
By A becker

Published on Jun 17, 2021



Cho took a call. He mouthed `Harry.' Yes, tomorrow we'll have several decent players to go out with. A good friend and an excellent player from Taipei and Tom Angleten."

He grinned, "Well I did say decent didn't I?" A pause to grin some more, "Yes, he's also a nice fellow.

See you in the morning."

Cho leaning back, "It should be an interesting round of golf..."

We laughed loudly. Gil and Ali came to see us. I parked on Cho's lap we still were laughing.

They got the news Harry would be around tomorrow. He and Meghan would be picked up at Wandsworth to come here.

I turned to Cho, "Do we know if she rides?" He shrugged making me bounce.

"Can we get a message to her? You know... clothing..."

Cho called Harry back and got a number for Meghan.

I called her. She did ride but had no clothes. I got her sizes, Gil with Angie to Go Outdoors in the morning.


We had a big event in the evening... hair on the Twins! Charlie's hair hadn't grown as rapidly as Chani's. He told Tha it bothered him so his first haircut!

Gil engaged Lita who ran a hair salon in eastern Sandford on the Oxford Road.

Sitting in a Nursery highchair Lita spoke to Charlie about his hair. What he thought he wanted, that even if he changed his mind it would grow back and such things.

"I want mine like Popa's!"

Cho sat beside his son so Lita could have a look. The dark curly locks, a few inches without a part... I loved my fingers in the soft waves. Okay Fay... get a grip!!

She got it and went to cutting.

Charlie stood looking in the mirror... a HUGE grin! He put out his hand to Popa, Cho knelt beside him. They were smiling!

"We are the same!" Fist bumps for them!

Chani gave them hugs... me too! A big success!

Chani liked her page boy look so nothing was needed for now but a trim.

In bed later Cho said he was told he cried at his first hair cut... the hair was gone and forgotten quickly according to his parents. Parents would say that... right?

I couldn't remember my first haircut.

Roland and I on the edge of the forecourt, a car coming up the drive. I slid down giving the reins to Tara with a thank you for taking Roland. Roland got a hug from me. A salute plus a grin as she turned away!

Millie out after Stanton opened the car door. Big hug! Kiss!

Chou! HUG!

"Fay, you are getting more beautiful!"

I thanked Chou for the compliment.

"You look trim as always... lots of golf?"

He laughed, "No, never enough golf."

Cho dished out kisses and handshakes.

In the Entryway their coats off. Gil said the Angleten's aircraft was on the ground.

We did the `room' reveal! It was their third year... Millie holding my arm, "Fay, it is gorgeous. We are so glad you ask us over... this is just wonderful to see."

We asked them to wait on their ornaments so the Angleten's could join in.

In the background, Charles with his camera. Too bad he had not been in with us and the Queen. He got her arrival and departure which was terrific.

Carter had closed the doors when we headed out front for Tom and Roxanne. A wink. Grin!

Lucas opened the car door... He handed Roxanne out... she was staring at the house!

I stepped forward... "All English houses look just the same..."

She laughed, "Fay, it's something to see!"

We shook hands and hugged. Tom and Cho shook then I got a hug from Tom.

They were looking around inside, we led them to the Great Room doors.

I laughed and said. "Open Sesame!"

Conrad and Kendall grinning.

"Oh Fay, it's gorgeous!" Right away from Roxanne. Tom's eyes wide.

We did introductions to Millie and Chou and our Ali and Francis. Gil had met Roxanne, not Tom.

Okay time for the Twins... Tha was ready! They walked to the doorway...

"Mama! Popa!" They ran over to us, Cho and I kneeling down for hugs.

More introductions all around. Millie and Chou had seen them last year... there was a world of difference! We could see it in their faces... WOW!!

Millie squeezing my hand as she held Chani's, "Hello... nice to see you again."

Lady Chani giggled, "I am bigger now!"

"Indeed you are! A lady now too!"

More giggles from our daughter, "I am! It is... is... official!"

We laughed at that!

Roxanne smiling as she shook hands with Charlie, looking to me with another `WOW' face!

Time for Christmas glass balls. Millie hung theirs, Roxanne for them.

I kidded Millie and Chou about their `collection.'

They laughed, Millie said they hoped for a hundred!

Tea and fireplace. The Twins worked over Jaidee's body. They especially liked it when he was warm from the fire.

I walked around the room with Roxanne. She admired the art on the walls and the St. Thomas children's work on the sideboards and tables. The decorations... everywhere.

I told her about the previous owners who never had anyone over. They knew we were having an Open House... I told her about the first year... "For our neighbours it was the first time they had ever been inside the house."

Her head shaking.

"We do two Christmas Open House days each year starting at an early tea time. Everyone gets to see the ground floor, this room in particular, meet with their neighbours, have tea and eat goodies. Children get to use the Game Room to play."

The Red Box was closed sitting on a sideboard with Cho's Collar and Star inside their dark box beside it. Roxanne asked about the two since they weren't like other things on display. I opened them... she leaned forward to read the script and touch the `Cross.'

"We were amazed when we heard the news of this. Fay, does this change your life?"

"Not a lot really. We are addressed in a different way, given some more deference... neither of which matter to Cho or I. What I hope to gain is a louder voice..." I did a big grin, "...not that we have been silent but you know... what the American press calls the `bully pulpit' the President gets."

"Yes, their voice is louder. So people will find it harder than they do already to ignore you..." She laughed along with me.

"Exactly. So you know... Today will be a different sort of day as people go. We'll go riding with another guest who is coming. Chou and Tom will go play golf with Cho at our course, Oxford East, with the other guest... Prince Harry."

Roxanne had been half turned... she whipped back with big eyes!

"Seriously?" She could see my nod.

"He wanted to play with Cho who delayed it until Chou and Tom would be here."

Roxanne shivered... I touched her arm...she said, "I'm not cold.. it's just I'm still not used to this sort of life..."

I squeezed her arm, "So how has it been since August... A bit crazy..."

"Yes, Tom has done a lot of interviews although nowhere near the number that were requested. What he did... well it was unique so there were press folks around all the time. Fortunately that has backed off a good deal with the news people's usual short-term memory and other shiny things to get their attention.

I have done a bunch of TV talk shows... Woman's shows which I never watch... you know `what's it like' kind of thing. Very boring."

Roxanne looked at my face, "Oh I get it! You must have tens of thousands of requests."

"We probably do... we never see them unless it is important... our definition of important... A New York PR law firm is a very thick wall for us plus no one knows where we are most of the time.

There are occasions when we do meet the press... we held an impromptu news conference on our front steps yesterday. A clutch of thirty or more reporters we let come up... We gave them sixty minutes plus free coffee and tea.

Cho and I shared answering the questions. The Thai peace arrangement and the Iranian nuclear deal. We recently did a personal interview with a reporter from Fox News in New York which might possibly air tonight in America. At some point here on Sky UK."

I shrugged saying it was part of the whole cost.

"There is someone else coming today... a friend of Harry's. We will need your discretion about her. We are trying to give them some time away from the press."

Roxanne grinned, "Fine, I have never kissed and told."

We laughed.

Cho had asked the other three the same thing. Millie saying Harry would her first `prince' although she had met a few knaves. Laughter. A good line.

They were all `in' for the St. Thomas School play. Previously Millie and Chou had been with us at the school choir show. A change-up. They were happy to come. Roxanne and Tom too.

Gil came in from the Office, "Harry and Meghan, the helicopter has lifted off from Wandsworth."

I thanked her. Audra had the riding clothes Gil got for Meghan in her room upstairs.

Golf and riding.

Cho and I out front as the AW139 settled to the turf. Our folks helped them out and got their luggage. We welcomed them. Hugs and kisses.

Coats off... Introductions done! Room `reveal' time for Meghan. Harry had already been in the Great Room.

"WOW! This is really terrific! Harry said you go all out..."

The Twins, our guests and our close staff welcomed her. I took her the table where the glass ornaments were... Meghan was stunned to find one with her name.

"The company that makes them is in Slough they drove it over this morning. A rush job."

She thanked us and put it on the tree next to Harry's. She stepped back to look over all the glass balls.

Me next to her, "There's many more to come. Friends and a whole crowd of family."

Meghan had my hand, "Please call me Meg. I... We want to thank you for the use of your house on the coast. It was a marvellous few days. The house is a terrific period piece and your staff very nice. Grace is a great cook!! Her cookies so tasty!"

"We spent some time there in the summer with my family from Scotland. The beach was a fabulous playground for the Twins... and Jaidee."

"I've heard a few things about you two from friends in TV... Los Angeles people. Some now work for Fox Entertainment. They say you have changed the character of the company... quite a few more women, all types of people... many minority folk, genders, sexual preferences... I watched the Emmy's... your Fox TV stormed away with the show. News and entertainment crushed everybody!!

My friends say it was because what the network does is show America what it looks like instead of a white male executive's view."

Smiling, "That was the mandate we gave to Abbey the head of Entertainment. We sat down with the producers and writers... when we were done they knew what we wanted... AND we would not interfere with how they got there.

We never micromanage... it just bogs you down."

We were back with the others... change time for activities!

"Meg if there's anything you need... yell."

A big smile. I told her the Kentucky Heat items were cold weather protection.

Sunny was home from school, a short day. I had her come with me to the entryway when I was dressed.

I was in black, my hat down my back saying goodbye to the golfers. Tom and Harry big eyed over my outfit. Chou smiling, he'd seen it all before.

Prince Harry smiling as I introduced Sunny. He said he'd heard about her equestrian triumphs... "Good for you! It's a terrific thing to watch."

Sunny thanked him. She was going to change and do some work on dressage. Then with rolled eyes... `Homework!'

Harry laughed, "Everybody has some form of that." They did a fist bump!

Sunny got to meet Roxanne and Meg. She already knew Millie. We all chatted for a few minutes then Sunny zoomed off to change. The ladies joined me for the walk to the Stables.

Meg and Roxanne loved my clothes. I lent Millie a scarf, cashmere, soft and warm.

Gregory got Scout out for Meg, Millie liked Lu and Rascal for Roxanne. Gil on Max, she was loaded. Me on Natasha. Tessa and Gaby with us. They were introduced.

This was great... a second ride of the day for me before noon!

Down the grassy lane... Freddie had the two yearlings and several other younger ones on the track. Their mom's being ridden by Yvonne and Marsha. Waves.

Tessa grinned when I asked her to take us to Mr. Blair. Gaby grinning too. I added we had a stop before in Culham. Okay!

Up the slope and past the Sci Ctr in an easy trot so Roxanne and Meg could get their seat. Around Denham School going towards Culham. On the High Street was Culham Church of England Primary School.

The headteacher met us at the door, a smile.

"Your Ladyship, welcome."

There a clutch of students in the office doing Christmas decorations. Smiling happy kids. They all said helloes. I admired some of their work. Snowy scenes and a cherry red nose on a reindeer.

In the head's office after introductions I said she had three students whose parents worked for us in one place or another...

"My husband and I join with them in giving the school this donation of three thousand £'s."

A great smile, she clapped her hands and thanked me. I added our wish she would please send us a note saying what the school had spent the money for.

"Just a list of things in general, we don't need any itemisation."

`Your Ladyship, we will be glad to do that."

I handed her the letter of credit with the Oxford store and saying they had a variety things she might need.

She went to the door to call in her assistant-head. They hugged when the second lady saw our gifts.

Lots of thanks as we said our goodbyes.

Over the bridge... little traffic... down the verge of the road to All Saint's Lane.

Our American riders getting to see a mix of English countryside. Going over the bridge I casually mentioned it was the Thames... They were surprised... I told them it wound around a good deal and was quite long.

We tied our horses at the graveyard's back gate. Dr. Ryles was out in the chilly weak sun at a grave, it wasn't that old. I guessed he was saying a prayer for the recently departed.

"Your Ladyship, the news is wonderful."

I shook his hand and thanked him for his congratulations... and did a few introductions. We all walked to the grave I was interested in. Neither American knew `Eric Arthur Blair,' the little metal sign and crowd of black stones didn't help.

Dr. Ryles relieved their confusion. "This is George Orwell's grave."

Both women were quite startled to learn one of the most famous and influential of writers of all time was buried in this simple country graveyard.

I pointed to his friend's grave behind as I explained.

Dr. Ryles kidded me about whether we should make a `black stone' sales booth out front.

"We'll make money for the roof repair."

I asked about that, the roof needed restoration and replacement in some areas.

I took his arm, "Seriously... Please tell me about it."

He did. I said we would pay to get the work done immediately and he could fund-raise for other church projects.

"Your Ladyship, you don't attend here... why..."

I stopped him, "We, Cho and I, both care about the history of our country... This beautiful Norman church needs to be here... it is part of the landscape, central to village life."

Dr. Ryles held my hand thanking me. "I have heard about your generosity to local schools... We've never had any local family be so widely liberal with their kindness."

I thanked him, "I guess where we are going after this won't hurt our reputation... We're going to the local primary school..." I motioned to the south.

I said Gil had `gifts' in her pockets. The very one grinning patting her jacket.

"Are you really? They are lucky!"

He got a hug. I told him Gil would be in touch about the roof.

We remounted and went down the lane left and around the ponds to turn south. We passed the cricket ground and walked along the edges of many fields. At the boundary of the Dicot Power Station we went west across Sutton Courtenay Lane to go around the school to an opening near its entrance on Bradstock's Way.

At the door an older woman asked if she could help... I asked for the headteacher.

I was instantly recognized by another woman...

"Your Ladyship... the `Head' has a student in her office at the moment..."

I said we could wait for a few minutes. `No' to tea with thanks.

A somewhat chastened tow-headed boy came out... he went off straightaway like a wet cat. The Headteacher was told we were out outside.

"Your Ladyship, welcome to Sutton Courtenay Primary."

I said thanks and did she have a few minutes. Yes.

I did introductions of my crowd. Meg's name had been floated in the media as a close' friend of Harry's so she was a celebrity.'

Roxanne's last name caught the `Head's' attention.

`Mrs. Angleten is your husband a golfer?"

A big grin from Roxanne, "Yes, he is."

"My husband is an avid golfer... he has spoken your husband's name numerous times. He will be quite jealous of me meeting you."

We laughed with Roxanne.

We sat in the headteacher's study, "You have five students whose parents work for us at Harcourt House or Denham School." Gil handed me the cheque.

"Here is a Christmas gift to the school from us and those families."

She stared at the five thousand £'s on the cheque.

"Please use the money in any way you need. We do ask you send us a letter telling how in general terms you spent the money. No details needed.

Here is a letter giving the school a line of credit at the Oxford Computer Store so you can purchase anything you need from them."

"Your Ladyship, this is so generous. Everyone will be quite excited."

"Enjoy spending the money!"

She laughed, "I will share the joy with our department heads!"

"Good, the more the merrier."

I asked for a quick tour. It was a rambling building, it had been added to often over its lifetime. The students' green uniforms bright and cheery.

There was a class of older students doing pre-algebra. We watched until the teacher came to the open door.

She knew who I was right off. I asked if I could come in... `Oh yes!'

I'd done this before... there was an equation on the chalkboard when I stepped in...

The children stood up... I waved and motioned for them to sit. I slipped my hat down on my back.

I told them I loved maths... The teacher offered her piece of chalk to me.

"Can anyone help me solve this..." Many hands shot up. One black haired boy near the front... startlingly blue eyes! I was sure he was the son of one of Phillips' crew. I motioned him up.

We worked the problem together with a bit of my prompting. Done! He looked quite proud. The whole class was quite wide-eyed watching us solve it.

I thanked them for letting me `butt-in.' They said it was great!!

I shook their teacher's hand on the way out.

In the passageway heading towards the front the Headteacher smiling, "Your Ladyship enjoyed that didn't you?"

"Yes... I do love maths! The young fellow..." She said `David Williams.' "He is smart."

"Yes, he loves maths too."

"I picked a winner."


I was thanked again for the gifts and told I was welcome any time.

Goodbyes. We mounted and went out Bradstock's way to re-cross Sutton Courtenay Lane going east.

We turned north working our way around fields and across some waste ground to the Appleford Road then back across the river. We passed Denham School... one of the outside staff waved. We all returned it.

Past the Sci Ctr I said I was going to ask for Natasha to show me what she's got. I urged her on... she responded with a spirited gallop! We rushed over the grass... I was pleasantly surprised at her speed and stamina.

We had a good mile of that so I eased her. Tessa and Gaby caught up first then the others. Big smiles! A good gallop always seemed to bring out smiles! We walked to the lane and up.

Pat with a grin, "Your Ladyship, I don't think Natasha has been asked like that for some time. I'll spend an extra while with her."

I squeezed his hand. I told the others I'm be right back. I walked with Pat down the stable row.

He smiled, "We told Gregory about us... he was very happy. So everybody knows now."

"Good! What did Fran and Fidel say about wedding things?"

Pat rubbed his shoulder, "Your Ladyship, it would have better if Fidel had `said' instead I got my back pounded! He's done it several times now about the wedding..."

I laughed, "Sometimes joy hurts."

Pat said his cousin and wife `would be glad to host any events we wanted.'

"The same goes for us... so don't be shy... Okay?"

A big thank you!

I did two stops with my companions, I wanted to see the final results of the staff Christmas trees. The Outdoor Lounge tree was very nice, a well-shaped noble fir with lots of lights and decorations. I'd put on two from our stock from Basuto Road of old family ornaments on the first day.

The Staff lounge downstairs tree was just as beautiful! Carter2 said they'd all added something like me. I had put on the red and white spiral striped long-necked drop ornament and the old railroad lantern. Both were Nineteenth century decorations I did last year.

Millie, Roxanne and Meghan smiling as we went up. Meg said `Your people are always smiling.'

My reply was easy `We work at making their work and workplace somewhere they want to come to.'

We decided not to change for lunch. The guys were eating at Oxford East.

My only rule was no wearing of helmets. Laughter.

We sat with the Twins in the Bfast Room. Vegetable soup with lots of grated cheese. Bread and many cheeses, cut fruit, pickles and olives. Piles of Christmas cookies. I watched the Viscount bite off a reindeer's antlers... Lady Chani equally `ruthless' with a Father Christmas.

We had espresso in the Great Room. I asked if anyone wanted another ride?

I was amazed they all volunteered when I said there would be another school visit. Berinsfield.

We did a tour for the guests including the pool. I said there'd be a `swimming period' for the Twins later they would be welcome.

"We have a closet of spare swimming costumes!"

I pointed out they might benefit from the exercise... mentioning `sore' muscles from riding. Pointing to my butt. They got it.

I did a search in the greenhouses... Ah Ha! "Williams... your son David and I did an algebra equation together."

He laughed, "My Lady, he has somehow gotten a lot of maths smarts... certainly not from me or my missus... we're hopeless... Mebbe not that but we don't understand what he's doin'... I see him doin' his work at the table... just buzzing through."

I was laughing, "You had better keep an eye on him... he's got smarts and he's a cutie..."

"Yes! He did get his mother's looks... that's good for him."

We were laughing as Teddy came up. He joined in when we explained.

I walked out with Teddy after he asked Williams for a bit of help on the west side of the house.

"Your Ladyship, Williams is a good dad... both his sons come over often, he shows them what he is doing. The older one I think wants to join us when he leaves school."

I was happy to hear that... I asked about more schooling... Teddy said there wasn't much except for like him to go to `Uni.'

Ah... something new for Denham School?? A hug for Teddy. He looked quizzical...

"You've given me an idea! Thanks!"

Okay from him with a smile.

We mounted up in an hour or so. Rebel was ready to go. Mandy, Desiree, Con, Heather and Scout were all set. Ken and Angie with us.

We went south passing Kate's house then turning east to cross the Oxford Road, again going south along fields. We turned into Berinsfield in a gap in the trees onto Bullington Avenue, at Wimblestraw Road we crossed to the school side and turned in the front gate.

We tied our horses to a tree on a grassy spot. Inside the lady at the desk smiled, "Your Ladyship, welcome to Abbey Woods."

I asked for the Headteacher. She came out of her study. I introduced my folks and asked to speak for a few minutes.

We sat down... she looked nice and had a big smile.

I told her six children attended here whose parents worked for us at several of our locations and we wanted to give a gift in their names as well as ours. I handed her a cheque for six thousand £'s!

Boy did that smile get bigger then a tear.

I did a quick draw with my Cho-Fay handkerchief.

She thanked me, "This so wonderful."

"Please use the money any way you like for the school. We would appreciate a letter next year telling us how you spent it. It does not have to have details just a generalized list of the sort of things you bought or used it for repairs, whatever you needed."

Gil handed me the letter, "This is a line of credit at the Oxford Computer Store for anything they sell you might need. That includes services too."

She used the handkerchief again.

"Your Ladyship, this generosity is marvellous!" The smile was back, "My staff will love spending the money!"

We laughed. I put in, "Good! Have them enjoy themselves!"

More laughter.

I asked for a brief tour. We walked the halls, this was a much larger school. Pupils acted interested in what was going on, active, there was crowd on the grassy athletic field with balls. They were Year Three's the headteacher said, yelling, having a good time playing football rounders. A game imported from America where it is known as `kickball.'

The head' told us there was a competition coming up between the Year Four's and the Year Three's. The Five's and Six's had one too. For the winners... bragging rights' and some cookies involved too!

We did our goodbyes after I got to meet the office staff and a few teachers.

Remounted, at the Oxford Road a lorry diver stopped for us and the others did too. We waved our thanks. We paralleled the Abingdon Road until near Clifton Hampden then we turned north and walked onto Harcourt House land.

I smiled, "This is the last you'll see of me until by the Stables."

I asked Rebel and away we went. At Speed! Kate's house was a blur... the grass a magic carpet... we soared on! Stride after stride... this powerhouse fellow gave me an awesome trip. I did slow him going down the slope since the Flats were in use.

Sunny in the dressage arena on Plotline. Rebel and I walked gently up beside Charlotte. She smiled stroking DD's mane.


Sunny was moving very deliberately... the big black fellow was stepping smoothly.

"She has already had an impact with Plotline. She's teaching him to go with confidence."

I could see he wasn't as tentative which was great. Fist bump!

My crowd walked into the Great Room booted looking pretty hot in our riding duds! The men gave us a rousing welcome! Hugs and kisses.

Cho asked what we'd been doing?

"We've been giving away money! Thousands of £'s! We've had a great time!"

I got kissed and hugged for that.

Drinks! I explained to the guys what I was doing and why. Cho said to mention St. Thomas School. I told our guests we were paying the fees for all the students from the village.

I leaned on Cho, "Did I say about the school fields? I didn't did I?"

A `No' from Cho. He grinned at what I did and my suggestion for the kids participation.

"Jeans and wellies! You are cute."

Another kiss!

Harry with his mischievous grin, "That is why we pushed grandmother. You two are contributing to the benefit of the country in large and small ways all the time. No one urges you... it just comes from your own desires."

We both shrugged, Cho smiling, "As we say... if we give away half our wealth the Twins will still be among the top richest people in the world."

Sunny joined us to hugs and kisses.

I asked if there were any swimmers? Yes! I took Meg to the `closet' to pick out a costume. She choose a black tank style which I suggested for splashing with the Twins. Roxanne and Millie came prepared. The men decided to have another scotch.

The Twins in their fluffy robes walking with Tha and me. We had a nice escort. Our guests admired the pool, the view and comfy lounges. Tha and I got our goggles on.

She and I in the water waiting for Chani and Charlie to swim to us. We had good time splashing around. Sunny in with us. Millie's arms open for Chani to swim into! Meg and Roxanne joined in. I was on my tummy watching them, Millie on a lounge next to me.

"Fay, they are good swimmers. Our two loved the water so much. It was hard to get them out."

I expected the Twins to be the same. "We have a fence being built around the pool in Bangkok for safety. It will cut down on my running and jumping in though!"

We laughed.

Charles did come out for a few snaps after I asked if anyone had any problem with being photographed... "It's for us! No publication will ever see them. Charles chronicles our holiday season and does a show on New Year's Eve."

All us ladies in sleek tank suits, Chani in a two piece and Charlie in his Speedo posing. Lots of laughs!

I did a rinse shower for both babies, into robes... we went up to change for dinner. I reminded my fellow riders we had a decent supply of muscle liniment if needed. Grins!

Cho did `Joy' for me in my scanties. Chani all dressed in royal blue... she got a dab!

Not a fancy dinner. I chose a sleeveless V-neckline white dress with small bunches of roses in several shades of red. White stockings and red heels. Red nails and lips. Gold jewellery and a long-sleeved red cardigan that was cut to my waist. I did up the top button only to let it fall open on its own.

The men were told ties were not expected. Charlie was like his Dad... black suit, white shirt!

In the Great Room we had drinks and a few canapes. The fire was nice. Jaidee had had a good workout with the Twins in the Garden so he was chilling... in an all toasty warm way.

The breeder emailed saying Jaidee had covered four ladies multiple times. None were more than second cousins once removed to him. Good for us... we'd get at least two puppies... maybe for us to keep or give to close friends.

Jaidee was widely admired by our friends...

Dinner was poached salmon, garlic whipped potatoes and broccoli with Hollandaise. Cute little loaves from Maxine! A wonderful white burgundy from the Cote de Beaune, a Puligny-Montrachet.

Harry smiling, "Carter, this is wonderful!"

Our fellow bowed thanking the Prince.

Dessert...a magnificent carrot cake! Lightly iced, full of carroty flavour, tiny orange icing shaped carrots on top. It was very moist! Vanilla ice cream beside it.

A Hidalgo Amontillado sherry as accompaniment.

Afters in the Great Room. The men were going to play poker in the `Cho Style.' Everyone got the same chips and played to see who had the most... no money to change hands.

I stopped them departing... "What about the golf, gentlemen?"

Cho gave me... `We all played well.'

I gave him a `look.'

"Okay. We did have a good day. Tom likes the course I think... a 65."

Tom grinning, "It is a very nice course."

Chou a 73! He was very pleased. Harry a 81 which he was quite delighted with!!

Another `look' from me.

"Fay, aren't you bored with my golf stories?"

"No and the number is quite enough for me now."

The men were chortling! Harry said Cho might as well say...

"Alright... a 60. Can we go?"

I was laughing... everybody joined in. Cho gave me a VERY nice kiss. I whispered I was very proud.

Movie! In the Library Carter2 had laid out our kids type Christmas movies. We had the Sesame Street Christmas movie or Mickey's Christmas Movie' or Curious George: A very Merry Christmas.' They all were about an hour.

The Twins said the Sesame Street one! I looked around... That was good!

We settled in with the need for an `intermission' at the hallway point. I was on a settee with Charlie on one side and Chani the other next to Sunny. Cosy! I had a small dish of M&M's in my lap for us to share.

`Once Upon a Sesame Street Christmas' was very good! It seemed quite natural to see all the characters in the various roles. Chani and Charlie loved it!

I avoided the Muppets version of `A Christmas Carol' so Alistair Sim's version would be the first the Twins would see.

The Yawns came. "Goodnights' given. Tha and I put them down. Sweet kids! I was thanked for the fun movie.

We sat to talk about all sorts as the men played on. Meg wanted to hear the story of our `honours.' I told her Harry had been grinning the whole time knowing what was coming.

She laughed, "When I heard about it and his being here I asked him. He hadn't let it slip."

I did feel the need to add, "As Her Majesty said it was State Business. Harry is part of The Firm' even if he doesn't like all of it."

Meg nodded, she got what that could mean. Princess Diana's legacy came in many forms.

Carter2 checked on us. He said it looked like the gentlemen were settled in. A quick early assessment was... Cho's piles were the biggest. I had a laugh over that.

Hugs at various room doors. They were all willing to get up at dawn to ride with me. Good. Scones and coffee! We'd meet in the kitchen.

Cho came in a few hours later...kisses! I was back asleep in seconds.

I started on scones as Jaidee ate. Marigold gave me a bit of help until I shoo'ed her off to start everyone else's breakfast things. She went laughing.

My companions came down, they fixed their coffees and grabbed a scone. Jaidee, two scones and coffee... I led us to the Stables.

Andy pleased with a hot buttered scone! Roland nickering. We left a bunch of empty cups and mounted up.

Tara and Angie joining us. A warmup trot then a full on gallop to the lock. The lock operator waved. Roy said hello as he setup. Six ladies was more he had seen before.

On the west side we passed under the tracks going north through the woods towards lower Radley. I did a brief tour' of what they saw. Terry waving. I called a good morning.'

They heard our milk and eggs came from that farm part of the estate.

We trotted up Hall Street too early for Jerrold. The dirt track took us into the next wooded area splitting in the middle.

I gave them a tour of the Industrial Estate... all the bits. Some introductions. The Recording Studio was of interest to Meg. Tab said she'd be welcome to come any time for a tour. Fist bumps by those two.

I aimed us to the west bridge then the Sandford Lock.

The lock man's relief was on... I waved. He smiled waving back. Mr. Hardy was out too so we went straight to the grass gateway. Roland burst forward when asked... we rocked over the grass. First the Radley's then the Fraser's... a strong gallop the whole way to the Flats.

I turned Roland up the slope to the first spinney then back to meet the others.

Roxanne shaking her head, "Damn, you do like to run!"

Smiling, rubbing Roland's neck, "I think it's a `we' like to run!"

We walked some, they got to see Sunny's equestrian bits. Tara said she'd talked with Charlotte and would work her way into using the cross-country course. I gave her a smile and a reminder about nursing her... Tara laughed.

The Bfast Room was well attended, babies and golfers, Sunny on her way out. Kiss. I got eggs, veggie sausages and muffins. Coffee! We munched and gave the men the tale of the ride. No drama which appealed to Cho.

Cho said yesterday was excellent in California! I looked to him. Ah... we had two racing at Los Alamitos.

"Kannika won going away in the Starlet Stakes and Sasithorn beat all the boys!"

Sasithorn set a new record time in the Los Alamitos Futurity at 1:39:95 beating Afternoon Deelites' 1:40.74 from1994.

Kannika had won four straight after her close loss to stablemate Black Star in the With Anticipation Stakes at the end of August!!

A great close for our racing year!

The golfers were off, lunch at the club for them. Ansara, Sorya and Rafe with them.

Gil took Roxanne, Meg and Millie into Oxford for some sightseeing and lunch. Gaby and Penny went along just to be sure.

Francis working his things, Ali and I spent time on multiple projects and email. I got in Twins time after a meeting with a new employee.

Andi' was our new coordinator of the Rest and Recreation' properties for all of the United Kingdom. `Andraste' was Andi! She had deep auburn hair, green eyes, creamy pale skin with a light swath of freckles under her eyes and over a straight nose. A slim thirty year old of middle height with an athletic figure. Her family had been in Norfolk for at least three hundred years. They are mostly in King's Lynn and Norwich now, a few left in Briston.

"Your Ladyship... It's wonderful to see you again."

I thanked her and said I was `Fay' from now on. A big smile.

Andi being hired was a combination of me, Andrea and Clare with lots of Gil thrown in. An Oxford graduate in history with honours, she had been doing public relations work in a London firm co-owned by her father.

When asked she said `it just wasn't her' to explain why she was looking elsewhere. She got along with all sorts of people, liked being active and was doing some archaeology work at a friend's project in Essex.

"It's a roman villa she is working on as part of a Cambridge University project which she hopes will yield enough for her PHD. It's part of a town and military base she's working on. She's studying the relationship between the `retired' Roman legionnaires given land in Roman Britain and the existing active military forces.

We get on our knees and carefully dig and scrape in the villa's remains. We've uncovered some lovely mosaic flooring that is in excellent condition along with the usual bits and pieces you'd expect in a home."

"Sounds like a bit of outdoor fun and serious work... " I asked about how much time she was devoting to it.

"Just weekends and odd days..."

"I don't see a problem with your continuing... we will keep you pretty busy to start then once it all falls into place I'm hoping it is a normal time sort of position."

A big smile!

My `not to complicate things' preface led up to letting Andi know we were buying property in France that she would also be responsible for when it was ready. Very likely there would more in other countries quite soon.

"You will have to coordinate travel to remote locations with Penn at Cho-Fay Air. She's very good so it won't be much trouble.

We have some software written for us for you to use to do the scheduling for the rooms and travel together. It is a web App residing on a cloud system we control so it will be secure.

Gil will get you in touch with Ni, the software company boss, so you'll get a tutorial and support. Her office is in Bangkok... I've asked her to send someone here who is in the project to get you going.

If you have to travel the App will be on your iPad and we have a cellular device for your MacBook."

Gil brought in an arm load of Apple boxes. An iPhone, iPad, MacBook Pro, Time Machine router and an extra backup hard drive. The odd power adapter, miscellaneous cables, mouse, etc...

Andi eyes got big! If she needed any help Graham's team in London would support her.

"Andi where are you living now?"

"I'm with dad in his place in Chelsea."

"We just bought a building in Westminster on Great Peter Street. It has a hair salon on the ground floor, there are two levels above that. The first floor is a sitting room, an office, kitchen, powder room and dining room, the second has two bedrooms and a rather large bath and a central sitting area.

The roof has a small area for summer time, the access is via a spiral staircase from the upper floor central area. We pay the water and electric rates.

There's a shared mews with a single parking space. The building has been wired with high speed internet, very fast!! Graham's folks will setup your new WiFi router... " pointing to the Apple Time machine.

"We'd like you to move in and use it as your HQ."

"Wow! Who else would in with me?"

"No one. It would be for you... unless you wanted a roommate. You would set up your office there. Since almost everything will be done online no `real' office is needed."

Andi liked this!

"Now the down side..." I was smiling, "... It's about six blocks from our main home in the city. The up side... we're not around that much for now."

Andi was laughing which is what I wanted.

"So what do I have to do?"

"Move in! It's furnished in a modern way but not crazy. If there's something you just can't live with replace it. You'll have an expense account. Francis has everything you need, paperwork to sign, keys and such. He has a removal firm we use for whatever you want moved."

I pointed out that we had no one doing her job anywhere else so she would likely become a world-wide manager in a short time. Her face said she was up for that. Good!

"We've been referring to it as the `R&R.' Terrible slang acronym but apt."

Andi laughing said it had the advantage of being apt and `short.'

"Okay... you're it now!"

She said `Ready!'

I texted Francis to join us in the Library. He said he needed twenty minutes or so to finish something.

I replied I was going up but Andi would be around. Okay.

"Andi you can wander around a bit while waiting."

She smiled and asked if she do it in the Great Room... `Of course!'

I went up to the Nursery.

The Twins were wizards at letters and numbers! Most of the books I bought at TheWorks had been used up. Brain Games for clever kids wasn't as much of challenge as I hoped, First Spelling and the First Adding Up books were done!

The drawing pads were `tops,' pages covered with crayon drawings, some brown and blue dogs, a Raggedy Anne and scenes of the garden and Christmas stickers added on where appropriate. A few were obvious like Glaa, their little house in the Garden and a Christmas tree. Quite good actually!

Tha said they were making Christmas cards for us. Cuties!

I brought out a puzzle, they had already done it but I didn't give them a photo to see what it was. All the pieces spread out. They whispered... they started to do it by getting the outside done then working in. It was completed in nine and half minutes.

Chani sat on my lap, Charlie helping Tha pick up the puzzle pieces.

"Mama you liked Jaidee's snap?"

"Yes, he a beautiful boy. I am glad you put together so I could see him again."

A hug. I decided not to say anything about Chani's correct pronunciation of Jaidee's name. Was `Jabee' gone?

We did a word game where Tha or I would point to something or say a word they had to say the word in French then Thai. If she said it in French they'd do English and Thai and on.

After a bit Charlie took my hand, "Mama, we need to work on something you can't see..."

I said Okay. A kiss and hug for both and a wink for Tha.

I went down then to the Office after seeing Andi and Francis talking by the Great Room fireplace.

An email from Carmen in Los Angeles. She had several properties as possibles for the Big `V' club. I got snaps, floorplans, valuations, etc...

I looked at my phone... it was on the border of a bit too early to call. I wanted more information on one location in particular, Santa Monica Boulevard right in the middle of West Hollywood. A five sided building with a parking lot directly adjacent at the rear. Great spot, it was big enough for sure. It had been a few different businesses, a furniture store, a car dealer and sub-divided into several companies.

I wanted to know where the load-bearing walls were and was any of it sound-proofed. There was a first floor level bump in the roof, I didn't know what was in that and what about earthquake preparedness. I sent the email, Carmen would see it soon. I CC'd Adonna.

I saw the overnight ratings Kent sent on the Trump Moscow prostitute story... huge Nielsen ratings!! It got a big share all across America. It easily won its time slot and was the second highest rated show of the day. The critics thought it well done, clear and careful about the video and the reporters asking questions of the two women nailed the weasel's hind parts to the wall.

The front page of the Daily News... `Trump lives in the Gutter.' The front page graphic was his face peeking out from under a manhole cover with some slimy yellow looking stuff running into the opening from the roadway. That was definite enough!

Fox News also ran the Dorothy interview with us. It was the highest rated program of the day. More folks watched us than cop shows and sitcoms. Interesting. Cho would laugh at that.

So Fox News dominated the evening!!! An email to Kent with big cheers! Another email to congratulate Dorothy!! I asked where it might be stored so we could watch the final product.

I emailed Joseph to ask about an air-date for the Polish worker's piece. He was back to me... in three days. The promos were airing.

Lunch was the Twins, Tha, Andi, Francis, Ali, Gil and me. Potato leek soup, warm fresh bread, lots of cheese choices, cut fruit and Christmas cookies. All good and disappeared.

Andi was driven to Oxford for the train back up to London. She'd look at the new building later this afternoon.

Coffee and a plate of cookies in the Library. I had a pile of reports to get through.

Ali generously added several from 21st Century Fox... I can't say I thanked her... actually I stuck my tongue out which made her nearly choke... laughing.

I texted Francis... he dropped in a chair opposite. "Dawn tomorrow... you and me."

"No shit! You're right. Wow... when is dawn these days?"

My `early' got a laugh from Ali.

My riding friends were back for an afternoon jaunt. We did a good gallop around the Sci Ctr then turned on the woods path to the museum site. I gave them lay of the land and showed them the plans in the Library later.

The golfers doing drinks... so we joined. The Twins came `galloping' in to raise our noise level. They had on macs and woolly hats for outdoors time. Jaidee joined forces with them for outdoor fun.

We had our guests for another day, Riding and golfing. The evening was the St. Thomas School play for our remaining two pairs...

The morning ride was just Francis and I. Yone let me know a drone would be near since I didn't want an escort this morning. I was Okay with that, we weren't going very far.

Dawn not yet breaking as I walked down to the Stables. Andy's grin as he took possession of a napkin surrounding a hot buttered scone. I nibbled mine as Pat came up with Roland and Max. A mostly awake Francis arrived... I shared my coffee and scone with him as Andy shared the scone with Pat.

We mounted... the sun opening the day! Down the lane and up the slope... I kept us to the western side, we romped around a quiet Sci Ctr. on the return we came down to the east... in the light a patch of blue was visible in the woods.

I turned us... Francis staring at me... "Fay, shouldn't we call Security?"

I led him towards the edge of the woods to look... suddenly it hit him!!!

"Damn! Fay, sometimes you are too much."

We slid down to go to the tent... Francis' tent... I gave him a hug!

A small package was passed to him... a pair of Mont Blanc Meisterstuck Geometry Solitaire LeGrand pens engraved with the date and a `much love' from Cho and Fay.

Another hug and a kiss.

"You are always so good about these sort of things."

"I know you borrow Cho's pens all the time so you must like the way they write. So now you're all set."

He motioned to the tent... "I got Anthony and Pat to put it up yesterday afternoon. They were laughing about my `devious' ways."

"They're right! You..." another hug.

I said they'd come out to take it down later. I got a leg up and we finished our ride. At the Stables Pat was smiling. Fist bump between he and Francis.

In the Bfast Room Cho had a laugh hearing Francis' reaction.

"So the pens are Okay?"

Francis said `More than Okay!'

I told him a box of refills was on his desk! More hugging!

Cho asked about the condition of the tent? Francis repeating his devious' comment which got Cho to laugh adding a too right!'

We waved the golfers off. Then more riding as the `guests' came out with me.

We had a `girls' chat after lunch. Meg wanted to know more about the Chanthira Foundation and could she help. I gave Millie, Roxanne and Meg chapter and verse. I told Meg she could call and maybe meet with Jian in London. I had Gil give Meg Jian's mobile.

"Jian runs the shelter and clinic programme and is based in Bangkok where the Foundation's offices are but she's on the move a good deal. She'll be in London with family until at least mid-January."

I explained what we were up to across the UK. Rona was our director here and in the rest of Europe whenever we build it. She had an office near Kensington Palace and Notting Hill Gate. If Meg was interested they should meet too!

"We haven't done any fund-raising yet. The Foundation is paying for everything through the endowment's investment profits. Cho and I will add more money to the endowment in January. The investment folks at the Cho Family banks are doing a fabulous job managing the money. They are projecting three hundred million U.S. Dollars to spend for next year. This year it is approaching a hundred million increase over last year."

They were impressed with the amounts... `Why do fund-raising?'

"Mostly to lift the Foundation's name and be able to explain what we are doing and for whom in a more public, larger scale manner. Doing something like the golf tournament in September 2018 can get us on TV in America which would be huge."

Meg said she would call Jian... try to arrange a meet and see if she could do something to help. Fist bump!

One more ride with Meg, Millie, and Roxanne. Ken and Gaby were along. We went north to Sandford, we walked through the village to the church. All quiet. Down the dirt track where I told I would be `exercising' Rebel! Away we went!

A fast run on the berm then grass... Rebel striding out! Soaring along the river we had a quick trip to the property line then down to a walk. The yearlings were on the track with their mothers. Yvonne and Freddie up... leading the colts.

We did informal tea before saying goodbye to Harry and Meg. On the Forecourt waving as the AW139 lifted them away. Cars awaited them at Wandsworth Bridge.

At the Entryway Cho said it seemed like they both had a relaxing two days. I agreed, "Meg liked joining in with my money giveaways. Seeing the people get unexpected cash was a vicarious thrill!"

Bundled up against the late afternoon cold we stepped out of the cars at the St. Thomas School auditorium. Mr. Thorn and Ron Cotton were the greeters.

They remembered Millie and Chou. Roxanne and Tom introduced. Their name got a look from Ron Cotton. He asked Our Tom, who said yes he was that `Tom.' Funny. Ron Cotton congratulated Our Tom.

"I know you've probably heard it all... It was marvellous you were able to maintain such a high level of play for so many months on such different courses."

Cheers! Our Tom thanked him with a big handshake.

We paid and left our usual donation. PJ, Rande and Angie were with us.

We walked in saying lots of hellos... We had the end of a row saved for us. Tom on the inside with Roxanne, Cho and I in the middle, Millie and Chou on the aisle. Chairs against the wall for our three Protectors.

Many more hellos and handshakes!

Mr. Thorn came out to do the greeting...

"Before we get started... a special welcome to Her ladyship, the Countess Harcourt and Sir Cho."

Damn if everyone didn't stand up to applaud! Cho's hand squeezed mine.

We stood up... waving... we said thank you. Then we did what Cho did at the tenth hole at the Bel Air Golf Club after his hole-in-one... we waved our palms downward smiling towards everybody. Many smiling faces... They all sat back down finally.

Mr. Thorn finished saying it felt right to have us in the `Manor House!' He finished the introduction and left the stage.

I looked at Cho with eyebrows raised before the lights dimmed. He grinned and shrugged.

Music then the curtain slid open. The stable was much the same as last year... this year Joseph and Mary were just arriving. Our Iris `acting' again this year carrying Mary! The innkeeper said this... motioning to the small stable... was all he had to offer.

The tired couple accepted, going in... the door closed... a brief silence... Joseph came out hurriedly to go off stage then back with the innkeeper and his wife. She went in and shortly there was a baby crying. The innkeeper's wife called Joseph in.

The stage lights lowered and a star appeared above the stable. The curtain closed. Applause.

The second act came in ten minutes... the stable door open, the infant in the hay filled manger with Mary sitting beside him. Joseph looking happy. Neighbours came to visit, workers from the corrals clustered on the edges. Iris being sweet nuzzling against Joseph.

All the Bethlehem people coming to see the infant.

Cho's whisper, "They are doing much better this year." Thumbs up from me.

The Three Wiseman arrived to start the third act. They each knelt one at a time to offer their gifts. Standing and bowing deeply to the child as they backed away...

The cast on stage then sang a cappella:

We Three Kings of Orient are,

Bearing gifts we traverse afar,

Field and fountain,

Moor and mountain,

Following yonder Star.

O Star of Wonder, Star of Night,

Star with Royal Beauty bright,

Westward leading,

Still proceeding,

Guide us to Thy perfect Light.

They did the five verses and did it well. A few squeaks and some forgotten words but a fine effort. The curtain closed.

They received a storm of applause.

The lights came up. The curtain opened to the whole cast on the stage to receive a further ovation for their efforts. We stood up as did the whole crowd. The clapping was intense!

The children were acting happy, giggling and waving to their parents and friends!

The curtain closed again. Fini!

Our guests smiling. Roxanne asked their ages. I said the play was usually done by the Junior School Year's 3, 4, 5. In America roughly grades 2-4. She was impressed.

We worked our way out saying many more hellos. Lots of hands shaken.

Cho was taking our male guests to the pub. PJ sent one car to be with him. Rande and Angie went along. PJ with us in the other car.

We wanted to do a movie after changing to jeans. First was a visit to the Twins. There was a sign on the closed door: A Twins signal. No one come in! A smaller piece taped under the sign was a note from Tha, `They are making things they don't want you to see. I'll text you when it is bedtime.'

I texted her we were watching a movie.

Popcorn, candy and sodas!! Okay what did we want... murder, mayhem, romance, a few laughs... we looked through I pulled out `Gorky Park' a bit of all those possibles!

William Hurt, Lee Marvin, Brian Dennehy, Ian Bannon and Joanna Pacula. Murderer protected by KGB, beautiful woman who wouldn't tell what she knew until almost killed, a revenge minded American and assorted unpleasant Muscovites.

Minks and money! William Hurt, the dogged policeman, had to see it all down to the end.

We enjoyed it. It looked good on the screen with a believable plot and the characters fit well.

Lots of popcorn and candy consumed.

When we came out of the Library Carter2 told us the gentlemen had come back and were playing poker.

I had `silenced' my phone. Tha texted five minutes ago about bedtime. I went up straightaway.

The little ones were ready for sleep. I kissed and hugged them, some extra love from Popa via me.

Tomorrow was a big day... our first Open House. Carter said he was `ready' to go!

It was Gaby, Tara with me in the morning. We had a great ride... Roland rocking! The cold made the heat from us more intense.

After Bfast Cho and I drove to Denham School. I got Millie and Roxanne to come along. Chou and Tom went to play a final round.

Richard's smile, "Everyone getting a Christmas gift from you two." Fist bump.

As we walked I asked Richard to look into classes for horticulture and farming. He said he'd be on to Jasmine this afternoon.

The auditorium was full of students and faculty. We stepped up on the dais to the podium together. I leaned to the microphone... "Good morning to you all..." They stood up to applaud. Cho's hand squeezed mine.

As they went on I tried to thank them. At last everybody settled into their seats again.

"Cho and I came here today to give you some news. We have decided to change the cost structure of Denham School by cutting fees in half..."

LOUD applause... "That change includes you! You will be refunded one half of your basic fee at the end of the term."

They were up once again clapping and yelling. It took some time for them to sit again.

"We do hope you have had a successful time here and will return at some point. Thank you again for being part of the inaugural term of Denham School."

We did a mixing thing with tea and cookies. All the students who spoke to us were very happy here and learned a lot. I saw Lorena... I opened my arms... big hug.

"Miss Martin... Your Ladyship... this has all I hoped for and more. Calista has offered me an intern's position." She paused, "Calista made it clear it wasn't a dogs-body type of internship... no going for teas but a real hands-on helper. She likes my clothes."

She took me to the design rooms... Tara was right behind.

Lorena showed me two outfits she'd made for her class. I liked them. A wool sleeveless black cocktail type frock, slender torso, zipped up the back, a wide soft big pleated skirt to the knee. Very soft! It had an over the shoulders wrap of a light gray cashmere with a big black button to hold it.

The other was a long sleeved top to the waist with a scalloped bottom edge and cuffs in a canary yellow crepe. The skirt also crepe with wide soft pleats to mid-thigh in a darker yellow.

It looked like Lorena had real talent! We talked about the job as we walked back. I waved to Calista who came over.

"So I like Lorena's two outfits... I want to buy the black one... Don't worry about size I have two terrific seamstresses available. Please advise Lorena on pricing and... " I turned to Lorena, "... can you deliver?"

We laughed. Lorena said she would give me the dress since I'd arranged everything here for her.

I pointed out it would better to have a bona fide sale under her belt. Ah... she got it!

Calista said they'd talk. Hugs for both!

The Denham School faculty had been specially invited to the Open House.

Driving home Cho was grinning one of his `cute' grins. I nudged him...

"Well... we paid for Lorena to go to school but you are going to pay for a frock?"

"I want her to be able to say... legitimately... she sold a dress to me... me! If I have a title I might as well throw it around a bit."

We all laughed and I got a `good' kiss!

Lunch was light so the goodies at the Open House could be consumed!

I chose a Calista black suit, skinny legs to semi-wide bell bottoms below the knee, narrow lapel jacket cut close to my shape, a bustier with a magenta back, the front was tropical flowers w/ magenta, lime green, bright yellow, vivid orange! A light magenta for my nails and lips, orange pocket handkerchief `flowing' out, magenta oval earrings! Black three inch heels!

Black with lots of sass!

Chani in a black pinafore with a long sleeved silver gray top, white knee socks and Mary Janes. Charlie wanted to wear his heather gray overalls and a black turtleneck jumper, very soft wool! Black half boots and red socks! Natalys' purchases looking good!!

Cho in a black suit also with a blindingly white shirt skipping the tie.

Tom and Roxanne dressed like us, Millie did a skirt in dark gray and a black cashmere jumper. Chou like Cho!

Gil in my Dressing Room bringing me up to date on a few things as I dressed, Chani on the settee giggling beside Gil.

Candace was well out over the Atlantic set for a six o'clock landing at Chalgrove.

Jeremy just sent an email, the CAA has approved our request to fly drones out of sight of the operators across the country not just London which had been their first approval. Our having fully qualified pilots and our past record all contributed.

We were still waiting on the test programs on the new `wing' drones before asking for permission to use them also.

Tessa said to Gil to pass on... `Dantone's fiancée went around him.'

"She said you'd know." I nodded.

Soam emailed, he had tested the auto-return feature on the `Wings.' It worked perfectly. Everything needed can now be uploaded before take-off. I did a fist pump... Yes!!

Gil looking... I enlightened her, "If a satellite controlled `Wing' is cut off from operator control for more than a certain time it returns to the base automatically. All the programming needed can be sent to the Wing's on-board computer which then records the flight characteristics and follows the same track back to the launch point.

If the operator can regain control they do so and continue the mission. Otherwise the drone lands itself where it is programmed to do.

An electronic beacon will be mounted right on our landing grids to help guide the Wing in right down to the pad. Soam made my suggested changes to my original idea over the last week or so and started testing with various configurations."

Gil grinning, "You do find ways to entertain yourself and give folks constructive things to do."

I did a shimmy... "You bet, Honey!" Lots of laughter.

I scooped up my daughter... "We're off!" Loud giggles.

Tha was with Charlie in the Great Room, Cho talking with Francis and Yone. Ansara and Gaby were to stay near the Twins. Tha keeping an eye out because they would likely get tired.

Our family and guests were ready. Carter smiling at the doorway... he gave a look around seeing the staff and the caterers' people in place. He motioned to Carter2... doors open.

Our neighbours coming in to our welcome, introductions, chat and refreshments. A few new faces.

Teddy with Gladys. She was doing Okay, on her cane. She laughed, "I'm married to this thing. It's less trouble than my late husband." Laughing, we joined in.

Mary and Ron Cotton. Hugs. The Thorns right behind them. More hugs. Jocelyn said they are doing a `holding action' at our Day Care. Parents can sign-in a small child while at the Open House.

"We have extra staff so there's plenty of supervision."

Cho nudged me... Tom had a few men in a group... golfers!

I had gone past Millie... she was telling a small group about the semi-tropical splendours of Taipei.

Penn and Kavat arrived with her parents. Hugs! A handshake with her dad who seemed to be looser' this year, certainly a nice smile. I escorted them to the Great Room... Penn took Kavat to be shown off' to some of her local friends.

I got a cup of tea with the parental units. They both liked Kavat and were genuinely pleased to see how happy Penn was.

"We were concerned about her going but she's been so upbeat in all her calls and emails... then Kavat..."

Her mother took over, "She's like the chick breaking out of its shell... she's up and moving about enjoying life. There's no doubt Penn likes working for your company! Kavat is a very nice man who obviously loves her."

Big handshakes for them!!

I went to find Cho. I whispered to him about Penn's parents... he laughed drawing me tight, "I know Chani will choose her own path and family relationships... it will still be a big wrench to let her go unless we are confident in her happiness. We'll have to trust her like Penn's parents learned."

"I love how smart you are... that's how I feel."

"Oh... so I'm smart if I follow your thinking?"

A SQUEEZE... "YES!" Laughter!

Gil came close, quietly, "Get a room!" More hilarity on our part.

"An email from Joseph... the story on the Polish workers and the Bonwit-Teller Building will run tomorrow at seven New York Time.. They are running extra promotions for it."

Fist bumps!

We went back to circulating. I checked on the Twins in the Game Room. Tha and Ansara sitting nearby watching as they shared several of their puzzles with other youngsters. The kids liked the big chunky pieces! Other children playing games and munching on goodies from the buffet.

Most of the faculty of Denham School arrived. Calista got a smile seeing me in one of her suits.

"You accessorized it beautifully!"

Adrienne gave me a thumbs up!

The photographers looking around. One said he'd seen pictures of this room last year from the BBC special.

"Quite amazing! Like a Christmas shop explosion in here!"

I laughed, "True enough! A `controlled' explosion though."

He liked that!

Maxine was with Marianne, the Oxford bakery lady. Maxine made sure she tried the shortbread. I could see Marianne liked it.

I nudged Maxine with a go ahead motion. She said I should. Marianne wondering.

"My aunt makes the shortbread. We get tins of it delivered from Fortrose. I ate it as a child."

Marianne smiling, "I can see why you've grown up so well!"

We all laughed. She said it takes real skill for this... she held up a piece before munching it... to be the outcome!

I met Tom and said if he was `golfed out' he could go to the Breakfast Room to sit or...

"I'm fine. The men are polite and interested, not pushy. They are knowledgeable which is nice."

"So playing with Cho every day..."

A smile, "The man is amazing. I had a great year... partially because of him. I saw how he could narrow his attention down to each shot...a laser focus... but still enjoy playing of the game. Enjoying is the key... it's not a business for me... not ever I hope... Cho helped to remind me how much I love the game."

A hug, "Good. Cho was thrilled with what you did."

Another big smile, "So was I!" Laughter, "I was one of those who said it couldn't be done... Now I know I can do it so others will too."

Roxanne had spotted us, hug. "So your neighbours are a mixed lot... lawyers and farmers."

She'd met the Wellans and Archie and Margy.

"As we added property to the estate the Wellans became surrounded by us. Another family near them too. We rode by their homes yesterday. Archie sold a large part of his farm to us then accepted our offer to manage the estate's farming operations. A perfect arrangement, he's training staff to take over in a few years."

Roxanne and I headed to the food. I got a plate of salmon sandwiches and shortbread. A cup of tea. We parked on a settee near the west side. A good spot, somewhat out of the way but with a view.

"I asked Tom if my traveling more with him would matter... He was so sweet saying it wouldn't, `I'd love it.'

"I understand. I hate to be away from Cho and the Twins. Business and other things demand it. Now that they are so mobile it will be easier to have them around and more dangerous."

Roxanne said she would worry about children... A smile. I could see there was something. I took her up to my Dressing Room. In the chairs by the window...

"I'm pregnant... eight weeks. Tom knows but I've avoided saying anything to people... maybe because we've become more `public' and spreading things around didn't seem wise."

I congratulated her. She said they'd been trying for several years then suddenly.

"Tom thinks it because he was easing off from a stressful year of golf... who knows... it has happened! We're joyous!"

I said she'd have to stop riding... I told her about Sasha and Dolly... Rox said that seemed right...

I mentioned my girls only' few days at Phuket while the guys' golfed. It was because I had a `feeling' about her.

I stood up to disrobe... she watched intently as the pieces came off. Standing there bare-assed watching Roxanne's face go from surprise to a bit of lust... she knelt... she stroked the red mark on my tummy from the tight top... then the hibiscus below... Rox leaned to kiss my pussy, a bit of tongue going in.

Rox leaned back, "Fay, you have a gorgeous bod!"

I helped her undress, slender, her breasts were delightful pears, slim hips like mine and toned long legs.

I took her in my arms for a kiss.

We sat on the settee touching as I heard about her early love life.

"At thirteen I did a sleepover with my best friend. A cute blonde, a junior high school cheerleader teammate. At bedtime she said she slept nude and asked if it was a problem... I was already interested so I lied and said I did too.

Lying there facing each other I took the biggest risk of my life to that point... I stroked her vagina. A smile from her, reciprocation!! We kissed and caressed then did our first sixty-nine!!!! I loved her taste... sweet, warm, soft skin. We didn't have much pubic hair... I ran on tongue through her's. We found each other's clit and went to work. Orgasms!

I only touched myself before so this was off the charts. Same for her. In the darkened room we licked every inch other each other. It was a treat to feel her cum on my tongue and vice-versa.

In the morning her mom came to wake us... my friend sound asleep in my arms... her mother at the door... her face was a nice smile. She motioned to me... I slid out and walked naked to her.

She said we should talk later before I went home. We did... the three of us. Her parents had divorced years earlier... Her mom smiling she was Okay with our being lovers but only here in the house.

"Outside... the world is a cruel place for anyone who is different."

We told her we'd seen that with a gay boy at school who been bullied. She asked what we did and was surprised to hear we had befriended him separately finding out the next day what we'd each done.

Her mom asked me to stay to dinner... overnight again? It was a weekend so no big deal. It was terrific to meet her mom's girlfriend. She was a beautiful woman, curvy body, lustrous dark skin and wonderful golden brown hair. Seeing them kiss at the door... lovely. Now they could be open to my friend.

"I knew my parents would be crazed to find out I had any sexual encounters much less lesbian ones.

Home life was strained by their fighting, my mom travelled for her job and dad always bitched about it. He knew from the start but it didn't matter now. I figured I'd be ducking around with my friend.

A month or so later, Dad became an ally when I found him at home in the garage on his knees with a large penis in his ass... Their sex noise came into the kitchen from the garage through the door... I peeked. Dad's `friend' was a good-looking mid-aged black guy obviously enjoying himself as was my dad. Their verbalizing made it plain.

I didn't coerce him... I told him what I saw and asked if mom knew... she didn't according to him. I found out later she did know and couldn't care less... she had her own boyfriend.

So my parents ended up not having problems with my sex activities. And dad's boyfriend moved in when mom left to be with her's. My dad's boyfriend was a great guy, an awesome cook and lawyer. They are both dead now."

Sad moment...

"Tom met them all once we had become a couple. Tom told me he'd had sex with boys when he was younger, he enjoyed it all but preferred me to ANYONE!"

Fist bump!

I told her ALL about Phuket... she wanted in, "Tom won't mind playing with Cho and his friends, while I dabble with you."

I gave Rox the ground rules I used but I'd want to be with her.

A soft hand caressing me, "Fay, I definitely want to be with you!!!!!"

Fist bumps for our agreement. I got her wet, she did me... Rox watched me lick my fingers... lusty face as she cleaned her fingers of my taste.


We returned to the Open House which was beginning to wind down. Carter2 beside me, "Chalgrove says the aircraft is open and the car is there." I thanked him.

At the door our people with Cho and I helped our neighbours into coats as the cold had descended with darkness. Lots of goodbyes and thank yous!!!

Millie talking with folks Chou beside her. Tom saying goodbye to a couple of men.

Carter in with Candace! HUGS!! Fin had her bags, he headed upstairs. A smile for him.

Cho stayed doing the last goodbyes. I took Candace into the Breakfast Room. Carter knew to come when the Great Room was emptied of neighbours. Tha brought the Twins to me from a too short `lie down.'

They got hugs and kisses from Candace who was amazed at their growth.

My `you know they are supposed to do that' got laughs. Carter sent Lucas... so I took Candace and the Twins to the Great Room... she loved it even in its current dishevelled state.

Introductions for Candace!

We were taking Candace out to eat with our other guests to give the staff a break. We hired one half of Glee's in Oxford for dinner. We had the outside glass room. Tom and Rox, Millie and Chou, Candace, Cho and I, Francis and Ali, Gil and our entire Protection Team!

Cecil and Gee joined us. Cecil got to meet Tom which was nice. They talked some golf, Tom was ever so polite to do it.

The Twins stayed home as the Open House had worn them out. They'd had fun being with a lot of other kids. They had a favourite meal for their supper, grilled cheese sandies and chips with catsup!

The restaurant did a seafood menu selection and their sommelier was on hand to help us. Linguine with fresh seafood variety was my choice!

We all had an excellent dinner. Everyone said their food was great. I did cheese plate and a nice port, afterwards espresso.

Their service was quite good. The owner came in to say hello and we thanked him for an excellent dinner. He was beaming!!

At home we went up to see the babies they were just going in their cribs. Kisses and hugs!

We all sat in the Library to give Carter free use of the Great Room for further removal of the party bits. Big thank yous to Tom and Rox for joining in. Millie and Chou had experienced it before, veterans.

In the morning after my ride we said goodbye to our guest pairs, up to the big city for a few days. We hoped they enjoy our new base in the city.

Carter's reports from Clough were great. The house staff taking good care of our guests.

All pervious guests had loved Cowley House, the rooms and the location.

Candace sat with Cho and I in the Library. We had news for her!

"An Apple vice-president person got in touch. We'd met him in California. He said Apple wanted to talk about Barrier Security... they wanted to buy the company to bring the software inside the company. They are offering an excellent price.

I have talked with our Barrier folks... they are enthusiastic about it! They wouldn't have to move just make the occasional trip to Sunnyvale."

"Fay, Cho, I'm fine with that!" She slapped her thigh, "Ha! I just spent time telling all my school and other groups I work with about my having a stake in Barrier. Now I'll have to go back and un-tell them."

Laughing, Cho said with `more money in your pockets!'

Fist bumps.

Cho nudged me... "Fay is going on Apple's Board of Directors."

"Wow! That is great... Can you get me discounts?"

Laughing! Cho took Candace on a house tour.

Gil and Ali with me. Notes and drawings from Carmen in Los Angeles on the Santa Monica Boulevard building. Looked good for remodelling, our moving around the interior to suit us had lots of options. The bump section like a small partial first floor was plenty big enough for an office with two rooms.

It was retro-fitted for earthquakes ten years ago, we should re-visit that. No sound-proofing... so there's that needed too.

Otherwise it was good. The car park behind was part of the property. It was a pay-to-park during the day and evening, no overnight. We'd need it all for the club through open hours... we hoped.

Gil sent an email to Carmen to buy it telling her to reach out to Francis for the money. She also sent a heads-up to Francis.

I emailed Jayne with the news. It was a great location and a very serviceable building! She was back right away with a giant GREAT!' in an email. She had liked the location, right in WeHo' a very gay friendly neighbourhood.

Another email went to Wade asking if he'd be interested in helping on the project. If so... he could see it and the data so he could have some notion of what we wanted before flying over here.

Francis parked in a chair, "We have closed on the properties in Seattle. The new shelter in that office building in Fremont was an easy buy since we'd been there and knew all about it. Our local contractor will be in it today for a look-see based on your ideas. I was amazed it was still on the market... I think things which don't matter to us made it less desirable."

Francis said Tilda found a block of flats on East John Street that was terrific! Eighteen one bedroom units on three floors in three sections. Each section had its own staircase plus small storage for the flats in the cellars. A good sized laundry room for each section.

The six top floor units had a small private terrace on the roof. One ground floor flat was to be for Security to put their equipment and be a shared office for them and the site managers.

One downside was there was no parking on the property for residents but most of our tenants probably wouldn't have a car. There were two bus lines a block away and the streetcar to downtown two blocks over to the west.

We'd charge low rents to house some of the young people who had moved on from our shelters and had gotten employment. Maybe the top floor ones for staffers?

It was only four and half blocks from the Clinic and Shelter.

The new shelter in Fremont would be able to provide single rooms, large shared bathrooms with private showers and toilets. Meeting rooms, quiet spaces, a computer room, a recreation hall plus dining and kitchen spaces. The small theatre at the end of the building which got it on our `to see' list for the traffic command centre would be great for big meetings, other entertainment and showing movies.

Tilda would keep looking for other small blocks of flats to buy for our employees and low rent housing for folks leaving the shelters.

Antoine's latest news was terrific! He had steady data flows from all the installed equipment. He could sit in the control room and bring video onto the huge screen, sub-divide it, splash data on the screen edge.

He was enjoying the build-out. So much more to do but it was working as it was supposed to. He had transferred the drawbridges control to the SODO location so the building in Fremont was now a backup.

The local Seattle wiring companies we bought were doing a superb job. He was full of praise for them.

Alex was meeting today in Seattle with the city public utilities people about new remote controls for existing reservoirs and a innovative system of small dams in eastern King County. A nice project if they want us.

So Seattle was getting sorted!!

Jasmin was in Madagascar to talk water supplies with the island's government. Another semi-tropical location affected by global warming. Their abundant rains weren't in the same old patterns now so conserving all the water possible was a necessity.

She'd go on to Jakarta. Indonesia, another country with the same issues. They could potentially have water conservation projects on all their major islands.

Both nations needed us... making the deals was now on Jasmin's shoulders. I expected good news! Ha!

There hadn't been any movement on fixing UBI in the United Kingdom because the tories were so incompetent and basically lazy which suited their looking down their noses at everyone but themselves. Their leadership people were worse than the Labour Party! A sad state of affairs. Not much for us to work with for change, two inept and foolish political parties. The Lib-Dems hardly mattered.

In America the Congress was working on UBI legislation which once it was put together would pass and Hillary was happy to sign it. They can't stop quibbling about bits and pieces of it though. Always the urge to talk something to death... they're politicians!

I wrote another Publisher's comment for our newspapers in both countries and asked Kent to consider a camera crew at Harcourt House to do a video... when and how to use it was a discussion to be had with Bill.

An overnight email from Viv in Topanga to Gil. She'd hired Jorrie as a part-timer to start. Dali had given her the Okay on the security clearance. She was twenty and an experienced stable hand. She'd live on site in the trailer and eat with Viv and Nadine. Nadine would leave the trailer to take Vivienne's room when she left for Harcourt Ranch shortly. Seemed like they had it all worked out! Cheers!

Our first test `solar kits' were in place in Pleasant Valley and Lordsburg. They were a solar panel in a standing metal frame, wiring, batteries, an inverter and control panel packaged together. Install instructions and contacts for help.

We shipped them asking people at the other end to do the setup. No one with special skills would be involved in Pleasant Valley. We needed to know if such `kits' could be sold and shipped to customers.

We also wanted to sell them to governments for installation in their buildings, community housing and recreation areas so complications were not wanted. Sales to governments to re-sell at low prices to ordinary citizens was also part of our plan further along.

In Pleasant Valley, Sam and Beverly got one family in the new houses to do it. The husband and wife with their teenage son were able to do it! It was working!! The son had really led on it! A technophile teenager!

They only needed help to connect it to the house electrical system. Awesome!!

The solar panel frame would need some bracing for snow which the farm maintenance folks would do straightaway.

The Lordsburg one was installed by Yoani's husband, Mateo. He was a mechanic and was chosen because of that. How long for a technically skilled person to do it? Turned out only a few hours in total!

Mateo liked the challenge and the unit. He said it was well made and the instructions were clear with lots of diagrams!

I loved it. Solar panels to go!!! I texted to Cho. He and Candace came to the Library! HUGS!!

A very nice project on its way to make a tiny difference in global warming!! We'd make money... not much, the margins were small on purpose. If we can make the solar panels even more efficient and less costly to build... then maybe we'd do Okay financially.

Candace sitting beside me at lunch nudging my arm, "You guys are so awesome doing something like that."

I smiled, "It's not like we don't want to make money but it is not a primary goal for a lot of our projects. If we do then fine... we'll push the profits into making the panels even better or providing extra bits in the kits to secure it. Who knows what else."

Chani and Charlie had an appointment with us at the Great Room fireplace after lunch??? We knew they were up to something... they'd been practising according to Tha! I'd seen something, not much, by accident and was sworn to silence.

Francis and Ali, Gil and Candace, Cho and I together on settees next to the fire.

Tha came in with the Twins. They had little homemade books. Tha sat beside me. Our hands together.

Chani and Charlie were standing up with their backs to the fire in front of Jaidee who wasn't paying much attention.

Chani opened her book... Cho's hand tightened on my other...

Chani in a clear voice...

Everyone was excited... Christmas was just around the corner. The children were singing and dancing around happily. Everyone except the mean old Mr. Scrooge. He hated anyone's happiness saying Christmas was a `humbug.' He was a businessman who lived for making money and nothing else.

Charlie's book open... He began...

It was a Christmas Eve. After Mr. Scrooge went to sleep...unexpectedly, a ghost of Christmases Past appeared in front of Mr. Scrooge. The ghost took him into the past and pointed out the little boy Ebenezer Scrooge, reading a book all alone in a school room. When he was small, his parents sent him off to school, he was often all alone, he didn't make friends. He was by himself every Christmas. He could not take that anymore. The ghost went away just as Scrooge cried out in his unhappiness.

Chani took up the reading...

Later, the ghost of Christmas Present appeared at the door of Scrooge's bedroom. He had come to show him the happiness of Christmas. The ghost took Scrooge to the house his office clerk Bob Cratchit. They both looked inside through the window. There was a simple meal on the table, but everybody looked very happy. They all were singing and dancing merrily even the sickly Tiny Tim. Mr. Scrooge thought, "How can they be so happy being so poor?" The ghost of present replied, "It's Christmas!"

Charlie again...

Shortly after, the ghost of Christmas Future appeared. They went to look in Cratchit's window to see the Tiny Tim wasn't there and the family crying. Bob Cratchit very sad looking at Tim's empty seat by the fire. Scrooge seemed quite upset. Scrooge and the ghost arrived at a funeral. Few people were at the church. They all were criticizing the dead person. "This certainly comes for every man," one of them said. "What's the use of having so much money, anyway?" another man said.


Another man said, "Few people are coming to pay respects to Scrooge!" Scrooge saw his own funeral was overlooked. The ghost made him realize that he didn't care about anyone except for himself so no one cared about him. He still had no friends. He begged the ghost saying, "Please, give me a chance to change my future!"

And the ghost disappeared.


On Christmas morning he awoke. His disturbed sleep left him changed. He promised to himself that from now on, he would help people in need and would take care of his clerk's family. He arranged for a huge turkey to be sent to the Cratchit's home. That night he visited his only family, a nephew he had thought hopeless as he married without Scrooge's blessing. He was warmly welcomed to their Christmas party. Since then, Scrooge became the most generous of men in London town all through the year but especially at Christmas time.

I was near to tears... Cho's smile was unbelievably happy...

Charlie and Chani closed their books, they held hands...

"Mama... Popa... Happy Christmas from us!"

We jumped up to applaud the Twins as did everyone. They were scooped up by us. Cho handed me a Cho-Fay handkerchief.

Chani's arms on my shoulders, "Mama we did good!"

I mopped my eyes, a kiss from my daughter.

Everyone else came close to congratulate the Twins!

I put out my hand to Tha. Tight squeeze.

We calmed down. Chani in my lap.

"It was a good surprise?"

"Indeed. A very good surprise!! It is one of my favourite books."

"We do know what all the words mean, well... most of them."

I turned to Cho, "We should watch the movie..." A `definitely' from Cho.

Tha had been reading the story to them and they loved the flow of the words. Scrooge was a `poop head' and Bob Cratchit was wonderful! Little Tiny Tim was so nice!

"Did you want to wait to see the movie? We could watch it with Gramps and Gamma."

Clapping by both of them! Done!

Swimming before dinner for them! They splashed around doing so much better coordinating their strokes.' They were faster in the water. They dried off and laid on lounges watching Popa, Gil and I do laps' without moving.

Candace loved the pool! And was intrigued by the inflated roof technology. She was forewarned so she brought along her own swimming costume. No tiny black bikini which I pointed out was Cho's loss. Candace blushed... she and Cho did do fist bumps! Grins!

Upstairs Tha dressed the Twins then Chani joined me in my Dressing Room. She was in black jeans and a red smocked top.

Me... Black leather pants like skin! A cropped red t-shirt and a big black cable jumper and black ankle boots.

I told Candace this wasn't a dress up night.

Carla's fish cakes in a citrus creame sauce!!! Jacketed potatoes, butter!! Cut green beans under a lot of freshly shredded Romano! Maxine did a slightly crunchy but incredibly soft inside loaves!

Dessert was a lovely yellow pound cake, nice thick slices, buttered then oven toasted, a big dollop of vanilla ice cream on top! Coloured sugar sprinkles! Massive success with the Twins!! Sue was praised by Charlie and Chani!

Afters in the Great Room with Chani and Charlie and the Brothers Grimm. They sat by Jaidee rubbing him slowly as Cho and I took turns reading the The Elves and the Shoemaker. They were locked onto each reader... focus like their Dad!

They'd been read to all their short lives... They seemed to absorb it very well.

I was reading the last of the story...

`They dressed themselves with the greatest rapidity, putting the pretty clothes on, and singing,

"Now we are boys so fine to see,

Why should we longer cobblers be?"

Then they danced and skipped and leapt over chairs and benches. At last they danced out of doors

From that time forth they came no more, but as long as the shoemaker lived all went well with him, and all his undertakings prospered.'

Chani and Charlie clapped their hands, laughing. They said the elves were so nice to the cobbler and his wife... they deserved nice clothes!

Hugs for them both.

Everyone loved the simple little story.

The yawns came... Cho and I carried them up.

Tha right behind. She got things ready at their cribs, Cho and I did the clothes changing. The babies were kissed and hugged. They snuggled down with their bedtime friends!

Candace by the fire.

"Those two are quite exceptional. Reading Dickens at eighteen months!"

Cho told her about the psychologists prediction... they'd be reading and doing math very soon!

She got a precis of their skills and how Tha was moving them forward.

Candace got a hoot from Charlie and Prince George coming up to Her Majesty and me asking permission to go up to the Nursery.

I leaned over to Candace, "Charlie's tie was askew... I resisted straightening it all the while laughing at myself about it."

Her smile, "I can see the `mother' in you having finger twitches... holding back..."

We laughed.

Kent emailed the overnight ratings for the Polish Workers story... HUGE! It aroused the ire of New Yorkers towards the loser Trump. All the city newspapers... even the Post and Wall Street Journal were after him. Front page stories in other newspapers than ours, reports of some lurid details about his treatment of the Polish men.

Many voices asking for the local District Attorney to find some way to prosecute Trump for what he did. Many more wanting the city to sue him for the value of the façade he destroyed with added damages and interest.

Kent didn't think either idea would go anywhere given the time since the event but Trump's name was deeper in the gutter than ever. As Kent said `We've helped to ruin his pathetic false image.'

Also Trump's money troubles seem to be multiplying. He most likely wouldn't be able to pay-off two notes due on the Trump Tower without selling it. He'd be out from under at least but he'd see no money from it. It would taken over by some bank.

Florida as a permanent location was looking more likely unless the folks in Florida wised-up. Then it would have to be somewhere in the Middle East or Russia for him!

In bed later I lay over Cho... "Let's buy the Trump Tower, change the name, rip out the tacky atrium... do a tropical theme and really give New Yorkers something to come inside to see."

Cho's eyes narrowed, "So not just a kick in the balls to Trump?"

"No. Throw him and any cronies out for sure but fix it up and make money in Mid-Town Manhattan."

I got a `I'll look into it' from my guy.

I had another day of riding, Cho played golf, Twins and fun. We did another reading of a Christmas story before dinner. The Twins had talked about Scrooge's changes. Chani heard Cho and I being so happy for Pat and Diana overcoming some issues in their lives...

"Mama, is Pat like Scrooge? Changing because you helped him?"

My baby growing up... maybe too fast but it was marvellous.

"Yes, sometime people need just a bit of support to get past a bad spot. Scrooge's dreams did that... his inside `good' overpowering his bad."

Chani clapping! A smile and a giggle.

I hugged Candace beside the car in my riding clothes. She would go to Cowley House for a few days. Rona and Andrea would be available as tour guides if she wanted.

Millie and Chou, Rox and Tom were on their way back here to fly home. This revolving guest thing was working out so well. A few days with us then in the big city! Everybody loved it especially in the new house. Cowley House was a big hit with friends! So much room compared to Basuto Road. Plus very nice and very competent folk to look after you!!

Our big Los Angeles crowd! Dayton, Dari and Mari. George and Gina. Wade, Flix and Cicely all in bound for an eleven o'clock landing at Chalgrove.

Cho and Francis up to something in the Office after we'd said our goodbyes to Millie and Chou, Tom and Rox. They enjoyed their days in the city, sights and sounds of London to take home. For Roxanne it was her first trip to England so lots of memories stored up! A `gazillion' pics taken!

The Twins with me in the Garden romping with Choco Boy after their visit with Iris!!!! Chani in the swing as I pushed...

"Mama, Iris is always happy... she likes us brushing her... it makes us feel good for her."

"Iris is a sweet girl and having you two as friends makes her life even better!"

Fin came out... "My Lady, Gil said to tell you the airplane is on the ground."

"Thank you Fin."

I leaned over to Chani, "More friends you know... we have to go in."

"Okay! More friends is good!"

Tha, Charlie and Jaidee came along.

The Twins and Tha in the Great Room waiting... Cho and I out front to greet our newcomers. This was the first visit here by all of them.

The gravel crunched, Cho's hand squeezed mine, smiles. The car doors were opened. Dayton, Dari and Mari first. Hugs and kisses. Then Gina and George! Flix gave me a big hug, Cecile and Wade! I was between Flix and Gina holding hands...

Gina's head shaking, "Fay, it is beautiful... and big!"

Hands squeezed, "Let's go in so you can how nice it is inside!"

Coats off... everybody at the double doors... our `door' guys smiling as they opened them.

Ooooohhhhh's and Aaaaahhhhh's all around! The Twins yelling out Happy Christmas!' really broke the moment wide open. Our new guests moved forward to greet Chani and Charlie, Francis, Ali and Gil Everybody smiling, our folks taking Dari's hand then Flix and Gina... We mixed.

Mari looking at the tree, I stepped close... "So what do you think?"

"Fay, it is overwhelming! I've never seen anything this big."

"We don't go small for Christmas here!"

We gathered them all to put up their ornaments! Surprise and delight! Chani `helped' Flix with theirs. Carter had Taittingers ready. Full glasses except Dari and Cecile who got halves when their parents said Okay... Shirley Temples for the Twins! We toasted to friends and a Happy Christmas!

Dayton smiling, "You both are much more famous now," to Cho and I. "The bank's Board were amazed to know their Chairman was now a `Knight' Sir Cho!"

Cho laughed, "They'll get over it soon enough when you give them my plan for the new real estate ventures."

Dayton nodding, "It will such a shame for them to know they'll have more money to spend thanks to the `Knight.'."

Everyone smiling at that.

Cecile sipping slowly, "Thanks for this I feel very grown-up... my first glass of champagne."

"I'm glad it was with us. That's the best there is! They're one of our racing sponsors. We get lots for free."

Eyes wide, "Free champagne... now that's a perk!"

"You'll see in the Stables... our four-legged friends get to wear some nice duds courtesy of our sponsors. The two legged ones also!"

I turned around to look for Mari and waved her over.

"You two up for a ride after lunch?"

Heads nodding and smiles. Okay!

Wade came over. "Fay, about the West Hollywood building. I've had a look and have the name of an excellent interior person for you, Callie. She'll be able to create the inside the way you want. She lots of experience and is quite creative."

He handed me a business card.

I thanked him and gave the card to Gil to get in touch ASAP. To CC Jayne.

Carter at the door... Luncheon.

A soup and salad buffet. Vegetable soup and fish chowder. Things to make a green salad, hot potato salad from a Bavarian recipe, two kinds of warm bread with our butter. Sliced fruit and cheeses. One sideboard was cakes, cookies and the first of the fruit cake from the nice company in Corsicana, Texas.

It was a sit anywhere meal. I had the two teenagers on each side Gina and Flix opposite. I gave them the `Honours Day' story. Gina watching my face...

"You expected the government to do something... right?"

"We did. Like I might be made a `life peer' or something and Cho would get some sort of medal or a low level honourary knighthood. The Queen made it clear she was acting outside of the government. AND she seemed quite pleased to do it!"

When asked I explained that a life peer' was a lord or dame' until death. It was not a hereditary title. The `life peers' sit in the House of Lords, hereditary peers do not. Well only a few...

"I've been asked to `run' for election into the Lords but I'm probably not going to. I cannot devote the time needed to do the position justice."

I asked Carter to get out the Honours' after lunch. A Yes, my Lady!' which got the Americans.

"So Downton Abbey... " quietly from Dari. Laughter.

"Funny... the one person who was so complimentary, was also the one who pointed about how important it was as a new part of our family history... Hillary."

They were amazed!

"Charlie has a title now... he is Viscount Munro, the secondary title the Queen awarded me. Because she is the daughter of a Countess, Chani will throughout her life be `Lady Chanthira' unless she marries someone in the peerage at my same rank or higher then she'll take her husband's title."

They looked a bit lost... "It can be difficult to get into the scheme since it has so many permutations."

A big giggle from Chani as Charlie dropped an olive... Tha stopped him going to search, "After lunch."

I laughed, "The `Viscount has dropped an olive' a great title for a book."

Laughter... the guys down the table looked up... I waved and grinned. Cho knew that mischievous grin!!

Coffee! Jaidee ready to play with the Twins as Tha put on their macs and woolly hats plus gloves for some Garden fun. Hugs for them.

The planned ride went ahead without me... I got Yvonne and Diana to take them north and back. Gina and Dari went along. The men had gone to play a round of golf before the minor storm broke...

I moved to the Library... Flix was there just looking at the books. She could see me on my iPad and asked if she should go... I said no but I might be making some noise... I did plug in my headset.

Flix pulled down several books and sat on a settee by the front windows.

ICE was back trying to get into the ranch in Lordsburg.

Four vehicles had left the highway going east on a dirt road, turning right southward into the open desert.

Sensors picked them up long before they crossed the property line from the north heading south by slightly southeast

Benjamin was on duty running tests when the sensors acquired them, he called Simon, who joined him immediately.

Benjamin had launched a turbo wing right away and vectored it to the location, it was on station in twenty seconds high above the vehicles.

Simon said let them come on a half mile to the first line of traps, he was calling Bangkok and Alice-Anne in Washington. I was patched into the video and audio via the Conference App.

Video of the vehicles movement on the display in front of Benjamin fed straight to me.

Simon gave a situation-report to Sumate, pointing out the traps and giving a suggested plan, he got the Okay from Sumate. I was listening... letting our professionals act.

It was here Alice-Anne joined on the Conference App.

The intruders were in a `diamond' formation with one pickup as the rear. The lead vehicle was a Humvee. As they approached the first traps Benjamin's wing fired a line of smoke rounds in front of them to slow them down.

They slowed to a crawl moving through the smoke. The lead Humvee's front end fell into a trap at a low speed, the others all sharply braked to a halt.

Simon already had an armed reaction team on the way in two AW139's.

They'd taken off low to the south to circle around the intruders from the west and east. Closing in!

Benjamin's wing was above and behind them.

On the wing's loudspeaker they were informed they were trespassing on private property, they were to turn around and leave the way they came.

Someone yelled they were police' immigration agents' `federal officers.'

They did not show any identification when asked nor a warrant.

Benjamin using the loudspeaker told them they had no authority to be on the property and to leave.

They refused. A rude hand gesture.

The order to leave was repeated, another refusal.

Benjamin fired the microgun into the sand to the left of the stopped vehicles. It chopped up the sand.


Simon lifted his hand... Benjamin fired the microgun at the rear tyres of the two outside pickup trucks, brief bursts shredded the tyres.

The ICE idiots hunkering down in their trucks could hear the helicopters now.

Benjamin ordered the men out with their hands up, `Leave ALL weapons and electronic devices in the vehicles.'

`Move away ten yards and kneel, cross your ankles and hands on the back of your heads.'

Benjamin had moved the wing around them to the front, they could see it now.

The AW139's kicked up some dust as they landed. Our folks came out with their Heckler & Koch submachine guns aimed at the intruders and their vehicles.

I was getting static from my headset so I yanked it off.

`You in the Humvee climb out the top,' two men did.

Benjamin flipped on the thermal scan... one more.

`You hiding in the Humvee come or you will be fired upon.'

He climbed out.

They all were kneeling as our people approached.

Benjamin had moved the wing to the right rear of the diamond formation.

Our team put plastic tie cuffs on each intruder's wrists just as these thugs love to do to migrants they stopped near the border.

Then part of the team guarded them as others went through the vehicles removing all weapons, phones, documents, etc...

That done the men were searched thoroughly, a few more weapons, phones and their ID was confiscated. Their gear was bagged. All of it was loaded on an AW139 after snaps taken and a list made of everything.

A third AW139 landed with lifting harnesses for all helicopters. Simon stepping out of the helicopter on the Conference App said this true `cock-up' by ICE!

The nine men were loaded into the remaining operational pickup truck, one fellow's hands were freed so he could drive.

Simon speaking to the ICE folks...

`Drive back exactly the way you came.'

`Do not drive fast with your added weight there are places you could break through the sand crust.'

`You will be watched.'

`Your vehicles will be delivered to a location in Lordsburg, your office in Washington will be notified.'

He handed a note to the driver, contact details for Alice-Anne.

`Tell your bosses to call her.'

The pickup truck drove away with Benjamin's wing gaining altitude to watch its progress. Following slowly.

Yoani calculated the weights based on the models of the vehicles called into her, all within the lift capability of the AW139's.

Each was lifted up to 2000 feet for the twenty mile trip to Lordsburg.

Yoani called the Hidalgo County sheriff's office to tell them we had trespassers on our land, they had been sent off and three of their vehicles were confiscated and would be deposited on a bare dirt area next to Ownby Street behind their building.

She waited to call until Simon in his AW139's informed her they were crossing over Interstate 70 west of Lordsburg Municipal Airport a few hundred yards from the destination.

The lead pilot had contacted the airport on frequency 122.800 giving their flight details, a fellow on the radio there said there was no expected traffic in the next several hours, he got our aircraft info, destination location and they would depart on the same route as their in-bound flight path. He would inform any non-scheduled flights about our people.

After crossing the freeway, they passed the truck weigh station on the west staying well east of the school then turned to port over the public works area and one by one lowered the vehicles to the ground. They were set down there in a tight triangle.

One helicopter turned around to go went the way it came came, two stayed. Simon and two of our Security walked towards the Sheriff's building. The others unhooked the lifting harnesses.

They didn't have to go far to meet some of the deputies, they'd come out around the County Museum to Ownby Street. They had thought it was some sort of crank call until the rotor sounds got their attention.

The Under-Sheriff asked `What the hell was going on!'

Simon introduced himself, he gave a brief rundown on the ranch and then told the story of the confrontation with the ICE agents... both times.

Our folks off loaded the weapons, electronics and ID's of the intruders and helped carry it all into the sheriff's office.

We had the snaps and a catalogue of everything, one of our folks emailed the pictures and list to the Under-Sheriff's deputy.

Simon had several of his people putting a heavy chain around the axles of the three vehicles linking them together with a large lock. The key was given to the Under-Sheriff who was by this time amazed at Simon's team's work, impressed by the demeanour of our staffers and laughing at the ICE agents predicament.

"We are contacting the Department of Homeland Security in Washington, D.C. through our lawyer there. They will be told where the vehicles are, that you would have the weapons, etc... and the key for the chain.

If there are any expenses on your part please contact me. We don't want Hidalgo County to have to bear any costs over this."

The Under-Sheriff was smiling, "You folks seem like type we want to have good relations with."

They shook hands.

Simon invited him and his people to visit, "Give me a call and come down. We have terrific folks, a lot to see and we serve a good lunch. We'd be happy to show you around."

Benjamin texted Simon he had been testing the wing further after the ICE `fools' hit the highway and zoomed off northward... And was nearby...

Simon asked the Under-Sheriff if he'd like to see something special...

They walked out the front door towards Second Street, just the two of them. Benjamin had the wing hovering off to the right fifty feet over the fence to the east.

Simon introduced the Under-Sheriff to the wing. "If you come to see us we'll give you a good demo of what it can do."

Simon waved and the wing waggled itself, turned, rose and accelerated away at high speed.

The Under-Sheriff looked at Simon like `did I really see that.'

"It is a prototype under-going testing. The operator is in our office on the ranch about twenty miles away."

The Under-Sheriff shaking hs head said he definitely wanted to see the ranch.

"I will let you know when the ICE people take away their vehicles. I will visit and return your chain ... Okay?"

Simon smiling, "Sounds great!"

A good handshake. Simon waved as he boarded the last AW139. They lifted off to the east then up to a thousand feet to cross the the freeway and flew away from the airport before gaining more altitude.

Benjamin landed the wing on its pad.

I made my first comment... A big thank you to Benjamin and to Simon who was back on the Conference App.

Alice-Anne added she was impressed and we'd have to pay for the tyres which got a big laugh from us all.

On my screen she was grinning, "What I can say is the ICE people acted illegally crossing onto your property, refusing to leave when asked is another violation of law... they didn't resist which was the first smart thing they did.

I'll be onto Homeland Security here in D.C. when we're off. I will ask them to shutdown that local office and discipline any officer who took part at any level.

We can sue them but it probably isn't worth the effort except for noise it would make. It is the sort of thing that gets a bureaucrat's attention.

Oh by the way... your firing on Federal agents who did not ID themselves properly isn't going to be a problem so don't worry."

Alice-Anne was out. Simon, Benjamin, Sumate and I talked a bit. An after-action report plus a critique of all elements would be started right away.

I thanked them all again. I was out.

I leaned back in the big Library chair, I had hunched over my iPad during the event. I rolled my shoulders to loosen them... aaaahhhh!

Flix came over... "Does that sort of thing happen often?"

"This is the second ICE event at the ranch, the first was less dramatic."

I texted to Gil. She parked opposite me. The story had her head shaking.

"Fay, they act like drunken cowboys you see in old TV westerns."

It felt good to shrug, "They have a wild west mentality which clashes with our Twenty First Century one. They're thugs."

Flix said stories about ICE being cruel and abusive were commonplace in California.

I called Sumate. "Fay, it does not make me happy about being a target for those fools but our folks handled it well."

I agreed, "We have to draw a line on the issue. The ICE people in Washington now have to face the task of reining in their rogue agents in New Mexico. They have accrued too much power and act high-handedly. We have the wherewithal to deal with them others don't... I want to make it plain we will act."

Oh so much fun. I was not going to call Hillary although tempted. I'll let it go up the chain of command. Alice-Anne will cause some noise for sure!

I'd missed my afternoon ride for that bullshit! I went up to change.

Just in panties when Alice-Anne called.

"Fay, the Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security called me. He said I was given as the contact for the ranch owner. He was PO'd at what happened to the ICE agents.

There was some ranting and raving... I let him go on remaining silent... he ran out of gas...

I told him what actually happened and we had audio and video of the entire incident from start to finish. I made the point strongly I had been a witness to the event.

I also pointed out by coming on private property without a warrant, failing to ID themselves properly they had committed crimes and torts... That word `torts' got his attention. A definite intake of air!

I said we'd be willing to pay for the destroyed tyres and any issue with the front end of the Humvee but the onus of criminality was on his department.

I asked if he knew about the first incident... I got `first incident?' from him. He'd been lied to about today and a cover-up done of the other visit to make it seem minimal.

Now he was PO'd all over again but not at us."

She was laughing, "Nothing funnier than a bureaucrat when their own department's failures are exposed and not being in the `know' about it."

"So where are we?"

Alice-Anne said he promised to personally look into it.

"I told him a link to the video and audio would be available later today so he could download it. I got his email address. He was quiet."

"Okay so now he's worried about us... Does he know Cho and I are behind the corporation owning the ranch?"

"He didn't ask... I didn't tell him..."

"When you send the link maybe you should mention the `owners' only wish to operate the ranch without illegal government activity and he should also talk to the guy in his office who has our employee records. If he asks tell him we own it."

Alice-Anne did an `Okay.'

Fine! Now I could dress. I chose the Ancient Munro skirt and the blue and yellow bits that matched so well with it. I added the blue wool jacket!! Ankle boots! Silver bits and `Joy'

Sunny home from school. She, Mari and Cecile up in her room... talking, listen to tunes!

The golfers were back so I took Cho aside to tell him of the fun. He wasn't angry... rather disappointed the ICE folks didn't have their shit together...

"They are supposed to protect America? It's more like a Mack Sennett `cops and robbers' comedy."

I laughed at that, "I think we have their attention now. Hopefully something good will come of it. The bright side for us is not only do the wings work as we wanted but Benjamin is a wiz flying it!"

A kiss.

Drinks time had Cho and I watching the Twins in the close-in Garden with Jaidee. Our `pitcher' wound up a gave a good toss for Jaidee... then fell on his butt. We laughed behind the big windows... we could see Charlie laughing... Jaidee doing his thing brought the tennis ball right back to Viscount Munro for another go.

He was up and tossed it once more... no fall this time. Gina and Dari had come up beside me. Smiles!

Gina squeezed my hand, "I had a talk with Charlie... It was quite remarkable! He wants to introduce me to Iris."

"Do go down with them tomorrow morning... she is such a sweetie. Tha takes them both to ride and care for her afterwards every day now."

Fist bump! "They love to brush Iris, she lets them know it is good! Terrific reinforcement for their effort."

After dinner there was another reading' for the Twins. Christmas stories. First I read The Little Match Girl.' They loved it.

Then Cho read "The Bird's Christmas' which was also a hit! They clapped and thanked us for reading to them.

Chani and Charlie got hugs, kisses plus lots of goodnights before going up.

Once the Twins in bed we gathered again. The men gave us the story of the `golf' part of today. George and Dayton had seen Cho in action, Wade had only read and watched a short video. He sat there beside Flix saying it was other worldly to see Cho step up to his ball and swing just like everyone else then to see the ball drop on a green a few feet away or roll up to fall in like today.

They all liked Oxford East, a course that challenged you... not punished you. The lunch was praised. The club bar was what they pictured all English bars were or should be.

A real `The Moon Under Water' public house said Dayton. Naturally that got my attention.

I asked Dayton... "Fay, I've read all of Orwell's work many times over."

"Would you like to visit his grave?"

A yes! I said I'll get it laid on.

More golf tomorrow! Out early for them then Cho and the guys would meet up with Gil with the ladies in Oxford for lunch and a few sights. They wanted to see what they could of the colleges.

"Since you folks are all Americans... like one third of me... you should hear this bit of tom-foolishness."

I went through our owning the Lordsburg Ranch and the first encounter with ICE then onto today.

No video... I think my descriptions were clear enough. High fives by some when we landed the confiscated trucks on the dirt near the sheriff's office.

Alice-Anne saying we might have to pay for new tyres got a big laugh.

"That's taxpayer dollars being spent by louts to no real purpose. What is bad is a senior deputy of a cabinet level office was lied to and it could have stuck. Alice-Anne sent him the link to the video and CC'd me. So they have what is needed to act against these clods."

George looking PO'd, "They really expect to bulldoze folks... it's good you had your people play real hardball."

Dayton said George was right but we needed to anticipate those losers to try to get revenge.

Cho said our folks were on alert and no one went alone into any of the local areas. "Our Security are all well trained... we trust them."

We exchanged a few gifts by the fireplace. For the teenagers, Cecile and. Mari each got a bottle of `Style' by Ralph Lauren. A bit of scent for a growing up young woman. Sunny handed them their gifts. She was grinning... she was wearing the very same scent!

Each lady got a Harcourt Racing Hermès scarf with a Hermès cheval pin.

Cho had some golf things for the men.

Sunny walking beside me, Mari and Cecile beyond her. Booted and dressed for the cold. I thanked Roundell and Sasha in my mind... the Kentucky Heat bits were awesome. I was glad we bought enough for our guests.

Pamela nuzzling me, I stroked her warm neck and nose. "We want strong healthy baby." A nicker. The girls got to meet her.

Roland ready, a knee up from Pat with a big smile. He'd said the first part of May... at this point... for their wedding. "I'm leaving it up to Diana." A laugh.

Tessa and Gaby riding with us four. A big mob for an early ride. I asked Tessa to take me to Mr. Blair. Fist bump. Some stares from our two American girls.

Tessa took the lead, after the warm-up she set a fast pace as she knew I would love it. Once past Denham School we managed to cross the Abingdon Road easily at that hour we were going southeast around Culham on towards the Sutton Bridge.

We clattered over the bridge... I pointed out it was the River Thames. Cecile and Mari both looking down...

We tied up on the bushes outside the graveyard... Tessa still leading us to the grave. I didn't expect either young woman to know... Cecile surprised us all... "It's George Orwell!!"

A hug for her. Mari knew the man and his writings but not that this was his real name.

"Now you are one up on your dad. I said I'd bring him over here."

Gaby motioned to me, a huge grin... she was behind the headstone... a new sign... replacing the first.

It now said `This small memorial was started by Her Ladyship, Fay Martin, Countess Harcourt of Oxford.'

I had to laugh, whoever it was seemed to be having fun too!

"Hullo... Your Ladyship..." Dr. Ryles said he was going to call the House today. "I just noticed it late yesterday afternoon..."

We shook hands. I introduced Cecile, Mari and Sunny. Smiles.

"There are still no black stones sales booths." A huge grin! We both laughed.

Dr. Ryles thanked us again for the roof repair money. They had bids and were going forward with the decision this week.

"We are pleased. Cho and I hope you will be able to come over to one of our Open House Days."

"I shall... " He turned to Gil, "Thank you for sending me the dates." Gil showed him how to fist bump which made him laugh.

We pushed on... my stomach gently growling. We went back the way we came so I could stop at Denham School and sign more bits for the government aid and some grant applications for three education foundations. Then a roaring run to the Flats. Roland doing it in superb fashion.

As we slowed he gave off a loud nicker... I rubbed his neck, "Fun! Tomorrow we'll do it again big guy!" Another nicker.

Everyone caught up. Fist bumps with Tessa and Gaby, Sunny leaned close for a hug.

The golfers were in the Entryway. A kiss for my man. A couple of dad's got hugs.

Dayton found out his daughter had been to Orwell's grave already. A smile.

Food! The Twins were just starting. It was my riding group eating, the mom's weren't down yet.

Ali came in for coffee. "I did breakfast for us... porridge with raisins, toast and sliced apples." She got a thumbs up from me.

"Who did the washing up?"

A laugh, "We shared!" Cheers.

First a walk around the immediate estate area for our guests, the whole Stables. They got to meet Asda and Hathai, Rebel, Mahogany, Secret Sea, Pamela, Roland and all the others.

The Day Care, Phillips's greenhouses and on Harcourt Close... Ali, back home, invited them in for coffee. They got to see the inside of their house. They loved it. The craftsmanship showed everywhere. The wood bits lustrous.

Flix smiling, "This is what more employers should do."

I mentioned we did it all over the place. I showed them the snaps Beverly had sent of the houses in Pleasant Valley, pointing out they had just been moved into by the staff. Family Christmas time snaps, decorations and brightly lit trees, shining happy faces!

Before they left for Oxford they joined the Twins with me in the pool, from the side-line though. Everybody loved watching the little ones swim. Tha and I shepherding them. We waved goodbye from the water. We all got rinsed, up to dress for lunch.

Grilled cheese and chips! Catsup for Charlie's chips! Pickles, olives and peanut butter celery! Jaidee got most pieces of the latter. He loved them! Lots of cookies choices for us... not Jaidee.

Coffee and more cookies in the Library with Ali.

Email from Gerald... could they get married in late spring at Upperville? Nothing big, their friends and some of the oldest and best customers... maybe fifty folks. It was easy to say YES!!!

I had Ali send on Daniel and Flo's email addresses. Ali emailed Daniel and Flo a heads-up.

I emailed... talk with them, they will know what to do. Also to give us as much lead-time as possible so we could attend.

Gil forwarded from our New York PR lawyers a request from a reporter at the Wall Street Journal for an interview about the Fox takeover. A bit late... We weren't into doing some sort of `historical' piece with them. Especially them. I asked her to reply to the lawyers we weren't interested.

My idea to use recycled wood products to make weather protection `sleeves' for our newspapers so the used sleeves could be put into a mulch pile, totally bio-degradable, was being considered by Weyerhaeuser, the huge Pacific Northwest forest products company. The mix of the components I thought would be crucial to being both bio-degradable and affordable was put forward. We'll see.

Email from Achmed in Tehran. The Energy Ministry pleased with the start they had made. It was cold in the mountains, they were well equipped for that. The heavy snows had held off and none predicted in the near future. Excellent progress. More than one third of the installs done and the most difficult ones were behind them.

I replied my thanks for the hard work and perseverance in the cold.

Jasmin's report from her Madagascar stop was very encouraging. They were WOW'd by our products and the ability to have such powerful remote tools. The cost was a bit higher than a competitor but we offered much greater control and a more stable software/hardware pairing given our superior experience.

Plus they could manufacture some parts to save costs and create jobs locally. Our competitor cannot offer that erasing any advantage for being cheaper.

She was in Jakarta for a meeting in the morning with the Minister of Public Works. I liked her `I'm ready!'

I sent `Go Girl!'

Naomi, our Agusta-Westland turbo-engine specialist, had created a series of classes for the Seattle Cho-Fay Air maintenance hub. They would be a month long run of classroom and hands-on training at two levels. The basic one for new folks and an advanced for those who already were doing engine maintenance who we needed to go further to the highest certification level and possibly become trainers themselves.

The engine maker, Pratt & Whitney Canada, was in! They were sending factory folks with lots of materials. They also wanted to do a deal with us directly for new engines. A vastly improved version, more horsepower with faster acceleration!! We wanted them for replacement in all our AW139's. The new engines would be standard on the AW139's we received from Agusta after February first.

The management of Leonardo, Agusta-Westland's parent company, expressed interest taking part and sending employees. Kavat wanted to get an agreement in place soon. I sent him to some of our lawyers to get language on paper we and Leonardo would be satisfied with going forward. He was happy!

A by-the-way, his prospective in-laws were quite nice and they acted like he was a great choice for their daughter!!! My `I never doubted it' got me back a big red heart!

I did a bunch of things for Norma at News UK. She'd be pleased with me. Ali had some 21st Century Fox bits which we blew through.

Georgia sent me via Gil lots of Los Angeles The Day info which I skimmed until I got to the latest circulation numbers... we were over 250,000 newspapers SOLD every day. A great deal of the sales coming from the Los Angeles Times although we were creating loads of new buyers. They were up to thirty six pages of print each day.

Advertising was now covering the cost of running website and combined with copy sales and advertising nearing ninety percent of the print edition running costs!!!

Aston's news... Seattle's The Day circulation was level with the Seattle Times cutting the Times readership further each week. Just as Aston had said they would by Christmas!

The ads were paying the basic costs of the entire operation, print and online.

The series they started on the state Republican Party was nominated for several awards. Even better the republicans fund raising was drying up and membership down. Two elections for vacancies in the state legislature were resounding Democratic victories by huge margins. One in what had been a historically republican district. YES!!

Michael emailed he was going to do a trip to Algeria in late February or early March for a water proposal in the country's southwest. I said I'd want to go with... I would have Gil send him dates I could make.

Michael replied right away he was good with that, the Algerians were flexible about the date.

We'd talk when Michael and Karla here for New Year's Eve.

Francis nabbed a cookie as he sat down.

"Fay, I have the latest numbers from TrueRating... Cho is going to be thrilled. The service is near to breaking even!!! I expected it to take two years but the response has been so overwhelming... you know we greatly expanded the computer centre in Fox Tower... we need to do another expansion."

I gave him a thumbs up for that!

"The stock prices for the `former' big three rating companies are close to fifteen, twenty and twenty five percent of their former value. No one trusts them. They may all go bankrupt before summer. Or there could be buyouts and possible mergers but it won't stop TrueRating."

Fist bump! Cho was going to quite happy. His baby growing up rapidly. Just like the Twins!

Alex calling. I picked up.

"Fay, we did great in Seattle yesterday! They were quite impressed with our proposal... all of it!"

I cheered.

"They asked a lot of questions but we had the answers every time! It was obvious they could see we had scoped out their entire system and created a plan to capture more water than the city had ever considered possible.

We showed a web of small dams remotely controlled would add forty five percent more water to their system without any big new expensive dams. All of it costing less than half a big dam.

They were looking pretty happy when we left."

I congratulated Alex and his team for their work. He said the city water folks did not give a time-table for a decision but it would be in the early part of the new year.

I wished Alex a Happy Christmas and to pass on my congratulations.

Chani, Charlie and I walking up from the Stables as the crowd returned. Loud... `Popa's' across the Forecourt. Cho jumped out and ran towards them. Arms full of babies!

Charles was coming around the corner... in the right place at the right time! He started to shoot video! Great stuff.

Our guests came in happy, they got to see All Souls' Balliol' Brasenose' and Christ Church' colleges at Oxford University. A great lunch and the ladies did some shopping.

Tom had a Range Rover out front for me. Dayton, Dari and Mari joined me for the short drive to Sutton Courtenay. Dr. Ryles smiling, he was there at the gate.

"Your Ladyship, twice in one day..."

I laughed, introductions. "Our friend Dayton is a long time Orwell admirer... Mari was here with me earlier. So I offered Dayton a drive over."

We walked to the grave. Dayton paused... resting his hand on the weathered stone.

In a minute Mari drew her dad to the back... He looked up to me, his head nodding.

"Fay, you are amazing."

Dr. Ryles laughed, "Once the first stone was placed by her Ladyship... it picked up some momentum... the first sign said it was begun by Fay Martin then the current sign appeared. No one knows who made the signs."

Dari grinning, "A woman of mystery!"

Laughter in the graveyard.

Dr. Ryles waved goodbye as I backed out to go north. A right turn past Culham onto the Abingdon Road in the beginning dark.

I pointed out Denham School, I was explaining about it when a police car's flashing lights came on behind me. I turned left towards the Station Road to get off the busy Abingdon Road.

The PC came up to my window and asked to see my driving license... I didn't have any bag with me... so no license. The PC listened when I told him what we had been doing and that I lived just ten minutes away. I could show him my license at the house.

He asked for the vehicle registration which said Harcourt House... brought his torch up get a better look at me.

"Your ladyship, you should have said."

I smiled, "No, I am in the wrong."

"There's no citation for this if you are duly licensed."

He walked back to his car to use the radio. Dayton laughing beside me.

I said it hadn't even occurred to me since I drive so rarely.

The PC returned. "Your Ladyship, all is correct. Please in the future carrying your license."

I said I would. "Why did you stop me?"

"There was a hit and run accident in Abingdon earlier, a dark Range Rover hit a bicyclist. We didn't have a number plate."

"I hope no one was hurt."

"The bicyclist has a bit of scrapes and some considerable bruising, she was lucky."

He thanked me for being patient and wished us a good night. I thanked him.

I did a turnabout to get back on the Abingdon Road heading for Clifton Hampden and the Oxford Road to Nuneham Courtenay.

Cho got a laugh from my `experience.' He always has a wallet so he's never without his bits. A shrug from me.

We sent another group off to Cowley House. They'd have three days of the city. Passes to attractions and Tube cards waiting for them.

Candace was on her way back to us. She'd leave from Chalgrove this evening.

Montaigan was in-bound from Martinique. We'd have him for quite a few days then he would fly to Paris for visits with friends. Lucien and Augusta were ready for his arrival, happy they'd see him.

He'd go along to the school choir event again and his time would overlap with the Family like last year. They liked each other.

Our Seattle four were coming in the morning. Greg wanted to come early for the game, Kay and the boys didn't mind!!!!! Sunny was ready for her family!!

Candace... hugs. She had a lovely time in the city. Cowley House was amazing and the staff terrific. Andrea had taken Candace to the Tower of London and a few other East-End spots.

"Fay, it was very nice to walk out your front door to go to Parliament. I spent hours in Westminster Abbey. It was my first time there and wonderful.

I walked over to see Buckingham Palace and the other bits nearby then to Fortnum and Mason. I bought a lot so I grabbed a cab back. I also went to Harrods's for a short while... just buying a few things for friends."

She also went into Hyde Park for a chilly stroll along the Serpentine.

Montaigan smiling broadly as he stepped out of the car.

"Miss Martin, Cho!" He was hugged and shook hands. His coat off we walked to the `doors.'

Montaigan's smile even bigger when they were opened... "Aaaahhhh!!! Very Christmas!"

He met Candace. Then the Twins came running in...


They rushed over to greet him. His smile got bigger!

"Little ones... you are much bigger!"

Chani and Charlie smiling, together... "Bienvenue à notre plaisir de Noël!"

Hugs for both.

After lunch Montaigan and Cho were in the Garden with the Twins. Jaidee ball toss time.

I called Jasmin. The folks in Madagascar were `IN' so we'd get some contracts signed and make a start with a planning team to go there to meet with their water people. There were two primary locations involved and a good deal of preliminary work on the ground to be done by the Madagascar government.

Jasmin said the Indonesians were VERY interested. She felt sure they would go for the plan. Quite a few locations... once we had a deal we would meet with them to help them decide the priority of each. High on our list was earthquake and volcanic activity preparedness.

The entire archipelago was finding climate change causing disruptions to the normal weather cycles. Regions like Nusa Tenggara that used to be called Timor and others which have wide swings in available moisture will benefit immediately from water control.

There are international political issues regarding Timor which we wanted to be very careful about. This is a public value project so all would see a benefit. The Indonesians did not bring up the politics in Jasmin's meetings. That made Eric feel better. The religious complications in some provinces were quite enough for him.

Cho detoured Montaigan around to the pool before coming back to the Great Room. They joined Candace and I. We were chatting about the Apple deal. She was `pleased' with the cash... she'd need to get some tax advice about the money when she got home.

Drinks for us. Candace would be fed then flown! She laughed about that!

Montaigan asked about the Queen's Honours. We told him what happened during the whole visit and how the younger Royals got her going.

He was smiling, sipping his scotch.

"She appears to have decided with some help you two are worthy of special attention."

Cho with a grin, "Our horses running away with wins as she watched didn't hurt... also one of ours beat one of hers earlier in the year. She remembered it."

Montaigan smiled, "Maybe she thinks you two are doing other things that make you stand out from the crowd? Schools, clinics, shelters, big business deals, newspapers plus TV and now diplomacy..."

Montaigan gave me a look... raised eyebrows...

I smiled, "Her Majesty maybe over ninety... she is still quite sharp with her own sources of information. We go about doing our business in our own way... mostly the public hears about it after we're done.

She did say Charles was asked to do some looking and it's obvious the Foreign Minister was involved."

I shrugged.

"What hasn't been talked about is our ages... Cho's is `&#*@ years old..." my hand hiding my mouth, "... and I'm thirty."

Cho laughed out loud, "Damn... I'm not that old... forty six is not even middle age these days."

My `I'll help you cross the road, my dear' got laughs from everyone.

Montaigan said he did think thirty was young for this sort of honour. "Your Queen must have... as you said... been encouraged by the younger ones. They opened her eyes."

Sunny added "The young Princes were `cool' and well-liked by kids my age at school."

Carter at the door... We went in for dinner. Informal. It started with a delicious bouillabaisse. Small white corn cakes with Parmesan baked on the top to go along with the soup.

Grilled plaice in lemon butter sauce, mushroom risotto, broccoli Hollandaise. Little round dinner rolls, they had a nice crunch so soft inside!

Carter chose the Chateau Haut-Brion Blanc 2014 Pessac Bordeaux. Montaigan raised his glass to Carter with a smile. It was very tasty!

Lemon syllabub in tall glasses with long spoons, several chocolate dipped shortbread bars beside it. The Twins got theirs in bowls for easier eating. It went over very well!

Candace doing her own "Oliver Twist' with her empty syllabub glass. Carter said she could... Candace laughing...

"No... Thank you though. I've had enough but it was so good!"

By the fire afterwards we sipped espresso with either Amaretto or Remy Martel Louis XIII cognac. Sunny smiling at the Twins getting ready... hot chocolate to sip while they did a new puzzle on the carpet.

Montaigan's face as Chani and Charlie ploughed through the puzzle, a snap of Glaa winning the Breeder's Cup Classic last month. He watched them intently as they made decisions and talked together.

He looked up to me, a head shake, "Formidable!"

He did fist bumps with the Twins when they finished. Big laughs!

Glaa in the puzzle looked `formidable' ending his career unbeaten in three years of racing! It would be fair to say no horse was close when he crossed the finish line.

I walked Candace out to the car for Chalgrove. A hug, "Have a great rest of the holidays!" She wished us the same. I waved her car away.

The men and babies were gone. Carter2 said there had been yawns... I went up to kiss the babies goodnight. Tha and the men had done all the bedtime bits.

I sat on the carpet beside Jaidee doing a rub.

Montaigan saying he hadn't gotten a baby ready for bed in... forty years or more.

Laughing I added it to the experiences he was having with us. A grin!

Cho told Montaigan the history of southern Thailand and why it had been such horrible mess for so long. Our effort to change that succeed because both sides gave in enough to allow the other find a space to move forward.

My, "Once they sat down it was only a matter of simple understanding the benefits of coming to agreement and doing some compromising on their own interests to benefit the whole. It was tough but obvious.

The people of the south celebrating after the agreement was announced was immediate payment for the insurgent leaders and a warning to any holdouts."

I was in mid-rub on Jaidee as I said that... my stopping got the Choco Boy to lift his head to wonder why... Back to work for me.

Gaby, Ken and Gil with me this morning. Colder and a heavy frost! We crossed the Oxford Road onto Baldon Lane. We walked around Marsh Baldon heading northeast towards Garsington. Over the Lower Road to Pettiwell Street which we followed into the village. Up The Hill to Wheatley Road and Garsington Primary. Another nice looking Church of England school.

We tied our horses to shrubs near the front entrance. Going in a woman at the desk greeted us.

"Your Ladyship, welcome."

I thanked her. I asked for the Headteacher. A nice face on a trim body appeared from an office doorway. She and I introduced ourselves, I did my folks too.

We sat in her study. She was watching me... I assumed the knowledge of my visits had been shared by neighbouring headteachers. So I got right to it.

Gil handed me a cheque for three thousand £'s.

"You have three students whose parents work for us... This is a donation in their names and ours to the school. There are no conditions attached. If you could send us a letter saying how you spent it that would be nice. No details just say you bought paper or for building repairs and such."

I was thanked, "My Lady, a school always needs repairs," a big smile.

I took the the letter of credit from Gil.

"This line of credit at the Oxford Computer Store can be used for anything they sell, repair time too," a smile from me. She laughed.

"You and Sir Cho are so wonderful to help schools this way..." a cute smile, "... we do envy St. Thomas' being close to you."

I nodded, "We are spreading our wings this year as you see."

"All our students will benefit."

I asked for a tour. It was a bit larger school. I looked in several classrooms, waving to the kids at their desks. There was a group on the playground running about laughing and yelling.

The `Head' being there did get some to quiet down. One girl came over. She said her dad worked at the Garden Centre. We shook hands.

"Everyone calls him `Sarge' over there."

I said I knew him and was glad to meet her.

As we walked our horses back through the village Gaby asked about `Sarge.'

"He's an assistant manager there, one of the people Dave is training to possibly take over when he leaves."

We had several good gallops beside fields on our way home. Out of Marsh Baldon we went south across to our land by Kate's. Then a rousing run to the Stables. Roland getting to properly stretch his legs! Wonderful! Roland did a big whinny at the end!

In the Breakfast Room Cho and Montaigan were reading the morning newspapers. The Twins had gone up already... more arts and crafts for Christmas.

The men got my tale of our ride to Garsington. Montaigan smiling over my `Father Christmas' visits to schools.

I said it seemed simple enough that if we supported education we'd have citizens better prepared to take part willingly in choosing their elected representatives. Which we hoped would yield better people running for office.

Montaigan nodded, "One would hope so."

I filled my plate a second time. Montaigan pointing out I still had a healthy appetite... I shook a leg with `making more room.' A huge laugh!

We had new arrivals of several sorts. Our Seattle family and Christophe, Gaby's brother. Graeme was coming down for an overnight to meet Christophe, Gaby too and see Montaigan. All paratroopers!

I got Gil and Ali in the Library to work until the new folks came. I answered News UK things for Norma and Foundation ones for Jian and Rona. Gil had a bunch of things for Denham School's application to government and foundations sent on by Jasmine.

We crossed the T's and dotted the I's for a while with a call to Richard for some info. Gil said she could finish... Ali had 21st Century Fox items. Not too many. She also had the follow on for the Big `V' in Los Angeles.

We owned the building! Several contractors would meet with Adonna today and the city government part was started. No one thought there would any problems for permits it was a mixed neighbourhood of housing and businesses. The Big `V' in New York had a terrific reputation. My name associated surely won't hurt.

The new location wasn't going to be marketed as being a `gay' spot but rather friendly to all who appreciate a nice place for a good time. Jayne is working on possible entertainers who might like to be at an opening extravaganza.

Jayne would go to Los Angeles in January for a look see and search for a manager. I hooked her up with Magenta of LAhires to do some preliminary work on that. A general manager and several others for the top level. I suggested she ask some of the existing staff in New York if they wanted to try Los Angeles... at least for a while... she would.

Depending on the interior work we could be open this summer!

Ali had some more newspaper things for our west coast The Day papers. They were booming along!

Gil got a text... Christophe's flight from Toulouse is on approach to Chalgrove. Graeme said he'd be here before lunch so...

Cho and Montaigan had walked down to the Stables with a stop on Harcourt Close on the way back. They were coming across the Forecourt as the car from Chalgrove rolled in.

Gaby and I walked out the front door.

Fin opened the door to a uniformed Christophe who came to attention and saluted Montaigan. That brought out a big smile and his hand extended.

"I did not expect to see a member of 3e RPIMa at an English country home."

He turned to Cho and I, "This young man is from a regiment I commanded many years ago."

Christophe said he had been in the Honour Guard in 2015 to welcome the General to their base in Carcassonne.

Montaigan got that this sharp looking officer was the brother to Gaby on our Protection Team. He shook Gaby's hand. He found out she had been in 1e RPIMa prior to joining us.

Gaby and Christophe had a big hug!

By the fireplace we sat to talk. Gaby and Christophe gave Montaigan a brief history of themselves and their family. I told him we had stopped to visit with their family near Bergerac in November.

Carter2 came to the doorway.

"My Lady, your cousin has arrived."

I went out to the front... Graeme stepped out of his nifty blue MG. Hug!!

Lucas took his coat, gloves... a wink... he kept his beret.

In the Great Room he was introduced to Montaigan... Graeme snapped to a very `correct' salute. Montaigan grinned and thanked Graeme. Handshake!

Graeme was introduced to Christophe and Gaby.

I got his beret to give to Carter2... he was smiling.

Montaigan sitting with a smile, "It is nice to be saluted by such young fellows... " a finger pointing to me, "You arranged this?"

I said Cho and I had! Laughter.

Graeme said it was great to meet fellow paratroopers motioning to our three French folks. Graeme's French was quite good, excellent pronunciation.

Charlie and Chani came in from the Stables. They had ridden and cared for Iris. They got a big welcome from Graeme. They met Christophe again.

Both said hello to him in French. A smile... he remembered they were good French speakers from the Bergerac visit.

Everybody heard about how lovely Iris is and she ate mints from their hands.

Carter came to the door shortly so we went in.

Grilled Ahi tuna with a sweet wasabi aioli, broccoli and potato casserole in round dishes covered with a flaky pastry tops, bread from Maxine. All very good!! The tuna tender and tasty.

Strawberry Trifle for dessert! A big hit with everyone. The Twins grinning as they ate it all!

Sipping coffee in the Great Room. Cho got our guests to hang their Christmas ornaments. Chani beside `cousin' Graeme giggling as there was a spot of indecision about which branch... All done!

We talked about the holidays, what Montaigan was going to take part in with us. Graeme's family would be here in a few days from Scotland.

The `paratroopers' moved into the Library to have a talk about their experiences. Lucas went in with a coffee tray.

I had an email from Coral. She was back in New York after her time in Paris at the Champs-Elysees store and scouting for clothing makers. She said there were two good choices, Madame Tallard's in Saint-Denis and Landy Costumes nearby in Aubervillers. Both north of Paris suburban locations.

They had experience in doing what we wanted and good reputations. Her email included the contact information for both companies. I tasked Gil with getting appointments with the principals at both locations and Francis to do a dive into their financials, business reputations, etc...

Gil texted Penn about a flight to Le Bourget and cars. Penn was sending a Gulfstream to Chalgrove overnight to be on stand-by.

Thanks to Zoé, our Paris real estate agent, a shop on Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine in Quartier de la Bastille was leased. A bit bigger than the current Champs-Elysees boutique on a terrific street with amazing foot traffic. It wasn't as large as the new building on Champs-Elysees but the location was terrific!

The current Mirabelle store was doing very well, a constant stream of clothes crossing the Atlantic and going out the door!! Coral quite excited about the new stores and even more when I told her that Carmen in Los Angeles had several possible storefronts to lease in the Rodeo Drive neighbourhood.

Carmen was looking in several other areas of the city where our type `buyers' might be found like western Santa Monica, Silver Lake. I asked her to bring Callie into the discussion so she could evaluate the locations for suitability. Ali had sent Callie drawings and snaps of the current Champs-Elysees shop.

I had asked Raphaela last week to send me two suits and two cocktail dresses that were selling well as samples. Gil smiling at my anticipation of Coral's information. They were to arrive today via DHL.

Gil sat beside me, "Fay, I have appointments for you with the owners of both businesses tomorrow morning. I used your name to get their attention... both sort of `jumped' at meeting you."

I smiled, "May be I'm getting some use from the `promotion!' Cho will laugh." Fist bump!

A text binged in to Gil... the Cho-Fay flight from Seattle was on the ground. Yea!

Gil let Cho and Tha know. Sunny would be home from school in an hour or so.

The Twins in the Great Room waiting... Cho and I at the door as the car doors opened.

Sam and Artie jumping out! Yells of hello as they rushed to us! Hugs and kisses for everybody! My arm linked with Kay's walking in.

At the `doors' they were ready... AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They loved it! The Twins calling out Happy Christmas and woofs from Jaidee!! Kay's eyes on mine after being greeted by Chani with `Aunt Kay' and wide open arms.

We huddled at the fireplace. I sat with Artie and Sam. They were stoked to be here especially now they were older and able to appreciate the house. They wanted to explore!

Artie with Sam put up the family Christmas ball.

Sam and Charlie sitting talking was cute.

Greg's arm over my shoulders, "So you two have had an eventful holiday so far! What's next?"

"Nothing but fun I hope!"

The `paratroopers' came out to meet the family! Graeme met them all last year as had Montaigan. Carter had some Taittinger's out to toast the newcomers. Fin did his Shirley Temples. A warm toast for the holidays!

We sat to talk about what was coming for the house. The Twins went out all dressed up, Sam and Artie joined them with Jaidee. Tha grinning back to us through the glass as she closed the doors. The Twins running across the grass with a brown dog and cousins.

Francis beside me, "Fay, both French companies are sound financially, well regarded in the business. Madame Tallard's could be the better... also they might be open to a buyout if you wanted to go that far. Madame Tallard is seventy nine, she has a few known health issues... I mean widely known in the industry, it was easy information gathering."

"Okay. We'll go to both but concentrate on Tallard's to purchase."

A loud yell from Sunny as she ran into a big hug fest. She was happy to have her family here.

"I do have to go out to do some work with Plotline... you can watch if you want."

During drinks I told everyone I'd be making a fast trip to Paris in the morning for business. A few hours.

Francis and Gil were coming with me.

Afters was fun with Chani and Charlie showing us an art project of theirs. They had shared making a picture of a house in the snow, smoke coming from the chimney and a reindeer looking in a window. It was both original art and some of the Christmas stickers I bought in Oxford.

It was wonderful! They signed it `C&C' very cute. Clapping brought out very sweet smiles from them.

Cho asked Tha to mount it on some firm backing so we could put it up. I suggested asking Ellie's help.

My morning ride was early as usual also shortened. Just a romp around the Sci Ctr and home. Roland in his usual form, fast and wonderful!

It was to be chilly so I chose a light gray wool frock, oval neckline, long sleeves, to mid-thigh, a wide black belt and black stockings, heels and Cho's black onyx jewellery. Red nail and lips. `Joy'

A dark gray cloche hat with a black ribbon band and a red poppy on the band. The Coach black camel's hair coat, the Hermès Harcourt Racing scarf was my `colour' spot and black gloves.

The car to Chalgrove and the Gulfstream in a fast trip to Le Bourget. A car there for us three, PJ and Gaby. First stop in Saint-Denis west of the Stade de France off Rue Ambroise Croizat. Madame Tallard herself greeted us inside the front door. Cheeks kissed, we were escorted to her office up on the first floor. Her niece, Eugenie and another woman joined us.

I introduced my people. Gaby being French was noted, she said she was from the Dordogne when asked... Madame's grandmother was also. She knew of Gaby's family, they were well regarded.

I told her what I was looking for... a quality maker of clothes for Mirabelle's designs. I emphasized the quality aspect. Her eyes on me... shining with excitement...

Madame handled the samples, looking at the cloth, the stitching all over, zippers... Looking up at Eugenie who was smiling and nodding.

"Mademoiselle Martin, we can do the work for you!"

I liked the flat statement! So I went further...

"We would also like to explore our company purchasing Madame Tallard's... the entire operation."

Madame and Eugenie exchanged glances which told me a lot!

"I would discuss that with you... I will have some conditions..."

"You do not have to make any commitment now. We have a valuation of the business and any of your conditions we would be happy to consider."

Coffee was brought in... as it was setup I stood with Madame, "So you know I usually make up my mind rather quickly so if you could say what your conditions are..." I opened my hands towards her...

She said she wanted Eugenie to stay as she helps pay her way through school and other things with her salary. There were some senior women she would want to also stay until they reached retirement, a few more `conditions' I considered minor... easy to agree to them all!

We sat with our coffees...

"If we do buy I don't want to change anything, it all works quite well now. In fact, if you are agreeable I would like you to stay as the `patron' until we could hire a suitable person. We would pay what you take from the business now and a percentage above that we negotiate."

Those dark eyes were very bright now... an intake of breath, "Mademoiselle, I like that. I want you to know my health has been an issue for me so I would like to work less. Because of that I recently had a valuation of the business done with an eye to selling."

She gave me a look, appraising , then quoted her price. I smiled, leaned over with my hand out, "DONE!"

She lit up.

"Oh Mademoiselle, that is music to me!" She considered for a few seconds... in English, "I will make a `deal' with you."

We all laughed. Eugenie`s face was bright like her aged aunt's.

I found out Madame was her great-aunt. The family wasn't large and not very close. I knew Madame Tallard was the sole owner so she could dispose of it in any manner she pleased.

I said Francis would work with her avocat to do the details.

We hugged and kissed cheeks.

"This is a good day."

Holding Madame's hand I reached out to Eugenie.

Somewhat disingenuously since I already knew thanks to Francis' work, "Mademoiselle what are you studying at university?"

"It is a business course for management and accounting... " she looked at me, "... you are thinking I might be the `next' manager???"

I smiled, "Yes!"

Madame's hand squeezed mine. Eugenie looked up at the ceiling... a smile.

"You couldn't have a better teacher... You know the people... I know managing' them is a different relationship but you would have time to make yourself over as the patron' for that."

She looked to me, "I would like to do it."

A handshake, firm with a grin!

So Madame work on Eugenie's skills as the niece continued to attend classes.

We walked towards the shop floor, Eugenie used the tannoy to gather all the employees at the back in a large open space near the loading dock.

Madame Tallard introduced me, "Everyone this is the Countess Harcourt, Miss Fay Martin, she has come... she is going to buy the company. You will be making clothes for her stores... Mirabelle here in France and other places."

I said hello... the faces were of all ages, dark and light skin, all colours of hair... their looks were mixed. Some questioning, some worried and some excited.

"Mirabelle stores are owned by myself and Madame Coral in New York. We have a small store on the Champs-Elysees for the holiday trade. It is doing very well... sales are one hundred and fifteen percent higher than we hoped so we need clothes.

Everything is coming from New York, we want you to take over!! All our styles are simple, well made and affordable."

I did a slow spin.

"This is made for me and for the stores."

I stepped down and moved close. Gil came with me holding the two samples. The ladies touched, looked at the work. I could hear them say they thought it was just the sort of thing they do.

"As you see these are well constructed, not glitzy..." That got a laugh.

"What we want is just as you see. Good clothes that last, reasonable prices!"

I said there were no plans to change anything, even Madame Tallard would stay for a while with a reduced work load. We liked what they did and wanted it for ourselves.

A lot more excited faces. I said they could see more on the Mirabelle website.

"We are moving the Champs-Elysees store down the street a short distance to a bigger location. We are opening an entirely new store on Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antione in the spring."

That got a buzz going... they talked amongst themselves, very positive, smiles, nodding heads.

"We may open in London in the summer. So we need a lot of stock for our stores. We only sell clothes, no shoes or jewellery, etc..."

Standing in the middle of them smiling, "What I want is this suit..." I held up the sapphire blue suit "... to say Mirabelle, Paris and `sewn by Madame Tallard's' on the label."

They applauded! Big smiles! No worried looks, all gone. They knew their jobs were safe and there'd be more work.

I said after the sale is completed we will be back to tell you of the various things we will add as `Avantages' for you all. In the meantime Madame Tallard will be working with Francis..." my hand out to him, "... to finish the arrangements for the sale.

A Joyeux Noël and a Bonne Année to you all. It will be a Bonne Année of many new and exciting things!!"

They applauded. I shook hands kissing some cheeks! A lot of happy women!!

Upstairs Eugenie grinning, "Miss Martin you know..." in English, "... `how to work a crowd.' That is the right phrasing... Yes?"

I squeezed her hand, "Yes! I always try not to complicate when speaking in public. Hit hard on the points you want to make."

Madame Tallard beside me, "I... I... I am pleased we have met. You are a famous person but so nice... a business woman I can see."

I thanked her, "Being nice is easy... I have a loving husband, beautiful children and excellent friends making my life rich in pleasures. I have a restless mind so going about doing things always appeals. This has been lovely but I do have another appointment."

We hugged and kissed cheeks all around. The ladies knew Francis and Ali would be in and out. Francis explained that Ali worked for me and was his wife.

Once the sales was closed I said Coral and/or her assistant Raphaela would be here from New York after the holidays. They were to be in and out of Paris during the build-outs of the new stores.

They would want to talk fabrics, timing, etc... soon, on the phone and email.

Madame was excited too! Another hug before we went to the cars.

It was only fifteen minutes to the next stop in Aubervillers. Off the Rue Heurtault, a large two story building looking like a post-war structure. Landy Costumes had moved here forty years before, an old Nineteenth Century family concern that had been purchased by Marcelle F. fifteen years back. She was still a young looking woman at forty six.

We shook hands and kissed cheeks in her entryway. The staff looking a bit wide-eyed. I said hello to them, handshakes.

In Marcelle's office I got right to it.

"We need more clothing made for Mirabelle... we want to contract with you."

I handed the samples to her and her chief assistant. They had a good look as Madame Tallard and Eugenie had.

Marcelle turned to me, "We can do this work. It is the sort of garments we do all the time. Good tight stitching! No fabric waste!"

I gave her an idea of the amount we'd be looking for from her company. Her face quiet as she did some calculations...

"We have the capacity... not all the time because of other clients but we could..."

I let her know we are expanding so the demand would rise. The store on the Champs-Elysees was moving to a building with five times the space plus the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine store and the addition of other locations across Europe in the summer.

I also told her we were buying another manufacturer here in Paris for the same work and what I had given her was to be her company's portion of our requirements.

Big eyes! Those eyes got bigger when I asked for her to consider our investing in the company, buying a large percentage but leaving her as the majority shareholder.

"You would want a greater share of our output?"

"No and yes! We'd be interested in the company's expansion to cover our needs. We want the quality you do for our clothing... we don't want to change your work but get you to do more. We'd get what we want and you continue to do the work for others you have been doing."

I saw an `AH!' moment. Then a smile. "So your investment pays for the expansion and we both benefit! I like this idea."

"Good. What we need is for you to have a `firm' valuation of the company so you can decide how much you are willing to sell. We'd like to go as high as forty-five percent or even more so the sum of our investment is large enough for expansion and you have a cushion."

Marcelle grinned at the cushion.

Okay she'd have her avocat get to work on the valuation. We shook hands!

I said until any expansion could be done we'd take as much output as they would be able to do for us. I told her Coral and Raphaela would be in Paris to work on the new stores so she'd get to meet directly with them about what they would make for us.

"I am sure they will be in touch directly soon to make a start on our needs".

Francis asked Marcelle to send their standard contract and he'd get any additions prepared so could negotiate a final deal for the manufacturing. If her avocat had any questions he could contact Francis directly about either the contracts or the investment.

Hugs and kisses. Marcelle was pleased saying it was wonderful to have met me and done business in a straight forward manner. Fist bump... after a brief tutorial which made her laugh. I said try it on your son! A big grin!

Off to Le Bourget. Twenty five minutes after take-off we were on final approach to Chalgrove.

In flight I got in a call to Coral giving her the good news. She was ecstatic! She had spoken to Carmen in Los Angeles about the storefronts there. I said I thought the one in the courtyard opposite Hermès was the better choice. It was officially' a Rodeo Drive address and in a very nice sized space. The courtyard was quite handsome, I'd walked through on one of my shopping trips. There were plenty of shops around for a buyer to accessorize' any purchase from us.

Coral was `IN!' Okay!

I asked Gil to get Carmen to nail it down for us. Thumbs up!

I stepped out of Prasert's car to loud "Mama's" on the forecourt like Cho had! Wonderful to hug the babies. Inside... it was too chilly to stay out.

Cho's eyes on mine as I told him how I was spending money. A cute smile, a kiss... the smile broader when I asked for more. Chani and Charlie giggling next to us.

We went in to the others in the Great Room. Charlie said he and Chani were going up to work on their projects. Tha laughing as she led them to the stairs.

Cho said they'd had their lunch, "Our turn!"

I apologized to our guests for delaying the meal. They all laughed.

In the Dining Room I gave them all my morning's work. Montaigan asking about the clothes... I stood up and did a spin.

"This is one! The ladies in Paris got to see the samples and were both impressed and assured me they could do the very same quality. So we have a big advance for our European stores."

Graeme holding my arm afterwards walking to the Great Room, "Fay, you always amaze me with all the varied things you get up to. Now you are a retailer too."

"Yes! The opening in Paris was great! It was funny to see Cho in the Mirabelle on the Champs-Elysees getting crowded out by the ladies. He de-camped to the Apple store down the block."

We laughed. I asked about the `paratroopers' meeting. Graeme said Montaigan was very interested in the diverse activities of the British and French elite forces around the world these days.

"He was saddened to hear of the losses we suffered in such `battles' since they were essentially nameless places where the families will never visit. Not that he wanted any more grand monuments to dead soldiers... it was more like our fighting didn't seem to accomplish much. I have to agree.

My men's efforts in Afghanistan do not appear to have brought any peace there... only further warfare. The Americans are mired there... tough decisions about when to leave.

Unlike you and Cho in southern Thailand. That is so good!"

We hugged.

"In the south they'd already had years of bloodshed to no avail... ending it in a fair manner was the only course besides continued useless conflict. Did you see any of the video from the south when the Narathiwat deal was announced?"

"Yes! The people were over the moon!"

"That was the point... they wanted peace and the insurgents knew that but couldn't get over the hump with the Thai government... that is where we played a part. Some pushing... at both ends!"

"So are you two prepared to be Nobel Peace Prize holders?"

I shook my head, "I told Cho if it happens... he does the speech."

We laughed! Cho looked over and I repeated it. That magnificent head shaking `it isn't a done deal and I haven't agreed.'

More laughing by us. And my noting another sentence with multiple contractions!

The paratroopers' would sit again for a bit because Montaigan wanted to ask more questions. He said to me he wasn't in government but he could use his influence within the military to bring attention to the need for changes. I said go to it!'

Cho and I went riding. We took Tara, Tessa and Penny plus Ken. A visit to the Wittenham Clumps, Round Hill and a farmer.

South past the Sci Ctr then over the Abingdon Road to Clifton Hampden High Street. Cho was grinning, it was his first school social call with me. Clifton Hampden C of E Primary school.

The headteacher smiling as we came in the door. Her office was too small for all to get in. Cho and I gave her a cheque for two thousand £'s and a letter of credit to the Oxford Computer Store.

Boy was she pleased. We were thanked many times. A hug. Introductions to some of her staff

We waved a goodbye.

Onward to the bridge over the Thames, we paralleled the High Street then looped around it in Long Wittenham to the primary school. They had one student child of a worker of ours. The headteacher was thrilled we'd visit and give them money.

"Your Ladyship, all our students will benefit. Thank to you both for them."

We shook hands.

As Cho gave me a knee up he was laughing, "I know why you do this... it's all the thank you's."

I laughed too. Looking down with his hand in mine, "Yes that's true... because the thank you's say so much more."

Cho squeezed my hand.

We rode alongside the trees on the Little Wittenham Road all the way into the village. We crossed out to the grassy hill and up to the top of Round Hill. Cho asked some questions. He got that the area had been used and re-used from the Iron Age onward... long before the Celts and Romans.

We went on to the Brightwell Barrow.

Then we headed to the farm yard of our `difficult' farmer. I led us into the yard and up to the house. A woman came out, I asked to speak to her husband. She seemed interested in us but not apprehensive.

I said to Cho when she went back inside there still wasn't a sign about `no riders.'

The farmer came out... he didn't look happy, his wife had a wondering look on her face.

Cho and I slid down with Tara and Tessa.

"Do you remember us?"

He nodded.

"I am Fay Martin, this is my husband Cho. I just wanted you to know while we didn't appreciate your attitude the last time we were here I came back to say we won't hold a grudge."

"Your Ladyship... I'm sorry for the way I acted. I couldn't explain then because you made it clear my acting the way I did was seen as a threat. I apologize for that."

"Why the reaction?"

"The week before some young riders crossed through but unlike yourselves they went over my fields not around. They did damage to crops... and a fence. They acted as if our farm didn't matter to them. Again I'm sorry for being the way I was."

"You still haven't posted a sign..."

"True... I keep meaning to. I don't want to appear hostile... you're right though I have no reason to complain about riders if I don't."

Cho shook his hand.

"So you know these women and men are our Protectors. They are always armed and will act to keep us safe. Using your fork as you did could get you hurt..."

I had been watching the farmer's wife, her face had gone through several permutations... now knowing her husband threatened me with his tool made her face go to anger.

"Fred, put up a sign! I'll not have you dead behind your not willing to do it!!"

He nodded.

I told him we might be by with other riders, I liked bringing visitors to the `Clumps' on Round Hill, the view was terrific and going on to Brightwell Barrow.

"We'll go around yours if you like but we never cross fields."

"No your Ladyship, you act respectfully so please come through. I'll post a sign but please ignore it."

"If you post a sign we will go around because it wouldn't right for us to pass over your property when you want others to not do so."

He shook his head, "See this is what I didn't want."

"Well... we don't want you to post a sign that says no riders allowed except those from Harcourt House.' We will respect your wishes whichever way you choose. Maybe a sign saying Please only ride on the grass edges of the fields' would work."

Fred nodded a smile for my idea.

We turned to go... `Fred' thanked us come coming to talk, "Your Ladyship, it has been on my mind... what I did. I was too ashamed to tell the wife as you see."

"Good! We have relived that burden."

We all laughed even his wife. I shook her hand, "Don't be too hard on him."

She smiled, "Well Your Ladyship... he deserves a piece of my mind but I'll not seeing as you are so nice to him."

`Fred' shook my hand again with another thank you.

Cho smiling as we remounted. We walked through as we had the last time with waves to the couple.

Cho's head shaking, "I bet he still gets a piece of her mind."

I agreed, "He should... but not too much."

We all laughed.

We finished the ride with a terrific gallop across the grass. Rebel loving it! Everybody caught up on the Flats. Smiles and fist bumps!

Walking up to the House Cho's arm over my shoulders, "I see making friends is still one of your skills."

"Well... I could have had Tara shoot him the first time..."

Cho roared with laughter. He was still chuckling as we entered the Great Room. Our guests got the story. Montaigan grinning, "Mission accomplished."

"Yes, it worked out quite nicely."

The Twins, Sam and Artie in the Garden with Sunny and Tha romping. We could see them running around with Jaidee. Kay's arm around my waist watching our kids..

"Fay, those two are quite special. It is both wonderful and unnerving to have a conversation with Chani. She speaks so well... zapping me with Thai whenever she thinks it's fun."

I had to laugh at that. The Twins besides everything else had quite a sense of humour already!

I squeezed down on Kay's arm, "We have a specialized recruitment firm and the psychologists who tested the Twins looking for a tutor for them. Tha is tremendous with them, she very capable of doing all the socializing they need, she's clever and intuitive.

We believe someone with more advanced skills is needed to maximize the Twins abilities. We'll see what they find.

It will be a challenging position, anyone would have to be able to deal with the Twins and us."

A big cheesy grin! Kay laughed out loud.

"I can see the latter part being the most difficult!" Lots more laughing.

Kay turned we were facing... "One of the best things you both have going is you are both happy people. Like just now... you laugh a lot. There's a wonderful sense of play between you two which carries over into everyday life."

I kissed her cheek, "It helps that we are so well matched, have wonderful kids and there is so much money! We literally have no financial worries... except how to spend it."


Carter2 came in with Fin and Stanton carrying tea things with goodies. YEA! The first stollen!! Fruit cake too. I gave everybody the low-down on both of those!

"We were lucky to find out our first Christmas here that Carla our head cook was a maker of that wonderful German stollen. I helped a housekeeper when I was young make it for us so I had a taste for it."

The kids all came in! Hugs and kisses as we removed their outer wear things! Food! Charlie with a small piece of stollen... big eyes!!

"It's good?"

A grin and a fist bump with some powdered sugar!

Christophe had a big grin too after a bite of stollen. "This tastes wonderful, the fruit and nuts!"

I gave him a thumbs up!

I had two pieces of shortbread then there was one... Ah! A shortbread thief! My own daughter! Chani giggling as she chewed a bite... a small shower of crumbs.

"Okay cutie! Mouth closed to chew."

She covered her mouth... more giggles. Everybody joining in!

After dinner Greg and I went to the Wargame Room. Jerrold and Mr. Hardy joined us. We talked about some overall game things. Some of my `unofficial' rules and ideas were reviewed, we'd agreed on them already but reviewing is good.

Mr. Hardy and I moved to Francis' office to let them have some private talk time over the map board.

Since it was an all `historic' setup on the frontlines and the scenario victory conditions were well defined... it was obvious the Germans would have to try to make the same breakthrough as the originals attempted. They needed to capture personnel centres... only one was possible.

We were to go ahead as planned, slowly give ground making the Germans grind their way through several lines of fortifications. Once they were committed we'd strike. A `Boom!' from Mr. Hardy. We both laughed.

Jerrold and Greg could meet whenever as Jerrold's school term was over. Jerrold was to take snaps of the game board when we were all setup and during play. He was a very good amateur photographer.

Charles stuck his head in the Wargame Room on occasion to take snaps for the New Year's show. He came down with us for...

The Hay Ride! It was too much for the Twins but all us ladies and older kids went down. The Cottons were the `front' folks again this year. The Dan's, father and son, managing Boxer and Rosie pulling the cart piled high with straw.

I gave Mary a hundred £'s for us all and a donation. We hopped aboard on the south bound run. Sunny up to the top with her friends, she pulled Artie along. Phailin, Kanda and Kay with me on one side our legs dangling. Sam next to me with a big grin holding my hand.

At the end of the village the Dan's did a turnaround we headed northward. Mary was walking beside us, we talked a bit about St. Thomas' school bits and pieces.

Artie called to Sam who checked with Kay before going up on the hay further. Us older' folk stayed on until we'd passed the house drive then slipped off. Sunny said she wanted to stay a while longer... Artie asked to stay with his sister... Sam too. Kay winked at me pretending' to consider the question... some imploring... a "yes.' Yea!

Kay did give them a `not too much more' ending!

About an hour later... in time to wash up for dinner the three siblings came into the Great Room. Kay grinning, "Have fun?"

They did, the boys met some folks their age. Sunny got to see all her friends. A good deal.

Goodnights' all around by the Twins. Tha ahead of us getting things ready. Cho and I carrying the pumpkins' up. Nightclothes , kisses and hugs.

All the big people were going up soon too.

Jaidee sitting up in his bed looking at me... I'd stepped from my Dressing Room in the `black silk robe' starkers underneath... letting one shoulder slowly slip down... Cho by the bed grinning.

He slid in holding the bed clothes up... beckoning... I let the robe be governed by gravity...

I slid across the sheet going for cock!! My daily quest to see... touch... taste!

Sucking Cho's cock!!! My greedy mouth got him wet quickly the lovely cockhead to came out to play! What an agreeable cock, warm, wet, delicious! Cho's moans told me my attention to his piss slit was on target! A sopping wet cock gliding through my fingers as I pinned it to his belly... I dove for balls!

I made loud popping sounds as I sucked each in then let them pop out.

Sucking balls, stroking cock, a solo wet finger reached his anus... the triple play of going down! I got to enjoy it for a while... WHOA! Cho turned us around and my pussy was licked! OH Shit! He knew what I needed.

I was burying my nose in the wet balls. HhhhhhhhMmmmmmm So good. Cho laughed as I deep throated that wonderful spear thing making lots of noises.

"Fay is to be fucked now!"

I was laughing as Cho spread me out, my legs wide, my hands behind my knees I lifted!

Cho glided in! A slow slide before his wet balls slapped onto my ass. What a fabulous feeling. With each stroke they bounced off my skin making a delightful noise!

Cho's smooth delivery of cock had me at fever pitch quickly.

Each time he was in to the hilt, powerful strokes. Cho leaned forward to get a kiss, my legs wrapped around him. NO Shit!!! His hips so strong, so well-developed, such stamina. Every stroke delivered pleasure to my insides.

Flipped over... Cho behind sliding inside! He resumed FUCKING! Roaming hands, my nipple my bars tugged and twisted lightly sending jolts of pleasure into me.

He never slackened driving his cock in deep! Heaven on earth!!

Flat on my belly, Cho moved up. AAAAAAHHHHHH... a whole new angle which felt so good. The burn, a good burning!

Cho pushed me to my orgasm, it came STRONG like a flood up through me! The heat sweeping me up.

SHIT SHIT SHIT Stunning orgasm!!!!!!

"It feels so good inside you as you cum!! You squeeze so tight!"

Cho gave me no rest! Cho lifted my hips for more. Damn... Cho knows how to do this! In his grip... his hips moving like a piston powered machine... Oh FUCK... I was orgasming again!

Damn I was so HOT!

Cho kept going... I felt his strokes shorten... faster... quick and hard. He was cumming. What a man!!

I loved feeling his cum shoot inside me, the pulse of his cock Very passionate!! I collapsed from the intensity of our explosions!

I felt his weight on my back I relaxed myself on the sheets. Oh Shit!

Cho's chest against me. A pile of spent flesh. So well fucked was I!!!! Cho's soft, little kisses on my shoulders and neck... very sweet.

We came down slowly... Cho pulled the duvet up so we were warm and cuddly. Cho lifted... I turned over. My arms snaked around him, my thighs rubbing gently on him. Kisses... lots of kisses!

My hand slid through his hair V E R Y S L O W L Y! A gentle scalp rub.

"Your Ladyship says... I've been well and truly fucked, Sir Cho!"

We laughed!! More kissing!

"Countess, was this better than the other day?"

"No! It was equal... you always give the very finest fucks, Sir Cho!"

I said it was my turn to get the water... I made a pit-stop then to the small fridge.

Cool water going down my throat... I nudged Cho... Jaidee was watching... we grinned at each other. Cho moved a bit then called our boy up... he was in-between like a shot!!

Rubbing commenced! We had a blissed out puppy in short order! We gave him a good rub and Cho carried his limp bod to bed.

Strong arms pulled me back to warm skin, a squeeze... I was asleep in seconds.

Sunny with me, Tara and Penny alongside going up the slope towards the Sci Ctr... the sun just up. Cold and clear! Frosty edges all around.

We warmed up then a good gallop to the lock. Our friends in place, `good mornings' exchanged. We crossed over turning to the north through a car park to Audlett Drive. We walked around a cricket ground to the front of St. Edmund's Catholic Primary.

At the door a woman opened it for us. The headteacher was Sister Mary-Anne. We sat in her office after introductions.

"You have a young fellow here who is the son of one of our workers. We want to make a donation to the school in his family's name and ours."

I handed her a cheque for a thousand £'s... huge eyes! I added the line of credit on the Oxford Computer Store.

"We place no limits on what you spend the money or the credit on but request a letter saying in the most general terms what you did purchase. Like a roof repair or a computer or printer toner, etc..."

Sister Mary-Anne was thrilled. She did ask why her school.

"I've been visiting schools around the area where our employees children attend doing the same thing. I've just gotten around to you."

I named some of the schools for her to give an idea of what I'd been up to.

She thanked us very much for the donations, "Every student will see the value of this wonderful gift each day."

She paused, "Your Ladyship, Would you be fine with our parish priest mentioning this in the mass on Sunday?"

Smiling, "Yes of course."

We shook hands as my crowd walked out.

We walked our horses on the verge of Radley Road northeast about a half mile to Kingfisher School. At the gate a fellow came to find out what we wanted.

"Good morning, Your Ladyship. Please come in. Go through the doors there and ask for the `head.' He's likely around the office."

We did that... the `head' welcomed us. After everyone was introduced we sat in his study. I went right to it.

The daughter of one of our families attended Kingfisher. It was a special needs school with a brilliant reputation.

I gave the `head' a cheque for a thousand £'s and the letter of credit.

"Your Ladyship, this is a wonderful gift. You and your husband are being the best of neighbours doing this for our school."

Smiling, I thanked him. "We like supporting education especially for younger students. Please send us a letter next year stating what you spent the money for but no details just in general terms. The address is there."

"I will be glad to do that. We have a good project for the money... outdoor play areas."

"If you have a specific project please tell me."

"It's a re-do of the outdoor play areas. All new grass, sandboxes, benches, swings, slides, new trees, some simple climbing things."

I asked to see. Behind the school the area was a nice size, quite a few bare muddy spots and the various play things looked worn.

"What is your budget for this?"

"We have a local outdoor builder quoting nearly five thousand £'s. That is for it all."

"We will pay for it... outside of today's donation. Okay?"

"Oh my that is beyond wonderful. Everybody will be so excited."

I told him Gil, my PA, would be in touch to get the money to the school.

Back in the office the `head' was positively bouncing telling all the staff. I was showered with thanks.

I shook a bunch of hands telling them we were happy to help the children have more fun outside.

The fellow at the gate had a huge smile, "Your Ladyship, this was a very nice visit."

I laughed, "I'm glad everybody is happy."

We remounted walking around the school to cross to Reade Avenue to work our way to Barton Lane. We warmed up the horses until the underpass then a strong gallop northward around the bulge of Lower Radley houses by the railway onto the Industrial Estate.

We waved to folks there as we passed through. The lock man in Sandford grinning as he worked a narrow boat, "Good morning, Your Ladyship."

I called out a `Good Morning' to him.

Mr. Hardy was out so the grass exit beckoned. Roland whinnied and we were off! A rousing romp, the grass had a fleeting existence beneath his hooves! Sunny the closest as I crossed over the property line to the Flats.

Freddie was coming down for the first work of the day. Fist bump!

I had a brief snuggle with Tess. Her purr motor was always very loud!

The Breakfast Room was well filled. I wondered where Christophe was?? Cho said he was eating with Gaby and the Protectors. He and Gaby would fly to Bergerac in a few hours for Christmas with the family.

The Twins were off with Tha for more `secret' doings! Cho and I had a laugh over that.

Gil was taking Kay and the boys to Oxford. They'd see the `colleges' and other bits, have lunch out and some shopping. I told Artie and Sam it was their last chance to buy me presents. That got a big laugh! Hugs for the boys!

Montaigan asked if he could see the Wargame Room. I led him down after breakfast was over.

He gave it a good look and asked a few questions. I did a very brief precis of the game and the scenario victory conditions.

Montaigan liked my plan to deal with the German's southern attack. He asked about the German's forces in reserve.

I said they might commit them at the point where it was all they could do to save the Second SS Panzer and the Forty-Eighth Panzer Corps. Otherwise there was nowhere for it to fit in because the battlefield attack area was so narrow. It was too weak to do anything on its own.

"The Russians paid a fearful price in their actual counter-attack... I like yours much more. No point in going against their best forces head-on. Good strategy!"

I did a `we will see' to that.

He laughed about my `annoyance' attack on the River Mius.

"It never hurts to make your opponent `think' about other things, they'll pay less attention to more important events."

Before lunch `Montai' was pulled outside. He and Artie helped Charlie toss the ball for Jaidee. Sunny pushed Chani in the swing. I was inside with Kay, Sam sitting with a book, Cho on the phone. Greg with Jerrold downstairs.

After lunch the `gamers' were going to take a first look at Greg's new game. I liked what he sent, copies of everything... which included the map board. Jerrold and Mr. Hardy stayed to lunch.

Mr. Hardy wanted to talk with Montaigan about his book. We'd made the Library available for them, I might join depending on some work.

Ali and Gil had bunches of things. We took over the Bfast Room... at least it was quiet!

We stopped for lunch.

A big crowd in the Dining Room. A soup and salad and sandwich buffet! All the makings for a tasty meal.

We talked wargames, horses and Sunny's plans, everyone heard about Chani and Charlie's `A Christmas Carol' reading, Jaidee's adventure...

In the Cellar the `gamers' spent some time looking at Greg's rules, charts and the map board plus discussing the basic mechanics of the game. The movement was interesting because of the time scale... in a vehicle you could literally drive across the entire map on roads in a turn not that the Viet Minh were going to let the French do that.

Lots of interesting chrome... little touches like `listening posts' or the waving of elephant grass as people walk through it... giving away their position, rice paddies and berms. Greg had done the research!! I congratulated him for a good looking game.

Montaigan smiling at me by the Great Room fire.

"I have discussed long ago battles from World War II and the Napoleonic era, paratroop tactics and thrown a ball for a dog with a smart year and half old boy and his older cousin... now I sit talking with a countess... what a variety of stimulation. I need to come here every year!"

I squeezed his hand, "We want you to come. In the summer too."

After dinner Cho had the men playing poker `a la Cho' I sat in bed reading Greg's game rules with Jaidee. Sunny knocked, she stuck head in when I said come in.

"Are you decent?"

"Yes... sort of... just my boobies showing."

We laughed. She lay across the bottom of the bed fingers in Jaidee's hair.

"Fay, will you get Yvonne to ride Plotline while I'm away? For him she's the best."

I said fine. What about Charlotte working in the arena?

"She will but he needs to stretch his legs too."

Fist bump.

"Fay, did it hurt to have your nipples pierced?"

"Not much... the healing after can be bad for some people. I had some special creame from a company in Bangkok. You thinking about something?"

"Oh no! A girl at school has talked about it... she's got a pash on a punk boy who has piercings."

"Tell her not to do it she's too young but if she does to be careful of where she goes to for it and to follow the piercer's instructions for care."

Sunny... giggles... "The worst thing I've thought is a horse's head tattoo. I'd only put it someplace where it would show only if I wanted it to."

"Oh... like not on the top of your shaven head?"

Laughter!! Sunny was still giggling going out the door.

A cold morning! Walking down the lane with Jaidee, Sunny and Angie. We handed over warm scones for horses. Roland shaking his head seemingly happy at my exchange.

Today was a short ride so it was a trip around the Sci Ctr and ride past Denham School. The run back was a Roland speed spree!! We stayed galloping until the Flats since it was too early for anything go on down there.

Bfast was quick, a clean-up and dressed to go up to London. A midnight blue wool circle skirt to mid-calf, a white silk sleeveless top and a scarlet red jacket fitted close to my body with six gold buttons up the front to a short upright collar. Black stockings and heels. Gold jewellery and `Joy'

The black Coach coat, Hermès French flag scarf and gloves.

A kiss from Cho as the AW139 landed on the lawn. Gil, PJ and Tessa plus Kay with me. At Wandsworth the car was waiting, now to Clarence House in St. James's. We turned off the Mall onto Stable Yard Road then through security at the gates of Clarence House.

I stepped out to a welcome by Prince Charles' principal aide. In a drawing room Charles' greeting was warm. I introduced my sister. Charles was very friendly. We sat to chat a bit as tea was brought in.

"Countess, I know you have spoken to Cecil, Viscount Hawksmere, about joining the by-election to the Lords for next month. He says you decided not to because you didn't feel you could devote enough time to justify taking the seat if another Peer could spend the time."

I nodded, saying Yes.

"That is a fine position to take showing your concern for the House and its work... I would like you to re-consider. Now I'm not proposing you change your life but the Lords is desperate for younger members who have connections to the people of the Kingdom and are intelligent and hard-working.

More men in the Hereditary side of the Lords are not needed. Their representation is well over the average."

"Sir, I see your point about the make-up of the Lords... Can my one vote mean so much? Can the rules be altered to encourage more women peers?"

"As to rules probably not but I would hope your presence will be the encouragement you mention."

"If I do stand in the by-election and win... I can only promise to do my best to attend as often as possible. Also I'm something of an iconoclast... some noses may be put out of joint by me..."

Charles laughed loudly, "You are making my point for me..."

I nodded. I sipped my tea to think... or rather to pretend since Cho and I had figured out what this was about.

"I will stand and make an effort to win..."

Charles thanked me, "My dear, your youth and vibrancy will shake up the Lords even if you never speak... which I am sure will not happen."


"Sir, I'm apt to say things that are unwelcome but not without thought behind them. Can I say you are forewarned?"

More laughter from Charles, "I accept that. The Lords will be better for it.

On another topic... Harry's visits to your homes with Meghan has been well received. They enjoyed themselves, you are generous with your hospitality.

Harry especially mentioning how amazed he had been with Cho's golf game and the opportunity to meet Tom Angleten the golf Grand Slam winner was special."

I smiled, "It seems most people are amazed by Cho! Our friends who golf with him always enjoy their game and Cho seems to inspire them to play better.

Meghan was able to ride with me, I think she rather delighted in that. I did take her to some local primary schools for visits."

"Ah... those trips where you give donations?"

"Yes. We went to several. Another guest was Roxanne, the wife Tom Angleten. It was interesting to see her name was recognized, one headteacher said her husband was going to be jealous."

We laughed.

"What is next on your agenda for the new year?"

I mentioned lots of horse racing, more work with existing businesses and we hoped some new ventures would prove successful, lots of time with the Twins!!

"Your children are quite precocious! I had a brief talk with Charlie about your dog... he said the dog was going off to make babies."

"Yes, the Twins are good conversationalists for their age. Jaidee did go to his breeder's for some mating. We'll see what happens there."

"I understand Mrs. Clinton will visit you after being here?"

"Yes, she and her husband will stay overnight before going on the the big NATO meeting. They were with us last Christmas before she was inaugurated.

Bill plays golf with Cho, we ladies talk about things. We have shared views and goals."

"I have been impressed with the changes you two wrought in the Fox News network and your newspapers. I am given to understand the television network has become much more profitable under your ownership."

"That is true. Cho and I have the controlling interest now. The people at the top there are seasoned professionals who came in knowing we wanted wholesale changes made. They have succeeded admirably in making that happen and co-incidentally raising the profits to new higher levels! For us it is an enormous win."

"Well for viewers it is also a win. The media must be honest even went it hurts which is why the Times and the Sun are so much more regarded now."

"Sir, that is exactly how Cho and I approached the takeovers... be fair, honest and above-board was our mandate for Bill the president of the network and Adam at the Sun."

Charles asked a few more questions and we talked about Iran briefly. He got that I had done personal trips to Tehran deliberately to show the Iranians we viewed the relationship as important. His one word comment `shrewd' was telling.

We shook hands. I was thanked for coming and my re-consideration. He shook Kay's hand. Smiles all around.

On the way out the principal aide also thanked me, "Your Ladyship, the Prince has spoken warmly of you and your husband... I am honoured to have met you."

I thanked him. We slipped into Allyn's car and we moved off.

Gil grinning. She had been in the room off to the side. Seeing it all.

PJ and Tessa had waited outside the room, they both had been offered refreshments. Charles' top security fellow sat with them. He knew about the Hendon Police event and congratulated PJ and Tessa.

I called Cho, he laughed in my ear. "See you are smart, you knew what he wanted. Did you pretend to consider it?"

More laughing when I told him about my tea sipping.

We drove out past Buckingham Palace through Hyde Park Corner and south of Kensington Park then up to The Company office. Gil calling Cecil, he had been let in on my meeting with Prince Charles and what I expected.

I called Mac to ask him for a bit of help. He was `In!'

I swiped my ID... `Countess Harcourt' came up on the screen!! I laughed, Kay, Gil and my Protectors joined in when they read the small display. Someone having fun!

Inside I saw Douglas coming from the canteen...

"Your Ladyship! It is nice to see you."

I stood there... hands on hips... Douglas had stopped... He got it... "Fay! It is nice to see you!"

A hug which endangered his coffee. We walked up... he and his family were doing very well! I introduced my sister Kay. Douglas smiling saying hello and welcome.

We turned off at Reg's floor, the fellow himself leaning over his table just like when I first returned as Fay.

I was very close when he looked up... a big smile... He was about to say... I pre-empted him, "Don't even go there!"

A laugh, open arms... a big hug!

"I have to say there's literally NO ONE who deserves it more. It is funny to think of you as..." I cut in... "as promoted?"

We laughed. I said an American friend said we were `promoted' to describe Cho and I.

"Not a bad line. Congratulations!" Reg gave me a bow.

"Rona and Jian will be back tomorrow, they'll be in Edinburgh this morning. Oh you probably know all that."

"I know some... Gil knows it all. You remember Kay?"

He did, smiling they shook hands.

"So where is MFA?"

"She's around here somewhere. One of the ladies took her down to the canteen for milk and cookies. In fact the Fortnum and Mason ones you guys sent!"

A loud `Aunt Fay' from behind us. MFA running... I bent down to scoop her up... she stopped... a curtsey, "Hello Your Ladyship."

I wiggled my fingers she plunged against me... BIG HUG!

Reg, " Rona showed her how to do that so she could do it for you."

I thanked MFA, "You did good."

Reg looking at me, "So how does it work... you being a bit different?"

"I have things like what MFA just did happen, I hear my own name less with folks using the `My Lady... Your Ladyship' terms to address me. I'm getting pressured to run in a by-election for the Lords."

"Really? Who's pressuring you?"


Reg did a double-take, "Prince Charles wants you to run for the Lords?"

Kay nodding beside me. Pointing to me!

I laughed, "He's got a thing about getting more younger and women members ... the problem is there aren't enough of either to really change the House."

"You are moving up... rapidly."

"Well I may not win the by-election and if I do the current government won't be happy with me. I warned Charles I would not be put in a box or restrained in any way."

"Oh boy... what did he say...?"

"He admitted that my being somewhat outspoken on some issues was known. He was very cool about it."

"So when did you have this talk with the Prince?"

"We just came from Clarence House."

He was bug-eyed! "You are indeed moving up."

I shrugged.

I motioned upstairs, "Eric back soon?"

"He said in two hours but I haven't heard anything new."

"I'm off to Cowley House then Wandsworth. See you guys in a few days."

Another hug for MFA! "Tell your mom you did the curtsey perfectly."

A large grin on her young face. MFA was nearly two!

Kay and Cecil were introduced in the North Drawing Room. We sat for a few minutes of chat before luncheon. Cecil smiling at my description of the Clarence House meeting.

"As you thought... right down the line."

I said Mac was going to start helping me. Cecil was pleased to hear that.

Cecil ate with Kay, Gil and I in the big Dining Room. Mrs. Travers had a very nice potato leek soup, grilled sole, risotto, grilled zucchini squash and little onions with lots of Asiago on top, soft rolls.

We discussed the by-election bits.

"I had already put your name up on the Roll' of those seeking election which is the first step. After your call earlier I told them you were in' for the current Crossbench by-election."

I thanked Cecil for doing that for me.

"It was actually rather nice to do it. And I was right there. As of now there are twelve peers seeking the seat... you included. Ten have tried before most getting one, two or four votes which means they are not likely to do well again.

You have a good chance."

I gave Cecil a look... "A very good chance!! Yes, I see your lack of enthusiasm..." A big grin on his face, "... but as you are going ahead please disguise that."

A nod. A smile.

I thanked him again for doing all the things for me even though he was a Tory and I wasn't a bit likely to be one if elected.

He responded, "Well... I'd be gaining a friend on the opposite side!"

I did ask if he knew why Charles had a bee in his bonnet about this.

"I think he's worried the Lords might be dissolved leaving a unicameral Parliament. It may seem unlikely but the 'politicians' are such short-sighted, distracted by `shiny things' people.

Charles isn't the standard stuck in the mud conservative he knows the Lords actually serves a purpose but many see it as an anachronistic symbol of inequality.

It's not like he can do anything himself personally so he asks for help from various people."

I was smiling, "I warned him I was not particularly conventional nor would I be silent. He accepted it... in fact he may be counting on that."

Cecil shaking his head, "There's no way anyone is likely to believe you'll be silent."

We laughed.

It was a happy moment to hug the Twins at our front door. Cho was next.

"Hobnobbing with the Prince... so much fun for you."

My raised eyebrows were enough to bring on a big grin on Cho.

Kay laughing out loud, "Fay... handled it!"

We all laughed.

In jeans on the carpet rubbing Jaidee... now this is what I wanted. Cho, Kay and I talked while I rubbed our boy. He got the `Lords' things... a shrug.

"You may be flying back here a bit more," after he heard about the the `attendance' rule.

I could only say Prince Charles was going to owe me one' if I was elected. Strange... I've never run' in any kind of election before. I had Mac as my promoter' he'd speak to Crossbench members on my behalf. Cecil and Alexander would help where they could... both being tories' there was a limit.

There's a hustings to appear at unfortunately and a brief statement of why I'm running to write. That was going to be tough... time for Gil to do some magic.

The by-election ballots were to be in the hands of the House of Lords staff folks by January twelfth and a result on the following day so it wasn't a long process. Thankfully.

I changed for riding then a stop beforehand in the Wargame Room. My three compatriots where there getting ready. We'd kick off after dinner. Mr. Hardy was staying to eat with us. Jerrold's family were coming over, his wife Lea and their two children.

We did a short ride to the north. I got to say hello to many neighbours.

Montaigan smiling beside me, just he and I, listening to the account of my meeting with Charles.

"It sounds like you both got a bit from it. He has your assent to be in the election and you made it clear you would do and say what you want. It is an odd position for the heir to a kingdom to be in. He cannot openly do things past rulers wouldn't have hesitated to do with a closed fist."

"It is well most folks don't objectively think about the monarchy or there'd be more republicans."

Montaigan laughed, "It is also odd that there are still `royalists' in France." A shrug, "Somethings are hard to give up."

Dinner was a buffet to make it more informal for Jerrold and his family. A Marandi special! Our guests loved the Indian-Pakistani choices! Ellie did the cards when she knew the menu.

"Fay, I love to do this because it means we get the buffet too!"

A hug! Kas was mobile on his knees! We laughed. I told her to enjoy it! She often sat to sew in the Staff Lounge by the fire, Kas could be there with her. She loved having him close.

In the Cellar we four sat to start the game. Germans began their moves... some disguising of their intentions was still tried although given the victory conditions there was only one direction for them to go. Jerrold's two panzer corps moved up to attack the first line of defences. I had not committed a great deal of troops there so the Germans were able to penetrate it with minimal effort. The second and third lines were densely filled with quality units.

It was a grind for them on both sides of the Kursk Salient. I began my movement with the planned feint of moving forces to the point of the German attack. Since they were behind the frontlines I did not have to show what units were involved... they were all basic infantry units, nothing of any threat to Jerrold's force.

The next two German turns were much the same... attacking fortified Russian lines filled with anti-tank units and armour. Slow going. Undercover moves of my main armour attack force had them in their jump-off positions by the end of turn three.

Jerrold's next turn had his spearheads stretching out his flank as I predicted. My Russian army on his immediate right was holding tight forcing his units more northward, Jerrold's right wing protection was thin.

My next turn to move... Boom! Mr. Hardy was engrossed with his own actions but he did give me a smile when I moved my big armoured and heavy artillery units against the weak German flank. My attacks succeeded in blowing a huge hole where I wanted. My armour was easily through his frontline infantry.

In the south my attack on the River Mius line brought surprising success. A small breakthrough which caused Jerrold to move his few reserve tank units there forward to close the hole. He stopped my breakthrough but committed all his reserves in the south to do it. None could be sent north to the Kursk fighting.

Jerrold could see the dangers in both places and had to make decisions... at Kursk... push on and use his limited reserves to stop-up the hole or pull back his most powerful forces to deal with my attack.

Jerrold could see there'd be no Prokhorovka' fight this time. No Pyrrhic' Russian onslaught against his best units.

He and Greg had worked out an arrangement with us to simulate German decision-making, a faux crazy führer' rule if you will. If one or the other needed to use their reserves' then they would both have to agree then a die roll of a five' or six' would release the reserves... immediately. If not he'd have to wait a turn for another die roll to release them. The dice weren't good for Jerrold... he wasn't to use the Twenty-Fourth Panzer Corps to save his attack... he had to turn back his leading armour.

At this stage my tanks were behind Jerrold's spearheads which were mired in my third line of defences close to a breakthrough. Even if they succeeded, the Steppe Front, an entirely new army group of more than three quarters of a million men and two thousand tanks was waiting.

The secondary attack beside my breakthrough was succeeding, it was aimed at Kharkov, a personnel centre. More pressure on Jerrold.

By this time Mr. Hardy had stalled Greg's attack on the north side of the bulge and he's gone over to attack with great success. His huge multiple army group attack had opened several holes in the German left flank and were rushing in. Orel was recaptured this game turn, Bryansk soon to follow.

Only by pulling back could Greg stop Mr. Hardy.

I started an attack on the other side of Jerrold's spearheads to close off any retreat so his entire panzer army was in danger of becoming surrounded.

So the Germans after seven complete turns... conceded. The scenario was one third done... they simply had no time to complete the victory conditions even if they stabilized their positions on both sides of Kursk. In fact they were likely to lose at least two Personnel Centres which meant comprehensive defeat by the game rules.

At different points we had an audience... and I left to go up when the Twins were put down for the night.

Montaigan sat watching for a bit when my attack developed, a smile. The attack was helped by very good dice rolls giving me the maximum outcomes each time. A broad smile from him.

Cho, Montaigan and Francis played poker for a while. It was after midnight when they came down to see the tea towel tossed. We decided to stop for now and re-convene tomorrow late morning for a post-mortem. Handshakes all around.

I drove Jerrold home, Cho took Mr. Hardy. In the car with one of Yonne's fellows driving Jerrold and I talked the game. He admired my play and the risk I was willing to take. He had little leeway in his choice of attack vector.

His head shaking, "I watched you roll the dice with crushing efficiency. It was like the Borodino scenario all over again."

"You did well in your attacks... it had to be a grind but you were advancing the whole time."

"True but I was near maximum commitment of forces you weren't close."

A hug at his gate. His wife had left a light on for him.

On the way back the Security fellow, Spencer, asked about the wargames.

"For me it's a combination of the history of the simulated battle and the possibilities the game offers for changing history. The what ifs' of it. An intellectual war' since I have no practical experience of the `real' type."

"Can I come look at the game?"

"Of course. We are going to meet in the late morning. Come and listen to the discussion. Also you can use games on the shelves if you want. If you want to borrow one please leave a note saying which one you have. If you want suggestions of what might be good as `starter' games please ask me or the others."

I was thanked and he would come by tomorrow... we laughed... later today!

I was up just a bit later than usual. Dressing I had to laugh at my previous day's activities. Riding, meet with the Prince of Wales, luncheon at Cowley House with my sister and a Viscount, play time with Chani and Charlie, talking with Montaigan and hours playing a wargame!

Two scones and coffee, Marigold said she'd let Jaidee out when his Bfast was done. Pat and Roland waiting, Angie and Ken smiling.

Off we went! Down to the Oxford Road and across to Baldon Lane. Turning southeast we went along the edges of our property to the Clifton Hampden Road. Little Baldon to our left. We skirted fields going more east toward Drayton St. Leonard.

We galloped around the little grass landing strip to the River Thame. It wound its way to join the Thames the other side of Dorchester. Behind St. Giles Church it was fordable. We tied our horses to a tree near the steeple end.

A nice late Norman church, started in the twelfth century it was finished with the steeple in the Fourteenth Century.

I liked the interior very much, an excellent tile floor, really fine stained glass windows, very well kept.

The vicar was there ready to meet with us. She was the vicar of several local churches. She rotated between them on Sundays.

"Your Ladyship, welcome to St. Giles."

I thanked her.

"I wanted to come over after speaking to Dr. Ryles... he said there were similar issues with the roof here."

"Yes, we are at the beginning of possible problems. We are just starting to prepare a fund raising to cover the costs."

"My husband and I want to give the money to repair the roof..." She lit up! "... then you could fund raise for other things."

"Your Ladyship, you are very generous. We have several builders bids..."

"Send the builders to Harcourt House, we will talk with them. Was there a favourite? And why?"

She gave us the builders' name who was nearby and had experience with old church rooves. The other bid was lower but the company had not had any practise with churches.

"It is a Grade I listed building so we have an obligation towards it," She pointed out.

"Sent only the one builder who is experienced and we will get it started. Please thank the other telling them since we are to pay we have made the decision."

"Everyone will want to thank you for the gift."

"Let us see after the work is done. We would get our coming over planned."

My hand well shaken. `Happy Christmas' to us. And her!

Our return was aimed to go north of Berinsfield to cross the Oxford Road to reach our property near Kate's house then a hard run to the stables. Roland getting to gallop for a good stretch made his day... mine too!

We walked on the Flats, I moved over to where Charlotte was on DD watching Sunny. Her brothers were sitting on a platform on the slope wrapped in blankets. They waved.

Sunny was working with Prince. He looked elegant moving through the routine... I leaned close to Charlotte, "He looks very sharp."

"He is. This the second time they've done the routine both times like this! Maybe he wants to show off knowing Sunny has been working with Plotline."

I could see that. Horses are sensitive souls... Prince wouldn't want to be in second place. Dressage was the one of the three disciplines where Sunny had been weakest to begin with. She had finished the year winning dressage several times... so Prince should be proud.

I rode close to the boys, they liked watching their sister. Her riding was `awesome' said Artie.

I had a short late breakfast. I didn't go up to change.

In the Cellar the `gamers' gathered to talk about our play. Spencer was off duty, I introduced him to the others. He was interested, military miniatures was his father's pastime, in the Army he hadn't been in one place long enough to consider a hobby.

We got started by Jerrold... he was grinning about my inversion of the Fifth Guards Tank Army's attack.

"If the Twenty-Forth Panzer Corps was released it `might' have stopped your attack... It isn't very strong so its hitting power was limited."

I pointed to the tank army in the Kursk bulge that was striking the other side of the main attack force into the flank of the Forty-Eighth Panzer Corps... "You'd be out of supply in two turns. The whole Panzer army! Your Fifty-Second Corps was incapable of stopping the flank attack. It's too thinly stretched."

Greg was in just as bad a shape. Mr. Hardy poked holes in his front north of Kursk and was exploiting them. Greg was retreating from his advanced attacking positions having failed to make any significant penetration of Mr. Hardy's defences. Orel was lost, I was near to capturing Kharkov, the gravest risk for the Germans on victory conditions.

Jerrold had fought very well, good moves and decent dice rolls but my defense was too dense for quick advances... then the hammer fell.

A discussion... Was it possible for the Germans to win the scenario? My answer was No... Not possible.

I pointed out most of the Steppe Front's forces had not been engaged. AND in real life the Russians began two huge offensives as the Germans withdrew from their furthest positions overwhelming them. Orel, Kharkov and Kiev were recaptured by the Russians in a few weeks as was Smolensk. Most of the Ukraine re-gained.

We agreed it was enjoyable, even the Germans agreed. Final snaps of the map board were taken. Jerrold and Mr. Hardy volunteered to put it all away. Spencer joined in.

Greg would lay out his game for us.

I got a coffee at the table Carla had setup outside the door. A tall narrow table with a DeLonghi and an electric tea kettle with a selection of infusers. Sugar, creame, cups, spoons AND a lower shelf had a tray of Christmas cookies!!

Greg with me, I asked him to include Spencer if he didn't mind.

"Not at all. A new gamer is fine with me."

I went up to change. The Munro Ancient skirt, blue and yellow accessories. The blue jacket... brrrr!

I was outside the Nursery as Chani did a rolling tumble on the carpet then another... she ended on her butt giggling. I was too. Chani got up to dash to me. HUG! One for Charlie who then pushed me towards the door... "Mama we need privacy."

Okay. I got a kiss. A smile from Tha.

Cho and Montaigan in the Great Room with Kay and me. Her boys were outside visiting around the estate with Sunny. Kay said she'd enjoyed being included yesterday. Meeting Prince Charles would be good for many hours of chat with her friends. Laughter.

Montaigan still smiling, "As if having a Countess as a sister and a brother-in-law who is a `Knight' weren't enough??"

Much more laughter Kay leading the way!

"I intend to spread the word about them both!"

All the kids joined us for lunch. We had a fun lunch with all the kids enjoying the Moroccan grilled vegetables on couscous, Moroccan flat bread plus pecan cookies and Moroccan almond rolls for dessert!! North African... Very tasty!

Greg and the gamers' went down the passage to sit in the staff lounge for lunch so they could stay together. They found another gamer' in Carl of the Security Team. He'd played as a lad but not since. After lunch he connected with them to discuss Greg's game. They invited him to play.

Greg in the passage with me was pleased, "The more eyes on it the better. We have two new pairs of eyes. They will be encouraged to challenge the rules and why I did this or that. I hope they'll make me assess everything."

"So do you have someone to `publish' the game?"

"No. I was going to work on that after I thought it was ready so it could put forward a completed product."

"Keep me in mind to help you promote it... Okay?"

A hug and a cheek kiss plus a big thanks!

Today... in a few hours... the big mob was arriving. Phailin and Dad, Somsak, Tona and the cute Suki. Thoi and Kanda. All of them from Bangkok. Eve and Ku from New York to on the ground in thirty minutes.

Aunt Dee, Uncle Craig and Donella flying from Inverness were according to Gil ten minutes from wheels down. Graeme was driving down right now. He was first.

I got a hug and kiss, Graeme and Cho shaking hands. The other Scots were getting into a car at Chalgrove. Graeme's bags were taken and we waited in the entryway. Chani and Charlie in the Great Room with everybody.

Donella out first as Lucas held the door. HUG! Dee stepping out of the car barely got to stand before I gave her a BIG HUG! Uncle Craig!! Cho got a HUGE hug from Dee. Graeme applied hugs and kisses to all.

They were grinning at the doors... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH's!!! I slipped my arm through Dee's going in... "Dee! Unc! Doc! Graeme!" LOUD voices from small bodies!! They came over with their arms open.

`Unc' got Charlie, Dee... Chani. They both went to Doc then switched to Graeme who was on one knee arms around both babies. Everybody loved that!

They remembered Montaigan. Greg, Kay and their children were all hugged and kissed.

So we were to the Christmas ball decoration hanging phase right away.

The Twins handed out the ornaments... surprise from the newbies... Dee looking over to me with a smile.

Charlie and Chani clapping as the new glass balls were put up.

Eve and Ku were here! We met them out front. A big squeeze for Eve, a kiss. Smiling eyes. Ku! We wrapped our arms around each other. Cheek to cheek... I whispered in her ear how pleased I was for all her hard work.

A kiss and a thank you.

Inside another big Twins welcome! They knew everyone so warm, happy greetings. Chani pulled them to the ornaments, she picked up their box, "Here... time for this."

All the new arrivals amazed she could read their names on the box. The glass ball was hung. Kisses for Chani.

Jaidee was woofing his approval. Charlie put his arm over Jaidee's shoulder, hug. Charlie got his face licked which made him laugh.

Carter had turned on the Christmas music, softly, very nice to hear `The Holly and the Ivy.'

Tea and goodies was brought in. Dee hugged me, "There's four big tins of shortbread in our luggage. I assumed you'd be running short."

Cho and I laughed. "We are!"

Chani sitting beside me with her own shortbread this time. She started talking with Dee... I nabbed a shortbread from her.


"Chani that is called `turnabout fair play' since you did it to me."

She laughed. I put in back on her plate.

"Mama if you need it..."

"No... Aunt Dee brought more for us so there's plenty."

Chani clapped and thanked Dee.

I asked Dee if she and Craig wanted to come to the St. Thomas School choir show... a Yes. Okay. Sunny was coming again that night to `hang' with her friends.

It was time for the Bangkok arrivals. Gil holding her iPhone, "They're leaving Chalgrove."

Everybody but Cho and I were in the Great Room as the inside super-size reception committee.

Holding Sir Cho's hand, a squeeze as the cars rolled in. Lucas had the first car... Phailin popped out... "Fay..." we hugged and kissed.

Dad! He shook hands and did a backslap with Cho. I got the bear hug!

"Fay, you look great!"

I said same to you. He did look relaxed... a big smile! Just what we wanted!

Kanda! Hug and kiss. Her eyes bright, "It is so good to be here again."

Thoi... he bowed, an extended hand, "Your Ladyship!"

Then a big hug and kiss!

Somsak, Tona and a running Suki.

They all came to us, hugs, kisses and Suki put her arms around my neck. I lifted her, a kiss on my cheek.

"Aunt Fay, we saw you on TV."

"Oh... Where?"

"At home in Singapore."

Tona behind us, "The news did a story about you becoming a Countess. Several pictures which were quite nice."

Suki bouncing in my arms, "You were pretty!"

I said thank you!

They were all around the doors... OPEN! More AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH's from them all. They get big `welcomes' from the crowd inside!

I put Suki down, she raced in to see her cousins. They all did hugs and kisses like the grown-ups.

"Gramps" "Gamma" the Twins came rushing over. Hugs and kisses. Unc Somsak and Aunt Tona! They got more hugs from Thoi and Kanda.

Kay, Greg, Artie and Sam all got in their hugs and kisses. Sunny being squeezed by her Gramma! Phailin remarking how big Sunny was... Sunny was taller than Phailin now by several inches. Sunny replied she planned some more growing. Laughter.

Dad holding Sunny's hand... she twirled around showing off her slender figure in a cute striped frock... a bit of toned leg on display!

"My... Sunny you look like quite the young woman now."

Sunny grinning with an `I am!' Laughter and a big hug for her Grandad!

Chani and Charlie getting everybody to put up their ornaments. Handing them out to amazed family members! Phailin looking over to me... I nodded.

Taittinger's and Shirley Temples! Cho smiling, "It is wonderful to have all of you here!!" He reached out to me, "We love Christmas with you! A big Happy Christmas from us!"

We cheered and toasted!

Cho told everybody dinner would be soon so no changing or dressing up tonight.

Afters in the Great Room had Suki beside Jaidee gently rubbing his warm back, a big grin on Suki. Chani suggested Suki go further up his back... she's now a rubbing coach!

We talked all sorts. Anong, Rak and Rak2 were missed. Anong was pregnant with a girl but having a bad time. She was dogged by morning sickness and some mild anaemia, all her Foundation work was done remotely for now. Anong said her doctor felt once she had passed a few more weeks things would settle down. They were sorry not to be here. We'd sent on their gifts so a bit of us would be with them.

I parked beside Dad. He was smiling watching his grandkids do things around the room.

"You look at ease..." my turn for a big grin.

"Fay, the south is quiet... except for the noisy beginnings of the election campaign. The southern leaders have acted with some caution towards each other but also with surprising speed getting prepared to fight the election to the local assembly.

It is a full blown election campaign, posters, meetings, get out the voter drives.

The college in Yala has offered their auditorium as a meeting place for the new assembly and offices are being readied.

The Prime Minister is like me... he smiles more."

Fist bump! Phailin looking over doing a thumbs up to us.

They were ready to go to the school choir event tomorrow. The men were playing golf in the morning.

Cho suggested a `short' poker game... he had takers. They went off. Cho told them to set up. We went up with the Twins and Suki. Tona and I holding hands on the stairs.

"Fay, I'm pregnant. A boy!"

A hug at the top, "Somsak is thrilled. After he is born no more. Two is plenty!"

I agreed. "Ours are so much fun. Are you telling everyone?"

"Yes but I can't just stand up and call out I'm pregnant."

We laughed.

"Did you bring swimming things?"

"Yes! We're ready for that!! Suki loves swimming."

The three babies were down, all very cute! Suki in with the Twins. Tha smiling, a squeeze of her hand by Tona.

Cho joined the men for poker, Artie and Sam to watch a movie, us ladies sat and talked. They got the tale of the Queen's visit. I asked Conrad bring out the `Honours' so they could see.

Phailin squeezing my waist, "It is a lovely piece of work! The script is... well beautiful."

"When it was first opened I was trying to read it when the Queen did her `announcement' which really shocked me. Anything like this was almost unheard of... until that day."

Phailin leaned on my shoulder, "Daughter, you are the exception to all the rules!"

We were all getting up to go to bed when the guys came out. We got hugs and kisses. They'd had fun but didn't want to stay up late tonight. They'd be more `serious' tomorrow. The movie was over, the whole lot of us moved upstairs.

I handed a scone over to Pat. He was the early one this morning. A big smile!

Sunny was coming with Tara and Penny. Gil had several tasks from me. Down the lane and a warm-up!

First thing I led us down the path to the river where Kate had her slip years ago. The woods had a name I found out... Lock Wood. Simple name because their used to be a lock in the river on the shore there. I was going to look to see if anything was left.

Kudos to the Ordinance Survey mappers for having a lot of fun info on their older maps!

There'd been a bridge over the river to the islet somewhere along nearby so we might look for the foundations.

Down the path to the new section of the path higher above the river. I slipped down to go towards the water, the islet was just north. I eased my way north through some underbrush down by the water. Nothing. I was not looking for an impromptu swim by going too far. So... Maybe from one of the boats I could see something. Not for any time soon. Summer time for boating!

Back up on Roland we continued to the Abingdon Lock. I asked the fellow there if he knew anything about the history of the missing lock.

"My Lady, I know there was some sort of lock and weir but it's been gone since the 1920's or earlier."

I thanked him. Roy was setting up, a handshake with a smile.

Over the river we remounted going north towards Lower Radley. I led us to the left over the bridge that spanned the railroad tracks. We followed Church Road going northwest towards the Kennington Road.

At St. James the Great Church we turned right to the narrow lane to the school. We slid down to tie our horses to the trees at the north end of the car park away from the cars.

A woman came out to see what we were up to.

"Oh... Your Ladyship... Welcome to Radley Primary. I am the headteacher."

I thanked her and said I'd come to see her. We were soon sitting down in a nice bright office.

"You have three students whose parents work for our local businesses. I want the school have this donation in their names and my husband's and mine."

I handed her the three thousand £ cheque. Smile! Big SMILE!

"Here is a letter of credit for any computer related bits and pieces you might need at the Oxford Computer Store. They have a nice store with smart people so if advice is needed... "

She was a happy camper! She called out to her assistant.

They hugged. Many thank you's!

"Your Ladyship, this is so marvellous for the school. All our little ones and their families will be so pleased at your generosity!"

"Good... have fun spending it. Please send us a letter next year telling us how you did employ the money. Not a detailed list but things like... we bought coloured paper or a new screen for a computer or such."

"We'll be glad to do that! Thank you once more."

We headed out to a loud choruses of Happy Christmas from the staffers!

We went back around the north end of Radley, once over the bridge we turned north going along the railroad tracks on the verge of our farmland. Once we got to the Industrial Estate we aimed for the lock.

A big wave to the lock man as we passed above the rising water. Mr. Hardy was out so we headed to the grass. Roland off and running right away!! A pleasure to feel the cold air going by as we rushed over the grassy flat path by the river.

Roland and I thundering beside the smooth flowing water! Delicious!

At the property line I slowed us, Freddie was starting on the track with a group of youngsters. A wave.

Sunny smiling as she caught up, "Fay, this is way fun! Can I go out with you every morning?"

"Sure... all you need to do is get up in time."

We laughed. Sunny said it was not much earlier a rise than every school day. Okay. Fist bump!

Ah! There was to be golf! I pointed out the guys needed to be back in time for a clean-up before tea and the choir tonight. Cho said it was `under control.' Rolled eyes on my part. I got a kiss!

Thoi, Dad, Somsak, Craig going with Cho. Graeme was lunching with a friend and fellow Army officer in Oxford. `Doc' and Aunt Dee going with Phailin, Kanda and Tona into Oxford too. Shopping and lunch. Gil made them a possible itinerary and map. Tom was doing their driving.

Eve and Ku were with me for some work before lunch. Sam and Artie with Sunny in the Stables. All the babies upstairs in the Nursery, Tha in charge!

Gil and I walked with Jaidee to Harcourt Close, Angie too. Just a stroll around the big circle. Damn this was like being in a dream... it looked as it did in my mind's eye several years ago.

We walked by Carl's house... a cute little girl in a navy pinafore with a long sleeve white turtleneck underneath, navy polka-dots, came down the front walk to see us. She stopped at the gate.


We smiled and said hello back to Dorrie.

Her mom at the door, "Dorrie, no outside now." She waved.

I said the escapee looked very cute. `Cute and a handful when her brother is home sick."

I asked... `Just a cold on its worse day.' "He'll be fine."

Dorrie was escorted back inside.

We did the circle and headed back to the house.

My phone binged... Theodore.

I picked up.

"Fay, I have some news about Yevgeny. He'll be set free January twenty-fourth."

I knew that but it was Theodore's call...

"So I have ramped up the operation to provide him cover. Both Russian subjects have been briefed on what we want and the timing. They are part of a group of intelligence officers who would be involved in any discussion about actions to be taken regarding Yevgeny. Neither knows of the other's involvement with us so they'd appear to be acting separately. Nothing's entirely sure but I think this has an excellent chance for success."

He added that no discussion, to the two Russians knowledge, about Yevgeny had been done up to this point.

"Good! To reminder you... he and Mara have an apartment near our place in Greenwich Village. There's our Security Service all around even living in their building. We have a zone around the entire block that is well managed some of which is plainly and purposefully obvious... the most important is invisible."

"We are doing what we can for them with the Russians. The data we have gotten from his info is astounding."

I asked about the other thing' the sheet of paper' BUT only whether it had been helpful.

"Very much so. If I can get clearance I will tell you more."

"Okay but don't break anything trying... it isn't like I really need to know."

Theodore said he got it. "By the way... your Queen is a sharp customer. When she she gave you two the new titles... she hit the jackpot! It seems there's nearly unanimous approval! There are no other people in private life doing more than you guys in so many positive and worthwhile directions."

I thanked him for the kind thoughts.

"Sometimes we do get up to odd things..." We neared the front door I stopped, my companions waited. They could hear what I said to Theodore... I told him about the ICE folks in New Mexico.

"Damn... they act like they were drunk or worse. They've been a rogue outfit for many years maybe you'll be the catalyst for change."

I said we hoped so. I sent over a Happy Christmas to him and his. I got a big Merry Christmas for us back!!

Eve and Ku time. Hugs in the Library. They had very different areas but they liked hearing about each other's stuff.

Ku first. We had property being redeveloped in Boston, Baltimore, Portland and San Francisco for shelter openings starting the week after Christmas.

"I know you can't be there but I will make them all with Jian. We be leaving here on the 26th. It will be Boston then Baltimore followed by San Francisco and Portland last. Jian will return here. I hope to be with Eve..." hands squeezed, "... for New Year's Eve."

All the open shelters and clinics were humming along nicely. The winter weather filled up the beds and we were still feeding anyone who needed it. More locations in New York City were being looked at by Francis via Wythe our Real Estate person. She had three in Manhattan and two in Brooklyn that were top prospects. Ku would look at them all after New Year's.

We went over a bunch of employee things ending with her asking about the bonus arrangements. I pointed her to Francis for that. He'd had discussions with Jian on the subject, she and I had talked.

Fist bump.

Eve's turn. Everything was terrific in her domain. STS servers working perfectly!! George, the tech guy there, acting like a kid sometimes as he emailed how he'd extracted data for different railroad departments to chew over. He CC'd Eve on everything after talking over some issues and getting good advice from her. His ideas were often used in the regular `tips' document The Company sent out to all users... we were happy giving him credit.

He had made a tourist trip to New York with the family and stopped by several months ago just to look at the server farm and meet Eve and her staff. A funny and delighted with us...fellow.

GWNW's roll out was moving along, the servers in the Fox Tower receiving data as they were supposed to as the whole system ramped up. She and Duncan spoke every day, Kelela taking care of it now. Kelela was go to D.C. in a day to be with her family and Moses would take over. Eve would be back there when Ku and Jian took off for the shelter openings. They planned to go to the Big `V' for New Year's Eve with Megan and Tai!

There had been no new attempts... serious attempts... to break into the systems in New York. Many amateurs who are easily defeated by the dense defence. The staff harvested the IP's of those tries, did some looking and then reported it to the appropriate domain controllers. They always said a repeat would mean not only blocking but going to the provider of their signal for action. Possible legal repercussions for their failure to act was mentioned.

Nobody much likes talk about lawyers...

The Twins and Suki came down in the late morning for a Garden romp with the Choco Boy! Then lunch with us. Hot grilled veggie sandwiches, warm German potato salad, pickles and olives plus peanut butter celery sticks. Jaidee got his share of those in the easy to eat dog size! Big crunches!

A big pile of Christmas cookies that was very much smaller afterwards!

Email from Cecil saying my name on the by-election list had caused some changes! Several had removed their names including the one who might have been the biggest challenger.

Cecil's `It is looking better' wasn't much encouragement for my not winning but giving it a try which could have satisfied Charles. Oh well.

Gil had done a preliminary statement of why I was running in the by-election, I edited it and she finalized it, sent it off to the House of Lords election managers.

The first week of January I would need to go to the Hustings to meet with all the Crossbench members, answer questions and generally introduce myself.

The golfers were back! They'd had fun, eaten well and had a pint. They... quite co-incidentally I'm sure... arrived in time for tea. Those not going to the choir show were told they'd have a full dinner.

Dad was going up early to London tomorrow for two meetings. One with the head of MI5, the other at MI6. He'd fly to Wandsworth then a Prasert car to his meetings. He'd join us all at Cowley House for lunch and a house tour.

I chose a navy silk dress with long sleeves and a high collar and black accessories for the choir show. The black Coach coat, the Hermès French flag scarf and gloves. Everyone going looked terrific.

Montaigan in a nice black suit and a Christmas red tie. Phailin in blue to match Dad's suit. Dee in a very nice midnight blue frock, Uncle Craig in navy blue. Cho in black, red tie.

Two cars to drop us. Mr. Thorn at the entrance with Ron Cotton again. Smiles and handshakes. Inside we had the same seats as the play... different folks with us. Our same Protectors.

We shook a lot of hands on the way in, congratulations from those we hadn't yet seen.

The Choir Leader welcomed us all. She sat at the piano we bought last year and the choir walked out to take their places on the risers. They were in red robes with white collars, their music in gold binders.

The performance this year started with classic British Christmas carols, that were seasonal, comic and religious. The solos from several boys and girls showed fine voices. One older girl must have some good training because her control of her voice was wonderful.

They did a medley of holiday songs from European nations in the original languages. They were terrific. I looked at the program where the lyrics were printed for several languages I didn't know.

The finale, as usual, a rousing `Adeste Fideles' which was marvellous. They got a HUGE well-earned applause!

The entire performance was excellent. They were getting better each year. The Choir Leader was raising their skill levels since she joined St. Thomas'.

After all the applause the kids stepped down to be with their families. One boy appeared not to have family present so Cho and I talked with him. I surprised to find out his name was Meriadoc, `everyone calls me Merry.'

His dad was away, in the Army and his mum wasn't feeling well. I offered him a lift home which made his face shine. PJ behind me called Prasert for another car.

He said it wasn't far if you walked through the fields but his mum didn't want him to do that after dark. So he'd have to stay on the roads.

Out front we waited for a few minutes with Merry. He didn't mind his name, his parents were big Tolkien fans. I asked if he ever been to Tolkien's house in Oxford... he hadn't. We called his mum, she delighted he could get a quick ride to see it. School term was over so... Okay!

I explained the change in our plan to the family. Phailin squeezed my hand, "You two are being lovely to him."

Cheek kiss.

Cho, Merry and I with Rande and PJ headed to Northmoor Road in northern Oxford. Merry was a nice young man who missed his dad. He was in Germany for four months, he did something with computers helping other soldiers was all Merry could say.

Tolkien's House was dark but we stood on the sidewalk looking. Merry got that the Trilogy was written here while he was a professor at the university. We really couldn't see much... it was more just being there.

On the way home ice cream was purchased, two pints, one strawberry his mum's fav and chocolate chip for Merry. His mum greeted us, she said `not too close' her cold was a bad one. We were thanked for being so kind to Merry and the ice cream was so wonderful.

We said enjoy and get well. At the door Merry's smile was a bit lop-sided. Sad. I hugged him saying we'd look for him at the Open House in two days. He grinned. Fist bump!

Cho kissed me in the car, "You old softie!" Big laughs from all of us. It was nice to make more friends.

We had a light tea in the Great Room. Dee and Phailin with me munching on salmon finger sandwiches. I told them what we did for Merry.

Dee smiling, "That little fellow got some of your love... brilliant!"

Sunny with me in the Kitchen doing scones, Jaidee's face in his food bowl. I saw her tonsils during a big yawn. A smile at my comment... "I stayed up over at a friend's after the choir thing... too late for me."

I said the cold air will wake her up!

Down the lane... Jaidee and Thames rubbing on each other with lots of that silly fake biting. Roland and Natasha for us, Con and Max for Ken and Angie.

Andy did a `bow' when I gave him the scone... and a grin!

Going south to pass through Clifton Hampden, over the Thames for the first time then a second at the Little Wittenham Lock. Working around some fenced grazing land to a gap in the hedge on Watling Lane in Dorchester. A few hundred feet along the High Street to a lane near Lily's Tea Room that linked to Queen Street.

St. Birinus Church of England Primary School was opposite when we reached the lane's end. We tied our horses to a tree. The woman at the desk knew who I was and my asking for the headteacher brought a smile.

The `head' welcomed us to her office. I went right to it.

"You have two boys whose father works for us... my husband and I are joining them to give this donation to your school."

A two thousand £ cheque handed over. I added the line of credit for the computer bits to her. My standard line about a letter... she'd be very glad to send one!

"Your Ladyship, you and Sir Cho are quite marvellous doing this for our school. Every school needs a bit of extra money you are enriching each child."

We were thanked again for doing for so many schools in south Oxfordshire.

No tour time was pressing, the students were at home as the term ended. I'd come back.

One more school, St. Laurence Church of England Primary in Warborough. We left Dorchester by way of Manor Farm Road which made me laugh about Orwell and Animal Farm. Sunny doing a double take on seeing the name. Me nodding with a grin. I said one of many around.

We used several dirt roads to reach the Oxford Road where it was still two lanes. We crossed then onto another unpaved road going straight to Warborough. We walked down Green Lane which met Thame Road opposite the school. Another accommodating tree for our horses.

Inside a woman greeted us.

"Your Ladyship, welcome to St. Laurence Primary."

I thanked her and asked for the headteacher. I did introductions and we sat. I told her she had three students from one of our families.

"My husband and I are donating to your school three thousand £'s in their name and ours as a Christmas gift."

A big smile! I added the line of credit which had her clap her hands.

"Boy we can use that! You are being so wonderful to the schools in the parish! We all talk of course... your visits are a big topic of conversation."

I laughed, "This year I'm going further afield as you see."

A big thank you for that!

We did a brief tour but no pupils... their holiday had begun. Like all the schools it had been added to over the years. It was bright and cheerful!

We did the reverse of the earlier trip to return to the house. Roland got in a terrific gallop once we passed Clifton Hampden. The tree lines were vague shadows as we sprinted north.

Ethan took Roland, "Yes, Your Ladyship, he'll get the best!"

We laughed over that... Andy had said it one morning when Ethan was a newbie about two years ago.

Carter said Dad was gone. We'd all leave in an hour or so. This London trip had two reasons, first so everybody could see Cowley House... to whet their appetite for its possibilities and our big crowd would be out of the way of the setup for the Open House today.

I got coffee and toast. Sunny did get some porridge and raisins. We talked about another trip... she was up for it. A semi-secret!

Comments welcome: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 69

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