
By A becker

Published on Sep 4, 2005


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 6 < or My Bangkok Days 6 >

Ang took my chin in his right hand, "Heng is my brother we are the same to you, OK?"

I nodded he kissed me again, "Don't have doubts about Heng he likes you very much."

He patted my ass "Go now!"

I squeezed him and dashed down the hall.

When Heng appeared I was waiting freshly washed face fixed Jasmine perfume from the wooden box behind my ears elbows hips nipples.

I stood up with a shiver down my spine Heng put his right hand on my hip the left on my belly stroking upward. He tugged at my nipple rings they were tender but not much pain.

"See the skin is tough the cream works very well."

He reached between my legs and tested me there also.

"It's late let's sleep."

I turned the light down laying on my right side I watched him undress. The skin glowed warm golden his cock soft with a beautiful arc to it. My hand held it lightly gently lifting it up.

"Are you weighing it?" He laughed I blushed my face heating up.

"No it is so nice warm soft mmmm," I felt foolish Heng took pity on me leaning over laying the cock on my face. My eyes closed I held the penis with my face my tongue slid along the side feeling the veins feeling it gently pulsate.

Heng pushed it into my mouth I sucked he grew hard quickly.

"I have not had sex since this morning." Heng straddled my head feeding me that wonderful cock thrusting to the top of my throat he rubbed it along the roof of my mouth as he withdrew. Ten minutes or so of dick feeding was enough to have him fully engorged and very ready.

We switched positions, "Ride me American cowgirl!" Heng laughed I almost split open laughing holding his erection I lowered onto it. Still giggling I slid down the shaft, "Ooohhh yes!" His balls were under me my knees around his hips I rode him like Bo Derek bareback.

His cock went in so deep like this his hands on my hips set the pace I rode him he had the reins. I was going wild bouncing up and down his prick digging into me my sweat flying off.

He was close lifting his hips to meet my down thrust we crashed together Heng groaned roaring,"Cum I am Cumming! Ride me!" More in Thai I could only guess at.

My pussy was blasted by his powerful orgasm three four explosions in me he held me tightly at my waist gripping pinching my waist arcing his body upward I held onto his forearms.

He slowly relaxed pulling me down onto his heaving chest we mingled our sweat breath cum I kissed his neck licking the sweat.

OH did I like being fucked Heng had given me two fucks that day the best.

I laid my head on his left shoulder dozing but gently caressing his neck and face his arms around me.

"Let us sleep you take my penis in your mouth tonight." I slid down he handed me a pillow it brought my mouth to the level on his cock I lifted it with my tongue slipped forward. Soft wet warm sticky nice a mouthful Heng drew the sheet over us I was cocooned with cock.

It was deep black Heng was still in me felt him move a low groan then quiet I drifted off again.

The sun was coming up when I realized my mouth was empty the cock was against my cheek I nuzzled it kissing gently tonguing.

"Ready to get up Fay?"

I said yes by sucking the penis into me moving my head up and down.

"Come with me now."

Heng helped me up gripping my left pussy cheek he steered me into the bathroom.

"Kneel here."

My mouth was open tongue extended when he said, "Drink my pee."

I did twice he filled my mouth before he was done.

"Move over to the drain, put your face on your hands ass up."

I watched him prepare my enema soap warm water new nozzle he filled me several times.

After the second load was inside me Heng left telling me to remain still.

Ni, the girl I saw on my first visit to Junky's Restaurant, came in with a man she knelt as he came over to me stroked my pussy patting me he peed into her mouth. Ni swallowed it all smiling at me before washing and following the man down the hall.

Heng returned, "Let us wash now."

I washed him from the neck down to his ass kneeling there I kissed his ass cheeks parted them kissed his little hole.

"Lick me put your tongue in me."

I did such a nice taste so hot inside tight the ridges felt so funny on my tongue.

"You like my taste?"

I licked his crack from top to balls, "Yes very nice I like it."

I kissed his feet after washing them he took over cleaning me from top to bottom fingering my pussy for a few minutes he had me dancing at the end of that.

I washed my mouth with a solution Heng gave me, "Use this often."

The big towels got me warm and cuddly Heng patted my pussy cheeks, "Go get dressed meet me outside soon. I will take you to breakfast."

I did my hair fixed my face dressed in a short-sleeved black cotton blouse that stopped a couple of inches above my navel my black and white tartan pleated skirt that hung on my hips sandals with black cork 1.5" heels and black straps. My belly chain hung loose at my waist. The black cloth clutch purse with my necessities completed my sober look.

Heng was across the road in front of the bathhouse talking he motioned me over his companion was a policeman.

"Fay this is Constable Goran. We grew up together."

The policeman looked me up and down taking me all into a memory location he smiled, "Hello you are pretty."

I gave him a big smile standing with one foot wrapped behind the other like some teenybopper.

"We are going to eat, join us."

Goran shook his head; "We had some trouble down the street last night I must finish it up so I can report."

He gave me a short bow, which I returned, "Nice to meet you Fay."

My "I hope to see you again" seemed limp he gave me another look before going on straight toward the corner.

Heng and I ate at the club side by side Heng wanted to know why I had chosen Fay as my name I explained about the beautiful woman carried off by the King Kong. He laughed, "Well you were carried off also is that so?"

"Yes but it was slightly different," I was laughing too.

Ang arrived to take me to the rail yard.

He had an older Mercedes sedan with a wide bench seat I sat against him he drove with great skill through the busy streets we got to the railroad yard in twenty minutes.

"Where is the office?" Ang inquired of a workman we followed the directions to large two floor building the office was on the second level with a wide veranda over hung by trees.

"I will wait until you are inside point my car out to the man you are meeting and let him know I will be back at four o'clock."

I kissed his cheek slipped out of the car up the stairs I knocked at the door a slender man with wire rim glasses opened the door. His face young looking intelligent, "Yes how can I help you?"

His English good well pronounced he looked at me not letting on what he was thinking but it was an appraisal.

"Hello I'm Fay Martin." I extended my hand he took it with reasonable reluctance, "You are waiting to meet with me, I'm the network engineer."

I saw him blink at that, "I am waiting for Phil Martin."

"That is me with some changes. Can I explain? Please let me tell you OK?"

He agreed I walked to the window and waved to Ang he motioned back, "Could you come to the window for a moment please." I held out my hand he took it we stood beside each other, "That man is a friend who will be back at four o'clock to pick me up OK?"

The manager nodded I waved to Ang again he drove off slowly.

"I am Kavnu, the manager here."

I gave him a short bow, " Can we talk now?"

He pointed to a small table and chairs on the veranda, "Is that...?"

"Yes thanks."

We faced each other I told him of my arriving in Bangkok meeting Jian the sex all of it the story tumbled out once I got started I didn't know him but it had to be said to clear up all possible issues. He listened not saying anything once or twice he was jolted by some part of what I told him but no repugnance no hatred no distain.

When I ran down he spoke, "You have been through a great deal in a short time, are you sure about it all?"

It was a conventional response but I felt he meant it.

"Yes I am very sure I am happy. I do feel that I have an obligation to your company and mine to complete the work I was sent to do. If you can overlook how I am different from what you expected we could get the project up and set the demo running. It will mean great timesaving for your company instead of waiting for a replacement that will not know any more than I do now. It is my appearance that is changed not my skills."

He wanted to say yes I could see that I said that we could review the diagrams as he considered my problem and he could also call the railroad VP I met Friday and confer.

"Mr. Udorn is to meet me here at three o'clock so let's get started and he can have his say then."

Kavnu saw this as a way out he grabbed at the straw, "Let us start."

That ended that part we went inside to a large table covered in diagrams maps topo slices.

I leaned over the whole yard diagram with a topo in hand, "Here we will need to review the cable runs several times after we find what the slopes are made of." I moved to the right bumping my hip into his he jumped I realized that my sex put him at a disadvantage. I put my right hand on his shoulder deliberately making and holding contact as I pointed out something on a map in front of him. He did dip the shoulder a bit but my hand rested firmly he responded by standing upright. I noticed he was my height I pressed my hip into his leaning over more to steady myself I moved my arm around his waist he did not stir this time. I sensed he caught my jasmine fragrance he reached for a cutaway of the main slope along the track his left arm went around my waist his right hand held the drawing our heads were very close.

Well I was new to the seduction game but I seemed to be a natural I wanted him to like me and be an advocate for my staying on the job.

I turned my head towards his my eyes down he took my chin in his hand I was the little dove needing to be protected he kissed me my body was hard against his we kissed his erection rose pressing hard on my thigh.

His passion swelled rapidly he kissed me held me stroked me groped me he wanted me.

I took his cloth-covered cock in my hand hard thick getting bigger. He was panting very worked up.

I knelt down unzipped him the cock exploded out of his underwear cut nice head very wet very tasty I sucked him in.

Kavnu was jumping up and down so excited he came in my mouth quickly huge shots of cum four five clumpy bitter. Kavnu flopped down into a chair chest heaving limp I sat back on my heels watching him come down from the high crawled over engulfed that cock again head down in his lap. He moaned when I suctioned it his hands convulsed on the arms of the chair.

"Please stop it hurts too much!" I lifted off stared at him he was shattered.

"I am married for ten years two sons but no sex with my wife for over six years. She hates the thought of my penis coming near her."

"Was it your children?"

"Yes after my youngest no more sex I can not go to prostitute I just can not."

I didn't tell him about my "other job".

"Do you masturbate?"

"I did for some time but it never really satisfied me I stopped several years ago."

"You have been storing a lot."

I leaned in lifting his penis with my tongue sucking it slowly softly. Kavnu stayed limp in all of his body not the cock though it rose nicely. My work was rewarded with a straight upright erection wet from my saliva my hand sliding up and down. Kavnu's hips were jerking now he was getting revved up again.

I picked up the pace slurping that handsome shaft my clothes were coming off I tossed them toward a nearby chair some made it. Kavnu took off his shirt I removed his shoes socks worked his pants down we were naked my pussy up in the air he straddled me wet me fucked into me.

Our union was very nice Kavnu took much longer his cock was swelling wide stretching my sex open he moved firmly stroking balls bouncing off my pussy cheeks he had stamina this time. He screwed my pussy good rotating his hips thrusting down to the side withdrawing slowly then faster he kept it up for twenty minutes. The second orgasm was just as strong lots of cum in my pussy he leaned over me draping his body over me I took his weight for a while as he cooled down.

"You are very very nice to fuck!" Kavnu blurted out his breathing was still rapid.

"Mmmmm I love your cock feels so good in my pussy."

Kavnu stood up lifting his penis from my ass loud slurp I had pussy gas he laughed patting me, "You are wonderful you must have done this before Friday?"

"No, never it seems natural what I am doing now."

He knelt behind me his cock fitting in my pussy crack wet warm sticky. We remained cupped together for a little while he kissed my back shoulders neck stroking my nipples belly clitstick.

"You have been marked as property by the men who own you they are very lucky I wish I could have such a prize."

I pressed back into him he gripped me hard.

"Let's get up you sit in the chair."

He reluctantly did so I made it worth his while by sucking him he gasped, "Oh my that feels good."

I held onto his penis for some time it was nice to suck he didn't mind we relaxed he told me a bit more about his family and life he loved his sons not his wife he was stuck.

I leaned back on my haunches my hands on his knees I smiles at him, "I am going to clean up and go out to the site. Coming?" I teased him up pulling to the bathroom that was equipped with all we needed.

As we descended the stairs to cross the yard Kavnu asked, "What name should I use? Should I explain anything?"

"I'm Fay Martin. Don't explain at all, they don't need to know do they?"

"No, I will not say anything, Fay. It is a nice simple name."

"The diagram of the first section you have it?"

"Yes Fay I have them all. Do not worry I am your servant now. I will do all your bidding."

I stopped putting my hand on Kavnu's arm, "I don't want you to be a servant. We had great sex because WE wanted to. I want to do the job you want the job done we are a team."

I pressed my hands to his shoulders; "You hadn't had sex for a long while OK. I was the one to end that but don't expect me to change your life I have enough changes of my own."

He hung his head. I squeezed his shoulders, "Kavnu you are handsome you will find someone."

"Could you introduce me to.." He didn't finish.

"Yes let's go to the site now OK?"

He nodded a bit of a smile appeared I gave his arm a pull we walked on down the slope to the rails and north to the test site.

The next few hours were full of detailed planning my notes and Kavnu's would be put together for the first setup. The foreman supervising the workers kept his eyes on me I nudged Kavnu, "Tarek is watching me. Do you think he suspects something?"

"No, I think he is admiring your looks." A big smile filled his face.

"Oh thanks I needed that!"

"Do not be put off by him. He is a good foreman and he has good taste," his smile was even bigger now like a Cheshire Cat.

We had gone through the entire area for our first assessment our notes were good now to bring it together by the time the VP showed up.

"We need to go back get this in your computer."

Tarek asked if we wanted something to drink we both said yes he went to a work shack returning with bottles of fruit juice. Aaahhh it was cold and sweet.

Tarek kept looking at me I was now ok with it Kavnu and I walked to his office, "Tarek has you on his mind now."

I laughed, "Yes, will he stroke himself tonight thinking of me?"

Kavnu giggled, "Yes so will I."

"Are you going to masturbate?"

"Yes you have given me a lot to think about and remember."

We worked hard putting our ideas on file for the VP by three o'clock it was ready printing as Udorn drove up.

I suggested to Kavnu that he let me talk to Udorn alone to explain my changes then we could have our meeting that is if Udorn was ok with me.

I met Udorn at the door I introduced myself he was nonplussed half collapsed in a chair staring at me. I sat opposite him after getting him a cool cloth. He was finally able to speak, "What has happened? Do you know what this could mean?"

"I know what it means but while I look different what I need to do this job is the same. Can I tell you about what has happened? Will you listen?"

He nodded I began to explain as I had for Kavnu earlier as I went along Udorn sat up I had his full attention, "I know Heng. We were at school together." He was shaking his head not in negation but more as how the strangeness of life can suddenly appear.

I told him everything when I completed the tale he stood up extended his hand to me he raised my arm turning me around looking me over. It was obvious he liked my looks, "You are very fine I wish I wasn't married."

My faced reddened at that, "Do not be concerned I enjoy your looks but I will not try ..." He petered out still holding my hand.

I squeezed his, "I understand about that but the project?"

He sat down, "I do not see a problem you can do the work Yes? We should go ahead the cost would be too much for changes now. We need this to happen soon to get the results for the board."

I agreed and was ready to dash out to the veranda to call Kavnu in.

"What did Kavnu say this morning when you showed up?"

"He was shocked but allowed me to explain like you did and came to the same conclusions."

"He is smart I decided to use this rail yard because of him. He has justified my choice."

"You should tell him that when he comes in. I will do a great deal of good."

Udorn looked at me smiled, "You like Kavnu?"

"Oh yes he and I get along well we worked all day closely and in harmony. Our report will surprise you."

Kavnu came in was shocked by Udorn's comments about him and my speaking out for him.

Udorn was very pleased with our write-up and initial plan he left smiling. Kavnu held my hand by the door as Udorn disappeared we kissed his arms slipped around me I kissed him pressing my hips into him.

"Ang will be here soon I can't be here tomorrow because of the change I will be back Wednesday morning."

Ang came into view at that moment Kavnu caressed my face, "Will you look for a nice girl for me?"

I laughed, "Yes of course what kind do you want?"

He smiled, "Like you!"

I got my purse, "I will have my laptop Wednesday we can work from the drawings and I will download our file so we can have it on the site."

I lightly stroked his cloth covered cock gently reminding him of what we had done kissed his cheek went out to meet Ang.

"Did you have a good day?" Ang joked.

"You know I did Dear and you?" I returned the joke. He roared with laughter, "Talked them into you doing the work?"

I told Ang everything that had happened even the good feeling I got from Kavnu's penis and Udorn's frank appraisal. Ang let me off at the club, "Go in see Jian. I am going to your hotel to get all your things."

It was busy Monday afternoon not withstanding Jian was working at the end of the bar where we had first met. I sat on the same stool she offered me the same drink she led me to the same booth we sat side-by-side kissing right away.

"Uummm Jian I love this." My mouth pressing on hers for more stifled her reply.

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 7

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