
By A becker

Published on Feb 23, 2021



In bed with me snuggling close Cho holding my iPad watched the Twins. That cute smile!

"They are amazing! Their memories are excellent which is why the vocabulary skill building is so successful."

"The conference is important... planning! I think the doctors coming to Oxfordshire going to be surprised!"

Cho squeezed me in agreement.

He laughed I when told him about Kate's email, "If they want to know anything tell her to call."

A kiss!



At seven the Gulfstream lifted off from our base at Don Mueang. One hour to Tan Son Nhut airport.

I read what would be Seattle's The Day's front page in the morning there... the headline `republican party is ethically and morally bankrupt' What a grabber! Completely true! The article was chapter and verse of the Washington State republicans venality and criminality over the last fifty years.

They had sunk to putting up neo-fascist candidates for state-wide office and supporting bigots and racists in local elections. The piece named names with what they had done to undermine democracy in the state.

It added some from from Oregon and the nation-wide just to show it wasn't only Washington. It was both ugly and terrific. Voters were encouraged to look for themselves and re-consider any allegiance to a thoroughly dishonourable political party.

We did say that power corrupts... so The Day would watch the Democrats to see if they ran the Washington State government with decency and honour.

My publisher's commentary pointed out big businesses had supported the republicans completely and so doing allowed themselves to be dragged into the cesspool. They had reaped financial advantage at the expense of ordinary citizens whose wages and benefits had stagnated. It was time to put people ahead of making money.

The only way back was to disavow all corrupt politicians and promote policies that helped the people of Washington State.

It wasn't going to be welcome in many places... not that we cared! It was an honest appraisal of the facts prevailing in Washington State. By inference it indicted every republican politician across America! They made their bed... lie on it or change!

What the other news media in Seattle would make of it... Our Fox station was doing the same thing as part of their morning news and throughout the day. Time to move things a bit. The Fox TV station was winning the local news and programming contest by a wide margin. The rightwing Sinclair owned local station in single digits in Nielsen news ratings.

The Los Angeles The Day and the New York Daily News were also doing the same. The first feedback from New York was a huge whinge from republicans! They screamed aloud about the unfairness of it but did not have any comeback against what was printed in the articles.

So denials but no rebuttal! Unlikely to have much affect... certainly not on us. In London, Adam and Rolf were going to drop bombs on the Conservative Party tomorrow followed by Sky UK news folks throwing similar explosives. If they expect to ask for a person's vote they better deliver some policies that help ordinary United Kingdom voters!

I had sent an email to Hillary to give her a hint about our print and TV offensive and that Fox News would join in tonight in the first of four hour long programmes about republican political corruption in last forty years.

The Democrats weren't left out but hadn't ever reached the depths of their opponents level... not even close!

Fox News would lead off with the Ford administration supporting the shah of Iran over his people. Which followed into the Carter presidency when America should have told the shah to abdicate instead of helping him. Not to forget the failed `rescue' of the Embassy hostages. Small wonder there was a bitter relationship between the two nations.

The Reagan years were deeply corrupt in so many ways. Iran-Contra diverting monies gained by illegal arms sales to Iran then getting the U.S. government into drug smuggling for the Contras. The unneeded attack on Grenada, a positive joke. Pathetic muscle flexing. Putting American military personnel at risk for no reason!

The first Bush presidency in the unnecessary attack on America's ally Panama because the government there wouldn't kiss America's ass any longer. Thousands of Panamanians killed, hundreds of millions of dollars damage done and spent to put a dictator in an American prison using dubious legal methods which shamed the U.S. justice system. It gave Bush `one' an ego boost to ward off the media calling him a wimp. AND it didn't work!

The republicans in Congress ginning up' an impeachment on scanty grounds against Bill Clinton because of his personal failings when the country wasn't hurt in any way by his actions. Millions spent investigating' land deals which the Clinton's had only minor involvement and did no wrong. It ended in very few prosecutions and convictions. Some overturned on appeal due to prosecutorial misconduct.

The colossal failures of the second Bush president in dealing with middle eastern affairs resulting in the September 11th attacks. The pitiful actions in Afghanistan which never came close to ending the Taliban existence. Then the debacle of Iraq.

The levels of corruption in Iraq have no parallel in American history. Wasted lives and enormous sums of money. Quite literally a billion dollars throw away.

Hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis with America being shown as a bully and torturer! Just another Vietnam type failure, promises made... failure to carry them out and then run away after tens of thousands of Americans were wounded or killed. Pointless!

Interestingly there were NO corruption scandals during Obama's eight years! There were many policy disappointments and considerable errors in judgement but no venality or criminality.

That was left to the republican controlled Congress! They did more than their fair share of corrupt actions. Unfortunately Obama didn't call them out on a great deal of them. Too bad... missed opportunities to show America the sordidness of the republicans.

Could be an interesting bit of time for watchers of TV news and readers of newspapers. No way our news media colleagues could stand aside... my internal question was would they try to rebut or pile-on? What was left of the M*************'s media empire would surely take the republican's side.

I did do some work. Ha!

We had an eight in the morning arrival at Tan Son Nhut Airport. Enroute I looked at the news... our `truth about the conservative political parties' offensive was biting down hard. All our media running the stories... squeals of faux outrage by some corrupt politicians was hilarious to see.

History was on our side, we didn't make any of it up! We just wrote it out and published it. Front page news in our print media and near the top of the hour news stories on global TV.

The Gulfstream was parked by Paulette to the west of the terminal building, a black sedan was waiting. The driver hopped out with a smile saying Penn hired him.

I gave him the first stop, Duong Dong Khoi at Duong Ton Duc Thang. He nodded, `The river! Okay!' PJ and Gil with me in the back, Gaby in the front.

I stepped out of the car on the west side of Dong Khoi near the corner. In the past this avenue filled shops, restaurants and the best coffee houses in the city was called Tu Do Street.

Gil told the driver we'd call when we needed him. And that it would be at a different location.

Slender white linen slacks, navy silk short sleeved blouse, a white and navy braided belt, navy espadrilles, gold jewellery, the dark red crocodile Kelly bag, "Joy' and blue reflective sunglasses. Casual cute!

We went upstairs to the Ca Phe Co Ba coffee house. We sat outside on the balcony with a view of the Saigon River.

Ca Phe Sua Da for me, drip Vietnamese coffee into chilled sweet condensed milk, stirred, poured over ice. Gil went for an iced black tea with peaches in the Hanoi style, Gaby and PJ followed me.

Sweet rich coffee!! A nice view! The river with its big curve, shipping moving slowly... peaceful. It was a pleasant hour of the day. The café was decorated like Old Saigon, a bit quirky, pleasant with lots of wood.

Col Ba called, he wanted to have us picked up. I told him we were at the coffee shop, we'd pay and wait for him downstairs. Ten minutes he said.

On the Dong Khoi sidewalk... a woman's loud shriek ahead of us... PJ stepped in front of me, Gaby was a few steps behind. A boy had cut the handle of a blond woman's purse and ran towards us. PJ eased me back... in Thai he said to Gaby to trip him.

The boy is running hard and fast past us... Gaby expertly shoved her shoulder into him... he slammed into the wall he then bounced onto the concrete sidewalk. She was on him... one of his arms up behind his back, a knee on a thigh pinning him.

The purse in his free hand... his box knife skittered along the sidewalk... I told Gil to stand on it! PJ's Glock out as he surveyed the scene. No one else. I helped the blond lady to stand as several green uniformed men appeared and a motorbike screeched to a halt near us with a brown uniformed fellow.

PJ had put away his weapon before they arrived. We tried to explain in French what happened but the police didn't speak French... or at least not our version.

The driver brought Colonel Ba's car to a stop... the cops were about to wave it away when the colonel stepped out. They snapped to attention. Colonel Ba asked me what occurred and then gave instructions to the police.

They took away the robber and the blond woman after I relayed to her in English what was going to happen as Colonel Ba told me. She'd be asked to give a statement and identify her property then she would be taken to her hotel. She said she was staying at the Majestic across the street. Okay.

The colonel apologized to her for the robbery and hoped she would have a less eventful remainder of her visit. She was calmed down and thanked him nicely. The colonel said a few more things to the police.

We climbed into his big black Zil for the short trip to his office. I asked what he'd said to the police...

"I told them to treat the lady as an honoured guest and I will be following up on the case with their commanders."

I thanked him for intervening so effectively. A smile.

His office building was near the Dinh Doc Lap, the Independence Palace, the former seat of government of South Vietnam. His office block was obviously an old French colonial structure but in nice condition. A beautiful marble staircase up to his first floor office.

A large office with good furniture, the walls were hung with topo maps of the northern border areas we would be initially working in.

We accepted more coffee as we sat on some comfortable settees.

He asked PJ about the kidding of Gaby's tackling skill. PJ smiled pointing to her.

A laugh from Gaby, "I played rugby on a woman's team when I was still in the army. It seemed like a good time for some practice."

Now the colonel understood... Gaby had bashed the robber into the wall then pinned him down. The colonel had met PJ before but Gaby was new.

She told him of being in the French Army and the 1er RPIMa. The colonel leaned over to shake her hand.

"I am in favour of bringing capable women into all parts of our forces. During our wars of liberation many woman performed gallantly under fire and behind the scenes. They were indispensable!"

A bit more small talk... the colonel had read of our horse's successes in America.

"The news made it sound as if your stables were unstoppable!"

A smile, "We are!" We all laughed. "We have a superb trainer and amazing bloodstock so we can expect many more wins in the future."

I waved my hand to the many maps, "You do need a better interior decorator."

Ba laughed, "True but they do help keep me focused."

We discussed new developments in our technology. I went into some detail so the colonel would have a solid base to inform his superiors. Gil handed over documents to support what I was telling him.

The colonel was pleased our unit price would come down right away for the freestanding sensor poles. Reg was finding ways to lower the cost without changing the devices.

I told the colonel about the `vectoring' capabilities in the sensor poles, "You use it to send an aircraft or a drone to the exact location... also a missile but the sensor..."

Colonel Ba laughed, "Poof! No more sensor."

"Yes, an expensive aiming device."

Colonel Ba's smile, "We won't choose that option."

The PAVN microwave communications upgrade under Conrad was in progress and on schedule.

"My superiors in Hanoi are pleased with your company. They appreciate the rapidity with which you have carried out the planning and executing the contract for the microwave network.

Mr. Tran has communicated with them about the water project in Dalat. So they know you work quickly and deliberately. All around we are happy to have your company working with us."

I thanked him for the pleasant accolades.

"The sensor project is much more complicated so I hope the goodwill lasts."

The colonel smiled, "Your competence gives a feeling of successful completion!"

I asked about the collaboration with Laos and Cambodia. He gave me a thorough history of Vietnam's work with their neighbors on the border issues.

"They both want what we want... an end to the cross border smuggling. They are both working with the Thai government along their respective borders. They do not feel the system you are going to install is in any way adversarial as the Chinese do.

Much of the heroin smuggled into our country and Laos comes from China not that the Chinese will ever admit that. Our border with China is problematic so you guessed correctly why we wanted to begin there.

If we are unable to come to an information sharing arrangement with them we will do what we need to do."

I could see the colonel was not happy with their northern neighbor.

He shrugged then smiled.

We discussed a few related items before we ended the meeting. I was thanked for coming in person. Inside myself I thought it was quite worthwhile for a half day's activity.

"It is always delightful to meet with you Miss Martin. I am very glad your team was on the sidewalk this morning... it is embarrassing to have criminals attack a tourist... I will follow up on how she was treated."

The Colonel thanked Gaby again. We shook hands, lots of smiles.

We walked across Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street to the grounds of the Dinh Doc Lap. The park was well cared for and popular... no time to visit the museum. Colonel Ba said he'd enjoy giving us a tour on another trip. I accepted.

Gil had called the car service to meet us at the ornate main gate. We had time to stroll and look at the palace and grounds. There was a cute coffee house in the trees to the south of the main building. We didn't need any more coffee so to the gate.

We were whisked to the airport and boarded the Gulfstream. Paulette gave us a heads up she was ready to taxi once the aircraft was closed up. We were airborne in minutes. One hour to Don Mueang.

Cho and the Twins on the terrace waiting as the AW139 landed on the dock. Hugs and kisses.

I was in time for a late lunch with Cho in the sun. The Twins on the other terrace doing `lessons.'

I got a call from Jack in London. The Foreign Minister wanted to talk personally.

"In person or can we set him up with a secure video connection?"

"He says in person but I will check."

"Tell him we have an iPad App for video conferencing which is encrypted end to end. If that doesn't fly... we'll be back at Harcourt House in less than ten days."

"I will speak to him shortly and be back to you."

Okay! Why the sudden interest... he's been in the loop for much more than half a year. Oh well, he's a politician and they blow with the wind.

Cho laughed when I said that.

"It is well we haven't spent much time with those sorts... some but not too close. AND on our terms."

Fist bump!

Aime and Philippa were arriving this evening to meet with Francis and Prija plus Daunphen. Since there were only the five of them plus Ali we said use the living room here for their get-together. Thumbs up from Francis.

My call with Coral of Mirabelle was a happy one. A small shop had closed on Champs Elysees near Maximo Dutti's, we rented it for the Christmas season. Coral and I had a fifty-fifty financial agreement created. She was happy which was important to me.

We had it cleared out, repainted and put in a sales desk, some seating and lots of hanging areas for clothes with changing rooms directly behind the desk.

It looked good, simple and neat. If it worked out maybe we'd stay. Coral recruited nieces and Paris friends to work the store. They were jazzed because we pay well and they'd get a discount.

Coral had selections from the `ready to wear' to stock the space with more coming. Gil with help from Angela had arranged some ads in Metro stations around the city and in newspapers. Nothing heavy duty but we hoped well aimed.

I would be there for the opening in five days, Coral would fly over bringing Raphaela. Angela had gotten media interest aroused using me as a draw and Reginé's folks were amping it up on social media.

So it begins!

Cho grinning at me, "Retail? So many pies..."

We had a good laugh! He knew that the 45th Restaurant was a smash hit in Manhattan! Lunch was full every day and dinner bookings weeks ahead. Knun had hired more kitchen staff including several younger chefs to train! Benni had Lois and Cosmo raise their staff levels to accommodate the heavy activity.

We didn't want to burn out the staff before Christmas!

Jack calling, "The Foreign Minister said face to face was preferred. He could wait until we were back in the country."

I told Jack to connect with Gil about a day and time plus location. If the Minister could come down to Oxfordshire for this it would be much simpler. He could fly down from the Wandsworth Heliport.

Jack laughed, "If you would feed him like you have me it will be an easy sell."

"Okay! Tell him that. And wangle your way to accompany him."

"Done! I wouldn't miss a meal at yours!"

Once more Cho looking at me, "Having Foreign Ministers at your beck and call? I'm certainly in elevated company!"

Much more laughter... a lot more!!

I dove in the pool lit by the barely up sun. Twenty minutes of laps. Gil came out as I was drying off. A hug before she splashed in. Amporn said five minutes for my omelet!

Gil joined me on the terrace for breakfast and then work. I'd only worked during the two flights yesterday.

Feedback from all over about our media offensive against the conservative political parties. Enormous amounts of whinging by the targets but no denials for what we printed and broadcast were sticking. Lots of talk about `left-wing' media which easily was rebutted by me in publisher's statements on several continents saying we were putting ordinary people FIRST rather than business or elites.

Hillary's emails were full encouragement. She was okay with what we'd said regarding her and Bill. It had been honest, not pulling punches but it had also debunked a great deal of republican lies.

Our news people were happy with their work and going on to find more stories. Not surprisingly they were being aided by disgruntled conservatives who wouldn't change their values but were disgusted by the tactics and rhetoric of others. Not much loyalty when your colleagues are scum.

The fallout so far had been businesses lowering their support to conservatives in the UK and America. Fewer donations, less public verbal backing. The new political campaign laws in America meant all monies of any kind whether cash or `in kind' donations to candidates or political action groups had to be publically disclosed.

No dark money' any more. Violations were no longer just a civil' offense but now they were felonies with mandatory gaol time attached when convicted. It applied to everyone in the chain of the money right up to the CEO's of corporations. No exceptions.

All presidential candidates had to take the designated public campaign funds and NO other. With the return of the `Fairness Doctrine' for news organizations political office seekers could expect to be treated honestly by the media or they could demand equal time.

America was leading the world once again in trying to make democracy true to its roots. The 21st Century Fox takeover a catalyst for real change. Our newspapers hammering it home!

Francis walked over to the guest house for his two new managers. He sat down with Prija about the asking the runner-up to her position to join as her deputy. Prija was fine with it so Daunphen was in. She got that the company was new and growing so there'd be advancement opportunities especially since she was unmarried and willing to relocate. Interesting all were women and young!! He grinned after my mild kidding about a harem. Ali shrugged her beautiful shoulders.

While Francis and Ali had their audit' meeting Cho and I had fun with the Twins in the playroom. Charlie needed help to run the trains, I could see him getting it. He'd be semi-solo soon! He loved the action and sounds! Chani in my lap helping' to build a small warehouse for the rail yard. Giggling more than helping.

Francis was pleased with his meeting. We got introduced to all the ladies in the Playroom. Kids and trains.

In each home city our new managers would tap the resources of our big companies to hire staff. In Los Angeles Harlee would use Magenta and in Seattle Aimee would have Geri and Violet for help. Mary at Fox in New York would assist Aimee there.

Francis and Ali were ready to go with Philippa. Hugs and kisses on the terrace before their flight to Chalgrove. Francis had things to do for the Cho Banks and the City Bank.

Also Francis needed to find an office... Cho told him to look in the City Bank's central London building. A thumbs up from him.

Philippa would get started building staff. She and Andrea would meet the day after tomorrow.

We loaded up for France and a bit of a surprise for Gaby. Our Team knew we were going to Paris, PJ and Rande knew there was a stop in the Dordogne first. Tomorrow was Gaby's birthday and we were bringing her home to her family!

The 767 lifted off from Don Mueang and turned for our route to Bergerac. We had Twin's time and dinner then a nice sleep. The morning sun at 40,000 feet, coffee and a few salapaos. Yobi and Lil were up... breakfast!

Cho's smile when I extended a cup of coffee to him!!!!!!!

It would be chilly so a white wool frock, long sleeves and the hem at mid-thigh. Royal blue accessories, the red Kelly bag, gold bits and `Joy' A cashmere royal blue car coat and leather gloves in the same blue with a red silk scarf. Feeling patriotic in blue, white and red for four countries!

Cho in black. The Twins in navy, short pants with knee socks, a white shirt and a cute jumper on Charlie and a navy frock, white knee socks with Mary Janes for Chani. Cute coats for them with gloves!

On approach to Bergerac's airport when Gaby sussed out where we were. No one had mentioned her birthday... subterfuge!

I got `what are you up to' looks from Gaby. I said just wait.

In cars leaving from the east of the terminal where the 767 parked, we passed through Saint-Nexans then Saint-Aubin-de-Lanquais to Faux. We turned north towards Verdon. We went to the right onto a forested lane which wound a bit until it opened to the handsome gray Château de Tornelle sitting proudly.

The house in a grassy field with several large trees flanking it on the west. Gaby shaking her head. We stepped out to the graveled walk and knocked on the door. A woman of late middle age with rosy cheeks had a huge smile.

"Gabrielle!" She and Gaby hugged. We were introduced to the housekeeper an old buddy to Gaby. In the drawing room Gaby's family cheered her entrance with many loud... `Bon Anniversaires!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Gaby went along hugging each one then did introductions. Her mother and father, the biochemist' brother, her younger brother, Christophe, in the uniform of the 3e RPIMa Parachute Regiment. The cousin who was the Prefect' for the department. A few aunts and uncles and assorted cousins.

The Twins were made over as always. They spoke their hellos in French to the utter astonishment of our hosts. Gaby's Mama couldn't believe they were not yet a year and half.

Taittingers was opened. Her mother smiling pointed to us. Gaby looking to me again.

"It was our part of the party doings."

We laughed and her father did a toast for Gaby's birthday. We chatted, sipped and snacked before luncheon.

Gaby's mother with me at a window in the round side turret... the autumn garden still was lovely to see. She thanked me for this little `arrangement' since they hadn't seen Gaby for over two years.

"Even here in our small corner of the world your name is well known. When Gil contacted us about a visit we were very pleased. The staff loves Gaby, they wanted to make a big Bon Anniversaire banner... our housekeeper..." she motioned to the very one with a champagne bottle pouring more, "... was quite excited they had been `copains' all the while Gaby was growing up."

Smiling, "We have done this a few times to meet the families of our Protectors. We like to `know' a bit more than a dossier tells us."

"Ah... certainement! My husband's family came here to represent the King of France over five hundred years ago so there is much to tell that is important and banal. To more recent events... Gaby was a happy and active child more so when she started to ride. She was much loved ..." her arm sweeping wide, "... by our neighbors as she rode about."

I was grinning hearing that. "We'll at home in England for six weeks or more... Gaby will be in the saddle almost every day."

Her mother smiling, "You may be the perfect employer for her."

I showed her how to do a fist bump which made her laugh.

The Twins got to go outside for a few minutes to meet the family dogs. A cute terrier and a mastiff. One smaller than our babies the other bigger. I held Chani's hand as she petted the big guy. He was so sweet with her. Charlie bent over to rub the wiry-haired terrier, grinning as the little fellow made woofing sounds in his higher pitched tone. Pretty fun stuff.

We had a wonderful meal followed by a large cake with horses and flowers all in purple and orange. It was explained those were Gaby's favourite colours as a girl. It was delicious.

The Twins got small pieces... Charlie said it was `tres bon!' We could see they had become dessert connoisseurs!

Gaby was shocked that her mother inquired about her boyfriends saying how beautiful our Twins were, "Maman! I have no time for romance right now. Certainly no time for children!"

Her mother tut-tutted with `very little romance is needed to make children' which got her a mock arm slap from her daughter. Much laughter around the table.

I got a brief tour of the close in gardens and the stables from Gaby and her Maman. Standing at the back of the garden I was told the stables and part of the house had been burned by the nazis and the milice near the end of the occupation.

Their home had been a headquarters for a time for German occupiers when they ran a campaign to destroy the resistance in the Dordogne. They failed but did a lot of damage across the province killing many people.

Their family had been involved in fighting the Germans early on, the men had gone underground.

"Gaby's grandmother stayed here on the upper floors with the Germans below for many months. She would signal using... " her mother's hand motioning to the floors above us, "... the `volets' and the window curtains when the nazis were around the estate.

It is the shutters?? Is that correct?"

"Yes, shutters. Volets sound nicer... less forbidding."

Christophe, Gaby's soldier brother, had just returned from New Caledonia, tanned. A training mission with his parachute battalion, he was a company commander. They had done extensive helicopter operations with the French Navy.

Like his older sister he had spent time in Mali chasing terrorists in the Bled.

"It is boring and dangerous work. The desert does not appeal to me. I am no Lawrence of Arabia."

We laughed at that.

"The locals are helping us much more now. The insurgents have been too brutal in trying to force the ordinary citizens to join in against the government."

Gaby brought up we had close connections to General Montaigan. General Montaigan had commanded the the 3e RPIMa in the long ago past. Her brother had been in an honour guard at Toulouse when the General had been present for a ceremony the year before last. They had not met.

"If you are available... you could come over to Harcourt House when Montaigan is visiting next month. My cousin Graeme will be there, he's in the Parachute Regiment... you might have a few things in common."

Smiles, "Most likely so. It would be an honour to meet the General and your cousin."

"We bought his home on Ile de Saint Louis a year ago it's where we are going this afternoon for a few days."

Gil got Christophe's email address and telephone number. She said she'd be in touch and that Montaigan was to be with us starting a week or so before Christmas.

It was a very nice few hours then our goodbyes. Gaby got lots of hugs!

The 767 was an unusual aircraft for the Bergerac Airport, some plane-spotters taking snaps. We lifted off right away for Le Bourget. Twenty minutes for tickling the Twins. Giggles and then back into their seats.

The street doors of the Quai Bethune house tunnel opened as we drove up. Lucien smiling as we went by. We all walked back to the lift, Augusta and Lucien greeted the Twins. They were quite surprised by the `Bonjour Augusta and Lucien's' from our babies. We reminded the Twins of their names in the car.

Chani and Charlie settled in the nursery, we went out shopping. Over to Rue Saint-Louis en l'Ile. We made a bunch of stops. Maison Tempus so Cho could get some bottles of Val d'Auge Calvados and wine, Verger de l'Ile Saint-Louis the greengrocer, La Ferme Saint-Aubin fromagerie, Boulangerie Saint Louis, Le Poisson Rouge for fish and more. A stop at Calvert's on the way back for ice cream! They were all smiles at seeing us again.

We were loaded! Me and Gil with arms and bags full. We stashed it all away. Tonight I would cook for everyone with some help. Sole in a white wine sauce, pasta with tomatoes and artichoke hearts, the fresh bread nice and warm with butter. Lots of ice cream at the end.

The Twins in highchairs enjoying their dinner. Giggles when the ice cream came out!!

The whole crowd in the dining room. Our Protectors could have wine if they wanted, the house was secure. A lovely meal. Lots of talk about the holidays coming on.

Gaby had done the house tour inside and out. She was amazed.

"Fay, this a wondrous old house. Yours and Cho's room incroyable!"

I told her Montaigan had been conceived and born in that room. Her head shaking.

Afters in the drawing room. Cho was coming out with me tomorrow... shopping!! I kidded him about having the stamina... that got me tickled and kissed.

"If I don't `have it' I'll find a nice quiet brassiere for a drink."

Morning was a brisk walk with Jaidee, Ro, Rafe and Gaby! Our newbies got to see some of the neighborhood. Gil came with us... I put her to work buying fresh baguettes while I got some eclairs from another bakery.

`Bfast' was smelling great as everyone trooped in. Coffee bowls being tipped up, toasted buttered baguette strips munched... Chani and Charlie got their first chocolate éclair or at least part of one. Smiles from the babies! Okay! Éclairs were great!

Black slacks and white turtle neck jumper, soft and warm. Black ankle boots and gold bits, `Joy' The black Coach camels hair coat, Hermès tricolor scarf and black leather gloves. Strolling clothes!

Cho in black skinny jeans and a snug red jumper. A black trench coat, a black fedora and gloves. Very sexy!!

Tara, Tessa with me, Ansara and Rafe for Cho. The babies staying home today, Gil was `working' on several things for me. Gaby went to visit friends.

We walked over the Pont de Tournelle to the Boulevard Saint-Germain. We wandered with no definite stops. We could see the shops were readying for the full Christmas push. Decorations and nice window displays. The trees filled with lights!

The children's store where I bought the Twins' onesies last time had nifty wool hats and cute gloves to make the Twins look like little fox cubs. Done!

Some window shopping then a stop in Rue des Bernardins at our building. I bought more of the white chocolate squares at the chocolatier on the ground floor. A tour of the empty office on the first floor. Who knows if The Company ever occupies this! The whole brexit mess continues to plague the UK.

A l'Epi d'Or across the street... they had heated towel racks that matched the style of the fixtures in the house. I called Gil to do a count and check the measurements. The staff said they had good stock of them and would hold my guess of twenty. We'd stop on the way home.

The heat in the bathrooms didn't really warm the tiled rooms so heated towels would be great!

We were outside a comic book shop. Okay! I asked if they had the `Archangel' series by William Gibson? Yes! I bought the series.

Two blocks down was Tabac Saint Germain. Cho bought several boxes of different size cigars, Upmann, Partagas and MonteCristo were on the boxes. I was smiling, Cho never smoked them unless in company with cognac and friends. So he was preparing to be a host.

More strolling... looking in windows. Au Vieux Campeur! I bought the Twins each a pair of salopette de ski pants, ski pants with braces for play in the `snow' at Harcourt House. Red and navy! Also little brown bear suits for running around the house, warm, little hoods with cute rounded ears! Cho's smile told me he liked! I was making our babies into little furry animals.

We window shopped at Ginkgo across the street, we didn't need any computer bits but it's always fun to look at the doodads on offer.

A car picked up our purchases.

Before lunch I took us all into the Musee de Cluny. I wanted Cho to see the `Lady and the Unicorn' tapestries. Tessa and Tara repeated their suggestion about grabbing them for me. Laughter which went higher when Cho rubbed his hands... "Okay let's get started..."

In the room I had his hand, squeeze... Cho loved the beautiful things.

"I see why you like them. Gorgeous! I have to admire the lady's calm demeanor around so many beasts."

I laughed quietly.

Outside we turned around the corner to Boulevard Saint-Michel. A news and magazine kiosk... Tara turned to say I should put on my sunglasses. I did because the kiosk had at least six `glossies' with my face on the cover on display!

Cho grinning did what Montaigan had done on the Rue Saint-Louis en l'Isle last year, "Always the beautiful woman... never the handsome man!" Lots of shoulder, widely spread arms!! A big laugh! He got a few stares from passersby. More laughter from us.

A right turn to Rue Racine. Bouillon Racine had tables booked for us at the back of the ground floor. I wiggled my butt on the leather after my coat and things were taken. Cho with a grin, "Okay! Now for some food!"

I mentioned he sounded like me which he turned to say "I only follow the best!" A hug for him.

I looked at the menu... razor clams to start then scallops so Cho could choose the wine. Cheese then a Floating Island! Cho was doing fish also so he and the sommelier decided on the Meursault Buisson Les Climats de Marguerite, a very nice white Burgundy.

"Are you Okay so far?"

That cute smile, "You have been very easy on me. With a good lunch I should be fine for a bit more."

A laugh and hug.

I pointed out there were quite a few men's clothing stores further west on Boulevard Saint-Germain so he'd have some places to go.

The lunch was delicious, the wine perfect! Our server recognized us both, he followed the ponies! Cho told him Thaksin was running in the Criterium St-Cloud on the 26th... a smile and a `merci!'

Refreshed and well fed we headed back to the Boulevard. Westward. Quickly we saw Danton `orate' from the top of his plinth. An important figure of Revolutionary France. Cho surprised me, "We need daring, and yet more daring, and always more daring!"

I squeezed his hand when he added, "It is you... you know... `daring!' I'm your rock, a foundation for you." He motioned towards Danton's plinth.

I almost cried right there on the street. A big hug and a kiss stopped me. "It is true and I love you for it!"

That did make me cry! The Cho-Fay handkerchief was in my hand immediately. I fixed my eyes leaning on the exterior wall of the Metro escalator. Funny that Danton brought on my tears.

Going on Cho had a good grip on my hand. We went into Natalys on Rue du Seine. Baby clothes!

"I will be a bit gaga here! I want a bunch of outfits for now and up to six months on."

Cho got it. He followed me. A sales lady asked how she could help... I said dresses for a girl who is the size of a two year old.

A smile from her... I stopped her, "You might want to get help because it is going to be quite a lot for her and then we will shop for her brother."

Wide eyes!! She went to a telephone.

Cho grinning, "You do stir things up." A kiss for him.

The store manager arrived. I introduced myself and Cho. She in turn was wide-eyed but recovered very nicely.

"Mademoiselle Martin, Monsieur Cho welcome to Natalys. You want to get many things for your children... Yes?"

"Oui! Let's start in girl's dresses."

A smile. I saw a lot of little frocks. I started by saying if possible I wanted every item in a two year old's size and a three year old's.

Cho gave me a look. "They are only wearing diapers now to sleep in. They need clothes that fit without the bulging bottom."

He laughed, "Well... no droopy bottoms for our kids!" We hugged.

A cute gray pinafore with a small collar long sleeve white blouse. I asked for short sleeved tops too. Two more pinafores in black and navy. Some pale blue and light gray tops!

A deep burgundy shade round collared long sleeved frock in velvet. A light brown leaf pattern on a navy three quarter sleeve dress. A red knit dress with long sleeves and round floppy collar. A navy and white check dress with a navy shirt collar.

Some lighter ones for Bangkok. A pale green floral sundress with tie straps. A red cotton short sleeved dress with an embroidered bodice. The pinafores were lightweight so Chani could wear them in Bangkok without a blouse.

Many of the frocks came with their matching bloomers.

Leggings in soft wool and cotton, lots of colours. Jeans in black and blue. A very cute vanilla long sleeve pullover with a tie at the back of the neck. Soft! A heavy cotton white top, long sleeves and slender horizontal black stripes. A nifty black and white check sleeveless blouse, a shirt collar.

A black long sleeved smocked t-shirt with a shirt collar.

A pair of yellow round sunglasses! Yes!

Coral, white and navy cardigans.

Two sizes of everything. Cho leaning on the doorway watching me plow through it all.

"No sitting on the sidelines this time."

I dragged him to the boys clothes. The store manager had someone from that department join us. They knew something was going on... lots of activity in Girls.

Cho knew what sizes... I sent him off to buy shirts and socks and belts!

Two pair of wool overalls, heather gray and deep black. Trousers in wool, flannel and cotton, six different colours.

Shorts in white with black vertical striped shorts and blue with horizontal white stripes!

I found a terrific corduroy jacket in a rusty orange, a shirt collar and faux fur lining! Awesome for Charlie.

Cho got ten shirts, cotton, flannel and chambray. Many colours and from basic t-shirt to nice dress shirts. Very soft socks in six colours!! Three belts, black and brown leather plus a white braided cotton one. Good man!

Ah ha! Bath things! A set of squeeze animals you fill with bath water and spray! Rubber ducks and whales!

A bucket of modeling plastic play clay you could make into shapes with tools included. Washable marker pens in six colours. Five new books, there were ones on animals, music and a shopping excursion in French!!

Okay I was done. I created a whirlwind. Everything was being wrapped and a car called for a pickup. The store manager looked a bit wiped out but pleased. As well she should!

The staff all did figure out who we were which was a bit of fun to watch. They had pitched in to help organize, fold and wrap everything. I'd seen their neighboring store when we walked up so I got Cho to stay with all the things.

Maison Mulot smelled heavenly! I could see Tara and Tessa's faces... like mine. I went to the macaroons! I asked for six of every flavour! The young woman was startled by my request.

"Je suis sérieux. C'est un cadeau pour le personnel d'à côté à Natalys qui ont été très gentils."

(I'm serious. It is a gift for the staff next door at Natalys who have been so nice.)

A big smile then! She went to work calling for someone to help her.

I added a Chocolate Vanilla Marble cake for us!

Oh... it was several LARGE boxes! I paid and thanked them. Tessa said she'd break the rule and carry the cake especially since she'd get some! I toted the macaroon boxes to Natalys.

Cho was done and the little van being loaded. Thankfully Cho took a couple of the boxes from me. Inside we placed them on a counter. The staff could smell the goodies.

"Ce sont pour vous tous pour être serviable et agréable! Bon appétit! "

(These are for you all for being helpful and nice! We hope you enjoy them!)

Oh boy did that go over well! Hugs and cheek kisses! They were at the door to wave us down the street!

Cho's smile, "Boy do you find ways to make folks happy to see you! Terrific idea!"

"Now it's time for you!"

I aimed us west on the Boulevard. Fathers and Sons first at the end of the block. Cho bought a pair of soft gray flannel slacks. A bit long, they could have the alterations done by morning. Okay. I texted Gil to arrange a car to pick them up.

Across the road and down a bit to Hugo Boss. Here Cho went for polo shirts and socks.

Next to Chevignon! I eased Cho into a soft light brown leather jacket. Slit pockets with horizontal zipper ones above, two inside pockets. It had a sleek slim line. Nice lining! Did I say soft!! It fit perfectly to Cho's `V' shape!

The shop fellow was looking a bit dreamy at Cho in that jacket. Cho did and I did a smiling glance because he was gorgeous in the jacket. Okay! I saw some pullovers, cotton slender cut... an AWESOME seablue! That colour and a charcoal gray!

Okay off we go! We looked in at MCS Apparel... Cho said he wasn't a cowboy so we left!

Bruce Field next. Well my impression was their things were nice but dull. No flare in style or colours.

I tried the women's side... I was looking... a sales lady came up behind me... Tessa blocked her until I turned around... her face was like `who did Tessa think she was' until she saw my face! Whoa!

"Mademoiselle Martin! Bienvenue dans notre magasin."

I said thank you. "I'm just looking right now."

She sensed my lack of excitement about their offerings. I gave Tara an eye roll and head motion... I thanked the young woman and we walked back to where Cho was. He looked at me as I had the sales lady and we all left.

I laughed out loud at his one word comment... "Banal!'

A peek in at Celio... it said they wanted the well `under thirty' shopper so on we went. A few doors down was Boggi!

Cho got a pair of black flannel slacks right off! Long sleeved polo shirts in four colours. Two Merino wool knitted double breasted waistcoats, black and nice pale gray. Very sleek and close to his body! A black soft wool turtleneck jumper.

A cream wool waistcoat. It would look good under any jacket!

A pair of lightweight wool shirts, navy and light gray. Very soft!!

The car slid up outside to load Cho's goodies in the boot and us in the back. To A l'Epi d'Or with the count and sizes from Gil. We bought fifteen full size towel racks and eight narrower ones. They would be ready in the morning. I told them a truck would come to get them. Okay!

Next to Monsieur Verlaine's bookshop! The nice gentleman was pleased to meet Cho and enjoyed our telling of the reception of the personal version of the Montaigan family book upon being delivered in Martinique.

I asked if he had an atlas of the world from around 1900, something in a quarto size so the maps would be big. I wanted it to show all the European `empires' colonial possessions before the First World War.

Mon. Verlaine has a quick considering face... "Yes! We do. It is in French... Is that a problem?"

"No of course not. Our children are learning French, English and Thai now."

"Ah that is so valuable for them! You become a citizen of the world rather than just a single place."

I squeezed his hand. He led us right to the volume he had. It was beautiful! Dark brown leather binding, lovely colourful maps on excellent paper with gold edging. It was a handsome book.

Cho leaning over my shoulder... I felt the weight of his chin as I turned the pages. He kissed my cheek, a smile. We wanted it. Mon. Verlaine took the book to the desk to await others. Smiling.

I looked at other books in the section... A surprise! `The Journeys of Frodo' Barbara Strachey's wonderful little atlas of Middle Earth! I pulled it out, excellent condition! It was an English Unwin edition. Hardcover.

One of the staff nearby... she was watching me browse but I'd ignored her, she was doing `no harm.'

"Do you also have the Karen Fonstad `Atlas of Middle Earth?' It isn't here." She would look.

Funny this little book in with the normal atlases. A gift for Francis!

I could see Cho with several books, perusing. He held up one `Lulu in Hollywood' by Louise Brooks. I sent a thumbs up! A terrific copy.

I wandered some... I love an old style bookstore... no neon lights or cutesy displays... a warm smell of wood and dust.

The sales woman came back with the Fonstad book, hardcover in superb shape. I was surprised again! Done! I asked her to add these to our pile. Cho handed the `Lulu' book to her.

`When God Laughs' by Jack London. A French first edition in fine condition. Another add.

I moved towards the history sections. Hitler's Social Revolution' by David Schoenbaum. Hardcover. Okay! Robert Gellately's Backing Hitler,' a nice hardcover. I added it for Flix since I owned one. Somewhere?? Which house??

Cho came close to `bump' into me... "Pardonnez-moi mademoiselle! Je suis un imbécile maladroit!"

We laughed together.

He had an Asterix and Obelix book. "So which ones do we have?"

"I think all through fourteen. Call Gil ask her to login into the Library and check."

Another `bump.' Cho motioned to Rafe and walked out front.

Mon. Verlaine came by, "You two are making a nice pile. An odd group of selections."

"It's the way my mind works. How about Isabelle Eberhardt? Anything? In French?"

"Oh yes. We have a few. Her oeuvre wasn't large."

A first edition of Dans l'ombre chaude de l'Islam' very nice but I wanted a copy to read. A good quality leather bound book from the 1930's, not fancy. Perfect. I wanted to see if I could discern where her work left off and the questionable executor' of her writing estate took over.

Cho came up to the desk with an arm load of Asterix books! Numbers fifteen through thirty eight with some special volumes. Mon. Verlaine smiling at our piles.

Okay we needed to go. Cho paid as I went to the sidewalk to answer my phone. Jack calling.

"Fay, the Foreign Minister is willing to drive down to you. How about Monday?"

I said hold on while check the calendar. I zipped over to it... Cho golfing in the afternoon was the only thing besides a meeting with Carter about Christmas in the morning.

"Jack, can he do eleven in the morning then lunch?"

It was a go. When we rang off I put it on the calendar.

Our car was waiting as some of the shop staff helped get our purchases into the car. I gave Mon. Verlaine a big hug and thank you. He got a `Joyeux Noël' from us.

At home Gil had done the arranging of the incoming things! All the Twins clothes to a room on the third floor to sort out. Our bits to our suite. It was getting crowded.

I voted for drinks then mess with it all. Lucien got the young fellow who lived out back to come up to the house. He got we wanted him to do the towel rack installs with an electrician. He and Lucien would coordinate it and get the electrician hired. They knew there was no hurry so slow deliberate work was great.

Lucien had a small local delivery company to get the racks picked up tomorrow and he'd store them in the workshop in the garage until needed.

Campari and soda in hand and Chani on my lap! Gil with a shit-eating grin!

"Okay what's up?"

"News from Francis... we own the company in London for the 3D printing!"


Cho with a quizzical face.

"We're going to be printing puzzles for the Twins!"

Chani clapping at Gil's news, "Any picture or drawing you want! They'll print it in high grade compressed paper a three quarters of an inch thick then it is sent to the laser cutting machine programmed to cut the pieces. The six foot by six foot format is fine... we could go larger if its printed in sections. They'd laminate the face of the pieces."

Fist bump! Just what I wanted! Cho parked beside me, Charlie climbed into his lap.

I told the Twins they would have more puzzles to play with. We got `YEAS!'

I was figuring that when they've done them a few times we could send them to our various day care centers. So we would need some packaging. Gil would handle that. We would need to choose snaps that were not too personal... generic in subject.

Dinner out tonight for everyone. Alain at Brasserie de l'Isle Paris had seats for the Twins and was delighted we would bring them with us.

He had the banquette at the back for us and the table in front for our Protection Team. A hug with Alain. Cho introduced the Twins. His eyes bright as they said "Bonsoir Monsieur Alain."

He knelt down to shake hands.

"Bienvenue aux tout-petits! J'espère que vous apprécierez votre diner."

They thanked him with simultaneous "Merci!"

They were in new clothes. The sweet gray pinafore and white long sleeved shirt outfit with black tights. Of course Mary Janes for Chani. Black wool trousers, a dark gray jumper over a white shirt for Charlie.

We got the Twins settled in. The little seats were terrific. Tha on one side me on the other.

Now to get some kid food chosen. The tomato salad to start with some lightly toasted bread slices. Then an omelet with fine herbs with pommes frites as their main course. We'd give them some tastes from ours.

I decided on the leeks in vinaigrette to start and split the herrings and potato salad with Cho. I chose the sole with the rice casserole. To be followed by the camembert with apple. The homemade custard at the end, the Twins too.

Cho did the haddock so he chose a white wine from Burgundy, a small label from Cote de Beaune, a Meursault. Alain said it was excellent so...

Our crowd happy! We had such a great day... spending money! The Twins had no idea about all the other clothes or toys. Bath tonight would have new floating fun things! Tha with a grin.

We discussed tomorrow. The Mirabelle opening on the Champs-Elysees. I'd stayed away today so as not to be in the way. I would do a ceremonial opening and be around for a bit. Then across the road for lunch at Le Fouquet, Coral would be our guest.

Gil had a booking for the back corner behind the curtains.

We had a fine meal. The Twins using their forks and spoons were marvelous! Once their food was bite size no problems! A big on our son's face as he held up a piece of buttered bread.

"Good Mama!"

I said we were glad he liked the dinner. They were brilliant eaters in the public, nothing loud and never a mess. When the custard came it was a hit!

The walk home had brisk breeze but everyone was well wrapped up. The fire place and afters warmed us up. Juice for the babies. They got to split one of the small white chocolate squares.

A fast morning walk with Jaidee and Tessa down to Square Barye and back via Rue Saint-Louis en l'Isle to Rue des Deux Ponts. We moved along given Jaidee's need to nose things in his path. And a stop at the Boulangerie for `loaves.'

First stop in the morning was an early meeting at the Royal Thailand Embassy on Rue Greuze in the Trocadero. We met with the ambassador and the top Thai trade delegate to the EU. Cho knew the ambassador, not well though. There was to be a trade show in a convention building in La Defense in the summer. They would like us to be there for the opening day.

Cho said we would make our best effort but that it would be contingent on other events. The trade fellow said they understood how we were involved with so many businesses. If we could come they would include us in their promotional information. Okay!

Off to the Champs-Elysees! At nine we walked to the store doorway. `Mirabelle' in blue neon in the front window. An unpretentious look in easy to read script. We were a half block from the Apple Store which wouldn't hurt us. AND the George V Metro stop was underneath!

The space had a clean look, lots of frocks, tops, skirts, sweaters and suits. No outer wear, shoes or accessories.

Coral sipping coffee looking a bit weary.

"Fay... we are ready to open! Finally!"

"Oh boy am I glad I didn't come over and get in the way."

Coral and Raphaela laughed together.

Coral smiling, "Actually you were right. We almost had too many cooks. My nieces have gone home to freshen up for the opening. We're going to the office to change. Please look around."

They both headed to the rear of the store. Cho sat, Gil and I moved about touching and looking.

It had a nice sophisticated atmosphere in the small space. Some chairs near the front door for folks to sit.

Cho winked to me, "This looks quite nice. You did good."

A hug. Gil's smile, "Fay, when you sketched this out from the dimensions and interior layout I crossed my fingers it would be done like you wanted. They did do good!"

I was nodding as my hands moved through the clothes. Nice things always sell well even better when there's a pleasant atmosphere feeling!

My outfit wasn't in the stock, Gil and I looked.

A pale charcoal gray wool dress, rounded shirt collar that was outlined in black down the bodice which opened from the left of the neck down to the waist with small black buttons, three quarter length sleeves. It was pleated from the hips downward to mid-calf. Narrow pleats, razor sharp! A tie belt of the same wool. It had silk lining in black.

The coat was very black wool with wide lapels and several inches of cuff on the sleeves. One large black button at the waist offset to the left. It hung to just the same length as the skirt. A black Coach bag and black leather gloves. St. Laurent black heels and silver jewellery. Of course a few dabs of `Joy' The silver Uffington Horse pin on my right side.

Cho watched us from a chair. He looked outside, "You have some customers."

There was six ladies at the door looking in. It was thirty minutes before the scheduled opening.

"Will you two help if I open the doors?"

Cho laughed, "Not much should be expected of me besides stopping a stampede."

"Okay I accept that if you would knock on the office door to let Coral know I'm opening the doors."

Thumbs up.

I unlocked the doors and asked the ladies if they wanted to come in to look around although we weren't actually open.' The six and two new ones all smiling. I shook hands as they passed me. Gil saying Hello and welcome to Mirabelle.'

Raphaela came up next to me, a grin.

Quietly, "Eager ones!"

Coral joined us laughing, "Miss Martin, have you made any sales?"

I confessed to zero, "They are inside so who knows."

Coral's nieces returned, introductions. They both had retail experience so she let them go to it.

The store started to fill up at eleven the actual opening time. And there were more women out front!!

Looks like Angela's, Regine's and Margeaux's from AgencePromo `little' promotions for the shop were working.

Cho said he was going to the Apple Store `one less body' with his parting kiss.

For two hours it was wall to wall ladies then the luncheon hour and it tapered off. One of Coral's nieces said working ladies on lunch' would be around but not in the same numbers as earlier. I walked through the store... my quickie estimate was a quarter of the stock was gone. Raphaela agreed it had been good, maybe thirty percent.'

Coral was pleased, "This justifies my having a lot more stock sent over. It should be here by tomorrow morning. Did you see how the suits sold? Whoosh!"

Fist bumps! The suit sales amazed me too!

I had spent some time outside in the chilly sun talking with reporters. I was startled to see a Sky UK camera crew. Turned out Angela had prompted their arrival.

The news folks were very nice. L'Echos, a business daily; Le Monde, Le Parisien, Le Figaro and L'Humanite all showed up plus CNews, BFM TV, France 3 Paris...TV people.

I talked to them as a group in French. I promised Sky UK equal time in English.

I gave them the genesis of the project when someone asked the obvious question... why us. I told them there were two essential reasons, we are investors in Mirabelle and I wear clothing they make for me.

Coral joined me so we both spoke back and forth for almost thirty minutes. I moved to the Sky UK team and repeated a good deal.

I did take off my coat so the photographers could get snaps of my frock. It was funny to `model' on a Parisien street! I said it was too cold for more. A wave then inside Gil helping me into the coat to warm up!

I slipped my arm through Coral's, "We are going to drag you away for luncheon in a bit. You need a break."

I was thanked. A text from Cho... he was going to the restaurant... join him when we could... I gave him a big thumbs up!

Raphaela said they were doing fine now that Coral's local friends had arrived to work. On that note Gil and I escorted Coral across the road. She thought we were heading to one of the cafés around but I led us right to the door of le Fouquet!

"Fay! I am..." I squeezed her arm going to the door. A fellow opened it... the Maitre d' smiling, "Mademoiselle Martin Bienvenue! This way please."

We went through to the inside and off to the right. In the corner Cho stood up as we approached. We were handed off by the Maitre d'.

"Ladies..." A kiss for me and a handshake and cheek kiss for Coral. A kiss for Gil. We slid in on the banquette. Tara and Tessa sat with Rande and Ro at a small table by the doorway.

I was sitting under Lino Ventura's photo! I always enjoyed his movies especially the phlegmatic Phillippe Gerbier in the `Army of Shadows.'

Cho had done some ordering. Caviar Fouquet's with a bottle of Dom Pérignon! A terrific start. A toast to Mirabelle and the work Coral had put in! She was smiling.

"It feels good to have even a small store here."

"If it works we'll look for something larger and maybe you can add seamstresses?"

"It is a maybe..."

I was good with a maybe. Paris is a tough market for clothes.

The caviar was excellent, the wine also! It went down well. We did look at the menus. I started with the Gnocchi aux fines herbes, then the Linguine aux crevettes black tiger. Cho chose the Sole meunière so several bottles of Meursault Vieilles Vignes for the four of us since Gil and Coral also chose fish.

The restaurant staff knew who we were and were very attentive. That was nice but it didn't matter to us.

The food was superb! My shrimp... perfectly cooked with the pasta al dente. I could see Cho enjoying his favourite sole. The wine gave me the taste of a bit lemon rind, hazelnuts and beeswax. Interesting combination.

When I asked the sommelier his face showed I was on the right track.

"Oui Mademoiselle, your nose and palate are quite good. It is good with your meal?"

"Yes! The slight citrus goes along with the shrimp and spices."

Cho and I shared a cheese plate afterwards. I finished my lunch with their caramel cheesecake and espresso.

Coral smiling, "Fay, Cho, this has been wonderful. A break in my day and a lovely meal."

We talked about the store... our lease was up the third week in January. We could renew but the minimum length of time was six months.

"Let us sign up for that... then use the time to build the name and look for a larger space nearby. Since the clothing isn't overtly sexy a shop in a middle-class district won't be out of line. It's not like we are charging thousands for a frock."

We laughed. Coral said I was right though, "Our clothing does not... `explode' the woman's clothes budget."

Fist bumps! I said the point is it is well made and has certain timeless quality.

Cho smiling, "So how do you make more money selling things which won't wear out or go out of style?"

I turned to Coral... we fist bumped... "By selling the customer on the value in buying more for their wardrobe so they can save money overall!"

Lots of laughter for us. A kiss for me from Cho.

The Le Fouquet had been wonderful, the day manager came to see us. He was very nice in thanking us for lunching with them. We shook hands and kissed a few cheeks on our way out.

We walked back to the store which wasn't completely full of women but nearly so. Coral smiling holding my arm.

"So you did the promotions... they will continue until the end of December... then?"

"We will have Reginé continue on social media and the localized webpage. Margeaux will take over the entire ad programme. None these these have have been terribly expensive. When we find a new location they can announce it and do a push for the store.

You need to find a high quality French company to make some of the clothing here taking the burden off New York. The expansion in New York should continue to support more stores in America rather than send a large portion here."

A hug. We were on the same wavelength. We said goodbye to all the staff and I spoke to a few ladies on our way out.

More shopping! We walked two blocks over to Hermès! Gil had set an appointment for us. Maury and the store manager were waiting. A hug for Maury. Cho introduced. Hands shaken.

I sent Cho off to the `Men's department' with a grin.

I went to "Babies' for gifts. Cavaclour blankets for napping, nappy bags, hat-sock-mitten gift sets in pink and blue. Several plush horses for `hugging,' bibs with horses, pullover hoodies with pom-poms. A green poncho for Kas and a smaller orange one for Dorene, soft and warm! Cute chapka hats in various sizes and colours.

Now to equestrian. Jump breeches for Sunny for practising in, black and white. A black and gray warm-up poncho!

In gifts there was a Samarcande horse's head paperweight in red stone! For Sunny's desk!

A rose gold ring with horse's heads facing each other! A Chaine d' Ancre necklace. For me! Gold links link a ship's anchor chain with a loop and bar close shaped like an anchor. In the medium size. A `Galop' bracelet in gold, two horse's heads facing each other.

In Women's clothing Mitty joined us. A big smile. She said she'd passed Men's seeing Mr. Cho shopping... a dreamy look... "Mon Dieu! Quel bel homme!"

We all laughed as Jacques came in with a brown paper wrapped package.

Maury, "We have found another one for you."

Jacques raised his eyebrows as Maury opened the package in his hands. A black crocodile Kelly bag! 32cm! Perfect!

I sent Gil off to do her own shopping. Tara and Tessa took over so PJ and Ken could be relieved of watching my shopping. Huge smiles. They could shop if they liked.

I bought a Bridado backpack in summer leaf green for Sunny. Not to be a book bag but for fun. I got one for me in black.

A cute red leather mini-skirt with a soft white silk scoop neck t-shirt. A black Santorin tank swim costume.

Now to scarves! The sales lady was the same as last time! She said she was ready! Laughing I said it wouldn't be as bad as that.

First they had the Harcourt Racing scarves. The green and yellow were perfect! Five dozen! Lots of gifts!

The store lady brought over a scarf ring in silver with a horse on the ring! Okay!

A stole in very soft black wool! Done! A bunch of horse themed ones for a few riders in wool. Then an assortment of colours that I chose for friend's favorite shades.

A red stole backed in pale gray for Jian!

I was surprised when Jacques returned with another package! I had forgotten my other special order. Ties! They had older style 1950's TV cameras! Two dozen in assorted colours. Yes! They looked fabulous! Exactly like I envisioned. Maury got how happy I was with them after the big hug!

We all merged near the concierge's desk. Mitty had the accounting, Gil paid.

I sat at the desk for a moment to write in a card. It was a Harcourt House embossed card in pale gray vellum. I thanked all the store staff, naming Maury, Mitty, Mirra in scarves and Jacques. Adding a `Joyeux Noël' for them!

Gil had a separate smaller version with the money... I slipped it in. I handed Maury the envelope with got her eyes sparkling.

Hugs and kisses! All our `things' loaded in the small panel truck Lucien arranged.

The car at the curb. Off to have Twins-time!!

They were doing a book reading with Tha in the drawing room near the fire. Hugs and kisses in big bunches. Cho and I changed to casual clothes for lying on the carpet.

The Popa Cho-Air Express made flights throughout entire floor. Zoom sounds and happy yells for `Popa to go faster' were heard down the passage. I did get them to give Cho a break. I put an inch of dark scotch in his hand exchange for a kiss.

Dinner out tonight with the Twins at Le Petit Pontoise. Gil with a grin, "They have seats for Chani and Charlie, so we're good."

More new outfits. Chani in the red velvet frock with dark gray tights and Mary Janes. Charlie in dark brown wool slack, a beige flannel shirt and the rusty orange corduroy jacket, brown loafers.

We walked to the restaurant, the Twins in our arms. Four blocks in total, we strolled. Everyone was well dressed. The Twins in wooly hats and gloves with scarves! The wasn't much wind so it was a nice walk.

The Maitre was pleased to see us again. The chef came out to greet us. Hugs, kisses and introductions. The Twins standing as we took off their outer wear.

Their Bonsoir's brought amazement and delight to our host's faces. They were settled on the little seats when Chani said `potty' to me quietly. Okay! Gaby came with us.

Chani's business completed she giggled with Gaby and me drying our fingers. Back at the table food was being considered. The house Old Fashioned waiting for me. Tasty!

I chose the `Crystal Blue' shrimp once again! I had been so scrumptious! A baked camembert to share with Chani. The scallops in Provençale sauce for my entrée. I would wait on the afters.

The cod in small portions for the Twins. Tha chose the Carpaccio of Scallops which she said she'd share with Charlie.

I set Cho on the wine as usual. His taste always impeccable! The Maitre who was also the Sommelier conferred. Another Meursault, Domaine Brisson `Les Chevalieres.' The white was an excellent fit for Cho's turbot and my scallops.

Tha didn't drink much spirits but she took a glass of the tonight. Gil too so we had several bottles.

Our Protectors worked in shifts watching and eating. They enjoyed the food! Smiles and clean plates!

When it came time for the afters the Twins got a bit of chocolate and vanilla ice cream. I went for the Tart Boudaloue again! The pear tart was so handsome to look at! I went to work on it. Chani got a taste which got me a big smile. She got a bit more!

I got a forkful of Cho "Grandma's Secret Tart Tatin! The apples so delicious.

Espresso and Amaretto. I took my glass to the kitchen... some of the staff had peeked out to see us when we arrived. I raised my glass to them in thanks for a marvelous meal. The chef and the rest gave me a chorus of `Merci's!'

Gil did the envelope with the `gratuity.'

Other diners had been giving us the eye. Several waved as we put on our warm clothes. We smiled back to them. Out on the sidewalk we let the Twins walk for a bit when we got down by the Seine. We carried them over the bridge and back home from there.

Lucien at the doorway with a smile.

"Les Petites are so very cute!"

I squeezed his hand. Up in the lift to our main floor. Cho stopped at the first to invite Marie and Luce to come for afters. The Twins growth and vocabulary amazed them too.

The doctors coming down to give us an evaluation of their growth and skills were going to be `amazed' also! I was sure of it.

We welcomed the ladies but pardoned ourselves shortly after to help put the Twins down for the night.

More Amaretto and espresso for me. Our lady tenants were well, doing their usual things. Marie said they had followed the various bits of news about us through the year. They were surprised by some of things we had done.

"You are doing so much... so much good!"

We hoped so.

After a another Jaidee morning circuit of the east end of the island. I gave him a lot more time this morning. Ken smiling as `Fay Martin' picked up her dog's poop. We laughed at the thought of the image in the news. God forbid. Gil and Tessa did the gathering of baguettes for breakfast.

We packed up our gear.

Loaded up in the cars to go to the Paris Heliport, a twenty five minute drive along the quays on the south side of the Seine. We were greeted by the manager, he knew we were part owners. We got a quickie tour and met some of the staff.

Three white AW139's waiting for us. Two straight to Chalgrove with baggage and four members of our Protection Team. PJ, Tara, Rande and Ansara were with us and the Twins going to Montataire. A fifteen minute flight.

We flared for landing on the grid at the Montataire Farm. Jonny and Victor, the manager of the Farm, with Piet, were smiling as we all climbed out. Victor and Piet got to meet the Twins, Jonny had met them at the Topanga Ranch. Piet was our Security manager for this property and the ones in Paris.

We got the whole tour. The Twins walked some and were carried. The stables were solid and comfortable with well-regulated temperatures. Well laid out to make the work easier with all the tools close to hand.

The dormitory rooms like our quads' at Harcourt House, they afforded privacy and comfort for our workers who lived on the farm. Many of the staff were from local villages and so commuted' to work.

Victor and his family had a comfy two floor house. We met his wife and son in their sitting room. She helped by doing the farm bookkeeping, their son was going to the local school. They had an Alsatian girl dog as part of their family. She was friendly and loved being rubbed by the Twins.

Jonny had a three bedroom house so he could have Monaco or other trainers visit. He hired several neighbor ladies to do the cooking for the Farm. They did breakfast, lunch and dinners every day working in shifts. Lunch was the biggest meal with all workers eating with us.

Piet had a house beside the Security building which had a drone landing pad just to the right in a small clearing in the trees.

The construction was complete! No trees were taken down, a few were trimmed, so it looked natural. We kept the paved roads to a minimum on purpose. In places where it might be muddy there was cobbled stone walkways for humans and horses.

Charlie and Chani got to meet our big guy Satirical and the beautiful Amira. Both had won five races this year. Amira's victories were all G1 races against the highest level of competition. She was a tough girl!

Thaksin had won his three starts with one more to go at St. Cloud in ten days. He was nickering a lot as we all caressed him.

Jonny smiled from the stall opening, "He's a love bunny away from the track... there he's all business."

Jonny was obviously happy with them. Our jockeys, Francine and Rene, were off riding for other trainers. Francine would ride Thaksin in the Criterium Saint-Cloud which was a two thousand meter race. His longest race of the season almost a mile and a quarter.

I love seeing the small hands gently caress the horse's noses. Nickers greeted the Twins who knew it meant the horse was happy.

"Mama, Amira likes petting."

I agreed with my daughter. Chani held my arm as Amira slurped up the mint from my hand. The movement of her jaws as she chewed the treat fascinated Chani.

"Mama, big teeth!"

We laughed, "Yes, Amira is much bigger than we are every way."

We poked our noses in every space before mounting up in the AW139. Waves from the staff as we lifted off turning north. In an hour and quarter we descended to the grass at Harcourt House.

Once on their feet the Twins ran across the graveled forecourt to greet Car' and Audi' at the front door. Smiles and hugs! Fist bump for Carter from me mated to a huge grin!

"Welcome to Christmas time at Harcourt House!" Carter was almost gleeful saying that!

We were very happy for this long stay to begin.

Chani was holding one of Audi's hands... me the other.

Audra smiling, "It's good you're here now. Carla has luncheon ready."

We went in to eat. The Twins with their forks and spoons were a marvel. We cut a few items for them, less all the time.

Charlie and Chani went up to their Nursery for `lessons' and we sat with Carter in his office.

"We are ready for the holidays. The tree and greens in ten days, Mr. Thorn says the school garlands are a work in progress and Dan Fraser's prepared for the hay ride. The caterers for the two open house days are booked and the signs are up in the village.

You have the Foreign Minister here Monday, the Crew in a week and in just ten days until the Queen. We are starting the season with a big bang."

Laughing Cho told him the guests coming will be different this year.

I piped up, "We have two friends who are in the last 40 days of pregnancy so they won't come and others have family changes. Gil is keeping track and will give the list later today."

Fist bump.

Carter said the pool was ready! He has Stanton assigned to monitor it, the chemical balance and cleanliness. His sister's husband has a pool service so he knows some about it. Stanton's brother-in-law's company is on for larger scale maintenance, he's over in Abingdon.

Cho and I were joined by Ken and Penny for a ride.

First stop was to visit with Sylvia and little Dorene. She was nursing so we'd come back.

Ken and Penny our two newest equestrians coming along for the trip to Denham School. Rebel was almost prancing when he saw me. A kiss for his nose and a stop to see Pamela.

Nickers and hugs from her. Roland was glad to see me too! I said in the morning to him.

We went down the grassy lane to the flat then up the slope at an easy trot. We crossed the railroad tracks going towards Thame Lane. We ran parallel to that right to the school's back gate. We wound our way on the road to the administration building.

We got hellos and waves from staff and students.

Richard pleased to see us. Hands shaken. We parked in his office.

"I have a school assembly set for the day the term ends for you to make your announcements. Next terms classes are nearly fully enrolled. The changes in teaching staff are complete and the newbies are scheduled for their orientation."

We were the ones `pleased' now. Richard was a fine administrator, Reginé, Angela and others doing the promotions were superb.

We would several advanced classes built on this term's courses and some new ones. The school grounds we could see were well taken care of by the staff. The basic school staff had no turnover. Even better!

Cho and I wandered a bit looking in at some classes. Calista's class working on fabric... she came over to the door. I told her one of her slender black suits had made its way to Tehran to visit important members of the government. Fist bump.

Our ride back was a blistering pace set by Rebel and me. We left the others behind flying across the grass. Such a delight!

Cho's face when he joined me on the flat was great!

"Damn it is fine to watch your ass take off." We laughed over that phrase. Fortunately said before Ken and Penny caught up.

We made a tour of the stables with Ken and Penny, kissing and hugging horses and a few staff. Ronnie's smile told us she was doing Okay.

Lots of mints, carrots and apples shared out by us. Cho and I in the paddock occupied by Asda and Hathai stroking these beauties. Asda had a steady booking list for covering mares. Cho kept an eye on it, he didn't want to allow just any mares to be brought to Asda. Only ones of real quality.

Secret Sea nickering as my hand stroked her neck. Ronnie with me.

"Fay, she is doing great. No problems. Dr. Crawdord2 says she's the model mother-to-be."

Fist bump!

Cho and I brought Andy, Anthony and Gregory together in the Stables office.

Cho grinning, "In two and half weeks we'll have a visitor who wants to meet Asda. A royal visitor. The Queen!"

Oh boy did that get them wound up.

I laughed "Okay relax. The Queen knows about horse shit, etc... She'll have a look around, meet the staff and horses. There's no need to go crazy."

Cho added, "You have to keep it a secret... deep! Okay?"

They nodded. I let them know Carter, Carter2 and Audra had been told but no one else.

Andy shaking his head, "Audra kept your secret! I'll have some fun kidding her about it."

We all laughed.

"The focus of her visit is down here so expect her to spend most of her time..." My finger pointing down.

They were chilled out. I squeezed Gregory's hand, "Tell Sylvia... it's Okay. She should know you might be a bit distracted."

Cho and I walked up with Gregory to see the new young lady. Little `Do' was gorgeous!

Sylvia gave me a hug, "Fay, she such a good baby. Nurses and sleeps like a trooper."

I got to hold the sweet bundle, big eyes looking at me.

"Hello Do! Welcome!"

Cho nudged Gregory, "You must be chuffed!"

A huge smile, "We've been counting our blessings!"

Francis and Ali came home from London before dinner. Hugs and kisses. They were great and had good news for us. Cho said to wait until the Twins were down later.

Cho leaning on the fireplace in the Great Room, a dark scotch in hand, "We too have a few blessings to count."

I sipped my Campari. "We do and I think about them all regularly."

I reached down to rub a handsome brown dog.

Yells of two active and happy babies broke the quiet!

"Mama! Popa!" They came running through the Great Room doorway with Tha behind. Hugs. I had Chani beside me on the settee, Charlie next to his dad as warmed their cute butts on the fire.

Ali sat with us with Gil across. Francis joined the butt warming duo.

Charlie and Chani were ready for dinner when `Car' came to the entrance. They both rushed him... a group hug.

Another step for Charlie and Chani... knives! We put them beside their fork and spoon. I watched Chani pick it up... "Mama I cut now?"

I said yes she should try. Huge smile. Charlie lifted it, Cho showed them how to `cut' and use the knife to move the food onto their fork. They observed us... then went on to eat.

The little ones enjoyed their grilled sole and sauce, whipped potatoes were `marv' according to Charlie. He likes to shorten words... a lot. Green beans speared and made to disappear in short order. The bread and butter brought a big smile to Charlie's face. Yes, he loved him some bread now he did his own butter!

The plate of iced cookies at the end was equally well received. They were horses and dogs. Heads bitten off with glee!

We sat in the Great Room with afters and the Twins did a puzzle. The first of the one we had made. It was a photo of Jaidee sitting up looking quite proud and happy. When Tha showed them the picture...

"Yea Jaidee!!" That's a first! They both said his name properly.

They plunged into the work. Cho sat beside me on a settee watching Jaidee be recreated. The very same lying on his side nearby keeping an eye on their progress.

When the last piece was placed there were cheers from all of us and `woof' from the subject of the picture. We told them there would be more puzzles with places, people and animals they knew. Lots of clapping!

"Dragonfly!" from Chani. An Okay from me. Charlie added "Train!" Gil said she made a note of the requests.

The Twins went up knowing we'd be along soon.

Francis' news for Cho... the second and third Green Investment Funds have opened to incredible interest. One sold out in hours the other over ninety percent by close of business.

Cho grinning, "I like this. We make money, companies that don't pollute get investment for more and investors get profits. All good all the way through!"

A kiss for the guys and a hug for Ali.

I was soon bent at the waist kissing my son's cheek as he stood in his crib. His arms around my head... squeeze. I didn't take personally the big yawn that followed. I helped him get under the bedclothes. `Blu' right there for him. A last kiss.

A kiss for Chani. Cho had done everything for her. `Raggedy Anne' beside her, a small arm around her.

Tha came down to sit with us. The child psychologists would be here tomorrow morning. Gil had sent them the video of the puzzle building done in the Bangkok Playroom. A tease! The doctors would each sit with Charlie and Chani and asked that we not be in the rooms unless necessary. We were fine with that but Tha would be outside in case.

Roland's strides were wide as we roared down towards the lock. Gaby and Tara behind me. The lock man waved and Roy called out a hello. I happily responded glad to be here to see them.

Across the water and moving north through Lower Radley. A waved hello to Jerrold as he left for school. We went along the dirt road then went around two fields to the Thames Path. Turning left we stayed on the path with the river to our immediate right. We crossed the western stream of the river then to the lock in Sanford.

The lock man waved and smiled, "Hullo good to see you back!"

I called out a greeting and said we were glad to be here.

A quick stop at Mr. Hardy's found him out walking already so south to the grass. Roland whinnied when he saw the green field and we were off. Gaby and Tara were left behind. My buddy soon reached a full gallop as I aimed us along side of the river.

A look over my shoulder showed my protectors many yards behind. I asked Roland for a bit more... he willingly responded with a surge. Roland sprinted the last few hundred yards to the property line where I eased him down and turned us further south up the slope to the first spinney. We walked back down as my companions caught up.

Smiles and fist bumps! Andy grinning as he took the reins, "Fay, it always great to see you to ride home."

I asked about their house, "It's smashing the way Audra's done it up. Oh... I helped with my hammer and nails but you know it is all her ideas."

"Good! Like Cho and I... we ladies think up things for the men to do."


Incredible to watch our son using his knife to fill his fork them eating the pile. The Twins showing their bodies and minds working in sync. Today's the day for us all to find out just far advanced they are.

Cho winked at me, a head nod... Chani doing exactly the same. I loved it!

I washed and changed to the Munro Ancient tartan. A sleeveless yellow jumper over a blue t-shirt to match the skirt colours. Blue tights and black ankle boots. A wool jacket over for warmth. Cho put on the `Joy'

The child psychologists arrived at ten. One to the library the other to the game room. The twins were introduced to them by the Great Room fireplace.

It started with a bang as they said hello to each and shook hands. It was interesting to see them decide who should shake' and who gets a fist bump.'

Cho and I had sat with them beforehand to explain the gentlemen would talk with them and ask questions. I laughed inside when they both said `Okay!'

Cho went to do some calls in the office and work with Francis, I took Gil and Ali to the Breakfast Room. More coffee!

In twenty minutes Kendall came to the door, "Miss Martin, the two gentlemen would like to speak to you and Mr. Cho."

I asked him to get Cho and walked to the Great Room where the psychologists were waiting.

Cho had my hand... The two men explained they wanted to go to a different test...

They looked at each other, one said go ahead.

"Well Charlie... and Chani... We started with Bayley-Scales development test... they both... it was obvious immediately they were very advanced."

His head shaking, "I asked Charlie if he was comfortable his response was Oui, ça va.' Now I asked in English but he chose to use French to reply. I asked him why he chose French and he said something in a language I don't know. I guess my face showed I hadn't understood so he said in English I like French.'

"Did it sound similar to `chanchopfarangset'?"

"Yes it did."

I grinned with Cho, I said, "That's Thai for `I like French' so it was his little joke I think."

The men shaking their heads. They asked our pardon for a moment, they leaned close and conferred. They were in agreement right away.

"We are going to go on to the Stanford-Binet V test. It is rarely given to children so young... We have never know a child under two years old being given the test. We think it is appropriate here."

Okay from us. They went back to the Twins. Cho followed me to the Breakfast Room. Coffee and I asked Gil to look up the Stanford-Binet test.

"Fay, Cho, it is an IQ test designed for ages three and up but can be given to two year olds although this says that it is rarely done for that age. Also the test is different from others because it does not have a linear methodology. The questions requiring different skills are mixed not all grouped together. It can be more challenging."

Cho grinned, "I wonder what the Twins will do with that?"

I laughed, "I think they enjoy themselves!"

We all laughed.

Back to work! We had meetings planned for The Company and one to include the folks going to Iran, it would be in London and some workers on the Conference App. I had few things for the Chanthira Foundation, some visits with Rona. Time at News UK and Sky UK. EFT. Denham School. The Harcourt Advance Fund and the St. Thomas Board.

I wanted to give Christmas presents to the Chalgrove Primary and St. Albans School. This year I would add the Marsh Baldon Primary and Stadhampton School.

We needed to visit Cowley House to see the work... and the house. A trip to Aleness in the Highlands for the new house and Cho's new golf course. We'd pick up Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig on the way to Aleness. Gil was on it. Fist bump!

Ninety minutes later brought yells to my ears from the Great Room. I found the Twins wrestling with Jaidee by the fireplace. Tha smiling from a settee. She said the two psychologists were finalizing their business and would want to meet soon. I stuck my head into the Office.

Cho and I sitting on a sofa in the Library across from the two men. They started with saying our Twins were the most self-possessed children of their age they had ever seen. Their findings from the separate interviews were virtually identical.

The Twins verbal comprehension was that of seven to eight year olds which is a function of their excellent working memory and processing speed. On every scale of visual-spatial responses they are nearly eight year olds and their fluid reasoning was at the same level.

There was a good deal more about the physical attributes but it came down to they were the most advanced seventeen month children they had seen. Although the Stanford-Binet Test assigns an IQ level in the Twins case because of their age it is just an approximation. Their results showed they scored' at the 144+ level which means they are very gifted' or `highly advanced!'

"We received the video your assistant sent but decided not to watch it so it couldn't prejudice our opinions. We did look at it after were finished. It only reinforces our judgement. Not only do they have superb memory skills but their reasoning abilities are quite unique. The brief conferring they did in the video as they started the puzzle again amazed us both.

The urge to write a paper or do something at a conference is tantalizing. We will stick to our contractual agreement of not publishing anything without your advance knowledge and agreement. It will be totally anonymized, we agree to your restricting whatever we do choose to write."

One leaned forward, "Can I review what you sent to us about their lives to date?"

A yes from us.

"Their Nurse Tha like yourselves have been trilingual with them from the beginning?" We nodded.

"They have traveled with you around the world from age five months?"

More nodding.

"They have been in public with you and have met hundreds of people with a core group of about fifty they have seen frequently.

"Yes. We haven't included staff in that. Here as an example there are over one hundred people working here on any given day they could see. Among our associates they have many similar age friends who visit us around the world but especially here.

They have met the Queen at Ascot and Hillary Clinton several times, here and in Virginia. Our horses delight them and they have Jaidee and other animals as non-human connections.

There has been a lot of stimulation daily often in the form of multi-lingual word games."

The other man spoke out, "That all has given them that amazing sense of self we referred to at the start. Now are opinion is that you may see a snowball effect from their skills as they grow! You should ask us or some other child psychologists in to do a review in a year."

The other man said, "Please keep doing what you are doing with them and possibly add some instruction in written and formal language structure. We think they could be competent writers in a manner of months."

It was a heady mix for us to consider. We thanked them. Gil made sure they knew where to send in their invoices. We shook hands in the Entryway with more thanks.

In the Entryway I was in Cho's arms, "Little geniuses!"

A kiss in agreement.

In the Great Room there was hugging and kissing of Chani and Charlie.

Our daughter looked up, "Mama those men... testing us?"

"Yes Chani. Your Popa and I wanted to know how we should plan your educations."

"Goody! I want to draw and write."

Charlie clapping did a `me too!' We were Okay for that!

Their reward for putting up with the psychologists was the first time in the pool! We had new things for them, big thick terrycloth robes and wooly slippers. Brand new goggles for us all. We had our swim costumes on, warm robes, out the north door to the pool doorway.

Charlie giving us a "Yea!".

Goggles on we walked down the steps into the water. Cool not frigid. Swimming by everybody. Francis, Ali, Gil and Tha with us. We swam and watched the Twins motoring all around.

They had a good amount of time. Rinsed and dried they lay on lounges watching Gil, Cho and I try out the `Endless Pool' thing on the north side of the pool. It worked like a charm. We could swim normally and not get anywhere. It was wide enough for three.

The room temperature was quite comfortable, well balanced.

We carried the twins up for bed that night. We didn't want to make them go up three floors of stairs. Tha and I changed their clothes with Cho doing a lot of hugging. They were kissed. We told them there was a trip to London for us all in the morning. Chani did a yawning `Okay!'

I slid down from Roland after a blazing run from Sandford! A big hug for him. I did some visits around the Stables. Pamela and Secret Sea were both going to have their babies in two months or less and doing fine.

A new Mirabelle suit. Red wool loose flowing skirt to mid-calf with a matching jacket to my waist. Long sleeves and three big black buttons on the front, a men's style collar and lapels. A white sleeveless blouse, round collar. Black accessories and `Joy'

The Coach black wool overcoat and leather gloves. Black cloche hat, high in the front sloping away to the left. Black ribbon and a red poppy on the ribbon.

Cho in a black suit and pale gray shirt, a charcoal gray tie with several red vertical stripes.

The Twins also in red and black. Chani started us by saying `red frock' at Bfast.

Francis and Ali with us. Gil grinning as she slid on a jump seat in front of me.

We motored up to the capital going into town on the A4 almost to its end. Turning south at Hyde park Corner on Grosvenor Place and going along to Victoria Street then jogging over to Great Peter Street. We went left to Cowley Street to the front door.

Graham was waiting for us, a huge smile. Clough was beside him. We shook their hands.

"Miss Martin, Mr. Cho, the house is secure."

They got to meet the Twins. Graham squatted down to fist bump with them both. Smiles. Clough leaned over close, a friendly smile and handshake for both.

Inside we met Clare our Human Relations person and Mrs. Kelly the housekeeper. Clough and Mrs. Kelly would give us the house tour.

Clare was fairly new to us, she had done hiring for the house with help from Andrea, Carter and Carter2. She was working on other houses as we toured this one. She roaring along on a fast track!

The entryway was gorgeous, a high ceiling with arches going towards the stairs. The walls filled with paintings from the the period from the late eighteenth Century through the middle of the Nineteenth Century all showing people ascending or descending coaches and arriving at homes.

The stairs rose in a wide circular way straight up the house to a large skylight at the roof. The wooden railings shone beautifully, the paintings around as you climbed were landscapes of homes throughout England from mansions to humble cottages.

All through the house the art reflected the Regency period plus some years before and after. Stanislaus, our art and book historian and curator plus colleagues had evaluated all the art works, provided Carter with a current list and did a re-valuation on each item. A London art dealer was commissioned to fill-in the gaps and expand the collection.

Wilson, Gainsborough, Brooking, Scott, Malton, Sandby, Girtin and Cozens were all represented by multiple works in oils and Towne and Turner in watercolours. The later period was represented by several Constable's, de Wint, Bonington, Cotman and Crome. The collection was large and varied. The curators had many canvases professionally and carefully cleaned. A few had their frames replaced.

Stanislaus emailed the Library a Cowley House was considerable less mature than Harcourt House. It did have a fine collection of first editions of Charles Dickens and H.G. Wells.

The large Drawing Rooms looking very Regency. Lovely greens and yellows predominating. Also blues that had a lot of green and some lovely pale blues. Peach or rather salmon toned down in side passageways. The paintings were handsome, scenes of gatherings in one great house after another. The furniture was a mix of the what came with the house and period pieces acquired by Solange, the decorator Adrienne recommended. She turned out to be excellent and quite adept at finding period goodies.

We walked throughout the house after taking the Twins up to the Nursery. Their rooms were furnished in a modern way comfortable and cozy despite quite a big space. There were desks for Chani and Charlie, cabinets for their toys, games and art supplies. A big table for projects. Lots of light. Part of the floor was carpeted and some wood inlay.

The three bedrooms ready to be used, one set up for both the babies to keep them together for now. Tha's smile at how it was prepared. I squeezed her hand.

Up in our suite I watched Cho check out the furniture. It was modern pieces in a Regency casual style, close to the style but made for comfort. He sat and leaned back on a lounge, crossed his arms and made pretend to be asleep. It couldn't last as Charlie and Chani came roaring in from across the hall.

"Mama! Popa!" Cho was jumped but handled it well. Chani pulled herself up next to me.

"Nous aimons nos chambres!" from Chani. Charlie contributed, "Beaucoup d'espace." (We like our rooms! Lots of space.)

Such sweeties. Tha grinning from the doorway. We picked up the Twins and walked up the circular staircase to the rooftop garden. There was space to play and walls high enough to keep the babies from problems and for us all to be private. Clough let us know there were chairs, tables and serving equipment in the locker near the house wall.

Cho and I saw everything even down to the sub-cellar. The wine cellar had several men putting away wine Clough and Carter had ordered. The kitchen was very modern with all new cooking equipment and cold storage. We met Mrs. Travers the cook. She had been hired by Francis and Clare after many interviews.

She was a true professional, a manager as well as a cook. She was building the staff with Clare, Clough and Carter. Since Clare was new to us we wanted her to have lots of help.

Clare had been hired to be our Human Relations person throughout the United Kingdom. She worked for us not anyone else with assistance from our Security Service. In our chain of command she reported to Carter which was another reason I had wanted him to hire an under-butler. Carter2 would be the one Clare interfaced with most often.

We sat in the Breakfast Room with Clare, Mrs. Travers, Mrs. Kelly and Clough. Coffee and cookies.

"Miss Martin, I have a fine woman baker who made these this morning." Mrs. Travers' smile anticipating my testing.

I tried a molasses cookie... soft and flavourful. Thumbs up because my mouth was full.

We discussed our travel habits, how we planned to use the house and other miscellaneous bits. Then we asked to speak to each.

Clough was in his early forties, unmarried. He had been the butler to a `knighted' businessman who had died of a stroke eight months ago. The widow sold their London home and moved permanently to their house in Northumberland. A butler was no longer needed.

His name came to us via Carter who had known him for more than ten years. They had become acquainted through their interest in wine. Carter had done the interviewing and explaining how we lived and worked. Clough would report to Carter but have a free hand in following our general plans.

He had an apartment upstairs, bedroom and sitting room.

Mrs. Kelly had been married nineteen years and lost her husband to cancer in 2015. Their son was at university in Glasgow and not home often. She had moved into one of the apartments upstairs. A bedroom and sitting room so she could accommodate her son on a folding bed whenever he might be in the city.

She had been the housekeeper for many years to a family in a big house in Chelsea but the two girls were married now. The parents chose to move to a large flat so her services were not required.

Mrs. Travers had been a professional cook all her working life. She was now forty two. She managed a restaurant and several large kitchens. I asked a few questions about her managerial methods.

"Miss Martin, I try not to look over the shoulders of those who I know have the skills for their work and only give assistance when necessary. I expect there will be some failures," she smiled as that came out, "... that's how we learn."

I introduced her to fist bumps! A laugh.

"I've never married... It isn't about men at all but I rather like being alone to my own devices when not working." She liked to read, listen to music, mostly orchestral and she used email to stay in touch with her family around the world.

She understood about our eating habits and our not micro-managing. The availability of all our other cooks on our private Apple Enterprise network intrigued her. I gave Mrs. Travers the example of Dolores trying out recipes from Flo in Virginia.

Carter had done her hiring interviews at Harcourt House so Mrs. Travers had met Carla and her staff. They liked each other, both single moms. The gardens there could supply her a good deal of herbs and spices plus vegetables as needed.

These primary staff members all lived `in' which was great for the house. We had rooms for others and those assignments would depend on need and role. We would probably have at least one maid and one footman live-in. If they wanted to live-in and we had the space... fine. They could save the cost of housing.

The Security team was ready to go, the house was safe. A room upstairs was kept open for Security if needed.

I was outside on the terrace that led from the north side Dining Room. A curved wall with two sets of tall windows that opened to the terrace made a nice area for summer entertaining. Surrounded by deciduous trees. Clough beside me.

"We know that you have developed a small online business giving wine advice... Cho and I don't think it is incompatible with your duties here as long we are the primary focus for you."

"Miss Martin, I appreciate that. Whenever I do anything for the business it will outside my working time."

"We have no objection to your using your work computer."

Clough bowed and thanked me.

"The wine that has been ordered is not meant to limit you but to create a base. The list is a combination of Carter's knowledge and Cho's experience."

A smile from Clough, "When I have talked to Carter and during my last visit to Harcourt House, Carter has let me know I have a free hand in the cellar. Mr. Cho's considerable knowledge was made plain to me and I was encouraged to communicate with him."

"Good. Now about the gathering upcoming... Gil is managing the guest list..." Clough nodded when I asked if they had talked, "... so there will be a mix of people and ages."

Clough said, "The catering company name that Graham gave to me will here tomorrow for a meeting. I will impress on them since it is a mixed party they will need to be aware of age limits at the bar."

"Graham I am sure will introduce all of his security staff since they will rotate between our buildings so you will know them, they will be in all the rooms... they are discreet and highly trained. They will wear appropriate clothing. Please understand what Graham deems necessary is not a reflection on you but part of his overall charge to protect us and the house."

"Miss Martin, I have seen and read about you and Mr. Cho enough to recognize you have special needs for security. I am in favour of your safety above all. Thomas had given me a full briefing."

Our first fist bump interrupted by a loud "me too!' from my son. Clough grinned and `bumped' with Charlie.

"It will be fine to have the Twins around. Lively!"

Cho and I with PJ and Rande plus Graham did a walk around the neighborhood. Ours was one of the largest private residences in the area. Out Barton Street then right on Great College Street where we stopped to look at the Palace of Westminster across College Green. The Victoria Tower close at hand, the Elizabeth Tower with Big Ben in the distance. Quite the view.

Down Millbank to Great Peter Street and back to the front door. Clough right there waiting.

Luncheon was ready. Tha brought the Twins down to the Dining Room. They had new chair seats in the same mahogany as the table and chairs. Charlie beside me, Tha on the other side of Chani.

We had a wonderful grilled sole with whipped potatoes, a hint of garlic; Italian green beans grilled with onion. The bread was good, a light crust and butter. There was a lemon sorbet and cookies around the dish to finish.

Well done! I went down to the kitchen to thank everyone for this first meal.

Cho, Tha and I had watched the Twins using their utensils. They understood how they worked together with a few accidents. It seemed likely they'd not have bibs longer than diapers.

I walked around more with Mrs. Kelly. She said the decorator and helpers had been very careful moving the furniture.

"It gave us a chance to clean in between their work."

The house looked like I wanted. A period piece but livable. The Drawing Rooms, Breakfast Room, Cho's Study, the Dining Room, my Lady's Room' all with period furniture with a few modern' items added for functionality. All the staff quarters including those for our Protection Team and the guest rooms all had modern furnishings.

I was outside the door looking in at Graham's Security space in the basement. It was fully operational. His personal office was to be in the new Security Service building in Fulham which was a work in progress so he was still based in Basuto Road.

He did have several drones and fully trained accredited pilot operators to cover from Basuto Road to here. They knew the CAA regulations and all the current laws, the Civil Aviation Act of 1982 and the Air Navigation order 2009 which was issued under the rules of the 1982 Act.

Our solicitor Jeremy was working with the CAA to get rulings about our out-of-sight' use of the drones with the antenna web. We proposed their use under tight control, each would have a transponder that would be visible to all air traffic controllers at NATS. They had registration numbers like any normal aircraft. They also had eproms on board programmed with all No Fly Zones' and other up to date `geo-fencing' restrictions.

Jeremy's last contact about this was he felt certain the CAA would permit our flights.

The drone base in Fulham would have two antennas, a 360 degree model and a long gain one. We had similar pair at the Wandsworth Bridge Heliport, another pair on the top of the Vauxhall shelter and the News UK building by London Bridge Station. Installing more was in progress. On top of The Company building in Notting Hill, the Stanhope Street shelter and the SOHO one. All the other shelters would be fitted eventually. The `web' would allow us to use drones around the city without a satellite link if the CAA agrees.

We wound up this trip and loaded up for Harcourt House. Charlie and Chani dozed off in their car seats on the ride home so they got about forty minutes of nap time. They were wide awake when we opened the car doors and set them free. Loud yells of `Car' across the forecourt.

A quiet evening of talking and playing with the Twins. Cho and I took Jaidee out. It was chilly, we were well wrapped up. We walked over to Harcourt Close. Not to visit anyone just to look it over. Tessa and Rafe walked along with us. We had torches, it was completely dark. No streetlights until we got to the Close.

It was as Audra had said a `neighborhood.' We strolled around the circle, it was quiet, everyone inside doing things. Andy spied us through a window and came out. Fist bumps. He said come in.

Cho liked their furniture choices, comfortable. Audra gave me a head motion... in the kitchen she leaned close.

"I was going to speak to you tomorrow. I'm going to the doctor in a few days but I think I'm pregnant."

A big smile! She got a hug from me.

I did the head motion this time... "Not yet... I want to be sure."

Another hug and a cheek kissed. Jaidee had parked by their fire but we disturbed him for the walk home.

On the way I told Cho Audra's news. "Well I hope so for them. Andy is an excellent worker and Audra is indispensable so we better make sure she has a solid deputy!"

I squeezed his arm.

I asked Tara to take me to visit Eric Blair in early morning chill. Gaby looked `huh' but I didn't explain. Off we went. Roland very bouncy, a happy guy. We galloped past Denham School and crossed the Abingdon Road with no problem into Culham. Across the Thames bridge onto Appleford Road and south on All Saints Lane. At the back gate we tied our horses.

Gaby was bemused... why did I want to visit a graveyard at this time of morning. Tara grinning as we stopped beside the marker. `Eric Arthur Blair' on the weathered stone. I thanked Tara. Gaby was still...

"Look around back of the stone."

She did but it only deepened the mystery. The small metal sign and the piles of black stones did not enlighten her at all except I was somehow involved.

"Why did you start this?"

My hand on her shoulder, "This is George Orwell's grave."

Her eyes on mine, I nodded.

"Eric Blair was his real name, Orwell was a pen name. I put the big flat stone back there earlier this year. It caught other people's fancy and the stones multiplied. An unknown craftsperson made the sign and stuck it in surprising everyone including Dr. Ryles the vicar."

I smiled, "I've been a fan since I was young. Ask Ken what he thinks."

We mounted up for home. Tara leading us back to Harcourt House land beside Clifton Hampden. Gaby got a running description of the ride from me.

I asked Roland when we passed the Sci Ctr he soared! Each treeline was a blur. He strode powerfully down the final slope to the Flats. A wonder run. We walked our horses a bit before going up the lane.

Andy grinning, "Pat, Roland's going to need extra walking today."

Pat gave me a smile and a salute.

Cho and the Twins were in the Breakfast Room. Tha was laughing. Charlie had buttered his toast and added strawberry preserves! A big breakfast moment for him! Cheers!

The toast was thickly coated.

Cho nudged me, "It would appear that our son takes after his mother."

I nudged him back, "Remember the Foreign Minister is here tomorrow."

A sly grin, "I have a golf date."

"What... you're going to abandon me?"

Laughing, a squeeze, "Hardly! My experience tells me you don't need any help dealing with powerful folk."

"We don't know what he wants... so..."

"I am kidding. I will be here if only to find out what he does want."

A hug, "I have ideas... in any case it doesn't matter much. He's not a brexit person, more the old line Tory who still values intelligence and sensibility."

"Well the Financial Times says he has the ear of the Queen and her family so he's important beyond brexit."

The afternoon was fun! The Twins with Cho and I in the Stables. We visited all the horses and spent time teaching the Twins about caring for them. They tried brushing and combing. Chani's hand holding mine as Rebel got a mint. Giggles.

Iris patient with us as Charlie and Chani both rode' her in the paddock. Chani more interested this time. They both curried' Iris afterwards with a bit of help. I wanted to impress on them that our horses depended on our care and that created an obligation. The same for all the workers in the Stables and house. They wouldn't really get it yet but I made a start since they were so smart.

The hours in the Stables and a ride on Rebel were wonderful for me. I could do this every day.

I was doing' my hair in the morning after my post-ride cleanup. Cho kibitzing. I got him to stop playing with my bum so I could finish. I decided to wear the Munro modern tartan skirt with a cotton long sleeve shirt under a sleeveless black jumper and a black wool jacket. Black tights and ankle boots. Silver doodads. Joy' on... the one `helpful' thing Cho did.

He was wearing a black suit without a tie. The bright white shirt almost glowing against his warm brown skin.

The Twins dressed like us. Chani in her first Munro tartan outfit. The Red, black and white patterned skirt looked good! A nifty black wool jacket too! Mary Jane's and white socks. Charlie in black and white.

We greeted the Foreign Minister at the doorway. He was all smiles meeting the Twins. Jack and Corinna came along with a few aides. We went into the Library.

After small talk we got into the Thai negotiations. He was impressed at our work moving things forward. We were praised. Cho and I both made the point that our part in it all was as motivators for each side to see the obvious... they needed to stop shooting and start talking.

Our unique positioning was something we recognized and exploited. The two sides would have gotten to the point of meeting and agreeing on crucial things eventually but many more innocent people would have suffered.

We gave him an in depth appraisal of the personalities involved, how they fit and what could be expected of them going forward.

I pointed out, "The willingness of each side to make honest assessments of their situation and be ready to see the other's positions was absolutely necessary. Their own weaknesses pushed them ahead.

A-Wut knew there was no victory for the Thai military, a stalemate and status quo was their best outcome. We were able to encourage him to make that case to his colleagues because we had an insider's information about him.

On the opposite side it was more personal. The bump over the last hurdle for the insurgent side was achieved due to Cho's family's long standing respect for the land and more so for their workers. The knowledge the initiative came from Cho gave the effort respectability."

I had been aware of Cho stirring beside me as I spoke but I wasn't going to let his self-deprecation stop me saying a deserved accolade.

The Foreign Minister said Her Majesty's government recognized our personal involvement was paramount in moving the process and we very pleased for both sides to be putting the gun down.

They had expressed to the Thai leadership their support and willingness to help in whatever way the Thai's needed.

They had also spoken to the Irish and Canadian governments to say the same to them, offering what the United Kingdom had learned from the Northern Ireland peace process and weapons dumping verification process to them.

Good news.

There was more on the course we hoped the process would follow and how we saw it might unfold.

He asked about the venue and said we were doubly praiseworthy for making it safe and available.

The Foreign Minister also informed us that Hillary Clinton would make a state visit right after New Year's. She would likely speak to Parliament, visit with the Queen and then attend a NATO head of state's meeting in Brussels.

It wasn't news to us. Hillary and Bill would be with us overnight before going on to Brussels. I mentioned that to the Foreign Minister which did get a raised eyebrow. Ah... he hadn't known. Well we weren't obligated to tell-all. He knows now.

Luncheon. Jack had let the Foreign Minister know he shouldn't miss the chance. Carla did wonderfully. A delightful crab bisque led off. Small squares of toasted bread coated in Romano cheese. King Salmon from Seattle baked in parchment, a mushroom risotto, asparagus under a delicious Hunter's sauce. Little cross buns and our local butter.

Sue's Treacle Tart with clotted cream was a star ending for the meal. Warm and sweet!!

I was beside Corinna.

I turned to her, Sotto Voce, "Can I ask a light personal question?"

She looked a bit startled... Okay??

I asked if the big glasses, which were not fashionable, were a defense.

A smile, "Yes actually." She laughed, "They do deflect less serious men... anyone with discernment would never let..." she moved the glasses up and down on her nose, "... these deter them."

We both laughed.

We did afters in the Great Room. The Foreign Minister plainly enjoyed his luncheon, in words and deeds. He'd eaten everything! The espresso and sherry in the Great Room topped him up!

He was expansive and full of praise for our many world-wide initiatives in business, education, horse racing and charity. He might have waxed further but an aide made a few sounds about getting back to the office for another meeting.

"Oh... right! Yes."

We were thoroughly thanked for our hospitality. His principal aide held my hand, "Miss Martin, thank you for today and the many other things. It has been a pleasure to watch your efforts from afar."


We waved them down the drive.

Cho laughed about my `interesting' thought, "They play their cards close but it is evident we are admired for what we do and make them happy probably because it costs them nothing. These Tories are transparently opaque."

We hugged and laughed about that.

We went into the office before going up to the Nursery.

"He was making an evaluation of us... for whom? And do we care?"

Cho nodding in agreement, "He is the closest to the Royals in the Cabinet ... The Queen already is coming... do they need anything more?"

I said I doubted they needed more information on us... laughing, "Well maybe they want to make us members of the government!"

It did wake an interest in my mind... Kate's email... now this seemingly pointless `face to face' by this old line tory minister. Hmmm...

We were still laughing walking up to change and then play with the Twins. Sunny joined us after her homework was done. Puzzles and word games plus a few flights on Popa Cho-Air.

I did a short ride with Roland in the cold morning. Up and around the Sci Ctr with Ken and Penny. A good hard ride to the Stables ending a cooldown walk. Ken laughing telling me Gaby asking about going to Orwell's grave.

"She's read Nineteen Eighty Four but nothing else. I loaned her Animal Farm."

We boarded the Gulfstream at Chalgrove, an hour later we transferred to three AW139's. One to Fortrose to pick up Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig. We went straight to Alness.

Our helicopter landed on the south lawn of Castle Munro, the other across the drive.

Gil, Ali, Francis, Thomas and I had been busy getting this ready with Aunt Dee's help. Cho knew we were going to a new place in the Highlands but nothing more. In bed last night my only hint was he could bring golf clubs.

He followed me out to take my hand. We faced the big house lit by the sun on its eastern side. It had a warm and dignified look. Not a `castle' more a large home. No big walls or battlements.

"This is Castle Munro! A bit of family history for us."

A kiss before we turned to help the Twins out. We all walked across the soft grass. A sunny day with little wind made the short stroll quite nice holding Chani's small hand.

At the door Caillen was waiting, a nice smile. She was our housekeeper. Slender, brown hair with red in it, green eyes and freckles.

She ushered us into the Entry. The Twins walked ahead, Tha steered them into the Drawing Room. Lots of people in there.

Hume and his staff. They were our Security Service team for the house.

Hands shaken. Hume told us the house and grounds were secured.

Raurai's red hair gave him away as a local fellow. He was the head groom in charge of the stables. He introduced his wife Kenna. She was also his chief assistant. The other two young men were his staff.

The Stables had room for ten horses. We'd sent two from EFT that had needed to be re-homed after they hadn't been cared for properly. Cormac said he'd have two or three from the race horse to saddle horse re-training ready in February. They be flown up here.

Raurai smiling, "Cormac told me the ones to come would former racers."

"They will be the first graduates from the EFT re-training course. One is Radnor who is a big black fellow at sixteen hands. He is likely to be my primary mount when we're here. He's a handsome fellow."

Ruarai rubbing his hands in anticipation. He and Kenna lived in a small stone cottage near the stables, the grooms in bedsit rooms above the storage barn. They will care for the horses and ride them every day.

Our meeting interrupted by the arrival of Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig.

Our happy greeting made an impression on the staff. The staff found how close they lived and they might come over for the golf, etc...

Tha and the Twins had gone up with one of the maids to see their nursery rooms.

Galiene was last. She was the cook. She introduced several young women who were her staff. All bright eyed.

Here at Castle Munro Caillen was in charge. She reported to Carter but there was considerable space for her to decide on many things about the house. We were not hiring a butler for this house. At least not now because of the minimal activity we expected for us in the near future.

Carter would do the wine buying and have it shipped to here. Caillen had to inventory it for re-stocking.

All of the staff were introduced to Gil, Ali and Francis. Their roles explained. Francis' especially so.

We met with Caillen separately later. She understood that if Francis or Gil or Ali said something she should consider from our mouths.

She smiled to them, "You are welcome any time. The house will be ready to receive guests on any day."

We gave Caillen the purpose for the house, a golf locale for Cho and a place where our friends and employees could come to ride, golf, view the local sights, use it as a base for exploring the Highlands or sit and relax.

"This is what all our houses do. Some guests may be more important than others and we will not `surprise' you with any."

She was glad of that!

She was amazed to find out my mother and Aunt Dee were Munro's. Our family originally came from this district. There were Munro's around but we had only very remote connections to them as far as we knew.

We toured our second house of the week. Cho grinning that cute grin of his the whole time. The rooms upstairs were a good size, the furniture excellent. There were many quite beautiful armoires, inlaid and shining from good care.

The singular draw back was the shortage of bathrooms. Our suite had a large one as did the Twins' nursery suite. They were opposite to us on the first floor. For the remaining eight rooms on the floor there was only one bathroom and two on the second floor for ten rooms. Two on the third floor for the all the staff rooms, one male, one female.

The saving grace was each room had a sink. Francis had a contractor coming in two days to bid on making one guest room on the first floor and one on the second floor double bathrooms. One outside door then it divided into two separate private spaces. Each of the bathrooms on the third floor would be expanded with more privacy. Plumbing... the bane of old buildings throughout the country.

Caillen had the drawings Francis had created from the floor plans and she knew to call if there were issues.

Galiene and staff had luncheon prepared. Creamy mushroom soup, local trout, whipped potatoes and sprouts... well she couldn't have known. The bread was good, soft and warm. There were mixed berry tarts with vanilla ice cream for dessert.

The Twins ate everything but the sprouts. Charlie tried one... he started badly with trouble cutting the roly-poly things so I helped but his face when he finally got a bite. He chewed and swallowed! I was so proud of him. He hadn't done anything unpleasant or silly with that mouthful.

"Mama, not eating those."

I told him that was fine, he never had to eat something he didn't like. A fist bump and a smile.

Chani had pushed them aside... she pointed to her nose. I got it.

Later downstairs in the kitchen Galiene got the news we were `sprout' free.

"Oh Miss..." I stopped her with my `you couldn't have known so don't worry' comment.

Cho, Tha and I did laugh in the evening that sprouts' were the first food the Twins hadn't liked. Cho's they are your children' brought considerable laughter. Cho was of course vulnerable on `sprouts' since he disliked them too.

Aunt Dee pointed out my dislike of those things dated back to when I was the Twin's age. Okay!

I got a call from Dad. I went into the study.

"Fay another meeting at Narathiwat is over. Both sides are continuing to discuss mechanisms and today the first group of Irish and Canadians joined in. Everyone knows each other now.

The plan for the monitors is to work in rotation. One half of one country's team on duty the other half off. Thereby having a mix of personnel for balance. Since they will share the building at the airport they'll have opportunity to brief each other about all their actions.

They have software to make inventories and we have special electronic devices for them to monitor the actual sites. If the ground is disturbed the devices will register it. They are tamper-proof.

So for my people there have been no problems. We still bust criminals even in the insurgent's zones. The texting to an account they watch keeps them in the know about our actions. In fact they helped to pinpoint a nasty group of armed robbers who have tried to pretend they were the insurgents `collecting' for the cause. Self-interest at work."

I cheered that.

"Our Army and the insurgents want peace... no serious violations by either side. The Army has drawn down their forces sending a battalion back to their home base in the northwest. That is a start... an obvious one."

It all sounded good to me too! Dad was sounding a lot happier. Phailin had emailed me she could see Dad was less tense, enjoying things like sitting in the garden. She was overjoyed!

Now the next part of the surprise for Cho. He and Uncle Craig had both brought golf clubs and were in casual clothes... I rounded them up for a short drive. Hume had a group of Land Rovers for us.

Out of the drive then north, east, left onto Ardross Road to the golf club. Less than ten minutes.

Cho and Craig looking around as we parked at the Alness Golf Club. We went into the club house. The manager remembered our arranging Cho's membership from a long distance. He eagerly welcomed Cho to the club. Uncle Craig was warmly greeted as part of our family and also a long term member at Fortrose and Rosemarkie Golf Club.

They talked about the course, local rules, hours, etc... Cho and Craig decided not to play given the time. He said we'd be back and he'd drag Craig along to play. It didn't look like Uncle Craig would need much `dragging.'

We rewound ourselves back to the castle to do our goodbyes then airborne. Dee and Craig headed back home after Unc and Dee got big hugs and kisses from the Twins and us. Everyone was collected at Inverness Airport. We boarded the Gulfstream. The AW139's would fly back after refueling.

I was beside my daughter on a big seat in the Gulfstream.

"Mama sprouts awful smellers."

There was general laughter and a fist bump for her.

"I have never liked them... your Popa doesn't either so you won't see them except at a new place."

Okay. Charlie stood up and fist bumped with his sister. I thanked him for being so good about swallowing the little bit today. I got a big grin and a kiss!

In bed Cho drew me close, "Thank you for the house and golf course. A bit of Munro for you and a nice course where I might really run amok since it is short and rewards all parts of my game!"

I laughed, "I read a description of it saying it had narrow fairways which rewarded the player who kept the ball in play. I have learned enough to know it sounded like you."

"Indeed! I am that golfer. So is Craig. We will have some fun! They'll close for the winter but I will go north before the racing season gets too involved. And take a crowd."

"Since it has so many rooms I thought right away we could let our employees go there for Rest and Relaxation. I'm sure the staff will take great care of them."

A squeeze. "We do need to give, the Security folks especially, places to go to unwind. We ask a lot of them."

"I had Gil to scout out the winter things happening there, she'll make up lists that can be posted on our Apple Enterprise network bulletin board. I have Ali, with help from our several HR departments, looking for an event coordinator to handle the UK properties. That person would manage all the places we will open to our employees and interface with Cho-Fay Air for transport."

Cho laughing, "You say the sexiest things... interface!"

A kiss! I felt something stirring...

"Sir, would you like to make use of this..." my hand grasping a rising erection.

I got an affirmative response and DOVE under the bedclothes! Yes! The penis was mine!

I started with my patented tongue work and moved to extensive suction... for the next forty five minutes there was a lot of shared pleasure. Once Cho got me on my back there was a search for paradise which was successful several times!

My sleep was undisturbed with various parts of me tingling nicely!

Tara and Penny with me going up the slope. Roland moving easily. He'd been nickering as we prepared to leave.

"Damn the boy wants to go," Andy grinned while chewing a bite of the delivered scone.

A wave and we walked off.

Our ride was the usual route, no drama. Jerrold stepped out his front door with his coffee cup to wave, a `good morning' we returned. On through the wooded expanse before the Industrial Estate to the western edge road by the train tracks.

Jeffery already in the office popped out to wave, "Glad to see you."

We waved. A slow walk through to Lotte's place. She came out to say hi.

We saw Mr. Hardy coming out his door in Sandford. I reached down to shake. He and our other local friends were coming up for dinner tonight.

I let Roland loose for the run home. He was thrilled to stride out. I leaned down letting him run freely. Such fun!

Pat and Andy at the Stables to take our horses. Pat winked, "Fran and Fidel are expecting!"

That was marvelous. A girl on the way.

"So being an uncle... You should have a good time. Babies are such a source of wonder."

Fist bump.

Marsha, Diana, Yvonne were together eating breakfast in the Outside staff lounge. We chatted a bit then I went into the kitchen to hug Nan. The girls' shared a quad' housing unit and usually worked the same shift.

Cho was pleased for Pat's family addition. "We should ride over for a drink tomorrow to congratulate them." Deal!

Sunny rushed out to meet Tom's car for the multiple `school girl' drive to Abbey Hill. We managed a quick cheek kiss.

I showed Cho my overnight emails from the west coast newspapers. The Day in Seattle circulation was now 123,000! We were within 45,000 of our competitor's number! The rise certainly showed how many people were unhappy with the Seattle Times. Our advertising is still rising at about a ten percent increase a month!

Aston's folks had scooped the Times frequently in local news and sports. Several items from the capital in Olympia too! Our sports coverage had gotten a great deal of attention. Rem was doing a terrific job.

Haley had gotten two stories about Boeing happenings way ahead of the Times! Huge for Al's local news team!

In Los Angeles Marita's numbers were also showing the weakness of their bigger competitor to our more energetic staff. Rolly and Lianne's coverage of the movies and music industry were blowing away the Los Angeles Times. Yan had several scoops from the state government in Sacramento about issues important to the city and Southland California.

In the city news we consistently beat the Times. I looked at articles by both newspapers... trying to be fair... our pieces were better written, more clarity and solid facts well presented.

A local radio station did a story on The Day saying although it was young... it was already a superior product.

The Day in Los Angeles circulation had risen to 190,000 lopping off a big chunk of Times readers and a corresponding increase in ad revenue!

Both newspapers were approaching break even for daily costs! Cho was impressed. I had given him the New York Daily News numbers showing further increases in circulation, website hits and revenue. We thought they were taking more from the New York Times now than the Post. The Post might have bottomed out.

It looked like we could do what others though impossible... make money in print! It would still be a while but the seed was in the ground.

I said I was putting the pedal down. What a laugh from Cho!

"Go to it!" A big hug and kiss!

I'd do some calls to the newspapers in a few hours when they all had had their morning coffee.

Ali had the most recent list of Fox TV stations we acquired. Miami, El Paso, Colorado Springs and San Antonio purchases were closed, 21st Century Fox was the sole owner. Visiting El Paso and San Antonio would be easy linked with a GWNW trip and Lordsburg, Miami if we go to the Pegasus World Cup race in January or later for the Florida Derby. Colorado Springs... who knows.

Gil came in to us in the Office. She had a second invitation to the World Economic Forum in Davos. We had ignored the one last year, sending no response.

Gil asked if we wanted to do anything with this one. Cho looked at me... a shrug. I laughed.

"I guess that covers it."

Gil's laughter as she walked out. We grinned about it.

We had so little in common with the people who went to those things. We had our own agendas that rarely crossed with their's. Even if we did have some common goals there was no reason for us to go mingle at some kissy-face publicity stunt. Maybe they'll get the idea and stop sending invites. I hoped so.

Monaco called from Florida. Our names for the two colts here were accepted by the Jockey Club. The colt from Rebel and Mahogany who was all black was Notre Noir,' Our Black! Asda and Hathai's was to be Aroon.' He was a brilliant golden boy so to be named as the Charioteer of the Sun seemed appropriate!

They were two very precocious colts, running and playing all day. Freddie would have them on the track soon. They'd be on the dirt and grass for training, we'll find out which they like.

Today was I was visiting our day care here then Cho was with me going to EFT.

It was noisy in a very gleeful way at the Day Care. Jocelyn aka Mrs. Thorn, surrounded by kids and a couple of mom's who were her aides. They were dancing. A pair of babies in carriers were giggly-bubbly waving their arms to the beat of the music.

Everybody was having a blast! Apparently business as usual for Harcourt House Day Care. We had young ones from the House, Phillips' garden group, Archie's farm team, Security, the Garden Centre and some from the Stables.

Jocelyn's grin said it all! She was having fun doing this. We hugged.

"Fay, they really get into our dance time. There's a break now to wind down then a group book reading later they'll have `elevens' with colouring to follow. Today the older ones are going to do watercolours with a brush... not fingers."

The book was a farm animals story. All about each one and how they lived on the farm.

I sat with the daughter of one of Archie's farm workers. She was four, cute and giggly. We talked about her family, an older brother who goes to St. Thomas', her mom who is the world's best cookie maker and her dad, he drives a plow. She was well spoken and lively.

We waited for the big people to get the milk and cookies ready. I gave my companion a hug before she got her snack.

Jocelyn with me at the door, "Is there anything you need?"

"Not immediately. The budget is generous but we need the bathroom enlarged at some point."

We talked about the need for space in there, I had a look.

"If we push out this... " my hand pointing to the south wall, "... we could add a much larger diapering space, places for little potties and a work sink you mentioned."

I saw Jocelyn's thumbs up. I told her we'd get it planned and done as soon as possible. The Day Care was closed on weekends unless there was an event on the Estate. So weekends and early evenings for the work.

We were jeans and boots for the visit to EFT. Cormac grinning at the gate.

"Fay, Cho, we are doing well. There are eleven horses in the re-training programme... more than we expected but we can handle them. It is encouraging to have so many owners donate their retirees so we have nine fully retired horses. We have 10 others some of whom might qualify for re-training to equestrian competition with one llama."

He laughed at our reaction, "Yes I know! The RSPCA brought him two days ago. A family had him as a pet but their children have moved out or were at university so the care burden fell on the parents who have mobility issues. They called the RSPCA for advice... they picked up him and delivered him to us. He has different dietary needs but nothing we can't accommodate. I have been assured by the RSPCA we won't have any rogue bushes in his paddock."

We all laughed at that.

"He gets along with the others so far. He can only interact over the paddock fence for now but if all goes well he'd be able to share. He is a gelding making that part easier. Also I spoke to a fellow about the psychology of llamas. They are protective of both people and other animals once the llamas get to know them.

You mentioned getting some sheep at one point... apparently they are terrific companions for sheep and act like guard dogs."

Nice! On the subject of dogs the border collie and the Belgian Malinois were great with the staff and horses. The staff were followed around by waggy-tailed boys. They didn't do any unnecessary barking and were protective of the property. They didn't stray off the EFT.

We could see Cormac was a happy fellow. A good staff which now included my News UK secretary's daughter, Nicki.

"She's very good, a quick learner and gentle, loving to all the horses. Even though the llama appears to be an independent spirit he really likes Nicki. She is our lead on his care and will deal with the shearing when it comes time."

We walked all over talking to staff and horses. Watching a former racer be taught to follow different cues from a rider and `rein' in their willingness to run like the wind.

A hug from Nicki by the llama's paddock. He was George.

We got that he was well behaved and seemed Okay to be here. He hadn't had much space to run before.

She gave us some bits about `George,' his food and how he likes to graze. She pointed to a bush she said was about half its size from when George moved in.

"Miss Martin, Mr. Reed emails me snaps of the badgers all the time. He gets them from the wildlife researchers he allows on his farm."

Well... Nicki was happy too. Her mother came down last weekend to visit. They'd had a fun day together.

In the car going home an email from Jonny to us. Thaksin had won his last race of the season, the Criterium Saint-Cloud. Another wire to wire win. Jonny said he ran away from the start to win by nine, close to the track record for two thousand meters.

Our young star had won four of four on grass in France. Set a few records and generally blown the doors off his competitors. Stylish and powerful. Nice combination. He'd have the winter to train for his three year old season.

He went off at 1-2 odds so the French punters finally figured him out. There weren't going to be any 12-1 odds for the progeny of Asda again!

Ting arrived for a golf date with Cho! Hugs and kisses! Andrea and Caroline were terrific. Their lives made so much better because of Andrea's sister Catherine living with them.

I waved the guys down the drive. Cho and Ting were to eat at Oxford East then play.

Work! Francis, Ali and Gil with me in the Library after our lunch. Lots of bits from all our businesses.

I was comfy in a big chair laughing as Royce said Fox TV had been by to interview him about the Daily News climbing circulation. His information showed we had started to eat away at the New York Times sales. The Daily News had already roughed-up the Post!

The Daily News folks were happy in the Fox Tower! Great new digs! Lots of space! More staff hired to work the city harder!

"Fay, morale is soaring! Six months of your ownership has completely altered the newspaper market in the city. We are on our way to meet your goal of being the `go to' newspaper!"

I encouraged him to as I'd said to Cho to `put the pedal down' on getting the staff where we wanted. He said they'd hired a few from the Post, the only ones worth bothering about. Also several from the Times.

"I asked Reginé to send the crew back for another boost on social media about our hiring. We got some excellent folks from out of town last time."

"Good! Use her as much as you want. Bill at Fox TV has her around once a quarter just for some promotions. You might give that a try too."

"I'll talk to her."

Aston pickup right away.

"Hey Boss lady!"

"I think someone else is your boss lady...," laughing.

"Okay... you're my second boss lady!" Laughing with me.

The Day was booming!

"I think we'll be able to give you a very nice Christmas present... near parity with the Seattle Times!"

I did a cheer to the surprise of my Library companions.

"We are already level with them on website hits! Our online revenue from subscriptions and advertising is making that part of the business profitable. With our rising ad space in print we'll in the black for costs by Christmas too!"

I did another cheer! We rang off on that `up' note.

The other denizens of the Library did a cheer when I gave them the news. Now to call Marita.

Marita was just as gleeful as Aston and Royce.

"Our numbers keep rising and the only place for us to be taking readers from is the Times so hoorah!"

The Day in Los Angeles was still a long way behind the Los Angeles Times but gaining. Three hundred thousand readers sounds like a lot to overcome... we started five hundred and fifty thousand behind!

Like the other newspapers we owned, The Day focused on the city and the immediate area. Our coverage was excellent, there was real depth to the stories with serious insight brought to bear. A quality product expanding onto more streets and neighborhoods each day.

Our competitors in each city were somewhat tired in spirit believing themselves to immune to rivals. Hubris usually costs you! Cho and I were on guard for that!

Three very positive phone calls! Yes!

Tha stuck her head in, "Babies?"

Okay! She opened the door to a chorus of yells and rushing little feet! I knelt down with my arms open!! HUGS!!!

They had fun doing the word game in the Great Room. Today was Thai only and they did great!!

Work over! We all shifted to the Great Room fireplace. Jaidee had helped during the Twins play now he was absorbing some heat. Charlie knelt beside Jaidee to do a back rub. Jaidee loved that!

Kendal came in to do drinks bringing Finlay. Fin was learning to make drinks. Today he made a pitcher of dry Martinis. Good too! A Shirley Temple for Sunny. She raised it up to salute a job well done! A big cherry in her glass.

I told Sunny about George. "Maybe we ride over one day soon... Saturday morning?"

Sunny was up for that!

Text from Rande >on the way<

Okay time for Fin to pour an inch or so of Lagavulin for the golfers. He did it beautifully! They came in to a warm welcome from the Twins and me.

Charlie and Chani running for the Entryway with loud "Popa's!" Then "Tings!"

The guys got their drinks from Fin's tray. Cheers!

We had a mildly loud pre-dinner get together going made more boisterous when our local guests arrived. The Cottons, the Lone's with Mr. Hardy, the Frasers and Radleys and the Thorns. Jocelyn Thorn was still amazed by the Twins.

"Fay, We were greeted in Thai?"

"Yes! They said hello and welcome."

After the `afters' we hugged and kissed Ting before he got into the car to return to the city. Ting was smiling as he told us at the door that Andrea and he... A big kiss to take to her from me.

Those two ready for Jian coming to town in a few days in advance of the Crew's arrival.

Our other guests worked their way out. Mr. Hardy asked about the four-way wargame.

"Have you spoken to the others and chosen a game?"

He smiled, "We are negotiating. I want something big but not unwieldy to play. AND a game you can take part in a sort of part time role."

"You should look in the game room. All my games have been moved into there on the shelves."

"Can I come up in the morning?"

"Of course. If you want a car let Prasert or Tom know. Maybe you could walk up and ride back?"

"Excellent idea. I'll walk first."

Fist bump.

Sunny and I carried the Twins up. Cho right behind. They'd had a long day... big yawns now.

"Mama, Jocelyn is happy," an astute comment from my daughter as I tucked her in. Raggedy Anne in her arms. A kiss from me.

She saw Mrs. Thorn liked being `Jocelyn' running the Day care! It was exactly why I asked her.

Cho's arms around me, "Both the babies pay attention to feelings like you. You told me you wanted to make Jocelyn the manager because she needed it. The Twins are learning to do the same as their mother."

My morning ride ended with me giving Roland a big neck hug! A whinny. My riding mates joined us.

Penny and Ken had become `riders' and happy for it. They grinned as I leaned over Roland's powerful neck in my hug.

Our breath visible in the frosty air. Mist on the river.

"Fay, I didn't think I'd ever do anything like this... add in the view over the River Thames," Ken's huge smile, "...seems like such an unlikely thing to be doing for fellow from back woods Virginia."

"No more than for a Bangkok city girl..." Penny's eyes glittering.

"It is nice you enjoy this but beware if you like it too much I won't pay you!"

Laughter rang out!

I almost cried watching Chani put butter on her toast. The Twins added new skills every day I saw Tha's face... she was watching too. Our eyes met... a big wide smile on my face reflected on her's. Air fist bumps. Her eyes flicked to my left...

Cho leaned to kiss my ear, "I was watching also. They are growing up very fast."

A soft kiss.

There was a breezy hello and goodbye from the school bound Sunny! We hadn't seen much of her... she was doing drama' at school, they were staging A Midsummer Night's Dream.' Sunny was Hermia.

I had work as did Cho, we'd make time for the babies after lunch then a ride over to the Three Ponies.

Mr. Hardy arrived, we headed to the `wargame' room to distinguish it from the the Game Room. He laughed to see the shelves filled with my collection of games together for the first time.

We stood there looking at it all when the idea hit me...

"What about a scenario from `War in the East' like the Kursk one? I could be the junior partner to one player, contribute to the strategy and participate in some game turns. I would be away a good deal though with so much going on."

Mr. Hardy was all for it, "The game mechanics aren't too dense so it would simply be the mass work of the setup."

"I have a notebook for that game with rule changes I playtested and used." I rummaged in a bookcase.

"Ah ha!!" I flipped the binder open on the main table, there were notes, ideas, rule changes and strategies written and printed. Maps, diagrams, even Polaroids of the map board with pieces in place.

"Oh my... you really went whole hog on this! Amazing!"

"Take it with you to look through and evaluate my concepts. Do you have the rules and all that?"

He had them somewhere so to avoid a major search I got Gil to photocopy EVERYTHING! We had a good laugh.

I was dressed in black for our afternoon ride. Cho in silver gray jodhpurs, a black jacket and a helmet. I waited downstairs by the fire with a gift for Cho. I handed the hat box to him, a big black bow.

A new helmet, a black modified Panama shaped hat that was an approved helmet inside. His eyes were wide! It fit well!

The protector inside was surrounded by the woven shell dyed black. He looked smashing!

A kiss and a thank you for thinking of him.

Rebel was ready! Cho on Max. Tessa and Penny joined us. Sunny was on our big girl Lu.

We went down the drive towards the village, across the Oxford Road to Baldon Lane and our property on the south side. Eastward until we met the dirt lane going north to the Marsh Baldon Green. On the Green we followed its edge around to the the Three Ponies.

We tied our horses across the road. The pub wasn't crowded... Fidel saw us right away!

"Miss Martin, Mr. Cho! It is nice of you to visit us."

Fran came out from behind the bar, a hug.

We told them what prompted this visit. Fran smiling broadly, Fidel looking quite proud as we congratulated them.

"A girl Pat said."

"Yes, she's doing fine too."

"Good. Don't let Fidel work you too hard."

He laughed, "We're happy and I didn't do one of those TV father's trying to get her to sit and put her feet up things."

Cho shook hands on that, "I didn't either... I was too damned happy to think of it."

They got to meet Sunny and our lady Protectors. We took a table at the back. I asked for a pint of Porter, Cho seconded that and added two scotches, an inch of something in a single malt. Ginger ale for Sunny and fizzy water was our companions choice.

Fran sat with us. Pat was still a source of wonder for them both.

"He had had so many jobs... so many issues... now it has been a year. He comes over... he is so happy, he loves your stables. The people and animals... well Pat talks... which is itself something quite brilliant... about it all. He seems settled."

I squeezed Cho's hand, "We hope so. He has become a very important member of our team. Has he told you about Denham School? He's up there three days a week right now. He's teaching the students how to care... really care for a horse. The Headmaster has joined him while he teaches. His report is... it's a terrific read. He says Pat's a natural because he loves the horses, it shows. And he has the gift of explaining something clearly."

Fran waved to Fidel. She got me to repeat the last part. Fidel's eyes were bright, Fran gripped his hand.

"Thank you both again for giving him the chance. He is over the moon for us and ready to help and be an uncle. Pat is a different man now."

Cho gave me a squeeze around my back.

After dinner by the fire Sunny got the whole story of Pat from us. Cho added in Fran and Fidel's visit last Christmas on an open house day. She got up to hug us both.

"You two are the most generous people I know."

I pulled her down beside me, "Money... when you have so much it should be easy to be generous so it's so sad... and pathetic... that most rich folks sit on their money. You can't eat it or take it with you. When you're dead it doesn't matter if you've built up an empire because it's passed from your control.

Your own parents aren't super wealthy... they give a lot to charities and groups around Seattle, your mom is going to volunteer at the Clinic and Shelter when Sam starts pre-school. They've had success, they want to contribute like us to make things better for those who for whatever reasons haven't had the same achievements in life."

"Mom and dad are terrific. They have gotten me involved on a few things. I see that `haves' should undertake efforts for others not so fortunate... it's being a good human not a religious thing."

Fist bump!

We had a crowd coming for the weekend. Playmates for Chani and Charlie, golf buddies and a rider for me. Then the Crew! Party time!

The morning was cold...autumn giving way to winter! Dusky rose jodhpurs, light brown khaki shirt with dark green khaki tie and jacket. The chestnut boots and gloves and a dark campaign hat. Gil with Tessa, Tara and Penny.

We went down the drive to cross the Oxford Road going east. Heading southeast after passing the woods south of Baldon Lane. Trotted along the verge of our fields to the Clifton Hampton Road over that we had a couple of miles of farm to skirt. The grassy edges were easy to ride on so we were able to pick up speed.

We passed Newington on the north to approach Chalgrove from the southwest. We entered the Primary School property at the back and walked towards the front.

Mrs. Davies was outside bundled up greeting the early-birds whose parents had to go to work. There was hot chocolate reward for them.

We got a big smile and a handshake, "Hello! It's good to see you."

I said the same and moved Gil forward.

"Gil has something for you."

"Let's go in out of the chill."

We got hot chocolate too!

In her office Gil gave her two things, a cheque for two thousand £'s and notice of a line of credit at the Oxford Apple dealer for toner and other things. I said everything was given in our family's name and the Ely's like last year.

A big thank you from Mrs. Davies for the school. The computers we had given them were working great and had plenty of use every day! The people in Oxford had checked in with her about any issues which was appreciated.

I talked to some of the early children, happy kids anticipating Christmas! Yes!

We said our goodbyes and remounted going along the High Street to Baronhurst Drive and down to the Village Hall. A quick hello to Ms. Symes who was out front putting notices into the glass cased town bulletin board.

Onto St. Alban's School. Mr. Foote was pleased to see us. He was well and the school doing quite nicely. Again I moved Gil up as we sat in his office. She presented him with a thousand £ cheque and a notice from the Oxford Apple store for the purchase of four iMac computers with a line of credit for the install and other bits.

Boy did that light up his face!

"Miss Martin, it is so wonderful of you!"

Lots of thanks. He called in his deputy head and several teachers who were in the outer office. They lit up on the news. Hugs and handshakes all around!

I pointed out the gifts were in the name of our family and the White's.

We left them to make the same stops as the pervious Christmas season. Around the turn into Willow Mead to the Ely's door. Mrs. Ely answered the door... surprised but we could see she was pleased. In their lounge with the whole family, Bill's senior and junior, Eleanor looking much grown up!

They were happy we'd done the same gifts and more. Eleanor got her `autograph' book which I happily signed. Big bright eyes and a large thank you hug! They'd all be over for the Open House at Harcourt House.

We used the same back way to Berrick Street. Dan White at his car door when we walked in their drive.

"Miss Martin! Are you being Father Christmas again?"

I laughed, "Yes! It's so much fun!"

We slid down to go in to see his wife and Dan junior. We declined the offered coffee.

Dan Jr. was jazzed there would be iMac's at St. Alban's. Dan Sr. gave us knee's up, we waved goodbye.

We went alongside Berrick Street almost to Berrick Salome. A turn west had us crossing farm land north of Warborough to cross the Oxford Road southeast of Dorchester. We were able to walk over the Thames on Day's Lock at Little Wittenham.

We turned south to visit the Wittenham Clumps. A lovely view in the clear day all around southern Oxfordshire from Round Hill. This area had been officially Berkshire in the past.

I asked everyone if they had time for one more stop... Okay.

A half mile southeast was the Brightwell Barrow. We walked up the slope along the field edge. It wasn't much just a clump of trees with an ugly concrete `thing' on the south edge. I told my companions it was a Bronze Age barrow that had never been fully investigated. No one had done any archeological work of consequence to the ground.

We moved down the ridge to walk north of Sires Hill Road to go north near Little Wittenham. We trotted beside a field when a farmer came out of a barn with a pitchfork...

"Hey... get off my land. I don't like riders crossing."

I asked him to stop waving the pitchfork in our direction we would be gone in a minute on the dirt road... My hand pointing towards a tree line a hundred yards away.

"NO! Go back to the road and around!"

He advanced to us... thrusting the fork out and up! Tara moved between him and me with her Glock in its holster exposed..

"Sir, back away! Put down the fork!"

Tessa moved to flank him. I moved away with Gil, Penny behind me.

The farmer wasn't happy about the Glock... he had stepped back seeing Tessa moving to the side. He put the fork tines in the dirt.

I told him we'd going in the direction I had pointed to...

"I'm sorry you don't approve of our riding on your land and it won't happen again. If you have patience we'll be gone. I do suggest you make your opinion known without the fork. Other riders aren't equipped as we are. If you have a problem please make your complaint at Harcourt House during daylight hours."

He got the house name like a bit of a slap to the his head. Unhappy would describe his face.

I sent Penny ahead, Gil and I followed. Tara turned Max with Tessa watching our new `friend' from thirty yards off. We trotted through the treeline on the path without looking back.

We skirted the edge of Long Wittenham going due north towards Clifton Hampton to the bridge past the Barley Mow Pub. Over the Thames again. We crossed the Abingdon Road onto Harcourt House land.

Now a good two mile gallop to the Flats. An excellent way to end the ride to dispel the farmer's bad humour.

As we cooled our horses I told them not to talk about the incident except to inform PJ. I knew PJ would tell the whole Team and Yone. I would tell Cho.

The Twins were finished with Bfast! A hug at the foot of the stairs before they went up to the Nursery. Cho with the Financial Times down on his lap frowned at my telling him between bites of egg what happened.

"Tara was fine. She did what I wanted, no need for her to even touch her weapon. I have to say the farmer appears to sharpen his tools a lot. The fork looked deadly."

The frown stayed.

"Okay we could have just ridden away but I thought it was necessary to make the point that he didn't need to make his `point' a dangerous tool. We'd had a terrific time until then."

I described the whole ride, our stops in Chalgrove then the Clumps and Barrow. He wanted to ride over with me some time. He also wanted to stop at the farmer's home to follow up on our `point' making. I started to say leave it... Cho's frown returned.

"There was no reason for him to threaten you... he's probably done it before... I want to tell him he's on our radar without being a bully like him."

I shrugged. Okay. "I want to be with you..."

That got me a kiss.

Cho asked Gil to contact the Thames Valley Police superintendent to see if there was any information about the farmer or any complaints lodged already. Thumbs up.

I fixed my hair after a post-ride shower, Cho's grin in the mirror. I did a "what' which got me a kiss.


I gave my man another kiss!

Dressed for walking and being outside a bit we loaded into a AW139 on the lawn. Cho and I with Gil, PJ and Rande. Kellen lifted us off. She said about thirty minutes flight time, "There's some rain squalls we'll go around if possible."

Gil leaned over to us, "The Thames Valley super said there'd been no complaints about our farmer from Little Wittenham. I gave him the story... he said he could send a copper over to mention to the farmer his behavior was out of order. Following your lead I told him it wasn't necessary and thanked him for the thought."

Fist bump.

We crossed the coast above Brighton doing a big turn to port to descend over the cliffs on a wide stretch of lawn. A gray stone house of four floors stood by itself with several groups of trees off to each side. Rain has just passed so we had wet shoes going under the stone porte cochère.

Randolph our Estate Agent for the south coast met us. Renate smiling alongside him. She was our Security Service person for the estate. She had been with us for a year and half mostly working for Graham in London.

Randolph's hand out, "Hello, welcome to Beachy Head. I was glad to join in with Mason to find this house for you."

Cho shook his hand, "Good. We liked this place right off. There may be more work for you."

A hug for Renate. She was happy to be here.

"We are working on all the boundaries of the new land purchase, the house is secure. We have a good setup downstairs."

Inside we looked in all the rooms top to cellar. The house was in very good condition. We wouldn't have to do much to do to get it ready for our employees to use.

A late Victorian house with a wonderful view over the Channel, it sat beside the South Downs National Park to one side and farm that was primarily for sheep on the other. A quarter mile drive from Beachy Head Road to a graveled forecourt with the porte cochère.

An entrance hall from the front doors with a sitting area in front of a wide fireplace. A large drawing room with a big fireplace, a sizable dining room with a fireplace, a study and library combined, a ladies sitting room, the kitchen was below the ground floor with staff lounge and dining area beside it, offices for housekeeper and butler, multiple storerooms and wine cellar filling the daylight cellar.

Twelve bedrooms, four are suites with bathrooms, staff rooms above the second floor. Master suite faced the Channel, the nursery is next door to the north.

The interior had been through several `modernizations' over the hundred and twenty five years of its existence. A great deal of the wood walls, banisters, stairs, doors and more were original, well kept too!

The carpets were excellent in the entryway and all the way up the stairs. Furnishing the house was in progress. The team who had done Cowley House was on it. Period pieces for the ground floor, the bedrooms would be modern and comfortable. The same for the staff rooms and areas.

Carter had a wine shipment ready. New freezers were coming in a day or so. The storage was dry and big! The Security room was the butler's pantry since we would not have that position here. The housekeeper like at Castle Munro would be the boss!

We didn't have a set day to open so we didn't need to rush anything. Our location coordinator position was still open. Clare was interviewing in the office at Cowley House since it was in London.

The rain hadn't come back so to the outside. The estate was ten acres surrounded by a continuous high hedge plus we bought another 95 acres in pasture from farmer next door that bounded on the north and east of the estate.

We will use five acres of that for solar panels.

Lots of handsome trees, mixed traditional English trees in several clumps with sitting areas underneath for summer shade. A hard surface tennis court and a good size pool. There was room for volleyball or badminton or just lying in the sun. Note to Gil to be sure they bought a bunch of the wood frame folding cloth lounge seats for sunning.

Cho wanted a putting green. There were a half dozen golf course nearby. We will try to work out some sort of guest arrangement with them.

There were two large sheds to keep bicycles our guests could borrow. A croquet set in a corner? It needed work.

Lots of general garden storage. An herb garden and a large space for vegetables. Beehives which weren't currently in use... maybe?

Renate had several Land Rovers to drive us to the neighbor's farm. Barton and Arline opened their house to us. We introduced ourselves at the door... Arline said our faces were well known even down here.

I said I didn't think there was any off the beaten track places any more. Arline agreed and Barton's `worse luck' told his opinion of an over-connected world.

They had met Renate already, she had come to introduce herself when her team began to setup the boundary sensors and cameras. She reassured them we would never spy on them, showing them on the layout schematic that the cameras were all back from their property line.

They knew we would be a low impact addition to the area. They had wanted a lease-back deal on part of the pasture as part of the sale... we had promised them it would happen on very low terms.

We sat in their solarium! Nice! A semi-circle of glass off their lounge. Comfy chairs.

Cho said I had a unique idea for the lease-back...

"I have it on good authority you spin some yarn from your sheering the sheep and you knit... " Arline's eyes brighter, nodding, "... how about the lease is two jumpers per year?"

She was laughing halfway guessing my terms. "Yes from me..." she pointed to Barton. He smiled, "Fine with me!"

We sealed the deal with glasses of beer Barton made. It was good, flavourful and smooth. It reminded me of Ting's dad's beer. Arline barely sipped. She saw me looking.

They understood if they had any concerns Renate would be around and they'd meet the housekeeper when one was hired.

Cho asked Barton about the beehives... Arline and I in their kitchen.

"Fay, so you know I'm four months pregnant so drinking is off for me."

She had on a house smock with her jeans, lifted it showed her small bump.

I congratulated them. I showed Chani and Charlie on my iPhone.

"I have seen some snaps in the glossies and on Sky UK... beautiful babies."

"They are growing up very fast... at an astonishing rate."

"My sister has two. I watched them grow from a little bit away they are in Hastings. Each visit was like a sea change in size and ability."

"So have you found out the sex?"

A cute smile, "It's a boy! I want a girl at some point, for Barton a son is really a terrific start for us!"


"Clifford. It one of Barton's family names from about three hundred years ago. They have deep roots here on the Downs."

I explained our Twins actual names. I could see Arline with a soft look staring out the window.

"Family connection can be so profound and wide... my family started in Yorkshire as horse people. Trainers of riding horses and carriage teams. Do you want to meet my guy Cavalier? In the barn?"

A big YES popped out. She laughed, "I thought so since you're a rider."

We let the men know where we were going. Renate wanted to meet him too. PJ's smile as he followed us.

Cavalier was a sleek brown with a narrow white nose stripe. He had the warm gloss of excellent health. I spoke to him and caressed him. Arline smiling, "You have the touch and voice! He would be putty in your hands."

Renate... a wistful smile.

Arline smiled to me, "Renate do you ride?"

That look... "Yes... not lately."

Arline almost hopped around, "Would you come over and ride Cavalier? He'll need it since Barton doesn't ride."

Renate stared, "Serious? What about you?"

Arline theatrically posed with her hand up to `hide' her mouth, "I'm pregnant! No more riding for at least a year."

"I would so totally love to ride Cavalier!! I'd do his care too... I enjoy doing that."

"I love it too... the brushing, combing... it gives me time to think and relax. Cav so enjoys being pampered."

Hands shaken, hugs! Deal! Brilliant!

Inside Barton was happy because he was off the hook for Cavalier! He shook Renate's hand with relief. We laughed.

At the door we told Barton and Arline we'd be around but not often. Cho might come down with friends to play golf.

A hug for the mother-to-be!

Kellen was ready! We turned south then around to starboard to go northwest at speed. We talked about the house, we had another to visit tomorrow. The Twins would come!

In twenty five minutes we flared for landing on the lawn.

Inside Carter said lunch was ending for Chani and Charlie. Outdoor time was next. We helped Tha bundle up the Twins. Kisses for them as they walked out to play.

Cho and I sat for grilled cheese `sandies' with chips just like the Twins. Pickles and olives!

We talked about the buying of properties in America and Thailand as recreation locales for our employees. Narathiwat would be one once it was free and the short-stay apartments in Bangkok.

"What about in the northern mountains? Are there things tourists can enjoy?"

"Not enough. I would rather add another location in Bangkok."

I was Okay with that, Bangkok had so much to see.

"We could let folks use the boats when we aren't around... Yes?"

Cho agreed, "It would keep the crews busy!" A big grin.

"So what about the bees?"

"Barton said the previous owners just let the hives sit unused. He knows a man who is good at beekeeping, he lives about seven miles away to the north. Barton is going to ask him to take a look and let us know what we might do to get them occupied."

Fist bump! Bees were nice to have around... good for plants! Archie's nephew Terry managed the ones at their farm. We had fresh honey for our tables and cooking. The hives at the Forest Palace had very hard working residents!

Other places for employee R&R locations... "What about Ho Chi Minh City? Or Brisbane? Or Auckland? Honolulu?"

"Fay don't just throw names out... get Gil or Ali to do some research. Trip durations from our locations is a start. Then consider what is available for a variety of interests... And don't forget a big city like Tokyo."

"Alright! I'll get them going. Remember the Minister in Luanda mentioned a resort with horses and golf on the beach. Mangais... I think. We could try a partner deal."

Cho pulled me onto his lap.

"Fay stop. Get something going. Have information. We don't have a coordinator in place or you could push it on them.'

Kiss. "Okay I'll shut up!"

We grabbed macs from the closet and joined the Twins who had Jaidee running around them. A tennis ball went flying from Cho and Charlie. I waited at the bottom of the slide for Chani. Wee! She went back for more.

The evening ended with little arms around my neck going up the stairs after fun doing a new puzzle... a picture of Harcourt House from the front. Chani and Charlie put it together quickly. They sat back clapping when the last went in! We added our applause.

Cho's arms around me were next... warm flesh on mine. Lips on my neck...a squeeze. Sleep.

The carriage stopped at the door. I stepped through the entryway...

Wellbeck came up, "Your Lordship, Lady M********** is in her Room with Lady Elisabeth. Master George is in the stable."

I thanked Wellbeck. Alice gave me a dazzling smile, my little Elizabeth jumped into my open arms.

Hugs then I dropped into a chair...

"So you do not seem pleased."

"We may be going to war... especially if the fools in Whitehall continue as they have been. I'm appointed the Lord Lieutenant of the south coast."

"The French?"

"Yes. It would appear that our government contemplates joining the assorted nations opposing the French Revolutionaries. I'd rather we were associated with the French since so many of our supposed allies are... regrettable. I do not fear revolutionaries as much as despots.

We have had enough war for now. The Americans are looking to be friends now so..." I waved my hand.

Alice looking at me, I told her, "It does mean we need to leave for home."

"Well for my part... I am pleased to be home rather than here. The children will do better in the clean air."

So we prepared to leave. Wellbeck would easily manage to have us packed in no time.

"What will you have to do as Lord Lieutenant?"

"As my orders say I am to command all His Majesty's forces in the county and defend the coast from attack in concert with the Royal Navy. I can see it will probably be dreary meetings and visits all around.

At least the Navy's Channel Squadron has Lord Howe as commander, he is a very competent officer who uses his head. I like him."

Alice squeezed my hand... I leaned down to kiss her. We will have some home life in any case.

I was going to earn my Marquisate a bit more.


I sat up in the darkness... another dream of Gwen's time without Gwen. Odd... not disturbing. Too bad the government didn't listen to Lord M**********! Who would want to have as an ally a murdering despot like the tsar?

Gray jodhpurs, white shirt with a Kentucky Heat undershirt, A modern Munro tartan tie, black bolero jacket, black tall boots and gloves. Crop and black Angora wool scarf.

Jaidee watched me dress sitting so proper by the Dressing Room door. A kiss for him and down the stairs. I let him into the Kitchen garden while I did his food and mine. Marigold came in smiling, `Good Mornings' exchanged. I gave Jaidee his food word... woof, he was off. Marigold said she let him out when he finished.

Andy's face at the Stable office door. He motioned with his head... Sebastian, Tess and another cat in the big chair. It was a calico who arrived via Gregory's `exchange' program. Cute.

Roland walked up with Pat and Tessa led Con. Fist bump with Pat, he knew we rode over to see his cousin Fidel and Fran.

Down the lane, across the Flats, a trot to warm up. The Sci Ctr was a bit more lit up... Yone said they were doing some sort of drill for a few days...

At the Lock the fellow waved his hat. He was well. Roy was just sitting down. A shoulder squeeze for him. He was well dressed up for the chill! Angie was fine.

Across the river we went along the Thames Path. We passed the Carmichael's, all quiet. We walked into the Boatyard. It was dark, too early for them. Back on the Path all the way to the bridge over the west channel of the river. At the lock the operator was at the south end. We shook hands.

"Miss you do get out early."

"Yes... the best time for a ride... few folks out."

A quick stop at Mr. Hardy's, he agreed to come up later in the afternoon.

We walked slowly through the rest Sandford to the southern end. Roland was ready to run again! Off we went! This chestnut fellow ran like the trained runner he is. Big strides gobbling up the grass flinging it backward. Tessa and Con following to our left. It was a gallop to the Flats.

I was rubbing Roland's neck telling him how much I appreciated him. He nodded his head... a whinny.

Pat took him. "I'll walk him a bit more." I thanked Pat.

The Twins had just started B'fast! Eggs, tomatoes and toost! I joined in. Cho grinning as he passed the preserves to me.

Dressing for another day out and walking. Red skinny jeans, black t-shirt and a red and black checked flannel shirt, a black wool jacket, gloves and a black beret. Black half boots. Red lips and `Joy'

Cho in blue and yummy!

The Twins in blue jeans from Natalys and little brown half boots. Jumpers in red and blue and new jackets!

"Mama new jeans are great!" I kissed my son.

The AW139 settled to the grass and we piled in. Cho and I with the Twins and Tha. Gil too. Tessa, Rafe, and Ansara. Ansara was to stay with the Twins.

Kellen said one hour's flight time. Good weather with clearing coming so a sunny mid-day and afternoon.

Going north in the weak morning sunshine, we still had good views of the countryside as we crossed part of the Midlands industrial zone and the green Peak District. A slice of the Yorkshire Dales then curving west we passed over Windermere's bright water to turn in a curling descent to land on the grassy space west of the `Cottage' at the northwestern end of the lake.

Stepping out looking at the house... hardly a `cottage' but that was its name. The lawn were we landed was close to ten acres west of the house. It was open land it would give the afternoon sun full play on the house.

Alexis, another Estate Agent colleague of Mason's, was waiting. Tall and slender she had a big smile.

"I hope the house is what you wanted. It seemed a good fit."

Hands shaken.

"Bronwen is interviewing for staff, Garrison is in Windermere buying some tools and such. He has the boat."

The drive and forecourt was graveled sitting to the north of the house. Gravel walkways encircled the house so we could get a good look.

It was a handsome stone house expanded from a Seventeenth Century base. The various owners had used the same stone for each new bit. No radical architectural fancies to mar its look.

It had been modernized inside after World War One, electricity and new plumbing. Those two essential components were upgraded again a bit more than twenty years ago.

We went to tour. The drawing room with a huge grate was big, a large dining room, study, game room all on the ground floor. At the back was a breakfast room, a huge bay window let in loads of light. A terrific space for the first meal of the day.

The big kitchen with an eat-in area for staff by a fireplace was on the floor below which because of the slope of the land down towards the water was three fourths above ground. It was full of modern equipment with roomy workplaces. Storerooms and work rooms were back towards the slope. The housekeeper and Butler's pantries had nice sized windows facing south.

The large master suite and a nursery beside it were both ensuite on the south side of the house. Views of the lake and lawn. Ten other bedrooms, two ensuite with four more bathrooms on the first and second floors. The staff quarters on top with rooms for a dozen sharing four bathrooms.

All of the house was in excellent condition. There was an issue on a corner of the roof, not serious but it would have to be addressed right away. Otherwise it was ready to be used. Furnishings above the ground floor were to be reasonably modern with Late Victorian pieces elsewhere.

No closets so armoires' everywhere!

The Twins came on the tour. Charlie climbed into the bay window... a small arm pointing out, "Water!"

Indeed. We walked out to see.

Seven hundred fifty or so acres right on the lakeshore, heavily wooded away from the house, the property had low hills to the north and west before it fell to the water.

Around the house was forty acres of open grass with some clumps of trees that would make lovely shade to sit. Several with circular benches around the bole of oak trees. Lots of space to play. A football pitch from Cho! Another putting green? Why not... it wouldn't be very large.

There was a stone boat house and pier. Space for several boats. Assorted buildings for the maintenance crew were also the same stone as the house.

Two cottages on the property, one towards the southeast by the lake, the other deep in trees northwest of the house could give some privacy for a few couples.

The whole estate was well kept. The grounds were managed by a local contracted firm. Thomas had already been all over them, they were Okay.

For the inside cleaning, etc... work, several companies from the town of Windermere were being evaluated. The housekeeper would oversee them and the outside staff.

Inside staff was being hired, the interviews going on in the butler's pantry as we passed through the kitchen. Some prospective staff sitting at the big staff table enjoying the fireplace warmth. We said hello... they were somewhat boggled seeing us.

By the lakeshore Gil's phone went off. She turned back to the house to answer... we went along the path by the lake bank. Charlie clapping in excitement over all the water.

We sat on a low stone wall by the boathouse. Cho told them all of the people who worked for us would get to come here to have fun. The Twins liked that.

"Popa, do we come for fun too?" Chani looking serious.

"Chani we have fun in many places now..." Chani smiling holding her Popa's hand, ".. Yes we will come here some. The lake is very pretty."

Chani nodding agreement. Cho told her red squirrels and red deer, lots of birds live here so we could come up to see them. Clapping by our girl!

Charlie squatted to look at a duck swimming by... oops another two popped out from behind some bushes. Charlie kneeling waving to them, laughing.

Ah! We didn't have any fowl at Harcourt House. There were the chickens and geese at Archie's farm. We should make a visit over there with Charlie and Chani. They could see the cows and pigs too.

Gil came smiling, "We have a housekeeper and a cook for Beachy Head!"

"Good! The two ladies?"

"Yes. Glynis and Liliana have joined us."

I was pleased. It seemed almost too perfect. A couple who had great skills that we wanted. They both cooked so we gained in the kitchen.

"Clare said she would be on the coast for a few days helping get them started hiring staff, finding cleaning and grounds companies for Thomas' staff to vet. She would follow up with Bronwen about her staff hiring later today."

We walked about a bit more... Bronwen came out. We shook hands and welcomed her and her family to our crowd. She was in love with the house.

"Miss Martin, it has so many interesting features for us to explore. Garrison found the door to the attic... all sorts old furniture, etc... He will do an inventory and forward it to Gil."

Cho took the Twins after introductions for more visiting along the lake.

"I'm Fay..." Bronwen smiled and nodded, "... the furniture is going to come in waves so brace yourselves. The lorry company bringing over from Windermere station will have crews to bring it in and place it where you want it following Gil's schematic loosely. Make it work and be comfortable is the primary goal.

That will start Monday. The Security Service people will be here afterwards to do the whole property. They will call upon you and your staff to take care of them."

A smile, "We'll be ready!"

Fist bump!

"The grounds folks don't need as much storage room since they'll bring many of their own tools so storage for things like balls, croquet, football goals, etc... is available."

I squeezed her hand, "If at any point you have issues with the cleaning people or the grounds folks that you can't resolve to your satisfaction get Gil involved. She can make things happen."


We could hear the boat returning. It wasn't loud, Garrison was running at slow speed approaching the shore. I could see Cho and the babies down by the dock.

"So what about yours?" I could see her looking at the Twins and I motioned their way.

"Ours are great. One at Exeter doing very well, he has a bursary to study electrical engineering. He's always loved to tinker with gadgets. His brother is the opposite. He's at LSE studying macroeconomics of international trade. I don't get it but I suppose that isn't necessary."

She looked happy... her children with a good start in life!

"The hiring?"

"We have a cook and several assistants. With the time given us before opening we will do a lot of training. The roof will be worked on the week after next. A company from Windermere is doing the work. Garrison will keep an eye on them."

A woman of middle height walking like an athlete came down the grass. Tessa stood up to check her. An ID card was displayed. Geena introduced herself as the Security Service lead for the house.

We hadn't seen her before. She gave an account of her service with us. She had been a WPC in the Manchester police force then a detective in sex crimes and homicide. She went looking for a new challenge. She was hired eighteen months ago. She had worked for us in Bangkok and other areas of Thailand. Her speaking and reading Thai was excellent, her writing needs work. A grin.

"I was often used as an undercover officer... you know the foreigner who nobody expected to know the language. I did a good deal of work as a liaison with the police in Bangkok. When we were told about openings in the UK coming up I applied. My family is in York."

Geena was welcomed.

"You'll be a bit isolated here so we hope you like being in the outdoors."

"I do love hiking and anything to do with snow..." My face wrinkled up on purpose.

Geena laughed, "I can see winter sports aren't your thing."

"I have several I really enjoy... lying by a blazing fireplace with our dog and babies is my favourite winter sport!"

Geena and Bronwen laughed.

Cho came up with Chani and Charlie. Garrison was introduced. Blond hair, green eyes and well built, looking younger than his age.

We headed to the kitchen. Snacks for the Twins and us. Coffee!

Coffee in hand at the kitchen back windows, a nice view. I walked out the side door to the hallway and out to the graveled walk. Tessa sipping beside me... I looked at her.

Oh... the house wasn't secure yet. Okay. Fist bump.

We strolled toward the lake.

"It's great you two are doing this R&R thing for everybody. Time off is `precious' as PJ says."

Me nodding, "He's right. Are you going to New York soon?"

"The first week of January! My younger brother will be there too so... the mob together. Dantone has something new for my parents... a surprise... a fiancée! I warned him that it wasn't like she's a gift but he is persisting. I haven't met her yet just a few phone calls. She sounds nice, well-educated, she is a curator at MOMA."

"Whoa! Artsy! How did Dantone meet her?"

"He was on a call to a party where a few fellows got out of hand. He was the duty supervisor. She was there sitting alone with her drink watching the fools. Dantone said she was so `cool' he had to ask her take on the events. She told him what happened and who did what like she had recorded it all.

Now my brother is not a ladies man! He was amazed by her. He made sure to get her personal info for his report then asked her if he could call her. Dantone said she LOOKED at him... said yes. So a romance was born."

"Keep after him to break the news to the parents in some way besides a `surprise' because the backfire could be deadly."

"I have... he's on a mission."

"Call her then."

"I should... he'll be mad but she seems pretty smart... she'll get it."

Fist bump.

My phone binged... Dad. "Hello!"

"Daughter can you talk for a few minutes?"

I said yes we were visiting a new house we bought as an R&R location for our people.

"Cho and the Twins are around here somewhere. Go ahead."

"A meeting at Narathiwat has just concluded. We have an initialed agreement! Now it isn't the whole thing but enough to really get going on what remains."

I was hopping up and down! Yea! We knew it would come but knowing is different.

"So how was everyone?"

"I went down with Jun. I met all the insurgents and they were fine with me. No animosity.

Each side had done their review at each stage and repeatedly exchanged views and documents, had discussions with their people and came to a point where it folded together nicely.

The Irish and Canadians are fully on site at Narathiwat Airport. They have everything they need and will make the first visits next week.

Your plan to give them breaks in Bangkok is wonderful. A free flight and stay in your building will be important. It will be stressful for them at the start but it should ease off when everybody sees it working."

That had been my thought. Easy enough to send a Gulfstream.

"Once they have a baseline of dumped weapons and it is working talking about destruction is a natural follow on. What about the prisoner issue?"

"They are close.. they are using your suggestions. I am sure the fellows in prison weren't happy about being frozen out of the first election. They will have their chances.

We did let the negotiators meet with the leaders in prison. I was amazed that there was general agreement to the process. Of course not all. They also decided to keep silent about it so their colleagues could continue to talk with us."

I wasn't sanguine about that part. The urge to talk had to be powerful for those locked up. Dad's feel from the insurgents was they seemed assured about the security of the information. Crossed fingers.

"We should be able to gauge the process as weapons are dumped. Disarming is a big hill to get up."

"Is there anything we can do?"

He laughed, "You have already done quite a lot. Right now it is the hands of those on the ground. The meetings at Narathiwat will continue."

I sent love and kisses down the airwaves. Dad was sure he'd be able to come to Harcourt House for Christmas!! Yea!

We gathered for some final words. Geena had two teams coming including Thomas to `wire' the place after the furniture is in next week. She said they be staying here and Bronwen said she'd be ready. Her team was here full-time.

We loaded up out front. Kellen lifted up over the woods then a turn south. An easy flight. I told Cho the news from Dad. He was grinning, "The old fox had to see the opponents himself? At least they know he supports the process!"

"I think he wanted them to know he was fully involved and reinforced it by his presence."

We talked about a visit to Archie's farm for tomorrow morning. Something completely new for the Twins! Gil emailed Terry about it, he was fine any time after milking which EARLY.

Mr. Hardy was in a chair looking at the four big maps of `War in the East' spread out. I gave him my idea about using the Kursk scenario which could give me a bit to do and fully occupy the three others.

"It's big but the play mechanics are relatively simple. It's the organizing of movement and sequence of attacks that matter. I think we should add a bit the fog of war by saying all units on the frontlines are `known' but those away from contact have blank counter pieces on top. It's one of my suggested rules."

He liked it. Neither side had an absolute knowledge of each other's actual unit locations. He suggested a `list' so the counters wouldn't actually be there. Okay.

"Do you want to play a particular role?"

"To keep it small how about I was the Russian southern commander? I'd have enough to do and if I couldn't here at a specific moment I could leave instructions for my partner. At least in general terms."

Mr. Hardy smiled, "Would you partner with me? I'd like to be the Russians."

"I'd be happy to!"

I stuck out my hand, shake!

"I don't think the others will mind... do you?"

"We can ask but Jerrold doesn't seem to care which side he plays, he just enjoys the game. Greg had no issue in flipping back and forth last year."

Okay. I gave Mr. Hardy my idea about a counterstroke after the Germans were well involved in the south edge of the `pocket.'

A widening smile as I spun out the attack plan.

"How long have you had that little gem tucked away?"

Laughing I said about fifteen years. I had considered it when I last had the game out in Froyle.

He was shaking his head, "Your memory... what a thing."

We had a good laugh and went arm-in-arm to get a coffee. I told him I'd get all the rules, charts, unit counter selection and maps scanned and sent to the others. He'd email to query their interest in being Germans.

After a deliciously exciting ride with Roland and a good feed it was time for wellies for the twins. Pink and black! Very cute! Jeans, jumpers and macs! Wooly hats and gloves!

Prasert drove our crowd around to Archie's. We went north to cross the river to get to the Kennington Road then south to the roads that took us over the train tracks into Lower Radley.

Terry did ask that we stay close to the Twins because the cows and pigs are large and sometimes move quickly. We decided to stay outside the fences asking Terry to move a few animals our way.

Charlie and Chani got to pet cows and pigs. Laughing at the noises the pigs made. Terry said those were happy sounds.

The chickens weren't disturbed by our little ones looking in. The geese did not cause any trouble, one gander named `Lookout' rubbed against Charlie. It was a sweet photo op for Charles... he got it!

It was Cho's idea to include Charles and his cameras. He got tonnes of terrific snaps of the Twins with all the animals.

Margie's tom cat `Gus' got in on the act too. Rubs and purrs from him. He was nice old fellow almost fifteen. Margie said he doesn't go far from a heat source these days. He came with her for our tour out of cat curiosity.

Our return was roundabout. Prasert and Tom said the Land Rovers wouldn't have trouble going the way I wanted. We went west down the dirt roads I rode on under railroad tracks to Barton lane. Then into Abingdon to the High Street.

We parked on West St. Helena Street and stopped in at Elaine's Gaudy Paper shop. She was pleased to see us and meet the Twins. Tha took them to the Christmas trinkets section with the promise they could each pick out a Christmas decoration.

Elaine had a big order of holiday wrapping paper and ribbon that Ellie ordered. It would be delivered this afternoon. We bought a few other doodads and the Twins got their choices. Charlie a wooden reindeer with a red nose. Chani a delicate tree ornament, a sparkling snowflake!

I liked them both! Elaine beside me as her cashier `carefully' packaged the Twins' items as they watched.

"Fay, they are gorgeous babies. They speak so well."

I laughed, "They are smart and fortunately happy kids."

Charlie and Chani carried their purchases out to the cars. Everyone belted in as we went south over the river. Passing Culham turning back north on the Oxford Road in Clifton Hampden. In our village up our long drive.

I asked for us to detour into Harcourt Close. We got the Twins out for a walk around the houses. We stopped at Ellie and Prasert's so they could meet Kas. Prasert's face said it all... proud dad!

Chani and Charlie stood by Kas' rocker seat to say `hi' and squeeze his hand. Kas gave them a big smile.

We carried the Twins up to the house. Lunch was almost ready. We sat in the Great Room. Cho said they should wait to bring out their new Christmas things until the tree was up... it was only a few days. They agreed. Carter said he store them in his office waiting for the day. Clapping by the babies.

"Thank you Car!" A big smile from him.

I stopped to say hi to the horses after my morning ride with Tara and Penny. There were no `complications' this time either so Penny wasn't feeling like she was jinx. Laughter!

We dispensed mints, apples and carrots. Lots of chewing! Nickers and whinnies too!

After breakfast we boarded an AW139 for London. The Wandsworth Heliport was such a handsome change from the near derelict previous incarnation. We pulled up in front of Cowley House. Clough at the door with a smile.

The Twins went up the few steps with our help. In the Entryway Clough squatted to greet the Twins. He shook hands... very formal then Charlie laughed and stuck out his fist. Clough's face... a big smile and a `bump' with both babies.

"Car always bumps," Charlie saying it like it was normal for all butler's.

"Miss Chani, Master Charlie, I'll be glad to bump with you."

Well that was settled! Laughter from all of us.

Tha took the babies up to the Nursery. Cho went to Jeremy's office for some talk about pending legal things and a business catch-up at the City Bank. Me to News UK.

I stepped out of Allyn's car at London Bridge Street. Gil with me, PJ and Gaby! I walked into the lobby to stop in front of the clinic. I could see two people in the waiting room... one stood up to pass through an opened inner door.

In the lift. Going in the publisher's door Norma looking up with a smile.

"Miss Martin, good to see you."

A hug for her. I waved her in with me. I peeled my coat and gloves off. Norma said she liked my clothes.

Black wool tube shaped skirt to mid-calf, a white long sleeved shirt, a mottled black, gray and white jacket to my hips, upright collar and sewn on belt of the same fabric, black stockings and heels with silver jewellery and `Joy' Red nails and lips.

"I have the meetings you wanted lined up and ready to go."

"Okay... go!" We laughed.

First Adam. A hug! Daphne was terrific, happy to be almost finished working on the next term at Denham School. A summer term was in planning.

"Fay, she has really gotten into the school. Jasmine has stepped right into Angela's role. She's knowledgeable and hard working. There's been no missed beat."

Fist bump.

We got to business. We covered a lot of ground, strategic planning for four more years to complete a five year programme. After this initial time period we'd move to ten year planning. The push online was to accelerate offering more content for free but the real depth would behind the paywall. We weren't asking for that much money and it was a success so far.

Lambert and Des joined us. Hugs! Lambert wanted more pages to cover international sports.

"Football but also horse racing, golf... We have seen good numbers from the online edition. We have brought in Advertising who are sure they could sell into the added space."

"Send the proposal today also start preparing because it will probably be a YES."


Des' folks were going like gang-busters! They did a series on local corruption as a follow up to the piece about the block of East End flats to be built on a toxic waste site. We were now in the sixth in the chain. An increase in the local news investigatory group got the okay from me.

"Try find experienced folks who come out swinging. And don't forget the suburbs."

Fist bump with Des.

Des and I went to get coffee. He was working hard but saving time for Roseanna. They had been to Froyle a half dozen times, enjoying walking all over the property and the neighborhood. They had been to tea at the Reed's and hosted Aileen and Sue with the baby for drinks. Aileen and Roseanna had gone riding several times.

"They like bringing Rosalie out to the farm. Rose and Matthew dote on that child."

Sounded like Des was comfortable which was so awesome!

We sat with his opinion page people. A few middle of the road conservatives had been invited to write opinion pieces. The feeling was there were many `traditional' tory voters who would support progressive ideals for helping citizens who need assistance. They needed to be weaned off the tory party cascading deceits about government assistance that way they see when people are helped everyone benefits. Mild but insistent was what we wanted.

In Human Resources the boss looking at me across his desk had a smile.

"Miss Martin, you've seen my report?"

I had indeed and was pleased. No white males had been hired since we took over. And yet the newspaper was covering the news with a full staff and doing spectacularly well.

"All the editors have given me feedback... it's the same... the new folks are great!"

Music to my ears and validation of our thinking about the newspaper. I was chuffed and knew Cho would be too!!!

I wandered around after that with Gil and Gaby stopping to talk whenever it grabbed me working my way to see Rolf.

There was a roguish grin on Rolf's face,. He was pleased that the Times numbers in print circulation continued to rise and website hits were also staying high despite the paywall.

"Your idea to leave a large part of each big story on the free side is proving to be be exactly right. We have more digital subscribers joining to get to the other content because they can see the headlines that we have better pieces to offer at very little cost. The promise of security and no hassle from advertisers goes a long way."

We shook on that!

I went back to wandering a bit more then I signed a lot of paper for Norma. It pleased her!

Niki her daughter at EFT was insanely happy.

"Working with animals every day rather than people... seems like heaven to her."

I told Norma we were going over there Saturday morning. A group of riders so Niki can meet some other horses.

Allyn picked us up. On the A3 to jog over to Lambeth Road to cross the river then north into Cowley Street from Smith Square.

Luncheon. The Twins and Cho were ready. Me too. Mrs. Travers had a tasty bouillabaisse followed by cod cakes under a lively citrus sauce. Green beans with a light carpeting of Romano! The small cross buns were a big hit with Charlie. A sweet lemon ice at the end.

We all went for a walk after eating, the weather was mild with no wind. Bundled up Twins were cute. Into their pram to start. We went on Great Peter Street towards the river. Crossing Millbank to the Victoria Tower Gardens.

Once in the park we set the Twins loose. A few discreet `Yeas' as they ran around on the grass. We slowly worked our way from the north down towards the Lambeth Bridge. Charlie ran into the Buxton Fountain.

I'd always loved the Victorian memorial. Quirky and colourful. It looked good, I was glad they had done a restoration.

Chani in my arms looking all around at the coloured tiles, the dark marble basins. Outside she pointed to the roof... "Blue stars Mama. Fun!"

Well there wasn't much to it, it was nice she liked the little memorial to a splendid event.

The Twins re-loaded in their pram. We re-crossed Millbank to walk up Horseferry Road to Dean Bradley Street into Smith Square and out the north end to Cowley Street.

Upstairs for Charlie and Chani. Tha would let them chill out with a story.

Cho and I sat in his Study to compare our mornings. He was quite pleased with Cornell at the City bank.

"He's managing things very tightly. His team has lots of creative ideas which Cornell evaluates then lets the people down easy with his critique. There are few he's willing to consider closely.

We have decided to open two new `green investment' programmes. It could be very good for the bank.

He's fully in control of his part of the decision-making process, he only reports to Kuva. He knows I have a raised interest in the bank so I get all his communications with Kuva.

Oh by the way we have set Mu's retirement at the end of the year but the celebration of his many decades of service to the Cho Family Banks will be when we are in Bangkok at the end of January."

"Good! We should be there! I want to kiss his cheeks."

Cho laughed, "He will love that. The banks will be in good hands with Kuva. Sud is following the pattern we have established for moving up. Mu had been on the investment side before becoming the president."

Cho reached very high in a stretch, "Jeremy still gets a kick out your sending him new tidbits about the `old' News UK transgressions. He said you took some of the boredom out of the law.

Of course I made sure some Lagavulin had preceded my arrival so we had a nip.

They are a cut-above law firm, so it's no surprise Thoi did business with them. The old fox knows talent when he sees it.

The heliport and gun range were successful because they craft superb briefs and argue well. Your drone project will likely succeed because it is practical and their skills are superb."

I hoped so! I parked on Cho's lap for a few kisses. Quite tasty!

Clough knocked on the door frame, a smile. Cho grinned and waved him in.

"The gathering tomorrow is all ready. The caterers have Graham's approval and strict instructions. They have been clearly informed by me about how the alcoholic drinks are to be dispensed.

All of the food and drink is in the house. Mrs. Travers is one hundred percent prepared.

Graham has extra people to cover the house and check the guests on arrival.

The Metropolitan Police have been informed and say they will have officers in attendance.

The invitations as you may remember suggested the guests should be dropped at Lord North Street and Great Peter Street to avoid entanglements on Cowley and Barton Streets. So we hope the police constables will be able to manage the traffic."

Cho thanked Clough for his fine work.

When were alone again Cho said my idea of giving a cocktail party was a `good' in itself but allowed us to find out about the house staff. So far so good.

In the Nursery Tha was laughing... Charlie had been doing somersaults across the carpet giggling all the while. Chani clapping for her brother.

"My turn." Off Chani went! Three roll-overs ending on her back laughing. Charlie knelt next to her to hug! Our laughter going out the door ... down the passage. A maid looked in at all the noise... a smile.

After dinner the Twins winding down their batteries... Yawns!! Cho and I helped Tha put them down.

Chani holding my hand standing in her crib with Raggedy Anne beside her, "Fun day Mama."

I told her we'd have more fun tomorrow... new puzzles!

"Yea!" Charlie added his in. Kisses for them.

Cho on the lounge in our suite, face-to-face... grinning!

"What are you wearing tomorrow?"

I said it was a surprise so he'd have to wait. Okay as long as he got to put on my scent... I agreed.

I stroked Gwen's powerful neck, she was nickering. Pregnant by Murat... an incredible mating! Any child of their's was to be big, strong and smart as they both were.

A half apple went over very well taken from George's hand. He gently caressed her nose after the apple was gone.

`Father I like riding Gwen can't I continue?'

"Yes you can for a while later she should only be walked. We want her to have a beautiful foal so we will be careful.'

George's smile was great as he hugged Gwen. She loved the young man... nickering loudly.

`Will I come with you to the House of Lords?'

`Not inside but you can walk through the building. I will get one of the porters to give you a tour.'

He was happy with that.

He and I would leave in the morning. The new coach had excellent springs and padding at least so our backsides wouldn't be numb when we arrived.

George gave Gwen a kiss before we walked to the house.

Her exploits had been told to him with a good deal of censoring. He did understand I had opposed the previous corrupt regime of our county's leadership and the King had rewarded me for my efforts.

The fact that it was centered around Gwen only made it more interesting when he was old enough to ride her.

I had a written account of everything I had done locked away with a note that it was for George after my death.

I was in no hurry for him to get it. Too many things to do yet!

Damn the French... they were occupying too much of my time...


Another Gwen dream... she was in it this time. The dream made George seemed older... able to ride a full sized horse like Gwen... sort of manhood thing???

Another one to put with the others.

Out the door with Gaby for a walk by the river. Lambeth Palace across the Thames, we turned south crossing Horseferry Road walking close to the river. MI5's building with the arched entry then the Millbank Building. We passed the Tate Britain. We turned back at the Vauxhall Bridge after I pointed out the MI6 HQ across the water.

I did a tour guide thing for Gaby. She laughed at my plummy accent.

"Fay it is interesting to see both of the `spy' forces liked to be near the river."

I said something about a getaway on the water a la James Bond. We laughed loudly attracting looks from some other early risers.

At Cowley House Bfast was in progress. Cho and the Twins began with porridge and raisins. Toost and egg in a cup for the first time for the babies. Cho and I did the egg openings as the Twins watched. They liked using the small spoon to get the egg out. New Bfast fun!

Today Cho and I drove to The Company. I swiped us in... always fun to see `Fay Martin' pop up on the little screen. Cho's laugh over my shoulder.

Reg gave us hugs.

"Don't go crazy... you'll see us tonight and tomorrow," ...as I caught my breath from the squeeze. Eric kissed my cheeks... much more sedate which I pointed out to Reg. Laughter.

We sat around Eric's conference room table. All the top managers and a few senior staffers. We'd asked for an overview of company direction and product development.

Reg's deputy Stephan got us going. The newest sensors for traffic were coming out in quantity and shipping to Seattle. Same for the mini-cameras. Stephan gave us the latest on the devices in development. They would all require less power so the solar panels that supported them were getting smaller.

The new solar cells in the laboratories were smaller and more efficient. Stephan said we expected them to be half as expensive to manufacture than the current models.

"We had input from your Security Service R&D head, Prichit, on the solar cells which had us make a change in one important component's chemical make-up... a really big savings will result. The substitution means more common materials can be used... so a lower cost.

Prichit's team has some `smarties' on it!"

Cho pointed to me making like a flying plane. Okay.

I said this was to be under wraps... I spun out the tale of the turbo-powered drone. Prichit's folks helped Soam's designs. Reg and Stephan especially leaning forward. It took them through the process quickly so as not to waste too much time. Soam's delivering the drone in ten and a half months of development was amazing to them. The test I showed them on my iPad had Reg grinning at the end.

"So you're going to be shooting up things now?" Laughter around the table.

I said only houses in Ealing. Eric laughed, "I'm glad we passed on that house we looked at out there."

Cho's grin as he told Reg he could buy one of our anti-drone devices was classic! The only a half of million pounds delivered with a marvelous understated cackle.

Eric got us back on track with only minor difficulty.

The railroad sensors were more accurate without sacrificing size. The stake units based around new battery and solar cell technology were cheaper and more efficient.

Liked this news! They just called them the stakes' now no more Fay' in use.

The software folks got their turn. Jared started with some old stuff. The Windows version of the server software had updates and fixes going out. It was still a solid product for those who wanted that OS. We'd keep updating it for several more years at least.

The Mac OS Server was going to a new version before summer; until then updates, etc...

Lots of new features and faster execution. Remote access was would be an order of magnitude faster.

Douglas and Karla combined on the new look for the desktop and mobile apps. Streamlined, some features that had been little used would go into a legacy area. The core pieces being enhanced and a new way to select frequently used tasks they could include in a `quick' access menu.

Emory took us through the water projects. In Vietnam the project was well advanced. All communications were in and the dozen or so remote devices had been installed. The PAVN had given excellent assistance in getting items into the back-country.

The add-on project in the Philippines north was almost completed. Angola was in far advanced in preparation and on time. A half dozen others were on schedule around the world. The Italian and French projects we helped to pitch had been signed. So those two high profile European projects were on the calendar. EU money was involved so we had a few more hoops to jump through but no big deal.

Achmed was in Tehran working with the Energy Ministry people. The Energy Ministry had several floors at an excellent hotel put aside for our people, trailers at the main work sites for overnights.

The local production of parts was already delivering parts where our portion of the hardware was stored in a hangar at Mehrabad Airport. The Iranian Army helicopters were based there. They'd start to do the lifting into the mountains soon.

The small dams were completed so the installs of the sluice gates and controls could go ahead straightaway.

The weather would be cold but Achmed had winter gear for everyone in the field. We hoped to get as much of the bigger hardware in place as possible before the new year and in spring do all the electronics install and testing.

The various dam sluice gates would left open so the water would run as before into the main reservoirs except for five which we had easy access to from roads. Those would be three quarters closed, they were also among the largest of the dams in cubic meters of water capacity.

The top tech folks going to Iran joined our meeting. Here and remotely. They gave us the calendar of events to take place in the next four weeks. They were sure it could be done and said the weather wasn't really an issue yet.

We had Conrad from Hanoi on the Conference App.. It was night time there. He was ahead of schedule on the PAVN microwave upgrade. It was early days though. They had no problems with access to the communications facilities of the Army and the aides' from the Army were actually helping rather than just spying' on our people.

"We have in country nearly everything for the first few months of work. The base microwave system is quite straight forward for us. My people all have a lot of experience.

Doing the border sensor install is new. We've had the classes and more to come when the new sensors coming off the assembly line arrive. Your team will be here after December to start assembly, we'll learn a lot more from them. The satellite part Col. Ba is arranging so when we need it he says it will be ready.

We'll setup the first stations and test what the Colonel has organized."

The meeting broke up after that. We went upstairs to meet Jasmine who was Angela's replacement.

Angela did the introductions.

We used the big office to talk, Rona was in Hampstead at the new shelter and clinic. It was fully open and sixty percent occupied. Serving meals to a hundred non-residents and guests who needed a hot meal.

Jasmine was my height, slender too. Dark skin and a short afro halo around a sweet face. She was fully transitioned like me and thrilled with it.

A hug and cheek kiss.

Jasmine was thirty one, unmarried or attached at this point, dating only. She had credits for seven eighths of her degree in sociology and was working on it! She had taken an apartment in our Bramham Gardens building.

"Fay and Cho, it very nice. Lovely floors and the kitchen is compact and easy to work in. I love to cook!"

She made a nice face showing she meant it. She was so slim... she must have my body chemistry type!

Jasmine rode her bicycle to work and changed in the storeroom. She could hop the District Line at Earl's Court in really bad weather.

Angela had created a binder of everything she did with in depth explanations. The most active item was Denham School's next term and the possible summer term.

"I had a working lunch with Daphne yesterday. She's easy to get along with and a sharpie. We have everything ready for the classes and the webpage is up to date.

Richard is getting about twice the applications over the first term. He has two people based at the school doing the initial run throughs of the applications. Angela, Daphne and Richard created a baseline for the reviewers to use.

This coming week I am going out there to meet everyone and go through the applications that are put aside. I'll choose them randomly to see if the criteria are working as we wanted.

I will make changes if I see a pattern. The gentleman there, who is one of two Richard hired, was a headmaster now retired so he seems quite grounded in the concepts. The other was a teacher, so both have relevant backgrounds. Richard says they are both hard at it."

One of Jasmine's main tasks, after the new term started, was to prepare for several government ministries our requests for support for the school. Beyond some funds we wanted the government to give us... we wanted them to have help available for job assistance and further education opportunities for the students.

"The under-secretary in Education, Jean, you passed on to me has been in touch. We have a meeting set for next week. She will bring some information along and one of her staff as a link."

We were happy.

"So you know where to come later?"

A big smile, "I do and thank you for inviting me."

"Well you may see some work from it. You'll get to meet Jean, she is coming with her boss the Education Minister. Also a few folks from several educational foundations who could help. Adam and Daphne too!"

Jasmine was smiling, "No problem. So a nice cocktail is frock is okay?"

`Absolutely. The men are stuck with black tie... we can be more creative!"

We giggled.

In the car Cho said Jasmine would gather a lot of attention, "She has smashing looks and a vibrant personality... catnip!"

I gave a kiss to the guy who liked my style of catnip!

I decided to wear the Edith Head black cocktail dress Grace Kelly wore in Rear Window.' A full skirt to mid-calf, close to my torso, a bit of décolletage in a V' and translucent short cap sleeves. Everything black as my accessories. Red lips and nails. Cho did the Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes.

The party started with Cho and I greeting guests. Andrea and Ting! Hugs and big kisses!! Caroline laughing as Cho gave her cheek a kiss. Hugs from the Twins.

Our Company people, Eric and Malee. No Anne she was under the weather, nothing serious. She'll be fine tomorrow. Reg and Rona, MFA hugged my me. Charlie and Chani took her off with Caroline to a corner of one drawing room we had `fenced off' for kids.

Arthur, Jared and Douglas with their wives plus kids. I led the children over to join the rest. Quite some fun going on with an over-sized set of `jacks' equipment.

Michael and Karla looking terrific.

Aileen and Sue, Rosalie a bit young for this stayed home with a `sitter' who happened to be Sue's boss. A lady they both loved.

Adam and Daphne arrived with Des and Roseanna. Roseanna looked terrific in her blue knee length frock, quite the dazzler in mufti! I gave Des a wink which he grinned over.

Our MP from Nuneham Courtenay and his wife. She thanked us for the invitation, "This is one party invite I wanted to accept." I suppose they get lots from all sorts...

Jasmine in a lovely white and blue dress cut close to her svelte figure.

The Colonel! He was looking spruce in his black tie. Hugs and handshakes. I said this was a mix of folks. I hoped Graeme could come after work but it wasn't firm.

The Education Minister came with Jean, the under-secretary. She did the introductions. He was very complimentary on Denham School saying Jean had brought it to his attention.

"Jean will speak to you but we want to give you what help we can."

I got them to meet Jasmine and understand her role. I suggested they use my `ladies sitting room' to talk. I motioned Clough to us.

"Clough will take you there." He bowed to them and went ahead. I hoped the minister wouldn't mind my `hijacking' him for a few minutes. Jean gave me a thumbs up so I was reassured.

I did a hunt for Daphne... she was chatting in a group. I pried her loose and had Temple take her to join the other `education' folks.

Cornell and his wife. Our first meeting. She was trim and sleek in black. I chided Cho and Cornell when `bank' talk started. They laughed. Cho sent them to the bar...'I will find you later."

A hip bump from me with a no `business' tonight.

Jeremy and his partner. Charlyne was about his age and handsome looking. Jeremy smiling said they had decided to marry sometime in late spring, the second for each. Cho and I kissed cheeks and shook hands. I offered our garden at Harcourt House if they were interested. Charlyne said they hadn't done any planning and welcomed the offer.

"Our staff is used to weddings so it isn't any trouble. So if it's something interesting... let us know." My cheek kissed.

In between there were lots of others I didn't know or just vaguely. Business folks, a few authors... one had expressed the wish of doing a biography of Cho and I. It didn't endear him to us.

Lambert and his wife came with Rolf. Rolf was a `bachelor' for a few days as his wife and kids were with her family.

MacDonald! A healthy glow to him. "I am doing very well! Lost a few more pounds. My doctors are thrilled." He laughed, "At my age I suppose that's a good thing."

Our local MP arrived with an aide. He welcomed us to the neighborhood.

The Foreign Minister came up the steps listening to something Hélène was saying Jack was behind them. Turned out the two had known each other for forty years. Hélène's distancing from her `brexit' aligned local Yorkshire tory MP was the subject of their discussion.

We got them all greeted and a few hugs. The outer clothes off. The Minister and I moved into the larger Drawing Room my hand on his arm.

"Miss Martin, the Prime Minister and I had a long talk about southern Thailand yesterday. Your names were quite prominently mentioned. Jack being up to date on the talks was brought in. We are all impressed by and glad of your initiative. It is one more small war and disturbed border region we may no longer have to be concerned about. Bravo."

I thanked him. "It started as a personal quest for Cho and I which got traction through both sides stepping back to see the futility of it all with a few nudges from us. It was so obviously in both of their best interests."

He smiled, "It often so but getting the sides to `see it' is a vexing problem which you hurdled."

Temple, one of the House's footmen, came up with Charlie, Ansara behind them.

"Mama, we want to go up to our rooms... there's more things to do. Okay?"

"That's fine! Ansara please let Graham know." She nodded. I asked Temple to help them get up the stairs past the barrier. He said he would.

The Foreign Minister missed Charlie's request and my answer because it was in Thai. The Twins liked using our back-handed `secret' communication system.

They headed off. The Foreign Minister asked what language Charlie had used. I said the Twins could speak Thai, French and English. He was shaking his head...

"So could they work for my office?" A laugh. We got fresh drinks and moved to a corner.

"I am not out of line saying this but it is still considered a sensitive thing... Our government has nominated Cho and yourself for the Nobel Peace Prize."

I was shocked... he could see that... "Now it doesn't mean of course you might succeed but that we believe you have done the world and humanity a service deserving high recognition. Please tell only the people very close to you for now."

We sat on a settee. "You have already done this?"

"Yes. A formal letter has been sent."

I did a mental shrug... it's done whether we like it or not. Not being asked peeved me but it was a political decision. It didn't commend politicians as a group to me.

Temple was back. "Miss Martin, the children have all moved upstairs and the barrier restored. Graham has posted someone there. Mr. Cho asked you return to the entryway."

I thanked Temple. The Foreign Minister smiled when I pardoned myself. Jack who had been hovering got a look from me... Sotto Voce... "Fay, I didn't have anything to do with the Nobel thing... they thought it up above me."

I said Okay.

In the entryway was Prince Harry. He smiled greeting me. A cheek kiss. There was a louder buzz in the background.

"Fay... Cho! Thank you for the invitation. It isn't often enough I get the chance."

He looked around, "A nice crowd!"

Cho said it was a mixed lot of friends, coworkers, a few politicians and newspaper folk. Cho left the news people to the end so it was emphasized for Harry. He smiled with a thumbs up.

I nudged Cho about a drink for Harry. They went towards the northern Drawing Room bar.

Gil came up with a naughty smile, "His office said he would come this afternoon... I was bad in not telling you but it's the little devil in me."

We laughed.

"We wouldn't have done anything different anyway."

Francis was by the stairs with a head motion towards the way Harry and Cho went. I smiled with a hands up and out gesture.

I went upstairs, Graham's fellow smiling as he let me through the barrier. The kids were having a blast. Several games in progress.

Ansara sitting on the carpet with Chani and a cute little blond girl... Arthur's girl? doing a puzzle. One of the new batch, it was a snap of Glaa crossing the finish line somewhere. They were sharing. Smiles from them.

Tha leaned close, "They are all active and fun."

It was hard to count with many running about... down the passageway and back... I thought twelve.

I left them to it.

I went down the back stairs which were closed off except through the kitchen. Mrs. Travers was sipping a cup of tea. Everything under control!

I walked through the Dining Room to the north Drawing Room. Cho and Harry on a settee with the Foreign Minister in a chair close in front of them.

I could see Rande behind Cho... a smile my way. A left turn brought me by the bar, the catering crew were doing fine. A new Campari and soda. I was passing through the Entryway when Graeme showed up. He was in uniform.

A hug and kiss.

"Sorry about the uniform but I just got to leave. A small flap on."

I hugged him again.

"I don't care... besides you look smashing in your khaki!"

Miles, another live-in footman, took Graeme's coat, gloves and beret. I detoured us back to the bar for Graeme. He got a club soda with lime.

"I don't like to drink in uniform unless it's in the mess."

He saw Harry and Cho talking.

"Oh... we are moving in exalted circles."

"Don't you expect it of us?" Amused laughter.

"The Colonel is around here somewhere. The Twins have a crowd of friends..." my hand waving upwards, "... tearing apart the Nursery." Graeme walked with me... I did hellos, a few introductions for Graeme.

The Colonel on a settee with several ladies... I said it looked like he was holding court... Graeme almost spilt his club soda. We could see the Colonel rise and bow his way out to join us.

I repeated my `bon mot' which got a big laugh from the Colonel.

"My dear... I'm much too old for that sort of thing... just being amiable."

I gave him a hug.

I saw Jasmine talking to someone, she saw me look over the lady's shoulder. She came my way. Introductions were done.

"So is there a crisis that demands the Army?"

The Colonel gave a quick around then leaned closer... "No but are all past devotees of Baden Powell."

I didn't burst out laughing... it was hard to resist. Graeme with a funny look. He probably had never been at a non-military social event with a senior officer before except with us.

Jasmine loved the Colonel's remark, "I'm constantly prepared for all sorts."

The Colonel escorted Jasmine to the bar. Graeme shaking his head.

I got another funny look when I said... "The Colonel seems to enjoy being with ladies... younger ladies."

Daphne joined us. She had met Graeme last Christmas at Harcourt House.

"Graeme, you look so good in your uniform! I hadn't followed up... did you get your cufflinks?"

"I did and thanks again."

I tilted my head... Graeme said, "Adam and Daphne found a pair of my regimental cufflinks I'd left behind at Southwold and mailed them to me."

Fist bump for Daphne.

The Colonel and Jasmine were back with drinks. Daphne and Jasmine started to talk shop... Graeme was asked by the Colonel about a recent event... so I moved around speaking to many folks. At the bar I got another Campari and looked over to Cho.

He and Harry talking still! Those two could get up to something!

I picked up some smoked salmon and cream cheese little sandwiches to nibble. I went to my `Lady's Room' to sit in the quiet for a few minutes.

It didn't last... Clough knocked. He said Jeremy was looking for me.

"Please bring him here." Clough nodded.

In a few minutes Jeremy was ensconced in a comfortable armchair across from me by the fire.

"Fay, this is a nice room. Quiet."

I smiled with a questioning look.

"I got a call from the Lord Mayor's office. They had been informed that the CAA had agreed to our drone flight request and asked for some further information. I told the mayor's representative they would have it tomorrow morning."

Good news! Jeremy replied to my query, "The notice from the CAA was probably in the post today. I hadn't been back to my office after a meetings in the back end of Chelsea."

I leaned his way, "What I will now tell you is a secret although not really earth-shaking."

He grinned.

"We have developed a new drone, turbo-jet powered with long loitering time and can be satellite controlled in range well over of one hundred miles. We are testing them now in Thailand and in America very soon.

They have high resolution cameras and other add-ons. They are like the American's much larger drones... a flying wing configuration. Twelve foot wingspan.

So getting the CAA's permission means a good deal more than before."

Our solicitor did a small laugh, "I suppose the CAA should be informed?"

"Yes certainly but not until they have been tested and are operational. Then we can find out if they have any issues with the larger aircraft. I would imagine we would not fly the turbo-jets over any densely inhabited areas until they have had extensive flight operations so we are assured they are safe."

Jeremy nodding approving our prudence, `like a lawyer.' He grinned at that!

We walked out to rejoin the crowd. Graeme and the Colonel having a talk still.

Clough said the Foreign Minister had left, "He said to thank you very much."

Rona and Reg were going. MFA, "Thanks it was fun!" Hug!

Eric a hug for me. Malee was kissed. I waved them down the steps.

Harry and Cho weren't on the settee. I turned to Clough... He knew right away.

"They went into Mr. Cho's Study."

Okayyyy... who knows what's up.

Des and Roseanna said goodbye, thanking us for the invite. Hugs for them.

Adam and Daphne were leaving taking Jasmine with them for a curry dinner out. I wished them a good meal.

The crowd was thinning... the bar staff was telling folks it was their last drink.

The crowd upstairs was less. Our Company people were mostly gone, their kids had a good time. Tha smiling, "Fay, we found things for all of them to do. Nice children, well behaved."

Fist bump!

I was back at the door doing `goodnights' Cho came up.

"Harry went out the back door to his car." Okay. "He thanked you for the invitation. We had a good talk... more later."

We worked the door until the last person was away. Clough's report... no one left. The caterers working to take down everything and help with the clean-up. His assessment was our guests were well behaved and no real damage had been done.

"It is so much easier now that few people smoke and no one allows it inside."

Right there!

Clough mentioned Mrs. Travers would have our dinner ready soon. Cho and I went up to see the Twins taking Ting and Andrea. They would stay to dinner then be off home.

Our three were colouring a big bird in a book. Each had chosen their own colour scheme so the bird was a bit wildly hued. They were having a blast working from the sides inward.

The Nursery was neat... Tha said she got everyone to put away their things as their parents came to collect them so there wasn't much for her to do.

After dinner I gathered us all in our suite. The Twins lying on a lounge holding hands... Cho and I on the one opposite. I told the Twins that the Queen was coming to Harcourt House for a visit. There would be other members of her family including George, Charlotte and their parents.

The Twins remembered the two young Royals and said it would nice to have them visit again.

I held my son's hand as we went to the nursery. Big yawns! Cho and I dressed Chani and Charlie for bed. Charlie standing his crib arms stuck out... hug! A kiss too. He didn't mind it at night.

Hug and kiss with Chani. They were down with their sleeping buddies... Raggedy and Blu. Tha putting a last few things away before lights out.

I was standing bare-assed in my Dressing Room unable to put on my robe... Cho was the cause. Ooops! I was lifted... I dropped the robe... not needed now. Zoom I was slid into the bedclothes with a lithe powerful guy on top.

Pinned! Kissed! Stroked! Fingers playing with all of me... I tried to return the favour but was out-done. Cho slowed to a stop... our lips locked.

We lay quietly kissing.


No horses! Poo! I took Tessa and Tara out with me. Out the front door to Great Peter Street then north to Great Smith Street around to the front of Westminster Abbey. We stopped so the ladies could a look. We stood by the Crimea and Indian Mutiny Memorial... Tessa looked at me.

"Yes, I know they have nothing to do with each other. I didn't put it up." A shrug.

We followed Broad Sanctuary to Parliament Square. At this hour the square was nearly empty. They got a good look at the Clock Tower and the Commons.

"Pretty cool... Huh?"

They laughed. We turned around to go down Horse Guards, I pointed out the back Downing Street, the Foreign Office then across the `Parade' through the archway to Whitehall. I waved to the Duke of Devonshire and turned us right.

Back through Parliament Square I waved towards Oliver Cromwell. I held my arm up high to emulate Richard I. I'd always loved the horse.

Across College Green and around to the front door. Miles was right there to let us in.

Charlie and Chani were coming down. Hugs in the Entryway. Holding hands we headed for Bfast! They got in their seats, I delivered eggs, tomatoes, little vegan sausages, toost and a bowl of grapes. They set to work. Cho came in... huge smile and a kiss.

We loaded up for Harcourt House. One stop on the way. We got on the A4 then M4 until Brentford then on the Great West Road to the turn to SKY UK's headquarters.

Inside it had been completely redone, bright, open and a bit of a maze. We had the Twins with us for a short meeting with staff. They got a conference room for themselves, Tha and Ansara.

We sat with the management team. They were doing very well this was just an `hello' stop. The second time we'd been here and the first since we had taken control of 2st Century Fox ourselves. So it was a different dynamic. We weren't corporate leaders any more... we owned it.

Cho led off telling how we and the The Sun's top managers had been impressed with their coverage of our takeover of News UK. Their more intelligent take on the event was noted. They were pleased to hear it.

We gave them the floor. They gave us an overview of where we were and needed to go. We agreed to invest in more content development and links to Fox Entertainment for sharing. We had already discussed a sharing deal with Abbey in Los Angeles. There was more on programming in the news division which they asked for a higher budget. Okay All the important stuff was covered.

Back on the M4 rolling for the M40 to Nuneham Courtenay. Prasert could drive this in his sleep now. Tom driving the other car could too.

Carter got the big greeting from the Twins... "Car!" "Audi!"

The Twins were INTO big greetings!

Gil got a text from Penn... Jian would be on the ground in an hour or so!!

Ride! Tara and Penny!

Dressed and mounted in minutes! Rebel ready to go!

A fast run to the lock, greetings all around!

We crossed over to the west side of the river. A call from Soam. I had us stop in the trees south of Archie's place.

"Fay, those two drone jockeys from Harcourt House are amazing. Samorn is jealous! They can fly the drone better than she can. I want to start the test programs right away."

"Do it. Call Kavat, get the equipment moved. Who are you sending?"

I got the names of two of his team, one with each drone... destinations: Lordsburg and Harcourt Ranch. One crated drone would come here.

"Try to get them on their way as soon as possible. If they are that good we need to schedule others to those locations for training."

That way we'd have three locations for teaching folks to fly them!

Soam said he was `on it' with a laugh.

My companions smiling. Tara said Shelby was a wizard just like Benjamin. They'd watched them operate our current drones... Tara with combat experience said it was as if Navy aviators were at work. High class company for our two.

Rebel didn't often ride around this way... he was having fun when I asked him to RUN. We flashed through Lower Radley like the wind up the long dirt road to near the Industrial Estate we headed to the west channel bridge and over the Sandford Lock. A wave to the lock man.

Mr. Hardy stuck his head out, he had news about the `game.' I said come up for dinner. Thumbs up!

Rebel nickering we walked towards the grassy opening at the end of Church Road.

"Okay boy run!"

He did! We were speeding across the grass, big chunks of earth flying backward. I leaned down... whoosh my hat was whisked onto my back... I didn't care. I rubbed Rebel's neck and urged him on. His strides were huge... we gobbled the ground to cross the property line in minutes.

I had to slow him... Freddie had several horses on the track. We approached the fence at a walk, a very proud walk!

Freddie shaking his head, "Fay, you two are marvelous to watch. The other riders never get the same from him as you do."

I rubbed his neck more, "We're a team!"

Tara and Penny caught up, wild grins as they had ridden as hard as me. Fist bumps.

Jian was in a car coming our way! Yea! Ting and Andrea plus Caroline would be here in a few hours.

Tara came with me, we walked our horses up onto the forecourt. We crunched some gravel. Jian's car rolled in. I slid down to grab her as she popped out. Hug and kiss!

Tara waved and took Rebel to the Stables.

My buddy greeted by Carter who took her coat and gloves. Fin got her bags. In the Great Room she got squeezed by Cho.

"Good timing. Lunch is soon."

That said the Twins came running in. "Mama! Popa! Jian!"

Hugs, kisses first then Jian marveling at the difference in the Twins since she'd seen them last.

"Time does not stand still for sure!"

Jian was flabbergasted watching the Twins eat. Except for cutting they were quite adept at feeding themselves. Caroline was well along but not this far.

Sunny laughing said she wasn't far as the Twins. She still mostly ate like an American.

We sat to talk Foundation things in the Library. The London shelters were all open at least to the point of serving meals. By Christmas they'd be fully operational. Tony was doing a great job. He found he could work with the construction people easily. A big plus.

A full medical clinic was open at the Hampstead shelter in the old sanitarium building. The shelter was seeing a rising occupancy rate as the weather turned colder.

The Edinburgh shelter, the ex-hotel, is open! Some work was still being done but Tolivere, our manager, had guests in the completed rooms and serving meals.

The re-development of the building in Glasgow was more than eighty percent complete. Rona pushed to get the kitchen ready so they could provide food. Some young people were sleeping in a room that would be the meeting space. We provided mattresses, pillows and blankets right now as it was very temporary. The Scottish winter had arrived early!

The Liverpool and Manchester shelters had their kitchens open too, for them the end of January was their opening time. Both managers had set up small spaces for limited overnight sleeping with rental mattresses, etc...

Seven clinics open in Thailand and a report in my hand about the possibilities for more in the eastern part of the country. Ubon Ratchathani for sure in the north eastern section of the city. The Mekong crossing at Mueang Mukdakan was a good choice along with Mueang Nakhon Phanom further up river. Jian had several locations that were close to the Mekong River crossings but above the flood stage.

When Jian was back in Thailand after the holidays she would fly east to see for herself.

Jian had a possibility for the southern areas of Amphoe Mueang Chanthaburi in the far southeast. Very under-served for medical care. Another stop for her. I brought up Pattaya... not a popular choice for obvious reasons. Jian said she would make a trip there. On paper it would appear to have Okay coverage but the southern area wasn't well provided for unless your wanted to sleep, eat, get your hair done, drink or... Smiles between us.

Heads up from Prasert... Ting, Andrea and Caroline were on the way. ETA thirty five minutes. Jian and I finished up easily. A kiss... a look into the dark eyes... seeing the love! A big squeeze!

Gil got a text from Tom. Reg, Rona and MFA on board with Eric, Malee and Anne. Twenty minutes away.

I was in the Entryway with Carter and Audra, all the rooms were ready. Carter said the tree would be here in three days! Monday! The Crew the day after!

Us two and Cho at the door to welcome friends! Hugs and kisses even though we'd seen them yesterday.

Ting smiling stepping out, I got a big hug after Jian had done the anaconda thing! Now she was attacking Andrea and Caroline.

We got them inside and into the Great Room. No fatalities.

In just a few minutes Rona, Reg and MFA! Hugs! Eric, Malee and Anne! More hugs.

In the Great Room the Twins pounced on them. Caroline, MFA and Anne all went up to the Nursery with the Twins. We sat to talk babies for a few moments. MFA had completed potty training, Caroline asking for the `poop bowl?' Ting said he didn't know where that came from. Anne still doing diapers but she had peed once in her potty. Progress!

Chani and Charlie had stopped wearing diapers... even at night. We had only two `accidents' and those were minor.

We had a lively, fun dinner! Mr. Hardy got a kick out of all the little ones chowing down. Afterwards the kids and most parents watched the `Charlie Brown's Christmas' movie.

Mr. Hardy and I went to the Wargame Room. He was managing the Christmas game. Everyone agreed to go with the `War in the East' Kursk scenario. Jerrold didn't have the game but he got copies of everything via Gil and said he was good. I had Gil email telling him he could come over to look at the game mapboards anytime.

Mr. Hardy was the Russian commander, I was the southern front. Opposite me was Jerrold, Greg opposing Mr. Hardy. Some rule modifications were agreed on. The Germans would be setup historically on the front lines like the Soviets, behind the line the units would be place-holders' for invisible' forces. We'd each make a secret list and when a unit came to the frontline it would be exposed.

My three companions liked my rule. A few others were mostly administrative, we decided the Russians would use the historic production schedules to avoid fussing with that business. Mr. Hardy and I would setup first, Jerrold could do his anytime he wanted and Greg the north Germans when he arrived.

Greg was bringing a game he's created, platoon/company level of the French Indochina War. Scenarios, maps, counters, etc... it would playtested after the Kursk battle which meant I'd probably not be involved. He'd sent us all his rules, charts, photos of the maps he'd made plus the unit and game counters. First rate stuff. He'd done a lot of work.

In bed with my own 'anaconda' trying to stay alive. He turned into a Lamprey eel sucking on miscellaneous body parts. I captured his most vulnerable part' and sucked. Aaahhh... that stopped his going after me. Cho surrendered to my control' in as much as he was only vocal for some minutes... he swung around to repay me!

Such a nice way to cuddle under the bed-clothes! We made love to each other's `parts' until orgasm. Very nice and tasty it was too! Cho got a big laugh out of that phrasing.

The morning was cold and crisp! We provided some of the Kentucky Heat under-clothes for our riders.

Sunny, Rona, Gil with Tara and Tessa. We were out early. The golfers were barely awake as we left. Crossing the Oxford Road was easy at Baldon Lane. Past the woods we turned southeast across our property to pass Little Baldon on the north.

We paralleled the Clifton Hampton Road into Chiselhampton, we left the village going east. Stadhampton was waking up to the south. We followed the Watlington Road to Wofford Lane for a bit then east to the back gate of EFT.

One of Yone's people saw us on a camera and opened the gate for us. We were in a lane between paddocks taking us straight to the offices. Cormac waiting.

"Good Morning to you." The Irish in his voice arm sounding warm.

We slid down and tied our horses. Carl came out of the Security house.

"Good Morning, Miss Martin."

He told me about the rotating shifts the supervisors took over here.

"It's quiet. The animals are lovely to be around, so relaxed."

I got to meet `George' the llama again. Niki, Norma's teenaged daughter, shook my hand. She was very happy living and working here.

"George is very sociable, the horses don't mind him. We have a dozen sheep...' her hand motioning to the back of the pasture, "... George is their watchdog."

Cormac said the sheep were from a neighbouring farm on loan, we were test driving sheep with George and the horses. The farmer got a kick out of Cormac asking for some `loaners' to try out George.

Dr. Crawford2 would be here after mid-day for some checkups. We had nine fully retired horses, too old or infirm to re-train or re-home. Some need a bit of extra care until they stabilize.

Eleven horses being ready for re-training to pleasure riding and re-homing. Ten possibles for equestrian training.

"Fay, we have a young lady coming to ride one of the geldings to see if they fit for equestrian work. She is eighteen from over near Denchworth. She's relatively new to eventing, Polonaise is a quiet good boy who takes direction easily. They could be a good match."

"Cormac, do you have anything on the family?"

"Only that they are farmers and been there since before the First World War."

"Have you talked money?"

"Only that there would be a fee."

I turned to Gil, "Please get their name and find what you can..." Back to Cormac, "If they are well off we will charge them otherwise Polonaise is free as long as they allow us to do welfare checks. All who get a horse should understand the horses are in our care and we are serious about their welfare."

I was firm that even the `buyers' would have to agree as part of the sale.

Thumbs up from him.

Gil went into the Security house to use a computer.

We walked around talking to staff and horses. The border collie sort of attached himself to us. He was friendly, a big waggy tail! He especially liked Sunny.

One of the older fellows was in a stall at the vet stable. Cormac said Dr. Crawford2 wanted to keep an eye on him and reduce his movement. He'd had an infected scratch, twenty five year olds don't always have enough resources to fight back so antibiotics were used.

"He has a special friend, we are going to bring them together so they can have some buddy time."

I was pleased and praised Cormac. He smiled, "Well I considered it but Niki really pushed. She said she'd want a friend to come if she was sick... it would make her feel better."

Fist bump. Impossible to imagine kinder thoughts for another `life.'

I leaned over a fence beside Niki later... I told her I was very proud of her to push for the two friends to be together.

"It was natural to you... Keep that up." A dazzling smile. She and Sunny did a big fist bump.

I was leaning on Rona by a pasture. My support laughing. Gil walked up, "Fay, the family are farmers, nothing flashy. They have a pony and dogs, no other animals. The daughter has been to some equestrian training but not a lot."

Cormac joined us with Sunny and both dogs. "Talk to the young lady and her parents, say we will hold a place in the equestrian classes at Denham School for her. No tuition just the add-on insurance fees. If she passes... Polonaise will be hers for free with the welfare checks included of course."

He smiled, "A very Solomon-like decision."

Fist bump. "Call Gil if there any any issues." We shook hands.

We mounted up for home. We went out the back gate turning west by south to pass south of Brookhampton crossing along the edges of several very large fields. We rode just north of the old Mount Farm Airfield's weapons storage pits. Crossing the A4074 above Berinsfield. Over the Oxford Road near Kate's family drive. Turning north it was gallop to the Stables time.

Roland was asked... he answered with a surge of power. Quickly the grass beneath his hooves was a blur in passing. We burst through the treeline at the top of the Sci Ctr hill roaring down the slope like the proverbial freight train.

I only slowed when we reached the Flats. The training tracks were empty so no one to scare! Sunny on Lu joined me they had come down the slope like us... full power on!

"Fay, I love to ride like this... full out!"

I could see that... the equestrian side of her life was very controlled.

We were a circle of six happy riders walking our horses. Up the lane Pat took Roland.

"Pat, he earned a good treat after his walking."

A salute with a big grin.

We caught the tail-end of Bfast. Cho, Ting, Reg and Eric were just gone to the golf club. Malee, Andrea and Jian were going into Oxford for mixed shopping and sightseeing. The babies were up in the Nursery! Lessons and fun!

Rona, Gil, Sunny and I attacked the eggs and toast. A fresh jar of strawberry preserves was opened for us.

Leaning back sipping my coffee. I thanked Gil for her quick check of the young lady's family. Sunny said Imogene is a good teacher so the students were getting terrific coaching.

A meeting! Upstairs to clean up and change. Red skinny jeans, white crop top under a black flannel shirt and white high-top sneakers.

I was in the Library with Gil and Ali getting caught up, Fin stepped in.

"Miss Martin, Mervyn."

Our new museum director!

I stood up to shake hands. I pointed to a chair. He was thirty, blond and blue with small round eyeglasses. He was middle height and slender. A first class degree in literature from Cambridge, an historical bent and loved to ride.

He had been a junior curator at a London museum. He had done several well regarded small shows that critics said were creative, displaying a willingness to try new things.

He signed on with us knowing he would be in on the ground floor of a large undertaking.

I started with one word...'Kotro.'

A smile, "A very interesting fellow. We've had several long chats. He has sent printouts that are to be delivered today. I don't yet have a plotter to be able to print his drawings. Yone said he would have it in by tomorrow morning. No computer places in Oxford had what he wanted."

"How's the house?"

We'd put him one of the one level ones with two bedrooms. One room to be his office for now. He's on his own so it was a good fit.

"Very pleasant, the furniture is great, comfortable. The bed is terrific."

I smiled, "The neighborhood must be a bit `slower' than London?"

"I miss the theatres but I've never been one for the bar scene. The fast internet lets me stream movies which is great!"

Gil got a text, she handed me her iPhone. Benjamin and Soam's staffer were arriving in Lordsburg with a new drone. Done quickly. Power of money!

Back to Mervyn. I let him know we had plenty of gilt to display but we didn't want it to be about trophies. We wanted to focus on the horses. Tell their story. Their breeding, training, their lives during the racing season and afterwards, etc... Then show the people behind them. Who trains them, cares for them... and so on.

Some on the racetracks around the world and the racing people, the owners, fans, etc...

Also NO cheap kitschy things to be in the museum store. Nice things that didn't cost `an arm and a leg' to be remembrances not just souvenirs.

Mervyn was typing on his iPad... he looked up, "Advertisers?'

"You mean in the building? Or?"

"To generate income beyond entry fees, etc..."

"We aren't interested in this being an income source. We'll put you together with our sponsorship attorneys in Los Angeles. They can see if our existing sponsors want to be involved.

Do you know them?"

Mervyn said he didn't.

"Apple, Taittinger's, Levis and Kentucky Heat. The last is a company in Kentucky owned by good friends, they make warming under-garments for the outdoors. They started with riders but are expanding their marketing towards a wider audience like athletes of all sorts and others who want lightweight warm under-clothes. Go Outdoors carries their clothing now.

I guess the first three you know?"

A big grin from me after seeing his eyes go wide when I said their names.

"We have some of the Kentucky Heat things around here. You ready to ride?"

"I need to get my tack and clothes unpacked."

"You don't need tack, everything is down there. Ask for Audra... she can get you some of the Kentucky Heats items.

Talk to Gregory about how you see your skill level is so he can recommend a horse for you to ride. It's one of the perks around here."

Mervyn grinned, "I like that. Is there any limit?"

I laughed, "Well you can only have one horse at a time..."

A nice smile spread across his face. Thumbs up.

"No limits beyond that one. Talk to the Stables folks about where to ride and/or get another rider to show you around. There's a bit over five thousand acres of mixed woods, grass and crops."

Mervyn thanked me.

Fin came to the door. "Miss, DHL has delivered a package for Mervyn."

I asked him to bring it in here. We cleared some space on one of the big tables.

Fin's pocket knife slit the tape and we rolled out Kotro's drawings.

Simplicity and style. Huge glass spaces to bring in natural light!

The ground level view showed an entryway to the large central hall, the roof appeared to `float' above the structure in an inverted arc allowing more light in. The large wings were two floors for the permanent displays and small theatres at the rear of each wing. We'd use part of the central hall for rotating or visiting shows.

The Central Hall had all the amenities at the rear. Restrooms looked quite large, the Ladies nearly half again larger then the men's. YES!

The store and a coffee shop with seating were on the first floor at the back on the balcony level that ran around the entire central hall. Lifts were in between the two.

No forcing the guests to go through the store bullshit!

The balcony level was above the first floor levels of the wings. The balcony's exterior walls were the glass sides of the central hall. There would be a good view across the countryside especially to the east.

The offices for the staff and Security were beyond the store and cafe section on the first floor.

The parking was underneath so the building could occupy almost all of the land. Parking for buses and caravans at the rear near the trees. The loading dock was below ground level with easy drive-in and out. A service lift at the rear of each wing and in the central mechanical section.

Mervyn looked up from the drawings, "Miss Martin..." `Fay' from me. "Fay, I know these aren't final but it just looks right."

"Cho and I looked at them on a computer which isn't very satisfactory but we feel the same. We gave Kotro our initial thoughts... he did this." My hands waving over the drawings!

Gil smiling, "Fay, you got in Kotro's head."

Fist bump!

Rande's text said they would eat at the golf club. Okay. Mervyn would stay for lunch... pleased to be asked.

Rona, Jian, Andrea and Malee came in to see the drawings. I was standing back letting them see... Jian came to press against me.

"Fay, it is very good. Simple and clean."

I said it was first thought looking at the ground level front drawing.

Jian smiled, "Like his boxes!" A kiss.

They all got to meet Mervyn. Rona shook his hand, "You may have the easiest job there is... so much to work with and a steady stream of more."


Mervyn met all the kids' in the Great Room before lunch. We had an informal soup and sandwich meal in the Breakfast Room or as Charlie called it the Bfast Room.'

Some further discussion then I sent Mervyn to sort out his riding clothing and walk over to the stables for a ride.

"We'll be going out in an hour."

A call from Taj. I leaned back in the big chair. We exchanged greetings.

"Miss Martin, I am to attend an OPEC meeting in Vienna for two days afterwards I could make some free time if you are somewhere that you have horses."

"Taj, we are in England through the end of January at our estate in Oxfordshire northwest of London. We have room to accommodate you and your colleagues. You knew all that... right?"

"Yes. I was hoping. I have a special request. Could you afford me the possibility of hosting a meeting... myself, the UK energy minister and the foreign minister? And likely the French and American ambassadors? It would be for a matter of a few hours."

"Yes. We have a good room to do that, comfortable and quiet. Do you have a date? And it would be just you and your staff staying?"

I motioned to Gil mouthing `calendar.'

"Several possible days to choose... it depends on you. Yes, just me and two others. My aide Maisil you have met and a bodyguard."

"We have a lot going on... would you mind sharing the house with some of our friends?"

"No it would be an honour to meet friends of yours."

"I will have Gil finalize the day with Maisil."

"Thank you Miss Martin. I hope the talks will be productive. I will send you a link to the agenda."

We said our goodbyes.

Gil said the American horse people would be here...

"Taj said he wouldn't mind that... he'll get more horse talk!"

Gil's face in a grin. She went to the door, "Fin please ask Carter to join us."

Carter came in looking pleased. I asked what his news was... the tree was on schedule & the setup folks were ready.

"Good. My news is a make work kind of thing. The Energy Minister for Iran will be coming for an overnight and hold a meeting here in the Library.

He will be meeting with our own Energy Minister and the Foreign Minister. It is likely the American and French ambassadors be attend also.

I am told it will be for a few hours in the morning of the second day. I think we should plan for luncheon but I have no idea for how many.

Now I get the feeling that this meeting is not a BIG secret but sensitive. Thomas and Yone..."

I turned to Gil, "Would try to get them to come in?" A salute... which got her my tongue stuck out.

Carter looking quite proper except for the big grin. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Taj, the Iranian energy fellow, is very nice, understated. My sense is that this gathering is important. Like when the Queen visits the pressure will be on especially the second morning."

"We will be ready. I will have a meeting of staff to review the individuals arriving. How many in the Iranian party?"

"Taj said himself, his principle aide and a bodyguard. I will speak to Taj about the bodyguard and our Security team."

Thomas first then Yone sat with us. Carter was in a chair at my urging.

I repeated some for the Security fellows. I did say I would speak to Taj personally about the bodyguard's role. To make it go easily perhaps..." I pointed to Thomas, "... you should talk with Maisil, the aide, about what we have here for defenses."

"Of course." He looked to Gil who was waving a white card.

"Tell him what you think necessary and I could call Taj myself if needed. By the way, Maisil may be a tough guy but he's been very polite with me."

Thomas smiled, "We can handle tough guys."


Gil got on with some of my things... time to ride for me. Cho's text said they were coming home in an hour or so. In my usual black clothing walking with Jaidee to the Stables. The two dogs went off to play with the customary fake biting thing going on.

Mervyn in classic English riding clothes was astonished by mine.

"Miss.." I looked... "Fay, that is a brilliant outfit."

I thanked him as Rebel was led up by Ethan, he had Max ready for Mervyn. Ken and Tara were coming along.

A leg up from Ethan and we walked down the lane. On the Flats I asked Tara to take us to Mr. Blair. A smile and an Okay! A laugh from Ken.

She led as we trotted gently up the slope. I did some minor explaining about the terrain and boundaries for Mervyn as we went. A note myself to stop at Denham School on the way home.

Tara moved us along quickly, a quick cross of the Abingdon Road down to the Tollgate Bridge. No traffic today. Once in Sutton Courtenay we waved to some of the residents who called out greetings. Down All-Saints Lane to the back gate.

Mervyn was lost but it was his initial time. Past the first yew trees to the grave. I peeked behind... the pile of black stones was larger but not out of control. I hoped Dr. Ryles was still Okay with it.

Mervyn was at a lost for a moment then the light dawned... "Orwell"

Ken said he was right. Mervyn said he had no idea the author was buried here.

"David Astor helped arrange it..." I pointed to Astor's grave behind Orwell's.

Tara said we came over here every now and then. She'd show him the way if he wanted. He said `Please.'

Our stop at Denham School was short. I had to sign a few things for the Government. Richard's `report' delivered with a smile was excellent. The school would be brought together on the next to last day of the term so Cho and I could speak to them. Give them the news about the fee cut.

"Fay, next term is nearly finalized for instructors. The student list is more than two thirds done. We'll have a wider cross-section of students with about a ten percent increase in those needing fee assistance even at the lower rate."

He knew Jasmine was coming down in a few days.

Fist bump!

At the railroad track crossing I said goodbye to everyone. Rebel was asked! He roared away immediately and was at speed quickly. The first treeline was a pale shape, the grass wasn't green but a hazy gray. At the near slope top he was encouraged further. A swift passing of a mile of turf!

On the Flats we walked waiting for the others. Tara first then Ken... Mervyn a good bit astern. He did have a wild look as he reined in Max.

"I'd never...' a big air intake, "...I've never seen anyone ride like that."

"It's what Rebel lives for... the pleasure of running and speed. Me too!"

Cho was in the Great Room with the golfers and their ladies. I brought Mervyn in to do introductions. Drinks and kids!

We had a small three ring circus of activity. I went up to change, nothing fancy jeans and a jumper. High-tops! Red!

After dinner we watched a movie with candy bowls and soda pop. The Twins liked ginger ale and root beer, low sugar was fine with them. A 1970 movie, `Santa Claus is Coming to Town' in the American style but still good. The kids loved it! Fred Astaire did the narration.

Jaidee lifted his head to say `hi' when we joined him at the fireplace. He had absorbed a lot of heat. Charlie laid on top of him, "Popa, he is warm."

I leaned over to Chani on the settee... I got a huge yawn and hands rubbing her face. I scooped her.

"Say goodnight baby." She waved her hands.

Her arms around my neck as we headed up to bed. She was in her nightie when Charlie came in with his Popa. I had Cho put Chani in her crib and I undressed Charlie. In his pj's... a face splitting yawn.

The babies gave us hugs, kisses and `nite's.' Tha smiling.

The other kids went down too. In short time it was just us oldsters around the fire. I sat on the carpet rubbing my Choco Boy.

The plan was for Reg and his girls and Eric and his would leave Sunday late afternoon. Andrea, Caroline, Ting and Jian would stay for the Crew party.

Sitting on Roland at the edge of the Forecourt watching the big lorry maneuver into position. The tree was wrapped up... dormant, waiting to release its lovely smell and deep green boughs. The greenery was off-loaded first. Penny and Tara beside me, big grins.

Tara finger on my arm, "I do love the Christmas tree here... so big and brightly lit."

I smiled, "Yes! I like that we are building our own traditions! The Twins will grow up knowing how we enjoy the holiday even though we aren't religious. Nothing like a pagan celebration for bringing people together."

We laughed. Penny, a lapsed Buddhist, "Fay, you two so delight in this I am glad we can share. I had never had much to do with Christmas before."

"Well... you've come to the right place for an over-the-top Christmas season."

We all laughed.

We'd had a great ride in the light dusting of overnight snow. We had gone east through Marsh Baldon. No one was out... very quiet. North through Baldon Row to Toot Baldon. The Mole Inn pub was dark like much of the village. We turned west at the north end going more or less straight for the Oxford Road. We crossed near the boundary between the Radley's and the Fraser's and followed the road on the west side into Nuneham Courtenay.

We passed opposite to St. Thomas' School, very quiet and our neighbors homes, a few lights on. Up our drive to see the tree lorry slowly moving over the forecourt. The men from the Abingdon company were soon all over it.

We walked down to the Stables. I took my riding companions on a treat and hug tour. Everybody was wrapped up in blankets and leg warmers. Apple and Taittingers' logos. Our staff wearing Levis and Kentucky Heat! An inside laugh at all our team... four and two legged dressed by our sponsors.

Andy beside me with Pamela. She was fine, Doc Crawford2 had spent time with her yesterday, he pronounced her `fit as a fiddle.'

"Fay, she is so calm... except when you're in the saddle then..." He made a roaring zoom sound his doing a `whoosh!'.

Laughter even Pamela joined in with a loud whinny. Hugs and a half apple for her.

The Great Room was already for the tree, carpets, etc... out of the way. The floors were covered. Jaidee was spending the morning at the Stables out of the way.

Ting and Cho were dressed for golf?

"Are you guys really going to play?"

Cho kissed me, "We are going to the driving range so I can show Ting some short iron shots. Maybe two hours... unless the course is clear then GOLF for real."

All I said was `Dedicated.' I got another kiss.

The Twins came in all shining-fresh faced. Hugs after some loud "Mama" "Popa" sounds. Tha helped them into their seats.' I got plates of scram,' tomatoes, potatoes and toost. Thank you's from both.

I got my own Bfast. Gil walked in, "The Crew's flight is ready for their departure. A mid-morning ETA at Chalgrove." Thumbs up!

I worked after changing with Gil and Ali in the Library. The tree was going up, lights, etc... there wasn't much noise in here. Fin brought us coffee and cookies! He got a big thank you.

We plowed on. By lunch I had got it done. The tree was up and the lights were on. The men were having their mid-day meal with us downstairs.

Carter beside me.

"It looks exactly like last year's... Are you sure you didn't pack it away in a cellar?"

A laugh, "No Miss... it's entirely new. It does have a fine smell..."

I took a deep breath drawing the pine-woodsy smell in. Fist bump!

Charlie said they had fun with a new picture puzzle... "it was you Mama!"

I didn't know I'd been immortalized in cardboard. Tha said it was a snap of me in a spring dress in the garden. They chose it and one of Cho with a golf club.

"There are others but we agreed to keep quiet..." She looked at the Twins... they got it, they looked everywhere but at me. A conspiracy! Tha almost burst out laughing, she contained it.

"We scrolled through some snaps on the server. They chose ten and we sent them to the puzzle people."

Since our picture collection was decidedly `PG rated' who cares.

Cho called. He and Ting were done with golf and would eat at Oxford East. I told him about the conspiracy in our home which got me a big chuckle.

Time to ride! I walked down to the Stables with Gil, Penny and Ken standing there smiling.

"Let's go!"

We went north I had a visit to make. As we neared Sandford I steered us up the east way to the church. Across Church Road we walked the perimeter of the play field to side of the Talking Shop.

I had wanted to stop here... they weren't open during my morning rides. The afternoon rides I guess I just `spaced' it. We dismounted and entered the shop. Bright and clean, well-stocked shelves. Gil got us all coffees while I wandered.

Ken smiling beside me, "A nice little shop." I nodded.

A woman asked if she could help us.

I smiled, "No we are just looking. My first time here."

"Oh, welcome... " then it hit her... "You're Fay Martin!"

I said `Yes' "I should have been in before this."

"We are glad you found us. Again Welcome."

I thanked her. She did give Ken a looking over... discreetly... I saw her appraising looks.

I steered us to the coffee area. Ken was solidly built and in riding clothes his muscularity was obvious... He was something of `hunk.'

When I said that to him sitting outside with our drinks he almost dropped his coffee. Penny and Gil giggling didn't help.



Now we were all laughing.

He sighed.

I kidded him just a bit more, "She didn't jump you."

Head shaking. "I'm wearing baggy jeans from now on!"

More laughter.

"The worm turned a small amount... the handsome `hunk' ogled by the female..."

Next: Chapter 67

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