
By A becker

Published on Sep 30, 2020



I entered the Office to a Cho with open arms. I got kissed and held close in a warm lap.

"Do you know A-Wut?"

"Nothing more than a meeting one time at some get together with Keren years ago."

"You have a different profile now."

"True... I am married to a powerful... " that was far as he got... the kiss was enjoyable for us both.

We laughed. Cho tickled me a bit, "A-Wut may turn out to be a pivotal figure. The Bangkok general staff put him there because they thought he would prosecute the war..."

I squeezed him, "Well... who would want to watch his men be hurt and do nothing? Especially if they had been doing the same things for years and getting nowhere."

Cho's `that's it!' was clear.

We headed outside for some Twins time before our Scots' aircraft arrived.


The sun shining down on our bunch romping across the lawn with a handsome brown dog. Tha and the Twins laughing loudly as Jaidee scooped up the ball and took off. They were in pursuit!

Damned cute! Two littles ones in shorts and t-shirts with floppy hats dashing over the grass... Jaidee was too fast but he wanted to play so he turned to come back... running hard towards the Twins then swerving around them... he dropped the ball for Charlie.

Our guy grabbed it... he wound up and tossed it... then plopped onto his butt... giggling!!! Jaidee brought it to Charlie again... Charlie was up... another toss... a hard one... he fell over face down... we could hear more giggles.

Cho laughing went to Charlie, he was put up on his feet... a hug for Dad!! Jaidee was standing there the ball at his feet...

Cho gave it a good toss... a woof, Jaidee was off.

Tha and Chani joined me, giggling about Charlie's antics.

Gil walked out holding iPad up, "They're on the ground. Tom is over there to get them."


We greeted Aunt Dee, Uncle Craig and Dr. Donella out on the Forecourt. Hugs and kisses.

Donella laughing about my using the Dr.

"But you are! I promise not to ask medical advice!"

We hugged. Her parents were proud she earned her PHD. A lot of work! She'd start her new job at the same research company where she'd interned for several summers when she was back in Edinburgh.

We all headed out to the Garden. The Twins saw the guests and a loud `Unc' was called out by Charlie! Craig looked at me... what a face, he was really touched!

Chani standing there with her arms open... "Dee!"

What a welcome! Aunt Dee did the sweetest hug and kiss with the wee girl!

They'd met Donella at Christmas... Chani holding her hand after I'd said something to Uncle Craig about Doc Donella... Chani looked at me then turned to Donella, "Hi Doc!"

That floored everybody!!!!!!!

Charlie stepped to Donella fist out, "Hi Doc!" She bumped.

Donella knelt down between them for a big hug! She kissed their cheeks. Her eyes were wet and shiny. When she stood Cho gave her a Cho-Fay handkerchief.

"Fay, Cho. Mum and dad said they were walking, doing some talking but this..."

"They are amazing babies. They have the trick of whatever one knows or does the other seems to have the same skill immediately. A bit unnerving sometimes."

We did drinks and snacks outside. It was warm and sunny, a very light breeze. Tha did put jumpers on the Twins at dinner time. I pulled a cutoff hoodie over my head.

Carla did lovely grilled sole with the creamiest potatoes, braised asparagus with lemon, Maxine did the cutest rolls shaped like little houses. Charlie really loved those! He was into bread!

There was chocolate cake and chocolate sprinkles over vanilla ice cream!!!

We moved to the Great Room, drinks and some chocolate! I halved a small white chocolate heart for the Twins. That went over very well! I told them they'd some as a treat every now and then... not each day. Kisses for them.

Gil's iPhone binged. She looked over to me mouthing... Seattle. She went into the Library. The Seattle Transportation chief calling. In a minute she waved to me. I took her phone...

"Miss Martin, I have the tunnel proposal in my hand... this should be done. My department will go over it more but it passes the tests I had in mind. Gil just told me you bought the property for the exit."

"Yes we own the entire block. The businesses will have to move but there's time for that to be done."

"This will be presented to the Mayor and City Council after staff review which shouldn't be very long. Your work is well presented, it speaks for itself."

We rang off after he said he'd be in touch soon.

I pulled out my iPhone to dial the lawyers in Seattle.

"Hello, this is Fay Martin, may I speak to Ash?"

The young woman's voice said he was on his line but would let him know you were holding.

I got one bar of a Simon and Garfunkel tune in my ear... "Miss Martin, how are you and yours?"

"All is well with us. Clem?"

"She's great! You've heard the SODO property closed?"

"Yes, I was just on with the Transportation chief discussing the tunnel proposal... he's jazzed. This call is about the printing company... have they signed?"

A pause... "...They are to be here in thirty five minutes to sign and get the wire transfer details. Francis has it ready to go."

"Good! That rhomboid shaped building... is it still on the market?"

"It is. Did you want us to close the purchase? You have the option for twenty five days more."

"Yes buy it as soon as and let Francis know the details. Is my memory right... it's less than thirty percent occupied?"

"Correct! The two largest tenants moved out completely. When it closes should we give notice to the others?"

"Yes. What does their lease say about number of days' notice?"

"Thirty days."

"Okay. Let the remaining tenants know we are opting to end their leases and that we will be willing to help them find new locations. Depending on their size... there are those two small suites in our building. We could offer the smaller companies those for the same price. Okay?"

"Good. I'll find out if any can fit and are they interested. Wonderful idea!"

I thanked him for his work and we rang off.

Gil was grinning, "You are so good at all these different business things... I do admire it."

A hug, "I get inspired trying to get things done."

Now to tell Cho my fun.

Ah... he had gone up with the Twins. I trotted upstairs. Babies were being changed. I slipped Chani's nightdress over her head. She reached out to me.

"Mama I like Doc."

Charlie said she was good. Quite the recommendation!

Sleepy little ones were down. Lots of `Nites!'

I had Cho's hand walking down. We stopped in the Gallery to kiss.

"The Twins are very wonderful, they always have surprises for us now. Their vocabularies growing by leaps and bounds."

I kissed him again in agreement!

`Doc' loved the little ones recommendation!

"They are so cute and talkative."

"It all sort of exploded on us... their walking went to running overnight. Their vocabulary is something Tha has been working and we read to them a lot. We do the body part' game every day where we name an arm' in English then Thai then French. We get them to repeat the words then ask them to identify the body part later. It's fun and they are very good at it.

Tha has other exercises that are like games so it is fun!"

Aunt Dee said it was working! "They're almost chatterboxes."

We laughed but it was true they did spontaneously speak new words each day.

Before lights out I called Violet in Seattle. She had good news!

"I've had more than thirty interviews for your project. Each one I thought worthy of further consideration was told there would be another round of interviews shortly and I would be in touch. Right now there are twelve, I have another seven to interview. So at a guess maybe fifteen for a second round then we'll have a lower number for the third set.

The pair of possible employees you suggested I have had in, their CV's are solid. They speak clearly, good use of language and present well. They also know there will be another interview. Both are working elsewhere so we won't want to risk them. Since they are `old pros' I got Jennifer to research them and she found plenty, all good. I have a lot of published copy from them to review."

Violet said she had CC'd her assessment email to Aston in New York.

"Aston will be with you for the second round interviews. His move should be over by then. We'll be in town for the last set. It'll be a busy few days."

Violet's `We'll be ready' was just what I wanted to hear!

My morning made bright by an awesome run with Roland! Penny and Ken with me racing across the grass from Sandford. We were out early so we ran all the way to the grassy lane.

We walked up, I told Pat and Ethan ours needed a lot of walking. Smiles from those guys!

Breakfast beginning! I got my prime seat beside my man! Eggs, tomatoes, toast, potatoes and fruit! The Twins walked in we got `Mama's and Dada's' and hugs and kisses. Charlie got a bite of my toast. Cho and I did plates for them. They dug in!

They were excited... a trip to the beach!

We loaded three AW139's at Chalgrove. Up and away turning east by northeast to go near Cambridge then directly east to the coast. We crossed the coast north of Aldeburgh and began a big curling descent to land in a broadside row on the grass south of the house.

We carried the Twins to the beach gate. Charlie squinting in the sun then emulating his Dad, a hand shielding his eyes looking east over the water.

Arc and Poe smiling, happy to meet the Twins. Tha sat in the kitchen booth with the Twins for milk and a cookie plus some word games.

We got to meet Grace who was housekeeper and cook for the house. Like at our other houses she fed the Security people and supervised the grounds folks who came to maintain the outside and the cleaning company staff from Lowestoft.

She was forty five and a widow with a son who was a joiner in Lowestoft. She was near to being a grandma. The cook's apartment was wonderful for her, she was a local girl so had connections.

We toured the house. Our first time here with it being furnished. There were hundreds of snaps but...

The big saloon looked great. The Edwardian style fit impeccably. The sitting area at the east end did have a music system and TV concealed in a large cabinets otherwise the room took you back a hundred years.

At the west side there plenty of seating and open space to move. The furniture colours fitting the drapes perfectly, a nice blend of muted burgundy and greens.

The Library's warm green made me smile. Quiet and restful. Comfortable chairs and settees in pleasant grouping by the fireplace. The table desk was a good size without overpowering the room. I looked at the mostly filled bookcases... a quick check showed they were in the order I had asked for. So many older volumes with their handsome bindings peeking out. They were mixed with a good assortment of newer books.

It looked like Stanislaus had done good! I had given him topics and genres I wanted covered.

I asked Gil to email my thanks to him.

Cho stuck his arm in waving... Aunt Dee gave me some raised eyebrows... the guys had wandered off earlier.

The Dining Room! The deep golden daffodil yellow was awe inspiring with the green accents! A Harcourt Racing room! The light was captured through the north windows! Cho had opened the tall windows to the tile walkway! The view out over the grass with the sea to the right adding its blue... I thought of Edward Hopper!

The dining table, chairs and sideboard's were a lovely mahogany brown, the carpet with matching green and yellow in the pleasant floral scheme made the room so welcoming! A hug and kiss for Cho.

Gil brought Tha and the Twins into the saloon to us. They came running to Cho and I! Hugs.

We told them we would come here several times a year mostly in the summer months. Each year Dee, Unc and Doc would be here too! They clapped their hands. Hugs for those three.

Gil's iPhone chirped... Graeme was in Reydon close to the turn for the east road to us. Okay!

A surprise greeting! We all went out to the portico. I got the Twins to be behind us then we would move so they could step out and greet cousin Graeme!

Graeme motored around the curving drive in his royal blue MGB top down! He looked great! He jumped out to come the steps... Cho and I moved apart... the twins stepped out...

"Hi Graeme!" He was frozen!! Charlie and Chani stuck out their little arms Graeme knelt to surround them. He looked at us... very wide eyed!

Hugs all around!! Graeme and his parents and sister together!

In the saloon beside Graeme, "Fay, I was shocked! Six months doesn't seem that long to me but... " his hand motioning to the Twins on a sofa with his parents... "they are so grown... it's almost beyond belief."

"They're quite the pair. Once they got their legs it's been amazing to see them develop. Running and talking!"

`Doc' joined us, "You should have seen your face... total amazement!"

"I was... I am! I get Dee' and Unc'... but `Doc'?"

"That was Cho and I congratulating Donella for her degree... calling her Doctor Donella... the little sharpies picked it up and used."

Doc grinning, "I was shocked like you but I love it!"

We got everyone's baggage and sorted out the rooms by name which was the colour of the walls and appointments. Cho and I toured all the rooms as part of this. Each was as we wanted, excellent colours, warm and comfy. Our guests really liked their rooms. We went up to the upper floor where our Protectors rooms were. Very nice!

We heard a lot of praise when we gathered for lunch.

The nursery was wonderful. The yellow a terrific shade I had really liked which Jane had captured in the drapes. The cherry furniture warm, just the right shade! The room was so bright and cheery!

Our suite was a smash! The rose shade of the drapes matched with the bed furnishings and set off off by the cream walls. The bed a very romantic four-poster with a rose skirt and canopy with a cream duvet and pillows.

The sitting group by the fireplace lovely wood with cream and rose coverings. Two chairs and a settee with end tables holding large lamps. The center table a terrific oval shape had a dried flower arrangement of roses in four colours.

Some of our folks at the door to see. Gil and Ali smiling, we held hands.

"So what do you think?"

Ali looked like she could cry, I nudged her.

"It's so much like a room I have in my mind."

"We can redo your suite these colours any time you want."

"No... thanks though. The peach is so calm and restful too. I like it a lot."

"Okay... you have a standing offer."

We hugged.

We trooped down for food. We got very tasty grilled vegetables sandwiches, crisps with a smooth chive dip. Pickles and olives! We moved to the outside tables in the glorious sunshine!!

Tha had floppy hats for the Twins. They liked their lunch. Charlie did lose a chip in the dip... Cho fished it out with a bigger one... Charlie got both!

It was 28 degrees so time for the beach! Charlie came out in a yellow Speedo like his Dad's. Chani in a white bikini like me! Tha had miscellaneous do-dads, Gil had the umbrella and blankets. I had a bunch of towels in one hand, Chani's hand in the other. The tide was out so we setup at the tide line and then walked to the water. Jaidee was already wet, toting a tennis ball back to Francis.

We splashed and swam, the water was cold but it felt good. I knew the Twins wouldn't be able to stay long. They did have fun for a while swimming and splashing. Tha and I rubbed them good to quite dry then shorts, jumpers, hats, socks and trainers.

Cho and I helped them build a sandcastle. The guys did the walls and turrets, Chani made a road inside going out the gate. I put the crenellations in the wall tops. Shovels, buckets and an old kitchen spatula were our tools.

I was behind my daughter as she pounded the sand flat with tiny fists. Hilarious to watch. I bumped Cho and motioned with my eyes... he turned... a big smile! We kissed!

I was lying my side on a blanket blocking the breeze from Chani as she dozed against my tummy. Cho draped a big towel over us. Tha was in a chair with a wrapped up sleeping Charlie beside her. We grinned at each other.

Jaidee sacked out next to me, a few snores. Francis and Tara had thrown his tennis ball dozens of times, they wore him out.

After the naps we walked on the firm sand a bit north as Cho sent Jaidee's ball bounding. That fine boy brought it back to Charlie who was clapping. He threw it for Jaidee.

I carried Chani back, Cho did Charlie. Jaidee walked between us carrying his ball.

We had a snack sitting in the kitchen booth, coffee and milk, big piles of cookies!! I watched tiny white teeth sink into a dark molasses cookie... chomp! Chan's hands holding her sippy cup smiling at me.


"... good cookie Mama!"

I stuck out my fist when she was done drinking... bump with a huge smile!

Charlie beside her, his hands on the table... He was bouncing...

"Spots cookie please."

I handed him a sugar cookie with candy sprinkles. I guessed correctly! Chomp!

All the adults smiling at the cookie monsters!! They were great cookies by Grace.

The Twins stayed on in the booth with Tha for some vocabulary fun.

I ran down the wood walkway to the water for a short swim. Cho dived in right by me. We swam a bit then walked up to dry off and go in to change. Shorts and crop top, I plugged my iPad into the stereo and looked through my music.

I put on `Days of Future Passed' for no particular reason except like all the Moody Blues early albums they were lovely creative, entertaining musical stories. Wonderful lyrics wrapped in glorious music. The first five albums were iconic!

The music drew Rafe in. I was sitting on the carpet in between the speakers, he sat by the door. Gil walked in with two espressos, one for me. She sat behind me leaning back against my back.

We were still until `cold-hearted orb which rules the night...' I turned to look at Rafe. Eyes closed, peaceful face. When it was over I asked him how he knew it.

A laugh, "My dad was a hippie! He never grew away from that part of his life."

"A hippie in San Antonio?"

"It's a surprising laid-back place... certainly compared to the rest of Texas. Dad was living in southern California in the late 1960's. He went to UCLA on a baseball scholarship. Got a degree in business and moved home. His side of the family has been in San Antonio area since before the 1848 Mexican-American War."

Smiling, "Back to his roots... your mom?"

Rafe stretched, "Mom is totally different. She a California girl and a professor of English Literature at University of Texas San Antonio, she's written several books that won prizes and travels to lecture part of the year. They don't live together any more but are friends. It's a relief to the family, we all get along fine."

Gil went for more espresso, we moved to sit outside. I handed Rafe my iPad with Ni's Jane Austen App opened. A smile on Rafe's face.

"Mom loves Austen. She always has a book of hers around."

"You'll probably end up at her house in Chawton at some point. We have a house nearby, we are donors to the house and museum. This App was built by a close friend's company... notice the Pride and Prejudice list of languages... there's a Thai version translated by dear friend."

Gil grinning handing me my re-filled little white cup and saucer.

"Fay is modest. She and Cho had that App made and paid for the Thai translation."

I elbowed Gil gently, "I'm telling it. Butt out!" We laughed.

I went on, "I'm a huge Jane Austen fan! I read all her books many times over when I was young living in the Froyle house. It's about four and half miles away from Chawton. English countryside was my growing up world."

Rafe texted his mom with the name of the App. `We'll see' from him.

Our first dinner here. We changed to skirts and dresses, the men in slacks and sport shirts. Several of us pitched in to help Grace. Poe who loved to cook was great in the kitchen!

We filled the big dining table, the Twins in their highchairs beside Cho and I with Tha in-between. Baked salmon, mushroom risotto, little vegetable tarts, fresh rolls and farm butter from a cousin of Grace's. Cho brought up several bottles of a very crisp white Bordeaux.

We had a wonderful dinner. Great food and drink... lots of conversations. The big floor to ceiling windows open to the evening air... All our Protection Team, Gil, Francis and Ali with Arc and Poe and Grace.

Cho offered a toast to the three local folks thanking them for caring for this house. A second one that was a big thank you for our Protectors.

PJ rose to respond.

"Fay, Cho... " he turned to look at everyone, "... we thank you for the honour and... " his `cute' smile, "... and return it in full measure!"

We laughed at his choice of words. Cho smiling said it sounded that those Jane Austen books were getting to him.

Lots of laughter, PJ grinning!

We moved some furniture and rolled up the carpet at the east end of the saloon. Dancing! We had fun! Charlie and I, Cho and Chani moving around the space. The Twins were with Dee and Unc on a settee, Gil cleared the floor and put on a waltz. She bowed to us, `Please.'

Cho and I waltzed for a bit alone then we urged others. Poe and Arc were great waltzers! We danced on until the baby yawns... They headed upstairs in our arms. Sleepy babies in their cribs, Raggedy Anne and Blue Dog with them. Hugs and kisses.

Tha smiling, I squeezed her hand.

The sun coming up out of the sea...

I was in a tank suit running down the wood bridge over the dunes down to the water! Tara was close behind, Ken and Gaby vying for third. I dove in... it was cold! I swam out a bit turned back to stay close in. Ken and Tara swimming nearby.

Gaby standing at the tide line, she was first to be lifeguard.

I was enjoying this. Ken and Tara did `guard' duty. As we swam for thirty minutes. We picked up our towels, drying as we walked back.

I powered up the DeLonghi, coffee smells!! Grace came in... breakfast in ten minutes. I dashed up for shorts and a jumper. Trainers on my feet.

Scrambled eggs, veggie bacon, fried potatoes and toast! Local strawberry preserves! Lots of coffee.

The Twins and Cho arrived as I was devouring mine. Grace was ready, fresh piles of eggs `Scram' the way Charlie liked'em!!

Afterwards Gil, Ali and I moved into the Dining Room to work for a short time. Tha and the Twins were doing `lessons' in the Saloon.

Cho and Francis in the Office for brief time then Cho with `Unc' and Graeme were off to golf at the Southwold course.

Dee and `Doc' were sitting in the sun, chilling!

I spent time on my Seattle projects, then publisher bits for News UK and the Daily News. New York! Cheryl's progress report on the Daily News space in the Fox Tower was great. The offices and workspaces were nearly completed. The big staircase's metal frame was in!!

The restaurant was looking good. The kitchen was done, the coolers and freezers installed, prep areas, ovens and gas stoves were in! The bar walls were up, plumbing done throughout and the other small dividing walls finished. The overhead lights and carpet this week. The big curving bar was going in tomorrow, lights, carpet for it ready to go... it was moving fast.

Knun had been there to look it over and do interviews for the top level positions. He knew he could put on salary anyone he really wanted so they'd be our employee and getting paid. He had chosen two under-chefs, a man and a woman. They were Americans of Thai descent, the woman was a prize catch from a fine Thai restaurant in the Village.

We had an apartment for Knun in the westside Village Suites, an easy trip up Sixth Avenue to the Fox Tower. He had suppliers in Bangkok lined up, many already served the Kiet Family restaurant.

Reginé was to do a PR campaign for the restaurant, subtle and creative were the words she used. Things were falling into place for that little enterprise.

We'd be in the city after the big `Toga weekend! So I'd visit to see the progress.

Enough... outside! We got the tricycle pram out, big wheels, good for sand. Tha and the Twins, Gil, Ali and me, Aunt Dee and Doc with Tessa, Ken, Gaby and PJ to walk to to Southwold Pier for lunch. Gil had a booking for us.

White shorts and a long sleeved red crop top. Red trainers, red round sunglasses! The Twins in red and white too! We were a procession walking south in the warm sunlight.

We had plenty of time so it was a leisurely stroll. Doc Donella beside me, she slipped her arm through mine, "So what have you been up to lately?"

I laughed, "A lot of things! Some tremendous fun too."

I told her about our restaurant thing which did open her eyes.

"Wow! Is it hard to run a restaurant?"

"I have the advantage of not running it... just spending the money."

Everybody laughed at that from me.

It was late for lunch so the restaurant was thinly populated. The Pier Restaurant had a big table for us by the windows. A nice view of the beach and water. The sand dotted with folks out in the sun, sitting, swimming and a football being booted around by some small boys. An English seaside scene.

I went traditional... fish (cod) and chips, two orders, one for me, one for the Twins to share! Their first fish and chips in Merrie Old England! Charlie got his ketchup for the chips... a definite NO for malt vinegar by both kids after a sniff! They had juice in their sippy cups, chewing their fish with smiling faces! Chips were always a hit!

We got sugar cookies for dessert. Big with orange flavoured icing.

The server loved the Twins. I saw her talking to the woman behind the till counter, that lady was gesturing towards us. PJ had given me a look... he saw and let Ken, Gaby and Tessa know. Tessa winked at me.

The table was cleared, Gil asked for the check. She went to pay as we loaded up. The till lady was talking to Gil, her hand waved towards us. PJ and Tessa moved to block her view, Ken behind me. I carried Chani, Tha with Charlie. Gaby leading to our pram.

Our server waved to us. Ali smiled and gestured with her hand. The till lady couldn't get out from behind her counter, `walled' in by our Protectors. Outside the Twins went into the pram Tha pushing, me next to her, Ken and Gaby watching ahead. PJ and Tessa followed. Gil and Ali on either side of us. Up the North Parade we went. Once in the car park we slid over to the sidewalk, at the end of the macadam road we turned to the sand.

On the way back to the house I asked PJ what happened. The till lady wanted to ask if I was Fay Martin and speak to me. He told her he couldn't allow her to intrude. She didn't like being penned in but she was a worker not the owner. She said she would complain to the police...

"I invited her to do so... after we were gone. I got the name of the owner."

Fist bump. Gil moved to join us, she took the name. Indoors Gil looked up the telephone number. She sat in the dining room to call. PJ and I smiling.

Later Gil sat beside me in the Library. There was a Cheshire Cat grin.

"The owner of the restaurant wasn't happy. She had been there last year when we had our snack, she was glad to have us. The till lady would be talked to and made aware of her errors. The owner's voice is a bit gravely for a woman and went deeper as I explained. Our till lady isn't going to be a cheerful camper."

I shrugged, "Thanks for doing that." My hand squeezed.

The guys were returning. I was at the front door with Dee and Donella. Hugs and kisses. They needed a scotch so I poured a couple inches for each. Grace had a cheese and warm bread snack for them.

We sat outside, coffee for me. Cho said they'd had a good round... Uncle Craig grinning so I knew what kind of `good' Cho meant.

Cho leaned back beside me, "It is a funny course. Not long and really only nine holes but we played it as eighteen. A local fellow joined us, he owns several businesses in town. Sort of local host for our first time around.

The First hole is a par three, I played from the white tees which are the longest. My tee shot landed on the front of the green and rolled to a stop three feet short. A birdie. The Second is par five at five hundred and nine yards. I was on in two about four feet from the hole, an eagle.

The local man was looking a bit shell-shocked..."

Graeme put in `he was dazed for sure!'

Cho laughed, "The Third didn't help I was on the green in one on a par four. The greens are very well made and speedy in the dry conditions. I had a twenty footer for eagle which slid an inch off and past a foot.. so a birdie. The Fourth another par four was quite short and I was on the green in one again. An eighteen foot putt dropped in for an eagle. So I was six under after four holes.

Number Five was another birdie, Six was almost another eagle as my second shoot hit the flag dropped down to sit four feet away. The Seventh has an odd little green that the center is the lowest part. The pin was on the right so I placed my ball left of the hole but below so it would be slightly uphill. I missed the birdie when the ball sat on the lip and wouldn't fall in.

The Eight has a big dogleg so I cranked up a big drive which cut across the bend to land nicely in the center of the fairway leaving me a short pitch to the green. I hit the pole once again the ball stopped two feet away. Birdie. The Ninth is a par three, on the green ten feet away with a tricky downhill putt because of the fast green... not too much break to it and it went in.

So I was ten under after nine holes."

Cho tale of the round was paused as the Twins came running out... Lots hellos to everyone.

Chani in my lap, Charlie with his Dad. The kids settled Cho picked up where he left off saying it would brief.

"The `back' nine are the same greens but starting from a different tee. I did birdie, eagle, birdie, birdie, eagle, birdie, eagle, eagle, birdie. I really liked the the second nine. Thirteen under on the back nine so I finished at twenty three under at 47."

Uncle Craig laughing out loud, "Our local player was a wreck when we were done. He stopped playing after nine holes and just walked with us. Some others caught on to what was happening from our host and followed too."

Graeme's grin, "We had about twelve by the eighteenth tee. Cho's tee shot was almost a hole-in-one... it hit the pole and bounced away about twenty inches. Those fellows applauded!"

Cho smiling, "A club person asked if they could keep my scorecard. I signed it and gave it to him. I took thirteen strokes off the previous lowest score. We didn't go into the clubhouse for long, just came home."

He hugged Charlie, "I wanted a hug!"

Charlie's little arms gripping Cho!

We had another great dinner with everyone and dancing. Charlie laughing in my ear as we waltzed. I got to do the leading! We four did a waltz together. I held Charlie with one arm and Cho with the other, the Twins held hands. Awkward but fun!

The next day was sun and sand and surf. Grace got the guys to bring out the gas grill, she'd do burgers, bangers and fish tonight. Trays of hot chips, assorted salads.

Cho and Charlie built a big castle while Chani and I walked north with a few folks. Tha had the day off, she and Ali went into Southwold for a look around.

Our walk up the sand was nice, relaxing. The pram rolled easy on the firm sand. We came to a cut in the beach from a stream, slack tide so we easily walked across. Another mile and half brought us to Covehithe, a tiny hamlet with an old and odd church.

The original church was just half ruined walls except for the west side tower which looked imposing at five stories with a crenelated top. The church suffered damage in the Civil War by a local Puritan leader so only the tower remained viable.

The parish removed all of the old building except the walls and built a much smaller church inside the old walls using the tower and new side entrances. The new structure was about a fifth of the original church.

It has a thatch roof which was in excellent condition and `odd' for a church. Odd as I said but it had many bits from the original inside. A handsome carved octagonal font that was from the Fourteenth Century I think! Leaded glass windows, small alcoves with flowers. Every part was well cared for, lovingly decorated.

A sundial on a grave in the churchyard. A unique and good-looking church!

Gil and Donella took snaps throughout our walk. Aunt Dee asked for some around the church.

We headed back so the tide wouldn't be too high to cross the cut. Chani had been able to walk around the church and got to meet a cute Scotty dog an older fellow was walking. `Keir' was a happy puppy, he liked being petted by Chani.

I popped her back in the pram and we went off. At the beach cut Ken and Gaby carried the pram over, Chani with me.

The sand castle was four levels! It was a beauty! Cho and Charlie got help from Unc, Graeme, Francis and Rafe. The men were sitting on the grass at the back of the house beers in hand except Charlie who had a sippy cup of juice. He raised his with both hands as the guys lifted theirs to our return.

Cho had chosen to build inside the tide line so it would be washed away. Charlie said it would `go bye tonite' with a smile. Dad told him they'd build another one. Cho emphasizing the fun in the making!

I was drying off in the mud room at the back of the house. The water was cold but the air warm. Smiling faces on my co-swimmers. Coffee and breakfast after a quick change.

Cho was going to play with Graeme and Craig at the course he didn't like the welcome he'd received a year ago. Hillman, the member and horse owner, had invited him to play any time he was in Suffolk after hearing about Cho's game. Rafe and Ansara went off with them. Forest Glen Golf Club west of Lowestoft was only a twenty minute drive from the house.

Tha and the Twins were schooling' in the Saloon! I took over the dining room again. I had received some documents about communications projects from the nice' folks at DARPA. Tim Kaine interceded to get them to cough up some after two things were made plain. I was doing this for Hillary and I had been vetted and wasn't seeking any deep secrets.

I'd read the documents, not particularly well written, a bit unfocused and dense but I got what I wanted from it. They had new communications protocols for cell transmissions. I emailed Tim and CC'd Hillary that The Company had some proprietary communication methods which we would let DARPA look at with a few restrictions.

Sondra's email was a lift... she and Kiet set a date in the first week of November in Bangkok. They were having a first ceremony in Saratoga with a judge friend of the family presiding. I replied she could be married in our garden at the Forest Palace or our house in Bangkok. She replied she would ask Kiet.

Email from Angela, the Denham School kitchen was done and tested with a lunch gathering of all employees. She went down for that. Terrific. The baker from Oxford did croissants that melted in your mouth.

The darkroom completed, the photographers were very pleased. All their equipment in place, the same for the two clothes designers. Their work spaces had all they requested.

The Equestrian Ventures built dressage and jumping arenas were in and ready, the stables completed. We had six horses now with six more coming. Gregory was rotating staff there to care for the animals, order supplies and do any miscellaneous jobs. He was hiring a few more grooms, etc... to cover the school's needs.

The coding classes were full at this point. There was a bit of wiggle room to enlarge classes by a few seats and possibly add new classes in the most popular subjects.

Richard's news contribution was the physical planet was one hundred percent ready. His family loved the brick house they were in. His wife really liked the big comfy kitchen! He made a point of saying it in his email.

Yone's part was up and running. They would have people on-site around the clock with an operations centre in one of the cottages getting all the local sensor and camera feeds which also went to the Harcourt House centre. There was the kitchen for breaks and several sleeping rooms with full bathrooms upstairs.

Daphne's separate email had the full enrollment numbers. I was surprised. The clothes design courses were full including Lorena from Audra's hometown of Longwick in Gloucestershire. Lorena had sent me an email via Gil thanking Cho and I for our help and generosity. She loved her room at the school. I replied for us saying `Go for IT!'

The photography classes about eighty five percent full, the equine and equestrian portion had a dozen and a half students signed on. The baking classes were full and the small business course was nearly fully enrolled.

We would be near capacity. It spoke well for the class subjects, the instructors and the PR campaign we had run. The website was excellent! Ni and Winnie's folks had created a handsome and easy to use site! Charles had done still pictures and video, he'd edited it all, sending it to Winnie. She had emailed Cho and I saying how `professional' Charles was, far in advance of his peers.

Reginé's folks had done an awesome job promoting it across all social media platforms. They used a lot of Charles visuals so I followed up with Winnie did we had a proper contract in place for him so he was paid the going rate in their company for his work. She replied to me that Carla had signed a contract as his parent and he was being paid the same as any other person in their shop for similar jobs. Yes!

A text from Ansara, she was with Cho at the Forest Glen Golf Club. Cho had finished the front Nine at seven under par, a twenty nine. She send smiley's that Hillman was laughing, enjoying watching Cho run wild!

Gil got an email response to her query from Patty Murray in the Senate. She said my Fox News interview had been noted by the senior members of the committee I had testified in front of earlier. The committee chairman had mentioned it to her and said `Miss Martin is upping her ante' which she thought was a telling remark.

Gil smiling, "He knows now you aren't going to let it go."

The chairman has scheduled four government folks from the FAA and representatives from New York City, Grand Canyon area, Los Angeles and Miami helicopters tours to be at a hearing in ten days.

Ms. Murray had added a big `thumbs up' at the end.

I laughed, she liked it but wasn't going to push too hard at a powerful committee chairman. Okay. I don't have her political limitations. I got Gil to ask Scott in New York if we could do something like a ten dollar once around Manhattan flight for the first forty people. Eight to a flight, five loads, adults over eighteen only. We'd show there was pent up demand and we could start a regular service since there was so little regulation.

Francis came in with a smile, "We don't have a deal yet but the University of California Santa Barbara folks are talking with us about selling all or part of the La Laguna Ranch property. It'll be a few million. There's not much there but sand, trees and scrub growth."

"Aimee and Philippa will be in Bangkok to meet with us. I hope by that time to found someone there for Asia. The Railroad HR recommended a recruiting company and Andrea gave me a head-hunting company that has a Bangkok branch. They both are working on it now. We should have a group for interviewing!"

More news. The London government people have decided we can build a firing range in the basement of the Fulham Security Service building. They looked over the plans, the structural bits, the thickness of the concrete and its condition plus our modifications and gave us the `green light!'

Fist bump. Francis said he'd email Thet, Sumate and Thomas right away.

I called Aston.

"Fay, the movers will be here today. Judy is ready. She was the one who met with them at our apartment. She was really impressed... so we have a good start. The house in Seattle is quite unbelievable. Thanks again for that!"

"It is a nice house! I like that bedroom balcony!"

"Judy does too! She's going to get a café style table and chairs so we could sit there in the evenings with coffee."

"A great idea! We will be there for the third round of interviews and the press conference. Have you persuaded any more folks to join up?"

Laughing, "I have two. One from the New York Times who'll be great covering this city and one from the Washington Post for national and capital news. It's easy for them they don't have to move. They will be in Seattle to meet you and Cho."

I thanked him for all his work, we rang off.

I leaned back happy with my new project. It was coming together very nicely!! It'll be a surprise for many people especially a few unsuspecting ones in Seattle.

Lunch outdoors! Charlie and Chani smiling around a grilled cheese sandwich. Their pile of chips went down steadily. I told them we'd swim when Dada's home! Big Yeas!

Cho came home to a big welcome out back! He walked down to the grass Charlie and Chani running to him. Loud Dada's! Gil doing a video of them as Cho knelt to hug and kiss them both!

Francis put a Newcastle in his hand as he sat beside me. I got a hug and kiss!

Unc and Graeme got hugs from the Twins too. Uncle Craig and Graeme accepted hugs and kisses from Dee and Donella and beers from Francis!

Cho had a very good day!! I said I'd heard about the front nine.

"That was Cho's warm up," Graeme smiling, "the back nine was better!"

Uncle Craig laughing, "Cho told us about the welcome from those folks at his first visit... after today's round they acted so nice but they're sorry Cho isn't interested in joining."

Cho squeezed my waist, "Hillman is a fine fellow and enjoyed playing with us. He has a good game."

Uncle Craig said the course was a parkland type, lots of trees and good greens.

Cho was nine under on the back nine with two eagles and almost a hole-in-one on the Fourteenth.

"I hit the flag it bounced away then started to roll back to the hole... it stopped two inches away..." Cho pointed a finger at Graeme, "... this guy was saying a few naughty words to encourage it to fall in."

We were all laughing. Graeme raised his beer bottle to Cho.

"It didn't work but I meant every word!"

Fist bump!

They would go over to Woodbridge tomorrow morning after the Colonel arrived. The club Pro was playing with them.

The guys had their snack then the beach. Cho came out with me and the Twins but only in the shallows. Our little ones splashing around in their goggles... very cute.

Graeme and Donella took a turn being with them.

Jaidee was romping in the water with us until the urge to dig came over him. Cho said let him go for a bit... He had an idea for the hole.

Chani's feet were getting `webbed' being the water so long. I lifted her into my arms, we walked up to the towels and her hat. I slipped off her goggles... bright shining eyes under there, a big smile.

"Swimming fun!"

I agreed! I dried her. Cho got Tara and Ro to get Jaidee away from his hole with a tennis ball.

Charlie beside me getting rubbed. Cho got a shovel, he flattened the hole's water side then made a shelf inside. He came up to us, "You have a special bench seat."

We all walked down... Charlie clapping... he parked himself on the shelf with a huge grin. He waved to Chani. She sat next her brother... smiles! Holding hands.

Cho knelt beside them and explained it would go away like the castle but that was the fun of it. They all did fist bumps with giggles!!

Cho got a kiss and hug from me as his reward!

I went to do some calls to parts of America that were waking up. Violet answered on the first ring.

"Good morning Boss lady!"

I laughed, "Okay! So how's it going?"

She scheduled the second group of interviews and added three to the twelve already chosen for the next go-around. Aston said he'd in Seattle and ready to work the day after tomorrow. We were putting Aston and Judy up in a hotel for a week before their household goods arrived and were inside the new house.

She and Aston would review who she had and the two `old Pros' would be in first. Violet a laugh in her voice, "Turns out Aston knows one well and the other slightly, so we have a leg up there."

"Excellent! Our plan at this point is to be there on the sixth."

We rang off.

Nicholas was at his desk... I gave him some ribbing... "Fay, the kids get me up early, Betty is up too so breakfast is on before seven."

We talked about lots of things.

"Fay, we had a second talk with the Seattle Police command people about the shelter guests and any issues they had with the legal system. They think we are being a bit high-handed in our insistence in following the laws about their entry. Our requiring warrants or other proper documentation they say will impede their work."

"Nicholas that's BS we both know it. If they're going to whine then we'll play hardball."

"I spoke to Toya Wiggins, she said she'll be ready to throw some bombs."

"Good! Please keep her in the loop. She'll protect your people as well as our guests."

Nicholas laughed and let me know his folks would be well schooled in the law and our limits.

"If we have to face off with the police I want them to know all there is and that we have their backs."

FaceTime fist bump!

We had a deal in Del Mar! Conference App meeting with Leslie and Adonna in Los Angeles. They laid out what we had. We would protect the entire operation! The land we wanted was a done deal. San Diego County would sell the property to us and do the road work necessary to link us to the highway.

The railroad signed off on giving up their right-of-way for their short stretch of unused track. They would remove the rails and crosstrees. Adonna said she was still negotiating a track crossing. I said not to work too hard on it but that it would be nice.

Leslie added Del Mar city folks said extending the road for the track crossing was not a problem.

Our interim plan to house our folks was to buy a small motel in Solana Beach, just north of the track, secure it and get shuttle buses ready. Francis was ready to close the deal for it. I texted to him while talking to Leslie and Adonna. I got a < thumbs up > and < doing now >

The city of Del Mar had given planning permission to our apartment building complex. eighty six units, evenly divided between three, two and one bedroom units plus offices for the Security team at the building. A pool and play area, adequate parking. A canteen that could double as a meeting or recreation room.

A daycare annex and a dog park.

We would keep the shuttle buses going after it was open but it was less than three fourths of a mile walk to the barns. We would try some kind of bike program.

Leslie said Sumate was arriving soon to help with the hiring and choosing who might be promoted to supervisor from existing staff. They had to be ready to relocate.

"We'll be ready. The team to do the install of our equipment at the track is to be here tomorrow to get started. I have most of the gear in a warehouse behind the track fire station. We'll stage from there."

We had the track's agreement to build our own offices and command center in part of the parking area east of O'Brien Hall. Four floors of offices, the computer centre, canteen and rest areas. The basement would have detention spaces and storage.

Leslie was always on top of everything. I thanked him for Cho and I.

I called Sumate, he was in a Gulfstream over the Pacific approaching the California coast. We talked about Del Mar and Leslie.

"While you are there please look at Camilla being moved to Leslie's spot to free him to more mobile. Then adding more people to support Camilla. Dali as her deputy?"

Sumate had a big Yes for that.

"Harcourt Ranch will begin construction soon. The old house is gone. We heard back from the lawyers... there was upset but it was inevitable there would be change, so we are past that. We did deliver a few items from the estate to them. We would have just junked them otherwise so no big deal.

There is a lot going on. The shelters, ranch, employee housing, two race tracks, our homes, our firends and more coming. We have assigned more AW139's to Santa Monica and increased the size of the livery service.

So talk with Leslie and find out about his living arrangements and can we do something to make things easier for him on that side."

Sumate was with me! He would take the time for Leslie.

He laughed, "Oh what do think of the building in Fulham? Pretty good?"

"It is near perfect, almost as if we built it. Jeremy is a wizard getting the city to agree to the shooting range! I was amazed he managed the heliport so he has got their ear for sure."

"Fay, I interviewed Sarge with Thet two days ago. He wants the training job so he will start the retirement process with the Marines in three months when his current enlistment is to expire. He will start in Bangkok then up to Sara Buri. If the property near the ranch is purchased then he could move there... closer to home."

I brought up Markus. Sumate would meet him in North Carolina in a week or so after California.

"He will be at Fort Bragg, I will fly there. Ken gave us his CV and it is impressive like Ken's. A lot of skills we would want. So I will find out his interest level. Then make him an offer. I suppose it will be more than the Army pays?"

We laughed. He added he was on to New York afterwards and London.

We rang off.

After dinner I was walking with Graeme on the beach, He nudged me with an elbow, "I was asked to join the SAS Regiment. I said not at this time. It's nice to be wanted... my career path is not in that direction."

"So how did they take it?"

"They seemed disappointed. My reasons did bring acknowledgment from the major doing the asking."

"So what is your path? General Staff?"

"Maybe... at least in more conventional service rather than `special operations.' Not that we haven't been involved in some ops just not all the time."

"And the `family' project?" I make a rocking the baby motion.

Laughter, "No progress there. I've really been busy. These days are the most consecutive days off since being with you at Christmas."

"You work for slave drivers... in our case we do the driving!"

We sat on the tidal edge.

"I've read some about your exploits and Mum keeps me up on your doings too. She had fun fixing up the old MacQuarrie House for you. Possibly awakened a dormant interior decorator much to dad's discomfort."

Laughing, "I can't speak to that but your dad is up to the challenge. Besides if Dee does it now when he retires it'll be quieter."

Fist bumps!

"So you acquired the newspapers in London for nothing?"

"Well we paid in other ways and we did spend money to buy the entire printing establishment. The New York Daily News was a bargain. Their owner just never took the newspaper seriously. We're putting in some money and have given the paper the mandate to dominate the New York City marketplace.

Hopefully they can partner with Fox News in the city.

Here Adam and Desmond are enjoying themselves right now... I think Adam will want out... We... I hope Des will want to stay and run things."

I elbow nudged him back, "Des and Roseanna seem to be getting along fine. They've been out to the Froyle house a few times. Maybe you should too. It's quiet and comfortable. I know all the land around it for several miles... I should take the twins there soon... See some of the locals most of whom don't know anything about..." My hand sweeping down across my body.

"The Reed's know but no one else?"

"Mrs. Pelletier who takes care of the house and her daughter Sybil the gardener know... they're the only ones I've seen."

Moving back toward the house, "So more golf? Is it fun?"

"Sometimes... with Cho it is amazing to watch him. He can converse then when he's ready to hit a shot... he focuses like no one I've seen... his swing is compact with immense power which he controls so carefully. His accuracy is flatly astonishing, it's because of his intense control and an remarkable eye for distance and terrain. The man should have been in the army... he'd be awesome in the field."

He laughed, "Today it was like he was on a mission. The first Nine warmed him up for the rest. On the Sixteenth, a short par four of three hundred and sixty yards, on the tee Cho was smiling gently swinging his driver. He was to play first but he had us go ahead. He waited until the people ahead were leaving the green. He stepped up and smacked the biggest hit I've ever seen. We watched it fly... fly then hit in front of the green and bounce onward rolling to a stop about two feet from the hole."

Graeme slapped his hands, "It was awesome to watch. The folks leaving the green were dumbfounded. They stayed off to the side to wait. He all had hit our usual drives and walked up the fairway. Our seconds done we approached the green. Cho marked his ball. The fellow caddying for Cho was like he was with a god. Cho flipped the ball over to the caddie to wipe... the kid looked at it like it was a magic crystal ball!"

We laughed. Graeme grinning, "When we walked into the clubhouse Cho's score preceded us. The members were stunned, a few came over to congratulate Cho, others hung back. I can understand some of that... a fellow you don't know comes to your course and makes mince-meat of it... it could be hard to take.

The club secretary did them proud though... he said it be their honour to add Cho's name to the top of the best score's plaque."

At the back gate I told Graeme about Trump going ballistic finding Cho's name at the top of the Doral's scoreboard and demanded it come down.

"His members said it was the best round and it would stay or there'd be trouble. Trump caved in on it."

A laugh and a hug!

Sumate called. He had discussed making changes to the command levels with Leslie. I could hear the smile in Sumate's voice, "Fay, he was pleased... very pleased that we valued him so highly. I asked about his living situation. He recently bought a house on Carroll Canal Court in the Venice Canal Historic District. He and his partner are doing renovations and some expansion since the property was a double lot. He's a ten minute walk to the new building off Venice Boulevard and a fifteen minute drive to Santa Monica Airport. A good location. AND to hear him talk about it... it's going to be a labour of love and... what is that American saying ... Ah! A money pit!"

We laughed!

A deep breath, "He wanted me to tell you thanks for considering that. He and Lonnie are good where they are."

Sumate would meet us in New York after seeing Markus. We had two important topics to discuss... Iran and security for several possible meetings between the southern insurgents and the government officials from Bangkok!

I told Cho about my Sumate call in bed leaning on him. I asked Cho why he decided not to play in the U.S. Amateur at the Riviera in Los Angeles.

A smile, "I think my game would have overwhelmed the other players... I enjoyed playing in the Concord Classic... I don't need an ego boost from another trophy. Let the young amateurs fight it out."

"You are an amateur... That hasn't changed."

"No but my game hardly fits in with the other golfers who go to the Amateur."

Cho laughed, "I did rather enjoy today. A good course and pleasant company and a bit of fun to poke a few folks. I saw two of the fellows who had been there last year... they remembered me!"

I laughed, "You mean they'll remember you after today!"

A kiss and hug!

Jaidee across the room was slowly destroying a chew treat. The cracking sound was a bit unnerving... too much like bones. Cho smiled saying only soft treats at night from now on. Okay!

First thing in morning after a swim the Colonel arrived in a AW139. Hugs and kisses. He had met the family members at Christmas so they were good. He got a quick look at the ground floor of the house.

"I like this..." his motioning to the décor, "...When we're done I'll tell you a story."

Meeting the Twins as they are now was a shock for him too. Cho said to them `Do you remember the Colonel?'

Charlie stepped up his hand out, "Hi Col-nell!"

The Colonel was bowled-over but visibly pleased.

"Charlie it is nice to see you and Chani again."

Chani shook hands with a giggle.

We waved from the grass out back as the AW139 lifted off. Charlie and Chani so cute waving both hands!

They went in for lessons, me to work.

Overnight email from Sondra... could they accept our offer of the garden at our house? Kiet wanted it there. I replied with a big YES! I sent on Alia's contact information so she could help organize it.

My email to Alia to let her know we would happy for her take charge and to use the Kiet's restaurant or other prepared food sources plus I added the name of our usual outside caterer to keep the burden off Amporn as much as possible. She replied later saying she was `on it!' I laughed at that one.

Cho left me a folder! A pool! For Harcourt House!

Not huge, good for laps and some general play. Rectangular with surrounding glass walls, a bathroom with an outside a rinse shower and four cabanas. `Steel' lamp poles? Oh... they were to support an inflatable roof for winter. The inflation mechanism would heat the area and keep the roof up.

It would go on the north end of the house linked to the stone pathway to the north door, the cabanas and bathroom would be the wall facing east to the Forecourt. We would have a nice view to the north towards the farms toward Oxford and west down over the Thames Valley.

Construction just started while we've been here to be ready for Christmas holidays. Wow! I'd have to wait to thank Cho!

A report in email from Soam in Bangkok on our drones and upgrades for them. We have a new device to add to our drones, an electronic warfare pod. It could jam cellphone and common drone frequencies for about a hundred meter area. The jamming zone was variable.

Also a new dimension for our equipment, they could, depending on signal strength, tap the controlling computer for handling tasks. Since they were defensive devices the range would probably be Okay for this. They'd use the base to process data faster, refresh more rapidly for the operator. Passing off some computing jobs made sense.

Soam said these capabilities had been thoroughly tested in live conditions in Bangkok and at Sara Buri. The pods were easy to install into existing units and the controlling software just needed an update which was ready. Harcourt House and the Bangkok house would be the first, the rest would be done very quickly.

I replied with a `I liked it' and a follow up on an exchange we had had months ago. We would meet when Cho and I were next in Bangkok to discuss it. Soam had been very quiet about it, just an occasional note to say he was working on it and there were several positive developments. I sent him some drawings and data to add to the original idea.

An email from Tim Kaine. He and Hillary talked about my DARPA email. Tim had followed up with the head of DARPA on our willingness to share some of our technology. They were interested. I replied to Tim and CC'd Hillary that I could link the DARPA folks up with Reg in London. I suggested the DARPA fellow email Gil with his preferred communications method.

Francis joined us around the dining table. Another folder' was gently slid across the polished mahogany surface. Actually two folders!' The top was a proposed deal with the University of California Santa Barbara for twelve hundred acres or so of the La Laguna Ranch.

Francis had made it plain to them there would no `developing' of the property and that it would be used for training of horses and our Security people..

They agreed so we can close the deal!

The second folder about a piece of land south of Lordsburg, New Mexico. Over eight thousand four hundred acres with only a bit over a half a square mile having any structures. Three houses in barely usable condition, sheds, several large utility and repair buildings, six quite big warehouses most of which were in disorder. A lot of used equipment like ground scrapers, bulldozers, heavy lorries, power lifting vehicles, smaller lorries and some cars. All of vehicles were said to be in working order.

The good part was several very good wells, what the report called `sweet' water and geothermal extraction plant for heating and power generation.

The last was interesting. In place were pumps to extract the hot water and steam, a turbine building generated all the power the ranch needed. A short report inserted said with some underground piping all the buildings that mattered could be heated. ROI would be rapid as there was NO ongoing costs after installation except basic maintenance.

Francis' report said the property was so large `live firing' was not a problem. All the land surrounding on three sides was empty adding to the isolation. He'd sent snaps to Thet and Sumate asking about using the buildings as training like what our folks had gone through at Hendon!! That was interesting!

I leaned back, "So the whole thing thing is listed at six and half million? Inclusive?"

"Yes! Everything you see in the pictures."

"Okay! Offer four million ... our usual cash on table type deal."

Francis' fist came over... BUMP! He picked up his iPhone and was dialing as he walked out.

Gil and Ali grinning like Cheshire Cats. Gil shoved some paper my way... `thanks.' Ugh!

I spoke to Adam for a short while. Things were good. Norma had the latest numbers in my email so I was up to date. He laughed telling me about the stories Des' folks did on the East End developers and the local council guy trying to get permission to build on a toxic waste dump. It was stopped, the developers are being scrutinized for bribery plus other charges and the council guy was fired and being investigated. Terrific work!

Adam and Daphne were coming up here in a week for a few days. They were going to chill out in the sun on the beach! Grace would take good care of them.

Francis' face in the door, "A five and half million?"

"A four million and a quarter."

A grin, "That'll send a message!" He was off.

Gregory's email, they had a dozen horses for Denham School! A good mix of mares and stallions, a couple of geldings all in excellent shape with experience in the dressage arena and jumping. Only four had ever done cross country so Imogene would have to work on that. Yvonne and Diana would help her.

I replied with thanks and asked about stable crew. He was back right away, several new hires would be worked in with experienced people. Anthony was doing the training. Good!

He added that Pamela and Secret Sea were both doing well! Yea!

Okay! I said beach! The Twins were in favor too!

Chani in a pink bikini like mine with a matching pink baseball cap. We were sitting on the sand watching Jaidee chase one of Charlie's tosses, a plastic doggy bone that floated.

Towels over us after being in the water. Chani had on her black Wayfarers like mine. Looking good! A big smile too!

Tha and the Pram appeared so we mounted up our crowd to walk to the Southwold Pier for a fish and chips takeaway. Jaidee chased a ball courtesy of Tara and Ken until we got close then on his lead.

We gathered our bunch around the outside pickup window. Big bags of warm goodies. The walk home was all anticipation!

Grace had the oven warm so it went in as we got everything ready outside. All the Protection team with smiles as we doled out the lovely smelling wrappings!

I shared a double order with Chani and Charlie! Grace added Crisps and dip, carrot and celery sticks, black and green olives. Beers and sodas. Juice in sippy cups.

A fine feed! The Twins loved them some fish and chips for sure!

Francis' iPhone binged. A smile, "Five million."

"Tell them four and a three quarters million, they pay the closing costs and any other fees."

He did, an email came back quick with `agreed.' Okay!

I texted to Thet and Sumate right away we had a new property and Francis would send them an accounting of it, what we would do to the `Lordsburg Ranch' to fix it up.

I asked Francis about the other property in the town of Lordsburg, the old hotel. The agent hadn't got back to him about that one yet. She was trying to get more snaps.

Text from Rande

Okay! I asked Dee to help me get the beers and snacks ready. Grace made cheese puffs and little buttery cheese croissants. We did trays for outside, glasses and Newcastles. Tha was re-upping the juice in the Twins sippy cups.

We could hear the helicopter. Everything was toted out as the men and Ansara emerged from the AW139.

Hugs and kisses all around. Charlie ended up on Unc's lap, Chani with her Uncle Graeme. The golfers had a good sip of their beer. Smiles, they had fun playing a new course.

Cho had joined the club earlier this year but hadn't played before today. One of their Pros had made up the group. He knew about Cho's game.

Cho's smile, "When we were at the First tee he wondered what I was going to do their course."

Uncle Craig's big laugh, "Graeme said he hesitated to imagine it."

"The Pro was a nice fellow with a good game. We flipped for the honour I was last... " A grin on Cho's face, "... it wasn't a long par four. I really leaned into the drive... it bounced in front of the green and rolled up to stop six feet short in a direct line the flag... " He laughed, "...six feet from a hole-in-one on a par four!"

Uncle Craig laughing, he and Cho clinked beer bottles, "The young Pro's face was a sight! We walked down the fairway to our meager tee shots... Cho just walking along like nothing happened. The rest of us were on in two... we all parred the hole Cho got his eagle."

Graeme picked up the tale, "The Second is another short par four with a shallow dogleg with water in front of the green. Cho choose a four wood which had his shot carry over trees left to right... his ball hit the green fringe bouncing twice coming to rest twelve feet from the hole to the left. I'll have to say it was terrific to watch his ball fly left and draw back over those trees. Cho got his second eagle!"

Cho was chuckling, "It was quite the start. The next five were all birdies then a short par five. I was on in two just seven feet away so another eagle. The Ninth is par three where I hit the flag pole from the tee, the ball dropped down to roll almost ten feet away. A birdie. So I finished the front nine in 23, twelve under par.

Ten, Eleven and Twelve were birdies then on Thirteen a short par four I used my four wood again, I wanted the height to take the power out of the landing. A big bunker in front of the green left a lot of room before the flag. I drove the green four feet to the right. Eagle!"

The Colonel laughed, "I think the Pro went home to weep after today."

Everyone laughed.

A sip of Newcastle and a cheese puff! Uncle Craig and Graeme smiling.

"The next were birdies, an almost eagle on Sixteen when my second shot rolled up to hit the flag and bounce away a few inches."

Craig nudged Cho, "By that time the Pro believed Cho do hit any shot he wanted. What made the day was Cho's putting... Not a single two putt green! That is amazing and often not given the credit it should... "a pat on Cho's shoulder, "... you are deadly with your putter!" He and the Colonel did fist bumps!

Cho thanked Craig for the compliment, "It is a very steady part of my game right back to when I began to play. Okay! The end! Eighteen, another short par four, has a shallow dogleg left with nothing tall at the corner... so I cut it off. I used my driver to slam it. Nothing in front of the green so I got several good bounces it rolled up on the green... it kept going to stop level with pin three feet to the right. An eagle! So eleven under on the back for a 47... And before you ask... Yes it is the course record."

We cheered! Charlie yelled "Dada!" He got a hug from Dad!

Uncle Craig stuck out his hand... Cho clasped it... "Thanks for the free lunch and scotch!" Graeme and The Colonel joined in on that!

"They invited us for lunch and wouldn't allow us to pay! The members there all threw in a few pounds. We got a few inches of a very nice single malt. Cho allowed a few snaps for their history book since he's a member. He also signed a few autographs. Cho did say he'd be back so..."

I leaned over my guy's shoulder to deliver a kiss. Cho's eyes were shining, a smile. He eased me onto his lap, squeeze.

Cho carried me down to the water after we changed. Doc had Chani, Graeme Charlie. Goggles on they went to swimming right away. Tha, Unc and Dee with us all around. The babies were well guarded.

We swam for a while then Cho enlisted the guys to build another castle. Battlements, keep and assorted towers! It was great to see those three generations working together. The Colonel it turned out was a natural `sapper.'

Dee, Donella sat with Ali, Gil and me, Chani next to me. We talked made little designs in the sand. Chani took my hand, "Mama I potty."

I was amazed! She was still in her swimming costume so I quickly carried her in and up the stairs to the Nursery. The little potty seats unused until today... we got her bikini bottom off... she sat on the pink potty. I heard the splashing... Her sweet face smiling.

"I did good?"

"Oh baby you did very good!"

We wiped. Then I asked her if she wanted the bikini or a diaper. She thought... "Biki!"

Okay I got her back in her bottoms. We walked to the stairs... Chani smiled holding her arms out... UP! She held me tight, a kiss on my cheek. We were smiling big when we emerged into the sun. Tha came over I slipped my arm around her, we three very close...

Chani with a proud smile, "I pee!"

Tha hugged her, "Chani I am pleased for you! You are a smart girl!"

Chani walked down to her Dad. Her arms around his neck when he picked her up. She kissed his cheek... he was looking a question at me.

Hugging them, "Chani tell your Dad."

Huge grin, "I pee!"

Cho's face! He kissed Chani and me. "Chani that is so good! I am proud of you."

We sat on the sand... Cho with a roguish grin as he called Charlie over. Charlie parked on my lap.

"Tell Mama... about..." Cho waved towards the ocean.

Charlie smiling, "I pee..." his little arm pointing to the water.

"Charlie said he had to go... so I told him we could do it out there but only tell Mama and Tha."

Cho's hand on my shoulder, Charlie giggling, "So we did."

This fascinating linkage the Twins had... such an exhilaration for us to know they were so connected. This was a banner day for them. Only a start... there would diapers for some time yet but the urge to control was terrific!

I liked that they were happy for themselves! Giggly with a new secret!

After dinner we all went back out to beach. It our last night. I was holding Chani with Donella strolling slowly... Gaby and Tessa close behind us since there other folks walking the low tide sand.

Her new job was great, "Fay, I'm going to learn a lot and I hope to contribute a lot when I get the feel of the new role."

"Don't forget we are building a lab in Bangkok to do research on autoimmune diseases. So once our program is going strong I'll get Racha to connect with you.""

"I won't forget. I do want to get into this job it has a lot of potential."

Fist bump. Chani stuck her's out! Okay!

Curled up with Jaidee's fur under my fingers. That pink tongue lolling out as I rubbed his tummy Cho in behind us doing his teeth showing those pearly whites leaning over us. He joined in!

I got him laughing with my `negotiations over the Lordsburg ranch. He laughed out right at Francis' comment about my first raise.

"I guess they got the point. Good on you both! You really have got the hang of the real estate thing."

I kissed him, "I had a good teacher."

He got another more 'warm' kiss for the pool. "I'm pleased. Lots of our guests will thrilled... by the way Adam and Daphne are coming up here in a week or so... a few days R&R."

"That's good. I like this house and the furniture worried me but it's comfortable and does fit the house. Have you said anything to the decorators yet?"

"Yes, I had Gil email them my thoughts. I like it all. I didn't have doubts... I did wonder about you. I glad you find it comfortable."

"The dining room is really pleasant and the chairs are comfy. The colours are relaxing, giving a good vibe to the room."

A BIG kiss! Now I knew he liked it!

The morning unhurried. We swam a last time then ate ... we worked our way through packing.

Goodbye to the Colonel. A big smile, "Thank you to you two for inviting me. It was relaxing. I didn't mind getting whipped soundly on the golf course because I got to watch Cho play. A wonderful experience."

Cho laughed, "Well they'll be a next time. Somewhere... maybe Bangkok?"

Smiles and a `Perhaps.'

Our crowd waved Graeme down the drive in his sporty car!

We all walked out to board the helicopters. A turn out to sea then south rising to over eight thousand feet before heading west for the longest stretch then south to the Harcourt House lawn.

Carter smiling as we walked to the door. Chani beside me, Charlie with his Dad. Carter bent over to do fist bumps with the Twins. Cho and I grinning like we won the lottery watching that!

Carter2 said Carla was laying out a buffet lunch. Great! We went up to drop things then we trooped to the Breakfast Room. The Twins in their highchairs munching on potato crisps with a little bowl of chive dip, a grilled eggplant and cheese sandwich and a plate of fruit.

I got Tessa and Gaby to go riding with me. Rebel was happy to see me! A big hug for him. Anthony smiling, "So Andy's back soon?"

"Next month!" Fist bump!

We walked down the lane, waves to Freddie.

I said to Gaby this ride would be a warm up. Tessa laughed at that.

A good trot up the slope, around to the right. Gaby looking at the wooden track crossing... I told her Cho managed it for us. `There's another one over there..." my hand motioning to the east.

At the lock after a gallop, the evening man on duty. I waved and said hello. Roy was long gone, no surprise. Over the river a hard gallop to the underpass, I chose to ride on the middle track. We closed up to Archie and Margy's quickly, up Hall Street to run beside the fields northward. Up through the woods to the southeast end of the Industrial Estate.

On the Thames Path track we passed by to the east going right to the lock. The fellow operating it was busy as we walked over. A stop at Mr. Hardy's to make sure he had the invitation for tonight.

A smile and a "Yes!'

At the grassy southern edge of Sandford Rebel was asked... he roared off! Tessa knew what was coming but Gaby in disbelief as we outran them. I aimed Rebel to the edge of the river we passed through our neighbor's farms like the wind.

As the property boundary came up I eased Rebel, we trotted over to the tracks. Fist bump with Freddie and Ronnie.

Ronnie with a huge grin, "Fay, I love that you ride with such dash! It's great to watch!"

I laughed, "It's also damned fine!"

We all laughed some more. My protectors caught up.

Tessa grinning, Gaby was amazed.

"Fay, I've never seen riding like that! Spectacular!"

Walking up to house I asked Gaby to get up early for the morning ride. A big smile.

Dinner with our neighbors. Informal, ties banished! I had on a pair of floppy legged white cotton pants with a navy blue lightweight knit sleeveless crop top, little gold stars on my titties! Navy heels, gold bits and my `Joy' man was on the job. Big kiss! Red nails and lips!

Cho in snug blue jeans, brown half boots and a short sleeved white cotton shirt. Crisp!

In the Nursery, Chani in white skirt and navy t-shirt, white socks and her Mary Jane's! Charlie like his Dad, blue jeans and a white shirt! Red trainers!

We were all together in the Entryway to greet our guests. They had met Uncle Craig, Aunt Dee and Donella at Christmas time. They marveled at the Twins. They shook hands with our babies, who were grinning.

The Radley's were all well. Little Melonie Radley was growing up cute. Curly brown hair and green eyes. She and the Twins hugged.

The Fraser's came with a tin of ginger cookies!! Hugs for them all.

Reverend and Mrs. Lone arrived with Mr. Hardy. The Thorns right behind them.

Mr. Thorn on shaking Chani's hand, "Miss Martin should we prepare for them to attend classes?"

Smiling I leaned over to my daughter, "Tu vas bien? Chani giggling, "Bien!"

Mrs. Thorn beside her husband looked shocked, "My goodness! Chani you are a wonder!"

Chani stuck her hand out to Mrs. Thorn. They walked into the Great Room.

Mr. Thorn looking at me I smiled, "Maybe?"

He laughed.

Cho took me into his arms, kiss. His eyes very bright! I knew why! Proud Dad!

Drinks and chat about the neighborhood. Anne was looking forward school and missing Sunny.

"Sunny will be back in a few days so she'll be going with you all again."

I told the crowd about Sunny's successes in America and she was in another event today and tomorrow in Virginia.

We talked horses a bit. They got we'd have a huge weekend of racing in Saratoga coming. That prompted Charlie say loudly "Toga." We laughed telling them it was his own shorthand.

Carla did a some lovely grilled trout and fixings. Afterwards in the Great Room our guests said their `good nights' to the Twins. We carried them up to Tha and helped settle them in. Hugs and kisses.

Downstairs everyone was amazed and delighted about Chani and Charlie. Mrs. Thorn was still a bit shocked, we were sharing a settee, "Fay, I taught pre-school and early primary kids for years... I've never seen any so advanced as your two."

I gave her a précis of what we had been doing right from the start, talking to them in multiple languages, the vocabulary games which were English Thai French lessons and all the rest Tha had been doing. I said so much was having Tha.

"She is loving with them and has thorough with their education. Being multilingual was an essential quality we wanted. She will be their nanny also, continuity and a comfort zone."

Kendall handed me a fresh espresso with lemon peel with a twinkle in his eye.

"We think being around so many different people in many places has been a real boost. They've been around the world."

It was a quiet evening, our neighbors were nice and we got the local news. Mr. Hardy at the door said I'd get another bunch of pages in a day or so.

"I'm reviewing them so it won't be long."

A kiss on his cheek.

I was going down the grassy lane on Roland, Gaby on Max and Tessa on Con. There was a slight chill in the air... the first whiffs of autumn?

The warm scone was welcomed by Anthony with a smile!

The ride was a repeat of the previous afternoon for Gaby to see my route' and meet some folks. The Lockman smiling, waving good morning' to Roy by his chair fishing pole in hand. She got a brief look at the Abbey Meadow, silent now.

Gaby got a running commentary about what land we owned and what was happening. After the underpass we met Angelique on patrol. I did the introductions. I knew Angelique had applied to transfer to the Personal Protection division of our Security... and had been accepted! She be leaving us for training in Bangkok!

I congratulated her, fist bumps with us all.

As we rode on I gave Gaby some stories about Angelique's work here. She was impressed. As we closed up to the Industrial Estate I pointed out where the ex-SAS fellow had been captured.

"You have had a few `adventures' in the last year or so."

I gave her a look... Gaby put up a hand... "I mean... I know a few things but would not ever repeat them."

Tessa leaned over towards her, "We don't talk about those things unless asked."

Gaby nodded, "Sorry."

I smiled, "Don't worry about it. It takes time to work into the group thing we have going. You'll be told some more bits as we go."

I turned us to the road beside the railroad to enter the Industrial Estate by Sandford Lane, to Gaby, in Thai, "By the way... how is your Thai coming?"

A big grin, in Thai, "I am getting my vocabulary built up by everyone. Reading is coming but writing is much harder."

"It is harder. Try using one of the pen sets we have around. It gives you a better feel for the letter shapes."

Thumbs up.

We stopped at the Security Annex so Gaby could be introduced and see the layout. We walked our horses by Samuel's work shop. A wave from him and his nephew from their office door. Gaby got some of our history in the Industrial Estate.

Tab saw us from the front desk of the Recording Studio and came out. A hug and Gaby `presented.'

Lotte next door too. Then over the lock. The regular lock fellow gave us a warm greeting which I returned.

Walking south through Sanford Gaby got that we owned the entire Industrial Estate and the recent construction explained. Tab had a larger staff being `open' twenty fours now to accommodate all the demand. Many artists liked to work late into the night so she had folks around plus the Security Annex was active around the clock.

Even Lotte stayed open because the studios were full and coffee was a major stimulus and food necessary. She was now making a profit so we weren't subsidizing the operation any longer. She was happy which was pleasing to us.

Mr. Hardy came out to ask if I could come in for a moment. We tied the horses and stepped into a fresh coffee aroma.

"I wanted you to see this."

He had an old Avalon Hill game on the Battle of Gettysburg laid out.

"It's dawn of the second day in historic terms."

It was handsome! A fine mounted and colourful map board, pink and blue unit counters spread out.

"I'm going to walk it through taking pictures to send to an online forum I recently joined. They are real old gamers like me... And you."

I laughed, "I was a gamer but now..."

He laughed, "I have an idea for you... at Christmas when Greg comes over we get us..." his hand motioning between us, "Greg and Jerrold together to play a game at yours. What do you think?"

I squeezed his shoulder, "It's an idea but my part would need to be limited."

"We can work on that... but you might be interested?"

I said Yes. A hug and we were off.

At the grassy southern gate, Gaby was going to ask if... I asked Roland. He burst forward... we were in full flight quickly. I heard the others behind racing in our wake.

Mr. Radley by his big barn called out a Go girl!' I waved! Dan Junior by the stables for their pair, Boxer and Rosie, yelled a Good Morning' I replied with a wave. Roland was striding so beautifully I didn't want to stop him.

As we crossed the property line I turned him southward to go across the bottom land by the river and make a big curve going up the slope to come back to the Stables from the south. My companions followed at a distance to catch up on the Flats near the Training tracks.

Yvonne was sitting on the fence watching Freddie down the way with a youngster, a big smile, "Fay, Roland is so happy running!"

Fist bump!

"I have been riding him and Rebel a lot in your absence. Gregory tells me to ride like you. He thinks I am..." her hand waving towards her head, "... `fou' enough to ride as you do."

Laughing, "Good! Another crazy person isn't so bad! Keep at it! They love to stride out."

Gaby and Tessa beside me as I did the rounds of the Stables with treats. I visited everyone. Secret Sea showing some real thickening now was nickering. Ronnie with us.

"Fay, she's a happy girl. Everybody loves her so she gets lots of attention."

"Good! We want a big strong colt to run the pants off all the other horses!"

Gaby got to meet them all, give out mints and carrots. I watched her... she was enjoying herself.

"When we are here you can ride whenever you have free time! The horses all love to go out."

She turned towards me, a smile, "Thank you! It is so nice to be able to do this!"

"Go over to Go Outdoors for some more tack, there is an account for the estate there. It's only five minutes down the road. Get them to send sets to our other houses where you could ride. They have a mailing list."

"Gaby, I'll go with you." Tessa held up a glove had a split growing.

"Yes, go on. Get a car they'll be open after breakfast."

Speak of that... Food!

We all laughed.

Cho and Tha were supervising the `scram' eggs being eaten with fried potatoes and tomatoes. Strawberry preserves on my son's cheek. A wipe and kiss for Charlie. He giggled trying swat me away.

The day warmed up so out to the Garden for playtime and lessons plus work. Gil and Ali had things for me. I worked with the yells of the Twins as background music.

Quite a few things from 21st Century Fox today. Most of it just information, a few decisions. All done. Ali giving me a thumbs up.

Gil's were publisher bits from London and New York. We worked it for nearly an hour.

Cho came by with a young gentleman who had skidded on the grass with a little scrape on a knee. They went in to get it cleaned and some medication. No tears! Being a good guy.

Chani and Jaidee came running by with Tha following. A big smile on her face a quick squeeze of my hand.

Lunch was outside, I had gone to shorts by then. Cho lying like a pasha on a lounge with a grin... I jumped him! Damn... he surrendered too easily. Well after a few kisses I didn't think it was so bad.

At ten that night we were going up the stairs of a 767 at Chalgrove. The Twins went straight to their cribs. Kisses for them.

In level flight we sat around the lounge with our protection Team. We reviewed PJ's and my list of things and discussed the schedule.

New York for Cho's golf at Winged Foot, four days of horse racing in Saratoga, back to Harcourt House for the Denham School opening day. Seattle for my project onto New York for racing at the Belmont, our shelters opening ceremonies and Emmys night then to Los Angeles for racing at Santa Anita and a trip to Del Mar. After that a stop in Lordsburg to see the ranch. I had a speaking engagement in Orlando then finally to Bangkok. We'd be there for a few weeks before a race at Ascot. Then New York for the 45th's opening and the Daily News move uptown. Los Angeles for the Breeder's Cup weekend. Finally before Christmas we'd be in Bangkok with a few side trips, on to France before being back in Oxfordshire.

PJ went over how he saw vacation time fitting in until the end of the year.

I laughed at Gaby's head shaking, "Buckle up sister you're on the big merry-go-`round!"

We all laughed.

Rafe said he'd heard we could be busy... Wow!

I offered him some of my paperwork... he wisely declined.

Bed time. Jaidee warm against me, fingers slowly rubbing a lovely belly. Cho smiling with mouthful of toothbrush. He joined us for a short Jaidee pet session. Sleep.

It was still dark when we landed at Westchester County Airport. I heard the engines wind down and a thump when the power device was attached underneath. I turned over for more sleep. I was awake an hour later, almost six o'clock by my iPhone. Up and washed, Jaidee crunching his breakfast. Coffee coming, a hot buttered scone!

I curled up on a settee, the news. An odd assortment, horrors and good things. Never enough of the latter. Email was more fun.

Jasmin was leaving Vietnam after a two day visit as our people were going ahead quickly on the project there. She was pleased with it all. Mr. Tran too!

My last communication with Colonel Ba on the project was the Vietnamese Ministry of Defense was very pleased with our proposal for the sensor net along the border. The cost was high but they were committed to making their borders more secure and stopping traffickers in wild animals and drugs. The unit cost for the sophisticated sensor pods would go down as we made more for other sales.

What I did like was Vietnam was planning on sharing information with Laos and Cambodia, a deal with China was more difficult. Colonel Ba wasn't sanguine regarding any agreement with their northern neighbor. Our skepticism of China as a market didn't make me think they'd succeed because of transparency issues especially.

Francis had forwarded on some emails confirming our Lordsburg property purchase and information on the old hotel that was for sale. It didn't look like it was worth even half they were asking and the town wasn't going anywhere so the value would not increase. Too bad. `Kick it into touch' was my response to his last message. I got a LMAO emoji back.

Things in Del Mar were moving along. We had moved into the temporary building, the wiring, sensors and cameras were being installed. Leslie was spending a lot of time on this to get it going quickly. Sumate had sent him a lot of help!

Aston and Violet had done another round of interviews. The two old pros were solid choices and all twelve of the others were keepers for now. That high a number of possibles spoke well for Violet's skills in choosing! Background checks being performed at a deeper level. My project looking good.

Dad called! He said the generals meeting at Na Yong was done. He had told A-Wut, the southern commander, what we had discussed beforehand. A-Wut said he wanted to tell his colleagues that there was an attempt to move things by a private effort. Dad said to him to be careful because this effort could be the breakthrough needed.

"Fay, A-Wut thanked me for trusting him. He is level-headed and thoughtful so we could not have anyone better in the Army to know. I will talk with him in a few hours. I wanted you to have a heads up."

"Dad, thanks! Please call when you know. We're in New York for a Cho golf day at a Pro-Am tournament."

"I will call soon."

Love as we rang off.

Francis and Ali came out. They were up because they were going into the city from here. Francis was to do work work on TrueRating's office and computer systems. A major upgrade and more staff. Francis was projecting at the current rate of growth it would break even in two years.

"Fay for something like this it's a great timeline. It shows how toxic the three rating agencies have become. The new systems will let us scale up by a factor of twenty."

Fist bump.

Ali said she'd give Daria a hug for me.

I kissed them at the cabin door. They walked over to a AW139 warming up. We'd see them in Saratoga in two days.

Cho and Gil came out at the same time. Kisses! Yobi and Lil up working on breakfast. Cho's tee time with Tom was early afternoon so no rush.

"Mama" "Dada" the Twins ran out for hugs! And food! Charlie wanted scram and `jam toost.' He's a funny guy!

We all prepared for a day out at Winged Foot. Cho would play, we'd sit around the pool again. Charlie and Chani could swim with us. The Club folks had informed Gil they had a good spot for us like last year. They didn't expect a big crowd with the tournament going on.

Chani and I were alike, white shorts, yellow crop top, white trainers. Charlie in khaki shorts and seablue Polo shirt, white trainers. We had outfits for the ceremony after the golf was over.

The 767 would go on to Newburgh and three AW139's would be here for us to fly to Saratoga.

Aylesha had cars for us ready on the tarmac. We hit the road for the twenty minute drive to Winged Foot. We stepped out under the portico. Club officials and tournament folks greeted us.

We got the Twins into their pram to roll over to the pool.

Cho got a kiss and `Good Luck!' from me. He kissed the Twins. Rande and Ansara went with him. Me and a big crowd headed down the road to the swimming pool.

Charlie in the Ladies locker room with us giggling at Chani trying to dress herself. Tha had already put on his Speedo, Chani a bit hung up in her yellow bikini top. Charlie giggling. We sorted it. She stuck her tongue out at her brother! We were all laughing.

A nice Winged Foot lady showed us to a big patch of grass. PJ and the Team sat as a perimeter. It had been long enough from breakfast so... to the pool.

It was a hot day, humid, a bright sun. The Twins in their goggles swimming in a little corner section with us all around. I slipped under to watch Charlie and then Chani come motoring to me from Tha. Cuties!

Lots of splashing and fun. We took the Twins out to dry off when we all started to go `prune fingered' and sit under an umbrella. Juice and Aunt Dee's shortbread for the little ones.

We were relaxed. PJ, Ken, Tara and Gaby plus Penny and Rafe all catching some 'rays' with us. Tessa and Ro had gone with Ali and Francis to the city. PJ said Francis' profile had risen so a loose presence was appropriate. Tessa could see her family.

After a break Tha had many volunteers to go back to the pool with the Twins.

Dad called, I moved away toward the fence behind us. PJ gave a nod to Gaby, she moved with me.

"Fay, A-Wut did tell the General Staff there was an effort to bring both sides to a meeting. He described as an effort by private parties with contacts on both sides and across the border.

A-Wut said to me he tried to impress upon all his colleagues that there was no military solution. An endless low level war was going drain the Army and leave many people hurt to accomplish nothing.

He said he wanted to co-operate with the `peace' effort in lowering the Army's offensive activity. Simple security patrolling, no sweeps or raids, the insurgents will see this quickly.

There apparently was quite the discussion until one of my friends, a two star general, stood up and asked what were the alternatives the Army hadn't tried. He got no response... he then said this is something to try. And the Army had nothing to lose.

The generals decided to let A-Wut stand down where he thought most productive and listen to the private parties possible arrangements. He is not to speak for the government... which he didn't want to do.

The Prime Minister has heard all this. I want to brief him fully on your initiative. I know it is another risk but he deserves to know now. You need him to know it all to move forward in any meaningful way.

The Prince got the news from Na Yong right away, he has spoken to the King. The Prince gave his older brother a good overview of your effort and he is ready to urge the generals to support you every way they can."

I thanked Dad for his work.

"We wouldn't have gotten half as far without you."

"Daughter, you and Cho have the finest goal in mind. Thailand and the people of the south will benefit..." that lovely chuckle, "... your Dad will be happier too!"

"That's is why I started it to make your life better."

We laughed, Dad thanked me for that.

"We will be in Bangkok in a few weeks for several weeks so we'll keep the push on. Did A-Wut give you any idea when he might give us the area where he will back off from so we can pass it on to the insurgents?"

"No, I doubt he will waste any time though. I will follow up with him."

Love from us all to Phailin and himself.

PJ rose up and moved close.

"Fay, Leslie's chemist sent his report on the explosives from the kidnapping..." he smiled, "...It was a homemade brew which might have made a lot of smoke but no explosion. So either they didn't want to do any real harm or they were idiots."

"Based on what we could see of the actions of the shooter at the back on the infrared video... he seemed to try hard to detonate something."

"True! Maybe they bought it from some person who conned them?"

Fist bump! We had a laugh.

I called Yoshi. He was in Yala to meet with a group. Boy he was pleased...

Dad calling back... "Yoshi can you hold? Great!"

"Dad, I've Yoshi on hold."

"Fay I am emailing you grid co-ordinates for the area A-Wut units are backing away from. My people will watch what happens but not interfere unless there is some crime being committed that is not obviously involving the insurgents. I will add triumphalist marches or provocative displays of weapons especially will not be good. Tell Yoshi to pass that on too.

By the way it is a huge area... I was surprised by that and the location because it has been `hot' lately. A-Wut chose it on purpose. Be well, I will be touch again soon. Love to you all."

I thanked him and much love back!

Dad's email binged in!

"Yoshi... Okay... I have the co-ordinates, I will them send on. General Keren says it's quite a large area but I'm not somewhere I can check right away. He said you can tell the insurgents they won't see much of his people either... unless there is a crime in-progress that is not their doing. The General mentioned that the insurgents should keep a low profile, no provocations, like displays of guns or parades."

"I get it and I will make sure they do too."

"So good luck."

Arturo was driving, he pulled off to talk. I gave him the same info and that I would email them both the co-ordinates in a second.

"Fay, the first group I spoke to were the ones impacted by the events of the Malay forestry guy's arrest. Two were open about their going back into Thailand in a day or so. I am going to pass on their details to Yoshi.

I will contact them after we talk to see if they could meet me again."

Thinking out loud sort of... "Ask them if they would be willing to meet... a government negotiator or representative at a location to be determined once these happenings sink in. Informal, a talk about talks. The same for your other groups."

Arturo said he understood and would do.

I emailed the co-ordinates to both and the notion to ask about a meeting to Yoshi so he was on the same page.

We wanted a meeting... We had a signs of a thaw... why not try to make a move... not a leap.

Standing there thinking that for the first time I really felt this had legs.

I started to walk back... Ringing... Sumate!

"Fay, the Lordsburg Ranch is occupied by a team of ours led by Simon who will be the team leader there. The first work there will start today. Mostly clearing away the rubbish which West New Mexico Waste Company will remove, some road repair and a pair of fellows from HotEarth Consulting in Las Cruces will be on-site to evaluate the geothermal equipment. Trailers for living space, food service and offices are rolling in today and tomorrow.

DelAngelo Construction will be there tomorrow to assess what is needed to quickly fix up the three existing homes for staff and do some site preparation for the permanent offices, dormitories, dining hall, meeting rooms, recreation rooms, etc... They are based in Deming with a satellite office in Lordsburg.

It is a good beginning. I know you are going there... is there a firm date so I can meet you both on site?"

"At this point we plan to be there on October second. I'll make sure Gil keeps you up to date."

I got to sit with the Twins a bit then we walked over to have lunch at the restaurant beside the pool. They had highchairs!

`Sandies' and chips with ketchup! Charlie grinning as he chomped his sandwich.

Our server smiling, she could see the Twins enjoyed their food. She asked if she could give lollypops. They didn't ordinarily get much candy... she showed them to Tha, they were made from fruit and not large... Okay. Tha told them to lick and suck... do not chew!

Seemed like they liked this new treat! Tha shrugged, `don't all kids' it said.

I lay back to get some sun. The Twins were napping beside me under the umbrella. Cute! Tha gave me a wink. PJ grinning after Gil leaned over to point him to the Twins.

Did email for a short while before the Twins woke up. Chani's face... "Mama I pee."

Okay! I carried her into the ladies, we got bottoms off, I held her on the toilet. A smile.

"Pee good!"

She got wiped, swimsuit back on. We washed hands... she was giggling as we dried together. I picked her up... small arms around my neck, her soft cheek on mine.

We passed Tha going in with Charlie. The Twins touched hands... Charlie saying `Pee!' I had to laugh!

A short swim period then Gil mentioned it was near the time it ended last year we all went in to wash up and change. The Twins in white t-shirts and shorts, blue trainers and baseball cap for Charlie, Chani's accessories were red.

I was in a Mirabelle outfit, white cotton sleeveless dress with a small raised collar. Two small frogs holding the slit to the waist front closed, snug to my torso. Showing some tanned skin without a bra. A narrow black belt. The skirt was a circle shape to just below the knee. Gold Jewellery, black heeled sandals, red lips, `Joy' Round red sunglasses.

We loaded the Twins in the pram and walked up to the clubhouse. A fellow inside said we could wait in a side room. It was nice, quiet, comfy chairs. I asked him if he knew the scoring... `I will find out for you.'

Our greeter sent in a waitress... I asked for coffee, everyone got their choices in and juice for the Twins.

Tom and Cho were up by twelve strokes!

We were there long enough to enjoy our drinks.

The fellow came back again with a big grin, "Miss Martin, your husband and Tom Angleten are on the Eighteenth now."

I thanked him and asked where the Eighteenth green was and he offered to escort me. PJ and Gaby behind us as we walked out of the clubhouse on the north side past the terrace with a big awning where the other players were gathered. There was a place on the path where we could see because the tournament security kept the area clear.

I could see Cho down the fairway about a hundred and fifty yards. My host said Tom hit the tee shot Cho would do the second.

"They of course have already won the Pro-Am title for second year in a row..." smiling, "... if they keep playing together we'll have many years like this I think."

I laughed, "I suppose the pros would prefer this to Cho in the main tournament?"

He laughed in turn, "Oh yes, you can be sure of that Miss Martin."

Cho was ready. The stillness to cobra like action again. Amazing! Even with sunglasses I lost the ball in the sky. Then it plopped onto the smooth green above the flag... the spin drew it back... back... it hit the pole and dropped in! My magic man! He did something special again!!

The spectators went a bit crazy! Cheers and loud clapping!

I could see Cho and Tom shake hands with a back slap. They were all smiles walking up. Their caddies were bouncing along grinning, they did a fist bump!

The audience was loud in their appreciation for Tom and Cho. Doffed hat by Tom, Cho a smile and wave.

"Miss Martin, your husband is the finest golfer I have ever seen. His play is impeccable, shot-making Ben Hogan would be jealous of."

Smiling, I didn't know Ben Hogan but his name meant something important to this fellow.

Tom fished their ball out and flipped it to his caddie.

The other pair's ball was about fifteen feet below the hole. One man prepared to finish. He stood over the ball.

Cho and Tom off to the side waiting. The man stroked his putt, it ran true but stopped a few inches short. He tapped in.

Tom and Cho shook hands, grinning!

The crowd gave them all a very nice applause. They exchanged handshakes with the other pair.. Cho saw me as he and Tom walked up to the Scorer's table.

They did their things.

A hug and kiss for me.

They stopped to speak to Elinor and other reporters after signing their scorecards.

Cho got some water then we walked over to the putting green for the ceremony.

Tha came out with the Twins in their pram, we wheeled it behind me on the east edge of the green. Our folks all around us. Tom's wife, Roxanne, was in Phoenix until Saturday so I missed her. She was coming for the last two days of the four day tournament that starts tomorrow.

I nudged Cho, "Any holes-in-one this year?"

Tom laughed, "Well it wasn't for want of trying! Cho came close twice... VERY close!"

That cute smile on my guy's face, "What's a few inches... right?"

He and Tom laughed, fist bump!

Other player's wives and partners and some of the Winged Foot folks near us. We exchanged greetings.

An older fellow in a blue blazer said in seventy years of playing golf he'd never seen anyone play like Cho... he smiled, "It looks like it has rubbed off on Tom Angleten."

"I'm not a golfer but I understand how difficult it was for Tom to do what he did this year."

"Yes, I've seen Ben Hogan, Gene Sarazen, Sam Snead, Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Tom Watson, Tiger Woods... none were able to do what Tom did. He has a quiet way of going which I admire."

I slipped my arm through his, "I'm Fay Martin."

He grinned, "I'm Henry White. I think Cho is a lucky fellow."

I thanked him, "We are both lucky!"

Henry chuckled at that. He said he was on the Winged Foot board and was glad Cho had joined them.

"We do need younger fellows who have ideas and drive to keep us going forward."

I squeezed his arm, "Cho has those qualities!"

A tournament official and a Winged Foot fellow got it started. They thanked all the companies who contributed to today's Pro-Am and the many fine golfers who participated. The children's charity was delighted with the results of today's fund raising!

There were awards for the third and second place golf teams. I saw Dave who had been third behind Cho at the Concord Fund Classic. He and his amateur partner were second today.

The main speaker said they needed a whole new group of superlatives to describe the play of the winning pair.

"There's simply not enough words for their combined score of 52. Twenty under par. The final hole was an example of their play throughout, a superb eagle!"

He turned to Cho and Tom, "You one-putted every hole which is astounding! Of course that was when you actually putted!"

A big laugh from the crowd and much applause.

Tom and Cho went over to get their trophy. They spoke briefly thanking the tournament, the sponsors and club plus their fellow players for helping make it a great day for the charity.

The master of ceremonies added there wasn't a hole-in-one this year but surely Tom and Cho tried several times.

Cho said they would try harder next year. More warm laughter and clapping.

I shook Dave's hand. He said he was still chasing those two motioning to Cho and Tom. A grin from me and `keep trying!'

I gave Tom a hug and cheek kiss. Cho got another from me. Tom got to meet our family. The Twins out of their pram on their feet.

Charlie stuck out his fist... bump with Tom!

I introduced Henry... Charlie put out his hand to shake... it was like he recognized that Henry was different sort of fellow. Henry shook with a big smile.

We stayed a while talking and meeting more of the Winged Foot people.

Tom and Cho did an interview with the reporters as the rest of us made our move to the driving range where three AW139's had just landed. We boarded, Cho came along shortly. We lifted up and turned northward, next stop Saratoga.

Charlie grinning in his carrier, "Toga!" What a guy! We all laughed. He got kisses.

We flared for landing on Thayer's drive, we moved over to the house. Thayer, Sondra and Kiet waiting. Hugs, kisses and my arm around Thayer, "You look terrific!"

"Fay, I feel terrific! I'm healthy, enjoying things like I haven't for years. My doctor said I could ride a few months ago... I had some hesitation... I'm out every day once again with Sondra. I put a small gym in the basement and I have been slowly building up my strength. I'm better then two years ago!"

We did some catching up all through dinner. The Twins had a great time with Sondra and Kiet playing afterwards.

I was on a settee with Thayer, he was watching them play. I nudged him... he looked over.

"Yes, I'm hoping but it is their business. Sondra hasn't said much but I think they want kids. My lips are sealed."

I squeezed his hand with a smile.

We had a quiet dinner... the day after tomorrow Thayer and Sondra would host a party which had been a tradition until last year when he was too ill. This time Sondra and Kiet would use it as an engagement party. I got a big laugh when I asked Thayer what would the theme be next year?

Cho and I went to ride in the morning with Thayer and Sondra, Tessa and Penny along. We had a nice trot and gallop back to the stables.

Walking in linked arms with Sondra, a wink.

"Thayer is wondering about kids isn't he? I got that from watching him last night sitting with you."

Shaking my head, "I can't speak for him but every dad would like to have some young ones around. My aunt and uncle love the Twins, they have fun with them. We had five days at the beach with my family, it was a great time."

We hung back a bit, "Kiet and I have talked and decided to have two children. No need to over populate the planet."

A hug, "Good! Thayer will be a terrific granddad!"

Time for a trip to the stables. We loaded up, the Twins were doing lessons so they stayed at Thayer's!

Monaco smiling, his arms open. "Welcome to happy town, New York. All the horses are happy, healthy and ready to race!"

I saw a big guy standing with his back to us. I nudged PJ and pointed... he prodded Rande. PJ made a circle motion to the others as he and Rande went over.

Rande poked the big fellow on his right side... he swung around... a huge smile!

"Rande! PJ!"

The shook hands and hugged! Jackson turned to us, "Miss Martin, Mr. Cho wonderful to see you."

We returned the greeting. Jackson looked good, smiling, a bit trimmer I thought. He had been spending his time between Pleasant Valley and Santa Anita working with our two year olds. They were a smart and precocious lot on the track.

Sasithorn, Toes Tapping, Stellar Black, Black Star and Samir would all be in Santa Anita next week. Thaksin was racing for the season in France and Kannika would do other races in the eastern U.S. until December when she'd go to California.

A busy four days! Two races the next few days then one each day after. Our Triple Crown guy SakChai to try to repeat his older brother Glaa's feat of winning both the Haskell and Travers after the big three races.

All our runners had been at Pleasant Valley until last week. Their routine here was great, they had settled in.

We visited each horse. SakChai first, he was nickering. My hand on his silvery white neck, "Follow your brother!"

Aneka shaking her head when Cho asked she wanted to run!

They all were happy to see us. Kannika was new to racing. She would go up against Black Star on the turf. He had shipped in two months ago after two wins in England. A tough opponent for Kannika's maiden race.

In the barn office Monaco said the Santa Anita Special Stakes was a go for Glaa's next to last race.

"Right now there are six entries besides Glaa, several are longer distance horses which will be good competition. The mile and five eighths is so rarely run these days so there's not many who are interested."

The Collingwood's came by. Jack, Ellice and Janice. Hugs. They were doing very well, a good group of racers, some nice wins and places. They had four horses running this weekend. None against us as Jack was glad to say.

"Cho, Fay, you have the best stable! Your horses go out and run away from everybody! The bettors like that, they make their money on the place' and show' horses."

Cho laughed, "Jack, it is always be kind to the `punters' week for us!"

Everyone laughed at that.

They walked with us to the cars. I had Janice's hand, "So are you going to come out to Bangkok again for Sondra and Kiet?"

"Yes, I'm a bridesmaid. Sondra said there was a plane so we could all go together."

"We have offered them one of our jets for the trip. There's cabins and a staff to make things pleasant. It's about seventeen hours to Bangkok from here."

Cho's phone went off. He mouthed Francis. They spoke for a few minutes. We loaded up for the drive back to Thayer's.

"Francis is going to Harcourt Farm for some property deals. He and Ali will leave in a few hours, stay overnight at the house. Do the deals and fly up here by evening."

"In time for the party... sneaky planning if you ask me."

We laughed.

"It is the two parcels on the east side we wanted. They'll be a great addition for the farm. Four farm houses as I remember."

Cho leaned back in the car beside me.

"The school building is going to be a good thing. We'll have many families on the farm and the others can bring their little ones in as they come to work."

"Yes! We need to review the staff lists. It will be to our advantage to have it. It will be small but not the one room school house of the Nineteenth Century. We'd have to find out which of governments, county or state, would have jurisdiction over a private school, what we have to do for accreditation, etc..."

I turned to Gil, "Would you do some looking so we get some rough idea then we can past it on to an attorney."

Gil gave me a thumbs up.

Brodie and Tina coming to join us in Saratoga. Their Toronto home is in the Rosedale neighborhood, north of Beaumont park. Their driver was to take them to the little ferry from the waterfront to Billy Bishop Toronto City Island Airport. Kavat had a Gulfstream waiting, straight to Saratoga County Airport where we had a car for them.

They arrived after our morning ride and breakfast.

Hugs at Thayer's front door! Tina got to meet the Twins, Brodie was amazed at their social skills growth and mobility since Paris. We all sat to get them acquainted with Thayer, Sondra and Kiet. Sam and Beverly drove up! More noisy greetings and introductions!

There was a cookout and drinks all low key since tomorrow's party was to come.

Sondra and I rode in the morning with Ken and Tara. We had some terrific fun with blueberry pancakes at the end!! The Twins were sold on those! Everybody loved our French toast story from the last trip to Los Angeles.

Charlie added his comment, "French Toost!" Both hands up waving! What a grin!

I had some work time, Cho joined me to look at some figures from Francis on the Seattle SODO Tunnel. He was projecting, based on the City's traffic data, it would begin paying the City back faster then we earlier planned. He had shared these with the Seattle Transportation Department boss.

The Seattle DOT boss had kept me up to date with their review, it was finished, the City Council's hearings were over, very positive! The Mayor wanted to go ahead. He expected a full vote by the council within days.

Kevin was ready to order the drilling equipment. Looks like it's a go!

Sunny calling! I picked up.

"Fay, Charlotte and I are on the way to New Jersey. The plan is to be there for a few hours then on to Saratoga. So we'll see you this evening."

I said we'd be here. She laughed `I hope so!'

Upstairs to dress for the track. Warm and humid. A sleeveless navy blue cotton frock to mid-thigh, circle neckline, silver buttons on the front. A narrow silver belt and navy heels. Silver jewellery, my Uffington Horse pin, `Joy' I skipped a hat.

Cho in a navy suit with a Harcourt Racing green and yellow tie. Gold horses on his cuffs.

The Twins in navy too! A nice sun dress for Chani with white trim, white socks and her Mary Janes. Charlie had a white shirt and navy shorts, navy socks and his black brogues. Tha had navy baseball hats with ponies on the front in case.

We went to the barn to see Aneka and Samir. This was their day. A few nickers. Chani put her hand lightly on Aneka's neck.

"Mama she warm."

"Yes, she is ready to run."

Chani kissed Aneka's nose softly.

Monaco smiling, "That's nice Chani. Aneka is a sweet girl."

We headed to the Grandstand. Thayer's box was crowded again. I took Tina, Beverly and the Twins for a walkabout since we had more than ninety minutes until Samir went off. Tara, Gaby and Ken with us.

I was behind my mirrored blue round glasses, the Twins in wayfarers with blue lenses.

We did find someone selling sweet lemonade so the Twins could drink it, they hated the tart type. They got a bit of a big soft pretzel.

We attracted some attention but no one was pushy. We headed back Tha and I each carrying a baby.

We settled in good.

Brodie and Tina smiling over at Cho and I with babies in our laps. Thumbs up!

Sam leaned over, "Have you heard from Sydney and Sylvia today...?"

I shook my head no. I pushed my glasses up.

"Are they..."

Beverly chuckling, "Yes. They emailed us a few hours ago. I'm sure you're on their list."

Sam grinning broadly, "Sydney's sons are very pleased. Everybody loves Sylvia, the whole family wants them to be happy."

Tina took Chani so I could check my iPhone. There was a message from Sylvia. It was about their wedding plans as they were now and asked us to come if we could. October fifth in Richmond, dress code was `colourful' and comfortable.

I showed Cho then Gil. She said if we put off by a day leaving for Bangkok from Florida ... Cho gave a thumbs up. I gave Gil the go and to please let Sylvia know we'd come. Okay!

I whispered a few other things to Gil. A big smile! A `will do!'

I got Chani from Tina as the Post Parade for the Funny Cide Stakes began. I told Tina and Brodie the first race was the same horse they'd seen at Woodbine. Samir's shiny blackness with Mike `up' in white breeches and our green and yellow silks looking great as they walked along quietly, Samir calmly looking around at the noise.

They moved out to the back straight chute for the six and half furlong race. A G2 race for two year olds, it was a great group of up and coming colts.

They loaded just fine... CLANG! They were off!

Samir right to front again. He had two horses close-up on either side going down the straight about fifty yards from the turn he moved ahead to a three length lead. Mike moved him to the rail for the turn.

Tight to the rail Samir whizzed around extending his lead to five. As they moved to the top of the stretch Samir switched his lead back to the right as he leveled up on the open track. Mike asked him. The urging had him pick up the pace quickly. A huge surge!

Eight lengths and widening, he approached the finish going all out. Big strides, looking terrific. He blew past the wire in 1:15.21, tearing a full second off the old record! What a boy!

Chani and I jumped up, her arms on my neck... "Mama horse fast!"

`Yes, Chani, Samir is very fast."

Cho with Charlie in his arms, Chani with me followed Monaco down to the Winner's Circle. PJ and Rande close. We let the guys go to get the `loot.' I was holding Chani's hand as Cho bent over so Charlie could touch the trophy. Cameras going off all around.

A Saratoga track official next to Chani and I said it is a great photo op. They looked wonderful. My boys... a shining moment! I wanted thousands more like it!

Monaco stayed back so Nathaniel got the credit as trainer. Mike with his great smile for the cameras. I loved it when Nathaniel drew Samir's groom Marti into some snaps! Chani clapping along with me!

FOOD! Shake Shack had several tables at the back of their outside area for us. We had burgers, sandwiches, fresh hot chips with ketchup for the Twins. They got a little vanilla milkshake in their sippy cups!

We had a wonderful lunch. Gil and Gaby came with me when I asked to be allowed to thank the kitchen folks. The manager was a bit unsure but let me. I said hello and told them we appreciated their work. Gil gave their manager an envelope with eight fifty dollar bills to share out evenly. A cheer!

The manager said no one had ever done anything like this before. I said we like to recognize folks for their hard work. I asked that we be allowed to have the tables for the next three days at the same time. She was grinning "Yes Miss Martin, we'll all be happy to see you again."

There was a walkabout to settle our tummies. We watched the beginning of a Post Parade at the Saddling Circle, a bit more wandering then up to Thayer's box for for the Alabama Stakes.

It is the last of the Triple Tiara of New York. Aneka had won all the major races for fillies in America already. The competing Triple Tiara groups would be unified if she won the Alabama Stakes joining it with the Acorn Stakes and Coaching Club Stakes in New York and her victories in the Kentucky Oaks and the Black-Eyed Susan at Pimlico.

No filly has done this yet... Aneka making some history! We hope.

The Post Parade bell and we were ready. I had Chani, Charlie giggling on his Dad's lap pointing at the horses. Aneka's golden red brown chestnut colouring shining, she glowed with good health! Leoni on top moving her along with Zebra our black and white spotted stable pony.

The stakes were a mile and quarter in distance so they'd start off to the left. The Parade came out of the walkway from the saddling ring to cross in front of us... Charlie clapping, "Aneka!" Chani joined her brother. Several people in the next box were smiling at the Twins championing our girl.

MacKenzie joined us with Monaco. Cho grinning as they shook hands. MacKenzie gave us a double thumbs up on Aneka being ready.

The loading was smooth... a pause... CLANG!

They came out running, a clean start! Aneka wasting no time claiming the front. She came roaring down the straight for the first time with a two length gap. She looked very strong going into the first turn with a three length margin.

Leoni moved her to the rail keeping Aneka close. Out onto the back straight there was a five plus interval back to the next two horses. Leoni had her galloping along at a quick pace but running comfortably, no strain!

In my glasses as she approached the second turn I could see Aneka's stride was smooth and relaxed. Around the turn she continue to widen going to an eight length lead. At the top of the stretch Leoni did begin a gentle urging hand ride. She knew Aneka was doing well and asked her for a bit more.

Our golden beauty came down the straight ten lengths clear like her older brother Glaa... a freight train on full throttle. Her competitors nowhere in sight she rushed over the finish in 1:59.8!! A new stakes record and the first sub-two minute mile and a quarter at Saratoga by a filly.

We celebrated, Chani in my arms clapping! We headed to the Winner's Circle again with our trainers and the babies.

Just before we entered the Circle PJ had to stop a fellow from moving in on us... a track security man eased him away behind a barrier. Always congested by the Winner's Circles. No big deal. I smiled at PJ, he was cool about it.

Cho and Charlie let Chani and I take over the prize receiving since it was a distaff race. My girl beside me with MacKenzie as the Stakes man handed over the trophy. Chani's arms sticking up to touch it. Cameras clicking all around!

Leoni and MacKenzie holding it together. I picked Chani up, one of her arms on my neck, she pressed her cheek to mine. She pointed to Aneka so I moved us over to where Corky was holding her. Chani stroked the powerful neck, "Aneka pretty Mama!" I agreed completely! Some spectators near cheered Chani's words.

Aneka had won all the principal races this year for three year old fillies and beaten four of the Kentucky Derby entrants in California. She had doubly earned the Triple Tiara, the first horse to do it since it was re-established! What a terrific honour for her!!

We headed out of the Grandstand to a group of carts to go to the barn. Our friends would go back to Thayer's where we would go after our visit.

Marti said Samir was in great shape! Monaco would look them both over but they seemed to have come through very well. Leoni got a hug from Mike for her win.

Tomorrow would another big day! Black Star and Kannika first then the big race of the weekend the Travers Stakes for SakChai! Tonight Thayer's party.

We got to lie on our bed with the Twins for a while decompressing. I dozed some with Charlie against my chest. Cho took a snap he showed me later, sweet to see our little man sleeping like that. Cho said Chani had napped too. Jaidee got into the act lying beside Cho and Chani!

Gil came in, "Sylvia at Harcourt House is in labour!"

AH! Gregory would be having fun! We called, he and Alfred were fine. They were enroute to the hospital right now, minutes away!

We sent our best wishes.

I asked Gil to message Carter about some Taittinger's for Gregory and Phillips to get some flowers from the greenhouse for Sylvia. The diaper service to the house would be extended for them. Now we would have two very little ones. Ellie and Prasert's Kasem doing very well. Prasert was so happy these days.

Francis and Ali flew in so we had a big crowd! Francis was very happy with the property additions to Harcourt Farm. They fit well, good farm land for veggies and we wanted to plant fruit and nut trees.

The evening was going to be like the day... hot and humid and we'd be mostly outside. I dressed appropriately, a pair of the khaki cotton drill shorts and the pale blue cotton shirt and navy sandals. Gold bits and more Joy' Cho smiling as he told me to rotate in my scanty bra and panties... he dabbed me with the Joy'

A hug and kiss!

Cho in shorts and a Polo shirt and trainers, same for Charlie. Chani in a white cotton dress, slender shoulder straps and sandals. We went down as the first guests were arriving.

Thayer, Sondra and Kiet doing the greetings out front. The Collingwood's walked over. I had a Campari and soda leaning on the white fence at the back of the outside area. Tha had the Twins playing off to the side.

Ellice joined me. We talked horses and Janice. Janice had met a fellow during a trip to Washington and Oregon to visit with cousins. Ellice said he'd come here a month ago, a nice fellow five years older than Janice, working for the State of Oregon governor's office. He was in disaster preparedness planning and policy.

"Fay, he's smart, really together..." she laughed, "..and he's a hunk!"

We laughed. I pointed out that was a nice accessory.

Janice came over with a wondering look. Ellice repeated herself which brought a big smile from Janice.

"Yes..." she poked her mom, "...Wyatt is good-looking with a great bod." She stuck her tongue out to her mom!

I mentioned her past interest in Rande which got a big grin from Janice. Ellice squeezed my arm saying Cho was no slouch.

Janice fanned her face with a hand, "Fay, he is one of the best looking men I have ever seen. Handsome with a killer body. And he totally loves you! What a deal!"

Fist bump!

Some local folks came by, introductions, chatter. I headed to the bar for another Campari. The woman behind the bar smiled.

"Miss Martin, you are the only one drinking Campari."

I asked if she had ever tasted it... no but she liked the aroma. I asked who her boss was. She said the man standing about twenty feet from us. I motioned to him.

"I would like for this lady to taste something, it is alcoholic... just a sip if you wouldn't mind too much."

His eyebrows up. He smiled, "Miss Martin, it's Okay as long as I get to watch just so I can say I supervised it by your request."

I said I was good with that. He nodded to her, a small amount in a glass with a splash of soda and ice. The `sip!' She laughed. She liked it!

I thanked the supervisor for bending the rules. He grinned and gave me a bow.

Thayer came up at that moment. He laughed at the story and thanked them both for their good work.

A new drink in one hand... my other on Thayer's arm we wandered.

"Fay, your idea of a delivery aircraft from Bangkok is awesome. It will give such authenticity to Kiet's food. Have you seen the design for the restaurant?"

We hadn't. Thayer said he get it out for us tomorrow. He thought it both creative and fun.

We moved around between groups.

I got some more introductions and a bit of chat then excused myself. The Twins were in the kitchen with Tha for their dinner. I sat beside my girl... there was shrimp disappearing in a few bites! A big grin.

"Shrimp is good?" A vigorous nod. Tha smiling, she had gotten them a selection from the buffet and juice.

"Fay, they are liking everything!"

Nothing too spicy and a mixture including lots of vegetables and fruit. Tha said quietly in Thai to me, Thayer's cook had ice cream for their dessert. I guess she was trying not to say it plainly but I watched Chani's face... those beautiful eyes came up to mine... a smile. Cutie was on alert!

I nudged Tha, she walked with me to the doorway... I told her Chani heard... Tha's grin was huge!

"Fay, they are so smart!" A hug!

I had watched over Tha's shoulder as we talked Chani said something to Charlie which him to smile with a mouthful of carrot. I let them have their secret. I waved to the Twins as I left.

A `Bye Mama!' from Chani. Charlie was going to say something but Tha looking at him cancelled that. No talking with a mouthful! A wave. I was laughing walking away.

A fresh drink, I moved around speaking briefly to many folks. I saw Cho with a few fellows... horses or golf??

I walked to the fence at the edge of the patio. A slender brunette approached.

"Miss Martin, you probably don't remember me... we met at Thayer's last party two years ago."

I tilted my head... "Your name starts with `V' right?"

A big smile, "Yes! Victoria."

"You were still in college... now?"

"A lot has happened in those two years... I graduated and I'm married with a six month old baby girl."

"That is a lot. Congratulations! Do you have a snap?"

Victoria opened a locket... a sweet faced brunette girl looking out.

"Her name is Moira. Her daddy is Richard..."

I said `Dickie?'

"That's him! You have a good memory. We were dating back then and very close. He's around here somewhere."

"What besides being a `mom' are you up to?"

"We live in the cottage at my parent's house... Dickie is in PR at the race track and I work with the horses at our place. Training the younger ones, walking, running properly, manners... sort of the whole baby socializing thing..." A laugh, "... I use some of the same skills with Moira."

I laughed, "So what kind of PR does Dickie do?"

"It's mostly with the state and city governments and local businesses to keep them up to what the track is doing and planning. He's good with people."

"How about you find Dickie and meet me back here... Okay? I have an idea!"

Victoria said Okay. I went to find Cho... It wasn't hard. I begged the pardon of the fellows around him saying needed to borrow Cho for a few minutes... I'd send him back... lots of laughter.

Cho's warm hand in mind I gave him the ten second précis of my thought. He was intrigued.

Victoria was coming back with a slender fellow about six feet tall, nice looking.

I was re-introduced to Dickie... Cho had been also a short while earlier.

"This may be presumptuous... tell me if it is... We have a new enterprise being put together in central Kentucky... It's a large horse farm that will include breeding, training, retirement of race horses plus a lot of farming to support that."

I could see Victoria was getting my drift.

"Maybe you two might like to consider moving there? Dickie we need someone to interface with local governments, businesses and nearby landowners... Victoria training horses..."

I held my hands out from my shoulders palms up. They looked at each other.

I went on, "It's all about horses with you guys, you are already deeply involved... so..."

Cho jumped in, "We have housing on the farm, security, a school is going to be built... Lots of horses to train and ride! We also have a PR issue that will need to be adroitly handled."

Dickie was holding Victoria's hand... they were looking at each other...

I added, "In case it matters... we pay well, lots of benefits and perks."

They laughed, "Can we think about it?"

Cho said immediately, "Yes, of course. There's no need for a decision before midnight..."

We all laughed, I chimed in with, "He means it."

More laughing.

Victoria said they would want to talk to their parents. "My mom and dad love little Moira... my siblings live an hour's drive away but not too far to go for a `grandkid' fix. Dickie's parents moved pretty much fulltime to Boca Raton three years back so they aren't an issue."

"Take your time... The Farm has already started working, construction is continuing, hiring for the entire staff is still happening... " I turned to Cho. He nodded knowing what my look meant.

I said I would do it... I got a kiss. I led them to a dark corner.

"I want you..." I squeezed Dickie's hand, "... you to know what our PR `issue' is. You may not want to work on it."

I told them about how we put the Harcourt Farm together, our meeting with the locals and the positions we took.

"We are an equal opportunity employer in every sense of that. We hire the best people for the job at hand. That means we are colour blind, age means nothing if you can do the work, gender is your own business we won't inquire and treat you as the person you present as, religion is one's own private activity, sexual orientation is not of interest to us.

We told this to those folks who were police, mayors, fire chiefs, town administrators, etc... that came out to the farm.

So you can imagine what our new neighbors might think of us given their history. We want someone who can present our positions to the community, defend our decisions and likely go to the state capital to lobby for change.

It will be demanding with I'm sure the occasional `crisis' moments."

Dickie had been watching me then looked up into the inky sky.

"Miss Martin..." `Fay' He smiled, "Fay, I'm not a war scared veteran PR person but I think have the personal skills for the job. We also have the same beliefs about people. We need to consider the move, the new culture... I'm sure you get that."

They could see my nodding.

He looked to Victoria, a nod, "Will tomorrow be Okay for our decision?"

I smiled, "Of course. We will be here until Tuesday morning. We don't have a time limit! Consider how it might fit into your future, talk to your family... one other thing... the winters are less cold and shorter."

More laughter which was good! A hug for each!

They went home to talk, I waved goodbye out front.

Thayer asked if I were chasing off his guests. He smiled when I explained.

"They're nice kids and have been around horses all their lives. Dickie is a smart fellow. Magna Cum Laude from Yale!"

Arm in arm we headed back to the party. I collared Kiet.

"So everybody was sort of `we knew this was happening' when you did your announcement?"

He laughed, "Fay, one of Sondra's friends said to me she had been waiting for the announcement for a few months."

I squeezed his hand.

"How are the riding lessons coming?"

He gave me a look, "I do not think I will ever be much of horseman but they are wonderful to be around. Every emotion I know I have they do too... all you have to do is watch. A yearling colt the other day was just like a baby having a tantrum because he could not go out at that very moment into a paddock.

Thayer was smiling at his antics saying `give the kid a bit of time' to a groom. He was right in ten minutes the colt was resting his nose on the groom's shoulder watching him work on a bridle's leather. He was let out into the paddock after a while... he ran off happy and bouncy."

I told Kiet that Charlie had his moments too. Cho could always talk to him and smooth it over.

"I guess Sondra and I will get to try out the psychology on our own."

"Good! Thayer will be an awesome granddad!"

I looked in the kitchen. Tha sitting with the Twins... several of Thayer's staff at the table with them. It was a chat! Terrific!

I got a plate of food and Cho.

"So have you talked enough golf for tonight?"

A huge laugh, "I would have thought horses but you are right... lots of golf. I think about the year without it... you had me mesmerized."

"NO! You don't get to put it on me! I heard not a word!"

A kiss! A grin! A tickle!

"I thought about it the other day... I was taken up with you... of course... I pushed it away to concentrate on the things we were doing together to build our relationship... that was so much more valuable. I went back to it when I believed we were on our way to the moon... most of that was subconscious."

A laugh. Another kiss.

"I'm glad you are taking the joy of it now."

"Interestingly I have no desire to make anything of it but a pleasant bit of outdoor exercise. The Concord Classic showed me I could play with the best and I enjoyed the competition..."

I was laughing, "Well you were the only one of the players who did since you thrashed them all!"

I big hug! "I just went out to play... nothing planned except to appreciate the game and enjoy myself. It came from that... I was having fun!"

"I saw that at the Tenth Hole. You did magic but were unfazed by it. You were more concerned to get the crowd to be quiet for Tom than celebrating a hole-in-one."

"It wasn't because I didn't love it... it felt great but Tom had more on the line than me. It's his living."

Another kiss and hug. "I was blown away by you both. Several folks have mentioned you speaking to Tom before he hit his shot... saying you giving Tom your thought on what club was in the finest tradition of sportsmanlike behavior. It was noticed."

Cho was quiet, he kissed me.

"It's odd though... to be a sportsman should mean you would do those sort of things automatically. On a golf course you aren't playing against the other golfers... it's the course you are playing! When you take your eye off that you're done!"

I leaned on Cho and said I loved him. A kiss on the top of my head.

Very quietly, "I hope you don't mind if I am very pleased to hear it every time you say it."

Sunny and Charlotte arrived. It was later than planned because they had stayed to have dinner with some of the riders. They were of course a lot older but welcoming. Sunny was well-known to them. Her sensational win at the Winterset Trials had made the news... big time in the equestrian world. One of fellows had been an entrant and finished in the top five.

I said we'd talk in the morning, they had a long day. Hugs and kisses. They headed upstairs.

We went back to the party area, did some mingling then gathered Tha and the Twins to go upstairs. Yawns! Chani and Charlie did a few whoppers! We got them down for the night then cuddled with Jaidee.

It was Sunny, Penny and myself riding in the morning. It had cooled down over night with some clouds but no rain forecast. We rode out around a good part of the estate then a brisk gallop on the track. Fun!

Breakfast was underway when we walked in! Scram' and veggie bacon with toost' on Charlie's plate! His Dad with the same beside him. Chani smiling as her plate holding those same delights was placed by Tha in front of her. Tha nodded , Charlie and Chani went to work.

Thayer's cook laughing said a cheddar cheese omelet was suggested for me by Cho. Thumbs up for that!

Lovely breakfast inside me, I got Gil with me to do some work. Cho was reading to the Twins with Jaidee's help? I didn't see that happening our Choco Boy loved to play too much. Tha shrugged as she headed upstairs for some other kid stuff!

Sunny was going out with Sondra to visit their horses after we talked. She joined Gil and I in the dining room.

"Fay, the U.S. Equestrian Team home is nice. Lots of room, the riders were very nice... I wondered because I might be seen as a `kid' crashing their party. There's a really fine team spirit thing going on. We got the whole tour, I learned about how they operate and what is expected from the individual riders."

A smile, "They invited me up to compete in the autumn in a trial there. I'm to be back in school then."

"We can find a way to make that happen. You'll have some school work to do though."

Sunny smiled, "I can do it."

"Okay we just need the trial days to send to Penn to arrange the transport."

She had a nice dinner with some of the riders and Charlotte. One still at university, others in graduate school. So education definitely important.

A big hug! Sunny jumped and ran out to find Sondra.

Gil grinning, "You say it can be done... it's all she needs!"

Smiling I pointed out it wouldn't be anything if she hadn't worked so hard. Gil nodding to that.

I looked my list of things percolating. We should hear from Seattle DOT on Tuesday. Tuesday for a bunch of things. The long holiday weekend making things pause.

An overnight email from Aston. The Queen Anne lawyers informed me the building I wanted was a done deal including the parking lot across the street. He with Nicholas' help had three contractors meeting him Tuesday morning to look at the re-do for the interior of the building.

It was an odd-shaped building, high ceilings and huge hallways. A lot of space and easy to divide up into offices, a main room, workspaces, enlarge the bathrooms and more! There are multiple doorways for Security to cover or seal off. I had suggested all the windows to be upgraded with insulated glass. The HVAC system replaced with a big higher quality unit. Solar panels on the roof with a drone landing pad. They could use our new drones, without a few of the `advanced' features, to get video of news events.

Scott called. They had filed the request for a permit to fly tours around the harbour and rivers of New York. No date for review but doing it ought to raise a few eyebrows.

Thayer's housekeeper brought in Sumate. Grins, hugs and a big cheek kiss. He had a good trip from North Carolina. Coffee for us.

He was feeling good. Markus wants to join us! I was pleased! His enlistment ends in October. The Army was already asking for him to re-up... he had been hedging after talking to Ken.

"Markus and Emily had a long talk when he was there. You met him... what did you think?"

"We didn't get to talk much... I saw a confident fellow who had skills that the Army was putting to use... a lot! Quite a few overseas trips and an extended stay in Syria. Too much but that is what has become normal."

"Yes! He was training Kurds in close fighting, weapons and small unit tactics. He likes the desert..."

We laughed!

"He'll see more working for us. So what do you think about Lordsburg?"

"Fay, it is isolated and big! The buildings we can adapt to create a combat zone and room to create new training spaces. The new building drawings are great, they are perfect for the place.

The geothermal business is new to me but I am sure it will be made idiot proof for me and our folks."

"It shouldn't a problem. Inside a structure it can be controlled by standard thermostats... so no big deal. Am I right that you would have a denser sensor shield along the public road and not as much out the back?"

"Yes but we will use some of the new cameras that have multiple lenses to cover the big open space with hidden sensors in areas where someone could try to travel surreptitiously. We are creating some new camera/sensor covers. I have Simon taking snaps of ground features and shrubs so our creative folks in Bangkok can make some appropriate shield coverings for New Mexico."

I laughed, New Mexico rocks made in Bangkok! Sumate got a big laugh from that.

We switched to the Iran Rescue Plan. We had gotten more coffee and Cho joined us.

Cho and I had talked this over... I proposed several things to Cho. I considered my returning to Tehran to speak to General Soleimani, the Quds Force commander, directly to open a channel of communication as one choice. Jasmin's uncle in Tehran is an old friend to the general so we have a contact. I could be the senior DMD of The Company or a Thai trade diplomat since technically The Company was Thai owned.

The other less orthodox... have our folks in the Computer Centre in Bangkok look to find ways into the computers of the Iranian police, army, Transport Ministry, Foreign Ministry, Revolutionary Guards & especially the Quds Force. We could disrupt their communications if our folks were threatened, send contradictory instructions, countermand orders, halt the underground trains in Tehran, interfere with flight passenger lists and other activity at Mehrabad and Iman Khomeini Airports, make false reports of chemical attacks, bomb threats, false foreign aircraft reports, etc... Misdirection! Chaos!

Cho thought I was a bit overheated. We laughed but I pressed the point.

"If we alter their records like for departures or arrival of a chartered aircraft... or passenger lists..."

He got the idea and agreed with the basic premise. We had not told Thet or Sumate our thoughts up to this point.

Sumate outlined what they had considered. They had a scheme which would secrete our people in several safe houses around Tehran to get them out of sight quickly. We could then have time to put our plans in motion. Those who might be out in the mountains doing field work would go to the north coast town of Babol Sar to a safe house there. Different strands... making it harder to track our people.

We would have to have the houses purchased not rented, stocked with food, sleeping needs, toiletries, etc... So this would need to happen right away. Also a penetration team to go to Tehran to manage the exfiltration had to be selected and prepared.

I gave Sumate my first idea, he was interested in being forward with the Iranians but wary.

"We have developed some biographical information on all the principal leaders. Soleimani is a consistent fellow in Iran's attempts to use Shite forces in other countries to the advantage of Iran."

I said that was understandable given the many ploys by western governments to restrain Iran mostly at the behest of Israel.

"We need to work around governments on this. I don't think we need to buy into anyone else's bias."

My second idea had his eyes widen, "Fay, we will be asking our people to put aside our ethical standards to do this."

"Yes which is why it is my second choice. We have a hard decision if my approach to Soleimani doesn't work. But we will make that decision because we cannot put our people at risk without preparing a plan to protect them."

Sumate got it.

I asked him if he'd rather I had The Company's computer folks do it. Happily he said no. I was pleased he didn't want to compromise someone else's ethics to protect his own.

Cho asked me later why not give it to The Company's people from the start.

"They are VERY good but Kora's team are better. And it more fits their remit."

Sumate understood what the penetration of Iran's computer systems could mean. He grinned at me, "Fay, you really have a feel for this sort of planning. A security person at heart!"

We all laughed after I re-spoke his idea with conspirator' in place of security person.'

My plan was to use Jasmin's uncle to approach General Soleimani for a sit-down framing my request around security for The Company's employees. It wasn't a sure thing even with Jasmin's uncle's help so I considered asking Taj, the Energy Minister. I didn't want to impose... so I will wait to hear from the uncle, Jasmin had recently spoken to him, re-connecting family.

For nuts and bolts of the operation. For anyone in the north, we would have a boat in Babol Sar to cross the Caspian Sea to the Turkmenistan coast, there were several possible landing locations.

An old disused dock near a small town where cars from Ashgabat, the capital, could wait then drive to the city's airport where we'd have an aircraft. Another was a canal dug through the wide sand beach near Balkan to the water where cars could wait.

Or use an abandoned russian military airfield very near the coast to land on and depart from without Turkmenistan approval if things were too hot from their neighbor Iran. It was less than half a mile from the beach.

The people hiding in Tehran could get passports from Thailand that were real, back dated so they didn't look new. There would be fake entry and exit stamps from a variety of countries. They would be for temporary use only. Foreign Minister Narong had agreed to help.

As a `Thai' company we could say they had become Thai citizens to live and work in Thailand. If needed there could be passports from other countries.

Disguises to move around might be needed. Our female staff could easily wear a chador with a veil, the men we needed to get local clothing for them along with false beards, etc...

All of this would have to be in-country when we started, our people trained in the plan and completely oriented to the city and safe houses.

All of this sounded fine but I hated it. It would cost a good deal and leave us with property and material we didn't need. I wanted to talk to the Iranians not scheme against them.

Later I told Cho I wanted to call Taj, the Energy Minister, to ask him to facilitate a meeting with General Soleimani. I would tell him we had concerns about the possibility of our people being mostly non-Muslims would cause concerns with other branches of the government.

"It would speed up the process."

I wanted to be Up Front as much as I could be. Cho was in favour of it. I looked at my phone... just after ten o'clock so... a quick calculation... not yet quarter to seven in the evening Tehran time. I dialed Taj's cell number.

He was delighted to hear my voice. Pleasantries exchanged... "Miss Martin, you've have called for a purpose please tell me what I can do for you."

I told him.

"The General and I are quite old friends, companions in the struggle against the shah. I do understand your concerns. We have on a number of occasions given the appearance of being at odds with each other inside the government much like your leaders in Parliament and various police agencies disagreeing over policy... ours may be a bit more dramatic.

Soleimani, a fervent Muslim, is also a pragmatic fellow. I will call him if you have a day when you could meet. It would be best to do it sooner rather than later. He is busy juggling a good deal of work like yourself."

Anticipating this I had Gil with me, "For me the 15th of September would be excellent, the 16th will work although less good. The morning the preferred part of the day. I could fly in overnight."

"I will ask him. Would you be available to meet with me afterwards?"

"It would be a pleasure. At yours or mine?"

He laughed, "Ah your aircraft? I would like to see how the rich and famous fly."

I laughed right back, "I would enjoy hosting but I think the location of the meeting with General Soleimani might dictate where in the city I might be."

"True, the general has several offices. Our meeting can be decided later. I will call him now and be back to you when we have spoken."

I thanked him for helping me and my company. He was such a polite nice man, he said helping me was helping Iran.

Cho had been smiling listening to me doing a fist bump with Gil.

"Fay, you could charm birds out of a tree."

Okay! Segue! Horse racing! SakChai was running today!! Everybody was going!

Hot and humid! A white linen sleeveless frock, navy blue belt, heels and stockings, a small white straw boater with a navy band tilted to the right held on with a few hat pins. Cho liked the hat!

I was very nicely held and kissed before the red lipstick went on. Red nails!

Cho in a navy suit with a Harcourt Racing tie. The man could wear anything and look like the proverbial `million dollars!'

The Twins in white and navy like their mom! Chani in a cute white dress and navy shoes. Charlie in navy shorts and a white short sleeved cotton shirt, navy trainers.

Chani was sitting on the bed as Cho dabbed me with `Joy' as I dressed. She got a bit on her wrist a huge smile.

"Good?" A big `Yes Mama' to me. She got a hug from Cho.

I picked up Charlie, "You like my smell?"

"Mama smell good!"

He and Cho did a fist bump!

Our friends went to Thayer's box while did our barn visit. Black Star had settled in well from his Atlantic crossing. His groom Olive said he was acting feisty.

Kannika's silvery white was just like her half-brother SakChai. Her groom Custis had come up from Upperville to Pleasant Valley to be Kannika's buddy.

"Miss Martin, she's so sweet and even tempered except on the track... there she's all business."

Cho grinned at me. Chani in my arms was gently caressing Kannika's neck, quiet nickers.

This was her maiden race, the reports from Sam said she was fast. Well Black Star had two wins in two races on turf in England so we'll see who is the better.

SakChai's nose rubbing Charlie as Cho held him. Charlie giggling, rubbing the big white nose. Our Triple Crown winner was following his older brother's lead so far, winning the Haskell after the Belmont. His opponents today included a few new challengers.

Ring arrived as we left SakChai's stall. A hug shared with Chani. Ring laughing at the double!

"Fay, Chani is a beauty like her Mom!"

I thanked him for us both. He and Cho with a big handshake! I put Chani down but kept her hand... no running around too many things moving around. Charlie stayed with Cho. Tha was there just watching the Twins not unlike PJ, Rande, Ken, Gaby, Penny and Rafe watching out for us all.

Beverly, Sondra, Gil and Sunny with the Twins and Tha... all with me for a walkabout. `Leemon' from Charlie! Okay! A lemonade for the them!

We wandered in the sun, my blue mirrored sunglasses let me look without eye contact. A teenage girl approached. Gaby intercepted her, they spoke. Gaby turned to me... I motioned them closer. The young lady wanted my autograph.

"Miss Martin, I'm sorry to ask this way..."

Smiling I said Okay. She had a small book and a pen.

I asked her name... `for Shawnee, Best Wishes... Fay Martin'

Her face was bright, many thanks, I shook her hand. She bounced away! Happy like the proverbial `lark!'

We headed to the grandstand. All settled in... it was a short wait then the `With Anticipation Stakes' was called. The horses began the Post Parade. Our two got good applause when their names and stables were announced.

The With Anticipation Stakes was eight and half furlongs on the turf for two year olds of either sex. They walked in front of us crossing to the grass Mellon Track which is the outer turf course inside the main dirt track. All the horses looked great. Kannika's white shone in the brilliant sun.

They began to load in the starting box. No problems. Vanessa steered Kannika into the number three slot, Black Star down two in the fifth post position went in under Renaldo's guidance.

Pause... CLANG! They came out cleanly going down the grass... Black Star pulled away from the others. He led the way past us heading into the first turn clear by three lengths. Kannika was last, she had a hesitant start. As she passed us there was a smoother stride, she was getting it.

Around the turn Black Star was six lengths in the lead he just wanted to run! The rest were jostling about with Kannika making a move to the outside of all of them. She poured on the power around the turn and onto the back straight to sweep to second place galloping in pursuit of her stable mate.

Black Star cruising along into the second turn with Kannika now closing.

Through the turn Black Star `s lead diminished as Kannika's flashy white body moved in. Vanessa was asking Kannika now to rise to the occasion. Renaldo looked back to the white body closing. He urged Black Star forward.

Coming down the stretch there was battle... Kannika was gaining slowly but inexorably. Renaldo's whip was out working to encourage Black Star. At the eighth pole Kannika was nearly level... Black Star dug deep to keep his lead.

At the wire Kannika's nose was close... They flashed over the finish... it was Black Star by his nose. They had run such a great race!! The time showed they had been running hard... 1:38.60 for Black Star a new record for the stakes. Kannika's a mini-fraction more was still more one and half seconds below the old record.

We celebrated. Chani yelled out `Horse!' Cho kissed us both! Our friends cheering. Monaco's smile, Chani and I hugged him.

"Fay, I'd say our white lady has a lot of guts."

I said Black Star had shown me a lot too! Fist bump by Cho and Monaco around Chani and I.

We worked our way down to the Winner's Circle. The nice Saratoga folks smiling as we all trooped in.

Cho and Charlie doing the trophy thing. My little man standing beside his Dad looking very cute. Lots of snaps.

Chani and I stepped onto the track say hello to Vanessa and Kannika before they went to the barn. Custis had Kannika on her lead. A hug for Vanessa, `We'll talk at the barn later' from me. Fist bump.

Renaldo had his saddle to go weighing, a kiss for his cheek.

We gathered everyone to go to Shake Shack. They had the same tables for us. We ordered. As my double lemonade arrived my phone rang. It was Taj. I waved to PJ, we stepped away from the tables and moved around the back of the restaurant deck.

"Miss Martin, I hope I am not disturbing you."

I told him we had just watched an exciting horse race.

"Do you wager?"

"No, we don't any more. This race had two of our horses opposing each other. One won by a nose, the other was second."

"Ah I see why it was exciting. Now something interesting but less exciting. Soleimani said he would be pleased to meet on the fifteenth in the morning. The location is not set so I gave him your contact information. He said there would be a meeting place decision very soon so your getting to the location won't be a problem."

I thanked Taj for his help. He laughed, "You two would have gotten together I just made it easier for you."

He said for me to go back my family and he would be happy to meet me later on the fifteenth.

I squeezed PJ's shoulder, he was grinning. "A new trip to Iran?" I nodded. Fist bump!

I whispered to Gil to put it on the calendar. Beside Cho I let him know Taj had been terrific. A kiss!

In the box Tina and Beverly talked with me about kids. They can be so awesome and fun!

We were ready for the big race of the day and this `meet' at Saratoga... the Travers Stakes. One of big biggest races outside of the Triple Crown. It was a mile and quarter with Glaa holding the stakes and track record 1:58:86!!!

SakChai was ready. They all loaded off to the left quietly, no drama.

CLANG!! They released smoothly with SakChai quickly going to the front. They came down the straight with the field already several lengths behind our guy. Going past us it was three and half lengths and widening as Marnie moved him close to the rail. When the turn ended... SakChai was six ahead as he roared down the back straight.

The field wasn't even close as our colt entered the last turn ten lengths in the lead. His fractions were fast almost at Glaa's speed. He went around the turn tight to the rail speeding along. At the top of the stretch he switched back to the right lead and accelerated.

Marnie was hand riding as he widened to fifteen lengths by the eighth pole. From there he rushed through the last yards striding like it was the start of the race. A silver bullet coming down the stretch. An easy victory of eighteen lengths and 1:59 flat!!!

He looked wonderful in the sun as he went into the turn to slow down. Marnie met the outrider and they turned back to the Winner's Circle.

We celebrated our second Travers win. Hugs and kisses all around. Chani giggled in my arms, a hug from my girl!

A bear hug from Brodie for us.

Down to the Winner's Circle again. We got more grins from the track folks. The Riddle family welcomed us as winners with smiles. They were pleased another Triple Crown champion had won! The blanket of red carnations on SakChai's silvery white looked awesome. A great photo op!

The Man o' War Trophy held up by Cho then Monaco and Marnie. Little Charlie standing there looking cute, Cho held him up, they were both smiling.

"Yeah!'" by Charlie as he shook hands with Governor Cuomo. A huge grin from Cuomo.

Today's purse was a million seven hundred thousand! Nice bling and good money! We had two more races this weekend!

A slow walk to the barn. The Twins were carried by Tha and I. They were getting tired. Once we got to the barn we put them and Tha with Gaby and Penny in a car. Nap time for them.

SakChai was bouncy! He was a happy guy with another big win! A big hug for Marnie, "Fay, it's like a ride in big old Cadillac, you hardly feel the bumps he's so smooth."

"It's good you like the silver white car because you have a lot of riding to come."

Fist bump!

She went with Monaco and Cho to talk to press.

I got to properly meet Vanessa. She was a California girl, riding at all the tracks in the southland of California. Monaco hired her for Kannika and others. She was twenty five, unmarried, a guy or two which was easy to understand with her surfer girl looks, blonde and blue. She'd been riding for seven years beginning at smaller tracks on the Pacific Coast working her way up with a good winning record.

"Miss Martin, I love riding for you. Kannika is quite the prospect."

"Did you get to meet Glaa?"

"Yes, what an awesome guy he is!"

We laughed. "You should meet his dam and sire! Both gorgeous like their son!"

"I have heard about Asda!! He is really one great sire!"

"More coming!"

A thank you and a hug before she went to change.

Ring and I got coffee in the barn office.

"Fay, am I right... there five more youngsters from Asda in the pipeline for next year?"

I was grinning, "You quite correct. They're in Rabam, five yearlings to ship Santa Anita this winter for Jackson to work on. Three colts and two fillies. Two silvery white and three chestnuts. There are two colts, a chestnut and a white and a chestnut filly born there earlier this year. They're the last of Asda's work in Thailand. Some could go to Pleasant Valley or Harcourt Farm in the late winter."

Ring leaned over... fist bump!

"Those plus your new littles one at Harcourt House so many years of terrific runners right now."

"Cho wants to send Glaa to Rabam at the end of next year to cover some of our ladies there after he's had his sire start at Harcourt Farm. There could a lot more babies growing up in Thailand."

Cho finished with the reporters and we headed to Thayer's. The Collingwood's were doing a big cookout so we'd walk over there after a sit-down.

The Twins were asleep. They'd stay here for their dinner.

Shorts and cut-off top, trainers, all black for a low-key cook-out buffet dinner at Jack and Ellice's. A horse crowd for sure.

We did have an announcement for everybody at the start... Victoria and Dickie were coming on board Harcourt Racing!

They had had the talks with their parents and themselves... Victoria had called Gil to ask a few questions... an important one... would there other opportunities for them at our other locations which got them a big YES!

All the guests gave them a cheer! Monaco and Victoria had a get together earlier. Monaco knew her parents for many years and met Victoria often in Saratoga so there was a good relationship. She would have lots of responsibilities in Kentucky and make trips to Pleasant Valley and Santa Anita to work with youngsters.

Ellice had lots of great food and I loaded a plate, a glass of merlot and Dickie opposite me at a picnic bench. We grinned.

"Miss..." `Fay' "... Fay, I did look up the climate in that part of Kentucky... the summers are much like here, a bit hotter but not that much. We'd still get snow which we both like."

"Since winter is a slower time you be able to come here or elsewhere to chase that cold stuff."

"Fay, you don't like snow?"

"Very pretty... wet and cold!" I did a mock shiver.

He smiled and shrugged, "True, they do go together."

A more serious face, "I appreciate there might be friction with the local folks. As a big employer and buyer of goods and services you will have a weight advantage but prejudice is tough. Education is the key. I mean words and deeds. If the Farm shows to the community it is open, fair and wanting to be involved we can do the educating."

Fist bump!

"Exactly! We do not want to force our views on anyone, we do want them to realize the world is changing. Maybe Kentucky isn't on the leading edge of that change but they can't be on the sidelines."

Dickie gave me a smile and a kiss for Victoria as she joined us. Her eyebrows raised as Dickie and I continued.

"We'll want you prepare for events like open-house days or having our folks in local `doings' or connect our Security with the police for community programs. Tilly is a good manager, sharp, so you two will get along. Costello has spent his entire life with horses like you two."

Victoria asked about teaching local kids about horses. It was `horse country' but some research by Ali showed surprisingly not many children actually got to touch or know first-hand about horses..

Victoria after eating a shrimp, "I was doing some looking online... the area around Frankfort is more farming than horses. Harcourt Farm is a change for the region."

I nodded, "Yes... work up some ideas together, talk with Costello and Tilly... We'd like things like your ideas to be part of the start-up of operations. Bring the neighbors in."

Fist bump!

I headed back for more food. Sunny was with a group of the younger ones chatting and laughing. Good for her. More of several salads and wine... Ellice motioned to me...

"Fay, all good?"

I gave her an enthusiastic review with my hands full.

I was stopped by a question from a group of local ladies. They were wives' in their forties and fifties, most horsewomen in good shape. They asked about clothes... I gave them my usual answer that I bought when I liked something even if it wasn't in style' and told them about having quite a bit custom made in New York.

One lady said Mirabelle?' I replied That's right. They do excellent work!'

I disengaged holding my food and drink up, a smile. Woo... glad to have escaped.

I found Thayer. He had an empty plate so I offered to share some of mine. He grinned and nabbed a shrimp!

I asked how he was feeling? He was happy about EVERYTHING!

We laughed!

We walked back to his after our thanks to the Collingwood's.

Ken and I alone in the morning riding. Sondra had a meeting with the staff. We did a circuit of the grounds and a hard ride on the track to end it.

Breakfast going ahead at full speed! The Twins enjoying their cereal and `toost' with smiles. Cho and Tha smiling at the babies taking care of business.

Tha and I had a talk about potty training. Both kids were asking for the potty frequently, not every time. Overnight... there was less in to clean up in the morning now. They were definitely still wearing diapers.

"Fay, this behavior pattern is normal but shows they want to go to the next step soon!" A hug after!

Cho and I sat with our assistants to read the Sunday newspapers from a few cities. The news agent shop in Saratoga stocked lots of newspapers for all the various people who came to town.

I had the Washington Post, it was trying to be relevant beyond D.C.'s boundary but it wasn't working. They didn't have the weight. To their advantage was the slippage of the New York Times.

Once the world's premier newspaper, now a pale shadow of those glory days. If someone came to them now with the Pentagon Papers... they'd probably call the government and rat them out.

Our Daily News was already cutting them off from the city where they resided. We scooped them week after week, getting hard news stories across the city, delivering sports in a way the Times couldn't ever match!

The New York Post was suffering the most! Royce's folks were out on the streets making contact, talking and getting the news of the city. Putting it on paper in a clear, concise style which could punch hard when it was needed. The circulation showed a very big up tick that was being sustained. It was coming more from the Post but the Times was losing further ground in the city.

We enjoyed sharing tidbits from the different papers. Some funny pieces along with news.

After lunch it was time for racing. We had one race.

Another warm humid day. Warmer! A pale yellow sleeveless frock to upper-thigh, slender top to a narrow waist, a narrow black belt. I skipped the stockings and hat. Black heels and gold jewellery, `Joy'

Cho was black and yellow too. Tha had asked me about our clothes... the Twins in yellow and black outfits, shorts and polo shirt for Charlie. Chani in a yellow dress with her black Mary Janes. Damn!

We laughed. Chani in my arms giggling about our colours!

At the barn Toes Tapping was nickering as we petted her. Chani gave her nose a kiss. I loved her beautiful gray!

Up in Thayer's box our crowd together minus Sam and Beverly, they'd be back tomorrow. A short wait for the Spinaway Stakes Post Parade.

I asked Brodie if he ever owned a horse.

"No, I watch... it's much simpler."

Tina grinning, "We have enough trouble with Aird our Skye terrier! And the kids!"

This is a G1 race for fillies over seven furlongs, they'd start in the back straight chute.

Toes Tapping had Marnie up. A good rider for a young horse.

The loading was calm. Everyone in... Clang! They're off!

Toes Tapping out running from the third position right to the front. She was striding out immediately. Marnie had her going several lengths clear rapidly. Down the back straight no one was close.

Two thirds the way Marnie closed to the rail with a four lengths lead. Around the turn our girl was roaring along widening as she easily changed leads, left then right at the top of the lane. Down the stretch Toes Tapping had no challengers.

Marnie held her close to the rail, a hand ride the whole way. At the eighth pole there was a gap of eight with Toes Tapping not easing at all. She blew past the finish nine lengths ahead in 1:22:29. A hundredth of a second from the record. What a show!

Chani in my arms yelled, "Pretty!"

Indeed Toes Tapping was a beauty!! A kiss from Cho, Monaco and Ring hugged Chani and I together! We all went down to the Winner's Circle again.

Toes Tapping walked up on the shank in Gus' hand.

Cho asked Chani and I to go get the prize. I was holding Chani so I asked Gus to bring Toes Tapping in.

The stakes and Saratoga people were all smiles giving us the trophy. "Yea!" from Chani! Handshakes, Chani got some too. She was cute when I put her down standing beside me at the press blazed away with their cameras.

Marnie a Triple Crown winner holding the trophy next to Monaco. The Spinaway Stakes folks were very pleased!

We headed to the barn. Ring smiling, "Another good move by you two. Toes is a real prospect!"

Fist bump! Chani too!

Sunny took Chani to visit the horses, Tha smiling going too. Charlie with his Dad, standing there looking so cute with his wayfarers on!

Marnie came in, big smile.

`Fay, she is such a goer. Monaco's training is getting more speed and stamina from her all the time!"

A hug. Marnie was great jockey. We were very glad to have her riding for us.

Gus walked Toes Tapping for a bit, she was quiet but stepping proudly. Gus had a huge grin! He knew she was going places!

At Thayer's we toasted Toes Tapping success! Ring grinning, "Cho and Fay you have good horse sense! Your girl will make waves at Del Mar and next year!"

We toasted to that... feeling Ring was right!

One more race tomorrow!

An email from Arturo, the top fellow from the most important group in northern Malaysia met with him before crossing into Thailand. He would push for exploratory meetings with the Thai government. If they would be safe then they felt there was nothing to lose. Arturo gave him a WhatsApp contact for Yoshi and explained who he was. OKAY!!

Good news! I emailed him back with thanks! He replied he'd already let Yoshi know.

No point in pushing Yoshi he knew what needed to be done.

Cho was smiling, "It's good. We have the location ready if all parties agree!"

We bought a beachfront compound well off the beaten trail earlier in the year. North of Narathiwat, it was on part of the coast that jutted a bit into the Gulf of Thailand, a small rounded peninsula. One road in. A pier into the ocean. The compound had a half dozen houses with multiple bedrooms.

We planned for it to be a getaway location for our employees. A bit isolated, peaceful with a nice beach.

The main house had a huge saloon we could convert to a meeting room. A large dining area on a screened porch with more screened areas off the bedrooms and the saloon.

The cooking building adjoined the main house, it had staff quarters to the side. There were large trees all over the compound making shaded sitting areas with many chairs.

The houses were about forty yards or so apart, each had a large screened sitting space. Trees all around the buildings.

Our Security had secured the whole compound right out to the pier. The main gate on the road in allowed our people to let a group of cars in then close the gate before opening the next gate. A trap if necessary. A drone defense system was in and operational. Two of our drones were on site and ready.

We offered to host the preliminary talks on talks and more if everyone was happy with the location. It was somewhat isolated and secure, not much to consider except how to get everybody there. We offered helicopters to pick up the insurgents and fly them direct to the landing grid in the compound.

Yoshi and Arturo knew all about it and had snaps to show. Dad did too, he was talking to the Prince and Prime Minister about the site.

We wait.

After my morning ride, Gil, Ali and I sat in Thayer's dining room to work. It was a holiday in America so emails were lower but plenty from News UK and other parts of the world.

The Twins were upstairs with Tha doing `lessons' the idea of which made me smile.

In the early afternoon we packed up and then dressed once more the track. I chose to go in white again, more hot and humid today. A light cotton frock with short sleeves also well up on my legs in a loose circle shape, a small man's shirt collar, narrow waist with navy belt. No stockings, navy heels and gold bits. Cho put on the `Joy' Chani got some too! Red lips and nails. A white Charlie bag from Coach.

The Twins in white, shorts and Polo shirt for Charlie, black trainers, a white pinafore on Chani with her Mary Jane's again that she asks for!

Cho in a wonderful tan suit, pale blue shirt and a navy tie, chestnut brown shoes!

We looked a treat!

At the barn Stellar Black was quiet. Demetria his trainer was happy with his work and optimistic for the race. Owen said `he's gonna blow their doors off' as he worked on a bridle's leather.

Dom was in the jockey's room dressing.

We all went up to the box, full again since Sam and Beverly had joined us at Thayer's. We didn't have long to wait for the Hopeful Stakes which is the last of the Saratoga Two Year Old Triple Crown! Stellar Black was following in Hansa's hooves she swept it all last year.

It could be the third year in a row for us!

The Post Parade brought out the horses. They went around on the track then headed out to the chute for the seven furlong distance. The loading went quickly, no issues.

Clang... they were released! A clean start all the horses going forward smoothly with Stellar Black taking the lead. He was running hard to get some room. Halfway down the back straight he had three lengths and room for Dom to position him on the rail.

Into the turn Stellar Black wasn't letting up he was quickly on a six length lead. My glasses on him... he switched to his left lead very easily spinning around the turn maintaining a fast pace. At the top of the lane he was back to his right lead and he was asked by Dom. It was all in the hands and a chirp but we could see the horse pick up speed.

Down the stretch Stellar Black was striding out! He looked great... his advantage widening to nine lengths by the eighth pole. He still came on... running beautifully! He crossed the finish eleven lengths clear in 1:21:30!! Fast indeed! Only three hundredths of a second from Glaa's record time.

Chani yelled "Horse" again pointing down to the track! Well... she was right! A kiss for her then Cho and Charlie. Ring and Monaco got hugs by us girls once more. Tina's hands on my shoulders, "Fay, your horses are just too good!"

Brodie did a fist bump with Cho. I hugged Beverly. Sam grinning shaking hands with Cho.

We did the Winner's Circle en famile again! Little Charlie beside his Dad, Cho leaning over so our son could touch the trophy. The press were eating up the scene.

At the barn we had a short celebration with Tattinger's popping open. We thanked our trainers, riders, grooms, hot walkers and more. Cho said we'd see some of them at the Belmont in three weeks and the rest near the end of the month in Santa Anita.

At Thayer's we thanked our hosts for their lovely hospitality and would see them in Bangkok. Hugs and kisses for all three!

Our helicopters were loaded, we stepped aboard with lots of waving! We lifted off turning south for the thirty minute flight to Newburgh.

Captain Mira smiling as we came up the stairs. She was ready to go.

We strapped in the Twins and parked ourselves. The 767 began to taxi out to the left heading to runway nine, a big power turn then the rush down the asphalt. Light quickly... Charlie waving his hands! He liked takeoffs!

A general move to change clothes. Yobi and Lil started dinner. Francis volunteered to do drinks and a tray of snacks appeared! Yes! Food! Cho said something about standing back everybody but I paid no mind.

A good dinner, afters and kids with books. Charlie and Cho looking a book on airplanes, Chani and I were deep in butterflies and moths! Gorgeous they were too! Despite the many riotous coloured ones she was a big fan of the lovely Monarch butterfly.

I helped Tha put them down. Cho came in for hugs and kisses. I got my share later!

The Morning at thirty five thousand feet over the Atlantic. Coffee, email and the news. The Sun series on the link between a local council official and property developers had brought an investigation which yesterday saw arrests. Very nice work! I was emailing to Adam, Des and the principal reporters my congratulations and thanks as Yobi came up.

I got her solemn word on an omelet `avec fine herbs,' toast and fruit! I made more coffee as the lounge began to smell of my breakfast.

Dad called, "The Prime Minister wants to talk to you two. Narong would be there also likely me and maybe the Prince. The PM wants to get a meeting setup! He's sick of the war."

"Okay! When?"


I pulled up our joint calendar... The only way was to forego the racing at the Belmont. Our ladies were running!!

"Dad this isn't definite but we should be able to make it firm shortly. How about fortnight from today? We'll come to Bangkok. We'll only have a few days or can he wait three and half weeks?"

"It would be best to plan on the sooner date. I think wants to meet you both and decide how far he can go with you. The Prince and I have given him our assessment of your resolve. He knows we are not BS'ing him but there's a lot riding on this... so he worries."

"If the fortnight day is good then plan on it. We will make it work."

"Good! It will be good to see you all."

We rang off with greetings to everybody!

I texted to Yoshi and Arturo to call when they could. Arturo called right away. He was happy there was movement by the government.

"Fay, things are softening on the insurgents side. The other group represented here would meet for the `talks on talks' scheme. They are firm about no preconditions which I said was the whole point. Progress."

"Please talk up a meeting at our property at Narathiwat. We could pick them up in a helicopter. Mention they would choose the pickup point and for their return the pilot wouldn't have to know the drop site until they were in the air. As long as it wasn't too far."


If we gave the groups enough information about it they would feel secure.

We rang off.

Yoshi texted he could call in thirty minutes. I replied with a thumbs up!

Oh oh! There were rumblings... Jaidee picked up the stirrings in our cabin! Yobi laughing when I said 'coffee' for Cho. He emerged in a few minutes to a steaming mug in my hand, a kiss was exchanged!

I gave Cho the news!

"We need to do this. Our fillies are in good hands. I will ask Ring if he could be there for us."

A hug. He picked up his phone.

I let Gil know what had changed and why. It was in the calendar.

Tha had the Twins out shortly after by then everybody was up. Lil joined in the cooking so we were all fed and ready for landing at Chalgrove when Tan gave us the warning. All seated, Jaidee's tongue out as he watched the ground come up close.

Prasert, Tom and other drivers waiting for us on the tarmac.

Carter and Carter2 at the front door with smiles. Jaidee bounding out to run circles around them. The we put the Twins out on their feet... they ran towards Carter, arms open yelling "Car!"

The very same knelt down to hug them. Carter2 got hugs also they called out "Car2" for him. He loved it!

Audra smiling as the Twins hugged her, she was `Auda' which surprised us all.

I set Gil a few tasks and took Penny and Tara riding. Pamela was happy to see me, hugs and rubs for my girl! Her guy Roland was my ride!

Yoshi called so I ducked into an empty stall.

He got it all. On his side the men who crossed over had contacted him already. They were to meet in a few hours. He would pass on our offer.

"They are bound to ask about you. What do I tell them?"

"Tell them we will be at the first meeting at the compound. And that our personal security force will be guarding the meetings. No police or army people except possibly as part of the government delegation."

"Fay... I think they will agree. They all know you started this whole process in good faith so there's no reason for you to sabotage it."

"Good. Keep going. And be careful still it's a long way from over. Thanks!"

"Fay, this is some of the best work I've ever done. Thanks for the opportunity!"

"You're welcome... but be safe!"

Penny and Tara had watched over the stall so I wasn't disturbed. I walked out to smiles.

Max and Con joined Roland, we headed down the lane. We went straight to Denham School.

Richard glad to see me.

"We are ready for tomorrow. All the instructors are in residence and staff primed for our guests and some media types."


Richard took us around to do introductions today so the big event tomorrow wasn't a cold meeting for all of us.

The programming folks I knew! They were smiling as we shook hands. They were looking forward to a change of pace for a few weeks.

Imogene grinning, "We're set! The horses that Gregory got for us are really good. They're calm and willing."

Fist bump!

The two photographers were very different people, the older fellow was gray but had a younger looking face, a bohemian dresser. His counterpart was in his late twenties, tight jeans, cutoff top under a long sleeved cotton shirt and high-top `Chucks' on his feet. I got a thumbs up for the dark room setup and the other equipment.

Our designers loved my black outfit!

"It suits your shape perfectly," from Adrienne.

We talked clothes. They had big stacks of Vogue's, Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Cosmo, W, Marie Claire and more to be used for inspiration, colours, shapes and fabric.

Calista dug into a pile to pullout the ICON issue I was in.

"See we're prepared!" We laughed.

"Please do give credit to Edith Head for that suit."

"And we'll do a `Fay Martin' for way she wore it. Grace Kelly would have approved."

I bowed thanking her for the compliment.

Calista said they met one of the `live-in' students, Lorena.

I let them know we had a connection, "I met her in Gloucestershire and told her about the school. She was wearing one her own frocks to a wedding we attended. Cute!"

"She seems enthused," Adrienne smiling.

I pushed on to the kitchen. There was Maxine. I got a hug.

"Miss Martin, this going to be fun!"

She introduced me to Marianne who was looking at Maxine like a big sister.

"Miss Martin, you have built a wondrous cooking space. Plenty of room to have students around and get work done."

"Please call me Fay. I do like how it turned out. I guess you all will take some of the shine off the gleaming new look."

Marianne laughed, "We will for sure but they'll learn how to clean properly too. Even I do clean up at my bakery!"

Fist bump!

Marianne was pleased that we had used all our instructors business names in our literature.

"It's a nice fillip for us all. Free advertising is always welcome."

Richard walking beside me, "Miss Martin..." "Richard please I'm Fay." Smiling, "Fay... we're pulled back like a bow ready to shoot. We have space set aside for the press, refreshments for all, a room for our local dignitaries to rest. All the instructors have displays of their work ready."

"Yes I saw some of that. Some excellent photos and clothes. The smell in the kitchen will be notice enough for Marianne and Maxine. Imogene has good horses to show. The programmers are snippets to run for guests to see. All good!"

I said I'd be back in the morning... dressed for the show. Richards laughed.

"What you have on now would stand out for sure."

Re-mounted we turned for the Stables, a brief warmup then a gallop home. Anthony got that there hadn't been a long ride.

Gregory in his office ordering grains and such.

"Fay, one of our suppliers is now offering some new mixes for older horses. I put Cormac on to it this morning. It's perfect for some of his guests!"

I asked about Sylvia due date... ten days.

"She's doing fine but very ready for our little girl to make her appearance."

Fist bump!

I did some visits around the stable. I stuck my head in Rebel's stall... He played it cool... he strode over slowly for a hug! When I squeezed him a got a loud nicker!

"I knew you were happy to see me!" A head nod.

"This afternoon!"

Mahogany and Hathai in a paddock with their youngsters. They were a calm spot, the kids running and bouncing all over. The mints were chewed.

I was ambushed at the Breakfast Room door by my son.

"MAMA!" Wow! I knelt down for a hug. Chani was out of her highchair... she walked over to give me a kiss!

Tha did a roundup for `lessons' in the Nursery. Goodbye kisses!

"Have fun!"

I did a plate of eggs, tomatoes, potatoes and toast. Cho put down the Sun with a grin.

I told him about my visit. Strong brown arms slipped around me, a kiss.

"What is so good is the enthusiasm of everybody. Richard had a funny thought that they were a bow pulled back ready for release."

Cho grinned, "To think it has been put together and ready to shoot the arrow in a half a year!"

"Well the money does help!"

We laughed, Cho kissed me again.

"There's no better lubricant!"

In short shorts and a cutoff top I joined Gil in the Library. Ali was on her phone with New York.

Gil had a bunch of News UK publisher bits so we plowed in. in an hour Kendall brought in a coffee tray with cookies to spur us on. Ali added things after Gil. After three hours we had it done. Email and some texts.


Chani and Charlie came down for lunch. A tasty tomato bisque which they slurped from a sippy cup! Warm bread with Parmesan and Romano melted on top! Fruit and a few pieces of Aunt Dee's shortbread! They really love the shortbread just like me as a kid!

Cho hugged me, we walked out to the the north to see the pool construction. The big hole was ready for the second pour of concrete. The steel support poles were in. The concrete would have time to set then it would be coated several times. The tile was last to go in.

The step water entry was at the house end. The far end had openings in the wall near water level?

The construction supervisor said they were on schedule.

Cho was happy because we had only removed grass, no trees were disturbed. A wide band of short and tall shrubbery would be put in on the east side so it would be invisible from the front.

Cho drove over to Oxford East. The club was doing very well, making money! Cho wanted spend a few hours to meet with Robert and the department heads.

I went out to ride with Tessa and Ken. Rebel was stoked... so was I since the morning ride had been tame! We went north at speed to the entrance to Sandford then a walk through town. A hello stop at Mr. Hardy's then around to the church. It was quiet there as we turned into the dirt lane to go south.

Rebel knew what was coming... he was wound up... I said `bye' and released Rebel. He dashed off onto the berm flying along as the opening in the trees came up... I urged Rebel on! We blasted through the trees onto the grass... Rebel was striding like the world class runner he is!

I turned us toward the river the clumps of dirt were flung well behind us. On the grassy flat land we surged forward even faster. My guy was running like Glaa... perfect synchronicity of leg motion and breathing!

We crossed the property boundary in full flight... no slowing today! I turned us up the slope to the first spinney then back towards the Flat. I eased this wonderful fellow back... he was prancing across the grassy flat as my protectors caught up.

We were all grinning walking up the lane. Anthony did a big dramatic wipe of his brow...

"You two were really moving!"

"We were and it was terrific!"

Gil waved to me as I came down from changing.

"Geri called... she had been contacted by the head of Seattle's Department of Transportation. The City Council will vote this afternoon about four o'clock on the SODO Tunnel project."

Okay! With the time difference we'd know in the morning.

Ali had a few more things from New York, newspaper and Fox bits. We dealt with them.

Cho was back from the golf course. He was pleased.

"Robert and his folks are doing quite well. The restaurant continues to draw guests in large numbers, it is making a good profit. When a food service is well managed it can be profitable. The barroom also doing very well. Good people there in both positions.

The Pro Shop's profit margins aren't large since it is a competitive business... they're on the plus side too! It isn't much but it justifies itself which is all I would ask. Not having it would hurt the golf side.

The course is also in the green!" We laughed at that one. "Memberships and green fees are paying the costs of maintain the course. So overall it's a good investment."

A kiss for my golfer.

I told Cho about the Seattle news. I added it looked like it would pass.

Twins time outside! We had games, Jaidee ball toss, snacks and drinks! A book reading after lots of play. Cho reading a big picture books on dogs. The pictures were gorgeous and big. There wasn't a chocolate Labrador, Cho pointed out the black Labrador to compare with Jaidee.

"Jabee," from our son!

A quiet dinner until a Charlie pronouncement `ice cream' called out loud and clear as a bowl of vanilla with lots of sprinkles was put in front of him. We all agreed it was ice cream. He dug in!

We all laughed! Charlie and Chani enjoyed their dessert!

We gave Francis and Ali a sendoff out front! They were going to Los Angeles for a new project of mine. Buying, hiring and more!

Roland carried me down along the Thames at speed Tessa was a ways back as we slowed on the flats. There was deeper chill this morning... autumn coming. The sun was up now and warming the day. It was to be dry and warm for the school's opening.

Email from Seattle. Geri said the City Council had passed the SODO tunnel project legislation unanimously. Geri had contacted Kevin which I guessed since I had several emails in my box from him.

Kevin said he was going back to Stockholm this evening to meet with the tunnel boring company in the the morning. He had his final specifications for the device so they could talk in detail about it.

He also had in hand the agreement with BNSF Railroad for the narrow slice of their railyard we needed for the entrance. Done!

Also a query... would we mind if Kerrie came along? I emailed back... Okay! It was certainly fine with us... we'd met her and she (in jest) wouldn't overload a Gulfstream... I'd wait for the reply since he was still asleep.

I chose a sleeveless frock in golden yellow, azure blue heels, a gold Coach bag and blue sunglasses. I was wearing the Lapus-lazuli jewellery from Cho, the blue was the same as my shoes.

I stepped from the car behind Cho. He was in a navy suit with a Harcourt Racing yellow tie, gold running horses in the cuffs of a brilliant white shirt.

Charlie was helped out, navy shorts with yellow cotton shirt and black brogues. Chani in a navy dress with her favourite Mary Janes and white socks.

Richard was at the door. He welcomed us all. He squatted down to say welcome to the Twins.

It was already busy with press folks setting up in the smaller auditorium. We said hello to these news folks. Our media Sky UK, The Sun and The Times were all here.

Regine's social media team were here! Smiles as they got to meet the Twins they'd been hearing about.

We gathered all the instructors and Richard's top staff behind us. Cho opened the show greeting the local people, Oxford County Council, other dignitaries then the pair from the Ministry of Education especially noting the Under Secretary of State for Apprenticeships and Skills.

Nearby towns sent representatives as did several local community groups. Cho mentioned them all and hoped they'd come back to see the school growing.

Our MP said he was coming but... Well we certainly weren't waiting.

I took over to introduce our folks. Richard did the introductions of his staff. I asked the instructors to give a brief bit on what they were teaching.

I explained why we setup the school, the gap in many places in educational opportunities after students left school but didn't go to university. Many found university degree courses had no appeal for them. They needed something else, more skills oriented where they could get a thorough grounding for a career.

"You don't need heavy–duty math skills to create programmes or construct a game. You need to be able plan and use your learned skills to execute the plan.

Likewise having an art degree won't teach you about fabric... not the way it is needed to make clothing."

I went on to briefly describe each of our disciplines. Then there was a tour. Richard's staff as guides lead the press and our guests into all parts of the school.

Charlie and Chani stayed with Tha in Richard's office as Cho and I went about with some of our visitors. I was with the Under Secretary of State, she was very interested in the kitchen and the horses. We were out by the stables.

"These days no one much trains others for these sort of jobs."

I agreed with her and motioned to the stables and other bits outside saying that's exactly why we were. Students had two tracks to choose from or both. Some would learn about horses, caring for them, their needs. That would include horse physiology and a good deal about feeding. Plus some commonsense psychology.

Others would learn how to ride in a dressage arena and jump. Some would go forward to the cross country portion if they were good enough. No tyros out there.

Pat was the stable supervisor here today, I did an introduction. She learned Pat had been working with animals all his life, he enjoyed them as warm friendly creatures.

As I walked inside with the Under Secretary I pointed out that people like Pat were so valuable because they treated the horses and other animals like humans. There was a certain equality because he recognized their contributions were like his own.

She looked at me, "Ah... They aren't considered beasts but other creatures of like stature?"

"Yes! It makes them naturally good carers. We hope to instill that respect in our students."

She was smiling, "There's a lot going on here under the `radar' isn't there?"

I nodded. I stuck out my fist... a pause... she laughed. Bump!

In the kitchen I did introductions for the Under Secretary. I deliberately asked Marianne who would the cleaning here... she gave me a quick look.. she got my idea.

"The students will learn to bake and take care of the equipment. They'll taught how to clean in a safe and thorough manner. Just as I myself do."

The Under Secretary gave me a look of her own then smiled. A head nod.

Maxine had made some sample items, various dinner rolls and small loaves along with some cinnamon rolls!! The Under Secretary got to try out her work after I did an introduction and a brief bit about Maxine working at Harcourt House and learning from our staff. Then getting her exams done.

A shining star example of what we were trying to do which the Under Secretary really got! She also got a nice piece of a cinnamon bun, it made her eyes pop!

"Delicious!" I made sure she got a napkin!

In the Fashion area more introductions. I mentioned I had a black pants suit that was a Calista design from Harvey Nichols. A thumbs up from the designer! As the Under Secretary wandered I chatted with Calista for a few minutes while Adrienne spoke with our guest.

A nice surprise... Lorena came in! She got a hug! I gave Calista, Adrienne and the Under Secretary the story of meeting Lorena at the wedding in Longwick.

Lorena gave away the `secret' of the scholarship for her! The ladies were a bit amazed but loved Cho and I doing it. I could see in the corner of my eye the Under Secretary's head shaking. A good sign!

Richard sent a lady staffer with the news the MP had arrived. I refrained from a `better late than never' comment. I sent back a message asking him to please take the MP on the tour.

In the computer section the Under Secretary got to meet men and women from The Company! They gave her some brief CV info and what their plans were for the classes.

Getting folks `stuck in' was an obvious goal.

One of Douglas' bright stars went on about writing code for mobile Apps, how there were new and terrific programming tools which made it much simpler for ordinary users to be creative. Website creation tools were very powerful, easy to learn which rewarded the new user right away.

"We'll be able to get the students up and running very quickly. No long slope to learn a programming language."

The Under Secretary wasn't a tech person so I got one of the instructors to sit with her for a few minutes. He got her going creating a webpage with some designing software. I leaned against a desk with one of the other people.

"Miss Martin, I'm on the team localizing our water control software for the Iranians. We're basically done because of the modular construction we can re-write a module far easier than the entire App."

Fist bump.

"Wow! That was easy." The Under Secretary clapping.

We walked over. With a bit of help she had done the basic layout of a webpage for her family, put in graphics and more.

"I see there's immediate reinforcement for the beginner!" A big smile.

She thanked her instructor with a handshake. I thanked them too.

We headed to the main office. She was smiling!

At Richard's office the Under Secretary got to meet the Twins! That was an eye-opener for her. Chani grinning said "Hi" and stuck out her hand!

Charlie stood beside his sister, he did the same.

The Under Secretary took each tiny hand. She said hello "I'm Jean."

Charlie stuck out his fist which paused the Under Secretary then she got it and bumped.

Chani put out her hand to Tha, "Tha... Jean."

Those two shook hands. I was so happy Chani would think to do that!

"Miss Martin, your children are beautiful and well spoken."

I thanked her and pointed out Tha was gifted as a nurse and nanny. She and the Twins started up the body part game.

I asked Chani, "Tu t'amuses?"

Chani giggling. "Oui!"

The Under Secretary smiling said they were smart. She asked how old and was shocked by my `fifteen months.'

"Seriously? They are very advanced in verbal skills."

"Tha and Cho with me have worked with them from a few months old speaking in three languages. The have good vocabularies for English, French and Thai."

"It is remarkable."

I just smiled. I arranged coffees for us adults and juice for the Twins.

The Under Secretary ventured to inquire what my politics were... I politely told her I was not a Tory supporter. I could see she was having a hard time getting her head around someone who was wealthy not being a conservative.

I asked if she read the Times? A `yes' had me ask further if she read the recent publisher's comment on the frontpage about the Universal basic Income? She did.

"I'm the Publisher."

That stopped her cold.

"I wrote that knowing my taxes would go up. Cho and I are NOT amassing wealth like so many others just for the sake of it. We spend money on all sorts of things which do benefit us but have large knock-on effects."

I explained EFT, "Just a few miles away..." my arm motioning to the east, "... we have a horse sanctuary where we take in retired race horses or animals that are rescued from difficult situations. They are given veterinary care, shelter and food. They have space to wander and be with others.

We are beginning a program to choose those horses who could be re-trained for recreational riding or for the more complicated life as a competition dressage or jumping horse."

"What do you charge? Is there a government programme to give you assistance?"

I shook my head, "We pay. We bought the land and built the compound. We haven't yet had a graduate of the re-training side... we might charge a flat rate for those horses... but even that is in doubt."

"So you spent £millions with no return?"

Boy this lady wasn't getting it.

"You met Lorena?" She nodded. "She was so happy to be here on scholarship! Her family isn't poor but school fees on an untried project would have been a big risk. She isn't alone. The fees are low for a reason... to attract people to give this a try.

This school is not intended to be a revenue source. We expect it to lose money every term..."

"Why... Oh..." She got it!!

"As Cho and I are wont to say... if we give half of our money away in projects like this the Twins would still be in the top five richest people in the world."

I leaned forward, "Now do you understand why I am not a tory supporter?"

"Unfortunately I do... It doesn't speak well for us does it?"

I shook my head, "Having the government work for the citizens is why it is there. If the Tory ideal was carried out there wouldn't be much government to help ordinary people. Cho and I can't buy into that because people are not all the same.

We are born the same way but the life we are born into varies enormously. Opportunity is just that... a chance but we have those who are physically or mentality unable to reach out on their own... we have to help them.

There are those like Lorena who are marginal cases... doing Okay but a tiny boost opens doors wide. Maybe she gets ahead or possibly goes back home to her previous life... At least we gave her the chance."

"Miss Martin..." "Fay!" A smile, "Fay... " Her hand to her breast, "Jean... I admire what you are doing. You are right about government... I think I need to consider our role differently."

I stuck my fist out... a big sunburst smile and bump!

The other guests and staff began filtering back to us. Cho scooped up Charlie for a hug. Chani was next.

Richard came in with our MP. We got introductions and he was pleased to see Jean. She asked him straightaway what he thought of our school.

"It is a marvel. All these talented people to teach subjects which are usually not taught like this. We need to find ways to support this effort."

My... that sounded totally rational!! Our MP had gotten our drift. Cho could see I had worked on the Under Secretary!

I looked at Cho, a wink and grin!

The event wound down. The press had gone after a lot of talk, snaps and video. Our News UK folks gave us thumbs up!

The local dignitaries and other guests were waved to as they drove off. The MP and Under Secretary Jean stayed a bit to thank us and said they'd be back to us with possible ways the government could help. We thanked them for coming and any any assistance they might arrange.

I had Chani's hand, we both waved to them. Cho and Charlie beside us smiling and waving too. I lifted Chani up, Cho did Charlie... we did a group hug! Giggles from the smaller ones.

Richard was pleased it all went very well. We got to meet his family. They loved the house, his wife gave us a thumbs up for the `wonderful' kitchen and garden.

"It's a lovely house! We settled in well."

I squeezed her hand.

Okay time for home and lunch!! We had a trip to make!

Captain Mira said we had thirty minutes to landing. The wasn't much to put away. Charlie grinning in his carrier strapped into a seat. Chani wanted a hug before the strapping. Yes!

At the foot of the stairs Amarha was smiling. It was a lovely sunny day in Seattle!

"Hello all!"

A hug. Chani got one too. Charlie stuck out his fist... bump!

They got to meet GiGi from the helicopter company. She knelt down to say `Hi!' Our babies smiling, hands shaken.

In the car going through downtown, busy... the traffic stop and go... just what we intended to fix!

Martha was all smiles as the Twins walked up to her at the door.

"Hello little ones. You look so cute."

She got hugs. Martha said grilled cheese sandwiches and chips for lunch!!! A chorus of YEAS!

Jaidee got to romp on the lawn with us before lunch was served. A new tennis ball appeared courtesy of Lloyd. He had several new cans for Jaidee!

We all went in for an early lunch.

After eating Cho and I went to the office on Queen Anne for interviews. Aston was waiting with the two `old pros' who weren't all that old.

Corrie and Al were like Aston in their forties. He wanted them and Violet really liked them too so they were in. We'd read their CV's which were very good. They had given notice two weeks back and were on the payroll for us.

Perry was out working. He was the advertising manager, he had two other people with him seeing potential advertisers. It was a learning thing. They weren't complete novices but Perry had a good approach and wanted them to see.

We had two more folks in-bound from the East Coast, due in thirty minutes. Gil leaned in... their Cho-Fay Gulfstream was on the ground now. Okay!

Geri had things organized! The people to be interviewed were waiting in the conference room and several not yet occupied offices.

Violet wasn't in on these, she'd done excellent ground work so we could do our part!

Aston, Cho and I in our office. We sat in the comfy chairs leaving one open. Corrie and Al off to the side to observe. Each candidate was escorted in by Geri. They had been through two interviews so this was more for us two and Aston to feel them out on their personal ideals and work ethic. We wanted a `sense' of them.

It wasn't long and drawn out. Each person was told the decision would be made tonight and they'd get a call tonight or in the morning. We'd want them to be here in the morning.

Hands shaken we settled in. We asked questions in rotation from a list we, Aston and Violet had created, nothing heavy duty.

After three interviews were completed we stopped briefly to meet our East Coasters. Evelyn was to be our New York city and financial person. Piper was based in D.C. to watch over the Federal government and international affairs.

They were introduced to us and Corrie and Al. It turned out Corrie and Piper knew each other and didn't the other was involved with our project. A nice meeting for them.

Back to it. We each kept notes, separate pages for every applicant so we could exchange later. We finished at half-past six. Geri collated the pages, we moved into the Conference Room so everybody could fit in.

Us, Aston, Geri, the four already chosen folks sitting around. Aston's wife, Judy, came down for our dinner Gil had arranged. Judy was a petite brunette with a nice smile. A big thank you for the house up the slope on Kinnear Place. They were settling in nicely!

We talked over the contenders. We wanted nine with maybe the three others. I asked if we could nail down the nine then work on the three. Okay!

Remington, Haley, Della, Christian, McNeil and Tove were solid! After those we picked Henni, Mark and Demi! It was a good group! Three extras we decided to hire them too.

Aston was pleased! He liked them all.

Edward was brought in by Geri. He worked for Greg's Conference App division as a computer systems person. We got him to join our project to manage computers and communications. He would hire some people with Violet's help to run the web page and other tasks.

Gil had Buckley's Restaurant across the road block off most of their left hand side for us. We had ourselves, Gil and Geri. Then Aston, Corrie, Al, Evelyn, Piper and Edward. Plus PJ, Tessa, Gaby, Rande, Penny and Rafe. A big crowd.

The Buckley's folks remembered us quite well. They put three servers on us to get us going! We got drinks and starters. Gil asked the servers after they got our dinner choices to give us about fifteen minutes alone. They were good with that.

Everybody was psyched to get started! We talked about the plan for the day after tomorrow at the shelter. Aston, Al and a new reporter and photographer would attend the opening. We would need a story, snaps plus video for the website and the print edition the next day.

They had all seen the web page designed by the folks at Winnie's division of Ni's shop in Venice. Some of Nicholas' Security staff had taken pictures and video for the startup version. Edward and his new staff would add new visuals and maintain it.

Geri had ID badges for everybody and would have new ones made for the folks coming in the morning after she took their pictures. She had a nifty full colour badge maker that would print barcodes for the security doors with all the other bits.

We had a good dinner. I was in between Piper and Evelyn. I let them know we had contacts for them both plus Evelyn could call on the resources of Fox News and the Daily News. She would have an office in the Fox Tower.

Piper would have an office in an building we recently bought on K' Street near 17th Street NW, seven floors of miscellaneous companies. She would share the penthouse' office suite with other of our folks. It was close to Farragut Square, three blocks from the White House.

Francis' report on the building was simple, twenty years old in excellent condition, it was nearly fully occupied with above average companies. Two luncheon type restaurants, an office supply store all which were quite busy during the day and a large below ground car park that was managed by a local company.

Piper would be able to draw help from the local Fox TV station which is a 21st Century Fox corporate owned location.

I moved to speak with Corrie who was a deputy editor for world and national news. Coriander, she said was shortened when she was a baby. A local girl and a UW grad.

We talked foreign affairs for a bit. She had done some looking at our companies after she was offered the position.

"You are very involved around the globe. I have some good connections in Europe and Japan... You two must have an enviable list of people you know... can we tap into that?"

"You can to some degree. It will depend on why and how we perceive the impact of your interest. On the whole we would probably be happy to lend a contact."

I was grinning, "If you get anything we'll want you to share with your sister media companies."

High five!

Al was next! He was also a deputy editor, his beat was the state and local governments and the city. Al was a Seattle born fellow, Garfield High School and Evergreen State University.

He started off asking about the traffic project. I gave him the genesis and where it stood adding in the SODO Tunnel which had just been approved.

"Now The Company is majority owned by you and Cho?" I was nodding. "You are both on the board and you are a Deputy Managing Director?" More nodding.

"I'm the senior DMD slash deputy CEO and my particular remit is strategic business development."

"The traffic project started with who?"

I smiled, "Well we did a pilot project in London that worked beautifully... We needed to find another city that had problems but wasn't quite as large but large enough. We offered the Seattle a no cost test of our systems on the Ballard Bridge, they agreed. Once it was in and we had sufficient data it went live.

The city was very pleased!

It was a big success so it was rolled out to all the drawbridges. It has made a big difference in the flow after the bridges are opened and returned to normal."

"Where did the idea come from to get The Company into traffic control?"

I decided Al was reporter digging... "It was my idea which Reg our resident technical guru made work. It took some technology from a device we use in railroad yards to scan barcodes on the rail cars to manage freight delivery."

"So it was you who got it going! I'm impressed. Then the position of strategic development is proper."

"All this is in aid of what?"

He smiled, "The world knows some about you and Mr. Cho, deals you've done, financial coups, takeovers... you also have created quite a few things.

As you know I was working for an online news site... I saw a business site's piece on The Company's complete re-do of the STS Railroad's entire computer systems from scanners by the tracks to a new data centre. It mentioned a new scanner that was wireless connecting by 4G to a server, on stake so it was movable with a solar array to power it.

I was interested the technology, I did some looking. I found the devices were new, patented by The Company. So I looked harder at The Company, I found more on the railroad software using sensors. I saw The Company bought a sensor maker and was developing proprietary devices...

Now after a short bit of this work which I was doing this on my own time, no involvement of my employer I was at that point considering a long form piece on The Company. Then I bumped into the first info on the water projects... The Company adding more products, diversifying, more technology... The traffic control business came on my radar... My information showed all these `things' started to occur about the time when Mr. Cho became involved in the ownership..."

"Actually before. It was some of the changes that drew him to The Company. We were together by then."

"But it was you who thought up the `stake' scanner... right?"

"Yes. Keep this under your hat... they called the early versions the `Fay' but it has morphed so I don't hear that anymore."

Al grinning, "So you being a couple brought him in?"

"It was my work for his Railroad in Bangkok which got me noticed. There was no `stake' scanner at that point. We were burying cable to connect the scanning devices."

"You have The Company's financial data but there is no other company that has shown the level of growth it has had in the last three years. A four hundred percent increase in profit and over an eightfold rise in revenue. All that from a point which was already quite good, it makes the rise even more remarkable."

I was grinning, "So are you still working on your piece? It sounds like you are."

A wry smile, "I doubt I will have any time for it. My new job is going to be very demanding. And you are my boss now... so I'll go slow on it."

"One thing you will find out about us... we don't believe in censorship of any kind."

Al backpedaled quickly, "I didn't mean you'd do anything..." His hands waving.

"We don't interfere with a person's private life and I don't micro-manage the news in newspapers I'm the publisher for. That's Aston's job... and yours."

"Miss Martin, I... "

"Al, if you want to do the piece at least give us first refusal... Okay?"


"Why wouldn't I be? Our companies are scrupulously honest and as open as possible within the limits of proprietary design details. Did you have any trouble finding out what you did?"

"No. There's a good deal out in public and your own company website offered quite a lot."

"Cho and I own The Day from the bottom up. We will protect our investment when it is necessary but we don't fear our employees and if they are are loyal they will have no reason to be afraid of us. Loyalty isn't a straight-jacket either."

"Miss Martin, I think we'll be happy to have you as our boss."

I laughed, "I hope so. I want you folks to `takeover' this town. We started this because there's a lack of a voice here for what the city is known for... progressivism. Hence the masthead slogan."

"I like it. `The Progressive Voice of Seattle' will get the goat of the Seattle Times."

Fist bump.

We said our goodnights. In the car Gil said she setup an account at Buckley's for The Day. The editors will have signing authority which they can delegate to reporters when necessary. The Buckley's folks were quite pleased. Good!

The Twins were sound asleep! So cute! Their little friends in the crib with them. Tha smiling, "They had a great day with Jaidee outside. We went down to the sandy terrace... they laughed watching him dig holes and helped Tara and Ro fill them in."

A hug for her.

A great ride in Discovery Park with Tessa and Ken. Went down to the beach and around the parade Ground a few times. Andy's last days! He would leave in three days straight to Chalgrove and back to work at Harcourt House. First thing on his agenda was to move Audra and himself into their house on Harcourt Close.

Audra was buying the furniture... She said some `assembly required' would get Andy going.

Black skinny jeans, a black cotton short sleeve shirt and red heels! Red nails and lips. Silver bling! `Joy' applied by Cho!

We headed to the office. Tha and the Twins occupied an empty office. Geri had our newbies all contacted last night and this morning. They all were to be here shortly!

Cho and I had espressos outside in the chairs with Gil and Aston. He was grinning.

"I spoke to Al last night after you two left. He was quite amazed by you... Energized I would say!"

I told him about the `piece' Al had been working on... eyebrows up when I gave him my opinion of what Al should do with it.

"We probably could do it on the webpage and serialize it in print... Do we want to?"

I laughed, "Mr. Editor... " My hand motioning towards him. He laughed!

I said we probably don't have to worry about it any time soon. Al said he would have plenty to do!

Aston's arrangements for the shelter opening this afternoon and the news conference at The Day's new offices the next morning were great.

"I have to say Geri knows her stuff. She did most of the news conference things, the announcement, contacting other media and all... Well done!"

Geri was in the doorway smiling. She clasped her hands and raised them up! We all applauded!

The construction folks would take a break tomorrow morning so we could use the newsroom for the press briefing.

The press folks were ready to go. Aston had been over to the printing company we bought. It had a monster offset printing machine, cold offset, so the digital went straight to printing plate. Fast and less expensive.

They would print The Day all assembled and ready for distribution, trucks would pick it up and bring it to a warehouse of ours in SODO. There smaller vans would be filled for the drive into downtown and Capitol Hill and to Queen Anne where we would have our first home deliveries. Some would carry stacks to some vendors in downtown.

In downtown and on Capitol Hill, supervisors would fill the two wheel carts our `news hawkers' had to carry The Day on the streets. They would give the newspaper away, never being pushy, just offering it. If they gave them all away they pressed a button on a small message device. One button for more papers, another for assistance.

Nicholas would have our Security Service people on the streets to provide help if needed.

Our newbies arrived. We welcomed them, handshakes and hugs! In the conference room Aston told them what roles they were to play. Our extra three were told as we expand their roles would too! They would be used in the short term as photographers.

The new offices were discussed and they could go down later with Corrie for a tour.

Everybody sat to have their picture taken for the ID as Geri cranked them out. They got their iPhone and iPads. Smiles!

Aston and Al would be at the shelter, McNeil as principal reporter and Demi taking snaps and video. Their first assignments. They got that the other press would ask about them... I said they were to refer the questions to Aston. He would say it would all be explained the next morning.


Chico had a big grin as he was introduced to everyone. He was the general manager of AbleTemps, a temp hiring company we bought. He brought together a group of two hundred to be on the streets of downtown Seattle and Capitol Hill tomorrow morning. They would be giving away our free edition newspaper.

Another group would be up on Queen Anne doing some home deliveries and giving The Day away in the shopping areas.

We went home to have lunch and change. The Twins were excited to come today!

The ivory sleeveless frock with gold rose sprays that went to mid-calf, gold Jewellery and gold heels, a small gold bag. Pale red nails and lips, `Joy' and red round sunglasses.

Chani in a white dress with a little horse on the front. Her Mary Janes! Charlie in black shorts and cotton short sleeve shirt, a black and white checked cap and his black brogues!

Our Dad in a black suit, white shirt and pale red tie. Some silver at the cuffs!

Janesse was thrilled for us to be there! She squatted down to greet the Twins. Looking up at us... shining eyes! They both got fist bumps!

We got to meet some of the staff and a tour. It looked great! The rooms were well laid out and nice. A bed, bedside table, a reading lamp, comfy chair and table. A closet. It was lockable.

The showers were private as were the toilets. We had spare clothing and a laundry. The kitchen was excellent and the dining room would double as a meeting room. A TV room, a computer room with iMacs donated by Apple! A small library and quiet spaces.

The colours were warm and pleasant!

Our current group of four were out today on purpose. Janesse said our Trans Girl was with a counsellor doing a bit of shopping for some appropriate clothes. They were at Redlight in the University District.

"I like that shop!"

Janesse smiling, "Oh... Maybe she have gone with you?"

We all laughed.

The three boys were with another staffer at a nearby skateboard shop. Two had boards, they were getting one for the third boy and some protective gear. All three were good experienced boarders, our one without had his board stolen a week ago. He resisted and we were told he has a black-eye and lots of bruises to show for it.

The local LGBTQ folks who helped advise us arrived. Janesse gave them a tour.

We said hellos to Regina, she walked over from next door. HUGS!

"Boss, it's going supremely well..." in response to my question.

They were dealing all sorts and Tana's outreach on STD's was asked for help from other organizations and doing frequent meetings.

Aside, "We had the young girl staying here over yesterday. She's to speak with a psychologist in two days. She is basically healthy which is a good starting point."

I squeezed her arm.

Ms. Sawant, the City Councilor for the district came in. She went on a tour with Janesse.

Our Congress lady Ms. Jayapal was here. She came with me and Chani for a quick tour. We had to start the opening things soon.

"Miss Martin, this is really nice. It looks comfortable and well equipped! Congratulations."

I thanked her, "We do have four young people already living here... " I motioned to the closed room doors. "They're out for the afternoon away from the press."

Chani did a `Popa' in my ear! Cho holding Charlie both of them grinning came up! Hugs! Tha over Cho's shoulder smiling.

The press were ready outside for the red ribbon cutting. Our guests and friends around the doorway. A fair number of local people had gathered.

Janesse began to arrange us all out front where the action was!

Cho spoke briefly about the need to help our young people on the streets move to a safe environment where they can take a breath and be able to make some decisions free of their daily perils. We intended to assist them to do just that.

Our City Council lady Ms. Sawant, Ms. Jayapal and Cho did the ribbon cutting honours! Charlie and Chani holding my hands. Our son yelled out a "Yea!"

Folks moved through the lobby past the inner door once it was opened. Everyone got to wander around, in the kitchen there was coffee, tea, water bottles and treats.

Regina was behind me with Ms. Sawant, she would give the Council lady another look over there. I did an introduction of Aston to Ms. Sawant before they left. She looked at his ID... "The Day is it a webpage?"

A quick look at me nodding, Aston smiling, "No it is a new morning newspaper! Our first edition hits the streets tomorrow."

Huge eyes! Aston pointed to the masthead slogan... "Well... we need that! The Seattle Times is nearly reactionary and not getting better."

Aston said he was the editor and waved McNeil over. An introduction. Ms. Sawant wanted to know who owned the newspaper... ??? This time our two gave me a glance.

Okay! I told the Council Lady Cho and I were starting it. Her hand came out right away, we shook!

"Great you are exactly the right sort of people. You have money but you don't think the same way others like yourselves do."

"It's really easy since we aren't one of them at all. We have money that we spend freely. We don't hoard it."

More coffee. Ms. Jayapal joined us. I sat with the two politicians and Aston with McNeil in Janesse's office.

"The Day is something new for us... a newspaper built from the ground up." Smiling... I added it wasn't the last.

"We will target several cities before the end of the year. Here and elsewhere... The Day will espouse our ideals. Healthcare for all, even more complete than the current Medicare For All legislation. We want a total care package including no limits or any co-pays, etc... A Universal basic Income, new national laws about gun control that would ultimately buy back all automatic weapons. Federal law that criminalizes any form of discrimination over colour, age, sex, gender or sexual orientation. I mean prison terms not fines or some namby-pamby remediation. Get the non-violent drug offenders out and there will be plenty of room in prisons."

Both women were staring... Ms. Jayapal was first to respond, "Miss Martin... you... you really mean it don't you?"

My hand struck firmly flat on the desktop... "Yes! More than you know! There will never be a `just' America until everyone has equal opportunity and fair treatment from the government, their neighbors, their work!

We cannot continue to hope change will come... too many have been hoping for too long, with no reward, that our `better angels' would appear. They haven't! Cho and I aren't miracle workers but we will do some shoving. We have money... power... and reach... all of which we will employ to make as much real change happen as we can.

It means we have come out into the open more than we want to... there simply is no other choice for us.

You can read substantially the same in tomorrow's The Day! My first publisher's column will repeat it all making the case for the existence of progressive media voice in the city. Yes it is a corporate owned newspaper but not in the way the Seattle Times is or the big three TV stations.

We personally own and operate The Day! It will represent us.

To paraphrase Teddy Roosevelt... We will speak loudly AND carry a big stick!"

McNeil was looking at me like... WOW! I gestured to him.

"We are not paragons of great virtue. We may be a bit more than the ordinary person in the street but we have feet of clay too.

We will do what we can and encourage everybody to do the same."

Ms. Sawant stood up and extended her hand, "Miss Martin, welcome to the fight in Seattle!"

We laughed as I thanked her.

I hooked Ms. Sawant up with Regina for another look at the clinic next door. Aston and McNeil went back to the temporary Queen Anne office to work on an editorial and the piece on our opening. Ms. Jayapal in Janesse's office with Tha and the Twins while I found Cho. He'd been talking with reporters too.

A hug and kiss. Janesse joined us. I thanked her for the use of `the hall' which got a big laugh.

"You can use my office anytime!" Grins.

Cho said it had been a good low key opening. "We will get some ink and air time! All good."

The guest who was a trans girl and our staffer returned from shopping. She was a happy child! She got a dress, a couple of skirts and tops, shoes and a few doo-dads.

I sat to talk with her. She was Sammi and I was Fay. She'd been thrown out by her family last year because of her not being `normal' which almost crushed her. On and off the streets ever since.

I said we wanted her to get comfortable then take advantage of any help to find her own way.

"We will give you safety but we can't make decisions for you only give you the chance to do that for yourself. Talk with the counsellors and Janesse. There are folks who have walked on the same path ahead of you. Learn. Okay?"

A smile and a fist bump. She happily showed me her new things. Not new but nice, a bit retro.

"We went to Redlight! So much fun."

"I have shopped there. I got two very nifty... jum... sweater jackets! One black and a blue one. Small embroidered flowers along the zipper. They're warm." I almost said `jumper' but I caught myself.

I got Gil to give me one of her cards. "You want to contact me... email to Gil. She's my right hand."

Sammi gripped the card... we hugged!

I asked Janesse about Sammi and social services agencies. She been in several programs but not properly protected from being abused. After being raped twice she lived on the street, getting by begging and turning tricks. She had no known police warrants and hadn't been charged with any offenses.

Janesse shaking her head, "She's been where so many others have been... "

I could see her thinking about herself.

"Sammi seems nice... " My clumsy way to bring Janesse back.

A smile, "She is and smart I think. We'll find out more about her schooling and desires. We have some good people to help her."

Hugs for her and her staff. Ms. Jayapal smiling, "Your Twins are smart ones! Tha was playing their word games... remarkable!"

I thanked her for saying that. "The Twins keep surprising us!"

We walked out with her. A hug at her car.

We headed home.

I sat with Chani in my lap on a chair outside.

I asked, "So Popa?"

"Yes he Popa. I like!"

"Okay! Let's ask your Dad."

Cho joined us with Charlie and Tha. `Popa' was explained. Charlie was quiet...

"Yes! Popa!"

Cho laughed, "Okay! I accept!"

Hugs and kisses all around.

A quiet dinner, tomorrow would be busy. Once the Twins were asleep Cho and I took Jaidee outside. I had jacket on as a cool breeze came off the water.

We stood at the top of the terrace looking north across Shilshole Bay. Lights twinkling as a few boats bobbed on the water... Ray's sign a red beacon near the mouth of the lock entrance. The `Fay' moored on our dock waiting for tomorrow's excursion.

Hugs and kisses for my two guys!

I hugged Andy in the morning after our ride. The next time I would see him... Harcourt House Stables.

Penny and Gaby walked back to the house with me, talk about horses. Getting some more history from Gaby about growing up around animals at her home in France.

Breakfast with the Twins and dressing beside Cho. A Mirabelle frock, white striped navy blue sleeveless dress to mid-calf, cotton, a navy braided cotton tie for the waist. Navy stockings and heels. Gold jewellery and naturally `Joy' by my man!

Cho in navy too! A lovely orange tie from one of my shopping trips!

Today the Twins would stay home until the boat ride.

We got out of the car beside the Rhomboid Building... not much of a name but it was in my head. The Day's offices were a work in progress. The Newsroom was the most advanced towards completion so it was our choice for the news conference.

Local media, electronic and print where here. Satellite trucks outside. Geri marshalling the people. Cho and I with Aston at a table where copies of The Day were spread out.

Our Fox station was doing it live. Nadia was here linked to the local station.

I started it off.

I welcomed all the news folks letting them know what we were up to and how The Day would move forward.

"We are beginning with the free edition being distributed on the streets downtown and Capitol Hill. There is door delivery on Queen Anne and on the street distribution in shopping areas. As you can see it is only twelve pages today. As our staff assignments grow so will the newspaper."

I introduced Aston as the editor. He introduced the deputy editors, Corrie and Al. They in turn introduced the reporters who would work assignments under them.

Piper and Evelyn were presented by Aston. He gave their locations and beats.

Aston explained our links with Fox News, The New York Daily News and the News UK papers, we had Reuters, Washington Post, Agence France-Presse and New York Times wire services.

Aston beside me for some questions. A TV person asked why we were doing this. I said it was easy... Seattle needed a newspaper that spoke for more than the business interests.

"We will cover the whole city and region but our editorial view is things in the city have to work for the citizens before businesses."

I got the classic... Well if there are no businesses what will happen' rubbish.

"If you think businesses don't want to be part of Seattle you need to get out more. This is a vibrant modern city where there is inequality and poverty... in all the years of businesses dominating the government that hasn't changed.

Many companies are part of the problem NOT the solution."

There were lots more questions but I had established a position. Teddy Roosevelt passing through my mind.

Aston was handling his news competitors quite well. It went on about forty minutes then I suggested coffee and cookies. The reporters took advantage of our hospitality.

The TV folks had got their video. Nadia came up.

"Miss Martin you do know how to do this... work with the media."

Laughing I said `it seemed so.'

We chatted at bit then moved to get coffee. I got a sugar cookie too. Nadia walked with me to the side.

"I did some looking to see if you ever joined any civic or charitable groups... You don't do you?"

"No, we do what we do on our own. We're not `joiners' of organizations. There is no government money involved in any of our projects. As an example the Chanthira Foundation finances itself since we put money into it several years ago.

Cho and I believe we can be more nimble and quicker getting projects going that way. Several days ago we opened a school in Oxfordshire near our home. It is an attempt to fill in a gap in the education structure of the United Kingdom.

Secondary schools are a bit different over there. When you are sixteen you can leave school to work or go into an apprentice program. We are offering classes in subjects for anyone over sixteen but most are for those who are young and want to learn a skill.

There a very few places to learn about a few unusual skills. So we are teaching baking, small business management, horse care and equestrian skills, fashion design, photography and some specialized programming expertise. In each case there few places except on the job training to learn which has a dearth of opportunities.

If we can help some folks find a career or just enjoyment we will try."

Nadia asked if we supported any charities with donations?

"You have a large fortune and you use it..."

I said we have given money anonymously... I asked about her interest.

"I'm working on a PHD researching charities and their economic effects both global and local."

Ah! "Do you know of the Basuto Group?"

"Yes, I've read all their published work. I'm a fan of Dr. K*********! The two ladies writing about Asia are terrific, detailed and intelligent."

A wicked smile... "We started the Basuto Group." A STARE! "It's named for the road in London where we have a house."

"Miss Martin... I wouldn't have ever imagined..."

"I should insert here... you don't know us. Actually very few people know all we get up to."

Motioned to the side of the room, "You see the light brown haired woman?" A nod. "Gil, my PA. She's one of a half dozen who Cho and I use to keep the strands of our businesses together.

You two should talk sometime, she can get you connected to Angela in London who manages the Basuto Group. Maybe you could get involved? Write something for us?"

Big eyes! "I'm not... I'm not at that level. They are..."

Cutting in, "Sheila and Miki... they are women like you... who I knew and encouraged to work to together and write for us. Neither is a PHD. They are hard workers, smart and write well... why couldn't that describe you?"

She was stopped... Cho stepped close for a kiss. I did an introduction.

"Ah... from our Fox station?"

Nadia nodded. "It's nice to meet you."

I pointed her to Gil `go on' I waved to Gil and pointed to Nadia. I squeezed Nadia's hand. She walked over to Gil.

Cho's hand in mine, we faced each other, "Very nicely done! I don't think you could have a better first question. They were backed up right away!"

A big hand squeeze for him.

We mingled, our people talking with the reporters they'd see many times more at public events.

Another reporter from our Fox TV station joined Cho and I.

"This is an interesting start. We have a crew downtown checking out The Day distribution on the streets."

"Great! We'll want to see footage of that."

We shook lots of hands and made our way out. The car was waiting... I asked for a quick spin through downtown so we could see The Day being given away.

Gil said Nadia had a card and "She was encouraged when I said you wouldn't mislead her." Fist bump!

On Second Avenue at Virginia Street there was a young woman handing her last newspaper to a fellow. He said something... she smiled and replied.

Our driver pulled up to her. PJ and I stepped out followed by Cho and Rande.

I asked the woman if she was going to get more...

"I've pressed the button on this to get some... so I'll see."

I introduced myself and Cho. Her face lit up, "Wow! That's so cool of you to stop."

"What did the man say?"

"He thanked me and hoped we would make it because he hated the Seattle Times!"

Fist bump!

A white mini-van pulled up with The Day and the rising sun logo behind the words. A man stepped out and opened the side to pull out a bundle of newspapers.

Cho said that was fast service for the woman. We introduced ourselves. He was amazed too!

Cho shook his hand and thanked him for doing it right! We did a selfie with him and then with the young woman. Smiles all around as we drove away.

Off to the house!

We changed for the boat trip! Black cuffed short shorts and a black crop top, a trackies and hoodie for later. White with bright yellow polka-dots bikini underneath!

Chani in a yellow bikini, White trackies and a white hoodie too. Charlie in a yellow Speedo and black trackies and jacket for the chill. Floppy sun hats for them, an aquamarine Seattle Mariners baseball cap for me.

Cho in khaki shorts and a sea green Polo shirt. Terrific!

Tha and I managed the Twins and their paraphernalia on board. Cho and Lloyd helped Martha get the food with a few others lending hands!

Jud and Tricia were on already with Alan and Annette.

Kay and Greg, Artie and Sam arrived. Hugs and kisses for them.

We pushed off. Jaidee needed to stay home this time. The plan was to go north to see the Puget Sound and some of the old U.S. Army forts that had all been given to Washington State. They were all state parks now.

Two meals of food on with us. Cho did mention given my appetite maybe one and a half. That got him a good arm punch! And a lot of laughter!

Jud took her out going north up the Sound.

Sam and Artie with the guys up in the pilot house. Artie hoping to `steer' the boat again.

I had the Twins on the back deck, the sun for me and a nifty awning rigged by the men at our Ballard Nautical Yard for the babies. Tha next to me grinning, motioning to the cover with a thumbs up!

Kay, Tricia and Annette came out in their swim attire to join us. Tara, Tessa and Ansara were laying out already.

Tha and I played word games with the Twins and we shared reading a book in English, French and Thai about a little boat that went too far out to sea... with the help of some seagulls it found its way home safely.

Then a story on how a little squirrel was lost and a nice lady raised him then released him to the wild... he often went back to see her.

Kay leaning against me... grinning, "That's so sweet a story."

I nudged her, "It was a true story."

Eyes wide... I nodded. Smile! "Even better!"

Food! Martha had lots! A cool melon bisque! Sandwich makings of many kinds, pickles, olives, celery with peanut butter. Charlie's hands out when he saw those! A bowl of crisps and dips beside it.

In the saloon eating we got lots of questions about The Day. Kay and Greg got one delivered. It was a small edition but they liked the layout! They loved my Publisher's column!

"It needs to be said and repeated," Kay stuck out her fist. Bump! Charlie and Chani got in on that!

Cho and I told our friends we would be `loud' in advocating for change in Seattle. Not cosmetic change but fundamental.

Thorough reform of the police department, get rid of the bad apples. If it meant saying the police officers' union had too much power and should be abolished... then we would.

The police needed leadership which they weren't getting and training in deescalating tense situations before any use of weapons. Stop sending police to domestic violence situations without trained counsellors present to help deal with distraught people.

In Seattle there had been many avoidable deaths where policemen had not followed their rules, several should have resulted in manslaughter charges for the cops but that didn't happen after an `internal' investigation supposedly cleared the shooters. All too common across America.

I needed to get off my soap box! Twice in two days!

I shut up after saying we wanted the citizens to have a choice in newspapers and that we would always wear our heart on our metaphorical sleeve.

Ansara looked over at me... I knew the allusion might be outside her experience. Smiling I said we would show how we feel on the pages of the newspaper. There would be no attempt at false equivalence or `balance.' The Day would have an attitude.

Kay laughed, "Just like my sister!" Fist bump! Chani in-between us stuck her fist up... we three-way bumped!

On our port side was the old Fort Flagler. Not too much to see of the gun emplacements with the trees but the old housing around the parade field was visible. Once past it you could see the fort as an enemy ship would. We had a better view of the empty gun mounts.

It was part of a trio of forts creating a wicked cross-fire of big guns for an attacking fleet to try to cross. The other two, Fort Casey to our starboard on Whidbey Island was more wide open, the concrete gun emplacements quite clear. It was also a state park like the others.

Fort Worden was much bigger than the the others. There were many older buildings, barracks, officer's homes, offices we could see in our glasses. They looked like they were almost new, well maintained! There was parking for caravans and space for tents for vacationers.

The old gun batteries were more extensive and faced several directions, some built to repel a landing. A lighthouse on the point like on West Point at Discovery park in Seattle.

There lots of people wandering around, so it looked popular. There was a parade ground like at old Fort Lawton now Discovery Park that we rode our horses on.

Kay said a good part of the movie `Officer and a Gentleman' was filmed on Fort Worden.

I wondered what the duty would have been like for the soldiers on one of these posts. Fort Worden was close to Port Townsend so there was likely to be entertainment but the other two were isolated. Maybe they had boats that took the men to Port Townsend?

The summer would be fine but the long wet winters... well it hadn't been me...

It was gorgeous out here now!

Allen was the skipper so Jud could eat. Fort Worden was our turn around spot, Allen did it easily. I was standing beside the captain's chair.

Artie actually turned the wheel. I loved it. Greg behind me, his hand squeezed my shoulder. It was a nifty experience for Artie. He was getting some height now, looks like he'll be tall like his dad.

The Twins with me on the bow in the sun for a short while, Cho grinning at our two `laying out.' Sam with a baseball cap on and a book, wayfarers on his face. Annette and Tricia next to me. Kay looking great in her black bikini taking snaps.

"Fay, Artie is having a fine time... " motioning up over her shoulder. Fist bump!

The sun was warm, the wind was picking up from the west cooling things so we went to shorts and tops. The Twins inside for games and juice. Tha smiling as they did a game where Chani and Charlie had to identify objects she touched. They were good at it.

I sat on the upper aft area with Gil for some work. Cho arrived with a Newcastle to share and some reports of his own. Kiss for sharing.

The day was starting in Thailand, Yoshi called. I went down into our stateroom.

"Fay, I have good news. The leaders Arturo met in Kota Bharu who then came over here want to meet with the government people. You thought they would, they confirmed it. The group whose contact person had been the gruff fellow are in also. His leader and I met last night.

As you suspected they wanted to know more about the process. Your idea to tell them it was you and Cho paid off. They are taking the process seriously because Cho's businesses here in the south have a reputation for being completely fair to local workers.

The third group had already agreed and wanted things moving. They were the most political of the insurgents.

So I told them that two persons would be the right number that they could be picked up by one of your helicopters at any point they choose. The return was explained.

They got the whole layout of the compound and how it was protected. All three groups are encouraged by your willingness to be there."

Terrific! I told Yoshi we were to meet with the government folks in six days. I was sure they would agree to the meeting but it wasn't a done deal yet.

He said fine. A tentative date was October Eighth, maybe a day or so later. Yoshi asked if he should be there. I let him know, it was a maybe but don't count on it and I'd be back to him soon. I said I was concerned about him being identified and his movements watched. Okay!

I called Dad. "BREAKTHROUGH! The three insurgent groups agree to the meeting at our compound."

He was very pleased! "Fay, it is the tool to get our government over the hump. I will tell the Prime Minister and the others this morning. We will be looking forward to seeing you all in a few days."

Love exchanged!

I went up to get Cho. Back in the stateroom he was smiling at my news.

"It is good!"

I asked him about Yoshi being at the compound. I added my caveat. A thoughtful face...

I expanded on my reasons, "For his security and Arturo's I think they should stay in the background. If they aren't widely known as our agents outside of the insurgent groups they'll retain freedom of movement."

We lay back on the bed, a kiss.

"You are right. This is still at the beginning stages. We need them further."

Cho stroked my cheek... "So soft but there's hardness underneath."

I held his palm on my face, a smile, another kiss, very tender.

Up top there was dinner being laid out. I helped Martha, Kay joined in. Tha was working on getting the Twins into their seats. Their plastic bucket seats had worked very well.

There was a creamy potato leek soup, warming for us! Plenty for second helpings! Bread and butter. Several trays of cheeses, cut vegetables and dips. A lovely fruit arrangement which I contributed to. Beer, soft drinks or waters. Juice for the Twins.

We spread out around the saloon. Tha and I with the Twins at one end of the long table. We had a good dinner. Charlie and Chani had their soup blended to go in sippy cups. Smiles!

A small piece of a red pepper covered in dip going into my son's mouth! A big smile as he chewed. Tha's face shining bright, we did a fist bump behind Charlie!

Dessert was welcomed by the Twins. Something different! Vanilla flan with strawberries and chocolate. We all enjoyed it.

It was getting late as we tied up to our pier. We did our thanks to our captains' and friends. They would take the Fay' back to the boatyard. Kay and her's got hugged and kissed on the drive.

The Twins were in carriers going up to the house. We stayed long enough to change then to the cars.

Tom on the 737 controls as we lifted off from Boeing Field.

The Twins were asleep right away, Tha with me outside their cabin.

"Fay, they are tired out but fine. They went to sleep so fast. They enjoyed the day very much!"

"I think so too. Happy and active for a long time."

We had breakfast shortly before landing at Newburgh. Scram' eggs and potatoes with lots of strawberry preserves on toost.' Everybody cleaned up nice.

Our AW139 settled to the landing grid on the Westside Heliport.

Scott, our manager, smiling, "It's good to see you all again! Just a note in case you haven't seen our numbers... our bottom line is now 6.85 times what it was in the last year before you bought us!"

Fist bumps! Cho said we were pleased. Where was the growth coming from?

Scott said there were more landings of all types especially for businesses in midtown around the Hudson Yards project!

"Some people have mentioned you recommending us."

"Good. We'll keep doing that," Cho smiling!

Rexie out front at Minetta Street. Alice in the apartment doorway, she and Jaidee sniffed, friends!

Roslyn welcomed us. It was to be a short visit.

We changed for the shelter openings. A new frock, a sleeveless pale ivory close to my body until the waist then gently box pleated with soft looking flowers in red and yellow that had lovely slender green stalks and leaves. Pale red heels, lips and nails. "Joy'

Cho in navy with a gold tie that discreetly shimmered. He loved that description!

The Twins would come for the first opening only. Charlie in navy and white like his dad. Chani in a delicately flowered dress of her own.

It wasn't far, a short drive to Lafayette Street. The fire house looked great! The bench seats out front surrounded by the big planters full of blooming flowers. Zinnias, geraniums and poppies. Reds, yellow and orange, very bright!

Ku! We hugged tightly and kissed. She got a big kiss from Cho. The Twins were... shall we say...re-introduced. Ku squatted down to hug them. `Ku' from each. Ku standing there holding their hands a massive grin on all the faces!

Deborah getting a hug next! Cho and the Twins introduced. They got to meet Luna who was the manager here.

Deborah smiling, "Fay, Cho, we are ready here and 35th Street. The Congress folks said the Congress lady is coming for about an hour and the congressman wasn't sure but he wanted to see the whole thing... so."

Wythe here too. More introductions for Nicole and Maureen our staff child social workers. They would be at both shelters. Hugs for them.

Keisha with a big smile and a huge hug! I reminded Cho he had seen Nicole and Keisha before... He wasn't sure about Nicole but the name `Wattna' came out. He did remember. We spoke for a few minutes before heading inside.

There were several TV vans and an area setup for the press right beside the doorway. They were getting ready.

We got a quickie tour and met the staff. Cheerful shining faces! They were ready to open!!

Tha was with the Twins. Tara and Ansara with them today!

Alright! The Congresswoman arrived. She was welcomed inside, lots of introductions.

We stood beside each other waiting for the start.

"I'm Fay." A smile, "I'm Carolyn."

Our LGBTQ allies were represented, the city government and local merchants and many other local folk.

We went outside for the ribbon cutting. I had Chani and Charlie's hands standing off to the side. Carolyn, Cho, the district's city councilman did the honors. Nicely done!

The press got some poses and action shots.

Inside Luna's people divided the dignitaries up for tours. I stayed in the main room with the Twins in the seating area inside the big door. The open door flooded the room with light and a soft breeze.

Nicole joined me.

"I'm so glad you reached out to me. Getting a call from Tai was amazing." She smiled, "Finding her on the shelf was too bad..." A wide grin. "...But your remembering my university work that was much more amazing. You must be dangerous to work for."

I laughed as Tara and Ansara both nodded. PJ behind me laughed.

My hand motioning to them, "As you see I have a reputation. You already know about the background check and all... so we knew a lot more than just my memory. Now of course we want you to put your schooling to work for our guests!"

"I will! Deborah and Luna are really knowledgeable ladies. Kiko is very sharp! Maureen has lots of experience. It was fun to link up again with Keisha. She was as amazed as me to be sought out. We'll be a great team!"

Fist bump!

Tha's bag opened... Juice and shortbread! Chani and Charlie smiling, chewing!

Charlie looking at me, "Dee cookie?"

I said `Yes, Aunt Dee made them for us.' A grin. Tha handed one to me. I split it with Nicole. Her face showed how good it was.

"My Aunt in Scotland makes us tins of these, dozens! I spent a lot of time with them when I was young so I grew up with her delicious baking."

"It's so buttery, flaky!"

"Dee has an awesome reputation in her town! All our friends get to taste her shortbread because we share."

Nicole thanked me for sharing!

Our dignitaries and other guests came down from their tour. Cho grinning at the scene of us sitting with the Twins.

The Congresswoman Carolyn sat beside me and Ku.

"Fay, Cho says this was your idea."

"That's giving me too much credit... I expressed a wish which he and I plus money has made come to pass. Just wishing isn't so much... lots of hard work..." My hands motioning to our people surrounding us, "...by many people make these things happen."

"I think it's terrific! Even better to recognize the team effort."

"That's us... a team."

"I heard from Ted when you opened the shelter in his Los Angeles district. He was very impressed and recommended you to me quite strongly."

"Cho spent more time with him, I had hosted the Mayor. The building he saw is nifty, well laid out and close to areas where there are young people who might need shelter. The other one further east in the Echo Park and Silver lake areas is smaller now but we are building an addition which will allow for five times as many guests in more comfortable surroundings.

The Seattle shelter opened just a few days ago. It isn't large enough, we are looking for another location and an apartment building we can rehabilitate for young people who leave the shelter and need low cost housing."

"Ted said you haven't asked for financial help from anyone?"

"Yes... true. The working idea is that we can get these shelters open much faster using the Foundation's money. We do have someone coming on board, Jenna, her office will be here in the city and her remit will be to interface with government agencies, to search out grants, evaluate programmes, etc... but mostly we want government help for jobs and schooling. The Foundation endowment will be able to cover operating expenses for now with the profits from investments.

Programmes to get job skills and education are different. That is more one on one and where the federal, local and state governments can help us.

So that will be one of our focus points going forward."

Carolyn said she had some folks in the city to assist us. I got Gil to pass on to Carolyn's PA both Ku and Jenna's names and contact information.

Carolyn had other stops today so we wound it up.

"Please stay in touch. Programs like this need to be encouraged and I want to help."

Cho and I shook hands with her. The Twins said `Goodbye.'

Tha took the Twins home. `Lessons!'

Cho and I went crosstown. At the 35th Street Shelter there was another ribbon cutting by Cho, the local city councilor and Jerry the Congressman. Kiko and her staff did the tours. I slipped into the kitchen for coffee and got handful of cookies.

Gil and I parked in the garden sitting area under the trees. It was cool out here. The big trees were magnificent in their summer glory. The shrubbery, flowers and grass! It was a very lovely spot. Quiet too!

Gil and I did some work before some folks filtered out. Ku came out with Jerry who had a glass of ice water.

"I'm glad to see you kept these wonderful trees."

"Oh yes! When I first saw the building I liked it but coming out here sealed it. Our landscape folks did great work. It was mostly dug up... now a slice of paradise."

I mentioned we owned the building behind on the next block.

"We have the roof covered with solar panels and a cable..." a finger motioning down, "... brings the power over to the main building. There are more panels..." My hand pointing to the roof, "... so we trying to be green.

There's a gray water cistern under the grass... " I moved my hand to aim to the spot right next to the pathway., ".. it collects water from the roof and stores it. Sensors monitor the water level and trip a switch which sends the water into the ordinary drain if it gets too close to being full. We will use the water for cleaning around the building and watering the plants and grass out here."

Jerry looking at his PA then me. "You two don't fool around! Ted told me about you. He was delighted with what you did in Los Angeles. We..." he patted his PA's shoulder, "... did a bit of looking at you when the invitation came in and I talked with Ted. You two are rather an amazing couple. You own a lot of property here and around the country. And you are improving it!"

"We spend money. We buy the best because it usually works and lasts! The cistern as an example will save it's cost in a few years which is something else about us... we plan ahead.

You know we own the Daily News?" The Congressman nodded.

"We intend to make it the city's premier news source. A newspaper that everybody goes to find out about New York because there will no other source as accurate and thorough. It will take time... years but eventually it will happen."

I stood up to greet Cho with a hug.

Sitting to continue... I squeezed Cho's hand... "We... " lifting Cho's hand, "... and the Foundation will stay on this track. More shelters in the city, more staff... It would be nice to say America is doing so well economically that they shouldn't be needed but that simply won't ever be true about our target group. Kids have been thrown away by disapproving parents regardless of how well off the family or the nation is."

Jerry was shaking his head, "Unfortunately that is correct. What can we do to help?"

I explained Jenna's role and that she would be making the rounds of local governments and in D.C.

Gil and his PA moved to one side to exchange information, Ku and Jenna's details were passed along once more.

"I'll make sure your person... Jenna... gets a list of the best people here and D.C. to call on so she won't be wasting any time."

We thanked him.

We walked Jerry out to his car. "Let my PA know when you two might be around for a lunch... Okay?"

Hands shaken, a kiss for his cheek.

My bags were packed... I did a quick change to jeans and did a lot of hugging and kissing with Chani and Charlie. And Cho! I'd see them in Bangkok in two days.

Mira on the tannoy said `We are number one for takeover.'

The big jet lifted off easily with a big turn to the northeast. We would make a big arc over Europe avoiding Ukrainian airspace for obvious reasons.

Lis and Tan would feed us and have snacks out then do breakfast in the morning. Gil and I worked after dinner for a few hours then to bed. Cho and I talked a bit on FaceTime, he got the Twins with him. They'd all leave New York in a few hours.

My clothes for meeting General Soleimani were basic black. A Calista black pants suit w/ narrow tailored jacket, white sleeveless blouse with small collar. Low black heels. A black Coach bag. A dark silver gray scarf wrapped around my head as last time and black linen gloves were the concessions to local customs.

Mira parked to the west of the main terminal at Mehrabad Airport. A dark car waiting. PJ and Ken with Gil and I. We went over to the military side again for a helicopter ride to the Energy Ministry.

Taj arranged for the flight and a car to take us all to the meeting.

When we landed at the Energy Ministry Taj's principal aide greeted us.

"Miss Martin, welcome back to Tehran. The Minister wishes you to use this car..." his hand extended to a dark limousine, ".. for your meeting with the General and then return here."

I said to please thank the Minister. I added that I did not have a time period for my meeting.

"I understand. Please contact me when you leave the General."

He gave me a bow and held the door. The Mercedes was comfortable as they always are. We did not go go onto a carriageway rather used city streets for a ten minute drive to the Iranian Garden. The driver turned through a gate and stopped. He said he could not go further in the park.

"Miss, the tea house is seventy five meters straight ahead. I will remain here until you are ready to depart."

I thanked him and climbed out. We headed down the path.

A man in a dark green uniform stepped onto the path ahead of us. He stood very still until I was ten meters then he came to attention and bowed.

"Miss Martin, the General is inside."

Smiling I followed him through a room of tables that were all empty. Outside on the terrace large leafy trees created a pool of cool shade.

The General stood up and extended his hand. Dark gray slacks, a black shirt with an open collar and a lightweight gray jacket, he looked scholarly with his well-trimmed pale beard. A smile.

"Miss Martin, I welcome you to the city."

I smiled in return and thanked him. I sat as he held my chair.

A small table with a serving stand across from me beside Soleimani's chair.

Gil, PJ and Ken at a table nearby, the General's aides next to them.

A man of middle age brought out a tea tray resting it on the stand. He said to the General that it was ready to pour. A smile and thanks for him.

Soleimani turned his smile to me as the sugar bowl was transferred to our table with a large plate of cookies.

"Taj mentioned you had a noteworthy interest in cookies."

I laughed, "I believe the Minister may have underestimated my enthusiasm."

A short laugh from Soleimani. I took a sugar cube to my mouth and a drink of tea, saffron! I loaded a half dozen cookies to my plate. Another smile.

"Miss Martin, Taj is an old friend from our school days, our lives were spent working for the Revolution. We have an old bond. He expressed to me your concerns about the staff members who will come to work on the water project may come from nations we do not have friendly relations with."

"Yes! We hire on skill and merit... a persons' age or sex or nationality or religion is for us of no matter to how they work. We want the best!"

"I understand the Interior Ministry has blessed your work knowing those things."

I nodded, "Mr. Vajadi told me of the decision."

I bit into a sweet, delicious chickpea cookie.

"May I tell you a brief story from my past?"

"Please, I would be very interested."

"I was arrested for anti-state activism and placed in Evin Prison. You know it?"

"Yes, it has an evil reputation."

"An earned reputation! I was in a cell with seven others. Some political and a few plain criminals. One man was from the first disputing with the guards over food and other things. They beat him in the cell, in the passageway outside and away from us.

He fought back as well as he could. He was not seriously injured but bruised, often covered in welts. I helped him to his bed one day. He whispered that he was a homosexual and I may not want to associate with him.

I asked if he believed in God... he said very much so even though `I am not accepted.'

After that I aided him in making demands, several others followed me. We received beatings too but the guards seemed to target the one fellow.

We prayed together, he was devout as any good Muslim would be. I had to admire his steadfastness.

I was released after six months... the fellow's sentence had yet to be determined, they were just `holding' him.

I returned to my life and work for the Revolution. Seven months later it began, I had joined the Revolutionary Guard. I helped round up the many corrupt officials of the government. One day we had to deliver prisoners to Evin... I asked someone if my cellmate was still there. They looked him up and said yes.

I called a member of the new leadership I had known for some time, I explained my interest. He said to get the new governor on the line... they talked and I was led back to the same cell I had been in. The fellow was lying on his cot.

I helped him up and escorted him out of the prison. He now had a limp from injuries but he was very happy to be out. I took him to his parent's home, his father had died, his mother was joyous. Before I left I told him to call upon me if there was any further trouble."

He had been looking into the distance by the end of his story.

"Extremism profits no one. Every person should be judged on their own qualities."

I acknowledged that as a guiding principle for Cho and I.

I said I also had a short story... an Iranian one. He said please tell me.

I gave him the background of my flying for work and having been trapped in an airport by bad weather.

"I was there for more than eighteen hours, flights frequently changed, most were cancelled, a mess outside.

I met an older man we talked a great deal. We talked of many subjects. I was young, he had been in wars. He was a retired career U.S. Army officer, over thirty years of service. One of his postings was to Iran in the time of the Pahlavi's. He was the chief advisor to army corps in the northeast based in Mashhad up against the Soviet Union border. This was 1962.

The Corps commander asked him for help unloading new trucks from railway cars because he didn't have enough qualified drivers. So the colonel and his American staff did a good deal of the driving.

One truck with an Iranian sergeant at the wheel crashed into a wall. The man was injured and the frame of the truck bent. The Corps commanding general was beside himself.

The colonel knew it could be repaired and didn't understand the general being so upset. It turned out there was no place to fix the bent frame of the big truck in Mashhad so it would have to come here to Tehran."

Soleimani's face was serious, a nod.

"The Corps commander couldn't risk the shah finding out a truck had been damaged. The colonel was told every item was property of the shah not Iran so negligence was very grave.

The truck was parked at the very back of a motor pool and forgotten.

The colonel was disillusioned with the shah's Iran as an ally. He liked the Iranian army soldiers he had met, they were eager to learn, worked hard and capable of operating any kind of infantry weapons put in their hands.

He said they did not have the technical background of European or American troops simply because it was not part of their way of life. His report to his superiors in Washington after his departure was damning to the politics of Iran but not the people who he admired. He made it plain the ordinary Iranian soldier was tough, accepting of hardships and very loyal to Iran.

The report found its way improperly to a Foreign Service office covering Iran and the colonel was informed he would not be welcome in Iran again. It did not hurt his career because a few months later he was promoted to general.

He did kept in touch with a few officers here. He found out a few years later some had helped the Revolution bringing their men and bases out against the government. He said it vindicated his views of Iranians as good people, good Muslims and strivers."

Soleimani's face had gone through several looks during my story. A smile.

"Miss Martin, your airport acquaintance was observant. Those qualities he admired are still central to Iranian life."

"Everybody working for the common goal of a better Iran..."

A smile, "Ah... It is true we often stumble over each other as agencies do in governments everywhere... here it could be more difficult for those who are citizens and more so for those who are not. There is no doubt some do seek to score political and or religious points in these `disputes' and it has happened that the only resolution is for the highest religious authorities to be involved.

I am unable to make blanket assurances... I will make my best efforts to head off any such difficulties. Taj has told me your company is the only one doing this sort of advanced work and your software is many years ahead of any other's.

Tehran needs the water... so we need you." He raised his hand, "... I do not say that in any manner pejoratively.

Perhaps in five or more years your competitors catch up to your current standards and we use them... where will you be? If as Taj's says you are so advanced you may have moved several orders of magnitude forward and we will have lost five years..."

I reached out my hand... Soleimani responded and we shook.

A wry smile, "I am reminded of Sun Tzu speaking with you."

My laugh brought out his own.

"That is very honourable company. " I did a `wai.'

He smiled and gestured at my empty plate.

"Please have more cookies. It pleases me to see you enjoy them. I am a bit amazed you told your story so well and ate cookies the whole time."

I accepted. "They make wonderful cookies! The pistachio and raisin were very tasty."

"You do have a well developed cookie taste sense, those I like a great deal. The family who runs this tea house are excellent bakers. I come here often."

He leaned back, "You are a very interesting person Miss Martin. None of the dossier we have would lead me to believe you are a philosopher."

I laughed, "Nor did ours on you."

The General did laugh again with me.

"There no absolutes but I will endeavor to make the stay of your personnel as smooth and untroubled as possible. I will keep in touch with Taj and Vajadi."

We stood when the General suggested a short walk. Soleimani said the flower display was well past the glories of spring... It was calm, restful under the trees. A long narrow bubbling fountain made wonderful noises.

Our people trailed behind... Soleimani smiled as he said there were days he'd like to sprint away from them. I said I tolerated mine because they were so skilled and courageous and I wanted to please my husband. He nodded.

We stopped to look down the long fountain as it flowed away from us.

"You are the first English or American woman I have ever met who speaks our language which such fluency."

"It is a gift of my parents who both were amazing polyglots. It has to be genetic because they were not around often when I was young to educate me."

I mentioned Taj giving me a lovely book of Persian poetry. I was able to read it and enjoyed it.

"I have in my bag a slim volume of poetry from 16th and 17th Century France for him."

"So... we have had a good talk, I understand your concerns and will address them. I think this brief time has been good... I am honoured to have met you. An accomplished woman who is intelligent, shrewd and a linguist. You strike me as the kind of person who could be very dangerous to an enemy."

I smiled at that, "I am tenacious like a terrier and I make up my mind quickly so gaining some advantage in speed of action. My other qualities compliment those."

A smile, "As I thought."

We turned back. Our crowd did wait for us to pass then took up station behind us as before. Another wry smile on the General's face.

In the tea house I thanked the owner for his wonderful tea and excellent cookies. Smiling bowed and offered me a white box with a red bow.

"Please accept a few cookies as a gift."

I thanked him and shook his hand. His wife behind him, I said hello to her. A shy smile and a small hand wave.

On the front steps the General and I shook hands again. My folks and I went down the path to the car. I did turn to wave... Soleimani returned my gesture.

In the car everyone was quiet. There was no way we'd discuss the meeting while we could be overheard. The drive short. Taj's aide greeted us again and asked that we come inside.

We stepped out of the lift into that big room with the wonderful view. Taj came over to shake hands with all my people.

"I am sure Soleimani had many cookies to temp you... could you eat a mid-day meal shortly?"

There was a slight noise from behind me... PJ! The Minister smiled.

"I do hope so. First let us sit briefly."

We sat to take advantage of the view.

"My aide has a list for you. The housing for your work force, transportation, etcetera. The Army has promised Vajadi their full co-operation in moving equipment into the valleys. Our construction force is already preparing some access roads and other preliminary physical things.

The designs for the base and the housing for the mechanical equipment are in the hands of the people in our equipment design department. The designs for the arm parts we agreed to manufacture are with the company we discussed. They are working on the prototypes.

So we are moving."

"We have completed `localising the software, the manuals are at the printer, our teams have all received their VISA permits and our plans for moving the technicians are made."

We grinned at each other.

"Before lunch... " I gestured towards the window. We stood side by side as I handed Taj the slim book.

"You said your French was good so I presumed..."

He took the book and opened it to the flyleaf.

I hope these poets stir you.' My name and date. A smile, he turned to the title page. Poetry of the Mind: 16th and 17th Century Verse'

"Miss Martin, this is wonderful. Thank you very much!"

Taj squeezed my hand.

"I hope you and Soleimani had a good talk?"

"We discussed my two concerns and he gave assurances... as far as he believed he could that our workers will be safe. I understand the limits of power. He seems to be a pragmatic fellow doing the best he can for Iran."

"He is a true Muslim and a steady man. He will do what he says."

"Good! You said lunch?"

A smile, "Yes! A short drive to an old and fine restaurant I have gone to for over forty years!"

Down the lift. There were two cars now for everyone. Taj and I with Gil and PJ and Taj's principle aide together. It wasn't much more than five minutes in the car when we stopped in front of a block of flats.

"They moved into this location about five years ago. The neighborhood has grown up around them forcing their change of location. I lived near here in an old house as a student... It was inexpensive. Afrin, the owner, his parents' parents opened the restaurant. It was in my price range!"

Taj laughed. "Ah... youth... my student days were cut short by an arrest for anti-state activity and I was six months in Evin Prison. The university didn't want me back but I persuaded them. They didn't know me. At that point studying was less important than my activism."

The inside quite different from the modern `block of flats' look. I was all warm colours, smiling faces when they saw Taj. I was introduced to Afrin and his family.

"Hello Miss. Welcome to Doosti Restaurant." His English was good.

I smiled, in Farsi, "Thank you! Friendship is a good name for a friendly thing to do like eating." I removed my glove to extend a bare hand.

Afrin stared! Taj laughing, "Afrin, my old comrade this is a cultured and intelligent lady from England."

Afrin took my hand, "Welcome even more!"

His wife, Esfir, came forward, we shook hands, "You stopped Afrin's mouth!! It is almost unheard of."

Her husband waved at her, "Don't! I know I talk too much."

We laughed and Taj and I introduced our companions. His principle aide was welcomed warmly so he's a regular too.

The large space was divided into a series of carpeted areas of various sizes. They had low cushioned seats and many pillows, a low tables square in the centre. We moved into one of the large areas, Taj leading me into the back middle.

Esfir brought tea! I mentioned I did not eat meat but that I was fine with fish.

"Miss, it is no problem. There will be many dishes to choose from. You are very slender... we have good food for you."

She tapped her body, Esfir was by no means overweight, curvy.

Taj said he would help me choose and steer me away from meat dishes.

The tea was very good. A samovar was on a small table at the edge of our space. A bit of steam wafting upwards.

We talked food, the Alborz Mountains where are work would be and the Caspian Sea beyond.

I said I loved getting close to Mount Damavand, gave Taj a description of Mount Rainier. How it dominated the scene because it was so much higher than any close peaks. It was a `quiet' volcano like Damavand, sleeping for now...

Taj asked about our horses. I gave him an overview of the past few years and where we were going in breeding and training. I borrowed Gil's iPad to show Taj some snaps and video. He was quite taken with their beauty.


Afrin and Esfir plus helpers were putting food on the table. Taj put some things on a plate for me with lavash the local flat bread. A tray of Torshi to nibble from, pickled vegetables, in front of us. I had Zeytun Parvarde, olive paste beside Mirza Quasemi, eggplant with egg and tomato. Borani, spinach yoghurt. I used the lavash to scoop up the tasty appetizers.

Taj loved looking at our horses.

"You are blessed to have these beautiful beasts to be near. It is interesting they associate you visiting with their going out for a special day's run."

He scrolled through a few screens on Gil's iPad.

"They are handsome animals! The golden one who stole the fellow's notebook... very amusing."

That was Glaa two years ago in Saratoga. What a boy!

"They can surprise you. Intelligent, willful... " I emphasized that with my hand waving above my head, "... doing odd funny things. The racers have quirks of behavior like human athletes.

Our first Triple Crown winner Glaa always stays in the back of his stall on race day day when the time is close thinking about what he would do. Some people think I'm crazy for believing that... his jockey, Mike, has always said Glaa runs `his race' and he carried Mike along for the ride."

Taj laughed at that, "I should spend some time with animals. A new perspective on humans maybe?"

"Possibly. If you are ever interested... we would gladly host you at one of our racing establishments. You could meet a few horses up close."

He thanked me for the offer, "Maybe some time, I will reserve your invitation...Yes?"

Smiling, I said he could call whenever he had time available.

We kept eating. The table's contents were changing. Sabzi Polow, a dill rice with pieces of grilled fish! Shirin Polow was sweet and tasty, rice with carrots, raisins and almonds!! Dampokhtak, turmeric rice with beans.

There was Khoresh e Quarch to put on the rice, a mushroom stew which smelled so good! A shrimp Dopiaza stew!

The samovar had been emptied and replaced.

I was enjoying it all. There were meat dishes... Taj explained them all for my folks.

Things were cleared, a re-fill of tea... now rock candy replaced sugar cubes for sweetening.

Dessert! Fereni, a rice pudding, very sweet. We sat back sipping tea talking about family. Our Twins were greatly admired. His sons were handsome and doing well. Taj lost his wife a few years ago to cancer. Sad.

I was well-fed. I thanked Taj for this delightful lunch! Afrin and Esfir were hugged and their food praised by me and mine. Esfir gave me a white cardboard box, some saffron rock candy and Baslogh, a grape and almond pastry.

At the Energy Ministry I shook hands with Taj, many thank yous!!

The Army helicopter carried us back to Mehrabad. Mira said an eight o'clock arrival in Bangkok.

We settled in for the six hour flight. Gil had work, I called Cho. He was pleased with my quickie report. He and the Twins awaited me! They would most likely be asleep though.

I worked, email, texts and reports. I wrote my after-action report on General Soleimani. Not many people will see it. Cho and Eric for sure. I emailed Hillary to see if she wanted to see it. She replied right away she would very much want a look.

I went to nap for an hour. The iPhone noise brought me back. A wash-up and change to shorts and crop top. Gil giggling.

"You sure couldn't wear that in Tehran!"

Oh No! I did think it was men's weaknesses rather than a so-called `sexual displays' by women which caused religions to create clothing rules for the females in their societies. The men didn't trust themselves? That's their problem!

The AW139 settled to the dock landing grid easily. I thanked the pilots and stepped out to Cho's arms!!!

On the terrace I got an arm load of Jian!! Kisses! Jaidee wiggly butt too!

A peek at the sleeping angels. We sat for a bit outside. I got an Amaretto and an introduction to Nattapong, Nat' was hired by Amporn to replace Kiet. He was a good-looking fellow almost my height, slender with a great smile. A first year student so he was part-time for us.

Cho holding me was great! We talked a bit and rubbed Jaidee! Sleep.

I knelt for the King in our saloon and rose a Marquess!! We sat together later, `I have done this because you have shown such loyalty to me, the Crown and the nation. I deeply appreciate your willingness to extend yourself and take risks for the betterment of K**********.

This is your family's ancient land, the M************'s have always been loyal and strong...

Your leadership has made a difficult situation safe and the Treasury has benefitted in many ways. Discipline has been restored to an important civil force. This is my thanks!'

So now I was a much more elevated hereditary nobleman, just two levels below the King himself.

Our dinner was a huge success. Mrs. H's food and service made the King very happy. He ate well praising everything.

I was warned by the King my wonderful cook could be spirited away.

He laughed a lot. He was wonderful with little George and Elizabeth. He encouraged George to become the finest horseman possible, a true goal for any nobly born young man.

The King's departure allowed us all to sit and contemplate the new position.

Alice asked, "I am now Marchioness M**********? And Lady M**********?"

"Yes my dear, you now have a bit more to carry. Our George is now Lord M*********! Elizabeth remains Lady Elizabeth. It also means we will have to spend more time at court. I do hope to avoid most things... We will see."


Awake and wondering! No Gwen but it was a Gwen dream! Not for the first time I was at a loss to explain it. No amount of consideration of my dreams gave me insight to my life.

Swim! Food!

I was in a sleek tank suit doing laps with Gil. We swam side by side I spent my time thinking about a few things.

Gaby and Tara arrived as we were climbing out. I asked about breakfast but they had a group meeting at the Security Service before we go visit the Prime Minister.

Amporn smiling, a hug! She had `scram' for the Twins and omelets for us! Toast and fruit! Yes!

Tha had the Twins on the terrace outside the Playroom under umbrellas doing games. Cho and I walked around the train layout. We hadn't been home much so it was neglected. Amporn made sure it was cleaned, not a speck of dust!!

Cho fired it up! I put on two trains, a goods one and a passenger one with old style cars and a steam locomotive. Off they went!

Boy did that get Charlie's attention!! He came running!

I stuck one of the `engineer' hats on him and boosted him into a high chair beside his Dad. Yea! He was ready!

Whooo Hooo!! The goods train blasted by! Charlie was bouncing in his seat! Clapping hands, a whopper smile!

Chani joined us in her chair with a hat. Bright eyes.

Cho made the passenger train engine do little smoke puffs as it went by. That was great! Huge applause! Me too!

Cho put Charlie on his lap so he could try running a train... the little man's hand guided by his Popa's moved the train around the back to the mountain tunnel. Chani cheered as it disappeared... a whoop when it came out on the far side!

We had fun for a while the Twins enjoyed themselves!! We all ate lunch together on the terrace. Lots of shade for the kids and sun for me!

Dressing with Cho. I was interrupted several times for kisses and `Joy' application. Finally! A white dress, short sleeves, round collar, tiny black buttons down the front, snug to a softly narrow pleated calf length skirt. A slim black belt, black stockings and heels. Red lips and nails... discreetly red. A small black clutch.

Cho in a black suit, white shirt and a red tie, slender vertical black stripes. And a smile.

We walked out to the smaller yacht with PJ and Rande, the Captain turned us south for a short piece then to port into the Phadung Krung Kasem Canal. I liked this! About a hundred feet wide with other boats and barges flowing along, picturesque.

We went in a bit over a mile passing under the Makkhawan Rangsan Bridge to tie up on the north bank.

The location of the Khlong Phadung Krung Kasem floating market to our left. I made a note to return when it was open.

Three steps up to a road.

An official looking fellow was waiting, he bowed and led us to a guarded gate. Across another road to a doorway. It was a side entrance to the Secretariate of the Cabinet, up one floor to a conference room.

Cho knew all the men, he did the introductions. The Prime Minister was new to me also several of his people.

"Miss Martin, I have heard a great deal about you from many sources... I do of course believe Keren who says you walk on water."

We all laughed. `Just wait...' was all Dad would say. Dad was smiling giving me a hug.

Jun the Interior Minister smiling, "It is very nice to meet you Miss Martin. My sister when she heard I was to meet you said to me you had to be special if you captured Cho's heart."

Cho grinning, squeezing my left hand.

Narong I had met already, a smiling and a warm handshake. "It is a pleasure to see you once again."

Someone new and important... the senior general of the Army. This was a political decision but the Prime Minister wanted him to know what the government was doing with the `quiet time' the Army was providing in the South.

We sat around a table. The PM thanked us for our private efforts to create a path forward.

"We are at the beginning of that path, a lot of work to come. We need you both to continue to act as you have, talking to the insurgents and to us..." His hand swept the table.

The PM said Jun would represent the government in Narathiwat. These talks about talks' were as he saw them only intended for each side to feel each other out and map out what each side believed the level playing field' should be.

"Once we know what will and will not work we will be able to make concrete proposals."

He turned to Cho and I, "If there is a way forward and your compound is acceptable to all can we count on it to be available?"

"Yes. We have plans for it as a recreation location for our employees... there is no hurry for that. We will also maintain a few helicopters at Narathiwat Airport for as long as they might be needed. We are building a hangar there. We will station mechanic and maintenance teams for the aircraft. Our Security Service will protect it."

The PM nodded and thanked us.

The General asked us about the cost of it all.

I spoke up, "We are willing to support the effort until a positive conclusion. We have it in our hearts the violence and discord needs to stop... " my hand squeezed, "... we are committed."

The General looked at us and slowly nodded his head.

There was a discussion about what Jun should and could say, what not to say!

It came down to the Thai government and military would back off in the south. There would be no Army offensive activity, only re-supply to posts, etc...

The Security Police would continue to operate normally focusing on strictly non-insurgent criminal actions.

`But...' as Dad said watching everywhere.

The Prime Minister gave us what they wanted from the insurgents, no attacks of any kind at the top! Be able to consistently speak with one voice. Maintain the secrecy of the process. An important first step by the insurgents would have to be their weapons. Jun would ask they do their own accounting of everything so they knew. Any move towards dumping of weapons into locations a third party could verify, which would not be disclosed to the government, would come later.

Who would be a reliable and acceptable third party to do the verifications? There was quite the discussion over who.

Malaysia was too involved already, Indonesia's actions in Timor made them unacceptable. Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam were all considered but there were issues with each.

I suggested Canada. "They are part of the NATO military alliance but are respected around the world for being fair. If you wanted a true non-aligned country what about Ireland? I know neither is Asian... they do have some experience in the job."

Jun was looking carefully my way, "I think Miss Martin has a good idea." He turned to Narong, "Our relations with both are good...?"

Narong said they were excellent, especially with the Canadians. "We do a good deal of trade with Canada. Will they be acceptable to the insurgents? Or Ireland? Both are quite distant."

I said we should make the suggestion at the meetings in Narathiwat once Narong... my hand reaching to my right to squeeze one of his, had contacted both.

Narong said he would call in each ambassador for a talk and ask about their taking on the role.

Cho said we could add another helicopter to ferry the third party inspectors around for their mission.

Prisoners was an important issue. The government was holding many insurgents, some convicted of terrorism offenses, others awaiting trial. The insurgents held some soldiers though they had killed some prisoners. It was an issue covered in bristles.

The Prime Minister leaned back, "For good or ill... we have to face the release of prisoners will be a demand at some point but not for these talks."

Some more bits and pieces then we went out into a small garden to wind down. It wasn't large but scented by the beautiful flowered border and trees.

The General beside me.

A bit of hemming and hawing then, "Miss Martin, you are new to Thailand... how did you begin to be so involved in this?"

I smiled, "Cho is upset by the violence, disruption and instability. He's a businessman, we have properties in the south... But that doesn't touch on the death and destruction caused by warfare however `low-level.'

Families live in fear of both sides. Children going to school are at risk... going to the market is dangerous...

I love my husband... I want Thailand to be happy then we will be happy. My father is deeply involved the issues in the south. He and I have spoken often about those difficult matters of violence and poverty. I saw it weighed on him."

He nodded, "I am entirely an Army man. I support this attempt because we despite trying have not created a situation where we can win... only not lose. It is costly to continue."

I shook his hand. He smiled, "I wish you well."

I thanked him and returned the sentiment.

Down into the boat. We sat at the back, Cho pointing out more landmarks and interesting bits. I got kissed which I said would be good to repeat... so I was kissed a lot more!! We sat there laughing.

PJ and Rande smiling at us... Air Fist Bumps!

Some folks along the canal bank waved I happily waved back, a few greetings too.

The Twins were going swimming so straight into a bikini! Cho got us some goggles so we could easily see the babies swim! Charlie and Chani loved the water! Our splashing around was rev'ed up when Jaidee dove in. Cho got him to jump away from the Twins.

Jaidee swimming with the babies was amazing. Two little frogmen in their goggles and a dark brown dog! Wonderful!

Everybody was dried off and on the Terrace. Drinks, snacks! Some cute toes to play with too! Chani in my lap giggling. Jaidee put a cool nose on her leg. More giggles.

Nat brought a chew for Jaidee. Munch!

Then `pee Mama.' Okay we were off to the Nursery. We made it. Chani on her little red potty. All done and cleaned up. She sat on the on the surface beside the sink as we washed and dried together. Grinning.

A hug!

Our crowd in shorts for dinner outside with Dad and Phailin. Crispy fish!!!

The Twins delighted their grandparents running to them calling out for `Gramps and Gamma!'

They were scooped up for hugs and kisses! Phailin holding Chani sheer happiness on their faces. Chani's little arms around her `Gamma's' neck. Dad sat beside me, Charlie grinning.

"Gramps happy to see."

They did a fist bump.

"I am happy to see you young fellow!"

Dad and Phailin used our scheme talking in English, French and Thai. Charlie pointed to his sippy cup, "Gramps... jiuce s'il vous plait."

Dad's face... a huge smile. "Bien sur, mon petit homme."

He handed it to Charlie from Tha.

Our dinner was lively with the Twins chattering away with the grandparents helping to cut their food. It was their first crispy fish... they loved it! Amporn smiling over to me. Cute thanks to Amporn from the Twins.

I walked on the Garden grass bare-footed with Dad and Chani.

"Fay, I feel hopeful about the south for the first time. What I said about the temporary local ceasefire holding this afternoon was quite encouraging to the Prime Minister."

I squeezed his hand, "I was encouraged to hear you say there was quiet throughout the both provinces. A-Wut backing off further is a wonderful sign."

"It is! His doing it unilaterally and then being rewarded by the insurgents following suit was amazing. They are intelligent men who of course have to see what we see... no victory only stalemate."

We turned around to watch Chani joined by Jaidee running around laughing.

"Jabee... come!"

Off they went in a new direction.

"They are such lively little ones. It is odd to have a conversation of sorts with an sixteen month old grandson. And in French no less."

"They are smart, active and love to do new things. They really keep us on our toes."

"Tha is terrific with them. Kanda really did well getting her for you."

"It will go on because she has committed to stay with us indefinitely."

Fist bump!

The four of us waving the grandparent's car down the drive. A great evening.

We had a small party the next night with Thoi and Kanda plus Anong, Rak and Rak2. They were greeted by the Twins running up to the cars laughing. A group hug with Rak2 by the kids. Lots more hugs for us too.

Thoi next to me, "Keren said they were amazing, looks like he may have underestimated them."

Thoi laughed to find himself Unc Thoi' and Kanda was "Kanda,' Rak would be easy for both but we were surprised when they called Rak2 Two.'

Thoi and Kanda across from us, Anong, Jian and I sitting with drinks watching the three babies on the grass with Jaidee, Cho and Rak. A game of `tag' going on. I thought Jaidee was winning!

"I like being Nong.' Your Twins are creative with names," Anong smiling, "I sometimes called my baby boy Two' it is cute to hear them use it."

Unc Thoi with me on the dock, "Fay, Keren told me the latest about your work in the south. You two are doing a truly wonderful thing. This could work... the PM spoke to me a week ago. He is sick of all the effort there with no results. Casualty lists are not good reading."

I nodded, "We had to make the attempt so maybe everyone would see where the best interests of all the people lie. Ordinary citizens once again bearing the burden in one way or another. If we fail the first time we'll try again."

"Good!" A squeeze, "Please for Thailand's sake stay on it."

A hug back to say yes.

We had two more days of friends and family fun before leaving for California.

One morning made spectacular as we watched the Emmy Awards on TV. We gave up working on the train layout after our wonderful folks kept getting awards!

Our Fox News walked away with a win in every category they were nominated. It had us clapping, the Twins did too.

Awesome to watch our folks going up one after another to collect well deserved honours. Concrete and pee! What a combo... six Emmy's!!!!

Joseph's win was especially rewarding in two ways, he earned it without a doubt and Fox News had a valuable employee going forward. We were surprised listening to his acceptance speech... He thanked his parents for all their help and wonderful upbringing... He held up the winged statue, `To Fay Martin for her vision, honesty and trust!' WOW! That was nice!

Cho laughed, "You like him more now?"

I tickled him a bit until he started on me... A Kiss!!

Then Kent went up to accept the first for his folks, his family was thanked for all his absences and their giving him their love, he held the winged statuette up, "This comes from having owners who are committed to the truth! I thank them for all our people for their whole-hearted support. Cho and Fay!"

Megan, looking awesome in a red gown, was diffident in thanking family and Bill... "To Fay Martin..." she did a wild shimmy at the microphone, "... you set me free! Love ya!"

That broke us all up! We laughed for some time!

We were repeatedly thanked by our folks which was nice to hear even though it was their own hard work, we did at least give them the tools.

The Fox Entertainment side where we were much more hands off blew away the competition! Awards flowing like a flood! The producers thanked us, the writers did too. Well we told them what we wanted... then left them alone. A pretty good deal for them. We made a good chunk of money so...

The actors were much more removed from us. They didn't acknowledge us until near the end when a young woman getting an award for being best in a drama series said she wanted to `thank Fay Martin and Mr. Cho for setting new standards for production' at Fox.

Funny I didn't know the name of the show she was nominated for. Gil did a quick look up...

"It's a drama series about a young woman who is ambivalent sexually and how she deals with it every day at and socially."

Gil said she'd watched it and let us know. Okay.

Cho and Francis brought out a bottle of Taittinger's to share. Cheers!

Captain Kor told us after takeoff we had an eleven o'clock arrival in Los Angeles. I sat with Gil to work as usual, Cho going through a pile of things. Tha had the Twins doing games, puzzles and she walked them around the aircraft doing the name game! Their vocabulary skills were amazing!

Jaidee got exercised by Ro, Tara and Charlie. He brought the tennis ball each time and dropped it... standing there looking bright-eyed and ready to go!

As usual I was first up. Looking at the news, coffee and Amporn's salapaos! Our Emmy triumph was big news! Newspapers and TV websites thought it was down to us. I liked the idea but it wasn't right. We threw in money not talent. Our newspapers and Fox itself put it down to reporters, producers, directors, writers and the actors. They did say we had driven the narratives of fairness and honesty which I thought was a proper thing to say.

I spent some time scanning many news sites... The monster Emmy sweep was frontpage news everywhere.

I headed into international news... Interesting that no news organization had anything on what was happening in southern Thailand. The Bangkok news folks were saying there were fewer casualties but no analysis of why. The Army wasn't saying anything. In two weeks we'd be at the first meeting... fingers crossed. Fox News was deliberately staying away from the subject.

Yobi's smiling face, breakfast right away. My salapao plate was empty... I said no to a refill... `I'll wait.'

I was deep in my eggs when Cho came out. Jaidee alerted us so a cup of coffee was on the table for him. Kiss! I pointed to Jaidee... a hug for the boy!

Two babies charging out... Mama! Popa!' Hugs and kisses for everyone. Bfast!' Charlie was ready!

They all were fed. Tha moved the Twins to their cabin for schooling. No distractions. I went to work, Cho used our cabin for calls.

Kor let us know we had forty minutes so I wound it down and put my stuff away. A warm day in Los Angeles. I made a quick change to white short shorts, a black sleeveless cutoff top and Vans black and white checkerboard slip-ons.

Leslie smiling at the bottom of the stairs. No missing horses this time! We went up to Topanga. Dolores smiling at the door. The Twins rushing to say hello! She promised French toast in the morning! Loud Yeas from the Twins and all of the rest of us.

I dressed to ride, short sleeve white shirt, black jodhpurs and boots. My usual hat, gloves and riding crop. My race glasses in a pouch on my hip. Gil, Gaby and Tessa with me. Cho needed to make more calls.

Viv had the horses ready. We went west then up the second canyon still going mostly west. It went back and forth a bit then we topped the ridge. Very rocky with a path along the crest going south towards another higher ridge top. To the west I could see in my glasses the burned area from the first big fire of the year.

We were off our property up here, we turned back the way we came. Once on level ground we galloped home. On the walk back I reminded Gaby she could do this whenever she had free time. A big smile.

Tomorrow a big day here. Lori and Shira were getting married. Dolores and Sora had been working on it with a caterer. The bar was up on the terrace and the extra tables and chairs arranged.

It wasn't going to be huge. Lori's local friends, a few business pals, couple of relatives. Her brother and his boyfriend had postponed their wedding until Christmas, her brother would be here. Shira had some cousins in town and of course us and her old colleagues.

Tonight Wade, Flix and Cicely. We'd get a report on the trip to Germany, Wade had some preliminary drawings.

None this got in the way of Charlie and Chani having fun in their wading pool! Tha grinning as our son pretended to be a water fountain.

We sat with drinks away from Charlie. Chani had been changed to a cute skirt and top in pink and orange! Cho had been sitting with Charlie... only minor drama about leaving the pool. Cho carried the little man in for cleaning up.

The Twins birthday was in Cancer a strong water zodiac sign...

Chani beside me on a settee, Flix opposite with Cicely. They had had a wonderful trip! Cicely's first to Europe!

Flix gave me the rundown. She had five ladies in Berlin where they started. One had been the daughter of a nazi official, the others mixed workers and middle class. They all had been trummerfrau for some time at least and done other things in the war's aftermath. Two had been in eastern Berlin but came across before the Berlin Wall was built.

One was in a hospice, she was ninety eight. They all had talked with Flix for hours. She got family history, their war years and after. Cicely had come along on each interview. One grandson took her out for ice cream and walk in their Schoneberg neighborhood.

The nazi official's daughter was alone, all her family were killed or like her father committed suicide in May of 1945. She was a prostitute for a while in post-war Berlin then an office worker, twice divorced, no children. She often thinks she should have done what her father did.

They did sightseeing too. The Tiergarten, Unter den Linden, the Holocaust Memorial, they stood over where the Fuhrer bunker was deeply buried. The last piece of the Berlin Wall... sad bits!

They met two of the women in Munich. A two day stop.

Cicely said `"I stood on the Sophie and Hans Scholl Plaza. I have snaps of their writings that are embedded in the sidewalk. Across the road is the Kurt Huber Platz. I've read two books about the White Rose group."

Stuttgart was another day, actually the town of Mohringen southeast of the city. The lady there had done factory work in Stuttgart during the war, met an American Army officer, got married and became a war-bride. When it came time to retire they moved to Germany near her family.

She had been an American housewife which still made her laugh. Her husband died four years ago.

In Cologne the woman was doing remarkably well for a ninety nine year old. She walked every day, rain or shine, kept her house spotless and doted on eight grandchildren and six great grandkids.

Her entire family had been killed in the bombing of the Rhineland industrial city. Her husband had been a World War II German army officer who went into the new Bundeswehr army that was created in the middle 1950's and built a new career. He was gone ten years now.

The next stop Hamburg was the last. The lady there also lost her whole family to the British bombing. She had never married... at ninety seven she was an out lesbian. All the way out! Her partner asked her to marry... she wasn't sure and had given no answer yet.

She lived in the Altstadt area, the old city, in an older building but nicely maintained. She could easily walk to the shops and restaurants she favoured. Only six blocks from the Hauptbahnhof.

She had ended the war as a flak gun loader after working other jobs then being `drafted' into the Luftwaffe as auxiliary anti-aircraft crew. Then she worked for the British city administration... when Germans took over at the end of the Occupation she stayed for nearly forty years.

Flix smiling, "These ladies are survivors. Death and destruction... was what Germany offered in 1945... they all made it through to some kind of new life in a changing country. Most are happy with their choices, fewer regrets than I would have supposed."

"So only one left Germany? I imagined a higher number."

"They didn't have the money at first then Germany was recovering..." Her shrug said a lot.

People do make interesting choices... like me!

Cicely had a great time, an awesome by-product! She had friends over to see her snaps and video. She made a few new text and Snapchat friends in Germany.

After dinner Wade laid out his drawings. I had Chani in my arms looking... I liked it! Cho grinning, nodding. Charlie pulled at his Dad's pants leg, Cho scooped him... a giggle! Charlie staring at the drawings... Mmmmm.

I asked Wade a few questions... he had the answers.

We did like the `look' and he had covered all our requirements.

"So if this looks like where you want to go I will do formal plans you can review then the builder can have a look and we submit them to the Santa Barbara County folks. I doubt the County folks will have any issues.

We looked at each at the same time, a grin and a nod. Wade got it! Okay!

I was out early with Gil and Gaby. We did go west for a bit in two smaller canyons then down to the road via the property line by Ned's. He waved and said all was well with him. His cat was asleep in a hole at the top of a tree stump. Lots of sun. She didn't bother to lift her head for us.

We rode fast back to the stables. It was French toast today. Gaby needed to be introduced to Dolores' treat!

The Twins were just up... `French toost' from Charlie with a smile! We walked down the passage to the kitchen with anticipation.

Dolores was cranking them out! Everybody chowing down! Gaby right in there putting away three pieces! A huge grin!

The caterers came to do their setup. The Twins got into the pool with Tha for a while. Charlie understood something was happening so it would be a short pool time today. Cho sat and talked with him about it, so wonderful to watch my guys. Cho was awesome at this!!

A beautiful sunny day for it. Lori, Shira and Letti arrived. We changed the rule about seeing the brides before the wedding to being in their dresses. Short shorts, crop tops and bikinis on the terrace.

Hugs and kisses for them. Shira's colleagues all happy for her.

Lori with me on the overlook bench, I giggled. "If there's anything you want to know about what to do ... tonight? I'll help."

She was watching until the punchline then we both laughed out loud.

"That part we have down. Even the day to day living we have conquered. The having babies business is going to happen... Shira is worried as any woman should be but not fearful! So we'll figure that out too."

They used separate bedrooms to dress. I chose a bright yellow frock, sleeveless, cut to upper thigh, SHORT, scoop neckline, snug to all my bits. Red St. Laurent heels. Gold jewellery, `Joy', red nails and lips...red!

Cho in black with a red tie.

The Twins in yellow and black like us. Chani was very cute in her yellow dress. Charlie's black shorts and white shirt looked great. A red bow tie! Tha said he knew we'd bought it but it hadn't been worn. He chose it himself!

I checked on our ladies... both in sleeveless white dresses, a deep v-neckline to a softly pleated circle skirt. They had cotton braided rope belts, Lori's in green to match her shoes and Shira's was orange. Their only jewellery was a simple gold chain with a gold letter. L' on Shira's chain, S' on Lori's. The letter's hung in their décolletage.

I had a florist make narrow head garlands of small white flowers for each and a spray of white lilies to carry.

The guests were arriving, Cho was dealing with that. They were all given the address and told it was a ranch in Topanga Canyon but not whose house it was. They were aware they'd have to ID themselves because of security. Our folks had the list and passed each on. Cho and Lori's brother at the door to greet them.

They were gathered on the terrace. A California Court of Appeals judge Lori's family knew very well was to officiate. Seating arranged and it was time.

Her brother was escorting Lori and Cho smiling as Shira came out on his arm. I walked behind them with Ansara. Out in the sun... The Twins with Tha on Shira's side... a loud `Popa' from Charlie. Cho grinned. Lori with a huge smile! Everyone smiling!

We walked up to the judge, Ansara and I got the lilies. The judge got on. It wasn't long, they exchanged rings. A nice kiss at the end. Beatific faces!

Big cheers! Clapping! A loud YEA from Charlie. Cho and Lori's brother got hugged then Ansara and me. I got kissed by Lori with a whispered `thank you!'

Okay... all done... married!

Glasses of Taittinger's raised to acclaim for the toasts.

Cho was good, "To you both... long life, happiness and the pleasure of each other's company... all day... every day!"

I got to talk with Lori's brother, his boyfriend was away on a military deployment with the California Air National Guard. He was a pilot and was called up which is why they didn't make it a double wedding.

"He'll be back in November so Christmas will work."

The cake! Sora and Dolores both worked on it. Four layers, white with marvelous roses and two ladies in white dresses on top! Loads of snaps as they cut it. I shared my piece with Charlie. Our dessert expert loved it!

I was introduced to the judge by Lori's brother.

"Miss Martin, I had no idea I would end up on your ranch. I vaguely knew the people who owned this property about twenty years ago."

Fresh Taittinger's! We walked towards the overlook.

"Miss Martin, how did you meet Lori?"

I told him about the 21st Century Fox deal and that Cho had known her for years.

"And Shira?"

"Technically Shira is still our employee. She was a member of our Personal Protection Team and met Lori on a trip to Phuket in Thailand. They found each other."

"They seem very happy being together."

"I think they are a good loving couple," I squeezed the judge's arm.

I linked arms with Shira, a small tug. She grinned.

"You still work for us... we want you to! What do we want? You protect and love Lori... to go some training and refresher courses during each year... that's it."

"Fay, I am good with the training and courses. The part about Lori is easy! We are still planning to have a family so there will some classes I will have to miss when we get going."

"As long as I get to hold your baby then we're good!"

We hugged! Lori joined us, group hug!

Lori kissed me, "Thank you for the loan of your London house and the beach house in Southwold. We're going to see some sights and relax away from everything."

I reminded them the weather will be changeable on the east coast so be prepared, "We have outer wear you can use but wooly things you will find necessary."

"That's Okay! It'll be snuggle time! Fireplace and warm drinks," Lori squeezed Shira, "I'll have my wife to keep me warm!"


"Good! That's the spirit!," I hugged them some more.

We partied for a while then did the traditional send off. They changed to white pants suits with green and orange blouses! A white Cadillac convertible with pink ribbons and a `Just Married' sign on the back! Off they went to loud cheers and flying rice. Big waves from the back seat!

They rode over to Van Nuys Airport where Lori kept her airplane, they'd fly to Boston to see an favoured old aunt then on to Chalgrove.

Chani in my lap smiling, Cho and Charlie next to us. Charlie's `Popa potty...' got Cho up and moving. Chani squeezed my hand, "I Okay Mama."

She was kissed and a little tickle... lots of giggles.

The guys came back all smiles too. Cho with a mission accomplished,' Charlie's I poop' made it all clear.

Most everyone was gone, the caterers were cleaning up. We all changed to shorts for dinner outside. Dolores fed us all very well. Tomorrow was a day of racing!

Flat on my back Cho on top kissing me! Nice! Those gorgeous brown eyes!

"Miss Martin, my unsolicited evaluation of the last forty minutes is... WOW!"

I laughed, my belly making Cho bounce a bit. We hugged and kissed. Sex with Cho was always awesome! I liked Cho's willingness to make love any time of the day. Not that we got to...

Actually just holding his hand was deliciously sensuous.

Sitting beside my daughter as we ate Scram,' fried potatoes, toost' and fruit, this was lovely after a rollicking ride with Cho and Tessa. Charlie grinning with a mouthful... Tha leaning over to whisper to him... he chewed and swallowed then a bigger grin!! Cute teeth.

Everybody was going to Santa Anita today. It was the Twins first time!

Cho in a navy suit with a brilliant white shirt, no tie today. I had sleeveless white frock with bright green polka-dots, a narrow matching green belt, no stockings and green heels. Gold things and `Joy'

Some `Joy' on Chani too! She was giggling. Chani had a navy dress and her fav Mary Janes with little white socks and navy pom-poms on the heel. Charlie in a bright white shirt and gray shorts. Very cute. Tha said she had navy floppy sun hats for them!

Ted and Rayelle picked us up on the drive, turn around to go east to Arcadia. The pad at Santa Anita had been enlarged and given a low fence. The two AW139's fit in the space but for safety the aircraft with our Security Team except PJ and Rande landed first then Ted put us down.

Both helicopters would move to San Gabriel Valley Airport which was five miles south to wait for PJ's call. Kavat setup an arrangement with the folks there for our equipment.

Carts to the barn. A big day for our stable, four races! Samir, Sasithorn, Rando and Glaa were racing. We came over a bit early to visit everyone.

The Breeder's Cup was five weeks away down the road at Del Mar so all our top flight horses were here, a big crowd. IrishRainbow had arrived and Hansa just in from New York where she had blown out the competition in the Joe Hirsch Turf Classic at the Belmont. A mile and half on the turf, she matched the record time!

SakChai and Stellar Black were here waiting on the Breeder's Cup. Toes Tapping and Black Star in Kentucky, they will race at Keeneland in a week.

Kannika would run tomorrow at the Belmont in the Frizette Stakes. Thaksin would race for the second time a week from today at Prix de l'Abbeye de Longchamp at Chantilly we'll see what the odds would be this time!

Amira won the Prix du Moulin de Longchamp run at Chantilly by four lengths, a wire to wire win! Satirical's latest triumph was the Prix Foy at Chantilly. Jonny's email and call were fun, he was so excited by his group of horses.

He'd been to the new farm, it was all going very well. Construction of the stables, barns and assorted buildings for the horses were complete! The houses for humans were well advanced and would be finished by Christmas. The dormitory was done and being used. The Security buildings fully functional and the sensor/camera web was operational. The drone base was ready and two drones were being tested, training being done.

Monaco and James, Jackson too. Hugs and kisses all around! They were all well and excited about the next few weeks of racing!

Felipe smiling, I shook his hand and asked after his family. "Miss Martin, we are doing very well! Thank you! Leticia is enjoying her job."

The Twins walked with us into Glaa's stall, they reached up to him. He brought his nose down so they could touch and stroke him. Nickers! The babies knew he was happy.

We visited all the horses! It was special to see our son and daughter walk in and be greeted. Cho and I gave away some treats, Chani and Charlie would have to wait until they had much bigger fingers for that.

Jackson grinning, "This is amazing! Everyone is having fun!"

Fist bump! I asked if he was going to stay in California again this winter. He was. The Glasses' were happy for him to be at their's. I asked about his son.

"He's working for a trainer in Saratoga, he hot walks, grooms, etc... you know the things in a stable. He says he's going to Florida for the same trainer over the winter." He is doing great so I'm not bugging him.

We made our visits to the horses and then rode over to the Grandstand. In a conference room we spoke to the Park's management. They were quite complimentary about our Security, no problems and very professional.

The various trainers and owners were happy too. None had any problems with the security being tightened.

The Santa Anita folks all enjoyed meeting the Twins. One fellow I'd spoken to several times leaned over, `They are so beautiful!' I thanked him.

He showed me a snap of his grandkids, two gorgeous boys with their mom and dad. His son a blond handsome man with his wife of Japanese descent.

He smiled, "Her family has been in California longer than mine. My grandparents were `Okies' who arrived in 1931 much like the Joads."

"They must have had some adventures... did they pass them on?"

"Fortunately they did. We have a wonderful family oral history which we have been putting to paper and video for decades. Kayo traces her roots to a Samurai family going back to the 17th century."

"We hope Chani and Charlie will find the history of our families an interesting subject too. My side is English with roots before the Norman Conquest and Highland Scots back almost as far. Cho's family is quite ancient in Thailand dating to long before the current ruling family arrived."

A big smile, "Excellent! We all think you are the sum of our parts and we have a great deal to learn from our roots... But as my granddad always said `your background is only a stepping stone... going up the stairs is up to you.' I used that one on my kids and it turns out they on theirs."

We laughed. We shook hands.

Our crowd was ready to eat so all of us went up to the Turf Terrace Restaurant for lunch. A big corner table set aside for us. Gil had ordered starters for our tables. The Mediterranean Antipasto was awesome, Crispy Calamari and Ahi Tuna Poke were all great!

Watching Charlie eat his first squid was great.

I enjoyed their Seared Snapper! I saved room for the Pear Frangipane Tart and espresso. I shared my dessert with my son.

Everybody's face smiling. The manager came over when we asked our servers. He was delighted to hear our compliments and the `we'd be back' comment from Cho. Gil left a big tip and our thank yous.

We were in our box as our first race came up. The Chandelier Stakes was a G1 race for two year old fillies, an eight and half furlongs on dirt. The race is currently part of the Breeders' Cup Challenge series. The winner will automatically qualify for the Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies.

Sasithorn making her third West Coast start and her first here at Santa Anita.

The post parade began. Sasithorn's glossy black skin shining in the bright sun. She looked terrific. Radha aboard. It would her lonest race to date.

They moved down to our left for the start. No issues on loading.

CLANG... they've off! Our girl rushing forward from the number three slot. Sasithorn was a length clear passing under us heading to the first turn. Radha kept her going fast into the turn so she could close to the rail three lengths ahead. A brown filly stayed close in Sasithorn's wake as they raced down the back straight.

The field with the one exception was six to eight lengths behind as our girl kept up the pace with only the brown one near at four lengths back. As the the turn approached I watched in my glasses as Radha gave a quick look back... she had a five length gap now.

Sasithorn smoothly switched leads, right to left then back at the top of the straight. She came down the home stretch powering along like all her siblings. At the eighth pole there were nine lengths in her lead, no let up. Radha was doing a hand ride all the way.

Sasithorn roared over the finish ten lengths ahead and in 1:40.5 a new Chandelier Stakes record! She erased It's In The Air's fine 1:41.20 which had stood since 1978!!

So with this win Sasithorn was automatically in the Breeder's Cup!

Chani's arms on my neck as we stood up to cheer our girl and celebrate! I kissed Cho and Charlie, Chani a big one from her Dad!

Monaco grinning, an awkward hug with Chani trying to hold him too. Smiles in our box!

We trooped down to the Winner's Circle. Cho said Chani and I should do the honours. Okay!

It was great to have my daughter beside me... I bent down to let Chani touch the trophy.


Photographers shooting away! I lifted Chani and we went back up to our box. Cho grinning, Charlie stuck out his fist to his sister... bump!

We had a one race gap before the Awesome Again Stakes. Rando was up now. There were ten entries for this G1 race over nine furlongs on the dirt. A four hundred thousand dollar purse that was nice. Sasithorn had just won a three hundred thousand dollar race.

Rando in the post parade glistening in the sun. He always looked so good! Emanuel in our silks, the green and yellow very bright!

They loaded without any problems off to the left. Rando in the sixth spot.

The pause... CLANG! They burst out evenly, a good start. Rando rushing to the lead, a pale gray from the number one post level with him. The field running hard down the straight to pass us... Rando was a length ahead. The horses entered the first turn... Rando opening on the gray now, his lead changes gave him an advantage. He was three clear going onto the back straight.

Emanuel moved him to the rail guiding him easily. The gray staying near three lengths back, the field straggled out behind him. Rando running effortlessly gobbling up the track! His fractions were fast!

He went into the turn five and half lengths in the lead. He increased his margin by three before turning onto the lane to home.

Down the home stretch the lead widening as our guy put the pedal down at Emanuel's urging. It was a hand ride all the way! He crossed the eighth pole leading by nine! The last yards were a blur.

Rando finished in 1:45.2 tearing a second and a half from Bertrando's 1:46.72 time from 1994.

We celebrated again!! Down to the Winner's Circle. Our hosts smiling as we walked in. Cho and Charlie did the honours this time. The little guy grinning with his hands on one side of the trophy sharing with his Dad.

The Santa Anita board member I'd spoken with beside me, "I'm glad you are training the little ones because they're likely to be here many times with your stable of winners!"

He and I did a fist bump, Chani smiling stuck her fist out to him. Bump! Laughter!

We had time for drinks. Gil and I with Tara and PJ went to get them. A teen girl came up to me when I was carrying a tray of drinks. I said hi' but I couldn't do much. She smiled I just wanted to say my friends and I think you're terrific!' I thanked her and said she could be too... `just work on it.'

The Frontrunner Stakes was up! Samir was our guy in that! It was a G1 race for two year olds at a distance of eight and half furlongs. This is one of the top races of the day. A lot of money being wagered. Samir was at 14-1. He had four wins but all back east, G2 graded races. This is his first big name race and his longest.

His pedigree was good but not overwhelming. He wasn't being taken seriously. Well we'll see how it goes.

The post parade started all entries moved out to the left to the starting gate. Samir was in the tenth position.

Loading had the number three horse get upset for a moment... then he loaded. The starter's pause seemed longer... maybe to let that one settle... CLANG! They came out cleanly. Down the track towards us Samir was running strongly.

He and two others pulled away from the field. The three were several lengths clear as they went into the turn. I had my glasses on Samir... he easily switched leads and kept up the speed. He began to open an advantage before the turn ended.

On the back straight on his right lead he was running easily. Three lengths clear Mike moved him to the rail where the speed was. He was in hand going along nicely.

As the second turn came up Samir was urged by Mike... he responded with power. Changing leads he exploded onto the home stretch six lengths free. I watched Mike ask him again, subtle. Samir turned on his jets!!

He looked awesome running away from his competitors. He blew by the eighth pole nine lengths ahead with no let up! Mike was still urging him as the finish came and went. Samir raced on for another eighth as Monaco wanted.

1:47.1 a new Stakes record time. He beat Ruler's Court time of 1:47.27! Our horses were HOT!

We did our celebration noises again! Once more down to the Winner's Circle. Chani in my arms we leaned against the fence off to the side. Little Charlie and Cho were very cute together.

One race to go! Glaa was racing! It was his second to last race! This is an unusual competition. The Santa Anita Special Stakes was a mile and five eighths, a distance not often run these days. It would be Glaa's longest race.

He was in with eight others who were longer distance runners. This inaugural event wasn't graded but had a large purse. Two and half million dollars were on the line. Glaa was to carry one hundred and thirty pounds as a bit of handicap.

The Santa Anita folks were pleased they'd have the first time, they wanted it for each year.

The post parade started with a bang as Glaa was introduced. Huge applause and cheers! He looked magnificent! The punters obviously thought he was too magnificent... his odds were 1-20. That made the other horses look good for wagering.

The starting gate was deep in the left-hand chute. No issues with the loading... Pause... CLANG!! Glaa came out of the number one position like a rocketship! It was a long run down the front straight.

In my glasses I watched his acceleration from the gate... amazing! Halfway down he was already three lengths ahead! As he passed below he was widening heading into the turn. Mike riding like a rock, dead still, not even his hands moving.

Glaa switched gears so slickly it was hard to see unless you were looking at the exact moment. They spun around the turn at speed... the fractions were similar to his mile and a quarter times. On the back straight he was ten lengths clear and there was no let up!

My big fast man roaring down the dirt a rooster tail of dust behind him. One arm around Chani my other hand now in Cho's, squeeze. I felt Gil's hand on my shoulder, pressure. She knew what the moment meant to us!

Glaa was rolling through the second turn, he gobbled it up! At the top of the stretch you didn't glasses to see Glaa accelerate. I could a soft `DAMN' from Monaco next to me. Even this seasoned trainer was awed by Glaa's ability!

The crowd was like us standing now in respect for the wonder that was Glaa! They were cheering and clapping like mad!

Mike looked back... the other horses were more than twenty lengths away.

I looked at the mile and a quarter time on the toteboard across the track 1:56.9!!!!!!!!!!!! Glaa ran the distance faster than his world record time! Cho squeezed my hand as Glaa passed the mile an half mark... 2:24.00 He tied Secretariat's world record!!!!! It was a record that had stood unmatched for forty four years!!

In the final yards Glaa appeared to accelerate further!

He crossed the finish line in 2:35.1!!!!!!!!!!! He set a new record for the distance!!!!!! He passed and replaced a truly great horse, Swaps. The record had stood since 1956, sixty one years! Glaa took three seconds off the record!

We really celebrated for this win!!! It took a while to come down when we did a track escort was waiting... a huge smile. He congratulated us.

Outside the Winner's Circle a woman tried to hug Cho... Rande blocked her and our Santa Anita Security removed her. Cho said to let her go... she called a `sorry' with an embarrassed wave. Cho waved back. He grinned at me! We both laughed.

We entered the Winner's Circle to an overwhelming greeting from the crowd! Cheers and clapping which only got louder as Glaa approached. Eddie snapped on the lead, Mike doffed his helmet to louder cheers.

Glaa standing there... he wasn't lathered, acting calm like he only had a walk. It was official... he won by thirty three lengths!

Cho and Charlie accepted the Santa Anita Special silver ewer, lovely looking thing! Charlie smiling as Cho picked him up. The Santa Anita folks around clapping. Monaco and Mike posing with the trophy, Monaco waved Eddie in with them. A great snap!

Then Cho and me holding the Twins and the ewer!

Hugs for our folks and Glaa. They went to do their post-race bits.

We spoke to the Santa Anita management briefly, we had no more races scheduled here for the remainder of the year. We would still heavily use our barn and the tracks for training for the Breeder's Cup down the road at Del Mar.

We were thanked for our large presence and bringing so many great horses! Hands shaken!

We headed to the barn.

Chani and Charlie got to hug and kiss lots of horses. I gave Rando a big kiss, we told him we'd be at Ascot for him! He was off tomorrow morning in one of our horse 767's to Chalgrove and Harcourt House and some training, later to Ascot for the Qipco Champions Stakes. It was a G1 race of ten furlongs on turf. A hefty purse at one million six hundred thousand!! He'd be back for the Breeder's Cup!!!

We said our goodbyes and rode the carts to the landing grid. The two AW139's waiting. Up and away to the west right away. Charlie bouncing in his carrier with a `woo hoo!'

Ted and Rayelle dropped us on the Topanga house drive. A long day for the Twins. A bit of dinner then sleep for them. They'd stay here all day tomorrow, play and schooling.

Cho and I watched the sun disappear into the Pacific sitting on the lookout bench. It was quite the show, so much colour! Red, yellow, peach, many blues, orange! Spectacular!

I was walking back to the house from an early morning ride with Tessa.

"So will shorts be Okay for us girls in New Mexico... it's going to be HOT!"

My reply was definitely in the affirmative.

"We'll not be in public anywhere tomorrow until the evening in Florida. I'm wearing shorts!"

For today's visits I was informal. Black toreador pants, a sleeveless white top cut to a bit above my waist, silk with three big black shiny buttons on my left shoulder. Black flats, some gold bits, red nails and lips, "Joy' by Cho.

We gave the Twins lots of kisses before leaving. Chani hugging me. Charlie ran to me arms out... cutie!

First the shelter in Hollywood. Rueben smiling, things were going well!

"We are at sixty five percent occupancy now. We've fluctuated, steady near today's number. The weather has been terrific so we have some space open. The winter rains will change that."

"We're sure of that so we have a team looking for more locations. We want to double the bed count before the winter's over."

We got to meet some of the young folks, they seemed a happy group. They'd had a visit from an Los Angeles County lady on possible educational opportunities. Several were jazzed about that!

We drove east to Echo Park. Natal gave me a big hug!

"Fay, Mr. Cho, we are great!"

She walked with us around to the construction site. The foundation was complete and steel girders going up. Natal pointed out where had made the cut into the rear of the existing building, inside they boarded up the opening.

"The roof repair is done! Oh... by the way the fellow who lives there..." her arm aiming to the bungalow on the side street, "...he came over during an open house. He's a bit gruff but we talked... he'll be Okay. He did thank us for the big fence!"

Fist bump.

We moved on to the Fox TV station. We hopped on the 101 to the 110 then the 10 going west. The 10 cuts through vast residential neighborhoods, eight lanes always heavily used. We got off on South Bundy heading north.

We pulled into one of the visitor parking spots. Inside the receptionist smiled and buzzed the GM. He came out to escort us. We did a better tour this time and meeting lots of staff!

A midday show was starting, interviews and news. They had several professional basketball players in the studio, they looked relaxed. Damn they were tall!

One of them saw us... he leaned to the other saying and gesturing... they walked over. They said `hi' and introduced themselves. They both played for the Lakers.

One with me smiling, "Miss Martin, my wife talks about you a lot. She works part-time for the city working with abused kids. She has visited your shelters... she came away amazed! You two spending your money for things like that is remarkable! She's going to be insanely jealous..."

Laughing, "Well another time maybe we can meet at one of the locations."

I asked Gil to give him one of her cards and I explained Gil was... My `second brain.'

We chatted a bit more then an assistant rounded them up their on-air time. We shook hands again.

Cho said the other fellow was a golfer... Okay... I knew what that meant. My guy laughing, "We may play a round some time."

We ended up in chairs in the GM's office.

"We still want to get you on camera... Name your subject!"

Shaking my head, "Okay! We'll be back for the Breeder's Cup racing in Del Mar... so there's a chance. If we can't work out a day we won't be returning until the end of January at the earliest."

"Oh.. We'll be flexible!" A big grin.

We laughed Cho nudging me, "Up your interview fee!"

More laughter. We thanked him for the tour.

South on Bundy to Ocean Park Boulevard to Pacific Avenue to near North Venice Boulevard. The new Security Service office. It was a nineteen thirties building, three floors and a big basement.

The building old but looked great! Very much the look of the time period of its construction. I really liked how the interior wasn't changed. In the lobby you half expected Phillip Marlowe to walk out of the lift.

A parking structure was attached, two levels with thirty parking stalls.

An interesting feature was a bungalow on the top. We were giving it to Kevin's engineering firm we bought. He would be in Seattle a lot in the next two years but we wanted him to keep an office here. The bungalow had a small kitchen, a sitting room for his assistant and secretary to use and a bedroom which would be Kevin's office. A nice deck space to take in some sun and an ocean view.

I thought it cute. Karrie, his girlfriend, met us there. She loved it too. Kevin was in Stockholm with the tunnel boring device company. Karrie was going to help get the office ready.

Her business office wasn't far, she was an image consultant. She aided folks to get prepared for job interviews or TV shows or meetings by giving them advice on clothes, make up, hair and demeanor.

"Fay, who does your `look' because it's great?"

I aimed a finger at myself.

"Really? You have terrific taste! Like what you have on now... simple, stylish and not showing that it probably cost a bit too!"

I told her about Mirabelle making things for me at my request.

"They are superb in their ability to make to order and the detail is splendid!"

I did mention it wasn't the least expensive way to go but I did shop Theory, Coach, St. Laurent, etc...

I asked if she could be hired to help some of our shelter folks get prepared for job or school interviews. A big yes!

"I'll do some voluntary."

"That would be wonderful but we'd like to pay. You give your best and keep earning!"

Okay! Fist Bump.

FOOD! My voice which was echoed by all!

We went to the restaurant that was part of the old motel which was now housing for our employees!

Glenda had been called by Gil so there were several tables for us. I went with breakfast... `Scram' with potatoes and a cinnamon roll! Lots of different choices and many included the house specialty!

Mine was great! The eggs just right, potatoes with dill and onions! The cinnamon roll tasted fabulous! A sugar rush!! We chowed down!

Our last stop the Venice apartment building just up the road ten blocks.

Leslie's people had escorted our guests to a meeting room, one remained with them. These guests didn't know exactly, naturally they could make good guesses, why they had been invited for the interviews each had gone through. They could figure out it was for a news media job but exactly what was left `blank.'

They all had expressed their interest and they knew who Marita was. She was a well-known Los Angeles newspaper woman.

The one person who knew everything was Marita, she was to be the boss. Cas, her deputy, was in the know now. Marita and I had talked a number of times on the phone and via the Conference App after we got an iPad in her hands.

Cho and I introduced ourselves to the others. They were shocked to see us. I right away told them what we planned... a The Day version here in Los Angeles. We could see they were intrigued.

Gil handed around copies of yesterday's The Day in Seattle. There was a buzz! Gil plugged in her MacBook to the big screen to show The Day's Seattle web page and the mockup of the one for Los Angeles. These folks were getting excited.

Cho and I gave them the mission... be the progressive voice of Los Angeles! As in Seattle and New York, the mission was to take down an old established newspaper that had long ago lost its mission. If the Los Angeles Times wanted to keep asskissing big business we take all the readers we can get.

We told them the some of how we got started on them. We had found them via friends, some of their colleagues, Marita and a headhunting employment company we bought for this and other hiring in Los Angeles. They had been vetted by Camilla's staffers.

They listened as we and Marita gave them the details. Marita was to be the Managing Editor, Casita a deputy editor focusing on local news and number two to Marita.

Claudette was the Circulation Manager already on the job working with the trucking department at the El Segundo printing plant. She like Marita, Casita and Minett were on our payroll.

She was making plans for distribution of The Day in selected Los Angeles neighborhoods using LAhires, a temp hiring firm we bought along with LArecruits, the full service employment company. LArecruits was helping to hire circulation staff to manage the operation. LAhires would get us the on the street newspaper force.

Minett smiling as we introduced her as our Advertising Manager to the others, she was using Glam at LArecruits to get sales folks ready to go right now. She and two people were already prospecting clients.

Chester's face going more red when he heard we wanted him to be a Deputy Editor and be the head Sports department. He looked like he'd walked in from Highland heather..

Rudy to cover Local News and Government as a reporter and some editing, Apolliana to be the Arts and Cinema reporter then editor.

"Everybody calls me `Rolly' Okay?"

I liked it , "That's great!"

Lianne was to cover the music scene. Clubs and concerts, recording and publishing, the whole thing.

She was grinning with a fist pump.

Ari for International news and Yan for California and state government news.

Rami was our Business reporter and editor for local, state national and international business.

Each would likely be an editor soon as the staff ramped up.

We let them know it was early days but some important bits were in place.

We now owned a printing plant in El Segundo that had a huge high speed press capable of turning out tens of thousands of copies of a daily newspaper.

We bought an office building on Venice Boulevard near Lincoln Boulevard. It was fairly large so they'd be rattling around in the space until things began to grow. It had a large open space we were converting for the newsroom.

We planned a canteen, day-care, a small clinic to start and it had lots of parking! The neighborhood was commercial on Venice and Lincoln but residential on three sides. Easy to get to and go around town.

There was an approved heliport on the roof so if a story required it a helicopter could be provided also a heliport at Santa Monica Airport was available. Cho grinning made it clear that this wasn't something for ordinary work. Everyone laughed.

We would put a drone base on the roof and an operator would be available for their use in covering stories.

The newsroom would be ready in two weeks. In the meantime this conference room and others across the hall would be home base.

I leaned forward, "There will be a fleet of electric cars for around town work, Chevy Bolts. They will have a mapping app with a special guide to a charging location if necessary. Larger hybrids will be picked soon, some sedans and some SUV's. Minett has small and medium sized courier vans for her distribution managers."

I said to them if they could start work immediately we wanted that, if they needed to work a two week notice Okay fine. They would be on our payroll, under the medical insurance, life insurance and 401K as soon as they signed their contracts.

iPhones, iPads for all and MacBooks for some of the reporters. Everybody else would have an iMac at their desk connected to the office-wide network.

There would be briefings on Security, one for the benefits and another for all our computer systems in the next few days right here.

Magenta of LAhires and Glam of LArecruits were introduced. They would be around a lot to start and permanent fixtures of our operations in the region.

We introduced our staff. Gil and Ali as PA's and close to us. Ali was the primary for our U.S. newspapers. Francis as an extension of us. Francis told them about the accounting company and how it would have people in and out. He was hiring for the accounting office in The Day.

"Our people will do audits and provide a lot of financial data to the managers. We want you to have the complete view of how each part of the newspaper is doing. We are working to give you the ability to run polls throughout the metro area."

Ali's part was helping to hire a PA for the publisher, they would manage the flow of documents, comments, employee information, etc... to me as publisher.

When she said that I saw Marita do a fist pump! Everyone laughed.

Francis and Ali went out to finalize their choices for those positions.

Cho let them in on our timing... "We want to get going right away building the staff and making contacts throughout the city and region."

I was smiling, turning to Rudy and Yan... "We have a small scoop for you two to share. We bought a piece of the old Spanish land grant called La Laguna Ranch from Cal State Santa Barbara. About fifteen hundred acres, it is adjacent to another new property we bought... the old Neverland Ranch."

Eyebrows going up.

"It is now called Harcourt Ranch and is being totally changed to be a horse farm, equestrian school and completion venue and a private home. All the old buildings have already been taken down and carried away. There is nothing there from all its former owners.

We have two architects working on plans that will be ready soon. One for a new house and immediate grounds, the other for all the stables, barns, storage, etc...

Another company will build the dressage and jumping arenas, they will help us design the cross country course. In total the Harcourt Ranch will be something over four thousand two hundred acres."

Our two reporters asking how we wanted to have it covered.

A great opening... I told them all that we don't interfere with how the stories are written. All we ask is absolute accuracy, honesty in their work.

More in that range of information...

"I'm the publisher for now. We will be looking to fill that role because I'm nearly `publishered' out with the News UK pair of newspapers and the New York Daily News and now The Day in Seattle and here. So you know where the top level decisions are made for now..."

I pointed to my chest. They were smiling and happy to know all of this.

Cho said it was a lot to process and we... motioning to Marita, "... want you to give us your status as soon as possible. We have a lot of iPhones and iPads ready to be given out."


I went across to the smaller conference room, Ali had someone waiting. Georgia was petite, brunette, green eyes, slender and a recent magna cum laude English Literature UCLA graduate. She was Ali's choice as my PA at The Day.

We talked, she was well spoken. While she was `amazed' to be talking with me she wasn't overawed, a big plus.

I did a scan of her CV which looked good for a young woman without much job experience. She `got' what it meant about the job and that there were other places for her to go in our organization.

She was already vetted by our Security.

I said `welcome' and we'd all be finding our way about so she should jump in. A megawatt smile! Many thanks for giving her a shot!

I got Ali to take her over to meet the rest of the team. Francis sent one of Leslie's folks to get me. In the Security office he had been talking with the person he wanted to hire.

I was introduced to Harlee, blonde surfer girl look and a big smile.

Francis gave me her particulars as I looked at her CV. She is what we call in England a chartered accountant. Right now she's with a big firm but wanting to move on. Francis said she knew this was a multi-role position with supervision of the The Day accounts to begin with and managing a small staff there plus she would be part of the Accounting Company Francis was heading.

She looked trim and business-like in a blue dress, not stuffy but neat. She had what Francis wanted so we shook on her being hired. That big smile once again!

Francis said he'd get Aimee on the Conference App so they all could talk.

Both he and Ali would be staying in Los Angeles for several days to help get things off the ground then join us in Bangkok.

Back across the passageway I brought Harlee and Georgia together. I pointed out each had a separate information pipeline going to me but I wanted them to talk frequently. Okay.

Also what I was wearing was fine in office but contact outside what they had on now was correct. They'd have a closet. Laughing and fist bumps.

Dolores did `French toost' for dinner as a treat for the Twins! They loved it! Ice cream at the end went over well!!

We packed, said our goodbyes to Dolores. Straight to Santa Monica Airport. Mira said we were ready so it was an immediate takeoff. We made a big climbing turn to go southeast. Overnight in the aircraft then an early morning visit to Lordsburg.

El Paso Airport! We landed on number four runway and taxied back to the east side of the airport to a support company we bought. El Paso Flight Corporation was private aircraft ground support company certified to work on dozens of types. They hooked us up right away to maintenance equipment and rolled up some stairs.

Cho and I walked Jaidee in the darkening evening. It was still hot! There was some dirt and shrubs beside a car park for Jaidee to use. I was cleaning up as some fellow came out of the office area to have a cigarette. PJ motioned with his eyes, Tara moved between us and him.

I thought the smoker was going to say something about Jaidee's use of the spot when Simon came out.

A smile, "Miss Martin, Mr. Cho!"

He came over to greet us. We shook hands. We'd met him in Bangkok .

He said everything was fine here. He was our Security chief for this area, Lordsburg and this company. He had secured the airport and was doing evaluations of the existing staff.

The smoker had gone back inside leaving a butt on the sidewalk. I noticed that Simon noticed it too. He shook his head.

"It's funny how people give clues to their personalities without knowing."

More head shaking, "He's not going to be here long. He doesn't like our Security or some of the new procedures and as you see is acting like a jerk about it. When I'm back here in three days the General Manager Bob and I will have a sit-down with him.

His attitude means he's a security risk."

We all did fist bumps.

Simon went into get Bob. He came back with a medium height man, bald, a big mustache and muscular and a second fellow much like the first without the mustache but more hair on top.

We were introduced to Bob and Rocky, the general manager here and his number two. We shook hands.

Simon grinning, "I'm going to thumb a lift with you in the morning."

He motioned towards the white AW139's on the tarmac.

"Do you have a place here in El Paso?"

"There are motels just down the road."

Cho said we have room. Simon was pleased to be offered.

We invited the three to come in for a drink.

On board Simon got to meet the other folks in our Security Team. Some he knew from Bangkok, he was excited to meet the elite of our Security Service.

The Twins were going down for the night in their cabin. We went in to kiss and hug Charlie and Chani.

We sat to talk a bit with Simon, Bob and Rocky. The ground support pair were local men who got their experience with aircraft in the Air Force and Texas Air National Guard. Rocky was younger and still serving in the Guard.

Bob was quietly thrilled to meet us. He was a horse owner who raced at Sunland Park just over in New Mexico.

"You have the most terrific stable! When I found out you owned the corporation we were purchased by I knew it was going to be good! There had been some trepidation amongst the staff but my knowing about you and how you ran your stables made it easy to tell the folks it was going to be Okay."

Cho smiled, "So Simon's people haven't bothered you two?"

"No..." Bob turned to Rocky who was shaking his head, ".. there's always change and Simon has secured the buildings tightly so we actually have fewer worries." Head nodding from Rocky this time.

Rocky did find his voice, "There are one or two workers who don't like the security... I'm not sure why because it just isn't anything much troublesome about it. You know change bothers some folks."

Simon was a Security Service fellow in charge of the entire Lordsburg Ranch operation including all the new things we planned to use it for. It was essentially a Security Service base nothing else going on there. So he was a rare bird among our area managers.

"We have cleaned up the various piles of detritus, fixed up the roads and started on adapting the existing buildings for our training layout. The trailers for living and the office are working well for now.

The plans for the `urban maze' look good. Lots of challenges for the students and real Pros..." he motioned to our Team, "... like these guys!"

Laughter with PJ saying he and Rande couldn't wait to try it out!

Simon went on, "DelAngelo Construction is almost done fixing up the three homes so we can move permanent staff into those. They have begun building the dormitories, and the canteen with the recreation building beside it.

They are working hard!

Coronet Construction are putting up the classrooms, offices & work spaces. They are really moving along since those are modular buildings. They are also are doing the stables and paddocks. They were bringing a module for the day care to be next to the canteen.

We are humming!"

I liked his enthusiasm!

Everybody was getting up early so we thanked Bob and Rocky for their visit. They had a brief tour. They liked that we kept the interiors simple, nothing difficult to maintain. Jaidee's box was explained, long distance flights!

We all headed to bed after we waved them down the stairs.

Cho holding me against his chest... those brown eyes! We kissed and touched for a bit. Jaidee was watching... Cho winked... I moved a bit away to open a space... Cho motioned to our boy. He launched himself! Grabbed! He was rubbed and rubbed, he loved it! That tongue hanging out, eyes closed, blissful.

Cho made light work of carrying the no longer `baby sized' fellow to his bed.

I was wrapped in those strong arms, a kiss on my neck... sleep.

I was first up. Jaidee fed, coffee and apple. Yes! Email and news scanning. The normal and the weird.

Lil came up, a smile on her pretty face. I got an omelet, toast and veggie sausages. More coffee. I looked at our newspapers... much of the world was having an easier time of it these days.

Hillary was doing the job! Working with the Congress had gotten the healthcare laws passed, new help for seniors and students, reduced the military spending and channeled the budget into less heavy weapons making the armed forces more agile.

Money for huge infrastructure projects to repair and build bridges, highways, national parks and monuments. More money for mass transit and ports.

The tax code had been changed in the last eight months more than in the last eighty years. We will have to pay more taxes but at least we knew that the money was being spent on worthwhile things. People with lots of money always whine about taxes but they can always afford to pay. Plus they benefit too. If America works better they and their businesses will also!

The Day in Seattle had a piece about our traffic project. It was a catalog of what would occur and how the traffic would change. The piece highlighted our success with the four drawbridges!

They included a FAQ on what would happen to the data collected. It clearly stated that the police were not consumers of the data and the cameras only looked at traffic.

I hoped it would allay anyone's concerns about that part of our work.

I did my email which thanks to Gil wasn't so bad. I was in the last of it when Cho came out. It was still very early... the sun not yet starting to show.

Our folks going with us getting their breakfast.

It was going to be hot... so shorts, the pale khaki shorts from Mirabelle and a short sleeved blue cotton shirt. The Time and Tides brown ankle boots were good for walking. Some gold bits, `Joy' and the round blue reflective sunglasses.

Three white AW139's with the yellow Hibiscus `Brilliant' on the tail lined up on the tarmac. We loaded up as the sun was rising above the horizon now. We lifted off turning southwest to avoid the Army base then northwest to move away from the border area.

We crossed over the Sunland Park race track. Lots of barns, we could see a lot of activity. An amusement park adjacent was quite a few acres. Places for the parents and the kids!

After that it was desert with some small mountain ranges. A good sized community off to starboard, Gil had her map app going... it was Deming. We could see the ribbon of the Interstate 10, it made a bend to the northwest aiming at Lordsburg. We went on straight west crossing over some rough looking terrain. Ours!

Our pilot said we would turn to the north so we could get a view of the ranch out to port before descending to the landing grid. The old buildings were obvious, there were other structures we didn't know.

The landing grid was large enough for all three AW139's. It was asphalt with a net fence outside it to reduce flying debris from the rotors.

It was HOT! Forty degrees Celsius! Simon's deputy Yoani greeted us at the fence wearing a wide brimmed hat and a smile. There were four oversized golf carts with canopies. We started our tour at the office trailer.

Simon and Yoani gave us the overview then specifics on each part of the operation. The existing structures then the new. They had land line telephones and hooked up to the electrical grid although we don't draw any power from it.

"We have cellular communications with big signal boosters in a web over the property. Even the outback..." an arm pointing to the east, "... we have a decent signal several miles that way."

The Houston microwave division was sending an install team to setup a wide area WiFi network for the whole ranch hooked to the high speed internet.

The details of the geothermal plant were imparted by a young fellow from HotEarth Consulting over in Las Cruces.

He said it was in excellent condition, generating power with no issues. It had been done right by the builders so we should have continuous power for many many decades. He was recommending upgrading some of the electronics in his report.

Cho thanked him, "So the upgrades are for efficiency rather any power advantage?"

"Yes plus the desert does take a toll on electronics. They should be checked every half year. The good side is they aren't the most expensive parts in the system."

Yoani filled us in on the state of the oil wells. Six wells pumping twenty fours a day, the oil went into a holding tank. She pointed it out through the window. It was big! When it reached a certain level tanker trucks came and took it to a refinery near El Paso. It was making good money and the equipment was relatively new so we needn't worry about it for now.

Cho let them in on some items... there had been Bureau of Land Management grazing contracts for some adjacent land which we voided. So BLM people did not need to come on the property.

A second bit `just so they knew' was we owned ALL the drilling and mineral rights to the land.

So if some con artists tried to come on the property with that as an excuse... NO go! It had been used as a ruse to look around on other people's property.

We wanted Simon to be able to hire whoever he wanted, families were fine with us. We would want him to staff the day care with some of the mothers if possible. They'd be paid and we would get folks who were interested parties.

So if they lived nearby they all could come to the ranch each working day. In the future we would build houses, sooner if there was demand.

What we had planned beyond the current building tasks was a training ground for urban protection drills and an obstacle and simulation course for team work. Coming soon were live fire ranges for all types of weapons in our inventory.

The ranch would be used to test new equipment. Basic testing and for the extreme conditions which existed here. New drones, vision devices, sensors and cameras all would be put to the test here.

So there would be lots of folks in and out which is why the dormitories were to be so large and the laboratory complex on the plans.

The plan called for new solar arrays to be installed for testing. Our designs for the photovoltaic and photoelectric cells were for low cost and high efficiency electricity generation. We had contracts with several battery companies to bring their newest models here for testing with the new solar equipment.

We were working towards a unit that could be put beside a house or on the roof to power the the dwelling or small business. Inexpensive, simple to maintain and a battery lasting for a long time. A device governments could buy for areas where electric power wasn't available or saw frequent outages.

Simon and Yoani grinning, they had a lot to manage. The various experts coming here would have their orders and duties but our Security Service had the last word. So they did indeed have a lot to cope with.

Lots of variety! A terrific challenge!

Okay now for some visiting! We used the carts to see all the buildings and construction sites. The houses were now in great shape. At the one Yoani and her family were moving into we met Mateo her husband. Big shoulders, a handsome face, he was a mechanic for us and a driver of nearly everything there was.

Juan was a cutie at six and three year old Jayda's hair was in braids with bows! Sweet girl. Jayda was still at home, Juan just started to go to school at Animas Elementary School, First Grade.

Cho asked Mateo about the various pieces of big equipment that were included our purchase. He said they all needed some work, he was prioritizing based on Simon's need. Some just needed oil changes and filters others more. The trucks were in the best shape, the bigger earth movers needing the most attention.

Did he have what was necessary to get the work done? Yes and no but... Simon had purchased the tools and supplies he asked for, they were enroute. So the no was going away.

There was a large barn with huge doors so he could get any of the equipment inside to work on it.

Okay. Smiles!

Lunch was under a big white canopy. Before eating we got to meet everybody. Shaking hands, smiling faces, we did some selfies. A teen girl whose dad worked for Mateo was excited to meet us.

"I love your style... I don't mean just clothes but how you do things... you act self-confident, a leader."

Her name was Belen, lovely dark hair. We did a selfie! She was beaming. Her dad kidded her. Her face showed it didn't matter she was happy!

Cho and I told them all we had big hopes for this ranch.

Cho made it clear that they'd be part of many new things, "Some exotic devices will be coming here for testing which could make real changes for many people. We won't forget that this is an isolated location... there will be arranged recreational travel to Phoenix and El Paso. And entertainment equipment will be available, game consoles, Blu-ray players with a collection of movies, TV shows, documentaries and anime. A library and game room.

They would have high speed internet to use in offices and homes. So they will be `connected' to the world.

A buffet of cold items, salads, meat, cheeses, breads with condiments for sandwiches, crisps and cold dips, pickles. Apples, oranges and some sweet plums. Cold water, coffee or tea.

A breeze rippled the canopy... Yoani beside me said the winds were frequent. Not often to the point of kicking up dust clouds. It's a desert... got it! We laughed.

We toured the rest of the ranch then said our goodbyes. The AW139's took us back to El Paso.

On board the 767 hugs and kisses for Chani and Charlie! We were taxiing quickly and off. It'd be late evening when we arrived in Orlando so we worked for several hours.

Tha had the Twins doing lessons before dinner. Lil and Yobi fed us well. The ice cream with sprinkles went over well for the Twins!!

Afters for us. Cho and I talking to Leslie for a bit on the Conference App. Our Security had taken over the Del Mar Racetrack protection under Connie's command.

We had the motel we bought nearby to house the staff and a couple of shuttle buses to move them. More staff was moving in and getting settled.

The teams from Bangkok and Los Angeles were installing all our security devices around the entire facility, doing classes for all employees, we were screening the current staff and re-training the ones we chose to keep.

The computer systems were operational! Connie our manager was confident we could do the job for the Breeder's Cup days. She had a core staff of people from our southern California force, some extras from Seattle and Bangkok.

San Diego County had moved out of the property they sold us south of the track and our construction people were clearing the land, getting it ready for the apartment complex.

In the track grounds, construction had begun on our office building, just the foundation dug so far but it was on its way!

Leslie smiling on the Conference App, "We are rolling!!"

We had to agree!!

On the ground, we took Jaidee out. It was dark with the airfield ground lights on. One of the ground support folks said there was a lawn beside the hangar where our jet was parked at Orlando International Airport. Jaidee rolled in the grass for a bit.

Chani and Charlie went down after hugs and `Nites' were said.

We started slow in the morning by lunch we were ready to go. Chani and Charlie would stay aboard again today. A big convention space was not in their immediate future.

I was ready... white silk dress, short sleeves, a scoop neckline front and back, softly pleated to mid-thigh. Nude stockings and RED St. Laurent heels. Red nails and lips, `Joy' and gold jewellery. The Hermes red Kelly bag for my stuff. A red cardigan in case the air conditioning was too much.

Cho in one of his nifty tailored navy suits with a pale gray shirt... no tie. He was grinning, "Turnabout fair play..."

I laughed at the reference to his Paris speech.

Gil was coming with PJ, Gaby for me, Rande and Penny for Cho.

We were on the Beachline Expressway which took us right to the Orange County Convention Centre. Gil had been on her iPhone with the Centre's security. Inside the big entrance area the was a Celebration board member, a Centre director and the security boss to meet us.

They were pleased we were attending the Grace Hopper Celebration. Hands shaken. There was about forty minutes to my time slot.

They escorted us to an up escalator to the next floor. Cho nudged me as we neared the top, pointing to a coffee shop. I nodded.

First we all went into a dressing room to the right of the Chapin Theatre entrance. It was a big room they had subdivided. Our space was closest to the stage door and they were nice to leave the next section empty so we had some privacy.

Cho asked about coffee... the Centre folks had a cart with refreshments right outside. It was wheeled in so I got my coffee. It was good.

My talk was sold out!! The speaker before me was done and they were clearing the theatre.

Their security fellow talked with PJ and Gaby using a diagram of the theatre and adjacent spaces. PJ called Penny over, she would go up to the balcony as an extra set of eyes. The Centre's security had some of their's in the crowd. Since this was an advertised speech it upped the possibly of someone trying to do... something.

The moderator and a `Celebration' director came in to greet us. They had a seat for Cho where he wanted in a back corner plus a separate chair beside it for Rande and several of their security to be stationed close by.

A tech fellow `wired' me up as we spoke. I didn't much care for the headset... a shrug.

An email binged in... Lori and Shira thanking us for the use of the house in Fulham. They loved the place and easy it was to get around the London on the tube from there!!! A quick 'you're welcome!'

Cho gave me a kiss... `Knock'em dead!' whispered!

PJ and Gaby walked out with me to the edge of the curtains. Gaby crossed the stage to the other side behind the curtain.

The moderator got everybody's attention the noise level went way down, a bit more shuffling before she started.

She said this was a unique chance to hear from one of the most powerful women on the planet. (Woo... overboard I thought!)

"Fay Martin is a businesswoman involved in computers, electronics, software plus banking, horse racing and news media. Not to be too flip... everything she touches turns to gold!! Please welcome Miss Fay Martin!"

I walked on from the wings to a very loud applause, some cheers... then they started to stand...

I shook the moderators hand and stepped forward.

The crowd wasn't letting go... I smiled... waved... They did sit finally after several more loud minutes!

"Thank you for the generous welcome! Just a brief correction before I go on... I am not related to Midas."

Loud laughter and clapping!

"It is an special thing to be able to Honor the memory of Grace Hopper. She was indeed a woman who made things happen in the early days of computing. Although the term glass ceiling hadn't been coined yet Ms. Hopper broke some glass in her career.

If there was one thing I feel Ms. Hopper might want to be remembered in her long U.S. Navy service it was her advocacy for distributed computing. Moving away from huge mainframes users needed to be connected for any task to desktop computing and linking to data storage via networks.

It made computing more accessible and users more productive. It is in essence our current computing world.

Now this came from a person who helped create UNIVAC one of the first `Big Iron' commercial computers. Ms. Hopper came to see primary computing connections to mainframes as deleterious to productivity and lacking in flexibility.

She could think outside the box... an undervalued skill. She retired from the Navy three times... the first time she was brought back for a six month project to standardize computing for the Navy that became four years. Her second retirement lasted a year... she went back for fourteen more years!

Grace Hopper had something... I'd like to call one of her core underlying talents... `commonsense.' There is often no reason for complications. Simple things work! Her career showed that."

There was applause...

"The Navy kept finding uses for her elastic brain. For women today there surely are more spaces in the tech world to be part of in important ways but the glass remains nonetheless. You can see women being celebrated for moving into this or that high ranking position but the news they make only underlines the rarity of the event."

There were several `you said it's' called out.

My arm motioning across the theatre...

"Every one of you needs to be an advocate... You may be already but you need to up your game. What about us... Cho and I? In all our companies we naturally like to promote from within... So we have been hiring more women not to fill quotas... because they like older workers or people with disabilities or LGBTQ folk or minorities are a pool of talent waiting to be searched and used.

At The Company in London our Human Resource manager does all the usual things to find appropriate people to fill openings plus she actively seeks out new sources by meeting with groups who campaign for all the people I just mentioned. She tells them that there are NO barriers at The Company and please tell anyone who might qualify to apply!"

Applause... growing loud!

"Can you imagine the reservoir of skills and intelligence we have either ignored or bottled up...

Applause and more than a few calls out of comments like one from a young woman in the front row I could see...

`WASTED more like!'

I gave her a smile and a fist! A big grin!

"The Company has seen exponential growth not entirely due to our technology or sales ability but because we can tell the client we can get the work done quickly. We have hired dozens and dozens of new staff... people from many countries, ethnicities, religions, genders, ages and sexual orientations.

We hire on qualifications and promote on merit. The best person for the job is the 'best person' no exceptions."

More applause... louder.

"In some areas of the world governments have restrictions on many of our employees whether they are gay or the `wrong' religion or a woman... We talk to the powers that be and tell them we want to do their project with our best people... the idea they might have to bend usually wins out.

In the case where they don't we walk away."

Sustained applause...

"Not many companies are in a position to do that... so it's not a solution. We try to get the host country over the hump through information and cajoling, doing a lot of talking.

This is where we are now with technology businesses and government agencies in America. We have to get them to believe that the `best person' for the job... any job... is likely to be someone other than a white straight male.

Many are doing well hiring minority men but NOT minority women!

More loud applause!!

Cho and I..." I blew a kiss in his direction which got nearly every head to rotate his way. Cho smiling sent one back to tremendous clapping and whistles... " we have been part of several takeovers and acquisitions recently... In many cases but not all there has been a male centric culture in the company. Our first steps are always aimed at changing how those companies hire.

The human resource departments have have told what we expect to happen. Hiring the best possible candidate seems like a no brainer...So many companies created arcane rules and limits to maintain their normal `male' establishments.

At one company the HR manager, a white man, was embarrassed to have me sit across from him and tell me what the prior management mandated to him `off the record' the hiring rules. He was relieved to hear me say he wasn't to hire another white man unless he was uniquely qualified for an open position for a year at least."

Applause and cheers!

I did go on a bit with a few more examples...

"What seems obvious to me is there are many undiscovered Grace Hopper's out there and I don't want that!"

I emulated Cho's Parisian hand slap to the podium... It was louder than I anticipated but worked as well!

Loud and continuing applause... they suddenly were on their feet clapping! Cheers!


"One more quality of Grace Hopper we can all appreciate was `perseverance!' She stayed in the Navy, worked her way up as a leader not a follower. She was an oracle for computing within a conservative military force which became a technology powerhouse thanks in no small measure to her hard work and brains.

When Grace spoke... men listened simply because they she knew what she was talking about. We need to unleash women, minorities and other typically excluded people... They have much to speak about that needs to be heard!"

I thanked them for attending to honor Admiral Hopper and listening. A quick bow. I stepped back because there was a storm of applause, cheering and shouts. Everyone rose to their feet to clap.

The moderator joined me, a firm handshake.

It was hard to hear her... "Miss Martin, that was lovely, powerful. Thank you very much for coming."

Another hand shake.

I waved to the crowd for a few minutes then made my exit. In the dressing room I got some water.

The `Celebration' folks came in to thank me. They were thrilled with my speech.

Cho came in... a big hug and a kiss! Some introductions... Cho I could see easily won over these folks. Such charm!

A security person said the news media people wanted to speak to me, they were he said `locals.'

"Tell them five minutes because I need to go to another venue."

He was nodding and went out.

Another kiss for Cho, he squeezed my hand. He leaned close... "Later but I loved it!"

He got yet another kiss for that!

PJ and Gaby came with me to the dressing room doorway. A group of ten people armed with mics and phones and several video cameras waiting. The security fellow had told them of my limit.

They asked a few general questions... one blond with `aw-shucks' southern girl looks asked what countries I had been referring too.

"I don't think you need to know specifics just that they are conservative."

She wanted a follow-up but I moved on. Then I stopped and thanked them. Back inside Cho told the Centre's security man we wanted to go out via the sky bridge to the Hyatt.

"No problem... whenever you are ready we will lead you to the bridge and close off it off for a few minutes give you a head start. Okay?"

I thanked him, we shook hands. His team made a way for us and we walked onto the bridge easily, it was just right outside the theatre. It was about four hundred feet to the Hyatt then down to the main lobby level.

Gil had been in contact with the hotel, they had a fellow waiting. He led us around the lobby to the right into a passageway... he was nice to say it was a bit of walk. Down a level then through another lobby registration space a further long corridor and a turn to the left then more passageway to the door.

There was a line to go in but our host had a second door opened and we moved through there.

"Miss Martin, when we were contacted by Gil we setup this space to the side down near the front. Gil said your security would want a bit of space."

He had been guiding us through to the near side and down along the edge of the seating. There was a low table and comfortable looking chairs inside a roped off area. A young woman waiting next to the entrance holding the barrier open.

Ten chairs... "We were not sure of your numbers..." He motioned to two fellows, they took out three chairs.

Our guide said we could have our cars come to this side of the hotel for our pick up to spare us the walk back. Thumbs up from Gil.

We settled in, a good up close view of the stage.

Adelphia, our hostess, asked what we wanted to drink. There was a small bar just outside the ring.

After the walk it was pleasant to sit. Cho grinning, his comment... `the walk was like playing eighteen holes.' We all laughed.

Adelphia brought me a club soda and lime! Nice to sip... cold in my throat!

Cho squeezed my hand, "You were marvelous, great delivery.. that slap of the podium... Awesome! It worked like mine! A galvanizing moment!"

I tightened my grip on Cho's hand, "They said the video would go up on their site today. No editing... It'll sit in their youtube channel with links to it."

I turned to Gil, "Is there a lot of video of us on youtube?"

A big grin, "Actually yes! Your speech at the Prince's conference has been up for a long while. There's golf video of you Cho. All the golf `channels' have loads of videos showing your Winged Foot hole-in-one for example.

Some various TV news reporting in channels for the different TV stations and networks. Fox News channel has a bunch of videos including the interviews and shows you've done. Your Today Show interview has been there for forever!"

I looked at Cho... we smiled. So Okay we aren't in touch. I hadn't thought about youtube... "I guess we need to ask Tai to hire someone and as their remit give them youtube and other video sites."

Gil said she'd email Tai right now and ask her to use Mary as a possible helper in finding someone. Fist bump!

Things were starting... a woman came onto the stage to the central chair. She introduced herself as the moderator and welcomed everybody to this panel on security in computing. She began to present each of the panel members.

When Candace was announced we gave her an extra special welcome.

She saw us... a wave with a huge smile. Candace stopped in front of her chair leaning over covering her headset mic to say something to the moderator. The lady looked over to us.

They started up, each of the three panelists gave a brief beginning talk. They moved onto discussing aspects of computing security. I vaguely knew the other two ladies... they were outclassed by Candace. She was too knowledgeable and voluble in the subject.

They kept it up for forty minutes. I really enjoyed listening. The moderator said there were staffers with microphones in the audience so they could entertain questions.

I stood up right away I could hear Cho laughing... a low `take it easy on them' from him. I didn't laugh but almost.

A woman came over to me with her handheld mic, she held it up looking at my face... then she sort of jumped... I guess I was sussed out. She was good though so I went ahead.

I asked a question about commercial anti-malware programmes exfiltrating data to the creating company and how to know and stop it.

I was watching Candace... her smile getting bigger as I went on. She gave the answer after a few looks between the panel.

It was a good answer built around always being aware of who makes the software you use. At all times be willing to ask tough questions of the maker before installing anything. Check on the company's background and on any rating sites.

She said it may sound a bit much for the ordinary user but remember how you use your device... giving your credit card for purchases, banking, etc...

When she was done she stood up...

"Ladies and gentlemen, the questioner is someone who knows a lot about computer security and is an unexpected guest... Fay Martin."

She started clapping which after a stunned silence was taken up around the the room. I bowed to Candace and waved to the audience. I sat down to a fist bump with Cho.

The moderator got things back on track for the other spectators questions. It wound down in thirty minutes.

Candace came down to us, hugs and kisses.

"You're naughty! I thought you were speaking?"

"I did... it was only an hour. I couldn't miss this."

A hug! "I'm glad to see you both. Are you staying around?"

"No. We'll fly out soon. We're off to a wedding tomorrow. You?"

"I've a friend living locally. I'm going spend a couple days with her and her family. An old school chum."

The moderator and the other panelist came by, introductions. They were amazed to find us here. One of the panelists said her husband would be very jealous... `He's a golfer!'

That explained it. Cho smiling shook her hand saying to pass it on. She laughed!

Candace and I chatted on the side about a TAG meeting. She hugged me, "So Christmas at Harcourt House? What will I wear?"

We had a laugh. I pulled Gil close, giggling she promised to send Candace our approved clothing list. More laughing!

A goodbye hug and we were off. The Centre security man was back to guide us out to a driveway off Convention Way. Our car was waiting.

Cho and I thanked him for his help, we shook hands. We were on the freeway quickly, only minutes to the airport. Through the airport security we unloaded beside the big bird. I ran up the stairs... Tara opened the door...

The Twins with Tha on the deck playing with Jaidee! "Mama! Popa!"

I got my arms full of Chani, Charlie giggling as Cho scooped him up. Lots of hugging!

We changed clothes. Yobi said dinner would be served once we were level flight. At that moment Mira on the tannoy said we had a takeoff slot and would move. Okay.

The engine whine altered pitch and we rolled. The Twins strapped in, Jaidee in his seat, belted in! We taxied out to runway 36L. Mira poured on the power as we turned onto the runway... in seconds we were light then up! A big turn to starboard heading for the ocean, we crossed the coastline still climbing. A turn to the north.

After dinner there was book reading! Chani brought over a book on insects. I knew why she liked it... the colour photos were amazing. To see a fly's eye five thousand times enhanced!! Such variety, so much beauty! One dragonfly snap really was her fav! He was gorgeous, an iridescent blue! Such fragile looking wings.

We landed at Richmond and parked north of the terminal at a local support company. Once the stairs were rolled up we went to take Jaidee out. Cho, Gil and I with Ro and Tara. There was some scruffy grass to the side.

Several fellows were underneath doing maintenance like draining the toilets, etc... Mira and Tom came down to stretch their legs. They'd have downtime until tomorrow late afternoon.

I squeezed Mira's arm, "Gil could get you a car for a bit of looking around."

Smiles... Okay. Gil said no problem. `What time in the morning?"

They decided on nine. Done.

We helped Tha put the babies down. Cuddlers! They had their Raggedy Anne and Blu' Dog friends!

We had afters and Gil had an idea she wanted to bring up.

"I know Tai is going to get an assistant to cover sites like youtube... I know someone who is good at computers and video."

I was laughing, "Okay... who?"

"EX! And I'm only mentioning her because she is really into it."

"Fine with me. Send her name to Tai and some contact details and what you know... also say she's a friend so Tai gets it."

Fist bump.

"And you better talk to EX first..."

A grin and a thumbs up! She dashed off to her cabin.

Cho's arm over my shoulders, "Well... Tell me about EX."

I did. Cho asked about her name. I told him it was a nick name because she was so many people's EX. That cute grin, "A long distance romance? Good luck to them. We'll let Tai decide."

A kiss.

A quiet morning after the loud `Mama and Popa's' from the running Twins. We had a fun time with games and Jaidee.

Okay time to dress for the wedding! Sylvia said colourful and casual! The Twins were going in green and yellow like me. Charlie in green shorts and a bright yellow cotton shirt. Green and yellow Adidas trainers! Chani in a yellow frock with green socks and her fav Mary Janes. Green floppy sun hats if needed.

Cho in a tan suit, a pale blue shirt and a mottled blue and chestnut brown tie. Chestnut brown shoes. Spiffy! He didn't wear it often but I loved that look on him!

I was in a short sleeved lemon yellow dress with a small collar little white buttons down to my waist. A narrow grass green belt, lemon yellow stockings and grass green heels, `Joy' Red nails and lips and a green leather Coach bag the same shade as my shoes and belt.

Gil in bright blue! Tha was in a green dress the shade of spring leaves. Our Protectors in blues, yellows and pink!

Mattie was our driver again! A huge smile. She said she was always happy to be our driver!!

Two cars and we were off down old Route 60. It wasn't a long drive.

We talked about the youtube position. I nudged Gil... giggles.

"EX is interested and she sent Tai an email... Tai emailed me EX would come up town today to meet."

Fist bump.

The highway made a big turn to the north then in a shallow arc went northwest. I pointed out the big hill on the right.

"That's Chimborazo Park. The world's biggest hospital was once up there. During the Civil War tens of thousands of wounded and sick soldiers when through there."

It might have been sad but I felt not since it was a place where people were helped to recover, they were cared for!

Cho squeezed my hand.

We stepped out onto the sidewalk in front of the Poe House. I liked it's stone facade.

We were escorted through to the garden, the Poe House folks remembered us. We did leave a lot of money behind last time!

Sydney's sons, Walter and Roderick, greeted us. It was our first meeting.

Gil had been in contact for the reception. We sent cases of Taittinger's and we paid for the catering company. The sons had the food made in several places that Sydney and Sylvia liked so it was homey for them.

We met their families, smiling faces, their sons looking quite cute in their suits. A young daughter got to hug with Charlie and Chani.

The garden looked very nice. A long rectangle with grassy areas crossed by brick paths, two fountains on the central path leading to a cloister at the back. The local judge who was doing the ceremony would stand in the central opening, the families and friends in seating on the grass and the reception in the space closest to the house at the front.

The cloisters were hung with yellow, green, red and blue ribbons over each archway. Festive!

Sam and Beverly arrived! Raymond and Valerie, Jolene and Todd too! Lots of hugs and kisses. Chani and Charlie smiling, Charlie stuck out his fist to Todd! Bump!

The Twins said hi. Valerie looked at me... I knew what she was thinking. I linked arms, "Yes... they are the same babies you saw at Christmas. Growing up very fast!'

"I should say so..."

If that wasn't enough Chani tugged my dress, "Mama bathroom!"

I winked at Valerie and picked up my daughter. We went in to the Ladies for her business. All done and clothes fixed. We did the hand washing together. Grins!

Valerie and Beverly together. Chani and I went over. A big grin on Beverly's face, "I told Val we had seen them a month ago and they were asking for the bathroom then."

Chani giggled in my arms, "I pee!"

That made us all laugh. I squeezed her.

"A very nice pee it was too!" Giggles!

Walter's wife gave us the order of events. Sydney here first, Walter, the oldest, was to be his Best Man. Sylvia would arrive and be escorted by her nephew as `father' to the bride.

Sylvia would walk down the center pathway to Sydney and the judge. The deed! Then we'd nosh and chat! The newlyweds would depart for New York.

They'd stay in the 46th Street hotel top floor suite. Cars would be available from our service, Terrance said they'd resist putting `Just Married' on the back.

We had a Gulfstream at the airport for them for a non-stop flight to Newburgh and a helicopter into the city. When they were ready a AW139 flight to Pleasant Valley before coming back to Richmond. Gil and Penn arranged it all!

Sydney! He was looking very slick in a black suit with an orange tie and a white carnation on his lapel. A huge smile too! A hug and kiss. He and Cho shook hands and hugged! Chani and Charlie got hugs... Chani giggling from Sydney's mustache!

We got to meet many friends of the couple, co-workers and a few other family members though not many. Both sides had thinned out over the years.

Their friends and family were quite surprised to find us in this little garden in Richmond... several teen girls clustered around for a few minutes until we were asked to go to our seats.

Our family group on the groom's side in the second row. Our Protectors behind us. Sydney and Walter looking handsome by the cloister... waiting.

The bridal march played by two violinists was lovely! We looked back to see Sylvia coming down the pathway.

She was a radiant bride! An off-white simple tea length dress with short sleeves and an oval neckline. Square heeled low pumps and very little jewellery! A spray of lilies in her hands. Her escorting nephew looking like he won a prize! His mom, Sylvia's sister, behind as her Best Maid.

Sylvia handed her flowers to her sister then placed her hand in Sydney's. The judge got our attention...

It was quiet, simple and short. They exchanged rings, a great kiss at the end. When they turned to do that I cheered. Chani and Charlie did big YEAS beside me.

Walter got to kiss the bride first, Roderick then Cho! I gave Sydney a giant hug!

"Fay, thank you for everything but especially getting Sylvia and me off the dime!"

I kissed his cheeks, "I love you two as a pair! Enjoy your lives together!"

"We will try very hard!" A another hug!

Sylvia! Shining eyes, "Fay it is so different this time... comfortable and loving! A fine man I fit well with!"

Kisses for her. She knelt to hug Chani.

"Chani I hope you find a man as good as my Sydney!"

"I will look," was a surprise for us both!

I scooped Miss SmartyPants, hugs.

I looked for Cho... He and Charlie were coming out of the the Museum. Charlie had needed the boy's room! We did fist bumps! Potty trips were good.

The champagne was poured, everybody had a glass. Walter did a very nice toast to his dad and new mom. Sweet, loving and from the heart. We raised our glasses to Sylvia and Sydney!!

Tha got seats at a small table for the Twins. We brought over some easy to eat food. Tha had juice in sippy cups! Grins and busy mouths. Tha smiling at me. Fist bump!

Sylvia sat beside me, "Fay, you and Cho are so generous fixing up the honeymoon trip for us. I've always wanted to go to New York."

"There's lots to do and see! Make a plan for a few days and keep a some days wide open for exploring. Our drivers know the city so they can give advice about some places."

Sydney claimed his bride for some snaps. I got a cheek kiss in exchange.

Gil parked herself. "Got a second..." I nodded, "EX and Tai got on so who knows."

"You really like her?"

"Yes... we're good."

"Did you ask her to Phuket?"

"Not yet... I should have. I think I was testing the water..."

"You don't have to make a life commitment to have her go with us."

Gil laughed, "Okay!"

I nudged her with a `Do it!' And a reminder that Jayne and Montana would be in Phuket too. Thumbs up!

I joined Cho, we wandered around talking to folks. It was great to meet people who knew them both. We checked with Tha on the Twins, they were fine. Chatting, eating and drinking.

After some food everybody moved to the gifts table. Sydney opened our gift... sunshine smile! A twelve inch silver horse striding out mounted on a mahogany base. I had admired the workmanship of it when I was gift searching.

Sydney and I connected over horses so it seemed appropriate. I couldn't give spoonbread as a gift... Sylvia looked towards us, a smile her arm around Sydney's waist. I was glad they liked it. Cho made a motion for him to turn it over.

He looked... an even bigger smile. I had all our names and the date engraved in the wooden base underneath with a to `Sylvia and Sydney on their wedding.'

Sylvia hugged me then Cho, "Fay, Cho, it's a beautiful thing. Simple and lovely!! Thank you!"

I knew it was a more Sydney thing... Sylvia's liking the statue was good!

Sam and Beverly gave us a quiet clapping!

The Newlyweds got some very nice things mostly artistic like ours. They surely didn't need another toaster!

It was all very nice, low key and full of love.

We said our goodbyes, hand shaking, hugging and kissing our way out. We wanted to be out of the way when Sydney and Sylvia made their exit in an hour or so.

At the airport a Gulfstream was parked beside our big bird. Derry smiling as we greeted him, "I love being the coachman at this wedding."

Fist bump.

Richmond's airport was wasn't busy so we were gone in short order... Bangkok! We turned northward to go over the pole. Mira said sixteen and half hours.

Francis and Ali were in the air, they'd there before us.

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