Jimmy Takes Over

By Ben Coolen

Published on Feb 25, 2020


Jimmy Takes Over

By Ben Coolen


Readers, please keep in mind that this story is 100% fictional. In real life no man is better than the other, and nobody is entitled to treat other people cruelly.

This story contains sexual acts (domination, submission, humiliation, oral sex, masturbation) between young males. If you don't like it, or it is illegal in your country, state or community, please stop reading it immediately.

Please keep in mind that Nifty needs our donations to keep this great free service running.

Thanks to Naughty Bard for proofreading the text.

Chapter Two

Jimmy had started to spend more and more time with his new friends, and I rarely saw him anymore. Sometimes he still texted me and invited me over to play video games. I always accepted those rare invitations, regardless of my other engagements.

We would play Call of Duty or some other of our favourite games, almost like we had always done. Almost. Because many things had changed. For example, I was not allowed to sit on his bed next to him anymore, as I had been doing before. He told me to sit on the floor so that he could have more space, which meant my place was now at his feet. I had no other option than to accept that if I wanted to hang with him.

He used that setup to his advantage in the game, too, distracting me whenever it suited him. When I seemed to gain the upper hand, he would start to tease me; an art he was a master in. He would casually rest his foot -- sometimes socked, sometimes bare -- on my shoulder, knowing it would screw my concentration. When something exciting was about to happen, like when my soldier was setting an ambush for the enemy, he would brush my cheek with his foot, and when I was about to win, he would nudge the back of my head just to fuck up my game.

When I confronted him angrily, he just laughed and called me a loser. Then he would crush my defiance by telling me that he wanted a foot rub. He didn't necessarily want one, but it was a perfect way to remind me who was boss. Rubbing another boy's feet on your knees doesn't make one's defiance very convincing.

Jimmy was also dating several girls, and with his good looks, silver tongue and natural charisma it really didn't take him long to become a smooth operator with the opposite sex. His dates often ended with the girl giving him a hand job or, if he was luckier, oral sex or maybe even the real thing.

His success with chicks meant that he didn't require my oral services that often anymore. When he was horny, he would usually tell me he wanted a hand job. I would take some tissues from the drawer of his nightstand and sit on the bed next to him. He would strip off his shirt, lay down comfortably and search for some porn on his phone while I unzipped his pants and pulled his underwear down to get his cock out. Then I would jack him off while he watched porn.

He didn't want to see my face while he was jacking off to straight porn, so I would lay down on the bed next to him so that my face was hidden from his eyes by the pillow under his head. I would jerk his cock until he started to make thrusts with his hips, like he was fucking my fist, and I knew he was close. Sometimes it would take him ten minutes, but sometimes it took half an hour and in that case my arm and wrist would start having a really hard time. Then came the moment when I felt his rod pulsing, and in a minute he would shoot his load on his abs, sometimes as high as his neck. I would then use the tissues to clean the cum off his body.

Sometimes he wanted head, and then I would settle between his legs and he would cover my head with his t-shirt or hoodie. I would suck, lick, and caress his cock and balls until he reached climax and nutted in my mouth.

After getting his rocks off Jimmy would bluntly send me home. Once when he noticed I still had the cum-soaked tissues in my hand, he sneered at me and told me to take them home with me.

'That's gotta be great jerk-off material for a fag like you', he laughed.

Jimmy rarely called me Rudy anymore: I was usually dude' or boy' to him. Only when my parents were around would he call me by my first name. At school and when we were hanging with other kids, he called me Henderson, and in a short time, others adopted that habit too.

When he was alone with me, he would casually call me all the names in the book: homo, fag, faggot, queer, perv or gay boy. Gimme the console, faggot!' or You're not invited, we're gonna mess around with girls, we don't want a fag around.' At first I asked him to stop calling me that, but he just laughed and said I could stay away if I didn't like the way he talked.

He also liked to show off his power over me in front our friends and classmates, like making me run his errands for him. In the school cafeteria he would tell me to get him an extra milk, or take his tray and trash away, and the other kids would snicker when I obeyed.

Jimmy's circle of friends had also grown considerably. Many of his new buddies were cooler and tougher than him, and he tried his best to fit in with them. He seemed particularly excited about two of his new pals, Cody and Ryder. According to his stories those two guys were real bad-asses that never missed an opportunity for a fight or a chance to bed a hot girl.

Sometimes he read their messages aloud to me to show how cool his new friends were. One Sunday afternoon Jimmy got a text from Cody in the middle of our game. He laughed and read it out to me.

`had a blast ln lol!

car stopped at traffic lights next to us

driver said something to suzie

i jumped out and dragged him out

kicked his ass real good

twas fun!!!'

On another occasion he read me a message from Ryder.

`crashed some dudes bd party

gave bd boy a present too

fucked his gf in his bed lol'

And so on.

While my friendship with Jimmy had turned into a boss-servant one, my relationship with my dad had deteriorated considerably. I knew he was disappointed in me, and I knew he was cheating on my mother with other women.

My mom seemed to be aware of that too, or at least she was suspecting something. I heard them fight more often than ever, and mom had started to pay regular visits to her sister. Her trips to Illinois, where her sister lived, lasted all weekend, sometimes even longer.

The increased time I spent alone with my dad did nothing to improve our relationship, quite the opposite. I always argued back when he tried to get me to do something, and often simply ignored his requests and orders. The more he tried to make me consider him as an authority, or even a role model, the more I detested him.

I was still in the closet, but most people, including my dad, understood that I was gay. Jimmy didn't exactly try to protect my secret, quite the opposite. With his casual remarks, smirks, winks and gestures he regularly embarrassed me in front of others.

Jimmy knew almost all my secrets. Not only did he know I was gay, but he knew how I longed to be used and bossed around and humiliated by other, stronger boys like himself. And he knew that I was turned on by other boys' feet. But he wasn't really aware exactly of how serious my foot-fetish had grown over time. Most of my jack-off fantasies now involved feet in a way or another. I usually jacked off to a daydream about some handsome, cocky boy making me worship his feet while he and his friends mocked me and made fun of me.

Jimmy loved to use his knowledge about my secrets to tease me in front of others, and he often encouraged other kids to join him. I'll tell you about one such incident at school.


A couple of weeks ago our history teacher wanted to show us a documentary film about the reconstruction of Europe after World War II, so the class was moved to the school auditorium that had rising rows of seats. Jimmy chose to sit right behind me with his good buddy and regular partner-in-pranks Colton, who had recently moved to our school.

I suspected Jimmy chose his seat so that he could use the darkness to harass me, and I was right. I could easily have moved to a safer seat, of course, but to be honest, being teased by Jimmy was a major turn-on for me. Besides, I had the opportunity to sit close to Colton. I had developed a serious crush over that handsome skater dude with unruly, strawberry blond hair down to his neck, raunchy sense of humour and a permanent aura of confidence. And in addition to being my crush, Colton was also one of the main characters of my jack-off fantasies.

Soon after the lights dimmed, I felt something being pressed on my right shoulder. I turned to look at it, recognized Jimmy's sneaker and shook it angrily off.

"Your shoe is dirty Jimmy! Keep it off me!" I hissed, but he just snickered.

After a minute I felt a foot on my right shoulder again, but this time there was no shoe. I glanced to my right and saw a black low-rise Puma sock and a slice of Jimmy's hairy leg above it. I knew I should have protested again, but having Jimmy's foot there, next to my head, made me feel good, so I didn't budge. After a while I could even smell it, as potent as it was.

Colton had watched Jimmy's little game with snickers. Soon I felt another foot on my left shoulder. I turned my head a tiny bit to look at it; the greyish-white Nike ankle sock had to belong to Colton. I was too thrilled to try to chase it away.

Colton started to rub my cheek playfully with his foot. I knew that I should have told him to stop but I couldn't. The odour and heat wafting from his foot and the excitement and humiliation of being teased by my classmates was thrilling, and I felt the familiar stir in my pants that informed me that my cock was getting hard.

Jimmy noticed what Colton was doing and started to rub my right cheek with his own foot. Soon they were working in unison, moving my cheeks up and down, back and forth, with their feet.

"Like this, gay boy?" Jimmy whispered in my ear.

I moved my hand to my crotch in the cover of darkness. To my horror I felt a damp spot on the canvas of my shorts; I had leaked precum through my pants.

As I did nothing to resist Jimmy and Colton, they naturally felt compelled to add some steam to their game. Colton was quicker to come up with a new way of teasing me. He pulled his foot away, and after giggling softly, so did Jimmy.

The time-out didn't last for long, though. Something big and dark covered my vision, and I felt something soft but sturdy being pressed on my face. After a second of confusion I realized that it was the padded collar of one of the Vans skate shoes Colton had been wearing.

I didn't really want to fight back, but I had to at least pretend to try. Colton was wild and unruly and always ready for a prank but he wasn't a bully, so he didn't use the entire force of his strong arm to press the shoe on my face; I could've pushed it aside if I had really wanted. But as I said, I was only pretending to fight it off, so after holding my breath reasonably long I breathed in the musky air from the cavity of the skater boy's shoe.

Colton had been wearing his scuffed Vans hi-tops since he had left home in the morning, and I could smell the strong, rubbery odour of his foot that had brewed inside his kicks; by late afternoon his freshly produced foot sweat and teen testosterones had mixed with the smell of old sweat, leather, rubber and dirt. When I breathed in, the concoction filled my senses and I knew that the damp spot on my shorts was getting bigger.

"Just sit back and breathe, Henderson," Colton's mischievous voice whispered into my ear.

Jimmy joined in the game and put his hand on top of Colton's; he added so much pressure that I leaned back in my chair, breathing the dizzying reek of teen sneakers maybe five or six times; then my libido took over and made me squirm in my chair. A couple of seconds later I came into my pants with spasms that moved my chair several inches with a loud screech.

Mr. Tomlinson woke up from his historic dreams, shot up, switched on the lights and stared at me angrily. He pointed at me with his finger and shouted:

"That's enough, Henderson! Stop disturbing your classmates. Come sit with me in the front." He ordered.

Jimmy and Colton were cracking up while I gathered my belongings into my backpack. Jimmy was first to regain his composure. He raised his hand and Tomlinson nodded.

"Yes, Jimmy?"

"Could you please rewind the film to the part where JFK gave that speech at the Berlin wall. I really wanted to hear that, but Henderson made it impossible."

"Of course, Jimmy. I'm pleased to hear that you have some academic ambition, unlike Henderson." The teacher said and gave me a hard look.

I limped down the aisle, my face red as a tomato, while everybody watched, covering my cum-soaked crotch with my backpack.

For the rest of the class I sat in the front row next to Mr. Tomlinson, my underwear sticky with cum, hoping that the teacher or anyone else sitting close to me wouldn't smell anything fishy.

I spent a restless night after that, wondering if Colton had realized that I had nutted from being teased with his stinking sneaker. It was a huge relief to see him at school the following day: he was all smiles, as usual. He walked with me towards our next class and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Dude, I hope you weren't too pissed because we fucked with you in history class," he said.

I smiled back, relieved, and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Fuck no Colton, everyone's gotta have a bit fun sometimes. Besides, Tomlinson's stupid film sucked." I said and he laughed with me.

I wasn't in a hurry after school, so I took my skateboard and went to the park. I skated a little, as if to justify my being there; soon I sat down on a bench as usual. I loved to sit there and watch hot skater boys instead of making a fool of myself with my pitiful skating skills.

Colton was there, too, and I scanned him with my hungry eyes every time he whizzed by, shirtless, his hair flying in the breeze, and his shorts hanging low on his slim waist.

Suddenly he made a steep curve, stopped his skateboard expertly right in front of me and kicked it upright. He sat next to me and spat on the ground. Then he crouched down and unlaced his right shoe. I watch mesmerized as he pulled the shoe off - the same shoe that I had sniffed the previous day - turned it upside down and shook down some little pieces of gravel.

He leaned back and glanced at the surroundings. Then he spoke without turning to look at me.

"Tell me something, Henderson."

"Yeah?" I said, suddenly feeling a knot of fear in my stomach.

"Yesterday in history class..."

"What about it?" I tried to sound casual, but my voice was shaking.

Colton sat up and looked at me with a smirk.

"I asked Jimmy about it but he just laughed. So, I'm asking you now."

I felt my face turn red.

"Ask what?" It came out as a moan.

"Did you cum in your pants from sniffing my shoe?"

The heat on my face told me that I was beet-red.

"Hell no!"

He laughed.

"Hahahaha! Dude, your face says `hell yes', hahaha!"

He shoved my shoulder with his fist.

"Hehehee! This is so funny! You busted a nut from sniffing a guy's stinkin' fucking sneaker, hahahaha!"

He laughed for a long time while I just sat there, totally miserable. Then he picked up his shoe and offered it to me.

"Wanna have another go, Henderson? Hahaha!"

"No, please, Colton."

But he wasn't letting me off the hook. He raised his hand and waived it to his pals.

"I'll call the guys over. They'll wanna hear about this!"

I grabbed his arm and tried to pull it down, but he was too strong for me.

"Please, Colton! Please don't do this to me!" I pleaded, almost crying.

He laughed and put his hand down. He nudged my ribs with his elbow.

"Chill, dude!"

I sniffed.

"It's just so fucking hilarious, never heard anything like that in my life. I just had to tease you about it, hahaha!"

"So, you're not gonna tell everybody about this?"


"Thanks Colton. I really appreciate it."

"On one condition."

My heart sank.

"What's that?"

He gave me a mischievous smile.

"I wanna see you do it."

"But... you... you saw it in class yesterday."

"That doesn't count. It was too dark, so I didn't really see it. And Jimmy and I were holding the shoe on your face. I wanna see you do it on your own."

I tried to swallow but my mouth was dry.

"I can't do it here."

He looked quickly around.

"I've got the keys to the tool shed. Meet me there in ten but take a detour through the woods so nobody sees you coming after me." He said and nodded towards a concrete cubicle maybe 20 yards away.

He didn't wait for my answer, just put his shoe back on, picked up his skateboard and swaggered towards the shed. Then I saw him fetch a key and open the door.

I took my phone and set the timer to ten minutes. Then I pretended to flip through something on my phone, although my heart was beating so hard I couldn't concentrate. This was something so strange and forbidden that it frightened me. On the other hand, the prospect of sniffing Colton's shoe while he watched was so unbelievably exciting that I wanted to run to the shed immediately.

Finally a beep on my phone told me time was up. I got up and walked away from the skate ramps as casually as possible, entering the woods through some thick bushes. I knew that the purpose of my detour was to protect Colton's reputation; he didn't want to be seen going to a little shed in the park with an alleged fag.

I knocked on the door and Colton let me in. I stepped in and locked the door. The shed was dark, and it took a while for my eyes to adjust. He leaned on a work bench and watched me with a little smile.

"What if somebody comes?" I asked.

His smile widened into a grin.

"I'll just say you wanted to give me head."

"How do you wanna do this?"

He leaned back and kicked his right shoe off. It landed on the floor on its side.

"Like this."

The floor of the shed looked like it had never been cleaned. I placed my skateboard on the filthy concrete and sat on it. Then I picked up Colton's shoe and lifted it slowly towards my face.

I placed the collar on my face; just like I did in history class, my eyes fixed on the floor.

"Come on, look at me." Colton instructed.

I looked into his blue eyes and breathed in through my nose. Then I lowered the shoe and breathed out.

"Yeaaah, that's the way. Go on!"

Watching his grinning handsome face while I breathed his odour from his shoe was a huge turn-on for me.

"You like that, Henderson?"

I felt my face turn red again, but I nodded.

"Tell me something. Are you turned on by any guy's shoes or is it just someone like me?"

I lowered the shoe.

"Someone like you."

"You think I'm hot then?"

He knew the answer to that very well but he wanted me to say it aloud. I looked at his broad shoulders and V-shaped torso. Little beads of sweat glistened between the mounds of his washboard abs.

"Yes... really hot."

A delighted grin appeared on his tanned face.

"That's what I thought, but I wanted to hear it from an expert. Keep sniffin'."

I took a deep breath of the musty air inside my classmate's sneaker.

"Do you ever think of me when you jack off?"

I nodded.

"That's so fucking dope! You think I'm so fucking hot that you wanna sniff my kicks and think about me when you jack off."

He paused and watched me sniff his sneaker.

"Tell me about your fantasies. About me, I mean."

This was becoming painful. I didn't want him to know about my daydreams that placed me on my knees in front of him, kissing and licking his feet while other guys jeered and laughed.

Determined steps approaching the shed on the gravel path saved me from answering his question. The intruder stopped right in front of the shed. Someone tried the door. I thanked god it was locked.

"Where the fuck did he disappear to? He's the only one with a car," a young guy's voice said.

Colton put a finger on his lips and pointed at dark corner. I put his shoe down, sneaked to the corner and hid behind a storage cabinet.

Colton slipped his shoe on and opened the door, rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry guys, I fell asleep on the bench."

His friends laughed.

"Jacking off all night again, Colton?"

"No, I fucked your sister, Billy. My car's at the parking lot. Here, start the engine and put the air-con on, I'll be right with you," he said and handed the keys to his pal.

When his friends had left, Colton walked over to the corner where I was hiding.

"Gotta go. Wait a full fifteen minutes before you leave. Make sure nobody sees you get out of this shithole and see that the door locks behind you," he said and left.

A couple of days later Jimmy texted me.


He hadn't returned my messages for more than a week so I eagerly responded:

"On my way."

I knew Jimmy expected me to comply with his summons immediately, so I left right away. A couple of times I had been delayed for one reason or another, and he just let me ring the doorbell until I caved in and left.

This time Jimmy's mom let me in; she was just leaving for some business event.

"Good to see you Rudy. It's been a while. Why don't you visit us more often? You used to hang out with Jimmy all the time."

I just smiled and told her some excuse. I didn't want to tell her that Jimmy had moved me to an outer circle of his social life.

"Well, the boys are waiting for you. Have fun," she said and left.

Boys? Looked like we were having company. I climbed up the stairs and rapped on Jimmy's door before opening it. Jimmy and Colton were lounging on his bed, playing a video game.

"Henderson," Colton greeted me.

I hesitated: taking my usual place on the floor while there was room on the bed, would seem really weird in Colton's eyes. To my relief he patted the bed and I sat down.

Soon I was totally absorbed in the world of fantasy warfare. I enjoyed sitting next to Colton, he was such a funny guy, and besides that, I could steal glances at him. He was wearing a tight white tank top that hugged his body beautifully and showed off his broad shoulders and hard biceps. The silver chain around his neck shone against his tanned, flawless skin. I could see parts of his thighs and black underwear through the holes in his ripped cut-offs.

My good mood seemed to boost my performance in the game too, and my troops managed to slaughter a platoon of Jimmy's combatants, considerably undermining his chances of becoming the winner.

And naturally he didn't take it well. He resorted to one of his dirty tricks.

"Colton, have I told you Henderson here gives awesome foot rubs?" He asked.

"No you haven't. He's done that to you?"

"Sure, many times. And he loves to rub guys' feet."

"Well I sure could use one of those rubs, I've been skating all week like crazy and my feet are killing me. Wanna rub my feet while I play, Henderson?"

I really wanted to play, but I had no objections to touching Colton either. But I at least tried to save face.

"Well, I guess I could. If you want me to."

Colton noticed my reluctant tone.

"You don't have to do it if you don't want to, dude."

"I'll do it, Colton."

"Thanks, man."

He crouched down and fumbled with the laces of his left shoe.

"Fuck, how do I get these fucking laces fucked up all the time! This will take a while."

Jimmy tapped his shoulder.

"Chill, man. We've got a game to play. Just sit back and let Henderson take care of that."

Colton looked at him and smiled.

"Okay. Gimme that fucking controller, it's my turn."

I kneeled down on the floor in front of Colton. The boys kept playing while I fought with the tough knot in his shoelace. My fingers hurt when I finally got it untied. Then it was easy to slip off the grimy hi-top Air Max. Next, I pulled his white no-show socks off his feet and folded the moist socks on top of his shoes.

Then I just settled into the now familiar routine of rubbing another boy's feet. I had massaged Jimmy's feet maybe twelve times by then, but doing it to Colton while Jimmy watched, added a whole new level of excitement to it; the semi-public humiliation was a huge turn-on for me. I felt my cock get hard while I felt and rubbed every inch of Colton's left foot.

His foot was warm and flushed from all the activities of the day and released what would have been a repulsive smell to most guys, but for me it was like some love potion.

"He likes my feet," Colton noted to Jimmy.

"Of course he does, he's a faggot," Jimmy chuckled.

"What?! What did you call him?" Colton exclaimed, clearly surprised.

"You heard me. I call him that all the time."

"And he doesn't mind?"

Jimmy just shrugged. "Never asked. You can ask him if you want."

Colton nudged my shoulder with his free foot.

"Hey, faggot."

I looked up and the guys laughed.

"Fuck, I thought I could never say that to someone's face without consequences anymore," Colton said, and ruffled my hair.

Colton was an okay guy, but even he couldn't resist the temptation of using his newly found power over another boy. After a while, he paused the game and sat the controller aside.

"Jimmy, wanna see Henderson sniff my Air Max?"

"Fuck yes!" Jimmy laughed back.

Colton kicked one of his shoes to my direction.

"Have a treat, dude."

There was no reason to pretend in front of the same guys that had seen me cream my pants with Colton's shoe on my face, so I picked it up dutifully and stuck my nose inside. Then I inhaled through my nose.

"Well? You still like it?"

I nodded.

"Awesome. Help yourself. It's on me," he said, and Jimmy rewarded his pun with a laugh.

I sniffed Colton's shoe while the boys laughed and taunted me.

"Sorry man if it isn't sweaty enough for you. Next time I'll bring my old Dunks, you're gonna love those."

Colton seemed to get more and more carried away by his authority over me. He picked up his socks and pressed them in my palm.

"Here, try these. Fresh from the source."

I picked them up and pressed the bundle up my nose. I took a breath and yes, the smell of his feet was strong, newly absorbed into the cotton. I felt my cock reach a full hardon. But Colton wasn't finished. He pressed his foot on my crotch. Then he laughed.

"That's what I suspected. He's hard, Jimmy."

"Hahaha, of course he is. He's a fucking foot-faggot."

"Never seen one before. I didn't even know they existed."

"Well, there's one now, Colt. Ain't he cute?"

"Yea, a real beauty." Colton said with mock admiration.

"Take it out." He added suddenly.

"What?" I asked, although I feared I knew what he meant.

"Take your dick out dude. I wanna see you jack off sniffing my socks."

"No, please."

"Come on, dude. We've seen you cum your pants. Seeing your dick is nothing special," Colton tried to persuade me.

"I don't want to." I said, hoping that he would drop the subject.

But Jimmy wasn't having any of that.

"Pull your pants down and take it out," he said with his hardest tone.

I knew from experience that if I still refused, he would tell me to get the fuck out of his house. After that he wouldn't return my messages for at least a couple of weeks. And I would make him lose face in front of Colton; my ordeal might last for months, maybe forever. I was still addicted to Jimmy and he knew that all too well.

I put Colton's socks on the floor and unbuttoned my shorts. Then I pulled them down with my boxers. My hard dick bounced up for Colton and Jimmy to see.

Colton let out a spontaneous laugh when he saw it.

"Hahahaha dude, what's that? It's about the same size than my little toe."

Is there anything more degrading to be on your knees in front of other boys and sniff their sneakers while they make fun of you? Well yes, actually there is: to be on your knees in front of other boys and jack off to the smell of their socks while they make fun of you.

I used my left hand to press Colton's socks on my face and sniffed them while I jerked my cock with my right hand.

"Between you and me, he sucks cock too," Jimmy said.

"He does that?"

"Yeah, and he's very good at it, too. Ever had your dick sucked by a guy?"

"Well, between you and me..." Colton started and Jimmy laughed approvingly.

"Yeah. At a soccer camp a couple of years ago."

"A soccer fag? I wanna hear more."

So did I. I had jacked off countless of times imagining myself sucking Colton's cock.

"Well, I was at this camp and it lasted for ten fucking days and I was so fucking horny because there were three guys for each room and there was no fucking privacy to jack off. Then the third guy got sick and had to go home and there were only the two of us in the room. Well, I had noticed this other guy fucking eyeballing me when I stripped after practice. So, one night I whined to him about how fucking horny I was, and he said, like, yeah me too. Then I said, like, I need a fucking blowjob real bad, would you mind helping me with that, man. I said it like a fucking joke, you know, so I could back down if he wasn't interested. Well, he was out of his bed on his fucking knees in a second, haha! And he was an awesome cocksucker too."

"Well played, man," Jimmy laughed.

"And you know what? I used him to throw the camp finals too."


"Yeah, I did. After the dude had swallowed my load he thanked me and told me he'd do it again anytime I wanted. Well, the sneaky motherfucker I am, I saw an opportunity. The thing was, we both qualified to play in the finals but in opposing teams. So, I told him that if he scored an own goal in the finals, I'd let him suck me off again. He said okay, and he kept his promise. He scored an own goal and he was a fucking forward so it wasn't easy, hahaha! Some of his teammates were so fucking pissed they chased him around the fucking field, haha! But I kept my word too and let the fag suck my dick again."

Jimmy found the story enormously funny and I had to chuckle behind the sock too.

I looked at Colton's handsome face, slim body and hairy legs and imagined myself sucking him off in their dorm room. I knew I would betray my team in a split second too, given the opportunity. The idea made me squirm a little.

"I think he's gonna cum soon." Jimmy declared.

"Hold on, dude. I wanna show you something first." Colton chimed in.

He showed me the screen of his phone and switched the camera around.

I was staring at a high-resolution live video stream of myself, on my knees on the floor, holding a bundle of socks on my face, sniffing them while I jacked my cock. It was as humiliating as anything can get, but at the same time it was my hottest fantasy come true.

"Look at yourself, Henderson. You're jacking off with my fucking sweaty socks hahaha!" Colton taunted me.

That was too much. Suddenly my cock erupted and shot out a splash of cum. Both boys reacted the same way; they whooped and pulled their feet up to avoid them being smeared with my jizz. I dropped the socks on the floor and tried to aim my cock towards the puddle already on the floor as a desperate attempt of damage control.

Another burst, and a third one and fourth one, sent splashes of cum on the lacquered hardwood floor of Jimmy's room.

Jimmy and Colton were crouched on the bed, laughing so hard that it hurt. When they finally recovered, Colton said, wiping tears from his eyes:

"This is the funniest thing I've seen in my life, even if I had to see him cum!"

"Yeah, he's really something else! Now, clean that fucking cum off my floor, boy." Jimmy said.

Suddenly Colton said:

"What the fuck dude! There's cum on my sock! My favorite skate socks!"

He held his sock between his two fingers in front of my eyes. He was right, there was a drop of jizz on the black tip. His anger startled me, it looked just like a dirty sock to me.

"I'm sorry Colton, I can wash it for you." I mumbled, totally humiliated.

"Well, that's the least you can do, dude, because your other option is to buy me a new fucking pair of skate socks." He said and dropped the sock on the floor in front of me.

"Here. I want them back nice and clean on Monday by the end of lunch break."

I rolled the socks into a ball and placed them into the pocket of my hoodie. Then I went to get some toilet paper from the bathroom. I cleaned Jimmy's floor and went home.

I washed Colton's socks carefully in the bathroom sink and hung them to dry in my bedroom closet. Before that I had naturally jacked off again with the socks pressed tight to my nose.

On Monday I went to the cafeteria to look for Colton. And yes, he was there, sitting with a bunch of his friends. I waited till he was finished eating and got up to return his tray. I trailed him and whispered:

"I washed them. I can give them to you now."

He replied with a low voice.

"Don't look at me."

Then he looked around to make sure no one was paying any attention to us.

"My last class ends at three twenty. Wait for me behind the old bleachers. Don't be late." He said and walked away.

I would have to skip my chess club to be there. But suddenly visiting the old bleachers seemed a lot more interesting than all the intellectual challenges of chess.

The old bleachers of our football field had been replaced with new ones more than ten years before. The school administration had discarded them simply by dumping them on the neighbouring vacant lot. Nowadays bushes surrounded them, and there were branches growing even between the tiers. Nobody with good intentions would have had any reason to go there.

I took a detour through a path behind the school building and navigated my way through the woods to the abandoned bleachers. Then I leaned on one of the posts and waited.

I didn't have to wait for long. Ten minutes later Colton showed up from the opposite direction. He didn't acknowledge me in any way, just took off his hoodie and looked around for some place to put it. The bleachers were covered with years of dust; the ground under them was littered with all kinds of trash mainly from the underage drinking parties held there on warm weekends: beer cans, wrappers, tissue, even used condoms. A faint smell of urine floated in the air.

Colton grimaced and said:

"Gimme your hoodie."

I obeyed and handed him my brand-new white hoodie. Colton spread it on the ground and folded his own black hoodie on top of it.

"Got fifteen minutes max so better get on with it."

"Get on with what?" I asked, although I hoped I already knew what he meant.

"Waddya think, dumbass?" He said impatiently and pointed at a spot on the ground in front of him with his finger.

I didn't need to be told twice. I took the few steps separating us and sank down to my knees. He unbuckled his jeans and put his hands on his hips, waiting for me to do the rest.

I unzipped his jeans and pulled them down to his knees. His cock and balls were bulging in his Hollister trunks; I put my hand on the bulge and felt the pulse of his rod. A few gentle strokes, and a wet stain appeared on the dark-blue cotton. I leaned in and licked the spot, tasting the now familiar taste of precum.

I heard him laugh softly above me.

"Like the taste?"


I pulled his boxers down and inspected his package with my eyes. He was surprisingly hairy down there, trimming pubes clearly wasn't his thing. His cock was maybe five inches, but it wasn't hard yet; I assumed it would grow maybe an inch longer. It was thick, though; something the girls he had sex with surely appreciated. I knew I could take it in my mouth, but that would require some effort.

"Lick it up."

I took his cock between my fingers and lifted it up so I could reach the underside with my tongue. The odour of his scrotum was thick and strong, and so was the sweet-and-sour taste of his shaft. His plump sack was covered with dark brown hair, and there was hair even on the root of his cock. I got some of it in my mouth when I licked it and I had to pause to pick it out.

Colton's cock reacted quickly to my warm-up service, and by the time I had licked every spot on it, it had become fully hard. I had been right; it had also grown in length; in its battle-ready state it was bigger than Jimmy's.

"Start suckin'."

I pointed his cock to my mouth, opened up and leaned in to provide him with the pleasure he had come to see me for. He let me do all the work at first; I bobbed my head back and forth, pursing my lips tight to make him feel as good as possible. He seemed to like particularly the moment when his crown passed my lips, so I added pressure around it every time.

The hem of his t-shirt kept falling down on his cock, so I used my free left hand to hold it up. That also gave me an opportunity to feel his hard, flat stomach. He didn't stop me and I let my hand fondle the mounds of his six-pack. He was becoming more aroused and gradually started to rock his hips back and forth, and then eventually started to fuck my face for real.

He seemed to have an upcoming important appointment, because he checked his watch a couple of times. He was determined to get his rocks off in the fifteen minutes he had booked for me. His fucking intensified, and he clasped his hands on the back of my head to keep me in place while he thrusted more and more intensely. I felt a mixture of spit and precum ooze out of the corners of my mouth and down my chin. And then he was ready to unload.

"Ahhhnnrrr..." he groaned and emptied his balls: I felt my tongue get covered with a flood of slime that soon filled my mouth. I was startled by the abundance of sperm he delivered.

He deposited three full loads and two smaller shipments of teen sperm in my mouth before he was done. The slimy invasion made me cough, and some of his cum sprinkled on his stomach. He took hold of the hem of his shirt and kept it up.

"Fuck, you made a mess, dude. Gimme some tissues."

I searched my pockets but found none.

"Sorry, don't have any."

"Fucking dumbass! Got the socks?"

I gave him his neatly folded socks from the pocket of my hoodie. He wiped his cock and crotch with the socks that I had carefully hand-washed, dried and folded, and tossed them to the ground.

"You want me to wash them again?" I asked.

He smirked at me.

"Some fucked-up socks? Naah, I just wanted to see if you'd really wash them for me. You can keep them," he said, pulled his jeans up and picked up his hoodie.

"Thanks for the head, dude. See you next time. Ten minutes, okay?"


He was a few yards away when he stopped and pointed his finger at me.



"A good cocksucker always carries tissues." He said and walked away.

"I'll keep that in mind." I said to his back.

I got up, shook my hoodie to get rid of the dirt stuck on it from the ground and crouched down to wait out the mandatory 10 minutes. I smiled to myself. Colton was an okay guy, although he liked to watch me do all kinds of degrading things. But I had played along voluntarily, and I had enjoyed it probably more than him and Jimmy. He called me dumbass and scolded me for not having tissues to clean him off, but that was okay. A good boss is fair but demanding, right? Next time I would come better prepared.

It was a real pleasure to suck him off, just like I used to service Jimmy. I already knew that pleasuring other boys was something I loved to do. I loved to watch their eyes and expressions when I did my best to make them feel good. I was already very good at reading Jimmy; I saw immediately if he liked what I did to him, and if he looked displeased, I changed my methods right away.

Colton had said he would see me `next time'. I was pretty sure I could learn to read and please him well too. But with all the girls constantly swarming around him I would have to really hone and refine my cocksucking skills to keep him happy. One thing was certain: no girl on this planet could totally dedicate herself to pleasing Colton the way I would. I was going to be absolutely devoted to serving him. Whatever Colton wanted, I would do it!

But I would have to do something to improve the logistics of our meeting point. My new white hoodie was grey with dust and it had yellowish stains from substances I really didn't want to know about.

On the following evening I searched our garage until I found something suitable for my purposes, an old thin camping mat made of rubber foam. I took a knife and cut a three-by-three feet piece from it and stuffed the rest under a pile of junk. If my dad confronted me about it, I would just shrug my shoulders.

I took the habit of being among the very first in line when the doors to the cafeteria opened at lunch time. I didn't want to go hungry, but I didn't want to ask Colton to wait for me, either. He used to have his lunch fifteen minutes later than me, so I would be ready in case he wanted to have an appointment.

To my disappointment, he wasn't interested in my services during the rest of the school week. I couldn't wait for the next weekend to be over -- something very unusual for me -- but got disappointed on Monday again. I saw him in the cafeteria, but he just gave me an upward nod with a `wassup dude'. Tuesday, the same. Come Wednesday, and I was already feeling desperate. I saw Colton chatting with Jimmy in the hallway. I tapped Jimmy's shoulder as I walked by.

"Are you coming to my birthday party?" I asked.

Just as I had expected, Jimmy just laughed and waved me off. But my real intention had been to remind Colton of my existence. I didn't know if that had worked, because he didn't seem to pay any attention to me.

And Thursday was as dull as all the other days of the week. But on Friday something finally happened. I was carrying my tray and trash to the return rack, when he got my eye and lifted his eyebrows for a split of a second and I responded with a microscopic nod. Then I dumped my trash, returned the tray and wandered to the bleachers, avoiding the straightest route.

I picked up all the trash from a small patch of ground and spread the miniature foam mattress on it. Then I took off my hoodie and folded it on the mat.

Ten minutes later Colton showed up; he had taken another detour so he approached the bleachers from a different direction than me. I was already kneeling on the mattress when he reached me. He chuckled when he saw my preparations.

"Nice work, Henderson," he said, took off his hoodie and folded it on top of mine. Then he stepped in front of me.

I unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his shorts. He pulled the hem of his shirt up and held it there. I unzipped his fly, pulled down his underwear - white Calvin boxer briefs, a very good choice - and liberated his genitals.

I didn't need any instructions; I lifted his cock up and started to lick it from head to root. But when I got to the root, I continued to lick his hairy sack that had already gathered a layer of sweat. I held his sack up so I could reach every inch of his groin. The salty taste in my mouth told me it was there most of his ball sweat concentrated, and I happily consumed it all with my tongue.

"Yeahhh, t' feels good," he purred.

So, I had found some of his most sensitive areas. Encouraged, I decided to try something else.

I took his cock in my mouth and started to suck it. I knew he would start to fuck my face in a minute, so I had to make my experiment before that.

I hooked my index finger and massaged the spot between his balls and crack with the first joint of my finger. Nothing happened... I moved the joint half an inch forward... I wouldn't dare to go much further... quarter of an inch more...

"Ohhh fuckk! Fuckk!" He hissed, trying not to make noise.

I continued working his G-spot for a short while but then he grabbed my head.

"Finish me."

I cupped his hard skater butt with my hands, and he started to fuck my mouth with real dedication. I squeezed his buttocks and rubbed the nice hollow areas on the sides, and very soon he dumped his load in my mouth.

It was just as copious than the previous time, but this time I was prepared. I swallowed between his spurts and managed not to spill a drop. When he was done, I fetched a wad of clean tissues I had at hand in my pocket and cleaned his cock with it. Then I wiped my lips and chin with the same wad and threw it away.

"Thanks dude," he panted.

"My pleasure, Colton."

He pulled his shorts up and grabbed his backpack. But instead of leaving immediately like the previous time, he wanted to say something.

"I heard you talking about your birthday yesterday, Henderson."

"Yeah, tomorrow," I said, puzzled. Did he expect an invitation?

"Well, whatever," he said and unzipped his backpack.

He took out something black. It looked like an everyday garbage bag, wrapped into a roll and fastened with duct tape. He handed the bundle to me.

"Look, I really like the way you give me head. And you're kinda okay too, so happy birthday, cocksucker."

I smiled.

"Thanks, Colton. Can I open it now?"

"Well, I wouldn't open it in front of your folks if I were you."

I ripped away the duct tape and unwrapped the bag. I looked inside and saw a dirty sole of a shoe, and there was another under it. I pulled them out. I was holding a pair of filthy skate shoes, worn well beyond their life span. There were holes in the soles and several rips in the seams. I recognized those navy-blue Vans Sk8 Hi kicks too; I had seen Colton skating in them countless times.

"I've been wearing them since last summer. And I had them on last night at the park. I thought you might like them."

I smiled. It might not be the most considerate birthday present for another boy, your fucked-up skate shoes wrapped inside a garbage bag, but it meant the world to me. Colton thought I was kinda okay and he wanted to give me something I liked!

"I like them a lot. I really do."

"Good. See you next time. And peek inside too," he said and left.

I looked into the cavity of one of the shoes and saw something white. I slipped my hand in and pulled out a worn-out sock. I found another in the other shoe.

"Thanks, Colton! I really appreciate this!" I said to his back, and a tear rolled down my cheek.

He didn't turn to look at me, just raised his arm and flipped me off.

I wiped my cheek with the back of my hand and placed a silent kiss on the toe cap of Colton's sneaker. I made a firm decision as I watched him go. I would read everything I could find on the internet about giving head. Colton's next blowjob had to be mind-blowing.

Do you guys want to read more about Rudy's adventures? If you do, please drop me a line:


Next: Chapter 3

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