
By A becker

Published on Sep 12, 2005


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 8 < or My Bangkok Days 8 >

I fixed my face and hair again put the same clothes got some money from the drawer pulled out the laptop powered it up working fine different list of files last used someone at the hotel Ang looking around?

"Come baby I'm wanting food." Reyna had on a SHORT skirt so much leg skimpy top painted on with little paint.

"Are you going to eat or be eaten?

She smiled, "Well you are competition your looks will make us all have to work harder!"

I punched her shoulder got a mock ouch for that we went down the street hand in hand.

We strolled down the road it was a nice day a slight breeze from the river Reyna was giggling, "You see that man he fell off the steps looking at us."

"Us! You're the one with your ass hanging out."

She laughed, "I love to tease men then I get them in bed it is so wonderful."

The terrace out back at Junky's was empty we sat together ate our fill she had beer juice for me I took my pills.

"Have you ever been with Mr. Saul?"

"He is a shit he tried to beat me once I put my knee in his balls he has never come near me since."

"What is the story with him? Why is such a jerk? Where is he from? Jian said she saw his passport it was Russian."

"I do not know but he is shady a cheat. He never leaves tips for the girls says that Ang takes care of all that."

We sipped tea it was cool under the trees.

"Watch out for a Chinaman named Fung. He is nasty cheats the girls has a mean streak. He is not around much."

"What did you do before this?"

"Since my English is good I worked for an American company that setup telephone systems and other communications things."

"Here in Bangkok?"

"Yes and across the country. Ni worked for Cisco she knows how to program."

"We have something in common besides.." I kissed her cheek she was giggling.

"We should go back you are supposed to rest." She tickled me teasing me about not having much rest.

A man nearly getting run over blasting horns as he was mesmerized by Reyna's outfit punctuated our walk back to the apartment house.

We sat on Reyna's balcony looking out her lounge was big enough for us both cuddling we dozed for a while.

I went to my room to change slipped into my robe Jian stuck her head around the corner, "You want to work at the bar tonight? Lawan has overnight visitor."

"Sure I can mix drinks I have to be up in the morning to go to the rail yard. You want tea? Come up to Reyna's"

We made tea sitting all together on the lounge I brushed Reyna's hair, "Jian what did you do before?"

"I helped in contract office of government boring going over what they buy how they pay."

Reyna kissed me, "Let's all get on my bed."

She stripped off her robe me too Jian laughed, "Reyna you should fuck Fay she's very nice."

Reyna grabbed my pussyass steered me to kneeling on her bed Jian came around to my mouth they entered me together this was nice I felt so hot so fast. Reyna's big cock worked its way in opening my pussy Jian's smaller cock I slurped sucked enjoying it as I had for the first time only days ago. As we built up our heat I knew that this was what I liked being fucked.

The door opened Ni looked in, "Ni come in join us." Jian waved Ni over she put her cock in Ni's mouth while I didn't want to loose it Ni looked beautiful with Jian sticking out of her. Reyna's pace was increasing her cock moving around in me her hips bumping me those nice balls bouncing off my pussy cheeks she was really excited, "You are a great fuck Fay your pussy is tight but nice soft easy to use."

Aaahhh there I was a nice fuck again how had I gotten through life without hearing that before. Reyna's prick was engorging further she was near her thrusts faster shallow her grip tighter on my waist.

I watched Jian fuck Ni's mouth she was close too Ni was pointing to her pussy Jian changed places driving in. Ni's face showed her pleasure at being fucked from behind I leaned over kissed her shoulder she turned her head we kissed as Reyna pushed my head down into the mattress she was jabbing me hard, "Oh yes Fay cumming now."

She did too several big shots into me her hands opening and closing spasmodically on my waist.

"Oh Fay it was great, " she moaned over my back her lips near my left ear her lovely breasts pressed against me. She kissed my neck shoulder her slender arms around me holding tight. Jian was cumming in Ni's pussyass something in Thai that Ni smiled at was blurted out by Jian.

"Jian told Ni her cunt was fabulous," Reyna breathed into my ear.

We all gathered on the bed Ni and I on our backs our partners on top a big pile of girls with dicks we giggled laughed kissed touched.

Jian kissed me as we rested, "You and Ni should eat each others pussy." Ni smiled nodded we switched around she was on top her locked back cock and pussy above. We ate sucked the pussy juice was Jian's I loved it Ni's thin thighs were soft sleek I pried her pussy cheeks open licked her from top to bottom. We kept it up until Jian climbed over my head putting her cock in my mouth again Reyna did the same to Ni my fingers played with Ni's pussy I sucked cock.

Jian's balls were in my eyes she bounced up and down her penis slipping in so nice, "Fay you are my cock holder once more."

It was a job I wanted.

The four of us rearranged so Jian and Reyna were sitting Ni and I kneeling servicing their cocks I put my left arm around Ni's waist she did the same we would stop sucking to kiss exchange juices go back to the cocks.

They couldn't stay hard but I loved sucking on Jian's soft cock finally I just held it soaking it loving the taste. Reyna stopped Ni and she went to Reyna's balls for a while.

We all ended up back on the bed in a pile once more dozing caressing.

Ang came in he smiled petted us all he dropped his pants slid his erection into Reyna's mouth she sucked him, "Fay kneel here beside me."

I did he stroked my nipples, "You did well today Dr. Thannet said it was perfect. Go to That's he will lock you back then go to the club to work with Jian tonight." Jian and I went downstairs as Ang stuck his cock in Reyna's pussy his fingers busy on Ni's titties.

We took a shower together washing each other I sucked Jian briefly she was still tender from the sex, "Fay oohh do not do more it hurts so."

"It hurts so good?" I smiled wickedly up at her she slapped my face with her cock gently.

"Wear your black skirt with the white halter-top OK?"

I nodded got the clothes out took my pills put cream on my piercings fixed my hair makeup on straight bright red lipstick black skirt on my hips belly showing chain glinting in the light shimmering halter-top black heeled sandals Jasmine perfume paste on my wrists breasts behind my ears I was ready.

Jian took my hand her black pants were tight hugging those slender hips a white sleeveless blouse spike heels she was the knockout I had met Friday.

We walked to the club I went on to That's Jian went to work.

Old man That was ready for me he said something motioning me to remove my skirt I took it off slipped my black panties down he positioned me bent over a low table took my clitstick in his hand pulled it back there was a loud click his fingers were gone but my shriveled cock stayed back.

He said something else I didn't know then another voice, "He said that you are to be sure to wash under your penis everyday."

I looked over my shoulder a slender dark man smiled at me, "I am Tamal Mr. That's sisters son."

I was still bent over Tamal stroked me he was gentle I heard his zipper old Mr. That said something more as he left, "He said I was to enjoy you."

The cock on my pussy cheek was half hard he rubbed it up and down my crack patting me with it.

"I am going to use you."

He stepped around to my head when he presented the cock to my mouth I opened began sucking he took off my top pulling gently on my nipples. The erection came quickly he positioned himself entered my pussy fucking me hard fast driving in with firm strokes.

Tamal's cock was five inches or so slender he knew what to do with it moving his hips around sliding in at different angles building up a lot of friction I held onto the table as he picked up the pace faster harder he ploughed me his zipper scratched my pussy cheeks as he worked on me.

Finally I could feel his coming orgasm he blasted off in me three four times gripping my hips pinching the skin I remained bent as he took his time.

He stood away laughing, "Nice ass I want a rematch soon."

Whack whack his hand smashed on my pussy cheeks, "Some fine fuck Ang is a lucky man!"

I sat on the low table catching my breath Tamal stepped over put his cock head on my lips, "Open wide suck me!"

He rummaged around my mouth for a few minutes enjoying himself I sucked slurped he pulled it out slapped my face laughing, "Good bitch!"

He told me to put his prick away I zipped him up he turned at the door, "I will see you again."

Old man That came when the door banged he pointed to the other room I went in there he locked the door behind us He sat down pointed to his crotch I knelt opened his pants took out the small uncut cock. He moaned as the suction caught on no pre-cum I had to slurp it wet enough he leaned back I did the work for fifteen or twenty minutes before he showed any signs of cumming his hands on my neck set the pace faster I was just a warm wet hole now.

He came in several small batches my head was released but I stayed kneeling my mouth on him. He patted me urged me up I sat back on my haunches looking at him he smiled gave me the universal okay sign closed his pants and left.

I used the bathroom to clean up fix the damage dressing seeing no one.

My panties were now smooth below my sex mound the locking back was comfortable it didn't pull. My old sex was so flaccid it laid flat.

I went back to the high street walking to the club I was able to enjoy the sounds and smells of the neighborhood Bangkok had become festival for me changes eroticism tastes the bouquets of an oriental city.

My submission at every turn frightened me intrigued me excited me never before had sex been so important even being "fucked" by Tamal was thrilling in its own way.

The club was noisy many men western mostly watching dancers being cajoled by pretty bar girls drinking a lot I found Jian at the end of the bar talking to a red-headed fellow. He was speaking Oxford English khaki trousers gawd he had a tie on. Jian caught my eye motioned with her left had for me to come over.

"Ronnie this is Fay. Fay this is Ronnie from London he works for IBM."

Ronnie gave me a quick look then a longer one, "Hallo Fay you're a swell looker."

I gave him my sweetest smile saccharine he didn't notice he was babbling about a computer chip design to Jian, "You want a drink Fay?"

"Yes Jian whatever you say."

Jian went off Ronnie's face was reddening with the drink, "You live here in Bangkok?"

"Yes and no I'm doing some work for the railways."

Jian introduced me that way so I played it like I was just a customer Ronnie was on the road to drunk he had not a clue. He went on about the computer stuff my old self would have hung the words now.. I did catch something about new design to be manufactured in Thailand.

Jian brought my drink big with fruit all over, "Ang wants to see you." She pointed towards the stairs to the terrace.

"Nice to meet you Ronnie." He flashed a lopsided grin I walked up to the second floor roof area Ang was sitting with two men he came over to me, "Fay I want you to spent time with Ronnie downstairs get him to the booths in back take care of him OK for a few hours."

I nodded, "Ang will you drive me tomorrow morning?"

"Yes dear I will here at 8:30."

I kissed his cheek to bar seemed even louder Ronnie was getting another, "Want to move to a comfortable booth?"

Ronnie moved slowly I led to the same booth where it got started for me I slid in pulling him in after me. We sat close I lifted his arm around my shoulders he smelled good I rested my right hand on his left thigh gently squeezing. He seemed to come alive to the possibilities the right hand sliding along my thigh fingers were hot soft gliding upwards to the hem of my skirt under that going for the center. I nudged the wandering hand down a bit it came back was stopped then he brought in the left at the same time my nipple was stroked through my top the edge of my panties was reached both advances gaining strength.

I moved to divert him right hand lay over his left hanging bulge it twitched as I squeezed I held the length it was rising fast he buried his face in my neck sucking slurping I didn't want a hickey. His pants undone I reached in grabbed the thing from his boxers holding it up fat uncut lots of foreskin seven maybe eight inches I slid down over it a loud groan his body jerked up.

He was flowing with pre-cum I made a lot of sloppy sounds sucking him he was rock hard I got up on my knees now I could suck deep I was a piston cylinder taking that prick.

He wasn't going to last long I was ready he came hard but there was little cum several spasms he deflated fast it was like I was eating an old wallet flat soft. He lay over on his side in the booth he was out I used the back restroom cleaned up he was asleep quietly snoring. Jian laughed when I told her she came over we held each other giggling like kids, "He blew it all fast huh?"

"No Jian I blew it."

We broke up with more giggles he snored, "What now? Ang wanted me to keep him around for a while."

"Fay I do not think he is going any place. " She laughed.

"Well do we tie him up or what?"

"Go tell Ang I will keep an eye on him."

Ang looked at me. "Fay stay with him if he wakes up keep him."

The two men were gone Ang checked his watch, "several hours Fay."

He patted my ass pushing me toward the stairs.

"Ang who is Tamal?"

"He is That's nephew he does work for me. Why?"

I told him he put his hand inside my panties holding me a finger tugged at the rings, "You are beautiful do what you are told."

I found Ronnie snoring curled up on the seat of the booth with his cock out Jian slipped her arms around me she peeked at Ronnie past my shoulder, "He looks so funny do you want to put his cock away?"

"No I want him like this I need a camera."

Jian smacked my butt, "Come over to the bar we will check on him."

I saw Ni she was with a tall blond guy big hands all over her body they sat in one of the front booths. Jian made drinks I watched she had me do a few later after I checked on Ronnie he was out.

Ang was behind me his hands at my waist whispering, "Check on him I will be upstairs."

I nudged Ronnie he sputtered but slept on his cock had shrunk back inside the khakis I zipped him up mutterings then snores. Ang was in the far corner of the dim terrace I came up, "Fay I want you to suck me." I knelt opened the pants took hold of the warm soft tool he smiled down I could see the teeth sucking him I thought that here I was on my knees in front of a man I really liked for his sexuality and command of me as I pleasured his cock I found my own warming me inside. I felt my own orgasm not like any I had deep within.

Ang's cum jetted into my mouth four good loads I ate it all happily, "Fay go back to the booth take care of Ronnie."

What's with all this Ronnie was just another westerner why the treatment why keep him here? Jian served a couple in a booth I waited for her at the end of the bar, "I'm going to check on him."

She smiled Ronnie was snoring again low not bothering anyone Ni had moved to one of the back booths she was being fucked doggie very hard by the tall guy he was long as well.

Jian and I worked the end of the bar two Japanese businessmen sat on stools ordered scotch Kawabe and Hiro they put bahts on the bar left a nice tip the older one started talking to Jian Hiro looked over at me, "What is your name?"

Nice clear English. I told him he smiled, "Like the actress?"

"My hero is the short guy."

This Hiro laughed, "I love old movies."

I let him know I had to check on some one in the back, "You want to talk more?"

He did he laughed again when he saw Ronnie curled up, "Does he do this often?"

"First time today."

Hiro saw what the tall guy was doing, "Does that happen often?"

"Sometimes the spirit takes people."

I led him to another booth we sat together at the back, "Do you do those things?"

I let him know that I enjoyed sex not necessarily like so he was quiet we sat side by side he finished his drink, "Do you want another?"

He covered my hand with his, "Would you like to spend some time with me?"

I rested my cheek on his shoulder my left hand on his thigh squeezing slightly he shifted around towards me I kissed him he tasted like Dewar's and peppermint. We kept at it for a few minutes he began doing a bit of exploring I helped with the halter-top there was a low gasp when he touched my nipples I didn't know if it was him or me. Little pulling twisting mouths back in action belt undone pants open bikini briefs hard fat cock sticking out of the waist band cut nice bulb head very slick I wanted to eat it.

"Please let me undress you."

My skirt joined the top followed by panties Hiro held my crotch kissing me rubbing from sex mound to pussy his cock was like a piece of mahogany he lay me back pulled his shirt off. I opened my legs Hiro was on top of me tongues intertwined the cock centered on my pussy ankles over his shoulders he was passing the gate.

"Oh yes Hiro fuck me!"

He knew what to do in deep that fat prick spreading me, "You are very nice do we have time?"


"I do not want to hurry."

Oh what a sweet man I saw Jian over the tabletop she waved made an okay sign pointing to Ronnie, "We have time Hiro."

I pressed my pussy ass toward him that nice cock inside me.

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 9

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