Jim West and Artemus Gordon Meet Again

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 18, 2020


Locked up in the car that had become a cell, Arty and Jim tried to figure out what to do. "Any ideas Arty? Clever idea were always your stock in trade."

"Still working on it Jim. The outhouse trick was the best I could come up with. How could I know it was wired?

Jim patted him on the arm. "You couldn't Arty. You did your best. Of course, I'm not thrilled with using chamber pots, but, what can we do?"

Arty looked at him "It's an odd thing to say Jim, but I know what I want to do."

"Me too."

Arty came over and started running his lips over Jim's. In a few moments, the handsome stud began to moan. He felt himself getting hard, and Arty began gently moving him to the bed.

'NONE OF THAT. " They heard the deep voice of Jupiter, on guard at that point.


"Try to stop it," Arty teased. It was a dumb mistake. Jupiter smiled, pulled out a small, electrically charged zapper, and aimed it at Arty.

"Dr. Gordon, you must keep in mind that they consider you expendible. It is Mr. West they want..."

Jim whispered "Arty, it's ok. We'll figure this out too."

Arty sighed. There was a wet spot at his slacks, but he stopped. "Ok Jupiter. You win..."

Jupiter smiled. "Dr. Loveless will be summoning you shortly. You will have plenty of time to satisfy yourselves then."

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While Jupiter was preventing Arty and Jim from making love, Dr. Loveless and Dr Midas sat, planning the day.

"How was the load yesterday?

"It was better than average." Loveless answered. "I keep on feeling that there's a way to get more out of them. MUCH more."

"Hmmmm. " Midas began to think. "Of course, I have the serum that should get them pumping. We can try that. And... we have some information back from Caesar and Jupiter. We need to use it."

"What's that Midas?"

"Well, yesterday I fucked West. We found out that he REALLY likes getting fucked. And he likes his tits tortured. But.... what if we had Gordon doing it? And when are we going to put Gordon on the table?"

"Hmmmm. " Loveless was thinking. "What do you suppose about this? We force Gordon to fuck West, right in front of us, but we don't let him release. Then, Caesar, or Jupiter, fucks Gordon in front of West. He won't be able to forget the image, and we may get a further load out of him."

"Let's try it. " He signalled Jupiter and Caesar. "Get them dressed, and bring them here. NOT at the same time. West first." Caesar answered. "Yes Dr. Loveless. One at a time. I suggest a ten minute interval. "PERFECT"

Caesar went to the cell, and yelled into it. 'GORDON, STAND BACK. WEST. HERE. NOW"

The two looked at each other. Was it worth the fight? Could they take him? Arty whispered "next time Jim. I need to study him for weaknesses."

"Understood. " He walked to the cell door, which Caesar opened. "GOOD. The two of you are beginning to learn your place. " When Jim was outside of the cell, Caesar pulled his wrists behind him and tied them. His big hand on West's shoulder "TO THE LAB." He gave one longing look to Arty who called out "STAY STRONG BUDDY."

In the lab, Loveless sat him down in a chair, bound.

"Mr West, good morning. I hope you slept well. We have a full day ahead of us." "I slept ok, Loveless. " He looked at Caesar, and then pulled at the ropes. They weren't giving, and Caesar had a keen eye on him. "Where's Midas?" "Here I am Mr. West. " he entered smiling. "I had to prepare something for you. " He showed West a syringe, half filled with liquid. "This is a stimulating liquid I prepared. It will not create desire, but it will enhance any desires you have, from 3 to 5 times ." "Like getting out of this, Midas?" Midas laughed. "Increasing desire, does not enable them West. Keep in mind, you have already met Caesar and Jupiter." He paused, and two more men about the same size, and the same look came in. "Permit me to introduce Hermes, and Augustus. While you may have thought you and Dr. Gordon had even odds, you never did."

He saw the look on West's face and laughed. Then he looked at Augustus. "Time to be involved. Get him on his feet, and drop his pants." Jim struggled in the grip of the third man, but it did no good. His pants were down, and without any underwear, the villains could all see his member, standing up.

"I believe in the old fashioned way, Mr. West..." Midas walked behind him, and injected the serum in Jim's left buttock. "It rarely leaves a mark, which is good, since you have such a perfect ass." West grimaced. "I didn't think you cared, Midas." "Ah, actually, I do. And I think, every now and then, of what could have been. But I can't dwell on the past. " Then he smiled. "I don't think we've explained the end game to you Mr. West. I've agreed to assist Dr. Loveless. When he has what he needs, I get what I want." He paused and smiled, when he saw West's face. "Ha ha ha. You've figured it out, West. Yes, you'll become my property. So I have an interest in these experiments working." West struggled against the ropes. "YOU BASTARD. I'll NEVER go along with you." "I'm afraid you will not have a choice Mr. West. See, your friend Dr. Gordon will become superfluous at that point. His life may depend on your submission... unless we can find someone who would be interested in his own property."

West struggled more, as the plan began to sink in. He had no ideas for escaping. Not yet anyway. And now, his thoughts were focused completely on his penis, because the drug was beginning to work. The discussion of Arty, and whether he wanted to admit it or not, Midas' handsome face, the big , buff agents for Loveless. ...

"Ha ha ha. I see that more than the sun has risen. GENTS. Take him to the table. And bring in Dr. Gordon."

Struggle as he might, West could not get out of the grip of Augustus and Hermes. He was back on the table he had been on yesterday, but this time, dressed, and with his ankles untied. As he lay there, Caesar and Jupiter brought in Arty. He was tied, the way Jim had been, and he was shirtless. Jim felt another surge in his groin. He thought of that bare chest laying on him, and his cock began to get uncomfortable in the tight pants.

"Dr. Gordon has been given the same injection as you Mr. West. So you are both, shall we say, 'primed' for our next set of experiments. "

"Indeed you are," Dr. Loveless entered the room. Your tumescence, Mr. West, is visible from quite a distance. I imagine yours will be clear shortly, Dr. Gordon.

"What are you doing to us today?" Gordon fought the ropes, and had as much success as Jim had. Midas walked over, and he smiled.

"I am certain you're not used to this Dr. Gordon.." He began to toy with Arty's nips, and got a rapid sucking in of breath from the man.

"Ah. Even our top man has some weaknesses. Today, Dr. Gordon, we have further experiments to carry out. It was clear, from yesterday, that Mr. West enjoys being fucked. But it is YOUR cock that he desires. Gentlemen."

Jupiter and Caesar pulled Arty's pants down. The drug had taken effect, and between the drug and the interrupted sex, he was rigid. Jim felt his blood begin to percolate when he saw it.

"So, Dr . Gordon, this is what will happen. You're going to fuck Mr. West for us. While he's connected to the milking machine. The combination of his desire for your cock, and our drug " he laughed "our cocktail as it were, should produce a massive amount of semen."

Gordon grunted out an answer "FUCK YOU. You can't make me do it."

Loveless smiled. "Get Mr. West's pants down, and attach the electrodes to his scrotum. " As Arty struggled, Hermes and Augustus took care of the task.

"You can watch your friend suffer, or you can fuck him. It's up to you.." Loveless began twisting a knob on the electrode control. Jim bit his lips, trying not to make a noise. As the knob went up, his resolve crumbled, and he began to scream.


Loveless nodded his head and the men removed the electrodes. "Now...." He attached a rubber tube to West's enlarged cock . It would bend under Gordon's weight, but not stop the flow.

"Untie him, and let the man do his job."

"Jim, I'm, I'm sorry," Artemus said, as he lifted Jim's legs in the air.

"Don't apologize, Arty. I want it. I can't control that. Take me. PLEASE."

"SLOWLY DR GORDON, SLOWLY." Loveless had a note pad out and was scribbling. He was working on another experiment, to see just how much of a 'probe' West needed to produce any jizz at all.

As he pushed in, Arty realized he was enjoying this more than he should be. His lover was tied down and under the control of someone else. This was forced sex. But it wasn't forced desire. He pushed, and slid, back and forth.

"Excellent technique," Midas whispered to Loveless. "If you say so Morgan. You would know better than I."

They both took notice, as Jim began to moan. His hips were pushing forward, and he was breathing harder. So was Arty.


Midas came over, and tweeked one of Jim's nipples. That set him off, and Loveless' face beamed as he saw the semen pouring through the tube. WAY more than the time when Midas had fucked Jim - at least twice as much.

"PULL HIM BACK," Loveless yelled, and Gordon was denied climax. His cock was twitching, like a rocket looking for a heat source.

"HOOK HIM UP. QUICKLY. " The minions complied, getting a second set of tubes on Gordon's cock.


Arty gulped. He knew what was going to happen. He hadn't been penetrated in well over ten years.

"Have you gentlemen thrown dice?" Loveless spoke to the four soldiers.

"We did Dr. Loveless. Augustus was the winner."

"Very well, Augustus. Take your well earned prize. "

The soldier smiled, and pushed Gordon's ass cheeks apart.

"OH FUCK" gasped Gordon, as he felt Augustus' tongue in the crevice, working slowly, then quickly. He didn't think he could get harder, but he was. Locked in that tube.. He could cum right now, and he would. But then he felt the stab of Augustus' prick. There was no mercy behind it. Augustus was brutal, taking Gordon's ass hard. Arty remembered that, when he had been fucked this way, it was fast. But Augustus had stamina. He went at Augustus, over and over.

Loveless was smiling with self satisfaction. He knew that he could bring Gordon to climax without a fucking, but by doing this, he'd humiliate the man - start to break him. He'd put an image into West's head that would help arouse him in the future. He rewarded one of his soldiers, which also served to make the others jealous.

His reverie was broken, as Gordon screamed, and his jizz began spilling through the tubes.


"Yes Dr. Loveless." Augustus withdrew from Gordon's ass.

"As a point of interest to both of you, the soldiers are fuck machines. Their ability to fuck is infinite, and... since they do not have the ability to cum, they CAN fuck you for hours. Keep that in mind when you decide how to behave. "

Gordon lay on the floor, exhausted. Jim, strapped to the table, again pushed at the restraints, and again, found no give.

"It's time to try yet another variation. Strap Mr. West to the wall, and put the erection meter on his pelvis. When he reaches a certain point, an alarm will go off, and we will start this all again. " Then he turned to Augustus.

"Well done, Augustus. Mr. West will not be returning to the cell for a while. So, if you would like to have some fun with Dr. Gordon, Dr Midas and I will not object."

"I appreciate that Dr. Loveless." He looked at Arty on the floor. 'GET UP. IT'S TIME YOU LEARNED YOUR PLACE."

As Jupiter strapped West to the wall of the lab, and Augustus pushed Arty to the cell, Midas spoke.

"After this set of experiments, you will get a respite.

Next: Chapter 6

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