Jim West and Artemus Gordon Meet Again

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 2, 2020


Jim woke up to an empty bed, and the sense that the train was moving. He was sore: he remembered at least 4 of what had been 5 assaults on his ass overnight by Dr. Midas. His long buried lust for Jim, coupled with a shot of the medication that Jim and Arty were receiving, had turned him into a machine. The car of the train where he was, also seemed empty, but Jim knew that Midas had developed the invisibility potion. For all he new, Midas was watching him . He had to be careful.

Indeed, Midas WAS watching him, but from one of the laboratory cars, along with Dr. Loveless, on a transmission screen "Fascinating, Morgan," Loveless turned to Dr. Midas. "You have him so spooked, he thinks you're there." "And that's a good thing for us, Dr. Loveless. It means that we don't have to be AS careful about guarding him as we might. How about Gordon? Loveless switched to a second camera. Gordon was waking up too, and he was sore as well. The machine that was Jupiter, had pummeled his ass for well over an hour, with very little in the way of breaks. Pain did not seem to sway Jupiter. When Arty's moans had turned from pleasure, to pain, he could have sworn he saw Jupiter smile. Now, the brute was sitting outside of the cell, guarding it, as he had been earlier that night. He turned at the noise Artemus made, and smiled.

"FASCINATING again, Dr. Midas. It seems - and I could be wrong about this - that Jupiter has developed a fondness for Gordon. Do you think...." Midas interrupted "that the semen that was used for him, came from a man with, shall we say "tendencies?" If that's the case, then I believe we may have found the solution to guarding West and Gordon?" "Really? What would that be, Morgan?" "Well, if the clone takes on the psychology of the sperm donor, then a clone of West, or Gordon, might very well be thinking along the same lines they are. It would make it very easy to checkmate any escape attempts." Loveless was silent for a minute. "I wonder if we might test that by expediting a pair of clones from their semen. There HAVE been some successful fertilizations." "Indeed, but dare we try so far ahead of time? After what happened to Hermes?" Loveless cackled. "We'll just have to get them to produce more." Midas joined in his laughter. "Agreed. And I believe I have a way to do it. I'll have Jupiter bring Gordon to the lab. I'll get West myself. "

At the cell, Jupiter stood up and shouted to Arty. 'GORDON. GET DRESSED AND COME TO THE ENTRANCE OF THE CELL. NOW. " "Yes Jupiter, yes, of course. " Arty smiled. "Is there anything in particular you'd like me to wear, Jupiter?" The clone frowned. "IT MATTERS NOT TO ME." Arty thought, but didn't say "Yeah, because you'll rip it off before you fuck me." While this was happening, Midas went to his own quarters, where he had left West. He had Augustus with him. "Good morning Mr. West. Did you sleep well?" Jim looked at him, naked. "I think I did. I seem to be a little sore though. Perhaps there was an intruder." Midas laughed. "Indeed. There may very well have been one. Augustus, please give Mr. West his clothes. Get dressed, West. Then please position your hands behind your back for Augustus to bind you." Jim hesitated, but of the four of them, Augustus did seem to be the most brutal. He put on the grayish blue shirt, and the tight stretch pants Midas had brought. "I think I'll do this myself Augustus. Just keep an eye on him." "Of course you will," thought Jim, as he felt the ropes wind tightly around his wrists. "Perhaps you do not remember, Mr. West, but this is what you were wearing the first time we met. A day I shall never forget." "I did not remember that, Midas. I didn't know you were nostaglic." He felt Augustus strong grip on his bicep. "Come with me. Jupiter is bringing Dr. Gordon. Dr. Loveless and I would like you to see the cloning chamber . Then we will begin today's work.

SOMEHOW the train was moving, and Jim didn't know how. Was it Hermes? Was it Caesar conducting? Midas seemed to have read his mind "The train has been programmed, Mr. West. Dr. Loveless has developed a homing system. All he need to is press the right buttons, and the train will proceed on its own. we should be at our next stop in about five hours"

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Augustus and Jim arrived at the cloning chamber at about the same time. Augustus gave Jim a look "You ok, bud?" "I'm fine. Sore but fine. How about you?" Arty laughed. "about the same. Seems our new 'boyfriends' brought us here." Loveless turned around "Welcome gentlemen. I do believe in a certain level of transparency, so I wanted you to have a tour of our lab." Jupiter and Augustus brought them inside at Loveless' signal. "Now, here, gentlemen, we have the ova, all positioned, prepared to receive a sample of seed - YOUR seed." He pointed to a green tube. "This one delivers Mr. West's portion, and this one," he pointed to a golden one "carries that of Dr. Gordon. This is where it starts." Then he led them to a second station, where there were fewer dishes, and each carried more cells. "These are the first of your successful fertilizatons. They are moving ahead nicely. When they have developed to about 400 cells, we can begin providing them with nutrients, to get to.. the next stage. "

At a third station, there were about a dozen cylindrical tubes, and each held what looked to be a model of a teenager, or a young man. "This is from earlier experiments, gentlemen. A very handsome French soldier, captured during war, and provided to us. And also, several of the last set of clones from which came Jupiter, Augustus, and Caesar ."

Finally, he brought them to a station where there were four full sized cylinders, each holding what seemed to be an exact replica of the other three clones.

"This is where it finishes, ,gentlemen. And this is our bottleneck right now. This train only has enough space for four development chambers. We will need many more. And we will find some of them at the next station.

" He paused. "Are there any questions?" Gordon looked at him "So you're saying that you can develop a clone, from fertilization to full sized clone, like this brute." He turned to Jupiter "In weeks?" "Indeed we can, Dr. Gordon. The method has its problems. For example, you may have noticed that Hermes is not with us." "I did notice that , Loveless. Did you send him to bed without supper?" Loveless didn't smile. "Hardly Mr. West. What we have learned is that there is something lacking in our nutritional formulation. Hermes was our first, and he, shall we say 'passed' during the night. He was with us for 8 weeks. " "And these others?" "So far, five weeks, Mr. West. We do not know if the others will pass in less time, or more time, but we will wait to see." Midas continued, smiling "What this means for you gentlemen, is that until we solve the nutrition problem, you will have to produce more, so that we can have, at least short term, a sufficient number of soldiers." Gordon pushed at his ropes. "So, that means you'll be stepping up the injections?" "EXACTLY DR GORDON. It is SUCH a pleasure to work with someone who understands the issues and can assimilate them. " "And it probably means we'll be subject to more stimulation" added West. "INDEED, MR. WEST. And that is where we are headed now. But first.." He pulled out two syringes. Each man struggled, to no avail. Both received an arm injection this time. "To the stimulation car, gentlemen," Loveless instructed Augustus and Jupiter.

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This time, rather than strapping Jim to a table, they placed him in a chair, bound. His ankles were spread and bound to the chair with his hands behind his back. Gordon was taken off to another section of the train, and Jim couldn't see him.

"It's time for your stimulation West" Jim knew that struggling against the ropes was useless, so he sat, quietly, wondering what it would be. Loveless fairly cackled as he drew down a small screen. "We did not envision Jupiter enjoying Mr. Gordon as much as he did; however, since you are both surveilled, constantly, we have that film to show you. CAESAR." The third clone set up a small camera, and focused it on the screen, as the lights went down. Midas walked behind Jim, and began massaging his shoulders. Jim admitted to himself, it felt good. The film showed Jupiter just manhandling Arty, pushing him to the bed, and fucking him. You could hear Arty's groans, both of pleasure and of pain.

Jim had no interest in taking Arty the way Jupiter had. Yet, the film was getting him excited. Without thinking, he pushed against the ropes. "Easy, Mr. West, easy. You're not going anywhere." Midas' hands had moved from Jim's shoulders, and one was now inside his shirt, finding his nipple. "The wonderful thing about these pants, Mr. West, is that I can see very well when you have become 'stimulated', as you are now. When we see a stain of liquid, it will be time."

The clip was going on for a while. Jupiter moved Arty into different positions, but his cock was in him, at all times. At one point, the film showed Arty's face, caught in a freeze fram of pleasure as the clone's huge cock took him. "SPOTTING DETECTED. Stop the film, " Midas called out. 'YOU'RE SICK BASTARDS," West yelled, just has Midas shoved a gag in his mouth. "Gags seem to get you even more excited Mr. West. Perhaps... we can increase that excitement." Jupiter brought Arty back in. "Dr. Gordon, unless you would like to see how last night's little electro punishment works on your friend, you will do as you are told." Jim was moaning "MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH" and shaking his head NO, violently." Arty had experienced their version of the "Iron Maiden" though, and he didn't want it applied to his partner. "Tell me what you want me to do. " Midas smiled, and handed Gordon a small pen knife. "Carefully... VERY carefully, cut a space in Mr. West's pants. Right at the crotch." Arty gulped, and Jim squirmed. "Mr. West, should there be an accident, and you are injured, rest assured, Dr. Gordon will feel the wrath, and we will subject you to the same treatment tha restored our clone's eyes.

There is no escape for you." "He's right Jim. You don't want their electrodes on you. Trust me." Arty was biting his lips, trying not to cry, as he began cutting the space in Jim's pants. As soon as he did so, Jim's cock jumped out. "EXCELLENT. Now, Dr. Gordon, please start manipulating Mr. West's scrota. I am certain you know what pleases him and what does not. "MMMMPH MMMMPH MMMMPH" came out of Jim, but Arty did what he was told.

The gentle pressure on Jim's balls got him even harder. Droplets of precum were appearing on his cock head. "Time gentlemen," Loveless announced. Clinically, he attached the milking tool to West's cock. "Back to work Dr. Gordon." "Yes sir," Arty sighed, defeated. Rather than let Jim suffer anymore, he squeezed, at the pressure he knew always brought Jim off, and it did. The yowls that came out of Jim's gagged mouth were evidence that the combination of the injection, the film, and the ball play, had done their work. He heaved in his chair, as his hips moved up and down, first violently, and then more placidly. Loveless was standing there, with a notebook. "I do believe that was 18 spasms. EXCELLENT. One more squeeze Dr. Gordon. Get ALL of it."

They removed the tool from West, who sat in the chair bound, gagged, and defeated. He sagged like a plant needing water. "Jupiter, bring Dr. Gordon to the table. It's time for HIM to see a film." Loveless cackled. The screen moved to the ceiling, where Arty could see it from his horizontal, staked out position. Unlike Jim, they attached the milking device right away.

"BOTH of you are being surveilled, Dr. Gordon. So now... " Loveless smiled. "You will get to see our own Dr. Midas, take the better part of your lover." The film was a compilation of all five times that Midas had fucked Jim the night before. Arty found Jim's moans much more exciting than the actual penetration, a fact that was not lost on Loveless. He made a notation "try blindfolds next time." "Jupiter, manipulation please." Rather than have Jim play with Arty's cock, he had Jupiter come over. However rough Jupiter had been the night before, he was tender today, gently stroking Arty's penis, drawing it out further, and further until it was almost too big for the tube. "How interesting. Dr. Gordon. I had no idea Jupiter moved you the way he clearly does." On the screen, Jim let loose with a huge yell as Midas deposited a load in him. Jupiter grabbed Arty's balls, and his own jizz began flowing through the tube.

"Hmmm. I think we had only fourteen pulses Dr. Gordon, but without question, there was a greater volume. " Arty was breathless. He couldn't answer.

Midas came forward. "What should we do with them tonight, Dr. Loveless? It'll be a while until we get to town, and... " he smiled. "It would be nice to have a real bedroom with this handsome man," he pointed to West.

Loveless smiled. "I wonder if we might be able to get another deposit from each of them before night." He turned to the clones. Strip them. Both of them. Completely naked." Midas had no idea what Loveless had planned, but the thought of West totally naked, couldn't be bad.

He then instructed the clones to retie their hands behind them, and then to tie their bodies face to face. No gags, but ankle restraints as well. Then he came over, and attached a very smll strip of an adhesive to each man's penis.

"We'll leave the two of you in your cell, for as long as is necessary.

When your penises achieve the desired level of turgidity, we will fetch you, and drain you again." He smiled.

"If you produce sufficient sample, there will be no punishment tonight. If you do not, you will BOTH receive the 'iron maiden' Dr. Gordon received last night. And you will not be sharing a bed tonight gentlemen. Jupiter has already requested you, Dr. Gordon, and how could I interfere with your relationship with Dr. Midas, Mr. West."

He laughed. 'TAKE THEM TO THEIR CELL' Caesar took the pair by their legs, while Augustus took the front end of the parcel that was Jim and August. They carried them off to the cell, threw them on the bed, and locked the door. Naturally, Jupiter was guarding.

He didn't even realize he had done it, but Arty had already shoved his tongue into Jim's mouth, and Jim received it.

Loveless laughed all the while from his lab. He checked the clones. Yes. With a bit more nutrition solution, the first of the West and Gordon clones, could be moved to the next stage, probably within 24 hours.

Next: Chapter 8

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