Jim and Pete

By moc.liamtoh@tnuhkmhp

Published on Jun 14, 2004


Jim and Pete

Chapter 2

Jim lay there, happily enjoying Pete's warm embrace, he could never have imagined at the beginning of the day that this is how it would begin to end.

He sat up occasionally to sip his coffee, but most of the time he just lay there and allowed Pete to cuddle him. Pete lazily stroked the young man and enjoyed his weight resting on his chest. Jim wasn't too heavy; he was just a loveable, infact quite slim, very attractive young guy. Like Pete, he was possibly not, one of those real Brad Pitt, Sammy Case guys, but they were just dreams, they were just unattainable idols. This was a real guy with real feelings, and a real nice body.

Pete encouraged Jim to slip his jacket off and it being a nice spring evening, it was quite warm inside, Jim was quite happy to do so. Pete also slipped his jumper off while Jim was taking his jacket off: there they were again, arm in arm, one leaning against the other, just in their T-Shirts again. Jim rolled over, and faced Pete, face-to-face, and gave him a big sloppy kiss, and said, "Do you want to see more of me?"

Pete said, "Yes, please."

"Well take my T-shirt off then!"

Pete slowly lifted Jim's T-shirt over his head. O what a beautiful smooth chest, did he now behold; a few little hairs around Jim's tits, and a bit round his belly button that started a lovely treasure trail disappearing into his trousers. Pete said, "You beautiful boy, you're a gorgeous, gorgeous guy, take my T-shirt off please, come on, let's get this on."

So Jim, a little trepidatiously, he'd never done anything like this before, took hold of the bottom of Pete's T-shirt, rolled it up a bit, lifted it up over Pete's head. Now they were both bare-chested, and went back to hugging and kissing and cuddling. Pete tilted his neck forward and kissed Jim's right shoulder, and licked it, and then did the same to the left, and then he moved on down to kiss Jim's tits, and then he bit them. Jim jumped a bit at that, but he didn't mind, infact it was quite exciting. Pete carried on kissing down Jim's luscious chest, until he found his belly button; he stuck his tongue right out, and licked right in that lovely, lovely hole, cleaned it right up. He then went right back up and kissed Jim right on his lips. Jim was really enjoying this, and now he leant his head forward and started kissing Pete's shoulders, then Pete's tits, just like Pete did his, and Pete loved it, and then down further, and Jim licked out Pete's belly button too.

But Jim, he was getting excited, he just knew he was up for some fun, and he wanted to see more! He slowly undid Pete's belt, Pete didn't stop him, Pete just lay back and smiled, then Jim was pulling down Pete's zip, and Pete's trousers off, and then all there was, was Pete's red underpants. Jim had never seen another guy in his undies in this way before; oh, he'd seen guys in the changing room at school etcetera, but they were silly little kids, this was a man, a man with clearly a big, erect cock, just straining, tenting in fact, his lovely, his erotic, sensual undies. Jim didn't know where his brilliant inspiration came from, but suddenly he opened his lips and clamped the top of Pete's cock in his mouth, still with the undies there. Pete just jumped; his cock jumped, his body jumped, and he nearly threw Jim off, but Jim held on, infact not just by his own will, but by Pete's, because Pete had him held there by the fact of his hands strongly resting on Jim's shoulders. Pete was really enjoying this! Soon Jim got bored with the undies being there, and said, "Can I pull 'em down?"

Pete said, "Of course, go ahead darling, but Jim, do it slowly, do it sexually, do it sensually!"

Jim slowly lifted the waistband, lifted it up over that tenting cock, and slipped the undies down, slowly revealing Pete's manly tool; first the head, then the shaft, then the balls, the taint and the ass. Pete then said, "Push 'em right down, quick, take 'em off!"

Jim did so; quickly his mouth was back on Pete's cock, taking his first ever feast of real, live man cock! He had never tasted anything better. Jim seemed to be a real natural, Pete didn't even have to say 'Cover up those teeth', or anything else like that, which he had heard was often necessary with first-timers. Jim just slid those lips down, down, down Pete's shaft. Soon his nose was buried in Pete's pubes. He gagged a bit, brought his mouth back up, took a deep breath, and then he was back down again: his tongue was up, down, up, down that shaft; ahhh, it was driving Pete wild, and he said "I'll cum soon if you're not careful boy", but Jim just stroked Pete's bum and just carried on. He didn't care; he had his mouth just where he'd always wanted it to be, round a nice man's cock and he was going to make that man happy.

Jim began to be in a bit of pain; he still had his own trousers, and undies, on! He tried to fumble to release the pressure, but it was all a bit clumsy, it was all a bit difficult, in that position, so he shot up for a minute, and said, "I can't get my pants off, it's hurting down there." Pete lent forward, "Well, you took mine off, I'll take yours off darling." He duly undid Jim's belt, pulled his zip down, tore off those trousers, and then slowly, slowly, lovingly removed Jim's undies; nice lovely black undies they were. They were now both naked, they'd both somehow taken off their shoes and socks a lot earlier, and now they were totally naked. Jim just dived back on to Pete's cock and then, within only a minute or so, Pete shot a blast of thick, juicy splooge right down Jim's gaping maw. Jim wanted to taste it, so he brought his lips back up the top, and had them right at the end there, so he could catch those last juicy drops. He licked and cleaned up Pete's cock and smiled the biggest smile he'd ever had in his life.

Pete wanted to return the favour but he thought it would be more comfortable down in the bedroom, so he led Jim there. He led him to the left hand side of the bed, folded the bedclothes half way down, and invited Jim to get in. Jim did so with alacrity, and laid his head back on the pillows. Pete wandered round to the other side, and got into bed. Just both guy's lower legs were under the sheet and one blanket, the rest of both their bodies was open for each other to play with. They both lay there for a few minutes, just looking at each other's prostrate form, and right in the middle of each body, those hard, excited penises. Unexpectedly, for Pete, that was, Jim then said, "Look, I don't want to put them on now, but I'd feel a bit more comfortable if I had a pair of pyjamas near me." He was enjoying what was happening, but was just wanting that security blanket that a pair of nightclothes would give him. Pete said he thought that all the ones he had would probably be a bit big, but Jim said that was OK, so Pete went to his clothes cupboard, got out a nice pair of spring weight pyjamas and gave them to Jim. Jim just put them on the stool beside his bed, and patted them. It was just a little bit of security, Jim knew he probably wouldn't use them but, it was just that little something, that little niggle in his head, and Pete clearly didn't mind. Pete actually thought it to be quite cute, and was really attracted to this little bit of shyness, and thought even more tenderly towards Jim, than he had before. This boy was definitely special, special, special, special!

As Pete got back into bed, he rolled Jim into his arms and started to stroke and caress and even tickle him a bit all over and Jim reciprocated. Pete said that one of the childhood games he'd always loved and long hoped, as an adult, that a lover would play with him is drawing pictures on each other's back with just the tip of one's fingers and then the person being drawn on guessing what had been drawn. Pete said that he would really be blessed if Jim would play that game right then. Jim said he would be delighted to give Pete pleasure in any way he desired, and so the game began. Jim drew a car and Pete guessed it, Pete then drew a house and Jim guessed it, Jim then drew a chair and Pete guessed it, Pete then drew a tree and Jim couldn't get it. This had all taken about ten minutes, what with the rolling over on one's front, sitting up, swapping places, deciding what to draw, and the three chances each time; but Pete decided that Jim's third wrong guess of a feather duster, was the signal for Jim to give him full access to that delightful, juicy cock of his. Pete therefore gave Jim a little pat on the bum, and told him to roll over, which Jim of course did.

Pete spread Jim's legs quite wide and kneeled between them, he leaned over and took Jim's stiff six inches into his mouth. Slowly, slowly, he licked, he gobbled and took Jim's lovely, lovely cock into his mouth, all the way down; then he started that age old up, down, up, down movement. Jim placed his hands on Jim's head and just steadied Pete's action. This was real luxury, and not long after Jim's balls moved into their natural firing position and shot out the biggest load of spunk that he'd ever shot in his life. Pete loved it, the juice of the gods from his handsome prince.

They began to doze off, somehow the covers got pulled up so they wouldn't get cold, and they fell asleep in each other's arms. Both were very happy, and very, very content. In the early morning, they both seemed to wake up at just about exactly the same time and both needed to go to the loo. Each one, not meaning to disturb the other, slowly started getting out of bed and then realised the other one was doing the same. Groggily, they both wandered to the loo and they both peed in that toilet at the same time, watching each other's long yellow streams flow from those same pee slits that had, only a few hours before, provided beautiful male spunk, truly gay nectar from the heavens. They wandered back to bed, but neither really got back to sleep, they were just dozing, and by the time that the sun was up quite a little bit, about 6.30, maybe 7.00 they were both wide awake, and they both had big, strong woodies.

Jim was the first to speak, and said, "Well, what do we do now?"

Pete said, "Well, that's about up to you darling. We sucked last night, well, you know, I don't mean sucked in terms of it was no good, it was quite the contrary, it was great, it was brilliant, it was beautiful! What I mean is, we did the sucking bit, but, you know, there's fucking too! Do you want to do a bit of that too?"

Jim said, "Well, this was meant to be a learning weekend for me, I s'pose I better."

Pete said, "You're gorgeous, thank you."

Pete leant over and started to kiss Jim all over, in order to get him worked up and ready for his cherry-busting fuck. He told Jim that this might hurt, but Jim said, "I know you'd never really hurt me, Pete, just do what needs to be done, you lead me along"

So Pete encouraged Jim, to just move down the bed a bit, and get on top of the bed clothes. Pete took one of his pillows, slipped it under Jim's bum, and told him to pull and hold his legs back by his chest. Pete leaned down and kissed Jim's bum. Jim said, "Ooh, nasty, do you like that?"

Pete said, "Yeh, it's great", and carried on licking Jim's butt crack. He gently pulled those buttocks apart to reveal Jim's pink, rosy pucker, then he kissed it. Pete liked a clean ass to kiss so he said to Jim, "I'll have to clean you up down here a bit, I'll have to give you a bit of a douche and a wash, just lie here a minute and I'll get it all set up." Jim wasn't too sure about that, but again he decided to himself that this was a learning weekend, so he said, "OK".

A minute or two later, Pete came back with a rubber nozzle, a bowl and one or two wet ones. He wiped Jim's ass with the wet ones. Jim hadn't been touched like this, by another person, since he was a baby, but he was experiencing a lot of new things this weekend, and he'd known, just after 1.00 the day before, that he had found his gentle one, so he didn't resist and he let Pete slide the douche nozzle into his ass. He felt the warm water flood up his shit-chute as Pete repeated the process three or four times. Pete then said, "You're exquisitely clean now. Let's get you really worked up, as I give you a lovely rimming."

Pete leaned forward, and kissed and licked that pucker. He then stuck his tongue stiffly out, and just pushed gently till his tongue slipped inside. He moved it around. Jim was ecstatic; he thought to himself, "So this was real gay sex, he knew he wanted it." Soon after Pete put some lube on his fingers, and slipped one finger into Jim's ass. It hurt Jim a bit but Pete was very gentle, and so started to move the finger around a bit, rubbing, stroking, pressing and prodding. Pete was touching nerve endings that Jim didn't know he had, and Jim was experiencing a delightful mixture of pleasure and pain. Jim really was revelling in this new experience. About a minute or two later, Pete added a second, and then a third finger. He spread that ass nicely, ready for his cock. Pete slipped a rubber onto his stiff, seven-inch, turgid member, leant forward and pushed in, into Jim's lovely boy pussy. He had prepared Jim so well that Jim didn't really even notice at first, so Pete said, "Squeeze, squeeze me with your ass muscles, feel me inside you, feel me in there." He still pushed that thick stiff rod onwards, right up inside Jim. When he was about five inches in, he abruptly hit something, and Jim said, "Ooh, that's nice, gimme more." Pete backed out a bit and went in again, in, out, in, out, in, out, in; just nice and slow at first, then getting faster. After a bit more fuck action, Jim suddenly said, "Yeh, that's it, fuck me, fuck me harder! Go on fuck me, I want to feel you in me, fuck me lover, go on fuck me!" Pete then just got faster, and faster, and faster. After a few minutes, after all he'd only spunked just about six or seven hours earlier, and he was a middle-aged man of nearly 50, he shot again. This time it was nowhere as big as before, but it was still quite pleasant, and Jim certainly felt the end of that rubber expanding and pressing the sides of his rectum giving him a lovely squishy feeling inside. Pete kept his cock inside Jim and leant forward and kissed him on his nipples, his nose, his eyes, and finally on his mouth. Jim's cherry had been bust, and he was happy!

End of Chapter 2

If you like this story, or have any constructive feedback please e-mail me at phmkhunt@hotmail.com

N.B. Jim is 23, Pete is 48

Chapter 3 -- Jim returns the favour, breakfast, and a lunchtime picnic

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