
By A becker

Published on Dec 7, 2022



"You do have a different status... a countess... in the House of Lords... you've met queens and presidents..."

"A king, a half dozen princes, dukes and duchesses... all of whom put on their nickers the same way as you and me."

Alex burst out laughing! We all did.

I asked when his show was to open... `In two weeks.'

"We'll be ready... I've a good group of dancers many of whom have worked for me several times. The leads in the show are also good on their feet so that makes things much easier."

I wished him and the show to `break a leg' which had Alex laugh again.

A hug and a cheek kiss as we said goodbye.

Pell waiting out front to whisk us home. Tessa going uptown to see her family... a hug.... `Say hi to them from us.' Cho and the babies greeted me at the lift. Kisses for them all!!


Drinks on the terrace. Jaidee in a piece of shadow made by the extended sun screens slowly destroying a soft chew treat. Charlie on a lounge in the same shade with his iPad and a headset watching Bugs Bunny cartoons Delphine got onto a server at Harcourt House.

Chani sharing a lounge with me... shorts and crop tops getting a few afternoon rays. Chani listening to tunes... me doing email.

Cho smiling over to us... he was looking at something on his MacBook.

Ali sitting on a settee in the shade gave me a big smile... one hand on her enlarging tummy... iPad in the other.

Tha and Delphine on a settee catching some sun.

Gil and Chelle also on a lounge together sharing the sun and a copy of the Hollywood reporter. Checking out the entertainment news. Seeing what was said about Fox programmes. The Emmy nominations were coming up soon!

News from Sunny... she was in the middle of the competition with the U.S. Equestrian Team at an eventing competition in Orange County New York. She was fourth in Dressage and First in Cross Country. Today was Show Jumping... that was a strong event for her.

Her mother and brothers there cheering her on!

I went to the office... I had the final background reports... I called Arlette. She was VERY pleased to be hired! I said she needed to prepare to move in at Cowley House. She should be set to go out to Harcourt House when we returned.

Arlette was ready for all that!! She sounded happy... I did say there would be a lot of work... it did not dampen her enthusiasm! Okay!

Roslyn served Salad Niçoise with some lovely crunchy French loaves courtesy of Mita. The tuna surrounded by tasty veggies, a great sauce! I loved the colours... red tomatoes, white potatoes, green beans, the yellow of the egg yolks! The Trebbiano d'Abruzzo delicious, perfect for the food. The cake Mita had been icing served with an ice cream scoop! Very nice ending. The Twins certainly thought so.

Afters outside like dinner... the Twins went in to watch a Charlie Chaplin movie. The latest rumours about a new `C&C' show were that they wanted to watch more of Charlie Chaplin before doing a show. Ah... scoping out the man!! So cute!

Gil heard from the City of Seattle... they agreed to sell the road beside our two houses on Magnolia! We would maintain it and allow access with advance notice. Nicholas was informed and had people working on the security setup and new fencing.

He had an appointment to speak the family who was on our west side. They wouldn't be impacted directly but being next to us... Well... they needed to know. Seeking their discretion also.

Nicholas was a cool steady fellow... a great ambassador for us.

Sarge and Kamol called... their surrogate gave birth to a son... Landon Kla. Gil sent flowers and Taittinger's to them. Cho and I sent them our congratulations!! Snaps showed a baby... hard to see much... lots of hair.

Sarge's family were cock-a-whoop! Boy... Landon was going to be a spoiled baby whenever he gets to Los Angeles!!

More news from America's west coast... Apple had spent two days at our Traffic Centre in Seattle. They did interviews and lots of video. They wanted to use it for promotions and WWDC. By the next WWDC the whole system would have had more than six months of run time. They asked to come back for more video in the spring... Antoine said no problem.

This may increase interest from other cities!

The first use of the foam trucks in Topanga Canyon! Los Angeles County fire people asked for help on a fire further up the canyon. Our folks drove up... worked their way into position and went to work.

The fires advance to the south towards the Old Topanga Canyon Road where there were many houses was stopped. The eastern side of the fire was attacked via access from Oak Drive and Topanga Skyline Drive. It was flattened. The County firefighters were able to work from the other sides to put it out.

The foam trucks worked quite well in the rough terrain, there were limits but overall a success!!

Our people well thanked by Los Angeles County. The Fire Chief called Carson at the ranch to personally express his appreciation of their work.

Ned, our neighbour to the west, told Carson he watched the foam trucks with `awe' as they did their job. He could see the southern fire edges from his upstairs.

I nudged Gil to check on the aerial foam dropping tests at Lordsburg Ranch. A thumbs up.

Sunny won the Show Jumping part of the event in Orange County!! She helped the U.S. Equestrian Team win the trial! Sunny won two individual trophies plus the overall prize!!! What a score!

The Team was amazed and pleased! Rory came in second twice adding a lot to the Team totals. A big win by the U.S. Team!! The French, Belgians and Canadians shocked.

Sunny moving further on a world stage.

On the phone Sunny was thrilled. She had met lots of new people. The other team's managers were very complimentary to her... as they should be!!! The Orange County trial folks were quite impressed to see her in action. Her wins in England, California and Virginia had made Sunny a well-known equestrian figure.

She and Charlotte and her parents now had to decide between the London International Horse Show or the Paris Horse Show. They overlapped in the first week of December. Whichever was chosen she only enter the Show Jumping.

Next up was the Winterset Trials. Sunny and Charlotte would pack up and head out to Harcourt Ranch. Our place wasn't far from the Winterset location so Sunny could train at the ranch until the day before the trials began.

Her mother and brothers going to Seattle then join up with her in California... Greg and our crowd would be around for the last day.

An email from Sir Osbert at MI5... I got Cho to join me when I saw the subject. He let us know the investigation on the attempt to bug' us at Harcourt House had resulted in two indictments from the CPS. The Foreign Office fellow who set it in motion and the former department head at MI5 who authorised' the attempt were both charged.

It was being kept sealed...both knew what was going on, no one could speak about it as the issue was covered by the Official Secrets Act. Oz said it was likely they'd plead guilty and receive no gaol time. The result meant they could never work in government again.

The second fellow at the Foreign Ministry was dismissed and the other officers at MI5 were given reprimands.

The case would not see the light of day. He hoped we would be Okay with the resolution.

He added new rules on the use of the Security Services by anyone other than an elected ministry official were going forward in the government.

I looked at Cho... he shrugged. "It's not like we need the publicity."

My feelings too. I replied to Oz saying we were fine with it. We had no desire to embarrass the government.

I did add if it leaks and the press gets it... and come to us... our response would be no comment but... we won't lie about the event if we required to answer.

Word from Kavat and Naomi... the classes at Boeing Field were now on a yearly schedule. The manufacturers were all on-board with us. We would provide classrooms and hangar space for the hands-on portion.

We were offering a comprehensive curriculum, highly qualified instructors and an excellent physical location. We even had a website done by Winnie's folks in Los Angeles... very slick and easy to use!

Tilda found a motel in the Georgetown neighbourhood just to the north of Boeing Field. We bought it as lodging for people coming to the classes. We have opened the school to other companies flying the Leonardo models like ours. We would charge a discount rate to stay for their people who are taking the classes.

The management of the motel would operate it as normal except for our class needs. It had a hundred rooms. No restaurant, a simple French breakfast would be provided for student guests.

The attendees lunch and dinner would be in the canteen shared by Aviation Supply and Helicopter Tours. It was being enlarged to accommodate this.

The school was attracting attention from governments, several militaries had made enquires. We gave them our arrangements and costs which apparently pleased many of them. The Italian Coast Guard, The Algerian Army, the Irish Air Corps, the Royal Thai Army and several more had signed up. They would provide transportation to Seattle... after that we would have shuttles to move their people and the motel to house them.

A nice morning walk en famile around Washington Square... Jaidee had been out earlier with me do his business. We'd met Felice and her human, the NYU professor at George's Dog Run. We talked as our dogs played... Ro was an excellent ball thrower.

I mentioned a good friend had joined the faculty in the Computer Science department. Candace's name wasn't known to her... she was sure she meet her as the autumn term came close.

This second go `round for me was a pleasant stroll before lunch on a sunny day.

The Twins in baseball caps for the sun... shorts for everyone... except Jaidee.

Oz emailed his reply... He thanked us for our accepting the resolution. He said he understood we would not lie to the press... he sincerely hoped it would not see the `light of the day.' He'd said the same to the Prime Minister.

Okay! We have our position clear.

Sumate called us. Cho and I in the office on the Conference App.

"Fay... Cho... I debriefed Romulo and Iago.... They were funny... right off it seems the Chinese tried to test whether any of the group could understand Chinese... they were in a big meeting room with many of the Foreign Ministry's people when there was a tone over the tannoy followed by a fire warning message for all to evacuate.

Of course the Chinese in the room ignored it... so did ours... all except our two' knew no Chinese... our two' knew to expect something... No Chinese moved to evacuate... after that the Chinese were less cautious about their conversations... A pair at the tea table said they wanted to get the sensor designs... one asked the other about stealing a laptop... he was discouraged because of its size rather than any ethical concerns.

A few other bits and pieces which I have in a report I'm sending to you.

The missing memory stick `search' was convincing enough to get the Chinese to comment to each other about something good must be on it."

Cho and I laughed. Sumate grinning, "They have taken the bait... now it's for you all to find out if they bite down hard or not."

We thanked him for calling and to give Iago and Romulo our thanks. He would... he added it was a terrific idea to send them.

We were out.

Cho kissed me, "We did good with that!"

A big hug!

I heard from Candace... she had had push-back from MIT about her resignation letter. She said it was basically whining... so she released the copy to the MIT school newspaper she'd held off on sending... who promptly printed it.

MIT's whining went up... blathering about unethical this and that... so Candace had a meeting with her former department head... she let him have it over the school's conduct concerning the new computer science building and letting rich outsiders decide how the department was run.

The fellow had no defence... they caved in for the money... that was it.

Candace said she'd spoken to NYU... they didn't have a problem with her defending herself in what they saw as her legitimate conduct. So all was good for her.

She would move in two weeks, her house let on a long lease to a nice couple with a child and a `well-behaved' dog.

I'd told her we would be back near the end of July for racing at Saratoga. Her reply was funny... `her house should be in order by then.'

We loaded up at the heliport for the Belmont. Our champion Toes Tapping was running!

In flight I said to Cho I thought the only reason the Chinese decided to take our border wall briefing was to say they had done it to appear even-handed... then when they said no again it seems as if they had considered the whole thing.

A pretence of fairness as a PR exercise... not the same as us who did the briefing to explain our work but with little hope the Chinese would respond positively.

A smile forming on Cho's face as I went on.

"Very likely!" a kiss and `Smarty Pants' in my ear.

We laughed.

At the barn Toes Tapping was quiet... a Gus said `She was thinking about the race' because she could see the race day preparations happening. The Twins gently stroked her... several soft nickers. We didn't stay long.

In our accustomed box seats we waited for her race... the Belmont Oaks Invitational, a G1 race of ten furlongs on turf. For fillies only, the distance more than many had run... not Toes Tapping! She run further than that last month right here to win the Triple Crown.

This is Toes Tapping's first turf race.

The stands were full! This race is an important one in the distaff season... by invitation only... it was further raised in people's consciousness by having the first Triple Crown winner entered. More money was being wagered than ever before. Toes Tapping's odds were 1-15 at the start of the day. Cho said that had changed to 1-18 now.

So everyone thought she'd win... Okay... we did too! The betting was big on Place' and Show' possibles.

There is a one million eight hundred thousand dollar purse! It was raised because of Toes Tapping!!

Hansa won last year!

The post parade was called... the crowd very noisy... Toes Tapping's introduction brought out a huge applause... Marnie's the same!

The horses walked to the inner turf track to the left beyond the gate location... once they were all past the gate the jockeys loosened up their mounts in the grass of the turn.

The horses moved into the starting gate... no problems... pause... CLANG!! They were released... a clean start!

Toes Tapping came out straight down the turf from her number six post position five on either side of her. She rushed to the lead... down the turf she was pulling away immediately.

She hadn't raced in an all filly race since the Rachael Alexandra Stakes in February down in New Orleans, her first start of the season. Her beginning here said the turf was Okay with her!

At the first turn Toes Tapping had four lengths... Marnie moved her to the rail. She swept around the big curve in full stride... changing leads... on automatic pilot. On the back side Toes Tapping was galloping along speedily.

It was a fast pace as Toes Tapping pulled away further down the straight. No horse rising to challenge!

As the second turn came up she was eight lengths clear and roaring! Marnie took a quick back... she turned to Toes Tapping near the end of the big curve... Watching with my glasses... my left hand in a fist... I pumped when Marnie gave Toes Tapping the `go!'

Chani giggling as made the motion around her.

As the turn ended she was accelerating ... down the home stretch our girl was pouring on the power... by the eighth pole she was fourteen lengths ahead... NO SLACK! Toes Tapping ran over the finish in full stride.

1:59.00 flat!!!!!!!!!!! An amazing time for a filly. A new track record for a filly, a new stakes record time, a new stakes winning margin distance also!

Toes Tapping validating every word written about her abilities since her Triple Crown success!!! This is an exceptional filly!!!!

The announcer said it was a record time for a filly at the distance on turf or dirt here at the Belmont! The crowd went a bit cray-cray... yells and applause, people bouncing up and down.

We celebrated! Chani kissed my cheek, Cho and Charlie leaned over for a big hug! A joint hug with Monaco! Our box was a happy place. We gathered ourselves for the trip to the Winner's Circle.

Monaco said he'd look to be sure he thought it was a world record time for a filly.

Gus had Toes Tapping on a shank lead... Marnie grinning! The cheers weren't stopping. Monaco smiling as he reached up to shake Marnie's hand. A face splitting smile on Marnie as she shook Cho's hand.

Chani in my arms, I put her down so we could accept the trophy. I held it so she could touch. The news people jostling a bit to get their snaps.

A microphone... the TV person saw my hand come up so he kept the microphone away... I said we were very very proud of Toes Tapping! I thanked Marnie for being the best jockey for our girl.

She and I did a fist bump which Chani got in on!

I said the training by Monaco showed in every race how well prepared our horses were all through the racing season. I reached out for Monaco' hand...

"We have a talented team... they care for our horses in such an incomparable manner!"

I raised Gus' arm... a monster smile on his face.

I thanked the Belmont Oaks for the invitation... and the Belmont for hosting the event... "We like racing here!"

Applause! We waved to the crowd causing louder noises.

Out on the track holding Chani... we stroked Toes Tapping's neck. Gus smiling, "Miss that was so nice of you."

I put free my free arm over his shoulders, "Do you remember earlier this year I said Toes Tapping could be the one?"

He nodded, "You knew! We thought she was the best!"

"Indeed! I asked you to take care of her so she would be ready?"

Another nod.

"Thank you for a job well done!"

Gus' eyes were wet... I squeezed his shoulders. A kiss on a hot cheek. One single tear rolled down his other cheek. Chani reached out her small hand... Gus took it.

"Miss I will keep to the job next season too!"

I smiled and thanked him. Cho came up with Charlie... he extended his hand... Gus shook. Cho thanked him too.

We moved to our barn... news folks clustering at the edge of the security zone. Cho, Monaco and Marnie went their way. The Twins and I sat in the office.

I checked email... James emailed Karnchana won the Schuylerville Stakes in Saratoga twenty minutes ago! She ran the six furlongs in 1:06.9... four hundredths of a second from the world record for fillies and the fastest ever at Saratoga!

It was her maiden race... a maiden win in a smashing way!! Karnchana making a name for herself right off the bat!!!

She was to race twice more at Saratoga... she'd continue to stay at Pleasant Valley to train for those then to Kentucky. She'd go to Keeneland for one race before going to Harcourt Farm to train for the Breeder's Cup at Churchill Downs.

Cho was the first to leave the press... a big grin hearing Karnchana's news. A kiss.

"Asda is going to be the sire of the year a few more times!"

A hug!

Monaco came in... It was indeed a world record time for a filly!! Toes Tapping making one more bit of history for herself!

On the terrace before dinner we read the email with the results from Ring in Paris! Chaiya won at Chantilly in the Prix de Jean Prat. A G1 race of 1400 metres. He won going away after stalking the leaders... the last three hundred metres was a power showcase he blew by the leaders... no slack right through the finish.

His jockey Claudette told Ring she enjoyed the ride... smooth and fast! He responded immediately when asked!

Satirical continued his winning ways at Longchamp in the Prix Maurice de Nieuil! He led throughout in the G2 race of 2800 metres. Ring said he came out of the gate like a rocket. Rene barely looked back guiding the big guy around the course at speed. Satirical's stamina on display!

Normandie Fille ran away from the field in Deauville in the Prix Rothschild. She won by eight close to the track record for the 1600 metre G1 race. Niva told Ring she came out in great shape... ready to race more.

Jackson called from Woodbine in Toronto... Sakda won the Victoria Stakes! He came from behind to rush to the lead at the top of the stretch... flying by two horses to win by three. The G2 race had an excellent field. Jackson told us Sakda really responded to Dom's asking... he accelerated quickly.

All was good with the horse. We thanked Jackson. He thanked us for the trip to Ascot... one of those moments to savour being at a racing course!

Cho said it wasn't too bad to take home some gilt from the UK? Jackson had a good laugh at that in agreement.

Jackson said he'd spent time with Phueng at Pleasant Valley. She's set to go next month at Saratoga! Her two year old season to start in the With Anticipation Stakes.

That was nice to know as a daughter of Asda we naturally had high hopes.

Jaidee was READY to go out in the morning! He hit the first lamppost! Okay buddy. Cho and I walked him last night... everyone's bladder is different.

I took him through the streets around us... Kara and Rafe with me. Rafe smiling as I cleaned up after Jaidee in Father Fagan Park south of the house. He said something about what a photo-op for paparazzi it would be.

Smiling, "Oh... you mean like Fay Martin does things ordinary New Yorkers do? Picking up poop?"

"Fay, you two don't do many ordinary things."

"Actually we do loads... we also do a few extra-ordinary things which get notice. Personal drive and money... and the desire to make a difference on a larger scale is how they are dissimilar."

Rafe grinned, "You got my family on your side!"

Fist bump!

"See we do ordinary things like meet new folks and enjoy their company."

"It wasn't ordinary for them. Afterwards Mom told a couple of close friends it wasn't just me who'd come for a quick visit it was you and Cho. No one has offered to buy the chair you sat in... yet!

They did try to pump Mom for details. She was laughing about it... she was sorry she spoke because it took on a life of its own... the hubbub has mostly died down now."

My head shaking, "She has learned the pitfalls of a bit of notoriety."

Rafe laughed. Kara smiling... she was getting to know our interesting ways.

At the front door, Rexie there with a smile. We squeezed hands. Alice came out to supervise... she and Jaidee did noses... they were good! Jaidee and I up in the lift.

Breakfast, cleaned up, dressed for the track. Me in a Harcourt Racing green and yellow vertically striped frock to above mid-thigh, open shirt collar, sleeveless, green buttons down the front to a narrow green belt, clear gloss lips and green nails, pale stockings and green heels. My earrings were the beautiful yellow and green parrots, a Christmas gift from Ni and Kavnu, `Joy'

A green box purse, the yellow reflective lensed sunglasses. I looked like a Harcourt Racing treat!

Cho in a navy suit, white shirt and a Harcourt Racing tie. Our son was the spitting image in a smaller size.

Chani in a canary yellow frock, white lace topped socks and green shoes.

A family hug in front of the big mirrors in my dressing room... laughing!!

Kathy smiled around her microphone and flying glasses as we boarded at the heliport. She and Glorianna carried us to Saratoga Springs right to the front drive of Thayer's home.

Gil got an email thanking me for the letter to use for fund-raising I'd sent to my old school. The school is now co-ed so my name won't seem out of place.

It wasn't much... a few paragraphs saying I'd received an excellent education and enjoyed the many fine teachers. Simple with a few quotable lines they could use.

Gil grinning, "They acknowledged the part in my covering letter saying they should not change your wording."

Fist bump!

Cormac's email... Niki was now permanent fulltime at EFT... she got that we wanted her to advance her education especially in regards her knowledge of geriatric horse issues. She was fine with that.

There were going to be advanced classes added at Denham School on horse well-being including anatomy and care. Part of it would concern older horses. She wouldn't have to pay anything. If she wanted to go further Cormac knew to encourage her.

Monty, Marsha and others would be going to Denham School too. Crawdord2 and three excellent equine veterinarians would join with our senior Stables staff to teach the courses.

Lawan finalised Persuasion!! It was up on the website! She was already working on Emma! I sent my congratulations and thanks to our friend. She was indeed in an `Austen' groove.

Prasert and I were helping with the proof-reading and doing comments... Lawan was pleased with our contributions! A nice quiet project!

Dad called... the Forestry Guy was released at the border to Malaysian police custody. The Thai charges against him put on hold for now as the Malaysian government had brought their own for theft, gun-running and more.

His accomplices the Malaysian intelligence officers had plead guilty to the same charges plus a few others. They had been sent to gaol for multi-years terms. The Forestry Guy would end up inside too!

Dad was glad the Malaysian government played hard-ball with them. It was easier to hand him over knowing what he faced at home and the Malaysian government's commitment to punish them all.

Another part of the process in resolving the southern problem was done with finally.

"Fay, we talked to the men in gaol who the Forestry Guy had been working with... they wanted no part of him... they firmly believe he somehow sold them out... they aren't sure how but he gets the blame."

We laughed... Dad's people had done a fine piece of work on this. He had rewarded them... promotions and some choice duty assignments!!

Clark, our southern Oxfordshire MP emailed... he said he didn't know if I knew but the tory MP who challenged Cho's citizenship bill had been turned out at the election. A lib-Dem woman thrust him aside with a large majority!

I thanked him for that nifty titbit!! Cho laughing when I told him...

"See how all powerful I am... My karma got him!"

The whole helicopter laughing! A kiss for my `powerful' guy!!

An email from Piper the Washington, D.C. reporter shared by the two west coast The Day newspapers.

With the many resignations from the House of Representatives republicans following our media stories about corruption and Russian money including the House Minority Leader... the remaining members had to come together to choose new leadership.

The first group of `Six' which involved the fellow from Texas whose skin I'd nailed to the wall... all resigned. They were under investigation by the House Ethics Committee. Criminal charges could follow as the Justice Department had picked up the cases.

The members and senators that were named in the Russian money story... nine representatives quit and seven senators. Those plus the others were being investigated by the Justice Department... they all received subpoenas for documents and demands to appear in front of a Federal Grand Jury.

That legal stuff was going to occupy them for years probably!

The few who didn't resign had their committee assignments taken away... they were banished to the back of the chambers... they were dead ducks since the Attorney General said his office was delving deep into their lives.

Nick Rawlins was elected the republican leader in the House of Representatives!!

He told his colleagues in their caucus they needed to raise their personal and political ethical values. He would only be their leader if they followed him knowing his own high standards.

His `If you have issues that might further damage the republican party fix them... or else go!' had shaken the members but they chose Nick because of his personal probity... time to rise to the challenge.

"If this party is to ever regain the public's trust there is no other path forward!"

So either they followed Nick or republicanism was dead. Honest and tough! What I would have expected from him.

It was going to be an interesting mid-term election in November. A surging Democratic Party against a scandal plagued republican one... the polls, if they were ever right, were showing a complete blow-out for the Democrats.

I thought they'd get some more seats but in strong republican districts the voters would return another republican... no reason to think they would prefer a Democrat.

In western Nebraska Nick had no opponent yet... he'd won with over seventy five percent of the vote his last two elections...

Buckets of good things in email!!

Thayer, Sondra and Kiet at the door to welcome us. Hugs and Kisses. The Twins gave out big hugs!

Sondra's tummy was getting huge! She had less than six weeks to go. Inside she told us all was well with her and the pumpkin! A boy!

He is to be Dillon, an old family name. Sondra smiling a finger aimed at Cho...

I realised what she meant as Cho did.

"Well... I would be honoured."

He and Kiet shook hands, a hug from Sondra.

Dillon Cho... while not musical it was nice for Cho.

Thayer's arm around me, "You two mean a lot to us all."

I asked about his first name... He never uses it... Arlen, also an old family name Thayer intended it to die with him!

They had lunch for us. We ate outside on their terrace, shady with a slight breeze. We had fun with the Twins chattering away with Kiet in Thai. Sondra was learning so she got in... Pretty good too! She has a good coach... Kiet helped me tremendously!

Thayer said he was too old to learn a new language... he did learn a few words and phrases. In case he was ever alone in Bangkok Sondra encouraged him to learn how to say hello and to ask someone where there was a bathroom!

The restaurant was going great! Their food getting wonderful reviews, many repeat customers! They had done well when racing was out of season... drawing customers from well beyond Saratoga Springs!!

The staff was well trained with little turnover... always a good thing! The fresh Thai specific goodies delivery from Bangkok each week gave them the finest, freshest ingredients to work with for authentic tastes.

Kiet was an excellent manager, a careful eye on stock and methods.

A good trainer in the kitchen and dining room. He had matured into a fine fellow. He's going to be a great dad... soon too!

An extra hug for Kiet. Smiles.

We drove over to the race track, two visits. We stopped briefly at the Jefferson Street house we bought for the groom's to live in. It was clean and neat, Elena doing a wonderful job taking care of the house and the grooms. They appreciated her being in early so they got a hot breakfast before going to the track at dawn.

Elena was tops with Monaco's crew!

We thanked Elena personally for her work. She said it was marvellous to have this job and work at Kiet's restaurant in the off-season. She was supporting three children, they were all doing fine. We helped her buy the house they lived in about a mile from Jefferson Street. They were cosy!

We shook hands... all smiles.

To the barn. Monaco there... he'd flown up last night from the city. Prichit was making his debut in the Sanford. Monaco said he is a precocious two year old, speed and power... just like his sire Asda and older siblings!!

The Twins got to meet Prichit... silvery white like his older brother SakChai. Prichit was all white... mane and tail!! He was gorgeous!

The carts toted us to the Frank Sullivan Place entrance to the grandstand, we moved under the canopied walkway into the stand. Thayer was already there, Sondra decided not to come... feeling too tired for all the walking.

We had time before the race so Gil, Chelle, PJ, Kara and Gaby came out for a walk in the back area. We found the vendor selling sweet lemonade so the Twins were happy. We wandered a bit... a few stares... nobody bothered us. I was behind my sunglasses.

The Twins on their feet strolling with Gaby right there. Gil nudged me... Charlie and Chani talking to several other children. Cute. Gaby beside them as a mother joined the group. She asked Gaby something... I was thirty feet away Gaby pointed to me.

I walked over... PJ made a hand signal to Kara, she slipped behind us.

Gaby introduced me as the Twins mother. The woman said ours were very cute. I thanked her. Hers were too. Chani and Charlie kept on talking to the other children.

Gil pointed to her wrist... race time.

I excused us saying we had a horse running. The woman was really looking at me now... I smiled and shook her hand. She figured it out.

We did an about-face to get to the grandstand. Up in the box Thayer took Charlie on his lap pointing out things they could see. Chani with me. She borrowed my glasses.

The post parade bell was rung... the Sanford Stakes! This is a G3 race of six furlongs for a purse of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. We'd won it three years running!!! It was a jump-off race for our top two year old's.

Mike is on-board... our first big winning jockey!! He was aboard Glaa for our first win right here when Glaa was a two year old. Glaa's first race in America!

They walked around out to the chute. Ten horses loading... all youngsters. One wasn't at all sure about the whole thing... he finally went in number nine... far enough from Prichit in two.

A longish pause to settle the nervous one... then CLANG!! The start was good... Prichit burst out... Mike had him going down the back straight sprinting along. The first furlong was fast! Prichit and one other on the lead... the second furlong was faster... Prichit now in the lead by two!

Mike moved him to the rail as the turn came up... into the curve... my glasses watching for the lead change... like silk! This boy had it together!! What a youngster!

Through the turn Mike didn't let him slack off... at the top of the stretch the silvery Prichit did another smooth lead change to drive down the straight. By the eighth pole he had opened eight lengths... being gently urged by Mike, his whip put away unused. It was a hand-ride all the way!

Our colt going down the dirt... shimmering in the sun! Prichit striding out beautifully as he roared across the finish!! 1:07.30!!! Prichit just set a new record for the race... he beat Afleet Alex and Glaa's shared record time. He won by ten lengths!!

Prichit set records in his maiden race!! Asda's genes were amazing! SakChai... now this fellow from the same dam... Pensri!! A terrific dam!! She would be mated to Glaa this year!!

Glaa was going to Rabam in a week!

We had a celebration in Thayer's box. Hugs and kisses spread around! Monaco got his hug!

Down to the track and the Winner's Circle. The Saratoga track folks smiling... the Sanford Stakes people looking very happy.

We got their trophy with our thanks for their hosting this race. We spoke to them all... one of the stakes people said because of our stables yearly entering... the race's profile had been raised so it was to be upgraded next year to a G2! A larger purse also!

That is good news! We liked the Sanford Stakes getting recognition!

At the barn Monaco, Cho and Mike did the press business. I went to Prichit's stall to hug Eddie!

"Miss, he's so much like Glaa except in colour. He works hard, easy to care for and funny. He likes his little jokes when I'm trying to work."

We laughed. A second hug for Eddie. He was happy to work with Mike again.

In the office Mike smiling, "Fay, he's a Cadillac like Glaa. The faster he goes the smoother the ride. He's young but the drive to win is there."

I had his hand, "So..."

"The skies the limit. He changes leads like a four year old."

I said I watched that saying Prichit was slick.

Monaco coming in with Cho, Chani on my lap... Charlie and Mike arm wrestling on the desk. Mike lost! Cho scooped up Charlie laughing.

"Poor Mike worn out by riding a great race," Cho grinning.

Mike pretend rubbing his bicep with a smile. Charlie laughing!

We did our goodbyes.

At Thayer's more goodbyes. They knew we'd be back several more times before the summer is over.

I was with Sondra letting her know she could call on us for anything. A kiss and a thank you. A hug for her then Kiet.

Thayer holding me... he made me so happy by being healthy.

"Fay, I feel my age but not more than that! I ride and walk about just fine."

A kiss for his ruddy cheek.

We waved from the AW139 doorway. Kathy lifted us up and turned south. Glorianna following.

Email from Anna W... it was a go to do an interview with Nick. His recent rise to the leadership position making it very timely. She asked if I would put in a good word with him for Pauline.

I replied I would do so. I asked Gil to remind me to call in the morning... thumbs up.

Twenty five minutes later we dropped to the landing grid in Pleasant Valley. Sam there waiting with several carts... we rode to the new employee housing.

The families knew we were coming so there was a happy greeting committee headed by Beverly. Hugs and handshakes as we were thanked for doing this project.

We did tour several houses... the folks all said they were comfortable, warm in the winter. The nearby town had everything they needed. We had them on our healthcare plan so they all were well cared for.

I spoke to some mothers... their children were bussed to the local schools. The day-care here was terrific, two of the moms were running it with Beverly supervising.

Beverly smiling, "Fay, this has changed our lives... all of us. We no longer had to worry about absentees because of family problems, our workers walk to work, we can help with any issues... we have smiling folks all around."

The Twins made a stop in the day-care... they came out to us laughing... the was a big moose in there. Beverly said he was on the bulletin board... a Bullwinkle look-alike.

We did hugs before heading back to the helicopters.

They lifted off... twenty minutes later we flared for landing at the heliport. Terrance, Maddie and Pell waiting. Fist bumps for the Twins!!

I called Jeff in Baltimore... he passed me on to Laurence in the new print room. Laurence said they had spoken to Greg about printing his game parts, the maps, and booklets, etc. The unit pieces would need special handling but they could do it. They needed to get the proper paper stock.

Good. He was going to prepare a cost estimate and schedule for Greg.

I said we'd pay so they could start printing immediately whenever Greg sent his finalised parts.

Laurence said Okay!

I thanked him.

I called Greg... he was thrilled. He completed all the changes they had playtested in the Harcourt House cellar. Everything was ready for the press.

He got a `send it' from me.

I told him to call Penn for an aircraft so he could be in Baltimore. Gil handed me a Post-It note about a hotel two blocks from the Sun building. I gave her a thumbs up!

Kay and the boys would go from Orange County New York to Seattle. Sunny to go to Harcourt Ranch. Greg would be alone in Baltimore. He'd go to Gen Con in Indianapolis once he had game packs were ready.

Stella emailed... the real estate fellow in Maryland found a building in downtown Annapolis for the Capitol Gazette to move into!! Plenty of room on three floors with cellar storage. A car park on the side for twenty vehicles.

Her Security Service looked at it... they could secure it tightly!

I emailed to Francis to close the purchase after the Gazette folks had a look. He replied immediately... `the Gazette folks had been inside... they said it was great!'

My next to Francis was close the sale!!' I added my thanks. I got an Okay!' with a smiley back.

The building was empty now so moving could go ahead right away!

I emailed the publisher we were going to buy the building and he needed to get the move prepared.

The publisher's answer was he was pleased and `they'd get on it!'

I replied with an `Enjoy the new space!'

I had been on the terrace doing all this... Cho grinning from the side as I gave him the tale of my emails. He waved me over when I put down my iPhone. In his lap... kiss!

Roslyn had dinner close to ready... we got some drinks. The Twins on a lounge in shorts and T-shirts sharing an iPad looking at pictures... Charlie Chaplin! Cho and I on a settee sipping our drinks watching. Tha and Delphine on the settee opposite, Gil and Chelle sharing lounge.

With Roslyn's great food in our tummies we went up the stairs to the 767 in Newburgh. Stephanie at the controls said we were cleared to take-off. The boys did their take-off things.. Chani looking over to me giggling as we rose into the dark sky.

I told Cho if Greg can get enough copies ready he would to go to Gen Con in Indianapolis to get some exposure at a huge gaming convention. He had signed up for a booth in advance just in case!

Winnie's people built a webpage for him... information and sales when he was ready. It was ready to go... he needed to send them some snaps of the game parts so they could update the site.

Colonel Ba emailed... the Chinese have given the Vietnamese another `No' on the sharing of the border wall data. They want everything or not at all. So the Vietnamese will go live in two months.

Ba said they expected the `no' because China has a hubris problem.

`They will be sorry in the long run... in the past their leaders could see further out... not anymore.'

The Vietnamese government will talk to the United States, France, Thailand and the United Kingdom about the wall extension for Laos and Myanmar. Ba said they would use some of their money from the Laos and Cambodian sections and the other countries contributions to do the Laotian-Chinese border.

Myanmar would be a bigger project... more international assistance was needed.

If there was to be a Myanmar section then India needed to join in because of their shared border with China. I wanted to include Japan and South Korea as vital regional allies.

Cho and I talked... I sent some email to Narong and Cedric plus Hillary outlining the current situation and what the `possibles' might be for a way forward. I put in The Company would consider the process something of international import so we would keep the cost as low as possible.

Ku called... Lots of news!!

The Baltimore shelter addition was half full... everyone loving the extra space!

The shelters in Berlin were under renovation to open in three months! Rona and Ku were near to completing hiring staff with Kurt's help.

The issues in Portland about the shelter had been resolved! The city is on board now... we will be able to open as soon as the staff is ready. We had to put it on hold waiting for Portland's government to fix themselves... the staff is at about eighty-five percent.

San Francisco was still on hold. The neighbours are part of the problem... they were not happy about a `shelter' in their area. Ku had gone there to speak to the neighbourhood association, she gave them our history at all our other shelters... how positive London, New York City and Los Angeles had been... still snagged by a few naysayers.

What was pissing me off is that the San Francisco city people were gung-ho... they did It will be great'.... Everybody will be behind it'... noises to Ku. So we went ahead. It would be nicer if they had their shit together.

I asked if I needed to do something?

"Fay, I am going there once again then to Portland's opening. If they don't budge I will call on you."

I suggested having our shelter managers in various cities talk with their local government people and neighbours... ask if they would assist us... maybe writing letters or going on the Conference App connected to a big screen to speak at a San Francisco meeting... or whatever they might be willing to do.

Ku thought it a great idea. She would organise it.


Jasmin email... The Iranian Interior Ministry was `IN' for sensor walls. They had were asking for thirty locations at this point. The bid would have to be changed to reflect the larger number. Only a few were really large... most were for fairly defined compounds. Jasmin was working with Reg and Stephan on the new numbers.

The locations were not in border areas where we might have been wondering about who they were monitoring.

The Iranians knew we were in big demand so a start date would likely be after the New Year. Jasmin said they were Okay with that.

An email from Hillary... the new puppy and their current dog were getting along fine. The little lady was rumbustious... enlivening them all. Good news.

She got my email about the border wall idea. She's getting the State Department to work on it immediately... could we give them a rough cost per mile... I replied we would do it based on an average of the challenging portions using the Vietnamese frontier as the guide since the terrain is similar.

I replied pointing out it would be a `very rough' number, the install portion is the more volatile figure because of the hostile terrain.

The sun was shining bright at thirty five thousand feet... the Atlantic grey... shiny silvery grey.

Yobi served my breakfast smiling, "Fay, I like doing this. You all are so easy to take care of... "

I thanked her.

The news seemed less filled with horror than usual... there was one singular story done by Fox News with background sources cited... Hillary Clinton told putin to back away from the unrest in Belarus. The demonstrations there against the dictator were picking up steam. Daily crowds gathering to protest the dictatorship and police actions against dissenters.

Putting protest leaders in goal for long terms was backfiring on the dictator! The people were enraged! The throngs of citizens growing day-on-day!

The police and their version of the KGB having trouble with the crowds... using more force... threatening to open fire! The Belarus Army staying out of it.

Putin saying Russian police forces would go to Belarus to assist the government is the cause of Hillary's concern.

Hillary sending a message... putin's support for the dictator there is wrong... it may be in what the Russians believe is their sphere of interest but the United States is saying it doesn't support that view.

The Belarus fascist dictator has abused his people long enough... his being removed by his own people had nothing to do with Russia.

Oh boy... she is directly challenging putin. Geo-politically Belarus is important to Russia's export of oil products... many pipelines! Oil is Russia's major source of foreign exchange so that mattered in a mega-out-sized way to their economy.

I read another story a bit further down the webpage... NATO's summer exercises were running in Poland... three hundred thousand NATO soldiers on the ground... almost two thousand aircraft... the largest ever NATO exercises.

I can see why putin would be in a mood to do some whinging... NATO showing off its assets which the Russian couldn't match. putin's posturing about Belarus isn't going to work for him.

Email from Graham... the MI5 folks were blown away seeing the wings and the setup at Fulham House. He pointed out one fellow was a very senior deputy to Sir Osbert. Graham mentioned the interest level was very high... we shouldn't be surprised to have MI5 knocking on our door asking further about the wings.

In my reply I thanked him for doing the `tour' and his evaluation.

The crowd came out for food! I took Cho aside, I handed him my iPad with the Fox News stories.

A smile on that handsome face, "The work done by our people is making this possible."

He was pointing to Hillary's warning.

A kiss, "You betcha! We don't know the NSA and CIA are doing but it seems likely they have created some openings for Hillary to exploit."

I checked the time and called Kent. He was in early every day. He said the background information was a deliberate leak by the White House!

I laughed, Kent asked... I told him I could not tell him details... except that some of our people likely had made a behind the scenes contribution. He was a newsman... he wanted to `know.' He understood I wasn't going to be more forthcoming.

"Where do things stand now?"

Kent, "The Russians had begun moving some internal security forces and FSB border units near their boundary with Belarus. Likely to cross over to help the dictator. They stopped last night according to Reuters who are usually reliable reporting from Eastern Europe.

The other side of Belarus in Poland... there is the U.S. 1st Armoured Division and the Air Cavalry Division plus a multitude of support troops, a UK group of mixed brigades, armour and infantry, a French armoured division and multiple separate mechanised infantry brigades plus a German armoured division with extra supporting artillery units. From all the rest of NATO there were mixed brigades of armour and armoured infantry. An array of speciality units also like missile batteries. The NATO air forces all represented in strength.

The U.S. has over five hundred helicopters in Poland... it is a huge force! Far more than the Russians could gather... AND much higher quality than the Russians in every way. The tanks, helicopters, artillery and aircraft are all superior to what the Russians have.

One military analyst said the NATO force could go all the way to Moscow before the Russians were able to mount a defence. That might be over the top but there is some truth to it in that the Russian military is poorly trained and equipped. It is not prepared for action.

The NATO manoeuvres were structured to demonstrate how large units could work together. The late changes to NATO's plans brought in almost twenty five percent more troops."

"War? What does the Russian Army say?"

"Nothing from their army. putin has not been particularly smart but he isn't stupid enough to risk a disastrous failure on his own doorstep! The army is restive... they don't like adventures such as Crimea. putin got away with that because the Western governments were supine... some weak sanctions their only response... their pathetic reaction only encouraged putin.

The Russian Army drew their own conclusions from the Crimea adventure... NATO wasn't going to allow it to happen again!

Their army has been on short rations' so to speak... the budget cutbacks slowing the move to a professional force without draftees which the military wants. They've seen the success of the American professional military. Their own draft' system brings in the least qualified candidates, trains them poorly, thoroughly abuses them and equips them with out-dated arms. The morale is usually rock-bottom.

His control would collapse immediately if he tried using the army again for another escapade... they aren't in the mood!"

I thanked him. Kent said he'd keep us up to date with what they found out... even if they wouldn't be able to publish it.

Cho shaking his head when I told him, "A war would be very foolish of putin but megalomaniacs rarely use reason as a guide to decision-making!"

"My thinking is Hillary has the advantage of likely knowing more about Russia's capabilities than putin since his sycophants apparently lie to him. She seems to be pushing... there has to be... she must know something is happening inside Russia... a tipping point, if you will, for putin."

A hug and kiss for me in agreement.

Chani with her fork in scram... "Popa me too!"

Cho grinning, he walked to her and gave her a big kiss... so funny to see Chani with her arms opened wide. Charlie got a big hug from me. They were giggly... happy we were heading to Harcourt House.

We landed on a cloudy day in England. Prasert, Ron and Tom to pick us up.

Carter and Eliza out front to greet our crowd. Eliza said Audra was not leaving home now... "She tires out fairly quickly."

Audra was days from her due date...

Upstairs I found my clothes laid out for riding... Audra training her folks!!

I went riding with Ken and Penny. My usual morning route... seeing my friends at the first lock. Archie with Terry and the cows. They were good. The cows milked and turned out to pasture. Making contented sounds.

Archie was going to eat at the Outside Staff Lounge because Margy was at her sister's for a week.

"I just can't cook. So Terry and I have been going together."

Terry said he could only burn things... "Margy is such a good cook..." He shrugged.


Tab was out front of the Recording Studio getting `some air' when we rode up. She was the overnight person waiting for her relief, Cleo, who drove up at that moment. Tab did the introductions. I leaned down to shake her hand.

Cleo had a sweet face, a curvy body and loads of blonde hair! She was incidentally a very talented cello player who'd sat in on some sessions. Good! What a plus!!

We pushed on over the river. The lock fellow close enough for a fist bump and a grin as we led our horses over the lock doors walkway.

It was quiet at Mr. Hardy's, he was in London at his publisher's working. He was staying at Cowley House. The staff taking care of him.

His book was in edit... preparation for a late autumn release... finalising it. He'd had so much feedback from Montaigan, me and others he had edited it quite carefully before it went to the publisher's office.

His editor there was amazed and pleased. The publisher had told him they thought it the best book the Napoleonic period in over fifty years. Fine praise... we hoped it received a lot of attention.

Roland ready to run!! Off we went across the grass southwards. Mr. Radley gave us a big shout and wave which we returned. We finished on the Flats... cool down walking our horses around looking at the bits and pieces of our Stables.

We ambled our horses to Audra's house. I slipped down to see her. A big smile... Audra sitting in a rocking chair by the grate.

"Oh there's plenty of movement... a few twinges..."

Audra held up her iPhone... keeping it CLOSE! She didn't need anything.

A kiss for her cheek.

I stopped to talk with Freddie. I asked about any pushback at Epsom about us being in America.

Freddie shaking his head, "No one said anything to me... other owners weren't there. It was just a few journalists, who didn't speak to me... making things up. I know you own newspapers but sometimes I wish they'd all be held to a standard of decency."

I squeezed his arm, "It because we do hold our people to a higher standard that they are more widely respected. I saw the BBC saying the Daily Mail, etc... were wrong and out of place."

Freddie said the Queen was very nice... "Fay, it was amazing to meet her again... it is like something from another time to see her walk up."

I thanked him for making Black Star such a champion and representing us so well.

A smile and a thank you.

Freddie said there was an estate sale coming up near the Channel coast... a dozen horses, tack and more. I asked if he was going?

"Yes. Gregory said you wanted horses for Twin Ponds and Culham... He asked me to go... this could be a good chance for quality horses."

"Send me the information... maybe I will go with you."

Fist bump.

I called Nick. He was laughing, "Okay I'm in... it is sure to be less scintillating than yours."

We both laughed.

"It's your chance to speak to a lot of women. Vogue will treat your words properly."

I said to say hello to his family.

He already knew I'd seen Alex in New York. Alex and Liza had talked about him visiting... their whole family was excited.

My offer of a helicopter lift to the ranch from Denver International Airport was terrific... amazing and gratefully accepted by Alex. Nick thanked us for making it easier for Alex to agree to come.

Cho in the office, he was updating a file for Francis's negotiations.

Francis was in Seattle ready to talk to Western Newspapers this morning their time.

I told Cho about Freddie's horse sale... a thumbs up.

From Francis... Pam, Ken and Abbey had a chocolate Labrador puppy! Francis said they went a bit gaga when he walked the puppy through their door. Happy campers!

`Abbey was giving the puppy lots of hugs! Very sweet to watch the little ones be together. Some face licking happened... Francis it sent Abbey into giggles.'

Francis had more... Jolly, our `trouble-shooter' for construction, was on his way to Berlin to the shelters there. He'd been back and forth across America, to Bangkok, London and now Germany.

This trip could be interesting for him... his maternal grandmother was German from Berlin. So some family to see... cousins he'd never met. We had told Francis to pass on to Jolly he could have time off there. Francis said he'd received a big thanks from Jolly... he would!

I showed Cho some snaps from the Vogue shoot at Fox Tower... nothing definitely chosen as of yet but Gigi looked terrific in our clothes. Cory did a wonderful job getting the colours and shapes! The backgrounds of our media offices really worked well. The poses with a few of our employees as backdrop were well done.

Anna sent some out-takes of our news folks... It looked like they had fun.

Anna's email said she was pleased at her first look but she would go over everything many times in her choosing process. She thanked me for the idea, all the help from Mirabelle and the people at the Fox Tower and 21.

I replied she was quite welcome and thanking her for the snaps.

The shots at 21 were in the Bar Room. I emailed to Bryan, he replied some employees took part as staff and customers! I responded to him they looked quite natural. A smiley face big laugh emoji came back.

Cho looking said he liked the pictures, good colour, showing the clothes!! Gigi's smile was awesome especially in the yellow suit... "She looks happy to be in your clothes or is that her being a `professional?"

I shrugged, "I'd have to ask her."

Gigi did look radiant... I wished for her it was a reflection of her current life.

A kiss when I said the piece wasn't going to hurt Mirabelle's sales. Two new stores in New York were works in progress to open two months before Christmas!!

I took Gil and Chelle to the Library. We worked until Fin came in to say luncheon was ready. We gathered in the Breakfast Room. Cool soup, grilled vegetables sandwiches... eggplant, zucchini, onions and Provolone. Olives of several kinds plus a Jaidee and Twins favourite... peanut butter stuffed celery sticks!

Lots of grins around the table. Chani and Charlie's little white teeth biting down on the green stalks... licking the peanut butter from their lips... grinning!

Jaidee got a few pieces of celery. He munched them! Funny to see him get the peanut butter off his lips with that big tongue!

Tha and Delphine took the babies up for vocabulary schooling then a swim. They'd gone out to ride Iris and groom her afterwards this morning. Iris is one of the most pampered horses we had!

Gil handed me a note from Father Michael at Our Lady of Abingdon church. Their junior school troublesome cladding was all gone... new stronger and safe cladding going on. He thanked us for the help with the contractor and the financial support that made it possible.

I asked Gil to write reply for me saying we were very happy they were pleased and safer!

Jasmine called... the Ministry of Education said legislation to create funding for Denham School and several others was written, it would be presented in the Commons shortly.

"The Under-Secretary rang me a few moments ago. She sounded very happy! The school would receive money for each student and some operating funds under the bill."

Very nice... something finally is happening! All the tiresome fuss in the past could be washed away.

That plus funds from three education foundations for various parts of the curriculum would cover more than eighty percent of the costs. Cho and I were fine with paying the remaining amounts.

We never planned for the school to make money.

"Fay, I have a very fine article from Phassacorn in hand. He did a very good job covering what could be expected from the Asian economies in near time and further out. It will be ready for the next issue."

I thanked her for that.

"Will he do some interviews if asked?"

"Phassacorn said he would within the limits of his Foreign Ministry position."

Okay by me. I thanked Jasmine again.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan, agreed to be the official patrons for the Chanthira Foundation shelters in the United Kingdom! They would do some visiting and speaking on our behalf. We wouldn't ask often because they have enough going on.

I thanked them! Meg replied it was a very worthy cause they were happy to support.

I went to ride taking Gil, Tessa and Gaby. We went north through Sanford... saying hellos in the village then back home. A blazing ride from Rebel to the Flats.

We saw a horse standing part of the way up the slope at the northern edge the cross-country course. I turned us that way... It was Con standing quietly... Bradley was sitting on the ground holding his left arm.

"Your Ladyship, I'm sorry... I took a tumble... it isn't too bad, a broken arm I believe. I was resting before walking back."

"Bradley sit still we get some folks to come up here."

He said he didn't want to cause a fuss...

"Bradley, there's no fuss... you're hurt."

Gil called Gregory and Yone... saying it looked like Bradley broke his left forearm.

Gaby had Con's reins, I asked her to move him slowly clear.

Carl in a Land Rover with Gregory ... they did a supportive sling and helped Bradley into the vehicle. Carl drove him straight to Churchill Hospital A&E.

Gil had his family in her contacts, she called his folks... she told his father the break did not seem serious, it did not break the skin. She gave him Carl's cellphone number so they could call him to find out Bradley's status.

I asked Gregory... he said Bradley hadn't been out much more than fifteen minutes. I was thinking he might have tried one of the cross-country jumps... he was quite nearby a jump where we found him.

Gregory walked Con to the Stables after a quick look over him.

Andy thoroughly checked Con out... he was fine. Good!

After that I changed, we sat in the Great Room for drinks. Fin made Shirley Temples!

The Twins had a great day... schooling, time with Iris, swimming with Popa! They learned about the `apostrophe' today!!!

No Sunny... she was staying at Upperville until she needed to go west to Harcourt Ranch and the Winterset Trials.

Kay, Artie and Sam were heading to Seattle. Greg was still in Baltimore. The printing of his game parts was going along smoothly. He hired a couple of off-duty Baltimore Sun folks and a few of their family members to put the various parts of the game into packaging.

He sent snaps of them and himself folding and stuffing clear zip-top plastic sleeves with the game bits. Greg posed with a copy... it looked good!

He had chosen `Street Without Joy' as the name... quite apt given the tactical scale of the game. It replicated the down and dirty Indochina War of the early 1950's. I think Bernard Fall would have appreciated it.

Gil came in with her iPad... The Sun and The Times running new stories as part of a new push by us for a proper and well managed Basic Income plan for UK citizens. Not much had been done on this issue by Labour so we wanted to nudge them along.

I'd spoken to Keir Starmer before we started so he knew. I got they were working to see if the tory scheme could be saved or be junked. He'd said the articles could help focus the House of Commons committee on the issue.

The Winged Flight building at Boeing Field is well on its way! The exterior completed, interior work for five months then the manufacturing equipment could be installed. We were looking at an early summer startup date if the schedule is kept.

Yone came up while we were going in to dinner to say Carl called... Bradley's break was X-rayed and set, a cast on. The doctor told Bradley it would heal and be entirely normal. He had some pain medications and was doing Okay.

Carl asked someone to drive Bradley's car to his Oxford lodgings... he would drive Bradley directly there. Bradley called his mates... they were waiting to help him.

We thanked Yone.

Afters... Tha got out a puzzle for the Twins. I went into the Library to call Bradley's family. His mother answered. They'd spoken to Bradley... he had some pain and was a bit uncomfortable from a couple of bruises otherwise Okay.

She thanked us for helping him. I said we were glad to. We could have someone go to Bradley's lodgings to check on him or do things for him.

She told me they were about to leave, driving down to bring him home for a few weeks.

I said when he's able remind him he has an open invitation to ride here. I was thanked again for helping him today and the continuing offer to ride, she was sure he would be back. We rang off with good wishes.

Francis called from Seattle. We moved to the Library.

"Fay... Cho... I had the meeting with the four family members who are the board of the Western Newspapers Trust... They were nervous about seeing me. We sat in a large office on the ground floor.

The woman member asked why I was there right away. They were shocked to know it was you two behind my being there today. I think she at least understood what I was going to do.

I made the offer. Cho, like you said they were shocked about the amount. I gave them our valuation with the explanations included. The one who been operating the business got some dirty looks from the others.

He admitted the value had fallen a good deal in the past five years. He had kept it quiet as the family wanted to take their same amounts out of the company. They did ask why if we had a valuation above the offer... why was our number was so much lower... I told them considerable damage had been done through the lack of investment... they had starved the newspapers... substantial monies would have to be spent to get the company on an even keel then more to re-gain readers and advertising.

They asked me to step out for a moment... I could hear the argument sitting outside the room. The secretary looked shocked at the yelling. One voice... I think was the brother who is a lawyer said `We have the power to sell at any time' like he was trying to shout down someone. It lasted ten minutes... quiet..."

Francis said what he could hear from the yelling at the end one person clearly saying `No one else is interested in buying the company so we'd better take the offer.'

"I think it was the seventy two year old shouting that out.

The lawyer board member came to the door to ask me back in. Glum faces... They inquired about raising our offer... I said the amount of money needed to revive the company made that doubtful. I did do an Academy Award pause for effect...

I decided to try adding two percent...

They accepted the offer. I had the contracts ready... Their secretary was asked in to take my adjusted figure and type a new page reflecting that as they read the rest of the contract. She was back quickly with the requisite number of copies.

The lawyer spoke as he read the contract that `It seemed to be all in order.'

The four started signing as I called Kuva. The money was wired to the bank account the secretary gave me. Done!

You own Western Newspapers Incorporated."

We cheered! Cho thanked Francis for another fine piece of work.

Francis said the individual newspapers could easily carry on their operations without guidance until there was a person in charge in Seattle.

I said we probably had it covered.

Cho, "Get on the aircraft... go spend time with Ali."

Francis laughing said he would.

I slid onto Cho's lap... kisses!! We got the whole chain for eight percent less than our valuation. A very good deal... even more reason to give Francis a big bonus.

Now we had to do the work to rebuild the company... it was going to cost more than the eight percent we saved.

I winked to Cho... I looked up a number and called. "Aston... Fay Martin. Hello... I hope you and Judy are both well... I wanted to let you know we just closed a deal to buy the Western Newspapers chain... You know it... Yes... all of it. Closed... we own it.

Now the hard part... would you be able to run it for us? No... you would remain the publisher... doing both... Yes... each of the Western papers has a publisher so it's a CEO position... It is quite the test since the papers have been allowed to slide for many years... We hoped you'd say that... Thank you and congratulations!!

We got a good deal... so we will be investing to re-build... there's your challenge... each market has potential... We will be making visits... We hope to see all before the Christmas season...

Yes... I was thinking we could move Corrie up... if... That's quite a testament... I'll call her when we're off... You should call Geri to co-ordinate... she will get some tasks from me... one will be setting up a meeting for all the publishers on July 24th... we'll be around then... I'm calling Corrie now... call any time... Say hello to Judy... Goodnight... Yes you two also! And thank you for accepting the challenge!"

Cho grinning, "That was quick!"

"When we heard from Francis about the possible buy I was thinking of this move. What is good is Aston thinks Corrie is awesome."

I dialled Corrie, "Corrie... Fay Martin... Good evening... oh... true your afternoon is just starting... I have a bit of news... We want to promote you to be the editor-in-chief of The Day! Yes... very serious... Aston will remain the publisher... we have purchased the Western Newspapers chain... The deal closed a few hours ago... Aston is to be CEO... so we have a vacancy... of course... Aston is thrilled with the challenge... We talked about you naturally... we want you! Excellent! Aston will be right there to back you up! He'll be busy... Good...

Now consider who should be moved up to replace you... That's good... It's your decision...

We will be in Seattle in two weeks. Okay... Have a good evening when it comes. You're more than welcome... thank you for your hard work."

Cho pulled me close... kissing!!! His thanks for thinking ahead!

We had a job to do now... the Twins going up to sleep. We carried them... a couple of yawns... Tha and Delphine smiling waiting. They were in night clothes and down after many kisses and hugs.

In anticipation Gil had drafted two letters for me as NewsGroup CEO from my ideas... one to the employees of all the Western newspapers via email and handouts. It explained that the NewsGroup had purchased Western Newspapers and there would changes happening... for the newspaper and themselves.

I told them although they were to be part of a large media company but we expected them to remain focused on their own local area. We would invest in upgrading the physical plant, bring back needed positions which had gone vacant and do hiring to build a sales force to bring in more advertising revenue.

For them personally... First, they all had a five percent raise effective immediately. There would be information on all the new benefits coming soon which included a healthcare plan that would cover everyone. Coverages are well beyond what the Federal government healthcare programme would pay for with small co-pays, existing health conditions are covered and no lifetime limits.

I gave them more sugar then said they will need to work hard to re-build their newspaper. I pointed out the lack of investment had hurt the entire newspaper chain... that had to be fixed by our investing and we needed their best efforts to make it work.

I added that Cho as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the NewsGroup or I would be visiting them to say hello and meet them.

The other letter to be published on the front page of each of the twelve newspapers telling the readers the NewsGroup which also owned the New York Daily News, The Day in Seattle, The Day in Los Angeles, all the Tribune newspapers, the Sun and The Times of London now owned their local newspaper.

We would invest in the growth of their local paper... we would NOT change the local character of the newspaper. There would be no increase in the price to them. We hoped they'd continue enjoy reading the newspaper as we made improvements.

Gil said she had contact information from Francis on the local publishers of each newspaper...

Cho and I divided up the cities... we made calls to the publishers. We told them of our buying the whole company and what we intended to do. They got that Aston was now the CEO, an outstanding journalist and editor who was the leader of the phenomenal success of The Day in Seattle.

We said our assistants would call after we were off to give them more information and email to them the two letters I'd mentioned.

The reactions went from incredulity to downright joy! The incredulous ones became joyful hearing all we had to say. Our positivity on the company's future made them feel both happy and proud they'd hung on. For many `hanging on' had become more and more difficult.

In the midst of my publisher calls I dialled Geri... I wanted her to start setting up a meeting in Seattle for all publishers and editors-in-chief of the twelve newspapers for July 24th. If any publisher held both jobs see about their second-in-command attending if possible.

She could call on Penn for flight arrangements, use the transient rooms in the local Queen Anne blocks of flats and the house on top of Queen Anne to house them. She should check with Kelsey on the status of the furnishings in the new house on Magnolia... it could be used if ready.

I told her Aston was going to be the CEO of the company. Geri liked that... "Fay, he's really good with people. The Day is terrific... he's worked hard!"

I asked her to go to the Western Newspapers offices to see what their facilities were like. Organise them for our use... on the conference day and afterwards.

I also tasked her, given her PR skills, to work with Aston to prepare the way for our management style with the company's administrative people. Also to carefully watch for their reactions to the takeover.

She was good doing it all! She'd start today.

My morning ride fabulous! In a few months I would ride Pamela... Roland would be one of the other horses every day. So our `mates' could run side-by-side!

I wasn't alone in the Breakfast Room for long... The Twins and Tha arrived... Popa right behind them... Gil but no Chelle. Chelle was being a slug-a-bed today.

Des and Roseanna's wedding!! A big day for them. Carter and his staff were all over it. We were to be spectators.

Roseanna's family had been out to prepare with our staff several times. They were staying with Roseanna at the B&B in the village. We arranged for the whole B&B to be reserved for them and some wedding guests.

Des and his best man were driving down now with family.

Phillip's team had put in place the raised walkway and the chairs. The podium for the priest, the sound system in and tested, the reception area was ready. Roseanna's family were paying our staff to prepare the food and serve. We were donating the Taittinger's! And the venue!

Except for the bride and groom's families the house was off-limits. Yone had the bathrooms in the portion of the cellar closest to the Garden set for guests.

There were fifty guests attending... we had shuttle buses from a car park off the Oxford Road.

We met Roseanna and her family at the Entryway. Introductions for the bride's parents and her maids... Fin and Conrad carried their bags up to rooms so they could dress.

When Des and his party arrived... he was to use one of the Quad rooms to dress... and try to relax.

We got in a handshake and a hug for him.

The service was to be at one o'clock...

We ate an early lunch in the Breakfast room with Roseanna's family... then dressed, frocks and suits. We had seats at the far back on Des' side. Chani and Charlie beside us. Our staff with us.

We met Des' people as they came out to sit. Two cousins and a favourite aunt. We stepped out to meet them... they were thrilled we were hosting the wedding. Many thanks for us.

Des introduced his best man... an old friend from university who helped him during his down period.

Folks from the News UK team came to support Des.

There were six Army officers in uniform, friends and colleagues of Roseanna.

It was a sunny, delightful day! Blue sky horizon to horizon!

There were two photographers moving around.

Des was hugged again.

"Fay... Cho... thank you so much for everything... for today and the last few years."

A kiss for him.

I said he was more than welcome... we thanked him in return for his excellent work at The Sun.

"You like being editor... Yes?"

Des laughed, "Very much! There is a terrific team who are excellent journalists with a gung-ho attitude... a really fine combination."

It was time... Des up front with his best man waiting...

Ah... the music...

Roseanna... the sun making her dress dazzle... came out of the big Terrace windows on her father's arm. A lovely bride.

We got a big smile as they passed us. Her father grinning!

Her maids all smiling.

Her hand deposited in Des' they turned to the vicar of Roseanna's family church... a double ring ceremony. It was simple... the blessing... Done! The kiss was great! A big hug by them after!

We all cheered as Roseanna on Des' arm came down the aisle.

The Twins with Tha and Delphine on the Terrace out of the crowd. Cho and I joined in the toasts. A kiss for Roseanna and Des... we took our leave.

Upstairs we changed for a trip. A white silk frock, short sleeves, a circle skirt to mid-thigh, black polka-dots. Black accessories and heels. Gold jewellery and a re-up of `Joy'

Chani in a matching black polka-dots frock to her knees with white socks and black Mary Janes. Cutie!

The guys in black trousers and short sleeved silver gray shirts, black shoes.

Kellen and Min had AW139's waiting out front... we lifted off to turn south. A twenty minute flight... we landed on the edge of the Chawton cricket ground where we'd done before.

We carried the Twins over to the Jane Austen House. We put Chani and Charlie down once we were across the road.

Beryl was at the door with the museum director... curtseys and huge smiles.

"Your Ladyship!! Sir Cho!! Welcome!!"

I took their hands... Cho was welcomed warmly... we introduced the Twins. Beryl squatted down to shake hands saying she was glad to meet them. Smiles. The director too.

I led us four on a tour... in a first floor passage I picked up Chani so she could get a good look at the portrait of Jane by her sister Cassandra.

"Cassandra drew Jane while they lived here... the real portrait is in London... we'll go see it one day."

Chani's arm on my neck, "She has a nice face... it would be nicer if she smiled."

"We know this is what Jane looked like... Cassandra was a good artist... no one else painted her during her life. Cassandra did Jane as she saw her at the time. You draw things the way you see them too."

I squeezed my girl, "When I was young I read all of Jane Austen's books... several times as I grew up... understanding them more with each reading."

Cho and Charlie joined us, Charlie was in his Popa's arms for a close look... I repeated some of what I'd said to Chani.

We entered the shop downstairs... on the shelves were copies of Pride and Prejudice and Northanger Abbey in Thai. Chani pointed to them seeing the Thai writing on the spine.

I held one open for her... Beryl was behind us as Chani started to read out loud about Henry's visit to Catherine's home after his father had sent her away... Chani read it in Thai... smiling Chani said to Beryl what the sentences had meant.

Beryl was gobsmacked! Cho smiling... he waved to Chani his hand out... I got the book... she joined her Popa and brother going into the beautiful sunlit garden.

I squeezed Beryl's hand, "Chani and Charlie are very advanced for two year olds... They read and write in English, French and as you see Thai."

"Your Ladyship... she is a wonder! A two year old..."

Smiling, "That is why we have Tha and Delphine... they are wonderful teachers... they both in their special domains help move the Twins along."

The Director joined us... she'd had a brief but startling conversation with Charlie about the house and its somewhat awkward passages and room arrangements upstairs.

Our Twins had taken their breath away.

We spoke about my joining the museum board... I said I would but getting to meetings may be tricky. I could get a remote link prepared... We decided to see what happens. They were glad I accepted.

They inquired if I would be a patron... Smiling I said I would be with the same limits about the board. They understood I was busy... They would be glad of any time I could give them.

Hugs for them.

I let them know copies of Persuasion would be sent to them shortly. They were very pleased. I added Emma was a work in progress. Smiles!

They had sold about sixteen copies of the Thai translated books. We sent them several dozen of each for free... they charged only three £'s just to make a bit. I was pleased they'd had sales.

I sat with Cho and the babies on a bench enjoying the garden. Bees, butterflies and birds spending time in the glorious borders and lovely trees... so quiet, peaceful.

Our people sitting around relaxing in this wonderful bit of English countryside... lots of smiles.

We crossed the road to Cassandra's Cup. The ladies there had held the outside tables for us... the sunny terrace with bright flower baskets around... Tea! We went big! Sandwiches, many types, cakes, scones, biscuits and Turkish Delight.

Lovely assorted tea for the adults, fruit juice for the babies.

This was fun! The staff were wonderful... they enjoyed meeting everyone especially the Twins.

Kellen and Min with their co-pilots joined us so we had a big group of lively folks. We did a fine job of clearing the many tiered cake plates... the food was fresh and tasty! Tea pots refilled!

Gil did the paying with a large gratuity. The staff came out to wave goodbye.

We loaded the helicopters for the very short hop to our Froyle House. This is the Twins first visit.

They walked across the grass to the front door holding our hands... they were asking questions... the roof was number one! I said in rural areas the thatch roof was common... they would see a church with one when we went to the Southwold house.

I sat with them in the drawing room explaining I'd done most of my growing up here. A tour... Charlie and Chani sitting on my bed looking around... much of me from that time was gone... a few things remained like a few items of clothing, an overflowing bookcase... various school books, a few pictures on the walls and my desk... many school essays written there.

"Many bits and pieces of my youth were at Basuto Road. We will go there soon."

They saw the pictures of their grandmother and father... Chani turned to me... "Mama, you do not look much like them."

Smiling, "Somewhat true... there isn't anything that is noticeably either of them on the surface... most people see me that way but if you look harder I'm in there. Maybe other pictures show it better."

They liked the big fireplace in the kitchen... I opened the tall windows to the sunny garden... WOW! They rushed out... running around... looking at the fabulous borders... all the flowers!!! Sybil had done her usual terrific work!

Cho and I sat on a bench watching them explore.

Voices... Rose and Matthew!! We'd called them. Chani and Charlie went to meet them at the gate. Hugs and kisses. Rose gave me a big hug. Matthew smiling as he shook Cho's hand.

Chani and Charlie told them about visiting Jane Austen's house... seeing Jane's face. Rose smiling saying she liked that face. Chani she did too but wanted her to smile.

Rose laughed, "Well that is up to the artist... Cassandra chose to draw Jane her way."

"We do too!"

Chani borrowed Gil's iPad to show Rose Charlie's blue jay and her blackbird... Rose thought them very beautiful... "I recognized them straightaway."

Rose and I walking along one of the borders...

"Fay, they are remarkable artists... those birds... wonderful."

We talked about how we were encouraging them... between Tha and Delphine, our having them meet so many kinds of people, their traveling to disparate places, learning languages...

Rose laughed at Chani's translation for Beryl.

"Oh my... they will grow up to be amazing people."

I hugged her saying we hoped so.

I took the Twins to Gwen's grave. I knelt between them explaining my life with Gwen.

It was hard... they held my hands... Cho's strong grip on my shoulder was welcome. My cheeks kissed after I wiped a few tears with a Cho-Fay handkerchief.

I said we would visit the house in Fulham and their grandparents graves soon.

I made a start on explaining that every living thing on earth... person, animal or plant would die at some point. Intent looks on their small faces... heads nodded.

We had several hours at the house before saying goodbye to Matthew and Rose. Our AW139's lifted up for home.

A veggie `burger' dinner with chips/fries and ice cream at the end outside in the Garden. A few pesky flying creatures but lots of fun.

We had ball tossing for Jaidee, swinging and sliding and a game of tag' at which Cho was quite adept but generously allowed himself to be tagged' a few times.

The babies in their beds, sleepy faces, their buddies Anne and Blu in small hands... A nice day!

Our crowd in the Great Room... Francis with Ali in New York on a Conference App call... all was well with them... they gave us a big thank you for his bonus... in two pieces... a cash sum and we were going to build a house on the Topanga Ranch for them. It was to be a single floor like the main house, they could choose the layout, we suggested at least three bedrooms.

It was to be north of our house on the same level close to the pool.

Ali said she was going to have fun with this.

We watched the Emmy Award nominations before bed...

Fox News was nominated in: Hard News; Social issues; Investigatory; Regional News Story; Continuous Coverage; News Special; News Discussion; Live Interview; Business, consumer and economic reporting; Current Affairs Documentary; Politics and Government Documentary; Investigatory Documentary; Business and Economic Documentary; Best Story in a Newscast; Video Journalism; Editing: News; Editing: Documentary.

Like last year we had so many nominations... our people were competing against each other!

Megan was nominated again!

The trump tower Polish workers piece was nominated for several. The recent republican party scandals... Russian money coming in had blown the doors off the viewers. The six republican congressmen taking money and helping their friends story... They each got several nominations!

Knowing American politicians were taking cash from one of our enemies... a true disaster for all republicans! The completely innocent were tarred by this.

Six Southern republican congressmen taking what amounted to bribes and doing unethical acts for their buddies had hit hard at the republican members credibility.

Fox TV in Los Angeles doing follow ups on the `heat ray' story was named. They'd gotten a senior staff member to go on camera anonymously explaining the possibility of DNA damage, how the company lied.

The New York city Fox TV station's coverage of our takeover of the trump tower and 40 Wall Street another nominee.

The Fox TV station in Seattle for their coverage of the state republican scandals nominated especially after they broke the disgraceful money laundering criminal donating to the party.

Fox Sports was nominated for the Aneka story! It had already won a Polk and a Peabody!

Their coverage of Tom Angleten's amazing Grand Slam was nominated twice!!

Fox Entertainment side had dozens of nominations also. The evening programming was stellar! Almost every programme got a nomination of some sort. Many of our actors, writers and directors nominated.

It was like a tidal wave. A fun evening enjoying our TV media doing so well... they were representing us in a manner that did us proud!

In bed with Cho... kissing. A wonderful warm body against my back.

I was in black with a Munro Modern tie going down the grassy lane... Jaidee paused behind me investigating some smell. I kept going. A scone for Andy... Roland waiting. Tessa and Tara smiling. We went down to the Flats then up the slope warming up. A gallop to the lock.

My friends there doing just fine. Roy was about to make his first cast.

We stopped by the masjid site... earth was being moved... We walked our horses to the works office... the works manager saw us, he stepped out.

"Good morning Your Ladyship..."

I thanked him and he replied to my question... "It is a very straight forward job... The ground is good so we will be able to get on quickly... there's no underground to the building. The Abingdon sewer and water bits were right where they should be... no problem."

I thanked him for the information. I said they'd see me from time to time. He smiled.

I waved as we trotted away. Northward through Lower Radley into the woods beyond at a strong gallop... Roland striding smoothly we reached the Industrial Park quickly. Around on the river side to the first bridge then over the lock... the lockman waving from the far end.

Mr. Hardy at his door, suit and tie...

"I'm going up to London to my publisher's... a little get together with them before it goes to the printer."

I leaned down to shake his hand... my best wishes to go with him. A big thank you.

Roland got his wish... we roared off southward heading for home. This guy gobbling up the turf as we followed the river path... up onto the Flats easing down... Freddie waving.

A loud whinny from Roland... Freddie called out `You said it!'

Laughing as we walked up... Freddie stroked Roland's neck.

"Fay, this fellow is quite the dad. I watch him with Penelope... he's so gentle."

I rubbed Roland's ears, "He's proud of her... it shows."

"Fay, I really enjoyed Royal Ascot day! Watching your horses romp... amazing! Meeting the Queen... that was truly something! Black Star is going there in two days. I hope we have the same fun again."

Fist bump!

The Breakfast Room was empty... I did a plate full of eggs, tomatoes, veggie sausage and toast. Coffee... I was good! Cho came in next. A kiss after my tongue wiped some strawberry preserves from my lip.

He had his newspapers... I was scanning the news on my iPad. The Twins came running in with Tha in their wake. She was laughing. We did plates for Chani and Charlie. Milk for them.

Delphine smiling arrived to waves from the Twins. Gil and Chelle holding hands... grins.

We were a happy crowd feeding ourselves.

Cho reminded us we had two races this weekend... Friday at Deauville, Amira in the Prix Jean Romanet, our first trip to Hippodrome de Deauville. The next day Black Star at Ascot.

We'd stay over the night before at Moulins de Deauville Farm and drive to the track. I suggested we go to Les Cottages de la Plage for a visit, it was only two miles away. Okay!

Gil and Chelle with me in the Library!

Aston and Geri had spoken and visited the Western Newspapers offices... just a few blocks away. The staff there all seemed pleased with being owned by us.

Geri emailed the office manager greeted them by announcing there were no immediate concerns. She was happy to meet them... Aston taking over seemed to ease her anxieties for the future.

Geri sat with their office manager, Astrid, to go over the publishers meeting... the conference room was big enough, they'd be able to do refreshments, etc...

On the side... She also said the former owners had been difficult to work with... out of touch... not interested in making needed changes... not willing to invest any money.

Geri said she let the office manager in on a secret... Cho and I were excellent owners who knew what we were doing! Geri's email had a few smiley faces after that!

Aston's email was very upbeat. He found the staff to be ready to work hard to fix the multitude of issues in the company. He'd spoken to every publisher and editor himself.

They were cheered up by the benefits we offered... he told them were the same across all our businesses. We always encouraged our workers efforts by giving them proper pay and the tools to do their jobs. They would fit in the NewsGroup as a valued division the same as The Day or the London Times.

He wrote they were impressed with being in with such famous names in journalism. They had been VERY complimentary to Aston for The Day's triumphs!

I spent time going through the annual reports of Western newspapers... trying get a feel for the chain and the individual units. I went back a few years trolling through their archives... some were weekly others daily. Picking out editions to read... They did some good reporting... I could see the ad space declining... the number of pages following along.

It was hours of it... a break for lunch and tea later... it needed to be done.

I sent an email to Aston summarizing my thoughts with some ideas for him. I included a thank you for the credentials that allowed me into the archives. He'd see it in a few hours.

Gil had a reply from the blonde lady from Ho Chi Minh City and Ohio. Her trip had been postponed because her mother was ill. I had Gil reply saying I hoped her mother was going to be Okay and I would be glad if she kept me informed.

I called Francis in New York...

I'd asked him to update the information he had on the Gannett chain.

"I've just seen some news the company is headed for another huge quarterly loss... possibly over one hundred and fifty million dollars... if I remember correctly it wasn't nearly that bad in your figures."

Francis, "Fay, you're right that is much higher. Their revenue was likely up but all their costs were sure to be. They were going to do a big across the board cutting of positions, some benefits and reduce spending in maintenance... go for cheaper everything from newsprint to toilet tissue."

I said I guess that isn't working for them.

"I'm going to talk to Cho... I think we should consider making an offer... around one and half billion dollars... give or take when you have more data... especially update whatever you have on the top managers and their number two's."

Francis said it was in progress.

`Great!' from me.

"You guys are buying a lot of newspapers... Gannett has over a thousand papers across the world including more than two hundred in the UK."

"True... we are now beginning to make money with some of ours well ahead ahead of our planned schedule. So we are still bullish on print!"

"Fay, I'm amazed at that... you are getting more work from the employees, they trust you and Cho, so they are really giving. You challenge them like they've never been before."

"I think you should add more than two `Sharks'... expand their remit to take some load from you. Your little Wesley when he arrives and Ali will take a lot of your time."

A laugh, "Yes they will. I'll ask Mary at 21st Century Fox Human Relations to help Morgan and Whitney find more folks."

"Good... expedite it! Ask both ladies if they know anyone... could be a good source!"

"Since I'm in New York I will be in on some interviews after they've done the ground work."

I was good with that.

My morning ride was wonderful, breakfast with Cho and the Twins. Min picked me up on the lawn landing grid... we had a fast trip to Wandsworth. Rae there for the drive to Cowley House.

Clough smiling at the door, "Good morning, M'Lady."

I squeezed his hand saying thank you and good morning to him.

"M'Lady, Mrs. Travers is ready for lunch."

I laughed, "I know she'll be flexible if Gil calls you with additional guests."

A smiling thumbs up!

I saw Mrs. Kelly with staff. I didn't see her often. I said the house always looks perfect... thanking her for that.

"M'Lady, we have a good crew of workers." A smile, "We have had applications to work here sent in. There isn't a need right now so Mr. Clough and I aren't doing any interviewing. It is interesting to get them. The word is out this house is a good place to work."

Fist bump which really tickled her.

Gil with me, Tara and Tessa. We crossed College Green to the St. Margaret's pedestrian crossing. Several young women said hello and they liked my clothes.

I thanked them.

Gil leaned close, "I told you it would be well-liked."

My outfit was fairly simple... a pleated white skirt to my knee tops, a black double breasted jacket with big white buttons, white stockings and white heels. Gold bracelets, small gold circle earrings, four gold chains in several thicknesses in a soft loop below my neck. A lightweight white beret at a left angle on my head. A white shoulder bag on gold chains from Hermès.

I was looking pretty cute.

A WPC outside the Peers Entrance gave me a huge smile and a discreet thumbs up!

In the Peers Lobby Mac was with a small group... Rothbury, Evesham, Ducovney and Ashover. I joined them. Hellos all around.

Ashover took my hand, "I have a request of you... would you please speak to Warren, he's an MP from Sheffield. He is the chairman of the Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee. They are drafting new solar policy he asked for a bit of advice from you."

Ashover gave me his email and telephone number. I handed it to Gil asking her to call him now.

The men smiling... Mac laughed, "Okay I'll say it... You have become the go to person for several subjects in less than six months being here."

The others fellows nodded.

I was grinning, "So how do men members feel about that?"

Ducovney said right out, "You are aces with me! I have asked around about your solar talk... everyone was amazed by you... your delivery and doing `no notes' was commented on by them all!"

Fist bump.

The others smiling... Ashover, "Fay, that was a rhetorical question?"

We all laughed!

Gil leaned close with her phone, I took it... "Warren, Fay Martin... yes so Ashover said..." I lifted my iPhone to see the time... "How about at one for lunch at ours? Surely... we can talk walking over plus before and after. Okay. In three hours then at the Peers Entrance? Good."

Evesham shaking his head, "I will say you never let the grass grow."

I smiled, "That's because I don't want to mow it."


We went into the House. There was a collection of items from second readings to private bills, accepting committee reports, etc... We did some voting. Some debate on a rural economy motion from a Yorkshire tory member... I just watched since I didn't have a clue except our experiences... which I believe are hardly typical.

The gentleman's best point was rural areas need more money spent on infrastructure... roads and bridges especially. Certainly valid and very obvious.

At one o'clock we were at the Peers Entrance... me and five Lords colleagues plus Warren. Ashover did the introductions. Warren looked to be in his early forties, slender, he appeared to have muscles the way he carried himself.

Warren by my right side, Ducovney my left walking to Cowley House. The other Lords members chatting together.

"Your Ladyship, we want to get it right about subsidies for home solar installation. Do you have any advice?"

I said I thought it should be kept simple... done based on the number of panels and the voltage they could generate.

"Not all solar panels are the same. Some at the higher cost levels can generate up eight to ten times more electricity because of their density. Once the panel type is identified their voltage levels are usually but not absolutely a known amount. It can vary so attention needs to be paid to who made the panel and their projected voltages. The manufacturer does make a huge difference. That is an often overlooked bit of data."

Warren looking serious, nodding.

"I don't think it is too much for anyone to do the math then. The actual figures for any subsidy is up to the government to decide on based what the budget can cover."

"We are wrestling with that side too... the panel type times the number is a basic method we like. Others have suggested something similar but you know about these things like no one else I have heard. The varying levels of voltage output from different manufacturers is something new to me. Thank you it will be important!"

He was shaking his head, "Your talk was outstanding!"

I thanked him for the compliment. I told him a bit about our solar company... he was surprised at the size of our operation... The deal with the Iranians bought out a STARE...

"You do get around. The Iranians are eager for solar?"

"Yes, they will build nuclear reactors and pump oil but they want to reach out for more electricity at a lower cost to them and the climate."

As an aside, "Their Energy Ministry is well run by excellent managers, very up to date and thoughtful."

We reached our door... Clough there. Lorenzo took several hats... in the North drawing Room... whiskey or sherry. I sat on a settee with Warren to speak more... Ashover and Ducovney in chairs close.

Warren asking more questions... I did my best to answer. Ducovney smiling through it all.

Ducovney and I did a fist bump as... Clough appeared.


Sole Meuniere, mushroom risotto, broccoli under a tangy hunter's sauce, cross buns and our Oxfordshire butter.

Clough served a very nice Sancerre white from the Loire Valley. There were citrus notes going well with the fish and the hunter's sauce. An herbal character in the finish. I could see the men at the table were enjoying!

Glass in hand... a nod to Clough... a smile and a bow my way!

Dessert... Spotted Dick in custard!! The version made in our homes had butter rather than suet. Everyone had a small cake sitting in the custard... a little island! Delicious! Coffee!

There was a lot of quiet... I caught Mac's eye, a big smile.

Mac slipped his arm through mine walking out, "All your cooks are terrific."

A big grin!

We sat with more coffee or espresso in the North Drawing Room. Warren looking around at the others... He looked as if he was going to say something when Ashover spoke up...

"Yes... Warren, Lady Harcourt's luncheons are like this... so don't ever miss your chance."

Laughter! Ducovney patted his shoulder... "We never miss our opportunity."

I said goodbyes at the Entryway. A happy crowd heading back to the Palace of Westminster. Me... to Millbank House... a few things from Sage, Casteen and Linc were out doing things.

"M'Lady, the MOD pair have been back after I texted them about the new items we had. They are up to date."

I thanked Sage... after giving her a look' about the M'Lady.' She shrugged... I laughed.

Wandsworth and home.

Cho greeted me dressed to ride... the Twins were with Iris. I changed to ride, Cho's hand in mine going down the lane. Chani and Charlie had their ride... they were in Iris' stall grooming her. A slow gentle swish of her tail said their work was good.

A small pair of portable steps so they reach all of Iris. Diana and Monty there supervising. Loads of grins!

Monty had learned his way around a horse... he was gentle with them. A serendipitously spectacular hire.

I was rubbing Pamela's back, Cho stroking Penelope. She was a real beauty. Roland came up to the paddock fence nickering... Cho led Penelope to her sire... nose rubs.

We visited Secret Sea and Secret Royal. This little fellow growing up handsome... looking more like his four times great granddad.

Cho smiling knowing what I was thinking... his thoughts the same. It would be marvellous to see him roaring down a racetrack!!

Gaby and Penny going for a ride with us. We rode to Culham Manor House. Andrea and Ting were waiting... they'd done a test `commute.'

A smile on Ting's face, "It isn't short but we can do work as we go. I can adjust my schedule so I only need be in town three or four days a week. The train gets us to Paddington... It is a short walk for me from there... Andrea's Tube to Notting Hill is five to seven minutes. We can do stay-overs any time if we need to."

Andrea grinning, "I can work remotely... I have the best number two in Tomasina... she is terrific."

Ting squeezing Andrea's hand... "So we are happy to take your offer!"

Hugs and kisses!!

We were pleased.

Solange had been out to take a look... She got that this too would be a sort of period piece... Nineteenth Century to very early Twentieth Century... pre-war... like Twin Ponds House. She asked if she could add Jane... they were working well together. A big Okay from us.

Here in the bedrooms a lot of armoires and big bureaus.

An important part of the project... a cellar room to be clothes storage with a modern shelving and hanging fixtures. It would protect garments. Made from Cedar with environmental controls! Solange had a company in London that does these things... they'd be out to have a look see and make a bid.

We all walked out to the garden sunshine... We would pay the rates and the staff... Peony would be the housekeeper, she was with us at Harcourt House working for Audra. She got top marks from Audra!

Audra and Carter2 would get help Peony to hire a staff.

Joe, her partner, worked on one of Archie's farm teams... so it was `family.' They'd have rooms upstairs on the top floor.

We would have Phillips add several workers on his `Garden' team to cover this house. The topiaries and the other formal bits would be terrific for training.

Catherine liked cooking... they hadn't decided if they wanted a full-time cook... we said they could `borrow' cook staff from Harcourt House for something special... I did point out Catherine would be indisposed with child. Considering their pregnancies were simultaneous it would be hectic... and they would need nurses... so adding a cook and kitchen staff should be done.

There was a BIG `Yes' from Andrea for that!!

Laughing, Ting, "I'm hopeless at cooking..."

Andrea nodding... it seemed there had been a `test' of that too. Andrea said it hadn't gone well. Ting shrugging.

"My hands are for healing... not feeding."

He got a Bronx Cheer from me for that rhyme. Andrea doing a thumbs up to me! Cho laughing.

It was great they wanted to be here. Catherine was an enthusiastic supporter right off, her only request was a basic car for shopping and general going about locally. She got a yes for that from Jian who would buy them a car. Cho said to pass on to Jian... something like a Land Rover given that it is the countryside.


Hugs! Waving as we turned to ride home.

After dinner we sat to have a talk with Francis and Ali on the Conference App. The Twins joined in at first then a puzzle. We talked Gannett. Francis said my information about their possible losses seemed right... it looked like a steeper fall than anticipated.

"They're ripe for a takeover. We should pounce on them. If it goes through you will own more newspapers than anyone ever has."

Laughing I said we'd change the world we could reach! Much laughing!

We had no media presence in Asia other than our business newspaper in Bangkok which is insular. Nothing in Africa, mainland Europe or the Caribbean or Central and South America.

I had been mulling internally about the Bangkok one... should we start a new paper or use that one for other purposes like encouraging the Army out of government? It was read by business leaders and many middle-level managers... there might be something there.

Some carefully written pieces... subtlety needed!

Time to talk to Cho about the idea.

Francis would make the initial steps on Gannett... including doing an `all hands to the pumps' call on the Sharks to get information. One would be put on the upper management... their current state and recent past. Others to go deep on the lower level staff where I wanted more data!

Cho was going to talk to their bankers on the quiet. Me... I was going to the Lords.

Min dropped me at Wandsworth... Rae waiting. We were at Millbank House quickly. Sage handed me some notes which I scanned as I walked with Gil, PJ and Kara to the Lords.

A long sleeve black silk frock with a shirt collar and cuffs to a few inches above the knee. The collar and cuffs were white. Black stockings, and heels, gold jewellery, `Joy' A black and gold bag over my shoulder. Black lensed wayfarers on.

In the Royal gallery Ashover thanked me again for helping Warren.

"Since he's new as chairman... he wants to make a good impression."

"I liked him. I said he could get back to me with more questions any time."

Handshake from Ashover.

As we were to go into the House... a text from Gil... the Great Western Railway had agreed to let us build the underpass. The lawyers have the signed agreement so we can get the process started. Our construction team would break ground immediately.

They would go under at an angle to save space on each side, a drain and sump-like pump under the concrete to keep it dry. The plan had concrete and steel supports capable of carrying more than five times the load of any railway carriage or freight car passing overhead.

Archie had spoken to the Radley Town Council several weeks ago after we bought the additional land... he asked about our farm equipment going through the part of town near the railroad... we said it would be as limited as we could make it. They were Okay if it was temporary. He reassured them it would be. So we were fine with them.

In the House we did business for a few hours then a break. I took my bunch to Cowley House. Then on to Wandsworth. Cho at the Entryway with Carter... the Twins getting ready for the pool!

Cho was leaving in the morning for Scotland to visit Turnberry then fly to Doonbeg for an overnight, see the course then home.

A sunlit morning... a glorious ride!!!

At the Stables office... Gregory said he had a call from Bradley apologising for the `fuss' because he had tried one of the cross-country jumps... Con had refused... he lost his seat and tumbled. He understood Con was right. He said he was sorry for risking Con.

I was looking at Gregory... he smiled, "Bradley didn't call you because he's very embarrassed about it."

I shrugged, "I get that. He's lucky it was only an ulna bone broken... it could have been his head."

Gregory said he'd have a talk with Bradley about being more careful before he rides again... likely it wouldn't be until the New Year with his healing and his classes.

A fist bump!

I was still in my riding clothes as us three waved goodbye to Popa. His golf clubs in the AW139!

I changed... black slender pants, narrow to my ankle tops, a black cotton round neck long-sleeved lightweight top close to my torso, the black Hermès loafers. Gold jewellery, `Joy' Black wayfarers.

Freddie with me, Crawford2, Gil, PJ and Kara in an AW139 heading south to the estate sale near the Channel to look at horses.

The estate had a big side yard for us to land in. It was quiet today, the big inside auction went off the day after tomorrow and the day after that. The law firm had an associate and clerk on the premises. They greeted us and we walked into the stables.

They had twelve horses... their histories on paper... I started there. Crawford2 and Freddie went to examine them. I could see none had any serious medical issues. Three were geldings.

The law firm associate answered my question... `Yes they would sell them as a group.'

I went to see the horses. Crawford2 beside me... "M'Lady, they all look good." I told him what I saw in the records. We swapped... me to touch some flesh with Freddie.

The tenth stall was Georgina... everybody called her Geo. A light dappled grey with a black mane and tail. She was a beauty!! I asked a groom to put a long lead on her... I picked up a long strand training whip. In a paddock I got her moving at the end of the lead... moving in a big circle.

Geo was indeed a beauty... she moved effortlessly. The papers said she was five. The stable master came out to stand behind me and Freddie as Geo did a soft trot around us.

I could see Freddie's smile... I felt the same.

The stable master was `Galen' he'd been here seven years. He had a daughter, Virginia, she was fifteen.

I asked where he was going after the sale... They were to stay at a brother's place north of Portsmouth until he found work. He said the two grooms didn't have jobs either.

"What do you think about Geo?"

I looked over my shoulder... a big smile, "Your Ladyship, she is a wonderful girl. Calm with good strength in those haunches. She's a runner!"

I eased Geo towards us... I let the lead and whip drop so I could stroke her face... her eyes bright watching me.

"Geo, you are pretty."

Freddie running his hands along her flank... the smile still there.

Galen next to me... "What about working for us? We have a new place where most of these horses will go."

"Ma'am, I would be very interested. Where?"

I told him about Twins Ponds... the layout and what we intended for its use.

"You would manage the stables and give help to riders who might not be all that handy."

Galen said he had done some of that at a previous position.

"Do you have a CV?"

He did... he would get a copy.

I motioned to the groom... I asked his name... Albert... "M'Lady, Everyone calls me Al."

He took Geo inside... I walked along.

Al was sixteen and half. He'd left school in June. He had worked here for eight months, part-time and full-time after school. Galen was teaching him... he liked the work.

I asked about family... his dad worked in a building supply centre, his mum worked in a greengrocer's. He was an only child. His eyes lit up when I asked about moving to near Salisbury to work for us.

"It's about a hundred miles away."

He would like it very much.

I said talk to your folks today because all the horses and tack were going to Twin Ponds tomorrow. Galen too.

Freddie went to see the last horse.

Galen returned... I looked at his CV... All his experience was with horses, not many jobs, long terms at each. We walked towards the office. I leaned against the desk.

"Is there anything else I should know?"

He looked me in the eye...

"Yes, when I was fifteen I was cautioned for Affray. The coppers didn't go past that... it was a street fight with some boys a few streets over who thought they were all that... we took them down a couple of pegs. My mates and the other boys got the same treatment..."

I smiled, "That was what... twenty years ago?"

Galen said yes and nothing like that since.

"My wife and I had Ginny when were nineteen. It's been work and taking care of her..." A bit of a choke, "My wife died four years ago... cancer... so it's just me and Ginny."

I said I was sorry he'd suffered the loss of his wife so young.

"Galen, we do background checks on all employees... " I motioned to Gil who grinned.

"Ma'am, I texted to Clare about Galen, Kenneth and Al. She will be back to me."

I laughed, "Galen, usually Gil isn't usually so formal..." I looked at her..."Ma'am?"

Gil laughed, "Okay, we are out in public with people outside our group."

"Not any more... Galen is going to work for us... Kenneth and Al too I hope."

Galen took me to the tack room. The bridles, reins hanging, saddles on racks, pads... everything you'd expect. The leather shone! These fellows knew how to keep equipment in fine shape!!

I gave a smile to Galen... he got it. A big smile back, "It's the only way I know, Ma'am... do it right."

Freddie heard me and called out. I joined Freddie in Gough Square's stall... a blue Roan! He was handsome! Black with white undertones making him appear `bluish.'

The documentation said he had come from an American stable when he was young. Now eight `Gough' as he was called is a sweet fellow who loved to gallop Galen said.

The other groom was with Freddie. Kenneth told us he had ridden Gough almost every day since he came to work here.

"M'Lady, Gough is an easy fellow who has speed."

I turned to Al... I asked him to go to the house for the law firm associate.

I asked Kenneth about working for us... a smile and a big `Yes!' He gave me his work history... he was nineteen, working for Galen for three years right here.

I mentioned Twin Ponds and our Stables in Oxfordshire... he wondered what part of the latter... he had an aunt and her family in Wheatley.

"How about working at a small stable near Culham? Do you know it?"

He did... his aunt's husband was originally from Clifton Hampden.

I described Culham Manor and who would be living there.

"You will be an employee of Harcourt House... assigned to Culham Manor but you would be working at the main house also."

He was almost jumping for joy.

Kenneth said he had done exercise riding here from the beginning... when I asked.

Galen put in Kenneth knew how to do all the work of a stable.

"He's been keen to learn from the beginning."

I said to Kenneth... "There is a living space included and you would eat in the staff lounge."

A relieved face and a really big smile!!

"M'Lady, I can't cook."

We all laughed. He wouldn't starve!

Well this visit was making people happy. Me for sure looking at the horses and equipment.

The law associate came in. I said I wanted all twelve horses and all the tack. He would get me a figure in a few minutes.

I said Gil would go with him to pay... I wanted all this.

Freddie on his iPhone leaning close, "We can pick up everything in the morning."

Thumbs up from me.

Freddie told Galen and the fellows a big eight horse carrier van would be here for the horses going to Wiltshire, a four horse trailer for the Oxfordshire ones. Another truck for the tack which would all go to Twin Ponds.

I walked with Galen asking about how the horses interacted. He gave me a rundown on who were pals and such. After that I had let them know Geo and Gough would go to Harcourt House. They are friendly but liked to be alone.

The two gelded bays who are buddies also to Harcourt House. They likely will go to Culham after acclimatising to us.

The browns, blacks and the grey to Twin Ponds. The gray named Laith was a handsome fellow, foaled in County Wicklow, was going to be my first ride at Twin Ponds. Kenneth said he could really go! He was six.

A cute light brown haired teenager came in... I was introduced to Virginia, Ginny. Some freckles across her nose, green eyes. I guess she favoured her mum there wasn't much about her of Galen except her lankiness.

She was shocked to come home to find me here. I suggested to Galen he take her aside to give Ginny the news while I spoke to Freddie.

Out in a paddock... "Fay, these horses have been well taken care of! The tack is marvellous."

Smiling, "When I stepped into the tack room... the sheen popped out at me. I knew we should hire the men too!"

"Oh yes! These folks are the real deal!"

He got that Kenneth would need to learn about us before he could be sent over to Culham to be on his own. Freddie would talk with Gregory.

Freddie rubbing his hands, "Those two bays are handsome, well built and at nine and ten years old... experienced riding horses. I think they be fine. Gough and Geo are quite special!"

Fist bump!

In the office Ginny's face... tears with a smile. She would miss Geo... her favourite.

We sat to talk... I asked about riding... she'd been up on a horse when she was eight.

To Galen, "Ginny can ride... she can do exercise rides but for that she needs to be assigned a pay rate and her time kept to the legal requirements for her age. That means you have to speak to Augusto who manages the estate."

Galen nodding, "M'Lady, we will be sure to follow every rule."

Ginny smiling, nodding and bouncing in her chair.

"Now school... I don't know what will be available near Millsford... you will likely have to go into Amesbury. It is about two miles by road. That is a project for you both when you are settled in. We will pay for any school you choose."

Galen's eyes almost popped out.

"M'Lady, that is so good of you."

Smiling, "Find a quality school... " Pointing to Ginny... "... One you like. Some place that feels right... remember nothing is perfect so evaluate... Okay?"

Ginny's face... monster smile, "Yes Ma'am!" She squeezed her dad's hand, "... We will look carefully!"

Freddie in the doorway... I motioned him in. He gave Galen and Ginny the schedule for tomorrow... asking what furniture they had to move. He and Galen discussed that I took Ginny out to a paddock.

"This is going to upset things for you..." I squeezed her arm, "... change can be good."

"M'Lady, we were going to go to uncle's no matter... this is so much better. You are giving us a home."

"The rooms over the stables are all singles... what we will do is take four... make doors into the centre ones... probably remove some walls... you will each have a room plus a sitting room in the middle. The old doors to the passage from your bedrooms will be walled up so you have privacy.

You will eat with the staff in the main house... there is a small shared kitchen so you can make simple meals and snacks."

Her face said it was sounding better as I went along!

"We do not live at Twin Ponds... visit yes... Our primary English home is at Harcourt House. Our friends will stay at Twin Ponds... also our world-wide employees can visit and have rooms in the main house.

Now that your father will be an employee there are benefits I haven't discussed with him... he will get a full briefing at Twin Ponds. One of those benefits is you can stay at various hotels, homes in many cities and other places around the world inexpensively with transportation on one of our aircraft.

Twin Ponds is one of those places. It isn't available yet but it will be soon."

Ginny was nodding, "So people from all over could come there?"

"Exactly. The chance to go over to Stonehenge or other ancient sites, walk in the English countryside... We think folks will want to do this. The horses will be there for the use of the guests and me. When we are there I will ride daily.

We have employees across Great Britain, France, Ireland, Thailand and a dozen states in America... any of them could arrive in Wiltshire."

"M'Lady, it would be amazing to meet of those many different people."

Gil walked out to us. It was done. Fist bump and a hug!

"Please call Augusto, tell him what we have done here today and to expect company."

Gil laughed, a thumbs up.

I introduced Gil and Ginny. She got Gil was close to me just by our interaction.

Freddie said he was having a big lorry come... for the tack plus Galen and Ginny's furniture... they would fill it up.

"Fay, I called Augusto just now he told me an estimate of how much hay and grain there was... I asked the associate fellow... we are going to take all the grain here in a second two tonne truck with whatever hay we can fit both lorries... we'll stuff as much as possible in the big horse van also... so Galen has enough until he gets local suppliers on board.

The associate was throwing it in at no cost as part of the deal to clear out the stables."

We shook hands! I loved we had so many self-starters like Freddie working for us!!!

Freddie and Crawdord2 and me along with Gil, PJ and Kara into the manor house. The law firm associate said we could look around... it was stuffed with things! Paintings on the walls and piled against walls... glassware, silver, furniture... two centuries of a family collecting bits and pieces.

There were a piles in the study against the back wall... several dozen horse paintings... I flipped through the piles... two... Oh these were special! I had a catalogue... numbers nine hundred and six and seven... listed as 19th Century horse paintings... no reserve on either.

I am not an art expert... something about these two... the artists names... I asked Gil to see if the law firm associate could join me.

She returned with him. I asked who had done the valuations for the paintings... he said the local auction house.

"If it matters... these two are likely worth many many thousands each. James Seymour and George Stubbs are well valued painters of the 18th Century. We have some of their work at our home."

He was looking at the two... I could see he was thinking something nefarious was going on.

"It may be the local people just don't know much about either painter although they are widely recognized equestrian artists. Equestrian paintings aren't everyone's cup of tea."

"M'Lady, do feel certain about them?"

"I just feel they are worth more than a `no reserve' listing. I also don't know your auction rules."

"Please pardon me... if these two are obvious to you..."

He turned away moving quickly...

Okay! Gil shrugged.

I wasn't coming back for this auction we walked backed to the stables. Gil had responses from Clare... Galen was cleared, the young men had unsurprisingly little history.

I told them `officially' we wanted them to work for us. Smiles. Handshakes.

Gil let them know there'd be paperwork to do at Twin Ponds and Harcourt House plus a meeting with our security. I introduced PJ and Kara... there were wondering looks... I told them it was an important part of our life.

Gil went on after me... they'd hear about the other benefits, details on the healthcare plan, etc...

I was smiling, "It's a lot to take in... we are a somewhat complicated employer. Don't worry there's time to get it all."

We said goodbye to them... I said we'd see them again soon.

The AW139 rose up... Ginny waving from the edge of the field.

We turned southeast... a short flight to land in another grassy field beside Beachy Head House.

Glynis and Liliana were waiting at the gate. They both did a curtsey... I grabbed their hands.

Hugs for them. They were well, the house full!!! The lure of the beach... sun and sand!

They were busy, enjoying the house and the people.

Renate came running out... she stopped abruptly... I said "Don't."

We all laughed. A hug for Renate.

Renate said I looked like Audrey Hepburn except for the hair colour. I suppose I did... I wasn't thinking of her when I dressed. Maybe I should look at some of her clothes for further inspiration?

I asked to borrow a vehicle to go over to Barton and Arline's so I could see little Clifford. We got in a Land Rover for the short drive.

PJ got a poke in the arm for his cringe when I got behind the wheel. Kara was confused... so was Freddie. Gil tried to explain... I said she should stop digging and let it go. Laughter!

I turned us into the farm lane and stopped in front of the house. Barton stuck his head out of a shed... a small head appeared near his knee.

I stepped out... He lifted his son out, they stood as he called... "Arline... Arline!!! Come out!!"

Barton came over with Clifford... both in wellies, mud on them. Barton stopped and bowed, "Your Ladyship... Welcome!"

I laughed and thanked him. I was introduced to Clifford.

"Cliff, this is Lady Harcourt." He was a bit shy...

I squatted down, I shook his hand... "Cliff, you don't know me but I met your mum and dad before you were born."

Arline came out... a huge smile. A hug for her... she was pregnant again! I pointed...

"M'Lady, it's a girl."

I took their hands, "I'm just thrilled for you."

To Arline, "Just like you wanted!"

A big smile.

I squatted again, "Cliff, are you helping your dad?"

A smile, he nodded.

Barton said they were fixing a mower.

"I can't stay but I was so close I had to drop in. I wanted to meet you Cliff."

A big smile now!

Barton ruffled his son's hair, "You are welcome any time."

"OH!!! Barton the box!"

"Yes! I'll be right back!"

He dashed off.

Arline smiling holding Cliff's small hand, "It's the lease payment for the land. I had to do some guessing from memory and pictures."

The jumpers!

Barton returned with a box... four jumpers. Arline said two for me and two for Cho.

More hugs and thank yous.

I let PJ drive... a grin! I was in the back with Gil looking at the payments. Lovely rich browns and blues!! One an ivory cable knit Cardigan, big buttons, not too long! Lovely big collar! It was a beauty! I tried it on... an excellent fit!

At Beachy Head House I did goodbyes. I did ask Renate about Cavalier... She'd been riding him all the time since Arline had gotten pregnant so quickly. He was a terrific ride. Fist bump!

Min lifted us up for home.

Cho laughed on the phone when I told him about the payments.

Lunch with my babies... grilled cheese sandwiches and chips! Ketchup too! I think they could exist on this menu alone!

Afterwards I took Gil and Chelle to the Library. We did a lot of the usual then I switched to Gannett stuff. I called Burton in Chicago to ask what he might know.. a few titbits on personalities. Terrill had some on the current CEO... he was a cost-cutter in past positions in the newspaper world. Terrill did say he was smart enough to get by but not a real thinker.

An email from Mac... the three Defence bills were to be voted on this week! Okay!

I called Bill in New York... he knew one fellow in Gannett's management... a vice-president... Justin.

"Fay, he's sharp. I met him when I was in public broadcasting... he is well worth having around. A good head for business, sensible, deals with pressure well and a doer!"

I wrote out my notes in a doc file.

Francis called, "Fay, I'm sending you some dossiers and an interesting bit from a deep source on a possible bidding rival."

I told him to do deeper research on Justin and the other department deputies.

We talked for a few more minutes. They were going uptown for dinner with Daria. I sad to say `Hi!' They would.

Francis' interesting bit was a private equity company, one of those that like to buy companies via leveraged buyouts which `lard up' the target with debt. They try to buy cheap every time.

I wasn't worried about them... whatever they offered would be most likely rejected immediately then they'd have to find more suckers to get money from before bidding again. No way they could do it like we could.

The dossiers were more thought-provoking! The very top people were all cost-cutters but that hadn't helped the company so far. If deep cuts don't show some real assistance to the bottom line in the short term then they won't ever because if they last too long the financial basis of the company is undermined.

I called Sud on the Conference App so he could bring a few folks... My idea brought smiles.

"Fay, we know the possible rival... they simply don't have the ability to buy it without seriously increasing Gannett's debt. Whatever they may say we know they do not have enough money.

You said the existing managers have already done cost-cutting to little effect... adding the debt will make the company unwieldy and prone to instability then a likely bankruptcy."

I laughed, "So we should wait until it is falling down the hill then buy..."

Sud and his team laughing... saying a chorus of `Noes.'

"We have spent money on newspapers recently... the prices have been good... I'm waiting on some financials from Francis but I'm thinking about one and half billion... Thoughts?"

Sud and his folks thought it was a fair offer considering what will have to be done to save the company. It wasn't at risk of bankruptcy right now but the losses were piling up! Gannett trying to refinance some of their debt was going to be hard given the company's weaknesses.

I thanked Sud and the others.

I already knew Gannett was haemorrhaging quality staff and losing readers. The scarcity of jobs in the newspaper business world kept some employees around.

Francis called again... "Fay, I spoke to a past co-worker at another company of the current CEO... he says the CEO is out of his depth in that position. Gannett is just too large and he doesn't delegate well, he is a poor judge of persons for top executive positions. Also he tends to be rigid... lacking the ability to manoeuvre quickly when situations change."

"I'm getting a sense of this company... not enough good people at the very top... good people lower down are not listened to properly. It's starting to flounder."

Francis agreed. Their latest quarterly reports due out tomorrow... he'd forward them to me.

Love to them both.

I helped tuck in the Twins... sleepy cuties!

Jaidee with me in the garden talking to Cho. He was in Doonbeg now... he played a round at Turnberry's Ailsa course.

"Your prediction still holds... I shot a 52 today... the new lowest score. Some wind but otherwise it was wonderful... an excellent day for golf. Picture perfect.

The course is in good condition not excellent, the clubhouse needs some considerable work... It looks Okay from the outside... problems inside. Aging issues that have not been addressed.

I'm officially a member... so is Craig. He couldn't be there but I've signed him up.

The staff is very happy... glad to see the back of the weasel. They love his name being erased. The manager was feeling better knowing I am a golfer and a `real businessman' in his words."

Cho said the people there at Doonbeg were also pleased to see him and proud to be owned by a proper golfer rather than a cheat.

"The weasel didn't play here much but he's remembered for moving his ball to better lies all the time... among other trickster things. Cheaters are not appreciated."

I gave Cho my day... He got the Gannett thing was looking possible... the bits and pieces brought together said we should... the size of it was daunting... more than a thousand newspapers... daily and weekly... Two hundred and twenty of those in the United Kingdom!

The employee numbers said it was under-staffed. Twenty one thousand workers for the newspapers and corporate employees... more cost-cutting Bullshit... they always want to cut employees forgetting staff is the core... hiring and firing is expensive, time consuming. Whatever you save in payroll you lose in the costs of letting people go and with fewer employees your customer's disenchantment will rise. A fool's game!

I asked Cho if we were rushing the Gannett business... He said no.

"The company is on the edge of trouble... who knows what the incompetent management might do to save their collective asses... start a fire sale of assets?"

As an aside Cho told me Sam in New York had sent an assessment of the value of 725 Fifth Avenue... the value up over twenty six percent since we acquired it. The flats are selling, a waiting list for rental flats... all retail spaces fully leased at premium rates!

Cho, "Seems like adding our names to something automatically makes it worth more... an interesting by-product of success... higher taxes!"

We laughed a lot!

After my ride and breakfast with the Twins I flew to Wandsworth. Sage had things for me in my office at Millbank House then onto to the Lords. I walked over with Gil, Tara and Kara in company with Bryant, Lord Adforth. He is a Labour peer, the eighteenth Earl Adforth.

He asked about my family... I told him about the Martin's coming over with William the Conqueror... the Munros from Ireland sometime in the twelfth century. He said his family had been among the "Marcher lords' on the Welsh border. They were ennobled in the time of James the First.

He leaned over a bit as we got to the Peers Entrance... "You belong here more than ninety nine point nine percent of those you will see today. It's a quirky system much debased... Not that I oppose change... we needed to have fresh voices in the mix... we could have done it better is all."

I thanked him saying I was still getting to know my new role.

Bryant laughed, "It seems to me you are a natural."

We laughed going in the door. I saw Gil's look and her thumbs up!

First up were the main Defence Bill and the Sub Decommissioning Bill. Both passed easily!

There was an assortment of other activities in the House today... Argyle kept it moving along very skilfully... not allowing things to become distractions or time-wasters. He was also a `natural' at being the Speaker.

I said as much to him when the session ended after noon.

A smile... a thank you. "I appreciate you aren't causing any trouble."

I laughed, "If the tories were still in charge I would be different."

We shook hands laughing.

Gil had a text from Warren the MP on solar questions... I dictated answers for her to send on as we headed to Cowley House. In my Lady's Room I read the latest from Gannett... it was a poor quarter for them... whatever they did to cut costs... it wasn't working... more losses... close to one hundred and fifty million like the preliminary information we received.

I called Cho... we were on the same page...

Okay we're off!! Our primary New York brokers quickly bought up ten percent of the stock at its further weakened level... they had other brokers begging them take it! The price fell further...

Cho had the primary broker do the required reporting to the SEC when we had acquired four percent of the company and they stated to the SEC we would continue to buy. Cho talked to other brokers we'd used before... they started buying... by noon in New York we had thirty five percent of the stock.

Folks wanted to get out from under for sure. Our brokers were buying well below the market price in some cases!! That pushed the price further down!

One of our brokers called Cho to report the buying results... he said representatives for two institutional stockholders had contacted him when they saw him buying... they would sell their holdings to us at the current price which was two dollars and ten cents. Another thirteen percent from those two.

Our fellow said those brokers looked relieved to have rid themselves of the stock.

At that point we made an offer to buy the whole company... at one dollar and ninety cents... there was little resistance... so by closing of the stock market we had control of Gannett. Seventy eight percent of the stock... last hundred thousand of share cost a bit more as folks began to figure there was a takeover happening. The stock price went up but averaged out we paid two dollars and a penny a share. A very great deal less than the billion and half I'd spoken to Sud about.

We went to the SEC for their opinion as we gained control... they answered immediately... they said we were good with them. Despite our owning many newspapers there were only few conflicts with our existing collection of NewsGroup newspapers. They were fine with our resolving those few issues since none were in any large cities.

`Not of any concern' was the decision of the SEC when we enquired. I expected to hear more from them at some point after they were lobbied by outsiders wishing mix into the deal.

I'd flown home by then... Cho and I in the Library speaking to the existing management at Gannett. They got we wanted them to stay in place for now... we would be assessing the entire corporate structure.

I told them as CEO of the NewsGroup they were to immediately stop any further new activity especially any cost-cutting measures. I said Francis as our representative would visit them... he had full powers, he would inform them of other decisions we make.

We got calls from our news media about the events... they had the advantage of having good contact information. I sat to do a Conference App call with some... Stanley and Damson of the Daily News, Corrie and Evelyn of The Day in Seattle, Casita and Rami from the The Day in Los Angeles, Kent, Sheldon and Dorothy for Fox News. Rolf, Hugo, Tipton, Gilman and Des for the NewsUk papers.

Several of the Tribune papers... the Chicago Tribune, the Baltimore Sun, The Norfolk Virginian-Pilot joined us.

They got the tale of our day with Gannett... a bit of a whirlwind because of the feebleness of the financial reports and the subsequent weakness of the stock. We'd gone on a tear.

I said we would evaluate the company from management downward to the roots, changes would come.

I was asked about our recent newspaper buying spree... laughing... they got that it was dictated by the information we had which exposed how poorly the two newspaper companies were performing. We had shown that newspapers were still very viable with our successes in New York, Seattle, Los Angeles, London and the recent takeover of the Tribune Company which just posted significant gains in their recent quarterly earnings report.

It seemed an obvious question even before Stanley asked... "How do you decide to invest in these businesses?"

"We have people working for us whose job it is to find out where we can make investments... they identify under-valued companies, poorly performing companies, businesses that would complement our existing products and services, new technologies we should be involved in and more.

`Information is currency' is not a cliché to us. It is foundational."

Cho joined me... he made them laugh with an aside about Stanley's question to him at the 725 Fifth Avenue acquisition news conference... "This is off the record... We have recently made two five billion £ donations to the Chanthira Foundation's endowment... our accountants say that leaves us with well over one hundred billion £'s.

Fay and I joked only yesterday how whatever we buy goes up in value almost instantly... it isn't actually a pun any more but a truism. Especially if you see our taxes."


More questions which we answered as fully as possible. They would file their stories, put it up on our news wire... our competitors could pay a fee to use it.

I did say when Cho and I were ready we'd have a full-blown news conference... no day or place for it at this time.

Augusto called. The horses plus equipment and Galen and Ginny were there getting settled in. He said Al, the young groom, told Galen his parents were Okay with his going to Twin Ponds but they would bring him so they could see the place.

"I said they would be welcome. So tomorrow they'll visit bringing Al."

I thanked him for that.

He had a local Amesbury builder in the previous week to give a bid on doing the remodel of the rooms above the stables. Four rooms into a suite, removing one and a half inside walls to make a nice sized sitting room with an office/study space and sealing the doors from the new `bedrooms' to the passage.

Augusto said it was a good company... well recommended. He said it was a fair bid... I said go ahead. Okay!

We had two races coming up... we were going to the Moulin Farm in Normandy tomorrow.

Tom Angleten shocked the golf world... he was backing out of the British Open to be with Roxanne as her due date was tomorrow. Some folks criticised him but his fellow golfers were very supportive... family comes first.

Tom had already won the Master's and the U.S. Open as he had last year... everyone thought he could win the Grand Slam again! His play is so overwhelming... he was considered almost a `lock' on it. The bookies would have to deal with the fallout.

Cho called a few of our sports reporters to say he was proud of Tom for being in the right place for his family. He told them he had been in the birthing room for the Twins and wouldn't have missed it for anything.

Part of our evening taken up with news people from the States about the Gannett deal... We did a conference call... just cellphones... the Wall Street Journal, USA Today plus several other Gannett papers, The Washington Post, the Boston Globe, the New York Times and more, TV people too but we didn't do any video. A few more were allowed to join.

We gave them a limited amount of time.

We did stop before the Twins went up. We helped get them in bed, tucked in.

Downstairs Cho, and I in a big chair in the Library alone. We had some kissing... some talk... my body explored in anticipation!!!

In the dark upstairs... anticipation fulfilled!!

I got in my ride and food... everybody else did breakfast after me then we dressed for France.

We loaded several AW139's for the trip to Moulin de Deauville Farm. Us four, Tha, Delphine, Gil Chelle and Jaidee! Protectors.

There was a small group in front of the house when we landed. Piet our head of the Security Service in France with Marie-Thérèse the local manager for Normandy. Beside them were Virginie the head housekeeper, Elodie the head cook and Sylvain the head grounds keeper. Guillaume the stables master too.

We shook hands, introductions for everyone.

We walked through to the rear terrace... the Twins could see the pond... I said that is why we brought swim costumes! Tha and Delphine rushed upstairs with the babies to change. Gil thinking ahead brought tennis rackets and balls... she and Chelle changed to shorts.

Cho went to the putting green... me to the stables.

Tara with me. Guillaume smiling... he sent a fellow to saddle two horses. Thierry was led out for me... I stroked his neck... I asked if he remembered me?

The groom laughed, "Comtesse, you just have to ride him... he will remember."

He gave me a leg up, I thanked him. I turned Thierry out of the stable yard towards the dirt track. Tara on a grey behind me.

We trotted around the turn to warm up... part way down the straight I asked Thierry... he responded... a surge of power... we were in the second turn quickly... out on the other straight I urged him on... SPEED... we gobbled up the the dirt... into the first turn again I turned him left to pass in front of the house like last time.

We reached the turf track rapidly then I asked him for more... we were rockin' In the far turn... I saw Tara reach the turf... Thierry rolled down the straight right into the first turn again... I kept him going... around once more... on the straight going towards the house I pulled him up beside Tara as she completed one lap.

We were smiling... Fist Bumps! I was rubbing Thierry's neck telling him it was fun... he was nodding his head! A loud whinny!

We trotted to the stables... Kosmo, the groom, waiting shaking his head.

"Comtesse, vous roulez a fou!" (Countess, you ride crazy!)

I laughed, "J'adore la vitesse... Thierry aussi!" (I do love speed... Thierry does too!)

I slid down to hand over the reins. I stroked Thierry... he was nickering! A hug!

I thanked Kosmo for caring for Thierry. A smile.

I visited Normandie Fille, Femme de Nantes, Demoiselle d'Orleans and Montaigan in the stables. They all had won at Deauville. I stroked them, talked with each and handed out some mints.

Tara and I walked to the pond. The Twins were on the grass in the sun... hats on watching Jaidee chase a tennis ball in the water. Delphine and Tha in swim costumes sitting on lounges... I sat beside Chani and Charlie... a kiss for each.

"Mama, we had fun. Lots of floating things."

I squeezed Charlie's hand. Jaidee came ashore dripping... I moved away knowing what was coming... he did it! The big shake which got water spraying all around... the Twins sitting there laughing their heads off... dripping! Tha brought a towel for the wet faces. Laughter.

Cho had come over hearing me... he got to see Jaidee's full shake at a safe distance. I got a hug.

The Twins were wiped down... still giggling.

We went in to clean up and change. Lunch then a trip to the Hippodrome to visit Amira.

In the Dining Room we enjoyed crepes... seafood and cheese, lovely sauces, strawberry ones at the end. Light and delicious. Elodie had a great touch!

News from Phoenix... in the wee hours Roxanne had gone into labour... they were at the hospital. She was working on it. Cho sent our best wishes!

Gil lined up the flowers and Taittinger's!!

We loaded several Range Rovers for the drive to the track. Niva at the barn, a smile as we introduced ourselves and our crowd. Her daughter, Octavie, beside her... a cute twelve year old looking like her mother dark hair parted in the middle.

Amira was nickering as the Twins caressed her. Amira was an unusual beauty, pale grey with a white mane and tail. Her groom smiling saying she was so even tempered.

We'd seen her on the track... quite a tough competitor!!

Walking along the barn row with Niva, PJ behind, Kara in front.

"Comtesse, I wanted to tell you that Octavie is with me all day... she does little jobs... on race day too."

I said my name was Fay and we didn't have a problem with Octavie being involved as long as she was protected from harm.

Niva nodding her head, "She and I have had talks about safety... she is mindful."

"Good..." A smile, "How are you paying her?"

We laughed when Niva said `in experiences.'

I asked if Octavie rode?

"She does... there's a filly at Montataire we own, Jena, she rides her."

"Is the house there Okay?"

"Yes very nice... comfortable... plenty of room for us."


"Octavie goes to the Montataire village middle school. She's a fine student."

A good `Mom' smile.

I said we wouldn't come down here before the race when Niva asked about the pre-race things...

"We leave it to our trainers... we don't go to the saddling areas ever."

I did point out if Femme de Nantes wins the Prix de Morny she would automatically qualify for the Breeder's Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf at Churchill Downs. I asked if she'd ever been to America...

"Non... but I would like to go someday."

"You will go, Octavie too."

Niva clapped! A hug for her.

We got a quick tour of the Hippodrome by a escort and a meeting with the management. They had two tables in the restaurant for us for tomorrow. They were pleased to see us racing much more here.

Cho told them we'd racing each week in August. Smiles from them. It was their big season time, lots of races. We told them Thaksin would be here for the Prix Maurice de Gheest... they were pleased the French Triple Crown winner would be racing here.

In the cars heading back Tom called... Tom Jr. was born!! He was healthy and Roxanne was terrific! Great news! Cho congratulated Tom and said we'd make a stop to see them in a few days.

Tom was a happy fellow... a son and all was well!

We `lounged' on the back terrace of the house... all of us working... well most of us. The Twins playing on the lawn and in the gardens. Jaidee a willing companion... Delphine along. Tha on a lounge eyes closed... Relaxing!

Cho leaning over me... a kiss. "You can bet that Tom Jr. is going to be a looker..."

It was easy to agree given his parents being gorgeous!

My morning ride with Thierry was part roaring around the tracks then an exploration with him of the farm. The groom Kosmo rode with Tessa and I. Guillaume said he was a good horseman.

I got to see everything... at least briefly... with Kosmo as my guide... a lot of paddocks, fields of grass to be mowed, the various outbuildings, there is a polo field... it hadn't been used for more than twenty years... it would need a lot of work... it wasn't on the list for any time soon or even at all. We weren't into polo. Better to seed it for hay.

The stables and the dormitory buildings for guests when we would do an equestrian event needed to be fixed up. The arenas for Jumping and Dressage, the Cross-Country course all were neglected too... we had a company coming to renew all the equestrian parts.

We hoped it all would be ready for next summer. We'd like to have an informal `event' and allow training here.

Kosmo had worked here for fourteen years... he was sixteen when he started.

"Guillaume's father was still alive... he died the next year. The owners were a horse family... not racing for a few years... some breeding and riding."

Back at the stables I thanked Kosmo.

"Comtesse, we are glad you are the owners now."

I thanked him again.

Guillaume came out... he also thanked Kosmo for my tour.

"Comtesse, I think I have a pony for the little ones. A family in La Courdraye... nine kilometres... " he motioned to the southwest, "... they have a three year old pony, a filly, she is black... they say quiet for young riders."

"Please get her... when we are back the Twins can have a go to find out if she's right. Even if she doesn't work out we would keep her."

Guillaume liked that we wouldn't cast off a horse because it didn't fit our exact needs.

I added we value our horses as much as our two-footed workers.

I could see Guillaume appreciated that sentiment.

I said we'd send some saddles and tack from Harcourt House for the pony. Guillaume nodding.

Guillaume said the stables staff had enjoyed their trip to Harcourt House. Our English folks had been welcoming... Gregory's people had done a course on working in an active racing stable. Freddie was the lead on their training.

Everybody thought it was a great thing and fun! For most it was their first trip outside of France. They also got some of the free clothing our sponsors sent to us. Levis and Kentucky Heat clothes were quite popular! So where the Apple caps and knit hats.

Francis called from the car pulling up to the Gannett headquarters at Tysons Corner in Northern Virginia. Petra and Gilbert with him and six Security Service auditors. A team of Security Service folks in vans waiting the word to enter the buildings.

Francis was to meet the CEO and his top people, they'd get from him what we wanted in the short term and do an introduction to our security plus arrange for the auditors to have full access through the buildings.

Petra would give them the scheme of things once our Security took control.

Francis knew we were going to the track... he'd call later with his report and any feedback.

Time to go racing. Cho and Charlie in blue suits with Harcourt Racing ties. Chani and I in yellow. Her outfit was a cute slender strap sundress, white socks and green slipper shoes. Me a yellow frock, two inch wide shoulder straps, smooth and close to my torso to my hips then it widened a bit to upper thigh. No stockings and green heels and bag. The green and yellow parrot earrings! The yellow round sunglasses.

We reached the track and parked in the barn area. We walked to the rear of the grandstand carrying the Twins. A track official met us, he led our group up into the building to the restaurant.

The maître d' escorted us to the tables... a marvelous view of the track... Two-thirds of the long mile of grass to the right to around to the start for longer races to the extreme left.

We had to wait about an hour for our race... drinks and light things to eat. The Twins were closest to the window so they could look out. Cho and I next to them.

Amira had won the first two legs of the distaff French Triple Crown... she was in this race the Prix Jean Romanet then the Prix Vermeille at Longchamp which is the last of the Distaff French Triple Crown races. We'd won the American and French Triple Crown series for colts... Black Star could still win the English... Sasithorn on the road to winning the Super Triple Tiara in America.

Amira was the favourite here and for the Prix Vermeille according to the bookmakers.

The post parade for the Prix Jean Romanet was announced. It is a G1 race for fillies of sixteen hundred metres... just thirty feet short of a mile.

The horses walked to the right down the long grassy space to near the end. The gate setup... they moved behind it to load. We couldn't see down that far. We wouldn't have much of a direct view until they closed up on two thirds the way...

A video screen to our rear had the start... They're off. Amira in a group of six at the front... they were making space from the rest of the field.

The video showed Amira edging ahead at about one third of the mile... at that point we looked out the window we could see them... Amira was four lengths clear of the closest horses. When she reached the junction of the longer turf track I could see Francine asking Amira... the `Monaco surge,' it had to be called that... Amira immediately opened a seven length lead.

The last two hundred metres Amira was widening... a nine length gap... she was powering to the finish with no slack... Amira blew past the finish line going all out. Francine raised her whip in celebration... the only time she used it.

A new stakes winning time! She won by ten and half lengths.

We celebrated! I hugged Chani beside me... we got up to do more hugs.

A Hippodrome person came to escort us down to the track. Cho had Charlie, Chani in my arms... we walked to the grass... sunlight... loud applause and cheering as Amira came back to us.

The Twins bouncing around on the grass.

We shook Francine's hand, a hug for Niva and Octavie.

Cho and I got the trophy with the Twins beside us. Francine and Niva each held the trophy for pictures.

The Race sponsor people thanked us for entering. The Hippodrome folks had already said how happy they were.

We walked to the car. Cho and I carrying the babies. The Range Rovers ready so we drove over to the D513 and turned left to go down the coast. Two miles to the Cottages a la Plage!

At the entrance a Security person asked who we were. Cho and I stepped out, a smile, "Hello... I am Cho... this is Fay Martin... we own this..." Cho's hand motioning towards the cottages.

The fellow was confused... "We are just stopping to see the Cottages... our first time here..."

Gil joined us... she was ringing Marie-Thérèse... that lady asked the fellow's name... Andre on his name tag.

"Gil, please let me speak to him... I know him... I hired him."

Gil handed her iPhone to Andre... he stiffened up... looking at us... looking embarrassed... saying `Oui' many times.

He handed Gil her phone. Marie-Thérèse said he understood who we were now.

He started to apologise... Cho said not to worry... "We are glad you are doing your job. You can't know everyone by sight. We will take a short walk about."

Cho shook his hand... me too.

Everybody came with us... there were few guests around, most at the beach... We said hellos to those we saw... the Twins did hellos to some children as we wandered. It wasn't a long stop I just wanted to see the cottages... they looked nice... white with bright colours... blue or red or yellow or green trim.

A playground for younger kids, a low slide, merry-go-round, a see-saw and climbing bars. They didn't need a sandbox with the beach only a hundred metres away. It was fenced. Lively colours on all the playthings. If I were a child it would look quite inviting... the Twins thought so as they stood at the entry looking in.

Back at the front gate we thanked Andre and said goodbye. He still looked a bit bemused.

At the farm we packed up and flew to Harcourt House.

A call from Soam... good news... the new jamming pod for the wings was done. Tested at Sari Buri... they were completely successful. Since the wings aren't being controlled by the same method as ordinary propeller drones we can jam all the usual radio frequencies making any them inoperable. A plus is the ability to supress cellphone communications over an area we could delimit by adjusting the strength of the signal.

We changed... the Twins and Jaidee to the Garden for fun before dinner.

Cho and I with Gil and Chelle to the library... Francis' time to call.

"Fay... Cho... the Gannett people weren't sure what to make of us. They seemed shell-shocked with the rapidity of the takeover. I didn't point out the obvious that their `managing' the business was why it happened so quickly.

I was unequivocal stating your requirements for them... no new initiatives of any kind and a rollback of recent moves to cut costs. They said the savings were absolutely needed to go forward.

I said that was not how you two operated your businesses and that these decisions had been made by you two. The CEO was not happy... a `we need to run the company the way it should be run.'

I left it at that point.

I had Gilbert and his team stand up... I said they would be going around the building assessing the security and making plans for our people to take charge.

Sensing their dismay I turned to Petra... her back up plan was put into play... The teams from our local Security Service and the extra ones from other locations came in from their vehicles. They moved into all parts of the buildings... they took control.

The old security people were BeneSecure, a hired company, I spoke to BeneSecure's owner telling him his company had been supplanted and he should no longer send people.

He gave me some guff about they had a contract... When I said there was no mention of non-payment... he was quiet... I said the contract was under review but that the Security Service was now in place.

He was silent after I said `Security Service.' Once prompted he said he would wait for contact from us.

The BeneSecure contract has a `get out' clause so we can end it whenever.

I went back into the meeting with the management... I told them the security issue was resolved... the Security Service was now protecting the buildings. That caused consternation by a few of them... which I have to say made me curious... so our auditing firm will be brought in immediately to review that contract and other outside services."

Francis could see us on the Conference App laughing...

"So what... you think some of the managers are bent?"

Francis nodding, "They made me suspicious. Past that... I pressed them about your orders for them... they went side-ways... avoiding accepting you wanted them to roll-back the items I mentioned.

They were sticking with the idea they ran the company... as if your owning it didn't matter.

So following your instructions I fired the six people who we identified as problems... they were told they had twenty minutes to leave and they could take no documents, data storage devices, etc... I put a Security person on each with the time limit emphasised.

They did some yelling... I pointed out they all had contracts that gave the owners the power to dispense with their services `at will' and since Lady Harcourt was the CEO of the NewsGroup she had the ultimate authority.

So they were faced with going or being taken out... they all went quietly after that was explained."

We were laughing, "Francis, did you enjoy doing that?"

"Yes Fay! Given what their record had been... it was an easy call."

Cho called Francis our `Rapier.'

Much laughter by us.

Francis smiling, "I stepped to Justin... I said you wanted him to be the temporary CEO... he accepted. All the deputies of the men I discharged were told they were also now temporarily in command of those departments. They all said `no problem.'

"The ones leaving were searched... they did not like that either... one had a memory stick which he said was his... I let him know it would be scanned then returned to him with anything else from his office that was his personal property. They were informed their offices would be gone over by us and their belongings would be delivered to their home address of record.

There were a lot of staffers looking around at our activity... It was told to our Security to say they were the new building protection force and some other changes were happening..

Justin was asked to speak on the public address system telling the staffers the new owners were making changes to management and a new security company had taken over protecting the buildings.

So the company goes on."

We hardily thanked Francis for a job well done. He was going back to New York.

In the morning sun I rode with Tara and Penny my usual route... Roland very happy at the end!!

The Twins coming in for food after I got started, Popa right behind them.

Cho and I smiling over Francis' last email... a young woman asked him while he was touring the Gannett buildings if he was the new CEO... Francis said `No' He represented the new owners... the NewsGroup which is headed by Lady Harcourt.

He also reassured her and other staffers throughout the buildings that the company was now in safe hands seeing their worried faces. They brightened up!

The memory stick that Security had confiscated was loaded with company documents so one of our techs copied it and erased it then overwrote the stick with a 0 `s and 1's. Making the data Permanently unrecoverable.

Their personal property had been sent via FedEx to their homes.

I was up early as usual... a ride on a horse then a ride in a helicopter. In the Royal Gallery I saw Ashover. We kissed cheeks. Today was the Trident Sub Bill.

"I have it to go first."

I walked into the House on Mac's arm... he was grinning was we got a few comments from colleagues.

Alfred laughing... "It's like you are joined at the hip."

We joined in the laughter.

The Trident was up... the vote was simple... overwhelmingly positive numbers of members were in favour of it! Done!


Another helicopter ride... into Cho's arms!

Cho and I flew to Ascot for one race... Black Star was in the King's Lynn Stakes... A G1 race of nine furlongs on the New Mile turf. It was just Cho and I to keep it simple.

On the Owners and Trainers Terrace we said hellos to our neighbours. Barry, the Earl of Westhampton, was there... he had a filly in a race after ours. Valerie and little Barry didn't come today either.

Cho went for drinks.

Barry and I chatted while a race went off... Barry did an eyebrow motion towards Tara and Kara... I leaned close to explain... he was nodding.

"I think it is wise. The only place where I'm as well-known as you are everywhere is our home village."

We smiled. Cho handed me a fizzy water and lime, Barry a vodka and tonic. We sipped our drinks... Barry asked about Asda... Our fellow had been recently written up in a racing news magazine.

Cho smiling said he was our foundational horse with quality fillies brought in.

"We have five in Rabam... our Thailand breeding farm. The horses you see running for us with a few exceptions are products of Asda's work with those five mares plus one now at Harcourt House.

As a change Glaa is at Rabam to take his sire's position there bringing in his dam Hathai's excellent genes. We'll hope for more magic."

"Babies from Glaa... how could they not be awesome," Barry and Cho shaking hands.

Our race was called, the post parade began... Freddie joined us. He was introduced to Barry. Freddie's being an ex-jockey was great for us Barry thought.

The field of horses walked to the right down the long grass to near the end. The gate in place... the loading was smooth... They were released... too far to hear the clang.

We could see them in our glasses rushing towards us. Black Star was leading by two... he was galloping easy. Before they got to the bridge our colt had opened two more lengths.

As they reached the last two furlongs Black Star widening... six lengths... Renaldo asked him... the `Monaco Surge' happening. I could hear Barry's intake of breath as Black Star poured on the power.

The last stretch of turf was rapidly gobbled up by our colt... the finish line flashed by... Black Star by ten lengths!

We celebrated. Barry congratulating us.

Freddie with us going down to the grass... The crowd was applauding and cheering.

Renaldo brought our colt back to us... Olive put on the lead then softly sponged his face. Freddie with the lead... we walked under the stand to the Parade Ring.

The King's Lynn Stakes people and the City Fathers of King's Lynn did the prize giving. We thanked them and were thanked in turn for bringing such a highly rated horse. Hands shaken.

We went back to the Owners and Trainers Terrace to watch Barry's filly. She was a black two year old running in this sprint. She had raced twice before, a place and show.

They loaded up down the New Mile at the six furlongs mark... pause then they were released. Barry's girl up front with three others... down the turf they towards us... his filly on the lead by a length at the halfway point.

As they raced down the final furlong Barry's girl was challenged but fought off that one to win by two! A very nice victory for Barry!

We shook hands congratulating him. Smiling he went down to the track after we said our goodbyes.

We headed out to cross the High Street to the AW139. Min lifted us up and did the big curve away from the race course then north to home.

We got hugs and kisses from the Twins in their woolly robes going up from a swim. They had fun with Tha, Delphine and Jaidee. Rafe and Ken had been in too as lifeguards! Those two got in some laps afterwards with the `endless' thing.

Chelle walked in to sit beside me on the settee... "Fay, Nipsey did a wonderful piece on Sunny and Prince! He wrapped her successful around Prince's power and steadiness. Very laudatory to Sunny."

I looked at the piece on her iPad. A quick read... Nipsey did a fine thing!! I asked Chelle to email our thanks for his work and CC Royce. A big smile!

Chelle also had another fun bit of news... facebook and twitter both now had over a thousand lawsuits filed against each. What is making much harder for them is they don't have a clue as to whom many of their users actually are. Because they allow any Tom, Dick or Harriet to create an account with sketchy identity checks they can't shove the blame onto individuals for the defamatory posts... they get to eat it.

A lot of money could change hands! The first case from before the Supreme Court ruling has moved forward because the federal judge said the plaintiff has every chance of succeeding at trial on the merits.

It will get uglier for those two platforms... their attempts at vetting have not been very successful. They were warned...

Something local from Gil... the `Anonymous' sign maker from All Saints Church graveyard replied he would be very glad to make the sign... he would like to remain anonymous if we didn't mind keeping his secret.

I had Gil reply with our thanks and we held plenty of secrets of our own. A grin from her.

Greg was getting everything ready for Gen Con in Indianapolis. A local Baltimore sign company made him a banner for his booth. He'd rented props to display his game parts..

After dinner I did a big bunch of hugs before going to Chalgrove.

Paulette on the tannoy... `We're taxiing immediately.' The Gulfstream rolled to the runway then launched itself into the sky. Plenty of daylight here... we'd arrive about nine o'clock... onto Upperville.

Paulette said `They're putting the pedal down!'

In flight Nick called... Pauline from Vogue was going with him and her photographer to Nebraska in two days. They'd have a few days on the ranch then to Lincoln to speak to a few folks at Nick alma mater... the University of Nebraska.

I said enjoy which got me a big laugh and "You set me up for this.'

Laughing I wasn't a bit contrite saying it was time for republicans to get some good press. Agreeing Nick laughed in return.

Candace was in New York. She loved the big flat and her commute... six blocks!!

Lots of other news... her assistant was moving with her!! NYU was pleased to hire Seryna for Candace. Seryna would use the third bedroom at Candace's Minetta Street flat to start!

More... four top students were transferring from MIT to NYU to do their fourth year to take Candace's courses!!! They told MIT after their move was completed why... the Boston Globe printed a story about their going to New York... very damaging for MIT... a big black eye for their new `computer centre.'

To make it worse for MIT they have been unable to hire a replacement for Candace... the university poisoned their own well... academics at Candace's level weren't going to move to a school with such low ethical standards.

We taxied to Rossen's at Dulles... a helicopter waiting. I walked into the Upperville house ten minutes later. Mykal was waiting, a fist bump and a thank you for him.

I rode in the morning with Tessa. A short but hard ride, Ash and Malcolm seemed happy about it. I could see the Upperville Trials temporary bits were gone and the start of the construction to cover the two arenas begun. Trucks, piles of materials... the workmen arriving.

We rode around it all.

Breakfast and ready to go Gannett.

Alexi picked us up... in fifteen minutes the AW139 settled down on the grassy area to the east of the buildings by the pond. Tyson's Corner... an odd name. Ha! As if Nuneham Courtney wasn't?

Text from Cho... He and the Twins were leaving for Phoenix! Plus a big red heart!

PJ leading, Gil and Chelle with me, Tara, Ken and Angie around us. Gilbert in the entryway... a big smile.

"Your Ladyship... Good to see you more often these days."

Laughing we shook hands. Gil and Chelle too.

"We seem to be enlarging your domain."

Gilbert laughed, "It's Okay! The management folks are waiting in the top floor suite..."

I squeezed his arm. He and my Protectors shook hands, hugs and smiles.

I stepped from the lift... a reception desk... a man and a woman stood up. I smiled .. the woman came up... She welcomed me to Gannett...

I thanked her.

I asked her name and position... Nayda, she was the reception desk person for the executive suite.

"The conference room is right here..." she opened the door... As I walked in everybody inside stood up.

I knew who most were from snaps Francis sent... I moved to the brown-haired slender fellow with rimless glasses... Justin. We shook hands...

"Your Ladyship... Welcome!"

Smiling, turning to the room... "Gentlemen... here informally I am Fay."

Smiles... Justin held a chair at the end of the table. Before I sat introduced Gil and Chelle, their roles briefly explained.

I looked around at the men... all older than me... one maybe twice my age.

I asked Justin if there had been any problems with the past executives departure... I got the distinct impression there was no love lost on those fellows.

"Not at all. Francis sat with us..." his hand gesture to his colleagues, "...We got how you felt about the direction of the company. Many of us had been fighting our bosses saying the cost-cutting was undermining any chance for growth."

"You have just made the point Cho and I came to two years ago prior to buying another company. You cannot starve your way to profitability! It is simply not possible. So many companies go that way... they end up dying or becoming a buyout case like Gannett.

We moved quickly after your second quarter earnings report so no more damage was done.

Now we will go the other way. I can say we got the company for less than we originally thought... that difference plus much more is going to be invested in renewal.

In a short while we are going to on the building-wide video link... I will tell the employees what will happen for the company and them personally. You will get the same benefits just as the entire staff.

The people in the trenches around the world will also get the same benefits. They will hear it from me in an email that is being readied now that we have the whole list of Gannett's people.

Gil said she was ready.

"For you... I want to introduce Reginé..." Her face on the big screen opposite to me, everybody turned that way.

"Reginé these are the top managers of Gannett..." Reginé smiling said hello.

The room replied with one.

I asked Reginé to explain her position and her team's goals. The Gannett people got that social media would be in play for various projects. Pushing the product was one part, it would be used to enlighten and recruit.

I asked the HR vice-president to stand for Reginé to see him. He heard from me we would be hiring to make up for past cuts and expansion of coverage. Interestingly he was the only top manager who we did not fire.

Regine's people would support his effort to find and hire good staff. She would have a team in the offices the day after tomorrow to work with him and the other departments.

After Reginé was out we worked our way through many topics then onto the video link... the employees had been informed of the time of the internal broadcast. It would be on the TV's and available on the building's intranet for every computer.

I stood for the camera with the men around the table behind me...

I greeted everybody introducing myself. I gave a brief tale of the takeover and the reasons why... I said there were many challenges ahead but we relished them...

"It is time for this company to surge forward... we are not going backward any further. We expect you to make your contribution to the renewal... hard work and dedication to helping Gannett prosper.

In return we will give you the tools to do your jobs and incentives to make your lives better.

From this day you will have a five percent salary increase... all of you..." I motioned to the men at the table. They looked shocked.

Noises outside the room...

"That's the start... there will be an entirely new healthcare plan... not to worry the new plan has no time before you are completely covered, there are no lifetime limits on care and any existing conditions are fully covered immediately. This will bring you all a comprehensive healthcare coverage plan well beyond where the national insurance goes."

There were noises behind me and sounds outside the room. Gil grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"The co-pay is only twenty dollars for any kind of visit. There will be a clinic built inside this building complex for you and your families to use. Fully qualified doctors and nurses will staff it to do any basic care you might require from immunisations to colds... allergies to simple fractures.

A canteen will be built here serving food during the day, hot and fresh at very affordable prices."

More noises outside the room...

"Two more subjects... If you have any legitimate school loans outstanding we will pay them... all you need do is produce your documentation and that debt will be erased."

Noises behind me and louder outside again... much louder.

"If you want to complete a degree... any BA or BS or Associates degree will will pay for you. If you are working towards an advanced degree... if it is for something to support your work for us we will pay... if it isn't we will listen to what it is and likely pay some."

There were many more sounds from the building... It sounded like cheering! A few of the men behind me had done fist bumps.

I turned to smile at them.

"The last item is our Rest and Relaxation scheme... We have places around the world you can sign up to stay at... hotels in Paris, New York, Bangkok, Los Angeles, Seattle, a beach place in Normandy France, houses in multiple places in England and Scotland with more coming.

This is low cost to you at each locations. Any costs are fully explained... NO hidden charges of any kind.

Our Cho-Fay Air will carry you to those destinations for free... you go online, look through the locations, request days at a site, get a booking then find out the nearest Cho-Fay Air departure airport, go to the plane.

If you want to go somewhere but not stay with us you can still get a free flight.

You will all receive a brochure with the online information and procedures. The scheme is already being used by thousands... Cho and I went to the Normandy beach cottages the day before yesterday... we didn't get to meet many people... they were all a hundred metres away at the beach having fun."

There was laughter behind me...

My husband and I will be here periodically... we have business in D.C. and a home in Upperville. I will try to come by to each of you in the near future... until then welcome to the NewsGroup... the most dynamic newspaper company ever!"

I waved to them and I was out.

The men in the room were standing and clapping. I sat... Chelle brought me a cup of coffee. A big smile in thanks.

Comments from the room were between amazing and more amazing we could do these things. I gave them the old saw' we spend money to make money and they got the New York Daily News story. Heads nodding.

"When we have taken over a newspaper we put an emphasis on the employees... get them motivated... challenge them to do their best work... pay them fairly and provide support for them and their families... what we get in return is a huge jump in productivity... a positive outlook!"

Smiling at them, "I still want you to look for savings... efficiencies, reduce wasted time and money but not using meat cleavers. Common sense should prevail. Avoid being `Penny-wise and £ foolish' please."

They laughed.

"Staff reductions can only occur with my signing off on it. I'm not trying to micro-manage but make the point that should be a last resort which I expect you to avoid."

I leaned forward, "The NewsGroup now owns over twelve hundred newspapers and magazines... we intend to use that size to our advantage... in purchasing goods and services. We have the muscle to flex!"

Smiles around the table.

I sat back in the chair. I said Cho and I would try to visit all the principal newspapers before the end of the year. Today I was going to my first but hardly anywhere near the top... but the oldest... the Chillicothe Gazette.

Questioning looks... I said I wanted to visit someone in Chillicothe so two birds... Smiles.

I was going to get on with other things I planned... I would to speak to each of them personally when I could.

I asked them all to gather around... I shook everyone's hand saying they needed to be the leaders that the past managers weren't. Smiles and firm handshakes.

I was beside Justin... I asked him to come with me...

I wished to speak with the HR fellow, Conrad. We sat in his office opposite him in some chairs. I told him I knew he had opposed the many cost-cutting measures involving personnel which is why we kept him on.

"In that conference room... no women of any senior rank... " He looked pained, "... I am now giving you a direct order... No man can be hired or promoted unless he has credentials for the position which make him supremely... in fact uniquely qualified. Any qualified woman will be chosen first... absolutely.

I walked into that room... I was PO'd. If it was the policy of the past managers to ignore women it is over! More than fifty percent of population want to work, they are smart, talented and driven just like men."

He'd been nodding, " Your Ladyship..." I looked in his eyes... "Fay... I'm not going to hide behind any of the past policies... I am very willing to follow your directions. I do have more women than any other department... I have always found them to be exceptional at HR work.

I will set them loose!"

I laughed, "Good! I'll look forward to new faces here."

Justin smiling as we stood up.

Chelle, her iPhone in hand, "Fay, there's a growing group of news folks downstairs wanting some time."

"Tell... " I turned to Conrad the HR manager... "The PR person, Wilton?"

"Wilton... Will... I'll get him for you."

He dialled, Conrad said Fay wanted to talk to him... He handed me the receiver, "Will, please let the press downstairs know I can give them a short while. Not very long. Thank you... Please make sure there's someone from USAToday in there."

Justin with a smile for the last.

I shook Conrad's hand with a thank you.

In Justin's office... "Are you moving to the CEO's office?"

A smile, "I did not want to jump the gun."

"You are `the man' as the saying goes."

We laughed.

"I will shift myself. I would like to make an observation..."

I motioned him on.

"When it comes time to look for people to replace those of us who have been moved up I don't think the level where I and my colleagues were should be maintained. It is a needless level of bureaucracy. It was done to reduce the number of people who reported to the top level."

I smiles, "Cho and I think so too. Based on the information we have... "a cute grin, "... I can say we are not looking for anyone to replace you all."

Justin staring... "You mean..."

"Yes, at this point we want you all to stay in your new roles."

His head shaking, "Is Francis coming back? I want to congratulate him... he really knows how to do research."

"It is his value to us! There is also a team in New York we call the `Sharks' whose remit is to find things out for us.

An example for you besides your own experience with us here... We recently bought the Western Newspapers chain based in Seattle."

Justin's head nodding... he said he heard about it.

"The Sharks found the chain was in trouble... so we bought it. We will resuscitate the company turning it into a regional powerhouse."

"Well you have a gift for making newspapers relevant again. What you did in Seattle is flat astounding!"

"The editor-in-chief and publisher is... was Aston. He is now the CEO for the Western Newspapers. He came from the New York Daily News. They dismantled the Seattle Times... a newspaper out of touch with the city.

We think there are many people... even younger ones who want to read not just have something read to them. TV, the web, radio don't give you the chance to consider the news... they throw it at you at small indigestible bits so they can have more advertising time.

Cho and I may be a bit off the beaten track... we don't do any social media... we don't seek any unnecessary news media attention... even by our own companies."

Justin leaning forward, "The previous management had no clue you were coming for Gannett... it's unlikely they could have done anything about it any way... they didn't have the experience and held no equity in the company.

I don't either... I'm just a hired manager."

"That could change... for now we hold the controlling interest but it is still a publically traded stock..." I laughed, "... it is now almost six times what we paid and rising... folks appear to want to get on the bandwagon... which is good for our value in the company."

I raised my hand, "This is not to leave this room... We are considering... just that for now... taking the company private... then sell two new classes of stock... voting and non-voting. That is something which won't have an effect on your managing the company.

We would not lower our controlling interest."

I stood up, we shook hands, "So going forward... you and the others have our mandate in hand, tell them... so go forth!"

I waved my hand.

Justin laughed... a salute, "Will do! We will be happy to get the company moving forward... it was painful to watch it being run down."

Outside Justin's office was Trimble, Trim, the new head of operations. He escorted me down to the lobby. Justin with us. In the lift I introduced PJ... he introduced Tara, Ken and Angie. Trim said he was glad to have Gilbert and his folks around.

"Fay... they are very professional. A nice change from the previous company which was sloppy and often disorganized."

I shook Trim's hand, "The Security Service is a credit to the hard work of all the members."

Justin, Trim and me and my crowd crossed over the connecting plaza to the other building to meet the publisher and editor-in-chief of USAToday. Justin did the introductions.

I said I was sorry not to have more time today... I would be back. I asked them to send to Justin a wish list graded by very important to pie-in-the-sky. They all laughed.

"I can't say what you might get but Justin knows we are ready to spend money to get all the newspapers moving forward."

Good handshakes and smiles!

I went into the the main USAToday newsroom... someone saw my group... they sent up a cheer which was multiplied across the room... clapping... smiling faces!

PJ grinning held a chair... I stepped onto a desk with a hand up by Justin... I welcomed them all to the NewsGroup.

"Cho and I are believers in print journalism... it is an essential part of a thriving democracy. You all with the rest of the NewsGroup are one pillar of our owned media... we want to give to the readers a fair and honest view of the events of our times.

While we might editorially take positions about those events our news reporting won't."

I mentioned we would be investing in new hardware and software but more importantly in them.

"Without you..." my hand sweeping around... "... doing your work at the highest level the public would be left in the dark."

I thanked them for all their efforts and cheered them on.

The clapping was deafening in the room. I stepped down waving goodbye.

Justin's smile was huge... as we walked back to the lobby of the headquarters building he said I seemed to be part cheerleader and part hardnosed businesswoman.

Smiling I thanked him and said he was close.

Will, the PR guy, was waiting, he had herded the press to one side by the big windows that looked out over the lawn and pond. The AW139 shining parked on the grass.

"Fay, they have been told your meeting with them will be short."

I thanked him.

Local newspapers and TV, our Fox station from D.C. Piper, The Day in Seattle and Los Angeles' Washington, D.C. shared reporter.

I stepped to shake her hand... a monster smile on her face! I did the same for the Fox TV woman reporter and the USAToday reporter.

I stood in front of them... my pale grey Mirabelle suit, three quarter length sleeves, no blouse just several silver chains in the neckline of the jacket, the miniskirt, black stockings and heels. Silver loop earrings. `Joy' although TV still didn't do scents.

I said I needed to go to Ohio so this would be brief. They asked why we bought Gannett... what changes... who was in charge... and more. I answered them giving as much information I felt necessary.

Gil came up... I thanked the press and waved goodbye. I shook Will's hand by the door thanking him for helping to deal with the news folks.

He was smiling, "You handled them superbly."

I laughed. Firm handshake. I said my goodbyes to Justin and Trim.

The AW139 was warmed up... Alexi lifted us up right away, a short hop to Rossen's Dulles location and the Gulfstream. Paulette ready... we got into the taxi queue. Paulette said it was thirty minutes or so to wheels down at Ross County Airport.

Gil's next contribution was the car trip to downtown Chillicothe... fifteen minutes. The staff of the Gazette had been told and were all to be in the office. Okay.

We were all glad to sit down for a brief rest. Gil with a hand up... email from Lordsburg...

The fire suppressing foam shot from a helicopter worked! There were some limitations... in high winds extra caution was needed to start spraying. The downdraft from the helicopter rotors helped push it down.

Tests on airplane dropping were starting... Simon's email said the New Mexico state folks' planes were at Lordsburg Airport with our people preparing.


I called Cho... they were crossing over the Atlantic coast. My visit was discussed... Cho said I always did the right things for the right reasons... and a few of my own reasons. We laughed.

"You have a great touch with people of all sorts... I'm sad there were no ranking women... that is so damaging to any company... if women don't see a path they'll leave. The company is the loser."

So true... I was so proud our companies were bending over backward to give women the chance to succeed. Our results showed it certainly wasn't hurting us!!!! Quite the opposite.

Ross County Airport... a very basic aerodrome! It was good we didn't fuel! Paulette said we were good without any local help.

Gil, Chelle, PJ and Gaby with me.

Okay... cars to `downtown' Chillicothe. We passed the Hopewell Mounds to our left.

I asked our driver about the Hopewell Mounds. He didn't know very much... he did say there were state parks protecting most of the existing mounds. My companions looking questions... I told them the little I knew about the Hopewell people and their time in the region plus the wider trading societies they connected with stretching well north and east, west and southward. Their time as separate identifiable societies ending around 500 CE.

Strange mounds in clusters... My understanding was they'd been a peaceable people into commerce.

On the Yoctahgee Parkway... I asked... the driver said it was the local Native American name for paint. Paint, a local business!

On Walnut Street... a left on Main Street. The Chillicothe Gazette offices in an older semi-historic building that is a reproduction of the first Ohio State House from when the city had been the state capitol.

I told my crowd as we approached it was the oldest newspaper west of the Allegany Mountains and second oldest in America... a long history... having started in 1800. We already owned the oldest continuously printed newspaper in America the Hartford Courant, it is part of the Tribune Corporation.

On the steps to the stone building we met the staff. Gannett had sold this their home building since 1941 the year previously. I shook their hands. They were excited to meet me...

I said we were going to buy back the building... they would continue to have part and we would lease offices to other businesses. They liked the idea of the history going forward.

Inside their newsroom... it was a simple affair. They did not have a printing press... the papers were printed at a regional facility and brought to Chillicothe.

The editor said they would have me on the front page. I did several pictures with the staff of four taken by Gil.

I was thanked for the Chillicothe Gazette being my first stop as the owner of Gannett. Gil had printed copies of my letter to all employees outlining where we would go and how we planned to make it happen. It included the details of the new benefits... they did a quick scan seeing a sub-heading `Benefits.'

They were shocked and delighted with what they would be getting. I did say there was no small print... they would have to work hard with us to repair the damage of years of neglect.

I told them I wanted them to expand the area they covered... they would get our support to do that plus help to increase their advertising.

They were up for it! A few selfies... I did handshakes and a hug. I waved from the car door.

West on Main Street then a turn onto Carlisle Place, it worked its way uphill... a big bend to the right onto West Fifth Street. A nice sized old frame house three floors, white.

We walked up onto the big wide wrap-around porch... at the screen door I pressed the doorbell...

A blonde woman, about twenty five, slim, in jeans and a crop top came from the right.

I said hello... "I'm looking for Carrie..." I going to say my name but it was obvious I didn't need to.

"Oh my... " She turned to yell... "Mom come out right away!"

She opened the door for us. A voice from the right... "Cammie what is it?"

"Mom come out!"

I said there wasn't a hurry. I got PJ, Gil and Gaby to stand beside me on the edge of the living room... nicely furnished, comfortable looking. Two big windows showed a view out across a wide valley to wooded hills beyond.

Carrie came out drying her hands on a towel. She saw us and stopped... we could see it suddenly hit her... I stepped to her with my hand out. We shook.

"Oh my... where have you sprung from?"

Smiling I said I was visiting the Chillicothe Gazette since one of our companies now owned it.

Shaking her head... "I never did get your name or how to contact you until Colonel Ba gave me the email address of Gil."

Gil smiled with her hand out... "I'm Gil."

"I'm sorry that day in Ho Chi Minh City was quite nerve-wracking... my recollection is scrambled."

Introduced PJ and Gaby with the roles they played. She thanked them, handshakes. Chelle was introduced.

"How is your mother? Better I hope?"

A smile, "Yes. She's on the mend. I was making a tea tray for her."

I said I'd help her... `No... No...'

Carrie turned to her daughter... "I'm sorry this is Cammie my daughter, Camellia."

I shook Cammie's hand... she was quiet.

I kidded her gently... "I'm really here... no apparition."

She smiled, "Miss Martin... you have to be the most famous person to ever come to Chillicothe. Would you be upset if I asked my best friend over to meet you?"

"No... go on... I'm going up to meet your grandmother."

In the kitchen Carrie said she had it ready... I took the plate of biscuits she had balanced on the end of the tray... "Lead on."

A laugh, "Okay."

We walked up the handsome wood stairs... well cared for, lovely colours in the wood.

A turn into a bedroom... nice older style furniture, a double bed with a white-haired woman on one side. A plie of books and magazines beside her.

"Mother... we have a guest... this is Fay Mar... " that was far she got...

"MARTIN! Oh my!"

`Oh my' was obviously a popular family phrase.

She pulled out a glossy magazine.. my face plastered on the cover.

She laughed, "This is Cammie's contribution to my reading in bed."

I extended my free hand...a strong grip. She said her name was Lily.

"I'm glad you are feeling better."

She laughed, "You came all the way to Chillicothe to ask about my health..."

Laughing, "Well no but I did come to see your daughter. We met something over a year ago in Vietnam..."

"You are the one who helped Carrie?"

"Actually two people who are my bodyguards did the work."

"Did you really come to see Carrie?"

"I stopped at the Gazette... we own it now through their parent company. This is a two-for-one stop. I'm on way to Phoenix to see friends and their new-born."

"You two go down and have a talk... I'm fine now with my tea."

I said it was nice to meet her and see her better. Another firm handshake.

Downstairs we sat in the living room... Cammie got drinks for my four... Carrie brought me a glass of iced fizzy water.

Carrie asked questions about the Vietnam incident... she got we were waiting Colonel Ba to come pick us up. Gaby had done a bit more than PJ requested by bashing the young man into the wall... Gaby laughing saying it was her rugby playing while in the French Army.

Carrie said Colonel Ba's speaking on her behalf galvanised the police to be attentive and helpful.

"My day was messed up but it came out Okay in the end. I flew out two days later on schedule."

I asked about the Can Tho library... She had visited it touring area where her father had served... he was a U.S. Army helicopter pilot. He was shot down rescuing wounded men... another pilot risked his ship coming to get them all out but her dad died in hospital.

"I wasn't born yet... two months to go... it was a bad blow to mom... she did a good job raising me. Fortunately our family had resources so we've had a good life. I'm married, we all live here. It's an old family home from just before the Civil War."

I said I liked that it seemed comfortable from first look. A big smile!

Cammie jumped up to the door before the doorbell was rung. A brown-hair in a bob like mine young woman about Cammie's age, I was introduced to Hadley.

"This is amazing... you here! I thought Cammie was gaming me."

I shook her hand, "Do I feel substantial enough to prove I'm here?"

Hadley laughed, "Yes you're here. Why come to this small town?"

Carrie said "Poo!"

I laughed, "Business and... " I motioned to Carrie, "...meet someone again."

Hadley looked at Carrie who smiled.

"Where did you meet?"

Carrie said on her trip to Vietnam. Hadley knew about the trip but not Carrie meeting me.

Carrie said we'd met on a street in Ho Chi Mind City... we helped her through an incident.

Carrie asked why I was in Vietnam.

"I was there to go over details of a project with Colonel Ba. We..." I waved my hand to my folks, "... had gone to a little café on the waterfront for Vietnamese coffee. We had our meeting after your problem was taken care of.

Colonel Ba told the police he was going to be following up so they'd better be on their best behaviour. He told me months later the district police commander had taken a personal interest after speaking with Colonel Ba.

Ba has influence... he has a very senior and important position in the Vietnamese Ministry of Defence. I saw him a few months ago in Hanoi."

Carrie asked how I got here.

Kidding... I said we drove... her head jerked back... I added from the Ross County Airport.

She laughed, "That is pretty small place..."

I shrugged, "My chariot is a Gulfstream... a small jet."


I remarked that Main Street was U.S. Route 50 which goes nearby our house in Upperville , Virginia.

Carrie said '50' is no longer an important road... in the past it had been part of a major route to the west from colonial times and especially so in the early years of the United States.

Hadley asked about my clothes... She seemed to have an interest.

I explained about Mirabelle... Hadley asked if she could run across the road to get something to show me... I said it was fine.

Zoom... she was off.

Cammie said Hadley had been designing clothes since junior high school... she even went to a design school but for family reasons she'd come back a few years ago.

In a matter minutes Hadley ran up on the porch... Cammie smiling opened the door before Hadley crashed into it.

A folio... Carrie smiling, "Hadley, open it on the dining room table."

Hadley went in there... I followed. The folio open... it was full of designs for dresses, trousers, shorts, blouses, suits and more. Some quite good looking things with nice clean lines. Good colours and patterns. Nothing froufrou or overdone!

I flipped through... Hadley watching me... I asked if I could pull things out... `Oh yes!'

I drew out a dozen...a mix... mostly frocks and suits...

"Do you have digital copies of these?"

She didn't. I looked around... the light was good. I asked Chelle to take snaps of the twelve. I said for her to work with Hadley so she feels they represent her drawings.

Cammie had gone into the dining room so it was Carrie, Gil and I. PJ and Gaby were outside on the porch looking south over the verdant valley.

"Hadley has talent... Chelle is getting some snaps so I can show them around... Maybe Mirabelle or others. We started a school near our Oxfordshire home... it has classes in subjects most universities do not cover... one is clothes design... we have London designers come down to teach... one of the first students got a job right from the class teacher. She's working in London on the designer's line of clothes."

Carrie thought that marvellous.

Gil looked up handing me her iPhone... a text message from Gregory... `The C*******'s were coming over to ride tomorrow.' Gregory was ready. He would have Iris for their babies to touch and get to know a horse.

I smiled with that idea... babies and small horses.

Carrie looked the question.

I said George C****** and his family were going to ride horses at our Oxfordshire house. They lived down the Thames River about twenty miles, they didn't have a stables.

Carrie said he was a dish! We all laughed.

Footsteps on the porch... Carrie's husband, Michael. We shook hands.

PJ and Gaby had come in at the footsteps. All was well so they went back out.

I explained to Michael... big eyes.

Carrie told him I was the woman in Vietnam. He was amazed I'd be in town. I said I had to leave soon but I was enjoying meeting their family.

Carrie told Michael of Lily's reaction to seeing me. She'd just read about me in Cammie's magazine. He was laughing at a seventy four year old woman reading a glossy celebrity picture magazine.


Chelle came in, "We have all twelve done to Hadley's satisfaction. So who?"

As an aside to me she had added Hadley's address and digital contacts to her iPhone.

I said Coral and Raphaela, Adrienne and Calista. Ralph after I call him. I'd add Anna but I will contact her myself before you send them."

I explained to Hadley who all the people were. Anna I said was a question mark... she's not a designer she's a fashion magazine editor.

Hadley's eyes on me... "Do you mean Anna W******?"

"Yes... we have some mutual business things going on."

"Wow! I love Vogue... I have a subscription... Cammie gets mine after I've gone through it many times. Your cover was out of this world. The pictures... just spectacular!! Vogue really likes you."

"They just finished a shoot with Mirabelle suits and Gigi at our offices in Mid-town New York. I don't know when it'll be in the magazine."

"You have connections..."

"Not that many... the big European fashion houses and I don't have any relationships. I buy what I like... I promote Mirabelle since I'm a partner. I'm friends with Ralph Lauren... we do shop in his stores. He's good with colour and clean shapes. The Twins like his clothes... Chani has had a few `sprees' in Ralph's stores."

Hadley shaking her head... she still wondered why I had come here which is so out of the way...

"I need to go... Carrie will fill in the details. I will let you know what feedback I get from your designs... Chelle will be in touch."

Hugs and handshakes for them. I waved before stepping into the car.

On the way to the airport Kent called.

"Fay, Reuters is reporting the Belarus Army has taken control of the country after their KGB and police fired on the people demonstrating for an end to the dictatorship... killing nine or more! They are saying Lukashenko has been arrested and the Belarus KGB HQ in Minsk is under Army jurisdiction now and KGB members are being rounded up across the country.

The Russians have moved armed units towards the border. Not army but the police and FSB border guards which had gone forward until Hillary's warning."

I said I was getting on an aircraft... I'd call him when we were airborne.

I rang him back, "Kent, anything new?"

A laugh, "Oh yes! The Belarus army is stripping its units from their Polish, Lithuanian and Ukrainian boundaries... sending them to the Russian border areas. They are leaving only the local gendarmes and some military police to patrol.

The Russians are continuing to move police and FSB units towards Belarus... There is some movement by Russian army forces... Reuters is saying none of it appeared to be towards Belarus.

The whopper is the Belarus Army has asked NATO for assistance... No word on what NATO will do. Their joint military exercises in Poland are coming to an end...

It's a wide open game right now."

I thanked Kent... he'd keep us up on things.

I called Cho... he said he would call Kent himself shortly. We were going to ring off...

Gil jumped up... calling out... she was on at Reuters... they were reporting American Army units had crossed the Belarus border heading towards Minsk. A huge armoured column and hundreds of helicopters overhead... Reuters is saying the United States had been `invited' by the Belarus Army to assist them.

The BBC and others confirming those reports.

There were further reports of Lithuanian troops have closing their border around Kaliningrad as have the Poles. NATO allies warships have closed the port there.

"Cho, it's a flood!"

Kent called me... I had him switch to the Conference App... Cho joined us.

Kent told us, "NATO Headquarters in Brussels says Belarus has asked for assistance in protecting its eastern borders from Russian attacks. NATO units are inside Belarus to back up their army against any aggression by the Russians.

NATO has announced a no-fly zone over Belarus that is under control of member air force elements.

The Pentagon just announced the U.S. Air Force is now flying air superiority missions over Belarus. All civil aircraft have been warned away!

Estonia and Latvia are on full alert sending strong military units to their individual borders with Russia. Finland has placed their armed forces on alert! As have Sweden.

Fay... Cho... Ukraine has announced it going to re-occupy its territory in the southeast where the Russian backed separatists have tried to declare themselves independent... all the Russians are going to leave...

The Ukrainian government announced Russian oriented separatist citizens of eastern Ukraine have to turn in their weapons in their village, town or city main square... possessing any automatic or military weapons after the end of the week will be cause for an immediate arrest.

Ukraine has further announced all Russian military forces are voluntarily leaving the Crimean Peninsula. They say in one week all will have departed."

No word from Moscow about this!!

Cho and I looking at each other on our screens... We muted Kent...

"Cho... I think Hillary has started this as part of the action against putin. He's a megalomaniac so he'll try to lash out... I think she's set it up for the Russian Army to remove him. The Belarus people demonstrating for the removal of their dictator is the flashpoint needed."

A smile, "We've played our part behind the scenes!"

I blew him a kiss.

We were back on with Kent... he had nothing new... since we were both in the air to Phoenix... he and his PA would feed us news as it came in via text and email. We thanked him.

I was going to get up for coffee... Lis smiling placed a cup beside my chair. I thanked her... she said a snack was coming. Thumbs up!

Gil across from me, "Fay, if the Russian Army takes over..."

"They know their limits far better than putin who seems to have been kept in a sort of information bubble by his sycophants. They aren't going to act against Belarus... certainly not since NATO has made its move."

Paulette gave us a thirty minute warning for landing at Phoenix Sky Harbour Airport.

One of Kent's assistants called... the U.S. Army forward units have stopped east of Minsk near the small city of Barysaw. A press release said they are going to build an advance base northwest of Mogilev further to the east on the road to Smolensk.

The Pentagon announced the full 1st Armoured Division will be in place in a few days. The Air Cavalry Division is setting up north of Barysaw west of Vitebsk.

The British Ministry of Defence says two armoured infantry brigades and an armour brigade will be east of Minsk near Mogilev by the end of tomorrow.

The French 1re Division Blindée plus two battalions of armoured infantry were to be based to the northwest of Homiel. Their forward elements are arriving there now.

Various other units to be positioned around Belarus to support the advanced NATO forces and the Belarus Army.

Ukraine has offered two non-public airfields to NATO for their over-watch flights above Belarus, they are both northwest of Kyiv. A U.S. Air Force press officer has said several units will operate from the Antonov airfield.

I thanked her for the information.

Paulette had us on the ground... we taxied to the aviation support company south the terminal buildings. The 767 was already there with a group of cars nearby.

The heat shimmering off the concrete!!

We walked to the 767... the heat bouncing off the tarmac... Wow! Incredible hotness!!

Cho, the Twins with the other staff descended to get hugs and kisses.

The drive to Tom and Rox was twenty minutes. Air-conditioning!!!

I leaned on Cho's shoulder...

"The speed at which the NATO forces moved... I think this was all planned... the Belarus Army was likely given a green light by Washington. Who knows what the Russian army has been told."

Cho smiled... nodding, "It has all happened so quickly and seamlessly."

We turned onto a ruler straight road aimed at some rocky knolls in the distance... Their house at the end of road backed up against the South Mountain Park, the hills rising to the rear. Twenty eight acres gave them space away from other people!

Tom and Rox at their door... hugs and kisses!!

Rox was looking especially beautiful.

"Oh Fay I feel great. TJ is a good nurser and sleeps so well."

They decided for now Tom Jr. would be TJ.

We got to meet the cutie. A sweet face... he got Rox's eyes! They were very much in love with him.

He was only five days old. Looking deadly already!

He was in his nursery... the whole house is air-conditioned. We met his nurse, she was nice, happy to be with their family.

On a table in the bedroom passage was big beautiful white floral arrangement... Rox squeezed me... "This is yours. What a gorgeous thing!!"

Tom said the Taittinger's was in the refrigerator waiting.

We got the house tour... five bedrooms, each ensuite. A big kitchen where their housekeeper was introduced. All the usual rooms off a central passage. A comfortable looking sitting room, a memorabilia room filled with trophies, golf clubs, balls, hats and assorted other golfing kit.

A four car covered parking space, behind that were two suites for staff. The housekeeper in one and the nurse in the other... she was temporarily using a room beside TJ's nursery.

We were in shorts and sport shirts... some of us sat outside protected from the sun by big umbrellas, others chose the shaded space next to the house. They had retractable awnings like the ones over the big glass doors to the terrace at our Greenwich Village place.

A play area off the terrace with a small slide, sandbox, see-saw and monkey bars, a cute brightly painted wooden fence around it. The pool was big enough for laps, the fence to the outside was high and solid, towards the house it was lower and open so you could see through. Little people couldn't get in!

An outdoor fire pit and BBQ, a big stone semi-circular seating place with thick cushions and lots of pillows, big comfy chairs facing it. A dining table completed the terrace. The whole estate is behind a tall solid fence.

I kidded Tom that there was no grass. Laughing he said he sees plenty so none here was a nice change... `besides I have a huge sand trap!' Laughter.

They had some beautiful cacti, yuccas and other dry country plants. The only outside water use was the pool.

Tom popped the Taittinger's... three bottles? Gil grinning, "I knew we were coming so..."

Laughter!! We toasted TJ and Rox's success! And Tom's contribution!

We sat around enjoying being together. The Twins with Tha and Delphine went to the play area. I laughed to see their floppy hats appear... Tha always prepared!! An `air' fist bump for her.

Tom was happy his old buddy Dave won the British Open. There was head shaking when he found out Cho shot a 52 on the Ailsa course at Turnberry.

Cho told him what I'd said about playing against himself but it would never matter.

Tom laughed, "There's the reason you do so well that I learned... to hell with everything except the next shot."

They did a fist bump. Taittinger's toast!

I had a bit of fun information from Taittinger's... their sales were up seventeen and a quarter percent in America since our sponsorship deal with them. We were getting the credit!

Our horses wearing Taittinger's blankets, our people in hats or jackets with their name... wandering around race tracks and barn areas across the country.

I went to the nursery with Rox... time for TJ to have a feed. The nurse got it all set... Rox in the rocking chair... TJ went on the nipple immediately. Terrific!! The nurse smiling saying how good he was.

The nurse pointed to the unlimited nappies equipment... a huge smile..."This so good. Much better than disposable ones!"

I sat beside Rox and TJ... he was working away. We were alone... I gave Rox a big cheesy grin saying I was envious. We laughed!

"You'll have your time after he no longer needs me."

A kiss. We talked about the Twins... I went to borrow Gil's iPad... Rox's face looking at the little blackbird... the blue Jay...

"Fay, they are great artists!"

"Tha and Delphine challenge them... it is so good!"

A kiss, "Your nurse speaks Spanish?"

Rox said yes... I asked about their other languages.

"Tom is a good Spanish speaker, I can manage to get someone to tell me where there is a bathroom... my French isn't half bad..."

"So talk to TJ in each language... start him hearing it. We spoke English, Thai and French to Chani and Charlie all the time, we read to them also. I think babies are susceptible... their brains take it in so when they are able to speak and remember consciously you've implanted the seeds."

Rox said they'd give it a try... it couldn't hurt!

TJ went right to sleep after his feeding. The nurse smiling... Rox suggested the language thing... their nurse was all for it. Great!

Could she sing to him in both languages?

Rox said a big `Yes!'

We had a wonderful dinner... their housekeeper was fine cook. Cool salads, grilled fish, a great fresh fruit salad!!

Tom asked about all the newspapers since it had been big news. They knew their Arizona Republic newspaper was owned by us now when they read the letter on the front page from me.

"No shit! What don't you own?"

Cho laughingly shrugged.

I told them about my visit earlier today in Chillicothe... the second oldest American newspaper being down to four people... the oldest in Hartford... the Courant... ploughing ahead doing Okay.

"We are going to have some fun with these newspapers... seeing them recover from the beating they took from the past Gannett management. The same for the Western Newspapers.

The Tribune ones are already moving ahead... more advertising space and new readers.

Leveraged buyouts like what acquired Gannett before us are a scandal... they should be banned. The buyers are allowed to use the target company's assets as collateral for loans to buy the target... it was nonsense. All that new debt `weighs' heavily on the newly acquired company.

So many failures... many lost jobs.

The idea that a private equity company can successfully manage a business has little support. They don't really don't how to operate the companies they buy... Far too often they just sell-off the assets once their piss-poor managing has nearly bankrupted the company."

Rox asked how our other newspapers were doing.

I gave them how we did a turn-around with the Daily News... then building The Day in Seattle and The Day in Los Angeles from the ground up... They took on old, tired newspapers that had lost their way.

The Baltimore Sun like the Chicago Tribune were showing increases in subscriptions and online use... The same in Norfolk... many others.

Our papers seeing a rise in payments from other newspapers for re-printing our copy because they are producing such good work.

Advertising space was up in every newspaper, more than half showing double digit gains. It takes people out looking fronting for a great newspaper!

All the energy being channelled into positive work!

"We are seeing profits to pay back our investments. The long term outlook is very good. In England our two papers in London are ahead of all the projections we made for them in a tough market."

I added that our news folks won six Pulitzer prizes including The Day in Seattle! In its first year won a Polk, Peabody and a Pulitzer!!

Tom was looking forward to playing in St. Louis at the PGA. Southern summer weather much different from Phoenix's... the heat here preparing him but without the humidity.

He was happy Cho and Charlie would be there for the last day.

We left for Los Angeles after many kisses and hugs. It was a short flight. Dali at Santa Monica to greet us. Straight to Venice.

Dolores at the lift to give us hugs!

The Twins yawning... to bed! Nicely tucked in with their buddies.

Cho and I took Jaidee out for a walk on the sand. Kara and Cal with one of Camilla's folks trailing along behind. Jaidee did his business... I cleaned up. We sat for a bit watching the surf in the twilight... Jaidee leaning on me... I put my arm around him... I could hear Cho chuckling at us.

Cho and I sat on an outside settee looking at an iPad... news from Europe... it was morning over in Russia and Belarus...

Fox News, BBC, Le Monde, AFP, Reuters and STT reports from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov, Vladivostok, Volgograd... several dozen other cities... said Russian Army troops were in the streets, hundreds of tanks rolling through with armoured personnel carriers. Droves of helicopters overhead.

Russian TV news telling the people it is a security matter that is ending... They are asked to please go about their lives normally.

Reuters and BBC reporting the FSB offices in all the cities were occupied by the army and that arrests were happening throughout the country. Among those arrested were people from putin's inner circle, a large number of the `oligarchs,' all the FSB leadership and many middle ranking officers plus the army generals who were especially close to putin. Ultra-rightwing members of the Duma were counted among those detained.

STT reporting Russian Army units in Finnish border areas being withdrawn also around the Baltic countries of Latvia and Estonia.

STT was reporting there had been a gunfight inside the FSB headquarters at Kuznetski Most in central Moscow at the beginning of the army takeover. They report several dozen FSB officers had a shootout with soldiers in the passageways of the building that ended in possibly a dozen soldiers being killed and more than four dozen FSB dead. After that event the army cracked down with greater force... apparently other FSB officers were shot when they resisted in any manner. The takeovers of other FSB buildings was done with maximum force that involved further deaths of FSB men.

The FSB in Volgograd tried to barricade themselves in a cellar of their offices... the army started to flood it... they surrendered rather than drown. Some tear gas was used in several places causing more surrenders since they had no protection against it.

We talked to Kent...

"Fay... Cho... We have unverified reports that putin is in a clinic in an eastern Moscow suburb... the clinic is for Russian government elites... there are confirmed reports and video showing it is surrounded by Russian Army units and no one is allowed near... everyone being kept back hundreds of yards.

Reuters is reporting the FSB leaders and other top echelon people who have been arrested are being moved to a military prison east of Tula. It is inside an army base under strict entry controls.

Verifying any of this will be difficult... simply because the locations are off-limits.

I will say our reporters and other western press are not being harassed or restricted by the Russian Army... like they want us to report it all."

I asked if there were anyone stepping forward as the face of these actions by the army?

"At this point all they have done is issue press releases... they are saying there will be a news conference at six PM Moscow time... that's seven AM for you."

We thanked Kent... he said anything big comes up he'd be in touch. He wasn't going home tonight!

Bed time for us. Some kissing and smiling about how the world was moving in interesting ways.

Jaidee, me, Angie and Soraya on the beach... the sun coming up behind us. We had a nice walk, Jaidee did his things. He didn't show any urge to dig... very nice!

Breakfast... French Toast!! Dolores doing a favourite food for our folks! Sarita helping so our crowd was well fed. The Twins gave them hugs in thanks. Cute!

Cho and I sat to see what the Russian press conference had to say. We got that it was being postponed... supposedly two hours.

On to other things!

The Rodeo Drive Mirabelle opening!

I choose a pink Mirabelle suit, single breasted jacket with the sticky nipple things on, the mini-skirt and orange St. Laurent heels, a group of gold necklaces in concentric loops in the jacket opening and `Joy' Clear lips and orange nails the same shade as my shoes. An orange box bag and blue sunglasses.

Chani was coming! A white cotton pinafore, a pink short-sleeved Polo shirt, white socks and Ralph Lauren red ballet shoes.

Our guys were heading up to the Bel-Air Country Club... Cho had a board meeting to attend, Charlie would be with Popa or looking around or doing some schooling. They'd stay for lunch. Tha going with them.

Gil, Chelle, Tara, Angie and Kara with me and Chani. Delphine smiling... she liked our openings.

The freeways were a mess... so we went Venice Boulevard into Culver City then north on La Cienega Boulevard to Wilshire Boulevard onto to Rodeo Drive. I had Alanna let us off at Brighton Way, we crossed to the `Collection' entryway.

I saw the Starbucks cart right away... tucked into the corner outside our shop. We approached... the barista was a slender black woman with short hair, cute face! I waved to her... she smiled her hands too busy to wave.

It was over an hour and half before we opened... she had three customers.

There were four women from our Security Service... in our white shirts, silver grey trousers and black half-boots uniforms.

I shook their hands thanking them for being here today.

`Amanda' the crew chief said there was a second shift coming in the afternoon.

They had a stand down by the entry to the "Collection' where they would be giving out numbers for the queue... up at the door there was an electronic number display showing the number range that could be inside. Ladies were checked to see if they qualified to enter.

At our door Mila was smiling, "Welcome Your Ladyship... we are ready!"

Her staff were all smiles, I shook hands... they did twirls to show off their Mirabelle outfits!

A very energized bunch! They loved me in the pink!!

They made over Chani!

I got a look around. It was as planned by Callie... nice display racks... maximizing the space. The displays letting the colours bounce out at you.

They had an iPad ready to go... a standing bag holder to go with it.

News people at the door! Mila invited them in. Fox TV, other Los Angeles TV stations, The Day and the Los Angeles Times. A USAToday reporter, it is a Gannett owned newspaper.

I spoke to them giving my usual bits of information.

"The clothes here came from our local manufacturing site. It is in southern East Los Angeles. The manager is Antonella. She would glad to do tours over there for you... it would be best if you could do it in groups so she isn't being dragged from her work too often."

I gave them her telephone number. I had already warned Antonella I was going to do this so she was ready to arrange visits. Certain days and times would be made available.

The press were encouraged to wander about.

I gave Rolly a hug... she was being The Day's `culture' reporter for now... Casita sent her here.

"I love your clothes... this pink is wonderful."

I said it was on the rack... pointing.

She laughed and went that way.

The USA Today reporter was a bit wary about me... I pointedly took her aside.

"I'm glad you are here. You all at USA Today and other Gannett newspapers have get used to me and my style... " I leaned closer... "... to start I do appreciate quality work and an honest effort."

I squeezed her arm with a smile. She smiled back.

"You like the clothes?"

"I do... the dresses and suits have terrific clean lines... the colours are awesome! No one else is doing clothes quite like you. And your price points are affordable!"

"Well... unfortunately there are already some knock-offs. We are waiting for someone to put Mirabelle on their garbage copies... we will land on them like a ton of bricks."

The smile still there... She gave me a look then laughed...

"They'd deserve it!"

We shook hands.

I stopped to speak to Signe from the Los Angeles Times. I said I was glad to see her here.

A slim blonde with great hair and very blue eyes!

"Your Ladyship... you are a major newsmaker... no way would I miss this. Mirabelle is making waves in fashion."

"Signe... are you English?" She said American, her family on both sides from Sweden about six generations ago.

"Here the UK aristocracy stuff doesn't matter." I stuck out my hand again... "... Fay."

A big smile, she thanked me.

We spoke about her work, the usual... I asked her what she thought about the competition between The Day and her paper.

"The Day is a tough fighter... those stories on that heat ray thing... a huge scoop... folks at mine moaning about it. We aren't contending as well as we might."

I gave Signe a smile... "Would you like to work for The Day?"

Big eyes... I said we don't have a dedicated fashion person... we need one.

"What fashion news that is printed is from other sources... ours sometimes but not our own local work. I want to change that. Do you have a contract?"

"No... just being part of the union contract... it's pretty skimpy."

"Well I'm asking but no pressure."

A considering look...

"If you are serious about a move here's what you do... finish anything you have in the pipeline... resign and go to The Day's offices in Venice. I will speak to everyone who matters... I'm sure they already know your work.

Marita is the publisher and editor-in-chief... I will call her shortly.

You will have to build the fashion department from nothing... It will involve travel since so much takes place outside of Los Angeles... they may ask you to cover other cultural stories until you develop enough strictly fashion material."

She shook her head, "I understand... building something sounds great! Other assignments is just fine with me."

"Okay... decide and finish out at the Times and go!"

A hug and a cheek kiss. I shooed her off to look around before the customers come in.

I motioned to Rolly... "I just recruited a fashion writer so you'll be off the hook."

She grinned, "Signe?" I nodded, "I like her, she writes well. I think Marita will be happy."

"I'm going into the office to call her now."

I moved into the office... Chani at the desk with her iPad... a kiss. Delphine smiling beside our child.

I parked in a chair... I dialled The Day...

Marita started to laugh... "Fay, thanks. I think a fashion writer will be a great addition."

"I mentioned to Signe she will have to travel to cover the fashion scene, it didn't bother her."

I told Marita what I had Signe doing before she shows up in Venice.

Marita she would have HR get things ready for Signe. Okay.

"Also we need to hook her up with Louise at the Daily News, Chloë at Fox and Henni in Seattle."

Marita said she'd make sure Casita did that.

I called Kent... He was excited... "Some big news items... a sort of stream of things making a whole... The Russians have said former' president putin is in a clinic after a nervous breakdown from the strain of the job. The former' is a major signal that the putin era is over.

The Russian Army said it moved to stop a group of putin's close advisors from taking advantage of the power vacuum for their personal gain... It sounds like they are going to play it like that so the ones they have arrested are seen as criminals.

The police and FSB units which had earlier gone towards the Belarus border have been ordered back to their barracks to stay. There is no significant military force within a hundred miles of the border.

Russian army troops have withdrawn from the northern Crimean area... they appear to be going towards the Kerch isthmus and Sevastopol. They are moving rapidly.

In the Donbas region Reuters and STT both say the Russians have completely moved out which is quite the surprise... almost like it was planned! They cleared out in slightly more than a day.

The Ukrainian army is slowly advancing... doing a lot of searching for weapons as they go forward. The Russian allied separatists don't seem to be resisting now that their Russian Army friends have disappeared."

"Kent, this sounds as if the Russian Army wants to make a new start... clearing away the putin detritus... reset relationships."

"I think you are right. The Ukrainian moves are especially indicative of that. They don't want sanctions or technology blockages to go on. Their military is totally dependent on Western computer chips and other electronics.

Without U.S. oil drilling technology they are unable to do much new exploration or extraction. For those technologies every road goes through Houston."

"The FSB is wrecked... that still leaves the GRU trying to do nasty things with malware... "

Kent agreed... adding it would cause a big cut in overseas actions by the Russians.

`One could hope' from me.

I said I'd call him back in a bit.

I went out front... Mila was ready to let in the ladies waiting... Our Security team was managing the queue keeping them away from the doors of the other stores. I got a quick look... the queue wound its way out of the `Collection' towards Rodeo Drive.

Amanda said Beverly Hills police were on the street keeping things clear.

The queue outside was behind a series of stanchions with small signs mounted on top saying they could get a free coffee or other drink at the Starbucks cart. It was working!

Okay... doors open! Mila welcomed the first customers... inside I shook hands thanking them for coming. Our sales people greeting customers showing them the clothes.

I stepped out to cross the open space to look back at the store... Tara beside me. A man approached me... she got my signal. Tara turned to face him... He said he was the `Collection' manager. We shook hands.

"Your Ladyship, you are putting on quite the show."

I asked... He said our people were controlling it wonderfully... the queue things were a great idea.

I also enquired about the Starbucks cart... "Well I was here briefly earlier I saw several people from the other stores in the line at the cart. I asked one... she said it beat walking a couple of blocks."

I smiled... "Well if it's popular... could you consider it as a permanent addition?"

We were looking closely... the young woman who had been alone wasn't any more... although it was still before noon several Starbucks folks had brought over more ice and cups with one staying to help.

The warm sun was being blocked by the umbrella over the cart, a green Starbucks one.

I said, "I don't know the specifics of the arrangement that brought the cart here... I'm sure something could be worked out. We are paying for the drinks as part of our promotion. The workers from other stores you saw earlier had to pay."

He would have to speak to the other shop proprietors... and the Collection owners.

I said the power and water could be run from our space... we could charge Starbucks separately if that helped.

He liked the idea and would work on it. I thanked him.

Inside I spoke to more customers... they loved our clothes! Sales were quite brisk. Mila with a pleased face. We moved to the office.

"Fay, sales are amazing! The suits are the top sales item... many with pants AND a skirt."

Fist bump! One for Chani!!

I wandered around some more speaking to ladies. They were very positive about the store. Our clothes seemed to be hitting the right `look' and price combination.

Behind the sales counter... looking around... the iPad was helping to reduce the crush here... the suits section was the most crowded... our sales ladies moving about talking, helping women in and out of the changing rooms, restocking.

A hug for Mila!

I gathered my folks... we worked our way out saying goodbyes to the store staff and customers. I had Chani in my arms... we were both waving. Outside I said thank you and goodbye to `Amanda.'

Alanna was at the corner waiting we climbed in. A late lunch.

In the car Gil showed me an email from Simon in Lordsburg... the dropping of the foam works. We can mix it then push the liquid into a tanker aircraft for application. They are working on how long it can stay in the tanker before it has to be used. So far it is good for two hours.

Gil did a reply thanking Simon and the crews.

I called Kent... Not much change...

"The Russian Army says it is in complete control of the government departments and the interior of the country. Russian TV is saying putin is being cared for by top doctors. He is safe and protected.

The anti-social elements in the old government who have been detained will be dealt with in short order.

Certainly no talk about democratic elections or reforms... mostly about achieving stability and preserving the peace."

"I don't see much chance for free and fair elections... Russian society hasn't managed the leap forward needed to properly commit to that idea."

"Fay, you've got it. Their army isn't equipped for running the country. They don't have the managerial talent or mind-set."

"No army is but that hasn't stopped many from giving it a try as a means of maintaining control. A good example is Myanmar. The generals don't have a clue. Thailand is not as bad as many but the generals there... many know they aren't doing the job properly.

Kent, here's something to work on... This a very deep backgrounder... okay?"

"I understand... this is for guidance only."

"Exactly... Cho and I with others are working get the Thai army out of politics. Their highest ranking general knows they are failing... he and I have spoken about it face-to-face... My father and the Foreign Minister are working behind the scenes with the Prince discussing it with his brother the King.

It is delicate... I think some contextual stories... if they are carefully done could help."

"Fay, I get you. I will send Yoshi to Bangkok."

"Tell him to speak first to General A-Wut... if you remember he was crucial in the changes to the southern provinces. He believes it is time for the army to withdraw. Tell Yoshi to use our names to get in to see A-Wut."

"I do remember the name... we can start there... going around the edges."

I thanked Kent for the Russian updates.

He did add all over Belarus... tons of video of the NATO forces were being welcomed by the people. They are seen as guarantors of freedom. Some amazing street scenes of NATO troops being hugged and kissed."

"Let's hope it stays that way!"

We rang off.

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