Yi and Roslyn shared if she felt right about it.

Petra was to have her picked up now before any FBI showed up at 46th Street.

Back to Kent to tell him what was going to happen. He was glad she'd be with us.

"Get a lawyer in with Yevgeny right now to do a power of attorney or whatever for Cho and I to act for her."

On the way!

Okay. Some time or other I'd have to tell Hillary but not yet.

I asked Gil to call the nice admissions lady at the Little Red Schoolhouse. Inquire about getting Samara in if possible. I had been told she had some school records from Russia so they would have something to start with for placement.

Gil picked up her iPhone. Go girl!

I excused us from Monaco for a few minutes, I walked on the terrace with Cho filling him in on what was going on.

He laughed, "It's more like what you are making happen!"

Big hug and a whopper of a kiss! My hair almost stuck out like in the cartoons! I guess Cho approves.

We re-joined Monaco so we could go on. Monaco was going out to Arcadia shortly. We talked about the Keeneland horses. The yearlings would go to Pleasant Valley to train. Jackson would spend time with them in between Hansa's races. Rodrigo, Grace of My Heart and Twilight Maiden would stay at Roundell and Sasha's in Lexington for now. Rodrigo would be mated to the two mares and Roundell wanted him for several of his. So we'll see what happens there.

Hugs for him at the lift doors.

Jaidee time! Shorts and a long sleeved shirt. Out on the sand. Running and tossing his plastic bone. It floated which was very helpful.

Walking back we met the man in the Dodger hat again. He had a big smile.

"You puppy is very grown up now."

I said Jaidee was fine big boy. I asked him how he was doing. He was good, a part-time job and a roof over his head. I hoped things would continue to improve. A smile!

Dolores did a Mexican buffet for us, Alex and Nell, Leslie and Camilla, Lori and Shira and their PA Letti! A good crowd and good food. A few Newcastles and Coronas were dispatched to cool some warmed up tongues. We ate inside and out.

Lori and Shira were polling their families about when for their marriage ceremony. They were in favour of using the ranch since they were looking at around forty people which would fit Okay. Letti would keep in touch with Gil. Also Phuket! Smiles.

We touched down at Santa Anita in the early afternoon, warming up but my jacket was still on. Two races today and a debut for Aneka!

The San Vincente Stakes was a G2 race as season start for SakChai! He was at the back of his stall being quiet, Carlita said he was thinking about the race because he knew it was coming. We stayed briefly, a short pet, small happy noises from the White Streak.

Monaco was smiling, "He's ready to go!"

Next door was Aneka, she'd been at Santa Anita for two months now and happy to be out running every day. Her chestnut colouring very beautiful showing her to be the progeny of Asda. She was an unraced three year old so this Las Virgenes Stakes was her maiden race and appropriately named.

Mackenzie was training her with Jackson who was high on her skills. Her groom Corky looked up, a smile when she was introduced. Fork in hand working the straw. Another happy girl! Terrific!

James and Jackson were in New Orleans with Rando and Hansa at the Fairgrounds Race Course for two races next weekend.

We walked slowly over to the Grandstand to our box. Several Santa Anita Park officials greeted us, they were pleased with us. Monaco told us they had been very upset with the New York Post reporters trying to get into our barns. Our defenses were admired and they had asked Leslie to please give their grounds a looking over for possible coverage. He had consulted with Bangkok, they were sending him some folks to help, they would do a survey next week.

We settled in as a race went off. Some folks had recognized us and there had been some clapping and a few cheers. Our horses were popular which was a great credit to Monaco and our Horses.

The Las Virgenes Stakes was up first. Aneka like her siblings was calm walking to the gate. It was a mile race so they'd use the whole track. Aneka went in to number five in the center. They were in and quiet... Clang!

Aneka exploded out of her chute! She was leading the way down the track, the others spread out behind her. Into the turn Leoni, her jockey, moved Aneka to the rail. I watched in my glasses as Aneka easily switched leads giving her a four length gap to the rest of the field. On the back straight Leoni had her galloping along smoothly maintaining her advantage down to the second turn.

Aneka again switched gears like silk and came out onto the stretch with a six length lead. Leoni didn't need to ask for more so did a hand ride through the finish. 1:35:40!!! Very fast, close to the record held by Lakeway who was a daughter of Seattle Slew!!

What a maiden win for Aneka!!! We gathered in the Santa Anita Winner's Circle, a place we were getting used to being! Cho took Aneka's lead from Corky to guide her in. We got a VERY nice applause and a quite a few cheers! Some new hardware and prize money!

Gil and Francis did a drinks and food run. SakChai's race was two hours on so we relaxed in the sun.

The San Vincente Stakes was called and we watched the White Streak walk coolly down the track to the gate on the back straight chute. They all went into the gate easily. BOOM! The gates opened and it looked like SakChai had been shot out of cannon like Aneka earlier.

He was roaring down the straight two lengths clear very quickly. As they neared the turn he was four lengths ahead and closed to the rail. Switching leads twice he burst onto the stretch with a seven length lead. Marnie sitting still guided him home. He blew past the finish and galloped on for another eighth as Monaco wanted.

It was fast, two hundreds of a second from the Stakes record and a nine length victory. We all jumped up as he crossed the finish line. Hugging and kissing. Monaco had my arm, "Look at him..."

SakChai had done the overrun for the extra distance, "I have a groom with a stop watch to get his one mile time."

In the Winners Circle the Stakes and track folks were all smiles. We happily got their congratulations and thanks for racing at Santa Anita.

We walked to the barn. Marni was there soon after all was well with her weighing. SakChai came in with Carlita, he was all clear. It's officially done! We cheered his arrival. 1:34:80 mile! Monaco smiling, it was where he wanted SakChai to be!

We got cart rides to the helicopter and off to Santa Monica. We went to Venice to collect everyone!

We did a short Jaidee trip before loading up for the airport. Captain Kor and crew were ready. No waiting. Take off to the west and a turn north. Two hours to go.

Gil and I sat to do some bit and pieces. Cho and Francis at the table spread out. Tara and Ro had fun with Jaidee, he loved playing with those two.

The landing was like silk, lights rushing by. Down the stairs under the canopy and umbrellas, rain and snow mixed. A good chill in the evening air. The pea coat and gloves were welcome. It was a quiet night at the two Boeing Field businesses. We`d be by for a visit.

Martha had hugs and soup! Crab bisque with pumpernickel bread, sharp cheddar cheese and cut apples! It hit the spot!

Jaidee's tail thumping as I lay on the bed talking to him. Cho was fussing with something so I waited. Ah... a warm hand on my bare butt!

I rolled over arms open Cho eased down onto me! Delicious to have his warmth and weight! Those lips... all mine!

We kissed for a while then buried under the bed clothes we cuddled and kissed some more. Tender touches, soft caresses, whispers of love! We'd said and done it all before... almost every hour we are together but it was always fresh and lovely to do.

Our passion for each other's body hadn't dimmed from the first. Making love often, weekly, sometimes daily in one form or another. Words of love exchanged, sweat mingled... Damn it was nice to hold him!

We shifted to sleep feeling languid and happy. Sleep in my man's embrace!

Grey day. A neighbourhood walk with Jaidee in a light rain! A mac on, hood up over a knit beanie on top of my head, gloves!

Tessa laughing, "It gets cold in New York but the dampness here makes it seem worse."

I shrugged, I wasn't in the weather business I just rolled with it. We did about two miles, Jaidee was empty. A good towelling and he was ready for breakfast...me too!

Martha had omelettes, veggie sausage, big soft corn muffins with honey. Coffee! Jaidee had his fav crunchies. Cho smiling around his coffee mug. Nice to start the day this way. Always!

Black skinny jeans, black t-shirt tucked in, a short black corduroy long sleeved shirt, ankle boots. Silver jewellery and `Joy' I really liked the Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes but it seemed less of an everyday scent.

The red sheepskin moto jacket from Hugo Boss and gloves, a black newsboy cap. I was `cute' said Cho. He was in black jeans and a black chambray shirt under a leather car coat, flat cap and gloves. Gloves for sure.

Off to Fremont to visit Antoine's shop! Over the Ballard Bridge onto Leary Way. We parked on North 35th Street. Antoine was smiling. He hadn't met Cho before, intro's for his staff.

They had big screens showing each of the bridges, Ballard, Fremont, University and the Montlake. We could see the flow of traffic real time and on the models Antione ran for us showing time of day, day of the week, week of the month, by each month, by season of the year, by weather conditions, sporting or other public events.

Those variables and more were used to alter the signals on dozens of intersections north and south of the Ship Canal. We got a direct link to the city database for public space use permits, other events and emergencies so all that was in too.

The Seattle Department of Transportation were very pleased with the traffic flows. I had asked them to consider extending outward on the arterial routes from the bridges. Jonathan was pushing it inside Seattle DOT.

He and I had a phone conversation after my last visit. He wanted to make changes from within using our skills. He believed the city needed what we had to offer and he should stay where he was. Okay.

"Jonathan, you are a city employee but I would like you to objectively consider an idea and tell me what you think. No immediate answer is needed."

He said he'd try. I said if this extension plan works well we would make an offer to operate the road net throughout the city.

Jonathan was quiet. "Miss Martin, you mean privatize the system? That's a monster step."

I laughed, "Yes but not that privatize word please. I would rather say we'd be partners. Our technology and skills melded with your people. Not outside the city government but in together."

"You mean the city's management would sort of sit on your company's work using your systems to do what we do now... only better?"

"Yes. It would mean we'd set it all up, operate it. Our people's skilled hands on the steering wheel. We would influence... yes BUT not `make' policy. We are talking about a multi-year project."

Jonathan was quiet, "Fay I could get behind that now actually. What your folks have done with the bridge traffic is amazing. Please let me know when you might go forward."

I told him I would keep in touch.

I had spoken in advance with Antoine about the proposed extended traffic area then me to Eric and Reg. Antione's staff gave us an excellent briefing with video and graphs of how it could roll out. A projected cost structure was being bounced around between here and London. Corrine was one the leads, she had Zack and Anita on her team.

It was great to see Anita again, I hadn't seen her since we did the hiring in Los Angeles. She hadn't settled into the cold yet but liked Seattle.

Sitting with Antione and Corrine, Cho and I asked some questions about the scaling up for an extension or the `whole enchilada.' Was this building sufficient? Staff in the pipeline? And more.

We didn't have all the answers... yet but I felt the project was in good hands with Antoine and his staff. Corrine wanted to keep Anita IF Anita wanted to stay, she'd been on loan. I said talk it through but don't forget to tell her about summer here. Corrine grinning got it!

I'd thought we'll need a huge boost in office space if we were to move to operate across the city. Cho had put the Queen Anne real estate attorneys on to it after he and I had a discussion in light of my call with Jonathan. They had several possibilities using my criteria.

In the car Gil gave us the details of the meetings I had scheduled for tomorrow to look at three properties. Cho was playing golf with Ken and Jud, their fourth was a fellow who might take over the Ballard Nautical Yard for us.

I was looking over my Amaretto glass at Cho, he was smiling. The living room was cozy from the fire, a warm Jaidee beside me on the carpet in front of the hearth. The Twins had been with us until Tha called time. Martha and Lloyd loved the little ones. Their grandkid twins were very cute in the snaps she showed us.

I gave Cho my take on our future projects with Seattle's traffic.

I laid out what I thought expanding our control of Seattle's traffic would be like, not just cameras and signal management but a web of sensors that would deliver data about the numbers of cars passing and their speed from every arterial road in the city. The data would allow decisions to be made sooner because the operators could see the vehicle build-up long in advance of any trouble!

We would KNOW where the cars were coming from. I raised my iPad to show Cho State Highway 99 coming north into downtown. Right now it fed the into southern downtown and the Alaska Way Viaduct, the elevated highway along the waterfront. The Viaduct would be replaced by the tunnel in less than two years. I pointed out that `99' was a huge chokepoint in the morning commute along with the I5 freeway. The freeway the Washington State's creature so we won't have much to do there except to manage the flows from the exits.

"There's nowhere for the cars to go except be trapped once they were on it from here..." I pointed to a cloverleaf, "...to either the last exit before the Viaduct or the new tunnel. There is no room to widen it but there is space on the right to go down under the BNSF tracks and come out onto a major road to the east. It would have to be cars only, no trucks but it could take a lot of cars off the '99.'

Maybe it's not enough for the money spent, I want to do a study of it. I've asked Reg to send Antoine several of his traffic people on loan to work it up.

South bound on the same stretch isn't an issue, all the traffic comes from the Viaduct now and the tunnel later and with the water to the west there's no need."

Cho's hand rubbing my back, "You have such an active mind! My thinking like this is usually reserved for the banking business."

A kiss! Smiling, "Well a girl has to have a hobby..."

I rested my hand on a bulge which responded! A kiss and we went up to expand his bulge and my hobbies!

The morning was gray with a low cloud ceiling and a deeper chill. No snow! I had two scones from Martha, buttery and hot. Andy and Dean grinning!

Andy had laughed out loud when he looked in the bag.

"See Dean!"

It was part of their ongoing conversation. Our horses were ready.

Chess bumping me, Guy restive, ready to run, Artis made noises. Fury looking quite handsome. Me, Ken, Tessa and Gil were up and heading out. We crossed the road to the lower playfield then a trot across to the narrow pathway towards the old parade ground. Then a gallop down the grass, u-turn twice then a last run up the slope to the little chapel.

The view was all shades of gray, so many, it seemed impossible. The fir trees dark green fitting in quite well, sort of framing it all. We soared down the grassy field towards the stables.

Black leather pants, tight! A black tank top under a wool long sleeve jumper that was form fitting stopping at my waist, silver bits and `Joy' The Hugo Boss Moto jacket again, gloves and the same newsboy hat. It was warm stuff in the cold air. PJ and Tara with Francis, Gil and I in a car crossing the Ballard Bridge going in the direction of our current Fremont office location.

First stop was an office building not far from the canal. It had a mixed collection of tenants of which one in the past had been a film processing company. At the end of the the building was a small theatre.

That was an important feature because I wanted to create a large control room with big screens that could show any camera city-wide, with space to show a visual display of data. A room that could allow expansion but be compact enough so you could see and talk easily.

This building's theatre was small but it could be enlarged by half its size taking out some side walls. Francis was getting measurements with Gil's help. The current tenant for this half of the building didn't use the theatre except as storage. The rest of their portion of it was offices, work rooms, break areas and a few conference rooms all of which we could rearrange as needed. Much the same for the other side.

The current main leasing tenant wasn't told who we were, the owner's representative showed us around. We tried not to bother anyone but someone recognized me. There was a minor `thing' because of the surprise but the man running the business didn't care.

"We don't get celebrities here so... Well, thanks for not minding."

I told him it wasn't a problem and said sorry for disrupting his office.

"Miss Martin, please come again anytime!"

We laughed, I shook his hand and said goodbye to his folks clustered around.

Francis had a smile, "Fay, you generate excitement walking around a building."

I gave him an arm punch... he appealed to PJ to protect him. My guy smiled saying it wasn't his job to protect others from me just the reverse.

We all laughed at that one. Fist bump!

Our second stop took us over the Fremont Bridge.

"Should we wave to our cameras?"

The rain discouraged opening windows.

The next location was also along the canal on the opposite shore. The property ran for five hundred feet right on the water. We parked beside the canal next to a set bollards that had been right there for about eighty five years or so I was told later.

This site was two buildings, one a three storey office building, the other a warehouse. The office building was modern, well-appointed and had a flexible layout on each floor. The warehouse was most interesting.

The woman from the real estate broker took us through to where the loading docks had been. All closed now but a raised floor from a slope and high ceiling was important. I stood back to visualize tearing out the floor for some distance to create the `big room' effect I wanted. It could be done.

Francis beside me mentioning how a drop ceiling would make the space easier on heating and allow directed lighting without taking away the big room effect. Good idea!

The rest of the warehouse could be the data centre. It had a flat roof so we could cover it with dense solar panels to generate some power.

I turned to the real estate woman and asked if she knew anything about the roof on the office building. She opened a notebook to scan through some pages, `only HVAC up there' sounded like we could put solar panels there also.

Standing at the doorway facing the office structure, my `what about seventy five feet' got nods of approval. I said an enclosed walkway to near the road with ramps and/or steps to Francis with a questioning edge in my words.

He looked at both sides, "Fay, as long the road wasn't impinged I would say Yes!"

This property was much better than the first one. I asked about moving the tenants. She said as we saw the warehouse was barely used, the offices were about eighty percent occupied with a range of leases but in an ownership change the leases could be voided.

I thanked the real estate woman and shook her hand. "We'll be in touch."

The third was south of downtown. We went up on to northern Queen Anne to Aurora Avenue. South alongside the hillside to a tunnel then out onto the lower deck of the elevated roadway that was being replaced by the long new tunnel. The view for a passenger was terrific, the sun was peeking through the gray.

Off near the big stadiums in a neighborhood that is called SODO. I was told two different meanings: south of the dome or south of downtown. The Kingdome was a stadium that had been a big enclosed dome for baseball and football that had been blown up years ago so a new football (as in brown leather oblong type ball) structure could replace it. It was an all industrial area.

Our target was a former `big box' office supply chain store. A high arched ceiling except at the back where there were offices, storage, etc... It could easily be subdivided since was one vast space. The owners' representative let us wander the empty space. It was large which was fine. A computer centre could occupy half leaving a huge space.

Since the highest point of the ceiling was in the centre, we could put up the big screen setup I envisioned there facing towards the outside wall. It would give us the `theatre' look. Francis did a fist bump with me over that notion!

Francis had the details and measurements, etc... The property included the parking area which had one hundred and forty spaces. I stood in the entry looking out thinking part the open asphalt could be a building space, maybe a connected office structure.

Walking across the inside to the back my footsteps echoing. Nothing special there, the office space laughably small. Big bathrooms, which was good.

Out front I thanked the fellow for showing it to us. I let him know his location had competition. We shook hands.

This was the property that we'd have to do the least work to get started. The big space would sub-divided easily for the data centre and main control room, offices and conference rooms could blocked out with movable walls. The parking lot size a big plus. The roof was perfect for solar arrays, lots of space! It was also a lot cheaper in toto and per square foot.

Okay! Enough of that! FOOD! I had a place from Kay for us to go. On South Jackson Street in a neighborhood called Little Saigon, Chu Minh's. The aromas going in! Fist bump with PJ!

They're Vegan! Tofu red curry, tofu and mushrooms, spring rolls, fried rice, pickled veggies, mock `pork' in several dishes, mung bean rice rolls. I liked the closeness to the cooking and the colour scheme in the sit-down area. It was late for lunch and we managed several tables together.

The waitress was nice, quick and definitely worth a good tip. It was doing a big business. A text to Kay in thanks including many stars. I got a thumbs up back. We see them later for dinner.

Down South Jackson towards the bay. Streetcar tracks in the road, we turned to go through downtown. We experienced the `stop & go' effect of the street lights not being very well synchronized. This is what we could alleviate!

We'll see. I called Jonathan, I said we will do a proposal for the management of the entire city's road net and send it on. Then schedule a visit with his top brass when they've had time to review it. He was good with that.

"Miss Martin, I'm looking forward to reading it!"

I liked his excitement, odd having a cheerleader inside.

At home I had fun with the Twins. Book reading, toe tickling and lots of laughter! Cho arrived in the midst of a huge giggle fest, Gil, Francis, Martha, Tha and me all in with the Twins. I think Charlie started it. He was our giggler-n-chief!

We met Kay, Greg, Artie and Suchart at Senor Moose Café on Leary Way in Ballard. Because we wanted places for twelve they setup a two tables together in the front window area with our Protectors beside us.

A Margarita to start! We had several different appetizers, guacamole and chips, Esquites, and Tostaditas Con Cinco Salsas! Everyone was on their own after those. I went for the Camarones Enchipotlados, shrimp and chipotle sauce, I asked for the extra rice side dish. They'd add it to my plate!

So many choices and the tables made lots of different decisions. Suchart was between me and Kay. He got a soft taco plate with guacamole. A strawberry Virgin Cocktail for him and Artie.

The food was excellent! My margarita smooth and delicious, the guacamole tangy but not too much to hurt the flavour. My shrimp tender, the rice fluffy, beans firm and tasty. All of us really adored the food and atmosphere. Warm colours and lovely aromas!

Suchart munched on his tacos with a huge grin! Kay looking at me, leaning behind her son to do a fist bump.

We weren't too loud and our waiter seemed to enjoy us.

Cho's arm over my shoulders outside, a kiss, he was pleased with our dinner.

"I got Gil to leave a large tip! This was great!"

He and Greg did a fist bump for the choice. Greg loved coming here for lunch.

Kay gave me a big squeeze, "Your little buddy is being so grown up. He's still the kid but he likes being with us to eat and sit around. You opened his eyes!" Kiss, "Thanks!"

Hugs and kisses on the sidewalk. I was meeting Kay in the morning for a short trip to Sunny's old school.

We did a Jaidee tour on the darkened streets, the rain had quit hours before. Ro and Ken with us, huge flashlights. Jaidee had fun on the lawn with a tennis ball. Cho did the throwing, I did the toweling off!

We sat in the Study with the TV on to Fox News and cuddled on a settee. Gil and Francis with us. Dorothy was doing her `National Newsmakers' show with the new Secretary of Defense as her guest. She had just announced a series of new policies to sharpen the focus on anyone trying to take advantage of a senior position on the uniform side as well as the civilians. Sexual harassment, etc... was to be very sternly punished.

Gil saying she just couldn't ever understand why men didn't get how there are limits.

My guy, "We, meaning men... well I guess woman have had the training too but in reverse... we... have been trained from infancy about males running things."

He squeezed my hand, "Which why I love the way Fay goes out does things! She get deference from men not because she's some loud woman stereotype weak men like to whine about but a strong person in her own right. Nothing... NOTHING... makes a partnership stronger than equality!"


Cho gave the tale of his golf day, a 65. The course Pro shaking his head when Ken told him. No eagles, no bogeys, seven birdies. He hadn't a bogey for over eight months.

Cho's foursome of himself, Ken, Jud and Allen enjoyed the round. Allen was interesting to talk with and played quite well. He and Ken had been golfing buddies for about six years. Allen was fifty, a boater all his life, Seattle native, had a law degree and had managed several family businesses he'd now turned over to his sons to run.

They'd sat in the 19th hole to talk. Jud wanted to leave in two years for sure, Pelle and Rodney were best where they were as middle-managers. They were doing more managing' and that was going well but the command' part really wasn't them. The best part being they felt that themselves.

So Allen would come in to become Jud's deputy, work his way into the business and take over completely in two years or less. Cho was pleased, he liked Allen and Ken's recommendation was good with him. Allen and Jud knew each other and Jud felt he had the skills to run the business with Pelle and Rodney.

Allen wanted a challenge, working with boats was a terrific fit! Cho laughing said Allen admitted his wife wouldn't mind him out of the house more!

If Cho was happy then we were good! I gave him my day for tomorrow which was a lot more visits.

Jaidee got a late evening outing with us and a few others. It was chilly but no wind or rain. Our puppy enjoyed his walks.

I enjoyed the warm snuggling later!

We walked over for a morning ride. Tara, Tessa, and Gil! We were loaded with scones again! Smiles!

I led us in a warming up trot across the Lower Field then a left to the Parade Ground. We galloped in a big circle then headed down the road to the beach. The signal lights blinking! At the bottom on the sand I called out to everyone to follow. The sand flying, our horses romped the beach to turn at the boundary sign then back! Terrific.

We were grinning! Chess was pulling at the ground. These wonderful boys didn't get this kind of ride often enough. We trotted up to top side then headed for the stables. We bounced along happy to be out in the air on a horse!

We were laughing and chatting in the walk home. Clean up time then they'd all be with me for the day.

A kiss from Cho before we went out. An email from Petra. Yevgeny was with the FBI and Samara in our apartment. Roslyn was happy to help the young lady chill out. Good.

Charcoal gray wool dress from Coach, black stockings and heels, The black wool jacket with big buttons over it. Silver jewellery and `Joy' by Cho!

The black Coach camels hair trenchcoat and gloves. I was warm!

I had Ken with me today too. Smiles!

I stepped out to meet Nicholas at the first apartment building on Lower Queen Anne. I got a tour and met some of the little ones in the Daycare. Such bright colours, lots of play space, a separate room for the after school club.

The building was nice outside and in. Well laid out and our Security keeping an eye on it.

I was invited into one unit by the wife of a Security man. She was very happy living here, "Miss Martin, my husband doesn't miss the one hour and half commute he used to have. Our two year old is in the Daycare making friends and learning. I do several shifts down there each week. I used to work also to make enough money. Here we pay less than we did before, have more room, more extras... well... we have more!"

She getting damp eyes, "We have family time like never before!"

Tears. I pulled out a Cho-Fay handkerchief. She smiled and thanked me. She saw the needlework. I told her story which brought a wider smile.

She liked to embroider and sew. We talked for a few more minutes before I excused myself. A hug!

"Thanks again for everything!"

I said I can see it's all worth it! Smiles.

Outside I stood across the street to get a different look at the building. It had a handsome brick look. I liked it. The newer one was just two blocks up across the road so we walked up to it on this side so I could get the bigger picture again. Another solid looking brick building.

Like the other one it was in excellent condition. There was considerable bustle around the front doors as new appliances were being rolled in. Every apartment was getting new stoves, refrigerators and dish washers. One of Nicholas' people showed me the Security office and his own apartment.

His partner was a bit taken off guard but greeted us warmly. I apologized for coming without notice. He was cute `You are welcome here anytime Miss Martin!' Fist bump!

The wood floors, big windows and FAST internet were lovely he said. He was a barista at a local coffee house so he could walk to work in ten minutes which was awesome!

Back out front the flow of the deliveries was continuing so we moved on. Up to the top of Queen Anne to Kay's. She was ready so we walked over to Sunny's old school. The principal welcomed us, she escorted me to several classes. I did see both Jilly and Billy. Smiles, they were doing great. Billy had no further boys bothering him after my big November visit. It was what he wanted, a clear statement of who he is for all to see. Kiss for him. I told him to say `hi' to his mom. A huge smile!

I went to a classroom with the Principal and Tessa, English. A sentence was being diagrammed on the blackboard by a blonde boy. We slipped in, around to the side. The boy had stopped , the teacher gently got him back to work.

He got the nouns and adjectives right, there was a trouble with an adverb which I could understand. When he was done Ms. Castleton called a break. We were introduced, I mentioned having April over to our home in Los Angeles for dinner the other night.

She brightened up, "April is a lovely person, I miss seeing her."

"Well... if it helps she and Fred seem very happy in Los Angeles especially having those grandkids close."

A big smile, "Good. My cousin will look after them very carefully I know."

"Can I give your students an adverb trick?"

Ms. Castleton grinned, "Sure! They'd appreciate it, Giles very much so."

Giles the blond boy came up to the blackboard to me.

"Hi I'm Fay... " I turned to the class and waved to myself repeating my name, "Here's a hint about adverbs. Always think of two things: how' and where' like always or quickly or underneath or down. They are adverbs."

Giles face was cute, he was watching me write with the chalk. I turned to the whole class. Their faces looking at me, "Okay?"

Lots of nods, smiles. Ms. Castleton came up to thank me.

One of the girls asked about Sunny. I said she was doing very well, she had moved to a new school, sort of like a mid-year promotion. Sunny was riding her horses every day and learning to compete.

A dark haired and dark eyed boy asked if I was living in Seattle.

"No just visiting but we like it here. We have a house on Magnolia. Our businesses take us to many places. We are going to New Orleans soon to watch several horses race."

I shook his hand, a big smile.

Down the hallway walking beside the Principal, a grin on her face. I raised my eyebrows...

"Well you get along with the kids so easily, you can relate to their age. It's something I look for in educators which you can't really teach."

"I hope I keep it so I can be a good mother."

A hug at the door.

Off to Capitol Hill to visit the new Chanthira Foundation Clinic. Regina was happy, funny, loving the build out of the clinic. She would manage the clinic and practice medicine as a staff doctor. Boy was she jazzed about both jobs!

I met Tana who was Regina's number two and also a pediatrician. Tana was fluent in several Arabic dialects spoken in Iraq, Syria and parts of eastern Africa. She had worked for Médecins Sans Frontières for three years so she lots of experience overseas with trauma and basic health care. I told her about John, she didn't know him but loved that he was as committed as she had been.

The Seattle city health folks had been in touch and out to see the clinic. They were enthusiastic. The Washington State health people the same. We ticked a lot of boxes for both.

Regina said the contractors were terrific. Flexible and smart, few issues since it was mostly straight forward. They had the X-ray area re-done after she asked for an enlargement to allow for a second machine in a separate room, all the proper shielding would be in place.

I got to see it all! The waiting areas had a lovely warm colour scheme, exam rooms, offices, treatment areas, lab space, it looked great. Kotro had designed it so a minimum of heavy-duty work had to be done. Wonderful!

Sumate and Nicholas had a security plan ready to be installed when the builders were at a certain point. The wiring was already done. The clinic security would be done by Nicholas' team rather than bringing any of Jot's crew in from Bangkok. Each of the American clinics we would put under the control of the local Security manager.

"We are on schedule for a June 1 opening. If you can't be here then we'll do a soft opening until you and Mr. Cho can be with us."

I turned to Gil, she said it was a few days before the Belmont Stakes. I told Regina we'd work on it. Around ten o'clock in the morning would probably be good.

Lunch? Was answered with Yes's all around. We walked two blocks east to the Regent Bakery and Cafe. Regina was happy to recommend the place. It was an interesting combination of bakery and Chinese food. Okay.

I asked if everyone wanted appetizers? More Yes's! Deep fried tofu, crispy wontons and calamari. Then Honey Walnut prawns for me! We got a big platter of cookies from the bakery for the dessert. Chocolate chip, almond sticks, coconut, almond tuiles and walnut cranberry! Wonderful.

I got several boxes of mixed cookies to go.

It had been a good lunch beyond the food. Regina and I exchanged some bits about each other including kid snaps! Her boys were ten and eight, cute and loving school which was so good for her. They liked soccer (football please) and watching the stars in the night sky.

Their dad was not in the picture, he was a woman abuser. Regina had kicked him to the curb after trying to deal with him then he went to prison for severely beating a new girlfriend. Fortunately the young woman recovered completely.

It had been quite a lesson for the boys though. Regina said they were protective of her. On the walk back I asked her bring them and herself to dinner. Nothing fancy, just a dinner at our place. Jeans for everyone so the boys could play with Jaidee. Gil gave her the address and directions, I called Martha. I got a no problem from Martha. Regina was in!

I stopped as we were leaving. "We'll send a car so you won't have to worry about driving."

A big smile and thumbs up. Gil had her address and said `six?' that was good with Regina.

Onto the Carolyn Downs Medical Clinic for a visit. I met with the director for a chat. She had received a visit from Ku and was thrilled we'd take an interest. I said we would make a donation, no strings attached. Her eyes lit up at the one million dollar figure I used. I reiterated it was a gift to be used as they saw fit. Many many thanks! I told her it would come from the Chanthira Foundation which was behind our clinic.

I also asked that their clinic and ours share when it was in a patient's best interest. I wanted to get she and Regina talking, Gil gave her Regina's clinic phone number and email. She shared hers with Gil.

We would have some vehicles to transport people and said they were welcome to share in the use of them, they just needed to coordinate with our folks. Very nice.

Down Yesler Way to Third Avenue over to Fourth Avenue to Pacific Place. A Coach store. For what I didn't know. We stepped out on Pine Street and in the main doors. Coach was around to the right past a Tiffany's. Not today for them.

Let's try shoes. Picked up a pair of sneakers, black with thick white soles. A slip-on ankle boot in black with a block heel and expansion panels on the side.

The sales lady went to get them in my size, I parked my butt. Gil looking in dresses. Ken off to the side, Tessa had added a pair of pink sneakers for her to the Coach lady's mission. Tara didn't find anything to grab her. Ken smiling. They understood the whole swapping thing.

I liked both pair and had the sales lady get three more in my size and ring them up. Her face! I nodded, "Yes, I want them for different houses."

She was looking at my credit card F.O.Martin... up at me. I smiled, she did too without comment. I had the shoes in bags waiting for Tessa and Gil.

Ken behind me, "You are pretty good about this sort of thing. How about a few minutes for me in wallets?"

"Of course. Here's Tessa, let's go in there."

We moved to the leather accessories area and Ken was looking at something for his mom and dad. I pointed to a nice warm brown one like I bought Cho and mentioned that.

Gil was with us, Tessa and Tara watching. A woman came over to us with a teenage girl. Tessa gave Ken a warning and stepped up but not blocking as she evaluated the two.

"Hello... my daughter says you are Fay Martin and she is a fan..."

I moved closer to shake hands with them both. The girl with big eyes.

"Miss Martin it is wild to see you in Seattle."

"We have a home here, some family living here. We come several times a year."

"Wow! I guess you like Seattle?"

"We do! We even keep some horses here for riding."

"Really? I like riding but I don't get to do it much since the stables we go to are on the east side."

I asked the Coach lady if she had some paper and a pen. As I wrote a note to Andy to give the special discount to Lydia and signed it Fay `the scone lady' I told them about the stables in Discovery Park being open to the public. Lydia was bouncing, clapping her hands.

I told Lydia the last part would tell Andy it was really me. She was thrilled. They lived on the north side of Queen Anne so they were close. Her mom was pleased for her girl. I hugged Lydia and shook with her mom before we took off. Lots of thank you's following us.

Gil had called the driver, he rolled up to the front door. Now home.

Petra called, Samara was doing fine with Roslyn. She was going with Samara and Roslyn to the school on Monday morning. She would have a `talk' about security with the school folks.

Roslyn had Samara's documents and school reports. The school admissions lady had been welcoming with Gil so we hoped it would be Okay. It was close geographically to Minetta Street which was great! Sadie was going along as sort of a representative for me and a known friendly face! A big thanks had been sent to her.

Cho was in the office on his phone so I waved and headed upstairs. Jeans, crop T and flannel shirt, Vans. When I told Regina about the `jeans' she grinned, saying her boys hated ties.

I got coffee and spied on Martha. There was a big pile of broccoli. She was smiling , "Go on... you know you'd rather be surprised."

Laughing I waved an Okay. Coffee! Gil and I in the living room until nearly six then we cleared away our stuff. We helped set the table.

The car delivered Regina, Bailey, her ten year old and Bobby who was eight. The boys were nice, they were quite solemn about shaking hands. I intro'd them to Jaidee who was all waggy tail!

Cho gave them a tennis ball and Francis grinning opened the big windows to the lawn. Zoom!

As we got drinks you could hear the woofs and yells! It had been dry all day but I had some towels just in case. We gave them about fifteen minutes then I called time. At the door we wiped some shoes and Jaidee's paws.

Two lemonades were accepted with smiles. Jaidee got his dinner!

Martha had some smoked salmon canapes that we started on. Sipping drinks, snacking and talking. Cho got my tale of the clinic visit with Regina's thoughts included. She got that we'd like to share when it was appropriate with Carolyn Downs Clinic. She knew the director slightly, `I did a consult on a case of theirs for a child about ten months ago.'

She was pleased we'd give such a large sum of money to them. They had been open and performing quality health care through tough economic times for their patients.

We talked policy and practice and other work things. Gil had Bailey and Bobby in the office on the iMac looking at snaps of our horses.

Martha called dinner! A very creamy tomato bisque with little cheese encrusted bread squares. The main course was grilled halibut cheeks with a lovely lemony white sauce, a baked broccoli, onion and potato dish with Romano melted on top, crusty white bread and butter.

A tasty Mont Ste. Michelle Washington sauvignon blanc paired very well with the fish. The food and wine delicious. Regina and I exchanged a glance, she liked!

Dessert was a strawberry tart with vanilla ice cream! It was a hit with the boys!

After dinner around the living room fire Cho served Amaretto and cognac, I did the espresso. The boys went back to the iMac, Regina laughing, "They love computers! They both are learning to write code."

"Well keep them at it and in a few years we'll hire them," Cho grinning.

Regina shrugged, "Who knows?"

We talked about other things. She had seen video of our dancing at one of the Inaugural Balls, "You two looked marvelous, real stand-outs from the others. Somebody put a spotlight on you for a short time. It was like you were alone on the dance floor."

Cho's eyes bright, "We do love to dance! It was our first date.' There are places in Bangkok we like to take a group of friends and cut a rug!'"

We all laughed.

Regina asked why we went to the balls. Cho smiling said we'd met the Clinton's at the Democratic Convention and they visited us at Harcourt House after Christmas. They asked and we stayed overnight in the White House."

He had a wry grin now, "It was an interesting experience."

I laughed over that, "It was unusual, fun and rather nice."

Regina was shaking her head, "You two are celebrities. Did you see a few of the workmen today at the clinic?"

I shook my head `no.'

"They were staring with a few open mouths," she giggled, "I understood since I was a bit star-struck but I didn't want to be silly about it."

I waved my hand to Cho, "See there are people who can resist me!"

We laughed, "Most of the time Fay is irresistible!"

It was a good dinner and talk. Hugs at the car for Regina and the `handshakes' from her boys. They had thanked us for dinner and for being able to play with Jaidee and the computer.

I told them when we were back they could come over for more. Fist bumps!

The morning was cold but dry. We had a terrific gallop around the park which was empty except for a couple of joggers. A thundering run across the Parade Field! Andy smiling always glad the horses got good hard rides. A hug for him.

He was very pleased with Dean and I was intro'd to Myrtle. This was her first day! She was forty seven, a life-long horse lover and rider. Married with a daughter who was working on making Myrtle a grandmother in a few months. Her work background was in retail management so Andy was hoping it would work in here for us.

For Myrtle the chance to be with horses every day and be paid to do it was a fantasy!

"Miss Martin..." Me... "Fay" She smiled, "Fay, it is rather amazing to be talking to you here."

"Well this is my way of being able to ride when I want! Greedy for it really."

I said I'd look forward to seeing her on our next trip.

Cho was sipping coffee with the newspaper in the big booth. I squeezed in, a kiss!

I got coffee too and a waffle! Huge, covering the plate! Butter and syrup and it disappeared! Martha smiling.

Tha in between the Twins, feeding them cereal and apricots. They loved their food! Big toothy smiles from them both!

We were heading home to Bangkok soon! We were eager! One stop first!

We went over to Boeing Field for a few hours before the flight so we could visit the two businesses. Tha and the Twins went aboard the 767 with Jaidee.

Amarha! She was doing great! The two deputy managers working for her were carrying their load so she could do some flying and training. Going through each business top to bottom Amarha showed the staff she understood their positions and work. They could talk `tech' to her!

Amarha with a huge smile, "Fay, this is a great learning thing for me. I've seen the internals of aircraft like never before and it has given me a real appreciation for the work done at each level and position."

Fist bump!

Every pilot had transitioned to the AW139's. The AW119kxe's were taken out of service so we could standardize on the bigger and more powerful AW139 version. She was working on developing two into `chief' pilots responsible for training.

Naomi, the Agusta turbine engine specialist was going to stay with us in that role for the whole company across the globe. She was going to hitch a ride to Bangkok with us to meet and greet with Kavat and the folks at Don Mueang. Cheers!

I walked through both companies talking with workers. On the helicopter side I had a short talk with GiGi, she was doing very well.

"You should go out front to see Patty," her eyebrows raised. Okay.

I did, gone was the heavy makeup but the smile was still there. GiGi smiling from the doorway, we headed down a passage, Patty and Buddy were a couple now. They were terrific together, having fun and giving good vibes to everyone!

I went to the engine shop, Buddy saw me and took off a glove.

"Miss Martin, good to see you!"

He was smiling, ebullient, thrilled with the new engines! A truly happy fellow. It was quite heart-warming to see.

He'd been one to help load the last of the old Robinson helicopters onto the truck taking them to the school we donated them to in Portland. He'd been glad to see the back of them!

We waved goodbye going up the stairs. Jaidee at the top waggy-tail waiting in the doorway! We were moving right away, Mira's voice on the tannoy saying we were first for take-off. Belted in, rolling on the taxiway then the surge as we turned onto the long ribbon of asphalt. Zooming up after a short run I smiled over to Cho, he pointed to Jaidee in his padded seat looking out the window tongue hanging out.

Tha was in the cabin with the Twins strapped in. I heard a tiny laugh from over that way. Once we were out of the seats I looked in. Charlie was waving his plush blue dog laughing away! Chani smiling at me as I knelt beside her, kiss. Tha and I brought the babies out to the lounge.

We were all on the carpet. Cho and I did a reading from a book of English poems about the countryside, animals and farms. Nice, peaceful.

Naomi asked if she could do some reading, I welcomed her down on the deck. Smiling she lifted the book and started. She had a great voice, measured with a slightly deeper tone. The Twins were paying attention, someone new reading! Naomi was really good at this.

At dinner later I jokingly asked her to forget the engines and be our reader. She laughed, "Fay, I read to my nieces and nephews all the time. They're in several different cities so I get around to them. It is fun to watch them listen."

She was welcome to take ours on whenever we were around! `A deal!' Fist bump!

Snuggled with the boys before lights out Cho was lightly tickling, "You are right... we're very lucky with the people who work for us. I'm glad it is in our core to care for them."

Hug and kiss. I moved on top running my fingers through that glorious dark hair while making extensive use of Cho's lips! We enjoyed that for a bit then sleep. As I drifted away I was thinking about the previous night and how my husband had pleasured me! It had thrilled me so much it was past erotic to pure bliss.

A cup of coffee, a scone from Martha which were close to Sue's level. Sun in the windows, Jaidee next to me on the sofa, a great morning!

Ban and Soka! Soka was five months gone now and showing a cute baby bump. Her doctor said to stop flying at the end of her second trimester. So another month then to the office at Don Mueang. Her smile told me all was well with her.

As they got started on breakfast Cho's head appeared with a me too! Soka waved.

I was looking at Cho... he was looking at me! We were both chewing our eggs! I didn't want to laugh but it was hard not to. We managed not to make a mess. Francis and Gil laughing at our laughing... Our protection Team and Naomi laughing too, it was like Charlie starting the giggles.

We were on the ground in New Orleans, Louisiana! Lakefront Airport right on Lake Pontchartrain, a ten minute drive to the race course. This was a small airfield for the normal sized corporate jets, our 767 really stood out.

The local contractor to service us was on the job immediately thanks to Kavat. They loved seeing the big jet! Giving us thumbs up when we went down to walk a bit with Jaidee. We parked south of the terminal building beside a hangar with a nice strip of grass for our boy to have fun on.

We would go over to the race course in a few hours. Today was a bit special, we had two horses in two races.

A lemon yellow sleeveless dress to mid-thigh, Harcourt Racing green accessories and heels with gold jewellery. A matching bag and linen gloves with a green cardigan.

Cho in a navy suit, white shirt and one of the green and yellow ties!!

Francis in navy too, Gil in yellow! Oh my matching! PJ and Tessa with me, Rande and Ansara with Cho. Tara and Penny all came along to watch the racing. Ken and Ro drew guard duty on the 767.

We brought Naomi along, we had plenty of room and she didn't need to be cooped up all day.

First to the barn via the Trafalgar Street entrance. Rando and Hansa. We visited them as usual, they were calm but Hansa nickering when I stroked her neck. Reggie gave us the thumbs up!! Rando seemed pleased to see us. Maylene, his groom, smiling `he's ready!'

James and Jackson were confident they were prepared. We left them to it.

Back in the car we motored around to the main entrance to the grandstand. There was a nicely dressed blonde woman to be our guide. Gil arranged for us to have the Parterre Suite. It was a bit big for us but the sofas and big chairs near the windows were good.

A slender young woman who looked Afro-Caribbean was the bartender, Yobi. She was surprised our party was so small but made us very welcome. There was a table of miscellaneous snacks and Yobi got us drinks.

We'd be here for a few hours with the two races not running consecutively.

I was on the phone with Kent about Yevgeny's interview.

"I'll send it to you, we are putting the story together now with the new parts. It should be final, I hope, in a few days. Dynamite too! Our `friend' from Queens won't be happy when it runs."

I was all for that and congratulated him and his team! Cho came over as I was ringing off. His smile was a thing of beauty hearing my Fox News news!

Roslyn and I talked, she had emailed and texted several times about Samara. She was easing in to the rhythm of the place. The Red School House was ready for her to start Monday and Samara seemed eager. We good for now with her in a guest room. A move later when everyone thought appropriate.

Nina was keeping a woman Security officer on duty at all times during this beginning period.

Eve said the NSA folks were in full charge of the `russian connection.' Her folks had fun but were glad to be rid of the responsibility. They were building an entirely new defense with the new servers and the help from the newly arrived London folks was greatly appreciated.

"It was a nifty challenge which they enjoyed. It's over and they are pleased," Eve sounded glad too!

My iPhone gave me the `Sci-Fi' ringtone. Cho looked up from his iPad, a grin.

"Hillary, we are good. New Orleans for some horse racing. Yes, we have two going off shortly..." I laughed with her about the behind the scenes fighting over Yevgeny.

"I let them get it done with one of my people being a close observer. The FBI was right but the NSA will get their shot."

I told her about Samara. There was quiet, "Is she Okay?"

I gave Hillary our setup and that it was the family who decided.

"I'm fine with their being the ones to choose. At twelve it's not very likely she'd know anything of value anyway."

I gave her what Yevgeny had told us and we decided to believe that Samara had been with a cousin for the last six months or so. He'd visited but never stayed more than an overnight.

"I'll have Gil send regular reports to which person you want to be the conduit."

We were good. Maybe we'd be in Virginia in a month or so. Her `look me up' was hilarious! That was the way the conversation ended.

Cho laughing with my telling.

Yobi brought me a fresh club soda and lime. She was quiet but then, "Miss, can I ask if you are Fay Martin?"

I grinned and said I was. She didn't go crazy but you could see she was excited.

"My mom thinks you're great! So do I!"

I thanked Yobi and told her to say hi to her mom from me. Fist bump! She bounced back to the bar smiling!

The Rachel Alexandria Stakes was up, Hansa's race. It was named for Rachel Alexandria, she was an awesome racer, she had a great record, now retired making babies! Eight and a third furlongs. Rated as a G2 and only for fillies.

Post parade passed beneath us. Hansa glowing in the light as she walked calmly to the left towards the gate. Our green and yellow bright in the sun. The other horses walking along well except for a gray at the back, she wasn't sure about the whole thing. She was restive, jerking at her lead.

Around the back of the gate they started entering the chutes, Hansa was in five, the restive one beside her. Fingers crossed!

All quiet... CLANG and they were loose! The gray hip bumped Hansa, Tomas held her firm and they both went ahead a half stride behind the others. Hansa running fine! Monaco with a tight grin squeezing my hand as I squeezed his.

Cho smiling, "She's Okay!"

Our girl was getting into her stride now gobbling up the first ones in front of her. Two leaders were entering the turn a few lengths clear. Hansa moved quickly to follow them. She attached to the shoulder of the outside horse in the turn but when they straightened out she switched leads and accelerated.

She rushed to the front pulling away from the two others. She had a four length lead as the second turn approached, I had her in my glasses. She switched leads, right to left, whizzing around the turn. As she came to the head of the stretch she shifted gears back to the right lead and poured on the power. At the eighth pole she was nine lengths ahead and running easily. Tomas quiet on her back, guiding her down the rail to a victory! Her time of 1:42:5 was fast but not a record. The eleven length margin was the largest though!

Lots of cheers and hugs in the suite. I had Jackson's hand, kiss for his weathered cheek, "You've done a wonderful job with Hansa! Thanks!"

He was beaming, "She's such a talent... You are going to continue to point to the Derby, right?"

I laughed, "You know we will. This was a warmup for her. It's been a long winter!"

Our Fair Grounds guide came to the door to lead us down to the Winner's Circle. Our first time here crowned with success.

Cho took Hansa's lead from Reggie and walked into the Winner's Circle. Lots of cheers and shouts of congratulations! I did the waving, Cho got the bling! A hug for Hansa and Tomas as they went to do the post-race things.

We went back up to the suite. On the way a teenage girl asked for my autograph! Well... Okay. I signed a racing program for her. She thanked me with a huge smile. I shook her hand!

Cho grinning, "It's like Montaigan said..." making the same preening motion, a French accent to his words, "Always the woman, never the handsome man."

We laughed and hugged. All our folks had been there on the Rue Saint Louis en Isle in Paris so were in on the joke!

Yobi got fresh drinks for everyone. She'd been speaking with Tessa who made a can we `talk' motion.

"Yobi wants to move on from working here..." our eyes together, "she is wondering about joining us in a similar role or cooking. Now I haven't said anything to encourage her. She says she has a degree in Hospitality although I'm not sure what that means."

I said to ask her if she likes to fly and travel. Tessa, the sharpie, "Oh maybe because of Soka?"

I nodded and shrugged. Almost an aerobic workout. Fist bump.

We relaxed while several other races went off. A call from Jackson said Hansa had come through fine, no injury or issues. She would head to Gulfstream day after tomorrow.

I grazed the buffet. I was pleased to see some good cheeses, fruit and bread. Tessa joined me with Yobi. Yobi looked ill at ease in asking to see if we could employ her but determined give it a try. A girl after my own heart! I sat at a table with my food, I motioned for her to come sit.

I started it by saying I wasn't the one to do the hiring but I'd listen to her. She worked a family owned restaurant and here, an associate's degree in Hospitality she explained was sort of of a mix of running a retail store slash restaurant slash kitchen rolled into one. She was twenty three, a great cook, `foot-loose and fancy free.'

The last I thought funny. I asked about a passport, yes.' I looked at Tessa, she was giving me a it's not up to me' look.

"Yobi you would have to be interviewed by our people who do the hiring. They'll want to do it in person."

She was good with that until I said it was in Bangkok... a droop... which changed when I said she could go there on one of our aircraft at no charge. We were leaving for Bangkok a few hours after the Risen Star Stakes.

WOW! That got her! "You mean really in a few hours?"

I nodded, "We'd get you back here if you want also at no charge."

"Clothes? But packing some things?"

I laughed, "Well there's no need for formal gowns just a lot of shorts and a bikini as a start. You'll need something sleep in because it's an overnight flight otherwise very informal."

"I'm not done here until six."

"If you want to slip away we can look after ourselves. Don't go overboard on the packing and tell your family you aren't being kidnapped."

"Tessa, go with her help smooth the passage. Don't worry we won't leave without you!"

Tessa gave me a mock arm punch.

"Boy you need to work out more! There was nothing in that!"

We laughed and I waved them out the door. Yobi had her car in the employees lot.

Cho's arm around my shoulders, he leaned in for a kiss after I gave him the story.

"You are a strange one. Picking up stray puppies everywhere." We had a wonderful laugh.

"Well, I seem to attract them," shrugging again. Another kiss!

Cho's smile!!

The Risen Star Stakes was next! Rando was up. The stakes were named for a son of Secretariat who had won the race here when it had another name and went on to win the 1988 Preakness and Belmont Stakes. His win at the Belmont like his sire's by a huge margin. Risen Star, now after all the years, still had the fourth fastest time and the fourth widest victory margin, for a few years it was Secretariat then his son in the speed list.

The sun shone on Rando's black skin, he was so dark, like a pool of ink. Emanuel was aboard. His collar bone break before the Frontrunner Stakes had put Marnie on Hansa but Rando was going to keep him very busy. He liked our Thai Horse.

They walked to the gate for the eight and half furlong G2 race. All were moving easily, loading done! The pause... CLANG! They burst out with Rando from the three spot going straight down the track level with two others on his right. The three rolled down the straight past us leaving the rest behind. Rando eased ahead in the turn with his lead shift then more when they settled onto the back straight.

Rando powered away further widening his lead to five by the turn. He switched leads right to left spinning around the turn then back to right having opened a seven length gap. The stretch was quite the show as Rando charged down the dirt spreading his lead. A chestnut tried to make a run at him but there was no slack in our boy. He soared across the finish in 1:40:5 with a nine length margin!

Not a record time but very close to Risen Star himself who had a 1:40:00 on this track. Rando was terrific. We celebrated loudly. Our boy from Rabam, Thailand had WOW'd the crowd! We were escorted a second time to the Winner's Circle. Cho got more shiny hardware and another big check!

Emanuel had a huge smile, "Miss, he is very good! He loves running!"

A hug for our jockey and horse. They went off for their things and we got a ride in several golf carts out to the barn.

Hansa was happy! She enjoyed our petting and treats. Jackson looking like he was very pleased.

"Miss Martin, she is a doll to train. Right from the first she been willing to work hard and like I've said... SMART!"

Fist bump!

"Watch out in Florida you don't get a tan and shock everyone."

Jackson laughed, "I'll burn probably."

Reggie stuck his head out of Hansa's stall, "I'll watch so he don't melt away!"

We all laughed.

Cho shook Jackson's hand, "Well...you two have a good safe trip and get our girl ready."

Another fist bump from me. Rande and PJ did big hugs for Jackson, fist bump and see you soon's.

Emanuel came in from weighing and Rando from testing. All Okay!

Maylene would be staying here with Rando for the Louisiana Derby, Emanuel found himself in demand for rides here so he'll be busy.

A call from Tessa. Yobi was ready to go but what about her car. I told her to leave at her parents and the two of them get a taxi to the airport. She lived with her family in the Plum Orchard neighborhood so it wasn't far.

"I'll give you the scoop later." I laughed at that phrase.

We loaded ourselves for the airport also. It was a quick trip.

Stephanie said over the intercom we can go whenever we want.

Tessa and Yobi came aboard. Yobi's eyes popping out as she looked around.

`Strap in!' from Stephanie over the tannoy.

We were moving, the big thing had attracted some attention from the local airplane buffs. There were a few taking snaps and video.

Jaidee hopped into his seat when Cho called him and pointed, what a cutie-pie! Eyes bright as he looked out.

We rolled over to runway 36L, Stephanie put the pedal down as we turned. The flashing scenery and then sky. A turn to port for the over the pole track to Bangkok. Seventeen hours from Stephanie.

Soka and Ban went to work on dinner when we came to level flight. Yobi was intro'd to all. She went to help Soka or just watch... whatever worked.

Me... I grabbed my daughter for a hug and she sat on the bed as I changed to jeans and jumper. Then we got down to some play and reading with Charlie and Cho once he was in jeans too!

Everybody had their dinners, the Twins went in to sleep. Tha smiling as we tucked the little darlings in. Work for me and Gil, Cho and Francis had an iPad opened to the map app.

I plowed through my usual assortment of reports, emails, etc... Yobi brought me espresso and Amaretto. I asked her to sit and waved Tessa to join us.

"So how did it go at home?"

Yobi's face was shining, "My dad was all for me having an adventure, mom wasn't happy. She did get that I wasn't getting anywhere in New Orleans. The big hotels weren't hiring or didn't want me except in a `waitress' role. My shifts for the family restaurant will be split by cousins who are good with more hours. I had to leave a message for my boss at the race course. Not ideal but time was pressing."

"Call them. Use one of the phones on the bar. We'll give you some space."

Yobi thanked me and went to do it.

Tessa grinned, "Her dad was on her side right away! Her mom was looking for her to settle down in the city, marry, grandkids, although she didn't use it against Yobi it was in the air. Her dad was going to make a fast run to the bank but I... I hope I did right... said we'd take care of her needs."

Fist bump. "We are offering the trip so we are responsible for her welfare."

Yobi came back, "She was upset but not mad. She was actually supportive and amazed I was on your jet going to Bangkok. I told her I was going for an interview and nothing was definite yet. So it is good."

Fist bump. She sat down looking at me and around the lounge, turning to Tessa, "Please pinch me I don't believe I'm here."

A big OW! Okay Tessa! Yobi rubbed her arm, "I get you take suggestions seriously. No more!"

I was laughing. I got Tessa to give her each person's role. The eight Security folks surprised her. PJ and Rande sat her down in a corner to give her some basics until her position was decided.

Sleep time! Snuggled with the guys! Jaidee had had a great workout from Tara and Ro. He was ready for bed. Cho wrapped me in strong brown arms for some kissing. Very welcome too! When he said `sleep' I was ready!

Mira's voice `forty minutes to wheels down' got us moving. We packed up our work.

I changed to shorts and crop T and sandals before buckling in. A bright sunny day, warm but not excessively humid. Going down the stairs with Chani, Cho and Jaidee and Tha followed with Charlie. All our babies!

Kavat was there to greet us happy campers with Penn. Hugs! Kavat got to meet Naomi. She would be with him and his crews for a week or so.

Then Yobi. Gil had explained about her in an email while we were flying home. Kavat said they had a place for her stay in the building with Penn. She would be interviewed soon and we'd see.

Penn hadn't met the Twins, she loved seeing them. Walking to the AW139 with us, she said she was great! Enjoying her work and the city. Her parents did some harrumphing when she left but have come around a good bit with her positive, happy reports.

We did fist bumps with my free hand.

Watching the house come in focus as we descended to land on the dock, it was a welcoming sight. Amporn and Niran, Achara waving. I passed out Chani to Cho. Gil got Jaidee and Francis got Charlie from Tha. We got hugs from our staff on the terrace.

The Twins went into the Nursery to settle down. We decided to get in the pool! A black string bikini and I was wet right away! I did laps for about twenty minutes. It felt good! Gil beside me! We climbed out to coconut lassi's from Niran!

Achara grinning as she delivered... then it hit me... Kiet was on vacation. I knew where but not many did. New York! He and Sondra were using the big suite at the 46th Street hotel. I'd arranged it via Gil.

It had two bedrooms so they could share easily without any issues or pressure. She knew the city and was the tour guide. It was great they liked each other but my insides told me it was more. They gotten a bit frightened at their first blush of romance plus physical intimacy but still cared about each other. When Sondra told me they were writing and emailing then...

I hoped they would find which sort of relationship they wanted during this time together. Waiting...

Cho did some laps, pretended to sprinkle water on us and ran in to dress. He came out looking great in a suit, no tie and had Rande and Ansara with him. I got a kiss!

We got dressed too. Tu with the car, PJ and Ken, we went to the Foundation office. Anong jumped into my arms! Little Rak2 sitting in a wheelie chair with a small piece of salapao and a grin with a couple of teeth!

Anong and Tala had been doing a `meeting' so I left them to it. I went downstairs to Ni's offices. Another big hug!

We sat with her team leaders to review our Apple Enterprise Network, all the Apps and miscellaneous other projects. They had Petra and all her managers download the Stingray App.

Gary had a hit opposite the Fox Tower like I had and it turned off when he initiated the `kill' button. Gary did a follow up with Captain Kerns of the NYPD in a back-channel way. Kerns said there was no device setup by NYPD in that location. The negative didn't surprise us but it helped.

So Ni's crew is creating an App for an iPad to do a search for the device. They'd send a link along to Gary as soon as it was ready. They had three different stingray models here in their office to test on. When we found the location we'd tell NYPD or FBI or whoever we thought might be best so they can force its removal. Or we identify the location and `turn it off' when we want.

The Panic App was getting much better geo-location ability and the ability to point an emergency call to local 911 or 999 along with our closest Security office automatically.

They had created a link app so we could get into the Harcourt House Domesday Book and see everything! It was great! I kidded Carter on a call that the upstairs airing cupboard was empty. He pulled up his connection to see it full and started laughing, "Miss Martin, don't start me up like that. Audra would be very put out if it were true."

We had a terrific laugh.

Ni's troops occupied three floors of the building now. They were still doing training software for The Company in one division, apps for our Apple Enterprise in another, video, mapping, etc... She was doing so well. Our backing had given her company a big boost right when it needed it!

She would take part in the Apple WWDC in June along with folks from The Company. Yea!

Hugs and a kiss! A cute grin knowing Phuket was ten days away.

At the house we prepared for Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig's coming to town. The plan was we'd feed them Amporn's fantastic food, lots of golf for the guys, Aunt Dee and I would to tourist visits and we'd all do an overnight trip to the Forest Palace. They were coming direct from Inverness in a Gulfstream. It was a long flight but the beds were good, it had a shower and good food to heat up. Lis was on board to care of them.

Graeme had been out to Harcourt House a few times with friends for overnights. His emails were glowing with the wonderful care of our staff and how terrific it was to ride around the estate! Huge thanks from them all. Some snaps of them clustered together in a selfie outside a paddock.

Donella was coming out for Phuket. The Gulfstream that returned her parents to Inverness would take her to Chalgrove for a 767 flight with Rona, MFA and Reg, Malee, Anne and Eric, Andrea, Caroline and Ting, Sara, Daphne and Adam. The three babies would be along but would stay at our house in Bangkok with the Twins. Tha would play hostess for all their nurses. What a crowd!

Tonight Phailin and Dad, Thoi and Kanda were coming over to see the grandkids! Dinner and babies. Amporn was making crispy fish just for me! Well there'd be enough for the others if they were quick!

Kavat called, he and Yobi had started talking after we left. They went ahead and did her interview, he hired Yobi for cabin staff. They had a good interview with some `hands-on' testing. She started training... a pause "Ten minutes ago." A laugh. Cute!

She would have some training at Don Mueang then go out for on the job training with Ban and Soka on the London pickup. She had excellent hospitality skills, smart too!

All I said was to make sure she lets her family know what is happening. Kavat said he'd make the point.

I got another bikini wet and laid out in the sun. Gil beside me. Cho and Francis joined us. Snacks came out when our guests arrived. The Twins were under an umbrella. They got lots of attention!

We ate on the terrace as the sun went west. It was great to feed the hungry little ones outdoors. Boy they loved all their solid food. Fruits, veggies and cereal were greats! Bananas a top item!

They each got a very small piece of a Patongo as a treat. It was cute to see them holding it to their mouths to bite. It wasn't much and didn't last long either!

Their grandparents enjoyed them!

Charlie and Chani were growing so fast. They were seven months but crawling was definitely fun with the odd bruise thrown it. Sitting their high chair was fabulous because it meant FOOD! I guess they get that from me.

They were wonderful sleepers. Tha had accustomed them to what the beds were for so they usually conked out right away. A good night sleep and two naps were done like clockwork!

Chani was slightly over eighteen pounds and twenty seven and three quarters inches! Charlie bigger at twenty pounds and twenty nine inches. Both over the average, whatever that means, healthy, making their nurse and parents very happy. Their pediatrician loved them! She thought they were such an adorable pair!

The morning brought Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig on the ground at Don Mueang! Thoi and Dad drove in the gates. Golf!

The helicopter touched down on our dock, my aunt and uncle were helped out. We waited on the grass with open arms! I got Uncle Craig and Cho got Dee!

Holding Aunt Dee's hand, "Was the flight Okay?"

"Yes! Lovely! We had lots of room, the meals were very good! Lis was terrific, she did everything! Tea and coffee with cookies and scones! Dinner was terrific! You guys..."

A huge hug! I was laughing as Uncle Craig's golf clubs went by Cho had them do a u-turn. Cho asking if he needed a rest and a big NO in response! Eye roll from Dee.

"It was so relaxing flying this way, I slept very well!"

Okay. The foursome were off to the Thai Country Club out past Suvarnabhumi Airport. They boarded the helicopter for the trip.

I asked Aunt Dee if she wanted to relax in the sun for a bit with the Twins and swim. She was up for that! A change to swimwear, lassi's and snacks! The sun felt great! I could see Dee taking it in! Sunscreen was applied to pale skin!

Kanda and Phailin would came over again for dinner, early, to sit around with us and the Twins!

I great to see Dee munching on a honey-peanut glazed baked tofu satay! She loved it! We had her taste buds primed for tonight's dinner!

The Twins got lots more attention when the golfers returned then it was nap time. Tha smiling as Cho and I did the carrying.

Uncle Craig was tired from the golf and traveling so he napped before dinner like the Twins. I kidded Aunt Dee after he left because his eyes almost popped out seeing me in my `itty-bitty black bikini.'

She was laughing, "Well he did stop for a moment! Maybe a lie-down was needed!"

We all laughed.

We had a terrific supper on the terrace! Amporn's food magical as always. The crispy fish again with grilled prawns, veggies, roti and aromatic rice! Niran's special mango sherbet got raves too! An awesome meal!!

Aunt Dee had been in the kitchen with Amporn for some of the making, enjoying watching our master do the cooking! They talked food, baking and spices. Amporn's English was pretty good now, she could read and write many thanks to Kiet's and Achara's help.

Espresso and afters outside also. The men did light up a few cigars at the far end of the terrace which was downwind. Uncle Craig's face as the bouquet of the Remy Martin filled his head was great.

I nudged Dee, she smiled, "He's not a big drinker, he savours it when he does."

The next few days were golf, tourist visits, good food and lots of the Twins! Aunt Dee was delighted in Bangkok's sights, sounds and smells. We were under a huge old banyan tree near the Palace grounds with fruit ices relaxing after hours of wandering.

"Fay, it is exotic but the reverence for the past is a lot like home. Our monarchies are a strong thread holding the two countries close to their history."

I told her I felt the same which was why America's culture is so different. Dissimilar but yet not unlike each other.

"You speak Thai so well, a gift from your parents. Dora could speak any language quickly. I'm sure it was very useful for work."

Uncle Craig holding Dee's hand as she gave him our day. The glorious Palace buildings, the artwork and seeing the many Buddhist monks. We met Kamol's uncle which was very nice. He offered to show us some `secret' places. We'd go over in two days.

Craig and Cho had so much fun playing together. Really awesome for them. I was informed by my guy he was going to buy a house in Fortrose or nearby so he could go up to the Highlands and play with Craig on the many courses up there.

I grinned and said `go for it.' Cho had put Francis on it and that fellow smiled with a thumbs up.

I suggested we gather everyone in Southwold in August? The weather should be good and the guys could play golf there while the rest of us enjoy the kids and the beach. That got a big YES!!

In the early light our helicopter lifted off for the Forest Palace. Our first trip since the wedding. Cho did a bit of tour guide pointing out landmarks as we flew northeast. In forty minutes we were flared for landing on the lawn.

Cho had given them the history of the Palace as we flew closer.

Aunt Dee stepped looking at me then back to the house.

"Cho, Fay, it is beautiful! The colour and shape! What a place!"

I had Uncle Craig's hand, I squeezed.

"Well I can't improve on that. Cho, this is all local timber?"

"Yes, we culled it over time and built in three sections as the wood became available. The men who built it are craftsmen who still are working building other homes throughout the valley..." His arm swept towards the wide space to the north towards Korat, "...for a company we own. I wanted them to be as independent as possible and using their skills. They, as a collective, own forty nine percent of the company."

"That's terrific! Well done you!" Uncle Craig's hand out to Cho.

We gave them a house tour before settling on the big deck for some lunch. Cho gave them some more background on the house and Ting's contributions especially about the local flora in the garden. We'd get an excursion through the garden for them by Do, our gardener.

Dee and I walking slowly in the garden after their tour. I described our marriage ceremony, I set the scene and described how it worked.

A smile, "It sounds quite romantic actually."

"It was! I completely forget everyone else around us, it was just Cho and I."

I explained the Chief Monk's prayers and the ones in Pali expressed lovely thoughts and that I became interested in learning the ancient language.

"When we attended Kamol's wedding, her uncle you met joined us afterwards and was very surprised to find I spoke Pali."

We did a hug, `Your mom!'

We sat outside in the dark with stomachs full of a delicious dinner with afters as the day cooled. I lent Dee a cardigan, I slipped on a hoodie.

There was golf talk about the Korat Country Club which was thirty minutes away, they'd try that on another trip. Ha!

Cho with Rak and Uncle Craig was going out to the Army Golf Course when we got back tomorrow.

All I said was not to wear my poor old uncle out. Dee laughing loudly, Uncle Craig grinning but doing fist bumps with Cho!

I was up early as usual on the top of the tower watching the sun come up, coffee in hand. Shortly Aunt Dee joined me with her mug of tea.

A beautiful sight! We sat to enjoy it. I told her we were where Cho had found me one night, holding me he promised we'd make my idea of medical clinics come true.

"Cho and I are a team!"

"You really are! I see it and I haven't been around very much... everyone should. Your love and mutual respect get you going! The ideas flow and things happen. You two are remarkable!"

"So what do think about having us own a home in Fortrose?"

"We'd host you any time but we don't have the room so if it means you two will come up a few times a year then... Whoopee!"

We hugged and laughed! The guys had come up and were ... huh? Dee explained.

Francis chimed in he had a local estate agent on the job. He'd gotten the name from an Inverness lawyer colleague of our `City' solicitors.

Okay enough talk... FOOD! From me but there was universal acclaim! Our cook was smiling as we all crowded in. Scrambled eggs would be easy to make in a batch! Salapaos and cut fruit! We divided into teams. Cho put me on fruit as usual!

I brought onto the sunny terrace a big platter and was praised for my artistic show! I gave an assist to Gil who had helped with the cutting. We immediately destroyed it! Anarchy! It was a fun breakfast!

Some time with Gil in the sun for work, Francis on his phone to Scotland, Cho talking with our German banking buddies. Uncle Craig and Aunt Dee walked in the garden, getting the scents, watching the bees be busy.

Loaded up and heading back. The golfers were golfing, the rest of us were going to get an `inside' look at some of the temples by Kamol's uncle.

Lunch on the terrace from Amporn! Grilled fish, roti, red curry soup and veggies. Yum!

Our guided tour was great! We got to see lovely artwork which is only seen by the monks, screens, paintings, frescos and statues. It was a terrific visit! Kamol's uncle told us the areas weren't open because it was too difficult to get many people in. It had been `tight' in a few places.

I enjoyed practicing my Pali, Kamol's uncle really liked my learning the ancient language.

"We do not wish it to be only used for religious purposes, there is considerable body of beautiful written work that should not be unavailable."

We spoke about how to bring Pali into schools or other public arenas, I said I'd be willing to help.

We kissed cheeks at the end, he squeezed my hand as I thanked him again for the special tour. We were welcome back any time.

A swim was needed. Gil and I did twenty minutes of laps which was great. Aunt Dee decided to swim in a less `exercise' manner. We got lassi's from Niran and chilled out before the BBQ tonight. The Crew was coming over to meet our guests and munch on Cho's kebabs!

Black cuffed short shorts, red sleeveless, cut off Polo shirt, black espadrilles with gold bits and `Joy' YES!

Cho's black shorts and steel gray Polo shirt were ooooohhhhh! I made him an offer for later and received a fist bump to close the deal.

Uncle Craig and Cho supervised' Achara's kebab cooking, I greeted our guests with Aunt Dee. Lawan and Thang looking great, Ni and Kavnu with the boys! Jaidee woofed his greeting to his buds' they ran off together. Thet and Reyna! Kamol and Sarge, it was the first time I'd seen them after their wedding. Big hugs! I asked Kamol for the story.

We three sat on the edge of the terrace with drinks. They thanked me for the aircraft flights for them and the Li/Tarek team. Sarge's family did a wonderful job of planning and being so obviously happy for them. Sarge's mom had really taken Kamol under her wing so they decided to tell her their secret.

Sarge's mom was glad she had another daughter and grandkids... well there were lots of already. Kamol told her about me and Cho which was an eye-opener as they hadn't said anything much about her work. Her working for us and knowing us gave Kamol a gloss which Sarge though funny but whatever.

They also told his mom how we had gotten our Twins which made her eyes shine. Sarge knew she wanted him to have kids. They'd look into it and keep her updated.

The wedding at their family church was awesome, so many relatives, colourful dresses as Kamol asked everyone wear what made them happy, lovely singing but the actual part for them was mercifully short! They both laughed at that.

"She looked a dream coming down the aisle on my uncle's arm. I thought my heart might break."

"I have lots of pictures to share but one day when you are at the Railroad... Okay?"

"Yes!" Fist bump!

The kebabs were great, Achara getting the big share of the credit. Cho said he was going to give her the secret sauce mix recipe! They were laughing as she promised, `cross my heart' not to tell anyone!

Amporn's food was praised by Aunt Dee. She was going to make some at home!

This new mix of my Crew and family was very happy. They all talked and enjoyed themselves. Some stories exchanged and roles illuminated. The Twins held `court' on the terrace getting a large portion of the groups attention. We had a nice get together.

The morning sun had warmed Jaidee's fur as we played. Running all over the grass throwing and chasing one of his balls. I plopped down for a breather Jaidee put his head in my lap. Stroking that smooth dark bod was delightful. His breathing like mine returned to normal. Cho found us after his swim. Jaidee and I got petted by our guy!

He was off to the Railroad, I said I'd join him later for lunch at his fav French-Polynesian restaurant! A kiss for that. I did some laps with Gil then we watched Francis do some diving, he was pretty good. Very smooth! The first time we'd seen him was off the dock in Seattle in the COLD water! This was better, we all agreed!

A mixed morning! Gil and I for a few hours, the Twins on the Terrace for reading a book and dressed for lunch. Orange crop top, snug pink mini-skirt, Jimmy Choo orange Romy heels, pink nails and lips! Gold bangles all over! `Joy'

Tu had the car, Tara with me. Gil had a long list of things from me, follow ups on a lot of activity. Francis was working real estate in Scotland amongst other things.

Phailin and Kanda collected Uncle Craig and Aunt Dee for some more city sightseeing. Penny went with them, she was a native Bangkok girl, she knew the city well.

I stopped at the Foundation for a visit with Anong and Rak2. He was a sweetie. Solid foods newly started and a success so far. Fist bump for Anong. Jian, Ting, Andrea and Caroline were coming home in a few hours and we'd go up to Korat tomorrow morning for the clinic opening!

We had treat setup for the trip. There was a special train car that hadn't used for many years, it had been Shan's, Cho's dad, he used it to tour the Railroad infrastructure and for holidays. It had two full sleeping berths, two bunk bed berths, a bathroom with a shower, a kitchen, and a big lounge. Cho started a limited refurbishment about a year ago, this was the first trip.

Board members Kanda, Phailin, Dr. Vanatonu, Amedee, Mr. Nu and me, Aunt Dee was coming too! Jian, Anong, Tala and Ting with Andrea and Caroline. We'd ride the `Shan' car, as everyone at the Railroad called it, with a saloon car added for more space up to Korat with its own diesel engine.

Ting's parents would join us at the clinic. The Jian/Ting/Andrea and Caroline team would stay over at Ting's family for a several day visit. Then the adults would join us for the Phuket trip, golf for the guys and sun for the girls!!! Caroline would be in the Nursery with Chani and Charlie with the other babies coming from London.

Uncle Craig and Cho would play a last game of golf tomorrow before they returned to Inverness. It had a side importance, two senior members of the Thai Amateur Golf Association were going to go out with Cho. He'd be able to talk about being certified to play at the U.S. Amateur in August in Los Angeles and to help with that he'd tell them he'd received an invitation to play in the Concord Fund Cup Classic Tournament at the Bel-air Country Club at the beginning of March.

The tournament was a PGA event attracting some top ranked professional players each year, this year it would be played from March 7th through 10th. Cho would play as an amateur.

A 72 hole event had a $6,500,000 prize fund and was sponsored by a group of Los Angeles banks known as the Concord Fund. The tournament was played to support the pediatric wings of six Los Angeles area hospitals as an annual fund-raising event followed on Sunday evening by a ball at the Beverly Hills Hotel's Crystal Ballroom.

Ah!! Something for both of us! Cho to play golf for four days, I'd go out to Santa Anita for two races on Saturday. Sunday I'd go to the golf course to watch and we'd go to the ball together that night!

Cho's banker friend George and his wife would host us at their Summit Drive home to change for the ball. We'd all go down to the ball at the hotel for a few hours.

After I ate many coconut prawns!!!!!!!!!!!! We went different directions. Cho back to the Railroad, me home to wait for the troops from Chalgrove. Gil got a text the flight was on the ground and helicopter loading. I was in shorts and a Levis' crop T on the sunny Terrace.

Jian in my arms! Ting, Andrea and Caroline! We were all happy to be together! The first time Caroline had been to Thailand. I was sitting under an umbrella with the Twins, Caroline in my lap smiling. At nine months she was so cute with Andrea's chin still there!

In their suite I had my arms around Jian... tight! Those dark eyes!

"Fay, it is good to be here with you!"

I kissed her! I felt her love for me as we embraced! We held on for a few minutes.

I said a magic word... bikini! Her eyes bright! Jian dove into a bureau to pull out a red string one and held it up! Yea! I was off to get mine on!

A tiny black one on I grabbed her hand! We ran by the others to jump into the pool. We could hear the cheers as the water covered us. I put an arm on the pool edge legs open Jian swam against me. Hug!

It didn't take long for more splashing. Francis and Gil were last, they had to go further.

We had a loud dinner! The Terrace covered with us, big people and babies! Amporn delivered a terrific spread and we toasted each other back and forth!

I sat with Jian for a long time holding my buddy. She was so happy being part of the Chanthira Foundation! The clinics open in Bangkok were doing very well! They served large numbers of people and their communities were very pleased to have them!

"They often receive gifts of fruit and other treats as presents from happy families who have been helped."

After Phuket, she and Ku were going to Seattle to see the clinic and meet with Regina. Then go to Los Angeles to talk with the groups there and look at a few possible clinic locations. The same in New York after that.

Jian and Ku would `break-in' a new aircraft model for us. Jian grinning!

Leaving Seattle they'd use a Boeing 737-900ER which has been remodeled and upgraded. It has a 5,200 mile range with STOL features and very advanced avionics. Five hundred and eighty miles an hour speed. It can cross the Atlantic Ocean, non-stop across America, one stop to cross the Pacific Ocean.

Five cabins for sleeping with showers. There are two large bathrooms with showers and a large kitchen area. The bench seating which had slide out beds and chairs in a big lounge with a dining table. A large flat screen monitor/TV which was stored against the cabin bulkhead but could be swung out for viewing.

We hadn't seen it yet but the snaps made it look comfortable with pleasant colours. It was in Seattle at Aviation Support for the last bit of work.

The morning started with feeding the Twins with Cho. I got in some swimming then we headed to the train.

Cho was kissed and given a `break a leg' with the Thai Amateur golf folks.

I chose a white linen short sleeved dress to mid-thigh, narrow cuffs on the sleeves. A slender black belt, black stockings and heels, a black Coach bag, `Joy' Red round sunglasses.

The Twins were in white also with navy blue socks and shoes on Charlie and red on Chani. Tha smiling as I tied Chani's red laces. She put a matching floppy hat on each little head. Okay! We're ready!

A convoy of cars to the train. The `Shan' car was beautiful! Warm wood walls, comfortable chairs and sofas. Green colour scheme that was fabulous. Very rich colours! We had two stewards to help us. The second car was added for some open space.

Off to Korat! Our little train was given an express classification so zoomed up the track fairly quickly. The three hour trip was relaxing, we could sit and talk or walk some with the second car. We had tea or coffee, snacks. We used one of the bedrooms for the Twins and Caroline to nap.

I had some help to point out some sights to Aunt Dee. She liked train travel. We crossed several large ridge lines and the valleys in between, lush beautiful countryside. Green everywhere!

I had Charlie in my lap, he was looking out, big eyes! Aunt Dee had Chani opposite, the Twins were cute. Caroline joined us in Jian's arms, she was pointing at something outside. A big truck waiting for us to go by.

Anong decided to leave Rak2 at his great aunt's who wanted to host the little man. His nurse was there but auntie would have some baby fun.

We unloaded ourselves at the little station in Ban Makham, the southwest part of the city. It was a short drive to the clinic in a nearby residential district.

There were colourful banners and flags around the front, the staff greeting everyone. Loads of smiles!

Ting's mom and dad arrived. Hugs! They scooped up Caroline who was very happy to see them.

We did a ribbon cutting ceremony with the Mayor and a few other dignitaries. The local newspapers covered the opening, some video and snaps taken.

Alice and Tadeo! They came with their son who was a cutie. Tadeo expressed his pleasure in having a son and one that looked like his mother than `my ugly face.'

Alice was mad at that, "Fay tell the fool he is handsome!"

Tadeo laughing! He got the child, I got to hug Alice. They lived about a mile from the clinic so I made a point of introducing them to Sahae, the director.

The Mayor got to meet the Twins! He was a nice fellow. Jolly.

He asked if we were going to open more clinics. I had Jian go with that. She said the Foundation was looking at other parts of the city which were under-served but no decisions yet. He was very much our champion because the hospitals weren't interested in expanding to the outer residential areas.

We went inside with the crowd to look around. The local people were excited about having us here. Some brought baskets of fruit for the staff as a welcome gift. Awesome!

Our clinic director, Sahae, was all smiles! She was a local woman who got her medical degree after being widowed young. She'd manage and practise medicine.

We stood in the entry watching everyone wander about.

"Miss Martin, I think we are going to do quite well here. People started asking questions even before the Boxes were on site."

"I'm Fay... From what I see I know you're right!"

I told Sahae we'd be back after she'd been open for a bit. Hug!

Ting, Andrea, Jian and Caroline were off with Ting's family for a few days. I wished them a good visit. The plan was changed, Caroline was to stay with the grandparents while the parental team went to Phuket. Then the grandparents would come to the big city for a visit and `return' the kid!

Alice got to meet Aunt Dee. I let her explain how we met after I mentioned quietly to Alice I hadn't told most people the details. Alice just said we'd been captive together for many hours and Cho later helped her and Tadeo when we were all freed.

We gathered our crowd. Aunt Dee had really enjoyed seeing the clinic and the excitement around it.

"You two are doing a fine thing. The people here obviously need something like this. They're enthused!"

Fist bump... which made Dee laugh!

The little train had returned to the small station, we loaded up and away. We used the second car to do a lunch spread. Fruit of many types, a good cheese selection, breads, salads! The two stewards took good care of us.

I was sipping tea on a bench seat with Aunt Dee, Anong across from us. PJ and Tara at the end with tea and watching the countryside out the rear door.

The opening had been great! The Twins had been good as gold, laughing and yelling out some fun but obscure words. They had a new pack of admirers.

The return was pleasant and relaxing. We were back at home for dinner and the golfing news.

Cho and Uncle Craig had a great day! Cho shot a 63!! Uncle Craig had a 73, boy as he pleased!! The two fellows from the Thai Amateur Association were blown away by Cho's game!!! Totally!

They were as Uncle Craig said `gobsmacked as anyone I've ever seen!'

A grin on Cho's face, "I did play well, missed a couple of chances but that always happens. It was good! Craig was swinging like Jack Nicklaus, great shots all through the round."

Aunt Dee gave her `golfer' a big hug and kiss.

"It was a wonderful way to end our trip," my uncle smiling broadly!

It did end after a scrumptious dinner from Amporn. She gave Dee some recipes to try out on Craig. Then we waved goodbye as the helicopter lifted off for Cho-Fay Air at Don Mueang. Loads of hugs and kisses!!

Cho had delight in his new golfing buddy and Aunt Dee was great to have around. She really delighted in all her new experiences. She took a lot of snaps and video.

They left knowing we had a house in Fortrose. They wouldn't broadcast it.

It was off Ness Road, five acres with farm land on two sides. About half a mile from Uncle Craig and Aunt Dee's house on Castle Street! It was called the MacQuarrie House after the wool magnate who built it.

It was a mid-Nineteenth Century pale stone house, four bedrooms upstairs, two ensuite, plus a large separate bathroom, a fairly large lounge, spacious eat-in kitchen and big dining room. A study and library, a sitting room for the ladies, two powder rooms and a nursery. A separate two stall garage converted from a carriage house with big folding back doors and a two bedroom apartment above.

The garden in back was about an acre of grass surrounded by a high hedge, inside that were some good shade trees. Flower beds around a stone flagged sitting area.

A small cottage to the side, two small bedrooms, kitchen, lounge and a big bathroom we could use for a caretaker/housekeeper.

Most important was the ten minute walk to the Fortrose and Rosemarkie Golf Club. Francis working through the estate agent had done the deal! Cho was happy. The house was close to the course, big enough for a golf group to go and stay but not too big.

Aunt Dee would help to find someone to live-in, a housekeeper to clean and keep an eye on anything that needed to be done. She would work with our Security to vet whoever we hired. Thomas knew all about it, a team would go up to secure the house. We would need a grounds keeping service.

As their helicopter turned up river, my phone went off. The SiFi ringtone! "Hillary... that's good... Both reporters will be here in a week and we'll see... We'll be Los Angeles for some golf and racing then New York... we'll arrange a stop in D.C. Can we use the White House TAG as cover, you have her in the building too? Okay... Yes, tell Bill Cho is in a tournament that week. Well... it's Bill's fault!..."


Cho's arm around my waist, "Hillary would like us to be in Washington after the LA golf and races. Hillary says the woman at the State Department she wants us to meet will be back from a trip to Southeast Asia. Tim Kaine has a group of folks for the Technology Advisory Group lined up so we can do both."

"I heard your side... you suggested it... " He tapped my head, "You got a deceitful brain!"

"Well you can be sure the only one I won't use it on is you."

I got a tight hug! Kiss!

It was late so we were quiet looking in at the Twins. Sound asleep! Tha going to bed too. Hug!

Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig got to give going away hugs and kisses which the Twins loved. They were love bunnies!

I was thirty! Interesting. Francis laughing after I asked how it was. I asked him back with a `you're the point person on this age thing for me.' I was toasted with coffee for now.

Birthday lunch with Dad! I didn't wear the same dress again! I chose a pale blue with navy cuffs on the short sleeves, cotton and lightweight. Navy belt and heels with bare legs, gold bits all over! `Joy'

In the open neck of my dress hung a gold locket on a slender chain. A birthday gift! Chani and Charlie's faces peered out at me. Cute picture! My eyes wet but Cho wouldn't let me cry.

I got a goodbye kiss then put on my red lipstick!

Tu drove PJ and I to the Security Police HQ. The officer at the door gave me a salute which surprised me. I asked why.

"Miss, I was on duty one year ago... that is why!"

I took his hand and thanked him. He seemed a bit embarrassed but I said thank you again.

Siri was waiting with a huge grin. Hug! She had seen the officer's salute, "You deserve it!"

Down the wide hall to Dad's space.

"He has two department heads in with him but he'll end it soon."

"I'm early."

I could see Dad on his terrace with the two men, they were talking but Dad appeared to be making a point empathically. The men were nodding vigorously. They broke their meeting when dad glanced at his watch.

The fellows came through the office, they both smiled and bowed when Dad introduced them. He was smiling too so I guess it was all good.

He grabbed his uniform hat and we headed out. PJ and Atat! I'd hugged Atat when he had arrived.

`I wanted to complete our task from last year' when I asked why he was coming with us instead of Dad's regular bodyguard. Dad's grin was huge.

The old-fashioned restaurant was excellent once more. Their food traditional, perfectly prepared and served. The owner came out with the cake! It was green and yellow iced with a horse on top beside a big 30! I was laughing thanking him. He handed me the knife and I did the cutting honours.

It was soft and delicious! The icing was so rich! I was happy to take the rest home for Cho and the Twins. I had a little bag in hand as we walked back across the road.

No yells, no running feet, no gunfire... I was relieved when we were back in the HQ building. Dad smiling, he knew! PJ and Atat had grins, fist bump! In his office he again thanked PJ for his toughness last year, me he drew into a big hug and a kiss. I had another hug for Atat.

Atat said his family were all very good. His wife was happy to worry less each day. Fist bump!

On the ride home we detoured to La Villa Mall. First Starbucks! Then a brief walkabout checking out the restaurants. Some looked good! Ban was working at the iStudio Store. He saw me come in with PJ and came over to bow.

"Miss Martin, we are honoured you have come."

Smiling, I thanked him for the effusive greeting. I said I needed a new MacBook with lots of everything. He had one and I was walking back to the car very soon with an Apple bag.

Top end RAM, SSD and everything else! My birthday present to me!

At home I set the Apple Migration Assistant going to shift everything over! I handed the old laptop to our Security folks to wipe the drive and re-install the OS fresh! We'd find a good use for it.

Birthday dinner on the Terrace! Crispy fish, red chile prawns, red curry stir fried veggies, spicy rice, roti! A Newcastle! I was good!

The Twins were happy sitting with us, enjoying their dinner. They had a piece of the cake from the restaurant without icing and some of the beautiful pineapple cake Amporn made! Easy on the sugar parts.

A bottle of Taittinger's was opened to toast my thirtieth. Okay! Over that hump which never mattered to me, maybe ninety will?

Email from Penn, the Cho-Fay flights from America and Chalgrove were set, aircraft nearly in place. I sent a `cheers!' back.

I had two days of the Twins, work, sun, riding at the north Bangkok stables, visits with friends and family, Amporn's food and lovemaking with Cho! This house always brought it out in us. It was the place we first made love, we had sex at the apartment once but it wasn't the same.

Cho did make a day trip for an important speech in Nagoya. He left before dawn, five hours to the city. Rande and Ansara with Francis were along. Inmura met Cho at the conference site. They got to talk briefly then in to lunch and Cho's speech.

We had worked it together. Cho spoke forty minutes on ethics in modern business. He used examples from before we met and after of how our companies of all types grew when the clients, workers and suppliers were treated with dignity and respect. How utterly honest deals were the only ones that brought long term success because they built trust in your partners.

He had instances where he backed out of deals that gave the slightest appearance of being shady. One anecdote from a deal he had begun, not being happy with the client and during conversations with the other side to further the deal found out issues which had himself and the other side's banker pull out at the same time.

He pointed out you don't get a stellar reputation doing unethical projects and making lots more money but ruining your good name is nonsense.

On the phone as he was flying home Cho said he got a standing ovation from the attendees. Many very positive comments afterwards. He also got invites to do more of the same at other events.

I had gathered Gil, Ansara, Tara, Tessa, and Penny by the pool. I repeated for Tara and Tessa my talk from last year about whether they wanted to go and what would happen. They both wanted to go fully understanding the terms and they would share Protection duties.

Later that day Tessa was with me out at the stables.

"Fay, I'm looking forward to Phuket. I do love a beach... and beautiful women."

Fist bump!

I was on the Terrace watching the helicopter flutter in. Jian, Andrea, Gil and Security with me boarded for Don Mueang. We had all been hugged and kissed by various menfolk.

On the tarmac a Gulfstream was ready!

My Crew and I stood beside the plane as our friends arrived in batches. Rona, Donella and Malee from London with Daphne and Sara and Aileen and Sue! Everyone with huge grins!

I saw Yobi. Her face was a huge smile! A big hug! "Miss Martin, thank you! This is good! I like flying!"

I reminded her about family contact, "I emailed my mom's an hour ago telling her I was about to be back in Bangkok! I sent her some snaps from Chalgrove and your house. One of the Security guys found I was new, first time in England... so he drove me over to Harcourt House. We didn't go in or anything. I got to take the pictures is all."

"Don't worry about going in next time, just ask for Carter or Carter2 and explain. It will be fine."

A big smile and hug!

Sasha and Roundell's plane landed.

Lori, Letti and Shira from Los Angeles, Pam from Seattle, Ku and Eve from New York with Megan and Tai. What a mob! We all hugged.

Ansara, Tara, Tessa, Penny were the Protection Team with the local lady Security members and Pha who'd double as cook again!

The babies and nurses would helicopter over to the house to join the Twins and Tha. Caroline was still in Korat!

Eric, Reg, Adam would also fly to the house to wait for Cho with Thoi and Dad, they would wing down later today.

Our Gulfstream was airborne right away. In fifty minutes were landing at Phuket. I hadn't been back since the shoot-out. The Range Rovers on the tarmac waiting. We didn't have much baggage, bikini's, crop tops and shorts don't take up much space.

It was great to turn into the drive. The fence looked the same but I knew it had been changed and reinforced in subtle ways. Down the drive.

I popped out right away and started to strip as I ran to the beach. I heard loud whoops behind me. I dove into the warm water swimming out twenty yards underwater. The sounds of splashes greeted me as I surfaced.

A slow swim back to shallow water to a collection of tasty wet women around me. I started on my right going to each woman, a kiss and pussy stroke. Pha was at the left end her eyes very bright. When I was done I stepped back.

"Okay! Everyone Pha will cook but we will help clean up. In two days the men will come for luncheon before we fly out. How much you wear for that is up to you, last year we all dressed although Rona won't need to since all the men have seen her goods!"

We laughed, Rona gave me a raspberry giggling all the while.

"Please enjoy yourselves! One last thing and a thing' it is..." I looped my arm around Jian's waist reaching down for her boyclit, "this is fully functional so caveat emptor' Okay?"

My buddy gave me a huge kiss amid the laughter.

I slipped an arm around Pha, "Let me know if you need anything? Cleaning? Or kitchen help?"

She kissed my cheek, a smile. "It will be different without Ty to watch over."

"Well, he'll be having fun with the guys!"

We gathered our small baggage from the Range Rovers. In the Master suite I dumped the bag and the shorts and top I came in on the bench by the vanity.

Jian did the same, I pulled her close for a kiss. We slid to the bed, I was on my back my hands holding Jan's cute tush. She had her arms holding me as the kiss continued. Oh my... Jian was hard quickly, it was poking me. Jian's boyclit entered... it was the first time since I had been changed.

I welcomed her which brought a sunlight bright smile, "Fay, I love you!"

Simple and mutually true. We moved eagerly against each other I wanted her cockette, it was my sole exception from Cho!

AAaAaAHHHHHhhhhHHH Jian! I kept her close to my chest as her hips did the work... kiss... kiss

What a lovely friend to share this with! Jian's cock was bringing my heat up really fast! My fingers in her hair... down her back... squeezing her ass... pulling at the back of her thighs...

"Damn girl keep going!"

She had a lovely grimace of sex pleasure Pain Lust! I brought my legs up around Jian tightening around her waist as she kept fucking me!

Lip lock! A hand in her hair keeping us connected by lip!

Jian's hip motion was getting me really going! Her cock doing all the right things just differently from Cho. I let my nails go down her back slowly, grazing not digging in.

I crossed my legs behind Jian's back at her urging. We rocked!

Someone else had joined us on the bed but I wasn't able to look...

The rush of heat up my torso Jian was making me orgasm!! POW! It hit my chest blasting into my face like furnace AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I arced up against her holding on! OH Shit! This was good! Jian my little fucker!

"Fay I am cumming!"

I called out for her to cum inside me, gripping tight... her strokes quick and shallow then a heave into me!

We both held on as her climax spurted in my vagina! Four times I felt her pulse! What a girl!

My lips on Jian's neck kissing the hot flesh, she had gotten really worked up!

"Thank you dear one!"

Jian kissed me, bright eyes then a two tears rolled down!

I kissed them away.

"Fay, this was so good! It had been too long!"

My arms and legs wrapping Jian up, holding her snug to my body!

We kissed for a few more minutes then someone next to us was orgasming!

Lawan and Ni were sixty-nining! We watched Lawan's climax then Ni's!! It was a splendid sight!

Once they came down a bit Jian and I tugged them close to face us. We exchanged kisses! We got to taste two pussies! Smiles, happy faces!

Ni squeezing my hand, "We saw you two... I pulled Lawan in so we four could be together!"

I caressed three beautiful faces, "A lovely thought! It has been a year for us to be close like this!"

Lawan's smile, "Maybe we should do this more often?"

We laughed, more kissing! I said in kissing Jian it was a terrific start! Yeas!

We relaxed for a few minutes more then we needed some refreshment. Pha had a buffet lunch almost ready. Gil was helping.

"I said I would since I was the cause of a delay..."

Pha had a cute little smile, she leaned over to kiss Gil. The four of us did ooooooooohhhhhhhhhs which made Pha get a bit embarrassed.

I gathered her in my arms, "One of the reasons for this party is to show that the pleasure we get shouldn't be hidden."

I stroked her pussy, "So did you enjoy Gil's caresses?"

Sun burst smile, "YES! Gil was very nice to my pussy!"

Jian laughed, "Well... maybe we can get that in writing?"

We all giggled. We gave a small amount of help to get lunch ready then dug in. I got a plate of fruit, a cold rice salad, a bowl of a chilled tomato and chile soup, roti and a Newcastle. I sat outside at the table. Tara came out with a plate, I patted the bench beside me.

Across the deck on a lounge the pregnant Sue's legs were surrounding Eileen's head, just beyond them Megan and Tai were in a sixty-nine! More action all around us.

I shared my beer with her. I patted the table top.

"I remember you flipping this on its side..."

She gave me a look, "Fay, your part in that adventure was amazing. It was like you had been in the training courses. Natural, cool and sharp."

I nudged her with an elbow and a grin, "Who says I haven't been there?"

She laughed, "Well you could have and no one would ever say if you didn't want them to. You must know that very few folks in the whole Security company have any notion of what actually occurred here."

I nodded, "I'm not looking for that to change."

Tara laughed, "That's my point ... it won't! We don't talk about you and Cho outside our team. It wouldn't ever happen."

We'd been eating and talking alone. The Newcastle was empty, Tara went to get another. She wasn't on duty until after midnight.

Lori and Shira sat opposite me, HUGE smiles.

"Can we use your house in Topanga?"

"Of course! I offered. It will be furnished by June so pick a date but check with Gil about where we'll be."

Lori squeezing Shira's arm, "You have to be with us so we'll bother Gil plenty. My lady is going to be a mother. My brother has donated sperm so we just need to decide on a date for that as well."

Cheers! "Do I get to be an auntie?"

Shira's face blossomed, "We hope so!"

Tara and Tessa arrived at that point, fist bumps for Shira! Tessa joined in on MY Newcastle!

"Hey somebody needs to make a drinks run!"

Gil waved from the door, "I'm coming down now so hold your horses!"

Okay! I got a beer to walk to the beach. Tessa coming along. On the sand Reyna, Donella and Letti were in a loop of cute sexy ladies!

Andrea and Jian swimming.

I turned Tessa and I down the sand towards the rocks at the western end. I had her hand, "You know nothing will happen?"

"Yes but I like being with you."

We sat on the sand leaning back on a smooth boulder.

Tessa sipped her beer, "When I was twelve I saw two older girls have sex. One the sister of a friend. Inside it seemed right to me. I've had male lovers, more than a few cops hit on me but my pleasure has always centered on women."

I adjusted my round red sunglasses, "Well... I don't have the same past but the present is different."

"Your friends are terrific! You have a circle of love around you Fay which I admire."

I gave her the elbow, laughing, "No ass-kissing!"

She laughed out loud!

"It is good to work for you! Okay!"

I smiled, fist bump! Tessa did ask about all people. I gave her a rundown on them all, no secrets, common knowledge. I sensed an interest in two and told Tessa a bit more about Sasha and Donella. We walked back.

I found Rona in the kitchen talking with Pha and Penny. I put out my hand... a huge smile on Rona's beautiful face. I led her into the master suite.

Two naked women on a bed face to face... I kissed her and asked about her 'history' which she hadn't gotten around to telling me.

"I had good friend in school named Aura, slender and cute, athletic like me, into running, field hockey and footie. We hung out away from school, doing classwork together, sharing all sorts of ideas and clothes!

We would do the sleepover thing frequently, at thirteen we'd seen each other naked often enough so it wasn't any big deal until...

One afternoon we had been out doing all sorts in the nearby woods, dirty, grimy so we shared her shower stall. It started as a giggle fest then we turned towards each other in the narrow space and were touching nipple to nipple! Eyes locked we kissed, holding our wet selves tight. We finished washing and drying FAST to lie on her bed like we are now."

I leaned over to kiss her again... sliding closer... snug! A few kisses!

"We did kiss a lot because it was so intimate, pressed together we gently rubbed on each other. I got the nerve somehow to touch her vagina then she did me. We kissed and caressed. I remember how wet she was... You brought that back in the Dressing Room when you tasted me on your fingers! I did that, Aura tasted me and a sixty-nine was started."

I slid a leg over Rona's hip pressing my bare sex on her upper thigh, a slight rubbing motion. Her eyes on mine, a smile.

"I think we did it for quite a while, we both orgasmed which was amazing! My face was against her vagina lips, just pressing lightly, Aura's on mine, `Rona, please let's do this again soon.'

That almost broke my heart! I turned to lay on her, my sex on hers, neither of us had a lot of pubic hair so rubbing our pussies was terrific! We would have gone on but it was late near supper. So we washed again sadly because I liked her taste and smell."

I lifted up, rising over Rona, warm hands guided my vagina to her mouth! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YES! I balanced myself over her for a few minutes of her tongue before swinging around. I rotated on that fabulous tongue, dropping down to plunge my tongue into her pussy! We kissed, licked, sucked at each other's body!

Rona tasted great! I parted her proud lips to get inside deeply. I tongue fucked her for a few minutes before moving my mouth attentions to her clit instead of fingers which went inside her. Rona's body really responded to clit sucking!!

She was squirming, moaning definitely showing how good my pussy eating was! Boy did we do that well! Her sex lips were soft with a little poutiness! A beautiful pussy!

My clit suction increased as she drove me onwards. Her hips pressing urgently to my attacking mouth. Her heat rising fast!

I could say the same as my first orgasm began in my belly... I moaned out I was coming which fired up Rona's overdrive! DAMN SHIT fuck FUCKKKKKKKKKK the heat blasted up through me... As it did I tried to increase my actions for Rona. I finger in her butt... several in her pussy and long suckings with full suction on the cute clit!

My orgasm swept me away as Rona's began... I wanted her to cum hard so I tried keep up the pleasure pressure as I received mine!!! Her climax was great like a huge drawn out sigh! We sort of went limp.

I turned around to lie on her full out. Cheek to cheek... nipple to nipple... sex to sex... our breathing slowing down a soft whisper, "Oh Fay that was lovely!"

Kiss! It was marvelous to be closer to Rona! We'd known and liked each other from the first meeting. We stayed a while to ease down, enjoying being close!

We were wet with perspiration, swim?' from me which got an immediate YES!'

We bounced up holding hands racing through the house... waving to people... seeing many couples paired or more, pleasuring each other... down the wood walkway to the sand... past another group on the beach... to splash into the warm water!

We swam together out about forty yards then turned back. The trio on the sand had stopped and were sitting closely, arms around. Pam's tummy made her stand out, Gil and Ansara!

Walking up I kissed each. Rona beside me going up. Eve was napping with Reyna on a lounge in the shade. Rona and I wanted food and drink! Pha was working dinner with help from Daphne and Ku.

Malee joined us in the sun. Rona and I shared our Newcastles with her. Malee told Rona about our fun last year, Rona's eyes bright gave Malee our session. Malee's hand squeezing mine.

"I was with Tessa earlier, she is so sweet! Tough and muscled but very loving!"

She recognized I wouldn't go with Tessa but wanted me to know how much she had enjoyed herself. Another hand squeeze.

Malee reached over for Rona's pussy, slender fingers stroking the labia. Rona smiling letting Malee know she would be up for it!

Pha's head out the door, FOOD! Yea!

Grilled fish, rice, green curry soup, roti. Rona, Malee, Ku, Pam, Gil, Ansara, Daphne, Donella and Pha all joined me at the dining table. We ate talked, laughed, joked and generally enjoyed ourselves. Others wandered in to sit or stand, lots of chewing going on.

I gave my seat to Sara to go for ice cream. A big bowl and spoon I headed for the beach with Jian. We shared the dessert sitting in the shallows. The sun was gone, a couple of lanterns near the trees so it was dim.

We sat close, arms around, her head on my shoulder. We talked quietly about a few different things. She loved my hair cut, it wasn't for her but she considering going to a pixie cut. She had the face for it.

I told her Kwang had been getting help from several people at the PGA on the golf tournament for the Foundation to aid the clinics. Jian gave me a look... Ah... `Professional Golfers Association' now she got it.

"Is it going to happen?"

"Maybe, we are looking at either creating a new event next year or taking over an existing one and changing its name and purpose. Up in the air. It doesn't look like we'll be joining with the Clinton's foundation... at least not this year."

She shrugged, "I am on the sidelines. I just want the money!" We both laughed!

A squeeze, "I saw you and Cho dancing on youtube! You looked like a fairy princess with her prince! The reporter on one show said you two were the best couple of the night."

I told Jian we'd both gotten lots and lots emails and texts admiring our dancing. Our `public' quotient had risen a good deal afterwards.

Others came down to join us, as the food settled some swimming took place. Andrea sat beside Jian. A wonderful smile, I could see she was a happy camper!

I was in the master suite with my iPhone. I'd had a lovely talk with Cho, sweet, happy! He'd had a good game and was chilling on the terrace of the house they were using. Missing me but we were good.

Hillary and I talked. It was morning for her. I let her know we'd be in Upperville in two weeks, we fixed a date for the White House meeting. We laughed about Cho in a tournament and Bill's apologies... not just the the one!

I gave her a heads up on the pee tape. "So it's as bad as they were guessing?"


"Well... he can only blame himself but his younger child will get unfairly tagged with the corrupt father. His older children are all thoroughly corrupt already!"

"That's the way it works these days with the media. I should talk with the Fox thing."

"No. Be fair to yourself! We've been watching Fox, it is fair and decent, none of the over the top coverage of scandals. The other networks are chasing you now so they are being a bit crazy to attract attention. What is good is that they are failing!"

`It validates our feeling about owning Fox. I couldn't believe everyone wanted lies and salacious gossipy news."

"You two are doing good, keep going!"

We rang off. I was always glad we talk!

I did some email and a few reports from 21st Century Fox.

Andrea and Jian interrupted me, they were going to say `sorry' when I motioned them to come in. They lay on the bed together after I kissed each. I went to get some water. Tessa was looking for the same.

I took her hand leading her to the master suite bed. I lay on my side motioning her close. She kissed me then laid down like me, a cute tush back against me my breasts on her skin, an arm over her... I was asleep in seconds.

There little light in the room... Tessa asleep, Jian and Andrea still snuggled, sleeping soundly. I slowly slid down the bed to the foot and off. In the empty kitchen I fired up the DeLonghi and ran for the beach. WOOSH! I was gliding through the warm water. A swim to the end of the cove then back.

I pushed my hair back as I walked up the planking to the house. Megan by the door, we hugged and kissed. Coffee! Pha came up from her house with a huge smile. Hugs! Donella came up behind her with a cute `shit-eating' grin! Pha's eyes twinkling!

Megan and Donella helped Pha lay out the salapaos, patongos and sauces, I cut fruit! I was a pro! I loaded a plate, a big mug of coffee, I parked on a lounge in the morning sun.

Sasha came out I waved her over. We shared the food and lounge. When the plate and my mug was empty I patted her tush, "Go girl! Refill!"

Laughing she went. Tai emerged looking for Megan I guessed correctly when she came over to open Megan's legs to bury her tongue! One slender leg over Tai's shoulder, Megan lay back.

Sasha returned loaded!! I nudged her, we moved to the beach to sit at the water's edge.

"Fay, the horses Monaco sent to our barn are wonderful. I like the look of Rodrigo! We have two mares we might bring to him."

"Once Grace of My Heart and Twilight Maiden are serviced you should. He has an excellent pedigree and raced very well. G1 and G2 wins!"

"On another subject but in the mating area... I went to my doctor at your suggestion who sent me on to a specialist. I had a few tests and Roundell too. She thinks I should stop riding for a few months to see if I get pregnant. Funny, since we've been married I've ridden a lot, almost every day. It hadn't occurred to me that would have any effect."

"I wouldn't have guessed."

I'd have to email that tidbit to Dolly Warburton. I mentioned it to Sasha...

"Is she Wally Warburton's wife?"

"Yes, they're adjacent to us in Upperville."

"I met him at a sale once, a nice fellow. I haven't met her."

I gave Sasha what I knew and what I gave her for a Christmas gift.

"You! Matchmaking of a sort!"

We laughed! Breakfast done! I lay back on the sand soaking in the beautiful day and some sun. Sasha alongside, close.

A few others wandered down in the post-feeding period for some warm water. It was nice, quiet for a bit.

Gil came down with a look! Okay! I rolled to kiss Sasha, "Come up in a little while." Arched eyebrows. She giggled and squeezed me.

Gil had some things I needed to see, sign and send. Email from Reginé, her troops had completely turned around the narrative about our lawsuit against the Sun and News UK. We were seen as the good guys!

The same for the Sun editors being arrested. It had been going our way on social media but now it had become a wave. Reginé's team was making it be about what it really was... we wanted whatever privacy we could have in this modern world which everyone deserved.

The Sun's past record of intrusiveness and the News of the World many privacy scandals weighed heavily in our favour.

I was good with this!

A text from Gregory, Mahogany was in labour! It had just started. It was nearly two o'clock in the morning there. Dr. Crawford2 was in attendance and all Okay so far. Good news! I silently wished Mahogany a safe birth.

They were ready for her! Crawford2 thought Hathai would be doing the same soon.

Tai left me an email with a report on her research on hackers attacking large corporations in America and Western Europe. There had been dozens but with the criteria I gave her only a few. She had as much as she could find about the specifics. She had also managed to get the contact details for a few folks who had been involved. I forwarded it onto to Eve, to talk to Kelela. Maybe make contact?

Gil had email from Marsha in Fortrose. She had been taken aback to see the videos of our horses and how famous they were in America! At my instruction Gil sent an invitation to Marsha to visit Harcourt House with a parent or friend to see if she might want to pursue working for us for a while. She could learn and be paid and if she liked it... stay on.

Gil did a fist bump over that.

Funny to be sitting naked in the dining room working with a naked Gil... other naked women wandering through!

Sasha sat beside me, I told Gil I was on a break. Smile! The master suite empty I lay on my back arms and legs open. Sasha lowered herself down to kiss. Our vaginas meshing! I lifted my hips as an incentive! She got it and began to rub us together. Soft vagina strokes as her whole body moved above me. I gave her more pressure from below.

We kissed, I pulled her against me, down hard.

"Go girl!"

I let Sasha ride my pussy! Our eyes hooked as our labia squeezed and meshed. I added some wetness with my fingers dampened with saliva. Go slower,' as she straddled me. Her nipples like rocks under my control in the same slow pace, tugs, rubs, twists! Her effort to go slow' intensified as a hand of mine squeezed her belly made her moan. Her hips moved back and forth to the rhythm of my caress of her clit.

One hand had the little nub between my fingers, the other on her hip guiding her movement.

Moans, low and throaty, "Fay... SHIT!" Her exertion causing her face to tighten. Our bodies were getting wet, a droplet of sweat slid down between her breasts I scooped it up, Sasha's eyes opened at my touch. They grew huge as I licked my finger.

"Goddamn... you... Fay!"

The storm of her orgasm began to break over Sasha, her shuddering all over vibrated my body. I pulled her back hard on my pussy. My rhythm once again not giving her a rest, slow slow. Sasha's vagina was wet on mine, slippery to rub, I didn't let her increase the speed. I lifted my hips to add friction... Sasha's body shuddered, a second climax very intense, "Fay... SHIT... Shit... shit" slowly came out!

I drew her to me, a sweaty mingling, I kissed her lips, every part of her beautiful face! I licked the tears of orgasmic pleasure from those soft cheeks. Holding tight. Sasha was limp on me.

I reached around to caress her anus, wet fingers probing. A fingertip moving around the ridged opening, slowly, rubbing each tiny bump! Sasha twitched in time with my movements, warm breath on my shoulder, "Fay... you're amazing!"

I finally let her lie still. Tara on the bed beside us, she leaned over to lick Sasha's anus, sucking my fingers.

"Oh my god..." Sasha eyes rolling seeing what Tara did.

Tara grinned over Sasha's ass cheeks. She licked away for a few minutes before stopping. Tara moved up to lift Sasha's face for a kiss!

"Damn... that's so cool! More...!

Tara kissed Sasha for a bit then sat against us. A `shit-eating grin' I said to her which got he a tongue stuck out! Laughter!

I eased Tara down next to us, an arm around her neck to cup her right breast, a nipple between two fingers. Quiet time.

Gregory was ecstatic! We had a handsome colt, black like his sire, Rebel. All the right parts and up on his feet. Mahogany was fine. She was a champ! Dr. Crawford2 and his uncle were very pleased with a good birth.

"Fay, this colt is black all over nothing but black!" I could hear in his voice how excited he was!

They all could get some rest now. The overnight crew and early shift would takeover watching the new mother and child.

Dinner was a candlelit affair! We grazed the multiple dishes on the sideboards then parked around the table, it was a squeeze but that was a fun part! Lawan and I shared a chair and our two plates. A huge smile on that gorgeous face!

She kissed my cheek, "I had so much fun! Thanks for doing this for us all!" A gave her a good kiss in return, squeezing her tight!

The end was bowls of ice cream at the beach. We ignored the clean-up for now. I dragged Pha along to make sure she ate her ice cream. She said her uncle had called they had the tuna in cold storage and would deliver in the morning. It was caught today. Okay!

We all pitched in for the cleaning then with enough time after food... SWIMMING! We splashed, danced, hugged, kissed and swam in the dim lantern light and warm water!

I was parked in the shallows with Donella on one side and Pam on the other. I inquired about their `welfare' which got laughs and reports of lovely sexy times with several partners. I was kissed in thanks for having them! I said mark your calendars! Cheers!

Lying on a lounge with Eve. Some kissing and petting. Big grins.

"Honey I love doing this with you."

I kissed her in agreement! I caressed the belly where my Twins had been for so many months, Eve knew.

"I'd do it again for you!"

Hug! A few tears from us both!

An interesting couple approached, Ku and Pam. Sly smiles! Pam moved Eve to the next lounge then placed herself between Eve's legs, Ku between mine.

Ah YES! Ku's mouth doing delicious things! I could see Pam smiling up at Eve as she did the same. I tried to get Ku into a sixty-nine but she said `I want to do this' to my suggestion.

I was laying back with a rising temperature from Ku's skills! Lips, tongue, fingers all in use giving my pussy a workout! I was squirming when she pressed one finger to my anus! OH Shit... YES!

A bit of tongue there to get me wetter then two fingers easing inside as my clit was sucked and several fingers entered my vagina! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Damn Ku was doing me good!!!!

She was energetic eating pussy. I gave up trying to sixty-nine but lying back didn't bring relaxation...

Flashes of heat in my belly as her tongue flicked back and forth on my clit. Sucking it, licking it, flicking it drove me over the top as fingers invaded my openings the heat whooshed up through my torso!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A terrific orgasm flamed through me. The heat was almost too much, pain and pleasure!!!

Ku didn't let me go! Her mouth delivering a second flashing of a brilliant orgasm. I had handfuls of hair and lounge cushion, holding on! Ku was vacuuming my pussy!

Ku finally stopped! I tugged her hair, her eyes bright, she slid up on top of me. My arms and legs wrapped her up.

"I owed you one from last year! You did the very same to me."

Kiss, "Okay we're even!" We giggled.

Beside us a lounge rocking with a terrific sixty-nine! Pam and Eve pleasuring each other to mutual orgasm! They quit, exhausted by desire. Eve rotated to be face to face. Kisses! Lovely! Ku and I applauded. Pam grinning waved her hand back and forth like the royal family.

Ku and I volunteered to get drinks. We got water and returned.

It was interesting in the kitchen, Pha was squatting on Daphne's face while Donella was eating Daphne's pussy and being eaten in turn by Penny.

I headed to sleep, in the hallway Tara drying her hair after a shower, smiling, "Ansara and Penny gave us a brief bit on this after you spoke to us. It is wonderful."

I took her hand, like the previous night with a different protector, I lay on my side, Tara's back against me. I draped an arm over her... sleep.

In the dark, Jian was resting her body against mine with Andrea behind her. My smile in the dark went unseen. I closed my eyes again leaning on Tara.

The light was coming up as Tara and I slipped out to swim. Gil came with us. We swam the length of the cove several times before lying in in the shallows. We grinned at each other. Fist bumps!

Coffee! The DeLonghi making its startup noises, salapaos, patongos, fruit prepared. We were in the sun at the table with Pha, munching. The tuna was to be delivered in two hours so we needed to begin the clean-up for our male guests.

As ladies came out I told them to eat then join in the cleaning. We all did shares.

Tessa opened the gate for the truck. Pha's uncle brought in the big fish. He had cleaned and cut it into four sections. I thanked him for doing it again this year! Pha paid him and we waved goodbye.

Pha, Rona and Penny were doing most of the cooking. I did the organizing. A team brought out some folding tables to the deck with chairs. Utensils laid out on a sideboard, the dining table covered was to be the buffet, fresh flowers from the north hillside, blue trumpets, white gardenias and big white hibiscus down the center in shallow bowls.

Then there was a clean-up of us. Showers, hair done, shorts with a mix of crop T's like my Levi's one or halters, bikini tops. I had Joy' with me and went around putting it on wrists, the tops of many cute butt cracks and between delicious breasts! We were Joy'ful!

The Range Rovers came down the drive in a group! Loads of hugs and kisses spread around. Cho got a whopper of a kiss from me. Dad, Thoi, Eric, Reg, Adam, Roundell, Ken and Ting!

We had a marvelous luncheon. Pha's tuna was awesome, rice, veggies, roti, Newcastles!

We got golf stories! Cho had really good scores and felt ready for next week in Los Angeles. The men loved Cho's game, he would `stomp' on the other players!

I pulled Cho into our bedroom to tell him about Mahogany's colt! He was excited that the little one was up and about, nursing well and healthy. Then the latest, Hathai was in labour! YES! He was bouncing on his toes. All the progeny of her and Asda were special so having another... Hugs and kisses!

We helped Pha afterwards. She had leftovers for tonight for Anodo and Ty's dinner!

Two Gulfstreams waiting for our crowd! We were away quickly. At Don Mueang three AW139's lifted us to the house. It was busy for a short period as we landed in waves!

Cars for all our local friends. Lots more hugs and kisses.

We were keeping some! We have space for them.

Lori, Shira and Letti staying over to fly to Los Angeles with us.

Eve with Megan and Tai to New York would leave in a few hours so we kept one helicopter on the dock.

There was a London bound 767 going out in the morning. That one would be loaded up!

Ken and Pam, Ku and Jian were off to Seattle later.

In the helicopter from Don Mueang a call from Gregory. We had another colt, chestnut and fine! Hathai was doing just great and the newbie up and moving! Tremendous news! The Drs. Crawford were very pleased with two successful births, no complications.

Cho smiling, kiss, "We are fortunate! Hathai gets a rest now for several years at least."

Cho texted to Chek in Rabam, he replied with great pleasure at the good birth. And a new colt!

The Twins were awake from their nap so they got to have fun! They were in shorts and T shirts, floppy hats in the double stroller for Cho and I to whiz around the Garden paths! Zoom! Jaidee running alongside.

We had a visit with Knor. He was happy to see the Twins. A couple of snaps of the new grandson on his iPhone! He was a cutie! Healthy and growing!

Reg and Rona brought out MFA for a walk, she was doing pretty well with pratfalls still happening. Anne with Eric and Malee. They got some loaner buggies to roll around.

A nice sunny but not too hot a day encouraged everyone to be out and about. We had dinner on the terrace before the first planes left. Goodbyes on the grass before the dock, waving into the dark.

Everyone knew the morning methodology so no problems. The London bound plane would go around eleven so no huge rush.

The grandparents came in from Korat with Caroline. She was a happy girl to see her parents. She'd had several days with her grandparents which they loved. Caroline got to meet some local Korat cousins!

Coffee, omelets, toast and strawberry preserves. We fed them, packed them, kissed them! They loaded into two helicopters!

Andrea and Ting with Caroline. Reg, Rona and MFA, Eric, Malee and Anne! Donella, Aileen and Sue! Lots of waving!

I climbed into a little black bikini to lay out for a bit with Jian. Gil doing some work which she'd drag me into later. Lori in the office for a bit. Shira over at the Security House for a visit.

I kissed Cho, he went to the Railroad office for a few hours. Jian and Ku to the Foundation offices. Then it was just me and `The Lost Orwell' by Peter Davison. Some newly found Orwell bits collected together!

We gathered for drinks and dinner. Tomorrow we'd depart for Los Angeles, the golfer gets to try something new... four straight days of competitive golf. It has meaning for Cho as an amateur but not the same as for a professional golfer who makes his living playing.

Ken and Pam grinning. They'd had a great time! An open invite for any of our houses.

Kissing and hugs for Jian and Ku. They were looking forward to this trip together. My parting words `go to it!'

From getting up in the morning to departure time it was hectic. I had a bunch of things arrive to work on. Time for the Twins and some swimming for the exercise I needed. And Kiet emailed from Saratoga. He had been invited to stay there with Sondra and Thayer. Kiet and Thayer had met here, our boy was liked by Sondra's dad, he could see the attachment.

They had lots to tell us but the main one was he wasn't coming back to Bangkok any time soon. Well... I was Okay with that, Achara not so certain as she would have all the work. Amporn grinning saying not to worry there was a niece of Niran's who wanted to move to Bangkok from the Northwest. Intira was nineteen with some college, working now in a family restaurant and catering business. She was ready to move. Amporn and Niran had been looking for jobs and were going to use her part-time for us. Now more than that!

One event Cho and I made time for: Yoshi and Arturo! We met their car at the front door. They were both fine, no issues!

They sat on the terrace with us, drinks and snacks.

Arturo led off. He had flown to Kuala Lumpur from Tokyo then rented a Toyota Land Cruiser to drive north. In Kuala Terengganu he spoke to two Muslim clerics who had moved to escape constant harassment by the Thai Army. We got their names from a Muslim businessman friend of Cho's from Pattani in the south. Cho has known him for nearly twenty years, business deals and shared time and meals with his family. His trust of Cho made this part happen.

The men in Kuala Terengganu were very interested in pursuing talks with the Thai government but they had legitimate concerns about the ground rules and starting positions. They would participate if it was a `fair' start.

They had given Arturo names of others in their group in Kota Bharu further north near the border. The senior Muslim cleric gave him a meeting place which was both public and easy to find near the Sultan Muhammad IV Stadium. A little eatery that drew a mixed crowd from the stadium neighborhood and a hospital complex across the road.

The contact he met rode with Arturo, he followed another car to a small house near the river. He parked off the road and they walked through alleyways to the house. He met two more men, they were not clerics, they were political.

They were concerned about him but the recommendation from Kuala Terengganu was good enough to have a talk. Arturo convinced them that he was both a reporter seeking a story and an emissary for larger interests.

Arturo told them what had agreed on, we were highly placed non-governmental individuals from Bangkok seeking peace and equality in south Thailand. We were essentially business people who would look for ways to make money by developing commerce and to do so we needed the conflict to end. Any businesses we promoted would hire from the local community and buy from the same. AND that we endorsed equality in all ways for our employees in every country we had interests.

Then he told them we wanted talks to start on a level playing field, no preconditions except an end to violence by both sides. The insurrection would pause and the Thai Army would cease offensive operations. The connections into the government, army, police and the Royal Family would be used to create that level playing field.

Arturo smiling, "They were skeptical as I would be. I said this was the first contact and I didn't know what was going on in Bangkok. If there was anything to report I will send a message to the men in Kuala Terengganu that I had something then I'd be back personally."

He smiled, "They got that I fully understood their caution as their lives were on the line. It was a good meet."

I could see Cho was as pleased as me! Fist bumps for Arturo.

Yoshi grinned, "Well... my report is the same and different. Once on the ground in Pattani I went to your lumber company, Aro was terrific! He had an old four wheel drive truck for me."

Yoshi laughed, "It was his brother-in-law's but it had a new registration. He had three people for me to meet near Yala. I met the first in the Humanities and Social Sciences building at Yala Rajabhat University. It was a big busy place with students all around. We sat under the trees out front looking like we belonged.

He is a serious fellow who Aro said was a top leader in one faction of the insurrection. As with Arturo's contacts there was skepticism and I used the prepared story. He wanted more info on the Bangkok side. I told him it was too early this being the first connection in the south."

Yoshi shook his head, "He wasn't upset but doubtful. I repeated it was early days and that I knew nothing about the Bangkok portion on purpose. He got the compartmentalization idea and seemed to think maybe it was a real attempt to do something after I laid out the `level playing field' bit."

He did fist bumps with Arturo. We all laughed.

"He said he would discuss it with his group. I told him was going to see others like himself... that didn't bother him. He shook his head sadly saying their efforts were splintered. I asked him what would it take to move them forward together... I got there are political rivalries some based in genuine philosophical differences and some in personalities."

He sipped his Newcastle, he liked!

"I didn't get much hope from that so I left it there. He knows Aro but we want to keep Aro out of the loop for his own sake like you wanted, so he will send a message to Aro through someone else. Aro will use a one-time only WhatsApp account to message me with the new contact."

Another sip of his beer. He leaned forward.

"I drove to a Family HyperMart on the east side of town for my next meeting. I recognized the shirt that was described to me, I was passed a note as we squeezed through a door going opposite directions. It said to check into a guesthouse across the road. In the evening a man came to my room, we sat there to talk.

He is the number two man in another group which is more militant. He wasn't easy, my unwillingness to divulge the backers had him ready to leave. I stopped him with a `you aren't risking anything... yet' line. He stood by the door, arms crossed staring. I pointed out that other groups were being contacted here and in Malaysia and efforts would be made without him and his people.

He didn't move. I don't think he wants to be left out. He got what I had to say and would send to my WhatsApp account a contact name."

I did get a good night's sleep, it was a simple but pleasant place. Salapaos freshly made in the morning!"

I fist bumped on that!

Yoshi said his last meeting was aborted when the individual left a message at the little store in Amphoe Khok Pho where they were to have met. He was moving to avoid an Army operation.

"So we have to wait to see if he contacts Aro."

Yoshi leaned back, "They are wary for good reason but the chance to talk as equals to the government entices them. But any pre-conditions will scupper any meetings."

Cho told them both what we had done. The Prince had come for a dinner of Cho's kebabs and talk. I was able to give him the be-ribboned collection of handkerchiefs with his name and mine as a thank you for his sharing one when I needed it. He was touched.

The Prince understood what we were trying to achieve and would speak with his brother, the King.

"He would like to see the end of the troubles but the Army's strong men believe in using force."

We gave him a complete overview of our methods without specifics and that Thoi with Keren were going to work behind the scenes. Cho told the Prince he was lobbying with the business interests in Bangkok and the multi-national corporations with a presence here.

The Prince gave Cho a hug and me a kiss before he left, "I see your passion for this and I will help. My being part of the Defense Ministry could be useful at some point."

We waved his car away. Hugging, "He will help but he won't rock the boat too much. I can see him being very important if we can move the process to a spot where a last push is necessary. He'd do that!"

Yoshi and Arturo understood we were happy with baby-steps for now. The different groups in the south would have to find a way to work together because the government wasn't going to negotiate with several separately. The men in the south would consider, the men in Bangkok would get the news something was being done. We wait!

They'd go to New York to file stories on what for public consumption they were doing. Yoshi on the economics of small collectives in southern Thailand and Arturo on logging and reforestation in Malaysia. They had some info and contacts for both stories from Cho. They'd worked them in between doing our clandestine assignment.

We used two helicopters to shift us all to Don Mueang. On the tarmac Penn hugged me, "Fay, I'm doing great! Mom is good with it now, dad is less sure but I'm sure!"

Good! Fist bump!

We lifted into the dark quickly. The twins were fed by Cho and I, Tha did other things but `checked' on us. We laughed!

Soka and Ban AND Yobi then laid out our dinner! Our plans for the next few days centered around golf, horse riding and racing.

Cho didn't want me to come out to the golf course until Sunday if he was still in the tournament. I was going to Santa Anita for two races alone `maybe' on Saturday and to Topanga for the rest of the time with meetings out there. The decorators and the LGBTQ groups were coming out.

With the rising sun we were inbound to Santa Monica, Dolores texted two words to us: >French toast< So it was coffee only except for me... I raided the salapaos.

Down the stairs in the early morning light, a clear day. Leslie's folks were ready and we headed to the beach!

A quick change after Dolores' greeting, warm as always. A Jaidee to the beach trip would be a quickie, a longer one later.

I was back, cleaned-up, bright shining face ready to EAT! Dolores giggling at me! BUT making the food! Big containers of `real' Vermont maple syrup! I had four gooey, sticky, delicious, wonderful pieces of toast! All our crew loving this. Penny's first time with French toast! You could see it wouldn't be her last! Dolores got the hugs! And some toast for herself.

Sipping coffee watching Cho dress to go to the Bel-Air Country Club to complete his registration. He was going to eschew any practice rounds after all he played in Phuket. When he told me about his games there I was certain he would do well in this tournament.

They played three courses on the island and Cho left with the lowest score for each golf club and a reputation! His friends already all knew NO BETTING against Cho's game!

A kiss at the lift. I was told to have fun with the decorators. I was to consider it my sport.' A not on your life' came out of me. But he got another kiss!

I dressed in skinny Levi's with a Levi's crop top and a hoodie, half boots carrying one of my helmets. The MacBook, iPad in a bag. Gil was ready, Francis and Dolores coming with us. Jaidee too! PJ, Tara, Tessa and Ken. What group! We had bags and boxes for the kitchen. Dolores would do lunch.

We motored up the canyon to the ranch. Our Security folks were on site all the time, Vivian and Vivienne lived on and Nadine came three or four days a week.

Dolores had lots of newly delivered boxes to open, kitchen stuff! New cookware, dishes, flatware, etc... The works!

We dropped our stuff in the kitchen before wandering down to the stables. A few detours, the wading pool completed was cute with little fish decorations around the edge. The Security office was finished in the garage, the apartment upstairs occupied by Security folk.

Vivian smiling as we approached. She had two border collies sitting beside her. Jaidee was on his lead. We let them do some sniffing, nosing around. Okay. They all three agreed they were dogs and nice dogs too was the outcome of all the nosing's. Two ladies, Billie and Wonda, four and five and a half years old. They weren't related but had been friends at the ASPCA. Spayed and in excellent health!

Vivian was keeping them close right now and had been informed about our neighbor, Ned, to the northwest and his cat. She didn't want them to roam too freely.

We saddled Inky, Trez, Cypress and Azusa. Ken, Tessa and Tara joined me. PJ smiling, he'd been offered to learn to ride but had decided long ago... No. Gil and Francis were working so they'd ride later.

We went west towards the two small hills and the gap between them. Up the ridge beyond and sliding to the south. We passed the inner line of sensors and cameras going on up a narrow trail.

The sun was warming everything up, I opened my hoodie. We followed the trail over the spine of the ridge to get a dramatic view of the Pacific and Santa Monica bay. Blue! It was very definitely blue! A trail ran along the ridge top but we turned back. We had reached the property edge according to my maps.

Going down was slower, the horses didn't have a problem, there was no need to hurry. No galloping in these hills. Back on the flat we asked for speed and got it. There was lots of grass from the winter's rain but it would burn up in the summer heat.

Nadine was at the stables, she took the horses to walk and clean-up. She was enjoying being able to ride them as part of her work. Between the three women all the horses had good exercise each day.

I spent a bit of time with Billie and Wonda. They had happy demeanors, obeyed basic commands and were playful. Vivian had chosen well. She was pleased to have them and glad we wanted them so we would pay for their upkeep and care.

A local vet had come out. Well recommended. Vivian liked her, she gave the horses a good check, making notes. The dogs were in terrific shape also. We had an account with her for regular visits! Good!

PJ sitting in the sun on the terrace with Jaidee. The internet had been connected to the house from the Garage with a signal booster. Really strong WiFi!!

We all crowded the coffee machine. Dolores laughing, she'd just got a refill!

Gil and Francis had the booth with bits of paper spread around so we joined PJ in the plastic chairs outside. Gil reminded me one decorator in twenty minutes. She called to me... Marsha from Fortrose wanted to visit Harcourt House and could her mum come?

I said fix a date with Gregory and put Penn on an aircraft for them. Done!

A good reminder. I called Gregory. Hathai was just fine, the new baby nursing and moving well. Mahogany and her child the same. Gorgeous colts. The snaps he sent showed that. Pure black and chestnut with white stockings all around! The Stables were rocking in happiness for our mares.

"And by the way, your Pamela and Roland are cozy in one paddock now. So are Asda and Secret Sea. We have love in the air! We are leaving them alone. Dr. Crawford2 checked both mares, they are ready to go!"

We rang off with happy thoughts about our equine crowd!

I had a small pile of reports to get through. Coffee and sun fueled me until the decorators arrived.

Della and Trey. I had their proposal in hand. I offered them the chance to do some of the work because I did like their suggestions for several of the bedrooms but not for the rest. They didn't seem keen on that limited amount so I thanked them for the effort and asked them to send an invoice for consulting time.

They tried to backpedal but I wasn't inclined to change my mind. Gil's eyebrows had gone way up when I refused. When they were gone I said to Gil if they send an invoice `don't accept it if you think it's too high, get a fair bill.'

Gil smiled, I turned, "Why should we put up with pouting?"

That made her laugh out loud, "Fay, you are amazing in being able to decide quickly."

Fist bump!

"You know I keep as the paradigm for that character trait of yours... Phuket! You made decisions quick and you were right!"

A hug! "It isn't anything I wish to repeat. You might also consider my hiring of you! How long did we talk before I offered you the job?"

Gil shook her head, "It wasn't much more than two hours all together."

"I don't remember if I told you... Angela was interviewed for your post..." Gil's eyes snapped up on mine, "I liked her very much but after the first interview I knew it was going to be you, I just made sure."

"Well, interesting! Angela is wonderfully organized."

Fist bumps again!

Dolores made fish tacos with fluffy rice and beans for us! Lovely lunch!

On the terrace in the sun I made phone calls, did email and worked some more reports. The sun felt good! I was out of my hoodie, boots and socks off. Rolled up the Levi's. Sun on my tummy!

Roslyn said Samara was doing well! She was still in a guest room but thinking about the first floor apartment sharing.

Roslyn laughing, "She has a healthy appetite. I did go with her and a Security lady to a drugstore for various personal items. She has started her menstruation so we handled that with a visit to a doctor Petra's staff arranged. The doctor said Samara was healthy and the recent stress might have triggered her starting. She said it was perfectly natural. We did a trip for some clothes. She has new lounging clothes, several pairs of jeans and assorted tops she liked. A few nicer things in the dress and skirt types to make her feel positive. Paola at Coach was terrific!"

The school had contacted Gil when Samara started, everything was done for her staying until the term was completed. Going on from there was still in the air, the school understood.

They placed her in a class they decided was best based on her paperwork and their interview with her. Roslyn and Sadie had been with Samara, she felt comfortable in the classes, relaxed about it all. The school did have other kids on short terms. And a diverse student body.

The FBI wasn't very pleased to find out after the fact there was a child. Through Theodore, I got that they were relieved not to have the bother of dealing with Samara. As I said in an email to Theodore `they could piss off' which got me a huge grinning face in return.

The FBI had made an official promise to NSA they would be able to interview Yevgeny in a month or so. Also Yevgeny was exchanging letters with Samara several times a week. So it was good. For now.

Time for Malachi and Tonelle. They were on time and ready to talk. Coffee first then outside to sit. I had gone over their proposal and `walked' them through with my thoughts. They wrote it all down.

I handed them the pages from Della and Trey's book on the bedroom ideas. They saw what I wanted and it was fine with them but I could see questions in the faces.

"These pages came from a book like yours another decorating firm offered. I met them earlier and said this..." gesturing to the pages, "is what I liked from their proposal and would they do just these rooms for us... they weren't inclined to do just that so... poof!"

Their eyes were HUGE.

"Now... I like all of yours but did like those bedrooms a more... so if you..."

They had no problem following along with the ideas!

"Miss Martin, we will please you... I mean... after all you will live here. And...' Tonelle turning to Malachi laughing, "we like to make money!"

Okay! We all laughed with Gil giving me a fist bump for the phrase!

They would start right away. A good deal of the living room, dining room and Dolores' room furniture was immediately available. The terrace could be done in a few days as the furnishings were very California and they had an excellent local source.

Go for it! They had Gil's info and knew we'd be around for the next few days. Gil gave them Camilla's info so they could coordinate with our Security.

Gil added a gardener would be on the premises. They said the terrace area wasn't a problem for them with the gardener.

I stayed outside for work, Gil and Francis with Ken went to ride. PJ took Jaidee for a walk. Tessa and Tara in the sun with me. They said it had been an tremendous time in Phuket and they both really appreciated being included. My friends were a terrific group who they liked a lot! Fist bumps. And cute smiles on those two!

I was reading the latest Basuto Group piece from Miki and Shelia on the China.

They didn't think the slump in Chinese buying bulk natural resources would change in the next few years with their soft economy. The shift of manufacturing to other Asian countries by American and European companies was not slowing as Chinese labour problems continued. The cost to ship bulk cargo elsewhere in Asia was essentially the same only the lack of sufficient off-loading space was of concern.

So there'd be some build-up of facilities in Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, India, Vietnam and Thailand. Some local political issues in a few countries could hold back development.

A side note added at the end, Papua New Guinea's capital of Port Moresby had added new power and water sources, it had an educated population so could benefit from manufacturing being located there. Close physically and historically to Australia, speaking English. A good prospect!

When the riders returned we loaded up for Venice. It was an easy drive.

I had a Newcastle ready when Cho arrived. He'd had a good time at the golf course without hitting a single ball. George being on the tournament committee was on hand. He and Cho talking when Tom Angleten came out to hit some balls.

Cho intro'd them and George got the tale of their pairing at the Pro-Am at Winged Foot.

`So you know about this guy's game?'

Tom said yes but he hadn't mentioned to anyone. Some of the Pro's ought to remember since they were at Winged Foot. George laughed and told Tom Cho's last score here which got a head shake.

A few other Pros were around and greeted Tom, intro's for George and Cho. During all that Tom found out Cho was a member at Bel-Air now. The other Pros figured that was why he was playing in the tournament... a sort of nudge for a local bigwig.

Cho laughed, "George and Tom just let it lie without comment. The Pros didn't know my name."

I hugged him, "Well they'll remember you soon!"

"I think I'll be okay playing four days straight. I did the three games in two days on purpose in Phuket."

I gave Cho the lowdown on the ranch decorators. He grinned, "Pout? You didn't say that to them?"

"NO to Gil afterwards. On Sunday I'll tell Gina about it so if it gets back to her she'll have the inside story."

Thumbs up from Cho.

"Tomorrow the Twins will go to the Ranch! We'll have some fun!"

Under the bed clothes we snuggled, "I want you to go out tomorrow and show all those guys how you play. I'll be sending you all my best vibes!"

I was kissed! KISSED!!!

Cho was hugged and kissed by the lift in the morning. He had a late morning tee time. Rande and Ansara were going with him. George and the Tournament Committee knew about our Security. Those two would keep me updated.

The tournament was televised so Cho would get to be on camera! A shrug. Surely not fazed by the idea.

Tha had the Twins ready! We drove up to the ranch and unloaded. Tha got Charlie and Chani out of their carriers onto the soft carpeting in the empty Living Room. We brought along some toys and books. Floppy hats so they could go outside.

A lorry came up the drive, one of the Security folks on the side step of a big boxy van like thing. Gil came out with an email from Tonelle that part of the terrace furniture was on the way. The workers got it all off and through to the terrace very quickly. Tha was keeping the Twins occupied with Tara in the room.

Okay! I dropped my butt into a chair! Soft, comfortable. We had six chairs and two couches, side tables of various sizes. Two lounges. The delivery men said they had probably two more loads and would be back in an hour or so. Fine!

We arranged it all the way I wanted and test drove it all! The Twins came out to try it too. The couches got their approval.

They got to see their pool! They had started swimming lessons before we left Bangkok. Tha said they loved it. Not much swimming here but fun splashing was to be allowed. Not yet though, too chilly.

I took Tessa and Ken down to ride. Vivian laughing as Jaidee and the stable dogs ran around playing. We went east towards the drive then on a trail through the trees to an open space beyond. A small half bald hill that gave a view part way down the canyon until a turn around a ridge. We could some of the little business district at the intersection of Topanga Canyon Boulevard and Old Topanga Canyon Road.

We turned south as the trail rose up a dry arroyo to a transverse ridge. We got a peekaboo look at the ocean. Going back was easy and a short gallop across the flat drive area to the stables.

The dogs were still romping around PJ sitting under a tree with Vivienne watching and tossing a ball. Tough work! Laughing.

Dolores had lunch ready so we all loaded up and used the new table and chairs that the delivery folks brought over in their second trip. They had one more load to come today.

The table was nice, chairs comfortable. Lunch was awesome! A small breeze and lots of sun! This was what I expected from California!

Gil used a few rocks from the garden to hold down my papers as we took over the table to work after food. `I'll put them back' was heard from her.

I wanted to get through all this today. Francis was down at the end buried in his laptop and some files. He said it was an idea from Cho he was working on and he wasn't supposed to say more. Okay! Guy secrets!

Francis had setup a network colour printer in the media room. So we could print out a few things.

A text from Rande in a prearranged code. Ha! Cho was four under on the front nine holes. He was the leader on the big scoreboard. They were getting into the lift to go up to the 10th hole.

Cho was doing well! I was pleased for him. Sending my best `GO!' thoughts.

Vivian had someone coming out to put in a sawdust pit for the horses to roll in. I wanted it to be big and covered. A great spot between several lovely sycamore trees!

Then an afternoon ride with Tessa and Tara was towards the east down the drive to Old Topanga Canyon Road. We walked along the road side away from the asphalt surface, the ground sloped gradually down to the intersection shopping area.

We made a right turn onto Riding lane and walked up to the Equestrian Center. They were very surprised to see us wander on in. The barn manager greeted us and I did intro's of us all. The Center folks had heard there was a new owner up the road and there were horses in the barn again.

My clothes were commented on quite favourably!

One of the dressage trainers walked over and almost jumped when she was introduced to me.

"You live up the road?"

"Not all the time but we'll be up here whenever we're in Los Angeles."

She turned to the other staff, "Fay Martin... Fox News..."

"Damn... " The stable manager's hand flew to her mouth, "I didn't have a clue."

I laughed, "Well... we don't advertise. We bought the Old Canyon Ranch so we could have horses here to ride. The house isn't furnished right now."

"You have racers here?"

"No it's just for riding. The racers are all at Santa Anita. If you follow racing... Glaa is running Saturday."

I got `Good Luck's' from them. They were thrilled to have more horse people in the canyon.

I slid down to ask about the dressage and jumping arenas. We walked over that way. The dressage woman beside me pointing out their layout.

"My niece is in training now at our estate in Oxfordshire, she has done a few competitions in beginner's but moving up. This summer she'll go to our farm in Virginia and we hope compete there. We'd like her to be able to come to stay here and use your facilities to train."

I gave her Gil's email with a request for fees for the use of the arenas, times and scheduling.

"Sunny's coach will be with her. Her horses would be stabled with us."

"She is serious?"

"Yes. I think she's a very good prospect for national and international competition. She's thirteen going on fourteen. She might be able to go the Winterset Trials in August."

"That's young for those trials."

I showed her a video on my iPhone.

"She moves very well. Excellent hands! How long has she been training?"

"This was shot last autumn. At that point I think almost four months."

Her head snapped around to me... I was smiling and nodding, "Yes! She's a natural born horsewoman. Her seat is terrific and she has bonded with her two horses closely. We have another two for her to work with. There two dressage arenas, a jumping arena and a cross country course laid out at Harcourt House. She goes to school then works with Charlotte, her instructor, every day... well... she rides every day with some time off from the teaching."

The dressage coach smiled when I said Sunny's family is in Seattle but she lives full-time in Harcourt House. She understood Seattle wasn't the right place for learning.

"I made a deal with her to sponsor all of her training, travel, etc... if she wanted to pursue competitive riding. Her part is to do the training and be honest with her parents plus my husband and I about her feelings towards the riding. If she wants to do competitions that's great but if she decides not to that's also fine. She'll have learned to ride which is something for a whole lifetime."

I did a `done and dusted' hand motion.

"I wish I had an aunt like you when I was growing up."

I laughed, "I had a horse to ride as a child and she brought me much joy... So if I can share that I do."

She said she'd email Gil right away. I told her we'd in town until Monday.

"Are the horses at your barn for your niece?"

"No they are riding horses. If Sunny comes we'll ship her horses in."

More big eyes. I shrugged and smiled.

Remounted, waving goodbyes. We walked down to the shopping area for a look around, lots of stares at us on horses?? Oh well... we didn't have any issues. Once back to our property we galloped out to the western open spaces for some romping around! The horses seemed to be happy about it.

PJ said the last of the terrace furniture had been delivered. It was the umbrellas and miscellaneous bits. The company we hired to put in the solar panels had been here. They had done a recon and would be back tomorrow to do a complete survey of the roof and the site for the base station. Okay!

Time to go. The Twins had a nap in their carriers! Tha grinning, "They will sleep anywhere if they are comfortable!" Fist bump!

In Venice, Dolores said she'd be ready whenever Mr. Cho returned. My last text from Rande an hour ago had Cho on the fifteenth tee at six under for the day.

Tha and I sat with the Twins for their dinner. Peas, cereal and carrots with banana dessert! So funny to see Charlie waving his piece of banana with a huge grin! Those little teeth were so cute! Chani looking at me with a handful of banana, "Nana!"

Yes! Our girl got it! Charlie followed with a Nana' which made us all laugh! When one knows' something the other also gets it too! This always made me think of the kids in `Village of the Damned.' Odd I know!

Rande texted >home< and a few volcanos! We had Newcastles ready!

I was at the lift door. HUG! Cho was grinning, kissing, grinning! Hugging!

Cho shot a 61, nine under par. He was the tournament leader! He had seen Tom Angleten in the club house, a big handshake.

From Tom, `Well I don't think you will be under the radar for the rest of tournament.'

Cho laughing, "Tom, is five strokes back with a 66 today so he's playing well."

We toasted with the beer then sat down to play with the Twins before our dinner.

On my back, a naked golfer on top... he was the one with the huge smile, "I enjoyed myself. I was out doing what I always do... having fun. I was in a foursome with three Pro tour regulars who didn't know me. It was interesting. Tomorrow the same, in a foursome. If I make the cut it will be twosomes for the last two days."

Cho leaned down to kiss me, "I lucked out on my caddie, Alejandro! He's sharp with a good eye for distance, young and eager!"

Kissing was quite nice! Cho's warmth against me put me to sleep as always.

The morning was more kissing for my `Pro' as he took off for the course! I was very proud of him!

We all loaded for Topanga! Out on the terrace the furniture looked great, a comfy bench at the far end at the overlook. I sat with Gil, another gorgeous southern California day. Green ridges going down to the blue water topped by blue sky!

Coffee! The Twins using the living room, we put a couple of the plastic chairs and tables in there for now. Tha had colour and shape puzzles out! The Twins working on them with Tha's French commentary.

Gil and I at the terrace table spread out. We did this until the riding urge was on me and we changed. I was in black and glad to ride Trez today. My first time with him. Cho was right, he was strong and steady. Tessa and Ken with me as we wandered to the west up into the forested ridges, we came down then turned north up the stream to Ned's house.

He was sitting in the sun with a lap full of cat. I told him about Wonda and Billie and that Vivian was keeping them close. Thumbs up.

Jaidee liked romping with those two, Tara and PJ had played ball sharing between the three. At the house the Twins were still sleeping their first nap so we were quiet. Coffee!

Dolores and Tha getting the babies food ready side by side with ours. I asked to please not mix it up which got two tongues stuck out in my direction! Ha!

After being stuffed at lunch we went for a walk to the south, down into a low-lying area of open grassland, a few shallow ridges with brush and scattered trees rising up slowly. We went about a mile before turning back. The house up higher looked like it belonged.

The solar folks were there as we walked in, they would measure the roof areas and plan the layout.

Tha at the door said the Twins were up and about so noise wasn't to be a problem. Gil and I sat to do some more work. My iPhone had binged me for several texts from Rande, Cho was still playing well. At the turn from the front nine holes he was five under for today making him fourteen under for the tournament ahead by eight strokes.

We went south to get ready for Cho and our other guests.

The LGBTQ folks came up. I changed our meeting place when dawned on me we had no furniture at Topanga. They got to meet the Twins. One woman said they might be the luckiest kids in the world, they had socially responsible parents who had money and were using it to make things better.

I smiled, "Well... thanks! We will try in our own way."

They had all met Ku and were pleased with our money. Grins! I gave them the lowdown on the clinic in Seattle. I let them know we had an estate agent looking for properties, West Hollywood, Venice and Silver Lake being the primary neighborhoods.

Those had been the top suggestions we would give them the best shake. They were excited that Seattle's was close to open. I told them we would try to promote it in ALL the media.

We did a roundtable discussion on any other issues they thought we should be aware of in the city and the general southern California area.

We were ready at the beach for Cho to come home! Rande tweeted Cho had another 61 so he was eighteen under for two days, the leader by eleven strokes. Whoooo!

We gave him a big welcome! Kisses and hugs from me. We didn't go over the top because he still had a ways to go, two more days! He'd made `the cut' at his first tournament and also he was leading by a big margin!! We had a quiet dinner, a nice walk on the beach with Jaidee and a lovely snuggle in bed. Lights out with a kiss.

Cho was deep in a steaming omelet looking over the table to me, a smile gaining ground on his face, "Miss Martin, you are especially beautiful this morning!"

Gawd! What a charmer! He got a huge kiss for that and more at the lift door before going off for more golf with Rande and Penny. Those two were smiling, thumbs up as the doors closed.

Comments are always welcome!


Next: Chapter 57

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