
By A becker

Published on Aug 2, 2022



I rubbed my butt on Cho... "Oh I have an interesting thing... the blonde American lady who was mugged in front of me in Saigon contacted Colonel Ba. She thanked him again for helping her. She had recently made a donation of one thousand books, in Vietnamese, to the regional library in Can Tho. Her father had died quite near there in 1969 which was why she'd made her first trip.

She was going back to Vietnam for a visit to the library and be part of a small ceremony there. She wondered if the woman and her friends who stopped the thief and aided her... could she meet them... to thank them and give a small gift.

The Colonel did tell her we weren't resident in Vietnam only visitors like her. Ba asked if he could pass on my contact details. I replied he could send her Gil's email account."

"Well... sounds as if she is getting somewhat involved which is a good thing. Sad her father was killed.

It has amazed me how forgiving the Vietnamese have been to Americans and French although both perpetrated enormous suffering on their people."

His arms closing tighter.

I hugged the arms even closer, "I have not asked Ba about his background... he appears to be in his early forties... old I know..."

That got me tickled!

I managed to survive it...

"I imagine he was born after the war had ended. He certainly went out of his way to ensure my visiting the Ho Mausoleum."

Cho urging me up... "As I said before... you are making lots of friends. Bed!"


Jaidee did his business quickly... we had a good walk through Washington Square. When we got to Minetta Lane one of Nina's people stopped me.

"Fay, we are doing an operation on some folks we believe are Russians at the other end of Minetta Street. It should be over soon."

We waited on the north sidewalk... Penny looking back... Tessa in front, Nina's person at the two Minetta's roads junction.

She turned to us with an Okay signal. We walked down to the front door, inside towards the lift. Nina on her phone in the lobby... she said she'd be up in a few minutes. I squeezed her arm.

Cho smiling at the lift... I told him what I knew. PJ and Rande were in the passage.

Cho with a chuckle, "There were two fellows pretending to be workmen at the corner... trying to look anonymous. Gary's team doing some pretending too as building inspectors."

The Twins were eating... kisses for them. Nina came up... we moved to the terrace.

Nina said the men had been spotted when they arrived... they were dropped off from an unmarked van which drove away. A suspicious start. VERY clean clothes and boots unscuffed... They had some tools and messed about in that corner construction area.

They setup a box they brought on the edge of the space... "One of ours walked by talking on his cellphone for a look, the box was some sort of recording device because there was an opening facing Minetta Street.

Our `building inspectors' started asking questions which the Russians couldn't answer, ours did a make-believe they were upset with the lack of information.

They did a `if you don't know what you are doing we are going to shutdown this job' story. They wrote a fake closure order and ordered the men to leave. It was topped off by another of ours walking around the corner in a uniform looking like an NYPD cop. They hustled off seeing him. "

We were laughing.

Nina ended with they are gone from the neighbourhood... "Landro shadowed them on a bike, they went a couple of blocks down on Bleecker then over to Houston where they caught a cab."

Cho asked... "They were trying record the street activity?"

Nina nodded, "Collecting faces and vehicle license numbers probably."

I was grinning, "They must feel jinxed or something now."

Nina pointed out this was the first time since the original attempt. Cho thanked her for the work. Fist bump from me.

Shopping for The Twins... Cho going to 40 Wall Street then to meet us at `21' for lunch. We said goodbye to him at the lift.

The day was warming up nicely!

Me in black linen trousers, pencil leg to my ankle tops, pleats and high-waisted. A pale grey lightweight cable-knit sleeveless jumper that stopped just above the trousers waist. Black sandals and silver jewellery, `Joy'

Charlie in the stretch black jeans from Ralph Lauren and a grey short-sleeve sports shirt, black trainers. Red socks naturally.

Chani in a pleated black cotton skirt with a white short sleeved t-shirt top. White socks and black Mary Janes.

Jumpers in the car just in case!

We loaded up Pell and Maddie's cars to go uptown to Madison and E. 72nd Street. This was Ralph Lauren Country! Men's, Kid's and Ladies stores in the same block!

In the car going north email from Lori... Shira was pregnant!! Wonderful news!! I replied our congratulations and happiness for them. I forwarded it to Cho.

I had Gil send some Taittinger's to them.

Kids first! Chani and Delphine were one pair, Charlie and Tha the other with me going in between! The big people knew to look for sizes up from where they were now and a few summer things!

I was behind Charlie... "Mama, what should I get?" He was scanning the store...

A kiss on his cheek, "Shorts, Polo shirts... " Looking at Tha, "lightweight sweaters, a hoodie... maybe a summer suit?"

Smiling into his face... he looked up at Tha who smiled... nodding.


A kiss for my boy!

I went to the Girl's department to give guidance to Chani... too late... she had two dresses out... the sales lady appeared a bit bemused.

I told the sales lady Chani knew what she liked... she took the two dresses as Chani moved on.

"She can pick out whatever she wants but please check on sizes... you can see what size she is now... Chani is really growing fast."

She nodded saying she understood.

I told her when it came time to add it up my PA Gil would be paying. Okay!

Each Twin had two Protectors, PJ and Kara with me, across the street to the Men's store. It was a sunny and pleasant day. We walked over Madison Avenue I was behind the red round sunglasses... I saw several women stare... we kept going into the store.

Polo shirts... a sales fellow came over inquiring... "I'm going to wander... is there a place where I can put things I choose?"

He hesitated until I took off my sunglasses. He was startled but in a turn-about he surprised me with a bow.

"Your Ladyship, please put anything you want on this counter space. I will write a note to explain to anyone coming in."

I thanked him. I began to pick Polo shirts... green, blue, pale red, orange, aqua, yellow... a smashing pale yellow!! Some crew socks in a variety of colours to go with the shirts in a good weight for Cho's golf shoes. Two belts! Casual shirts... in a spectrum of colours, long and short sleeved.

I sent PJ off to shop keeping Kara.

A terrific light knit cardigan jumper in a lovely plum colour!!A couple of pocket squares. The pile was growing. The store manager came into the area where I was rummaging in knits...

"Your Ladyship, welcome! You seem to be doing just fine."

A big smile as I laid another jumper on the pile. The sales fellow asked if I did indeed want them all or was I considering?

I smiled to them as I shook the manager's hand. "I'm the type that makes quick decisions... so I want it all."

A smile, the manager said to `start preparing' to sales fellow.

I went into `ties.' I did some damage there... the sales person had big eyes as I moved through picking beautiful ties. I had twelve... no fourteen! Okay.

Back out to the sales counter where my pile was. It was neat and arranged by type. I said was done. The manager helped the fellow add it up... several others were drafted in to wrap it all. Chelle was with me, Gil over in Kids. Chelle called Pell about another car for our purchases.

I smiled when Chelle told me Gil had two small Ford vans parked in the block, one on each side. My girl always thinking ahead!!

Chelle with a very cute smile. "She's good!"

I nodded, "Very good. You might find the one over here so these nice people can load it."


I handed the sales fellow my American Express Card. He asked if I wanted to know the total... I shook my head no. I knew it was probably a lot... I liked buying nice things for Cho!

The manager and three others carried it all out to the van.

On the sidewalk I thanked them and shook their hands. PJ had a few bags... they went in too.

We re-crossed Madison Avenue to go Ralph's kids... Chelle got a text back from Gil... they were done and sitting Ralph's Coffee. Hot chocolates!

I walked in to find them in a side room, they had the whole room!

Everything they bought was in a van already.

I sipped my espresso as the Twins gave me an accounting of their purchases. I told them what I got for Popa.

The Twins were UP for a visit to the Apple Store! We walked and carried them two blocks to E. 74th Street. A yellow T-shirted young woman approached us when we entered...

I was looking at the Twins...

"Are you sure, it's a responsibility?"

They nodded. Okay.

The Apple woman staring at me... I smiled, "We need two iPhone X's, 256gb, one red... one blue..."

I checked with the babies... nods!

Gil went with her to do the whole sign-up and pay thing.

I sent the Twins to get cases with another Apple person to help, Tha and Delphine along with Protectors.

"Chelle are the vans still at 72nd Street?"

She texted Pell... he replied >Yes<

"We need one to pick-up at Apple."

Chelle passed it on.

I turned to another Apple person, a young man, "We need the biggest screen iMac with the top end CPU, maximum ram and biggest hard drive."

He stared... "I will be here." He took off!

I looked around... My first time here. Another older building Apple rehabbed for a store. I liked the open spaces in Apple Stores. Since I was on the Board of Directors... it was good for me to see different stores... each in very different buildings... adapting the space.

The store manager got wind of me being here.

"Your Ladyship, welcome!"

We shook hands. I answered his question with what we were buying. He said there is a discount for Apple employees and as I was a director I qualified.

I thanked him... I know we might save a few hundred dollars... I could say it didn't matter but he seemed eager to be of service. He sent another T-shirted young woman, light blue, to where Gil was doing the iPhones to tell them about the discount.

I asked how their business was doing... the store was sixteen percent above last year! He said new items always helped... his staff were very knowledgeable and `on the ball.' An interesting phrase!

Suddenly he looked a bit nervous... I found out why...

"Your Ladyship... I hope I'm not impolite... you were involved in an incident at the Greenwich Village store?"

"Yes, a fellow who was not well tried to get close to me..." I reached out for PJ's arm... "...PJ stopped him and he was taken away."

I looked a question... He said the fellow had been in here... no actual trouble but he was odd trying to speak to women... he didn't touch anyone... "We did ask him to leave when two women pointed him out as a possible issue. He went quietly then a five or so months later Greenwich Village happened."

I asked what he had done after the fellow left.

"We sent stills from the security cameras to all metro area stores and Sunnyvale. The pictures of him I saw later... he was changed... much more rough living looking. I wasn't surprised the folks at the Greenwich Village store didn't recognize him."

I was nodding saying people can be quite changeable...

"Therein lies an issue with using facial recognition software in stores and malls... beyond the fact it isn't reliable even when people don't change... small changes thoroughly confuse it."

I knew Apple was considering its use in stores... I opposed it. Too many resources would have to be dedicated to it... it is better to train our employees to spot potential problems and intervene somehow.

A smile, he agreed. "We do have training sessions about awareness on the sales floor. Body language and voice stress are described and discussed."

"Please don't let your staff become too sensitised... no over-reactions."

He nodded, "Yes. I see your point."

The Twins were back with their case choices, two each so they could share and switch around. Gil came back with the Apple woman helping on the iPhones. The man I'd spoken to returned with the BIG boxed iMac. Puffing a good deal from the weight. Gil handed him her credit card, he swiped it in his iPhone thing. The manager telling him about the discount. The fellow's eyes widened... we were giving some surprises to Apple employees today.

I asked PJ if one Protector could carry the box to the van. He turned to Tara, she'd be in command, he lifted the box by the handle like it was a feather. The Apple guy's eyes really popped seeing that... I watched him come up struggling with the box so his expression was right.

I looked around... we were all together... all done. Okay I had one more stop a block away. At Carolina Herrera everybody but Gil, PJ, Ken and I got into the cars while we walked.

Inside Carolina Herrera's a woman drew near with a smile... she stopped abruptly eyes wide!

Smiling I said I was interested sheath dresses I'd seen recently in a Vogue advertisement. She stammered they were on the second floor... I asked one floor up? She nodded.

"I will take you to them."

I saw what I wanted from the top of the stairs. A warm yellow sheath dress to mid-calf, cap sleeves, square neckline. My hand on a size four... I said 'Done!'

Gil took over. Ken stayed with her. PJ and I went to the car.

I told the Twins we were going for lunch to a special place.

"Your Popa and I like it. We now own it."

They were smiling and clapping.

Gil and Ken in the car! My boxed dress in the boot! Over to Fifth Avenue and a left to go downtown to 52nd Street. We got out at the corner for the short walk.

The paparazzi were surprised, they were limited by some construction nearby. They got their shots at a distance. Tha and Delphine were carrying the Twins so we moved right along.

In the entry Bryan's face!!! Happy, delighted to see us.

"Your Ladyship! It is wonderful to have you here."

We shook hands... I introduced Chani and Charlie. He squatted down to welcome them for their first visit. He knew Cho was coming.

There had been no public announcement of the change of ownership but it had leaked out which was fine with us. News people including our own had asked but `no comment' from the restaurant management. We hadn't spoken about it.

Bryan led us to our tables... the arrangement was... Gil would let Bryan know if we were to be in town... tables nine and eleven would held for us. Table number ten was permanently reserved only for us.

Chani holding my right, Charlie my left we walked into the Bar Room. Folks started to notice... clapping... called out hellos and waves... the Twins learning fast gestured with their free hands.

Cho came in behind us... he touched the Twins shoulders... they turned to give loud "Popa's" with hugs!

At table eight G****** C****** and his wife and children. He and his wife stood to meet us. I shook A****'s hand when we were introduced... their twins younger than the Twins held hands with ours. They were fraternal like Chani and Charlie, quite cute.

We chatted as Tha and Delphine got the Twins in their `seats' ready to eat!

The C******'s home in Sonning-on-Thames was twenty miles downriver from us at Harcourt House.

I asked if they liked to ride... G****** did... A**** was `iffy' with a smile. Cho said they could come to ours to ride whenever they wanted.

I was nudged... grins!!

"We have many horses of various levels of... shall we say friskiness."

A**** laughed. "I would be a `one' on the frisky scale."

"We have a nice mare for you." She smiled with a `maybe' back and forth wave of her arm. We squeezed hands.

G****** asked if the rumours were true about the club. Cho said they were and we looked forward to maintaining the house as it had been with few visible changes. In answer to G******'s question Cho told them we had a small team of `Sharks' who discovered the former owner was disenchanted... so we made an offer. Done!

Smiles from them, they said New York was a frequent destination. Cho asked Axel to have Bryan come by... He showed up right away while we were still standing.

"Bryan, if at any time table eight is occupied please seat the C******'s at one of our tables."

Bryan gave him a bow and a big smile.

G****** thanked us. A**** a beautiful smile.

We parted as their food arrived. Chani and Charlie did little hand waves to their babies.

I sipped the `House' martini... nice. Cho ordered two as he walked by the bar. The bar man with a smile saying he hoped we liked it. He delivered two small colas for the Twins.

Axel smiling as he got our food choices, other servers were doing our staff.

Some people came by to say hello... we didn't know them and they were nice enough not to stay. Some fried calamari arrived... which stopped the `visiting' thankfully.

The Twins thought calamari with red pepper aioli was pretty good. They had grilled sole, whipped potatoes and broccoli for lunch! Children's portions which they ate it all! Ice cream at the end.

The C******'s were leaving, some handshakes, `We will call' and smiles. Waves from Charlie and Chani.

After lunch we all went to the Fox Tower... outside Bill's office his PA was giggling as we prepared to open the office door... the Twins poised to rush Bill. Door swung wide Chani and Charlie dashed in calling out `Bill!'

He was gobsmacked... a wonderful smile as he got to hug them. Bill was laughing... thanking the Twins for the big surprise.

Cho and I were going to talk to Bill for a few minutes. I asked Tha and Delphine to go down to the news floor with Charlie and Chani, let them look around. PJ motioned to Ansara and Gaby to go with them.

We discussed several projects and two investigations that were progressing... the republican congressmen from southern states were in the cross-hairs.

A separate track was Russian money coming into republican politician's pockets... on which they had hard information! Bank records! Falsified campaign donation files. This could be nasty! It was a felony to accept foreign money for American election campaigns!

The Russian money story was well advanced now. It could air soon.

Cho and I went to the lift.

A call from the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Starbucks. I was voted onto the board... They asked... I said as long as I could join meetings remotely, they said Okay.

I told the Chairman I wanted one dollar as my director's fee.

He was amazed... I reminded him of what I'd told when he asked me... I was not the ordinary business person... I was not interested in the money... I wanted to influence corporate policy.

They knew Cho and I owned seven percent of Starbucks shares... I did inform them we were not planning to acquire more `at this time'.

He said they were very pleased with the sponsorship agreement with Harcourt Racing and wanted to renew it. We were fine with that.

Cho giving me the `big' eyeball... "So..."

"I want to change how they deal with their employees. They are paying fifteen dollars an hour so money isn't as important as benefits and working conditions.

Starbucks corporate doesn't want their people to be unionized but I think it would be good for the company. It would force management to stop making arbitrary HR decisions which has caused considerable discontent... instead come to reasonable and equitable decisions after proper discussions.

Discontented workers never give you their best efforts... it defies logic to think anything else.

Mucking about when there is a negotiated labour contract only leads to lawyers getting involved which is not good for business. A Contract puts both sides on notice they have obligations towards the company and each other."

A kiss and a good luck.' My answer was We'll see.'

On the News floor Kent's PA gestured us over an arm pointing... Megan had Charlie and Chani on air talking and saying hello to the viewers... waving... They were having fun. Megan went to commercial... the Twins were clapping... happy being with Megan.

Kent's PA said he'd get a video file and email it to us.

Chani and Charlie came running up... "Popa... Mama we were on TV with Megan!"

Hugs. Popa said we saw them. They loved being on-air waving to all the people.

At home we sat outside... the Twins wanted it to be a `Thai' only night! We said Okay but they had to help those who weren't fully there. Yeas!

I setup the new iMac in the Nursery. The Twins were connected to EVERYTHING! I said the colour printer gave the best printouts. Okay.

I put on some protective software. I locked down the browser and other things that linked to the internet.

Delphine was very good with computers so she would be their guide. She would link it to their iPads and iPhones so all their music and pictures would be there too.

Dinner was interesting with the Twins `Thai' edict. Delphine, Francis, Ali and Chelle all needed help... Cho and I did translations and offered pronunciation assistance. Francis and Ali were doing very well not needing much aid.

It was fun and educational.

Once the Twins were down for the night we sat outside and the `Thai' only rule was ended.

Chelle gave us an update for the website lawsuit... the defendants filed their brief and there were eighty five amicus curiae briefs. Forty nine opposing us, thirty one in favour of our position and five wanted points of law clarified.

"The lawyers said the three judge panel would take some time to review all of those. The time to file an amicus brief had closed."

She told us a bit of courthouse gossip... it was thought the whole group of the appeal circuit judges might join in. If so it would speed the process up. When they ruled the only appeal afterwards was straight to the Supreme Court rather than the three panel judge's decision being brought to the Appeals Court `en banc' then the Supreme Court.

Just gossip.

Francis also had news... the tunnel boring device in Seattle was prepped to be put in action. The plan was for us to be at the start in three days.

Dog walking done, Jaidee exercised now chowing down on his breakfast in the kitchen. The Twins were up, they held hands watching Jaidee.

"Mama he likes his crunchies."

I ruffled Charlie's hair, "Yes, he does... right since he went on solid food."

"Why do you say `food' in Thai to him? It is his food he knows."

"It is his word to eat... he won't start until he hears `ahan' to keep someone from feeding him something he should not eat. It is to protect him."

They looked at each other then me.

Chani asked... "He protects us and we protect him?"

I knelt to hug them, "Yes... we look after each other."

I was going uptown this morning, Cho going the opposite. We'd all be together here for lunch then a trip to the Belmont.

I stepped out at the Fox Tower... the area at the front door was clear... inside our Security people smiling. I said hellos. Up the lift to the Daily News lower floor.

Funny... the first person I saw was the `Red-Head' he stopped short with a smile...

"Your Ladyship... good to see you."

We shook hands as others started to come up... I asked a few folks to go round up all their colleagues to come to the stairs. I ran up the stairs to the next floor... there was Stanley the Business editor. Others... I was shaking hands as all the editorial staff closed up...

Royce with a big smile taking my hand.

At the top of the stairs... looking down at a sea of faces crowding forward... all around... folks surrounding me and at the balustrade...

"First CONGRATULATIONS for your Peabody and Polk awards... earned and deserved."

I started clapping to them... cheers and very loud clapping.

"I'm hopeful you get the trifecta... getting a Pulitzer to cap an awesome year!!!"

More cheers and clapping. I was feeling a bit like a cheerleader.

"You are a great team... Cho and I thank you for the hard work and your energy!!"

Cheers again and clapping!

I waved to them. I moved towards Royce's office shaking hands and hugging along the way.

Inside his office I sat looking at Royce... he had a monster grin!

"Fay, I'm at a loss for words to describe how much you and Cho mean to all of us. You changed our lives... from a drab, worried existence to being near the pinnacle of our profession... "

I was smiling... "It's a fair trade... your hard work combined with some of our money. Cho and I laugh about how seriously you took our goal... for you to be the number one resource for New Yorkers. You have excelled... thank you."

"You and Cho have bet on newspapers when so many have said they are dead. I talked with Desmond at the Sun... they are going great guns... wiping the floor with the Daily Mail! Seattle, Los Angeles... both gaining readers from beyond their competitors... entirely new readers!

No one would have thought it possible a few years ago..."

Then he stopped cold... "My God... you thought it could be done... you bet hundreds... hundreds of millions of dollars on it! How did you know?"

"What was lacking was honest, straight-forward, quality reporting! We went out to find or create newspapers and people to do just that... say the truth loudly, let everybody know what you stand for and take no shit defending your position! Done!"

I did a `done and dusted' swipe of my hands.

"It's marvellous that you two should be so prescient."

I held up my interlaced fingers... Royce's smile.

"You and Cho... what a team!"

A hug for him.

We spoke about where to go now... widen the coverage without losing focus on the city.

On my way out I shook more hands and gave hugs. In the lift PJ linked arms with Tessa... grins.

PJ, "You do draw affection from people... you and Cho are good to them... they respond."

Tessa nodding, "We love you too!"

We laughed! Gil hugged me... more laughing!

In the car I got a telephone call from Chani.

"Mama, Tha put in your and Popa's numbers in our contacts for us. I wanted to thank you for the iPhone."

"You are welcome! Remember to be careful and if you don't need it put it somewhere safe."

Chani said she would and that Charlie was calling Popa.

My car companions laughing... Gil said one more leash for me. Maybe... at least Chani and Charlie were fun.

I created a new contact for Chani... I'd need one for Charlie.

"Fay hand me your phone I'll do it I know the number."

Funny to look at the Twins snaps as their contact photos. I switched them to their bird drawings... indicative of them.

One more stop... I walked into the atrium of 725 Fifth Avenue. A lot of construction paraphernalia around covered with tarpaulins... off to the sides. A huge portion of the marble was removed... maybe seventy five percent... I thought more. The construction manager greeted me.

"Miss Martin, the process is moving along very well. No issues. The marble recovery has been smooth... hundreds of tons have been taken away to our reclaim location in Brooklyn. We go to the fake gold things next..."

He confirmed my guess... `Almost eighty five percent of the marble!'

"We are about eight days ahead of schedule now. Our people have developed a great rhythm working the marble wall pieces."

I gave it a good look up into the big space trying to visualise it as a semi-tropical wonderland... the squinting helped.

I spun around looking at the whole area... the access to the lifts behind a security barrier managed by our people... Shoppers in the retail spaces... I could see diners in two restaurants... it looked very alive.

People coming in the doors from Fifth Avenue... staring around. They moved forward looking up...

I thanked the construction fellow for the good work.

Now home for lunch then The Belmont.

A white print frock with gold roses, sleeveless, close to me until the waist then a full skirt to mid-calf. A small round neckline. Gold Jewellery, bare legs and gold heels. `Joy' A small gold bag from Dolce and Gabbana. The red round sunglasses.

Chani in white frock with red shoes. Charlie in a navy suit like his Popa, they also had on Harcourt Racing ties!

We flew to the race track for one race... the Acorn Stakes! Sasithorn was running in a Triple Tiara race. According to whom you regard as a guide to distaff racing in America... this race is either the last of the Triple Tiara or the beginning.

To Aneka it hadn't mattered... she won them all! Sasithorn was looking to do exactly the same!

We landed on the same patch of grass we'd used before near the train station. The race track had carts to take us to the barn then to the grandstand. We had a longer ride due to a construction detour.

MacKenzie smiling. Our girl was `ready!' We visited Sasithorn first. Then Stellar Black, Toes Tapping, Aneka and SakChai. They were running tomorrow.

Also a new fellow Sakda... he is a two year old son of Asda. The Tremont tomorrow was his first race. He was a chestnut looking very much like his sire. Dom was his jockey, Trey was his day to day trainer.

He looked great on the training track so we'll find out tomorrow if he wants to race.

The Twins got to pet them... the horses were quiet and happy.

In the grandstand we had our now `usual' seating in the box seats... A20 and C19.

We got a few cheers and applause, waves and lots of hellos from the folks around our seats.

A race was starting, another one following before the Acorn Stakes.

We got drinks. Sweet lemonades for the Twins! Cho and I did club sodas with lime.

An email from Carla to Gil... could Charles stay at our Basuto Road house for a few nights in June when he was taking a course in video editing? I asked Gil to reply... YES, any time.' Gil said no one else had asked about the first part of June so she would green-light' it for Charles.

He was a whiz... I was glad to see him continuing to learn. I had Gil add Carla would be welcome to go up with him.

More terrific news!! Soka and Ban had a baby boy!!! He was Boon-Nam.' A boy born with good fortune.' Well he certainly had loving parents! Their families would be ecstatic I'm sure.

Gil arranged the flowers and the champagne!

We sent emails congratulating them. Another little one to visit when we were in Bangkok!

Sasithorn was up! The post parade... they came out of the tunnel walking down the track to loosen the horses then to the starting gate over in the chute. A calm group of horses walking over.

The loading was easy... all in... PAUSE... CLANG! Sasithorn coming out of the number four slot fast. No issues this time... she wanted the lead. Down the straight she had a two lengths gap very quickly.

Radha moved her to the rail halfway through the back straight...Sasithorn had a four length lead. No one wanted to challenge her.

She was galloping a speedy pace... as they approached the turn it was a six length gap... Radha did a quick look then she asked Sasithorn for more... in the long turn you could see her lead widen.

Out of the turn on the stretch Sasithorn was roaring along with big strides... at the eight pole it was ten lengths and no slowing for her. Radha hand riding the whole way... she only asked the once. Sasithorn was indeed `ready!'

She blew past the finish in full stride... no stopping this filly.

The crowd gave her their appreciation! Chani clapping in my lap! Hugs and kisses in our box. We all celebrated then worked our way down to the Winner's Circle.

Chani and I did the honours! She was giggling as we held the trophy. All smiles for the press. Monaco, Radha and Porto all got to hold the trophy.

The Belmont folks happy to see our horses compete here. The Acorn Stakes more than happy to welcome Sasithorn to the Winner's Circle. She was making a name for herself.

We flew back to Manhattan.

Dinner and bed for the Twins. Us big people on the terrace talking.

Cho had his meeting with a special group of architects on the 40 Wall Street building. They were developing plans for the upper floors being flats... they said Cho's idea of making them shaped like `pizza slices' with their entry doors in the small end at the circular passageway around the central core facilities and lifts would work. They liked it.

They had all they needed to get a design prepared... there would be some minor variations because of the structure of the building... some floors there would eight `slices' on others six.

They were off and running.

Gil told everyone about my meeting at Ten Downing Street... my little joke... laughter! I asked Gil to write a note to Viscount Flintshire saying I enjoyed our meeting but I was sure he would understand...

A thumbs up.

To bed, we had a long day at the track tomorrow... four races.

Jaidee and I had a good walk circumnavigating Washington Square with all the necessary `stops.'

A big day... would we win the Triple Crown again or not?

Yellow today! A sleeveless lemon yellow silk dress, smooth to the waist then an A-Line to mid-thigh. No stockings and blue heels that matched the gorgeous blue in the Lapus Lazuli jewellery set. My Cho' engraved gold band on my left wrist. Joy'

A blue Kelly bag and blue round sunglasses.

Chani in a yellow and white striped frock from Ralph Lauren, white socks and blue ballet flats.

The guys in black suits and Harcourt Racing yellow ties.

We landed in the same spot with the carts waiting. Up into the grandstand. We had a big crowd in our boxes! Spouses, partners and friends of our staff and jockeys.

Our first race was the Tremont, Sakda running.

The odds were 8-1 on Sakda.. The other horses had raced before... Sakda's odds weren't favourable... Asda as his sire was on the programs... more disbelief in him... It wasn't as if his progeny weren't amazing.

Cho grinning, "I'm going to put some money on him."

Fist Bump!

Cho and Rande went into the clubhouse... Cho came back in ten minutes...

"I put twenty thousand on his nose... it'll probably change the odds."

We sipped our drinks... the Twins giggling over something...

Cho nudged me... the odds on Sakda were now 6.5-1. Cho's face... a cheesy grin. He got a kiss.

The Tremont field including Sakda walking out moving quietly. It is his maiden race. Dom in our silks, Gareth on Pablo as his stable pony. This is a sprint race of five and half furlongs, G3 rated for two year olds. The gate was over on the back straight.

All in... no problems, good since they're all young horses. P a u s e... CLANG... they're off! Sakda in number four came out in a rush... straight down the dirt... he was the early leader with the rest of the field in fanned out on either side.

Dom had him rolling... four lengths ahead as they reached the turn. Dom closed Sakda to the rail and guided him around the big Belmont curve. At the top of the stretch... Dom asked... Sakda like his siblings geared up.

His acceleration plainly visible... he widened on the other horses...by the eighth pole it was nine lengths... No relaxing... he rushed over the finish ten lengths clear in 1:01.01 a new record for the stakes.

What a way to break your maiden!! Sakda amazing!

We celebrated our colt's victory. Shared hugs and kisses!!

Cho in my ear, "There's one hundred and thirty thousand dollars... an easy money making trick."

We laughed and did a family hug.

We went as a family to the Winner's Circle. We got a warm reception from the crowd. The Tremont stakes and Belmont folks welcomed us!

Cho and Charlie accepting the trophy! I picked up Chani... her arm around my neck... cheeks together watching the guys!!

Up in the box we settled down one race before our next. Cho came back from collecting his winnings... he signed some paperwork for the tax folks... he said he was laughing the whole time.

Cho, "A fellow in the cashiers office shaking his head, `Mr. Cho don't they get it yet? I did several years ago... your Asda is a terrific sire... no way you can bet against him.' I shook his hand."

A big kiss.

Drinks. We got some sun... Hats on the Twins.

The Ogden Phipps Stakes... Aneka was up! During the post parade when her name was announced there was a huge cheer and clapping. `The Queen' had won everything in sight. Now in her third racing year she continued to triumph. Aneka would retire at the end of this season... to date she was unbeaten in twenty one races... maybe twenty two?

Leonie's name got big applause too.

A mile and one sixteenth, a G1 race with a five hundred thousand dollar purse!!

They walked out to the back straight chute to the gate. The loading was smooth, these ladies were veterans.

The pause short... CLANG... the release had Aneka come out of the number three slot clean and fast! Straight down the track she was clear by a length quickly. She led the field down the long dirt straight to the turn... Leonie took a look back as Aneka entered the big wide turn... five lengths.

Aneka striding beautifully making her lead changes like the pro she is... at the top of the lane she had eight lengths. Down the stretch she was accelerating... pulling away from the others. She crossed the eighth pole ten lengths free and not letting up.

Her strides were big and smooth... she powered over the wire eleven and half lengths in the lead. Her time was a new stakes record at 1:39.60!!! Her eleven and half lengths was a new largest margin!

We did a big celebration... our box rocking!

Cho kissed me whispering, "We can't lose today!"

It seemed so! He got a big kiss!

We headed down to the Winner's Circle again! We received another big welcome! The trophy in my hands as I bent down to include Chani... her small hands joining mine... big smiles for the press.

A hug for Leonie! She was a happy lady! MacKenzie grinning holding the trophy! He was becoming an awesome trainer... Corky holding Aneka's lead smiling beside us... my arm on her shoulders.

Cho and Charlie clapping!!

A break now for lunch. We decided to get snacks... dinner tonight at '21.'

Charlie and I shared a big bucket of chips... we did ketchup, mayonnaise and hot sauce! Such a smile on his face! Chani and Popa did pair of bagels with different toppings, Gil and Chelle split a BLT with crisps. Ali and Francis had a veggie burger and chips. We enjoyed the food! Sweet lemonade for the Twins... Cho and I stayed with club soda and lime.

We were ready for next races... first was SakChai! The Manhattan Handicap... Glaa had run wild last year! A mile and quarter on turf.

The post parade brought huge crowd reaction to SakChai being introduced. Yells and cheers! The noise was LOUD when Marnie was announced! Our pair were killers!

Out on the inner grass track... they loaded to our left. All quiet... CLANG! Boom! SakChai came out of the number one post like his older half-brother... roaring. The slivery white colt was clear of the field in the first few strides.

Down the grass he was hitting on all cylinders... Marnie guided him towards the first turn staying close to the rail saving ground. The slick lead changes... to the left then back when he emerged onto the back straight... he was seven lengths clear.

SakChai galloping along at a fast pace... the sunlight bouncing off his body... he was a shining star as he ran away from the field.

Tom's Everyone was in second place as they approached the second turn... SakChai running close to Glaa's time. Down the grass home stretch... our colt striding out... looking gorgeous!!

He crossed the finish line going all out to win by fourteen lengths!! His time was four hundreds of a second short of Glaa's record... the second best!

More rousing celebrations in our box! We quieted down to go again to the Winner's Circle. SakChai and Marnie getting a large ovation when they walked up. Carlita hooked the lead on giving it to Cho.

Charlie joined his Popa to receive the trophy... he was smiling that deadly cute way Cho does. Boy... he was the spitting image of his Popa!! I was a lucky lady!

I lifted Chani up so we could share again. A kiss on my cheek, a grin with little white teeth.

Back in our seats... the sun warming up now... hats for the twins.

Okay... time for the big ONE... the Belmont Stakes!! Stellar Black and Toes Tapping in a field of twelve.

Stellar Black walking calmly with Pablo, Toes Tapping behind Alexander who had Eldon aboard. Our stable ponies were ex-racers, very cool, mature horses, excellent at their work.

The post parade saw our horses and jockeys get big ovations. All the horses moved to the final turn area to `warm-up' before loading into the starting gate. They walked to the gate to start loading.

Stellar Black into number two, Toes Tapping in number six. The horses loaded without issue... CLANG!

Stellar Black rushing forward into the lead, Toes Tapping amongst the others moving towards the front. They came down the straight bunched up... Stellar Black on the lead by one length. Tom's Everytime was beside Toes Tapping as they entered the first turn.

Stellar Black continued to lead... now by three as they spun around the big curve. Toes Tapping and Everytime were second and third moving away from the rest. Stellar Black on the back straight moving easily... Toes Tapping in the second path... Everytime on her right shoulder.

They stayed like that galloping down the dirt to the turn... Dom had a look as Stellar Black entered the turn. Going through the turn it was those three horses... the remainder of the field was eight and more lengths back.

As Stellar Black came to the top of the home straight Dom asked him... Toes Tapping following onto the stretch... Marnie chirped to her... she surged forward. Suddenly her move closed the gap with her stablemate to three... two... one length by the eighth pole.

Dom using his whip... Marnie hand riding... they were level in the last yards... Toes Tapping edging ahead... to WIN! Again she did it!


Marnie holding up her whip in celebration of her success! Toes Tapping slowed in the turn... Dom moving Stellar Black close to fist bump and hug Marnie.

That made me feel wonderful. Dom was a great jockey and a fine person! It isn't easy to lose in these world famous races!! Dom was a gentleman. He and Stellar Black had run excellent races, good pace, good tactics... Toes Tapping just had that little bit extra. Each time!

Tom's Everytime won the 'show' spot easily. He had improved in each succeeding race, maturing right on the track. We congratulated Tom who was very happy.

A lot of firsts in this...

Marnie was the first jockey to ride back to back Triple Crown winners!!

Toes Tapping was the first filly to win the Triple Crown!!

Harcourt Racing was the first stable to win three Triple Crowns!!

Also the three were in a row!

We did a very loud and happy celebration in the boxes. Hugs and kisses in loads! It did take some time to calm down and go to the Winner's Circle.

The Governor and other dignitaries plus the Belmont folks and the stakes people. It was crowded in the `Circle.' Cho and Charlie went in leading Toes Tapping... behind them Chani in my arms again, snug! Marnie grinning from the saddle... she tossed her whip to a young fellow just before the horse stepped into the crowded circle.

We were getting squeezed a bit. PJ, Rande and Tara behind us facing away pushing against some of the crowd. Rafe came in from the side to move folks away. The Belmont's security joined in to make space.

Cho held up the August Belmont Trophy, ornate and symbolic! He leaned down so Charlie could take part. He held it up for Chani and I to touch it

Monaco... Marnie... held it also. Gus with his big smile got to hold the trophy for pictures.

Then the three sided Triple Crown Trophy was handed over! Ours all got to hold on to it for a bit.

Cho had the honour of getting a microphone aimed his way... not too close... the news folks were learning!

Cho said it was a great honour made possible by Monaco's superb training, Marnie was a very skilled jockey and by Gus Toes Tapping's groom and other staff who take such good care of our horses.

"It is a team effort all the way through. We are very proud of our team!"

A bit more chatter and interviews then we worked our way to some carts to go to the barn. Charlie said the trophies were big... a kiss for him.

At the barn we thanked our folks for their hard work. Many would get a some break time after the tensions of the last six weeks.

We had some Taittinger's to do toasts!! A caterer had snacks for everybody.

I thanked Gus personally for his work. A smile, "Miss, Toes is a wonderful horse, funny and easy to care for. I can't say I'd do it for free but I have enjoyed myself."

He was in for next year when I said Toes Tapping would race another season. Fist bump!

We laughed. Gus would get a very nice piece of the purse... he could see something near fifty thousand dollars.

Chani and Charlie with Tha and Delphine sitting on some chairs, they had colas and plates of goodies. I leaned over advising them not to eat too much... dinner at '21.' Smiles.

Cho, Monaco and Marnie had news folks clustered around them... Monaco was already legendary... Three Triple Crowns... the depth of our stables meant he had plenty of talented horses coming on.

Marnie was alone at the top of the horse racing world of jockeys. She was getting the attention she deserved for doing something no other jockey had ever done!

She rarely used her whip... in these three races she brought her horse from behind each time without it. She forged a close connection to her mounts... a bond like Mike had with Glaa!!

Cho smiling as he spoke to the press. Frank was there... They were definitely leaning close to hear everything Cho said. I was grinning watching him... sitting between the Twins I put my hand on my heart... Cho looked over... he repeated my gesture.

The news folks didn't know what was going on... until someone turned towards me... then they got it!

Elinor came over to me. A hug.

She was happy we'd done it again.

"Where do you find these wonderful runners?"

I told her most are products of Asda but we'd seen Toe Tapping run a race at Aqueduct... a gutsy run like all her Triple Crown wins. We bought her...

"She has Secretariat in her... on both sides... we want her to have some babies for us."

Elinor with a smile, "You two always think ahead... it's a terrific thing!"

Fist bump! Charlie and Chani got one too!

I said to give our best to Tom. Elinor smiled nodding.

We flew back to Manhattan. At Minetta Street we freshened up and changed.

I chose the yellow double breasted suit! Gil got some of those sticky nipple things so I was extra careful donning the jacket... they worked just fine... I wasn't uncomfortable, leaning over in the big mirrors... no problem!

Cho loved it!

He was in one of his slim-cut navy suits, white shirt and a shimmery gold tie with a small red horse I just got at Ralph's! Too scrumptious for words!!!

Charlie in a black suit with a gold tie like his Popa in every way. Cho was wearing the Hermès `Terre.' Our son got some. A smile, he liked!

Chani in the longer white frock she chose at Ralph's on Rodeo Drive, lace top socks and black Mary Janes. Plus a dot of Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes from her Popa when he did me.

At the lift I got an email... `I bet Terlingua' was all it said... that was enough. I told Cho, a smile.

"I wonder what the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary will make of that? You met with them several times now without mentioning it."

I shrugged, "I guess they'll conclude I can keep a secret."

A big grin and a kiss from Cho.

We loaded cars... up Sixth Avenue to West 52nd Street. Most of the way down the block... We climbed out at the door to blazing paparazzi cameras. They stayed respectfully at a distance as we entered '21.'

Bryan there again with a big smile.

"Congratulations to you for the wins at the Belmont. Toes Tapping is a terrific runner."

Cho thanked him.

Bryan escorted us into the Bar Room... there was a low hum which went galactic when we were seen... cheering and applause throughout the room. Folks standing up clapping. I had Charlie's hand... we were waving, Cho and Chani doing the same.

We made our way to the tables... shaking hands with some on the way.

Axel pulled the table out so we could seat Chani and Charlie in the little chair seats... Tha one side with Delphine, me on the other. Cho beside me.

Cho had done the martini thing again so the bar man smiling deposited two on our table. Two small colas also!

The Twins would share the crab cakes starter then they'd have the lobster ravioli. I was in for a Clayton's Jumbo Lump Crabmeat starter with the Dover Sole. Cho the Shrimp Cocktail and the Parmesan Crusted Halibut.

Cho asked the bar man for a very good white Bordeaux or Burgundy for us. He suggested a Bourgogne... Domaine de la Romanee-Conti Montrachet... Cho knew it, a good choice.

Our other tables were taken care of so dinner was off. We toasted with our cocktails... a great win!

I reminded everybody about the fellow at Oaklawn saying they may need a larger room for their Triple Crown paintings. We had a good laugh.

Cho... "They have to get used to new colours too! White and now grey!"

Gil, "Oh wow... they'll have to put up with a filly too!"

A toasted all the fillies... especially Toes Tapping!

We did have some people come by to say hello and do congratulations... they were nice and brief. A tall slender blonde... she's a model... I've seen her face in Vogue... A terrific smile... She came from the middle of the room.

"Hello I'm Gigi, Congratulations on your horse's win today. AND... I would like to say your suit is awesome!"

I stood up to shake her hand, thanking her for both things. I introduced Cho and the Twins. She shook hands with Cho. Little waves with Chani and Charlie.

Her smile widened, "You had us professional models worried after seeing your Vogue cover... You and your clothes were something special."

I laughed, "Don't worry I'm not turning pro!"

A big laugh from her. "Is this suit a Mirabelle item?"

"They made it for me... I'm not sure it will be in the stores."

"I'd wear it."

"Maybe we could get you to do some modelling for us? Do this suit?"

"I would like that..." She leaned over closer, "... it would have to be soon because I'm... having some issues that will come to a head in a week or so. Boyfriend things! I'll need distraction after that before I fly to Europe."

I said `sorry'... "Can I help?"

She said she was Okay. She added she didn't want a relationship with the guy any more... it would be fine.

Gil gave Gigi her card... I explained that Gil was my PA and friend. The smile back... she thanked Gil.

"We'll send an email to you in a week... meaning me or Anna if I talk her into the idea."

"Vogue? I'd definitely be up for that!"

"I'm sure we can mount a shoot pretty quickly."

I stepped out to give her a hug.

Gigi went away still smiling.

Cho leaned on me, "She has a light-up the room smile."

"Yes... I would like to get her in our clothes."

"A good idea, she has a good shape... tall though."

"We can make her look shorter..."

We laughed.

Everybody enjoyed the food. The strawberry cheesecake that was put down for the Twins disappeared quickly leaving an empty plate and big grins. Chani rubbing her tummy to laughter.

We decided to do Afters on our terrace. Gil did a big tip for Axel. She gave two fifty dollar bills to the bar man.

In the entry Bryan said, "Most regulars now know you own us... the comments have been very positive."

He gave us a smile, "We turned away several of trump's buddies a week ago. They were unhappy... I told them the new owners wanted nothing to do with them... it was a permanent policy."

Good. We like this place. It was old style in many ways... no flash or glitz... a good fit.

Our people were happy. We kissed and hugged them goodnight in our building's entryway.

We changed and parked on settees and lounges. The Twins in night clothes with big fuzzy robes and slippers. They got we all were going west tomorrow morning early... Seattle.

The babies to bed.

Jaidee went out with me, Kara and Sorya. A nice walk, a slight chill which my hoodie dealt with fine.

Cho and I read Ring's email... in bed.

He had been at Chantilly today... Thaksin in his second start of the season blew away the field in the Prix du Jockey Club!! He ran the 2100 metres in a rush! He established a new record for the race and for Chantilly at the distance winning by fifteen lengths.

Oh Boy... this fellow flummoxed the French punters last year now they had plenty to see. Next up for him was Grand Prix de Paris, the last of the French Triple Crown races.

We could possibly have the American, French and British Triple Crowns in one year!! Plus Aneka did the Triple Tiara last year... Sasithorn on her way for a repeat for us. Amira running wild could win the French Distaff Triple Crown!!

Winning them all has never been done!

Chaiya won the G1 Prix du Ormonde. At 1600 metres it was shorter than Thaksin but he ran it the same... speed all the way. No slack at any time! He won by ten and set a new lowest time for the race!

Normandie Fille won her second race also... the Prix de Dolores at 2100 metres. She came from off the pace to run down the leaders in the last one hundred metres winning by two lengths.

They came through in excellent shape. They would be back in action in a month. Satirical would race tomorrow at Longchamp.

Jonny was VERY pleased. We were too!!

Ring was having fun being our man in France collecting the trophies for us!

An early start for us. My walk in the morning with Jaidee in the dark.

We loaded up for Newburgh. The 767 was warmed up when we boarded. Stephanie said we were cleared to taxi and take-off. A bit over four hours to Seattle. We should be on the ground at Boeing Field at ten o'clock.

Lil and Yobi fed us breakfast when we were in level flight. The Twins laughing and having fun all through the meal talking alternately in English, Thai and French.

Afterwards work for me and my ladies, Cho and Francis doing some of their things, the Twins schooling... they were working on their iPhones and iPads learning new features. Delphine showing them how!

I started with a call to Anna W. I asked about a shoot for Vogue with Mirabelle clothes and Gigi... "I think she would look terrific in our clothes."

Anna said it was a good idea... "Could we build it around your suits? Just the suits?"

"Yes... we can do it with the jackets... both styles of skirts and trousers!"

Anna loved it. She would organise the photographer... she was surprised when I suggested Cory but she liked it. He didn't often do couture... she DID like his shoot with me.

I followed on, "What about businesses as background... work in suits... How about Fox News and the Daily News as locations? They are in the same building. And maybe the business lunch... you could use `21' for that."

"I've heard rumours... is it true you two own 21?"

"Yes, we bought the club when the previous owner was shaky about it. For now we are leaving it alone except for behind the scenes changes.

If you want to `pop-in' for lunch or dinner call the club ask for Bryan... he'll seat you at our tables."

I was thanked. Anna said she would be back to me on the `shoot.'

We all sat to take a break with an hour to go. Snack time! Aunt Dee's shortbread! Smiles! I told Chani and Charlie we would go to see Dee and Unc... they could see where the tasty shortbread was made. Clapping!

Stephanie gave us a thirty minute alert. We dressed for a public occasion... some rain possible, it was to be ten degrees and blustery.

Black wool tube skirt to my knees, a plum long-sleeved cowl neck jumper, black stockings and heels. Silver jewellery, `Joy' A black Hermès Kelly bag, the wool jacket with two big buttons and big collar, black leather gloves. A black cloche hat, the brim rolled up at the front sloping away to the left, a red poppy on the band.

Chani in a black pinafore and pale grey turtleneck, winter weight white tights and black shoes.

The guys in navy suits with red ties. Shiny bright black shoes.

Coats and gloves!!

At Aviation Supply Amarha was waiting as the 767 rolled to a stop. The crew moving around it immediately. Hugs and handshakes. She was well, enjoying the work, flying a lot!! Doing some of the tour flights to keep her hand in. Grin!

She was training helicopter pilots for Cho-Fay Air and the Security Service... there was a regular rotation established.

Our cars on the tarmac. We worked our way north and west to get to the western construction site. Once there we passed hundreds of pieces of pre-formed curved concrete which will go into the tunnel as the borer moved along.

Kevin was there with the construction people and Hjalmar, the Swede from the boring machine manufacturer in Stockholm. Everything was ready to go.

We followed them up onto a low, wide platform overlooking the tunnel opening... the Mayor and City Council members, people from King County Council, Seattle Department of Transportation folks, Washington State transportation officials on one side... news people with their cameras on the other.

We four walked into the centre where a podium was setup. A lever was beside it on a pedestal with a gold ribbon. Funny.

Kevin and Hjalmar with us along with the construction companies' leaders.

Cho stepped to the podium, he welcomed all the dignitaries... Kevin had given Cho a list of them... So Cho could name them all... he also welcomed the news people.

"Today is the start of project we hope..." he motioned to me and the Twins, then towards the city folk, "... will make the commute from the south and southwest portions of Seattle a bit easier."

Cho introduced Kevin and Hjalmar then introduced our construction team.

"These people are the ones to make it happen. Fortunately for us they know what they are doing!"

Laughter and some clapping.

"So we don't get wet and cold we will send the signal to start the borer."

Cho and I with Chani and Charlie all gripped the lever and PUSHED IT. A yellow circular rotating light at the end of the tunnel borer came on and we could hear the engine start-up. We watched as it did its warm-up things then with a lurch it moved forward.

We four started the clapping!

Kevin with Cho at the podium told everyone the borer's one mile trip should take three months with another eight months to complete the insides of the tunnel.

Cho smiling, "We hope to be back for the grand opening in a year!"

He thanked everybody for coming and assisting in getting the project going. He named the most important contributors.

Cho ended with there was hot coffee, tea and hot chocolate and other refreshments down to the right of the steps.

Folks began moving that way. We held back letting them all go.

The news people wanted to ask questions... Cho suggested we get off the platform and out of the breeze. They could see the value in that as their coattails flapped in the wind.

I got the Twins hot chocolate... the construction crew had built a shelter in advance, very nicely done. Charlie and Chani with Tha and Delphine plus two Protectors sipping their hot drinks safe from the weather.

Cho with a coffee and Kevin talking to a group of reporters... the mayor and the head of the city Transportation department beside me as I gabbed with some news people. They wanted to know why we started this project... I would have thought that obvious but TV folks seem to like having everything restated ad nauseam. I guess they believe viewers need it... oh well.

I played the game for a bit then excused myself.

Kevin and Jonathan joined me looking over the platform railing, we could see the rear of the borer as it slowly worked its way forward.

Kevin, "Fay the reverse is ready to set in motion. The Port of Seattle-Tacoma is ready. They have cleared the space we need in their holding yard. The Matson Line`s new building further south is more eighty five percent the way completed so in a few months we can demolish their current building.

The city plan for the intersection has begun, the wiring is in for the lights and your cabling people have put in the sensors and cameras. They have some paving for a turn lane to do and it's ready.

The State of Washington is working on the on-ramp to Highway 99. In fact the State Department of Transportation has dug the holes for the on-ramp supports, they'll be pouring concrete soon. The modular decking will get it completed much quicker than normal.

We will evaluate the borer when it emerges from its run. Hjalmar says given the soil analysis in its path we'll probably only need to replace the blades. The second run is short just a month, the distance is short and it is shallower."

Jonathan smiling, "Fay, your lawyer Ash is very good! He had all the legal bits under control for the various government agencies to grant permission for the project... the financing came together very fast with your grants as the the basis.

The reverse is so easy and the commuters already know the idea. Everybody knows the value of being able to switch back and forth for rush hour traffic since the commuter lanes on the freeways work so well."

Fist bump!

Jonathan, "Miss Martin, you two have really pulled off something in this city. Especially since you aren't really living here... you seem to know how to do things.

You are property owners and have businesses but your contribution to the traffic schemes are amazing. You will make money from the traffic control operations but this tunnel... you won't see a penny."

"Well we don't always think of making money... quite a few of our `schemes' will never make money but we go ahead anyway."

He and Antoine worked well together, they spoke every day.

"When the wiring is done and tested the switchover should be seamless. All of our people praise yours for being friendly and helpful but most of all for thoroughly knowing what they are doing."

I nodded, "We hire the most competent folks we can find. Do you know about our water project in Iran?"

He shook his head... Kevin leaned forward to hear... the wind.

I said let's move down. We got more hot drinks and moved to near the Twins shelter... they were laughing about something... sipping their hot chocolates.

I gave them a synopsis and who were members of our team in Iran... I said the Iranians knew upfront there were members whose backgrounds they might not approve of... the Iranians wanted our best.

"Only one event has occurred... that was dealt with quickly by the Iranians themselves."

I pushed on Jonathan's shoulder...

"You might want to re-consider working for us after the traffic project is running smoothly."

He nodded, "I will consider my options because I don't think I can go on as an assistant to a department head no matter what my assignments could be."

"You know how to get in touch."

We shook hands.

I said goodbye to them with thank yous for their hard work.

We made a move to the cars. Shaking hands and thanking folks for coming. We received quite a few thanks for everything.

We made a stop at the Traffic Control Office off Airport Way. Antione smiling at the door. We were given a big welcome! Wayne and Ralls... hands shaken!

We did introductions for the Twins. Antoine on one knee saying hello. Fist Bumps!

Standing on the main deck in the control room looking at the big screen... Charlie's hand in mine, he was grinning, "It's cool, Mama!"

There were fifteen different camera video feeds up with two panels of statistics on one side.

Antoine did the introductions for the staff. They were for the most part young, about half and half for sex and a multitude of ethnic backgrounds.

We sat with Antoine, Ralls and Wayne for a bit. The Twins doing a tour.

The wiring people were rolling along, minor issues only. They were on track to have the wiring done by September. A thorough testing suite to be run. We had collected an enormous amount of data from across the city to be used to create the basic scheme which would be refined daily to fit the needs of the grid. Then go live on November 1st.

All the systems in this building were functioning perfectly. They did not have to use the heating equipment during the winter. The huge rack arrays of Mac OX Servers on the other side of the building provided all the heat needed and more.

Because I was now on Apple's Board of Directors... Apple was coming up here to do videos and interviews with staff. There were Apple folks in London visiting The Company offices for the same reason. They wanted to use the video at a Developers Conference.

The Twins went to the cars... Cho and I outside looking at the attached office structure under construction. A lot had been completed, walls, windows and roof on. The interiors were in progress on schedule for an autumn opening too.

The glass passageway to the original building done with the insulated duct for the heat transfer from the server array in place... already providing heat for the ground floor.

I was looking over the car park with Cho.

"Since we have developed solar panels of high efficiency we should re-consider building the frame over the..." My hand sweeping in front of me... "... car park and covering it with panels. We would be able to power the office building and the offices in the main building... plus a major contribute to the server arrays."

Cho nodding taking my hand, "If you think so... do it. What might be the ROI?"

"I would have to re-visit the numbers for construction and current electricity rates plus any planned rises. Steel is probably a reasonably steady cost... we are building the panels so a savings there.

Maybe we try out the new thermophotovoltaic arrangement... I'll call Cam and Rufus for their latest."

A kiss.

The Magnolia house looked the same... comfortable... fitting in to the Northwest environment perfectly. Martha at the door to welcome us. The Twins went forward to do fist bumps! Martha laughing.

Nicholas waiting. Handshakes. He and his family were well.

The Security Service in Seattle was running smoothly, lots of staff to cover all the buildings we now owned. The multiple blocks of flats on Queen Anne, the houses on top including Greg and Kay's. The Boeing Field properties, our houses here on Magnolia, the stables, the boatyard, the Traffic Control Centre, the wiring companies, etc... Now the construction locations for the SODO tunnel.

"The house next door we get in tomorrow morning... it'll have the basic wiring and on the network by the end of the day. Further work and the perimeter will be done by the day after next."

Good news!

Martha had lunch ready... her glorious grilled cheese sandwiches with chips/fries. The Twins gave her `YEAS!'

The kitchen booth was comfortable but not big enough for us and our expanded staff. The dining room was great... everybody around the table. Our Protectors were enjoying the grilled cheese sandwiches.

PJ reminded me that I had done them in Bangkok... true! I should do it again!

Afterwards the Twins were schooling, Cho and I with our folks in the study. We talked the schedule and other bit and pieces. Francis had a few things working in the background.

Martha and Lloyd came to the door. Lloyd grinning, "I wanted you to know the device for maintaining the water levels in the DeLonghi's has been patented and a small company I started in South Seattle is making them."

Terrific! We congratulated Lloyd for his entrepreneurial and engineering skills.

"We will see some money in a year or so once the costs have been covered... faster if the sales rise. Can we let your people know about it?"

Cho smiling said `By all means.' He turned to Francis asking if he could he help Lloyd filter our staff lists for possibles around the world where DeLonghi's and other similar machines existed.

Cho asked to make sure... "It is usable on any like designed espresso machine?"

Lloyd said yes... it just needs a water tank accessible from the outside and water pipes.

I asked Gil to call The Day and the Fox TV station to let them know about Lloyd and his kits. It sounded like a newsworthy item.

Lloyd had a website that Ni's folks did for him... `pretty simple' Lloyd said. Just a sales tool.

A huge thank you and thumbs up from Lloyd and Martha.

I loved his spirit. They said any money from the little company was going to college funds for the grandchildren. Terrific!

My time to speak on the two Defence Bills was coming... I still had a week and half. I was pretty well prepared now as long as there were no last minutes changes of note.

A call from Graeme... he was great, enjoying his work. He was going out soon with his regiment for several weeks in the field. I said dress warmly to a laugh.

"Fay, Flintshire approached me yesterday... he found out we are cousins. He is very much involved with the SIS and has been for years. We have done a few things together.

We took a walk along the Embankment... he got your note... He said he would rather not write back... I guess he's been with spooks too long.

He said he apologises for the meeting and hoped you weren't offended."

I laughed at that.

Graeme laughing with me, "An indirect approach if ever there was one."

I was still laughing, "Since putting things on paper seems to scare him... would you convey my response?"

Graeme, "Yes, I will tell you I don't look good in a beard."

Much more laughter!!

"Tell him I wasn't offended but I knew he didn't belong which is why I spun out the Clausewitz discussion."

"I'll tell him."

Donella was graduating in a couple of days. She was taking a few weeks off before starting her job in Edinburgh.

"Mum and Dad are doing fine... looking forward to Donella being around the house for a bit. I'm trying to get time to join them before going into the field."

We rang off with love.

The rain had stopped so we sat outside for a short time before a cold wind came off the Puget Sound. The fire lit in the living room was cosy, Gil and Chelle, Francis and Ali, Cho and I... we coupled up.

I reached to squeeze Ali's ankle... "How much longer are you going to travel with us? And where is the birth to be?"

She smiled, "My doctor's advice is to stop soon. Once we are back at Harcourt House we will finalise our decision but we are leaning to New York."

Smiling, "You're going to make a grand-aunt of Daria?"

"Yes, if she is willing a godmother too."

We silently clapped.

Chelle said the local TV news folks did a big splash on the tunnel borer starting up. Lots of snaps and video. Fox News in New York picked up the story from the local station... some national attention for them.

The Day had promised many pictures in the morning edition. The AP had snaps on their wire service... surprisingly so did the New York Times!

My morning was terrific! I took Angie, Tara, Tessa, Penny and Ken to ride... we walked to the stables with Jaidee. It was chilly, a good wind! We had Kentucky Heat under-things on!

Dean was not surprised to see us... he'd seen the news about the tunnel borer.

We shook hands.

In the stables Guy and Chess gave me a big welcome. These wonderful boys!! A groom was amazed at my greeting by them. She didn't know they'd come from our Oxfordshire estate.

An even bigger wonder was Jaidee's welcome from them... everybody having nice reunions.

As Chess was saddled for me I went to all the other horses... some I hadn't met before. The atmosphere was very laid back... they all got along. I stroked Artis for a few minutes... what a sweet boy.

I led us out towards the lower field which was empty at this hour then through the woods to the parade ground... we did a circuit then went down the hill to the beach. The signals for the vehicles lighting up as we approached. No traffic... At the beach we galloped to the end marker... throwing up a lot of sand.

Piles of drift wood... low tide so we had lots of room to run.

The return was faster then up the hill to the parade ground again. We galloped up the plateau by the old chapel. I pointed out a few of the distant features I knew.

We turned for the stables... I asked Chess... we was willing to RUN! We left the others behind. I waited on the lower field walking Chess... Tessa on Guy caught quickly. Grins! Guy loves to run fast too.

Dean was glad the horses had a good workout.

"They don't often really get to gallop out at speed."

I said we'd be back tomorrow.

Fist bump!

Breakfast! Chani and Charlie eating scram, toast and orange juice. Martha said she lots coming. Okay!

I was in the back of a car heading for Ballard. Another chilly breezy day... A red wool frock, long sleeves, close to my body with the hem a bit above mid-thigh. Black stockings and heels, gold Jewellery, `Joy'

The black wool two button coat, the collar turned up, black gloves.

Gil and Chelle plus PJ, Kara, Gaby and Angie in the car... PJ wanted the extra pair so Kara could get more work in a group.

We rolled to a stop in the curved drive of Ballard High School. We walked into the courtyard, at the main door the principal met me... a big smile.

"Welcome to Ballard High Your Ladyship. We are amazed and honoured you would come."

Smiling shaking her hand, "You had excellent advocates."

In the office I was introduced to some parents... Two I knew... Thora, Billy's mom and Maryanne, Jilly's mom. Hugs for them. They and their children had made an appeal for me to come today via Gil. They had put my name up.

I was here at the invitation of the Parent-Teacher organisation to speak to the students about toleration and self-knowledge as part of an assembly with other speakers. Personally I would do this sort of event at the beginning of a term not near the end... Oh well.

It wasn't announced outside of the school community but some press found out. The principal said she allowed them into the auditorium at the side.

"I told them it was up to you whether you would speak to them afterwards."

I smiled, "That's a maybe..."

I introduced my people adding PJ would place his team where he felt it was best. The principal said she was fine with that.

Across the hall the other speakers were waiting... the principal did introductions. They were shocked to see me... they knew I'd been asked but no one told them I had decided to come???.

One was a psychologist, another a school board member.

We were escorted to the auditorium... the other speakers didn't know what to make of my crowd... I did not do introductions.

Thora and Maryanne and the other parents along with us.

We walked into the big auditorium towards the stage at one end. The students sitting in many rows... hundreds and hundreds of them... they were staring at us... some started to point as we neared the stage... heads leaning together... more arms pointing our way.

Jilly stood up to applaud... a boy beside her... then Billy too! A girl next to him.


The rest of the students did also.

The principal looking at me with a smile... she stepped closer, "Star power!"

I laughed.

The students calmed down...

The school principal introduced the first speaker... The psychologist led off... he spoke about why people are abusive... why people bully and act out... how and why they lose control... some of it at the students level for sure... some not.

The students were quiet... a bit restless... who wouldn't be.

The school board member was introduced... she was all about Seattle school's policies on bullying, promoting toleration, etc... she emphasised what was not acceptable and how the transgressors would be punished. How the school district wanted everybody to be accepted. But... not about how the students could get there.

The school principal went back to the podium, "Today is a very special occasion for Ballard High School... please welcome one of the world's best known businesswomen, now also a politician as a member of the English House of Lords, a prominent philanthropist and a world fashion leader... her Ladyship, the Countess Harcourt of Oxford, Miss Fay Martin...

She started the clapping...

I stepped to the podium... a sea of faces... applause rising... smiling through it with a wave... They finally gave way after a few minutes.

I began with identity...

I pointed out we are all the product of our families... not all of which were strictly biological or the usual' my fingers doing the air quotes' father, mother, two children types.

"We take identity from our skin colour, chosen gender and other cultural tropes we are constantly exposed to daily by TV, the internet, friends and school.

The previous speakers spoke about abusive behaviour and what the school system would do... I would say to you... your personal identity is in your hands... you can choose to be an active good person or an ignorer.

You see a bully doing something to a person... maybe you aren't big enough physically to intervene directly... you can go find an authority figure to act. You create the framework of your identity when you decide to help or not...

It isn't cowardice not to throw yourself into a physical altercation if you aren't able... IT is when you turn your back... doing nothing.

Bullying is a many headed evil... it can be physical or verbal, sometimes one individual drawing their false courage from having like-minded fools with them or one person who is either ignorant, stupid or nasty. It doesn't have to be every day... once is enough to do damage.

A warning note to any `big' or nasty individual who tries to bully anyone... there is always someone bigger or tougher than you... you will sooner or later meet that person... often when you least expect it... the outcome of meeting such a person won't be pleasant... make a change in yourself now before you do!

Right now in your life your choices are crucial... start by not intentionally hurting others. A nasty word can do a lot of damage... don't say it. Build your identity as a decent person... support your friends, be part of your community, deal with any issues at home as well as you can.

No set of parents are perfect... accept them for who they are. If they make your life too unbearable seek out remedies. Do NOT hurt yourself... do NOT punish yourself... it can be hard to get help... you must try!! Doing harm to yourself will get you nowhere!!

I am the chairperson of the Chanthira Foundation... it is a world-wide charity that has health clinics in underserved areas in Thailand... my husband's homeland and shelters for LGBTQ youth in America, the United Kingdom and France where we provide safety, food, shelter and opportunities for the future.

The foundation's remit is to serve those who for whatever reason lack the necessary resources to take on their problems. If you need help call or go to a Chanthira Foundation shelter... even if you aren't LGBTQ you will get assistance.

There are two in Seattle, on Capitol Hill and in Fremont.

We as a foundation do not pretend to be parents to our guests but rather enablers for our guests to thrive. They go to school because education is fundamental to a successful life.

No matter how you evaluate `success' whether it is money, or position or happiness without a decent education you won't get there. This place is indeed your springboard to the future..."

I smiled, "Yes... a lot about school can be a big pain in the backside..."

Laughter, smiles, a few raised fists and nods. And a LOUD `You betcha!'

I was smiling, "My school in England was a `public school' meaning in American terms it was a private school. My fellow student's backgrounds were similar... their families had to have the resources to pay the fees. It had boarding and day students... I was a day student going from my nearby home each day... not being part of some activities as a result.

It was a good school but I didn't want to take part in anything non-academic... I just wanted to learn! I wasn't there to kick or bat at balls or run and jump... I was somewhat ostracised for not playing sports.

Today I'm physically active but no bats or balls... I prefer riding horses or swimming."

Some laughing.

"The result was I did not have many close `friends' except my horse Gwen..." a bit of a catch in my voice as I spoke her name.

"As a solitary child I depended on my imagination! My parents were frequently absent doing their work... I was alone except for a housekeeper.

I read voraciously because there was no TV in my rural home... even today I cannot sit still to watch anything on a TV screen except maybe a movie with my children or a major news event.

Because I read a lot... my knowledge base is broad and deep... technology, business, psychology, chemistry, physics, sociology, most especially history! I read about people, their lives, tribulations, victories and defeats. How they dealt with their own problems and those of others helped shape my identity.

I try never to injure another person... that does NOT mean I sit back back and be silent or not act. There are a few members of the House of Lords who would rather I'd been quiet when they made fools of themselves with their remarks and I called them out for it."

Laughter and smiles at that!

"Until a few years ago I had many things bottled up inside... I was confused about myself... rather than deal with the issues I repressed them. Fortunately I did not become twisted by it as I channelled everything into school and university studies and then work.

When the opportunity came for my deepest feelings to be released I grasped it wholeheartedly. What has come from that is not a classic fairy tale story... rather more a chrysalis... something asleep coming slowly to life."

I opened my arms wide, "This me is nothing like I ever imagined."

Applause from the hundreds of students... the sound was loud in the room... the people on the stage were clapping noisily...

"What has come to me after I exited my cocoon? I found the person that made me whole, to have him and his love is astonishing... We have two beautiful and intelligent children who are a joy for us... I have position... wealth... but my identity as a decent, moral and ethical person has not changed. In fact it has intensified.

Today my husband Cho and I work strenuously in our businesses, our social and political lives to remind others that being ethical and decent is actually an easy path in life. Helping others in need is the honourable thing to do... the right thing to do.

I want to leave you with a few last thoughts...

Do not ever seriously judge another person without knowing everything about them... since having deep knowledge of someone else is extremely rare... better not judge at all. To judge means you try to imprint your values on someone else who is different from you... do not go there.

Even though you may not know now where you want to go in life... get every bit of education you can. Remember knowledge is currency... there are so many occupations you could enjoy and earn a fine living using data, your brains or your hands...

Knowledge is the power that drives opportunity!

Love comes in many forms in the general categories of physical and emotional... remember real love doesn't necessarily follow from intimacy rather intimacy enhances love which should come first.

Allowing yourself the time to find the right person who can match your ideals and goals is critical... when it does happen..."

I opened my arms again, "You can be like me... happy and successful."


"Now one last item... Cho and I are creating an endowed scholarship program for two graduating students at Ballard High School every year. It is in honour of our niece Sunny and her family! Sunny would be attending here if she wasn't going to school in England.

The scholarships will pay for tuition, other fees, books, etc... at the university of their choice for their entire stay."

Huge applause!!! Someone started doing a foot stomp. The noise was loud. They backed off when I waved.

"So you know up front the criteria aren't just academic... they will cover the person's public life meaning their interaction with others in school and at large in the community. Public service in many forms will be included.

Your school principal and some faculty, members of the Parent-Teacher organisation and community individuals will be part of the deciding group along with my husband Cho and myself."

I took the wireless microphone off its pedestal.. stepping to the edge of the stage...

"Would the seniors please stand for me..."

Hundreds rose up... smiling I waved to them... they waved back...

"So you know in the last weeks of your being here... the scholarship program will apply to you..."

I was going to add...

They cheered... more than a few jumping up and down... amazing!

When they settled back into their seats...

"If you are chosen for a scholarship... and have been accepted to a university... and possibly arranged financing already... we will work with your lenders to pay off your loans..."

More applause and cheers!

I thanked them for listening to me... that I hoped I had made a contribution.

"Study hard! Think before acting! Support your friends! Be well! Thank you!"

I waved to the crowd, smiling.

I moved to return the microphone to the stand... the student's applause and yells very loud behind me. They were standing... I waved some more... saying thank you.

They kept it up... I waved more, thanking them for their generous appreciation. They kept on applauding.

The Principal came to the microphone to make an announcement to the students they were to go to the first lunch period or their fourth period class whichever was on their schedule.

I waved to them some more. Several called out `thanks' which was nice, lots of waves.

The school principal leaned close... she switched off the microphone.

"Your Ladyship... you know how to work a crowd. Your scholarships are very generous... I'm sure we will have many qualified students to choose from."

We shook hands, I did the same with the other speakers. They both were a bit starstruck...

I eased away.

I asked the principal about meeting Jilly and Billy with their moms. She said it would arranged for a conference room in the office area. I thanked her.

I was with my crowd... Gil hugged me.

"Fay it was terrific!"

PJ with a smile, fist bump!

The news folks came up... I said I could give them a few minutes. One was good to ask about the scholarships... I told them we supported education everywhere... we had connections here. The program I announced is being duplicated in other locations where we have businesses.

"This follows our commitment to education in every area of our businesses and our lives.

As an example... The Chanthira Foundation shelters emphasise the guests completing their secondary education in some form. We help them go to higher education if they want. As I said... for Cho and I education is a priority for young people."

A question about the tunnel... I smiled, "Off topic... It is obvious the new Highway 99 tunnel is a great help to traffic but still gets clogged with only one exit before you actually enter the tunnel... with the new tunnel being created drivers will have to pay a small toll but they will have more options."

I did some more questions then excused myself. Thank yous which were appreciated.

The school principal motioned us towards a passage to the office area. A good sized conference room. Thora and Maryanne there... we shook hands again. They said my speech was wonderful... right at the students so they knew exactly what I meant!

Jilly and Billy! Hugs and cheek kisses. They got to hug their mom's.

I asked how things were going at this much larger school. A few bumps when some kids they hadn't gone to elementary and middle school with didn't `get it.' Things were good now.

Jilly said Keith had helped her... he'd become a good friend.

"Tell him I'm proud of him... Okay?"

Jilly nodded she would.

"He stood up with me when you came in."

I said I saw the two of them.

Billy was Okay. I could see he was dressed more emo... a smile at my comment.

"I'm comfortable dressed this way. I have a 'girlfriend' sort of... she was the one who stood up with me... we hang out, her mom and dad are cool. She and I think alike."

Fist bump!

Jilly had been amazed at Sunny... she was a world champion equestrian, 'tall' and very cute! Her clothes... amazing!

Jilly laughed, "You should have seen her with the guys... very cool... sophisticated... the boys hadn't a clue how to deal with her."

We all laughed. Hugs.

They headed to class.

I asked Thora about her boss... she had moved to a different real estate office... still with the same company. Her new boss was a woman with children so she understood. Good!

I asked if they would be in the group of parents we could call on for help making decisions on the scholarships. They both wanted to be part of it.

Thora said they would need to step back when their children were seniors in a few years. Fist bump.

We said goodbyes. Hugs.

The school principal walked me out to the car. I was thanked again... I said ask me back sometime. She would!

Okay FOOD! Gil had done the ground work! Staying in Ballard we drove the short way to El Moose! They certainly remembered me! Mamacita gave me a hug! We sat at the long table by the window. Our driver Glenn came in after parking the car... he was smiling saying he liked their food!

Yes! Guacamole and Tres Salsas for the table... lots! A house Margarita! I was boring... Huevos Rancheros with corn tortillas. Some fresh jalapenos on the side covered in shredded Queso Fresca!

I dug into the guacamole and salsa!! So did everyone!!

PJ grinning... he remembered the food! He was the only Protector who'd been here before. Gil knew of course! She fed Chelle a chip with salsa.

The eggs were awesome! Rave reviews from all the newcomers for their food!

Gil did a big gratuity and I signed another menu for them. The first menu was up on the wall behind the counter. A picture of me partially overlaying it. Nice!


Cho came back from playing golf with Ken at the Seattle Golf Club. His 56 was the new course record!! I laughed saying pretty soon he'd have only his own records to break!

News from France... Satirical won at Longchamp! He out raced two rivals in the final two hundred metres in the Prix de Saint Claude! It is G1 race of two thousand four hundred metres. Ring said he ran an excellent race... running just off the leaders... then opening up to blow past them! A great effort!

Ring added Rene really understood Satirical's style.

Dinner with family and friends!

Martha had halibut on the grill! A warm German style potato salad... delicious! There were ears of corn from the grill! Lovely cross buns!

Kay, Greg, Sam and Artie here with Ken, Pam and Abbey!! There had been big welcomes at the door!

A nice crowd around the dining table. Abbey in a highchair looking adorable! Artie and Sam looking all grown up. Chani and Charlie in their seats eating away! What a crowd.

The grilled halibut with a citrus sauce, the corn! Tasty. Martha's German potato salad was delicious! We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Afters in the living room as the rain came with the darkness. The Twins got Gil to plug an iPad into the big TV in the study... they streamed a Charlie Chaplin movie. We could hear the laughs from all the kids. Abbey was in with them, we could hear her giggles. Delphine supervising!

Us big people talked all sorts... the tunnel was inquired about... they'd seen the news coverage. Cho and I explained it was a learning experience for us... we could blend it with the traffic managing systems The Company was offering around the world.

I let them know, "The Swedish boring machine company has agreed to our buying it..."

That brought surprised looks.

Cho smiling, "It is a natural fit for The Company. High quality workmanship, innovative leaders in their field!"

"We could use the borers for water projects... moving water in entirely new ways and directions or compressing it to generate power... all sorts new things!" from me.

I went for more Amaretto with Ken heading for the Remy Martin.

"Fay, you two are always looking for new ideas... new technology or new ways to use existing tech. I've never met a pair like you."

I squeezed his arm, "We do make a team... giving from both sides to be even more creative."

"I'll say! Giving money for sure. You paid for the terrain studies for the tunnel, you paid for the boring machine and gave one hundred million for construction... they're going to call the Cho-Fay Tunnel... right?"

We laughed, "No... they brought it up... we said it should be the SODO Tunnel. Or some such generic name."

Ken laughed.

We did a LOT of hugs and kisses at the door... umbrellas up to cover Abbey and the boys. We waved them away down the drive.

Tha and Delphine had the Twins upstairs... we joined in the night time rituals. We got and gave more hugs and kisses!

Email from Nicholas, the house next door was active on our security system. The remainder of the work would be done in two more days.

Kelsey was to meet me there after my morning ride.

The plan to connect the houses was put in a gate in a wooden frame cut into the growing hedge and a walkway.

Ash and his firm, our Queen Anne lawyers, were preparing an offer to the city that we buy the last two hundred odd feet of our road... we would close it for our security but allow city vehicles access whenever necessary. The nearest neighbour's drive was well beyond the proposed section.

Ash was sure the city would agree, the road only served our two houses and we would pay to maintain it.

Gil, Gaby, Angie and Tessa with me today walking to the stables. Dean was working already, he has a short commute from the house we fixed up that Andy had used. He laughed.

I stroked Artis' face, he was doing well here. He was a popular mount, calm and surefooted. Thayer and Sondra were good with him being here longer. He and Beltrane were buddies.

I went out on Beltrane, Gil on Fury, Tessa on Chess, Angie on Guy, Gaby on Artis. We crossed to the lower field then worked our way west to the Daybreak Star Centre. Jack Black Wing was outside with several teens doing yard work.

We shook hands.

"It has been a while since we have seen you Miss Martin."

I said it had been a busy year.

He smiled, "Of course you have had many changes. Even here you and your husband have been in the news often. Now for the tunnel!"

I laughed, "The tunnel... Yes... that is a good project."

"I read you are paying for it?"

"Not all, we have given some money and paid for portions to get it going. We hope it makes many folks drive into the city easier."

Jane came out on the terrace to wave. She had a meeting but wanted to say hello. I thanked her.

I shook Jack's hand again before we moved off.

We trotted through the woods to the parade ground, a couple of galloping circuits of that then we worked our way up past the chapel down to the south car park and onto trails going eastward to the park office.

Dean knew we would be outside the usual boundaries for riders. He disabled the warning devices in our saddles.

The park head greeted us, smiling he said it was great to see us riding about. We chatted, the park was delighted to have the stables... it had increased general use of the park. I was pleased about that.

He said they took a good deal of our manure for fertiliser... their gardeners loved it.

I laughed, "Well they are welcome to as much as they want."

Hands shaken. He gave me a knee up. I waved goodbye.

We rode the verge of Illinois Avenue to the lower field and the stables. Gil arranged a car for the return trip to save time.

Breakfast going! Charlie lost some strawberry preserves from his toast... splat on the table... he was laughing. Popa said to take a bite... Popa did a wipe up. Charlie giggling as he chewed which was funny.

Cho was going to the boatyard then to Greg's office. A friend of Ken's invited them to play at his golf course near Lake Washington.

Another chilly overcast day, a bit warmer... Wool! A pale grey suit, slender to all my parts, the trousers narrow to my ankles with a slit on the outer seam in the cuff, the jacket had just one big grey cloth covered button. A red silk blouse, sleeveless with a Nehru collar, small silver buttons. Silver jewellery, red nails and lips, black heels, a black clutch purse. I skipped the outerwear... just lightweight black leather gloves.

First next door. Kelsey our Seattle interior decorator came into the living room... I was looking out at the Puget Sound through the big window. We shook hands.

"Kelsey, we want you to furnish the entire house. Comfortable furniture throughout. This is a guest house and where some of our staff will stay when we are in the city. We won't do any entertaining or the like. The kitchen should equipped for light-duty cooking.

We want it to be welcoming, pleasant and have an ease of use atmosphere. Maximize the bedrooms. So go for it."

We laughed.

She understood about the `book.'

She got that colour schemes were for her to choose but she should go easy on neon shades. More laughter!

We drove up to the Clinic and shelter on Capitol Hill. Regina with a big smile at the clinic door. Hug! Tana behind her. Things were great here. Serving clients in so many ways... quality medical care, health advice, pre- and post-natal care, some screening for our psychologists, outreach for STD's and counselling and treatment for gender issues.

Regina me showed a framed certificate from King County Health Department thanking the clinic for the STD outreach program. Very nice!

I did a quickie tour... I could see people in the waiting area... kids playing in the day care space, I spoke to a mom-to-be... three weeks `til her due date, a boy.

Everything neat and orderly. It was a well-run medical clinic. I thanked Regina and Tana for their work.

Regina came with me next door. Janesse a very happy lady! The commercial space that had been next door to the north of the shelter sold to us. It had been remodelled and was open now... an extra twenty rooms for guests plus a nice sized `quiet room.'

It was good since we had been at ninety percent of capacity.

The new shelter in Fremont was at seventy percent. Too many kids on the street!

I sat briefly with a seven of the shelter guests... they certainly were glad to be here! They were as a group well-spoken and impressed me as being intelligent and considerate of each other.

Sammi was smiling saying she was in a program working towards her high school diploma. Fist bump! I could see she was relaxed, smiling, looking cute in jeans, a cut-off top and a chambray shirt over.

Janesse did take me aside... one of the girls had an arrest warrant on her according the Seattle Police. They had wanted to come in to take her two days ago but they were refused entry by our Security because they could not show the `warrant.'

"Toya Wiggins got onto the police right away. She called me later to say there police had no real warrant just that she was a `suspect' in a drug deal. I spoke to Wanda. Her story is she was in a squat house when drugs were sold but had no part of it. She left the squat the next day to get away from the dope sellers.

She found her way here after speaking to a police community officer... strange huh?"

I laughed, "Well one side doesn't know what the other is doing."

"Wanda is Okay here. She's quiet, tries to help. She wants to get her high school degree. She'd been bullied at school and her family... as she said `didn't want a dyke in the house.' So onto the streets for her after some time on friend's floors and another shelter were she was abused."

Janesse was getting her going with the various programs... Wanda could go to an open high school or do the GED. Janesse said Wanda would decide... we would help.

She added Sammi was on puberty blockers... so she was feeling better about that side of her life. Regina's staff helping her through.

I thanked Regina. Smile.

We were in Janesse's office... "Fay... it's hard to think of you being here talking with us! You are a Countess... It's not stretch of imagination to picture you as nobility... easy in fact but seeing you on TV... in the news almost every day... it's amazing!"

Regina nodding, a smile.

Janesse opened a drawer to pull out the Vogue magazine my face was on. She held it up...

"Then this! I read it carefully... the woman who wrote it thinks you are awesome!"

Smiling I gave Janesse and Regina the tale of the `tour' I took Galetea and Cory on. They were laughing.

"I have a new distinction... Vogue did a second printing of the issue... the first time ever!"

Fist bumps.

"It doesn't surprise me. Everything about you is special."

I said my shit stinks like everybody's. We laughed loudly.

A big hug each for Janesse and Regina.

Glenn drove east to 23rd Avenue then south. He pulled up in front of the `Green Tree' Restaurant on S. Jackson Street in the Little Saigon neighbourhood. Gil had made a booking for us all.

Inside the woman at the door asked our name... I said in Vietnamese... "My name is Fay Martin you have a booking for us."

She was wide-eyed.

I added to her amazement when I asked in Vietnamese if she was related to Chef Thanh in Hanoi. She was staring... there was a stammered response she was his niece.

"I ate lunch in his restaurant a few months ago. He was very kind to give me a copy of his recipe book."

I took it from Gil's hand... the woman called out for her father and mother.

They clustered around... looking at their relative's book... they were shocked at the inscription... that I was Fay Martin... Amazed I'd met the father's brother. We shook hands.

The father and mother surprised at my Vietnamese... they thought it wonderful since it was rare among Americans.

We were escorted to two tables in a side room. Drinks... I scanned the menu and ordered starters for the tables.

The spring rolls and fish cakes starters were wonderful. My grilled fish very tasty, the rice with crab sauce lovely.

The father sat with us for a few minutes afterwards as we had Vietnamese style iced coffee. I praised his food, like his brother he was an excellent chef. It tasted superbly and it was so well presented!

He was quite emotional about my comments. Many thanks.

"We have many customers come repeatedly... we have done well here."

He had left Vietnam thirty years ago coming to Seattle. He had met his wife in Haiphong, she is from a family that came to America after the fall of Saigon. She had come to Vietnam to visit some family and see her homeland that she barely remembered because was so young.

"I was convinced to come to America... my love for her and the thought of being able to open my own restaurant! I am an American now... we have gone back to visit... not for almost seven years."

I told him the context of my meeting his brother saying important government people go to his restaurant often. It is a popular place.

I enjoyed talking to him, his wife and daughter.

I signed a menu for them. Smiles! I was complimented on my Vietnamese! I shook hands with three of them at the door.

Glenn thanked me for lunch. I was glad he came in with us again.

Downtown to the new Mirabelle store in progress. I stepped out of the car behind PJ at Westlake Park on Fourth Avenue. A half block to the store. The waterfall fountain was loud with its cascading flow. The small park had a lot of activity.

At the door a Security Service woman saw me, she unlocked and opened the door with a smile. I thanked her.

The store manager Fernande held out her hand. I was welcomed.

The noises of construction work in the background.

"We are on schedule to open on time next month."

Fernande said stock was coming in from New York and Los Angeles. The computers were in the warehouse too. The internet was be live the day after tomorrow. She had staff hired, still doing some interviewing. All good news.

Gil had a call... I took Fernande across Pine Street to Starbucks. PJ and Kara with me. Fernande looked... I slipped my arm through hers... I explained. She nodded.

"I can imagine you would need them."

A double tall non-fat almond latte. The woman at the cash register stared when I scanned my iPhone at the end of our ordering, she looked her screen... me... the screen... a bit of a choke...

"Did you need your balance?"

I smiled, "No thank you."

She pardoned herself... "Ma'am, I've never seen five thousand dollar balance before."

I turned to PJ and Kara to ask if they wanted a cookie to go with their coffees. PJ laughed shaking his head. Kara too.

Smiling to the young woman, "See I can't spend it fast enough."

I thanked her. She asked for my name as she had the others... I said `Fay' which made her pause writing on the cup... she turned... "Fay... Martin?"

I nodded. She almost dropped the cup... behind me Fernande giggled quietly.


The Starbucks woman said yes. I reached over the counter to shake hands. A smile.

We moved to the pickup side.

The woman did a fast run to a door and leaned in. Then back to her cash register.

A man and woman behind us must have heard... they were looking my way. Kara moved between us facing them.

Fernande leaned close... Sotto Voce... "Are they armed?"

I said `Yes... always!'

Big eyes!

A petite brunette woman came out from the back... `Betty' introduced herself as the manager while we waited for our coffees.

"Miss Martin, I know you're on our Board of Directors now... I wanted to say we feel happy a smart lady like you is there."

I smiled as we shook hands. I asked how long she'd been with Starbucks... five years. I congratulated her and thanked for coming out to see me. A bright smile!

We got our drinks and moved outside... we walked slowly towards Nordstrom's talking about the new clothes and what we had planned for opening day.

A man leaving held the door at Nordstrom's for us... I thanked him... I got big smile.

Just inside a young woman was offering a spray-on sample of perfume... I smiled saying `No thank you I have mine'... I held out a wrist... she looked at me then carefully brought her nose close... She liked.

"It's `Joy' by Jean Patou."

Her eyes up to mine... I asked, "Nice?"

"Yes Ma'am... very nice. Expensive?"

"Rather... my favourite for day time."

I thanked her for her offer... we moved further into the store.

Fernande remarked that I didn't wear much makeup as we worked our way through that department. I replied I wasn't a makeup fan... certainly not much for daytime wearing.

We went up the escalator... PJ in front... Kara behind. I told Fernande about Patty at the helicopter company with her `just in case face' which she no longer needed. A smile.

In women's dresses a sales woman approached... she liked my suit and was surprised when I said it was `Mirabelle.'

"We are browsing... thank you" to her offer of assistance.

We looked at their offerings... some very nice choices... their price points well above ours for similar items. They also had big name designers so that was natural.

We looked closely at a few garments in different departments... our stitching was better.

Going down and out Fernande asked about accessories.

"The idea is we sell clothes... keep it simple and high quality, do the very best job of that!"

She was glad not to have jewellery, etc.. around.

"For so much of it there isn't much profit. You have inventory that doesn't carry its weight."

I said that was one reason why we chose not to bother.

She asked what else... "We do not want to get in the business of making jewellery of any kind... accepting someone else's product into our stores wasn't going to happen."

Fernande liked our focus!

In her office we talked about her... in French! Unattached, thirty one, born in Paris to American parents working for a multi-national corporation. She had a French grandmother who hosted Fernande every summer all through her growing up years at her home in the Loire Valley.

She admired my accent. She also spoke German and Dutch. In German I said we'd keep that in mind. A laugh at my thought of her going to work for us in Europe.

I needed to go... Fernande knew I'd be back for the opening.

We headed to Seattle Centre. Gil bought tickets for the Space Needle. Up in the lift... there was quite the view on the way up to a 360 degree walkaround viewing platform. We did the circuit looking at the city. It was a cloudy day, we could still see many miles out over Elliott Bay... east to the mountains.

Mount Rainier was majestic... a thin strip of a cloud clinging to the eastern side with more close around. Interesting to look down at the city to try to pinpoint our properties.

Now a few stops on Lower Queen Anne to see the blocks of flats we added after my last visit. We had five blocks now... our tenants were from our owned businesses, The Company, the Foundation and the Security Service all together plus space for transient workers.

The Day Care in one building was more less in the middle of the cluster. It was very well used! A study room for school age kids with computers in a nearby space.

There was a good mix of folks, the buildings in good nick, amenities and shopping close by. They had lots of upgrades... new appliances, floors, windows, etc... throughout the buildings.

Tilda had done a good job finding these... I had her looking on Capitol Hill near the clinic and shelter for more. Also over in Fremont near the other shelter.

We parked in front of the Lower Queen Anne office building... Geri smiling at her desk. The office quiet, not there was much happening in here... most all of our Seattle things were run from other offices in the building.

Kevin and Hjalmar were at the tunnel site. Geri said if I went through the building I'd probably find folks in their offices.

I said I didn't need to do that.

I asked about her and her work... She was good.

"I'm getting inquiries about the traffic project and the tunnel from many different types of people... several cities in the U.S. and abroad. A provincial water board in Canada. I point many to the webpage... serious inquires I route them to London."

I thanked her for the PR work she'd done for the tunnel... she was grinning... `It sold itself' was funny.

PJ and I walked around the floor to Asher's law firm. The receptionist gave me big eyes when I stepped through the door. I asked for Ash... she pressed a button and typed something... She watched her monitor...

"He's coming!"

Ash's face was a big smile, "Your Ladyship... Please... Come in!"

We shook hands. He led us into the `bull pen' area and around to his office. Some heads popped up from the cubicles... I thought it funny but I didn't let on I'd seen them.

"How is Clem?"

He looked happy... "She's carrying our second child... a girl."

I shook his hand again... "Congratulations... Please tell Clem we are very happy for you."

He would.

"I'm just stopping to say hello since was around the passage... Is Toya here? I wanted to thank her over the Wanda business."

Ash buzzed Toya... She came in smiling... my hand out... "Thanks again for your work for Wanda."

"Your Ladyship... it wasn't hard... the cops were falling over themselves with excuses when the district attorney asked them `what warrant?' The DA is an old friend... she usually suffers no fools and she especially doesn't like to be embarrassed by them."

"Good... let's hope she put a flea in their ears. Does it seem to you two that American police aren't trained very well? It does to me. Not that Scotland Yard doesn't have its share of fools and a few criminals too as the news unfortunately keeps telling us."

Ash shaking his head, "Some units are well trained but they all suffer from the whole incestuousness that groups of cops develop... feeding on each other's attitudes and prejudices. Skin colour has nothing to do with it... it's that infamous `blue wall' surrounding them... loyalty to each other and the public be damned.

The great mass are little better than marginally prepared which is why they so often act from `fear' rather than a trained response. That "fear' is inculcated right from the beginning of their training. It is truly pathetic!"

He motioned in a circle, "A friend... a colleague... recently saw a black man lying on the sidewalk down his street... on Magnolia... in the middle of the day... he went down to see if the man had a problem... he was sprawled out eating something, ... an expensive mountain bike next to him... no socks... beat up shoes and heavily worn and dirty clothes... he made an assumption that the bike was stolen but since man wasn't hurt... he let it go. He told me he did not consider calling the cops because the way they are around here a black man was likely to be shot as not."

"Your colleague... is he white?"

Ash said yes.

"You've just told me the middle class has no faith in this police force! I can reasonably assume the less well-off are often the victims of the police excesses... Yes? Like Wanda?"

Ash and Toya nodded.

"Then who supports the police? There can't be enough wealthy folks to do it. Cho and I don't... we have our security!"

Toya looking away... her head shaking.

I took her hand, "Keep defending our people to the maximum! Go after any cop who exceeds their authority."

I put out my other hand to Ash, "If you see an injustice take the case we will pay! No matter whether it is civil or criminal."

Ash and Toya said they would!

I squeezed their hands, "This city should be standing for the best in America... I think it can be changed... it takes time... "

I paused... out the big window I watched a ferry cross the bay... "I guess we try harder through our media... the shelters and the clinic... Being out in public doing things."

Toya smiling, "You and Sir Cho are already `doing things' for the city way beyond every full-time Seattle citizen who has the means."

I squeezed her hand again... "I'm Fay and Cho is Cho. We aren't in the UK now."

A smile from Toya, "Well if Queen Elizabeth thinks you are grand enough..."

We three laughed.

"Whether she does or not... the Atlantic Ocean breaks the link."

Ash's head shaking, "Fay... you don't live here... in two years you have done more for the city and the people than any other wealthy person has done in their lifetime."

I shrugged, nothing to say.

Ash said he heard about my speech at Ballard High School.

"My nephew goes there... he told me you WOW'd the students. You were clear... emotional... demanding... and generous. He knows we've done work for you."

I was smiling... "I guess your nephew approves?"

"His classmates would have voted for you as president after that. The scholarships... that is wonderful... Why there? Just asking."

"Our niece Sunny... she would be attending there if she was still living in Seattle... she has friends there."

Toya asked where she was in school. I told them about Sunny's equestrian career based at our Oxfordshire home.

"Abbey Hill School is nearby in Abingdon, it's co-ed and highly rated. Sunny had taken her national exams and just got her first GCSE exam results... she got 9's which is the highest score. Her other results should be in when we're back.

Sunny recently won the Badminton Trials... perhaps the most important event in the equestrian world... as a fourteen nearly fifteen year old. A lot of hard work... plus she's a natural on a horse."

Ash sat and pulled up Badminton on the web... Sunny's face front and centre as their champion! The youngest ever!

A silent WOW from Ash!

"Sunny's plan is to complete the next year at Abbey Hill and go up to Oxford in the autumn. She has made visits with her parents to the university... one college in particular is quite interested in her... Brasenose... the college that is the one where most go on to law school after graduation.

She'll be able to train because it's only a fifteen minute drive from our home.

We wanted to give something in her name and her family's. Her brothers may go there in the future."

Ash smiling, "The law? She's interested in anything special?"

I laughed, "She's likely to do some sort of public oriented law... environmental, civil rights... that sort."

Ash said to have her visit them... they'd loved to talk with her. I told them I'd pass it on.

I got Ash to introduce me to his staff. Smiling faces... surprised I'd be around speaking to them. That always made me a bit sad because I didn't think of myself as special except to Cho and the babies!

My crowd joined PJ and I for a walk down the street to The Day. Aston had warning from Gil. He was at the door... a big smile!

"Fay... it is good to see you."

I said the same back.

Inside I got a tour of the parts of the building completed after our last visit. I shook hands and spoke with the staff as I encountered them.

I made a point of meeting with the team that did the Washington republican party corruption story. I gave them our congratulations for their awards and encouragement to go get more republican `scalps!'

They loved hearing Fox News and The Baltimore Sun were after some Congressmen. They were sorry they couldn't help but republicans were pretty scarce on the ground around here.

A big laugh for that!!

I said, "You folks have chased them all away."

I told them `confidentially' about the Russian money story. One fellow said there'd been rumours about the last republican candidate for governor having foreign money in his campaign.

He looked to me and Aston, "Would it interfere with the Fox... Sun... investigation if we looked here for the money?"

I put my hand on Aston's arm, "Call Kent... he can speak to the producer managing that work to see. If they have no problems... by all means... pedal to the metal."


My last stop was at the new shelter in Fremont. Elgin at the door. A big handshake.

"It is very nice to meet you... What should I call you?"

Laughing, "Anything you want if my back is turned!"

Laughter from my folks and the shelter staff.

"I'm Fay but if you've any English blood in your veins and feel the need to act on it... Your Ladyship or maybe `hey you."

"Fay, welcome! We..." His arm motioning the men and women behind him, "... we are pleased to have you here. We are doing good things we'd like you to see."

I got a tour... I told them I'd been in the building a few years ago when looking for a location for the traffic centre. It looked a lot better now! I could see some of the interior had been rearranged and updated. Nice paint colours, new fixtures.

The contractors working with Logan did a fine piece of work on the entire building, the old projection room stood out... it was now a nice general purpose hall, meetings, a place to stage plays, conferences, music, and more. The removable seating making it extra functional.

I wandered throughout the shelter speaking to guests and staff. Smiles and happy attitudes.

A young fellow shook my hand as I got to look in his room... "Miss, this place saved my life... I wasn't making it on the street anymore... I was too worn down."

I said I was glad to hear his life was improving... "School?" He looked to be in his middle teen years.

"I am working towards that... Elgin and Lonette have me chillin' right now then they will get me going.'

A hug!

I asked Elgin later, "Lonette and Clarisse move between the shelters on need. They are excellent, balanced and in tune with the kids. We are very lucky your team found them... good psychologists don't grow on trees."

Fist bump!

I said thank yous to the staff for their hard work and my goodbyes.

I got us walking north to N. 36th Street and Fremont Place N. to visit Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov aka Lenin... not in the flesh but in stone. Four or five times life-size right on the corner. A unique bit of tourist paraphernalia in Seattle. Not as well-known as the `Fremont Troll' though.

I did snaps.

Email from Eric... timely!! The Seattle city water folks have made decision on our proposal... it's a GO! They wanted The Company's small dam scheme for eastern King County. It would save them a good deal of money and provide more water over any other plan offered.

They did take a long time... a few months isn't going to hurt the project so on we go!!

Home! Glenn laughing at the location where he picked us up.

The Twins were warmly dressed playing with Jaidee on the sandy `beach' platform above the dock. No rain, it was drying out. A chilly breeze off the water.

Tha smiling at the top of the steps.

"Now... They are mostly filling in Jaidee's holes..."

We laughed at their little shovels tossing sand back to where it had come from.

This was a good break point... I got hugs and kisses. Jaidee rubbed. Inside for hot chocolate and a cookie! A chew treat!

A text from Ansara... they were on the way home getting close. Good! I did a change to jeans and a jumper.

Cho... us three mobbed him at the door. Hugs for us!

The Twins went to the kitchen booth for their treats... not too big a cookie as dinner was coming.

Cho got a scotch, Campari and soda for me. Everybody got drinks, we sat in the living room.

Cho played at the Broadmoor Country Club, an old course much like the one in West Seattle Ken had taken him to a few years ago. Narrow fairways, lots of fir trees, not very long.

Par for the course was 70, Cho got another record by shooting a 50! By the end their foursome had golfers following along watching the play.

"Lots of birdies and eagles, the par fours were short easy to get on in one. Which is the story of the day... I got a hole-in-one on a par four!"

I gave him a big kiss... dropping into his lap.

"It was a short par four hole... three hundred and thirty yards. I let Ken and the others play their tee shots ahead of me because the golfers in front of us were still on the green... I took my shot when they were putting flag pole back in the hole. No obstacles in front of the green so I aimed for there... a big bounce to the green fringe then a couple of hops to roll up to the pin and drop in!

The foursome leaving green had looked up as Ken called out a fore! They watched it come up on the green... and roll in! It was like they were frozen in place."

Cho laughed, "Ken was shaking his head as he reached out for my hand, our other pair were jumping up and down. They wrung my hand..."

He shook the hand like you do to get blood back flowing...

A sip of his drink, "We walked down the fairway... our companions still very jazzed to have seen it. Ken's friend who was our host knew about my game. He and Ken had a bet whether I'd break sixty, another on my breaking their record score of 59. Ken won those easily."

"The foursome in front of us waited until I walked up on the green to retrieve my ball. They congratulated me... they had never heard of such play. I flipped the ball to the caddie who was still shell-shocked."

I leaned more on him, an arm around me.

"The foursome let us play through. In the clubhouse the news had spread about the hole-in-one! There was a crowd to congratulate me... when our foursome host member told them my score for the round... there was pandemonium!"

Cho was laughing, "They asked the member repeatedly to say the score... not wanting to believe. Things did calm down after a bit. I thanked the members but refused drinks."

On other things... Cho said the Ballard Nautical Yard was in great shape, increase in business, little change in staff, Allen happy running things, Jud going in the office less and less... more time on his boat! Tricia very happy... she had more Jud and they also had million dollars!

Cho met with the folks at Greg's Conference App division of The Company. He got the news on projects ongoing and improvements for the main App. Greg grinning when Cho walked in... the staff gathered to see Cho and shake hands.

"I got a tour... I made sure I met everyone. We've owned the company for several years without really doing a visit. So I wanted to do it right."

Another kiss for him. I said I'd done the same at Ash's law firm and at The Day.

Okay off we go to Nebraska... something completely different.

In bed on the 767 I gave Cho the balance of my day after telling him about the clinic and shelters over dinner. We landed in North Platte in the wee hours... a few bumps underneath as equipment was connected.

The Protectors put out the tarmac security devices.

A view across the Platte River to North Platte city in the distance as Jaidee and I wandered in the sun on a big grassy space beside the jet. There were some folks looking at the huge aircraft sitting on the concrete... few aircraft like it had visited here.

Two AW139's nearby... they arrived an hour ago from our Denver base. I said `Good morning' to their crews. Smiles and the same back.

I asked about Denver... they liked our base in Peterson. Lots of room, the heliport was big... lots of flying time taking people to the clients around the Denver and Front Range area.

That region was a big growth area for the Security Service. We had several really excellent `sales' people working there. They had already signed up more than two dozen businesses, several local governments and important individuals to security plans.

Nice profitable accounts!

I leaned close to the group saying they'd have competition soon... the drones. They were interested but felt safe since the drones don't carry humans. We laughed when I said `Not Yet!'

In the Lounge I kidded Mira about landing the `big bird' at another small airport.

She laughed, "We didn't need it all, like Lordsburg we had to taxi to the end for the turn-around space. Taking off is going to shock the locals who have been here for a look."

"You're our small airport specialist now."

Smiles! Fist bump.

Breakfast after Jaidee's walk the Twins laughing, having fun doing `Thai' with Delphine.

It was dry... a fellow from the airport said it would be in the middle twenties today with a slight chance of thunderstorms later in the afternoon. Warm, not hot.

Black skinny jeans, a short sleeve white cotton shirt, a narrow black belt with a silver circle buckle, ankle boots, silver drop earrings and `Joy' A black and silver Apple Harcourt Racing cap.

Everyone in jeans. Chani in a cute smocked shirt from Ralph's... sadly she was likely too big for it in a few months!

We loaded the helicopters... lifting up to turn north-northwest. The land below started flat then became rolling countryside. Cho said the area was called the `Sandhills,' grass covered sand dunes good apparently for cattle ranching.

It was green now... Cho told us but the summer heat would eventually burn it brown.

The Rawlins family ranch was part of the Dismal River basin, the river ran more or less west to east for seventy or more miles. We saw the herds first then cattle pens... the ranch buildings... a spot to the west of the houses was marked as a landing grid. We settled gently down.

Two men coming towards us from the tree line, I recognized one as Nick Rawlins. We shook hands... I introduced Cho... Nick introduced his brother Seth. The Twins smiling shook hands too. The brothers grinning!

Our staff introduced. Nick remembered Gil's face from her sitting in on the Capitol Hill meeting.

We walked to Seth's house. Inside the families together... lots of names and faces. There were young ones who asked if they all could go to the barn. Nick's wife looked to us... I nodded... Tha said she'd go along... off they went. Delphine followed them.

Cho and I walked out with the brothers... we got a condensed version of the one hundred and twenty years of the ranch. Good times and bad. Now doing very well... well enough for Nick to run for Congress! And be re-elected several times.

Seth smiling, "As you see Nick's here often and we talk a good deal. We have a terrific group of ranch hands, hard workers and smart."

I said they were our favourite kind! Laughs.

I was sitting on a corral fence with Nick.

"I was surprised when Gil called. I was reminded of my offer to you... I'm glad you came. This an interesting life... certainly not for many people, it is misunderstood or looked askance at. For us this is a marvellous place!"

I was nodding, "City people are so very wrapped up in their frenetic urban lives... the countryside is just some place to visit that doesn't have much going on and sometimes has bad smells."

Nick laughed, "Running a racing stables is close to the same I'm sure and you realise the value of the animals. Although we send cattle to slaughter we do it decently... considering the animals welfare."

Nodding, "I worry every time a race starts... so many things can happen... we haven't had that catastrophic accident yet... it can occur. City folks also don't understand how the whole process with animals can mark you with traditional values."

Nick looking at me, "I know you aren't a conservative... I've read what you have said and done... I definitely saw what you did to the conservatives in the UK!"

"They aren't real conservatives any longer just pinstripe dressed up fascists!"

Nick smiled, "I do sense you are thoughtful, you do not jump to conclusions."

Fist bump which made him laugh.

"So you know the whiner at the Capitol Hill meeting... " Nick looked into my eyes, "...the record of his time in Congress is being investigated. Our news media picked it up after he whined to some press folks about my attitude in the meeting."

Nick shook his head, "A loud mouth... He's barely a republican these days... he much closer to the fascism you say is in your tories... he's like that without actually knowing anything at all about what he says. Or the consequences of a quasi-fascist government he seems to like."

"Well his rapacious ways are going to home to roost. He isn't the only one."

His eyebrows raised...

"There are six republican congressmen in the frame."

"Is there a warning in this?"

"You have nothing to fear... you already know that."

A smile, "I have a clean conscience... all I want to do is represent the people of northwest Nebraska... I'm not interested in money that way."

"I can't tell you to warn anyone because I don't know the names except for the one fellow. A part of this visit was to say these things to you."

A head shake by Nick, "It is good of you and bad for those fools."

Nick smiling, "You do surprise. You run in some fancy circles yet I think you are comfortable in jeans... wandering here."

"You would likely be at home at one of our horse stables. The Kentucky one is full of gorgeous horses. Glaa is there... SakChai and others to join him. Do you know the name Asda?"

He didn't... I told him... a smile, "So he's the real stud behind it?"

"Part of it. We also have purchased some superb horses... one is the dam of this fellow."

I showed Nick a snap of Secret Royal. He gave me a look, I grinned.

"Asda is the sire, Secret Sea is the dam... she has Secretariat on both sides doubled up. And no... we can't do anything except hope."

"So you know I've seen your Vogue cover magazine... Not out here... there's probably no Vogue Magazine within two hundred miles."

We laughed.

"One of my Congressional staff ladies had it, several were looking at it. One turned to me, `You really got to meet her? WOW!' as I stared."

Laughing, "What was your response?"

A smile, "I said I got to watch you tear some skin from another Congressman... but very nicely done. That had them going. A few fist bumps between them!"

Nick shaking his head, "I looked at the magazine... by the way you looked pretty good in that Vogue."

"Thanks. I had the writer and photographer in tow for a few days on both sides of the Atlantic."

"The shot of you and Cho in the White House was amazing... a great setting."

In answer to Nick's question... "It is the Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire... the award that made him Sir Cho...

I was grinning, "He looks pretty good doesn't he?"

"You both looked like a couple from a hundred years ago... Downton Abbey like."

"There are occasions when I feel that age."

He said after a day in the saddle moving cows he did too. We laughed.

We went to see their horses, they used them heavily, day to day working their herds and for round ups. I met some of his `wranglers' they didn't know who Cho and I were but they knew we had to be important.

They all enjoyed the outdoor life... they were very glad it wasn't the Nineteenth Century! The life was NO way near as hard... still not a walk in the park.

We talked horses and other working animals...

Nick was called to look at a horse... a fellow said the Rawlins were the best of all the bosses he'd ever worked for... "They give a damn... they don't make a show... they get on with it."

I liked that!

He said I looked like a rider... Smiling I said I was... "Every day if I can."

"You have respect for your animals... in your voice. I feel like that towards the herd... lots of folks think cows are dumb beasts... I've seen them do stupid things, getting themselves in trouble but I`ve seen humans act the same way... it's worse since they ought to know better."

I laughed, "Indeed! I've unfortunately seen the same!"

He asked how I knew Nick.

"I met him in a meeting on Capitol Hill about helicopters. My husband and I oppose allowing them to fly over where people live... it's dangerous, innocent folks could be injured and killed."

Smiling one of my deadly smiles, "One of his colleagues tried to buffalo me... I stuffed him. I think your boss rather enjoyed that."

He was laughing, "Nick and Seth are men who do not appreciate bullshit!"

I shook his hand, "I'm Fay Martin."

A grin, "Reilly. I'm a foreman here."

He pointed to a beautiful bay standing nearby, "That's Ollie, he's mine. We been together eight years." I showed him a snap of Pamela and Penelope with Roland. I explained.

"Fay, an amazing family. It's terrific to see such a thing."

"Do you ever see news from thoroughbred racing?"

"Yes... I pay attention to horse news. An old friend used to race quarter horses in New Mexico... he's got some thoroughbreds now racing at Sunland... it's near El Paso."

"I know it... We have a ranch near Lordsburg."

"I've been there... not a lot going on..."

I agreed with that about Lordsburg... I said it didn't apply to our ranch where we have lots happening.

"So would the name Glaa mean anything?"

"Oh yes! What a runner he was... he's retired?"

"Yes... he's at Harcourt Farm in Kentucky... making babies."

"You own him?"

"Cho and I own Harcourt Racing..." I turned my head so Reilly could see the right side of my baseball cap..."... Glaa was our first American entry three years ago."

"Fay... Martin... I know you who are... Jesus... your stables are the best... Beyond the Best!"

Smiling, "We are pretty good at racing."

"I'm stunned to be talking horses with the likes of you."

"Why? We love them as much as you love Ollie... ours are just different. They are workers just like Ollie... you depend on him. We respect them just as we do all our employees."

A smiling nod.

I stretched my legs out, "Who is your friend in New Mexico? We might know him."

"His name is Bob, Robert McFarlane. He's a pilot."

He could see me grinning, I described `Bob' in El Paso... "That's him to a tee! You do know him?"

"Actually he works for us... he runs a business we own that services aircraft at El Paso Airport."

He slapped his leg, "I've known him for way over thirty years. We did cattle in Texas when we were just teens... making money during the summer. Hot as shit working there! Bob always had my back... me his!"

"We saw him ten days ago... he's doing well... we like him... he's a good boss."

Reilly smiling, "Fay... it's great to have met you!"

I said likewise... we shook hands again.

Liza, Nick's wife, came out to gather everybody to eat. I said goodbye to Reilly with I hoped we'd see one another again. He echoed that.

Walking back to the house Liza smiling.

"You seem to have got on with Reilly..."

"Yes, we talked horses and we have a friend in common." She looked the question I said his old friend Bob works for us in El Paso. Ah!

I was in the kitchen at Seth's house with Liza and Loren, Seth's wife. They said Nick told them we didn't eat beef or pork or birds so they were prepared. I thanked them.

Smiling, "It isn't personal..."

They laughed.

"My father died young from heart disease... my mother shortly afterwards. So I've been wary."

Loren nodded, she lost her parents close together too.

Liza, "You don't have an ounce of fat on you!"

Smiling, "True but I recently found out that doesn't mean you can't have blocked arteries."

Loren nodding. She knew... knowledge learned through loss.

We had a great lunch... grilled local brook trout, terrific macaroni and cheese, green salad, biscuits and honey! Cherry pie and vanilla ice cream at the end.

The Twins loved it all. It was cute to see them thank Liza and Loren.

The ladies didn't mind my helping... Nick seemed a bit wondering if I should... no harm done... I could carry plates and bowls. They did shoo me out to talk with Nick before we left.

Nick and I walked out towards his house... "So you and Reilly got on..." I smiled nodding.

"He's an excellent foreman, a real cattleman. He's been with us fifteen plus years... a gem! Not a talker... you have a gift!"

"Horses... we have that in common. He has a very old friend we know... The fellow works for us at El Paso Airport managing a company that services aircraft."

"That'll be Bob?"

I nodded. "We bought the company to support our people at a ranch over in New Mexico south of Lordsburg."

Nick asked if we did horses there... I laughed, "No... We do technology and training. It is a test site for lots of projects... we are currently evaluating a new solar panel scheme... it could generate much... much more power.

There is a training ground for our Security Service... a temporary live combat course and a permanent more sophisticated version under construction.

Our Security Service operates the ranch."

I gave Nick a quickie version of the two ICE `raids' he was laughing at Simon's carrying the vehicles to the Sherriff's office. The whiny compliant by the head of INS had him shaking his head...

"The government is such a huge thing... few people comprehend it's size... no one knows all what is happening... it's not possible."

We stopped by a fence line that looked down at the Dismal River... I asked the obvious question.

Nick laughed, "There many supposed origins... I think some fellow wandering through wasn't having a fun time... he told his friends."

Laughing, "Sounds good to me."

"So where are you off to now?"

"New York... Our Chanthira Foundation is opening two new shelters on Manhattan for LGBTQ young people."

"I can say you to do put your money where your mouth is! I'm not like some of our neighbours... If my son or daughter were to come out as gay I'd be right there to support them. It isn't a conservative or christian value to dismiss or belittle your children's needs."

Fist bump!

"Cho and I value everyone... we don't want talented minds and bodies to be wasted because they are part of a child who isn't what someone describes as `normal.' I'm glad you feel that way."

"Liza grew up in Thedford down the road." His arm motioning eastward... "Her brother moved way after high school, he hasn't been back. She's the only family member he's been in contact with all these years. He's gay... their parents disowned him.

He's living in New York, working as a choreographer on Broadway, he's done some big hits. Quite successful."

"When it comes home... being different can be an eye-opener."

Nick said `you know it.'

"Liza and I went to see one of the shows on Broadway... it was spectacular... the dancing was powerful and beautiful. Alex is very talented."

We headed back. We were thanked for coming. I told them it was good to see the ground we often fly-over. Everybody laughed.

We got a very nice send-off. The families waving after a lot of hugs and kisses. Chani and Charlie had a great time, they saw lots of animals. The Rawlins kids were fun!

It was interesting to see the big 767 sitting on the tarmac of this small airport like at Lordsburg... a huge aircraft dwarfing everything nearby. We set down... Cho thanking our pilot, I walked to the other AW139 to say the same. The command pilot grinning... she thanked us for the lunch. The Rawlins had done good by them.

I said we'd see them in Denver. Fist bump.

We were ready to go... there were a few hundred people watching us taxi out to runway 12. Mira on the tannoy, "We are taking off!"

The engines wound up, she released the brakes and `gunned it!' We were pressed back in our seats... Charlie Woo-Hooing, Jaidee woofing! We roared down the asphalt... light very quickly then soaring upward.

A very fast take-off... we didn't use even half the runway. A turn to port onto Newburgh. Mira back on... `It is two and half hours to Stewart International Airport.'

Okay work time... some catch-up!

Chelle up first... Cho grinning rubbing his hands together as she told us our lawyers had filed our brief in response to the website and the amicus briefs. She handed copies to us... the yellow and green skinny Post-it's marked particularly good parts she had done with yellow hi-lighter.

Cho flipped to one... his face changed as he read... he was laughing.

"Fay, page 21! It's so good!"

I flipped pages... our lawyers addressed straight on the idea that website couldn't manage to vet all the posts with quotes from some of their internal documents saying the only reasons not to put in place a vetting process was the possible complaints about the system being slowed and their needing to pay for more computer processing power.

I was shaking my head... Chelle held up an amicus brief from the U.S. Justice Department saying the website was failing in being a good citizen in their single-minded pursuit of monetary gain. Their disregard for the rights of others was part of their pattern of trying to make the biggest profit possible at someone else's expense.

Fist pump! Chelle laughing... "The other amicus briefs on our side are like that. The ones supporting the website are transparently trying to cover their asses... or talking about financial losses."

It was an interesting process.

We climbed out of the cars on Minetta Street... Nina smiling... all was well here.

We had a snack on the flight and another from Roslyn. The big lunch did us well! The Twins got to spend some time playing with Jaidee on the terrace before bedtime.

A morning walk with Jaidee took us to the dog run in Washington Square. A new tennis ball... Jaidee shared with the boxer girl he'd met before. Running and jumping! Tara was the ball thrower. I leaned on the fence with Tessa.

"So how does it feel to be in the city?"

"Strange... I know this place but there's a distance now... you've made me a citizen of the world."

Fist bump!

Two shelters to visit today. Their `official' opening day although they both had a few guests inside already.

A sleeveless white silk frock, oval neckline, close to my torso, a narrow black bet, A-line shape to upper thigh. Red heels. Gold jewellery and `Joy' A small red bag from D&G. Red sunglasses.

Chani in white too! A cute Ralph Lauren sundress with white socks and red shoes.

The guys in black suits and light grey shirts, no ties.

We went down to Houston Street then east to Essex, a couple blocks to stop outside the shelter. Metcalf at the door. A big handshake.

No big fanfare today just news media inside the big room. We talked with them about this new location. The neighbourhood was so full of life we knew we could fit in.

Metcalf had a masters in Sociology, a sharp fellow. He was very good with the media. The Daily News and Fox both represented amongst the crowd of reporters. A good by-product of our higher public profile... many news people came out if only to see us... then they get what we wanted them to see.

Gary from our Security Service was here. We laughed quietly over the Russians at Minetta Street.

Everything we wanted to achieve was laid out for the news people, how the Chanthira Foundation was supporting LGBTQ youth in many countries and we were still expanding.

The news folks went on a tour with Metcalf... Chani and Charlie had a separate one with Metcalf's number two, Ari. Cho and I had seen snaps and video of the whole place.

We chose to speak to four guests already residing here with several of the staff. The youngsters were thrilled to have a safe and welcoming place. They would be taken care of then the staff would find out what they wanted for their future.

A captain and a sergeant from the NYPD's 7th Precinct Neighbourhood Coordination Officers' group came by. Gary met them, they got a briefing about the shelter and how `in general' we protected it.

They in turn told him about common issues in the area, contacts for them and they would be glad to talk to our guests about anything. Gary gave them a tour of the lower levels not the resident's spaces.

Gary said they had been very welcoming, asking questions who would qualify to be accepted, etc... Very low key! Good!

Gary, "I got Ari in with us for a few minutes to make the point with them the shelter was aimed at LBGTQ youth... since they were so victimised on the streets... in danger young people regardless of the sexual orientation would be helped. That impressed them, they were glad to hear it."

Ari said there weren't many safe places close by so they would help out.

We stayed for almost two hours... then in the cars going north. Gary with us.

First to Houston then to West Street. North along the river, the road changed names several times then was the Hudson Parkway until way up Manhattan we got off to St. Clair Place then over W. 126th Street.

Lorianne, the manager and her deputy Lamb were at the door. They were all smiles.

"News people are inside and some called from Essex to say they were on their way."

Good! We talked to the news folks while the Twins got a tour with Lamb.

The construction next door was progressing... we could hear the workers pounding nails. Lorianne said the whole frame was done... exterior walls done... the roof on... electrical and plumbing done... now interiors. The upper floors where the guest rooms were would ready for the winter! Yes! Fist pump!

The guests hadn't wanted to be photographed which was fine with us. We spoke to them in a meeting room while the news folks got a tour with Lorianne. As a group they seemed very interested in going on with their education... that thrilled Cho and I.

They got that the Foundation would support them the best way possible.

The Twins enjoyed roaming around the shelters... they were treated like little royalty. Well their Mama was the boss of the shelters. Ha!

We said our goodbyes going out to the cars.


Down Morningside Drive to Columbus Avenue, it became Ninth Avenue, a turn at W. 48th Street to the restaurant door of Fox Tower. Up in the lift to the 45th.

We saw Bill and two of his assistants on their way back down to their offices. Hugs and fist bumps by the Twins for Bill.

Glad was our server, smiles! We got our crowd in the booth and a nearby table. Chani and Charlie wanted noodles... Okay! It was an amusing lunch with the Twins having fun slurping their food in proper style. They used chopsticks and the spoon! So dextrous!!

We said goodbye to Gary, he was going down in the lift to his office.

We headed home down Fifth Avenue... Terrance and Pell driving... no one following we went all the way to Washington Square then around to Minetta lane... we walked the half block to our door. Nina had people out at both ends of the street.

We changed then rode to the heliport off to Newburgh then Chalgrove. A morning arrival.

Sitting in the 767 lounge after the Twins were put down... I showed Cho Graeme's email. Flintshire was glad I wasn't upset and amazed by my perception of him at the cocktail party.

Cho grinning, arms around me, "You smarty-pants!"

Much laughter!!!

Sipping coffee after my breakfast... Cho beside me a hand on my shoulder... a squeeze as the Twins emerged from their cabin all revved up! Hugs and kisses... they were asking for scram... Yobi smiling waving her spatula.

We floated down to a perfect landing then G-Force braking! The big jet taxied to the parking area... Prasert, Tom and Ron waiting to drive us home.

The crunch of gravel... Ah! Always a welcome sound!

Carter, Carter2 and Audra there... the Twins running to them... Our staff would never forget these days of exuberant greetings!

I had Gil, Tara, Tessa and Gaby with me going down the grassy lane to the Flats. No Freddie... he was off at a sale... maybe something good?

Up the slope and across the tracks then a full on gallop to the lock. "Good mornings' spread around. Over the river we headed along Barton lane... the masjid site was a series of posts with little pink, white and yellow ribbons floating in the breeze. Going forward... terrific!

Under the tracks... An underpass... something we had to do elsewhere. We turned north to re-cross the tracks above them this time in Radley. Then north again onto the fields we had recently purchased. One hundred and sixteen acres of good farmland... from Radley's north end to the southern boundary of Kennington.

Our lawyers were working with the Great Western Railway for an agreement to allow us to put in an underpass below their tracks to connect our properties. It would make moving farming machinery much easier. The Oxford solicitors said they were certain the railway will agree since we would pay for everything.

We rode on the eastern verge of the new property all the way to the railway underpass at the Industrial Estate.

We walked through to the first bridge then over the lock. The lockman's substitute was on, we waved to him. Mr. Hardy was out so Roland got his wish... running! A speedy dash from Sandford to our property! We slowed on the Flats to a walk... A big whinny from my guy!

I rubbed his neck thanking him for the delightful start to my day!

The Twins had a half day at the Day care planned, Cho was playing golf at Oxford East. Me it was work on my speeches for the Lords and bits from the NewsGroup, 21st Century Fox which were never small these days.

In the afternoon I got in a great ride with Rebel. Gaby and Angie with me... we went south passed Denham School into Culham, over the river to Sutton Courtenay. We tied our horses at the back gate of the cemetery. Dr. Ryles joined me on the south side of the church.

We could see the biggest spot of roof repair... it looked good... fitting in very nicely. All it needed was some normal weathering.

"Your Ladyship, the workman were excellent. They let me know what the process was at each step. Thank you again for your generous donation."

We shook hands.

"Have you looked at the grave?"

"Not recently."

We walked over... behind Orwell's tombstone the collection of black stones had grown!! There was a black rectangular metal frame half filled with the black stones... at one end was a flange holding my original stone so the message was readable.

In thanks for so many hours of pleasure' F.O. Martin 2017'

The little metal sign saying I was the starter of this was clamped in a tiny sleeve by my stone.

Dr. Ryles smiling, "No... I still have no idea who it is. They come in the night..."

We laughed.

"It isn't important. They do know how to work in metal... this is well done... looked at the chamfered edges... smooth and symmetrical."

Dr. Ryles smiling, "I haven't made any inquiries."

I said not to worry they are obviously a fan too!

We waved as we turned our horses for our return. Over the bridge then a left... we followed the water for about a half mile then walked up the side of Culham Manor. It was an old house associated with an abbey which had been nearby, a victim of Henry VIII.

The house was on the market again... Erin Lonsdale set us an email on it. They were asking three and one quarter million £'s. We walked our horses around to the drive...

I sat there looking, Erin said there was no one living here now. We all dismounted to take more of a look. It looked very nice, well-kept, an ornamental front garden. St. Paul's Church was across the road, one of the not fully functional parishes that were amalgamated.

The property was the Grade II listed building and acreage down to the river. Eleven acres in total. Part of the house was half-timbered then brick and stone. Stepping back the entire building appeared to be good from we were.

I had the prospectus on my iPhone... five reception rooms and two kitchens. Four staircases leading you up to seven bedrooms, five of which are huge and en suite.

There's linen-fold panelling, original stone and oak floors, painted Flemish glass roundels and inglenook fireplaces.

Eleven acres of grounds, a walled orchard, a seventeenth-century dovecote, formal gardens with a yew topiary, a swimming pool, a hard tennis court, stone barns and stables and three paddocks. There's a medieval fishpond with stone bridge and spring-fed cascade.

Quite a lot in eleven acres.

We resumed our ride with a stop at Denham School. Richard grinning, "You missed the dancing!"

He said they'd had a troupe of Morris Dancers here as part of an ongoing class on costumes in the design area yesterday.

"They were good, I'm not a particular fan but it was entertaining."

We walked our horses around to the stables... Pat was teaching a class on horse care. Eight horses getting brushed, combed and otherwise completely pampered. Lots of contented tail swishing!

Pat and I shook hands. He stopped the class to introduce me. I slid down to shake their hands.

They were a mix of folks, some young and several women in their forties.

I remounted waving goodbye. Rebel was asked once we were past the tracks... ZOOM! We were flying along... lovely to have the wind flowing by... a strong happy horse under me... slowing down the slope.

Cho was home... Kiss! We sat in the Office briefly talking then we started to go up to change. The Twins were coming in from a `raiding voyage' on the Rêve. Hugs!

I helped get Jaidee's skull and crossbones jumper off. He did a big shake!

Drinks... I got the tale of the golf... Cho got my stops and Culham Manor.

He wondered what we would do with it...

"First we protect it... then find a family that needs space and wants to live in the country. It is close to Culham Station for a commuter."

"Okay... buy it. I'll drive over tomorrow with the Twins while you have fun in the Lords."

I stuck my tongue out which got the Twins laughing.

Jaidee was being massaged... two pairs of small hands working him over. He wasn't objecting!

I called Erin Lonsdale before going in to dinner. She said `it will be done' to laughter.

Dinner with everybody... an Italian menu... Two antipasto trays then a lentil soup with bread triangles coated in Asiago. Spaghetti and meat balls! Carla's meatballs weren't meat but tasted so good, spices coming through... Oregano, a bit of Basil, Thyme and a hint of sage!

Loaves of Pugliese style bread and our butter. A selection Sicilian olives.

This was popular with Chani and Charlie. They liked twisting their dinner!

Carter got out bottles of Bruno Nicodemi Riserva, another terrific wine from our Abruzzo trip!

Tiramisu! A big hit with the small ones... me too!

Espresso and Amaretto in the Great Room.

Ali and Francis made their decision... it would be New York. She has a good doctor and an excellent hospital... New York-Presbyterian Lower Manhattan not far from Minetta Street.

It was fine with us. Ali would stay in their Minetta Street flat... she'd have a lot of support close by. Francis would still travel some with us for maybe two months then he'd be staying in New York.

Daria looking forward to this! They emailed the decision to her which got them a reply full of stars!

I got in my ride plus some eggs and toast after. Min lifted us from the Harcourt House grid in the early morning. Allyn at Wandsworth, we crossed the river then north to the Vauxhall Bridge. We exited at Millbank House.

Sage had a few things then Alfred came in. Smiling he asked about my speech today... I was ready.

We two walked to the Palace of Westminster with PJ and Angie. In the Royal Gallery Mac was speaking with Argyle and Ashover. We joined in... they were smiling... looking at me.

Mac took my hand... "Fay, you look great! A good Scots look!"

I was in modern Munro tartan slender cut trousers, a white long sleeved shirt, a black tie, black vest with a black wool two button jacket, narrow lapels and silver buttons. Silver jewellery, `Joy' and a big smile.

We walked into the House... Cecil...

"Fay, I love that!"

We shook hands. I slipped my arm though his... we moved towards the seats. Maresfield, a smile and handshake.

"So you are up?"

"Yes... My turn. Did you bring the peanuts and No-Doz pills?"

He laughed, "No... with you speaking I don't think there's going to be any lack of excitement."

I thanked him for the compliment.

We were called to order. To our seats.

The debate about the Trident Nuclear submarine bill recommenced. I stood for the Crossbenchers. The new Labour government made this easy... I said we supported the changes in the submarine force budget and that the agreement with the United States was comprehensive and clear.

"This agreement makes it possible for our Armed Forces to be rejuvenated after years of neglect by tory governments."

Some tory whingers voiced their displeasure at my remarks.

My response was to ask if they had any ground to make comments since the budget for the military had gone down for ten consecutive years? Quiet.

I pointed out our move towards not having nuclear weapons was a very positive step... we needn't spend enormous sums for the hardware or have the worry of making use of the weapons. Yes... we were passing the buck to the Americans but it hardly mattered since they had assumed their role of protecting Western Europe in 1945 with their nuclear capability.

I added we could help set a move towards the phasing out of all nuclear weapons... the sort of `mutual assured destruction' which held the world in thrall during the Cold War was clearly no longer needed.

I said all governments who held nuclear weapons should be brought into a scheme for elimination.

What I didn't mention was Kora's people in Bangkok had done... they controlled the computer systems for the North Korean military's nuclear agency. The ability for that rogue state to launch armed weapons could be blocked by our actions. Less than ten people knew of this new result.

When Kora had handed over the Chinese penetration to the NSA... she had pointed to a possible path for Theodore's people to follow to gain the same leverage on the nuclear controls in that communist nation.

The NSA had already compromised the Russians nuclear force without their knowledge. Russia would fail in a nuclear confrontation with America... the Russian missiles couldn't launch.

The NSA's actions inside Russia had destabilised the regime's security forces to the point of the GRU and FSB fighting with each other behind the scenes. Spending their time and resources for nothing in the internecine struggle which if reports were accurate had deteriorated into actual gunfire in one instance.

This long con' in Russia was a partnership by the NSA and CIA... they had recently drawn in GCHQ in the United Kingdom. They were building a sustained CONfidence trick' program, weaving it into the fabric of the Russian government agencies.

Their success was seen in some recent actions... the NSA/CIA were in it for the long haul for a change.

Russia's risking war with America and NATO over the border countries which had been part of the Soviet Union needed to be stopped. putin wanted to `restore' the glory of the Soviet Union by force which was not possible.

The goal for this year was to to create a situation where the Russian Army would consider removing putin placing someone in control who might be competent and hopefully not afraid of democracy. The big question did they have anyone who qualified?

There was dry tinder... the match?

The GRU knew their military wasn't up to any sustained combat against an organized and sophisticated defence and not capable of defending Russia because of their `offensive' doctrine simply did not properly train its troops in the arts of defence, adding in their chronic poor supply systems to make it worse. The lack of adequate roads and easy to interdict rail net were obvious issues the Russians had never dealt with properly.

The hubris of the `soviet state' had prevented them taking positive action on the weaknesses.

The world's second most effective nuclear power and its worst rogue nuclear state were taken out of the equation for now.

I wished to say all that but no... I was good... besides my other arguments were fine for this debate.

I had been interrupted by several tories who after being bitten by me and Mac had quit and gone silent. I sat down feeling I had made a contribution. Mac was happy, a big handshake from Alfred.

Afterwards I spoke with Ashover... he said the debate on the decommissioning bill would begin next week. Okay.

"And you were very good today. I could almost have pity for those tories you and Mac demolished."

A look from me made him laugh, "I did say almost."

We shook hands smiling.

I was in the Royal Gallery with colleagues when a fellow walked up... He pardoned himself... Could I meet with the Prime Minister for a few minutes?

I said yes. I raised my eyebrows to those around me.

In the Prince's Chamber my escort told me we were going to an office off the Library Corridor. Through the Bishop's Corridor towards the Thames, a left then a good walk to an office facing the river. Keir and Cedric waiting.

We shook hands. I was thanked for my constructive speech... that was quick.

We were sitting in chairs... Cedric looked to Keir... then to me.

"We have had a thorough briefing from GCHQ about U.S. penetrations into Russian, Chinese and North Korean computer systems. The NSA and CIA did not give extensive details of how it had been done but a comment was made that some of it came from outside the NSA."

Cedric motioned to Keir, "We have had a discussion with the heads of the SIS and GCHQ... they both believe the genesis of this was with your Security Service."

He smiled extending a hand in my direction. I didn't laugh about all the hand motions.

I smiled, "So how much time do you have?"

Raised eyebrows!!! They looked at each other...

I told them about Russian attempts to get into our systems... how our people followed them `home' so to speak through the Belarussian KGB computers. A rough account of our gaining access to FSB computers, taking email and the credentials of thousands of FSB officers... watching them via their own surveillance cameras...

Then I explained about Yevgeny, our part in his escape... that caused surprised looks on my companions faces... our use of the credentials he gave us for the FSB file server... planting documents and how we were protecting him.

I pointed out the Russians were so busy trying to get in our systems they failed to watch their own.

Cedric and Keir said the operations the NSA, CIA and GCHQ were running where known to them so I skipped over that without telling them I didn't know much at all. I would let them assume...

I went into Kora's penetration of the Chinese and North Koreans systems. I told them we had the complete autopsy of Ti... not only of his person but the entire process he conducted to try to murder our family.

"The Thai government has done some things in response to what they learned from interrogations of the three attackers and other documentation. Strict curbs were placed on Chinese diplomats and business people in Thailand. Technology exports were all but cut off. Money transfers severely limited, going both ways.

They made a `deal' with the Chinese to get the attackers families out of China... a sort of blackmail arrangement. My father's chief assistant Colonel Kraisee thought it up.

Also quite a few Thai-Chinese residents have been questioned and warned about acting for China... all this makes Thailand a good bit safer.

The North Koreans are just criminals in uniforms. The takedown of thousands of malware servers affected them very badly. A major source of cash dried up. The Chinese government too but not as much. The Chinese gangs were hurt in their pocketbooks rather badly too.

North Korea is cutoff from those outside sources of money like never before. Our people in Bangkok have handed over control of all these penetrations to the NSA.

We are monitoring the criminals though... through little bombs left in their systems hardware that will announce their being back online. The NSA and Kora's folks decided ours would keep their eyes out."

I said there was more but I had given them the highlights.

Keir smiling, Cedric's head shaking.

Cedric asked how long back this went?

"Several years... the Chinese and North Koreans the last six months or so."

Keir, "You and Cho are very good at keeping secrets I see."

"Yes, we would not have told the tories... they have too many compromised members who would sell out the Kingdom for a tuppence. The Chinese business was very active... until the NSA took over we talked to no one.

My understanding is the U.S. agencies hadn't given the whole picture to the GCHQ... just recently that changed.

We did wonder what you might think... Cho said you'd know we can keep a secret."

They laughed.

Keir, "Indeed you can! It is well you do!"

Cedric asked, "Is there anything you two and your people don't do superbly?"

I grinned, "Probably... but we'd never tell."

That brought huge laughs.

I was thanked for the new information.

Cedric said his staff carefully read my appreciation of Soleimani and the Iranians...

"In a word they were very `impressed!' Not just with your analysis... several said you wrote clearly with real skill."

I motioned him on... "More... More... I just love to be complemented."


I leaned back, "I like Soleimani, he is obviously rough customer to deal with when Iran's interests are at stake. His knowledge of the Middle East is very deep... he does not kid himself about anything.

He also has no illusions about other countries goals and methods... the Saudis are very brutal... it's ingrained in their leaders... they act without pity... often without properly considering the real long term consequences... they spend much of their time trying to hide their ruthlessness... attempting to buy allies and friends... Bullying weaker neighbours.

Their making deals with the Israelis has cost them considerable goodwill in the region... they may think it is some form of `realpolitik' but conniving with Israel as it is now is dangerous.

Since Rabin's death... Israel has been something of a rogue state themselves with ever more conservative neo-fascist governments. Netanyahu is a disaster."

Both Keir and Cedric shied away from that... it didn't matter to me... we weren't particularly interested in the Arabian Peninsula or Israel. Like China, Russia... we would not do business with them.

We said goodbyes... I was sincerely thanked.

I flew back to Oxfordshire... in flight an email from Eric... he said the government of Belarus, in reply to their query, was informed our services were not available in their area. Good. Too many dictators around there.

Cho and the Twins greeted me! Lovely! Hugs and kisses!!

We had a few days of fun around the house, horses and golf!

Cho was going to New York for the last day of the U.S. Open golf tournament. The first day was in progress... Tom had finished the front nine at three under par!! Cho grinning!

I was changing for dinner Cho came into my Dressing Room with his iPad.

"The Pulitzer's winners are announced..."

He was pleased so we had a few. In fact all our nominees won!

Fox News for Public Service... this is the top of the scale!

Fox News for Investigative Reporting... the Polish workers at Trump Tower series!

Fox Sports rewarded for the Aneka story. A great horse and excellent work by Frank and his crew.

The Day in Seattle series on the republican party in Washington State and elsewhere won! The capstone of a remarkable first year for them!

The New York Daily News for Local Reporting... they own the city now!

In the book area... Biography... Yi won for her Hemingway book!!!! This was really marvellous! Her first book winning so many awards!!

We both spent time sending congratulations to everybody! I sent a NewsGroup CEO email to every employee telling them the news. We were very proud of our folks, they earned each award.

I sent a 21st Century Fox CEO email to every Fox employee thanking them for their efforts. Praising the skills of the reporters involved in the winning stories.

Dinner with all our folks. A buffet of Mexican dishes! Carla and her staff loved this! The food was very popular with our employees! Everybody chowing down!

The Twins liked all the different tastes! A full sampling for them!

Yone came in, he moved to be between us... he whispered what was going on outside and that the situation is under control.

We did step out... briefly. PJ and Rande with two others in the passage... they were going to stand down now.

Yone told us the event was over... now the clean-up.

Cho said we'd finish dinner then come down.

We went down once the Twins and the others were in the Great Room.

Yone smiling, "It has been a fun evening!

What we know... It started with a fellow entering the garden centre as a customer, he made a show of looking around. He had a big black bag on his shoulder... it attracted the Centre's staff's attention. He was marked by our Security people.

He slipped out the back of the Centre into the woods from the outside shrubbery sales area. A video camera watched as he turned his coat inside out to a night-time camouflage colouring, put on a cloth camouflage face mask and hat.

He crouched down to move deeper into the trees. Then he sat down... presumably waiting for a start time or further darkness.

Our Security watching every step, a drone aloft, above using FLIR and Infrared to track each step.

An armed reaction team moved to the edge of the woods, listening to reports of the intruder's moves.

He started to move, turning north to approach the treble lines of trees screening the west side of Harcourt Close, he was in between the rows of trees.

The reaction team shadowed his every move.

Across the river sensors had picked up another intruder coming from the railroad tracks, the fellow crossed the field to get to the woods in between Archie's place and the Wellan's. The sensors identified a man of middle height, stocky with a big bag that has metal parts inside like the other fellow's neither appeared to be an dis-assembled rifle.

Land Rovers of our folks were put en route, another drone is hovering to the west behind the second intruder.

He passed deeper into the woods, going on a fairly straight line aiming for the tree lined road to the Wellan's home. He moved much slower in the underbrush of the woods. He like the other sat undercover for a bit to presumably awaiting a start time.

The Wellan's were contacted and told to shelter. Same for the Carmichael's.

The westside one began to move... A short sprint brought him to the shallow creek, deep in brush and trees. He followed it south to a hedge line he used that for cover to get to a part of the Thames Path covered by trees. He paused... then moved north to where the trees ended... he began to empty the bag he'd been toting.

Two hundred feet north under cover on the east bank was a sharpshooter with a night scope. She reported a clear shot.

Four of our Security surrounded that fellow. He couldn't go north or south or retreat.

The first intruder reached the end of the tree screen behind Francis and Ali's house, lying prone opening his bag. A wing drone using the 12x camera shows he has some kind of aiming device but not a normal rifle.

Yone told us it was a laser rifle, the man wants to put the beam on a pane of the house windows to listen and record what is said inside. Not a new idea but it works... it collected the vibrations, software turns them to audible sounds.

A pointless exercise here as the windows are protected by a technology that creates white noise, nothing inside can be heard. Even if you put your ear to a pane it is all static.

Yone ordered the trap sprung on him... one propeller drone moved around very low in front of him... it blasted his face with a high powered light... he jumped up... a wing drone behind hit him in the back with a bean bag round knocking him flat. The reaction team jumped upon him. Cuffed hand and foot, gagged, blindfolded, carried to the Security office holding room.

Across the river the second one laid down right beside the water covered by shrubs. He has a clear view of the west side of the house.

Franco using a bullhorn told him he was surrounded... he's told to stand up, hands behind his head... moving in any way except as instructed will get him shot... he hesitated then did as he was told. Lit by the powerful light on the drone above him... Cuffed hand and foot, gagged, blindfolded like his compatriot he was lifted into a Land Rover.

He has a similar laser rifle... plus the same recording equipment.

He's in the Annex's holding room.

In the cellar here the man is currently blindfolded, cuffed to a chair and a set of noise cancelling headphones is put on the prisoner playing music so he hears nothing. He's in grey trackies... all his clothes and equipment on a table being examined. No identification... not a surprise! All the clothes labels are missing. Nothing personal in his pockets. No rings.

Yone is having his car picked up at the Garden Centre to be brought to our garage. We have a team looking in the car park by the railroad station in Radley for the second man's vehicle. A Ford car key found in secret belt pocket.

Yone went on... Carl examined a boot pointing to the sole at the heel... either it is a manufacturer's error or has been altered. It is removed to show five new twenty £ notes tightly folded and a small memory card.

Yone said he got out a laptop not connected to any network to read the card... It has his personal details and that he is an MI5 agent. Now is this BS or real? Is he Russian or what?

A call to the annex to pass on the boot hiding place... They called back in a few minutes... `Found it!'

Two MI5 agents... trying to bug the house... spying on us?

A search on the MI5 identification name of the first reveals that he was a former member of the Metropolitan Police Force's Special Branch. An online photo search shows it is him.

Yone gave us all this our heads shaking.

We knew it would not have worked because of the white noise devices on the windows in the Library, the Great Room, the Office and our suite upstairs. But to try?

I leaned close to Cho... "The Foreign Office stooge."

Cho nodding. "Could be."

The MI5 fellows have been told until we get some questions answered they will be held incommunicado. Neither seems forthcoming right now but it's early days.

One of Yone's people thought she'd seen the fellow here in the cellar at an Open House day in December. He said he'd made a wrong turn somewhere, she'd escorted him back to the main floor.

Her `He now has a beard, scruffy, a few days growth, it's him for sure' statement made us certain of the identification. Spying out the house quite a while ago... the tories were still in charge then.

I called Dad... it was early but he answered. He got angry hearing what I told him. I asked him if I could put him on speaker with Cho...

"Yes let us talk..." When I said we were on... Dad spoke, "I can call the head of MI5 right now and ask why he had his people trespassing on my daughter's property. I had a very good meeting with him only a few months ago."

I stepped back to call Adam... He wasn't shocked, "Fay, those people get up to all sorts all the time. Your Security is just too good! Do you want to dictate something to one of our folks for the papers?"

"Not yet... it may come to that. Keep it under your hat."

A `have fun' as a goodbye from Adam made us laugh.

Back in the Library I sat near Cho.

I said I could have it on the website of our newspapers in thirty minutes, naming names and including pictures or we can try Dad's way... I didn't see an alternative.

"Should Dad say anything about the press? Even the clods at MI5 must know we own lots of media."

I looked at Cho, a nod, "I don't see anything but denials from the UK security services. They'll probably try to paint these two as rogue agents... acting on their own."

We paused, "Dad, try your call... see what the response is... pressure them as much as you feel is appropriate... if you feel it is proper remind them of the possibility of extensive press coverage."

Cho added, "If you get a feeling of their trying to bluff their way through to buy time... tell them trying to rescue their men is an impossibility. We would oppose that."

Dad said it likely would not come to that.

"They don't want a Wild West shoot-out in Oxfordshire."

A bit of a laugh for us.

We ended the call soon afterwards.

I had Cho's hand, "Everybody spies on everyone else... even close allies. This doesn't appear to be such an egregious example, far worse tries have been made I'm sure."

"Maybe but we are private citizens in the main... certainly not `enemies' in any sense of the word."

Yone got a call from the Annex... the fellow there admitted he was MI5 after our folks found his bits in the boot heel. A web search showed he had been Army Intelligence in the not so distant past.

I was thinking of calling Keir... Cho said do it. "Even if Keren is successful it won't hurt for the leadership to know independently."

Keir answered... he was shocked, "Fay, no one has been hurt so far... correct?"

"Yes. The men are being properly treated although confined. To say the obvious... I can have someone from our newspapers on the phone in minutes..."

"You don't have to say... I understand your anger... This should never ever happen to anyone... " He paused... "... I will call Cedric to find out about his problem child and any connections to MI5 because this stinks of some inside engineered affair.

Your father is going to light a bonfire under their asses over there... I will call the head of MI5 when we ring off giving your father a bit of time.

If he knows anything... he is gone along with any and all who played a part in this debacle."

I thanked the Prime Minister.

Dad called again. He had just gotten off with Sir Osbert the head of MI5.

"Fay... Cho... my feeling is he didn't know about this little operation! He sounded genuinely shocked it occurred. Perhaps a good attempt to cover but I don't believe that."

"I called the Prime Minister who was also shocked. He's to call the same fellow... so the head of MI5 has trouble tonight."

I added the Prime Minister thought it might be something one of the underlings at the Foreign Office started using the `old boy' network of friends. Trying to dig up some dirt on us.

"Well these people need for someone to sit on them."

I said he was right.

We exchanged love as we rang off.

Cho and I sitting there holding hands... He turned to me... "We get statements from the two intruders, on video. Then we wait to see the fallout from the phone calls."

I squeezed the hand.

I went to the door... Fin waiting outside, "Please ask our staff to join us."

"Yes... M'Lady."

We briefed Gil, Chelle, Francis and Ali. They obviously knew something was up but this was `bullshit' as Francis so aptly titled it.

Smiling I said we didn't know anything definite... "It is likely to be an illegal use of MI5's powers. I think is is safe to use that old standby phrase `heads will roll' regarding this."

Cho and I went up with Chani and Charlie... bedtime... yawns. They were tucked in... kisses and hugs.

We walked down holding hands in the passage outside the Great Room I was scooped up up for a kiss. Okay! Arms around Cho squeezing tight.

The morning run delicious... Roland rocking! It was early... most of our neighbours not out yet! The Breakfast Room had only me and Gil who rode with me. I was leaning back with a second cup of coffee when other people came in.

Cho with his newspapers parked beside me. I got him some food and coffee... a kiss.

In my Dressing Room when my phone went off. Keir!

"Fay, I spoke with Sir Osbert the head of MI5 last night and this morning. He was adamant what occurred was outside normal channels. The unit senior involved is suspended, an investigation has begun. I can say the suspended fellow named the civil servant in Cedric's office who we thought could be an issue as the instigator. That of course is not an effective defence to his actions.

That person is also suspended along with his deputy. The investigation that Cedric started on him has moved into a new gear.

We would like the investigators to have time to do their job. Sir Osbert would to beg your patience in the interim."

He laughed, "Your father's call got Sir Osbert worked up. When I called I could almost hear him frothing at the mouth with anger."

I replied, "We have no wish to embarrass Her Majesty's government... We will undertake no moves that might expose the event until Sir Osbert's people have had a bit of time... patience is an expensive commodity though. Please have someone of yours keep a sharp eye on the process."

"I will do that. I want this form of rot excised. I'm asking one of my team to look at the role of the civil service in government especially in terms of requesting any actions by parts of the security services."

I thanked him and said it would seem a good time to act. He had the leverage stupid, foolish people gave him.

We rang off with thanks on both sides.

Cho and I called Dad from the Library. He laughed when I gave him Keir's description of Sir Osbert.

"He sounded pretty irate to me which is why I said I believed him. Allowing civil servants the power to order executive action by security personnel is every kind of wrong. The MI5 fellow who ordered this has no future...even if dodges being fired he's ended his career."

Cho said that it was only appropriate for being made a fool by some functionary.

Dad said Phailin's law firm had taken a woman's case in Myanmar. The woman killed her husband after years of physical abuse, the government wants a straight murder trial. Phailin has gotten involved via an attorney friend in Yangon... this is the sort of case she always works hard.

"Give her our best and if the woman needs anything to please call on us."

Dad thanked me, he would tell Phailin.

I stopped, "Dad, I wonder if this might be a way to gain some entry to speaking to the Myanmar government about the border issue?"

He was quiet then... "Possibly. I will speak to Narong myself and be back to you."


Cho and Yone joined me. The MI5 fellows were downstairs in separate rooms. They had given statements on video of who gave them orders and what those orders were. They had been told it was a national security case hence the surreptitious nature of their actions upon entering our property. Their `briefing' beforehand hadn't mentioned any defences except the usual guards who might patrol and possibly dogs.

Cho and I did huh's as Yone grinned.

"Yes, despite the news stories where some of what we do was recounted they weren't told to expect any sophisticated defences."

I had to laugh. I said I would talk with Sir Osbert myself to tell him of this rather shoddy preparation.

Gil nodded when I asked her to arrange a meeting.

"Gil if you need help call Keir Starmer's office."

Cho smiling, "So do we call MI5 to come and pickup these two or...?"

Yone suggested we call the Thames Valley Police... that way we can hand them over with their equipment and have a nice set of witnesses if needed later.

We were good with that. Yone did so right away... It was humorous to listen as he explained to a desk sergeant that we had captured two intruders who it happened worked for MI5 that we needed to get rid of them.

Yone trying hard not to laugh, "Yes, sergeant come up the front drive of Harcourt House they will be ready for pick-up."

He told Carl who was also trying not to laugh to get them ready, they were dressed in their own clothes already, give them their toys and walk them out to the south side of the Forecourt.

In twenty minutes three police cars came up the drive... the MI5 guys were waiting under guard. A superintendent came to the door. Carter brought him into the Great Room where Cho and I were with Yone.

We did introductions as he was someone we hadn't seen before.

He was offered a chair.

A slight grin, "Pardon me Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... Am I here to make a record of the handover of those two?"

Cho laughed, "Actually... yes! Our security chief... " Cho's hand out to Yone, "... wanted to have you see they weren't damaged. MI5 knows they are here but they have not asked for their return. We don't want them. We hoped you might take them and let MI5 know where they can be retrieved."

Yone smiling, "Their vehicles are back where they left them... they have their keys."

Cho, "Alternatively if you want to drop them at the cars so they can find their own way home... that is fine with us."

The policeman was struggling to keep a straight face.

"That is a good idea. I will contact our link with MI5 and pass on the information. I suppose we aren't meant to speak about this?"

My smile was big, "MI5 hasn't spoken to us... Sir Osbert has had conversations with the Prime Minister who has in turn spoken to us. We understand MI5 is somewhat embarrassed so more speaking is not likely to please them."

That was as far as we got before we all laughed at once...

Still smiling I said, "Superintendent, so you know... they were caught by Yone's folks last night trying to eavesdrop on us. They didn't get the chance to start."

The smile still on his face, "M'Lady, do you want to have them charged with trespass or anything else?"

I shook my head no. "I think we'll draw a line under this episode. Okay?"

He stood up, we all shook hands.

"It was nice to meet you... several of my colleagues have spoken about you both and your security. It is nice to know this estate is in safe hands."

He reached out to shake Yone's hand.

Yone walked him to his car, Cho and I at the door.

They spoke briefly then shook hands again. Yone smiling coming back towards us.

"I invited him up to see what we do... the other superintendents have been here to see our setup."

Cho's hand in mine, "By all means... he seemed a decent sort."

Cho squeezed my hand, I smiled at him, "He can see they funny side of life."

We laughed some more.

It was good we had got rid of the MI5 fellows. No way we wanted to be responsible for them any further.

Gil in the Great Room.

"Fay, Sir Osbert would be pleased to see you tomorrow any time between nine and noon."

She gave one of those grins, "All we have to do is call this number when you can be there."

I took a look at the Post-it paper square.

"It's his PA's direct line."

I did a wooooo!

Call from Rak... Anong went into labour... Boom... they have a beautiful girl!! Chana was healthy!! I called out to Gil... champagne and flowers!!! I got a `Will do!'

Rak said Anong was tired but in good shape, her labour hadn't gone on hardly at all. Much shorter than for Rak2. She did say `no more' if he wouldn't mind. Rak said two was wonderful.

We congratulated Rak, best wishes and love to Anong.

Another baby to visit!

I rounded up my ladies for some work before lunch and after.

Chelle received a call `from the lawyers' as she covered the phone. It was fun to watch her listen and react to the news.

"Fay... the Appeals Court has taken the case `En Banc' so all the judges are involved. Since it is on the expedited docket they will have a decision in two weeks. Our lawyers say the court states there will be no oral arguments."

Great! I like speedy decisions... no lingering!

A big inhale by Chelle... "The court refusing oral arguments means they will decide on the briefs from each side and the amicus curiae only. Our lawyers say it is a very good sign."

We were fine with that.

Gil said the flowers for Flix would be delivered this morning her time. Great! She will get her PHD this afternoon at U.C.L.A.

Flix had a publishing deal with Hachette Livre in New York for a late autumn publish date. She was working with an editor there. Her email said the editor was pleased with the manuscript... they were nearly ready to go!

Cho was flying to New York this morning. He would look at the new house on Long Island we bought then go west to stay in Rose Grove with friends... golf!

Big goodbyes by the Twins on the Forecourt. They waved as I held their hands.

Cho was to land at East Hampton Airport only three miles from the new house on Georgica Pond. He'd have a look see, take more snaps and meet the real estate agent. The agent would give access to Rosalind and her people to do their work.

I'd gotten Rosalind's name from Anna W****** as a decorator who had a marvellous `eye' for making rooms look gorgeous but comfortable. She was based in Southampton. I had a talk with Rosalind, she got we wanted the house for us and guests. It was to be accessible in every possible way.

It was over eighty years old, modernized several times, last was ten years ago. It was a large sized estate for the area over nine and half acres. Three floors in the main house and a cellar. Several big drawing rooms, a huge dining room, lots of bedrooms, etc... A terrace of good size and a huge swath of the lawn was flat, two and a half acres of it for furniture and game space.

A separate small block of six bedsit flats for staff attached to the garage.

A guest house with two bedrooms and an efficiency style kitchen and a wrap-around screened veranda.

Also a round summer house out towards the pond, two sets of tall windows that opened onto a screened veranda that went all around. It was in a small grove of trees.

She said she could give us recommendations for staffing companies, gardeners, etc... that are local. I'd thanked her and to please send them on. Our Security would do the interviews and vetting.

When we bought the property we let Gary know we wanted his office rather than Stella's to cover the house... He was already doing the barn at the Belmont.

"It seems more rational to do so. You can have your people use the helicopters rather than the long drive to the end of the Island. It'll probably be just twenty minutes."

He was good. "Fay, it can be a working day in the country for my folks. You know... fresh air... sunshine!"

We laughed.

Kavat had already made arrangements at East Hampton Airport for our aircraft.

Where Cho was staying with friends only a ten minute drive to Shinnecock Hills Golf Club for the last day of the U.S. Open golf tournament. Tom was leading by nine as of this morning.

He was to meet Tom before he teed off Sunday morning, the last day.

I was going to Paris the day after tomorrow for the day... real estate! A solo trip!

It was late, near to lights out when Cho called.

"Fay this house is wonderful. The entire estate is in excellent shape. Rosalind is here with me... I'll put you on in a minute.

We don't need to do much work... maybe some paint depending on Rosalind. I've had a walk outside... the `pond' is large so we can get a runabout for us, there's a boathouse with a dock.

Gary's team is already working... they say basic stuff will be done by tonight... tomorrow and the day after... the more in depth and special items will be added.

Here speak to Rosalind..."

"Your Ladyship... " "Rosalind I'm Fay." "Okay... Fay this is a terrific opportunity... big rooms, lots of windows. I spoke to Gil so I'm up to speed about how you'd like our ideas presented. I think it's a great idea! I'm going to steal it for other clients who have large projects."

I laughed, "Steal away. I've used it several times with superb results. Remember don't knock yourself out trying find an `exact' snap or drawing... come close and explain the difference... I am looking for the feel of it."

Rosalind said she was good and was looking forward to the challenge.

Cho was back, "Tom is leading by twelve now. Sunday promises to be another crowning achievement by him. Roxanne is in Arizona... she didn't feel up to making the trip. I'll see Tom Sunday morning."

"I'll call Rox. Give my best to Tom!"

"Have fun spending money in Paris."

We laughed! Love!!

Rox was doing Okay but she got tired quickly so going all that way would be too much for her last three or four weeks.

"Fay like so many before me I'm ready for this to be over!!"

I commiserated with her without having any first-hand knowledge.

"Thank you for the unlimited diapers... what a great gift!"

"You're welcome! It worked for us and a few friends we gifted it to. If you need anything let us know."

I was thanked... she would.

Roland was a happy horse... our run was awesome... we both enjoyed ourselves running in the sunny morning. His whinnies told me how he felt.

I dressed to meet MI5. The black Mirabelle suit with the miniskirt! Black stockings and red heels. Red lips and nails! Silver jewellery. `Joy' Black linen gloves. Red sunglasses.

Kellen picked me up on the lawn. Rae at Wandsworth. Right to the front door of Thames House.

There were two people waiting. A PA and an escort. They welcomed me and I followed them to a lift. Up to Sir Osbert's office... he was at the door with his hand out. A good handshake.

"Welcome Your Ladyship."

He motioned to a sitting area. I introduced Gil... he got she was `close' to me.

"I want to apologise for the actions of those people involved in trying do illegal acts on your property. The PM has said he is to be kept apprised of the investigation at each step. He will be.

What we know now is a request from the Foreign Office fellow was acted on improperly. There was no official paperwork... our man just did it.

The administrative procedures for termination of his employment have begun... he was a good officer... his zeal to please a senior civil servant is inexcusable... he knows it."

I thanked him for acting quickly.

He smiled, "Your father was righteously angry! I have known Keren for ten or twelve years, we speak plainly... he was quite plain."

I laughed, "When I spoke to Dad... he said never heard you so angry."

"Well I can say I used a few words I haven't for some time. What really PO'd me was the singular lack of integrity. Our people are trained to dot the i's and cross the t's failing to do that has always been considered a major lapse.

If our folks start not following the rules... well... we have too much information here! Catastrophe!"

"I wanted to speak to you on a side note I thought very important. It is an operational issue."

Sir Osbert's eyes narrowed.

"When your two were debriefed by our Security... they were genuinely surprised to have bundled up so quickly. No one told them about any defences other than ordinary human guards and maybe the odd dog... this was despite news reports of our catching news people trying get on the estate and capturing flying drones over our land. Some of which was the basis for our lawsuit against the News Corp... the outcome of that has us owning the old News Corp assets."

Sir Osbert's head was shaking.

"Our Security Service is very sophisticated... the defences around all our properties are quite dense, multi-layered. You may know that Hillary Clinton has been to visit twice... this last time in January as President. Her Secret Service chief said felt she could relax..."

My host's face... a smile coming up...

"Have you been out to Hendon recently? If you go you see their combat course record showing the two top teams with record breaking scores are members of our Personal Protection Team. Two of whom are in your outer office now."

He'd liked to meet them.. I said on the way out I will be proud to introduce him.

I gave him a few other examples...

"These are the people your folks came up against... unprepared to boot. I have one last item that will likely pique your interest. In New York we have a small compound of sorts in Greenwich Village... we own four buildings on a short street, we have a home plus flats for personal staff and Security Service people.

In one of those flats lives a former senior officer in the FSB..."

Boy his eyes were opened now...

"We helped arrange his escape from Russia, he was debriefed by the FBI for six months. He had the inside information on trump's fling with two prostitutes in Moscow..."

"I remember your news had a huge story... they slammed trump with a video!"

"Yes! The video came directly from the young Russian women in question.

Yevgeny gave the FBI a terrific amount of information. Since his release he has been living in a flat on our street in New York. The Russians found out where he is through a spy of theirs in counter-intelligence in the FBI. That fellow is now unmasked... well you can guess what is happening to him..."

A nod.

"We... I mean our Security Service, ran a deep project with NSA help to convince the Russians that Yevgeny was a double-agent... to protect him from retribution... there are some other things going on but it comes down to the Russians doing a check on all their assets around the world... which exposed the FBI fellow. The Russians have tried to check on Yevgeny several times with agents... both times they have been identified by our people... we ran games on them."

I leaned back Gil said later was a wicked grin...

I told Sir Osbert about our homeless ones' and the building inspectors' bringing out a big laugh.

"Damn Your Ladyship..." "I'm Fay..." I extended my hand... "Oz to my friends."

I smiled and thanked him.

"I'm very impressed... you've told me this to show your Bona Fides... I appreciate that."

"There is actually a lot more... the folks at GCHQ know... I'm sure they would be willing to share with you."

Another grin... he laughed some more with a `maybe.'

"You have been playing with spooks... beware we don't corrupt you."

I said I was impervious because I have a deep seated ethical code reinforced by my love for an equally ethical man.

"We have a lot of responsibilities around the world, we play hardball on core issues... a hundred billion £'s demands we follow our fundamental personal rules that brought success... to deviate would invite failure."

Sir Osbert was giving me a considering look...

I smiled, "If you are thinking we would be good allies... we would! We keep secrets, act when the time is right and do so with mailed fist when necessary."

"Damn.. I will say I will never play poker with you."

We laughed... I told him Cho was the one to worry about in cards.

A smile, "If the Queen knows any of this I can see why she wanted you to ennoble you... although I can imagine she doesn't know some things..."

"Her Majesty knows all the public things... she had advance knowledge of our southern Thailand peace actions and the links with Iran leading to the Harcourt House Accords. I think Prince Charles knows more... he and his sons pushed for Cho and I to be `promoted' as an American friend said."

Oz laughed, "That's good! Promoted... quite apt. Your American hit the nail on the head."

I said I had taken enough of his day... Oz looked to me... I nodded... he asked his PA to invite my pair in. We were standing when PJ and Tara came in. I did the introductions.

Sir Osbert said he was pleased to meet them and asked them to continue doing the excellent work he'd been told of because Lady Harcourt and her family were very valuable.

PJ smiled, "We will."

I had a little `trick' to play. Gil's iPhone dinged in a text message... she nodded to me... I asked Oz to look out the Thames side window... he did... he turned back to me with a look of incredulity.

Outside hovering was a wing... I stepped beside Oz and waved... the wing did a waggle, turned to pass between trees to the Thames and zoom off at a high speed to the west upriver.

"Fay... unbelievable!! How did they know which office?"

I handed him a small box the size of of pack of cigarettes from my bag.

He looked at it...

I said open the end... "It's a very precise homing signal device... the wing has a receiver. The range is variable depending on things like walls, etc... of about five hundred metres. The wing can follow the signal to get..." I motioned to the window, "... as close as that."

Oz asked me to sit and tell him more. I gave him some information about our drones and the larger ones being tested.

"We have full flying permission from the CAA here and the FAA in America. Also Thailand has given permission to fly anywhere. They are armed with several kinds of weapons, very high resolution cameras, FLIR, infrared and listening devices. Also they have transponders and `friend-or-foe transmitters."

I told him about Donde finding little Julio in California. Oz thought that was wonderful... a brilliant use of the technology.

I told him about the taking of the three armed bank robbers in Kentucky... a lot head shaking.

I got Gil show him her iPhone with a text from Selena at Lordsburg... she had taken control of a wing based at Harcourt House, flew it to London, tracked my homing device to appear at his window.

Oz was fanning his face with a hand, "Fay... your Security Service does these things?"

"Yes, we've gathered some incredible technologists to compliment these skilled people..." I stood up behind the settee they were sitting on... my hands on their shoulders... "... like PJ and Tara.

We spend a lot of money on security... interestingly we have a growing client list all around the world so the Service is slowly beginning to pay for itself.

The wings give us reach..."

"I would say so! You are doing things only governments have been able to do heretofore... Are you selling any of this?"

I sat back down.

"We are working on a deal with the U.S. government to sell them wings... a manufacturing plant is being constructed in America... then we can sell to them from there."

"Can I send some people to see demonstrations.. see them?"

"You can... we could do it at what we call Fulham House. It is the European HQ for the Security Service. There is a wing base and a full control centre."

I turned to Gil... "Please give... " I smiled to Oz's PA, she said her name was Eloise when I asked, "... Thomas' contact details. Thomas is our European head... he can arrange a visit."

I did say that a full flying demo would have to be done at another location by satellite.

I looked at Oz, a medium sized fellow in what appeared to be good health...

"Fancy a four block walk for lunch... I know a good place."

Sir Osbert looked to his PA, she said `I will arrange things' as she stood up. I did say she was very welcome... I got a huge smile.

We made a small crowd... me and mine, Oz, Eloise and two bodyguards walking north on Millbank to Great Peter Street then a right to the front door of Cowley House. Oz was a bit surprised... when we passed two restaurants. Clough opened the door... Temple took Oz's hat.

Oz relaxed on a settee in the North Drawing Room with a whiskey. His PA Eloise took a sherry.

PJ escorted Oz's bodyguards to the staff lounge for lunch.

A lot of smiles.

We chatted about the house, our horses, his son just graduated from Oxford going to Sandhurst, Sir Osbert's military career, my parents service in SIS which raised some eyebrows...

"So you already had some spook experience. Why didn't I know about that?"

We laughed... I said it had to be inculcated at a distance since they weren't around much which in itself was part of the education.

Oz's head shaking, "That is a problem all our families face... one for which there is no cure. My people less so than the SIS or the armed forces."

He smiled, "On that I want to say your advocacy for the regular armed forces has been noted with considerable approval by colleagues, friends and me."

I thanked him. I did say my father had been a `gunner' also. A smile from Oz.

Clough at the door... food!

Grilled Ahi tuna, roasted thyme and basil new potatoes and broccoli under Hollandaise. Wonderful crunchy rolls and our butter.

Clough had a delicious Provençal Rosé... quite nice with the fish. I could see Oz enjoying... his PA gave me a great smile. Strawberries, citrus, a few warm climate herbs... it was tasty.

We talked children, travels, country life as Oz owned a house in Surrey, etc...

A strawberry Victoria Sponge cake for dessert... it was very well received. "Damned delicious' was Oz's opinion.

Afters in the North Drawing Room... Oz was quite relaxed. Gil and Eloise went to look at something in my Lady's Room.

"Fay, I'm not serious about you personally doing anything for us but the technology your company has... Well we'd like to have a good look."

I said we would fine with a look which is why I'd offered... Smiling, "Don't expect any secrets to be divulged."

He laughed, "No no... nothing like that."

We waved to them as they walked to a car waiting on Cowley Street.

We mounted up for Wandsworth... Kellen dropping me on the Harcourt House lawn. A fist bump with her.

The Twins were in the pool with Tha and Delphine having fun. They had just got in so I changed to join them. We had some splashing, some jumps from the pool edge.

On my belly looking out over the Thames Valley Chani beside me...

"Mama I started drawing it... " her small hand waving towards the view.

"Good I can hardly wait to see it."

"Will you not look until it is done? Please?"

"Of course... when you are ready Popa and I will be waiting."

A big kiss! A big grin!

Cho called when I was in bed... he had had a great day looking at the new house and playing a round at Hampton Hill Golf Club. It was a nice gently rolling course, well kept, excellent grass on the greens. Par was 71...

"I shot a fifty seven... " Laughing, "The new low score. It's like you said... soon I'll be competing only against myself."

"You are doing that now."

We laughed.

I was glad he enjoyed himself, tomorrow was for Tom.

"We'll meet for breakfast."

"Tell him `good luck' from me."

Cho would.

Roland and I enjoyed ourselves, Tessa and Con did too! Breakfast and kisses for the Twins.

It was to be a very very warm day in Paris... a tank top frock in white linen with a circle skirt to upper thigh. Little white buttons down the front to the waist. There was support built into the top for my breasts so no bra.

No stockings either, navy blue heels. Red nails and lips! A Navy blue Hermès Kelly bag.

The golden torque on one wrist, the gold band with Cho' engraved on the other. Gold circle earrings and a golden locket with the Twins inside! Joy'

Gil, Chelle, Tara, Tessa, Gaby and Kara with me. We climbed into an AW139 on the lawn. Kellen at the controls turned us south and pressed the gas! It was a fast trip.

Email on the way...

Jasmine was emailing with Phassacorn, Phitsamai's father, for the Basuto Group. He was to write a piece on the developing Southeast Asian economic situation as part of the global boom.

Jasmine's email ended with Phassacorn seemed nice and had given her a `quickie' view of what he'd say. Good... we needed to broaden our selection of authors.

Thierry with the car at Heliport, smiling, "Comtesse... it is good to see you again."

I said thank you. He was glad to be `managing' the car service rather the bigger worries of ownership. His drivers were fine with it also he had added several as business picked up...

"When your friends heard about us our activity rose... the three of the new drivers are women... I thought might want to know I was following the company guidelines."

I smiled and thanked Thierry for doing that. He added they are often asked for by women clients so are building a following!! A good result!

We followed the river north and around the Eiffel Tower... to Quai D'Orsay to Boulevard Saint-Germain to Rue de Buci to Rue de Seine and a left onto Rue Jacob.

No easy path with all the one-way streets in this part of Paris!!

Almost half way down the block was Number 20 Rue Jacob. It had been for sale, the main house on the street, a courtyard with the four floor block of narrow flats to the west side, a pavilion and the gardens on three sides around the pavilion. I had wanted the whole property.

Zoë waiting at the big door to the tunnel... a big smile!

"Your Ladyship... It is done! You own the entire property. All the papers are finished and they have your monies.

The tenants here in the front building are all businesses and have been told they won't be disturbed... except for your security changes. They are pleased. The clothing store on the street here is very happy not need to move."

"Good... we don't want them bothered if possible. Please call me Fay."

A smile.

"Les résidents de l' appartements sont également très satisfaits."

(The residents of the apartments are also very satisfied.)

A couple, looking in their fifties waiting... Yvette and Paul... they were the concierges for the building. We shook hands... I said we hoped they would be happy working for us. My French was a surprise to them. Big smiles!

They had a ground level flat here in the rear of the street side section... I got a quick look. A sitting room, kitchen, dining area and a large bedroom. They'd made it very homey! Smiles.

Yvette was also a bookkeeper for several of the businesses in the front building. Paul was a carpenter, plumber, etc... an all-around handyman, the previous owners highly recommended his skills.

We walked through the tunnel to the courtyard... the pavilion looking quiet. It was empty now waiting for us!

Gaby at the back said someone was coming through the tunnel... A good-looking woman about thirty five, a summer suit in pale green.

"Hallo... Comtesse Harcourt... Je suis Mireille."

We shook hands, I introduced Zoë. I added I was Fay. A big smile and a Merci.

We toured the pavilion... looking in at all the rooms, taking snaps, Gil and Chelle doing notes.

Mireille got I want it to be a `period' house, decorated as it would have been in the first quarter or generally the pre-war era.

It was in excellent condition structurally, some basic work like re-doing the floors, any painting requested by Mireille, deep cleaning of the ceiling woodwork, etc... would have to be done.

I said I wanted the bookcases built into walls to be renewed with new shelves, strong ones! Gil smiling at that... `Monsieur Verlaine will be happy' from her.

I laughed, "Indeed! That is our next stop. Mireille, Monsieur Verlaine will be commissioned to fill the shelves... so please work with him."

"Oui... I know him! We are old friends."


We went into the garden from the east side tall windows... about eighty five feet of grass going east from the terrace's stone surface with a white stone step path winding its way around. Trees in their summer green shading half of it, partially overshadowing the pavilion. Over five hundred square metres of open space in central Paris!!

Behind the pavilion to the west was the Greek Temple de L'Amitié. The Doric columns supporting a classic front, stone steps up to the main floor. The interior was clean but needed work. Zoë said the fireplace like the ones in the pavilion all worked properly and had been recently cleaned.

I thought it was funny that neither lady had mentioned who had lived on this property in the past... for over sixty years... maybe they didn't know... Natalie Clifford Barney. A fascinating American heiress and feminist who didn't like the climate in America because she was openly lesbian when you `just didn't speak about that' in polite society.

In Paris she wrote fourteen books, memoirs, some poetry and three books of epigrams displaying considerable wit.

Her salon was filled every week with the most famous names of European literature with a healthy dose of American expatriates or visitors plus an assortment of international writers. Poetry, novels, short stories, plays all discussed or performed. The little temple played its part in alfresco dancing entertainments.

In the past a house of intellectual pursuit and sharing... maybe again!

I was pleased. Zoë was well thanked and Mireille got' what I wanted including the book' for her suggested designs.

Okay time to visit Monsieur Verlaine! We rolled down Boulevard Saint-Germain, Mireille and Zoë with me. Thierry turned into Rue Des Bernardins... we got out at the corner.

Thierry knew we'd eat then go back to the heliport so he could have a break. A smile. He'd meet us at the Quai de Bethune house.

A quick stop in our building... the avocats Laurent and Morin up on the first floor...

Pierre smiling, "Comtesse... my how things have changed."

I thanked him for that and his work on the Rue Jacob purchase.

He said everything here was very good, the other tenants are fine.

"You helped make the office across the passage redundant I think?" A big grin!

We laughed, "Yes... seems events have removed the need so we might as well offer it for lease."

Pierre said he would organise that... I thanked him mentioning Zoë could help. He shook her hand.

He asked after Cho... more smiles when I told him where Cho was.

Pierre enjoyed golf... I warned him if he ever played with Cho not to wager.

He was shaking his head, "Non! I have read what he does on a golf course... NON to betting!!"

"Very wise unless you want to bet on how low his score could go like a friend did a few days ago! He made money!"

Laughter, a good handshake.

We walked back to Boulevard Saint-Germain to the left. The bookshop was a block away. It felt good in the warm sun, my light dress perfect. Behind my blue round sunglasses I could see my legs garnered a few looks... not all of which were men... even better! Ha!

In the door to the quiet somewhat dim space... the same old book and dust smell!! Lovely!

Monsieur Verlaine amazed to see me.

"Comtesse Harcourt!!! It is a special day to see you!!"

My hand kissed. He remembered Mireille!

We moved to his cluttered office... I told him we had purchased a new property...

"Mireille is going to decorate it... I would like you to fill the bookshelves."

She told him the address... he looked to me... I smiled and nodded.

"Comtesse... it is a house of much literary history... you wish to bring that back?"

"Yes... in my own limited way... I will be entertaining my friends there."

`That is wonderful... the culture of salons is missed I think... places for artistic exchange."

I agreed.

I listed what I was interested in... late Nineteenth Century titles through the first half of the Twentieth Century in poetry, novels, short stories, plays, history, economics, politics, sociology and atlases, gazetteers and... anything else he thought worthwhile from prior time periods, a good selection of the `classics.'

Mireille said she would have the shelves measured so he might do an estimate of how many books. He could visit... he just needed to call her, she would open the Pavilion for him.

Gil let him see some snaps on her iPad... big eyes...

"Comtesse... it likely to be several thousands..."

"True... It should be a good challenge... yes?"

He was grinning... lightly clapping his hands.

Smiling, "Please buy what what you think will cover the subjects in French and English, then German or other languages if the authors haven't been adequately translated. That is up to you."

I motioned to Mireille, "Please don't forget the shelves upstairs."

A nod and a note.

"There is not a budget and if you over buy for the shelf space no matter... we will find places for any good books!"

Monsieur Verlaine had a rapt look... he seemed quite ready to get to work.

I said he could talk to the Librarian at Harcourt House, Stanislaus.

"He might have some good suggestions... Maybe I could arrange a trip over for him? Would that be good?"

"Of course. I always like to talk with fellow book lovers."


He would create lists of what he bought and send them to Gil as he worked... "Perhaps a title or author might bring something else to mind..."

"Good idea! Please do that."

He would be kept in the loop by Mireille on the timing of the refurbishments and decorating.

I shook his hand... he kissed mine.

FOOD! Around the corner to Le Petit Pontoise! Gil had made a booking yesterday for the banquette saying our approximate time. The manager said the space would be held.

We walked in to a very nice greeting. The staff was happy to see us.

We spread out on the banquette... menus in hand! I wanted the roasted camembert... I looked for someone to split the Artichoke and Parmesan Tart with... Gil and Chelle were splitting two other starters... Gaby volunteered... Okay!

A house Old Fashioned! It was delicious! Cool on a hot day!!

Back to the menu... Roasted seabass, it had vegetables with it.

I asked the Maître about wine... she said a Meursault Les Chevalieres 2015 would be a good companion to my fish. Done!

The camembert was very tasty... the tart was too! Gaby enjoyed her half... smile.

The seabass delicious, cooked perfectly! Their bread had a terrific light crust that Charlie would surely approve.

The Maître checked on my wine... it was smooth... Vanilla? Apple? Under tone of fresh honey! I liked it. Gil had some... she was pleased! A huge smile from the Maître.

My crowd feeding well! Everyone happy with their choices.

Dessert... it had to be the Tarte Tatin! So good! Golden pears!

We were well fed! The restaurant staff were happy seeing us enjoy!

I went into the kitchen again to thank them all. They did cheers!

Gil had some cash for them!

We separated from Mireille and Zoë on the sidewalk with many thanks for their work and their thanks for the lunch. Hugs and cheek kisses.

Out front waiting for Gil a fellow looking at me walked into a parked car! Ouch! My Protectors laughed. At least he didn't appear to hurt anything besides his pride. He was the second fellow to have done that... Tara remembered the first with a joke.

We strolled east on Boulevard Saint-Germain... I was doing some window shopping... we turned towards the Pont de la Tournelle. One last stop... Boulanger de la Tour on the corner before the bridge. Cinnamon, Raspberry and plain palmiers... a dozen of each, eclairs for the Twins and an apple tart as a gift. It all looked so good in the display cases.

The young woman behind the counter recognized me... I shook her hand after she'd boxed our goodies. I signed a fresh sheet for her.

Thierry ready at the house so off to the heliport after my greetings with Augusta and Lucien. I gave them the apple tart. Big smiles!! Many thanks!

Kellen had us flaring for landing at Harcourt House in an hour!

I was home in time for a ride then some swimming with Chani and Charlie. They had a busy day... the day care for the morning, school, riding and grooming time with Iris then getting wet with me.

After dinner we all played cards in the Game Room. They watched as I stuffed Francis on the billiard table... lots of cheering for their Mama!!

I was in bed when Cho called from the jet bringing him home. He'd be here in the morning.

"Tom did it again! He won by fifteen strokes. He shot a 260 for the four days a new record by eight strokes at twenty four under par! What an incredible effort.

I spoke with him at breakfast, he was happy and relaxed. At the first hole he teed off with a huge drive which really got him going!! I was on the edge of the tee... He laughed saying I always brought him luck. I said he didn't need much his game was great!"

"You really have had an impact with Tom."

"Well... maybe it's more like he saw my game and figured he could too."

We laughed.

"Go to sleep... I am too."


I was walking Roland onto the Forecourt to greet Cho. I slid down to a big hug and kiss. Tessa took Roland for me. A welcome home salute from her for Cho.

There were several days of home things for Cho and fun with The Twins while I went up to London each day to the Lords for Nuclear Submarine Decommissioning debate.

My remarks were by and large well received as they made important points why these `ancient' subs needed to fully taken apart. Their age becoming a serious risk now... that was beside the ridiculous waste of money maintaining them all so their aging problems didn't get worse.

A task that was becoming more difficult.

The faster the process was completed the better for everyone was repeated several times.

Labour was leading on this after my advocacy so my comments were greeted with approval. The tories tried try harass me but after a few sharp ripostes they shut down to an embarrassed silence.

Ashover shook my hand in the Royal Gallery afterwards, "Damn fine stuff. You do know a lot about the process I hadn't ever heard before."

"I've been working on it." A big grin.


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Next: Chapter 77

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