Jo Jo

By moc.oohay@nem4nemyk

Published on Jan 8, 2011



The following is a true story. Names are incomplete or have been altered to assure privacy. The story is intended for a mature audience. If you are under the legal age of consent in your jurisdiction, please do not read and leave now. The story contains profanity and references to gay sex. If this offends you, please leave and find something else to read. The author maintains all rights to the story. Please do not copy or use without written permission.

Jo Jo Chapter 1

It was winter, 1974 and I was in New York City on business, staying at the Hilton Hotel at 53rd and Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan. I was mid level Manager for a major Mid-Western Retailer and I was in town to work with an advertising giant developing TV commercials. It was the end of the work week and I was departing the next day but I decided what the heck, I'd worked long hard hours all week and deserved a night out before heading back home to Chicago.

I was 35 years old, but had always kept myself in great shape. I knew I was gay from the time I possessed conscious thought ... or at least I realized that I was "different" and knew that I needed to keep that a secret in order to protect myself. I swam competitively for 7 years and life guarded for a New York State Park during high school and college. Since then, I had kept up a solid daily workout routine wherever I was. Often times, straight co-workers who saw me working out in the company gym, pumping out 100 push ups and 100 sits ups with a 20 lb weight behind my head said I had the body of an 18 year old kid. I was 5' 8" tall and weighed a hard 140 lbs with light brown hair worn over my ears, green eyes, great legs topped by a bubble butt, a smooth well developed chest over a six pack of abs, a hairless body and a thick 7" cut cock. I always kept a good tan either by sun bathing in the summer months or going to the tanning salon.

I also had a very strong sex drive and a definite preference for black men, especially tall, thin masculine black men. I don't know why I had such a strong attraction to black men, I just always had. There were perhaps only a half dozen black kids at my high school and not many more in college, but from the youngest of ages, I was mesmerized by black men and quietly lusted after them. I never acted on my impulses out of fear for my safety or fear of rejection, but, I would walk close to them or stand close behind them in lunch lines in high school and college and silently draw in deep breaths of their wonderfully unique masculine scent. In college, because all the sports teams used the same shower facilities and I was a swimmer, I occasionally got to see some of the black football and basketball players in the locker room and it nearly drove me crazy seeing their beautiful hard bodies and their huge cocks and balls. I would race back to my dorm room and jerk off with the most recent black fantasy in mind.

I had looked up the local NYC gay bars in the latest edition of Spartacus before leaving home in Chicago and, among the scores and scores of choices on Manhattan, I noticed that there was a small piano bar a few blocks from the Hilton Hotel that was listed as mixed race with a younger to middle aged crowd. A persistent premonition had consumed me all week and I simply could not get that bar out of my head. I realized that I was being irresistibly drawn to that destination, like an addict to his drug of choice. I decided that even though I would have to leave fairly early the next morning to catch my flight, I could not deny the intensity of the premonition.

I had had dinner with clients after work that evening and it was already after 10:00 PM, so I quickly cleansed myself with a fleet enema, showered, jumped into a pair of jeans, a sweater and a leather jacket and headed out to walk the few blocks to the bar. The night air was cool, clear and crisp, traffic had subsided from its usual tumultuous roar and, as I walked the few blocks to the bar, an intense feeling of anticipation filled me and quickened my step.

I walked into the bar, allowing my eyes to become accustomed to the dimmed red hue atmosphere and absorbed the scene. The bar was moderately busy but I spotted an empty seat at a small table half way into the room and took a seat, slipping my coat off and hanging it on the back of the chair. As my gaze revolved slowly around the room, taking in the marvelous mixture of handsome young men, I was treated to a pleasing cacophony of sounds ranging from appropriately restrained background music to the sounds of happy men engaged in a multitude of conversations. I noticed that there seemed to be uniformed waiters taking drink orders around the busy room which relieved me from my anxiety of having to abandon my coat to go to the bar to order a drink. I sat back and waited for my waiter to appear.

Moments later, he appeared ... and I instantly fell in love! Standing 6'4", his tall, slender, muscular body was clad in a bright red vest over a white shirt atop black knit pants surrounding a tiny waist and then dropping what appeared to be forever over his long legs to reach the floor where they were supported by his size 14 feet wearing patent leather black shoes. A small white towel was folded over his forearm and he was holding a small round serving tray. As he talked to patrons several tables away, his perfectly straight teeth absolutely lit up the room with his expansive smile and easy laughter. Warm, sincere empathy exuded from him in every way. His skin was the color of dark chocolate, clear, smooth and perfect. His hair was cut very short and trimmed around the perimeter. His hands absolutely oozed strength and masculinity with long, beautiful fingers, perfectly manicured nails and thick ligaments and veins protruding across the backs of them, pumping power to his most sensitive of extremities.

He approached me with the grace, agility, poise and understated strength of a great cat, smiling that incredible smile, to take my order and I literally couldn't speak. I was completely dumbstruck, like a lamb at the feet of a tiger. My heart must have been beating 200 bpm and my mouth was devoid of saliva. His soft, enchanting baritone voice and the smell of his patchouli cologne completed the spell. I was totally and completely captivated, intoxicated, addicted ... I was his for the asking!

In an awkward moment to be sure, I finally blurted out a drink order to him and then tried desperately to get myself back under control before he returned with my drink lest he think I was a complete lunatic, although that's exactly what I was ... crazy beyond reason for him!

Fortunately the bar was busy and it was several minutes before he could get back with my order during which time I attempted to compose myself into some semblance of rational thought to weigh against the overwhelming, sheer emotional impact he had on me. Still, there was scant little time to come up with any kind of plan that might end up with us being together that night ... he obviously had to work until closing time and I was leaving early the next day for Chicago. I decided nothing ventured, nothing gained ... tell him the truth.

So when he returned with my drink, I introduced myself and told him that I was sorry if what I had to tell him came across as crazy, and I apologized if it offended him or possibly his partner if he had one, but that I just had to tell him that I thought that he was the most incredibly handsome, beautiful, soulful, sexy, wonderful man I had ever laid eyes on. I told him I had to return to Chicago early the next morning but that I really, really hoped to get to know him better in the time available. He thanked me, although obviously taken aback somewhat by the directness of my pronouncement, and he stood there silent for several moments looking me over. I'm sure he was trying to determine if I was going to metamorphosize into some Jessica Walter character out of Play Misty for Me or something. Then he spoke the most beautiful words that my ears had ever heard. He said, "Nice to meet you Jon. My name is Jo Jo and if you want to hang around until closing at 2:00 AM we can go to my apartment in Flushing."

Time stood still. Eternities passed. How could I survive for 3 hours with anticipation of this magnitude. We exchanged a few words over the next couple of hours as he was working, but they were necessarily fleeting and not indicative of what the rest of the night might hold in store. Fortunately, the owner of the bar was kind, knew Jo Jo had a "date" waiting and he let him leave early. We were on our way to Flushing on the subway around 1:00 AM.

I'm not sure my feet even contacted the sidewalk en-route to the subway entrance as I was walking on ether. As we talked, it seemed like I had known him all my life. Indeed, in a way, I had. He was the personification and cumulative combination of all the fantasy characters I had dreamed about for decades. I learned we even shared the same birthday ... August 24th.

Jo Jo was even more extraordinary in the stark lights of the subway station than he had been in the glamour lights of the bar and I was clearly in awe of him. The swanlike grace with which he effortlessly moved his tall, lithe, muscular body; his flawless chocolate skin; and the way he swallowed me up into his easy, friendly manner; that captivating smile. I studied his sexy, handsome hands as we rode the train over bumpy rails. Those long brown fingers, with their perfectly manicured, slender nails and the veins and ligaments boldly exuding his masculinity. I couldn't wait to touch them and to feel them touch me. The deliberate yet delicate way he used them seemed to connect them to the center of his being, and their graceful movement expressed his innermost thoughts. What plans did he have for me when he got me home? I didn't care. Although I had only known him for less than 4 hours, I loved this beautiful man and I wanted nothing more than to please him in whatever manner he chose.

As soon as we walked into his apartment, the heat from the old hissing radiators hit our faces and we dropped our coats. I was unsure what to expect, but happily, Jo Jo turned and took my adoring face in those indescribable chocolate hands, his long fingers lightly caressing my temples, and he kissed me gently on the lips. My arms surrounded his hard body to keep myself from swooning completely and I nearly came in my shorts right there. His kiss was amazing ... slow and soft and warm ... his generous lips surrounding more and more of mine with each instant. Had he not stopped when he did, I'm sure I would have fainted! He looked down from nearly a foot above me and deep into my soul with those dark brown pools mere mortals call eyes and said he wanted to jump into a quick shower. He told me to make myself comfortable and he disappeared into the bedroom/bath. My heart beat like a hummingbird.

When he emerged minutes later, walking naked into the room, I realized that literally all of my fantasies had come true and all of them were combined in a single body. My God, he was beautiful ... everything I had ever dreamed about in a life time of dreaming and more. His entire 6'4" tall body was sculpted out of smooth, velvet, dark chocolate, totally smooth, unblemished and completely hairless save for the patch of black pubic hair that topped the most magnificent cock and set of low hangers I had ever imagined much less seen. His nipples were darker than the rest of him and were the size of quarters mounted on hard pectoral muscles. His eight pack abs led down to a faint treasure trail that ended in pure heaven. His beautiful, long, straight, legs were positioned slightly apart at the crotch to accommodate the enormous cock and balls that hung between them and his feet were as perfect as his hands with long slender brown toes. Behind him was the most exquisite cantaloupe ass I had ever seen; magnificent brown, round, mounds; hairless and powerful to combine with those astounding thighs to power his cock into any willing mate. I desperately wanted to be that mate.

Aside from its overwhelming size, Jo Jo's cock was a thing of exquisite beauty. It was as black as coal, cut and it hung flaccid over 7" long down over his low hanging balls. The head was the shape of a heart, smaller than the shaft and slightly pointed with a big cum eye. I could only imagine how big it was going to get when it was hard. His balls were larger than golf balls and they hung low in a smooth hairless sack about 4 inches below his crotch. I wondered in amazement and anticipation how much cum they produced. But as awe struck as I was with his equipment, I was more in love with the inner soul I felt emanating from this incredible man. I wanted to love all of him and I wanted him to love me back.

I had dropped my clothes while Jo Jo was in the shower so when he walked into the room, he just looked me over standing there naked and he said, "Nice! Very, very nice! I love your smooth, hard white body!"

Then, he took my willing hand and led me to his bedroom. From that point forward, everything moved in slow motion. He was the most gentle, thorough and thoughtful lover I had ever met. He loved my smooth hard white body as much as I loved his smooth hard black body. He laid me down on his bed on my back, covering me with his tall warm velvet black body and he kissed me deeply, his pink tongue moving slowly across my lips and then he entered my mouth searching deeply as I eagerly gave him access to anywhere he wanted to go. No words were spoken, just the soft moans of anticipation and pleasure between us as we explored each other.

As our tongues wrestled and caressed one another, his sweet saliva drained into my mouth overwhelming my taste buds, making me beg for more. I sensed a faint mixture of musk oil and patchouli that combined with his own unique scent to send my head spinning out of control. Our hands moved tenderly all over each other's bodies as we kissed ... touching, stroking, petting. My fingers searched every inch of his smooth, velvet, ebony skin and I found him to be the most exquisite thing I had ever touched. All of my senses were fully engaged and totally mesmerized.

We kissed and caressed for half an hour before moving on. I loved his lips, tongue and sweet saliva but I was desperate to please Jo Jo in other ways. So I rolled him gently onto his back, moving on top of him and I began an oral discovery of every inch of his beautiful black body ... from his soft smooth eye lids with their long curly eye lashes, to his small delicate ears positioned close to his head ... from his long graceful neck with its prominent Adam's apple, to his intoxicating arm pits ... from his dark, hard nipples that hardened and made him moan as I gently suckled them, to his incredible 8 pack stomach muscles, each one of which I traced slowly with the tip of my tongue ... and then to his tiny navel which I gently tortured with my tongue before moving down his treasure trail to his incredible ebony cock which had now grown to its full 12" long potential. God, what a thing of beauty.

I swallowed about half of his beautiful black cock for a few seconds just to give him a flavor of what was to come and then I moved on down to those big beautiful black balls, taking each one separately into my warm wet mouth and gently sucking on them. I then moved on down his long smooth thighs and calves to his beautiful long size 14 feet, leaving a warm trail of saliva like a winding river of pleasure. Bending his knees, I placed his feet on my chest and then I took the big toe of his left foot into my mouth and sucked it, then moved in turn to each toe and then the rest of his foot. Then I placed his left foot back on my chest and took his right foot and began sucking on his big toe, followed by each of his other toes. Finally, I took both big toes into my mouth and sucked on them together while gently stroking his huge black cock with my left hand. Jo Jo loved the special attention I was giving his feet and moaned his approval as I suckled his long brown toes, my hard dripping 7" cut cock rubbing against his crotch.

But I could contain myself no longer. I had to swallow that incredible cock. I wanted desperately to please Jo Jo more than anyone else ever had or ever would. I had a lot of practice sucking cocks, and big cocks. I had also learned long ago how to suppress the gag reflex and deep throat a big cock. But Jo Jo's cock was going to be a challenge. It was huge! It was a full 12" long and about 6" around. But I was determined. It was straight as an arrow and the pointed cock head was going to make it easier to penetrate my throat. And most of all, mentally I wanted to do this more than I had ever wanted anything in my life.

I grasped his beautiful ebony sword in my right hand and took about 7 inches of his beautiful black cock in my mouth before it reached the back of my throat. The smooth purple head snaked its way deep into my mouth and across my tongue and I was in heaven as my lips and tongue cradled it and surrounded it, providing a hot, wet tight channel for Jo Jo's massive cock and he moaned with pleasure and affection. "Oh, God baby ... suck me baby ... suck my big black cock ... you make me feel so good, baby ... suck it, please suck it!"

I loved the incredible texture of his huge cock ... smooth as velvet, hard as steel, pulsating with the power of his body and soul. Each time he penetrated my mouth I could feel the head of his cock swell up at the back of my throat, expanding the huge cum eye through which he would eventually flood me with the very essence of his being.

I sucked Jo Jo at that level for several minutes, savoring both his extraordinary cock as well as his increasingly vocal appreciation of the pleasure I was bringing to him. "Oh God, baby ... you're driving me crazy ... suck me, suck me, baby!"

As I sucked half of his massive cock, I used my right hand and the saliva pouring out of the corners of my mouth as lubrication to stroke the bottom 5 inches. It was driving Jo Jo crazy and he was moaning loudly and telling me how incredible it felt but I wanted to give him what nobody else had ever been able to give him. I wanted to surprise him and to truly take him to a whole new level of pleasure and deep throat his entire 12" of sleek black cock.

Gradually I let the tip of his massive black cock bump harder and harder against the back of my throat. Jo Jo was moaning and pouring prodigious amounts of sweet pre-cum into my mouth and that was really turning me on. I really LOVE the stuff and my head was dizzy. His long fingers gently stroked either side of my head and face, urging me on as he lifted his hips slightly and pressed his cock deeper into my mouth on each stroke, "Oh, suck me, baby ... suck me ... taste my sweet cum, baby."

I was finally ready ... I took a deep breath and went down ... and as Jo Jo lifted his hips up and pressed my head down with his long fingers on his massive black cock, I opened my throat and swallowed the last 5" of that incredible cock. The whole 12" was lodged deep down my throat and Jo Jo pubs were nestled on my nose. Jo Jo screamed out in pleasure ... I felt his cock turn as hard as steel ... I felt his cock head and the entire shaft swell up even more ... and, as I watched his huge balls pull up to his crotch ... I felt the cum rush shooting up his huge black shaft into my waiting mouth and throat. I let the first blast shoot right into my throat with all 12" buried deep, but I wanted to feel and taste his huge sweet load hit my mouth so I pulled the last 5" out of my throat and feasted on the virtual flood of cum that flowed into my mouth. Blast after blast after blast. Each time he erupted a copious thick sweet load in my mouth, I swallowed his entire 12" cock into my deep throat again, encouraging the next shot. I swallowed and swallowed and swallowed again and still he kept cumming. I was in heaven. I had never taken such a huge load in my life and I loved every drop of Jo Jo's sweet essence.

Jo Jo entire body was rigid and he was moaning, "Oh God, baby ... Jesus fucking Christ ... take it, baby, take it all ... take it all the way down .. suck it baby ... take my sweet load ... drink my cum, baby ... Jesus Christ ... suck me, baby ... deep throat my big fucking black cock ... swallow my cum, baby ... oh, fuck!" And then he finally relaxed ... spent ... breathing heavily ... slumping into the soft mattress.

I held Jo Jo's spent cock in my warm wet mouth as we both savored the moment for some minutes while Jo Jo gently caressed my head and face with his long graceful fingers. And then Jo Jo slowly lifted me back up to him at the head of the bed and he kissed me gently, passionately, savoring some of his own cum that still lingered in my mouth. His long brown fingers cradled my head in his beautiful hands as he gently consumed my lips and my tongue. He looked deeply and longingly into my imploring green eyes, then kissed my eye lids and ran his warm wet tongue across the closed lids, met my open gaze again with those deep brown pools that hypnotized me and said, "Jesus baby, nobody has ever done that for me or made me feel like that before!"

He then turned around into a 69 position and took my hard, leaking 7" cut cock all the way down his throat on the first swallow. I nearly came in that instant. My cock was totally soaked in my own pre-cum because I was so hot from sucking his beautiful chocolate cock and he seemed to love it as much as I did. I wanted every inch of my body in contact with his and so I moved underneath him in order that his smooth warm body was on top of me. His beautiful hard smooth brown thighs rested on either side of my head, his knees keeping only the gentle pressure of his body in contact with mine while supporting the lithe weight of his body as he consumed my hard, dripping 7" cut cock and I suckled his gorgeous cock hard again, his huge balls resting on my eyes in their smooth hairless sack.

As he deep throated my cock expertly to the brink of orgasm again and again, Jo Jo's powerful legs and bubble butt slowly and gently pushed his long black cock deep into my willing, waiting throat, always hesitating at the entrance to my throat to be sure I was ready to take it all before thrusting that gorgeous black cock into me to the hilt. I couldn't believe how easily I was taking his long black snake all the way down to his pubes on each and every stroke. I couldn't get enough of his beautiful cock and he couldn't drive it deep enough into me. Unable to speak, we both moaned our pleasures around each other's hard dripping cocks.

Jo Jo's cock was pouring pre-cum out of his giant cum slit as prodigious amounts of my saliva was lubricating that magnificent shaft, in and out, deeper and deeper. As his bubble butt drove it irreversibly down and his cock bottomed out in my throat, his huge balls in their velvet sack covered my eyes and nose, their warmth and smoothness smothered my face, wonderful to behold. My hands traveled over every warm inch of his hard smooth black body that I could reach ... up and down those long smooth legs, that incredible bubble ass, his powerful lean back and shoulders.

I began to reach the point of no return with my cock buried in Jo Jo's throat while his was bottomed out in mine and I could see his balls begin to rise in their pouch. I knew that I was about to receive my second sweet offering of the night. We came together, wrapped tightly in each other's arms, me flooding his mouth with my seed while his cum tsunami completely filled my mouth and throat once again with the very essence of his being. I had never tasted anything so sweet nor felt so incredible and I didn't want it to end. We laid there in that 69 position for several minutes just gently suckling each other's cocks to be sure we had gotten every sweet drop.

Eventually, I let his great flaccid cock slide from my throat and gently took his beautiful balls, one after the other, into my mouth and suckled them, encouraging them to build up yet another sweet load. And then I moved further, beyond his balls gently licking the distance to his tiny, tight, brown, rose bud and Jo Jo pressed his ass slightly backwards in invitation, as my tongue ran gently over the opening. "Oh, fuck baby ... Jesus Christ ... eat my ass, baby ... eat my sweet black ass ... God, that feels so fucking good!"

I slid further down for better access and Jo Jo raised his hips, moved his knees forward and tucked his butt down to allow my tongue to fully contact his most private of parts. I didn't miss the opportunity ... he was enjoying this and I wanted to prove to him that I loved pleasing him more than anything in the world. I drove my tongue into the tight musk hole and wiggled it around as deeply as I could. Jo Jo writhed in pleasure, wiggling that gorgeous hard bubble butt into my face and wagging tongue. "Fuck it, baby ... eat my sweet ass ... tongue my hole ... suck my ass ... Jesus fucking Christ you're good!"

I had no intention of fucking him, quite to the contrary, but I desperately wanted to prove to him that there was nothing I wouldn't do to please him and I drove my tongue into his sweet pucker time and time again. Jo Jo pleaded with me, "Oh, baby, baby ... don't stop ... eat my sweet black ass ... tongue fuck me, lick it, suck it, stick your tongue in my chute, baby!"

I gladly complied, pulling those smooth, round, brown, mounds of his gorgeous bubble butt down into my face with my hands, prying the rock hard cheeks apart with my thumbs, soaking his hole with my saliva as my tongue gobbled up and probed his gorgeous black asshole.

And then, unexpectedly, Jo Jo bent forward over my body, pulled my knees up under his arm pits and buried his tongue into my hot tight white ass. I went nuts. I was feasting on the prettiest ass I had ever seen, with the most spectacular 12" long ebony cock I'd ever seen throbbing hard on my chest while my gorgeous black lover was tongue fucking my hot hole lubricating me, I hoped, for what was to come. I was in heaven. I pulled my knees further up to give Jo Jo full and complete access to my most private parts and he dove in driving me crazy with desire ... the desire to have him inside me ... to couple with me in the most intimate act two men can share with one another ... I desperately wanted him to fuck me, to breed me with his seed ... to make me his forever.

Sensing my insatiable desire, and yielding to his own, Jo Jo slowly turned around to face me once again, lying atop me with his hard, lithe, smooth, warm black body completely covering me from head to toe ... his enormous cock filling the space between my thighs ... the head of it touching, twitching, throbbing at my hole ... his hands cradling my face ... his eyes looking deep inside my soul ... kissing me deeply ... pouring his sweet saliva into my waiting mouth.

His deep baritone voice whispered in my ear, "Baby, sweet baby, you're incredible. I know my cock is really big and I don't want to hurt you but I desperately want you ... I desperately need you!" to which I replied, "And I desperately want you and need you too. I know you'll be gentle. And I want you inside of me. Please fuck me, baby. Please breed me with your seed. Please make me yours!"

I asked him if he wanted me to roll over onto my stomach, but he said, "Oh no, baby ... no ... I can't make love to your back ... I want to be able to kiss you ... to taste you ... to look into your eyes ... to see your face ... I want to know that I am giving you as much pleasure as you are giving me ... I don't want to just fuck you ... I want to make sweet love to you my sweet little white boy!" And he did!!!

His lips never left mine ... they surrounded mine and his tongue danced inside my mouth, his sweet saliva dripping voluminously onto my tongue, a veritable feast for my taste buds. As he drew his knees up between my opening thighs, he deftly reached to the bedside table with a long slender arm and scooped up a large gob of Vaseline. Lifting my ass into his lap, placing my legs over his shoulders, he greased up his huge 12" long black shaft with a liberal coating of grease, then gently probed the rest of the lubricant into my hot, tight waiting hole. Slowly he pressed first one long finger, then two, deep into my hot tight chute and gently massaged my hole to relax. I could feel the tip of his magnificent ebony cock bouncing against my ass cheeks, hot, hard, poised and insistent.

God, I wanted him in me so fucking bad! My mind was driving my body to open up to him, to receive him, to welcome him inside of me. Jo Jo instinctively knew what turned me on and he graciously played to my fantasy both physically and emotionally, giving me the maximum and ultimate pleasure. As his smooth, hard, black arrowhead pressed against the tight entrance to my body and soul, he broke his kiss and licked my ear, whispering, "Sweet baby, relax ... you know you want my big black cock inside your tight white body ... you know you want to feel yourself impaled on my 12" long ebony sword ... relax, baby, relax ... take my big cock." And relax I did.

As his slender but powerful thighs and bubble butt powered gently forward, the head of his cock and the first 7 hard inches slid effortless into my body like a huge one eyed black snake seeking a dark lair in which to inject its seed and I moaned with the incredible pleasure of his penetration as he glided over my prostate. "God, oh God, baby ... fuck me ... shove that big fucking black cock in me ... fuck me deep!"

Jo Jo's huge cock bottomed out initially against my second sphincter which resisted further penetration. Nobody had ever gone that deep and I had not yet learned to open this to an invading cock! But like my throat, I desperately wanted Jo Jo ... I wanted ALL of him ... I wanted him to reach where he'd never reached before and where no man had ever gone before. I wanted all 12" of his incredible ebony cock inside me. I wanted to be flooded with his jizz.

Jo Jo slowly and gently fucked me shallow as I relaxed more and more and got used to the extraordinary thickness of his enormous cock. And then finally, relaxed and feeling only the incredible pleasure of his impaling cock, as Jo Jo drove his cock into me, I pushed back hard and willed myself to relax, vividly imagining the full length of his huge horse cock filling me completely. As his invading cock reached it, my second sphincter opened and Jo Jo drove all 12" inches of hard, hot black cock deep into my ass, his huge balls banging firmly against my ass cheeks in their low hanging sack. He screamed out in pleasure as the full 12" of his cock became imbedded deep in the hot, wet, tight comfort of my body. Never before had he been so completely satisfied ... nor had I.

We both froze, our tongues deeply entangled, our saliva mixing ... not wanting to lose that unique, most extraordinary, most wonderful feeling ... connected so deeply and so intimately with one another. I pulled my legs up as far as I could pull them and wrapped them around Jo Jo's strong, lean back locking my ankles together. My hands reached down to cup his gorgeous bubble butt in order to force him deeper and deeper into my body. I reached underneath his tiny waist to find his warm smooth scrotum and his huge cum filled balls pressed tightly against my ass cheeks and I knew his magnificent 12" ebony cock was lodged totally within the depths of my body ... his veritable soul connected to mine. I had never felt so full ... so complete.

Jo Jo opened his eyes and looked deeply into mine ... and as I felt the full length of his huge horse cock twitching in anticipation inside me, he said the words I was afraid to say but desperately wanted to hear, "I love you, baby ... I love you!"

And then, as his lips again covered mine in a passionate kiss, he slowly withdrew his magnificent cock until only a couple of inches remained inside and then just as slowly he buried it again to the hilt without resistance or hesitation. God I was totally in love and told him so.

"Oh God Jo Jo, I love you ... Jesus fuck ... I love you ... I love what you do to me ... I love the way you make me feel ... I love your big black cock buried so deep in me I can feel it in my stomach ... fuck me, Jo Jo ... please fuck me ... cum in me, my sweet baby ... I need to feel you breed me with your seed ... make me yours!"

And fuck me he did ... making slow, passionate love to me for what seemed like hours. The contrast of his magnificent long lean black body covering my hard, smooth white body ... connected by his huge black horse cock being driven time and time again into my pale white, smooth ass was astounding.

Every time his huge 12" long black cock slid effortlessly into my hot, tight white ass, as it bottomed out deep within me, he let a little sweet saliva flow from his mouth into mine ... it was like he was constantly cumming in me on each and every stroke. My mind was delirious with pleasure while my own 7" hard cock was spewing pre-cum all over our stomachs without me even touching myself.

And then Jo Jo began to withdraw his mighty black cock completely out of me, resting that slippery arrowhead at the entrance of my hot, wet, pink hole before driving it all the way into me in a single stroke ... again and again ... his lean muscles tightening with each driving stroke, his breath getting shorter, his tongue more eager to slide deeper into my mouth. And with a last mighty plunge into the depths of my body, I felt his huge black cock grow harder and longer and it expanded tightly against the walls of my chute. Jo Jo flooded my mouth with sweet saliva as he moaned, "Oh God, baby ... I'm going to cum ... I'm going to breed your tight white ass ... fuck, baby ... take it, baby, take it all ... here it cums ... God!!!"

His big balls pulled up tight to his groin and once again, Jo Jo flooded me with his cum, only this time at the very depth of my soul. Volley after volley, he poured the essence of his being into me and without touching myself, my cock blew that biggest load I had ever shot painting the slippery space between our torsos.

Exhausted, we laid there wrapped in each other's arms without moving, his giant cock slowly softening in my body, my legs still locked around his waist, our kisses lighter, softer, more tender now. Gently stroking my face with his fingers, he whispered once again as his massive cock slipped out of me trailing a long slippery string of his massive load, "Baby, I love you!"

His cock now withdrawn, I felt empty and suddenly so incomplete even though he continued to hold me close to him.

Nearly the entire night had passed in our passionate love making and I scarcely had time for a nap before I was going to have to race back to my hotel to grab my luggage and get to the airport for my flight home to Chicago. Jo Jo didn't have to work the next day so he did not have to get up early, but he set the alarm for me and we nestled into the warmth of one another. Before sleep overtook him, Jo Jo took my face in those beautiful long brown fingers of his, looked me deeply in the eyes, kissed me tenderly and said, "I'm very happy that you were so forward last night. I love you white boy. NOW what are we going to do?"

I kissed him back and said, "I don't know, but I love you too!"

As exhausted as I was, sleep alluded me. I laid there looking lovingly at the sexiest, most beautiful man I had ever seen ... a man with whom I had shared the most intimate, most incredible night of my life. I was hopelessly infatuated but was I really in love? Was he? Or was it just the heat of the moment that dragged those words from each of us?

I didn't have any answers but I knew I would never be able to sleep pondering the strong emotions tugging on me from so many directions. So I quietly arose and dressed so as not to awaken Jo Jo. I turned off the alarm so that it would not awaken him early, looked again longingly at his incredible naked form laying there on the bed, kissed him gently and slipped out the door into the cold crisp light of the dawn ... but not before scribbling down Jo Jo's full name and address from a piece of mail laying on the coffee table and his phone number from the label on his telephone. This is my first story on nifty. I hope you enjoy it.

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