Jim West and Artemus Gordon Meet Again

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 27, 2020


Legal stuff: this story is completely fiction and there are no implications about the sexuality or sexual preferences of the actors who played these characters at all. It is a work of pure fantasy: a "what if" story. The author has no rights, including but not being limited to, intellectual property rights (copyrights, trademarks, etc), to the characters or the television series which serves as the basis for the story. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The government program which had brought Jim and Artemus together for so many years, had ended. The train had been scrapped, and both Jim and Artemus had been rewarded with generous government pensions.

On their last day working together, Artemus had embraced Jim and in his deep baritone, had said "I'm sure we're gonna see each other again Jim. Just wait and see." As they embraced, Jim thought he felt Artemus squeeze his ass, but the emotion of saying goodbye to a man he had lived with and worked with, had been tied to, had been rescued by, and so much else, was getting to him. "I hope so Arty. Take care of yourself."

Jim retired to a small house in Nevada, while Artemus went back East. Arty had been an academic before he had been recruited for the government program, and he was going back to Harvard to teach chemistry, as he had before. Jim had gotten work doing some advising and consulting for all the new casinos, and other ventures growing up around what would one day be Las Vegas. The extra money, supplementing their generous pensions, allowed them to live well. Jim had always been a dandy, and he continued to dress in the crisp white shirts, the blue suits, the string ties, and sharp leather boots he had when he was working. For him, dressing casually was leaving his necktie off, and his shirt opened at the throat. And that's how he was dressed when he heard the knock at the door one day. It sounded familiar. Years ago, he and Arty had developed an elaborate code for letting each other know they were at the door of the train they shared. Could that be Arty?

It was. He opened the door, and saw his old working partner, smiling. "Jim West, you look terrific."

"ARTY! This is a surprise. Son of a gun. When did you get in town? Why didn't you tell me? Wait, where are my manners, come in." He saw Arty had a bag with him. "Are you visiting? A conference, WHAT? Arty - WOW. It's been what, six months? seven months? Bring me up to date."

"How about a drink first, Jim? You always were stingy with the booze.' "You know, I never spoke to you like this, Arty, but go fuck yourself. " Jim laughed and brought over two glasses, and the bottle. "So, tell me bud. What brings you here?"

"Well, Jim, to be honest, academia just wasn't for me anymore. Standing behind a desk, teaching what are supposed to be the brightest in the country. Not what it's cracked up to be." He sighed. So, I resigned my position, packed up one day, and headed west. Don't quite know what I'm gonna do, but you know," and his always bright eyes sparkled more. "We worked so hard, you and I and that pension is so good, I don't have to worry. So I'm just gonna keep heading west, until I find a spot I like. I'll settle there." He pushed his empty glass toward Jim for a refill. "And what's up with the infamous Jim West?"

Jim laughed. "Well, I guess I've been somewhat domesticated Arty. I'm working for a bunch of casinos. I go in, check the security they have in place, that kind of thing. If there's a theft, I help the police investigate. " He smiled. "I think I know what you're saying. These police guys - they're not the way we were. I hesitate to think how they'd do against Dr. Loveless or any of the other bastards we took on."

Arty smiled. "Yeah, what a team we made. We backed each other up. We ever keep track of who rescued who more?" "I think it all kind of equaled out Arty." "Yeah, you're probably right." "So Jim, now that you're settled in, seeing anyone? Keeping the ladies happy?" Jim blushed. "You know Arty, all that stuff with the ladies? All an act. ALL of it. Never felt anything for any of them. " He paused. "And I haven't met anyone here who made the grade." Another pause. "Remember. I lived for four years with one of the greatest guys in the world. Who's gonna be able to beat that?" Artemus looked away and smiled. "I've been thinking the same thing. I've been thinking it since we said goodbye that day. I was never gonna find anyone to match you Jim. " His stare was so strong, that Jim looked away. Jim had always been very instinctual, and now he realized: Arty HAD put his hand on his ass that day.

"You know Arty, I always wondered: what did people think of us? Two men, sharing a train, travelling around the country, spending all that time together." Arty laughed. "you were never much of a reader Jim, so you didn't see . There were rumors - always rumors. When we traveled, I was the wife, you were the husband, and we worked so well together because we loved each other so much."

Jim laughed. "Well, we DID love each other." Then he paused. "We still do, don't we Arty?" Arty put his empty glass forward again. "OF COURSE WE DO. " "Hey Jim, you know, it's getting late, and it'll get dark soon. Let me finish my glass and get moving. It was great to see you." "You can finish your glass but you're not gonna get moving tonight Arty. You're staying here with me." "Jim, I can't ask for that." "You didn't . I just told you. " Arty got thoughtful. "Thank you. I was kind of hoping you'd offer." Jim looked at Arty. "Is there something you wanted to ask me Arty?"

Another pause. "Actually Jim, there is. And it comes with a confession. All those times you were tied up, and helpless, before I rescued you, I would wish it had been me who did the tying. " Arty saw Jim cock his head. "You told me it was an act with the ladies. But... when Loveless, or the other guys tied you up, did it ever excite you?"

Jim blushed. "Yeah, it did. I knew I could count on you to rescue me, and keep me from whatever they had planned, but I can't tell you how many times I thought, well, this is it... I'm gonna get my ass ripped open. Never happened though."

Arty's voice dropped low. "you ever wish it had." Jim's answer was one word. "yes."

Arty stood up. "Come here stud..." Jim got up and walked over to him. Arty embraced him, and put his lips on his. "Yield to it Jim. This time it's real." Jim did. He took Arty's kiss, and the two of them tongue wrestled."

"You've done this before Arty."

"I have. And part of the reason I came west, Jim, was because I couldn't get you out of my mind, regardless of who my partner was. I had to face it: I know people thought of me as the passive one, but I always wanted you underneath me. "

Jim looked at him. "Shall we?"

Jim's bedroom was large and sparse, and the bed was immaculate. The embraced again in the bedroom, and Arty's hands slid down to Jim's ass. He whispered "Yes, I DID do that when we said goodbye." Then he licked Jim's ear. Jim, who was still a virgin, found the stimulation almost too much.

"Kiss me again Arty. " More tongue wrestling, as Arty gently pushed Jim down on the bed. Jim could feel his cock expanding in his tight pants, as Arty began kissing his neck, his ear, and began opening his shirt.

"Those times when they tied you up half naked Jim. I SWEAR, I wanted to turn sides on your, and tell them they could have you, if I could have you first." "You ARE gonna have me first Arty.. " Then Jim began moaning, as Arty started nibbling on his nipples. "ARTY" Jim gasped. "I coulda had this for four years, and I didn't? DAMN, what I missed." Artemus looked at him. "I feel the same way. Take off your boots." Jim reached down and got them off, as Arty moved behind him, and massaged his shoulders, before he kissed his neck. He whispered "I want you Jim. I want to have my dick in you, with you moaning, begging for more." "HELL YEAH ARTY. HELL YEAH. " Jim stood up and slipped out of his tight pants. His own cock was rigid. Average sized, uncut, and beautiful. Jim remembered that Arty's was longer. He had been jealous of that.

"Ok Jim . This is gonna hurt, but you know what? It's gonna hurt less than some of the stuff you've been through. " Arty slipped out of his own clothes, and then climbed on top of Jim. He kissed his muscular chest. "Still an adonis Jim. Still like a god. " He slide his mouth down until he took Jim's cock in his mouth. Another first for Jim, who moaned, and then, without warning, blew his load. Arty smiled

"Beginner's enthusiasm. My turn.. Just think of me as Dr. Loveless, trying to fuck information out of you.." Arty, who had always been a very kind, gentle man, was neither. He PLOWED Jim's virgin ass with no mercy, no remorse. It DID hurt, but Jim gritted his teeth together, until it actually began to feel good. "DAMN ARTY. I want more of this. "

Artemus pounded Jim's ass for about five minutes, kissing him, and chewing on his nipples, before Jim felt the WHOOSH of cum in him. Arty, spend, collapsed on his old partner.

"How'd that feel, buddy."

"It felt great. I want some more." "I can stay? " "As long as you want. If you promise to do that every day." Artemus laughed as he toyed with Jim's hair. "I think that can be arranged."

Next: Chapter 2

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